An electronic version can be found on the school website
2924 4th Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55408
Main Line: 612-545-9700
Security Desk: 612-545-9823
Fax Line: 612-276-014
Website: wwwcristoreytc org
An electronic version can be found on the school website
2924 4th Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55408
Main Line: 612-545-9700
Security Desk: 612-545-9823
Fax Line: 612-276-014
Website: wwwcristoreytc org
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (CRJHS) Mission Statement
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School provides access to a Catholic Jesuit college and career preparatory education to unlock the potential of students of any culture, faith, or creed to transform our communities We are guided by faith, prepared for life, and always serving others
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School General Policy Statement
CRJHS school admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs (to conform to IRS Rev Proc 75-50) CRJHS affirms its right and duty to conduct its programs and activities in a manner consistent with its Roman Catholic identity.
Policies Disclaimer
The policies outlined in this Handbook represent a framework. This list is not exhaustive and should not be considered comprehensive of all CRJHS policies. Statements in this Handbook are subject to amendment with or without notice. CRJHS will attempt to keep parents/guardians informed of all changes as soon as practical. Some changes may be made immediately due to unforeseen circumstances. While enrolled at CRJHS, students are considered in the care of a parent or guardian. The school sees families as a crucial partner in the education of their student and will inform families of all pertinent student information unless not permitted to do so.Corporate clients will also have work specific policies that students must follow. Students will become familiar with client specific policies and procedures during their corporate orientation in the beginning of the school year.
School Information
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 2924 4th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408-0268
Phone: (612) 545-9700
Fax: (612) 276-0142
Website: wwwcristoreytc org
School Colors/Mascot:
The Puma’s colors are Columbia Blue, Orange, White, and Navy Blue
Accredited by Cognia
Recognized by the State of Minnesota
Member of the Cristo Rey Network Member of the Jesuit Schools Network
Change of Personal Information
Updates to family contact information can be done using the “Forms” link in PowerSchool and selecting and submitting the “Contact Update” form or by calling the school office
All persons in the CRJHS community are expected to follow the behavioral expectations as outlined below. Behavior at school should help establish and maintain an environment that fosters maximum learning and mutual respect. Students are expected to be respectful of the learning process and take responsibility for their own learning.
CRJHS is a closed campus school.
● Permission is needed to be off campus from the time a student arrives on campus until classes end.
● Students who leave campus without permission will have their parents contacted and face other disciplinary actions.
● Only current students, graduates or individuals authorized by school personnel are permitted beyond the lobby
● All visitors must check-in with building security then report to the school reception desk to sign in and indicate their presence at school
● Proper care of the building as well as all CRJHS property therein is a direct responsibility of each student
● Any student who defaces and/or damages property may be required to pay for or work at the school to repay the cost of the damage and may face further disciplinary action
● Posters, advertisements, and other signs may not be posted without prior authorization
● Students leaving the building for any reason, including scheduled appointments, must check out at the front desk
The Dress Code ensures that every student will dress in a professional, modest, and safe manner The CRJHS dress code corresponds to business professional dress both in the workplace and school While on campus or while attending off-campus school-sponsored activities, both during and outside of regular school hours, students must wear clothing that does not contain words, messages or images that the school may deem inappropriate In all cases, the school has the final decision
All students must be in dress code in order to attend work or class The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress In all cases, the school has the final decision
● Students must be in full dress code before morning assembly or classes begin at 8:30AM. Students not in uniform and ready to participate in the activities will be considered tardy and may be subject to professional development.
● Students may borrow needed items (ties, belts, shirt, pants, sweater, socks, shoes).
● When in school, hats must be kept inside backpacks or lockers.
● Message buttons, signs, medals and pins are not a part of the school uniform and are to be worn outside of school hours. Connected rings are not permitted.
During school and work, young women and men are required to wear:
● CRJHS uniform long sleeved, button down collar shirt available for purchase at CRJHS.
● Uniforms may be purchased Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM–4:00 PM at the reception desk.
● Young men are required to have the shirt tucked in at all times and buttoned at the collar or the very top button may be left unfastened; a tie must be worn.
● Young women may wear their shirt untucked and only the very top button may be left unfastened.
● Sleeves may be neatly folded up if desired
● Garments worn under the uniform must remain invisible
● Black professional full-length pants Pants must be in good condition and not torn or overly worn in appearance Black leggings, joggers, jeans, sweatpants, or other athletic pants are not acceptable
● All-black professional or athletic style shoes Shoes must be in good condition and not torn or overly worn in appearance Slippers, military-style boots, and outdoor-style shoes are not permitted The toe and heel of the shoe must be closed
● Students must wear dress socks or nylons. Students may also opt to not wear socks with their professional shoes.
Though not required, students may choose to wear:
● A CRJHS uniform sweater or quarter-zip jacket. School sweaters are available for purchase from the receptionist.
● A hijab or other head-covering for religious purposes.
Students whose clothes do not fit the dress code may be required to wear CRJHS clothing or uniform items borrowed from the school. The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. In all cases, the school has the final decision. CWSP workers must always wear the school uniform.
● Students who struggle to meet uniform expectations may require additional intervention measures including, but not limited to, phone calls home, professional development meetings with school personnel, and/or temporary suspension of privileges
During Co-Curricular Activities and Physical Education, young women and men are required to wear clothing specified by the teacher or activity leader (coach/director) that is appropriate for participation, this includes but is not limited to:
● Shirts with sleeves that cover the chest/cleavage, stomach, and undergarments
● Shorts or pants that cover the mid-thigh (no skirts) and undergarments
Out-of-Uniform Day Expectations:
● Students MUST either fully wear the theme of the day or wear your uniform
● Jeans are allowed with minimal rips, wear, & tear
● Shirts must have sleeves, cover the entire torso, and have a modest neckline
● Shorts, skirts, and dresses must loose-fitting and mid-thigh or longer
● Spandex, hats, sagging pants, or tank tops
● Dress code hair, hat, and tattoo rules still apply
● The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress In all cases, the school has the final decision.
All students will be issued a lock and a locker.
● A $10 fee will be assessed for lost locks.
● Lockers may not be shared or traded. Students should not share their combination. CRJHS assumes no liability for lost, stolen or misplaced valuables, including cell phones and other electronic devices. According to state law, lockers remain the possession of the school and students are allowed to use them. Lockers may be searched by CRJHS officials at any time.
Elevators in the building are used by visitors, staff and those making deliveries. Students with disabilities or injuries who require use of the elevator will be permitted to do so and should request an elevator pass from the CRJHS reception desk Students issued an elevator pass may have one other student ride the elevator with them
School authorities are allowed to inspect and search any school property such as lockers, desks, and personal effects by students without notice to or consent of students and without search warrants Additionally, luggage, equipment bags or other personal items for school sponsored activities or trips are also subject to inspection without notice or consent Inappropriate items will be confiscated at the
discretion of school officials and may involve law enforcement.
Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is not permitted on school property and at school events. Possessing or using cigarettes, tobacco, vaping products, drugs, alcohol, or related paraphernalia will result in parents being called, substances confiscated, and the student being sent home until a meeting with school officials occurs. Further disciplinary actions may follow, including counseling or possible termination of enrollment.
All forms of gambling (games or bets to win money or property) are not permitted on school grounds or within the school building. School sponsored activities (fundraisers, Final Four brackets, etc.) may be exempt from this rule if approved by an administrator.
Solicitations of any kind are only permitted with approval from a principal Students are not allowed to sell items or request donations without permission from the principal
Cristo Rey is a Catholic Jesuit community whose members acknowledge and respect that each person has specific rights and responsibilities, including the right to a safe environment, free from physical or emotional harm All members of the CRJHS community are expected to exercise self-discipline and exhibit appropriate behaviors in their relationships with others
For the safety of all members of the CRJHS community, the school reserves the right to address all forms of intimidation, harassment, and aggression at CRJHS, Urban Ventures, CWSP Sites, off campus school events, and on school transportation
Acts of intimidation, harassment and aggression include, but are not limited to; deliberate behavior in words or actions that are intended to cause or do cause fear, distress, intimidation, or harm
Acts of explicit discrimination, including sexual harassment and the use of racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory language/slurs are acts of violence against the Cristo Rey community and will be treated as such
● Students who engage in any form of intimidation, violence, or aggression will immediately be removed from further student contact and a parent/guardian will be notified and asked to take the student home for the day.
● A meeting with the student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and members of the school administration will be required before the student can return to school or their CWSP worksite.
● This meeting may result in further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, a behavioral expectations contract or possible termination of enrollment.
● When deemed necessary, the school reserves the right to notify or seek the support of law enforcement.
Any student who believes they have been the subject of any form of intimidation, harassment or aggression by anyone at CRJHS or by any person who does business with CRJHS, should bring the matter to the attention of a CRJHS staff member, faculty member, or administrator. A prompt and thorough investigation of any alleged incident will be conducted and,if warranted, appropriate corrective action taken To the extent possible, reports of harassment will be treated as confidential
If a student chooses to marry or cohabitate, she or he may be unable to continue attending CRJHS A student must have a parent/guardian in order to be enrolled A student cannot be their own parent/guardian, even once they turn 18 years old
Students are allowed to bring their cellphones to school and will be required to place them in a secured cell phone locker from 8:30 AM to 3:45 PM.
Students are expected to shut off (not set to vibrate or silent) and place cell phones in the designated phone locker for the duration of the school day (8:30 AM - 3:45 PM).
● Smart watches with cell phone capabilities and wireless earbuds connected to cell phones and/or smart watches must also be placed in the secure locker for the entire school day.
● Corrective actions taken when students choose to use their device(s) during the school day include but are not limited to:
○ Redirection to lock device(s) in their designated phone locker
○ Device(s) held at the Deans’ office or front desk phone lockers until 3:45
○ Parent/guardian notified
○ Scheduled meeting with school administrator, student, and parent/guardian
○ Student required to turn in device(s) to Deans’ office each morning
● Parents or guardians who need to speak to their student during the course of the school day may call the school. School personnel will assist with delivering messages to students, while making every attempt not to interrupt classes in order to do so
CRJHS assumes no liability for lost, stolen, broken or misplaced cell phones and/or other electronic devices. CRJHS is under no obligation to expend time assisting students in locating missing items.
Students who meet CRJHS expectations for academics, behavior, CWSP and attendance are considered to be in good standing and will gain the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their experience at CRJHS, college and in their careers CRJHS will support students who struggle in one or more of these areas Interventions may include but are not limited to:
● Professional Development
● Parent/guardian communication
● Meeting between school personnel and student
● Meeting between school personnel, student and parent/guardian
● Expectations Agreement*
● Communication with student and parent/guardian regarding progress
*Students who meet the academic, behavioral, CWSP and attendance expectations of an expectations agreement will return to good standing. Students who do not meet the terms of the agreement may be dismissed from CRJHS.
All student dismissal decisions are made after extensive collaboration between the Principal and the Director of CWSP. Dismissal decisions can be appealed to the Cristo Rey President.
● In cases where Academic Expectations have not been met (i.e student has not earned credit for promotion), the appeal process will not result in the decision to dismiss being overturned.
● The appeal process is intended to provide an opportunity for extenuating circumstances that have not previously been presented for consideration,to be disclosed to the President by the student and/or family.
● In all appeals, the final decision is that of the President.
The supports outlined above represent a framework CRJHS reserves the right to take other disciplinary actions that could include student dismissal from CRJHS if a serious policy violation or incident occurs
School begins each day at 8:30 AM. Students are expected to be in the classroom or designated learning area before 8:30 AM. Classes end at 3:45 PM. Schedules are updated in PowerSchool daily.
Course Proficiency
Students must achieve a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in each course below to graduate or be promoted to the next grade level Student GPAs are primarily determined by proficiency, defined as 3.0 or higher, in course standards.
Course Sequence
Grade 9 (credits)
Grade 10 (credits)
Grade 11 (credits
Grade 12 (credits)
English I (1) English II (1) English III (1)
Algebra I or Geometry (1) Geometry or Algebra II (1) Algebra II or Pre-Calc (1)
English IV or AP Literature (1)
Finite Math or AP Calculus (1)
Religion I (1) Religion II (1) Religion III (1) Religion IV (1)
Principles of Math (.5)
World History or AP World History (1)
Health and PE (.75) Spanish I* (1)
Physics (1) Chemistry (1)
Elective** ( 5)
Technology (.25)
US History or AP US History (1)
Government or AP Government (.5)
Spanish II or AP Spanish* (1) Elective** (1)
Biology or AP Physics or AP Chemistry (1) Biology (1)
*Spanish is offered both as a Heritage Speaker Cohort and a Beginner Cohort **9th grade and Senior electives can change from year to year and are updated in PowerSchool
Promotion Requirements
To be promoted to the next grade, a student at Cristo Rey must have earned a minimum GPA of 2.5 in every class for the year and completed service hour requirements or the student may need to attend summer school. If, by the end of Summer School, credit has not been earned for all courses or service hours have not been completed, a student may be dismissed from CRJHS.
• Students may not have the option of attending Summer School for credit recovery if the student earns below a 2.5 in 3 or more classes. .
• Seniors must pass all classes with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in all classes before the date of graduation to participate in graduation ceremonies.
• Credit for CWSP must be obtained during the regular school year and cannot be recovered during summer school
Parents/guardians can view their student's grades and attendance in PowerSchool For questions regarding academic progress, email the class teacher first When needed, email the Academic Dean to help with further questions about a student’s progress
All CRJHS students must successfully complete 28 academic credits to earn a diploma. Students earn one-half (0.5) credit for successful completion of standards for one academic semester. Credits must be earned in each of the following departments:
Course grades are calculated based on the following:
● 70% Standards: Standards make up the largest percentage of a student’s class GPA. Each standard represents a skill or knowledge of content. Students are graded on individual standards with the score on the most recent attempt used to calculate the class grade.
Standards Grading Scale
4.0: Student demonstrates proficiency beyond the standard required.
3.0: Student demonstrates proficiency and has met the required standard.
2 0: Student is approaching proficiency but is not yet meeting the standard
1 0: Student attempted the standard but did not meet proficiency, even with support
0.0: Student did not attempt to show proficiency within the time allotted
● 25% Daily Practice: Daily practice consists of assignments, including classwork and homework, that prepare students to demonstrate knowledge of a standard
● 5% Final Exams: Students take final exams at the end of each semester Scores on final exams for each semester count for 5% of the class GPA
All students must participate in the SAT Suite of Assessments throughout their four years at CRJ CRJHS pays for the costs of all exams Students will have access to their test results on the College Board website
As an academic institution, students are encouraged to use their intellect and creativity to produce work that is their own and that best represents their own knowledge, skills, and/or opinions It is never acceptable for a student to violate this sense of integrity by being dishonest to gain an academic advantage
Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
● plagiarism occurs when a writer uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not commonknowledge)
● material without acknowledging its source.
● using artificial intelligence (AI) services to create content intended to be original
● cutting and pasting from electronic sources without using quotations or citing sources
● paraphrasing ideas without giving credit to the original author
● failing to cite sources for pictures, graphs, etc.
● taking an essay off the internet
● copying another student’s homework or class work or offering your work to someone else
● sharing details from a specific test or quiz before, during, or after the event
● use of unauthorized aids on tests or quizzes, such as cheat sheets, programmed calculators, cell phones or online translators
● recycling/reusing a previous paper or project of one’s own or of another without the explicit consent of the teacher
● talking to peers during an exam
The consequences of academic dishonesty are at the discretion of school administrators and can include:
● student/teacher conversation about the incident
● teacher notifying parent or guardian of the instance
● at the discretion of the teacher: redoing an assignment or test, loss of credit on an assignment or test, no credit on an assignment or test
● student/teacher/dean conversation about the incident
● student and student’s parent/guardian must meet with an academic administrator
● may include service to the community
● multiple instances of academic dishonesty at any point may lead to failure in a course and/or dismissal from CRJHS.
Participation in co-curricular activities is a privilege granted to students who uphold the CRJHS ideals of leadership, display good citizenship, meet expectations of the school community, abide by the rules and regulations of the Minnesota State High School League (where applicable), and commit themselves to academic success. To be in good standing, students must
● maintain a minimal GPA of 2.5 in all classes. Individual activities may have higher requirements. These will be communicated in advance of the season by the coach or advisor and with the approval of the Activities Director.
● maintain a positive standing at their corporate workplace to be eligible; a workplace termination or serious infraction may result in loss of eligibility based on conversations between CWSP, activities and members of the academic team
Students below 2 5 may practice or attend meetings with the team or group, but not compete or perform until they have discussed and put in place an improvement plan with their grade level Academic Dean Eligibility is maintained when students make measurable progress on that improvement plan Eligibility is determined on a bi-weekly basis and communicated from the Activities Director to the coaches and co-curricular leaders Students who are deemed ineligible will remain so until the next eligibility check
Students involved in or attending extra-curricular activities or special events are expected to
● maintain a high standard of conduct and follow all rules as outlined in the CRJHS handbook and any rules outlined by the event/team organizers, coaches and leaders
● behave in a way consistent with the mission and values of Cristo Rey
● show respect during the National Anthem and school songs and will only use cheers that are appropriate and positive
Harassment of game officials, coaches, or players will not be tolerated. Any student found misbehaving at any co-curricular event may lose the right to attend future events and may be subject to further consequences Any student involved with violence related to poor sportsmanship at athletic contests or any special event will be subject to dismissal from school
The Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP) is an integral part of a student’s educational experience at CRJHS. While attending CRJHS, all students become CWSP employees. CWSP provides students with real-world job experiences that allow them to gain valuable exposure to a variety of office environments and professions, build job skills, and earn a portion of the cost of their education. CWSP strives to create a successful environment for its student employees. A successful CWSP student employee takes personal responsibility to ensure individual success by projecting a positive attitude and behaving in a mature manner. In addition, student employees should hold themselves to a high standard of honesty and integrity.
All students and parents/guardians are expected to read and follow the rules set forth in this Handbook as part of their agreement with CWSP. Since CWSP is the legal employer of the students, parents/guardians should direct all work- related questions or comments to the CWSP office.
● Each student works a maximum of 8 hours in any one day, two days per week, and five days every four weeks when school is in session
● When school is in session, a student will never exceed 18 hours of work in a given work week and all student work will be conducted between the hours of 8:00AM and 5:00 PM (Department of Labor 29 CFR §570 37)
● The CWSP requires students to report hours worked by completing a timecard issued by the Corporate Work Study Program after the conclusion of each workday, as validated by a work supervisor
● Students are required to work each scheduled workday Students are required to arrive at CRJHS by 8:00AM to participate in all school routines and receive all preparation materials for work. A student may be dismissed from work after a full work day is complete as determined by the student’s direct supervisor, typically between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM
● CWSP coordinates student transportation to the workplace and coordinates transportation home from the workplace, which includes public transportation, school bus, taxi or school van Students are expected to follow all school rules when riding transportation, and adhere to rules/responsibilities identified by 3rd party transportation contractors used by the school.
● Students assigned to use public transportation will be provided with a Metro Transit bus card to use on workdays only. In the case that a CRJHS family wishes to provide their student with transportation to work in the morning a Straight to Work (STW) contract may be signed.
● A student and parent/guardian may sign a STW agreement which permits the student to travel from their home to work in the morning. A STW contract requires that the student arrives at work no later than 8:45AM and that the student informs the CWSP of their on-time work arrival. A Straight to Worontract may be revoked if the student fails to meet the requirements. CRJHS Transportation will no longer be offered after a contract has been signed.
To maintain their eligibility to remain enrolled at Cristo Rey each student is required to follow all school, CWSP rules and adhere to the rules and expectations laid out by their CWSP job assignment. CWSP partners are required to follow all requisite Department of Labor rules and expectations
Any behavioral incidents that occur at work will be examined on an individual basis The CWSP will act as mediator in difficult situations between the student and the client
● Should the student be terminated from their assigned workplace, CWSP will provide professional development Upon successful completion of the professional development program, the student will be reassigned to another CWSP job Should they not meet eligibility requirements they may be unenrolled
Work always takes precedence over co-curricular activities. A student may not miss any work to participate, nor should the student ask their supervisor for an exception under any circumstance.
● If a student misses any CWSP-required time to participate in practice, a game, rehearsal, or performance, that student will not be able to participate in any co-curricular activities for a period of time determined by CWSP and Activities Director.
● Students are required to complete a makeup day for absences. Make up days must be completed in the same semester the absence occurred
● One Personal Time Off (PTO) Day will be issued by CWSP each semester.
○ Acceptable PTO applications include but are not limited to illness, injury, court, bereavement, AP exam.
● A student who does not make- up any missed work days by the end of an academic year may not be promoted to the next grade level.
● Students must also fulfill all work requirements in order to receive a CRJHS diploma
All students are required to work each of their assigned workdays for the duration of the time period set forth by the CWSP/client contract In 2024-25, these dates are September 3, 2024 to June 13, 2025.
As employees of the CWSP, students are not eligible for client benefits unless specifically agreed upon by the CWSP and the student’s supervisor
Work Assessment and Job Reviews
Each workplace is visited at least twice per year by a CWSP staff for the purpose of work performance assessment according to the CWSP Standards and Course Outcomes and to affirm compliance with all applicable provisions of 29 CFR §570 37 and section 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act
● To monitor and assess progress and assist students in bettering their workplace skills and experience, CWSP conducts formal site visits to each client to meet with supervisors throughout the school year
● Students and supervisors are required to submit online evaluations/assessments regarding their performance and experience In addition, informal feedback from supervisors and students via in-person conversations, e-mails, phone calls, and job-shadowing is encouraged
CWSP Standards and Workplace Behaviors
To determine whether a student will receive academic credit from CWSP, the student will be evaluated on the following Standards, with a grade of 3.0 or higher representing the meeting of workplace expectations.
CWSP Standards:
1) Work Performance
2) Attendance/Engagement
3) Daily Practice
4) Assignment Completion
5) Evaluations.
Students will be evaluated a minimum of two times each year by their supervisor on a broad spectrum of workplace behaviors and performance in addition to being evaluated daily. If a student consistently earns below a 3.0 on a CWSP Standard, the student will be required to meet with CWSP staff to generate a Performance Improvement Plan and may be required to attend training or retraining sessions
Students at CRJHS are not to exceed 12 absences per academic year. Absences from work are considered absences from school and will be counted toward the total number of absences. Partial absences count towards total absences. Absences from work are considered absences from school and will be counted toward the total number of absences.
● A student who is absent for more than 5 consecutive days or 12 in one academic year may be dismissed from CRJHS.
● Absences due to a medical condition may need to be verified by a physician’s note to CRJHS.
● Prior to scheduling trips or making other special attendance requests that could result in absences exceeding these guidelines, students and families are expected to communicate with the school’s attendance team for review.
● The State Minnesota Statute 260A.03 states that the parent or guardian is obligated to compel the attendance of the child at school pursuant to section 120A 22 and parents or guardians who fail to meet this obligation may be subject to prosecution under section 120A 34 When a student has 6 unexcused absences, CRJHS may send a report to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office be@school program
It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to ensure that the student is attending school and work, and to inform CRJHS in the event of absence A parent/guardian must contact CRJHS for each day the student is absent.
● Attendance during final exams is required unless otherwise communicated by the school
● Students who arrive late for final exams may not be permitted to take additional time beyond the allotted time of the exam
● Students who are not present for a final exam may receive a zero and may lose credit for the course Family trips or other reasons will not exempt a student from having to take an exam, nor will the exam be rescheduled to accommodate the student
● Re-scheduled exams will only be permitted in cases of medical emergencies verified with a note from a doctor and approved by a school administrator
Students who are tardy to school or work may result in:
● attending professional development
● communication with family
● attending a meeting with their family and school staff
If a student does not improve their tardiness after these or other interventions, it may be cause for dismissal from CRJHS.
The Wellness Office at CRJHS assists students with all minor medical needs during the school day.
● Medications will be given only to students who have a medication form on file in the Wellness Center Office signed by a parent or guardian as well as the student’s prescribing provider.
● Students who take medications at school will need to have their parent/guardian complete a “Self-Administration Authorization” form. Forms for medications will need to be completed each school year to provide the Wellness Center Office with the most accurate information.
● Students cannot share personal medications with fellow students.
● The student should discuss appropriate arrangements to take medications at the work site with the Wellness Center and CWSP staff.
● Students will be responsible for remembering to take the medication at the appropriate times
● All medications must be kept in the Wellness Center Office
● Students who require an inhaler or EpiPen must be carrying it with them at all times
● Changes to prescription medications throughout the school year must be communicated to the Wellness Center Office coordinator; the student’s doctor and parent/guardian may be required to sign and complete updated paperwork
● If it is determined that the student should not remain at school due to illness, the Wellness Office will call the parent/guardian
● If a parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached, the student will remain in the Wellness Office until either the end of the day or until someone can be contacted
● Students believed to need immediate medical attention may be transported to the hospital for emergency care by CRJHS personnel or ambulance
● The individual circumstances of every CRJHS student will be considered to provide needed support
● All students have access to a counselor at school that may provide individual counseling, small group facilitation, conflict resolution, and/or referrals to other resources.
● These services are confidential; however, if a counselor has reason to believe that a student is in danger, a parent or guardian will be notified and additional reporting may be necessary.
Under Minnesota State law, all school personnel are mandated reporters and have a legal obligation to report any allegations or suspicions of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate county child protection services.
All CRJHS students are expected to participate in the school’s religious programming, both academic and non-academic, including religion courses, liturgies, retreats, prayer, and community service.
All students are expected to attend respectfully during community worship, including Mass, interfaith prayer services, prayer, retreats, etc This means respectfully being present and appropriate in words, actions, and body language While attendance is mandatory for all students, participation level is left to each student’s comfort level and conscience
All students are required to attend their grade’s retreat These retreats may be held off-campus, on weekends, or overnight
Promotion to the next grade level and graduation are contingent on fulfilling these service requirements:
● 9th Grade – 20 hours
● 10th Grade – 20 hours
● 11th and 12th Grade- a long-term or large-scale project of at least 20 hours, with written reflection
● Students must log and verify their hours through the MobileServe application
● Students must arrive to the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time
● Students will be expected to abide by all school and bus company rules when riding a bus. Violators may lose the privilege of riding the bus.
● Students who live 2 miles or more from their assigned CRJHS bus stop may be eligible for free city bus passes. These students should contact the Transportation Manager (612-545-9709) for more information.
● Students may also purchase a bus pass or a bus card from the school.
All employees as well as all school volunteers who have regular or unsupervised contact with minors are subject to criminal background checks and are required to complete VIRTUS training. A school may decide not to conduct criminal background checks on school volunteers who do not have regular or unsupervised contact with minors, as well as vendors or independent contractors VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "right doing" within religious organizations
CRJHS participates in the State and Federal Government’s Program Free breakfast and lunch are provided every day at approved times Hot lunch is available every day during the lunch period, except on a student’s work day when they will instead receive a free bag lunch
● Students may not get meals outside of the approved times unless medically necessary or approved by school officials
● Students may bring lunch from home
● All food must be restricted to breakfast and lunch hours, and to the 3rd floor commons
● Students may not order outside food to the school
● Special meal accommodations can be made See the Nutrition Services Manager for details
● Cristo Rey is partnering with the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) to provide additional supports for Northside scholars
● As part of the partnership, Cristo Rey may share certain directory-level information with NAZ and NAZ evaluation partner for the purposes of programming and evaluation (e.g., name, contact information, birthdate, race/ethnicity, enrollment, attendance, course completion, academic progress/achievement data, graduation).
● All information will be kept confidential and all reporting will occur at the group level and not the individual level. Data will be used to track engagement with NAZ and understand how NAZ supports are contributing to scholar success.
● If you do not want your student's data to be shared with NAZ for data tracking and/or evaluation purposes, please contact the principal’s office.
● Financial aid is awarded on a case-by-case basis.
● The amount for each student is determined during the admissions process and each family’s financial situation is verified through review of most current tax returns or a third-party vendor.
● Once determined, the family contribution amount remains the same for each school year unless otherwise communicated
● Students with an outstanding family contribution balance may not be able to participate in classes on the first day of school, be allowed to walk at graduation or receive a diploma, be eligible to work for pay at their CWSP worksite during vacation days until the balance is paid.
● The annual amount is divided into 10 monthly payments which are payable from August through May
● Payments are due on the 1st of each month A late fee may be assessed if received after the 10th of the month
● Families are encouraged to make payments by automatic bank withdrawal through the CRJHS website
One time or recurring credit card payments may also be made through the website.
In addition to the monthly family contribution and annual registration fee, there may be other fees, including but not limited to:
● activity/athletic fees
● technology fees
● missing library and textbook fees
Parents/Guardians will be notified of any additional fees charged to the student
Any payment concerns should be communicated to the Finance Office
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School reserves the right to make changes and additions to this handbook The most recent version will be available on the school website