Introduc on Welcome to the first Ci zens in policing team Mini Police Newsle er. This is our chance to help showcase all the amazing work that has been going on in our very first term in our very first year; a truly historic moment for the Constabulary which we hope will inspire, empower and no less change the mind-set of a whole new genera on to be good ci zens and ambassadors for making posi ve change.
Where it all began - the Ci zens in Policing journey In October 2017, the Ci zens in Policing team was formed. We were primarily tasked with implemen ng a cadet scheme and to increase the number of Police Support Volunteers and Special Constables. As we got underway planning the cadet launch, in December 2017, we were approached by PC Craig Johnson from Durham Constabulary who tempted us to join his journey…. we never quite looked back. The Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, Chief Constable Michelle Skeer and Superintendent Sarah Jackson have been pivotal in their support into this project and without them we would not have been able to have achieve what we have to date. To have such wonderful support and encouragement has meant that we have been able to have this unique opportunity to grow and develop this project, make it unique to the needs of Cumbria and provide our children with opportuni es not seen in the county before. Fortunately the CiP team are not ones to shy away from a challenge, although at mes, we thought we had taken on an impossible task. By April 2018, we had successfully launched our cadet scheme with 100 cadets and iden fied and launched Mini police in 24 schools giving us over 500 Mini Police officers….which leads us to where we are today and where our adventures really begin!
Why mini police When we received this reply back from one of our Mini police surveys, this really did sum it all up – the police can’t do everything but if we enable and empower others to help influence their peers, we can start to try and make a bigger difference. Our Mini Police officers are our ambassadors to spread the message of community, posi vity and the ability to make a difference; “From li le acorns grow mighty oaks” and this couldn’t be more true of this scheme. In March 2018, we officially launched Mini Police with Alston and Nenthead School. The school visited Police Headquarters for the day and were welcomed by the Chief Constable Mrs Skeer and the Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall. A few children, prior to this had a sneaky first visit in order to interview the Chief Constable and PCC, these interviews were then played at the launch....there were some very tricky ques ons! We also had the privilege of welcoming the High Sheriff and the Lord Lieutenant which saw the Cumbria Mini Police create their first guard of honour. The children went on to experience the Dog sec on, Public Order training, drones and a selec on of traffic cars. We even made it on the TV with BBC Look North news!
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
4 Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Since March, we have launched in 24 schools across the county, making us the second largest Mini police force na onally with 538 Mini Police officers! Quite a feat to achieve in only 4 months! Throughout all of our launches, the Lord Lieutenant and her depu es have been regular, dis nguished guests, giving our launches a real air of celebra on, importance and grandeur. Our thanks extends to the Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Claire Hensman and her Depu es, the local Mayors and also the High Sheriff of Cumbria, Simon Berry for his support of this programme.
Mini Police Schools and their PCSOs Thomlinson Junior
PCSO Kerry Harris - Cockermouth
Fairfield Primary
PCSO Clare Parker & Hannah Donaghue - Cockermouth
Ewanrigg Junior
PCSO Emma Light - Workington
Victoria Junior
PCSO Alison Renney - Workington
Cambridge Primary
PCSO Emily Langhorn - Barrow
Barrow Island Primary
PCSO Tina Sykes- Barrow
Ormsgill Primary
PCSO Michelle Jones - Barrow
St James’ C of E Primary
PCSO Sam Thomas - Barrow
Newtown Community Primary
PCSO Heather Pan n - Carlisle
Brook St Primary
PCSO Alison Parish - Carlisle
Blackford C of E Primary
PCSO Tom Haworth - Carlisle
Orgill Primary
PCSO Colle e Harrison - Whitehaven
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary
PCSO Samantha Watson - Whitehaven
St James’ Catholic Primary
PCSO Paul Booth - Whitehaven
St Mary’s Catholic Primary
PCSO Mark Fishpool - Whitehaven
Alston Primary
PCSO Tony Labram - Penrith
Nenthead Primary School
PCSO Tony Labram Penrith
Kirkby Stephen Primary
PCSO Janet Allinson - Penrith
Shap Endowed C of E
PCSO Karen Dakin - Penrith
St Mar n and Mary’s
PCSO Sarah Blacow - Kendal
Sir John Barrow
PCSO Izzy Roberts - Ulverston
Sandside School
PCSO Janine Wade - Ulverston
St Oswald’s C of E Primary
PC Amanda Coleman - Kendal
Selside Endowed C of E Primary
PCSO Marion Jeffery- Kendal
Grayrigg CE School
PCSO Marion Jeffery - Kendal
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
How does Mini Police work? Cumbria Mini Police have a three term engagement strategy the first being educa on led input (this is around a key topic which relates to the school term they are in). Each PCSO delivers the presenta on to their Mini Police Officers who in turn then deliver this learning to the whole school. Next is the Community led aspect; in conjunc on with their PCSO, the Mini Police Officers decide what community project they would like to undertake to address an issue in the area they live. In order to thank our officers for all their hard work, each term has a reward element which es in to the educa onal learning or is police associated. Some of our schools put our prospec ve Mini Police Officers through their paces with wri en applica ons and an interview….tough stuff! However, what this gave us was a real insight into what this age group thought of the police and how much they wanted to give back to their communi es. The le ers from across the county showcased what honourable, determined and crea ve children we have. One of our smallest schools, (who think BIG!) Grayrigg Church of England School in Kendal, who only have 4 Mini Police officers, were straight on the case with planning their Mini Police adventure.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
The theme for the summer term Mini Police engagement was centred on water safety with the impending school holidays approaching. With the lesson plans wri en and disseminated to the PCSOs and a guide over engagement sent, our job for the me being had slowed but what we witnessed happening next, none of us expected‌the Mini Police explosion into our policing family really did arrive with a bang!
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
The water safety input quickly gathered pace and transgressed into visits to Lake Wardens, the RNLI, boat trips and much more!
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
May 2018 saw another very special first event for the Constabulary. We welcomed our very own Max the MINI. In collabora on with Lloyd MINI, Max is our sponsored car, helping to promote and raise the Mini Police profile and ac ng as an engagement tool at the many events we a end. Max also helps us promote our wider volunteering family that the CiP team represent. We are the very first police force to have a Mini Police MINI and this is just the beginning of a very exci ng partnership with Lloyd MINI and Max. Max will be featuring heavily in a lot of future projects for Mini Police which we cant wait to this Max the MINI space! We would like to thank Lloyd MINI for their con nued support on this exci ng and unique project. If you like the look of Max the MINI and want to find out more about this specifica on please find contact details on page 29.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
If you can’t wait to see where Max turns up next, you will be able to see Max the MINI taking part in the tour of Britain (7th September) Kendal torch light parade (14th September) and the Barrow Police open day (9th September) if you would like a visit from Max the MINI (you had be er get in quick as the diary is already ge ng full!) please let the CiP team know.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
June 2018 saw the CiP team launch the Mini Police badge compe on county wide. We had over 100 entries for this. It was a difficult one to judge but the design that won us all over really encapsulated Cumbria – lakes, fells and the Mini Police’s pledge to dedicate service, as all officers do, to The Queen were all wrapped up in the winning design by Samuel Stevenson from Fairfield Primary School, Cockermouth. On 2nd July 2018 we welcomed Samuel and his parents to the Ci zens in Policing awards where alongside Special Constables and Police Support Volunteers who we recognise annually for their contribu on to policing, he received his cer ficate of apprecia on from the Chief Constable, Mrs Skeer. This was to acknowledge his contribu on to the Mini Police family in designing the badge for his fellow Mini Police Officers. All the badges will be rolled out for the September term.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
As the summer term progressed, we saw more and more inspiring events taking place across Cumbria where our Mini Police OďŹƒcers were out in the community tackling their Community led projects. Here is just a small selec on of some of our schools and their ini a ves. Ewanrigg Junior school in Maryport undertook 3 mammoth tasks; the Maryport Town Council and Allerdale Council beach clean and parking patrols outside their school. They also were the ďŹ rst school to deliver the water safety presenta on to two non Mini Police schools, spreading the engagement far and wide. Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Grayrigg –Grayrigg set every Friday as their #fridaypatrol with weekly video diaries of their Park Safe campaign. In addi on to their Park Safe campaign, they also launched Sunscreen Patrol for all the children in the school and ensured all the school children had water with them during our very hot summer. We also can’t men on Grayrigg without highligh ng their awesome Mini Police dance moves, “Flossing” made a regular appearance along with their signature Mini Police ‘Strike a Pose!’ Grayrigg also had a very special visitor (South Lakes MP Tim Farron) who had been following their achievements on twi er and made a surprise visit to take a selfie!
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Victoria Junior School, Workington – welcomed the Wheelie Bin Challenge to their school and collected donated items of food and delivered it to the food bank. They carried out several li er picks in their local park and also a ended Workington Police Sta on to help dy up the Bill Barker memorial garden. Victoria Junior School Mini Police also a ended the Get Safe Online event in conjunc on with the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Being a Mini Police Officer is not just about community engagements, it is a privilege to serve as a Mini Police Officer and part of the programme is to reward the newest members of the policing family. We observed some really imagina ve reward led ini a ves organised by our awesome PCSOs, that supported the educa on element delivered through the term. St Mary and St Mar n School, Windermere - a really fantas c a ernoon spent consolida ng their knowledge at the Lake Wardens base in Windermere, even Max the MINI turned up to say “Thank You!”
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Fairfield Primary School, Cockermouth– a visit to mountain rescue St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Whitehaven – a visit from Whitehaven HMCG
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary, Cleator Moor – a visit to RNLI in St Bees Inshore Lifeboat Rescue.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
Grayrigg Church of England Primary School, Kendal - is one of our smallest schools with just 4 Mini Police Officers who are all girls. They visited Police HQ for the a ernoon to speak with Cumbria Constabulary’s first female Chief Constable Michelle Skeer and other inspiring female leaders including Superintendent Vicki Ellis from Crime Command (pictured below)
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
In July, the Constabulary saw another first, our Mini Police Sports day in aid of our force charity Jigsaw, Cumbria’s only children hospice. The Constabulary’s aim is to raise £120,000 over the next two years in order to buy amongst other things a swing that can be used by the children receiving treatment at the hospice so they can play alongside their siblings. We would also love to create a beau ful garden for the children and their families for when they need to visit the hospice. It’s a big project but the Constabulary is fully commi ed to raising as much money as we can for them over the next two years. Please check out their website for all the amazing they work they do there. The event saw three schools from all corners of the county and a total of 55 Mini Police officers take part in a variety of races including an egg and spoon race, (Deputy Chief Constable Mark Webster and Police and Crime Commissioner Peter McCall became very compe ve!). There was also a ‘Dress the Officer’ relay where Mini Police Officers had to ensure that officers had all the equipment required to go out on patrol for example, stab vest, pocket notebook, radio and hat. We also had a ‘paint the hard boiled egg’ compe on. To top the a ernoon off, we had a visit to the dog sec on for a meet and greet and a demonstra on by some of our finest handlers with their dogs.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
None of the fantas c work that has been undertaken with this project would be possible without the hard work and dedica on of our Police Community Support Officers and the most wonderful schools we have in our county. The backbone of neighbourhood policing, our PCSO’s have helped embed the Mini Police ethos into their schools. Working alongside all the school staff, they have created magic around the programme, making it engaging, fun and relevant taking it from its founda ons and giving it wings to fly. We have also been completely astounded by the support shown and the ideas generated by the schools, parents and the Mini Police Officers. This ini a ve has not only opened doors in terms of ideas, it has also unlocked a whole genera on who can voice their opinions in their community, be provided with educa onal tools and social awareness and be empowered to change their future paths and encourage a new genera on of young leaders.
This term also saw the founder of Mini Police, Craig Johnson from Durham Constabulary, re re. Craig worked relessly with the Cumbria Constabulary CiP team to launch Mini Police and we hope that we can con nue his legacy. In July, Craig received his Cer ficate of Apprecia on from the Chief Constable. We wish Craig every happiness in his re rement.
Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018
dal n e K ight l h c Tor
Barrow Open Day
To u Br r of ita in
Spot Max
And finally... Thank you to the Police and Crime Commissioner for part funding the introduc on of Mini police and his enthusiasm and commitment to the program along with Chief Constable Michelle Skeer who has been unwavering in her support and involvement. To Superintendent Sarah Jackson and Chief Inspector Mar n Loebell for always being our champions and le ng our crea ve vision be heard. To the Na onal Volunteer Police Cadet scheme (VPC) who part funded this project and to Craig Johnson who steered and guided us expertly to con nue his living legacy. Also, thank you to Lloyd Motor Group for the partnership and crea on of Max the MINI who has bought our project to life. To find out more about Lloyd MINI: Lloyd Carlisle MINI, Kingstown Industrial Estate, Kingstown Broadway, Carlisle CA3 0HA Lloyd Cockermouth MINI, Low Road, Cockermouth CA13 0HH Lloyd South Lakes MINI, Kendal Parks Road, Lindale, Grange-over-Sands LA11 6QR Website: Facebook: @LloydMINI Twi er: @LloydMINI Instagram: @LloydMINI LinkedIn: @LloydMotorGroup No thank you would be complete without a men on to our fabulous PCSO’s, Head teachers and all their amazing staff for developing this project with us and by no means last, to our wonderful, first Cumbria Mini Police Officers; you are all inspiring and give us a lot of joy to see how you have embraced this scheme and made it your own. We hope this inspires you to always stay on the right path in life and influence those around you to do the same.
So whats next? Watch this space and keep a look out for Max the MINI, this is just the start of our adventures…. If you want to know more about Cumbria Mini Police, please contact the Ci zens in Policing Team or follow us on twi er - @cumbriaCiP CiP Team – Sergeant Tamara Ta on, PC Shirley Murray, PC Jack Stabler Cumbria Mini Police - Summer 2018