CRU Prayer Diary: May - Oct 2024

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May to October2024


You may have noticed that this prayer diary is slightly different to past editions.

As you pray for our ministry, we want you to be well informed of the different areas of our ministry. To do this effectively, our prayer points are now thematic - focusing on one particular division within CRU each week.

Our hope is that this will enable you to support the different aspects of our ministry through prayer, along with the staff who work in each area.

Thank you for your continued prayers.


Week starting Sunday 5 May

Give thanks for the CRU Educational Camps team and their commitment to serving God faithfully through camping ministry. Pray for the team as they have four camps running across both our sites this week. Ask that God would be providing them with energy and opportunities for good gospel conversations. Please pray that God would be working in the hearts of the students so that they might grow in their understanding of Him or begin to discover who He is for the first time.

Week starting Sunday 12 May

Please continue to pray for staffing needs across CRU, particularly for our kitchen staff at Galston Gorge and Lake Macquarie. Pray that God would be continuing to bring faithful disciples to CRU, who can use their skills for His Kingdom - so that more kids can hear His message. Thank God for the way He has provided faithful staff at our sites who work diligently for His glory.

Week starting Sunday 19 May

Please be praying for the CRU Educational Camps team this week. Six camps are running across CRU Galston Gorge and CRU Lake Mac with 50 Summit trainees and staff members leading on camp. Pray that the students would have an enjoyable and safe time away and that they would be open to having gospel conversations with the leaders.

Week starting Sunday 26 May

Give thanks for God’s provision of Study Camp directors who are eager to serve Year 12 students as they prepare for their HSC or IB exams. Please pray for the Study Camps Directors’ Dinner happening this week, that it would be a great time of fellowship and encouragement. Pray also for the Snow Camps Leaders’ Meeting that they would be able to plan well for the upcoming snow camps and would leave feeling encouraged and supported in their service.


Week starting Sunday 2 June

Thank God for the CRU Board and their work to support and grow CRU. Please ask that God would be guiding their discussions as they meet this week. Pray that He would have His hand over their conversations and that members of the Board would make wise and godly decisions about CRU and the future.

Week starting Sunday 9 June

Praise God for our staff who care for our sites. Please pray that He would continue to sustain them as they keep our sites clean, safe and beautiful. Pray for the staff team as they work on projects and upgrades that ensure CRU's ministry will continue to run smoothly and help more campers hear the good news.

Week starting Sunday 16 June

As Term 2 comes to an end, thank God for all of the students CRU has ministered to through CRU Educational Camps and Schools Ministry. Pray that God would continue to work through CRU’s ministries for the good of His Kingdom and that more students would come to know and follow Him. Please also pray for the staffing needs of these two teams as look for more faithful Christians to join this ministry.

Week starting Sunday 23 June

Praise God for the CRU West team and their desire to serve Him in Western Australia as they share the gospel with children. Pray for the CRU West Committee as they meet together this week to discuss the work and progress of this ministry as they continue to grow in the future. Pray also for the prayer meeting running in Western Australia this week, that it would be an encouraging time to pray over CRU West’s ministries.

Week starting Sunday 30 June

Thank God for the Winter Holiday Camps season starting this week and for all of the campers that have registered to attend these 22 camps. Ask that God would be working in each of the campers' hearts, so that they might continue to grow in their faith, be encouraged to recommit their lives to Him or start following Him for the first time.


Week starting Sunday 7 July

Please pray for our kitchen staff and site teams who work tirelessly to provide wonderful meals and beautiful campsites for our visitors. Pray that God would protect them from illness and give them great joy in seeing young people enjoy the campsites and hear about Jesus during the Holiday Camp season.

Week starting Sunday 14 July

Thank God for the last week of Holiday Camps running this season and for the campers attending. Pray that these would be fruitful and safe camps for both campers and leaders and that good relationships would be formed throughout the week. Pray that campers' hearts would be transformed for God's Kingdom. Praise Him for the winter camp directors who take the time out of their usual routine to make sure that camps run smoothly and campers have fun.

Week starting Sunday 21 July

Please pray for the CRU West Committee and Prayer Meeting, that this would be a great time of fellowship to reflect on CRU West’s ministries and pray for future camps and events coming up for the CRU West team. Pray that God would equip and sustain Ed Surrey as he leads the CRU West team.

Week starting Sunday 28 July

Praise God for the many schools who faithfully share Jesus with their students. Pray for our Schools Ministry team as they plan for the next school term and connect with schools to plan visits. Pray that visits would be plentiful, that schools would feel supported and that students would continue hearing the gospel clearly proclaimed.


Week starting Sunday 4 August

Thank God for the staff He has brought into CRU and for their desire to serve Him and His Kingdom. Pray for the staff connection days running this week that these would be a great opportunity for staff to spend time getting to know people from other divisions, being equipped for ministry and giving thanks for the work God is doing through CRU.

Week starting Sunday 11 August

Pray for our Summit Trainees as they grow in faith and share Jesus with young people. Pray for their training in outdoor education, leadership and ministry - that their study would be impactful and they would develop new skills to use on camps. Praise God that we have more than 45 Summit Trainees acting as His hands and feet in the ministry work of CRU.

Week starting Sunday 18 August

Praise God for the Schools Ministry team. Thank Him for the work they do in schools across Sydney (and beyond) to encourage students in their faith. Please pray for the FIT training events running this week for students in Years 5 and 6 at Trinity Preparatory School, Norwest Christian College, Roseville College, Thomas Hassall Anglican College and Hunter Christian School. Ask that God would be working through the students at each of these events so that they can be equipped to share Jesus with others at their schools.

Week starting Sunday 25 August

Please pray for our Admin team this week, who faithfully serve CRU and work in the background to keep the ministry cogs turning. Pray for energy and diligence as they complete the 2023-2024 financial year and prepare for a new financial season beginning next week.


Week starting Sunday 1 September

Please pray for CRU staff directors as they meet for a Quarterly Coordinating Committee meeting this week. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they evaluate and reflect on the work of CRU. Pray that decisions made in this meeting will reflect the heart of the ministry to reach young people with the good news that Jesus brings.

Week starting Sunday 8 September

Please pray for CRU’s staffing needs, that God would be providing faithful people who have a strong desire to serve Him in this way. Particularly pray for the CRU Educational Camps team, as they recruit new Summit trainees for 2025 – that many young, energetic Christians would apply to join the team.

Week starting Sunday 15 September

Praise God for the CRU West team and their passion for serving His Kingdom in Western Australia. Pray for the committee meeting happening this week that it would be a great time of encouragement as they evaluate and plan for future CRU West ministries.

Week starting Sunday 22 September

Pray for the seven CRU Educational Camps running across various sites this week. Ask that God would be providing the team with energy and wisdom as they share the gospel with students and teachers. Pray that God would be working in the hearts of the students so that they might come to understand the truth of His Word.

Week starting Sunday 29 September

Praise God for the start of another season of CRU Holiday Camps! Please be praying for our wonderful volunteer leaders who sacrifice their time to share Jesus with the next generation. Pray that these camps would run safely and that many campers would come to grow in their understanding of Jesus and be moved to make a decision for Him.


Week starting Sunday 6 October

Thank God for the thousands of kids who heard the good news through our Schools Ministry team last term. Pray that His word would continue to impact and grow new leaders of faith in schools and that they would be like a lamp on a hill to their peers. Pray that our Schools Min team would find space to rest during this school holidays before the final term of the year.

Week starting Sunday 13 October

Pray for the CRU Board Meeting happening this week that this would be a fruitful time to reflect on CRU’s progress throughout the year and discuss future plans that will enable CRU to continue to share the gospel with young people. Please give energy and wisdom to the Board as they prayerfully make impactful decisions.

Week starting Sunday 20 October

Pray for our Communications team as they run the CRU Business Breakfast this week. Pray that the event will run according to plan and that donors will prayerfully consider how they can continue supporting CRU as they hear about the impact the last year has had on thousands of young people.

Week starting Sunday 27 October

Praise God for our incredible Summit Trainees who consistently share the gospel with young people. Pray that He would continue to sustain them in a busy season of school camps with around 40 camps happening this term - and that they would find great joy in His grace. Pray that they would continue to grow in faith as they share Jesus with the next generation.

The Crusader Union of Australia PO Box 590, Eastwood NSW 2122 (02) 9874 8933 ABN 90 213 359 332
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