Curvz Magazine: July 2012 Issue

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CONTENTS 6 The Lovely Siren Model: Siren Phoenix Osceola

12 Fashion N Fitness By: Vicky Jackson

14 Raven Nest Sports By: Dawnice

16 Cover Model Cover Model: LaDonna

24 Queen of the Curves Mia Moffett. By: Lady M

28 The Curvy Guru Dating Again...Tips for moving on the right way!

30 The Photography Zone James Phelps Visual Designer and Photographer

CURVZ Publisher and C.E.O. Anthony Big Moe Coleman Writers Dawnice Harrison Raven Nest Maria Williams The Listening Lounge Melinda Clark Phatshion with Malynda Tanesha Dewberry The Curvy Guru Vick Jackson Fashion N Fitness

Siren Phoenix Osceola Nationality: African American Where do you rep: Pennsylvania Measurements: 42-38-51 Height: 5’8 Eye Color: Brown Sign: Gemini Photo By: James Phelps

Curvz Mag: How long have you been modeling?

that you don’t have to be a Size 0 to be beautiful.

Siren: 9 months

Curvz Mag: What are some of your interests outside of modeling?

Curvz Mag: What inspired you to become a model and how did you get your start? Siren: Modeling has always been my secret ambition for the last few years. I love fashion, the make-up, elaborate hair, and glamour of the industry.

Siren: When I have free time available I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, experience and learning anything new, makeup application, reading, sketching, traveling and writing. Recently I have taken an interest in photo visual editing and considering learning photography.

CurvzMag: Have you been featured in any magazines Curvz Mag: Who are some of your favorite plus size or websites so far? models that inspire you? Siren: The first magazine to give me the opportunity to grace their pages is Curvz Magazine! Thank you so Siren: Some of my plus size models that inspire me are Marilyn Monroe, Emme Aronson, Velvet much again. D’Amour, Mia Tyler, and Toccara Jones. Curvz Mag: What do you enjoy most about modelCurvz Mag: What do you do to prepare for a photo ing? shoot or a runway show? Siren: I enjoy the artistic part of modeling. My body gets to be a canvas to grace with beautiful fabrics and Siren: I try preparing for a photo shoot weeks in advance. I take into consideration the photographer’s color to be living art in front of the camera. concept or theme and the location of the photo shoot. This helps me to select my accessories, wardrobe, Curvz Mag: What are some of the most challenging hairstyles, and make-up if I’m required to bring my things being a plus size model? own items. Curvz Mag: What was your most memorable modelSiren: The challenges I have come across are with modeling agencies definitions of a plus model. I have ing moment? had several agencies tell me I was too large for there Siren: I almost cancelled a photo shoot because the plus size model division. While other agencies told dress I ordered online did not fit me properly. The me I was too small and not the typical plus model dress would not go over my hips. I was about to size. breakdown and cry because my hair and make-up Curvz Mag: Who are some of your favorite photogra- was camera ready. I took a deep breath and that dress became a tunic. Having this wardrobe mishap turned phers that you had worked with? out to be one of my breakout photo shoot to showcase me as a plus size model. Siren: My favorite photographers to date are James Phelps, Photos By Phelps of Baltimore, MD and Curvz Mag: So what is next for you? Shooterz Photoz of Philadelphia, PA. Curvz Mag: What are some of your goals as a plus size model? Siren: My goals as a plus size model are to pursue modeling as a career to lead to other opportunities in the fashion industry, entertainment, or business ventures. I want to inspire young and older plus women


Siren: I’m preparing for several photo shoots this summer. Also runway training to be prepared for model casting calls. Curvz Mag: What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the modeling industry?

Siren: The model industry is based on vanity and every one will have an opinion whether negative or positive comments. My advice is to be able to accept constructive feedback and be open to suggestions. Also not to allow negative comments derail your focus about being a plus size model. Curvz Mag: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you or any shout outs? Siren: I would like to thank Curvz Magazine for this great opportunity to showcase me. My family and childhood best friends for being my support system. Also a shout out is in order to James Phelps Photography for the awesome photo shoot and submitting the photos to your magazine on my behalf. Siren contact for booking. Photo By: James Phelps Visual Designer and Photographer Email:



Fashion N Fitness Where being fit is always in Fashion

By: Fitness Coach Vicky Jackson

There are some simple ways to fit exercise into your life. We spend one to two hours a day on computer, watching TV, or listening to music. If we spent that time a little wiser we would have time to exercise. I understand that we all lead very busy lives. For me the combination of the stresses of being a single parent with a career in corporate America and poor eating habits began to show up quickly around my waistline. I became over weight and I really didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. I knew that if I kept heading down this road it was going to lead to poor health and an inferior quality of life. Although I was not diagnosed with high cholesterol, diabetes, or heart disease I knew that poor eating habits and a lack of exercise increased my risk of developing these illnesses. So I began to make small changes that yielded big results. 1. I reduced the amount of sugar and fat in my diet and avoided fried foods. I enjoy soda so I permitted myself 4oz. of diet coke a day along with 3 to 4 8oz. glasses of water a day. 2. I increased my daily servings of fruit and vegetables. I substituted my usual snacks of cakes


and cookies for fresh fruit like an apple, a piece of honey dew melon or a cup of strawberries. 3. I increased my amount of physical activity to 30 minutes a day 4 to 5 days per week. My exercise routine consisted of: jogging in place for 10 minutes follow by jumping jacks for 10 minutes and I slowed down my pace by marching in place for 5 min than doing torso twist for 5 minutes and finally I would cool down with light arm and leg stenches. You may find this funny but I did my exercise while watching 30-minute sitcoms, like Girlfriends, on TV. There were also times when I listened to music while doing my exercises. The key to my success was to commit the little free time I had to physical activity on the constant bases. We must all take some time for ourselves, even if it means doing two things once. Although the physical changes did not happen over night I made up my mind and continued to exercise and eat healthy. I didn’t waste time or make excuses. I made small changes in my behavior for a healthier me. I hope that you can adapt some of the changes I made into your daily lives and watch small changes yield big results for you too.

Raven Nest By Dawnice


Well little birdy’s since we last talk the NBA championship was won by the Miami Heat. Got to give props to the OKC Thunder. They played their hearts out and Durant and Westbrook did not make it easy for the heat, but this time the 3 amigos banned together and gave us a hell of a NBA finals. The king weather you like him or not finally got his crown. I know a lot of people still have a bone to pick with James for leaving him hometown to win a championship but I feel like you have to do whatever It takes to get what you want as long as no one get hurt or killed in the process then what’s the problem, when you play sports I know one of your biggest dreams is to one day win the big one and with injuries being a game stopper or career ender I say go for it while the getting is good. Besides have you seen James hairline, I’m sure he wanted a ring before he goes completely bald lol. If you notice his headband is much thicker than most. The regular size headbands will show just how far back his hairline is. lol hey, it is what it is that’s my boy I was so happy for him and I still think he did the right thing and it paid off, so for you haters out there I say let the ring and James MVP trophy do the speaking for him. Congrats to the heat for putting fire to OKC to win the NBA championship for 2012. LETS FLY TO LONDON


The 2012 Olympic is about to start since there is no football to watch I am glad I will have something and somebody to cheer for. One name to look out for is Michael Phelps he is from Baltimore MD as am I and we both love the Baltimore Ravens. He is a super human swimmer that has 8 gold medals under his belt and I looking to win even more in this upcoming Olympic. Michael Phelps ravens next would like to wish you the best of luck. Another person to watch out for is a young lady named Gabby Douglas she is a African American gymnastics who is doing big things on the American gymnastics team I am so very proud of her. There are not many African American in top ranking gymnastics today but gabby has made a great in pack so far. Good luck gabby from ravens nest. WHO’S READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL ALREADY

Its like a crack addict needing crack, I need my Football!! I swear its the hardest thing not seeing guys hit each other on the field and seeing some man on man contact, please pre season come on. We are ready to cheer for our favorite team and hate on our enemies. So what has been going on in the off season looks like Chad is gone bye bye from the New England patriots lets just say he was a bit of a wild child far as understanding the plays kinda like fo do his own thing and Brady don’t play that, so from ice to fire Chad finds himself with the Miami Dolphins well that’s kind of a wild town so he should fix right in Miami Vice style, Ochocinco flamingo lol. His welcome to Miami song should be bird man song pop bottles, like he said okay were poppin champagne like we won a championship game, look like I got on a championship ring lol. Which Miami do have now lol I’m sure all eyes are still waiting to see the man with the longest head in football the top gun Peyton Manning. lol Broncos all eyes will be on Denver will the broncos be the team to watch out for this season. See I can’t wait to get things poppin just thinking about Football gets my sensation flowing. I adore this game everything about it, you feel me. Ok moving on. lol NEWS ON THE BIRD WIRE IS Donovan McNabb said he will be on a roster for 2012. McNabb has reportedly dropped 20 pounds this offseason. The 35-year-old has expressed a desire to continue his playing career. On Thursday night, the third overall pick of the 1999 NFL draft told NBC sports talk that there’s an 80-to-90 percent chance he’ll be on an NFL roster at the start of the 2012 regular season. Well we will see if he’s right I will be looking out for the senior lol. I don’t know I think your time have come and gone but I could be wrong. Some people just don’t know how to quit lol. Well sports fans that’s all for now soon we will have much more to chat about going into the next season. I can’t wait till then be blessed and bless someone. luv always RAVEN.


Cover Model

LaDonna Nationality: THERE TOOK QUITE A FEW TO MAKE UP ME ;) Where do you rep: Jackson, MS Height: 5’10 Eye Color: Hazel Sign: Virgo

LaDonna: I started modeling when I was 18 years old. I’ve been professionally modeling again since 2008.

Curvz Mag: What are some of your goals as a plus size model? LaDonna: To mentor young women that are interested in the industry. To show the world that we are accomplished and Beauty Comes in all shapes and sizes.

Curvz Mag: What inspired you to become a model and how did you get your start?

Curvz Mag: What are some of your interests outside of modeling?

LaDonna: Believe it or not, I was inspired to be a model while scrolling through one of my mother’s Ebony Mags. I said, I want to be just like her! On a trip to Chicago...My cousin told me I should try it because I had beautiful eyes...not realizing at the time, that the Plus Sized model was not the “IN’ thing...I did a lot of local things but never anything greater. Then in 2009, a friend dared me to submit my photos to a model search and it has been going since then.

LaDonna: My first interest out side of modeling are my 4 beautiful children...They occupy the “extra” time. :) I love to write, poetry & short stories. I also shoot pool to calm the stress and yes I’m Excellent! lol.

Curvz Mag: How long have you been modeling?

Curvz Mag: Have you been featured in any magazines or websites so far? LaDonna: I have, Curvz magazine, Plusus magazine, Poundcake models, Plusmodels411, Domina photography, Queen diva’s productions...just to name a few.

Curvz Mag: Who are some of your favorite plus size models? LaDonna: Mia Amber Davis, Fluvia Lucerda, Ashley Graham, just to name a few. Curvz Mag: What do you do to prepare for a photo shoot or a runway show? LaDonna: Along with the obvious make up & wardrobe transformations...I make sure to get plenty of rest, watch what I eat and pray.

Curvz Mag: What do you enjoy most about modeling?

Curvz Mag: What was your most memorable modeling moment?

LaDonna: I love glamour and the positive vision it places on the full figured model within the industry and society.

LaDonna: I was invited to an event and actually signed autographs for people that thought of me as a celb, because they were one of my FB friends!! That was one of the biggest honors that I’ve ever had! lol

Curvz Mag: What are some of the most challenging things being a plus size model?

Curvz Mag: So what is next for you?

LaDonna: Something is lacking in the current push to include plus-size models in mainstream fashion publications (or “separate-but-equal” media outlets such as Vogue Italia’s “Vogue Curvy”).

LaDonna: To continue doing what I do and becoming a great mentor in a wonderful organization the MOD Squad (for more info please contact perfectcomb@

Curvz Mag: Who are some of your favorite photographers that you had worked with?

Curvz Mag: What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the modeling industry?

LaDonna: Oh my! Michael Owen, Patina Edochie, Anthony Jones, Michael Teasley, and Dominique McCraney...I could go on forever!


LaDonna: To all aspiring Plus Size Models, I would like to say get out of your own way and make it happen. Start with a mirror and starting loving yourself in this business if you don’t love you who will. I want to question aspiring models, how bad do you want it? The Bible talks about always being ready… Well if you’re always ready you never have to get ready. You may not be a model yet but walk around as though you already are. Also practice is your best friend. Use those mirrors and know what poses and smiles work for you. Be determined. You will have people laugh at you, slam doors in your face, etc. But don’t let that stop you. It should fuel your drive more than ever. Curvz Mag: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you or any shout outs? LaDonna: Mad shout outs to: Big Moe/Curvz Magazine CEO, Valda Youngblood Hayne and Patina Edochie/Perfect Combination (hair, makeup, jewels, photography, graphics and editing) Michael Teasley and Dominique Mccraney/Dominia photography (photography & editing), Ed Price/ Visual Illusions and designs (graphic designs, editing & retouch), Jeff Peaks, the greatest manager I could have ever asked for! (Peak Level Produc-


tions) Jaime Carpenter, thank you for being here in more ways than one!! and above all god...with him all things are possible! To all that support me!!!! A HUGH MWAH!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! LaDonna contact for booking. Email: Facebook: Twitter: Cover: Photographer: Micheal Teasley(Domina Photography) Hair Stylest, Make-Up Artist, Jewelry: Valda Youngblood Hayne (Perfect Combination) (Diva Jewels) Inside photos: Photographer and Make-Up: Patina Edochie ( Soulestial Studio & Perfect Combination)


Mia Moffett

Queen of the Curves By Lady M

So lets get up close and personal with Ms. Mia Moffett! Maria: Hi Mia and thank you for giving Curvz Magazine the time for this interview! Maria: So can you please tell our readers, Who is Mia Moffett? What do you stand for and what do our readers need to know about Mia Moffett? Mia: I wear so many hats (laughing) but really I am just a woman from Harrisburg, Pa with dreams that are larger than life. I believe in so much but the main thing is I have a determination in whatever I do. I am determined to make a positive and effective difference in life. I decided to join the plus size industry to model because that has been my dream since a teenager. My dream has become bigger in addition to modeling. I plan to assist in creating many more avenues in the Plus Size industry. Maria: I see you are making your mark in the Plus Size Industry with your company called Queen of the Curves. Tell us what is the Queen of the Curves and how did this begin?

Maria: I see that you sponsored an event in Atlanta this past June called Mega Size Weekend. Please tell us about this event? Mia: This was an event that I co sponsored with Mrs. Yolanda Zellous CEO of Star Size Studios. Mrs. Zellous offers modeling workshops, acting classes and mega photo shoots on a monthly basis. Queen Of The Curves models attended this event and I was able to shoot footage for the reality show. The weekend was awesome. Queen Of The Curves Models really represented for the plus size community and learned a lot in the process. According to Mrs. Zellous this was a fantastic workshop and the Queen Of The Curves Models were awesome. I strongly encourage any models, aspiring models and actors to check out Star Size studios in Atlanta. This is a great resource and company that really trains women well for the modeling/entertainment industry. Maria: So Mia personally what are some of your favorite plus size stores or vendors?

Mia: My favorite stores that cater to Plus Size women are Forever 21, Dots, and Rainbow. I always find so many things that are up to date and fun. The clothing really compliments my figure and they have Mia: Queen Of The Curves came from a curvy a good range of clothing that you can mix and match model reality show that I wrote. The premise is items. My favorite boutique is Everything Curvy and about 13 women who are ordinary women that Chic. This is a little more upscale and you can find have no major modeling experience and exposure and want to be a model. They will be competing for something for almost every occasion. exposure, the title of Queen Of The Curves and a Maria: What is one of the most important thing that modeling contract. young ladies need to know about the plus size indus-


try and becoming a plus size model! Mia: I feel that the most important thing to know about the plus size industry and becoming a model that this comes from ones self and determination. You have to understand that you need to be serious about modeling because it’s not just about “putting on the latest fashions and taking photos”. It is hard work and the assignments can be long. Also the best advice I can give is that you MUST do your research when looking at agencies and model representation. Check out companies and model scouts with The Better Business Bureau.

Maria: What are your future goals for your Queen of the Curves? I personally know that you have a lot in store so do share with our readers! Mia: Well of course The Queen Of The Curves reality show and continue to provide aspiring models the opportunity and direction in the modeling industry. Maria: How can our readers contact you if they would like to join Queen Of The Curves or participate in workshops and events? Mia: You can e- mail me @ smoffitt@queenofthe-

26 CURVZ You can follow me on twitter @ msmia326@qcurves. Facebook me @ Queen of The Curves and my website is For workshops and mega shoots in the Atlanta area contact Star Size Studios Mrs. Yolanda Zellous at Maria: Fantastic you have all social media aspects covered. Mia: LOL! Yes I sure DO! I want to say thank you to Curvz Magazine for giving me the opportunity for this interview! Maria: You are welcome and thank you for your time! Maria: So there you have it my readers. This is Ms. Mia Moffett CEO of The Queen of the Curves. I am very honored to be able to sit down and have this interview with Ms. Moffett. I am a big supporter of Queen of the Curves as well. Mia is a talented lady who really plans to make positive changes and lend credit to the Plus Size industry. We here at Curvz Magazine wish Queen of the Curves much luck and success!


The Curvy Guru Dating Again…Tips for moving on the right way!

Do you find yourself being on the dating scene again after a long-term relationship breakup? Do you find yourself in a weird dating state of dinners for one or lots of movie nights at home alone? I fully understand and it is not easy. Being a newly single woman and mother it is hard to get into the dating scene especially if the breakup, separation, or divorce was harsh. As a plus size I especially difficult to find someone that will accept me for the person I am now. One thing I have realized is that it will get better before it gets worse. These are my few tips to get through the first six months of being newly single. 1. Take some time alone. • Take at least three months to not only clean up the baggage from the previous relationship but also give yourself time to evaluate what’s next in your life. Pray a lot for guidance! 2. Go and get a medical checkup and std testing. •Just because you were exclusive with that person doesn’t mean that they were with you so yourself?


3. I know this next tip might ruffle some feathers but it’s a good thing to do… Abstain from sex •The last thing you want to do is go into a sexual relationship too soon and get caught up in lust and not love. Men have sex for just that but when women do it for emotions…(Discover your emotions without sex!) 4. Hang out with friends… •Sometimes the breakup can be rough so do something different like go to karaoke, try spoken word and release some emotions on paper, and go dancing and maybe take a dance lesson. My friends helped me greatly and I love them dearly.. helps 5. One of the best tips…. Pamper and take care of yourself. •Go to the spa, get a new hairdo, try some new clothing, get mani-pedi


•Build your own self-esteem so that way when you get into a new relationship you will not make the new man or woman suffer for the mistakes of the last one. I know I am not perfect and every situation is different but these are the things I did after my breakup and it worked for me. I waited one year before I started dating again and I am happy I waited. I am very happy… Because I took the time to re-discover myself and for that I’m grateful and my self-esteem is better ~ The curvy guru


The Photography Zone

James Phelps Visual Designer and Photographer Curvz: How long have you been a photographer? James: 9 yrs but for the last 4 yrs been full on about it.

Curvz: What does photography mean to you? James: To me it’s creativity, passion, and a way to communicate without the limits of language.

Curvz: Can you recall the first photo you took that Curvz: What inspired you to become a photog- made you go WOW? rapher and how did you get started? James: Honestly I don’t remember, but every James: I’ve always been into visual creativshoot I have. I have that Wow image moment. It’s ity starting out with graphic design, and then that image you know is the money shot. The total drawing. Honestly, I don’t know what made sum of the entire shoot. I can say I have a B&W me grab a camera and start shooting and with shot of my mom blowing bubbles that always such passion. I just know, I had ideas and I makes me go hmmm… that’s a good shot. needed someone to do the poses. Curvz: Where is your favorite location to work at Curvz: Do you have any formal training reand why? garding photography? James: I like hotels actually; you get the light James: I apply my knowledge of art and design control of a studio yet it’s already furnished so to doing shoots. How to compose a shot.. the the room creates a vibe. Can crawl on the floor use of light and dark. The rest was trial and er- and move stuff around to create some interesting ror hard-headness and getting books. angles. I’m def a fan of outside woods, and busted up/abandon places to contrast or compliment the Curvz: What type of camera did you start out curves of a model. using and what are you using now? Curvz: How do you decide on locations & subJames: Digitally I started with a Kodak Easys- jects? hare Z612 and a flash with a strobe trigger.. then got a Nikon d60 (remote trigger flashes) James: My ideas come from the model’s appearused that camera till it broke at the end of a ance, what they need the images for and how shoot LOL Now I’m using a Nikon D7000 (3 open-minded they are to doing different themes. I remote trigger flashes). like that fact I can shoot a full figured model and


project the grace and sensuality just as well as in a slender model. Curvz: How does you personality change when you look through the camera? James: I’m way more focused and almost tunnel vision when I’m shooting. I def like to talk, make jokes and act up. I realize that the shoot is more than me and more than the model. They paid for me to capture them in the best possible way. Curvz: Who are some of the other photographers out there that you look up too? James: To many to name... Its not so much an artist as it the image and the style. Because a style can be duplicated by anyone who has the time/knowledge to look and study a set of images. Curvz: What are some of the things you would tell a model before she or he comes in for a photo shoots? James: RELAX, test wear your outfits so you know what they look like and communicate with me. The model needs to talk to me, if she is having issues so I can adjust what I’m doing to make the shoot better for her.

ly and video vixen types in a more fashion style. Respect the curves but at the same time embrace the concept of out the box art. Curvz: What advice would you give to someone looking to get into photography? James: Read books about it and listen to the critics of those who take the time to critique your work. If everyone keeps telling you the same things about your work. Ehh maybe its true, so step back and compare what you shot to another’s photo, what their similarities and differences are. Curvz: Is there anything else you would like out readers to know about you or any shout outs? James: Give shout to my family.. Yan for listening to me talk about shoots and watching the kids, my 2 girls who are my best models and biggest fans of daddy. All the models and magazines that show me and my photos, love. THANK YOU!!!! Email: Facebook: Twitter: Website: Model Mayhem: http://www.modelmayhem. com/448473

Curvz: What are some of your long-term goals as a photographer? James: My goals are to work with as many types of models as possible. If you don’t limit me... I won’t limit you. I’m looking to get my images into more national and international magazines and websites. Curvz: Any projects you are working on currently? James: I’m really looking to shoot more shape-







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