Cross Roads

Page 4

Convention Through a Youth’s Eyes By Anna Sumner Noonan

As I drove to Winston Salem on Thursday evening, January

of sorts. I was thrust into a group of around twenty other

19, I could only have imagined what the next day and a

youth from around the diocese, all of us a conglomeration of

half at our 196th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of

representatives, delegates, and pages, but all of us as equally

North Carolina was going to be like. Upon returning home

passionate about the Episcopal Church. That first night we

on that Saturday I was far wiser on the inner workings of

learned our ‘jobs’, which for me consisted of sitting at table in

our Episcopal community and far wiser on the part that our

the front of the convention hall, being quiet, and not making

wonderful parish plays within this community. Being the

funny faces at the other youth pages stationed around the

youth representative for our convocation, I was told to arrive

hall. As we bonded as youth that night, it became apparent

the evening before convention officially started for a training

just how cool it was to have youth from all over the state come


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