CYPRESS COLLEGE F O U N D AT I O N Legacy Society Planned Gift Program 9200 Valley View Street Cypress, CA 90630-5897 For more information: (714) 484-7126 Email: Website:
GIFT GIVING MADE EASY Legacy Society gifts establish endowments, which are invested for future generations. The investment earnings create a source of income to support a scholarship or other College program designated by you, our donor.. There are several ways to make a Legacy Society gift
F UND IT NOW OR OVE R T IM E The Legacy Society supports future generations of students as they expand their horizons through higher education.
YOUR PLANNED GIFT MAKES OUR WORK POSSIBLE The Legacy Society provides people who understand the transformative value of a college education with the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy at Cypress College. This gift can be used to celebrate one’s life or serve as a memorial tribute to a loved one. Most important, it will support students and programs at the College for generations. The Legacy Society honors and thanks these generous friends at exclusive events throughout the year.
A gift of at least $10,000 can be funded now, at a future date or paid over a period of a few years.
M AKE AN E STAT E P R OVIS ION A Legacy Society gift may be made through a will, trust, annuity, insurance policy, Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), pledge or by an outright gift of cash, real estate or stocks. Most of these vehicles provide a significant tax advantage.
The Cypress College Foundation Scholarship Awards Ceremony recognizes the accomplishments of our students and the commitment of our donors.
E S TAB L IS H A S C HOL AR S HIP OR S UP P OR T A P R OGR AM By making a Legacy Society gift to the Cypress College Foundation, you create an ongoing source of income to fund a scholarship or other College program of your choosing for generations to come.
Commencement represents the culmination of student achievement and our work.