CSU Magazine - Liberal Arts Education: A Great Investment

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vol.29 no.2

Liberal Arts Education A GREAT INVESTMENT





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C H A R L E S TO N S O U T H E R N U N I V E R S I T Y Summer 2019, vol.29 no.2

features 14

Exciting research underscores the value of a liberal arts education


Get a behind the scenes look at the making of an athletic logo

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Sunsetting the Transform Campaign MA student travels the world with OneWorld Health Class Notes, Baby Bucs and more On the cover: New Bucky logo is adding an element of excitement to game day prep at CSU. Photo by Richard Esposito

MISSION Promoting Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment

Morning light breaks over the campus. Photo by Richard Esposito


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To be a Christian university nationally recognized for integrating faith in learning, leading and serving FOUNDING PRINCIPLE Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. - Matthew 28:19-20

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The miracle cure? Faith. The data in its corner? Irrefutable. Too good to be true? Not on your life.

By Dr. Dondi Costin

Spoiler alert: There is at least one intervention miraculous enough to support its claims with a record of results. Undeniably so. The miracle cure? Faith. The data in its corner? Irrefutable. Too good to be true? Not on your life.

President and Mrs. Costin greet students at the annual Alumni Association Graduation Luncheon. Photo by Richard Esposito


ow would you respond if someone sent you a link advertising a miracle drug that would transform your life in every meaningful way? Sounds like clickbait, I know. But what if? What if the link claimed that this revolutionary cure all but guaranteed longer life, more satisfying relationships, better mental health, greater resiliency, more effective parenting, and even higher productivity at work? Would you be inclined to discover, or delete? If you’ve spent any time on social media or digging through your email account’s junk folder lately, chances are you have been tempted to click on links just like that. Please don’t ask me how I know. But I know you know. There it is, staring you down in all its glory, daring you to learn more. Claims that seem so over-the-top that not even the Internet could invent them. Yet “too fantastical to be false” consistently devolves into “too good to be true.” But what if, just this once, the data drove you to the discovery of a lifetime? What if this time the radical was real?

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Harvard epidemiology professor Tyler VanderWeele and former religion editor John Siniff summarized the evidence just over two years ago in a USA Today piece aptly titled, “Religion may be a miracle drug.” Citing mounds of modern research, this duo declared what millennia of faithful folk have always known: “communal religious participation” acts like a miracle drug from a public health perspective. Populations committed to religion—in communities of faith—reap physical, mental, social and spiritual rewards that simply cannot be explained by other means. In other words, statistically speaking, the devout do better. Radically better. Devout is the operative word here, because nominal religion—religion in name only—is no more effective than any medicine confined to the cabinet. As it turns out, we humans have been wired to worship. Which is why everybody worships something—self, status, success, something else. According to the Great Physician, however, the cure for what ails us is found only in the God who created us, the Savior who redeemed us and the Spirit who empowers us. Truth hurts sometimes, but it’s no less true. If you don’t take the medicine, you can’t claim the cure. The Bible delivered the diagnosis and prescribed the pill ages ago, so it’s exciting to see that science is finally catching on. It’s about time. The secret cure has never been all that secret, but the mountain of evidence now

towers so high that covering your eyes is the only way to miss it. Why wouldn’t people want to live their lives in a way that gives them more of what they really need and less of what they don’t? For the same reason the Surgeon General’s decades-old warning about the dangers of smoking (and countless other vices) falls on so many deaf ears. The apostle Paul nailed the answer in the first chapter of Romans, where he observed that some simply “suppress the truth” and “exchange the truth of God for a lie.” Our own experience validates this travesty. We don’t always do what’s in our best interest, even when truth slaps us in the face. But what God wants is always best for you, even when that truth rubs you the wrong way. When you want what God wants, the Truth will set you free. Loving God and loving others, Jesus said, is the only sure way to satisfaction. This may be a tough pill for a secular society to swallow. Besides, we’re talking about a miracle cure, not a magic pill. Dramatically, the resurrection of Christ is the life-giving miracle that adds faith to the formulary. Charleston Southern dispenses this miracle cure every day in all sorts of ways. Here, believing and belonging is the path to becoming. Believing God made you for a mission. Belonging to a family that inspires you to do immeasurably more than you ever imagined. Becoming the person God meant for you to be. Because at CSU the doctor is always in. CSU discovers a miracle cure? It really is true. Just like oxygen is the key to living, faith is the key to life. The Savior’s solution is far more satisfying than suffering with the symptoms, even if you’ve grown accustomed to being sick. Remember, the Truth will set you free. Every now and again, clickbait lures and lands a whopper. A big fish that’s best for you. It’s no wonder Jesus urged his friends to become fishers of men. This prescription is just what the Good Doctor ordered. Down a dose and call him in the morning. What if?

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volume 29 number 2 Summer 2019

EDITORIAL STAFF: Jan Joslin ’82, Editor, Director of Publications Richard Esposito, Director of Integrated Marketing


Jenna Johnson, Assistant Director of Integrated Marketing Tyler Stokes, Graphic Designer INTERNS: Anna Menendez ’19 Sarah Parris ’20 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Seth Montgomery


President’s Message



Aneris Photography

Charleston Regional Business Journal

Micah Lindstrom, OneWorld Health

Nick Sammons, OneWorld Health

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Veteran Service Award Retiring Faculty Dyer Studies Abroad Graduation 2019 Excellence in Teaching 1st Cybersecurity Grads College Tuition Winner 1st Master of Athletic Training Grads Alumni Award Winners McKinney Overcomes Obstacles

Brittani Watkins ’16 Sol Photography

CSU Magazine is published three times a year by the office of marketing and communication for alumni and friends of Charleston Southern University.


Contact CSU Magazine: magazine@csuniv.edu

Address changes: csudevelopment@csuniv.edu


40 Under 40 + CSU Our Day with Dondi Partners with S.C. Sports Medicine Ward Family Impacts CSU Res Hall Opens Grieves Undercover


Design and layout by:

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Music Therapy Ministering Interns Impact Churches



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Class Notes

Baby Bucs Seeking #BucTreasure In Memory New Alumni & Parent Director

FOREVER CSU Printed by:

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Why I Give Rivers Family Donates Portrait CSU Comes to You Scholarship Luncheon Alumni Event Calendar

© 2019 Charleston Southern University

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melia Skelton, a May elementary education graduate, was the first recipient of CSU’s Veteran Service Award, given at the annual awards day ceremony. Dr. David Phillips, professor of English and coordinator of the Veteran Council, said, “The honor is bestowed on a graduating veteran with the highest GPA; active service to community, church and the school; and potential for success in the major.” May 2019 Commencement also marked the first time that veteran status was noted in the commencement program. Dr. David Phillips and Amelia Skelton. Photo by Richard Esposito

FACULTY RETIREMENTS President Dondi Costin presents retirement clocks to Dr. Sharon Johnson, professor of business administration since 2008, and Dr. Susan Jones, professor of psychology since 1988.

Photo by Richard Esposito

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harleston Southern students have the opportunity to study abroad for summers, semesters and yearlong programs. The university partners with well-known study abroad organizations. David Dyer, recent Christian studies graduate, spent the fall 2018 semester studying abroad with Best Semester in Jordan. “For years I have always wanted to spend life in another country. My hope was to understand what it would be to live in another country over an extended period of time and see what ministry would work within a Muslim context. I chose this program because it taught Arabic and Islamic thought and practice through a Christian perspective,” said Dyer. During the course of his semester, Dyer lived in Amman, Jordan, but got to visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee and even Morocco and Egypt. The students in the program took part in adventures such as snorkeling in the Red Sea, visiting the Dead Sea, spending the night in a desert, and traveling through bigger cities such as Casablanca and Cairo. Dyer discussed the need to be prepared to leave your comfort zone during a semester abroad. “You will be stretched out of your comfort zones whether it be the experiences, new foods, new people, language or just merely the sense of something that is unfamiliar. Be ready to be willing to do anything and everything new, as well as being content with constantly being uncomfortable,” said Dyer. Dyer said, “Be prepared to be impacted for the rest of your life. It also gives you an opportunity to see more of God’s creation and therefore be able to worship Him all the more. Be ready to be challenged but also eternally invested.” The adventures of studying abroad are unique and attractive, but spending time overseas equips students with much more than just travel experiences. It provides students with a broader worldview, the ability to interact with people different from themselves and the skill of adaptability in other cultures. “It provides a first-hand experience to learn directly from the source. It brings a widened perspective that others wouldn’t have. Therefore, if it pertains to your career, it would place you a step ahead,” said Dyer. Photo provided

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Members of the Class of 2019 congratulate each other after turning their tassels. Photo by Richard Esposito

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harleston Southern University graduated its largest class in university history with more than 770 graduates May 4 at North Charleston Coliseum. Princeton McBride, a double major in Christian studies and public health from Sumter, and president of the Student Government Association, gave the senior class address. McBride said, “We’re on a new voyage, a different journey.” He said many may not know what comes next, but the Westminster Confession provides reliable guidance, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Communication studies graduate, Caroline Walsh, of Summerville, also addressed the graduates. Walsh said, “We have all had people walk beside us on our journey, people who believed in us. I literally had my Dad, who many of you know, by my side each day.” Walsh lives with cerebral palsy. Her life began in chaos, the product of a drugaddicted mother. Nevertheless, the Walsh family adopted her when she was very young. They were told she wouldn’t make it past her toddler years, if that. “People in my life, especially my family, taught me not to let my disability define me or let my physical challenges keep me from following my dreams,” Walsh said. “Never allow whatever struggles you face in life to stop you from pursuing your dreams; always believe in yourself. We have been given the tools and can do whatever we set our minds to. Just look at me!” Caroline Walsh’s father, Bill, was surprised with an honorary Bachelor of Arts degree for his faithful assistance in his daughter’s education.

>> Micah Deveaux, a bachelor of science in political science degree recipient, lifted President Costin off the ground in his enthusiasm. Deveaux, a summa cum laude graduate, is headed to law school at William and Mary. Photo by Richard Esposito

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Guest speaker for the event was Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, Chief of Air Force Reserve, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C., and Commander, Air Force Reserve Command, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. He serves as principal adviser on reserve matters to the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff, and he has full responsibility for the supervision of all U.S. Air Force Reserve units around the world. Scobee is the son of Dr. June Scobee Rodgers and the late Dick Scobee, an American test pilot and astronaut who perished in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. Scobee Rodgers is a 1970 CSU alumnus, and in 1987 she was the first woman and the first graduate to serve as guest speaker at Charleston Southern’s commencement. Scobee referred to his mother’s time as a student at Baptist College, now CSU. He said, “I was 3 years old when I started at CSU and 6 when I graduated.” He said he once asked his father how he went from being a mechanic in the Air Force to being an astronaut. “Dick Scobee told me, ‘I did the best job I could do at whatever job the Air Force gave me; prepared myself for whatever was next, and got the training I needed.” Scobee shared this advice: “Put your plan into action. Caroline Walsh did, and her father made a difference. Do a good job; enjoy the journey; put your faith into action and help your children or someone else’s children succeed.” Scobee graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1986 and earned his master of business administration from the University of South Carolina in 1997. His distinguished Air Force career includes 248 combat hours as an F-16 pilot. He and his wife, Janis, have three children. Edward “Eddie” Driggers received the Distinguished Service Award. Driggers attended CSU and is the special assistant to the Mayor of North Charleston. Driggers is a former North Charleston Police Chief and has been a chaplain with Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy and with a Federal Response Disaster Medical Assistant team. He and his wife, Lennis, have two sons and two grandchildren.

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clockwise from top left: Princeton McBride, president of the Student Government Association, presented the senior class statement. Professor Thomas Keating and Campus Minister Jon Davis assisted Caroline Walsh with receiving her diploma. Walsh was a guest speaker at the ceremony. Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee was guest speaker and received an honorary doctor of leadership. He recalled his mother’s commencement he attended on CSU’s campus in 1970. “Someone had driven a car into the Reflection Pond,” he said. Photos by Richard Esposito

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Special Awards: The Myrtle E. Hamrick Award Hollie K. Roy Music Education – Instrumental major from Conway, S.C. The John A. Barry Scholar Award Joshua R. Rogers Biochemistry major, Honors student, from Ridgeville, S.C. The Hunter Cup Grace E. Clark Elementary Education major, Women’s Soccer team member, from Greensboro, Ga. Carolyn Killen Hunter Outstanding Christian Teacher Endowed Scholarship and Award Hope K. Ivanova Early Childhood Education major, senior, from Bulgaria Emeritus Faculty Susan Kelley Jones Emerita Professor of Psychology Distinguished Service Award Ely Edward Driggers Jr. Honorary Doctor of Leadership Degree Richard William Scobee

Bill Walsh, father of graduate Caroline Walsh, received an honorary bachelor of arts degree from President Costin for his dedication to his daughter’s degree. Photo by Sol Photography

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Eddie Driggers, special assistant to the Mayor of North Charleston, received the Distinguished Service Award. Photo by Richard Esposito

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aron Baldwin, professor of art, is the 2019 recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award and served as grand marshal at commencement May 4. A member of the CSU faculty for nearly two decades, Baldwin holds a master of fine arts in painting and a bachelor of science in graphic communications from Clemson University. A working artist and designer, Baldwin teaches art appreciation and has covered a variety of studio art courses, including

beginning design and all levels of drawing, painting and printmaking. He developed and teaches the online version of art appreciation for Charleston Southern Online. He serves as the curriculum coordinator for the art program and works closely with the graphic design program, which he helped to create. Baldwin’s campus involvement includes acting as the assistant chair of the General Education Committee and serving on an Apple-based technology committee. He recently created a student art gallery on campus and manages exhibitions, featuring the works of CSU students. Dr. Jacqueline Fish, vice president for academic affairs, said, “His students have graduated and moved into successful careers based on the professional instruction and diligent pursuit of excellence demonstrated by Professor Baldwin. CSU is blessed to have committed Christian faculty members who lead by example, and Aaron Baldwin is certainly well deserving of this recognition.”

Baldwin has taught at CSU since 1999. In addition to teaching and producing his own artwork, Baldwin has invented the Biyak – a modified kayak that provides stability for fishing. The South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities organization has honored professors at each of the 20 member schools for 14 years. Baldwin was nominated by CSU and received a professional development grant. According to SCICU, “There are common threads … that weave their way through this distinguished group of academicians. First and foremost, they are educators who come to our liberal arts institutions to work oneon-one with students whom they also serve as advisers, mentors and friends. They are dedicated and committed professionals who work long and hard to be the best in their particular academic discipline in order to instruct and guide future generations as their life’s work. These professionals are valuecentered, passionate, creative and caring.”



mong those receiving awards at the annual awards day April 17 were the first graduates of the CSU Bachelor of Science in cybersecurity degree – three women with bright futures: Caliyah Kappel, Stefhany Mejia-Rocha and Ashley Ward. The three were presented awards by the Palmetto Roost, the Lowcountry chapter of the Association of Old Crows. The Palmetto Roost was instrumental in the development of CSU’s cybersecurity academic program both from a curricular and financial standpoint. Presenting the awards on behalf of Palmetto Roost was special guest Rosemary Wenchel, former assistant secretary for cyber, infrastructure and resilience policy at the Department of Homeland Security. She hosted the women for a luncheon following the ceremony and said, “In my office I have a poster that has followed me through the

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Rosemary Wenchel of Palmetto Roost, Caliyah Kappel, Ashley Ward and Stefhany Mejia-Rocha. Photo by Richard Esposito

years. It states ‘What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’” Wenchel challenged the graduates to go after what they wanted, “if you see it and you want it, go after it!” Rich Nelson, president of the Roost, said, “CSU’s integration of cybersecurity is an insightful and exciting response to future needs of our commercial industry,

government and our military.” In addition to other computer science and criminal justice coursework, students in the BS in cybersecurity complete four critical courses in Network Penetration and Hacking, Cyber Defense, Principles and Practices of Cybersecurity and Network Security. They also leave CSU with their CompTIA Security+ certification. All three women have multiple employment offers and are leaning toward positions at the Naval Information Warfare Center, Atlantic where they will specialize in cybersecurity, data recovery and related fields. The Association of Old Crows is a professional organization specializing in electronic warfare, tactical information operations, and associated disciplines such as cybersecurity.

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harleston Southern University announced the winner of the College Tuition Giveaway in partnership with HIS Radio June 10. Chloe Elizabeth Davis of Rock Hill won a full year of college tuition and room and board at CSU. Her mother, Marcie Davis, nominated her daughter for the contest noting that Chloe feels called to be at CSU. “God has given her a passion for medicine, and she believes CSU will both clarify her calling and faithfully prepare her for future service,” Marcie said. Chloe plans to pursue nursing, and has taken college courses at her local community college while in high school which confirmed her desire to serve others in that field. “John Piper says, ‘we waste our lives when we do not pray, and think, and dream, and plan and work toward magnifying God in all spheres of life,’” she said. “My time is a gift, and I do not want to waste it.” Last year, Chloe was nominated to attend the Future Medical Leaders conference in Boston and also began job shadowing at a family practice. She is dedicated to following the call to be a nurse, and now follows the call to Charleston Southern. She said, “CSU has everything I need to be successful and to follow the calling the Lord has placed on my life. My time is now. And at CSU, I know it won’t be wasted.” The contest was open May 13 through May 27 to any new, prospective student over the age of 16, and is valid for traditional or online undergraduate studies. The winner must enroll full time, with at least 12 credit hours each semester. This is the second year that CSU and HIS Radio have offered this tuition giveaway. Chloe Davis of Rock Hill. HIS Radio announces Chloe Davis has won the free year at CSU contest. Photos by Richard Esposito

MASTER OF ATHLETIC TRAINING GRADUATES FIRST CLASS The first class of the Master of Athletic Training program gathered prior to commencement. Photo provided.

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resident Dondi Costin was the guest speaker for the Alumni Association’s annual luncheon honoring graduates. He told the graduates, “Life is an open book test.” He shared that nothing will ever happen in life that the answers aren’t found in the Bible. He continued, “We’ve taught you to be a critical thinker through a biblical worldview, using this book as a filter.” Costin noted commencement is a time of just getting started. “As alumni you will go and do and change this world for Jesus Christ.” Prior to introducing the annual alumni award winners, Costin said, “That’s why we parade a bunch of highly accomplished individuals in front of you because they represent CSU.” Annual Alumni Awards: Alumnus Community Service Award Awarded posthumously to Julian Smith ’74 Smith, known to some as the Father of the Bridge Run, went straight from CSU to MUSC. In 1988, he was named director of the new MUSC Wellness Center. One of his duties included serving on the board of the Cooper River Bridge Run. He took over as race director in 1994. His work as director of the Cooper River Bridge Run helped turn the race into one of the premier 10k races in the country, and it has grown from 7,000 participants to 40,000 runners and walkers and a $30 million impact on the community. Smith was a three-time cancer survivor when he was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a rare brain tumor, in April 2018. He fought back with aggressive treatment and by starting a fund to support glioblastoma research, a fund that so far has raised almost $100,000. Sadly, he lost his battle to cancer on March 22. Charleston Southern is proud to honor his legacy and recognize his impact on our community. Young Alumnus of the Year Adam Kirtley ’15 Upon graduating from CSU, Kirtley became a scientist, working his way to a job at Boeing. He remained involved with CSU, serving and growing various student

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groups, and also working to make important connections between CSU faculty and students and Boeing employees in order to help CSU graduates find jobs right out of college. Kirtley transferred to Boeing’s defense department, working in support of the United States Air Force in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Kirtley remains involved with Charleston Southern, sending information on potential careers for graduating students, both at Boeing or elsewhere. Along with his full-time job at Boeing and his service to CSU, Kirtley is a husband, a father, a graduate student at LSU, and serves on the Board of Visitors for CSU, all at the age of 26. Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Andy Casson ’03 Casson has spent the last 15 years as a counselor and student support specialist with the nonprofit organization, Communities in Schools, where he helps students and families in need of personal and educational guidance. He also serves his former high school as a Track and Field coach. Using both these platforms, Casson guides students in making healthy life choices, building healthy relationships and learning to serve others. He uses his knowledge of scientifically proven protective services and his heart for adolescents to counter negative challenges these students face and provides them with encouragement to remain in school and succeed. Alumnus Service Award Lecius Moorer ’00 Moorer has been a model of involvement with her alma mater over the past 12 plus years. She demonstrated her dedication to the university during her time as an Alumni Board member and as a member of the Executive Board, serving as the CSU Alumni Association President from 2015-2017. She has also been generous with her resources, providing scholarship assistance to students through the Board of Visitors program and the endowed scholarship program.

Military Service Award Colonel Greg L. Woodbury ’87 Col. Woodbury, a chaplain in the United States Air Force, is one of just 29 chaplains now serving at the rank of colonel. He currently serves as Command Chaplain, U.S. Southern Command, which means he is the senior chaplain serving U.S. military forces and advising allied national chaplaincies in the entire Southern Hemisphere. Prior to this position, he served as Command Chaplain, U.S. Air Forces Central, in the Middle East and Central Asia. He has been hailed throughout his front-lines career as a muddy boots chaplain for his willingness to go the extra mile to meet the needs of warriors wherever they may be found. He is retiring this summer after 30 years of distinguished service to his country. University Mission Award Dr. Frankie Melton Jr. ’95 Melton earned his bachelor’s degree in religion from CSU and a master of divinity and a doctor of philosophy degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently is assistant professor of Christian Studies at North Greenville University and a full-time pastor at Heath Springs Baptist Church. Prior to teaching at NGU, he served as an adjunct professor at Anderson University and as a pastor in South Carolina, Kentucky and Indiana. He faithfully works in his community with area churches and has supported CSU as a member of the Board of Trustees and worked hard to establish endowed scholarships for students. Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Keith Faulkner ’98 Keith Faulkner currently is the dean of the School of Law at Liberty University. Prior to serving at Liberty, Faulkner gained valuable experience as the interim dean at the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law at Campbell and as dean of the LundyFetterman School of Business at Campbell. During his time at Liberty Law School, Liberty has ranked #7 in the country for bar passage (2018), enjoyed the highest bar passage and employment outcomes

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in school history, created and launched two new law clinics, an Intellectual Property Clinic and a Poverty Law Clinic in partnership with Virginia Legal Aid Society, been ranked the Most Devout Law School three years in a row, ranked two out of the last three years in top 16 Moot Court Programs nationally, ranked #4 nationally in Overall ABA Competitions Outcomes, ranked 5th in the World in Negotiations 2017, recognized as a Top 25 Law School for Producing Prosecutors and Public Defenders, and a Top 20 Law School for Practical Training, won five national and regional Moot Court Championships in 2017-2018, established the country’s first JD/CFP program recognized by the CFP Board, created the JD Wealth Management and Prosecution Advisory Boards, hosted Central Virginia’s first Pro Bono Legal Summit, and welcomed the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and Veteran’s Claims. Faulkner is a veteran of the United States Navy.

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2019 Alumni Award winners: President Dondi Costin accepting for Colonel Greg Woodbury, Keith Faulkner, Adam Kirtley, Frankie Melton, Charlie Smith accepting for Julian Smith, Andy Casson, David Weiss accepting for Lecius Moorer. Jazmin Gonzalez, a social and human sciences graduate from Philadelphia, Pa., and Anna Menendez, an English with writing emphasis and communication studies graduate from Tallahassee, Fla., receive Alumni mugs at the annual graduation luncheon. Photos by Richard Esposito

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SUCCESS By Jan Joslin


n recent years, the news media, politicians and educators have encouraged students to major in STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and math. News reports emphasize that’s where the jobs and the money are. But don’t be too quick to count the liberal arts out. Recent research is confirming what Charleston Southern alumni and current students have known all along. Fascinating new studies of the benefits of a liberal arts education are beginning to make the news. Take the “South Carolina Projected Job Openings by Job Skill Needed” report, released by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, Occupational Projections Program, 2016-2026, which lists the top skills currently needed in the workplace. Topping the list are: “active listening, speaking, reading comprehension, social perceptiveness, critical thinking and writing.” “All those skills are specifically taught in the required communication course at Charleston Southern,” said Dr. Dan Fultz, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. He points to the biggest problem people have when working with others – the inability to communicate. The liberal arts core required of all Charleston Southern graduates reinforces critical thinking, problem solving, speaking, listening and writing. George Anders, author of You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education, makes the case that liberal arts graduates have what it takes to make it in the job market. In a digital

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Dr. Scott Yarbrough

world where everyone is glued to their screens, knowing how to interact with others is crucial. Anders writes, “When the Association of American Colleges and Universities asked employers recently to list the most important skills college graduates should possess, strong speaking skills showed up at the very top.” The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s recently released report, “The Economic Benefits and Costs of a Liberal Arts Education,” points out the misconceptions about liberal arts graduates. Scott Jaschik’s article about the foundation’s report in Inside Higher Ed, said, “The study makes no claims that liberal arts grads outearn those in, say, engineering. But the report says the claims that a liberal

To understand the value of a liberal arts education, one must first understand the distinction between education and training. A trainee who undergoes training is trained to do one thing. A thorough education in the liberal arts, on the other hand, empowers students to be able to perform a multitude of tasks and to achieve the highest levels. It teaches them to think, to read critically, to reason, to be skeptical but not cynical, to be measured and thoughtful. Through exposure to the arts and humanities, through explorations in music and great works of literature, through thorough groundings in history and our faith, through examination of the natural sciences and mathematics, through study of our culture through the behavioral sciences, students create a foundation of solid principles upon which to explore, investigate and begin their professional careers. Scott D. Yarbrough, PhD Assistant VPAA for Compliance and Student Success

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arts degree isn’t worth its cost or will hurt a graduate’s career prospects prove untrue. Specifically, the report says attending a liberal arts college for most students leads to meaningful economic mobility.” “The Charleston Metro Talent Demand” report for 2017-2022 lists 12 occupations with the highest percentage of growth in the area. Of those 12 occupations, Charleston Southern University offers degree programs that directly relate to nine of them. Degrees such as computer science, cybersecurity, project management, nursing, physician assistant studies, human resource management, education, financial management, and in the creation process, engineering. Charleston Southern also makes a strong showing in degrees that correlate to the “Fastest Growing Occupations in South Carolina,” released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with degree programs in physician assistant studies, software developers and applications, mental health counselors, mathematicians, nursing

Bowe Butler ’05 Delivery Manager, Professional Services Benefitfocus Religion major/business administration minor Photo provided

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instructors and postsecondary teachers, and in the creation process, a physical therapy program. While many of these areas are STEM related, the CSU graduate possesses a strong grounding in the humanities through the Liberal Arts Core that all undergraduates complete. Employers are finding the skills needed to navigate today’s business world are lacking in many strictly STEM-trained graduates. Where are they turning to find those with the skill to articulate the big picture to engineers, computer technicians, etc.? They are turning to graduates trained in liberal arts. Stephen Slappey ’15, co-owner of Creative Consulting, said, “As a business owner, it is very important to hire not just qualified employees but ones that will have the right mindset and attitude for the job. After numerous rounds of hiring, there is one rule that we always abide by here at Creative Consulting. You can teach anyone the tricks of your trade. You can train someone to do exactly what you need them to do at their

job. What you can’t teach are soft skills and the drive and hunger to do their very best at what you need them to do. We have hired many employees from Charleston Southern, and without a doubt, each of their graduates, especially the ones that have gone through their internship program, have those two necessary skills in spades. I always start my hiring process with an email to Charleston Southern University.” Dr. Todd Ashby, dean of the CSU College of Science and Mathematics, is a STEM advocate, but he also advocates for training in the liberal arts. He said, “I strongly believe every student should be grounded in the liberal arts. That is, every student should be introduced to the greatest things said, written and done (as in the case of the sciences). In addition, the liberal arts education teaches a student to think critically, reason and find answers for themselves. These are perhaps the most important skills we can instill in a student and will prove invaluable to, among others, the scientist or mathematician.”

Bowe Butler spends his days at Benefitfocus making sure the client is happy. As a delivery manager, he is involved with account project management that is client facing. His background is in ministry, working with nonprofits and groups such as Campus Outreach. Most recently he worked at Summit Church in North Carolina. But he felt a tug to get back out in the marketplace, working with all kinds of people. One of his favorite things to do is invest in young believers.

I became a Christian in college and through discipleship I learned what makes people tick, what drives people. Tech skills are important, but if you don’t have people to bring the tech people together, you’re not successful.

Q. What are some of the skills you learned at CSU that have benefited you the most in your career? Marketing and business law are things I still remember and use. The most effective project managers are good at teamwork, working with people. They are problem solvers, strategic thinkers and minimize problems. A lot of these skills I learned playing football, where it’s your job to help someone else.

Q. What do you think are the contributors to your success? One of my advantages is I’ve had so much experience working with people, building and leading teams and pulling together strong minded people. I probably wouldn’t have gotten this job except for my background in helping pull together people who aren’t working well together. I am learning the tech things. It’s my job to make things work.


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CSU Grad New President of Walden University Walden University has named Dr. Ward Ulmer, a CSU alumnus, president. A 1996 CSU graduate with a business administration major and an English minor, Ulmer has served in several Walden leadership roles over the past seven years and brings more than 20 years of experience as a leader, practitioner, researcher and innovator in higher education.

“The Board was unanimous in its decision to name Dr. Ulmer president,” said Lee McGee, chair of the Walden University Board of Directors Governance Committee. “Dr. Ulmer is an outstanding leader who demonstrates his passion for Walden and the success of our students every day. He brings a unique blend of strong interprofessional academic credentials, outstanding operating experience and, most importantly, a powerful commitment to the university’s mission of serving working professional adults who share a passion for positive social change.” Throughout his tenure as Walden’s interim president, Ulmer was responsible for the strategic direction and vision of the university and overall day-to-day management, academic quality, financial performance, accreditation and governance. He previously served as Walden’s chief learning officer and vice president of college administration, associate dean in the College of Management and Technology and vice president of Walden’s Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership and CMT. “As we approach our 50th anniversary in 2020, I reflect on how much we’ve

accomplished to provide a variety of educational opportunities for working professionals and have enabled the Walden community to become positive social change agents in communities worldwide,” said Ulmer. “I’m looking forward to continuing this great work in helping to shape the future of our institution and ensuring the success of our students.” Ulmer has been instrumental in championing the use of cutting-edge technology in education, alternative learning options for working professionals and diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives. Prior to joining Walden, Ulmer held leadership positions in education and business, including serving as chief academic officer and chief information officer for Latimer Education and senior vice provost for Strayer University. Ulmer earned an MA in computer resources and information management from Webster University. As a working professional, he earned two doctorates, a PhD in higher education leadership from Clemson University and a PhD in applied management and decision sciences from Walden.

Jeff Christmas is currently a manager at Boeing South Carolina plant over the wiring team in Building 20 Cell 30. He has been an avionics technician for Boeing, and he is also a U.S. Army veteran. Q. What are some of the skills you learned at CSU that have benefited you the most?

Q. What do you think has been the biggest contributor to your success?

Dr. Ward Ulmer Photo provided

I really worked hard during that time in my life to complete my degree. I carried that hard work over to how I work every day in my life. My time in the Army also helped develop my skills and hard work into what I bring to work every day in my life.

I learned how to prioritize, work hard and do my best in everything that I do. Q. What faculty members impacted you?

Jeff Christmas ’02 Manager, Boeing South Carolina

Dr Amie Scheidegger and Dr Beth McConnell stayed on me and pushed me to do my best, and I thank them for it.

Criminal justice major/ psychology minor Photo provided

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Justin Ervin is currently assigned as a defense counsel, representing soldiers accused of violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, everything ranging from murder trials to simple AWOL cases. He earned a juris doctorate and a master of business administration from Wake Forest University. Q. What skills did you learn at CSU that have benefited you?

Justin Ervin ’11 Judge Advocate, United States Army Economics major/business administration minor Photo provided

Karriema Calhoun ’11 Senior Versatile Technologist Boeing South Carolina Master of Business Administration

Honestly, I learned how to study efficiently and how to prepare myself for big milestones. I studied for the bar examination in the same way that I studied for my regular tests at CSU, albeit much more intently. Q. What faculty members impacted you as an undergraduate?

Crawford, in particular, were wonderful professors and mentors. They cared about their students, and they had a passion for teaching. Professor Crawford had a big impact on me professionally. I am now doing what he used to do before he was a professor. Q. What is the biggest contributor to your success? My undergraduate degree is in economics. I learned a lot about thinking outside of the box, which is a helpful skill for anyone. I think economics also helps you to analyze data and evidence in a way that many aspiring lawyers might find beneficial. I think the biggest contributor to my success is the group of people with which I surrounded myself in college, law school and beyond.

There were many. Dr. Arnold Hite, Dr. David Houghton and Professor Mark

Karriema Calhoun is a senior versatile technologist working in information technology at Boeing. Her primary responsibilities include looking for opportunities to save money and drive reduction in various IT services and functions, as well as developing communication messages and marketing campaigns to spread awareness of these opportunities and how employees can contribute to success of these initiatives. She puts her CSU MBA to good use in this role as she analyzes and evaluates IT to identify improvements to business operations.

training, etc.). Prioritization is something that I had to learn quickly after beginning the MBA program. Not only did I have coursework, but I also had my full-time job and other commitments outside of school and work. I found myself setting a schedule each week and being disciplined to stick to it to ensure I was fulfilling necessary commitments and staying focused on my goals.

Q. What are the skills you learned at CSU that have benefited you the most?

Yes, it has had its advantages. Currently, I work as an IT professional, but my dayto-day is focused around communication, writing, relationship building, etc. For communication (writing and editing), having a liberal arts background surely assists in those areas.

Goal setting, prioritization and overall career/professional development.The decision to pursue a graduate degree is a step in the right direction toward career and professional development. While at CSU, I had the opportunity to set goals that I wanted to accomplish, along with the timeline I wanted to accomplish them in. I’ve applied that same logic with other career and professional goals (e.g., going after specific jobs, promotions, certifications/

Q. Do you feel having a liberal arts core background has given you advantages in your career?

Q. What has contributed to your success? Mindset, attitude, communication, relationship building and openness to change have contributed most to my success within my career.

Photo by Aneris Photography

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Hope Harrison Avery is an HR director with a nonprofit agency providing services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. She uses her sociology degree every day in not only recruiting but in developing staff. She considers herself a servant leader who sees the value in empowering staff to do their best. Q. What skills did you learn at CSU that have benefited you the most?

Hope Harrison Avery ’88 Human Resources Director Sociology major/business administration minor Photo provided

How to get along with others. To have faith that everything WILL work out. Ms. Dolores Jones’ Etiquette Class during Interterm has been invaluable to me on more occasions than I can remember. Q. Do you feel having a liberal arts core background has given you advantages in your career? I feel more well-rounded because of my liberal arts background. I am able to adapt to situations more easily because I have a general knowledge of many different things.

FUN FACTS • “Too many students (and their parents) think of college as the place that will grant them the degree they need to work at X job. The problem is, X job might not exist 10 or 20 years from now. Or X job might be transformed into something else, something that requires critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills.” When that happens, and it happens all the time, humanities majors find that their degrees were good investments after all – and that they are employable anywhere in the economy where there is thinking to be done.” -Michael Bérubé, “My View: What will you do with an English degree? Plenty” for CNN

“And in nearly a third of the most successful start-ups, you will find liberal arts graduates are part of the founding team.” -George Anders

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Q. Tell us about the faculty members who impacted you as an undergraduate? There are so many that impacted me, but two of my favorites were Ms. Katherine Huger (economics) and Dr. Graham Tomlinson (sociology). Both of them taught me to use my critical thinking skills and ask questions to fully understand things, not just accept them. I understand that I don’t always have to agree with everything but respect that others have the right to see things different than I do. Q. What do you think contributed to your success? I think my major set me on the right path, but it wasn’t until I decided to further my education with a master’s in human resource development that I felt I was truly in my element to be successful. I am a people person, and I first started really learning about people at CSU.

“Practical disciplines can prepare people for next month’s work; the humanities are meant to prepare us for eternity.” -George Anders • “From their first career to the third, liberal arts graduates often transition into highskill, high-demand careers in marketing, advertising, public relations, management and human resources.” -Emma Whitford, “New report shows colleges how to bridge the gap between the liberal arts and the work force,” for Inside Higher Ed

• “Take a look at the skills employers say they’re after. LinkedIn’s research on the most sought-after job skills by employers for 2019 found that the three most-wanted ‘soft skills’ were creativity, persuasion and collaboration, while one of the five top ‘hard skills’ was people management.” -Amanda Ruggeri, “Why ‘worthless’ humanities degrees may set you up for life,” for BBC.com

• “Practically every organization is wrestling with the information age’s awkward disparity: too much data, not enough clarity.” -George Anders, You Can Do Anything, The Surprising Power of a ‘Useless’ Liberal Arts Education

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ntwione McKinney earned his MBA with a management information systems emphasis in 2018. He’s grateful for the opportunity, but nothing about earning his master’s degree was easy. McKinney has worked in the IT field for nearly two decades and currently is the director of technology for a private academy in the Mount Pleasant area. He and his wife have two children, a son, 11, and a daughter, 15. The McKinneys are a tightknit family and love hitting the county parks and area beaches or just relaxing at home with a movie. Avid travelers, they love taking road trips. Learning Leadership & Service Completing my master’s degree has allowed me to get a deeper understanding of how businesses operate, accounting and corporate finance principals, and how Christ fits into the center of it all. Applying a Christ-centered focus to existing and emerging business practices has been a transformative experience. Completing my master’s at CSU provided me with a better understanding of not only what it means to lead, but equally what it means to serve. It was Robert K. Greenleaf who coined the phrase “Servant Leadership.” Christ is the perfect embodiment of Servant Leadership. In Luke Chapter 22, verse 27, Jesus states, “For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one

who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.” Overcoming Obstacles One of the biggest obstacles was completing my degree while caring for my daughter, who was diagnosed with a serious medical condition during my second semester at CSU. This involved multiple tests, inpatient stays, and frequent trips to the New England area for her on-going treatment. Trying to juggle family, a full-time job, being a fulltime student, and now dealing with this unexpected series of events involving my daughter was very taxing. There were oftentimes I felt like I couldn’t continue my studies. Other times I wanted to quit. The remedy was prayer. I prayed every day and often, asking God to grant me the strength to continue to provide for my family, be there for my daughter, and (if it is in His will) allow me to continue my studies. I leaned on God daily, and, only through His Grace was I able to finish my studies. The compassion and vested interest of the amazing faculty and administrative body at CSU and the School of Business in my success was a major contributing factor to my ongoing success. They care deeply for each and every CSU student and are just as invested in your personal enrichment as your academic achievement. My advice: You got this. Take it one semester at a time, or one course at a time if needed.

“My advice: You got this. Take it one semester at a time, or one course at a time if needed.” – Antwione McKinney

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Maintaining Work/Life Balance It certainly wasn’t a walk in the park. Sometimes, if working on a major assignment or preparing for a test, I had to sacrifice a weekend with my family in order to complete the assignment. You will find late nights and early mornings as your constant companion. However, always remember that if you stay the course, the light at the end of the tunnel is much closer than it seems. It is also very important to have a family that supports you and is willing to sacrifice quality time to ensure your success.

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UNVEILED By Seth Montgomery


harleston Southern Athletics introduced a new branding framework in the spring that set the visual direction of the department for the future. This innovative athletic identity pays tribute to Charleston Southern’s past while keeping a consistent look for the future through logos, colors and lettering. “While the Cutlass serves as our primary logo, I believe it’s important to have more than one look in order to maximize our brand,” Athletic Director Jeff Barber said. “We plan to use the new one in a variety of ways that will be a great addition to the Buccaneer experience.” The creation of the new logo has been almost a yearlong process dating back to discussions that started over the summer of 2018 with the first two variations of the logos arriving in September. The athletics staff, led by Barber, Assistant AD for Marketing Anna McSwain, and Associate AD for Development/Tickets

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Tyler Davis, worked with CSU Graphic Designer Tyler Stokes on the project to create the Buccaneers’ new visual identity. “As an alum, I am proud to be able to present an updated look to Bucky, while staying consistent in the university’s branding and vision for the future,” McSwain said. The logo development process included input from multiple designers, coaches and marketing staffs, as well as several former Disney animation executives to reflect a description of the CSU Buccaneer found in the historical archives of the school. Described as a gentleman’s buccaneer, the new logo features both a feather and a bandanna, which makes it unique in the country as most iterations feature one element or the other. Barber said, “It’s exciting that our students, alumni and fans will have additional options in supporting our Buccaneers.”

THE MAKING OF AN ATHLETIC LOGO Graphic Designer Tyler Stokes shares some of his thoughts about updating the CSU Bucky logo. Q. Is this your first athletic logo design? I’ve designed a number of logos, but this is my first one in the field of athletics. Q. How did this project differ from the things you usually design? Not as much as you might think. The approach was a little different, since Bucky has been an established character since the late ’60s. He had a lot of different variations over the years, so there was a lot of history to consider. He needed to remain familiar but have a fresh look at the same time. Q. What was your favorite part of the project? Though at its core, the design is a logo, there was an element of illustration to it, and I always have fun with that. I’ve enjoyed drawing characters and creating stories with them ever since I was very young. Q. What was it like getting feedback from Disney designers? A surprise mostly. I had no idea that my work would be sent to Disney. Especially the same artists who animated some of the movies I grew up with. Those guys are a big reason I do what I do today. It was a tremendous honor to work with them, and I’m very grateful for their help.

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JOHNSON AND KEENER NAMED TO FORTY UNDER 40 LIST Photos by Charleston Regional Business Journal


he Charleston Regional Business Journal recently named two Charleston Southern employees to the 2019 class of Forty Under 40. Honorees were nominated by individuals and businesses. The CRBJ said, “The annual awards recognize the success and community involvement of 40 professionals

under age 40 who are making their mark on the region from a mix of industry, professional and community sectors.” Jenna Johnson is assistant director of integrated marketing in the office of marketing and communication, and Cady Nell Keener is assistant vice president for development and special gifts in the office of development. Johnson and Keener both juggle demanding careers, families and volunteer work in the community.

“My proudest accomplishment is being a mom and watching my kids develop into amazing little humans.” – Jenna Johnson

JENNA JOHNSON Johnson earned a bachelor of arts in political science and journalism from Clemson University in 2009. She is currently enrolled in CSU’s master of business administration program. She is cofounder of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Charleston and was featured in the 2016 listing of 20 to Know in North Charleston. What made you select your chosen profession? When I was a little girl and my friends pretended to be a vet, a teacher, or an astronaut—all notable professions, I may add—I dreamed of being the first female president. As I grew older, I decided that public relations was a close second. I enjoy connecting people to stories that inform, influence and entertain. What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment is being a mom and watching my kids develop into amazing little humans. It’s by far the hardest and most rewarding job I could ever have in life. Professionally, my proudest moment was the day of a rebrand reveal for the 125-yearold nonprofit, Origin SC. It was the hardest and most rewarding project I have had the privilege of working on yet in my career. Ask me in another year, though. A current project at Charleston Southern is certainly making its way to the top. Branding work is not for the faint of heart, but it’s fulfilling. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? This goes back to my days as a student at Clemson. Something we heard constantly on campus, whether at games or in the classroom, was to give 110 percent in everything that we do. My life is a mist in the history of humankind. God didn’t call me to waste my time; He called me to live my life with purpose. I intend to do just that – and at 110 percent.

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How do you feel rewarded by your community service? My entire life has revolved around serving the community in some way. I’m a PK (pastor’s kid) and grew up in the church. My parents instilled in me a deep devotion to carrying out the teachings of Jesus – to love my neighbor, to help widows and orphans, and to give back in every way possible. At the end of the day, knowing at least one life could have been changed for the better because of some small act of kindness – through volunteer work, funds raised or words spoken – makes life worth living. Any advice for the next generation? The world can and will turn without you. Stay humble, be grateful and give grace as God has given to you. Live with purpose. And live every day trying to make the world a bit better than it was the day before. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? My husband, Josh, is my biggest supporter, and I am proud of all that he has accomplished at such a young age. He’s the smartest and hardest working person I know. I consider it an honor to be his partner in life, both as his wife and best friend.

the role of executive director of external relations at CSU, working in resource development with Dr. Jairy Hunter Jr., former president of CSU. During the past year, I have been serving as the assistant vice president for development & special gifts. I have continued to grow in my profession and have enjoyed the field of higher education for the past seven years. What is your proudest accomplishment? My proudest personal accomplishment is marrying the love of my life, David. My proudest professional accomplishment is earning my MBA and securing a leadership position at CSU.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us? Remember that the most important aspects of life are faith, family and friends. Throughout major moments and decisions in life, the biblical verse, Jeremiah 29:11, has provided guidance and encouragement to me “… the Lord plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

“I find joy in giving back and sharing my God-given talents to make a positive impact

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

on others.”

The best advice I’ve been given is to live a life of integrity. Integrity is what you do when no one is watching. Always do the right thing, even if it is to your disadvantage. Do not compromise your beliefs, core values and principles.

– Cady Nell Keener

How do you feel rewarded by your community service? I find joy in giving back and sharing my God-given talents to make a positive impact on others. Any advice for the next generation?

CADY NELL KEENER Keener graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2009 with a bachelor of science in business administration in marketing and management and received her MBA in 2015 from CSU with an emphasis in leadership. She is copresident of Ellevate Network, and a member of Toastmaster International, the Summerville Junior Service League and the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce.

Always practice good leadership principles, including integrity, humility, responsibility and being pleasingly persistent.

What made you select your chosen profession? I have always been interested in teaching, learning and serving. I accepted a sales position with IMIC Hotels upon graduation from college. Three years later, I assumed

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The President’s Favorites

efore spring semester ended, Anna Menendez ’19 and Sarah Parris ’20, communication studies interns in the CSU office of marketing & communication, spent a day with President Dondi Costin. Costin takes his busy schedule in stride and said, “There’s nothing I don’t like. The challenge is what makes it fun to tell you the truth, so nothing really is that overly challenging.” Here’s a glimpse into their day.

Anna: On the short walk from Jones Hall to the Whitfield Center, Dr. Costin took the time to greet every single student he passed. The individualized rapport that he showcased with all the students was amazing to watch. He took the time to shake everyone’s hand and inquire about their well-being, and it was done with genuine care. As soon as we got to the Women’s History Luncheon, Dr. Costin spoke kindly with everyone. Dr. Costin regards his favorite part of the presidency as any time he gets to make relationships with the students. “Hanging out with students is always the best part.”

A President’s Schedule Anna: When I stepped into the President’s Office, I had no idea what this shadowing opportunity would entail. Dr. Costin met me with an energetic handshake and a demeanor that permeated excitement to begin the day. We walked into his office, a grand room decorated with his several diplomas, impressive awards and accolades, commemorations of his time in the Air Force, and sat down at his conference table to discuss the enormity of his weekly schedules. The office printed a few copies of these schedules from the past few weeks, and the amount of items that were listed was absolutely overwhelming. Every day presented a different set of agenda items, often overlapping each other, leaving me to wonder how on earth Dr. Costin has time to relax. In the very short half hour we had, Dr. Costin covered what his most recent week looked like, detailing the hours of his days as somewhere between 5:30 in the morning to about 11 in the evening. The days were absolutely saturated with such a wide variety, spanning between endless meetings, various luncheons, multiple presentations and ceremonies, fairs, calls and conferences. As Dr. Costin discussed these matters, he spoke with such admirable equanimity and a relaxing tone as to ease any frustrations. Dr. Costin never appeared flustered or stressed.

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Dr. Dondi Costin and Anna Menendez

The day was packed with events. We seemed to bounce from one place to the next without a discernible break. While I felt flustered at moments, Dr. Costin remained both calm and cheery with an optimism that radiated every room. We went from the early luncheon that lasted roughly two hours, directly back to the office for a phone conference that was immediately followed by a discussion between other administrative officers, both lasting about two hours. Following that meeting, we went to another ceremony to celebrate the tenure and promotions of professors. Sarah: Dr. Costin redefines what it means to be busy. His schedule ranges from board meetings, to speaking at events, to interviews all the way down to luncheons. “There’s never a dull moment. As president, I get to touch a little bit of everything,” said Costin. Every week is different for Dr. Costin, but the wide range of responsibilities allows him to connect with a plethora of individuals and have a far-reaching impact on the CSU campus and surrounding community.

Sarah: “My favorite part of being president at Charleston Southern University is anytime I get to be with students,” said Dr. Costin. Dr. Costin is highly decorated with many accolades ranging from military to academia, however that is not the primary reason students at CSU resonate so deeply with him. His intentionality with every person he comes in contact with shocks people. But every time he approaches a staff member or student, they light up. Dr. Costin doesn’t just make appearances on campus; he genuinely spends time getting to know the people. He and his wife, Vickey, eat lunch in the cafeteria with students whenever they are on campus. Unique to CSU is the ability to be a student who gets to know the president on a personal level. Dr. Costin is not only very skilled at remembering names of the students he meets but also he makes every effort to truly get to know the students.

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Anna Menendez and Sarah Parris also produced a video about their shadowing experience. See the link below to watch.

From the Pentagon to CSU Anna: Between the scheduled events, Dr. Costin and I had a few moments to speak about his transition from Air Force life to the life of CSU’s president. It was almost impeccable. Everything that the Air Force equipped Dr. Costin for is everything he undergoes as a university president. Noting that the Air Force prepares people for leadership challenges, Dr. Costin spoke very highly of his time in the Air Force where he learned about personal leadership, interpersonal leadership and organizational leadership. “I went from one really busy job to another,” he says. “And that’s what makes it fun – there is never a dull moment.” Sarah: Dr. Costin transitioned from the military life to president of CSU in a rapid movement, lasting only around 10 days. But when discussing what he loved about his time in the military and now his time as the CSU president, there were many similarities.

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“I served for 36 years because I was part of a group committed to a cause greater than all of us, and we did it together. And the same thing is attractive about being the president here. I work with passionate people who have a clear mission that is life changing. The biggest difference is the focus on the gospel.” A Man of the Students Anna: The entire time I was shadowing, Dr. Costin was incredibly welcoming and accommodating. He spoke to me as a peer and friend. I was treated as an equal and was granted the privilege to sit in on confidential meetings with administration. It truly was an honor to experience firsthand the busyness of ONE day in the life of our university president who still finds a way to be both approachable and relatable to everyone who encounters him.

Dr. Costin, who has every right to walk around superiorly, is a man of the students. He walks beside his students, faculty and administration with an open ear, a welcoming demeanor and unmistakable care. Sarah: Dr. Costin has already brought about many changes on campus, but he stands out so distinctly to the student body because of how much he cares. His passion is evident, and his love for Jesus and the CSU community is unforgettable.

Bonus Video: To learn more about Sarah and Anna’s day with Dr. Costin, watch their video at youtu.be/ AnAd7q4EMr0.

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relationship that has spanned the last three decades, Charleston Southern and the S.C. Sports Medicine team continue to work hand in hand to help support the health and well-being of over 310 CSU student-athletes. The relationship was fostered more than 30 years ago when the founding physicians at SCSM reached out to then Head Athletic Trainer Al Hawkins about helping take care of the student-athletes at then Baptist College. “About 30 years ago, the doctors were very intentional about building a relationship with Baptist College (eventually Charleston Southern) Athletics,” Assistant AD for Medical Services Brad Drake said. “They wanted to get involved, not just because we’re in a great location, but also because they genuinely wanted to invest in our community.” This effort of the S.C. Sports Medicine team to invest in Charleston Southern athletics has come through in a big way over the years. Their staff is especially proud of the way CSU athletes have gone forward to impact their communities.

“S.C. Sports Medicine exemplifies passion for their profession. They serve our student-athletes and always go above and beyond for our athletic department.” – Tyler Davis

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“Taking care of the students has been most gratifying,” founder of S.C. Sports Medicine, Dr. Joe Calandra, said. “Observing them mature into outstanding young men and women who go on to contribute and make positive impacts in our community is quite exciting.” Dr. Chris Kestner said, “Taking care of any patient is rewarding, but helping the athletes at CSU recover from injuries gives a particularly unique satisfaction. These young athletes are very driven, team-oriented, respectful and appreciative. You can’t help but feel like an integral part of a very special team when working with CSU.” The closeness and proximity between the two organizations has been key to their development over the last 30 years. It has taken on an education aspect, as well as evolved into both sides looking to share with the community. “As physicians, we care about the entire student, their education, and their future, as well as their immediate injury,” Calandra said. “We would like to be known as educators for the students and the Athletic Trainers.” “Both CSU and SCSM have grown and developed together,” Kestner added. “It’s gone beyond simple sport coverage to athletic trainer education and research. Our shared legacy would be to continue to grow together, advance and serve the community.” From Charleston Southern’s side, Drake and Associate AD for Development/Tickets, Tyler Davis, have also seen the development grow between the doctors and the CSU athletic department. “It is difficult to sum up what the relationship with South Carolina Sports Medicine means to me,” Drake said. “They have poured into our athletic department and specifically our Athletic Training department time and time again since their inception. For me personally, they are always there to lend advice and

direction. They have helped us shape policies and procedures, develop strategies for care and mentor the AT staff.” “S.C. Sports Medicine exemplifies passion for their profession,” Davis added. They serve our student-athletes and always go above and beyond for our athletic department. Not only do they invest their time and talents, they invest their financial resources to build facilities and give back through the Buc Club. We are grateful for their support and dedication to Charleston Southern University and our athletics program. We could not do it without them!” In addition to their work with the student-athletes and athletic trainers on a consistent basis, the doctors have also found a way to impact the athletic department as a whole. In honor of his father, Calandra established an annual scholarship given to an athletic training student with the highest GPA. And S.C. Sports Medicine has helped with the development of the new athletic training facility. Additionally, multiple physicians have donated to the Buccaneer Club and have gone above and beyond when they notice areas where they can help. “One day Dr. (James) Dalton noticed that our dance team did not have jackets to wear during football season,” Davis said. “He walked into the office the next day and asked how much it would take to outfit the team. Given the price, he passed his credit card, and also made the comment that he wanted to give an annual contribution for the next five years to the athletic department.” Drake spoke to the generosity as the doctors have continually helped provide a number of services for the athletic department. “The physicians at SCSM are beyond generous,” Drake said. “Their gifts allowed us to equip the AT Center’s Athletic Training

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Athletic Trainers work a football game. Photo by CSU sports information

Clinic in 2012 as well as the Singleton Baseball Complex last year. These gifts allow my staff and me the ability to provide a higher quality care for our student-athletes.” For the physicians though, the gifts were not as important as the impact they made at CSU. “We want to not only help the Athletic Trainers and athletes in this moment but also foster an environment that helps them see the value in life-long learning and continued improvement,” Kestner said. “They can share these lessons and values to their peers as well.” Dr. John Hulvey added, “CSU studentathletes are like family to SCSM. We’ve fostered close ties with the Athletic Training staff and administration. I’m in contact with the ATs on a daily basis; many of the administrators and their family are patients in the practice, and are comfortable calling with any questions and concerns.” “The relationship we have established goes beyond the student-athletes and the

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Athletic Trainers,” Calandra commented. “It spans to the faculty and administration as well. We have conducted clinical research, given education courses and participated in educational opportunities put on by the ATs.” Continuing the partnership between CSU and SCSM is important for all parties as continued development and research comes out about treatments and aiding studentathletes in the future. “I think there are great opportunities for further collaborative research between athletes, ATs and the physicians,” Kestner said. “Preventive safety of and whole body wellness and nutrition will play an increasing role in the success and performance of student-athletes and will likely be a large focus of Sports Medicine.” Looking back at the past and looking ahead to the future, one thing has not changed. The mission and relationship on both sides has made a meaningful impact in all ways. “When I first started as the team physician at CSU (then Baptist College),” Calandra

said. “I was very impressed by the students and their demeanor. They were respectful, fun and caring human beings. This trend has carried on throughout the years. Many times I have said, ‘I hope my children would grow to be caring, respectful, and attend a university similar to CSU.’” Dr. Gary Windler agreed, “Treating athletes of all ages and abilities is a passion at South Carolina Sports Medicine. However, the very positive impact that we have seen CSU sports make on the lives of so many of the student-athletes makes our role as team physicians for the university especially rewarding.” From CSU’s side, Athletic Director Jeff Barber could not agree more. “One of the most critical components of a successful athletics program is the relationship the department has with its team of doctors,” Barber said. “We are very blessed to work with S.C. Sports Medicine and are extremely grateful for their great work.”

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THANK YOU The original Transform Campaign goal was $40 million. YOU surpassed that goal in a big way, contributing $56.85 million between June 1, 2011, and December 31, 2018, to strategic campus priorities. Your generous contributions make it possible for countless students to achieve their dream of a Christian higher education. Your generosity also enabled the completion of seven capital projects – which will enhance the education and learning environment of our students for years.

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Transform Campaign Breakdown



million – student scholarships



million – athletics

6.550 million – Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership


3.741 million – academic enhancement




million – nursing & health sciences

Transform Campaign by The Numbers

18,252 4,833 students impacted by scholarships

donors to Transform Campaign


scholarships awarded to S.C. Baptist students

4,295 new donors 40+ endowments established


buildings added/ expanded

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BUILDINGS FUNDED AS PART OF THE TRANSFORM CAMPAIGN 1. Singleton Baseball Complex 2018 The Singleton Baseball Complex is home to Buccaneer Baseball and commemorates the life and legacy of Sharonda ColemanSingleton, mother of former CSU outfielder and Chicago Cubs’ farmhand Chris Singleton. Coleman-Singleton was a constant and vocal presence at Buccaneer Field before losing her life, along with eight others, in the Emanuel AME Church shooting. The Memorial Plaza, containing nine palmetto trees, pays tribute to the victims. The 3,500-square-foot two-story building features a locker room, training room and the Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Enrichment Center, where baseball players can study to prepare for life after CSU. 2. Health Science Building 2018 The Health Science Building meets the university’s need for a building devoted to health care and the life sciences by adding new classroom space, specialized labs and medical training facilities. Designed to house our Physician Assistant program and leverage the latest medical education technologies, it provides the facilities essential to prepare the healthcare professionals needed by communities in a rapidly growing region. Complementing the newly expanded College of Nursing, the Health Science Building is designed for additional build-out to meet future needs as well to comprise a true medical training complex on the Charleston Southern campus. 3. Athletic Performance Center 2017 A huge part of building championshiplevel programs is strength and conditioning, and the Athletic Performance Center

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provides a high-level training environment for CSU athletes. The 8,000-square-foot facility features a 5,000-square-foot weight room outfitted with the latest in Sorinex technology. A nutrition bar gives athletes the fuel they need to improve in-season and out. A 3,000-square-foot meeting space, along with breakout meeting rooms, provides football an ideal spot to meet as a team, as well as to welcome prospective recruits. 4. Jairy C. and Carolyn K. Hunter Center 2014 In June 2014, CSU dedicated the expansion of the Hunter Center to Carolyn K. “Sissy” Hunter and renamed the entire building the Jairy C. and Carolyn K. Hunter Center. The naming of the 5,400-squarefoot expansion recognizes Dr. and Mrs. Hunter’s 34 years of servant leadership. The expanded facility provides better service to current and prospective students and is a central location for many student services including undergraduate and graduate admissions, enrollment operations, financial aid, the registrar’s office, student accounts, student employment and veterans services. 5. Nursing Building 2013 The building expansion of the College of Nursing has enabled us to triple enrollment in our nursing program. Nursing now admits 120 new students per year. The nursing program boasts the highest 10-year pass rate of all accredited BSN programs in South Carolina on the national NCLEX licensure exam (94%). 100% of our BSN graduates are employed within a year, and more than 90% of our graduates remain in the Lowcountry of S.C., serving communities in critical need.

6. Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership 2013 Dedicated in September 2013, the Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership anchors the academic heart of the campus. The 26,500-square-foot facility is comprised of the Drew Conference Center, lecture halls, classrooms and faculty offices. The center is focused on developing Christian men and women who will lead our businesses, government, education, media, arts and entertainment, churches and families from the foundation of a distinctively biblical worldview. The WCCL has allowed CSU a unique facility to equip leaders of Christian character to integrate their faith into every area of life and culture, including reaching into the marketplace locally and globally to engage and challenge men and women to live out their calling as ambassadors for Christ. The WCCL is a hub for events, and thousands of friends who have never been to campus have been introduced to CSU through a wide variety of programs within the Drew Conference Center. 7. Buccaneer Athletic Center 2012 Since opening in the summer of 2012, the Buccaneer Athletic Center has served as home to the Football and Track & Field programs. The building houses state-of-theart locker rooms as well as expanded athletic training facilities. In the hallway, great moments in the respective histories of each program are depicted, instilling a sense of tradition in each student-athlete who passes through CSU.

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he legacy of the Johnny Ward family includes five Charleston Southern graduates, years of service and multiple students impacted by the five endowed scholarships funded by the Wards. Ward, the retired founder of W&W Truck & Tractor, Inc. of Moncks Corner, wasn’t involved with CSU until his two daughters attended. Then president, Dr. Jairy Hunter, talked with Ward about joining the newly formed Board of Visitors program. Ward did join, and in 1991 he was named to the Board of Trustees. He is currently serving in his fifth term on the BOT, his 23rd year of service as a trustee.

Ward’s wife, Sandra, has been an active member of the CSU Women’s Council for the last 25 years. The Women’s Council raises funds for scholarships and has worked to beautify the campus grounds. Sandra and fellow council member, Peggy Sineath, helped plant the oaks on Buc Club Boulevard that were donated by the Women’s Council. Ward said the students are the perfect example of why he continues to give to CSU. He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive. Are you having a bad day? Take your mind off yourself and go do something for someone else.” His giving has

also included contributing the money for CSU students to build Habitat for Humanity houses. President Dondi E. Costin said, “God gives all sorts of people talents and resources. Not everyone is generous like the Ward family. Their contributions demonstrate how we have been called to lay up treasures in heaven.” Ward said, “CSU has been good to us; we have met some wonderful people.” He said the Board of Trustees are some of the finest people you will ever come across. “You work hard when you are on the Board, but you get more out of it than you put in. One thing about the Charleston Southern Board is we all agree to disagree without hard feelings. I learned a lot about business ethics through serving as a trustee,” he said. Ward Family Connections: • Johnny Ward, Board of Visitors, Board of Trustees, Buc Club Board of Directors, Legacy Society, lifetime member of President’s Club, Honorary Dr. of Public Service, 2009 • Sandra Ward, Women’s Council, Legacy Society, lifetime member of President’s Club, Distinguished Service Award, 2006 • Robin Ward Nichols, 1991 graduate • Terri Ward Austin, 1991 graduate • Matthew Ward, 2008 graduate • Morgan Brinson Fann, 2008 graduate • Contessa “Tessa” Ward Peterson, 2018 graduate Scholarships: • Ward Family Endowed Scholarship • Sandra B. Ward Endowed Scholarship • First Baptist Church Moncks Corner Endowed Scholarship • Terri T. Austin Endowed Scholarship • Robin Ward Nichols Endowed Scholarship

Tessa Ward Peterson, Robin Ward Nichols, Matthew Ward, Johnny Ward, Sandra Ward, Terri Ward Austin and Morgan Brinson Fann. Photo by Cady Nell Keener

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SU’s new residence hall, known informally as The Suites, opened March 1 for students. The hall offers unique amenities such as a community kitchen, personal study areas within the building and an added level of privacy. “My favorite difference is the exclusivity of the new dorms,” said Abby Keller, a sophomore. “I feel like I am living in an apartment with close friends and there is a lot more space to enjoy without some kind of storage being in the way.” The Suites feature more of an apartment style set up with two personal rooms, a common area and bathroom. Students need to have fobs to access every level of the

building which gives it a removed feeling while still being on campus. Savannah Fairchild, a sophomore, said that she enjoys, “the kitchen, no cinderblock walls, the loftable beds and updated showers.” “I’ve greatly enjoyed living in the new dorm thus far, and it is a tremendous improvement,” said Hunter Wilson, a sophomore. “I will most definitely live here in the future as long as I am able to do so. For the amount of space the new dorms have and how clean it is, I feel that it is most definitely worth the extra money.” Reflective of the growth CSU is experiencing, The Suites is the first residence hall to be built in more than three decades.

President Costin speaks at dedication. Photo by Richard Esposito

YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE GRIEVES WILL TURN UP By Jan Joslin /Photos by Richard Esposito


r. Justin Grieves, associate professor of mathematics, likes to have fun. Outside the classroom, he has found a unique avenue for fun – dressing as a mascot. Grieves has been Chas the Crab at Charleston’s STEM Festival, Bucky at CSU football games, and Chelsea the Riverdog at the local minor league ballpark. Despite the very hot and sweaty conditions, Grieves said it is surprising how much happiness one can bring to people while dressed up in a big suit. He also finds it amazing what he is able to get away with. “As Chelsea the Riverdog, I grabbed the hand of our new president and licked it,” said Grieves. Grieves had not met the new president, but wanted to make a memorable mark. Grieves said being a mascot is about taking your talents and bringing joy to other people. He said, “It is a visualization of the joy I have as a Christian. As a professor, I try to bring that same joy to students.” Grieves likes to have fun with students. Recently, he was one of the faculty members who received pies in the face for $2 a pie

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on Pi Day. “We raised a lot of money for the computer science club,” said Grieves. “There is a special relationship that exists because it is a Christian campus.” Grieves isn’t all fun and games. His

specialty is probability – the structure behind randomness. Because all faculty members are professing Christians, students get real relationships. He said, “As a faculty and a student body, we are knit together in love. Iron sharpens iron. When I lead students in research, we get to know each other on a personal level.” He said, “Mathematics and God go together like you can’t imagine. Our program is one of the most rigorous in this area or even in the country. Graduates impress everyone they come across.” Grieves said he became a Christian when he was younger, but during his college years he let his faith slip. When he and his wife were expecting their first child, Grieves said, “Something sparked in my mind – fatherly love was sparked by the Father.” Not one to stay serious for long, he confesses he lost all naming rights for future children after naming their first child Mathew – with one t, so it would have math in the name.

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usic therapy students from Charleston Southern University complete internships in local organizations focused on helping the hurting such as Doors to Freedom, My Sister’s House and the Coastal Regional Evaluation Center. The Doors to Freedom safe home, located in the Lowcountry, provides a place for female victims of sex trafficking between 12 and 20 years of age. The students from CSU integrate music therapy into the survivors’ recovery process. Alisa Ljungquist, a senior music therapy major, has partnered with Doors to Freedom. Music therapy has many definitions, but to Ljungquist it is, “the use of skillful musical interventions and clinical based research that aids in meeting an individual’s needs in areas such as cognitive functioning, physical strength, mental health, spiritual health, emotional health and socialization.” April Brien, who oversees music therapy internships such as this one, said, “Music

therapy is effective in places like Doors to Freedom because it fosters a powerful three-fold alliance between the therapist, the clients and the music. This essential alliance contributes to a sense of safety and belonging which is important in building a foundation for healing.” “These girls are survivors, warriors, and have such an amazing testimony that I’m so humbled to be a part of,” said Ljungquist. She is an advocate against sex trafficking and believes every woman should be empowered and free. Music therapy is a widely practiced field that engages the entirety of the brain and has been found to be very helpful in the counseling and healing process. The process releases hormones such as dopamine and prolactin that help the brain process and make connections. “I’ve seen it break down barriers, restore hope, provide an outlet of expression and bring such joy in a way that’s almost impossible to put into words,” said Ljungquist.

“These girls are survivors, warriors, and have such an amazing testimony that I’m so humbled to be a part of.” – Alisa Ljungquist

CSU students like Ljungquist get the opportunity to provide tailored interventions with their clients to provide growth for the individual. Some interventions they practice are relaxation techniques, lyric analysis and self-expression through writing songs. “Clinical students are able to offer approximately nine group sessions per semester at Doors to Freedom during their third or fourth year in their academic training. Clinical interns spend six to eight months in a full-time capacity at Doors to Freedom after their academic curriculum is complete and before obtaining their music therapy degree,” said Brien. Music therapy interns see clients become more aware of their triggers, equip them with coping strategies and help them learn how to communicate in a healthy manner. For individuals who have been through extreme trauma such as the girls at Doors to Freedom, music therapy along with other interventions greatly provide healing. “Results are often profound. Adolescent females who have endured such traumatic experiences as sex trafficking are often fearful and nontrusting of adult authority figures… Survivors in music therapy groups often learn to identify feelings, to safely express them, as well as valuable coping skills and healthy new leisure activities,” said Brien. “The girls have experienced such trauma that they do not know how to fully express their feelings into words. Music therapy can be viewed as a backdoor approach where clients may see the therapy as fun, meanwhile meeting goals and making clinical progress,” said Ljungquist. CSU’s music therapy program is one of only two programs offered in the state of South Carolina and is the oldest program. Learn more at charlestonsouthern.edu/ music/programs/index.php.

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e would be lost without interns,” said Jon Davis, teaching pastor at Summit Church. “They are more than viable; they are crucial. Not only do they bring relevant and fresh ideas but also they have a passion and desire that uplifts the whole congregation.” Countless Charleston Southern University students are interning in local churches and impacting not only the younger generation but the churches as a whole. While every church requires different things from the student leaders, all report how vital and impactful they are on the congregation. CSU students are currently serving as interns at Summit and Journey churches. Church leaders spend time equipping the students to serve. “Interning at Journey Church gave me the space to grow,” said Meghan Frezza, a former intern and 2018 music and worship leadership graduate. “I was surrounded with people who believed in the younger generation coming up. They were ready and excited to guide me, encourage me and push me to realize my full capability.” Some interns focus on worship and help lead the church in that way. “I either sing, play keys, or do both a few times a month,” said Logan Flemming, a current worship intern at Journey Church. “It’s a family I never knew I’d have. The congregation gets to see a physical manifestation of trust in the intern-leader relationship, instilling more of their own trust in their leaders and maybe a longing to be more involved as well,” said Flemming. The internships that CSU students participate in allow them the chance to use and grow in their gifts while impacting people along the way. “CSU continues to bring some of the brightest, most talented students out there,” said Cory Singleton, worship and creative pastor at Journey Church. “Also, being a Southern Baptist school and Journey being an SBC church, it helps when it comes to being on similar pages theologically.” The interns grow tremendously in

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Summit Church Interns Top Row: Lucas White, Hayden Jacobs, Eric Addison, Heath McGill, Seth Friend Bottom Row: Keira Fenzel, Morgan Pheffer, Connor Burgess. Photo provided

their gifts, but they also report maturing spiritually throughout the internship process. Being in a leadership position and working in ministry pushes the interns to dig deeper in their faith and seek after the Lord continuously. “The internship at Summit has impacted me a lot in the sense of growth, said Keira Fenzel, a college intern at Summit. “When I first became an intern and attended intern training, I felt so underqualified. I have never been more anxious in my life, but the first time I taught was the first time I had ever taken a position like that, and it was the first time I felt the Holy Spirit flow through me in such a supernatural way. I have grown so much in confidence and have learned so much about the Lord.” CSU interns pair with churches and chase after a shared vision for the church. Connor Burgess, a college intern at Summit, said, “Our motto as interns is

raising up shepherds through the message of reconciliation, which creates a group of believers who are learning and growing together to hopefully further the kingdom and better the church for the future.” “The college students at Charleston Southern University have had a tremendous impact on Summit Church,” said Zach Sibrava, college ministry leader at Summit. “They bring new energy and ideas throughout the entire church.” Interns do a variety of tasks ranging from leading worship and planning rehearsals to attending meetings and receiving oneon-one mentoring. The CSU interns get the opportunity to be a part of the biblical model for serving and discipleship in the church. The internships collectively build up leaders and passion in churches in the Charleston community as described by a Journey Church motto, “develop and deploy.”

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Amie York enjoys time with Ugandan children. Photo by Micah Lindstrom for OneWorld Health.

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ince childhood, Amie York has been fascinated by leadership: including observing leaders who invested in her, empowering others to become leaders, and serving as a leader. York is currently a master of arts in organizational leadership degree student at CSU. York’s first opportunity to step out as a leader in a big way came as an undergraduate at James Madison University when she and her roommate created Loads of Love, a laundry service in partnership with the local thermal homeless shelter. Loads of Love is still operating seven years later, and York views it as a foundational part of her leadership journey.

“Consistency and dignity were my big two take-aways from our time beginning Loads of Love,” said York. “We had to be convinced that each person we were about to interact with was deserving of dignity. It didn’t matter if they were the sorority leader who wanted to sign people up to wash clothes, the director of the shelter who worked the night shift, the shelter guests entrusting their only belongings to us or those giving donations – we had to be convinced they had a role to play.” She quickly learned that she could do laundry and return it, or she could stop and

learn the stories of the people behind the dirty clothes. “Washing clothes is a really dirty job, but little did I know, our view of humanity, God and foundation of true service was being washed right along with it,” said York. One man in particular, who thanked them for helping him look and smell human, stands out in her memory. “We might never know if those clean clothes did anything earth-shattering for these people, but if it gave them hope and a voice, then I think we did our job,” said York. “And I think that’s what a leader does: gives hope and a voice.”

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“Leadership is truly walking hand in hand with Giving Hope and a Voice Armed with a hospitality management degree with a minor in business, York returned to her hometown of Virginia Beach, Va., to work in the hospitality industry. In 2015, she accepted an opportunity at a nonprofit in Charleston. She is the director of mobilization with the volunteer mobilization team for OneWorld Health, overseeing and developing the volunteer program. OneWorld Health is a nonprofit building healthcare facilities in developing countries. The facilities are designed to operate selfsufficiently in two years. OneWorld Health sends teams of shortterm medical and nonmedical volunteers to serve the rural communities surrounding their permanent, locally operated healthcare facilities in Uganda and Nicaragua. Teams of volunteers meet healthcare needs, advocate for, market for and refer patients to the permanent facilities. “These trips leave no volunteer the same upon their return home,” said York. In addition to the short-term outreach teams, OneWorld Health hosts rotations for medical, pharmacy, physician assistant and therapy students through multiple academic partnerships. “My role includes volunteer recruitment and training, partnership identifying and maintaining, team leadership identifying and training, and general oversight of all volunteer operations,” said York. OneWorld Health has mobilized 2,700 volunteers to date. “Leadership is truly walking hand in hand with someone, bringing them to newer heights of truth and purpose – all of this empowers them with the tools to do the same for others,” said York. Further education has always been one of York’s goals. She was interested in universities that incorporated Christian faith into the curriculum. “When I had the opportunity to check out programs in town, Charleston Southern University’s commitment to faith integrated learning caught my eye right away,” said York. “It has felt like drinking from a water hose,” said York of her studies. “I am seeing my perspectives shift. Ultimately, everyone wants to be seen, to be heard and to have a purpose. Leadership (defined or not) is taking the initiative to see, hear and help people discover their purpose. Leaders make leaders. In this sense, I am seeing my role

someone, bringing them to newer heights of truth and purpose – all of this empowers them with the tools to do the same for others.” – Amie York

Amie York, photo by Nick Sammons for OneWorld Health.

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in new ways and with new opportunities to build up those on my team. Leadership is a lot less talk than I ever believed it to be. I am seeing the need for new ways to be given voice to those with me, and for me to sharpen my ears.” Paying It Forward The unique aspect of her master’s degree journey is that her nonprofit employer is paying it forward by taking care of the cost of her degree. Matt Alexander, co-founder of OneWorld Health and a 2004 CSU alumnus, said, “We have been very fortunate to have Amie on our team for the past several years. Amie’s leadership in our volunteer mobilization area has led to growth in impact, and she has developed processes and systems to sustain that growth in the future. As an organization we are always looking for opportunities to invest in our leaders, so her interest in the organizational leadership program at CSU was a perfect opportunity for us to support her continued development. Amie is the kind of leader we hope to be able to retain for many years to come.” York cites OneWorld Health’s core values of service, humility, empowerment, integrity, love and dignity as fruit of the Kingdom of God. She said, “Some of the tangible ways this organization is committed to these core values is the way they care for their employees – both home and abroad. OneWorld Health sending me for further education is a tangible representation of these core values. I am certain because of the way Charleston Southern University and OneWorld Health are investing in me, my life will produce a depth of service, humility, empowerment, integrity, love and dignity that will then spur on others to know the same.” York said, “In a deeply profound and personal way this is one of the greatest testimonies of my life to the kindness of God. Through this opportunity, He has reminded me that His eye is on me and that His plans for me are good and for His glory. A life verse of mine is Luke 16:10, and I once again was reminded of the opportunity to be faithful and to steward well what I have been given.” York credits something she once heard a pastor say, “I have no desire to build a big

Amie York and volunteers join in a celebration in Nicaragua. Photo by Nick Sammons for OneWorld Health.

church, I only desire to build big people,” with challenging her to see opportunities of leadership. York said the master of arts program has shifted her priorities and view of time. The mental challenge of the program is showing her what she is capable of. “I have been deeply inspired by my classmates, professors and guides here and am always excited to meet a Buccaneer out in town,” she said. Established in 2008 as Palmetto Medical Initiative, OneWorld Health sends 10 weeklong clinic outreach teams each year to Uganda and Nicaragua. Nonmedical, medical and student positions are available. For dates, application and interest, you can find information at oneworldhealth.com/volunteer.

Amie York and permanent staff members at the Uganda hospital have a lighthearted moment. Photo provided

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A photo from Amie York’s time with Loads of Love at JMU. Photo provided

A volunteer team gathers in front of the Masindi-Kitara Medical Center in Uganda. Photo provided

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Class notes 1969






Keith Summey, mayor of the City of North Charleston, was named to Charleston Business Magazine’s 50 Most Influential of 2018 list.

Dorothy “Dot” Scott, president of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, was named to Charleston Business Magazine’s 50 Most Influential of 2018 list.


United States Senator Tim Scott was named to Charleston Business Magazine’s 50 Most Influential of 2018 list.


Stephanie Baird has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year for DuBose Middle School in Summerville.

Parker Taie MAT was named 2019 Teacher of the Year for Berkeley County Middle College High in Moncks Corner.


Elizabeth Roberson Barrow received her Doctor of Chemical Engineering degree from the University of South Carolina in May. She was a former math professor at CSU.

Dr. Brian Newsome has been named to the Education Oversight Cliff Marshall is the new church Committee for the state of South planting team leader for the South Carolina. He was appointed by Carolina Baptist Convention. Governor Henry McMaster for a He formerly planted Freedom 3-year term. Newsome is principal Fellowship in the upstate and of Gray Collegiate Academy in has worked with the SCBC since West Columbia. 2015. He and his wife, Sherry ’89, have two daughters: Emily ’17 and Grace, a current junior at CSU.



John Osborne, formerly with Harbor Entrepreneur Center, was named to Charleston Business Rhonda Arnold has been named Magazine’s 50 Most Influential of 2019 Teacher of the Year for 2018 list. He is now with Good Rollings Middle School of the Arts Growth Capital and Charleston in Summerville. Angel Partners.

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Sarah Red ’11 MEd has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year at Mt. Holly Elementary School in Goose Creek.

Tyler McSwain ’17 MA is the new Instructional Analyst/Online Services Coordinator for CSU’s Office of Academic Technology and Grants. He previously worked as the academic advisor in the CSU CAPS program. Larry Wigfall has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year at River Oaks Middle School in North Charleston.


Brittany Berg has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year at Westview Primary School in Goose Creek. Nicholas N. Kemper ’13 MS in criminal justice is an Atlantabased associate in Chamberlain Hrdlicka’s Corporate, Securities & Finance group. Kemper counsels companies on complex transactional and securities matters, including mergers and acquisitions, security offerings, entity selection, and corporate finance and governance. He has additional experience advising owners and developers of retail


properties, mixed-use projects and multifamily developments on issues such as acquisition, disposition and financing. Kemper is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and earned his law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law.


Meghan Lewis has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year at Berkeley Intermediate School in Moncks Corner. Morgan McCall has been named the statewide director of palliative care for South Carolina House Calls. She is a certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse. She also serves as Nominating and Membership Committee Chair for the Lowcountry Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, is a member of the Ethics and Patient Rights Committee for Trident Health, is the Contact Nurse & Content Reviewer for the South Carolina Nursing Association CE for LTC University and is a member of the CSU Women’s Council. She and her husband, Bill, have two dogs.


Eric J. Hatcher has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year at Philip Simmons High School in Wando.

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Adam Kirtley represented CSU at the Summer Palace in Beijing, China, when he was in Beijing on business. He is an engineering integration specialist with Boeing Company in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Charles “Chuck” McLamore II has written a book called When God Says No, intended to help people handle when God says no to their prayers. He has also started a nonprofit called The Four E Foundation, an online support group where people submit their personal stories of struggle, endurance, tragedy, perseverance and triumph. He is a store manager for Fastenal and is an evangelist at Lowcountry Church Belonging to Christ and has a live Q & A radio program on WJNI called “Let the Bible Speak.” You can learn more about his ministries at fourefoundation. com and chuckmclamore.com. Asha McMillian is the senior HR Specialist for the human resources department for Spartanburg Water. She is providing recruiting services and overseeing the corporate training program. She has over 10 years of experience in the Human Resources field, five of which involved her managing a high-volume recruiting project, which hired thousands of people annually in the Upstate of South Carolina. She has a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification from the Society of Human Resources Management and is a graduate of the Riley Institute at Furman University’s Diversity Leaders Initiative.

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Brittany McNair ’15 MSN a nurse with McLeod Health, received the 2019 Palmetto Gold recognition. Each year 100 nurses in South Carolina receive the prestigious award. Nominators are asked to provide evidence of promoting and advancing the profession of nursing; displaying caring and commitment to patients, families and colleagues; and demonstrating leadership by assisting others to grow and develop. Alicia Patton has been named 2019 Teacher of the Year for Newington Elementary School in Summerville.


Jonna Cook ’18 MS in organizational management with a concentration in healthcare analytics is director of health services for Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community. As director she administers the assisted living, skilled nursing and memory support/Alzheimer’s care. She is a licensed nurse and a licensed administrator for nursing home and community residential care facilities.

STAY CONNECTED! Send us news about family additions, job changes, etc. To include a photo, email a high resolution jpg. (If you send a professional photograph, please include permission to print from the photographer.)

Class Notes: Email your news to magazine@csuniv.edu Address change: Email csudevelopment@csuniv.edu Name change: Email register@csuniv.edu Follow the Alumni Association on Social Media: alumni_csu alumni_csu

2018 Lindsey Davis and Taylor Hudson ’14 were married March 23 in Anderson. Lindsey is a Cardiac ICU nurse at Greenville Memorial Hospital, and Taylor is in sales at SYNNEX Corporation in Greenville. They live in Simpsonville.

Chasity Cales has been named 2019 Rookie Teacher of the Year at Sangaree Elementary School in Berkeley County. She teaches kindergarten. Presley Craft is the new academic advisor for the CSU CAPS undergraduate program. She is an alumnus of the CAPS program. She has been the cheerleading coach at CSU and is involved in youth ministry at the Church at Cane Bay.

Allison Fitzsimmons, a kindergarten teacher, has been named 2019 Rookie Teacher of the Year at Marrington Elementary School in Goose Creek. Brian Laemers has been named 2019 Rookie Teacher of the Year at Westview Middle School in Goose Creek, where he teaches sixth grade math. Melissa MacDonald, a fifth grade science and social studies teacher, has been named 2019 Rookie Teacher of the Year at Goose Creek Elementary School.

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Baby Bucs 1






1. Skylar Adaeze Eze, daughter of Jessica Brown Eze ’06 and Anthony Eze

4. Clay Orth, son of Jessica Phillips Orth ’10, ’12 and Joshua Orth

2. Annabelle Grace Stallings, daughter of Sarah Gardner Stallings ’04

5. Simon Davis Lacey, son of Lynnsey Lacey ’06 and Josh Lacey

3. Sawyer Rickelman, son of Heather Koziel Rickelman ’08 and Andrew Rickelman

6. Zoey Elizabeth Jackson, daughter of Madelyn Jackson ’12 and Patrick Jackson

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TO SUBMIT YOUR BABY BUCS PHOTO: Email a picture of your Baby Buc wearing the shirt to alumni@csuniv.edu. Pictures should be 1MB in size or larger, in jpg format.

TO ORDER A SHIRT CSU graduates, if you have a child under the age of 2, let us know at alumni@csuniv.edu, and we will send a CSU onesie for your Baby Buc. The shirt is free; all we ask in return is a photo of your Baby Buc for the magazine.



9 12



7. Amelie Escarra, daughter of Nathalie Escarra ’16 and Jonathan Escarra

10. Joseph Michael Nettles, son of Lindsey Gantt Nettles ’16 and Ross Nettles

8. Lukas Owen Friedman, son of Kelli Bryant Friedman ’08 and Steven Friedman

11. Adelynne Joy Crawford, daughter of Jennifer Gilbert Crawford ’16

9. Daisy Joy Hiser, daughter of Lili Gresham Hiser ’02 and Dr. Greg Hiser ’00

12. Karliyah N. Rivera, daughter of Kimberly Brown ’09 and Victor Rivera

and first granddaughter to Faye Breland Gresham ’74

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hat’s the most unusual thing you saved from your Charleston Southern/Baptist College days? Marc S. Allen ’77 recently posted a picture of a notebook from his college days. We want to see your #Buctreasure. Post on social media, and we’ll share some of the most unusual in the fall CSU Magazine. Make sure to tag your college memory with #Buctreasure AND make your post public!

What’s hiding in your clos et or attic?

in memory Rev. Curtis William Cameron Sr., age 85, died March 22 in Lancaster. He was a former CSU Board of Trustees member and had served as pastor at numerous churches. Dr. Willie Givens ’75, age 85, died March 22 in Charleston. He was pastor emeritus of First Missionary Baptist Church in Summerville and was retired from the Charleston Naval Shipyard. David Leon Hinson ’81, age 69, died Feb. 6 in Charleston. He had been a math and science teacher and was also a professional musician. Fausteen Agee Hodge, age 83, died May 14 in Hickman, Tenn. She was a former librarian at CSU and a librarian and teacher at several high schools.

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John Williams McDonald ’81, age 60, died April 4 in Donalds. He worked for Powell Trash Service. Gail Rivers Murphy ’71, age 71, died March 18 in Lexington. She had been a musical director at multiple churches. Denetria “Dee” Norman, age 73, died May 25 in Goose Creek. He was a member of the CSU Board of Trustees and also a member of the CSU Board of Visitors. Rev. Alice Virginia Jones Quarles ’78, age 61, died March 9 in Jacksonville, N.C. She was a minister with the United Methodist Church.

Malcolm “Tally” Newman Robinson, age 86, died Feb. 18 in Lancaster. He was in the automotive business and had served as a member of the CSU Board of Trustees and the CSU Board of Visitors. Julian Smith ’74, age 67, died April 12 in Charleston. He was the director of the Cooper River Bridge Run and was a wellness director at MUSC. He also had a eucalyptus farm. Kevin Brooks Welch, age 55, died March 19 in Charlotte, N.C. He was president of The RJC Group, LLC in Charlotte. He was a member of the CSU Board of Visitors and a life member of the CSU President’s Club.

Sterman D. “Doug” Ratliff ’79, age 73, died Feb. 12 in St. Albans, W. Va. He was a U.S. Marines veteran.

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HANLEY SERVING ALUMNI AND PARENTS by Jan Joslin/Photo by Richard Esposito


hristian Hanley began serving as CSU’s new director of alumni and parent engagement in April. He graduated from CSU in 2013 with a degree in youth ministry and was most recently working with CEMS Engineering, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was meant to be doing some kind of ministry for a living. He’s a part-time youth minister and on the worship team at Summit Church, which meets on CSU’s campus. Jon Davis, pastor of Summit, and a deacon at Summit, pushed Hanley to interview for the alumni and parent engagement job. “I have a heart for things going on at CSU,” said Hanley. “I learned a lot here and met a lot of people who have continued to pour into my life. The campus held a special place in my heart,” he said. Hanley considers his new job a good fit. “I’m essentially reaching out to people like me and working on how we can get more people involved.” Hanley faces each day with the main goal of serving the Lord and finding an alumnus to serve. That service could be as small as sending a coffee mug or onesie to an alumnus, or as big as taking President Costin on the road to introduce him to CSU alums and families, or it could be building alumni chapters in different cities. “The thing that most interests me is getting to know what our alumni care about and letting them know we care about the same things,” said Hanley. He wants alumni to know their involvement doesn’t have to stop after graduation. He’s still learning the parent engagement side of the job and looks forward to meeting parents when the new semester starts. He is exploring ways to keep parents involved without their students feeling their parents are hovering over them. “College is the first step into adulthood,” said Hanley. “We want students to explore some independence, and we want to help parents let their student find that independence.” Hanley and his wife, Stephanie, a 2011 CSU graduate with a music therapy degree, have a 17-month-old son, Luke.

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Mike Harmon ’70, Owner and CFO of Southend Reclaimed, Inc.


Mike Harmon, photo by Richard Esposito

ike Harmon has enjoyed success in the business world and is a member of the Board of Visitors at the President’s Council level. Harmon said, “I have helped solve problems for businesses most of my career, but in 2014 I had a business deal that was of a very personal nature and found it harder to navigate than pure business problems. After spending a lot of time and money pursuing a legal settlement, I prayed and asked God for advice and told God I would give 15 percent wherever he directed me. I had always been driven to go, go, go and didn’t look back at how I got there.” Harmon said after that business incident, he realized he didn’t get where he was by himself. He said, “I went to Nashville Auto Diesel College and was going to be a mechanic with my father. My mother and brother

sat me down and said you need to go on to school. I attended Palmer College and Baptist College at Charleston (now CSU). I decided I could learn to be a bookkeeper for my father’s business and learned I had a natural ability to learn accounting. “Looking back, I realized God had to be involved, I couldn’t have done what I did without His help. There is no other answer. And I have to give credit to my mother; she was the epitome of Christianity.” Harmon is enjoying connecting with the university again and seeing how the campus has changed. He said, “The university has the same principles it had back then, and I like that you don’t have to be a Christian to attend. I am enjoying the diversity I see on campus now.” To learn about giving opportunities, email csudevelopment@csuniv.edu or call 843-863-7513.



portrait of L. Mendel Rivers (19051970) by South Carolina portraitist Charles Mason Crowson was donated to the L. Mendel Rivers Library in the spring by Rivers’ children. Rivers served in the S.C. House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives. The portrait formerly hung in the Chamber of the South Carolina House of Representatives. A special ceremony was hosted by President and Mrs. Costin on April 10th for family and friends to commemorate the new portrait.

Pictured are: Marion Rivers Cato, L. Mendel Rivers Jr., and Margaret “Peg” Rivers Eastman. Photo by Sol Photography

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Photos by Brittani Watkins and Richard Esposito


SU took to the road in May to introduce alumni and prospective students to President Costin, Athletic Director Jeff Barber and Head Football Coach Autrey Denson. Members of the enrollment and development team traveled to Greenville, Rock Hill, Columbia and Florence to update the CSU family. Stay tuned for future events at charlestonsouthern.edu/csucomestoyou


Photos by Richard Esposito


he theme of President Dondi Costin’s Kingdom Investing speech at the 22nd Annual Scholarship Luncheon might well have been blessings go on and on and on. Costin said, “God does the calculations. Your investment in students goes on for generations.” Mary Catherine McCarthy, a junior communication major, had attended USC and CofC before transferring to CSU. Since arriving at CSU, she said, “I feel quite at home. I am experiencing things I thought I never could.” In addition to her studies, she is completing an internship with Doors to Freedom. Donors J.P. Poisson ’10 and his wife, Rebecca ’09, give because they believe in higher education and want to be a part of what CSU is doing. He said, “It was at CSU that I first heard the gospel. CSU transformed our hearts to the gospel.”

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CALENDAR August 31

September 7

September 9

CSU Football at Furman Alumni Tailgate, Greenville

CSU Football at University of South Carolina Alumni Tailgate, Columbia

32nd Annual President’s Cup Golf Tournament, Coosaw Creek Country Club

October 1-6 Homecoming/Parent Weekend 2019 October 1

October 3

October 4

Powder Puff Football Games If you are interested in joining an alumni team, please contact us at alumni@csuniv.edu

Career Fair and Alumni Networking

Rockin’ Roast at Buccaneer Plaza

Pep Rally at CSU Field House

50th Reunion for the Class of 1969 Hall of Fame Banquet (By invitation only)

October 5 Annual Alumni Meeting All alumni are encouraged to join us for our annual meeting. Fellowship with other alumni and hear an update on your alma mater from President Costin. Nominate yourself or a classmate to join the Alumni Board of Directors at charlestonsouthern.edu/alumni Homecoming Parade

October 6 Campus Worship at Summit Church in Lightsey Chapel at 11 a.m. Dr. Dondi Costin will be preaching. All are invited to join us in worship.

Tailgating CSU vs Savannah State at 6 p.m. Purchase your tickets online at csusports.com

To see a full schedule of events and for more details visit us online at charlestonsouthern.edu/homecoming Call the Alumni Office at 843-863-7517 or email alumni@csuniv.edu with any questions.

We hope to see you in the fall!

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