Prayer Diary: October 2015 january 2016

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October 15 - January 16.indd 1

Prayer Diary

October 2015 - January 2016

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Week beginning Sunday 4th October DOCHAS PROJECT, STORNOWAY Provides support to people with drug and alcohol problems who are at risk of losing their tenancy. l Pray for people affected by homelessness, where family breakdown and poverty are major factors. Pray for those who carry hurts from the past and struggle to see a positive future.


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l Pray for those people who abuse alcohol and drugs, often to mask other problems, and who develop dependence on them. Pray for the gift of desperation for change and the willingness to do all that is required to change.

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l Pray for Project Worker Donna in her work as she offers hope and support to individuals affected by homelessness and addiction.We ask for safety in lone working situations and for her to continue being the cheery face of hope for a better future.

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l Give thanks for those who accept help and are working to make changes in their lives, that they would have the bravery to persist, to face their fears and overcome them. l Give thanks for the team at Lewis Street who support Donna in her role as she copes with disappointments when people make choices to go backwards. Give her strength to persist in offering hope and encouragement, that she might see fruit from her work. l Pray that there would be suitable services and accommodation for people who are keen to change. Funding for services is often precarious, so we give thanks for the funding that Western Isles Alcohol and Drugs Partnership have been providing for Dochas.

October 15 - January 16.indd 2

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Week beginning Sunday 11th October BELLFIELD, BANCHORY Bellfield is a residential home for 34 older people, which has recently been extensively refurbished. l Give thanks for our dedicated management and staff team and pray that they would continue to care for our residents with the wisdom, love and compassion that we receive from God. l Give thanks for the Friends’ Group of Bellfield. Ask God to bless them for their willingness to give of their time and skills and continued support throughout the year. l Give thanks for all the professionals and the wider community who continue to provide ongoing support for our service users - doctors, district nurses, pharmacists, social workers and the ‘Forget Me Not’ club. l Pray for our service users that as the days grow darker and colder they may feel safe, secure and loved as we continue to care for them. l Pray for our service users and their families who are affected by dementia. May God bless them with patience and understanding and may they feel his comfort and peace in times of turmoil. l Pray for staff and service users and their families who might be going away over the next couple of months and ask for safe travel. Pray that they would return spiritually, emotionally and physically refreshed.

October 15 - January 16.indd 3

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Week beginning Sunday 18th October


POSTNATAL DEPRESSION SERVICES, LOTHIAN Supports families where a mother or father is suffering from PND. Operating from 4 sites across Edinburgh, working with over 150 families every week.

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l As we say farewell to valued colleagues and wish them well in their new ventures, we welcome new colleagues bringing new potential. We are reminded of the ebb and flow of change in all families and ask for God’s blessing in our goodbyes and welcomes. l At the heart of our work is a family in distress who experience fear and a loss of hope. Pray for courage in this work. l Give thanks for Eskmills allowing us a space in their Gate Lodge so that we can offer support to families who live in the East of Edinburgh. Pray that we can continue to raise funds for a much needed counselling space in the form of an office in our garden in the grounds of Charis House. l Give thanks for our newly refurbished premises at Palmerston Place.Thank God for the people who have fundraised for us and Palmerston Place Church who provided the property. l Give thanks and pray for all our volunteer Counsellors and Crèche workers who give of their time and skills to support the young families that come through our service. lRemember those who work so hard in providing the structures and technology which underpins and supports us in this work.

October 15 - January 16.indd 4

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Week beginning Sunday 25th October


CALE HOUSE, INVERNESS Provides supported accommodation for 22 single, vulnerable, homeless people.

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l Pray for our service users who may be finding today difficult and may be tempted to use alcohol or drugs.We ask that God would give them strength and willpower to abstain from this temptation and to look to you for comfort and support. l Give thanks for the privilege staff have of working with our service users and for entrusting them to our care. Pray for understanding and knowledge in all that we do so that we glorify God’s name. l We ask that you would bless us as a staff team, give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of other’s needs. Help us to say and do the right things at the right time. l Pray that just as God loves and cares for us, help us to love and care for others. l Give thanks for whatever plans God has in store for us. We ask that you would help us to be aware of other people’s concerns and feelings. l Give thanks for this day; help us to use it wisely and as well as we can. Help us to be loyal to those who need us. l Pray that God would lead, guide and direct us in all that we do here as we seek to do the work in Christ’s name. Pray that God’s love and protection will surround our service users and staff team.

October 15 - January 16.indd 5

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Week beginning Sunday 1st November


ACHVARASDAL CARE HOME, NEAR REAY A residential care home for 25 older people which has been operating for over 60 years.

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l Lord, give our carers the strength, love and compassion to be able to look after the residents in our home every day. Surround us in your love and show us how loving and believing in you can get us through our darkest times, even when we feel tired, lonely and are struggling to see any good in our day. (written by residents)

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l Pray for the acting Service Manager and all the staff and give them the strength and skills to continue in the good work they are doing here at Achvarasdal. Pray that a new Manager and other vacancies would be filled soon to provide the home with stability.

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l Lord, be with us here at Achvarasdal today. Forgive us our sins and thank you for giving us the gift of eternal life. (written by residents) l Thank God that we are well looked after and if we need anything help would be there for us. (Residents) l Give thanks for continued help and support from the local community during difficult times like we had last year due to storms. Give thanks for the generosity and support they gave us and that the connections made may continue. l Remember our new Head of Service Andy Cashman and pray that he settles into his new post and continues his good work with CrossReach.

October 15 - January 16.indd 6

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Week beginning Sunday 8th November CROSSREACH WEEK During CrossReach Week the Moderator of the General Assembly visits some of our services to highlight the work they do in their community. l Give thanks for the Moderator’s support in giving CrossReach a week of his time. l Pray for congregations across Scotland as they consider the social care work that goes on in their community on CrossReach and Social Care Sunday (15th November).

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l Pray for CrossReach staff and volunteers across Scotland. May they know that the work they are doing is helping some of the most vulnerable people to have the highest quality of life than they can achieve.

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l Pray that awareness of CrossReach’s work will be heightened in the communities we serve during and as a result of CrossReach Week 2015.

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l Pray that everyone will be kept safe as they travel to the various services hosting visits from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Angus Morrison, as part of CrossReach Week 2015. l Give thanks for all the supporters who have helped make CrossReach Week 2015 possible. l Give thanks for those who will respond to the publicity information about CrossReach by supporting our work in various ways.

October 15 - January 16.indd 7

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Week beginning Sunday 15th November


GABERSTON HOUSE, ALLOA A residential unit for 14 adults with severe and enduring mental health problems.

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l Give thanks for our service at Gaberston. Pray for each of our service users that we may meet their needs with grace and the love of God.

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l Give thanks for the staff God has placed in Gaberston. Pray that they would have the wisdom and strength to enable them to carry out their work according to God’s will. l Remember our service as we look to the future and all the uncertainties ahead. Pray that God’s guidance is sought throughout CrossReach. Help us to hold onto the verse ‘in you O Lord we put our trust’. l Give thanks for the local community and family members that support Gaberston House. l As we approach Christmas let us all remember the true meaning of this time that Jesus was born to reconcile us to God. Remember in our hearts and prayers those who are unwell, isolated and face the challenge of physical and mental illness. l Pray for all CrossReach staff in this challenging and ever changing climate within Social Care and within the organisation.

October 15 - January 16.indd 8

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Week beginning Sunday 22nd November


ST MARGARETS, POLMONT A specialist dementia unit for 36 older people in Polmont, near Falkirk.

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l Pray that the residents will remain physically well as the winter season approaches and are able to enjoy the activities planned in the home. Pray for those who are physically frail that they may know the comfort and peace of God at this time. l Pray for the staff and give thanks for their dedication, compassion and professionalism as they face the challenges each day brings. Pray that they continue to reflect Christ in their relationships in the home and are able to encourage one another to excellence as they care for those who live here. l Pray for the families of those that live in the home that the peace of God would be with them as they face the challenge of having their loved one looked after by others. Give thanks to God for their desire to be involved and the support that they give. Pray for good relationships between staff and family members. l Give thanks for the Friends’ Group and for their enthusiastic support and fundraising for the home. Ask God to bless them for their hard work and provide them with the support and encouragement for all that they undertake. l Pray for the Namaste service as it brings joy, comfort and spiritual wellbeing to those who are near the end of their life. Pray that this service will continue to flourish and thank God for the support and encouragement of many people.

October 15 - January 16.indd 9

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Week beginning Sunday 29th November


TOM ALLAN CENTRE, GLASGOW A generic counselling service supporting the emotional needs of individuals and families in the West of Scotland.

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l Give thanks for the high attendance in the COSCA training courses as this is an important source of income. Pray that we will have a good uptake again this year. l Pray that we shall have the resources for the maintenance and upkeep of our building. l Give thanks for our team of volunteers – counsellors, office support and crèche workers. In all we have around 130 volunteers and they are the rock our service is built on. l Pray that our clients find the centre a welcoming and safe space and may feel as relaxed as possible as they come to appointments. l Pray for wisdom and guidance for our counsellors as they guide clients through times of trial, worry and uncertainty. l Pray for the staff team as they try to keep all aspects of the centre running smoothly – planning, recruitment, diary management and room management are all areas we would welcome prayers for. l Give thanks for those who fundraise for our service and for churches who make donations so that we can continue to offer help and support to those that need it.

October 15 - January 16.indd 10


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Week beginning Sunday 6th December

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CROSSREACH LOCAL Perth North Church runs social care projects for people in their community.

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Nosh @ the North: l Give thanks for the support given to ‘Nosh at the North’ to enable hungry people to be fed and befriended. Pray that there would be sufficient volunteers to enable the service to continue. l Pray for the homeless and lonely people in our communities, that they would find friendship, support, and the love of God in our midst. Tulloch NET: l Give thanks for our participation in the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership. Pray for wisdom and discernment as Grant MacLaughlan and our volunteers tackle issues around morbidity and help to improve individuals’ quality of life within the community. l Pray for the daily work in and from our hub at Unit 2, Tulloch Square. Perth North Church: l Pray for our elders and leadership team as they seek to meet the practical and spiritual needs of city dwellers and workers in Perth. l If your church runs a social care project please upload the details to the Social Care Forum website:

October 15 - January 16.indd 11

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Week beginning Sunday 13th December


SIMPSON HOUSE, EDINBURGH A counselling service for people with addictions and the Sunflower Garden which helps children of parents with alcohol or drug problems.

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l Pray for our SMART Recovery and ‘Choose Life’ groups that our clients will be released from darkness and despair, heartache, mourning, stress and anxiety and be restored and rebuilt, finding peace, hope, healing, new growth, and new life.

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l Pray that in times of distress our clients will be able to make good, strong choices; and indeed ‘Choose Life’ (2 Kings 18:32) l Give thanks that Simpson House celebrated 30 years as a counselling service this year. Give thanks to God for his goodness over the decades and his presence with us in the building. l Christmas can often be a challenging time for the children and families that Sunflower Garden works with. Give thanks for all those who have donated Christmas presents and pray for staff as they deliver the presents leading up to Christmas. l Give thanks for the Sunflower Garden volunteers who provide support through offering counselling, helping with groupwork and acting as taxi buddies (bringing children to the service). l Pray for our two new staff as they settle into their roles and also for the team that they would continue to work well together. l Remember Sunflower Garden staff and volunteers in prayer as they await news of their funding in the coming months.

October 15 - January 16.indd 12

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Week beginning Sunday 20th December

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ESKMILLS PROJECT, EDINBURGH Provides support to 18 service users with learning disabilities in Musselburgh and the Portobello area of Edinburgh.

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l Pray for the parishioners in the Musselburgh Churches - St Andrew’s High, North Esk and St Michael’s. We hope we will see increased fellowship and worship with Eskmills. l Pray for the staff team at Eskmills as they continue to adapt to change and the challenge of delivering personalised services with positive outcomes. l Pray that we would see signs of how God provides for us in this Christmas season. Strengthen our faith and hope when we despair and give up. In the time of economic hardship may we trust in your presence. l Pray for the staff and service users at Clarkston Cottage as this will be their first Christmas together. May they know the peace of this Christmas season. l Looking back at the work of Sparkle Leisure this year, give thanks for the holidays and short breaks that have been provided throughout the year. May the New Year bring new holidays and leisure experiences for our customers. l Give thanks for the Eskmills Art Group and for the work of the participants and art leader. We thank you for the joy and inspiration the art group provides for individuals’ creative development.

October 15 - January 16.indd 13

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Week beginning Sunday 27th December AUCHINLEE, CAMPBELTOWN A specialist dementia home for 24 older people. l As we see out the old year and bring in the new, pray that God would give us the strength to carry on with love for friends and family and ensure every day is filled with kindness for our fellow man. l Give thanks to God that through the birth and death of your son Jesus our sins have been forgiven and that we may enjoy eternal life with you. l Give thanks for being together at this time of the year and having family, friends and loved ones around us. Take a moment to remember the family, friends and loved ones who are no longer with us this year, and in remembering them may we be thankful that we are about to embark on this New Year.


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l Give thanks to God for the gift of family and friends as we celebrate the birth of your beloved son Jesus. We pray for a happy healthy and peaceful New Year.

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l Take time to praise God for the joyful times that we have shared with loved ones over Christmas and remember those less fortunate than ourselves who are on their own and ask that God would bless them and keep them in his care.

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l Pray for our service users, their family and friends, that they have had a peaceful and restful Christmas. Bless the staff here that as they return from their time off that they will feel rested and ready for the challenges ahead.

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October 15 - January 16.indd 14

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Week beginning Sunday 3rd January 2016 ADAMS HOUSE, ELDERSLIE A specialist care home for older people with dementia. l Give thanks for all the relatives, friends and volunteers at Adams House who contributed so much to ensure that the service users had a peaceful and happy festive season. May the peace and love of this wonderful time inspire us all in our daily living. l Pray that as we enter the New Year we can develop new and meaningful activities and interests for the service users. We look forward to using the special garden when the ground comes to life in the Spring. l Pray for any of the staff that are unwell and ask for your blessings on each one to restore their health and wellbeing for the year ahead.

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l Remember any of our residents and friends who are sick at this time and in need. Pray that they may find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds and cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits.

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l Pray for the residents of Adams House who have dementia because some days can be more difficult than others. Give thanks for our enthusiastic and caring team of staff who make everyone’s day a little easier.

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l Give thanks for the Friends’ Group and the Fundraising team. Without them we would not have our excellent dementia garden and all the brilliant entertainers visiting that the residents enjoy so much.

October 15 - January 16.indd 15

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Week beginning Sunday 10th January


BEECHWOOD HOUSE, INVERNESS Provides residential rehabilitation to people who have issues with alcohol and drugs and support for family members of people with addictions.

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l Give thanks for Beechwood House and the continued funding which allows us to provide support to people who have issues with alcohol and drugs.

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l Pray for the people who use our service that God would give them the strength to continue on their recovery journey. l “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) l Pray for a blessing on the staff team, and thank God for the dedication and commitment of all the team members. l Pray that God would draw close to the family members of people who have alcohol and drug problems, and support and encourage them. l “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.” (Psalms 30: 11-12) “God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” (Serenity Prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr)

October 15 - January 16.indd 16

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Week beginning Sunday 17th January

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CHARIS HOUSE, EDINBURGH The Head Office of CrossReach where Central Services such as finance, HR and senior management staff are based.

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l Give thanks for all those who bought Christmas cards and calendars from our catalogue which helped to raise vital funds for the ongoing work of CrossReach.

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l Pray for those who are setting budgets for 2015-16. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they steward our resources.

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l Give thanks for the staff in the I.T. section who deal with all the requests from services related to computers and software.

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l Pray for the Corporate Management Team (CMT) as they discuss important issues about the ongoing work of CrossReach.

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l Pray that people would feel called to apply for vacancies advertised by our Human Relations department. l Pray for the Estates department staff Richard, Robert, David, Brian and Donna who are responsible for looking after all of CrossReach’s properties across Scotland. l Give thanks for the staff who work in the finance section who ensure that suppliers are paid and that our services have the support to do their work.

October 15 - January 16.indd 17

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Week beginning Sunday 24th January


BALMEDIE HOUSE, NEAR ABERDEEN A care home for 31 older people.

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l Give thanks for the beauty of Balmedie and the comfort and warmth within the home. l Bless all the staff in their constant quest to look after the needs of all our service users. l Pray for service manager Ann Reid and give thanks for her commitment and dedication which she puts into running the home.

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October 15 - January 16.indd 18

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Week beginning Sunday 31st January


THRESHOLD GLASGOW Supports adults with learning disabilities in their own homes to live as independently as possible and also runs a day opportunities service.

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l Pray for the service as it transitions into another phase of self-directed support. This year we face a challenge in the new tender framework set out by the local council. Pray that the people we support will not be too disrupted and upset by any changes which may arise. l Give thanks to God for his healing powers and helping workers to return to work after periods of illness and for the support of families and friends, and for the love that has surrounded them during this time. Give thanks for the return of our Head of Service Ronnie Black after his illness. l Give thanks for the commitment and loyalty of the staff team; for the trainers in People Development and the work they put in to support us. Give thanks for all Heads of Service, Directors, CEO as well as staff in Charis House. l Give thanks for our chaplain Rev.Alison Davidge at Calton Parkhead Church and her congregation for all the support they give to the community. l Pray for anyone going through hardship, bereavement or any other sadness, that God would show them that he is the light of the world and nothing can ever put his light out. l Give thanks for the lives of people we have lost this year. Pray especially for Jimmy and Jean, who now see you face to face, and thank you that we have been honoured to be part of their lives.

October 15 - January 16.indd 19

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Charis House, 47 Milton Road East, Edinburgh EH15 2SR. 0131 657 2000

October 15 - January 16.indd 20

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