Curvz Magazine June 2017 Issue

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June 2017

Cover Model

JJ Malone Photographer Spotlight Bilal Alan


The Curvy Styler By Jchell Chrissy Mixon

Featuring Jente Carter Amber Monique Christa Jenelle

CONTENTS 6. Jente Carter 10. Amber Monique 14. JJ Malone Cover Model

20. The Curvy Styler By Jchell Chrissy Mixon

26. Christa Jenelle 32. Rocking Denim In The Summer 36. Photographer Spotlight Bilal Alan

CURVZ Anthony Big Moe Coleman Editor -in- Chief and C.E.O Jo Jchell Jones Executive Marketing Editor

Jente Carter Instagram: @Jente_vs_sasha Photographer: Mardi Hunter MUA: Beat Queen (Cymone)

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Model: Jente Carter Booking Email: Photographer: Mardi Hunter Instagram: @fatgirlfoto MUA: Beat Queen (Cymone) Shirt: @justnesh Shoes: Payeless

Amber Monique Instagram: @Mrsbambij Twitter : @AmberASOB Photographer: Brandon Hicks Hair & MUA: Amber Monique

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Model: Amber Monique Booking Email: Photographer: Brandon Hicks Email: Outfit: Forever 21

Cover Model

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Living The Dream


JJ Malone

Photographer: Freddie Washington

have been modeling for the past 4 years now and have had the great opportunity to walk some of the most prestigious runways in the industry such as, Los Angeles Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week. I’ve been published in a number of print magazines and currently work as a fit model for Celebrity Pink, Rwn by Rawan and Liverpool Jeans of whom retail at Ross, Macy’s and Walmart.

I grew up a very humbled life in the neighborhoods of Pasadena, CA. My two brothers and I were raised by a strong single mom superhero. She raised three bi-racial children at a time when no one wanted to help a white women with black children. She taught us to always persevere and how to make a way out of no way. She instilled the hustle spirit that drives my success today. I can remember getting food from food banks, shopping at second hand stores for school clothes and the countless trips to the county office, they knew my mom well. I decided very early on that my future was going to be more lucrative than my past. I am self-made and have used education as a ticket out of my poverty. After dedicating 8 years to college and 2 years of internship, I can now say that I have 2 college degrees in psychology and am close to realizing my dream of opening my own practice. I always have felt that education was my ticket out and it worked. I am fortunate to be able to have turned my passion for helping people and my fascination with the mind, into my paycheck. I am a single mother, I work as much as I can to provide a comfortable life for me and my daughter and I teach her that hard work pays off. We travel often, create new memories and experiences that will teach her to be well rounded. Confidence and self love are major topics in our house. I teach my daughter and clients the importance of self love, as well as the difference between being confident and being arrogant. Instagram: @jjmaloneplus Twitter: @jjmaloneplus Facebook: jjmaloneplusmodel Email For Booking: Black Bodycon Dress: Ross Dress For Less Photographer: Freddie Washington Email: MUA: Michelle Sade Black Outfit: Ashley Stewart

Maroon Jumpsuit: Ashley Stewart Photographer: Lesley Pedrazza Email: MUA: Claudia Rivas

Interview With Designer Chrissy Mixon


The Curvy Styler By Jchell first met Chrissy as one of the designers for a fashion show I was walking in. Upon meeting her for fittings, Chrissy is a phenomenal woman who is very passionate about her clothing line. I know being in the fashion industry can have its ups and downs, but she definitely has what it takes to withstand this industry. Want to know more about Chrissy, here is her interview. Jchell: Where are you from? Chrissy: I was born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe, but moved to Dallas, TX when I was 16...So can I say I’m a full blown Texan... Lol!

Jchell: Where did you attend high school/college? Chrissy: I graduated from Hillcrest High School in Dallas, TX. completed my Associates degree in Business at Richland Community College in Dallas, and recently obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Jchell: Did you attend fashion design school? Chrissy: I am a self taught designer, certainly God given no school yet, but I will be pursuing my Associates degree in Fashion Design pretty soon. Jchell: How long how have you been designing? Chrissy: Lol! Since I was a teenager...I got obsessed with certain high end designers and always loved fashion, but I think the bug bit me in 2009 before I got married. Being that all my brides maids were modest and didn’t have the right piece to match their dresses, I decided to design their bolero jackets and had them custom made. I received so many compliments of how unique and beautiful they were, but I didn’t

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think anything of it. I just knew the girls looked classy, modest and pretty, and I loved it!! Jchell: What was it like starting out as a designer? Chrissy: Exciting. Hard. Required a lot of market research. Trial and error. Having to study the trends and then find yourself as an independent designer. Discouraged at times, but have to keep going (All of the above are merely an ongoing just learn how to maneuver around things that are not so foreign to you with time and experience).

Jchell: Who or what inspired you to start Classy You? Chrissy: Definitely God inspired... In 2012, I felt a strong desire to start my fashion line and I remember praying and asking God how to go about doing this. I started doing a lot of research and even praying about what I would name this apparel line.

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It was then that I got the answer to name it “Classy You by Chrissy Mixon”. So, with fear and excitement I officially registered my business. My mother has always taught us and raised me to be a woman of class, and that would be a message reflected through my brand. However, after my battle and VICTORY with thyroid cancer in 2014, I struggled with finding modest, fashionable clothes that actually fit me due to my constant weight fluctuations. Honestly, I cried often and got frustrated because I had a closet full of clothes I couldn’t wear after a thyroductomy, and an open heart surgery within a couple of months. My self confidence plunged and I was slightly depressed. Immediately, God reminded me that Classy You was the avenue I could use to encourage, empower and support women by creating custom pieces that would perfectly fit their body types. Women around the world who felt just like me. It was then, that I couldn’t stop talking, dreaming and probably annoying my husband with birthing Classy You to the world. I knew after I graduated from Business school in 2016, that it was the opportune time to launch my brand. Jchell: How would you describe your line? Chrissy: Classy You is chic, classy, elegant and embraces both modern and vintage styles...It definitely caters to the fashion forward, cultured woman who appreciates the value of a luxury timeless piece. Jchell: Is your clothing line dedicated to a particular size? Chrissy: Absolutely not!!Lol! Classy You caters to women of all shapes and sizes. I believe every woman is beautiful just the way God made them, and I’m just here to enhance that beauty and boost her confidence through my brand! (winks). Jchell: You participated in your first fashion show. What was it like to see your designs gracing the runway? Chrissy: (Exhales) ...My goodness! It was surreal. I was in awe to actually see beautiful women of different sizes, walk confidently, and carelessly on the runway representing my brand.. One moment in particular that touched my heart was seeing one of my models (who was also PH (Pulmonary Hypertension) patient, just radiate with beauty and confidence as she prepared for the runway. She kept saying “I love my pieces, they fit perfectly”, she couldn’t stop smiling, looking in the mirror and she looked amazing. During our fittings, she shared how she had lost her confidence and got discouraged, after finding out about the disease and like myself, had multiple accounts of weight fluctuations. To see her glowing and so confident at that moment, reminded me why I am here. My purpose. My call of duty and service. I kept thanking God and saying to myself “Wow! This is what it’s all about.”

Jchell: Do have any upcoming projects? Chrissy: Yes. July is pretty exciting!! Classy You will be launching it’s first (Denim and Ankara) Summer Collection. I’ve decided to call it “Chiedzaâ€?. (Note: Chiedza is Shona, my native Zimbabwean language for “sunshineâ€? or “lightâ€?...since all the fabrics are bright, colorful and for the summer, I thought “Chiedzaâ€? would be befitting for this collection!) Also, we will be launching our official website!!! (Make sure you subscribe to our mailing list for exclusive Classy You events, announcements and VIP behind the scenes snapshots at Jchell: Knowing what you know, what advice would you give to other designers trying to establish themselves? Chrissy: Are you sure you want to do this? Lol! (Just kidding)...Well, anything that you build from the ground up is never easy, so my advice to other emerging designers is as follows: •Be dedicated to working hard,even when no one is clapping for you! What you sow, is going to be reaped in ways you can’t imagine. •Be authentic! Your audience want to know who YOU are so they can relate to your brand. •Be honest with yourself and others. •Be willing to be taught and willing to always learn new things. Stay humble! •Be human! I always enjoy sharing a laugh with my clients and it makes the experience so much more fun and personable yet professional. When you love what you do, it’s not considered work. Have fun! Life is too short to be starchy 24/7. •Stay true to your cause. I don’t believe in trends because they come and go. Being in the fashion industry, you have to find yourself and be that and not what everyone is doing. Being unique makes you stand out!đ&#x;˜‰ •Network! Network! Network! I have learned so much and even been referred to because of the people in my network. It’s not always who you know, but who knows you!đ&#x;˜‰ Jchell: Is there anything else you would like to add? Chrissy: THANK YOU so much for this opportunity to sit with you! I am so honored, humbled and grateful.

You can connect with Chrissy on the following social media outlets: Facebook: @ClassyYouByChrissy Instagram: @classyyoubc Twitter: @classyyoubc Snapchat: @classyuchrissy Website: Email: The Curvy Styler By Jchell Email: Facebook: Jchell Plus Size Model On Deck Twitter: @JCHELL73 Instagram: @jchell_model_stylist

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Christa Jenelle Instagram: @coratexplorer Twitter: @coratexplorer Photographer: Lucky Photography Make-up: Christa Jenelle Style: Glam Looks

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Model: Christa Jenelle Booking Email: Photographer: Lucky Photography Outfit: Forever 21

Rocking Denim In The Summer Model: Jchell Jones Instagram: @jchell_model_stylist Photographer: Bilal Alan Photographer Outfit & Accessories: Ashley Stewart

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Photographer Spotlight Bilal Alan

Bilal Alan Photographer City: Dallas, TX Instagram: @Iambilalalan Facebook: Bilalalanphotos

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Curvz Magazine

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