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ICREDIT A Espanya, el desembre del 2013, es va posar en marxa la comercialització dels cigarrets electrònics. Un tipus de cigarrets que han Més d'un mil·lió sis-cents causat molts problemes i mil catalans van fer una han estat considerats com cadena humana reclamant una estafa. al govern de Madrid la consulta per la independència.

Una de las ciudades europeas que se ha sumado a la protesta por la reforma de Gallardón ha sido Madrid en la que miles de personas participaron en la manifestación gritando: “Si La Infanta fue imputada se puede” o “Nosotras por el juez José Castro el parimos, nosotras dia 8 de Febrero de 2014 en decidimos”. Palma de Mallorca

Nelson Mandela died with 95 years for a prolonged lung infection

Nos hemos hermanado a una escuela en Lovimbi (Malawi) y hemos puesto en marcha un proyecto llamado "Mary’s meal" que consiste en dar a los alumnos una papilla muy nutritiva que diariamente preparan las madres de los niños para mejorar su alimentación.

Joan Badia, Julia Ribas, Bernat Vila, Armand Torrego e Irina Pacareu



VIA CATALANA, UN DIA QUE ENS UNEIX A TOTS L'onze de Setembre, catalans i catalanes uneix les mans pel dret a decidir tota la gent i documentarho, vuit-cents fotògrafs i vint mitjans aeris

ser inscrites.

La resposta del President Es van dur a terme alguns del govern de Madrid Sr actes festius com ara: Rajoy després que li xerrades de polítics preguntassin què faria L'origen de la diada prové importants o l`Himne dels sobre la demanda dels del onze de Setembre del Segadors.També es van catalans i la resposta en 1714 on es commemora la arribar a vendre cinc-cente front d'aquest acte, i va dir caiguda de Barcelona en mil samarretes de dotze que defensava la unitat mans de les tropes euros.Hi van participar d'Espanya. Però el Borbòniques després d'uns més d'un mil·lió sis-centes President Artur Mas diu llargs dies de setge. Aquest mil ocupaven els carrers de que ell seguirà lluitant per any 2013 més d'un mil·lió Barcelona.La Via Catalana aconseguir la consulta. sis-cents mil catalans van començava al fer una cadena humana La política catalana és força Pertus( Vallespí) i acabava reclamant al govern de plural. La taula de sotaers a Alcanar(Montsià) Madrid la consulta per la ajuda a entendre el ocupant així tota la costa independència. posicionament de catalana. cadascuna de les principals La cadena humana va La Via Catalana fou forces polítiques del passar per carreteres organitzada per Parlament de Catalunya nacionals,ponts,cruïlles i l'Assamblea Nacional ciutats. Van ser set-cents Catalana(ANC) per tal de vint-i-dos trams i vuitanta- que tothom tingués un lloc sis municipis, en total uns a la cadena humana. A quatre-cents kilòmetres bana de molts anuncis, van aproximadament. Com a crear un web on podies voluntaris i van participar escollir el tram de la via on tres mil persones. Es van t'hi volies posar. En tan sols necessitar mil cinc-cents vint-i-quatre hores, autocars per a transportar a quinze-mil persones van



POLÈMICA PELS CIGARRETS ELECTRÒNICS A Espanya, el desembre del 2013, es va posar en marxa la comercialització dels cigarrets electrònics. Un tipus de cigarrets que han causat molts problemes i han estat considerats com una estafa. La quantitat de nicotina que poden contenir els cigarrets pot ser elegida per l'usuari, i fins i tot es pot escollir sense nicotina. Això va fer que la gent cregués que eren completament inofensius tot i que en desconeixien els seus components. A més a més, es poden triar diferents solucions líquides com ara: maduixa, xocolata i molts més. Amb la imatge de que els cigarrets electrònics no perjudicaven la salut (ja que el que expulsava la màquina era només vapor que imitava al fum), molta gent va prendre la decisió de que es podia fumar en els llocs on no estava permès. Això va ser molt positiu per a fumadors actius i fins i tot per els

addictes ja que abans no els deixaven fumar en llocs públics. En canvi causà efectes negatius en la gent que els envoltava degut a la quantitat d’altres substàncies negatives que duia el cigarret. Com que els cigarrets electrònics contenen nicotina, fa que fumar sigui addictiu, sense ser danyat pels altres components tòxics que es troben en els cigarrets reals. Contenen substàncies idèntiques que les que porta la cigarreta convencional; no obstant això, els cigarrets electrònics són menys perjudicials que fumar tabac. Un estudi recent ha analitzat l'impacte de l'ús d'aquests cigarrets en la funció pulmonar durant 10 minuts. I la conclusió, com explica Solano, és la següent: "La cigarreta electrònica augmenta de manera immediata la resistència de la via aèria i disminueix la capacitat de

conducció de l'aire per les mateixes vies."És a dir que fa un tap en la via aèria i no permet l’aire passar amb facilitat i obstrueix els pulmons.” L'estudi també conclou que aquests són pitjors en els pacients fumadors que en els no fumadors. El cigarret electrònic va tenir molt d‘èxit perquè la gent pensava que fumar un cigarret electrònic no danyava els pulmons. Així doncs molta gent amb edat suficient va comprar aquests nous cigarrets (una bona part dels compradors van ser adolescents que pensaven que no els perjudicaria la salut i que no caurien en l’addicció). Això ha estat un aspecte negatiu cap a la cigarreta electrònica ja que els adolescents compradors de tabac compraven bàsicament per presumir i no se’ls va indicar dels perjudicis ni se’ls va imposar cap prohibició. El cigarret electrònic és bo per els joves del nostre


país? A més a més de provocar greus problemes als pulmons i de perjudicar la salut, molta gent es gasta aproximadament més de 1.400€ en els paquets de cigarrets. Recentment s’ha descobert que els cigarrets electrònics que no eren considerats perjudicials, són en veritat igual de dolents que els “normals”. A causa de que són addictius la gent no pot parar de fumar i gasten molts estalvis per l’addicció al tabac i així és com el fumador no aconsegueix parar de fumar. Gràcies a la bona imatge dels cigarrets electrònics, molts joves ara són addictes al tabac. Tampoc hi ha estudis exactes que diguin que el cigarret electrònic és millor o pitjor que el normal ja que aquests estudis son preliminars i no hi ha cap prova concloent. En general el cigarret electrònic ha tingut molts pros en els aspectes tant econòmics dins de la societat com individualment, i ha ajudat


a molts fumadors a continuar amb la seva addicció en llocs que abans no els hi era permès. Per altra banda en els contres va ser presentat com un cigarret innovador, revolucionari i bo per la salut, tot i que s'ha demostrat ser tant o més perjudicial que el normal i ha estat una gran estafa.




e last of us is a stealth game of the survival/ horror category with adventure and action. Developed by Naughty dog, the video game was announced on the 10th of December 2011 and it was put up for sale on the 14 of June 2013. e idea of the game came from a B.B.C. documentary about a fungus that affects ants, it makes them become full of spore seeds and kills them bit by bit driving them crazy, when they die, the spores inside the ant burst into the air and it affects others in the same way. ey decided that in this video game, the same would happen to humans,

but while affected by spores, humans drive crazy and kill everybody they see. e protagonist is Joel, a man that escapes from the infection, he is accompanied by Ellie a girl that’s 14 years old and was born aer the infection. ey both have to run for their lives and search for food and medicines for them and not to die in this adventure. In the story you are Joel and you see the start of the infection that makes your daughter die, 20 years later you meet Ellie, that looks like Joel’s daughter and that has been bitten by an infected human but she has not transformed yet,. two weeks have passed and

normally people transform in less than two days. Joel has to cross with her half of America to deliver Ellie to the scientists because they want to examine her brain to see what makes her immune to spores and find the cure, the only way of doing this is by killing her. Joel gets fond of her and when he reaches the place he doesn’t want Ellie to die so he grabs her and escapes by not telling her what has happened and lying. INFECTED: When someone becomes infected, if he’s not killed, the infection evolves, there are 4 types. 1. -Runners: ere still half human and can see what they do but can’t stop themselves from killing (recently infected). 2. -Stalkers: ey are runners that have been more than a month infected, they start losing vision because spores grow in their face and body but still look like humans, they kill runners and everything


they find, normally hidden in common roads and streets and kill humans that pass by them. 3. –Clickers: ey have been one year infected, they cannot see their face full of bumps and spores (deformed). But they can hear very well and once they’ve selected their pray they sprint to it and eat it, there lethal. eir named clickers because of their characteristic click sound that they produce with their mouth, similar to bats. 4. –Bloated: Like clickers but with all their body colonized by spores and fungus that make them look fat but it is because of the layers of spores and fungus accumulated during more than 15 years, they are slow but if you get close, it smashes you lethally, they have lots of resistance to bullets and fire but when you’re not close to them they pull spores from their body and throw them aiming you.





Wonder is an international bestseller written by R.J Palacio, a graphic designer by day and writer by night. On the front cover of her book, Palacio states: you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out. August Pullman is a ten year-old boy that has a rare craniofacial deformity, because of this he has always been homeschooled by his mom. In the book he begins his first year at Beecher Prep school where we follow the difficulties he experiences in making friends and being accepted by the other children. e main characters are: August Pullman (Auggie) who lives with his sister Olivia (Via) and his parents Isabel and Nate Pullman. August has a couple of friends in school, Jack Will, who supports him

throughout (except for a bit where he is mean to August, but then apologises) and Summer Dawson who is also one of Auggie’s friends. Julian Albans is one of the children who is mean to August and causes many emotional upsets he experiences during his first year. other important characters in the story are Mr. Tushman, the director at Beecher Prep who tries to make August’s first school experience nice and welcoming, Justin, his sister Via’s boyfriend and Miranda who is Olivia’s very good friend , but this last year has pretended to be super cool and has ignored Olivia. Palacio gives different angles to the story by telling it from the perspective of the different characters and their experiences of life with August. I think that the main theme in Wonder is how you judge people. August is judged initially by his face

and not by what he is actually like as a person. is book teaches us that we should not make opinions about someone because of how they look. As the saying goes, “Looks are only skin deep”. How we are inside is what really counts. I really enjoyed this novel because it makes you think about what it must be like for a ten year-old boy to start school and to immediately be judged because of your face. It really makes you start to think about how you would react if you were in August’s place or even in the place of the children that meet him for the first time in class. Would you be a good friend like Jack Will or Summer, or would you turn into someone like Julian who tries to give August a bad time?



STAR WARS III: REVENGE OF THE SITH is movie is the third sequel of the second trilogy, which goes back to the beginning of the story. e director is George Lucas. e actors are Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi) Natalie Portman (Padmé Amidala), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Ian McDiarmid (Darth Sidius/ Palpatine), Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu), Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Kenny Baker (R2-D2) and Frank Oz (Yoda). Principal photography on the film occurred from June 30th, 2003 to September 17th, 2003. With a budget of 113 million dollars, the film was shot at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney. Other scenes were filmed in Phuket, ailand (the limestone mountains depicting Kashyyyk). Camera crews were sent to Mount Etna that erupted in Italy at the same time and used into the background

of the film version of the planet Mustafar. Despite being the prequel trilogy’s best reviewed and received film, Revenge of the Sith received fewer award nominations than the previous films. e film also won the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film. Williams also won Best Music. e film was nominated for ten Saturn Awards, including Best Director and Best Writing for Lucas, Best Actor for Christensen, Best Actress for Natalie Portman and Best Supporting Actor for Ian McDiarmid. e main story of the film is the transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader. e film takes place three years aer the beginning of the Clone Wars. e Jedi are spread out across the galaxy leading a massive clone army in the war against the Separatists. e Jedi Council sends Master Obi-Wan to eliminate General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Army.

Meanwhile, Anakin, separated from Kenobi, his former master, grows close to Palpatine, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, an unknown Sith Lord. eir friendship becomes dangerous for the Jedi Order, the Republic, and Anakin himself who inevitably falls into the dark side of the Force and becomes Darth Vader, changing the fate of the galaxy forever. is is the latest movie of the prequel, the most modern and made with the latest technology for creating sound special


effects. e characters look more realistic than in the first trilogy and customs are more detailed. e music has been composed by John Williams and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and London Voices. I think this movie is one of the best movies I have ever seen. As a big fan of Star Wars, I like all of them very much, but the special effects are incredible due to the technology available and the very good director and producers. is movie is 140 minutes long and is rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and some intense images, but I consider it can be seen by children under this age because even though the plot is about war and there is a lot of fighting, you can’t see much blood or none along the movie. I recommend this movie to everyone, of course there are two movies to see before this one if you want to understand all the story.S’hauria de reduir





Scary movie is the last part of the series of films which make a parody of several horror movies, like: “Paranormal”, “Activity”, “Mama”, “Sinister”, “e Evil Dead”, “Inception” and “Black Swan”. Scary movie is directed by Malcolm Lee who worked together with legendary comedy director David Zucker. Zucker wrote and directed Scary Movie III and IV and cowrote and produced Scary Movie V. Simon Rex is the actor performing Dan, the father, and Ashley Tisdale is the actress performing Jody, the mother. e genre is comedy but there are some horror scenes. e

events in their house, just aer their three nieces have disappeared. At the same time, the strange events were affecting Jody’s work as a ballet dancer and Dan’s career as a monkey researcher. Once the situation got was out of control, they decided to search for help and contact a specialist on paranormal running time is 85 situations. e specialist minutes. Scary Movie 5 discovered that there was a grossed $32,015,787 in demonic presence in the North America, and house. $46,132,539 in other I recommend this film to countries, for a worldwide all the people between ages total of $78,148,326. e 10 and 17 who like both music was by James the genres fear and L.Venable. e film was comedy. ere are filmed in United States and moments in the film when the official language is you think it will be a scary English. Filming began in scene but suddenly it September 2012. e first becomes funny. promotional image of the film, featuring Lohan and Sheen in the very first scene of the movie, was released on September 20, 2012. is film is about a young couple, Dan and Jody. ey began to detect strange




Call of Duty is a military style video game series in the first person (FP). It was created by Ben Chicho, mostly developed by Infinity Ward and released by Activision.e game began for personal computers (PC) but later expanded to the consoles of the seventh generation like XBOX and PS2-3. Aer the first game was la??, many new games derived from it were launched. e series initially was set in world war 2. is was changed to fiction and realist events such as seen in call of duty 4,modern warfare 2,3 and the cold war (Nazi Germany) in call of duty black ops. e series has enjoyed great commercial and critical success,which has

grown since its inception to the present. Call of duty has made great games in the gaming industry, selling 55 million total copies of their games,raising more than 3 billion worldwide, apart from selling other products like action figures, playing cards and a mini series of comic books. Two companies develop call of duty now : Treyarch and Infinity Ward. Every year a new game is released, one year Infinity Ward and the other Treyarch so they have two years to develop the game. Infinity Ward has Been working on a 3 game saga named Modern Warfare which I and many other people think is a big failure, Since the first modern warfare game the number of sold copies in

the second and third has decreased so this 2013 they have started a new game called ghosts leaving aside Modern Warfare. By the other side Treyarch has started in 2008 by creating a game called World at War and by surprise of its huge success they have created a similar saga called Black Ops because World at War had a closed story. Black Ops is now by its second game and it is predicted for the third one to be released in 2015. e major success about Treyarch has been a secondary game mode called Zombis in which you are on a small map and you have to survive as many rounds as possible with zombies coming at you by constructing traps and buying weapons. Infinity Ward has tried to imitate zombies creating a gamemode called extinction which is the same but with aliens and it has received many negative criticisms.



NELSON MANDELA PASSED AWAY Nelson Mandela died with 95 years for a prolonged lung infection Mandela was born in 18 July of 1918 in Mvezo (South-Africa), he was one of the most emblematic Sud-African political leader anti-apartheid. e apartheid was a political movement that became a system of racial segregation. Aer being in jail for 27 years serving life in prison (his prisoner number was 46664), Nelson Mandela was released, aer he was released they gave him the peace nobel prize and he was named president from 1994-1999. He was the first black president of SouthAfrica. More than 70 world leaders gathered in South Africa for the events anticipated by the death of Nelson Mandela will be given. e event will bring together heads or former heads of government, representatives of royal families, heads of

international organizations and artistas. In the Soccer City stadium of Soweto (Pretoria) will be given appointment on Tuesday to mark the main act of homage from the President USA, Barack Obama, Iran, Hassan Rohani, or of Cuba, Raul Castro. e stadium with capacity for 95,000 spectators, was the site of the last public appearance of Madiba, in the final of the soccer World Cup 2010. Nelson Mandela, whose victory against apartheid united his native South Africa and changed the course of modern history, has died following a long

illness. e Nobel Peace laureate, who spent nearly three decades as a political prisoner before going on to lead his country, passed away at his Johannesburg home surrounded by his family. South African President Jacob Zuma said "the nation has lost its greatest son", adding: "He is now resting. He is now at peace." Mr Mandela, who was 95, will get a state funeral and national flags will be lowered to half-mast. He had been receiving medical treatment for the last three years for a



the right to vote. UK Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking outside Downing Street, said: "Tonight one of the brightest lights of our world has gone out. "Nelson Mandela was not just a hero of our time, but a hero of all time. prolonged lung infection and for the last six months had been critically ill. "Our people have lost a father," said Mr Zuma. "Although we knew this day was going to come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss. "His tireless struggle for freedom earned him the respect of the world. His humility, passion and humanity, earned him their love." Madiba - as he was aectionately known by many South Africans - was released in 1990 and went on to guide his country to democracy, bringing an end to white minority rule and securing black people



TRAIN CRASH IN NEW YORK this year for the rail service in that area. Joel Zaritsky who was travelling on the train to attend a convention in New York City described his experience: "I was asleep and I woke up when the car started rolling. en I saw the gravel coming at me and I heard people screaming. On the 1st December there happening again," he said. ere was smoke was a terrible passenger Andrew Cuomo, New York everywhere and debris. train crash in the Bronx state Governer spoHeader People were thrown to the area of New York, four 2ke to the media near the other side of the train.'' people were killed and 63 scene and confirmed the injured. e carriages casualty figures, adding almost crashed into the that the National Hudson and Harlem rivers. Transportation Safety Federal investigators said Board (NTSB) was the off the rail carriages beginning an investigation. would be turned upright to is accident is the second check for any other passenger train derailment possible victims. National Transportation Safety Board official Earl Weener said his teams would be on site for several days documenting evidence. "Our mission is not just to understand what happened but why it happened, with the intent of preventing it



HUNDREDS OF PROTESTERS HAVE SPENT THE NIGHT IN KIEV'S INDEPENDENCE SQUARE demonstrations which 150.000 people attended. e demonstration was in two main squares ("Maidan" and the Independence square, "Europeski ploshad"). More than 20.000 people spent the night in the Independence Square aer clashes on Sunday, leaving more than 230 injured between police and demonstrators. e police Once again, aer the led by the president, Víctor are been very violent with Orange revolution a few Yanukóvich, was going to the people. years ago, Ukrainians have a meeting to talk Aer that the police forced showed their division in about whether they are them to leave the two identities: those willing going to form part of the to become integrated in the EU, while there were EU( mainly in the western 100.000 people protesting part of the country) and against it. But, aer that, others wishing to remain the Russian government under the Russian persuaded them to stay on influence (based in the the Asiatic side and not Eastern part). form part of the EU so the During the last few weeks government cancelled the of November some meeting. demonstrations were Some of the people from taking place in the streets Ukraine are unhappy about of the capital Kiev. the decision that the e trouble started when government has made and the Ukraine government so there have been some




demonstration. Electronic cigarettes keep selling even though more evidence of their risks is being showed. ese cigarettes are harmful for us because we are not exactly sure of their components and their reaction with heat. e cigarettes that give out vapour and do not contain nicotine and other components suspect as being harmful and are being inspected by the health authorities around the world. Business men are selling these cigarettes giving 2 arguments to the people: stop smoking (which is not true) and

being able to smoke where cigarettes are prohibited, is opportunity is uniquebecause as soon as studies are being made more and more negative affects are showing and in no time they will be prohibited in many places. It has already been prohibited in many countries like Brazil,

Singapore,Norway...and in many others. It’s been restricted like normal cigarettes because of its huge amount of nicotine. e conclusion is that they are being sold without knowing much about their negative effects. It is not sure yet whether this new electronic cigarettes will be a harmless addiction or something that will be unhealthy, but it is certain that these cigarettes have been selling well all over Europe.




Two-thirds of the people that voted approved changes in Croatia's constitution to define marriag as a union only between a man and a woman. e government confirmed that the constitution will have to be changed according to the rsults of the votation. On saturday hundreds of gay rights supporters were seen while protesting in Zagreb. Gay rights protesters, under heavy police presence, walked for an hour through out the capital and unfolded a giant rainbow flag outside the parliament. e petition of backing the

referendum made by the catholic that received more than 700.000 signatures. e referendum asked if the constitution should be amended to define marriage as "the union between a man and a woman"almost a 90% of Croatia's population of 4.4 million is Roman Catholics and he church has tried to convince the people to vote a "Yes". It has also received support from 104 members of the parliament seats. President Ivo Jospovic said he was disappointed with the results but not surprised. e referendum results

must not be a reason for new divisons, he said. e government, human rights group and important public figures had all spoken against the referendum trying to convince people to vote a "No". Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic had argued about the referendum saying that it threatened people's rights to happiness and choice.



AVIÓN SE ESTRELLA EN ARGELIA Un avión que transportaba a militares y a sus famílias se estrelló de camino a Argelia con un superviviente. de Protección Civil de Argelia han confirmado hoy que después de haber acabado de hacer las labores de rescate se han encontrado 76 cadáveres algunos quemados e irreconocibles y un único superviviente que está en el hospital de Argelia con muchos huesos rotos y en estado grave, el superviviente ha sido uno de los militares. Pero aún están retirando los restos Un avión militar que Argelia desde 2003 en el del avión estrellado que transportaba a 103 que murieron 133 han quedado esparcidod pasajeros, de las fuerzas personas. Era un avión de por toda la loma de la armadas y a sus familiares transporte llamado montaña. Ahora meses se estrelló en una zona Hércules i de la serie C-130 más tarde, ha habido un montañosa cerca de que viajaba de la ciudad de incendio en el aeropuerto Argelia. Se cree que las sureña de Tamanrasset de Argelia, se dice que ha causas del accidente fueron hacia Constantine, el sido un “accidente” y han el mal tiempo y la poca recorrido eran unos 500 tenido que cerrar el visibilidad que empujarron quilómetros i se estrelló 50 aeropuerto. al avión contra la antes de llegar a la capital cordillera. El suceso de Argelia. El avión era ocurrió el seis de Febrero tripulado por 103 del 2014 en los alrededores pasajeros, 99 militares y de Argelia y este accidente familiares, y cuatro aéreo ha sido el peor en tripulantes. Los servicios



Siguen las protestas por la ley de Gallardón Varias ciudades europeas se han sumado a la protesta por la reforma del aborto de Gallardón.

Una de las ciudades europeas que se ha sumado a la protesta por la reforma de Gallardón ha sido Madrid en la que miles de personas participaron en la manifestación. Esta marcha ha comenzado en Atocha a las 12:00 horas del día 1 de febrero. Todas las mujeres gritaban: “Si se puede” o “Nosotras parimos, nosotras decidimos”. A parte de Madrid, también ha habido manifestaciones en otras ciudades europeas como París, Roma o Londres. La más importante era el de Francia en la que más de 80 asociones feministas, partidos políticos y

sindicatos han organizado ese acto. Además, en Suecia la ministra sueca considera vergonzoso que en el 2014 haya países en la Unión Europea que restrinjan derechos fundamentales de la mujer. La vicesecretaria general del PSOE, Elena Valenciano, ha denunciado que no se trata de una ley del aborto, sino de una ley “contra las mujeres, contra su dignidad y su libertad”. Pero el secretario general y portavoz de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE), José María Gil Tamayo, ha opinado que "Ser madre no es algo que en la sociedad pongamos una mirada de minusvaloración, al contrario". El 13 de febrero cuatro parlamentos debatieron la retirada del proyecto del aborto que fue aprobado por el PP. En el Parlamento de Cataluña votaron CDC, ERC, ICV-EUiA, PSC y la

CUP a favor de la retirada immediata de la ley, lo que haría volver a las interrupciones del embarazo. En cambio PP, UDC y C’s no querían la retirada de la ley. La comisión permanente del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ) ha pedido al Ministerio de Justicia un mes más de plazo para acabar su informe sobre el anteproyecto de reforma de la ley del aborto promovida por el Gobierno. La ley indica que el aborto es un delito salvo en dos supuestos: si la madre ha sido violada o si durante el parto puede causar un grave peligro para la vida o salud física de la mujer. La malformación fetal no será motivo de abortar. Solo en el año 2011 se produjeron aproximadamente 118.359 abortos.




El equipo masculino de baloncesto madrileño derrotó al Barcelona en la final de la copa del rey por 77-76. En Febrero de 2014 ha terminado finalmente la larga competición de la copa del rey de baloncesto con una justa victoria del Madrid al Barcelona. El partido empezó a las 20 h en la pista de baloncesto de la ciudad de Málaga y duró hasta las 21:30 aproximadamente. Durante todo el partido el equipo madrileño tuvo una amplia ventaja sobre el

volvió a adelantar al Madrid por un punto por delante cuando el marcador señalaba menos de 1 segundo para el final del partido. Tras un último tiempo muerto, el Barcelona colgó una pelota a la botella del Madrid para intentar un palmeo final de algún jugador que permitiese la victoria. El desesperado intento de palmeo del jugador Tomic Barcelona, que varió entre no fue acertado. El Madrid los 10-20 puntos de ventaja se proclamó campeón de la hasta el último cuarto, fase copa del rey tras un en el que el Barcelona emocionante final y un consiguió remontar el gran esfuerzo de marcador hasta igualarse a remontada por parte del falta de pocos minutos para Barcelona. el final. En los últimos segundos una acción de El Madrid es actualmente falta favorable al Barcelona el campeón con más copas permitió dos tiros libres, al del rey, 24, por primera vez ser encestados puso al por encima de las 23 del Barcelona dos puntos por Barcelona, convirtiendo delante cuando solo este partido en un hecho quedaban 8 segundos. Una histórico. El partido tuvo rápida y brillante acción una gran audiencia en del Madrid culminó con televisión con un máximo un fantástico triple del del siglo de 2.709.000 jugador Sergi Llull que espectadores.



UNA DECISIÓN DE VIDA O MUERTE El Parlamento de Bélgica ha aprobado una ley que defiende que niños que están terminalmente enfermos y que están sufriendo mucho puedan pedir morir con el consentimiento de los padres.

La aprobación se realizó el dia 13 de Febrero con 86 votos a favor, 44 en contra y 12 abstenciones. La ley dice que si un niño menor de 18 años está terminalmente enfermo, sufriendo físicamente y ha hecho repetidas demandas de terminar con su sufrimiento, tiene derecho a decidir sobre seguir viviendo, y poner fin a su vida sin dolor. Con el permiso de los padres, de doctores y de psiquiatras,

puede decidir morir. Como se esperaba, el proyecto deberá estar firmado por el rey, y entonces, Bélgica se convertirá en el primer país del mundo que elimine el límite de edad en la práctica de la eutanasia. La semana pasada 160 pediatras belgas firmaron una carta en contra de la ley, diciendo que la medicina moderna es capaz de aliviar el dolor. Las condiciones para decidir morir de eutanasia

son las siguientes: 1. El paciente debe ser plenamente consciente de su decisión. 2. La solicitud debe ser aprobada por los padres y el equipo médico. 3. La enfermedad debe ser terminal. 4. El paciente debe de estar sufriendo y sin ningún tratamiento que sea capaz de aliviar la angustia. Han pasado 12 años desde que Bélgica aprobó la ley de eutanasia para los adultos. El jefe de la Iglesia Católica en Bélgica, Andre - Joseph Leonard dijo en la vigilia de oración: “La ley dice que los adolescentes no pueden tomar decisiones importantes sobre cuestiones económicas o emocionales, pero de repente, se han vuelto independientes para decidir si alguien debe hacerlos morir”.



LA INFANTA IMPUTADA POR EL CASO NÓOS La Infanta Cristina, esposa de Iñaki Urdangarin e hija del Rey de España Don Juan Carlos I, ha comparecido en el juzgado para declarar acerca del caso Nóos por apropiación indebida de caudales públicos. ilegalmente a través de esta empresa. La Infanta declaró que las decisiones sobre las actividades de la empresa eran de su marido y que ella confiaba plenamente en sus decisiones, y se desvinculó totalmente de las actividades fraudulentas de la empresa. El juicio duró más de cinco horas y le hicieron más de 400 preguntas ante el Juez José Castro. De entre las muchas respuestas que dio la Infanta las más comunes La Infanta fue imputada nunca nadie de la familia fueron “no sé”, “no me por el juez José Castro el real o descendiente del Rey consta” o “yo confiaba en dia 8 de Febrero de 2014 en había sido imputado o mi marido”. En su mayoría Palma de Mallorca para llevado a juicio hasta la fueron respuestas evasivas. declarar sobre las presuntas fecha. Sus abogados defensores, actividades ilegales La Infanta Cristina guiados por Miquel Roca i llevadas a cabo por su empleada de la Fundación Junyent, declararon antes marido a través de La Caixa y propietaria los medios de sociedades de las que ella junto con su marido de la comunicación que la era también empresa Aizoon, fue declaración de la infanta administradora. finalmente imputada por había sido un éxito. haberse apropiado de Esto ha constituido un varios millones de euros hecho histórico ya que



JOHN TALABOT CON LA COLABORACIÓN DE ACTIVE ÁFRICA: UNA OPORTUNIDAD EN LA VIDA DE LOS NIÑOS DE LOVIMBI Con la ayuda de Active África hemos podido mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestra escuela hermana en Lovimbi con proyectos tanto educativos como alimentarios.

recolectamos en la escuela John Talabot y lo lleva a Lovimbi, una ciudad de África. Aparte de este proyecto principal también se han realizado pequeños proyectos producidos por alumnos de la escuela como libretas personalizadas para escribir, tablas de multiplicar, jabón, zapatos, etc... Nos hemos hermanado a alimentar a un malawí A cada alumno se le una escuela en Lovimbi durante un mes. entregó una libreta idéntica (Malawi) y hemos puesto El proyecto se empezó en y la tuvo que decorar a su en marcha un proyecto enero de 2010 con la gusto y estas fueron llamado "Mary’s meal" que colaboración de Active entregadas a los alumnos consiste en dar a los África, una ONG creada en de Lovimbi. En retorno los alumnos una papilla muy el año 2004 en Barcelona, alumnos de la escuela de nutritiva que diariamente que tiene como prioridad Lovimbi nos mandaron preparan las madres de los la educación y que imágenes de ellos usando niños para mejorar su construyen y rehabilitan las libretas. alimentación. Cada escuelas de primaria, Hace dos años, los alumnos alumno del colegio John secundaria, internados hicieron una recogida de Talabot puede contribuir para estudiantes y jabones y un anuncio para en este proyecto dando guarderías. la recogida de jabones. €1,5 al mes que equivale a Active África transporta la Todos los que fueron una de sus papillas. Con comida, las libretas, los recogidos se enviaron a esta aportación se consigue jabones… que Lovimbi para que los niños


pudieran limpiar su ropa y tener una higiene mínima. Hace tres años UNICEF organizó una recogida de zapatos usados y los alumnos de tercero de ESO realizó la recogida que se envió a los niños de Lovimbi (el proyecto de la recogida de zapatos se llevó a cabo mediante un anuncio que realizaron los alumnos que hoy están en tercero de ESO). Este año 2014 se ha realizado por segunda vez un concierto solidario con la finalidad de recaudar dinero para construir su aula de octavo, ya que así los alumnos podrán acabar la escolaridad en el mismo colegio. Este concierto solidario se realizó con la colaboración de Ira Prat una ex maestra de música de la escuela John Talabot, también participaron los alumnos que actualmente realizan el extraescolar de teatro musical. El colegio John Talabot puso en marcha en 2012 un proyecto para proveer a la escuela de Lovimbi una aula de 8º curso con la


ayuda de Active África. Se decidió hacer este proyecto porque como en Lovimbi los estudiantes no pueden acabar la formación muchos tienen que andar hasta la aldea vecina para poder hacer el 8º curso y a menudo son raptados o violados por el camino. Por eso muchas familias no les dejan ir y les hacen quedar en casa aunque los

alumnos quieran continuar estudiando. Por eso estamos recaudando dinero para hacer que se construya el aula que falta.



JOHN TALABOT S’APUNTA AL PROJECTE OLISSES. L’ESCOLA JOHN TALABOT, AQUEST OCTUBRE VA POSAR EN MARXA UN PROJECTE DE RECICLATGE D’OLI USAT. la fundació Asproseat passen a recollir les ampolles d’oli usat i les porten a la seva planta de reciclatge on ho converteixen en biodiesel que és un combustible que La fundació Asproseat amb redueix les emissions de la col·laboració d’escoles CO2, també proveeix llocs catalanes com ara el col·legi de treball per a gent amb John Talabot ha posat en discapacitat intel·lectual, marxa el projecte Olisses. física o sensorial que El projecte consisteix en s’encarreguen de recollir els reciclar el oli usat per tal envasos plens transportard’evitar la contaminació de los a les instal·lacions del les aigües. Ja que: “Cada Centre Especial de Treball, litre d’oli contamina 1000 netejar-los per tal que el 0% litres d’aigua”. del residu retorni a la xarxa La recollida d’oli domèstic pública d’aigües. La involucra un total de fundació Asproseat dóna 11.000 llars de la zona del dispensadors plens Barcelonès i el Baix d’envasos nets a les escoles Llobregat i compta amb la participació d’escoles, mercats, empreses, restaurants... Aquest projecte es va posar en marxa el Gener de 2013 i l’escola John Talabot es va unir a l’Octubre. Cada mes

perquè els omplin d’oli usat. A principi de curs a tots els alumnes se’ls va donar una ampolla Olisses, que han d’omplir amb oli usat per cuinar. Un cop plena la duen a l’escola, tots els dilluns els alumnes de 2n d’ ESO passen a recollir-la i els hi entreguen una de nova. La ampolla Olisses té una capacitat d’un litre, a més tenen un sistema de rosca per obrir l’ampolla que prohibeix que l’oli surti. L’objectiu és apendre a cuidar el medi ambient i aportar el nostre granet de sorra per respectar-lo.



PITTSBURGH EXPERIENCE e best students in 3rd and 4th of ESO have had the opportunity of participating in an exchange project with students from Sewickley Academy (Pittsburgh, USA)

is year, JT is organizing an exchange with Sewickley Academy, which consists in sending 6 of our

spend some time with an American family. In exchange, the SA host students will come to Barcelona for the same amount of time. is year the students who will be participating in this project will be Biel Bonastre, Anton Roca in 3rd of ESO and Marc Masramon, Aleix Cabeza, Andrea Urquijo and Ana Malagarriga in 4th of ESO and Christine Palomeque best students from 3rd and (their English teacher). 4th of ESO to a SA Sewickley’s students will student’s house for two come here on the 15th June weeks so that they are was and will return the 30th, 2 able to visit the town and

months later on the 24th of August our students will go to Pittsburgh and return the 11th of September. Pittsburgh is a city of the United States that has a population of 305.704 people. It’s located in the southeast part of Pensilvania. Pittsburgh has got a baseball team called the Pirates, a american football team called the

Steelers and a hockey team called the Penguins. Sewickley is 12 miles (19 km) west northwest of Pittsburgh along the Ohio River. Sewickley Academy is a private college in


Sewickley, Pennsylvania, in the United States that has been doing exchanges with students from around the world. e students that do these exchanges have the chance to experience living with a host family and visiting the sites found in the city as well as learning

the language. During their stay, the students of John Talabot are going to do some tourism, they will visit the Niagara Falls, the House of Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright and they will also have funn at Kenny Wood park. ey will live in their exchange families’ houses and they’ll go to the best school in Pittsburg, Sewickley Academy. Not only will the students of Barcelona go to Pittsburgh, but the students of Sewickley


Academy will come to see our city. ey will go to many places but one of them is Sitges. ey will also go to see the Gothic quarter of Barcelona and the Sagrada Familia ey will also go to Port Aventura and to the Mediterranean beach to have a swim. We are very interested in

going to Pittsburgh because we would like to learn more about the state and its culture and it would be a good experience. We are looking forward to meet the students from Pittsburgh and we hope they have a good experience in Barcelona when they come.











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