2023 · 2024
New Brand for Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin
Letters of Welcome
Our Schools
Our Schools - By the Numbers
Our Students
Our Graduates, Class of 2024
Our Faculty + Staff
Catholic Identity
Good News
Catholic Charities Champions
2024 Saints & Scholars
CSA Scholarship Contest
Time, Talent and Treasure
Grateful for Your Support
TheDSABadvisesandmakesrecommendations forthepromotionofCatholiceducationtothe BishopofAustin,andSuperintendentofCatholic SchoolsintheDioceseofAustin
Office of Catholic Schools’ Staff
Misty Poe, Superintendent
Kelly Laster, Assistant Superintendent
Juliana Rueda, Associate Director of Marketing and Events
Jill Holmaas, Coordinator
DSAB Members 2023-2024
Dr. Becky Fliss - Chair
Fr. Basil Aguzie
Dr. Alyssan Barnes
Tara Cevallos
Ned Ewart
Dr. Montserrat Fuentes
Kelly Hyten
Fr. John Kim
Sr. Maria Miguel Wright, O.P.
Ex-Officio Members from the Diocese of Austin
Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez
Very Rev. James Misko
Mary Beth Koenig
Kelly Laster
Misty Poe
Juliana Rueda
Alison Tate
Dcn. Ron Walker
This past year, Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin launched a systemwide brand identity to represent the 19 Catholic schools across Central Texas.
Visual Elements: Arched Doors: Inspired by our slogan, “Forming Children in Wisdom and Holiness,” the arches serve as a gateway through which students, teachers, parents, and community members enter a space dedicated to both intellectual and spiritual growth.
Central Cross: Positioned prominently between the arches, the cross represents Christ as the focal point of our educational mission. It signifies that Christ is not only central to our curriculum but also to the lived experience of everyone involved
The logo serves as a visual reminder that every aspect of our school experience -academic, spiritual, and communal - is deeply rooted in our Catholic faith and values. This emblem is not just a visual identity but a representation of the holistic and faith-centered approach that defines Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin.
In addition, a new website was launched under the same domain, The updated site includes resources for current and prospective families, streamlined navigation, and dynamic multimedia content. The site prioritizes user-friendly features to make the user’s visit enjoyable and informative.
GoodandgraciousGod, wegiveyouthanksforthegift ofourCatholicschoolsandaskyour continuedgraceonthesacredworkof formingyoungpeopleinwisdomand holiness.
Infuseourstudentswithadeepdesireto learnsothattheywillrecognizeyour presenceinallthingsAstheystudymath andscience,intheirwritingofessaysand poems,throughtheirreadingofhistory
andencounterwithdifferentcultures,in theirartpiecesandmusicperformances, throughtheirathleticcompetitionand participationinclubsandorganizations, revealtothemyourpresenceatevery stageoftheirjourney.
Grantjoyandfulfillmenttoourteachers, administrators,staffmembers,priests, parents,parishionersandallwho accompanyourstudentsinencountering youintheacademicenterprise.
Lord, watch over Catholic schools, that they may be safe from harm and free of hatred, invoking the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of students, so that our young people will hear Christ’s call to “follow me”. Amen.
by Very
Dear Friends in Christ,
In the Diocese of Austin our Catholic schools continue to thrive as beacons of faith, academic excellence, and community. As you read this report, I hope you share my pride for all that has been accomplished this past year and for the successes of our schools and students. God is doing great things in and through our Catholic schools!
Catholic schools offer the fullest and best opportunity to realize the four-fold purpose of Christian education, namely to provide an atmosphere where the Gospel message is proclaimed, community in Christ is experienced, service to our sisters and brothers is the norm, and thanksgiving and worship of God are cultivated.
Aswereflectonanotherremarkableyear ofgrowthandachievementinour Catholicschools,itiswithgratitudeand joythatwepresentthisimpactreport. Yoursteadfastsupportandcommitment tothemissionofCatholiceducationhasbeen abeaconofhopeandasourceofinspirationfo community.
OurCatholiceducationpillars,faith,academics,andservice,serve asthefoundationuponwhichwebuildthefutureforouryoung saintsandscholars.Thisreportnotonlyhighlightsthemilestoneswe havereached,butalsoinvitesyoutoreflectonhowthesepillars havecometolifeinourCatholicschoolsthispastyearThemission ofCatholiceducationcontinuestothriveandflourishbecauseof thecollectiveeffortofeveryoneinvolved,ourdevotedteachersand staff,supportivefamilies,andgenerousdonors.Eachcontribution, bothlargeandsmall,playsavitalroleinadvancingourmissionand ensuringthatourschoolsremainplacesofevangelizationand excellence.
Thankyouforyourcontinueddedicationandforbeinganintegral partofthisjourneyTogether,withtheblessingofGod,weare buildingabrighterfutureforourstudents,ourChurch,and ultimately,forourworld.
MistyPoe Superintendent
The Catholic Diocese of Austin believes in the power of Catholic education to transform the world into the image of God’s kingdom.
Elementary / Middle Schools
Cathedral School of Saint Mary, Austin 1
Holy Family Catholic School, Austin 2. Sacred Heart Catholic School, La Grange 3. Santa Cruz Catholic School, Buda 4.
St. Austin Catholic School, Austin 5.
St. Helen Catholic School, Georgetown 6. St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School, Austin 7.
St Joseph Catholic Academy, Killeen 8
St. Louis Catholic School, Austin
St. Mary's Catholic School, Temple
St. Mary's Catholic School, West
St. Theresa Catholic School, Austin
K-12 Schools
13. Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School, Waco
14. St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School, Austin
15. St. Joseph Catholic School, Bryan 16. St. Mary's Catholic School, Taylor High Schools 17 Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Temple
18. San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin
19. St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School, Austin
By the Numbers
Total Number of Schools 19
12 4 3 Elementary / Middle Schools
Amount schools distributed in tuition assistance 7.6M+
K-12 Schools High Schools 14 3 2 Parish Schools Diocesan Schools Independent Schools
Accreditationplaysanimportantroleinsupportingandvalidating themissionandexcellenceofCatholicschools.
CatholicschoolsinthestateofTexasareaccreditedthroughtheTexas CatholicConferenceofBishopsEducationDepartment(TCCBED). TCCBEDusesseveralguidingdocumentstocreatetheirstandards includingtheNationalStandardsandBenchmarksforEffective CatholicElementaryandSecondarySchools(NSBECS)andtheUnited StatesConferenceofCatholicBishops’(USCCB)recommendationsof ChurchdoctrinerelatedtoelementaryandsecondaryCatholicschools.
Theaccreditationcycleisaseven-yearprocessthatculminatesina yearlongself-studyforeachschool,followedbyanaccreditationvisit thatservestoacknowledgeandsupportthestrengthsandareasof continuousimprovementeachschoolhasidentifiedintheself-study process.
Duringthe2023-2024school year,fiveschoolswerevisitedby anaccreditationteam:
St.JosephCatholicSchool, Bryan; St.DominicSavioCatholicHigh School,Austin; St.JosephCatholicAcademy, Killeen; CathedralSchoolofSaintMary, Austin; BishopLouisReicherCatholic School,Waco.
Amongst other areas, the Catholic Identity domain was specifically listed as a strength for all five schools.
In addition, three schools had the Student Services domain listed as a strength, particularly the area of meeting extracurricular needs of diverse students.
Total Number of Students Served 2023-2024
of all students receive tuition assistance 34%
465 students eligible for free/reduced lunch
Demographics by Ethnicity
2,874ElementarySchoolStudents 542%oftotalstudentbody
1,186Middleschoolstudents 224%oftotalstudentbody
1,243Highschoolstudents 23.4%oftotalstudentbody
Demographics by Race
610 students with diagnosed disability learning, physical, or mental
28 students with international student visas
100% of students formed in wisdom and holiness
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin serve a diverse community of families from varying backgrounds, always with the mission of forming saints and scholars. Teachers mentor our students in order to guide them toward achieving their full potential. We serve students from PreK3 through 12th grade, and offer them a safe and loving environment so they can grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. As one of the largest ministries of our diocese, schools partner with Bishop Vásquez and pastors to support parents and guardians in the formation of their children.
Enrollment by Grade
PreK3 - 2.7%
PreK4 - 6.2% Kinder - 7.2%
1st - 7.3%
2nd - 7.9%
3rd - 7 8%
4th - 7.6%
5th - 7.6%
Enrollment Over Time in Our Schools
6th - 7.8%
7th - 7.1%
8th - 7.4% 9th - 6.1%
10th - 5.7% 11th - 5 8% 12th - 5.8%
308 graduates in 2024 35M offered in scholarships to attend college and universities 100% college acceptance rate
Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Temple
Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School, Waco
Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School’s senior class achieved, once again, a 100% college acceptance rate. With a solid grounding in faith and education, our seniors embarked on diverse paths, carrying with them the wisdom gained and the bonds forged during their shared journey.
Holy Trinity Catholic High School’s Seniors were accepted to 30 colleges and universities including the University of Dallas and Notre Dame University and have received combined scholarship offerings of more than $1.8 million.
San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin
This year’s senior class raised funds for Caritas of Austin and Championship Hearts Foundation and supported our Corporate Internship Partner, Dell Children’s Hospital, with a toy drive. Students garnered more than $2.9 million in scholarship offers.
St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School, Austin
The total service hours for the 2024 senior class exceeded 7,583, for a combined economic value of $206,112. Eighty-five percent of the senior class took at least one Advanced Placement Exam and have a combined 462 AP Exams over the course of their four-year career and consistently performed above the national average.
National Merit Scholars amongst the seven
Cumulative service hours completed
St. Mary’s Catholic School, Taylor
Seniors in the Class of 2024 who have been in Catholic School since PreK 53
St. Joseph Catholic School, Bryan
This class earned acceptances to renowned institutions like Texas A&M University, Colorado School of Mines, and Benedictine College, reflecting their dedication to academic excellence and lifelong learning. In athletics, Senior football players proudly led the Eagles to the State Semifinals, marking a historic season.
St. Mary’s Class of 2024 was the founding students of the second opening of the high school, so they were the first students to have experienced all four years of the school’s Chesterton Academy network curriculum! Our seven seniors served thousands of hours in numerous leadership and service positions in the school, parish, and community.
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School, Austin
The class of 2024 completed more than 9,239 service hours in our community. During Winter Term, 34 of our 85 interns were seniors who explored their professional interests by working alongside journalists at Texas Monthly, a dentist, a surgeon, an engineering firm, and a Travis County Commissioner.
Teachersandstaffareanessentialcomponentof thesuccessofourCatholicschools,whichiswhy theOfficeofCatholicSchoolscontinuesto provideopportunitiesforprofessional developmentforteachersandstaff.
Supportofferedtoourschoolleaders,faculty andstaffbytheOfficeofCatholicSchools:
HostingCatholicSchoolsNewEmployee Orientationandpresentingsessionsontopics suchastheSpiritualityofanEducator,Profile oftheDiocese,andTeachinginaCatholic school.
Consultingandsupportforschoolleaders. Activelyrecruitingschoolleaders,teacherand employeesbyhostingvirtualjobfairs.
Hostingquarterlymeetingswithreligion coordinators,technologycoordinators, advancement/admissiondirectors,librarians, athleticdirectors,learningsupportand counselors.
EveryyeartheOfficeofCatholicSchoolshostsan annualConvocation,wherefacultyandstaffcelebrating milestoneanniversariesarerecognizedfortheiryearsof serviceinaCatholicschoolintheDioceseofAustin. Thefocusoflastyear’sConvocationwastwo-fold: fosteringacultureofvocationsinourschools;and aEucharisticrevivalamongstourfacultyandstaff.
AfterabeautifulmorningliturgycelebratedbyFather JamesMisko,VicarGeneraloftheDioceseofAustin,our facultyandstaffenjoyedapresentationbyRhonda Gruenewald,founderofVocationMinistry.Inher presentation,Rhondainvitedfacultyandstafftoinspire, promote,andassistinthediscernmentofvocationsto thepriesthood,consecratedlife,andsacramental marriageintheclassroom.Thedayconcludedwith Eucharisticadoration,whereourteachersandstaff prayedintentionallyforanincreaseofvocationsinour diocese,aswellasanopportunitytobemoredocileto theHolySpirit’spromptingsinleadingourstudentsin wisdomandholiness.
Many Catholic school teachers in the Diocese have a long tenure in the schools, and they see Catholic schools as part of their personal ministry and mission. In 2023-2024, we celebrated 82 faculty and staff members milestone anniversaries, with the following individuals l b ti th 30 f i
Catholic School, Waco
Mrs. Jackie Keller
30 Years of Service
St. Joseph Catholic School, Bryan
Mrs. Cathy Zingelmann
45 Years of Service
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange
Congratulations, Alanna Heyl, 2024 Texas Catholic Conference Bishops' High School Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Heidi Pickerill
30 Years of Service
St. Louis Catholic School, Austin
Sophia Institute for Teachers: The Catholic Faith and Science
Thanks to a generous donor, the Religion Coordinators, Religion and Theology teachers, and campus ministers across our 19 schools are able to enjoy special workshop opportunities offered by Sophia Institute. This partnership is valuable for our schools as not only does it offer solid catechetical content and teaching strategies, but also instructional materials that promote beauty, truth and goodness in the classroom. Last year’s workshop took place on April 30 at St. John Vianney Parish in Round Rock, and was centered on the Catholic Faith and Science with Father Robert Spitzer. Twenty-five staff members from our Catholic schools attended this workshop.
Mrs. Alanna Heyl has taught theology at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin for 12 years and has served as chair of the Theology Department for 11 years. She currently teaches Theology IV, in which students learn about world religions, Catholic spirituality and prayer; and the upper-level course, Christian Outreach, a seminar on Catholic social teaching in which they organize a variety of service projects. One of those projects is Imago Christi Day, a school-wide day of service where students, faculty, staff, and volunteers go into the community and serve together. Under her guidance and mentorship, campus ministry and other programs are student-led, providing opportunities for teens to identify their unique talents and gifts and explore how they can use those skills to serve others.
Diocesan Faculty Institute
Everyotheryear,theOfficeofCatholic SchoolsoffersaDiocesanFaculty Institute,asanopportunityforteachers andstafftoattendafulldayof professionaldevelopment The uniquenessofthiseventisthatthe breakoutsessionsavailableareofferedby ourwonderfulteachersandstaffwanting tosharetheengaginglessons,activities andprogramsthatareeffectiveinandout oftheclassroom.The2023Faculty Institute,heldonOctober9,offered40 differentbreakoutsessionsfromSocratic SeminarstoPromotionofVocationsto SportsasaMinistry.Thedayconcluded withbreakoutsessionspergradelevel, subjectareaorareaofministry,which allowedtheteachersandstafftohave spacetoshareideasandbestpractices withoneother.
AspecialthankstoSt.VincentdePaul Parish,HolyFamilyCatholicSchooland St.DominicSavioCatholicHighSchool fortheirhospitalityinhostingmorethan 600teachersandstaffontheircampuses.
The Advancing Our Mission Grants are opportunities for all teachers and staff to apply for funding for a special project or program to enhance the student experience in and out of the classroom The Advancing Our Mission program is funded by the Advancing Our Mission Endowment created in the Catholic FoundationDiocese of Austin. 2023-2024 grants totaled 40,000. Learn more about the Advancing Our Mission grant at
2 0 2 32 0 2 4 G R A N T R E C I P I E N T S
Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School, Waco
Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School, Waco
Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School, Waco
Cathedral School of Saint Mary, Austin. .
Holy Family Catholic School, Austin .
Holy Family Catholic School, Austin
Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Temple
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange.
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange.
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange.
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange.
Sacred Heart Catholic School, LaGrange.
San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin.
San Juan Diego Catholic High School, Austin.
Santa Cruz Catholic School, Buda.
St. Austin Catholic School, Austin
St. Austin Catholic School, Austin
St Austin Catholic School, Austin
St Dominic Savio Catholic High School, Austin
St Helen Catholic School, Georgetown
St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School, Austin
St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School, Austin
St. Joseph Catholic Academy, Killeen
St. Joseph Catholic School, Bryan.
St. Louis Catholic School, Austin
St. Mary’s Catholic School, Taylor
St. Mary’s Catholic School, Temple
St. Mary’s Catholic School, West
St. Mary’s Catholic School, West
Chris Kosler.
Sabina Rotter.
Janie Spies
Tomalene Vaughn
Shannon Baley.
Christian Pellot-Valentin
Maribel Robles.
Tara Cevallos.
Linda Halm
Barbara Kennedy
Joyce Mink
Sara Beyer
Ken Banbrick
Diana Galvan.
Susan Pope
Lauren Elias
Emily Loontjer
Ana Karen Guzman
Angelika Stolp.
Amber Kubacak.
Kathie Leppard
Incentive for students.
Wobble Stools.
Can You Hear Me Now?.
Water vs. Soil.
Who’s Afraid of Great Literature?
Learning Hallways
Bridging Excellence
A Course in Self-Regulation.
21st Century Science Labs
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
Theatre Portable Partitions
Cutting Edge Note-taking
The Raptor Project
Admissions Information Management
Empowering P.E. with Floor Scooters
Elementary Writing Curriculum.
Rams Restore.
Outdoor Sensory Learning
Theatre Curtains.
Donor Database Management Software
In an effort to continue fostering opportunities for more families to explore Catholic education by making it more accessible, Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin partnered with ACE Scholarships, Folds of Honor, Our Kids at Heart Foundation, and the Catholic FoundationDiocese of Austin
In addition,
Pastors and parish communities in the Diocese of Austin are also valuable partners in making Catholic education more accessible to more families in Central Texas Catholic school donors are generous individuals and organizations that believe in the transformative power of Catholic education and choose to support it.
The Catholic Schools Diocese of Austin launched an ambitious new initiative last academic year, the Beacon of Hope Scholarship, a program designed to help students access quality Catholic education. Funded through the generosity of donors to the Encountering Christ Campaign, Beacon of Hope is now an endowment fund in the Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Austin, which will support partial tuition scholarships for students for many years to come.
The Beacon of Hope Scholarship Program awarded 200,000 for the 2024-2025 school year to 285 deserving students. These scholarships ranged from $100 to $1,000, providing much-needed financial assistance to families who may otherwise struggle to afford tuition. Despite the significant amount disbursed, the $200,000 awarded represents only 9.3% of the total amount requested. This highlights the considerable demand for financial aid and underscores the importance of continuing to expand funding.
The Beacon of Hope Scholarship Program is an integral part of the Diocese of Austin’s commitment to making Catholic education accessible to all. By providing financial assistance, the program helps to ensure that students from diverse economic backgrounds can benefit from the values and high-quality education offered by Catholic schools. Superintendent, Misty Poe, sums up the Office of Catholic School’s appreciation for tuition support, “We are grateful to the Catholic community and their generosity to make the Beacon of Hope Scholarship fund a reality. The gift of this program will open doors to a Catholic education for all students that nurtures their intellectual, moral, and spiritual development.”
ACE Scholarships
ACE Scholarships support new families who meet specific income guidelines. Once the student qualifies for a scholarship, the funds can be renewed each year up to 12th grade. In 20232024, ACE awarded 126 scholarships for a total of 354,250 to students in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin.
Our Kids at Heart
Our Kids at Heart Foundation (OKAH) provided 526,653 in tuition support to 250 economically disadvantaged students from parishes in Central Texas in 2023-2024. OKAH intentionally partners with parishes and families in Austin, Taylor, Bryan, Georgetown and Temple.
Folds of Honor
Folds of Honor provides scholarships for dependents and/or spouses of fallen or disabled U.S. service members OR first responders. In 2023-2024, Folds of Honor awarded 138,000 to 25 students in our Catholic schools.
Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Austin
The Catholic Foundation - Diocese of Austin houses many endowments for Catholic schools, which in turn provide financial support for our students. In 2023-2024 academic year, the foundation distributed 134,835 to schools for tuition assistance.
By the Numbers
Weekly Masses celebrated with students 906
of our schools where faith formation is central and integral to the curriculum 100%
of our 8th grade graduates continued their education at a Catholic high school 73%
One Goal
to form children in wisdom and holiness
TheNationalEucharisticRevivalmovementisthejoyful,expectant, grassrootsresponseoftheChurchintheUnitedStatestothedivine invitationtobeunitedonceagainaroundthesourceandsummitofour faithinthecelebrationoftheEucharist.ThroughtheEucharist,Goddesires toheal,renew,andunifytheChurchandtheworld.Inaspecialway, CatholicschoolsfacilitatedailyencounterswithJesusChristthroughthe celebrationofthesacraments,adoration,andotherspecialprayerservices. Throughtheseopportunities,studentsareencouragedandsupportedas theydeepentheirownpersonalrelationshipwiththeLord.
CatholicschoolsintheDioceseofAustinwereproudtobeoneofthe sponsorsoftheEucharisticMiracleExhibit,whichwelcomedmorethan 3,000attendeesfromourCatholicschoolsandparishes.Theinteractive exhibitallowedelementary,middle,andhighschoolerstolearnmoreabout differentEucharisticmiraclestoriesinlightofthethree-yearEucharistic Revival
Duringtheyear,schoolsand parishesprovidedanabundanceof specialeventsfocusedonthe Eucharistincluding:
MiddleSch lEucharisticRally
Lastyear,elevenofourCatholicmiddleschools(morethan600teens) cametogetherforadayoffellowship,encounter,andspiritualrenewal attheMiddleSchoolEucharisticRally. Thedayconsistedoftwotalks givenbyLifeTeenmissionaries,fellowship,MasswithBishopVásquez, andculminatedwithadorationoftheBlessedSacrament.
Duringthistimeofadoration,studentswereinvitedtoleavetheirpews andprayatthefootofthealtariftheyfeltcalledtodoso,anditwasa beautifulsighttosee150teenssurroundtheBlessedSacrament, prayingwithalltheirhearts.
TheDioceseofAustinusedtheAssessmentofReligiousKnowledge (ARK)forthefirsttimeinthespringof2024.Thisassessmentisused withstudentsinsecondthrough12thgradesandwithCatholicschool facultyandstaffaswell.StudentsintheDioceseofAustinscoredabove thenationalaverageforCatholicschoolswithspecificstrengths identifiedintheSacraments&LiturgyandBeliefs&Behaviors categories.Ourfacultyandstaffscoredinthetop15%nationwideinthe Beliefs&Behaviorscategory,withourcampusprincipalsscoringinthe top2%nationwide.
With the support of the Office of Catholic Schools, each school ensures that school life and learning are focused on the foundation of Catholic education:
Living Gospel values, preserving and passing on the traditions, beliefs and culture of the Catholic faith.
Regularly celebrated liturgy, prayer and prayer services in the Catholic tradition.
Teaching Community
The total life of the school reflects the commitment to the faith development of each person, and a genuine respect for every individual.
Opportunities for faith-in-action are provided that are consistent with Catholic social teaching and serve as a witness of faith.
Effective Catholic schools exhibit a clear mission, a strong Catholic identity, a safe and orderly learning environment, and academic excellence. The hallmark of a Catholic school education has been challenging programs offered in an atmosphere that models Gospel values and supports and enhances the development of the whole child.
All Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin use the NWEA MAP Assessments in 1st through 8th grades. These adaptive assessments allow teachers and administrators to monitor student achievement and growth in the areas of Reading, Language Usage, Mathematics, and Science three times a year. Information about individual student growth, campus grade level growth, and diocesan-wide student growth informs instruction that can target both student weaknesses and enrichment for areas of strength. The Diocese of Austin’s average math achievement scores for students in 1st through 8th grades were in the 64th percentile at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, which means the overall average achievement was better than 65 percent of all public and private schools using the NWEA Assessments across the nation. The Diocese of Austin’s average reading achievement scores for students in 1st through 8th grades were in the 67th percentile.
The annual Catholic Schools St. Thomas Aquinas Mass recognizes middle school students for their leadership and service to the community, as well as high school students for being named National Merit Scholars. This year's celebration took place on February 22, at St. Helen Catholic Church and School in Georgetown, with Father James Misko as the main celebrant; 58 middle school students and 25 high school students were honored
Schools Average * National Average *
* Based on 2021-2022 school year, which is the most recent NWEA data available
DuringtheSpring2024semester,50highschoolstudentsfromthree ofourCatholichighschools,SanJuanDiegoCatholicHighSchool, St.DominicSavioCatholicHighSchool,andHolyTrinityCatholicHigh School,participatedinapilotprojectthatgavethemtheopportunityto discusstherootcausesofpovertyandhowstudentscanaffectchangeto makeadifference.Afterspendingtimeresearchingtheeffectsofpoverty anddiscussingtheexamplestheyseeincentralTexas,thesestudents identifiedtheirstaterepresentativesandbegancraftingquestionsabout howtheTexasLegislatureisaddressingtheseissues.
WiththeassistanceofTexasConferenceofCatholicBishops(TCCB), severalstaterepresentativescraftedresponsestothestudents’questions andallowedtheresponsestobepostedonateachingresourcepagefor discussioninourhighschoolreligionandgovernmentclasses.Whilethese insightfulhighschoolstudentshavenotsolvedthecausesandsymptoms ofpovertyyet,theydorealizetheyhaveavoiceandcanbeapartofthis importantconversation.
Serving Students with Diverse Learning Needs
This past year, three Catholic schools - Santa Cruz Catholic School, San Juan Diego Catholic High School, and St. Theresa Catholic School - received funding from Shepherd Them All Foundation, an organization whose mission is to accompany and equip educators to create an environment of belonging for individuals with differing abilities, to participate in professional development opportunities led by administrators and the Office of Caholic Schools, work together with families to find ways to adapt teaching styles to fit students’ needs.
Preparatory School
On November 16, 2022, the Board of Trustees for St. Gabriel’s Catholic School and St. Michael’s Catholic Academy voted unanimously to unify and thus became the community of St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School. This decision was made as a culmination of many years of discussion, research, planning, and discernment. The Board was keenly aware of the competitive and challenging environment for independent schools locally in the Austin market, across Texas, and nationally. St. Gabriel’s and St Michael’s were so closely aligned in mission, Catholic values, and exceptional social-emotional, academic, and extracurricular offerings, not to mention location. The Board of Trustees believed that the unified school could provide an even more exceptional Catholic experience for students and families. At the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, the joining of the two schools marked a significant chapter in the school’s journey, and through faith, collaboration, and partnership, the two schools have grown into one community, planning to honor the past, embrace the present, and co-create a bright future.
CelebratingSt.TheresaCatholicSchoolasa NationalBlueRibbonSchool
St.TheresaCatholicSchoolinAustinwas designatedanExemplaryHighPerforming NationalBlueRibbonSchoolfor2023bytheU.S. SecretaryofEducation,MiguelCardona.
St.Theresaisoneof353schools inthenation,oneof29schools fromTexas,andtheonlyschool inAustintoberecognizedin2023.
St. Mary’s Catholic School, Taylor - High School Complex Blessing and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
On April 26, 2023, Bishop Vásquez, the Office of Catholic Schools, and the Taylor Chamber of Commerce celebrated the blessing and ribbon cutting for the new high school complex at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Taylor. The complex houses six classrooms, along with a student/faculty center, where students continue to grow in their intellect, character and spirituality.
Blessing of the Wisdom Building at Holy Family Catholic School, Austin
The community of Holy Family Catholic School in Austin celebrated the blessing of their newest space on campus, the Wisdom building, on March 9, 2023. Families and friends gathered with Father Tom Reitmeyer, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, to partake in this special moment, and tour the new space, which hosts classrooms for 5th and 6th grades, as well as spaces for art and technology
On September 23, 2023, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Mrs. Tara Cevallos, principal of St. Austin Catholic School, to the Continuing Advisory Committee for Special Education for a term set to expire on February 1, 2027. The Committee provides policy guidance on special education and related services for children with disabilities in Texas.
Mrs. Kelly Laster Presented at the National Catholic Education Association Annual Convention
In April 2023, many of our schools’ faculty and staff attended the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Annual Convention in Dallas. Our own Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Kelly Laster, was selected to present a breakout session on Integrating Catholic Social Teaching and Social Studies Curriculum As part of her breakout, Mrs. Laster shared about the partnerships the Diocese of Austin has developed to give students the best opportunities to engage in the seven themes of Catholic social teaching.
A Catholic Charities Champion is a school community within the Diocese of Austin that strives to live out the principles of serving, learning, giving and sharing the mission of Catholic Charities.
This past year, four of our Catholic schools were recognized as Catholic Charities Champions!
As part of their Archangel Feast Day of Service, St. Michael’s students collaborated to collect andprepare thousands of baby diapers and hygiene items that benefited the families served throughout the St. Gabriel’s Pregnancy and Parenting Program. Additionally, students collectedhundreds of family board games that were distributed to families as part of Catholic Charities’ 25thAnniversary celebration.
St. Joseph Catholic Academy partnered with Catholic Charities on a number of service and giving projects, including holding a Baby Diaper and Hygiene Drive, as well as creating Veteran’s Day cards for veterans staying at hospital facilities in Temple and Killeen. Additionally, middle and high school students participated in a poverty simulation that allowed them to experience the plight of families experiencing homelessness.
Serving Learning Sharing
St. Louis Catholic School in Austin
For their Parish/School Feast Day in 2023, St. Louis Catholic School donated and wrapped thousands of diapers that benefited families served through the St. Gabriel’s Pregnancy and Parenting Program.
St. Theresa Catholic School in Austin
Every year, St. Theresa Catholic School holds a Lenten Diaper Drive to benefit families served throughout the St. Gabriel’s Pregnancy and Parenting Program After reaching the goal of collecting 25,000 diapers to commemorate Catholic Charities’ 25th Anniversary, St. Theresa’s students set a new diocesan record for a school-based donation drive.
Our Catholic schools practice fiscal responsibility, working closely with their pastors, advisory school boards, and the diocesan Pastoral Center. We always seek to be good stewards of our funding, using it to enhance the Christ-centered educational experiences of our students.
As we seek to keep tuition as low as possible for our families while recognizing the outstanding job performed by our faculty and staff, Catholic schools hold fundraisers and annual fund drives to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost to educate a student.
the Numbers
AverageGapcoveredbydevelopment activitiesandparishsupport
Tuition&Fees: $33,734,941 DevelopmentRevenue: $9,733,369 OtherIncome*: $6,820,138 SubsidyfromParishes: $3,704,931 StudentActivities: $1,194,163 SubsidyfromDiocese: $1,049,038
Other income includes revenue from donations, rental income, and revenue interest
Operating Expenses F Y 2024
Salaries&Benefits: $36,360,335
Facilities: $4,682,849
General&Administrative: $4,407,607
StudentExpenses: $3,094,054
ProfessionalServices: $2,560,514
OtherExpenses*: $1,149,559
DevelopmentExpenses: $999,444
* Other expenses include interest and investment expenses, and taxes.
The Diocese of Austin is committed to supporting our Catholic schools in finding innovative ways to remain viable while offering financial assistance to those families that otherwise may not be able to attend. The Office of Catholic Schools is thankful for our collaborative partners in this mission. In partnership with the Office of Finance, diocesan staff offer support to schools with budgeting assistance as well as reinforces collaboration with business managers and pastors to serve the mission of Catholic education.
The continued success of schools and support for tuition assistance are made in partnership with all stakeholders.
9 schools offer a parishioner discount
16 schools offer a multi-child discount
17 schools offer an employee discount
19 schools offer tuition assistance opportunities
All 19 schools offer tuition assistance programs to support families who desire a Catholic education for their children.
The annual Saints & Scholars, Celebrating Catholic Schools Gala celebrates Catholic education in the Diocese of Austin while honoring the “unsung” heroes at each of our 19 Catholic schools, and raises much-needed funds that are returned to each school in support of their tuition assistance programs for students and their families
This past year, we celebrated the 16th anniversary of this grand event, and Tim Glemkowski, executive director of the National Eucharistic Congress, was the keynote speaker for the evening. Thanks to your support and generosity, we were able to
raise 150,628 that went back to the schools for their tuition assistance programs.
Since 2009, 331 “unsung” heroes have been recognized for their commitment, dedication, and service to Catholic schools, and $1.7 million has been raised in support of tuition assistance. Learn more about this premier event at
Celebrating our 2024 Catholic Service Award Recipients
C.J.“Dutch”Kellerman MemorialLeadershipAward THEDOLCEFAMILY
For the fourth year in a row, the Catholic Services Appeal has sponsored a special scholarship contest for Catholic school students. This year's scholarship theme was Be a Miracle. Students had the opportunity to enter the contest by submitting an artistic project to describe what the theme meant to them. The committee reviewed 145 projects and is proud to recognize the winners of the 2023-2024 contest, per category:
St.DominicSavioCatholicHighSchool, Austin
In addition to the student scholarships, an additional $15,000 was awarded directly to schools. Schools had the opportunity to submit videos explaining how they, as school communities, are called to be miracles to others. Eight entries were received, and we congratulate the following winners: Santa Cruz Catholic School
$7,500 grant
San Juan Diego Catholic High School $7,500 grant
There are many ways you can make a difference and support the efforts of Catholic education in Central Texas.
Lifting up our Catholic schools in your regular prayer life is essential to our continued success. Join a school’s intercessory prayer team or commit to a Holy Hour of prayer at the school’s parish church in Adoration.
Volunteering is another way to make a difference and advance the mission of our Catholic schools. Your particular talent or your presence to our school community through volunteerism connects you to a vibrant community of faith that enriches everyone involved Please reach out to a school if you are interested in service opportunities.
In order to provide Catholic education to as many families as possible, tuition is lower than the cost to educate a child, creating a “tuition gap.”
Partnering with a Catholic school through its annual fund, tuition assistance fund, or bequests is a tangible way to support the programs of the school or to help a child whose family would not otherwise experience the fruits of Catholic education.
A joyfully Catholic environment invites parents, the first educators, to join schools in the shared responsibility of educating God's children.
Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin gratefully recognizes the generosity of all individuals, sponsors, and partners who supported our mission in 2023-2024.
We are proud to recognize those donors who have contributed $1,500 or more by supporting the Catholic Services Appeal (for education), tuition assistance efforts at the diocesan level, and/or Saints & Scholars - Celebrating Catholic Schools Dinner and Awards Ceremony.
TheOfficeofCatholicSchoolsmakeseveryefforttoensureaccuracyofthisreport, butshouldyoufindanerrororomission,pleasecontactusat catholicschools@austindiocese.orgor(512)949-2497.
Greg and Jean Waleke
Anonymous x2
Dr. Ned Vanders
Dr. Jose and Catherine
Rob and Leslie
Rob McNair Realtors
Knights of Columbus -
St. John Neumann
Parish, Austin
Alison and Adam Tate
Mike Santana
Ron and Diane Riehs
Friends of Jana Tuerff
Faithful Servant
Dr. Judy Knotts
Dave and Maureen
JWH Communications / St. Austin Catholic
School Advisory Board
Paul and Ellen Seals
Broecker Funeral Home
St. Austin Parish friends of St. Austin School
Dufour Law PLLC
* A full list of Catholic School donors can be found at csdatx org/2024ccs