Cross Roads

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Cross Roads

What the ABC Sale is All About Convention Through a Youth’s Eyes Relocating a Church Building Loving our Neighbors at Inter-Faith Council Community Kitchen TEDxFranklinSt

Journal of the Chapel of the Cross X March 2012

[ Contents ] 4 6

8 10


13 14

Convention Through a Youth’s Eyes Relocation a Church Building Newcomers’ Gathering

What the ABC Sale is All About 50th Annual ABC Sale

Environmental Stewardship

Loving our Neighbors at Inter-Faith Council Community Kitchen

15 16



23 23

TEDxFranklinSt New Vestry

Adult Education Parish Register Vestry Actions

Easter Flowers

[ Dates to Remember ] March 5 Spring Break - No Adult Inquirers Class

March 7 - 10 Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes Annual Conference in Charlotte

March 11

Daylight Savings Time Begins

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

March 17

March 18

Newcomers’ Reception at Stephen and Betsy Elkins-Williams’ Home

Women’s Retreat at Trinity Center

Spiritual Life Retreat at St. Francis Springs


March 23 - 25 March 23 - 26 March 25

For a service schedule and information about the various ministries of the Chapel of the Cross visit: On 2 the Cover: The line to get into the parish for the ABC Sale.

Dear Friends, Dear Friends,

At our recent annual Diocesan Convention, we passed (with the unanimous support of our Parish’s clergy and lay delegates)

In two months, we

the following resolution articulating and reaffirming these

and all the voters


of North Carolina, will be asked to vote

Resolved, that the 196th Convention of the Diocese of North



Carolina reaffirm the Episcopal Church’s historical support of



gay and lesbian persons as children of God and entitled to full



known Marriage

civil rights; and be it further

Amendment. Despite laws already in effect

Resolved, that the 196th Diocesan Convention reaffirm the



action of the 71st General Convention of The Episcopal Church,


which in 1994 called upon “municipal council, state legislatures


and the United States Congress to approve measures giving gay

add to our state’s constitution the statement that “marriage

and lesbian couples protection[s] such as: bereavement and family

between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal

leave policies; health benefits; pension benefits; real-estate transfer

union which shall be valid or recognized in this state.”

tax benefits; and commitments to mutual support enjoyed by




non-gay married couples”; and be it further If only from the viewpoint of constitutional law, this is a very bad idea. Constitutions by their nature are to ensure and

Resolved, that the 196th Diocesan Convention reaffirms the action

protect rights, not take them away. Even for those opposed

of the 75th General Convention of The Episcopal Church (2006)

to same sex marriage, a constitutional amendment is not the

in opposition to any state or federal constitutional amendment


that prohibits same-sex civil marriage or civil unions.

And for those who uphold the civil rights of gay and lesbian

I have informed the Vestry that at its March 15th meeting, I

people and endorse extending to those in domestic unions the

will ask them to endorse this same resolution as a body and to

protections available to all married couples, this is clearly a

publicize that stance appropriately. This action would be not

step in the wrong direction.

only be in keeping with our parish’s long and recent history of witnessing on behalf of justice and integration, but it would

The Episcopal Church, through its General Convention,

also unite us to the actions of our diocese and the Episcopal

has for many decades supported gay and lesbian persons as

Church. I want to let you know my intention now so that if

children of God and entitled to full civil rights. In 1994, it

you wish to speak to any Vestry members about this resolution

spoke out in favor of local, state, and national bodies extending

before then, you have the opportunity to do so.

benefits and protections to committed couples. In 2006, the General Convention opposed state or federal constitutional


amendments prohibiting same-sex civil marriage or civil unions. 3

Convention Through a Youth’s Eyes By Anna Sumner Noonan

As I drove to Winston Salem on Thursday evening, January

of sorts. I was thrust into a group of around twenty other

19, I could only have imagined what the next day and a

youth from around the diocese, all of us a conglomeration of

half at our 196th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of

representatives, delegates, and pages, but all of us as equally

North Carolina was going to be like. Upon returning home

passionate about the Episcopal Church. That first night we

on that Saturday I was far wiser on the inner workings of

learned our ‘jobs’, which for me consisted of sitting at table in

our Episcopal community and far wiser on the part that our

the front of the convention hall, being quiet, and not making

wonderful parish plays within this community. Being the

funny faces at the other youth pages stationed around the

youth representative for our convocation, I was told to arrive

hall. As we bonded as youth that night, it became apparent

the evening before convention officially started for a training

just how cool it was to have youth from all over the state come


together and share in this wonderful experience within the

so from 9:00 to 9:45 Friday night, youth from all over

Episcopal Church.

the diocese joined us representatives in having a personal conversation with Bishop Katharine. It was an amazing

Convention started off with a bang the next morning as

experience to talk to the Presiding Bishop on such an

we were given a front row seat for Bishop Curry’s opening

intimate level and about issues specifically affecting the

address that moved all of us in the audience about as much

youth within the Episcopal Church.

as he moved around the stage throughout the speech. This convention we were given a special treat since we had the

The next day was filled with legislative sessions which

Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori visiting our

helped set the agenda for our next year within our

diocese; so after lunch we were given the special opportunity

Episcopal Diocese, an often long and tedious process,

to have a question and answer session with her when the floor

but at times riveting. One thing I did draw from it was

was open to all questions. Throughout the day in various

that as a church body, we strive to do what is best for

meetings and on the convention floor, any time a delegate

the world at large as well as the members of our larger

or member of the clergy of the Chapel of the Cross was

church community. As we were singing and saying our

mentioned, asked to speak, up for nomination, or stood up

departing prayers for the 196th convention, I could not

to the microphone I would lean over to my friend Ben and

help but feel a devastating sadness pass over me, as I knew

whisper “they are from my church”, with so much delight in

this experience was going to be one in a lifetime and it

my voice. This happened so often that he eventually had to

was coming to an end. I was made aware of the inner

ask me to stop; but in my mind, that was a good thing!

workings of the Episcopal Church, how our parish is such an active member of this process; and I made incredible

One of my favorite parts of the entire weekend was when

friends along the way who can share in my pride of calling

most of the convention delegates headed over to St. Paul’s

myself an Episcopalian. X

Episcopal Church down the road from the convention center for a 5:00 evening mass on Friday. It was very neat to compare and contrast our church’s traditions to those of St. Paul’s, for example the words to the Lord’s Prayer deviated from ours

Anna Sumner is a junior at East Chapel Hill High School. She was a member of the Junior Choir for 8 years, has been an active member of the parish Episcopal Youth Community since 8th grade, has attended three summer mission trips, and currently serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.

a bit, but on the other hand, the woodwork above the choir stalls in St. Paul’s was the exact same as ours here in Chapel Hill.

That night the youth of the diocese were given a special opportunity to meet personally with the Presiding Bishop,


Relocating a Church Building: The Latest Part of the Advocate’s Moving Tradition By Sam Laurent Travel metaphors are often useful in describing Christian faith. Images of roads, paths, and journeys are invoked to help get at the evolving, unfolding nature of our lives with God. Generally in such uses, these ideas ground our abstract grappling with the mysteries of faith. At the Advocate though, recent talks of roads and journeys in our communal life have taken on an arrestingly direct tone. For we are planning to move a church building - literally. The journey starts in Forsyth County, and the roads are the by-ways of the Old North State. And when it gets here, the building will be a


major milestone in our community’s journey. The story is already a good one. In January, 2011, the Advocate completed the purchase of 15 acres of land at the intersection of Merin and Homestead roads in Chapel Hill. This purchase reflects years of committed work on town permits and fundraising by the people of the Advocate, as well as generous sharing from donors, including many members of the Chapel of the Cross. The land is a beautiful space, and our congregation is deeply thankful for,

and inspired by, the opportunities it affords us, and for the community of faith that makes it possible for us to establish a physical presence there. Just as the people of the Advocate were turning their attention to the next step, that of building a place of worship on the land, the Historic Properties Commission of the diocese alerted us to a unique opportunity. St. Philip’s church in Germanton (8 miles northeast of Winston-Salem) is an Episcopal church building without a congregation. Built in 1891 and listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, St. Philip’s has in recent years fallen into disuse, but thanks to the stewardship of the diocese and the churches of the Winston-Salem convocation, not into disrepair. The only obstacle in place is that the building sits 87 miles from the Advocate site. But grace is at work. Blake Moving Company, of “Moving Midway” fame, has confirmed that they can move St. Philip’s to the Homestead Road site for $233,000—considerably less than the cost of building a comparable worship space anew. Architect and Chapel of the Cross parishioner Jim Spencer has confirmed that the building not only is sturdy enough to move, but bears intangible charm. “First, the simplicity and beauty of St. Philip’s has seduced everyone who has seen it or visited it,” Spencer said. “It’s simply a great example of a southern carpenter gothic church building that is worth saving. Second, the idea of giving a new liturgical life to an old worship structure appeals to me and I believe to the congregation of the Advocate.”

of the Diocese, “the willingness of the parishioners of the Advocate to undertake moving this church preserves a terrific piece of our heritage as the Episcopal Church, and is a real gift to the whole Episcopal Diocese.” The fact that a unique opportunity for the Advocate may also be a gift to the diocese is a multivalent form of grace. “Maybe the possibility of an old historic church building becoming a place of worship for an emerging, new and young congregation can be one answer to a prayer that we pray every Good Friday, at every Easter Vigil and whenever someone is ordained,” said Bishop Michael Curry, “‘Let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new....’ Maybe in doing this the Church of the Advocate can remind us that making new creation from the old is precisely the missio dei, the mission of God in the world.” The Advocate bids your prayers and support in this exciting time. For more information about moving St. Philip’s, visit X Sam is a former participant in Episcopal Campus Ministry at the Chapel of the Cross and a current member of the Church of the Advocate.

In what vicar Lisa Fischbeck calls a “confluence” of possibilities in the Advocate’s life, the once-wishful suggestion of moving St. Philip’s has become a very feasible project, moving ahead with approval from the Advocate vestry and with modifications to our site plan submitted to the Town of Chapel Hill for it’s approval. Moving St. Philip’s will be a blessing on many levels, reflecting the commitment of the Advocate and the wider Episcopal community to principles of sustainability and tradition. In the words of Syd Alexander, Chapel of the Cross member and Secretary to the Trustees


Newcomers’ Gathering By Patty Courtright A few months after they moved to Chapel Hill, John Grishin

Sunday. The connection they felt was immediate, John said.

and Leslie Bryan began looking for a home church. They had different frames of reference – Leslie was raised Presbyterian

“We weren’t familiar with the liturgical calendar of the

and John grew up attending the Greek Orthodox Church.

Episcopal church, and Stephen’s sermon that day really got us

But they were in complete agreement about the need to find

interested in Advent and what it represents,” he said. “Also, we

a church where they felt comfortable.

really enjoyed the tradition of the service.”

The couple attended a different church every Sunday during

Afterward, John and Leslie stopped by the newcomers’ table

Advent, visiting the Chapel of the Cross on the second

in the dining room and were greeted by long-time parishioner


Barbara Pipkin, who immediately introduced them to the

one another and form – or deepen – connections outside the

many ways in which they could become involved.

regular activities of the church.

“There was so much we could sign up for,” John said, “so

“Everything we did as newcomers seemed custom-made for

we started going to things right away. After that, we never

us,” John said. “The classes, the social event – it truly seems

wanted to attend church anywhere else.”

as if all the stars in the church had aligned for us. We knew we were home.”

That was in 2010. Since that first visit, the couple has participated in the Inquirers’ Class for newcomers led by

The next newcomers’ gathering will be held on Sunday,

Stephen Elkins-Williams, met many of the chairs of the

March 18 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the home of Stephen

church’s various ministries (thanks to Gretchen Jordan),

and Betsy Elkins-Williams. For additional information

participated in a Lenten Quiet Day at Camp New Hope and

about the event, please contact Patty Courtright, 408-3099

regularly attended the weekly adult education programs. In

or Patty also coordinates the

fact, Leslie now serves on the committee that helps plan adult

Shepherds Program, and if you would like to know more

education offerings.

about becoming a shepherd, she can provide that information as well. X

John and Leslie also attended the newcomers’ gathering at the home of Stephen and Betsy Elkins-Williams last spring. “That was such a comfortable situation. It reaffirmed the connections we had already made and gave us a chance to

Please Join Us for a Newcomers’ Gathering

meet other newcomers plus several people who were well established in the church,” John said.

For all Newcomers or those who Twice a year, the parish hosts a get-together for newcomers

feel like Newcomers

so they can meet other people who are new to the Chapel of the Cross and chat with members of the clergy and the vestry.

Sunday, March 18

It’s also a chance for newcomers to meet with their shepherds,

3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

established church members who welcome the newcomers and help them become involved in the life of the church.

At the home of Stephen and Betsy Elkins-Williams 100 Black Oak Place

In effect, the newcomers’ gatherings make the church a


little smaller. People have an opportunity to get to know


What the ABC Sale is all About... By Perri Kersh and Mary Beth Grealey If you’ve ever helped with the Chapel of the Cross ABC Sale,

For the past several years, we’ve worked on the sale in a

you’re likely to say the sale is all about ridding your home

number of capacities (MaryBeth on the Clean Up crew and

of things you don’t need, use, and love. You’re also likely

co-chairing the Garden Department and Perri co-chairing

to say it’s about a wonderful week of fellowship with fellow

Clean Up and Co-chairing the entire sale). We’ve also taken

parishioners—working together as a team to tackle a huge

on a behind-the-scenes role, working on the Disbursement

job and having a lot of fun along the way. You may describe

Committee that meets after the sale to give away the funds

it as a super-hard week of work or a week where you met a lot

raised during the sale. Both of us would agree that all of the

of new people. And finally, you might add that it’s a place to

work we put into the ABC Sale is rewarding, but nothing

find a great bargain on sale day! All of these things are true

compares to funding worthy organizations in our community

and more.

and helping them help others by sharing the profits of the sale.


The Disbursement Committee meets after the sale is complete

of hunger or malnutrition and since 2009 has donated

and receipts are tallied and we have a “grand total” – an

90,000+ lbs of fresh food.

amount raised during the ABC Sale minus the expenses of the sale. This amount is truly an amazing thing to behold (topping $30,000 most years!).

The Student Health Action Coalition at UNC (http:// applied for and received a grant to buy first aid kits for refugee families. With the families’

The Outreach Committee receives numerous applications

focus on more immediate needs such as food and shelter,

from worthy organizations and appoints a group of

simpler needs like first aid kits can be overlooked.

individuals (the Disbursement Committee) to sort through them and decide which organizations will receive the funds.

Once the Disbursement Committee finalizes our decisions,

Unfortunately we can’t help everyone (as much as we’d like

the list of projects to fund goes before the Outreach

to!). During past years, we’ve received requests totaling close

Committee for approval, and finally, to the Vestry for final

to $90,000 but only have roughly a third of that to give

approval. Work on this committee has helped us both to get a

away. This makes for a long meeting filled with passionate

better sense of the needs of our community and the wonderful

discussions! But in the end, we all walk away, feeling very

organizations who are truly doing God’s work in and around

good about those organizations that we have helped.

Chapel Hill. We were so inspired by this task that we decided to join the Outreach Committee so we can further learn

Examples of funded projects include:

about the organizations supported by our church and increase

our own involvement in the community.

Source Force ( serves below poverty-line clients living with HIV/AIDS and/or cancer. They provide monthly picnics with a hot meal,

We hope you’ll all join us this year during ABC Sale week

take-home groceries, and entertainment as well as yearly

as we gather together to collect and price goods, sell them

bushel-sized Easter baskets with personal items such

at bargain prices, and most importantly, raise funds to share

as toiletries, towels, socks, and food items. The picnics

with those who need the most help in our area. If you’d like

offer clients a chance to get out and socialize, something

to serve on the ABC Sale Disbursement Committee, please

that many rarely get to do. Most of the items provided

contact ABC Sale Co-Chair Sandy Gerow at sgerow1@gmail.

in the yearly baskets cannot be bought with government

com. X

assistance such as food stamps.

Fuel Up Perry Harrison ( and Farmer Foodshare (http://www.farmerfoodshare. org/) both address food insecurity issues. Fuel Up provides food during weekends and holidays for 40-50 students at Parry Harrison Elementary School and has successfully cloned four other programs at local schools.

Perri serves on the Outreach Ministry Committee, the Children and Family Ministry Committee, the ABC Sale Disbursement Committee, as a 2nd Grade Church School Teacher and has served as an ABC Sale department chair for more years than she can count. Mary Beth serves on the Outreach Ministry Committee, the Website Committee, the Children and Family Ministry Committee, the ABC Sale Disbursement Committee. She has also co-chaired the Garden Section of the ABC Sale for four years and has served on the Parish Communications Committee.

Farmer Foodshare raises funds and donations of fresh food at eleven different farmers’ markets for those at risk


50th Annual ABC Sale!

By Sandy Gerow

Saturday, April 21 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. When I tell friends that a group of volunteers makes about $30,000 in five hours to give to local outreach organizations, they’re always amazed. Selling items from parishioners’ Attics, Basements, and Closets doesn’t sound that profitable, but the ABC Sale is the ultimate in recycling! In five days, every available space in the building will be turned into a specialty store; items sorted, priced, and displayed; and the doors opened to an eager public at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,

addition to enable the Sale to continue to expand to meet the needs of the community. Volunteers serve in donating, sorting, arranging, picking-up, pricing, and selling merchandise, and in preparing the church building for, and cleaning up after, the sale. Volunteers who return year after year to participate really make the sale possible. Please join this enthusiastic and dedicated group of parishioners. We will be posting specific opportunities in upcoming Sunday Announcements and in the dining room between services.

April 21.

We need volunteers in all departments, a few vans and trucks

Fifty years ago, the Episcopal Churchwomen’s group, led

as well as plants to fill our garden shop. On April 16 we will

by Mary Harris, began what has grown into the ABC Sale based on an idea Mary got at a Kanuga conference. From the first, all profits were given to outreach organizations outside the parish, and that continues to be the policy today. When the ECW disbanded in the 1990s, what is now the Outreach Ministry Committee took over the reading of grant applications and allocation of funds. At that time also, the Rector was “given” the task of finding co-chairs to run the Sale each year. As the event grew, it became more parishwide, with the Boy Scout troop handling parking and the Youth Group raising funds for their activities by providing lunch for shoppers. As the church building was added onto, the Sale was able to grow as well. “We used to be thrilled with $10,000,” said Rector Stephen Elkins-Williams. He expects the proposed


with drivers for pick-ups, a strong and hardy clean-up crew need a few strong arms to start set-up for the sale. Most of all, we need everyone to help spread the word of this worthwhile event. Nancy McGuffin and Sandy Gerow are co-chairs for this year’s sale. Please contact Nancy ( or 9698111) or Sandy ( or 542-6160) if you have a specific interest or wish to find out more about the sale. There’s room for everyone! X

Environmental Stewardship: What are the Christian Implications for All of Us? By Graham Swift Believing that all creation is interconnected and a gift from God to us; we commit to take an active and holistic approach to environmental stewardship through education, service, and sustainable practices. Environmental Stewardship is an interesting and meaningful combination of two words. The combination is not meant to convey the meaning “Stewardship of the Environment”, but, rather, “Stewardship of all Environments” simply because there is not one environment but many inter-related and interdependent environments! Read Genesis to see where God made all and many interacting environments, among them: the earth, the sky, the waters, and the seas, vegetation of all kinds, the fish, the birds, both wild and domestic animals, and every living creature, including mankind. There is a very definite mention of man, made in his own image, who would rule over all of this majestic and wonderful creation we live in. By rule, I do not believe we were meant to have a capricious, willful, or detrimental effect on any of the inter-dependent and inter-related environments, rather, we were charged to protect and to live in harmony with all environments to enhance the whole of His creation. Behaviors that we must avoid yet have difficulty doing so are summarized in Ezekiel (34:17-18) “Is it not enough for you to feed on good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you muddy the rest with your feet?” This does not mean that we cannot use our God given human talents of creativity and the abundant supporting resources that we have available to us to develop technology, arts, literature, etc. for the advancement and benefit of the whole human race, but we have to be cognizant of the impact our actions may have on all the environments with which we interact. Too often through the ages, (and we all have examples) we have trampled the pastures and muddied the waters in an ill-considered rush to implement our “great ideas”

to change and enhance our lifestyles without due regard for the impact on other species and environments. Technologically, we have made great strides resulting in human comforts beyond the dreams of our ancestors, we are far removed from the days of Christ, but have we travelled so far that our worldly responsibilities and interactions with our environmental neighbors are not the same? Have they changed in some way since the wisdom of Ezekiel? I think not. All the wonderful advances we have achieved perhaps have given us creature comfort and have made life easier, but some of the choices we have made have denied our analytical reasoning, and we have succumbed to the ‘Ezekiel’ temptation resulting in gross and devastating environmental effects. Scripture clearly states that God created, blessed, protected, and made a covenant with the different species, including us. As stewards of His creation, given our precious gift of intelligence, we are called to a very high standard. It is our scriptural and moral duty to protect all environments, all living species and their habitats, ourselves included. This may at times lead us to painful decision points, but we are blessed with powers of reasoning and have the ability to collectively make the ‘right’ decisions – I hope and pray! Right decisions do not deny our enjoyment of our creation, but satisfy our role as Environmental Stewards. It is the stated mission of the Environmental Stewardship Committee of the Chapel of the Cross to offer you programs with unbiased information on some of the major issues we face in all our shared environments today. We do not intend to be judgmental, but we will try to offer you information so that you may balance risk and reward in your own life style and lessen undesirable environmental impacts. Ezekiel would want nothing less! X Graham Swift is chair of the parish’s Environmental Stewardship Committee.


Loving Our Neighbors at the Inter-Faith Council Community Kichen By Maggie Silton

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty Gilchrest started around 2008. Like the other two teams, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger the Tuesday dinner team creates a delicious meal from the various donated food that’s available. Participants have an and you welcomed me.” opportunity to utilize their individual gifts, whether they

Matthew 25:35

involve the artful presentation of a fruit salad or the muscle The






Community Kitchen serves three meals a day, seven days a

power to lift the heavy pans out of the steamer and move them to the serving area.

week, 365 days a year to the hungry and homeless in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The hands that prepare and serve the food

All of our teams have become well-known to guests and

belong to the many congregational and community groups

kitchen mangers over the years as reliable and pleasant folk

that send volunteer teams to the kitchen. The Chapel of the

who can be counted on to provide a warm welcome as well

Cross sends three such teams to the Community Kitchen.

as a complete meal to those who arrive hungry. Many of the members have expressed the sense that their work in the

Mary and Bob Chase lead a Tuesday lunch team that has been

Community Kitchen is truly a ministry, that they are doing

serving at the kitchen for over thirty years. Jean French recalls

the work both of filling empty stomachs and of tending

being part of this group from the 1980s until 2003. Unlike

yearning souls. Some have mentioned feeling humbled by

some groups which prepare food beforehand and bring it to

the gratitude shown by some of the guests. Others have

the kitchen to serve, the Chapel of the Cross Tuesday lunch

witnessed powerful moments of grace when someone who

group works with the donated food on hand. Sometimes that

has little shares what little he has with someone else. Still

food has been appetizing and plentiful and sometimes less so,

others have mentioned a sense of fellowship within the team

requiring creativity on the part of the team to provide a tasty

as they go about preparing and serving meals together month

and satisfying meal.

after month, year after year. Everyone who volunteers at the kitchen goes there expecting to feed those who are hungry,

Ann Baker and Michael Lienesch lead a Friday dinner team

and most come away with the joyful surprise of feeling

that has been in existence for quite some time, though perhaps

spiritually fed themselves.

not for as long as the Tuesday lunch group. Martha and Larry Hart were team leaders at one time and perhaps were the team’s founders. Ann notes that the meal preparation and serving requires a myriad of talents, not the least of which is learning to use intimidating appliances—notably the steamer—that aren’t found in the typical home kitchen. Trenna Corey leads the Tuesday dinner team that Gale


If you think you may be called to this ministry, please contact one of the team leaders through the parish office. X Maggie is one of the two deacons assigned to the Chapel of the Cross. Her particular ministry focuses on the homeless and the needy.

TEDxFranklinSt: An Invitation to Share New Ideas By Allegra Jordan TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth

civil rights pioneer Pauli Murray changed the world (yet

Spreading. It began in 1984 as a conference bringing together

again), TEDx offers a suite of brief and varied talks from

people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and

experts in our community. Chapel of the Cross parishioner

Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along

Margaret Gifford will discuss Farmer Foodshare’s innovative

with two annual conferences where admission charges are

new systems approach to eradicating North Carolina’s food

steep, TED allows select communities to produce a suite of

deserts, and business ethicist Ted Ryan will talk about the

brief talks, each focused on an “idea worth sharing” to engage

topic “What do dogs need?” We’ll learn what hope looks like

communities in deeper conversation.

to a dying child; and visit, via a new documentary, the tennis courts of San Quentin Maximum Security Prison. Join us in

The Chapel of the Cross serves as the TEDxFranklinSt venue

talks by significant outliers from the world of commerce, film,

due to our mutual interest in building “beloved community,”

advertising, food, and international health and development

the conference’s theme. By inviting TEDx to our chapel, we

on March 3, on Franklin Street, the living room of Chapel

share our history of social breakthrough innovation with

Hill. Come for two and a half hours that will encourage and

people who have never heard our story, nor ever visited our

expand your mind and heart.

church. TEDxFranklinSt has posted information about our role in building community both on its website as well as on

While this is a free event, brief applications are required.

the TEDx broader facebook page, a page ‘liked’ by 59,000

To obtain an application, please contact Allegra Jordan at

people. In addition, information about our parish’s role in or go to the TEDx website at

the civil rights movement has been circulated to an additional X

3,200 local people via the TEDx organizers, most of whom have not known our history. The TEDxFranklinSt event will be held on Saturday, March 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in our historic chapel. Catch a glimpse of the rare in our own community. Living and working among us are some of the world’s most innovative people, building communities across the globe and living lives of success and significance. Come network with people who engage life’s “unchangeable realities.” Located in our chapel where the dynamic African-American


New Vestry Members Questions: 1. When did you become a member of the Chapel of the Cross? 2. Have you ever been on the Vestry, either at this or any other parish? If yes, please note dates, parish(es), and positions held (if applicable). 3. What are your current activities (groups, committees, etc.) within the parish? 4. In what activities have you been involved in the past at the Chapel of the Cross? 5. In what activities are you involved in the greater community outside the parish?

Carter Kersh

1. Our family joined the Chapel of the Cross in 2002 after returning to North Carolina from California where we were members of St. Luke’s in Los Gatos. Other parishes in which our family has been a member include St Francis in Greensboro, the Church of the Good Shepherd in Lexington, KY, and I grew up in St Philips in Brevard, NC. 2. I am currently on the Vestry, finishing out the term for a former Vestry member. I began this interim term in December 2011. I have not previously been on the Vestry. 3. Currently, I am on the Parish Discernment committee and the Stewardship Formation committee. 4. I taught the Senior High Sunday School for four years, volunteered with EYC for five years, and have also served on the Personnel Committee, assisted with the ABC Sale, helped with the Capital campaign and annual giving campaign and served as one of the adult leaders on a Youth Mission Trip. 5. In previous parishes I have served as a lay reader, usher, founder of the Young Adult Ministry, acolyte, and annual giving campaign volunteer. 6. I lead Field Marketing for Juniper Networks, a technology company and am a member of the Marketing leadership cabinet. I am actively involved in the life of my children in Chapel Hill including coaching Pacers with my son, Hamner, and taking a writing course with my daughter, Phereby.

1. August 2008 2. During the late 1980s, I served a full three year term as an Elder on the Session of a 10,000+ member Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. My committee involvement included Christian Education and Stewardship. 3. Member Stewardship Formation Committee, Chair of 2012 Annual Campaign, Usher, active Foyer Group member 4. Habitat for Humanity builder/volunteer, Usher (9:00 and 11:15), Lay Reader (7:30, 9:00, 11:15, Good Friday Services), ABC Sale volunteer 5. Durham Rescue Mission (benefactor, volunteer), CROP Walk, Post-Katrina

Scott Beddingfield 16

home rebuilding in Gulf Port, Mississippi

Margaret Gifford

Neil Pedersen

1. Our family joined Chapel of the Cross as communicants in 2011. We have attended Chapel of the Cross since returning to Chapel Hill in 2008. 2. No, I have never held a Vestry position. 3. I currently serve on the Parish Communications Committee and have been working with that committee for approximately three years. 4. I have taught Church School (2 and 3 year olds) and taught a Vacation Church School lesson on seeds and hunger. My family and I attend services regularly, and we also participate weekly in all of the wonderful children’s activities at the Chapel of the Cross. 5. I am the founder and executive director of Farmer Foodshare (www. Farmer Foodshare is a parish-supported ministry that provides fresh local food to agencies that serve people at risk of hunger in Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and other communities around the state. Since its founding in 2009, Farmer Foodshare has provided over 90,000 pounds of top quality local food to these agencies. Our family was inspired to start Farmer Foodshare after attending a Chapel of the Cross event on hunger. I also serve on the Board of Directors of the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service, the North Carolina Conservation Network and, like every parent, as a volunteer at my child’s school! In addition to working with Farmer Foodshare, I provide marketing and communications consulting services to mission-driven businesses and nonprofits, including Locopops, Carolina Farmer Stewardship Association, and many others. Please contact me if you have any questions at More information on my professional background can be found at:

1. 1988 2. No, I have not previously served on a vestry. 3. For many years I have served as an usher at the 9:00 a.m. service. Within the past year I served on a “sounding” group convened by the Reverend Dr. William Morley who was asked by the Vestry to develop recommendations for re-organizing the positions associated with the administration of the church. 4. In addition to serving as an usher and greeter, I have served on several planning committees that developed long-range plans for the church, including the early planning associated with the renovation and expansion of the facilities. In some years I have assisted with the stewardship campaign. I also have been fairly active in strengthening the relationship with our sister church, St. Paul AME. 5. From 1987 until my retirement in June, 2011, I served first for 5 years as an Assistant Superintendent and then for 19 years as the Superintendent of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. I have had many opportunities to become involved in the community during this time. I was a charter member and president of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Exchange Club. I served on United Way committees and served on the Boards of the CH-C Chamber of Commerce, the Orange County Partnership for Youth, the CH-C Public School Foundation, and the Orange County Communities in Schools. I was in the first cohort of mentors in the Blue-Ribbon Mentor Advocate program, and have continued to mentor the same young man for 16 years.

Editor’s Note – Prior to the Annual Parish Meeting on February 19, 2012, Mary Anne Handy withdrew from this year’s vestry election. The remaining four individuals were elected by acclamation at the Annual Meeting. We include this information to introduce them to the entire parish. They will take office at the vestry retreat in mid-May. 17

Adult Education March

Sunday Mornings, 10:20-11:05 March 4 Power and Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection, led by Christopher Hogin Growing with Our Aging Parents, a monthly support group led by Zoe Ulshen Parent Gathering - Divorce, Remarriage and Stepfamilies: A Conversation with Betty Pristera If your own life or someone close to you has been touched by these family transitions, please join us as we gather to discuss issues relating to these life events and their aftermath. These meetings will provide a venue for concerns regarding relationships among all involved parties including challenges around re-coupling, parenting, young and adult children, money, ex-spouses, relatives, and grand-parenting. We will explore possibilities for resolution and for the sustenance of these new life paradigms.

March 25 Conversation with the Master Plan Steering Committee, an opportunity to ask questions about the renovation and construction plans NOOMA Series, a thematic DVD discussion series for those in their 20s and 30s

Morning and Evening Opportunities Every Tuesday, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Centering Prayer - This method of silent prayer in the Christian contemplative tradition is designed to help us consent to the presence and action of God in our lives. The group is facilitated by the Rev. David Frazelle. Every Thursday, 6:00-6:30 p.m., at Binkley Baptist Church Veni Spiritus - Co-facilitated by the Rev. Susannah Smith and other women clergy - This open group offers opportunity to join others in the practice of silent meditation that deepens the qualities of wisdom and compassion.

Newcomer Welcome/Orientation Session, led by the Rector March 11 Power and Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection, led by Gretchen Jordan NOOMA Series, a thematic DVD discussion series for those in their 20s and 30s Parent Gathering - Divorce, Remarriage and Stepfamilies: A Conversation with Betty Pristera March 18 Theories of the Atonement, led by the Rev. Tammy Lee


Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00; Wednesdays 11:00-12:00; or Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 Lectio Divina Prayer Groups Three of our clergy will lead weekly prayer groups during Lent using the ancient practice of lectio divina. The groups will begin during the week of February 26 and end the week before Holy Week. Each group will be limited to twelve participants. You may sign up on the Adult Education bulletin board in the dining room. Thursdays, 9:15-10:30, January 12- April 5 Yoga as Spiritual Practice Parishioner Rebecca Rogers will offer three series of yoga classes. The sessions will cover a range of the basic poses and

Celebrate Our Celtic Heritage By Nancy Tunnessen

proper breathing techniques, as well as yoga philosophy, centering, and developing a personal discipline as a means of connecting more fully with yourself, with others, and with God. The class will be held in the parish dining room. Sign up on the bulletin board in the dining room for each series of classes is necessary, as there is a maximum of 20 students. The fee is $60 for the 12-week series, prorated from time of joining; participants will need to provide their own mats. Contact Rebecca at: with questions. March 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study on the Letter from James, final session March 10, 9:00-10:30 Awakening Heart This contemplative prayer group is open to anyone who engages in a regular practice of contemplative prayer, is developing a listening prayer practice or any type of meditation designed to keep in the present moment with loving attention. We can help one another support and encourage that effort. Please contact Jane Dyer at March 17, 6:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s Dinner, followed by a film titled The Book of Kells: The Work of Angels?. Register in the parish office.

Celebrate our Celtic heritage by gathering for a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dinner on Saturday evening, March 17. We’ll gather at 6:00 p.m. for supper and later view a film titled The Book of Kells: The Work of Angels?. Dinner will be cooked by the members of Naomi’s Network, the parish widow’s group....and a fine bunch of cooks they are! Corned beef, braised cabbage, Irish soda bread, potatoes with parsley, carrots, Irish whiskey cake, and perhaps a taste of green beer are on the menu. The cost will be $8.00 per person. Any excess money from the dinner will be directed toward this year’s Lenten Offering for Episcopal Relief and Development’s work in Haiti. The Book of Kells, sometimes called the world’s most beautiful book, was created in the 700s and 800s when native Celtic artists took the great Gospel symbols of the Eastern Church - the four cherubim – lion, calf, eagle and man – and transformed them into some of the most beautiful and imaginative illuminated decoration and calligraphy the world has ever seen. The film runs about an hour. As we all know, space is limited and the cooks need to plan how much food to buy, so you must reserve your spot by either signing the list in the parish office or calling 9292193 during office hours. X Nancy is the founder of Naomi’s Network. Among many other parish activities, she currently serves on the Vestry and for 13 years served as Chair of the Adult Education Committee.


From the Parish Register April 2011 – January 2012

Baptisms Clark Matthew Adams David Lawrence Aylor Henry Banks Aylor Kevin Wray Bowles II Annyce Claire Braker Evelyn Jane Braker Pamela Dory Braker Henry Douglas Brooks Harrison Bailey Boyle Reese Ann Casey Tripp Chapel Casey Albert Emile Dasher Harold Francis Davis Madeleine Cole Deitz Lance Christopher Dobler Mary Jane Esther Emma Nicole Gross Emmaline Olivia Guffey Samuel Christopher Adams Guffey Vivian Case Gustafson Beau Duckworth Harward Beatrice Lee Jensen Alexander Robert Kerr-Ritchie Grace Rachel Knowles Benjamin John Koomen Charlotte Elyse Lyczkowski Charles Patton Lyerly William McAllister Lyerly


Olivia Blume May Deborah Lois Monahan Eleanor Grace Nicholas Peter James Nicholas William Andrew Petersen Brooke Lois Pugliese Chloe Rosalie Pugliese Gwyneth Misayo Reece Erin Lucille Schultz Logan Jeffrey Stach Noah Adrian Suczynski Victor Parks Turchi Presley Anne Wagoner Eloise Genevieve Warner

Confirmations and Receptions Isaac Barlow Chelminski Margaret Bowden Dondero Karl Neimann Hill IV Matthew Lawrence Howes Cole Davenport Jenson Emery Hawkins Jenson Helen Anne Schutz Lo Henry Robbins Mandeville Casey Michael Mickunas Heidi Leigh Mickunas John Lennox Page John Andrew Pate Michael Robert Ruch

David Lawrence Aylor

Evelyn Hanker Wagner and John William Sinwell

Leslie Jane Bryan

Robin Elizabeth Deloach and Thomas Fredrick Koonce

Lance Christopher Dobler John Grishin

Transfers In

Abigail Elizabeth Terry Rebecca Zoe Ulshen

Jennifer Kramer Roberts from Christ Church, Charlotte

Margaret Ann Gifford – Received

Barbara Smith Irwin from Christ Church, New Brunswick,

Martha Jane Stucker – Received



Earl Bryson Powell, Jr. from St. James’, Richmond, VA Wilton Grey and Julia W. Burns from St. James’, Clinton, NY Katherine Baer from St. Philip’s, Brevard

Charlotte May Smyth Jacobsen and Gerald Martin Estes

William M. and Erin S. Langston; Carter and Owen Langston

Erin Lucille Schultz and William Chapin Campbell

from Trinity, Fort Worth TX

Janet Elaine Seabock and Matthew Thomas Terribile

W. Wallace Hill from Binkley Baptist Church, Chapel Hill

Jennifer Sue Dyer and Bryson Moore Aldridge

Barrie Elizabeth Hayes from St. Mark’s, Jacksonville, FL

Kelly Ann Veley and Lance Christopher Dobler

Richard Scott and Deborah Hinson Beddingfield from St.

Sarah Elizabeth Marsh and Matthew Thomas Reeder

Paul’s, Summerville, SC

Marie Andrea Sanchez Ong and Joseph Patrick Tighe

John Clement and Harriet Emmons Pegram from St. Francis,

Dianne Stabler and Leonard Robert Rosenbluth


Samantha Carole Buckner and Graham Mandel Terhune

Julia Jordan Holt from St. James’s, Monkton, MD

Jessica Taylor Southerland and Johnnie Wilfred Walker

Betty Bradley Aldridge from Christ Church, Raleigh

Rebecca Rodriguez and Emilio Jose Power

Katherine Rody from Church of the Ascension, Knoxville, TN

Julia Catherine Boyette and Douglas Reilly Monroe

Christopher Lee Ringwalt from Church of the Advocate,

Emily Catherine Runge and Derek Martin Bust


Margaret Lindsay Sams and David Hodnett Mathews

Tom and Kelley Waicus O’Connell from United Church of

Laura Anne Dickson and James Barbour Rixey II

Chapel Hill

Ann Peden Burke and Derek Martin Gatlin

Alexandra Vail Smith from St. Paul’s, Greenville

Elizabeth Carrison Thomas and Derick David Joseph

Mark Biggers from St. Timothy’s, Winston-Salem

Josie Chandler Johnson and Edward Winborne Malone

James Polk and Laura Rinker McDaniel, Leighton Polk, and

Kathryn Louise Spotts and Nicholas Baker Lienesch

Parker Franklin from St. Paul’s, Winston-Salem


From the Parish Register cont’d April 2011 – January 2012

John Ives and Anita Fay Lewis Howell from Church of the Advocate, Carrboro

Transfer Out

Linda Gladys Gaines to St. John’s, Washington, DC

Deaths Bruce Herbert Barnes

Thomas Blick Alexander to Christ Church, Raleigh

Laura Palmer Benedict

Anna Richmond Malone to Christ Cathedral, Nashville,

Martha McCaig Chapman


Robert Tearle Comey

Dania M. Ermentrout and Daniel Smith to St. Luke’s,

Elizabeth Gaskill Coombs


Edward Heath Devaney

Marvin McCauley to Trinity, Fuquay-Varina

William Ewart Easterling

Karl Frederick von Allmen to Church of the Redeemer,

Christine Ann Egan

Cincinnati, OH

Raquel Prado-Totaro Goldberg

William Lars Anderson to St. Thomas, New York, NY

Janet Wheless Hudgens

Lemaul and Jane T. Costa to St. Michael’s, Raleigh

William Seddon Lee

Ellen Louise Summers to Holy Trinity, Greensboro

Rachel Elizabeth Long

Annie Green Howard to Christ United Methodist in

Shirley Coggins Mason

Chapel Hill, NC

Pembroke Graves Rees

Edward and Bonnie Griffith to St. Bartholomew’s in

Parker Cramer Reist

Pittsboro, NC

Irene Andresen Scatliff

Claudia Anne Carter to Holy Trinity in Greensboro, NC

Mary Anne Tanner

James Donald and Carolyn Folds to All Saints, Hilton

William A. Williams

Head Island, SC

Andrew Vaughan Witherspoon

Judy Quay to St. Philip’s, Beulah, MI

William Pharo Wiltsee Young

Paul Thomas and Nancy Rebecca Haley to St. Mark’s, Seattle, WA Jan Barry and Judith Schmidt Kyle to St. John’s, Tallahassee, FL Jacquie and Jack Scarborough to St. Luke’s in Durham, NC


Vestry Actions At its meeting on January 26, the Vestry: • Adopted an amended 2012 Budget and Pay Plan, with the understanding that the budget will be reviewed in April • Approved the 2012 clergy housing allowance resolutions • Approved the recommendation of the Outreach Ministry Committee for disbursement of $1000 from the Community Organizations line item to the Augustine Literacy Project • Learned that the Episcopal Church of the Advocate has plans to purchase and move a church (St. Phillip’s, Germantown) in Forsyth County, that no longer has a parish.

Easter Flowers Offerings of flowers for the altars of the Church and Chapel are especially appropriate as memorials or thanksgivings at Easter. If you wish to contribute, please complete this form and bring or mail it to the parish office by Wednesday, March 28. A check in the amount you wish to contribute should be made payable to The Chapel of the Cross with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line. Mailing Address: St. Hilda’s Altar Guild – Easter Flowers The Chapel of the Cross 304 East Franklin Street Chapel Hill NC 27514 Enclosed is my check for $ ___________

Please print in ink (full names, no titles): Memorials _______________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Thanksgivings _____________________ ________________________________ Your name ________________________ Your email address __________________ Your phone number: _________________


A Parish in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina 304 East Franklin Street Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

The Vestry Terms end 2012 Carter Kersh James Moeser Linda Rimer (Junior Warden) Ford Worthy (Senior Warden) Terms end 2013 Alice Cotten Nancy McGuffin Dick Taylor Joel Wagoner Terms end 2014 Joe Ferrell Hugh Morrison Alan Rimer Nancy Tunnessen David Joseph, Treasurer Nancy Kelly, Clerk Eugene Dauchert, Chancellor The vestry regularly meets on the third Thursday of each month. Assignments, contact information, and photos of the vestry members may be found on the parish web site (www., and on the board across the hall from the parish office.

The Rt. Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, Bishop The Rt. Rev. William O. Gregg, Assistant Bishop The Rt. Rev. Alfred C. “Chip” Marble, Jr., Assisting Bishop

The Clergy The Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams, Rector The Rev. Tambria E. Lee, Associate for University Ministry The Rev. Victoria Jamieson-Drake, Associate for Pastoral Ministry The Rev. David Frazelle, Associate for Parish Ministry The Rev. Dr. William H. Joyner, Deacon The Rev. Margaret Silton, Deacon The Rev. Dr. Richard W. Pfaff, Priest Associate The Rev. Dr. William H. Morley, Priest Associate The Rev. John M. Keith, Priest Associate

Parish Office hours: Mon.—Fri., 9 am to 5 pm. Phone: 919-929-2193 Fax: 919-933-9187 Web: Email: Facebook:

The Staff Dr. Wylie S. Quinn III, Organist/Choirmaster Gretchen Jordan, Associate for Christian Formation Boykin Bell, Associate for Christian Formation Caren Parker, Youth Ministry Assistant Barbara Hastings, Interim Parish Administrator (until 3/14) Walker Mabe, Chief Administrator (beginning 3/15) Marsha Pate, Parish Administrative Assistant Nick Jaeger, Comm. and Tech. Manager Debby Kulik, Parish Accountant Ron McGill, Facilities Manager Joy Gattis, Sunday Morning Child Care Director Elizabeth Terry, Cantus Choir Director Sarah McRae Wedding Coordinators Anna Lorenz Rebecca Rogers Susan Gladin, Johnson Intern Program Director

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