CrossReach Prayer Diary October 2018 - January 2019

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October 2018 to January 2019

Prayer diary

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 1

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Week beginning Sunday 7th October


WELL HALL, HAMILTON A residential home for older people. The new building opened in 2011 and has accommodation for 38 residents.

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l Pray that our residents feel the love and compassion of the staff who are caring for them and the presence of God who is watching over them. l Pray that staff would feel supported and encouraged by each other as they work together for many hours each day in the home and that they would see the positive results of their labour in the faces and wellbeing of the residents. l Pray for the families of the residents that they would feel confident to approach staff regarding anything that concerns them about their loved ones and they would know it will be dealt with appropriately. l Pray for the service manager, Etta MacMillan, and all those who have the responsibility of running the home, that they will be given wisdom and discernment to be able to do a good job. l Pray for all of the medical staff who attend Well Hall on a daily basis that they would deliver good practice and be encouraged by the atmosphere and love for the residents. l Pray that the building would continue to be safe and secure and that all who enter will be made to feel welcome and be blessed by what they see and hear.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 2

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Week beginning Sunday 14th October CHILDREN’S CARE & EDUCATION SERVICES Care for children and young people with additional support needs who are looked after away from home.


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l Pray for the children in our care and for those who have recently moved to new opportunities, that the future will hold good things for them. l Pray for all our children & young people and staff team as we start a new chapter in our new school – Erskine Waterfront Campus. l Give thanks to our staff in the care and education teams who provide loving care & support to the children, young people & families in our care. l Give thanks to our staff team for their commitment during this challenging period of change.

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l Pray that our transition to our new model of Care & Education will be completed soon. l Give thanks for all of the work which is being undertaken in the Independent Care Review and pray that it delivers positive change for care experienced children. l Pray for the survivors of childhood abuse and that they will find solace through the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, National Confidential Forum and national initiatives of support.

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Week beginning Sunday 21st October

WILLIAMWOOD HOUSE, GLASGOW A care home for older people living with dementia. l Pray for our residents as autumn approaches; help them to remain warm, safe and comfortable, and enjoy the programme of activities. l Remember the relatives of our residents and give them the courage to remain strong for their loved ones. l Pray for all staff and give them wisdom, patience and health to remain committed to their work. l Pray for our Friends’ Group; keep them safe as they travel to the home to enjoy fellowship with our residents. l Let us all at Williamwood give thanks to God for the many benefits we enjoy - good food, good company, and comfortable surroundings - as so many do not have these luxuries.


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l Pray for all our colleagues in the other services across Scotland that they will find the strength to strive for the best care for those who use their service.

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l Remember everyone in our midst who is suffering from ill health. Pray that God would lay his healing hands on them and surround them in his loving care.

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Week beginning Sunday 28th October CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATIONS An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which packages the expertise of CrossReach’s counselling services and offers it to employers looking to invest in their employees’ emotional health and wellbeing. l Pray for guidance and discernment during the services next phase of growth and development, as we prepare to promote the service to organisations across Scotland. l Pray for the assembly of a team of talent and leadership who can take the service into its next phase of growth. l Pray that more and more organisations would commit to making the wellbeing of their employees a priority, in and out of the workplace. l Pray for the wellbeing of our counsellors and for those they support with care and compassion. l Give thanks for the interest and support that the services have received, confirming the need for and validity of the work.

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l Pray for the wellbeing of our client organisations and their employees that they would benefit from the access to counselling.


l Give thanks for God’s blessing for this endeavour and for the opportunity to provide hope and healing through the workplace.


October 2018 - January 2109.indd 5

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Week beginning Sunday 4th November


CROSSREACH BLUEBELL PERINATAL COUNSELLING SERVICE, GLASGOW Provides specialist crèche, baby massage, counselling and psychotherapy to parents and families affected by perinatal illness.

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l Pray for all of Bluebell Perinatal Service’s many volunteers: that they may be sustained in their generous giving and find reward in enabling the growth of a service that positively touches so many families. l Pray for the Bluebell staff team, particularly in times of worry or stress: that they may find support in each other and know themselves to be valued and respected. l Pray for all who support the Bluebell Perinatal Service through their generous fundraising: that the fruits may be seen in the reduction of perinatal isolation and the increase in flourishing families. l Pray for the wider society, here in Glasgow and surrounding areas: that policy makers and employers would be sensitive to families who are struggling with the impact of Perinatal Mental Health challenges. l Pray for those who have taken time to write their requests on our prayer list, that they may find the solace they seek. l Remember with thanks all who are sources of hope and joy in our own lives. Pray that we too, may channel hope and joy to those we meet, both professionally and personally.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 6

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Week beginning Sunday 11th November

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RAINBOW HOUSE, GLASGOW A substance misuse service providing residential rehabilitation to help men and women recover from addiction.

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l Pray that residents would be able to experience complete freedom from addiction through the help and support they receive at Rainbow House. l Pray that residents would have an understanding of the forgiveness and healing that God can give for their emotional pain. l Pray that residents would experience God’s love during their stay at Rainbow House. l Pray for God’s protection and peace for both staff and residents within Rainbow House. l Pray that staff would grow in their personal relationship with God and that this would be evident in the way that they live out their lives at Rainbow House. l Pray for residents’ families who struggle with the effects of their loved one’s addiction. l Pray for unity and good relationships in the staff team.

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Week beginning Sunday 18th November


CROSSREACH AND SOCIAL CARE SUNDAY The Moderator of the General Assembly highlights the work of CrossReach by leading a special church service and also by visiting some of our services.

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l Pray for the Moderator Rt. Rev. Susan Brown and give thanks for her continued support for CrossReach, including acting as chaplain to Oversteps care home in Dornoch. l Pray for congregations across Scotland as they remember the social care work that takes place in their community on CrossReach and Social Care Sunday (18th November). l Pray that awareness of CrossReach’s work will be heightened in the communities we serve as a result of the Moderator’s visits during her year in office. l Pray that everyone will be kept safe as they travel to the various services hosting visits from the Moderator in the coming weeks. l Give thanks for all those who will respond to the publicity information about CrossReach by being part of our work in various ways - praying, giving, volunteering, working for us. l Pray for CrossReach staff and volunteers across Scotland. May they know that the work they are doing is helping some of the most vulnerable people to have the highest quality of life than they can achieve.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 8

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Week beginning Sunday 25th November OVERSTEPS CARE HOME, DORNOCH A residential home for 24 older people. l Give thanks for Oversteps having provided 60 years of care for older people in Dornoch and for the Service of Celebration planned to mark this special anniversary. l Pray for each of the residents who live with us in Oversteps and we ask for your guidance and support to meet their needs. l Give thanks for the staff for their continuing care and love for the ones you have sent to share their lives with us. l We ask that God would walk with us today and keep us on the right path. Hold us in your loving care day by day. l Give thanks for our friends and volunteers who help us and our residents to lead a life worth living. l Pray for everyone working for CrossReach who today are a channel for God’s love which helps those who need it most. l Give strength to the relatives of those we care for and give thanks that they placed their loved ones in our care and that through the power of God’s love we will keep them safe.

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Week beginning Sunday 2nd December


CHILDREN AND FAMILIES DEVELOPMENT TEAM Supporting CrossReach services to develop.

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l As we approach the end of the Year of Young People 2018, pray that we would continue to work with and listen to young people across our services in Scotland, and thank them for their involvement to date in so many exciting activities. l Pray that we are given the opportunity to share our stories from our own children and young people with those external partners and practitioners we work closely with, whilst recognising their rights and understanding the message of making Scotland the best place to grow up - Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC). l Give thanks for everyone who has supported and knitted our wellbeing octopus, CALAMARI SHANARRI (CAL for short). l Give thanks to God for his faithfulness in bringing the right volunteers to us and for their commitment and skill. So many of our services rely on volunteers in a variety of areas, including office support, crèche work, art therapy and client counselling and supervision. l Pray that as we continue to develop a new way of recruiting and supporting volunteers across CrossReach, that both our services and our volunteers feel the reward and gratitude.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 10

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Week beginning Sunday 9th December


CUNNINGHAM HOUSE, EDINBURGH A homeless hostel for 23 men and 3 women which also supports service users with drug and alcohol addictions as well as mental health issues.


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l Give thanks to God for the number of residents who have recently moved into their own accommodation. l “He who began a good work in me will carry it through to completion until the day of Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) Give thanks to God for his word and the promise that he will continue his good work in us as we support the residents. l Give thanks for our new colleagues. Ask for God’s blessing on them that they will quickly settle and feel a valued part of the team. l Pray that God grants us the wisdom to work together with other agencies for the benefit of the residents. l As residents are waiting longer for a flat due to the shortage of housing, pray that they will seek staff support to equip them for moving on. l Pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit to sustain the health and wellbeing of our residents and staff team. l Give thanks for residents and staff who attend our devotional time. May they continue to be blessed and strengthened through God’s love.

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Week beginning Sunday 16th December


WHINNIEKNOWE, NAIRN A care home for 24 older people.

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l Give thanks for the joys and successes that we have experienced individually and as a team during 2018. We acknowledge God’s hand in these circumstances and direct all praise to him. l December is a difficult month for many people, due to bereavement, memories. Help us to be sensitive to individual circumstances and pray for our residents’ emotional health. (Laura, Senior) l Pray for good health and safe travel for our staff during the winter season. We are very thankful for their kindness and the excellent care that we receive. (Jeanette & Mary D., Residents) l We ask that God will bless each resident and their family with a happy time during the festive season. Pray that those without family to visit them will not be lonely. (Jean, Carer) l Pray that we share the ‘true meaning’ of Christmas, in our community, and that when others see our work they would see a reflection of God’s love, grace and compassion in action. (Sarah, Activities Co-ordinator) l This is such a busy time of year for everyone and yet our Friends’ Group work hard to decorate our home beautifully and provide a wonderful Christmas party for residents and their families.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 12

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Week beginning Sunday 23rd December DAISY CHAIN EARLY YEARS PROJECT, GOVANHILL, GLASGOW Uses play-based interventions to improve the lives and life chances of children under 8 and also provides support and advice to parents. l Pray for all the children and families who come to our service at Daisy Chain, that they would flourish as they grow, and that those who face very difficult circumstances would find hope and transformation. l Give thanks for the team of staff and volunteers at Daisy Chain. Pray for unity, health and wellbeing, that God would sustain them as they give of themselves in the work that they do. l Pray for those children and parents who are facing ill health, that they would know healing and restoration. l Pray for the diverse community of Govanhill, that there would be unity and positive relationships built between families of many different backgrounds. l Pray that Daisy Chain would find suitable permanent premises to enable them to serve families better. l Pray for continued funding that Daisy Chain would be sustainable and able to serve more families well into the future. l Pray that families would sense the love of God as this is expressed through the practical and emotional support provided at Daisy Chain.

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Week beginning Sunday 30th December


DOCHAS HOUSING SUPPORT, STORNOWAY A housing support service on the Isle of Lewis for anyone who is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.

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l Give thanks for the recent filling of the Dochas full-time post and that staff would reflect the love of God in our continuing work. l Pray for encouragement for all agencies and colleagues that we work alongside, social work, NHS and other local services; give thanks that we are blessed with other Godly brothers and sisters in these agencies. l As we start a New Year, give thanks to God for Dochas securing funding for the coming financial year.

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l Pray for those engaging with the Dochas support and that those recent referrals would be open and willing for change.

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l Pray for leading and guidance as new tendering process begins and that it will be successful.

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l Pray for family, friends and community, that they would know God’s comfort following the recent sudden death of a former Dochas client and pray that his witness will sow the seed of change with others.

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l Dochas means ‘hope’, so pray for hope and peace in the chaotic lives of the people we support, that they might look to God for his peace and healing power from mental illness.

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Week beginning Sunday 6th January 2019 BELLFIELD, BANCHORY A residential home for 34 older people. l Give thanks for the year that has passed and ask that God would be with the residents and staff in this New Year. May he go before us to lead us, and stand behind us to give us strength. l As we are getting over the busy Christmas period, please remember everyone whose families are far away. (Resident) l Pray for travelling mercies for all the staff, residents, families and friends during the winter and pray for their safety and protection out on the roads. l Give thanks for the Friends of Bellfield who give so much of their time volunteering and fundraising to provide special treats for the residents. (Lynne, Staff)

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l Pray for all those who are lonely and in need of friendship. Give them God’s love and bless them. (Helen H, Resident)


l Remember our service manager Janis Grubb and all the staff who work tirelessly to ensure the home is run properly. We pray that God will continue to guide and direct them each day.

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l Pray for all of our service users who are affected by dementia and their families. Bless them with patience and understanding and may they feel God’s comfort and peace in times of turmoil.

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Week beginning Sunday 13th January


CALE HOUSE, INVERNESS Cale House provides supported accommodation for 22 people experiencing homelessness in an alcohol and substancefree environment.

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l Give thanks to God for the gift of this day. Help everyone who works for CrossReach to live each day according to God’s will. l Pray that we would not be closed up in our self-interest today. Help us to do always the things that are pleasing to God, and for the good of those we serve at Cale House. l Help us to discover the joy of reaching out to people, bringing hope and blessings to those we work with in our services, and to the wider community to which we belong. l Pray for wisdom and grace as we minister to those God brings to our services. May our prayers bring them wholeness and hope for the future. l Pray that God would help us to overcome all tendencies to show favouritism in our lives. Let us treat all people as equals and as brothers and sisters in Christ. l God, we thank you for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed on us. Help us to show our gratitude by using all your gifts for your glory and the benefit of all people. l Pray that we would have the strength and knowledge to find the best solutions to the challenges that arise in our daily work.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 16

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Week beginning Sunday 20th January ST. MARGARET’S HOUSE, POLMONT St Margaret’s is a unit for older people living with dementia. We aim to offer a ‘home from home’ to all who need our support. l Pray for those who are living with dementia that they will find a sense of hope and belonging in St Margaret’s.

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l Pray for those who have a friend or family member they are supporting on their dementia journey. Give them strength and courage as they journey together. l Pray for staff who are caring for residents, friends and families and give them strength resilience and patience in all they do. l Give thanks for the Circle of Friends who offer practical help and support to staff and residents. l Give thanks for all who volunteer and give of their time so willingly and cheerfully. l Pray for all those in CrossReach who negotiate agreements with others that they will be granted wisdom and insight. l Give thanks for all the local churches and Christian groups who lead our worship on a Sunday and who uphold the service and prayer.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 17

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Week beginning Sunday 27th January TOM ALLAN CENTRE, GLASGOW A counselling service in the centre of Glasgow. Through the efforts of a small staff team and many volunteers, we offer a caring service to those who come to us for counselling. l In this first month of a new year, pray for all counsellors and supervisors at the Tom Allan Centre: for those who have given years of dedicated service and for those just starting, asking for all of them a renewal of compassion and skill to be with those in all kinds of distress. l Pray for the welfare of all who work within the Centre: for administrators, office support volunteers, counsellors, domestic staff, crèche-workers, trainers, supervisors and managers: that they may find fulfilment in their work and right relationship with one another. l Commend to God’s tender care the many clients who come with their pain and suffering - that they may be consoled and know new forms of freedom in their lives. l Give thanks to God for the ways that work is sustained in the centre by the generosity of many – fundraisers, benefactors, the resources of CrossReach; we ask for a mindset that values all contributions and uses them wisely and with care. l Pray for those who live and work in the city around us, especially those whose work is hard and unrewarding and those who lack basic needs like shelter or food, that they may be surprised and warmed by the generosity of others.

October 2018 - January 2109.indd 18

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CrossReach (Church of Scotland Social Care Council) was launched in June 2005 and continues the Kirk’s long tradition of providing care and support. In fact, this work started back in 1869, so we will celebrate 150 years of providing care and support in 2019.

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We employ 2,000 staff in 70 care and support services stretching from Shetland to Ayrshire, making us one of the largest social care agencies in Scotland. Our services help thousands of people in need every day of the year. Our work is split into 3 main areas:


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The Church of Scotland Social Care Council (operating as CrossReach) reports every year to the General Assembly and has the following remit: l To offer services in Christ’s name to people in need as part of the Church’s mission. l To provide specialist resources to further the caring work of the Church. l To identify existing and emerging areas of need, to guide the Church in pioneering new approaches to relevant problems and to make responses on issues arising within the areas of the Council’s concern through appropriate channels such as the Church & Society Council, the Scottish Executive and others.

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Charis House, 47 Milton Road East, Edinburgh EH15 2SR. 0131 657 2000

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