Creede Repertory Theatre
Table of ContenTS
HARRY G REAT by John DiAntonio
ACT ONe: 2012 Season
letter from MO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WORLD PREMIERE
Mrs. Mannerly byJeffreyHatcher
THE SHOWS Harry the Great (PG-13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ghost-Writer (PG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mrs. Mannerly (R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Is He Dead? (PG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Boomtown (PG-13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Drowsy Chaperone (PG) . . . . . . . . 20 The Presidents! (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 concerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2012 art coLlectIble print . 2 9 gallery artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CRT in DENVER . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 headwaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 awards & recognition . . .
A new comedy by Mark Twain, as adapted by David Ives.
DEVELO PMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 & Greg Mor ris
B oo
k by Bob Ma rtin Mu sic
cKellar n M s by L is a Do ric & & Ly La
season schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A Musical Within a Comedy
Presidents !
a capital show for all ages Bo o k and Lyrics by steven cole hughes music by jessica jackson
The Creede Repertory Theatre, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax decuductible.
DO NO R PACKAGES . . . . . . . . . . 13 friends of CRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 board of trustees . . . . . . . .
play sponso rs . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 biggest fans (d onors) . . . . 47 IN MEMO RIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ACT THREE : 2 012 company 2012 company Actors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Authors & Composers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Directors & Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
59 63 67 71
year-round staff . . . . . . . . . 7 7 sponsor: eason s r u o to Special thanks Brian and Rosemary Egolf
LETTER FR OM MO Henry Ford is credited with saying, “If I’d asked people what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.” Every year as winter melts into spring we’re faced with the same existential crisis at CRT, namely, will we create for you, our audience, something you don’t know you need? This can be a paralyzing notion for an artist because true innovation must necessarily be preceded by not knowing. Perhaps an artist can endure more not knowing than most? I don’t know. I do know that as a director I tend to be more useful when I curb my tendency to direct and allow myself to be a better listener. Uta Hagen, one of the leading acting teachers of the last generation said to her students, “the work you do is directly proportional to the quality of your listening.” It makes sense that auditorium in Latin means, “listening place,” and theatre, “seeing place,” and that the best listeners and seers create the greatest opportunity in audiences for seeing or hearing what they didn’t know they were seeking. As evinced by the previous two paragraphs, it’s difficult for a theatre to articulate the value it creates. It’s easy to measure things like attendance or revenue earned and claim success or failure based on the math. But what if you’re in the business of nourishing the human spirit? And what if your business competes head to head with everyday occurrences like a chat with a friend, or a long walk with your dog, a good taco at Kips? What could be more spirit-nourishing than the San Juan Mountains or the Rio Grande River? Harrumph…and, yet, what better place than here, where the competition is so fierce, or now, when time is in warp mode, to pursue such a quixotic escapade? What better privilege than seeking an opportunity to experience together something that astonishes, enlightens, beguiles, tickles, or stirs our spirits. How boldly innovative would our community be if we measured it by the quality of our listening - not by the volume and conviction of our knowing? Is it possible to achieve an economy based as much in meaning as it is in money? Who knows? Not me. And, only you will know if we’ve created something of lasting value to your spirit and to our community. It’s our business, but also our deep and abiding aspiration to do so. - Maurice LaMee Executive/Artistic Director
“Human life
has always been lived on the edge of a precipice. Human culture has always had to exist under the shadow of something infinitely more important than itself. If men had postponed the search for knowledge and beauty until they were secure, the search would never have begun.” -C.S. Lewis. Learning in War Time. Oxford lecture, 1939 5
now showing:
5PM 7:30PM
7:30PM Drowsy
12 TBA
Lake City Friends of CRT Membership Party
20 Presidents!* OPENS 11AM 1:30PM Drowsy
11AM 12PM 1PM 5:30PM 6PM 6PM
The Presidents!* Drowsy TALK Drowsy Mrs. Mannerly*
10 7:30PM Drowsy
7PM Drowsy TALK 7:30PM Drowsy
5:30PM 7:30PM 7:30 PM 10:30PM 10:30PM
Ward Russell Art Show opens Art Show OPENS Drowsy Drowsy opens Boomtown* Boomtown*OPENS
7:30PM Is He Dead? 10:30PM Boomtown*
25 11AM KID Show* OPENS 1:30PM Is He Dead? 7:30PM Harry
812AMPM 12 PMPM 1:30 1:30 PM 5:30PM PM 7:30PM
7:30PM 10:30PM
RUTH Is HeTOUR* Dead? Is He Dead? Art Show* opens Mrs. Mannerly* Mannerly* Mrs.
Friends of CRT Golf Tournament Drowsy Boomtown*
1:30PM Is He Dead? Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
22 1:30PM Drowsy Drowsy TALK 7PM 7:30PM Drowsy
28 11AM KID Show* RUTH TOUR* 12PM 1:30PM Is He Dead? 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
’ DON T MISS CRT Summer workshops > page 26
1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly* 7:30PM Johnny Mercer: The Man and His Music*
21 1:30PM Harry 7:30PM Harry 10:30PM Boomtown*
27 9AM
1PM Drowsy TALK 1:30PM Drowsy 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
Is He Dead?chat 14 * Is HeTOUR Dead? CHAT RUTH
26 7:30PM Harry
8AM Drowsy CHAT BACK 12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 1:30PM Drowsy 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
13 8PM
7:30PM Harry OPENS
7:30PM SLV Big Band Concert*
Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
11 11AM The Presidents!* 1:30PM Is He Dead? 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
7:30PM Creede Historical Society Fundraiser*
7:30PM Is He Dead?
1PM Drowsy Talk 17 PM 11PM Drowsy TALK TBAPM Drowsy SLV/Alamosa 1:30 Friends of CRT Membership Party
30 1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly* Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
10 7:30PM Drowsy 7:30 TBAPM Drowsy Pagosa Springs Friends of CRT Membership Party
8AM Mannerly CHAT BACK 1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
PR 3
23 12PM RUTH TOUR* 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
7:30PM Is He Dead?
The Presidents!* 4PM Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
16 12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly* Drowsy TALK 7PM 7:30PM Drowsy
9 12PM
7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
Storytime* Storytime* 11AM South Fork Friends of CRT Party
27 12PM 1PM
12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 5:30PM Art Show OPENS 7PM Drowsy TALK 7:30PM Drowsy
8 7PM Drowsy TALK 7:30PM Drowsy
12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 1PM RUTH TOUR* 5:30PM Nat’l Small Print Art Show OPENS
Opening Night Dinner Drowsy OPENS
2012 / our fo rt y-s ev enth s eason
29 1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly* 7:30PM Harry
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ST &
Ha G
A The Presidents!* 11AM Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
1:30PM Mrs. Mannerly* CLOSES
The Presidents!* 11AM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
Drowsy TALK 7PM 7:30PM Drowsy
Drowsy Ghost TALK Ghost
7:30PM Harry 10:30PM Boomtown*
12PM KID Show CHAT BACK 12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 1:30PM Harry 7:30PM Mrs. Mannerly*
7PM Is He Dead? TALK 7:30PM Is He Dead?
8AM Harry CHAT BACK 12PM RUTH TOUR* 7:30PM Is He Dead?
17 12PM 7:30PM Ghost-Writer*
1PM 1:30PM 7PM 7:30PM 10:30PM
3 11AM KID Show* CLOSES 4
5:30PM Art Show OPENS 7:30PM Is He Dead? 10:30PM Boomtown*
7PM Is He Dead? TALK 7:30PM Is He Dead?
1:30PM 7PM 7:30PM
2 7:30PM
7:30PM Harry
1 11AM KID Show* 1:30PM Is He Dead? 7:30PM Harry
7PM Drowsy TALK 7:30PM Drowsy
7:30PM Harry 10:30PM Boomtown*
5 1:30 Drowsy 1PM PM Drowsy 7:30PM PM Mrs. Mannerly* Mannerly*
7:30PM Drowsy
18 1:30PM Harry 7:30PM Is He Dead?
Ghost* TALK Ghost* Drowsy TALK Drowsy Boomtown*
24 11AM The Presidents!* 25 12PM RUTH TOUR* 1:30PM Drowsy Drowsy TALK 7PM 7:30PM Drowsy CLOSES
1PM Is He Dead? TALK 1:30PM Is He Dead? 7:30PM Ghost*
28 7:30PM Harry
29 7:30PM Harry
1:30PM Ghost* 7:30PM Is He Dead?
Is He Dead? 1PM 6:30PM Ghost* TALK 7PM Ghost*
Harry Ghost*
Groups of 10 to 19 - Save 10% Groups of 20 plus - Save 15%
6:30PM Is He Dead? TALK 7PM Is He Dead?
Is He Dead? Is He Dead? ruth tour* Ghost* Ghost*
Is He Dead? Harry
21 6:30PM Ghost* TALK 7PM Ghost* CLOSES
1:30PM Ghost* Ghost* Is Hetour Dead? 74PM PM ruth * TALK 7:30 HeDead? Dead?Talk 7PM PM IsIsHe 7:30PM Is He Dead?
Ghost CHAT BACK Harry Ghost*
12:30PM Ghost* TALK 1PM Ghost* 7PM Is He Dead?
20 6:30PM Is He Dead? TALK 7PM Is He Dead?
12PM MAINSTAGE TOUR 1:30PM Harry RUTH TOUR* 4PM 7PM Ghost* TALK 7:30PM Ghost*
6 6:30PM Is He Dead? TALK 7PM Is He Dead?
1PM Harry 6:30PM Ghost* TALK 7PM Ghost*
31 11AM Presidents!*CLOSES 1 5:30PM Art Show OPENS Is He Dead? TALK 7PM 7:30PM Is He Dead?
DENOTES ALL SHOWS & EVENTS AT THE RUTH Drowsy = The Drowsy Chaperone Harry = Harry the Great Ghost = Ghost-Writer
GROUP TICKET POLICY: Group discounts are for groups who reserve for a single performance and cannot be exchanged or used for different performances. Group reservations must be made at least 7 days prior to the performance with payment in one lump sum at the time of reservation. Refunds can be made up to 7 days prior to the performance as long as the group size does not drop below the minimum amount required. Group rates cannot be used in combination with any other special offers and are not valid for special events. INDIVIDUAL TICKET POLICY: Refunds and exchanges for individual tickets can be made once, up until 24 hours prior to the performance. Tickets purchased online will include a non-refundable $1 service charge per ticket. If you are unable to use your tickets for a performance, you have the option to donate them back to CRT and may qualify for tax benefits. Children three and under are not permitted, except for The Presidents! and The KID Show. Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of the house manager, which may result in late arrivals not being seated until intermission. Any discount must be mentioned at time of reservation. All performances except The KID Show are reserved seating. CRT is a wheelchair-accessible facility. Please, mention any special needs at time of reservation.
HARRY G REAT by John DiAntonio THE
The real-life historical characters that populate the magical world of Harry the Great
Harry Robenstein Little to nothing is known about this real-life gambler, con man, fake spiritualist and accident-prone magician. He was probably from New Orleans, born to a Jewish father and a Creole fortune-telling mother. As a performer, he seemed almost cursed: he shot off his own index finger during a magic show and lost his left eye while playing the villain in a melodrama. It is said he still did the evening performance. He’s infamous for building an elaborate and expensive spiritualist parlor at the Chicago World’s Fair.
Eugen Sandow Known as Sandow the Magnificent, this vaudeville strongman was the father of modern bodybuilding. Sandow, born in Prussia, became Ziegfeld’s first headliner. Audiences were enraptured with his muscles and enjoyed his flexing displays even more so than his ability to lift extraordinary amounts of weight. He went on to found a bodybuilding magazine, a gym, and the first bodybuilding competition. At the Mr. Olympia competition, still held today, the trophy given to the winner is called “The Sandow.”
Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. There are many variations on how the great Broadway impresario was connected to the Chicago World’s Fair before he was famous. This one’s the most fun: Flo’s father was the musical director for the Fair and created the Trocadero Theatre to house the world’s best classical music. He sent his son Flo around the world to acquire great classical musicians. But instead, Flo returned with the best vaudeville entertainment the world had to offer. He created a lavish show, which included a Russian dance troupe, a dog act, a clown with an accordion, an acrobat, a little-person trapeze act, a yodeler, a coquette with a fan, a sword swallower, a ventriloquist, and of course, Sandow the Magnificent.
Alfred Krupp Krupp was the heir to a 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen. His family business, Friedrich Krupp AG, was the largest company in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. It manufactured ammunition and armaments. Krupp was a proud anti-Semite and longed for “a counter-revolution” against Jews, socialists, and liberals. All of Krupp’s involvement with Harry Robenstein is fictional, but his company did create the terrifying German Gun Pavilion, which was a huge success at the Chicago World’s Fair. > > > The Thunderbird
Bert Williams Williams was born in Nassau, Bahamas, but raised in Riverside, California. Bert started his career the only way most black actors could – in minstrel shows, such as San Francisco’s “Mastodon Minstrels.” Because of his extraordinary comic talent, he eventually achieved stardom on Broadway and was the first African American to join the actors’ union. Florenz Ziegfeld received much criticism from other actors in the famed Ziegfeld Follies for casting Bert. Flo told them he could replace every one of them, except Bert. Harry the Great involves a fictional account of an early working relationship between Flo and Bert. sponsors: Special thanks to Lee and Sheri Archer, Isabelle Clark, Ernie Ford, Jenna Ford and Skip Haws, Diana and Mike Kinsey, and the Estate of Drs. Ed and Minnie Lee Lancaster for helping bring Headwaters’ play Harry the Great to its world premier staging.
Sunny Valley Farms
Larry Hecht
Eugen S
Fifi Although not based upon a specific person, Fifi exemplifies the fate of many young women during the Chicago World’s Fair. Fifi is a “woman of the evening” and works at a high-end establishment in The Levee, Chicago’s red-light district, which popped up in 1893 in response to the Fair. Hundreds of young people flocked to Chicago each day in hope of finding work – and countless young women became prostitutes, either by force or by necessity. Samantha Robenstein The delightfully unconventional Sam represents many of the new freedoms women were experiencing during the 1890s. In some athletic situations, women could get away with wearing something akin to pants. The women’s suffrage movement was underway and it was becoming more common for a woman to venture out alone (sans escort!), which could take a girl to some exciting places – like the Chicago World’s Fair. Although to us, these paltry freedoms may not seem like much, they were nonetheless important steps in the women’s movement. -John DiAntonio and Jessica Jackson Steinmeyer, Jim. The Glorious Deception: The Double Life of William Robinson, aka Chung Ling Soo, the Marvellous Chinese Conjurer. New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers, 2005. Mordden, Ethan. Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business. New York: St. Martins Press, 2008. Forbes, Camille F. Introducing Bert Williams: Burnt Cork, Broadway, and the Story of America’s First Black Star. New York: Basic Civitas, 2008.
Directo r ’ s N otes
DirectoR Larry Hecht Scenic Design Jon Young AssT. Scenic Design Hana Goff Costume Design Nina Silfverberg Lighting Design Ryan Wentworth Sound Design/Engineer Sam Wolfe Music director Joe Montelione Stage Manager Brooke Redler* AssT. to the Stage Mgr. Jean Egdorf
CAST Harry Robenstein Steven Cole Hughes* Fifi Emily Van Fleet* Samantha Robenstein Caitlin Wise* Alfred Krupp John S. Green* Bess Rahner Kyra Koelling Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. Graham Ward Eugen Sandow M. Tyler Horn Erik Weisz Brian Kusic Bert Williams Tosin Morohunfola Pianist Evangelos Spanos
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association,
the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States
Harry the Great is a world premiere production of Creede Repertory Theatre and CRT’s Headwaters New Play Development Program.
“Do you believe in magic?” The Lovin’ Spoonful Times of big change in thought, in industry, in politics, in art have always been great storytelling fodder - none more than the last decade of the 1800’s, “The Gay Nineties,” and none more than the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Where else could the likes of Ziegfeld, Houdini, Alfred Krupp and Bert Williams have possibly rubbed shoulders? “Magic” was everywhere: the electric light, the telephone, the phonograph, the horseless carriage. People sought out “entertainment.” Vaudeville and baseball and spiritualism were on the rise. What a perfect set-up for a love story! What a perfect set-up for “magic!” -Larry Hecht
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Support from individuals, foundations, and businesses covers over 40% of our annual operations and is essential to bring our audience the highest quality theatre experience. Here’s what we accomplished with ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT last year: 2 actors, 1 stage manager, a set, and 15,000 books travelled 6,805 miles in September, October, and November of 2011, visiting 70 schools and 19,679 kids with The Wright Stuff: The Science of Flight.
The Costume Shop built, pulled, or altered 800 costumes pieces for CRT’s 2011 season.
Last year, CRT actors spent a total of 510 hours rehearsing and 405 hours on stage performing. All that rehearsal pays off in audience satisfaction - The Road to Mecca received a standing ovation at every single performance!
Headwaters play Harry the Great went through eight rewrites before it made its way to CRT’s stage. In the first version, the character of Sam was a boy!
CRT’s technical staff went through 30 rolls of Gaff Tape in 2011. That’s more than a half-mile of Gaff Tape!
Standby. Stage Management called 12,700 cues last year. Go.
In 2011, CRT used 7,400 linear feet of lumber – that’s 1.4 miles – and 8,000 square feet of plywood to build sets. Considering each stage is only 800 square feet, that’s a lot of lumber and plywood!
How are donors choosing to make a difference for CRT?
ANNUAL FUND donors enable the Theatre to create innovative productions, commission new works, and offer exciting education programs for young people. Unrestricted Annual Fund gifts help sustain CRT, while also providing the springboard for growth and innovation.
HEADWATERS donors are committed to helping commission and premier new
HONORARY or MEMORIAL gifts help support CRT’s general operations,
ENDOWMENT donors know how critical the future health and stability of CRT is to a viable and sustainable future. Carefully invested, CRT’s $1.2MM endowment is a strong financial foundation that will continue to grow for years to come.
while also being a thoughtful way for donors to acknowledge and celebrate a friend or loved one. Some donors have chosen to SPONSOR A SEAT in the new Ruth Humphreys Brown Theatre. In doing so, they can name the seat and share it with audience members throughout its useful life. Seat sponsorships start at $500 and support the programming in “The Ruth.”
YOUNG AUDIENCE OUTREACH TOUR donors help bring professional theatre to young people in rural Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Utah through this unique literacy initiative. Last year, over 19,500 youth saw The Wright Stuff: The Science of Flight, and in 2012, The Geography of Adventure is sure to enliven kids’ interest in the 50 states! PLAY SPONSORSHIP helps fund CRT’s productions, from sets and costumes to hiring the very best actors and directors. Not only are sponsors helping bring theatre to our stages in Creede, they are also helping sponsor our productions at Arvada Center and LoneTree Arts Center.
plays at CRT. Thanks in part to a gift from the Estate of Drs. Ed and Minnie Lee Lancaster, CRT was able to premier Harry the Great by John DiAntonio this summer.
LEGACY CIRCLE members are committed to securing artistic excellence for future generations. Many dedicated supporters have designated a gift to CRT through bequests, trusts, life insurance, IRA’s and other planned giving arrangements. We invite any CRT family member who has remembered the Theatre in their estate plans to become a member of the Legacy Circle. Many donors take advantage of MATCHING GIFT PROGRAMS offered by their employer, in some cases doubling or even tripling their gift! Inquire with your company’s human resources department to see if your gift to CRT qualifies.
To make your gift, please contact Cat Augur, Director of Development, at 719.658.2540 ext. 226, or 11
“But are they his words? Who else? Or else they never were his to begin with. They are the same words that belong to all of us. He only arranges them better than most.”” Myra, in “Ghost-Writer”” Authors are often asked, How do you write? The imagining process, so mysterious to some, differs for every writer. Discipline is usually a must, as is patience. Some must write the first draft in longhand; some can work on a computer, others can’t abide them. Some, like the American-born but English–assumed novelist, Henry James, preferred dictation. This technique provides the modus operandi for Michael Hollinger’s delightful and moving “Ghost-Writer.”The fictional author-secretary relationship he has contrived is based upon the actual working relationship between Henry James and Theodora Bosanquet, which began in 1907 and continued until the author’s death in London in 1916. Hollinger, however, sets the play in New York and his characters are thoroughly American. The problem the play explores is: how does one deal with a sudden disruption of one’s career, particularly if that career has become one’s whole life commitment. Such is the case for our Myra who has become professionally and emotionally dependent upon “the great man.”Her solution is a simple one: de-
Katherine Brennand & Chris Cummings
nial. Woolsey will not stop writing simply because of an inconvenient death. He will finish his work through her. Is such a thing possible? Since the “deconstructive” theories of the post-structuralists, (Derrida, Lacan, et al.), we are told there is no such thing as authorship. Words exist independently of their originator. While I consider this sophistry to be a great nonsense, it would have been a great rationale for Myra to justify a seemingly mystical communion with her exemployer. Sadly, as we learn, Myra’s attachment to an unfinished novel has more to do with emotional neediness than literary obligation. Hollinger’s play is a compassionate and intricate study of desolation, the more moving perhaps because of its humorous contrivance. There is no sentimental pity here, rather intellectual and heartfelt sympathy tendered with wit and appreciation. We all find ways to deal with irretrievable loss; hers is more imaginative than most. - Nagle Jackson
Chuck & Kay Harbert
Bob & Dixie Slater
Nagle Jackson
Donations to Creede Repertory Theatre enable us to reach more than 25,000 patrons each year. In addition, CRT’s education programs reach more than 20,000 students, many of whom live in rural and underserved communities. In return, CRT recognizes individuals and businesses that make this rewarding experience possible. While customized benefits are available, our typical levels of support and recognition include:
$15 - $99 Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” *
Supporting Role:
PRODUCTION CREW Director Nagle Jackson+ Scenic Design Amanda Embry Costume Design Tatyana De Pavloff Lighting Design Ryan Wentworth Sound Design/Engineer Sam Wolfe Stage Manager Jonathan D. Allsup* AssT. to the Stage MGr. Nathan J. Heldstab AssT. to the Stage MGr. Rachel Kelmenson
CAST Myra Babbage Franklin Woolsey
Diana Dresser* John Arp*
Vivian Woolsey Trary Maddalone
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States
Originally produced by the Arden Theatre Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This play was developed with the support of PlayPenn (Paul Meshejian, Artistic Director). Ghost-Writer is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.
$100 - $499 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * Two complimentary drink tickets at CRT concessions
Leading Role:
$500 - $999 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * Two complimentary drink tickets at CRT concessions One Season Art Poster
Stage Manager:
$1,000 - $2,499 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * Two complimentary drink tickets at CRT concessions One Season Art Poster One Season Ticket Flex Pass (4 tickets)
$2,500 - $4,999 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * Two complimentary drink tickets at CRT concessions One Season Art Poster Two Season Ticket Flex Passes (8 tickets)
$5,000 - $9,999 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * Two complimentary drink tickets at CRT concessions One Season Art Poster Two Season Ticket Flex Passes (8 tickets) Invitation to sit in on a private rehearsal
$10,000 - $24,999 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * One Season Art Poster Two Season Ticket Flex Passes (8 tickets) Invitation to sit in on a private rehearsal Private dinner with Artistic Director/Playwright/Director
$25,000 - $49,999 Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * One Season Art Poster Two Season Ticket Flex Passes (8 tickets) Invitation to sit in on a private rehearsal Private dinner with Artistic Director/Playwright/Director Invitation for two to all receptions and preview performances
Season Sponsor:
$50,000 + Recognition in Season Program Membership in Friends of CRT “Inside Scoop” * One Season Art Poster Two Season Ticket Flex Passes (8 tickets) Invitation to sit in on a private rehearsal Private dinner with Artistic Director/Playwright/Director Invitation for two to all receptions and preview performances Recognition as Season Sponsor in all print and web materials
For more information: Cat Augur, Director of Development 719.658.2540 ext. 226
* Pre-show Talks, Tours and Chat Backs
Etiquette, simply put... Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them; manner is personality— the outward manifestation of one’s innate character and attitude toward life.... Etiquette must, if it is to be of more than trifling use, include ethics as well as manners. Certainly what one is, is of far greater importance than what one appears to be. – Chap. I, 6-7 From Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home by Emily Post
Irreverent and hilarious, ...this comedy reveals what it takes to have the best manners. Inspired by memories of a childhood etiquette class, playwright Jeffrey Hatcher conjures up the world of a ten-year-old studying manners. Mrs. Mannerly is a demanding teacher, and no student in her thirty-six years of etiquette classes has achieved a perfect score. But when he discovers her secret past, Young Jeffrey is determined to be the first to achieve this feat. This unique comic tale reveals truths about the face we present and the real selves that lie inside.
Charlie Oates
Mrs. Mannerly
PRODUCTION CREW Director Scenic Design Costume Design Lighting Design Sound Design/Engineer Stage Manager Asst. to the Stage MGR. Asst. to the Stage MGR.
Charlie Oates M. Rey Duran Nina Silfverberg Ryan Wentworth Sam Wolfe Jonathan D. Allsup* Nathan J. Heldstab Rachel Kelmenson
CAST Mrs. Mannerly Anne F. Butler Jeffrey Graham Ward
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association,
the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States
Mrs. Mannerly was first produced by Illusion Theater, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Michael H. Robbins and Bonnie Morris, Producing Directors. Mrs. Mannerly was subsequently produced by Alley Theatre, Houston, Texas, Gregory Boyd, Artistic Director; Dean R. Gladden, Managing Director. MRS. MANNERLY is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York. 15
A new comedy by Mark Twain, as adapted by David Ives.
The Co llabor ation of the Century Mark Twain wrote Is He Dead? during one of the most difficult periods of his life. His eldest daughter’s sudden death in 1896 began a two-year period of pain, struggle and failure. His mourning spiraled into a deep depression as his situation grew more desolate. In the two years following his daughter’s death, Twain’s brother and a close family friend died while he was in Italy trying to escape the pressure of his ever-growing debt. In the heart of his depression and frustration, Twain wrote prolifically but without success. Between 1896 and 1898 he began more than thirty writing projects, including plays, novels, short stories, and translations, only to abandon most of them. He lost his joy of writing as each project became a way to make the money he so desperately needed. But Is He Dead? changed all that. This play project began with the New Year of 1899, when money from sales of previously published books began to pay down Twain’s debt. The pain of his losses began to ease, and he saw the glimmer of hope he needed to find “the funny” again. By writing about the struggles of the last two years in a comedic form, he was able to put them behind him and rediscover his passion and purpose for writing. While Is He Dead? gave Twain a way to purge his pain and move on, it did not have the financial or critical success Twain had hoped for during his lifetime. It didn’t see publication or production for more than 100 years because, despite Twain’s best efforts, he was not an expert in writing for the theatre. Twain’s one previously successfully produced play, Colonel Sellers, was wildly popular with the masses, but theatre critics, and Twain himself, criticized the script’s weak plot. Twain attempt-
ed several times to write another play that would repeat the financial success of Colonel Sellers with a stronger, more understandable plot. He collaborated with other writers to compensate for his weaknesses as a playwright, but none of them were able to translate his ideas and characters into a successful production. The few plays that were completed and performed became financial and critical failures in their own time and are considered boring by the few scholars who read them today. Thankfully, Twain researcher Shelley Fisher Fishkin discovered the potential of Is He Dead? after wading through many incomplete and incoherent original manuscripts. When she opened this script, she expected another poorly-plotted, boring, humorless comedy, but was surprised to find herself laughing out-loud in the archives. Her publication and historical analysis of the play in 2003 was the first public attention given to Is He Dead?. But Fishkin knew the script needed more than publication; she had to help this play make it to the stage. David Ives, a precise and polished twenty-first century playwright, has proven to be Twain’s ideal theatrical collaborator. Ives distills Twain’s lengthy theatrical ruminations down to a script with a manageable length and cast size, making production more practical. He tightens the plot making one action lead directly to the next, thereby creating a sense of momentum that Twain was not able to achieve. Ives’ work takes all the best elements of Twain’s original play and condenses them into tidy, producible, farcical comedy. Through this collaboration separated by a century, we are able to see how Twain takes fear and helplessness and translates them into
sponso rs:
Don & Ruth Ulm 16
Peggy Longwood Lamb
>>> Michael Perlman
a comedy overflowing with colorful characters and playful problem-solving. These two masterful storytellers weave for us a tale in which debt and death become powerless in the face of humor. Want to learn more? Check out our Pre-Show Talks and Chat Backs, or read Is He Dead?: A Comedy in Three Acts, edited by Shelly Fisher Fishkin, the source for the information in this essay. -Elizabeth Zurn
• • • • • Directo r ’ s N otes Right now, across the country, millions of Americans are asking themselves the question that Mark Twain asked himself when writing Is He Dead? in 1898 in Vienna, and that JeanFrancois Millet asks himself in that play: What will it take to get people to value my work? When Mark Twain was asking himself this, he was in the midst of a terrible depression. Luckily for us, the funniest comedy comes from pain, and Twain wrote a play that explores this question with the satire and humor he’s known for. David Ives has said “It’s like La Boheme meets Tootsie, or Some Like It Hot times two.” And Time Out New York points out that in some ways, Is He Dead? is a ancestor of South Park in the way Twain uses Millet, a real, well-known figure in the arts world, as the centerpiece of the action. Not bad comparisons for a 114-year-old play. Twain expertly satirizes the ways society places value on people based on ideas, not actuality. He perfectly captures what it feels like to be an artist at times, although to limit this play to that description is missing the point. He perfectly captures what it feels like to be alive; what person hasn’t asked, “What will it take to get people to notice what I have to offer?” Or “When will I be appreciated?” Or, like another famous Twain character explores, “What will people say when I am gone?” Painful questions? Absolutely. But as you’ll see, these painful questions really do lead to some of the funniest comedy you will ever see.
- Michael Perlman
PRODUCTION CREW Director Michael Perlman+ Scenic Design Jon Young AssT. Scenic Design Hana Goff Costume Design Tatyana De Pavloff Nina Silfverberg Lighting Design Ryan Wentworth Sound Design/Engineer Sam Wolfe Stage Manager Brooke Redler* AssT. to Stage MANAGER Jean Egdorf
CAST Agamemnon Buckner ( “Chicago”) Hans Von Bismark (“Dutchy”)
Tosin Morohunfola Patrick Du Laney*
Marie Leroux (Millet’s sweetheart) Caitlin Wise* Cecile Leroux (sister of Marie) Papa Leroux
Adrian Egolf John S. Green*
Jean-François Millet Bastien André (picture dealer and usurer) Madame Bathilde
Steven Cole Hughes* John Arp* Annie Butler
Madame Caron Christy Brandt* Phelim O’Shaughnessy (a pupil of Millet) Chad Afanador Basil Thorpe/Claude Rivière/Charlie/King Graham Ward
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association,
the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. 17
CAST John DiAntonio Patrick Du Laney Adrian Egolf Jessica Jackson Tosin Morohunfola Caitlin Wise
+ more...
production crew Tech Improviser Jonathan D. Allsup Musical Improviser Joe Montelione Asst. Tech Improviser Rachel Kelmenson Scenic Design Elizabeth “Biz� Grim Lighting Design Mandy Heath
Wall, Smith & Bateman
e h T
mb & Greg Mor ris
B oo
k by Bob Ma rtin Mu sic
llar McKe n Do rics by Lisa & & Ly La
A Musical Within a Comedy “It does what a musical is supposed to do:
it takes you to another world...> . . . And it gives you a little tune to carry with… in your head, you know? A little something to help you escape from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you’re feeling blue. You know?” -Man in Chair, The Drowsy Chaperone A Musical Theatre Bachelor Party The Drowsy Chaperone began as the most inventive and whimsical engagement present anyone has ever received. In 1997, composers Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, along with writer Don McKellar created a fake 1920s musical to perform at the bachelor party of their friend Bob Martin, celebrating his upcoming marriage to Janet Van De Graaff. Sporting a cast of dear friends, the very first version of The Drowsy Chaperone was performed for the couple in a club in downtown Toronto. Bob Martin remembers what he liked best about the gift: “One of the things that we all share is our love of character actors. That era is particularly good for individual performances by these great anonymous character actors. In a sense, that’s what The Drowsy Chaperone is about – it’s a celebration of those characters. What ever happened to the guy who played the butler in this? He was so good!” Luckily, the show had a life beyond the bachelor party. Bob Martin joined the writing team and the narrative device of the ‘Man in Chair,’ a lonely musical-lover who serves as our guide to this effervescent musical, was added to the show. Nine years later, what started as a spoof
among friends was the winner of five Tony Awards on Broadway. The World of the 1920s Musical During the 1920s, American musical theatre was still in its infancy. With the exception of 1927’s extraordinary Show Boat, most musicals followed the old formula of “songs first, story second.” To generalize, the flimsy stories that strung the hit songs together were of minimal importance. One of the most representative musicals of this genre is No, No, Nanette (1925). Its hit song was ‘Tea for Two’ and its plot was goofy, farcical, forgettable, and didn’t worry about making too much sense. Musicals like No, No, Nanette represented an era of delightfully escapist entertainment. This was before Oscar Hammerstein II brought a headier approach to the genre by insisting upon an emphasis on good storytelling, and songs that move the plot along, develop characters, and are necessary to the work as a whole. Hammerstein revolutionized American musical theatre with the simple idea that musicals should be more like plays: story comes first (and songs must serve the story) – something we now take for granted. During the 1940s, he defined musical theatre for generations to come with shows like Oklahoma!, Carousel, and South Pacific. But before that, the genre was defined by the wonderfully nonsensical musicals of the 1920s. These joyful musicals and lavish revues (like The Ziegfeld Follies) had one aim only: to entertain.
- Jessica Jackson
sponso rs:
Pat & Kazie Hayes 20
Chuck & Kay Harbert
Jessica Jackson
Directo r ’ s N otes
I haven’t always liked musicals. Every artist goes through
a phase, usually in their early twenties, when anything that is overtly enjoyable is shunned as too commercial, hopelessly pedestrian, unworthy of their burgeoning intellect. I remember thinking: leave Broadway musicals for the senior citizens and Midwestern tourists. I’m only going to see plays that end with everyone dead (literally or figuratively) or at the very least, disillusioned.
This phase ended for me when I realized the following:
comedy and fantasy are as intellectually valuable as despair and reality. The idea that tragedy and realism have cornered the market on “depth” is a fallacy. A fallacious, fallible fallacy. The truth is that if one asks the right questions – even a musical comedy can hold the key to understanding the human condition. Our silliness teaches us as much as our sadness; our joy is as stimulating as our horror. Laughter is as crucial to empathy and compassion as any serious study of suffering.
That said, I’m pretty sure no author of a 1920s musical
thought about any of this. They were simply putting pen to paper (or pinkie to piano) for one reason: to entertain! But they accomplished something extraordinary. They actually entertained. They brought into our world effervescent confections that taught us how to recognize the lovely, the goofy, the bright and joyous. They taught us how to see the world through the eyes of someone stupidly, head-over-heels in love. And people took these lessons with them, out of the theater and onto the street (where they were probably mugged) and onto the train (which probably derailed) and back home (where the most delicate tragedies take place). If you listen carefully, a musical comedy, no matter how silly and trivial, can teach you how to spot the joy amidst all the suffering. It can teach us why we laugh and why we love and why it is in our nature to trivialize both.
Director Jessica Jackson Music Director Joe Montelione Choreographer Diana Dresser Scenic Design M. Rey Duran Costume Design Tatyana De Pavloff Lighting Design Ryan Wentworth Sound Design/Engineer Sam Wolfe Stage Manager Brooke Redler* Asst. to THE Stage Manager Jonathan D. Allsup* Asst. to the Stage Manager Jean Egdorf Asst. to the Stage Manager Maegan Burnell
Man in Chair Chad Afanador Mrs. Tottendale Christy Brandt* Underling John S. Green* Robert Martin M. Tyler Horn George Nathan Chang Feldzeig John Arp* Kitty Adrian Egolf Gangster #1 Tosin Morohunfola Gangster #2 Brian Kusic Aldolpho Patrick Du Laney* Janet Van De Graaff Emily Van Fleet* The Drowsy Chaperone Lisa-Marie Newton Trix Kyra Koelling Superintendent/Others Steven Cole Hughes*
Conductor/Synth Joe Montelione Pianist Evangelos Spanos Woodwinds Josef Wilson Drums Miles Miller
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
- Jessica Jackson Original Broadway production of The Drowsy Chaperone produced by Kevin McCullum, Roy Miller, Bob Boyett, Stephanie McClelland, Barbara Freitag and Jill Furman.”
Broken Arrow Ranch & Land Company
The Drowsy Chaperone is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-297-4684 www.MTIShows. com The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
Presidents !
a capital show for all ages Bo o k and Lyrics by steven cole hughes music by jessica jackson
Pre-Approved by IT’S
17,211 Children:
t ot a l l y AWESOM E
Staying on Our Toes
In the fall of 2010, CRT’s Young Audience Outreach Tour performed The Presidents! for 17,211 children. As this is an
election year, we thought it the perfect time to give our summer audiences a chance to see this high-energy hit and to let the words of Steven Cole Hughes remind us all that, “America is the freest, most diverse democracy on the planet, and every four years one person gets chosen out of this crazy mix of us to be our President. And we, all of us, have to remain educated and on our toes to make sure we make the right decision, and pick the right man. Or woman.” We hope you join us for a fun-filled and inspiring afternoon at the theatre! 2012 Tour: The Geography Of Adventure
If you are interested in booking a performance of our 2012 Tour, The Geography of Adventure, another raucous
musical by the dynamic duo of Steven Cole Hughes and Jessica Jackson, contact Renee Stynchula at 719-6582540x227 or The tour travels throughout Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Oklahoma from September – November 2012! For more on our 2012 outreach tour and educational programming:
sponso rs:
Steven Cole Hughes
(from National Art Education Association)
The Arts . . . ONE . . . teach children to make good judgments about qualitative relationships. Unlike much curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts, it is judgment rather than rules that prevail.
PRODUCTION CREW Director Jessica Jackson Scenic Design Ryan Prince Costume Design Natalie Maynard Lighting Design Ryan Wentworth Choreographer Patrick Du Laney Costume Coordinator for Remount Shelly Tarter StaGe Manager Maegan Burnell
CAST Fontanelle M. Tyler Horn Smith Tosin Morohunfola
Children’s Book Illustrator
Mathew McFarren
Originally commissioned by Creede Repertory Theatre for the 2010 Young Audience Outreach Tour.
TWO . . . teach children that problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer. THREE . . . celebrate multiple perspectives. One of their large lessons is that there are many ways to see and interpret the world. FOUR . . . teach children that in complex forms of problem solving purposes are seldom fixed, but change with circumstance and opportunity. Learning in the arts requires the ability and a willingness to surrender to the unanticipated possibilities of the work as it unfolds. FIVE . . . make vivid the fact that neither words in their literal form nor numbers exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition. SIX . . . teach students that small differences can have large effects. The arts traffic in subtleties. SEVEN . . . teach students to think through and within a material. All art forms employ some means through which images become real. EIGHT . . . help children learn to say what cannot be said. When children are invited to disclose what a work of art helps them feel, they must reach into their poetic capacities to find the words that will do the job. NINE . . . enable us to have experience we can have from no other source and through such experience to discover the range and variety of what we are capable of feeling.
CRT’s 2012 Young Audience Outreach Tour is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works. The children’s books that each audience member receives after a tour performance are made possible by The Krueger Foundation. Thirst for knowledge, read for success!
TEN . . . position in the school curriculum symbolizes to the young what adults believe is important.
National Art Education Association / SOURCE: Eisner, E. (2002). The Arts and the Creation of Mind, In Chapter 4, What the Arts Teach and How It Shows. (pp. 70-92). Yale University Press. Available from NAEA Publications. NAEA grants reprint permission for this excerpt from Ten Lessons with proper acknowledgment of its source and NAEA.
concerts & special Events
Johnny Mercer The Man and His Music - Ed Wheatley Concert July 15 / 7:30 PM / the ruth
Vocal, keyboard, and trumpet artist, Ed Wheatley, will bring Mercer to life in story and song. You’ll hear some of Mercer’s greatest hits like Moon River, Autumn Leaves, The Days of Wine and Roses, That Old Black Magic, I’m an Old Cowhand (from the Rio Grande), and more. This is a special benefit concert and all the proceeds benefit CRT. Wheatley is celebrating his tenth year as a concert performer at CRT and promises “a magical evening of beautiful music and fascinating stories about a unique genius of America’s popular music culture.”
SL V Big Band san luis valley big band july 18 / 7:30 PM / the ruth Fasten your seatbelts as the San Luis Valley Big Band fills the theatre with the exciting sounds of America’s music. You’ll hear swing, beautiful ballads, straight-ahead jazz, and Latin favorites - featuring incredible ensemble playing and creative soloists.
special ev ents Opening Night Dinner:
June 1st / 5 PM / Creede Community Center
Celebrate opening night of our 47th season with great food and good friends. Call the box office for tickets.
Creede Historical Society Fundraiser:
July 17th / 7:30PM / The Ruth
An evening of poetry and songs about mining. The Historical Society operates the fascinating Creede Museum and is essential in preserving and celebrating the colorful history of Creede. For more information contact the Creede Historical Society Library at 719-658-2004 or Johanna Gray at
Friends of CRT Golf TournamenT:
July 27th / 9 AM / Rio Grande Country Club, South Fork
Tee off with The Friends of CRT! Support your favorite theatre while spending a day on the green (or in the rough). Contact Sarah Wallace at or 719-658-2540 for more information. 25
CRT education
fidencE , con
agination m so lving. r im e l e ob r fost eativ e p and cr
eaTe CR a play-date C ha r ac t ers!
Ages 5-7 • $145 / June 26 – June 30 10am-12pm What would it be like to walk in another person’s shoes? Join us for this fun exploration of creating colorful characters for the stage!
10th AnnUAL
Saving Red by John DiAntonio
July 25th & 28th and August 1st & 4th Performances are FREE! All ages are welcome!
An intensive play-making experience for young people. Want to join this extraordinary play-making adventure?
• You must be at least 12 years of age • Rehearsals start June 19th
Participants collaborate with CRT’s professional artists on all aspects of creating a play and then perform their creation in CRT’s Ruth Humphreys Brown Theatre.
aL orm f in N s in a e ul m inat c p ca m and fr ienDs. y il each m a f r o f sh owcas e
Ages 8-12 • $195 / June 26 – June 30 10am-1pm The art of silent storytelling is full of astonishing surprises. Don’t miss this chance to create your own magical moments and wow your family and friends!
Black Light Puppetry ! Ages 8-12 • $195 / July 24 – July 28 10am-1pm In this camp, you are the artist and the stage is your canvas. Work with classmates to create fantastical worlds that defy gravity and excite the imagination!
Teen Scene
Ages 12-18
Work with the very best of CRT’s professional company and gain valuable skills for life! Participants can choose to participate in both of the following sessions or only one. Session 1: July 24 - July 28 / 10am-4pm Explore a wide-array of theatrical disciplines (Improv, Acting in a Farce, and Stage Make-up) in this unique and intensive workshop experience. Session 2: July 31 - August 4 / 10am-2pm Experience fun challenges and rewarding triumphs in this highenergy exploration of Musical Theatre. Tuition: Both Sessions: $360 / Session 1: $250 • Session 2: $200
udience A ng u Yo 2 1 20 outreach tour
he big kids ): (t lts u d a r fo Actors’ Lab: Farce! Labor Day Weekend from 10am – 2pm / $195 (Aug.ust 30 – September 2)
OF a lilly strong mystery
By Steven Cole Hughes Music by Jessica Jackson Touring to schools throughout Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah this September – November! Become an explorer in this high-energy musical romp across the United States! Targeted at grades K-6, this play is an enriching experience for students and teachers alike. Bring CRT to your community! Contact Renee Stynchula for more information: 719-658-2540x227 /
anks elt th f t r a he :a rs : sponso r to o u The Krueger Charitable Foundation The National Endowment for the Arts The Hitchcock Foundation
We at CRT love a good farce! With the popularity and hilarity of Unnecessary Farce last season and The Ladies Man and The Imaginary Invalid of seasons past; we are inviting you to join us in an exhilarating exploration of this beloved comedic genre. Actors’ Lab is designed for beginners and amateur actors with various levels of experience. Risk-takers welcome!
Pre- Show Talks - free Join us before the show for an insider’s look into the world of the play and the process of bringing it to life. Free and no reservations required! See schedule for dates on page 6, listed in blue. The Drowsy Chaperone Music and Lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, Book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar Is He Dead? By Mark Twain as adapted by David Ives Ghost-Writer By Michael Hollinger
Chat Backs - free Join CRT at a local restaurant and engage in a lively and illuminating discussion of last night’s show. Aside from food, this event is free of charge and no reservations are required. Meet at our Mainstage Theatre. See schedule for dates, page 6, listed in blue.
Anschutz Family Foundation The Kerr Foundation The Cohen Legacy Fund Hecla Mining Company The Monte Vista Movie Manor
Contact: Renee Stynchula, Education Director / 719-658-2540x227 27
2012 season art poster
co llectib le
pr int
ARTIST: Bob Fields, Above the Commodore PRINT: 19” x 27” (offset on Endurance Velvet with a Dull Aqueous Coating) To purchase this collectible print: > visit us at the box office > or visit ABOUT THE ARTIST: Bob was born in Texas but really grew up in Colorado, as did many Texans. His father owned a camera store, so he was surrounded by photography equipment and photographers. Bob attended the Abbey School in Canyon City, CO where he worked in an extensive photography lab and learned the traditional craft of developing and printing 35mm and large format in a dark room. He made his first trip to Colorado with his parents in the 1950s and to Creede in 1963. He returned to photography after the Navy and AT&T. He found that digital imaging affords the photographer/artist creative latitude heretofore unknown. He loves the landscapes, solitude, and beauty of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, where he best expresses his vision of the world’s beauty, contrast, balance and diversity through the medium of light, color, tonality and gesture.
Nonprofit arts organizations support 2.09 million jobs. Of the 2.09 million jobs amount, 1.14 million jobs are a result of direct expenditures by arts organizations—representing close to one percent of the U.S. workforce. This percentage gains significance when compared to other fields:
Accountants and Auditors: 0.67 percent / Lawyers: 0.47 percent Physicians and Surgeons: 0.41 percent / Professional Athletes: 0.04 percent
The nonprofit arts industry generates $134 billion in total economic activity. This impact sends a strong message to communities that when they support the arts, they not only enhance the quality of community life but also invest in its economic well-being. ( theater com munications group)
l , it ’s fun ! ntia e ss e ly on giving is not
12th Annual National Small Print Show
gallery artists
The 12th Annual National Small Print Show Opens May 26 / Mainstage Lobby Gallery This juried exhibition contains over 100 small prints from fine artists across the country. Whether you’re looking to collect or just appreciate, come celebrate this miniature medium.
Bob Seago
Opens June 2 / Mainstage upstairs Gallery
As a landscape photographer for over 30 years, Bob transitioned from film to digital photography in 2003. He believes that when a photograph is taken, it captures an instant, an instant different from the moment before and different from the moment after. He strives to capture this magic instant and hopes you enjoy his photographs as much as he enjoyed the experience of taking them. He and his wife, Sharon, first visited Creede in 1990 and have lived in this fantastic place since 2001. His photography is shown at The Studios at Bristol located on Highway 149 about fifteen miles upriver from Creede.
Ward Russell
Opens July 6 / Mainstage upstairs Gallery
Respected cinematographer Ward Russell adapts his Hollywood art to the world of fine photography. Ward’s motion picture, Days of Thunder established his reputation for bringing stylish and breathtaking photography to action pictures. His contemporary film noir, The Last Boy Scout has become a cult film, studied in film schools. X-Files, the Movie expanded the acclaimed TV series onto the big screen. Ward has been commissioned by leading corporations and advertising agencies around the world to photograph over 500 television commercials. He has created images for most of the major automobile companies, and has photographed every type of commercial imaginable, from fashion, to food, humor, toys and lifestyles. Ward now lives with his wife Mary Cay and practices and displays his still photography out of WARD RUSSELL photography in Santa Fe, NM.
Kay Malouff
opens July 14 / Ruth Humphreys Brown Theatre
Originally from Colorado Springs, stained glass artist Kay Malouff received her BA (Art and Education) at Adams State College and has been doing glass-work professionally for over 35 years. She has served as Artist in Residence at three National Parks: Mesa Verde, The Great Sand Dunes (CO), and Great Basin (NV). At the latter two, she installed permanent 28 and 32 square foot stained glass works into the visitors’ centers. Her work can be found in residences, businesses, churches and galleries throughout the US, Mexico, Germany and the UK. Most of her work is commissioned in original design. She is represented at All Good Things and Wildethyme Galleries in Monte Vista, CO and at Adams State College. “Trajectories” 2011
Keep the Rio Grande Grand!
“Keep the Rio Grande Grand!” Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust Opens Aug 3 / Mainstage Upstairs Gallery A photography exhibition capturing the beauty of the working ranches and iconic landscapes along the river corridor, which the community’s land trust has conserved through its Rio Grande Initiative. Working with the private landowners and many conservation partners, RiGHT’s mission is to “conserve our land, water and way of life in the San Luis Valley.”
Sonja Horoshko & Ed Singer
Opens Aug 31 / Mainstage upstairs Gallery
Sonja Horoshko relocated to Cortez from Denver in 1992. Her work is exhibited and collected throughout the US, Europe and Japan. Among her artist residencies, twelve months at Hovenweep National Monument 1995-1996, the 2006 Aspen Guard Station and multiple residencies in the Peetz Colorado Community produced the benchmark influences found in her portfolios. In 2003, The Unites States 108th Congress recognized Sonja’s contributions in the professional arts of the southwest. She received the Annenburg Rural Challenge Fellowship to attend Bread Loaf Graduate School of English Literature, attributing the multi-cultural and environmental consciousness in her visual work and journalism to the stimulating, rigorous environment there. Ed Singer, Navajo, born in Tuba City, AZ, attended boarding schools AZ and UT, studied fine arts at Southern Utah State College, Northern Arizona University and the San Francisco Art Institute. Singer works in almost every two-dimensional medium, winning acclaim from collectors and critics for his contemporary blend of content and old-master technique. The most meaningful commendations come from his peers and contemporary Native people who are also the core subject matter for his work. As such, he is sensitive to the stereotype that exists in many southwestern painting collections and works to eliminate all references to demeaning caricatures. His work is found in corporate, private and museum collections throughout the US and Europe, and in the humble hogans neighboring his home on Gray Mountain. “My portfolio offers an opportunity,” he says, “for Diné to participate in our own pride, to see ourselves as we are today – alive, thriving, secure in our Navajo way of being.”
Silver Threads Quilt Guild
2012 Raffle Quilt -- “Colorado View”
Mining for Treasures
2012 Quilt Quilt Show September 14,15,16 | 9-5 Daily | Creede, Creede, CO CO
vendors and demos
quilter’s cafe
In a recent CEO survey, 100% of the respondents listed “innovation and creativity” in their critical success factors. (theater communications gr oup)
Hello Friends,
friends of CRT
2011 was my first year as President of Friends. I knew it would be hard and I knew it would be time consuming, but I didn’t know the impact it would have emotionally. As I made drive after drive over Wolf Creek Pass from my home in Pagosa Springs to Creede, I had lots of time to think. I thought about what I hoped to give to this organization and what I hoped to get from my involvement. I knew I wanted to work with a group of people who loved this theatre as I do and wanted to honor it in a different manner. I wanted to work with people that wanted transformation more than just change. I got those things and so much more, my Friend! The transformation started in 2011. We changed our support levels and were absolutely blown away by the generous support from our Friends. We brought in some amazing new folks as chapter chairs and chapter co-chairs. We put on some great fund raising activities, as well as some great parties, during the opening celebration weekend in 2011. We worked hard for the theatre, but boy did we have fun! So many people gave so much of their time, talent and treasure. Their generous spirit made 2011 a very special summer for me. Most importantly, we raised more money for the CRT in 2011 than in any previous year! The transformation continues in 2012. The incomparable and seemingly tireless Lindsey Leavell has agreed to be Co-President with me. We have transformed from a support organization into a Board. But, the biggest change that will have the largest impact on our organization is our membership structure. You no longer have to join our organization separately to be a Friend. If you are a donor to the CRT, you are automatically a Friend! You show the love by donating your dollars, we say thank you by making you our Friend.
I, along with Lindsey and the entire Friends Board, are excited that so many new people will be our Friends.
! s d n e i r f r u o r o f t u o k o o l e h t n be o
Thank You, Robin Brobst, Co-President The Friends of CRT
iends extr a -special fr
A special thanks: David and Margaret Knowlton Jessie Gilmer Rita Odom Mary Lee Pinkerton and Mike Daeuble Bob and Robin Brobst Lee Sanchez Liz Marchland Bonnie Hite Jean and Jim Carson Nettie and Bruce Trenk Lynne and Ken Vickerstaff Paula Jo Miller Kay Malouff Lindsey Leavell Sue and Dave Nutt Christine Funk Tom and Jane Swanson Judy Lusk Bev Sandvick Gail O’Connor Rita Odom
e t h es for ! look b u ttons y j u st g r oov
Carolyn Brown Holly Odom Leslie Grady Pat Brummett Laura Brandt Richard and Brenda Ray Eric Grossman John Arp John Gary Brown Christy Brandt Gary Mitchell Bettye Clement Adrian Egolf Christina Egolf Kevin Haupt Marty Semion Ginger Shira Christine Kraft John and Boone Bullington Phil and Teresa Lack Eileen Ford and The Mansion of Monte Vista Jeff Carr and Garfield Estates Vineyard Paul Phillips and Verso Cellars Winery 4UR
Lynne Killey and Queen Bee Sauce Little Weedz Clothing Old Town Market of Pagosa Ike Miles and Debbie Roughton-Miles and Big 6 BBQ Jenny Inge and Rare Things Gallery Ray Dellenbaugh and the members of the Creede Elks Lodge Dan Rivera and the Creede Community Center Cheryl Streams and Abbey Lane Gallery Steve and Marta Quiller and Quiller Gallery Kelly Frink and Chalet Swiss Chuck and Patti Powers the Antlers Riverside Restaurant and Lodge Todd Simons and Earls Downtown Denver Restaurant
…and all those who have helped make Friends of CRT a success in 2011! page 36
>>> 35
s mo r e fr iend
page 35
we’re an experience you carry with you
Alamosa Community Keith & Debbie Cerny, Chairs Dale and Beverly Hettinger David and Donna Wehe Debbie Ford Harold and Kay Kelloff Jeff, Hallie, Laura, Charles, and John Owsley Jowanda and John Villyard Mark Seaton and Suzanne DeVore Myrna Swift Ted and Judy McNeilsmith
Creede Community Pat Brummett, Chair Damian Richardson, Chair Charlene Ameel, Chair Barbara Francis Neff Barbara Kline Taylor Barbara Meredith Beverly Larson Bill and Nancy Blackford Bob and Arlene Stein Bob and Dixie Slater Bob and Joy Collins Bob and Marguerite Holt Bob and Sharon Seago Cat Augur Charlene and George Ameel Charles & Carolyn Brown Charles and Linda Utz Chere Waters Chuck and Patti Powers Cottonwood Cove Guest Ranch Courtney La Zier
Damian and Michelle Richardson David and Elaine McDowell David and Suzanne Wallace Debbie and Paul Whitmore Diane and Greg Singer Duane and Christine Lietzke Frederick H. and Michele May Winston Gail O’Connor Gordon and Lovina Mack Jan Coyle Jan Jacobs Jay Vaughn Jeanette and Paul Hurt Jody Stroh Jon and Angela Harshaw Jonathan D. Allsup and Elizabeth Zurn Julia Guidi Kathy and Jim Nolan Kathy Jennings Leslie and Patricia Jackson Leslie Mann Mariah MacLennan Marta and Steve Quiller Mary Lee Pinkerton Nell Wyley Penny Scott Rare Things Gallery Rick and Diane Sloan Rita Odom and Clyde Dooley Ryan and Cecilia Daugherty Samantha McCoy Shelia and Gene Moore Sherry Scallan and Jim Turnbull Sigrid Baugh and Scott Bahr Sonny Dodson and DeAunn Lowe Stan and Julie Lentz Steve and Joan Jones Steve Ely Tom and Genny Basler
Tom and Pat Brummett Tom and Peggy Stockton Truman and Judy Lusk Verdi Erwin William and Teryn Smith Jerry and Karyn DeVault
Dallas Community Phil and Teresa Lack, Chairs Carolyn Strickland Patrick and Beverly Dooley Paul and Jennifer Harrison
Denver Community Pete and Lindsey Leavell, Chairs Jim and Diane Knutzon, Chairs Bridget Coughlin and Brian Wegner Alan and Gail Schwartz Ann Allott and Allott Immigration Law Firm Barbara Hofferber Bettye Clement Butch and Merlaine Peede Chris Lamee Creede America Group LLC David and Margaret Knowlton Ginger Shira and Lauren Wright Holly Basky Janet Morgan Jil and David Rosentrater Jim and Joan Blackwell Joe Kelloff and Melanie Farrah John and Ann Parker John and Barbara McClure John and Sherry Zender John Arp Karen Page
Kate Deal Kay Kotzelnick and Barbara Gillett Kit and Ariel Davlin Laura and Mark Brandt Laurie Smith Marge Hicks Marty Siemion Mary Elizabeth Hartley Nicole & Matt Pesce Peggy Phelan Peter and Apryl Eggleston Randy Nicholson and Cary Bush Richard A. and Mary Ann Rogers Ryan Simms and Jennifer Kelloff Steve and Barbara McCarl Sue Ashton and Charles Jude Tom & Larae Evans Verso Cellars
Houston Community Boone Bullington, Chair Scott and Gretchen Davis Al Pratka Jr. Alice and Herb Butrum Bruce and Linda DesChamps Charles and Melissa Hall Dolores and Phil Chapman Don and Priscilla Otto Donna and Ross Crawford Dr. and Mrs. Abbe Ledbetter Gordon and Patrice Sorrells J.V. and Frances Carr Joe and Nancy Hickman John and Boone Bullington Kristy Liedtke Lillian and Bob Lehman
s mo r e fr iend >>>
page 36
Linda and Jim Williams Mr. and Mrs. R. Sells Neuhaus Murray and Pamela Brasseux Paul and Brenda Anderson R. Grady and Beth B. Brown Renee Davis Robin and Bryan Gentle Suzanne Webb Thomas H. and Margaret M. Grace Todd and Frances Bratton
Lake City Community Tom and Jane Swanson, Chairs Adolph and Pat Assenheimer Alan and Ann Robson Bernie and Jodie Krystyniak Bill and Bernadette Hagendorf Bill and Teresa Pippin Bob and Becky Vickers Bob and Billie Huddleston Bob and Mary Stigall Bruce and Linda Gardiner Carol Perry Carol Robinson and Schuyler Denham Charles and Bear Ferris Dale and Ruth Bishop Dana and Bob Lozano Danielle and Jeff Worthen Dennis and Erin Cavit Dick and Gwen Powell Don and Dorothy Farmer Durrell and Helen Thompson Ed and Becky Campbell Ed and Mary Nettleton Errol and Kay Barber George and Mary Ann Flynn George Hoffman and Lonnie Sweet Gerald and Laura Sharpe The Insurance Center of Lake City Henry Woods and Mary Carkin Herb and Patricia Quick Jane and Elwyn Jones Janella Cox Jerry and Leona Hillestad Jim and Fran McKinney Joe & Kerry Bresee Joe and Laura Schneider John and Martha Smith June Pate Karen McClatchie Kathleen and John Moseley Kay and David Cherry Ken and Carolyn Nall Konrad and Brenda Rock Mark and Sheila Zipse Mary and Roger Aymami Mike and Ann Fox Mort and Cecelia Weir Nancy Zeller Norma and Gene Baker Olin and Jessica Tunnell Peter and Sarabeth Germenis Peter and Sue Conlon Phil and Carolyn Virden
friends always have more fun! Rachel Hudgins Richard and Donna Hewitt Robert and Nancy Scott Ruthanna Hall Steve and Lynda McCormick Steve and Susie Robinson Susan H. Carter Susan Magruder Ted and Laura Manassa Tony and Betty Touchon Warner and Helen Dewey Ron and Sandra Yates
Lawrence/ Kansas City Community Dave and Sue Nutt, Chairs Bill Jeffreys and Christina Miller Charles and Carol Jones Connie Bohannan-Roberts Don Dorsey and Gail Underwood Forest and Dee Link Heidi Sloan Jan Johnson Jay Haugh Jeanne G Pees Jim and Christine Kraft Jim and Karen Carns Joanne Tolkoff John and Chick Hood Kathy and Ralph Woods Kevin Amey and Mig Lillig Mary Ann and George Brenner Michael and Evie Rapport Norman and Conner Onnen Peggy Friesen and Royal Scanlon Ray Wilber and Cathy Dwigans Sherry and George Catt
Pagosa Springs Community Bob and Robin Brobst, Chairs Bob and Bonnie Hite Bob Hart Brenda and Dick Ray Bruce and Nettie Trenk Chris Willhelm Christine Funk and Joe Maloney Dana Goldberg Jim and Jean Carson Joanne and Karl Irons John and Beverly Hudson June Russell & Bob Ulrich Ken and Lynne Vickerstaff Kristina Siegert Larry and Helen Miles Leslie and Jim Fluharty Mako Offshore Exploration Mary Tighe Melissa and Mike McDonald Paul Midgley and Pamela Novack Paula Jo Miller and Lowell Wiles
Queen Bee Enterprises Robert & Linda Clark Robert C. Howenstine Ron Clidfelter Sandra and Bob Oliver Stacy and Ken West Tari Woods Thomas A. and Katherine W. Cruse Toosje C. Lamoreaux Valerie and Bill Sparrow
San Luis Valley Community Jenna Ford and Skip Haws, Chairs Barbara J. Wright Bill and Tami Fassett Erin Minks and Matt Hildner Ernie Ford Georgia and Chad Parment James and Carol Schroeder Justin and Elizabeth Bailey Lucinda Oliver Lynnea Cook M Diane Le Zotte Pat Davie Rio Grande Commodities Rose Wilson Steven and Karla Van Treese
South Fork Community Jim and Diane Knuzton, Chairs Karen Slade, Chair Anita and Lee Albert Barbara and Carl Ivy Becki and Keith Helmstetler Betty Carey Darrell and Jean Hamilton Drexel & Kathleen Jones Hal and Loydene Helmstetler John and Wilma Flaspohler Joyce Faris Kay Street Max and Alice Royalty Mel and Virginia Semrad Pat and Glenn Miller Pat and Kazie Hayes Richard and Susan Walter Roger and Linda Barker Susan McNeill Tom and Karen Slade Tom Chenault Deb Coulsen Karen and Floyd Tempfel
be our friend!
er ep.o r eed
CRT Does Denver!
Since 2010, for the first time in CRT’s long history, more people started seeing our plays somewhere other than in Creede. In 2011, 42% found us in Creede and 58% enjoyed us elsewhere.
Follow us:
? is he dead The Arvada Center: October 2-28 For tickets call 720-898-7200 /
A new comedy by Mark Twain, as adapted by David Ives.
The charmed partnership between The Arvada Center and CRT continues into its third year. This season’s wild comedy Is He Dead? heads there this fall - following 2010’s The Ladies Man and last year’s heartrending and provocative Road to Mecca.
gr eat h ar ry the Lone Tree Arts Center: November 1-11 For tickets call 720-509-1000 / This November, the original comedy Harry the Great moves to this state-of-the-art $18 million facility in Denver’s south metro area – following in the footsteps of last year’s critical success, Unnecessary Farce.
m ier e e r p d l r wo 40
HARRY G REAT by John DiAntonio THE
NEW: headwaters
In the past years, CRT has made a concerted effort to foster new works, and during that time, approximately one-third of all its productions have been original plays. In 2011, this commitment was formalized as “Headwaters.”
For many, this region is conducive to creativity, the telling of new and old stories, and so narratives bubble out of artists like water out of the mountains. CRT’s Headwaters program takes advantage of this generative setting to foster the development of new works. While other arts organizations have a similar interest and commitment to the creation of new works, CRT has narrowed the focus in order to better serve the artists and stories of this region. Headwaters can provide an artist with financial resources, artistic mentorship, rehearsal and living space, and a network of actors for play readings and workshops. For those artists working to tell the stories of the Southwest, Headwaters provides a respected partner and a creative home to explore their craft and hone their skills. Robert Duvall calls the West a “landscape in which we can tell epic stories,” and CRT is committed to being the stage for those stories.
30% Origin al Pl ays 10 0 % of t he Tim e
Headwaters is funded, in part, by a gift from the estate of Drs. Ed and Minnie Lee Lancaster. For more about Headwaters, write to or call 719-658-2540.
don’t miss out!
headwat ers ev ents : 2 012 Harry the Gr eat by J o h n DiA n to nio Opens July 20: CRT’s World Premiere of this exciting comedy about magicians, vaudevillians, and the Chicago World’s Fair
Headwaters New Play FestivaL August 24 – 25: Join us for readings and discussions of new plays of the Southwest! 41
ENCORE! ENCORE! 2011 Awards & Accolades
named Denver Post Theater
PERSON of THE YEAR! “Maurice LaMee has made the Creede Repertory Theatre one of Colorado’s most respected companies.” - John Moore The Denver Post
The Denver Post Readers’ Choice Award:
Best Year by a Company
for the 6th year running.
Denver Post Ovation Awards: Best Year by an Actor John Arp
Best Actress, Drama Christy Brandt, The Road to Mecca Best Supporting Actress, Comic Role Caitlin Wise, Unnecessary Farce Special Achievement Award
Denver Post readers’ choice Awards: Best supporting actor, comic role Steven Cole Hughes, Unnecessary Farce Best Comedy Unnecessary Farce
It’s All in the Family Let’s have a little talk about theater. Not about just any theater, but about Creede Repertory Theatre - an ever-surprising, evertantalizing, ever-entertaining theatrical miracle nestled in the oxygendeprived San Juan mountains of southwest Colorado. My family first “met” Creede thirty-five years ago and we have been coming back for more virtually every year since. Somewhere in the process of falling for this tiny town we also fell in love with Creede Repertory Theatre. It has been “coming” to Creede even longer - this is its 47th season! CRT leads us well beyond the phenomenal vistas of the San Juans, beyond the secret fishin’ holes, beyond the preserved gems from Creede’s mining history, beyond the making-memories times with family and friends. It takes us into a new dimension of sensory delights - filling our eyes, our ears and our minds with the previously unimaginable. It helps us to have new experiences in new realms. Yes, it “entertains,” but that word is so limiting. It challenges and expands our thinking while tickling our funny bones or planting enchanting melodies in our ears. CRT now is a vital part of our Creede experience each year and I am honored and delighted to be part of the CRT “family.” Now you might ask, “How do I become part of this family?” There are LOTS of ways! Season tickets are available - great deals for those who act quickly. There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and energies. And, as always, remember that the ticket price falls far short of covering the costs of producing these amazing programs - so your gifts to CRT are a vital way of participating as family members. Cat Auger, our Development Director - would love to give you details about how you can support CRT. Remember, ANYONE can join this family - everyone is invited - and I assure you that you will be warmly welcomed. Lookin’ forward to seein’ ya at THE Theatre - not just any theater! - Bill Smith, For the CRT Board of Trustees
2011-2012 Board of Trustees: Bill Smith / Creede, CO President Harold Kelloff / Alamosa, CO Senior Vice President Jenna Ford / Center, CO Secretary Mort Weir / Champaign, IL Vice-President for Development Rick Sloan / Fairway, KS Vice President for Facilities Diane Knutzon / South Fork, CO Vice-President for Nominating Ron Yates / Houston, TX Vice-President for Finance Robert Slater / Arlington, TX President Emeritus Lifetime Trustee Don Ulm / Mansfield, TX Trustee Emeritus Mike Wisdom / Alamosa, CO Honorary Trustee Lindsey Leavell / Denver, CO Officer of Friends Keith Cerny / Alamosa, CO Terrence Jones / Reston, VA Mary Lee Pinkerton / El Paso, TX Michelle Richardson / Creede, CO Mary Sculley / Fountain Hills, AZ Barbara Kline Taylor / Silver City, NM Ed Wheatley / Greenville, NC
is ma de po ss ib le on as se th 47 ’s tre ea Th ry rto pe Re Cre ed e fo llowing sp on so rs: e th of t or pp su us ro ne ge e th h th ro ug SEASON SPONSOR: BRIAN
ners of the Emerald a long history in Cre ede. Ow The Brian Egolf family has beauty, as well as the Rosemary appreciate the Ranch, Brian and his wife for consolidating the e sibl . Mr. Egolf is respon ede Cre of ory hist ing min rich ting a return to mining er single ownership facilita Cre ede Mining District und munity and region. economic vitality of the com in Cre ede, adding to the ason Sponsor”. “Se to support CRT as its first Brian and Rosie are excited
BUSINESSES: ANTLERS RIO GRANDE LODGE AND RESTAURANT: Bordering national forest on a secluded bend of the Rio Grande, Antlers is known for its premier trout fishing waters and offers cabins, rooms, and RV spaces to the public. At day’s end, come enjoy fine dining in a leisurely atmosphere at the Riverside Restaurant.
BROKEN ARROW RANCH AND LAND CO., LLC: “We pride ourselves in our commitment to our community, our buyers and our sellers.” Owners of Creede’s oldest land company (est. 1969), Dale and Anne Pizel have over 40 years combined experience listing and selling in Mineral County. Stop by their office on Main Street, and chat with them about your real estate needs. And visit the new Broken Arrow office in Del Norte, to meet broker Leigh Anne Lobato.
BIG RIVER MUSIC: Big River Music’s new store opened on Main Street in April of 2010, and we are thrilled to be a part of the thriving Creede art community! The opening of CRT’s Ruth Humphreys Brown Theatre is the culmination of years of dedication to the performing arts and a valued addition to Creede. Big River Music is proud to sponsor Boomtown and would like to thank CRT’s patrons for their support of the performing arts and Creede.
CREEDE AMERICA GROUP, LLC: Creede America is a unique subdivision that sits up on the mesa on the west side of the City of Creede. Great architecture, cutting edge green technologies and stunning views make Creede America the place to be in Creede. Feel free to stop by our Main Street office for more information or to take a tour. FIRST SOUTHWEST BANK: First Southwest Bank offers excellent customer service from an experienced staff. We respect your confidentiality and are creative in meeting your banking needs. First Southwest has been a strong supporter for many years and believes in promoting the arts and culture in the San Luis Valley.
MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK: Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our community by being a catalyst for economic growth and stability, while providing financial products and services along with first-rate client care. With additional branches in Lake City, Bayfield and Durango, we always have community at heart.
RARE THINGS GALLERY: Rare Things Gallery of Treasures: An unforgettable Shopping Adventure led by enthusiastic, knowledgeable staff through intriguing collections of designer jewelry, decorative arts, pottery, woodwork, paintings, photography, unique furniture, antiques, rocks, minerals and fossils. Representing Inge Horsehair Jewelry. Extraordinary Treasure Hunting since 1974!
RIO GRANDE ANGLER: A locally owned fly shop, RGA offers the highest quality fly-fishing equipment and apparel. We provide walk/wade and float trips on the Rio Grande and surrounding streams. We are proud of our excellent customer service and friendly atmosphere. SAN LUIS VALLEY FEDERAL BANK: As a mutual bank, our employees understand that their first responsibility is finding solutions to the financial needs of our members. This commitment has been the key to our success. We’re delighted to share our success with CRT because we appreciate the cultural and economic enrichment it brings to Creede and the San Luis Valley. SAN LUIS VALLEY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE: San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, serving you since 1937, has been an ardent supporter of CRT for dozens of years. SLV-REC applauds the Theatre’s commitment to the arts and its patrons and is proud to sponsor The Presidents!
SUNNY VALLEY FARMS, INC. and FORD FARMS, INC.: Sunny Valley Farms, Inc. and Ford Farms, Inc., both thirdgeneration San Luis Valley agricultural family farms, are honored for this opportunity to support our local professional theatre company in its 47th successful season of bringing amazing talent to this mountain setting so dear to our hearts.
SAN JUAN SPORTS: Open since 1974, San Juan Sports provides for all your outdoor sporting needs. As proud distributors of the finest outdoor products, San Juan Sports offers outdoor sporting equipment, clothing and shoes. New owners Michael and Amy McNeil, along with San Juan Sports staff, are proud to sponsor Mrs. Mannerly. Please check out our new website and join our mailing list at VALLEY COURIER: Believing that fine entertainment is hard to come by in rural America, the Valley Courier takes prides in carrying the message of CRT to Courier readers across the San Luis Valley and is proud to sponsor The Drowsy Chaperone.
Wall, Smith & Bateman
CHUCK & KAY HARBERT: Chuck and Kay came to
Serving Colorado since 1974, this preeminent public accounting firm is guided by our mission to help our clients achieve financial success. We offer a full range of accounting services for individuals and businesses.
Mineral County in 1999. Through the years, they have actively supported the Theatre, with Kay serving as a Board member from 2002 – 2008. Long-time play sponsors and fundraisers, they believe that CRT is integral to the Creede experience.
FOUNDATIONS: ANSCHUTZ FAMILY FOUNDATION: The Anschutz Family Foundation’s generous support helps CRT provide local kids with a safe, creative atmosphere that fosters self-respect and responsibility. With the Anschutz Family Foundation’s help, we are working to strengthen our community through the arts! COLORADO CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: CRT is supported by a grant from the Colorado Creative Industries, which was made possible through an annual appropriation from the Colorado General Assembly and federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. THE HITCHCOCK FOUNDATION: The Eleanor and Henry Hitchcock Charitable Foundation is proud to support The KID Show for the 2012 season. In its 10th year, The KID Show is created and performed by local youth in collaboration with CRT professionals.
THE HOGLUND FOUNDATION: The Hoglund Foundation has been a significant partner to CRT for well over twenty years. Personally and through the Foundation, the Hoglunds recognize the value of art in their community and are pleased to sponsor CRT’s 2012 production of Mrs. Mannerly.
KRUEGER CHARITABLE FOUNDATION: The Krueger Charitable Foundation’s commitment has been instrumental in supporting the literacy component of CRT’s Young Audience Outreach Tour. Their gifts fund the Tour directly and purchase thousands of storybooks for students in underserved elementary schools where the Tour performs. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS: The 2012
PAT & KAZIE HAYES: Pat and Kazie Hayes have lived in the area for almost 15 years and have always supported the theatre in some way. The Hayes Family feels that it is important that the community do what it can to make sure that CRT is able to continue to provide the quality live theatre that it has worked so hard to create.
ESTATE OF DRS. ED AND MINNIE LEE LANCASTER: Since the 1960’s, Creede has been a special place for the Lancaster family, and CRT has played a large part. It is an honor and a great pleasure to carry out our parents’ bequest to the Theatre. – Charles, David, and Tim Lancaster JOHN DAVID LENTZ MEMORIAL FUND: John was a company member of CRT in 1992. Prior to receiving his MFA degree from the University of San Diego, John was killed in a random shooting in Balboa Park, San Diego, on May 1, 1994. Friends and family have chosen to honor John’s life and his memory through their ongoing play sponsorships at CRT. For the 2012 season, the Fund is delighted to sponsor Harry the Great.
PEGGY LONGWOOD LAMB: Peggy Longwood Lamb has been a part of the Creede community since 1939 when her parents bought their cabin at Spar City. She has witnessed this historic venue’s transformation from a movie house to its present use as the home of the Creede Repertory Theatre. Desiring to secure the financial stability of CRT, Ralph and Peggy Lamb established the Ralph & Peggy Lamb Endowment Fund in 1994, paving the way for the creation of the CRT endowment. The leadership and vision of Ralph and Peggy will forever provide a rich cultural legacy for Creede and its community of visitors.
BOB AND DIXIE SLATER: Bob and Dixie came to Creede in ’93 to escape the summer heat of Texas. It turned into summers of great theatre and good friends. Bob served as President and Chair of the Building and Capital Campaign for the ‘Ruth’ over a 10-year period of Board service.
Young Audience Outreach Tour is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.
SHUBERT FOUNDATION: The Shubert Foundation is a national foundation, based in New York City, dedicated to supporting the performing arts in the United States, primarily theatre companies and secondarily, dance companies.
VIRGINIA CHRISTENSEN TRUST & THE CITY OF CREEDE: As a means of celebrating the good times her husband Emil spent in and around Creede, Virginia Christensen bequeathed $3 million dollars to the City of Creede. As beneficiaries of the charitable trust, the City helps support recreational activities in the town through biannual grants.
INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES: KATHERINE BRENNAND AND CHRIS CUMMINGS: Katherine’s parents purchased a cabin in Spar City in 1950, and she and her family have come to Creede every summer since. She served on the first CRT board, and then did another stint from 2004 to 2010. Her three daughters and their families live in Colorado, and her son and grandson live in Creede.
TEXAS FRIENDS OF CREEDE THEATRE: These longtime supporters of CRT include: Margaret Acton, C. B. Baird, Jr., Tom and Dorothy Childers, Joan Green Jeffrey, John and Betty Martin, Glenn and Betsy Pense, Don and Nancy Reily, Kenneth and Bernice Ribe, Erik and Beverly Sandvik, Bob and Bonnie Siddons, Betty Tucker, Don and Ruth Ulm.
DON & RUTH ULM: When Don and Ruth Ulm moved to South Fork from the Dallas area, they were pleased to find an outstanding theatre in Creede. Through the years, they have actively supported the Theatre, both monetarily, and as a member of the Board of Trustees and various committees.
UNION CREDITS: Creede Repertory Theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres (LORT) and Actors’ Equity Association and the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. AFFILIATIONS:
Creede Repertory Theatre is a constituent of the Theatre Communications Group (TCG), the national service organization for nonprofit theatres. CRT is a member of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT), Colorado Theatre Guild, and Creede/ Mineral County, Lake City, South Fork, Pagosa Springs, and Alamosa Chambers of Commerce. Creede Repertory Theatre does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, handicap or age in accordance with federal law.
our biggest fans
Season SponsorS (5) $50,000+
PRoducers (7) $25,000 - $49,999
DIRECTORS (12) $10,000. - $24,999
Brian and Rosemary Egolf Anonymous Colorado Department of Local Affairs US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration Ruth H. Brown Foundation
Bonfils Stanton Foundation Bob and Robin Brobst City of Creede Virginia Christensen Trust Chuck and Kay Harbert, Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Krueger Charitable Foundation Bob and Dixie Slater Bill and Teri Smith
Antlers Guest Ranch National Endowment for the Arts Ford Farms, Inc. The Hoglund Foundation The Simon Charitable Foundation Sally and Forrest Hoglund Jim and Diane Knutzon Phil and Teresa Lack Mineral County Lodging Tax Tourism Fund Panel The Shubert Foundation Richard and Norma Small Mike and Kay Warrick
DesignerS (19) $5,000 - $9,999
Harry and Julie Augur Andre and Annita Bens Katherine Brennand and Chris Cummings Bob and Kay Carrel Jenna Ford and Skip Haws Anschutz Family Foundation Peggy Longwood Lamb Estate of Drs. Edgar and Minnie Lee Lancaster Pete and Lindsey Leavell Kathy O’Connor Jim and Arlene Payne Mary Lee Pinkerton SLV Development Resources Group San Luis Valley Federal Bank Rick and Diane Sloan Tom and Jane Swanson Don and Ruth Ulm Mort and Cecelia Weir Ron and Sandra Yates, ExxonMobil Foundation
ChoreographerS (22) $2,500 - $4,999
4UR Ranch Randy Barnhart and Mary Lou Paulsen San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center Isabelle Clark Creede America Group LLC Jerry and Karyn DeVault Michael and Shelly Dee First Southwest Bank Klabzuba Oil and Gas, Inc. Harold J. and Kay Kelloff Larry and Pam Lewis Mariah MacLennan and James Adkisson
McElvain Oil and Gas Properties, Inc. Miners and Merchants Bank Gary Mitchell Dave and Ellen Petrick Chuck and Patti Powers Alan and Ann Robson Schramm Foundation Sunny Valley Farms, Inc. Ed and Betty Wheatley
Stage ManagerS (76)$1,000 - $2,499
Lee and Sheri Archer Cat Augur Elise Backinger and Kent Strickland Scott Bethke and Margaret Broxon-Bethke Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Bostick Todd and Frances Bratton Broken Arrow Ranch and Land Company Jim and Irene Brown Jim and Jean Carson Keith and Debbie Cerny The Cohen Legacy Fund Susie Davis Ray and Ellen Deaver Tom and Linda DuBose El Pomar Foundation Barbara Elliott Hecla Charitable Foundation McCombs Foundation Rare Things Gallery of Treasures Barbara Goss Daryl Grant Joan Green Jeffrey Ric and Vicki Green Ian and Susan Griffis Charles and Linda Hamlin Paul and Jennifer Harrison
Warren and Liz Hemphill Dale and Beverly Hettinger Holy Moses Gift Shop Loretta W. Hubbard Paul and Carrie Hughes Steven Cole Hughes Inge Foundation Ed and Paige Innerarity, Jr. Jan Johnson Ron and Mary Sue Johnson Terrence and Polly Jones Sam and Wanda Keith, ExxonMobil Foundation The Kerr Foundation Diana and Mike Kinsey David and Margaret Knowlton Dave and Sherri Lachance Carolyn Lamb and Steve Reed R. Scott Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larkins, ExxonMobil Foundation Stan and Julie Lentz Lester, Sigmond, Rooney and Schwiesow Ronald Loser Jim Loud and Jan Crawford Jim and Dorothy Lynch John and Barbara McClure Raymond and Gerry Girod and Family
Randy Nicholson and Cary Bush David and Suzanne Nutt Van and Anne Oliver Richard and Catherine Ormsby Mandy Patinkin and Kathryn Grody Lee and Virginia Petersen Charles and Jackie Railsback Julia Rathgeber Karla and Mark Roquemore, American Express Gift Matching Program Roena Rowe Lynn Russell SLV Rural Electric Cooperative San Juan Sports Bob and Sharon Seago Monica Shilling Susanne C. Shutz Jay Smith and Jenny Leavell Dyan Sublett and Alan Echeverria Wilson Rio Grande Ranch Michael and Roni Wisdom Jonathan D. Allsup > > > and Elizabeth Zurn
Why do we give? It’s simple. Recall a play or an actor’s line that spoke to you and changed your perspective. Emotional in a sense and timeless. We all need an escape and CRT provides it. So what we give, we keep. After 47 years, CRT has proved worth keeping. We can all do more. - Bob and Dixie Slater
our biggest fans
> > >
Leading RoleS (58) $500 - $999
Benjamin and Elizabeth Albritton Barry and Nancy Beal F.B. and Suzanne Becquet Phil and Jean Bethke Judith Blanch Shelia and Bill Brown Tom and Pat Brummett Tom and Dorothy Childers Carl and Marjorie Clark Brock and Kelly Compton Roger and Lisa Epps Dade Marty and Darlene Danko Bruce and Linda DesChamps Allott Immigration Law Firm John and Susan France Larry and Roz Gibel Rusty and Libby Goff Deirdre Gustavson Steve Hall and Bev Chapman Ed Hargraves Becki and Keith Helmstetler Bob and Bonnie Hite Polly Houston Frank N. Ikard, Jr. Joanne and Karl Irons Anne and Nabil Istafanous Nagle and Sandra Jackson Stan Johnson Gary and Carolyn Kelloff Joe and Melanie Kelloff Monarch Residential Vaults and Ironworks, LLC Mountain Views At River’s Edge RV Resort, LLC Pat and Lani LaMee Chris LaMee Shirley Leavell Truman and Judy Lusk Patrick MacDonald Jane MacPherson Larry Morgan and Julie Kushner Big River Music BJ Myers and Bill Kuhlke Dana Nearburg Pat and Brenda Oenbring Ruth Orr Graham Phipps and Carol McEnroe Phipps Quiller Gallery Marta and Steve Quiller Don and Janie, Ben, and Anne Quint Michael and Lanette Quint Kristy Robinson Rick Rodriguez Barb Roughton Deborah Singer Bob and Arlene Stein B4 Studio June Russell and Bob Ulrich Robert Ulrich Wall, Smith, Bateman and Associates Wayne and Judith Wedel
Supporting RoleS (302) $100- $499
Anonymous Margaret Acton Joe and Barbara Afanador Gary and Kit Aguren Jeanette Alberg Charlene and George Ameel Adolph and Pat Assenheimer Sigrid Baugh and Scott Bahr C.B. Baird, Jr. Roger and Linda Barker Norman and Laura Baron Tom and Genny Basler Richard and Sherry Batman Al and Jeannie Biernat Bill and Nancy Blackford Jim and Joan Blackwell Elaine Blumenhein Ray and Raena Borth Rick and Carla Branda Laura and Mark Brandt Murray and Pamela Brasseux Charles and Carolyn Brown Chris and Della Brown Bill and Barbara Browning Richard and Vicki Brownrigg Mindy James and Rex Buchanan David and Glenda Buhrmann John and Boone Bullington Janice Bunch Alice Van Buren Glenn Burnham Dean and Kaye Burns Larry Bussey Gary and Kathy Bussing Harlan and Robin Butt Janet Camp Derrell Capes and Sally Mason Carl Carman Jim and Karen Carns J.V. and Frances Carr Steve and Susan Carter Darrell and Kathy Chambers Chaparral Tires Dolores and Phil Chapman Bettye Clement Ron Clidfelter Valley Veterinary Clinic CFWC Woman’s Citizenship Club Mack Elbert and Peggy Jo Coker Rio Grande Commodities FCI Constructors Inc. Oral and Kathryn Cooper Jack and Mabel Cotton Glyndal and Kathy Cowan Caroline Cowden Paul and Garienan Cowles Jan Coyle Donna and Ross Crawford Drew Critser Carrol and Susan Cross, ExxonMobil Foundation Thomas A. and Katherine W. Cruse Bill and Cecilia Dail
THE LEGACY CIRCLE: Members of the Legacy Circle include those individuals who have made a commitment to the future of the Theatre through an estate gift. George and Charlene Ameel Chuck Barnes David and Amanda Basler Phil and Jean Bethke Katherine Brennand Cody Cosmic Alan Echeverria and Dyan Sublett Melvin and Camille Getz Dr. Jessie Gilmer Becki and Keith Helmstetler Lynna Jackson Rhonda Jantzen Dr. Merl and Kathy Jennings Phil and Teresa Lack Drs. Ed and Minnie Lee Lancaster Stan and Julie Lentz
Maurice LaMee and Trary Maddalone B.J. Myers and William Kuhlke Randy Nicholson and Cary Bush Mary Lee Pinkerton Barbara Roughton Bob and Dixie Slater Bill and Teri Smith Candice Tatum Kim Hargraves Tyrell and Todd Tyrell Don and Ruth Ulmx Ed and Betty Wheatley Tristan Wilson and Peggy Pharr Wilson
CRT ENDOWMENT: Anonymous Katherine Brennand and Chris Cummings Ken and Martha Bruner Foundation
Bob and Kay Carrel Lin Driscoll and Associates Melvin and Camille Getz The Hoglund Foundation Michael Wisdom
Steven and Lisa Davidson Scott and Gretchen Davis Randy and Andie Davison Kit and Ariel Davlin Doug and Ginni Davlin Kathy and Jim Dawson Ken and Julianne Debower Warner and Helen Dewey Rita Odom and Clyde Dooley Don Dorsey Melinda S. Douglas Peter and Apryl Eggleston Christina Egolf Sue Ehrgood Verdi Erwin Tom and Larae Evans Mako Offshore Exploration Helen Lou Monter and Family The Peters Family Joyce Faris Barbara and Al Farr
Bill and Tami Fassett Cheryll Faust Marlene and Mike Fishman Leslie and Jim Fluharty Gail and Larry Follansbee McWhinney Foundation Bill and Gail Frasier Jack and Pat Frese David and Lael Fruen Dennis and Carey Gardner Fred and Sharon Gauthier K.R. and Sherri George Dan and Peggy Gerlach Amy Getz and Tom Broderick Boot Hill Feed, Tack and Gifts, Inc. Gaines L. Godfrey Ernest and Debra Gomez Melissa Walker and Les Goss Thomas H. and Margaret M. Grace Ann Graeber > > > Bill and Sally Grammer
> > > supporting RoleS, cont’d Joe and Susan Grigsby Richard and Susanne Gross Fred and Carol Grover Julia Guidi Evan and Flournoy Gull Hanna Waters Suzie Harris Richard L. Hay Pat and Kazie Hayes William and Marlene Hayes Steve and Cynthia Haynes Janice Henderson Karin Hillhouse Don and Rosemary Hollenshead John and Chick Hood Jamie and Nancy Horton Bruce and Olga Howard Rachel Hudgins John and Beverly Hudson David and Lynn Hurst Rick and Teri Inman Carl and Barbara Ivey Jan Jacobs Brigit and Jorg Jansen Rheuben Johnson Drexel and Kathleen Jones Charles and Carol Jones John Joyce Cynthia Kahn Keen Cleaners, Inc. Harriet H. Kelly
Robert H. Kelly Evan Kenney Lynda Kidder Ellis and Marcy Kirks Courtney Klager Bill and Dawn Klein Dhyana and Fred Kluth Allan and Jann Knapp Douglas and Judy Knudson Jim and Christine Kraft Dan and Billie Krausse Ken and Hazel Kutac Ooh La Spa, LLC Maurice, Trary, Genevieve and Kieran LaMee Robert Lamb Libbie Landreth Jens and Deb Lange Beverly Larson Christy Lentz Kristy Liedtke Duane and Christine Lietzke Kevin Amey and Mig Lillig Dorothy Long Gail Longfellow Kem and Junko Lowry Bill Lyon Paul and Susan Lyon Tristan and Alex MacDonald Marguerite Maddalone Susan Magruder
R. and S. Mann John and Betty Martin Dr. John A. and Frances Marvel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews Bud and Sandy May Sam McAlees and Mary Hudson Steve and Barbara McCarl Justin and Rana McCarty Ann McClure Steve and Linda McCormick
our biggest fans David and Patti Morris Lee Crone Moyer John and Janet Mulay Watt and Jackie Murrah Dave and Zoe Myers Chuck and Tiffany Neal Barbara Francis Neff Carolyn and Vance Newland Bruce and Patsy Nichols Kathy and Jim Nolan
61% of the students who attended CRT’s 2011 Young Audience Outreach Tour qualify for free/reduced lunch.
Samantha McCoy David and Elaine McDowell Wayne and Barbara McEndree Natalie McLeod Susan McNeill Ted and Judy McNeilsmith Paula and Jeffrey Menten Bill Jeffreys and Christina Miller Irv and Karen Miller Dan and Ali Mitchell Kathy and Ben Montalbano Laura S. Moore
(Annie E. Casey Foundation)
Kelli and Albert O’Leary Sandra and Bob Oliver Norman and Conner Onnen Don and Priscilla Otto Randall and Linda Palmgren Butch and Merlaine Peede Robert and Sherry Pennington Glenn and Betsy Pense Cara Pollard Mike and Carolyn Prentice Herb and Patricia Quick John and Diane Quicker > > >
> > > supporting RoleS, cont’d Don and Sylvia Quint Cottonwood Cove Guest Ranch Brenda and Dick Ray Doug and Nancy Reese Don and Nancy Reily Ron and Jennifer Roberts Dick and Mary Ann Rogers Sterling and Erline Roig Gary Rosenau Max and Alice Royalty Ashley and Drew Rust Mark Rye Erik and Beverly Sandvik Chuck and Lucy Sargent Randy and Sandy Schafer Thomas P. Schiano, ExxonMobil Foundation Chris and Billi Dawn Schoggen Mel and Virginia Semrad Gerald and Laura Sharpe Rita and Roger Shenkel Zola Shriver Bob and Bonnie Siddons Jim Simandl Janet Sims Scott and Karen Slater William Dean Smith Gordon and Patrice Sorrells Barbara and Jim St. John Kathryn Stahmann
Elizabeth and John Steele Margaret A. Steffens Bob and Mary Stigall Jay Suhler Floyd and Bean Sulser Mike and Lynn Surovik Ken and Janet Taht Barbara Kline Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Floyd and Karen Tempfel Tom and Donna Templeton Neil and Betty Thomas Judy Thomeczek Jack and Catherine Threet Chuck and Barbara Tidd Gretchen Tinkle Thomas W. and Marilyn H. Toomey Kim and Yen Touysinhthiphonexay, Acxiom Corporation Steven and Karla Van Treese Libby Trevor Jason and Leslie Trow Pamela and John Tumler Olin and Jessica Tunnell Judi Price and William Ulch Valley Courier Steve Vandiver Jay Vaughn Dr. Tom and Polly Venard Ken and Lynne Vickerstaff
William and Jean Visscher Debbie Wagner Bettye Wallace Sarah Wallace Richard and Susan Walter MDS Solid Waste Kay O. and Janice R. Watkins Christine Weaver Marlin and Ann Weaver John and Joyce Webb Leo G. and Nancy Werneke Jeannie and Steve Wheeldon Paula Jo Miller and Lowell Wiles Andy and Gay Wilkinson Mary William Sondra Williams Mary Hendersen Williams Steve and Nina Williams Stephen and Peggy Willman Garfield Estates Winery Frederick H. and Michele May Winston Rod and Sandy Wisley William C. Wittwer Wolcott Family Dawn Wood Kathy and Ralph Woods Patrick Woods Ginger Shira and Lauren Wright Ron and Anita Wright
our biggest fans Nancy Zeller Mark and Sheila Zipse Sue and Henry Zurbrugg
Understudies (425) $99 and UNDER
Anonymous Anita and Lee Albert Ben Alexander Molly Allen Sandra Allen and Michael Horton Rebecca Alvis Gary Anderson Paul and Brenda Anderson Shelly Andrews Cecelia Austin Mary and Roger Aymami Justin and Elizabeth Bailey Norma and Gene Baker Philip Baker Lee Ann Bakros Errol and Kay Barber Jeannette Barnes William Barrows Melanie Barton Therese Beck Steve and Mary Beckham Kathleen Beeton Milt and Rene Benham Amber Benzey Robert Berger James Beverly > > >
> > > understudies, cont’d Bill Biesecker Shawn and Shannon Binkley Dale and Ruth Bishop Kenneth and Barbara Bishop Bill and Charlene Bixler Lee Bixler Tom and Charlotte Bobicki Connie Bohannan-Roberts Michele Minnis and Edgar Boles Peter Bond Linda Bone Marcella Boomer Lavender Booth Gerald and Karen Boxberger Sharon A. and Darrel Brehm Mary Ann and George Brenner Joe and Kerry Bresee Mark Briski Cindy Brouillard R. Grady and Beth B. Brown Sheila Brown Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brown Louann Burkett Clara Bush Alice and Herb Butrum Marshall Bynum Ed and Becky Campbell Betty Carey Henry Woods and Mary Carkin June Carmichall Jesus Carrete Roy Carson Susan H. Carter Sherry and George Catt Dennis and Erin Cavit Joe Cawlfield Verso Cellars Tom Chenault Julie Chenoweth Kay and David Cherry Kathryn Childers Carla Churchill John Churchill Robert and Linda Clark Bob and Joy Collins Peter and Sue Conlon Lynnea Cook Floyd and Shirlee Coppage Chris and Marjorie Corcoran Jeanette Cornelison Laura and Wayne Cothren Kathalee Cottingham Janella Cox Marty Crabdree Dorothy Crancer
Mark and Lorane Cupples James Dahl Kristina Daniel Ryan and Cecilia Daugherty Mary Ann Davidson Pat Davie Paula Davis Renee Davis Mark Seaton and Suzanne DeVore Kate Deal Britt Dean Carol Robinson and Schuyler Denham Michael and Janet Donahue Andrew and Susan Donlon Patrick and Beverly Dooley Geri Dunnington Ray Wilber and Cathy Dwigans Steve Ely Julie Emo Queen Bee Enterprises Di and Jim Erickson Robert and Wynell J. Esson Don and Dorothy Farmer Dan and Brenda Ferguson Charles and Bear Ferris Brandon Fimple John and Wilma Flaspohler Jock and Ann-Marie Fleming George and Mary Ann Flynn Debbie Ford Ernie Ford Vickie Ford Ronnie Foster Mike and Ann Fox Sigrid Freese Charles and Joyce Freuden Peggy Friesen and Royal Scanlon Katharine Frisbee Eric Froehlich Alex Gallegos Elizabeth Galles Evelyn Gant Bruce and Linda Gardiner Richard Garlick Sarah Garrett Robin and Bryan Gentle Larry Gerber Peter and Sarabeth Germenis Amy Getz Nina Gillaspie Kay Kotzelnick and Barbara Gillett John and Kathy Gilligan Jessie Gilmer Dana Goldberg Larry and Kay Gorsuch
Kristen Gould Julie Green Carla Greene Jack Gregory Charles Grotewold Bill and Bernadette Hagendorf Ruthanna Hall
our biggest fans Jil and David Rosentrater Biff Johnson Cheryl Jones Jane and Elwyn Jones Steve and Joan Jones John and Sara Joynes Deirdre Karger
arts organizations annually generate an estimated $53.2 billion in economic activity, a 45% increase over the $36.8 billion generated in 1992. Nonprofit
Charles and Melissa Hall Michael Hamel Darrell and Jean Hamilton Kelly Hanse Michelle Harlow Bob Hart Mary Elizabeth Hartley Linda Harvey Jay Haugh Marsha and William Haun Marsha Hawn Daniel Heindel Roy and Linda Helms Hal and Loydene Helmstetler Jim and Roberta Hemphill Julie K. Henderson Richard and Donna Hewitt Joe and Nancy Hickman Marge Hicks Erin Minks and Matt Hildner Jerry and Leona Hillestad Gary Hobbs Marley and Linda Hodgson George Hoffman and Lonnie Sweet Ronald Holbrook Bob and Marguerite Holt Lothard and Patricia Holt Robert C. Howenstine Bob and Billie Huddleston Jeanette and Paul Hurt Corey Hutchinson Jobie Irvine John Jackson Leslie and Patricia Jackson Richard Scott and Sandra G. Jackson Jean Jeffrey Kathy Jennings
(SOURCE: Theatre CommunicationS Group)
Karen Kelley Ryan Simms and Jennifer Kelloff John Kennedy Ted Kerr Rick Kirwin William Kisner John Knapp Julie Kove Bernie and Jodie Krystyniak Randall LaGro Toosje C. Lamoreaux Don Lamprecht Randolph Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Abbe Ledbetter Charles Lee Lillian and Bob Lehman Cheryl Liebhart Maureen Linden-Orr George and Dyann Linger Forest and Dee Link Karren Little Carl Long Howard and Florence Loomis Bill and Lynette Lord Don and Sue Loudon John and Pam Lowdermilk Fred and Nancy Lowe Sonny Dodson and DeAunn Lowe Dana and Bob Lozano James Luallen Jan and Charles MacLeod Gordon and Lovina Mack Christine Funk and Joe Maloney Ted and Laura Manassa Leslie Mann Robin Martin Roger Martin > > >
> > > understudies, cont’d Cecelia Matson Stephen Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCain Don Richmond and Terri McCartney Karen McClatchie Jeremy and Emily McComas (Lentz) Family Marilyn McCord Richard and Marilyn McCullough Melissa or Mike McDonald Jim and Fran McKinney Polly McLaughlin Stephen McReynolds Merritt and Kevin McShane Barbara Meredith Julie J. Merrill Ann Meyer Paul Midgley and Pamela Novack Larry and Helen Miles Tekla Miller Janis Milliet Charles Mobley Anthony and Estella Montoya Diane Moon Keith and Diana Moore Shelia and Gene Moore Janet Morgan Brian and Jan Morris Kathleen and John Moseley Stacie Mullins Ken and Carolyn Nall Carmelle Nemechek Ed and Mary Nettleton Mr. and Mrs. R. Sells Neuhaus Elinor Newman Neal Newman Keith and Bobbie Nichols Carol O’Brien Gail O’Connor Lucinda Oliver Hal and Dot Olson Jeff, Hallie, Laura, Charles, and John Owsley Beth Ozyp Karen Page Nina Page George Panek John and Ann Parker Georgia and Chad Parment June Pate
Bruce Paton Susan K. Patterson Charlotte C. Peacock Joan Phipps Pechman Katherine Peercy Victor Pennington Carol Perry Nicole and Matt Pesce John Peterson Peggy Phelan Sarah Phipps Bill and Teresa Pippin Ron Pluyaar Alton Pope Dick and Gwen Powell Al Pratka Jr. John N. Price Michael and Evie Rapport Andrew Rhodes Kenneth and Bernice Ribe Melissa Rice Angie Richardson Bill and Sandra Richardson Damian and Michelle Richardson Kristin Ring Bryce Robertson Kelly Robinson Steve and Susie Robinson Konrad and Brenda Rock Bill Rodenbeck Pamela Roder Deanna Rodman Richard Rose Karen J. Rowley-Parsons Marilyn Rozak Kerry Safford Aline and Josh Saiz Addie Sale Steve Sanborn John Savage Teris Schery Joe and Laura Schneider William Schoen Elizabeth Schroder James and Carol Schroeder Gene Schwarz Penny Scott Robert and Nancy Scott Allison Sheldon
Stephen Shelton Kamini Sheth Karen Shields Patrick Shima Kristina Siegert Marty Siemion Edeltraud Simkins Deb Singel Diane and Greg Singer Nanette Skov Tom and Karen Slade Heidi Sloan Susan Smarr Dane M. Smith John and Martha Smith Larry Smith Laurie Smith Phillip Smith Rex Smith Carol Snyder Clara Soister Valerie and Bill Sparrow Dennis and Lynn Steinhagen Patricia Steinhauser John and Peggy Stenmark Jan Stenzel Gene Stevens Tom and Peggy Stockton Sherri Stoneberger Kathy Stout Kay Street Carolyn Strickland Jody Stroh Sue Ashton and Charles Jude Myrna Swift Ann H. Tatnall Peter Taylor James D. Thomas Susan Thomas Durrell and Helen Thompson Mary Tighe David and Mary Tilney Tim and Deb Skadberg Farm Joanne Tolkoff Tony and Betty Touchon Howard and Mary Towt Linda Treibly Bruce and Nettie Trenk Wenert Trich
In-Kind Donors
City of Creede Colorado Construction Colorado Steel Copley Construction Creede/Mineral County Chamber of Commerce Denton’s Sign Adrian Egolf FCI Constructors Inc. Friends of CRT and the Creede Friends Community Ron and Kay Fief Eileen Ford and The Mansion Bed & Breakfast Jenna Ford and Skip Haws Gilmer Design Becki and Keith Helmstetler Alicia Hess Sarah Hext Jenny Inge Kathy Jennings K2 Woodworking Kentucky Belle Market David and Margaret Knowlton
Pat Knowlton and the Creede Baptist Church Jim and Diane Knutzon Jim and Christine Kraft Phil and Teresa Lack Maurice LaMee Kay Lancaster Courtney LaZier Pete and Lindsey Leavell Lockhart’s Furniture Lopez Plumbing Gary Mitchell MoJones Monarch Residential Vaults and Ironworks, LLC BJ Myers David and Suzanne Nutt Gail O’Connor Sandra and Bob Oliver Graham Phipps and Carol McEnroe Phipps Steve, Marta and Allie Quiller Brenda and Dick Ray Ray’s Flooring
SuAnn Aday All Good Things, LLC George and Charlene Ameel Avery Augur Julie Augur Barbizon Light of the Rockies Lisa and Lou Ann Baumhardt Miranda Baxter Best Western Movie Manor, Monte Vista Big River Music Michael and Rachel Bouchard Bob and Robin Brobst John Gary Brown Pat Brummett Builder’s Edge John and Boone Bullington Buglet Solar Electric Randy Nicholson and Cary Bush Jim and Jean Carson Century Link Keith and Debbie Cerny
our biggest fans Judy Trickey Betty B. Tucker Sherry Scallan and Jim Turnbull Byron and Amy Uhrich Charles and Linda Utz Charles Vail Suzanne Valentine Dirk Van De Graff Jim and Jenny Van Ry Kirk and Heather VanDeMoortel R.D. Vanderslice Raven De Vault Bob and Becky Vickers Jowanda and John Villyard Phil and Carolyn Virden Gayle Votaw David and Suzanne Wallace Dee Warnecke Chere Waters Anais Watsky Emily Watson Helen Watson Richard Watson and Brenda Ganoe Ken and Linda Weatherford Robert Webb Suzanne Webb Bridget Coughlin and Brian Wegner David and Donna Wehe Michael Weiss Stacy and Ken West Ann and Gary White Debbie and Paul Whitmore Jo Lynn Wilburn Chris Willhelm Linda and Jim Williams Martha Williams Paul Williams Rose Wilson Linda Woodford Tari Woods Richard Worm Danielle and Jeff Worthen Barbara J. Wright Kay Wyley Nell Wyley Thomas Zachman M. Diane Le Zotte Caroline Zouloumian
Recycle Creede Damian Richardson Rio Grande Club Roseberry Plumbing Jil Rosentrater RoShamBo Russell Engineering Drew and Ashley Rust Karen Slade Bob and Dixie Slater Rick and Diane Sloan Bill and Teri Smith Steffens Plumbing and Heating Alan Echeverria and Dyan Sublett Tom and Jane Swanson Ken and Lynne Vickerstaff Mary Jean Wallace Andy and Gaye Wilkinson Wilson Rio Grande Ranch Kay Wyley Ken Wyley Nell Wyley Ron and Sandra Yates Elizabeth Zurn
actors Chad Afanador
Man in Chair – The Drowsy Chaperone Phelim O’Shaughnessy – Is He Dead? Chad is overjoyed to be returning to Creede for his 10th season. You may remember him from previous CRT gems like The Nerd, All my Sons, Our Town, The Philadelphia Story, Rumors, The Memory of Water, Hay Fever, The Foreigner, Ladder to the Moon, Noises Off, Slabtown, The Man Who Shot The Man Who Shot Jesse James, Crazy For You, Enchanted April, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Fools, Billy Hell, The Imaginary Invalid, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Ladies Man, The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite, I Capture The Castle, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and most recently The Mystery of Irma Vep. Chad is so happy to be home after a winter of crypto-zoological research in Oregon. He would like to thank his parents, his mentor Dale, and most of all Jessica.
John Arp*
Feldzieg – The Drowsy Chaperone Bastien André – Is He Dead? Franklin Woolsey – Ghost-Writer John has previously appeared at Creede Repertory in The Bad Man, How to Succeed In Business..., I Capture The Castle, The Ladies Man, The Joy Of Going Somewhere Definite, This Day and Age, The Imaginary Invalid, Swiss Family Robinson, Kimberly Akimbo, Leading Ladies, Urinetown, Pygmalion, and Everything in the Garden. John has lived and performed in Denver for the last sixteen years. Local awards include ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS: Best Supporting Actor 2005; DENVER POST: Best Supporting Actor In A Drama 2004, Best Season For An Actor 2005, Best Supporting Actor In A Musical 2006, Best Season For An Actor 2007, and Best Season For An Actor 2011; WESTWORD: Best Actor In A Comedy 2010 & 2012. John has performed in Seattle with the Seattle Shakespeare Festival and The Immediate Theatre. He is from Houston where he studied at The University Of Houston and performed at Stages Repertory, and seven seasons with the Houston Shakespeare Festival.
Christy Brandt*
Mrs. Tottendale – The Drowsy Chaperone Madame Caron – Is He Dead? Christy is very happy to be back at CRT for her 37th season. She directed Reggie and the Riddle of the Differcus, You Caught Me Dancing, You Can’t Take It With You, and Mousetrap while at CRT. She also co-
authored Six Women With Brain Death, which played in theaters all across the country, and appeared in Ang Lee’s film Ride With the Devil. She worked at Kansas City’s Coterie Theater and the South Carolina Repertory Theater. One of her favorite roles was last year’s Miss Helen in The Road to Mecca for which she won Best Actress in a Drama from the Denver Post. She was in a film called The Sublime and the Beautiful filmed in Lawrence, KS this winter. She has appeared in over 100 CRT productions and some of her favorite roles include: Kimberly in Kimberly Akimbo, Kate in Cripple of Innishmaan, Meg in Crimes of the Heart, Virginia in Three Viewings, Marjorie in This Day and Age, The Duchess in To Fool The Eye, Helen in And A Nightingale Sang, Princess Puffer in Drood, Mrs. Higgins in Pygmalion, Nora in A Doll’s House, Bunny in The House of Blue Leaves, and Winnifred in Once Upon a Mattress. She is married to John Gary Brown, an artist and photographer for CRT.
Anne F. Butler
Mrs. Mannerly – Mrs. Mannerly Madame Bathilde – Is He Dead? 2012 marks Annie’s 10th season with the CRT and 11 years as a fool-time resident of Creede. She was educated at C.U. Boulder and the National Theatre Conservatory in Denver. Past credits include: The Grapes of Wrath (Mrs. Wainwright) and A Christmas Carol (Mrs. Cratchit) at the Denver Center; Coriolanus (Volumnia), The Rivals (Mrs. Malaprop), Romeo and Juliet (Nurse), and The Importance of Being Earnest (Miss Prism) at Colorado Shakespeare Festival; The Country Wife (Althea) and Lady Macbeth with Montana Shakespeare in the Parks; Man of La Mancha (Aldonza) and Star of England (a combo of Henry IV & V) (Chorus) as well as many other roles in her four years at Commonweal Theatre in Minnesota; Noises Off (Dottie) and Picnic (School Teacher) at The Arvada Center; The Real Inspector Hound (Moon) at the Aurora Fox; the tile role in Major Barbara and The Perfect Party (Wilma Wellman) at Germinal Stage; Tomato Plant Girl (Girl) at the Mizel Center in Denver, as well as roles at D.U., Metro State, Bonfils Festival Caravan and The Changing Scene all in Denver. Favorite roles at CRT: The Ladies Man (Madame Aigreville), The Imaginary Invalid (Toinette), Enchanted April (Italian Lady), and Eleemosynary (Dorothea). She enjoyed taking CRT to Denver at Lone Tree Arts Center with Unnecessary Farce and The Arvada Center with The Ladies Man. She’d like to dedicate Mrs. Mannerly to her beloved school chum, Jeffrey Nicholson. Love to her little family and her big family.
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Nathan Chang
George – The Drowsy Chaperone Nathan Chang is positively delighted to be making his Creede Repertory debut! Fresh from the TheatreWorks national tour of Seussical the Musical where he played Wickersham 1 and Mr. Mayor, Nathan is excited to finally be in one place for a while. Nathan has performed with Theatre by the Sea (...Spelling Bee, Man of La Mancha, The Drowsy Chaperone), Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse (Peter Pan), Reagle Music Theatre (The Music Man), The Woodland Theatre (A Funny Thing Happened...), and has earned his BFA in Musical Theatre from Emerson College in Boston. If you look close you might also see him lurking in the background of such TV shows as Smash, 30 Rock, Unforgettable, Law and Order SVU, and Gossip Girl. Much love to his family and to Kevin for just being the best. For more (as if this wasn’t enough) try
Diana Dresser*
Myra Babbage – Ghost-Writer Choreographer – The Drowsy Chaperone Diana has appeared in close to 30 productions at CRT since joining the company in 1992. Favorite roles include Pattie in Kimberly Akimbo, Haley in Bad Dates, and Catherine in The Memory of Water. Diana choreographed CRT’s How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, A Wonderful Noise, CRT Songbook, Urinetown, Crazy for You, and Quilters, and she has directed five CRT productions, including Forever Plaid and last season’s The Mystery of Irma Vep. At the Denver Center, Diana appeared in Girls Only and understudied this season’s Tom Sawyer and The Taming of the Shrew. Elsewhere, she has appeared with the Arvada Center, Curious Theatre, Theatre Aspen, and Theatre de la Jeune Lune. Many thanks to Mo and Jax, to Guy, Harrison, Mom, Dad, and the rest of my wonderful family, and to the beautiful state of Kansas and KU for my education and my lifelong love of hoops. Rock Chalk.
Patrick Du Laney*
Aldolpho – The Drowsy Chaperone Dutchy – Is He Dead? Performer - Boomtown Choreographer - The Presidents! Patrick is THRILLED to once again be a part of a Creede Summer Season! He returns after last season’s Mystery of Irma Vep. Patrick has worked regionally from Alaska to Maine (Well, New Hampshire), but currently calls Iowa City home. Favorite credits include the title roles in Macbeth, Tartuffe, and Floyd Collins, Pinchwife in The Country Wife, Jud in Oklahoma!, Hunter in Title of Show, Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet, and Smudge, Frankie and Jinx in multiple productions of Forever Plaid. Patrick holds an MFA in Acting from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and is a founding member of the Alaska Shakespeare Festival. As always, for A and T. www.
Adrian Egolf
Kitty – The Drowsy Chaperone Celine Leroux – Is He Dead? Performer – Boomtown Adrian is thrilled to be back for her 8th season with the Creede Repertory Theatre. Her favorite roles at CRT include Hedy LaRue in How to Succeed, Karen in Unnecessary Farce, Dana in Quilters, and Audrey in Leading Ladies. Most recently Adrian was seen as Annette in God of Carnage with the Off Square Theater in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Curley’s Wife in Of Mice and Men with the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, and Liz in Pres-
ent Laughter at Miner’s Alley Playhouse. Adrian is looking forward to another fabulous summer in the place she calls home.
John S. Gre en*
Underling – The Drowsy Chaperone Papa Leroux – Is He Dead? Alfred Krupp – Harry the Great John first performed on the Creede stage during its third season. Favorite roles from his early CRT years include Destry in Destry Rides Again and Tom in The Glass Menagerie. John has since performed on stages throughout the United States and Europe, doing everything from Neil Simon to Shakespeare. He won Chicago’s Jeff Award for his portrayal of George in Of Mice And Men directed by Robert Falls. TV appearances include All My Children, America’s Most Wanted, Early Edition and numerous TV and Radio commercials. Plays he has written have been produced at theatres across the country and in Paris. Twilight Serenade was published by Dramatic Publishing Company. The Liquid Moon published in New Plays From Chicago, won the After Dark and Jeff Awards for Best New Play and was subsequently nominated for the Pulitzer. He would like to dedicate this summer to the memory of Phil Bethke.
M. Tyler Horn
Robert Martin – The Drowsy Chaperone Fontanelle – The Presidents! Eugen Sandow – Harry the Great Tyler is honored to return for a third summer in Colorado with the Creede Rep family. Originally from New Hope, Pennsylvania, Tyler’s recent CRT credits include Bud Frump in How to Succeed..., Wilbur Wright in The Wright Stuff: The Science of Flight, William Barfee in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and Agent Fontanelle in The Presidents!. Recent Philadelphia credits include Stephen Bellamy in Farragut North with Village Productions. Kansas City credits: Ted in Spooky Dog: A Scooby-Doo-Like Mystery at the Coterie Theater, Flute/Peasblossom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Laertes in Hamlet, both for the Two/Thirds Theater Project. Tyler holds an M.F.A. in acting from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, a B.A in theatre from Temple University, and is also an EMC candidate.
Steven Cole Hughes*
Superintendent – The Drowsy Chaperone Jean-François Millet – Is He Dead? Harry Robenstein – Harry the Great At CRT: I Capture the Castle, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Unnecessary Farce, 39 Steps, This Day and Age, cowboyily, Fools, Life is a Dream. Denver Center Theatre Company: Pride and Prejudice, All My Sons, Measure for Measure, The Misanthrope, Scapin, Blue/ Orange, Love’s Labour’s Lost, The Three Sisters, The Lonesome West, Hamlet and Tantalus. Theatreworks: Mary Stuart. Arvada Center: A Man For All Seasons. Curious Theatre Company: Lieutenant of Inishmore. Theatre Aspen: Moonlight and Magnolias. Regionally: Portland Center Stage, Gulfshore Playhouse, Baltimore Centerstage, Cleveland Public Theatre, Shadowland Theatre, Ensemble Studio Theatre and many others. Television: “Easy Money,” “Law & Order,” Law & Order: Criminal Intent.” MFA, the National Theatre Conservatory. Member AEA and SAG. He is also a CRT Resident Playwright; and the co-artistic director of Fight or Flight, a New York City-based aerial theatre company, for whom he has directed Shakespeare’s Richard II and Henry V.
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Kyra Koelling
Trix – The Drowsy Chaperone Bess – Harry the Great Kyra is thrilled to be a part of this wonderful theatre company in beautiful Creede, Colorado. Coming from Denver, Kyra has recently worked with Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, Town Hall Arts Center and at the Lone Tree Arts Center in plays such as Annie Warbucks (Grace), Unsinkable Molly Brown, and White Christmas. The past few summers, Kyra has spent time performing on the Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre stage as well as New Mexico’s Shuler Theatre. Kyra is excited to be a part of this beautiful community this summer and appreciates the lovely people who support live theatre. Especially those people in her life that have always been so wonderfully encouraging; “Much love to Brad!”
Brian Kusic
Gangster #2 – The Drowsy Chaperone Erik Weisz – Harry the Great Brian is thrilled to be a part of such an amazing company for the summer. Brian is a native of Denver and studied acting at Metro State College of Denver. He would like to thank his friends and family for their love and support, he would also like to thank CRT and Larry for such a fantastic summer.
Trary Maddalone
Vivian Woolsey – Ghost-Writer This is Trary’s 15th season, and she has appeared in more than 30 CRT productions. Among her favorites have been roles in Hamlet, Quilters, Hayfever, The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite, Urinetown, Everything in the Garden, Kimberly Akimbo, and Noises Off. A Colorado native and a graduate of the National Theatre Conservatory, she has worked in theatres across the state including The Denver Center, Theatre Aspen, and The Arvada Center. Trary also adapted Northanger Abbey, and co-adapted A Christmas Carol for CRT productions. She is married to Artistic Director Mo LaMee and they live in Creede yearround with their twins Kieran and Genevieve.
Tosin Morohunfola
Gangster #1 – The Drowsy Chaperone Smith – The Presidents! Chicago – Is He Dead? Bert Williams – Harry the Great Performer - Boomtown Tosin is a writer, director, actor and founder of the Multicultural Theatre Initiative, where he served as Artistic Director for two years. His stage credits include the Off-Broadway production of Lucky Duck at the New Victory Theatre, the Coterie’s Seussical, The Wrestling Season, The Outsiders, The Wiz, and Maul of the Dead, the Unicorn’s Ruined and Speech & Debate, and The Living Room’s This is How it Goes. He is a member of “Those People” Comedy and “Stitch Tactics” Improv. He has starred in the award-winning short films Rook, As a Puzzle and Alpha Bravo Charlie and just wrapped filming the feature-length sci-fi comedy, Destination Planet Negro.
Lisa-Marie Newton
The Drowsy Chaperone – The Drowsy Chaperone Lisa-Marie is beyond thrilled to be making her debut at CRT. A native of Minnesota, she currently lives and performs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lisa-Marie has received 2 Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle nomina-
tions for Meredith in Bat Boy (2009) and Sara Jane Moore in Assassins (2011). Other favorite roles include Velma von Tussle in Hairspray (2012), The Homeless Woman in A New Brain (2008), and Rebecca in Pinter’s Ashes to Ashes (2010). She has written and produced a one-woman-show, Befriending Shirley, or The Voice in My Head is a B*tch!, and is in the process of revising it for a 2013 remount. On screen, Lisa-Marie can be seen in the indie feature Weekend King. She holds degrees from Eastman School of Music and University of Arizona, and she currently studies acting with Richard Seyd.
Emily Van Fle et*
Janet Van De Graaff – The Drowsy Chaperone Fifi – Harry the Great Emily is thrilled to be joining the CRT family this season! A native of Colorado, she appeared at the Arvada Center as Mary Jane Wilkes in Big River, Jennifer Yeager in Do I Hear A Waltz? and Darcy Green in The Second Tosca (regional premier). She also appeared as Louisa in The Fantasticks, Mariana in Measure for Measure, and Clarice in The Servant of Two Masters at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. New York credits include Rachel inWarsaw (NY Musical Theater Festival) and Narrator in Alice, the Musical (NY Musical Development Series). Regional favorites: Much Ado About Nothing (Hero); As You Like It (Phebe); The Wizard of Oz (Dorothy). TV/Film: Clear Blue Tuesday; MTV’s Legally Blonde: The Search for Elle Woods (semi-finalist). Emily received her Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre at the University of Northern Colorado. Special thanks to Boo for marrying me last summer! Happy Anniversary love!
Caitlin Wise*
Marie Leroux – Is He Dead? Samantha Robenstein – Harry the Great Performer - Boomtown Caitlin is thrilled to join CRT for her third season. Caitlin appeared in I Capture the Castle, How To Succeed in Business, Unnecessary Farce, Fools, Life is a Dream, and Boomtown at Creede Repertory Theatre. With the Denver Center Theatre Company Caitlin appeared in Tom Sawyer, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Christmas Carol, Dracula, and Othello. At the Arvada Center Caitlin played Cecily Cardew in The Importance of Being Earnest. At The Colorado Shakespeare Festival she played Hero in Much Ado About Nothing and various roles in To Kill A Mockingbird. Caitlin Received the 2012 Best of Denver Westword Award: Best Comic Triple Threat as well as the 2011 Denver Ovation Award: Best Supporting Actress, Comic Role. She was an Irene Ryan winner in 2005. Caitlin received her MFA in acting from The National Theatre Conservatory in 2011.
Graham Ward
Jeffrey – Mrs. Mannerly Basil Thorpe/Claude Rivière/Charlie/King – Is He Dead? Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. – Harry the Great From Boston, Massachusetts, Graham is a recent graduate of Brigham Young University, where he has just finished a BFA in Acting. This is his debut season at Creede and he’s honored to be a part of the company. Graham’s BYU credits include Touchstone in As You Like It, Victor Frankenstein in The Monster of Dr. Frankenstein, Peter Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank, and most recently John Merrick in The Elephant Man, a role for which Graham received the Distinguished Performance award at the Kennedy Center’s American College Theatre Festival in Washington D.C.
authors & composers AUTHORS Jeffrey Hatcher Author – Mrs. Mannerly Jeffrey Hatcher’s plays have been produced on Broadway, off-Broadway, throughout the United States, and abroad. They include Three Viewings, A Picasso, Scotland Road, and Compleat Female Stage Beauty, as well as adaptations of The Turn of the Screw, The Government Inspector, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Tuesdays With Morrie (with Mitch Albom). Film/ TV: “Stage Beauty,” “Casanova,” “The Duchess,” and episodes of “Columbo.” He is a member of The Playwrights Center, Dramatists Guild, Writers Guild, and New Dramatists.
Steven Cole Hughes Author – The Presidents! Full-length plays include: The Bad Man, Billy Hell, Slabtown, cowboyily, Arabia, Battleground State, Dogs by Seven, and Poor Devils. His plays for CRT’s Young Audience Outreach Tour are: The Presidents!, The Wright Stuff, and The Geography of Adventure: a Lilly Strong Mystery. Many of his one-act and five-minute plays have been produced Off Off Broadway by aMios Theater Company, including: The Joneses, 25 Short Plays About God, and Box. Productions and commissions have come from Creede Repertory Theatre, Denver Center Theatre Company, Bloomington Playwrights Project, The Ethical Culture Fieldston School, the National Theatre Conservatory and the Edinburgh International Fringe Festival. He won the 2008 Denver Post Ovation Award for Best New Work for Billy Hell, which can be found at http://www.
John DiAntonio Author – Harry the Great, “Saving Red” The Kid Show John is thrilled to return to Creede this summer as a playwright after acting in the company last season. Harry the Great is John’s first fulllength play, and he couldn’t be more excited that CRT is mounting the World Premier. He graduated from the National Theatre Conservatory in 2011 with an MFA in Acting. He wrote many short plays for the NTC and after great success and rave reviews he began work on Harry The Great. He was commissioned to write this year’s CRT Kid show,
Saving Red. Several of his short plays have been produced by Amios, an Off Off Broadway theatre in NYC. As an actor John’s regional credits include The Denver Center, the Cleveland Playhouse, Creede Repertory Theatre, and Shakespeare Orange County. John also has a BA in Theatre and Psychology from Case Western Reserve University, and studied acting abroad at the British American Drama Academy in London.
Michael Hollinger Author – Ghost-Writer Michael is the author of Ghost-Writer, Opus, Tooth and Claw, Red Herring, Incorruptible, An Empty Plate in the Cafe Du Grand Boeuf, and Tiny Island, all of which premiered at Philadelphia’s Arden Theatre Company. These plays have enjoyed numerous productions around the country, in New York City, and abroad. His musical A Wonderful Noise (co-authored with Vance Lehmkuhl) has received the Frederick Loewe Award for Musical Theatre, the “In the Spirit of America” Award from the Barbara Barondess MacLean Foundation, and a developmental production at Creede Repertory Theatre. His translation/co-adaptation (with Aaron Posner) of Cyrano De Bergerac premiered in 2011 at the Folger Theatre in Washington, D.C. Other awards include a Harold & Mimi Steinberg New Play Citation from the American Theatre Critics Association, a Roger L. Stevens Award from the Kennedy Center’s Fund for New American Plays, a Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award, an Edgerton Foundation New American Plays Award, the F. Otto Haas Award for an Emerging Theatre Artist, three Barrymore Awards for Outstanding New Play, a Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award, nominations for Lucille Lortel and John Gassner Awards, and fellowships from the Independence Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Michael is an Associate Professor of Theatre at Villanova University, and a proud alumnus of New Dramatists.
COMPOSERS Jessica Jackson Composer – The Presidents! See staff bio page 77.
...and scene!
of course, there’s always more at 65
DIRECTORS & DESIGNERS DIRECTORS Charlie Oates: Director – Mrs. Mannerly At Creede, Charlie Oates has directed The Mystery of Irma Vep and The Thirty-Nine Steps; wrote and directed A Beautiful Country and Ladder to the Moon and coached the movement for Pan and Boone. Recent directing includes, Flush at Theatre Alfred in Prague, Leonard Bernstein’s Mass for the La Jolla Symphony, That’s Baseball at the San Diego Repertory Theatre and Out of Silence: Stories, Essays and Poems from the Afghan Woman Writer’s Project at the University of California, San Diego where he teaches movement in the graduate acting program. As a movement coach and fight choreographer, Oates has worked at many theatres including the La Jolla Playhouse, The Old Globe, Cincinnati Playhouse, San Diego Rep, Chautauqua Theatre Company and the Denver Center Theatre Company. Oates has been a guest artist and teacher in many leading actor-training programs in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Senegal, Sweden and China.
Michael Perlman: Director – Is He Dead? Directing credits include A Christmas Carol and The Mourners’ Bench (Trinity Rep) Time of Your Life, Uncle Vanya, Hamlet (Motif Award: Best Director) and A Doll’s House (Brown/Trinity MFA Programs), Velocity of Autumn (Boise Contemporary Theater) Oklahoma (Maples Rep), Dog Park and Life Science (Brown/ Trinity Playwrights Rep), We Are Proud to Present a Presentation… and Exquisite Corpse (New Plays Festival), Love, I Hear (Stephen Foster Productions), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Temporary Theatre Company), The Last Five Years (Stamford Center for the Arts), Winnie-the-Pooh (Hangar Theatre Kidstuff), Emperor of Ice Cream… and Romeo and Juliet (Hangar Theatre Lab Company.) In addition, Michael has directed workshops and readings at Trinity Rep, The Magic Theater and Young Playwrights, Inc. Assistant directing credits include Suicide, Inc. (Roundabout), Cymbeline (Fiasco Theater), King Lear (Public Theater, Director James Lapine), The Laramie Project (Matthew Shephard Foundation Benefit, Director Moises Kaufman), Cabaret and The Importance of Being Earnest (Trinity Rep). In addition, Michael’s one-person show Flying on the Wing was presented at the New York Fringe Festival, where it was the winner of Outstanding Solo Show of 2006. Michael is proud to be a member of SDC, a Drama League Directing Fellow, and holds a BA and MFA from Brown University.
Larry Hecht: Director - Harry the Great Mr. Hecht has been acting, directing and teaching professionally for over thirtyfive years. This is his directorial debut with Creede Repertory Theatre. Larry has just finished portraying Mark Rothko in Red at the Curious Theatre Company in Denver. This was his fourteenth year with the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, where he is a member of the DCTC Acting Company and Head of Acting for the National Theatre Conservatory. Before coming to Denver, he was a company member, resident director, Conservatory Director and trainer at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco for over twenty years. Some of the many other theatres and schools he has worked with include: NIDA (Sydney), Shakespeare Santa Cruz, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Arizona Theatre Company, San Jose Rep, Berkeley Rep, the Magic Theatre, Encore Theatre Company, PCPA, San Diego Rep, the Marin Theatre Company, Stanford University, University of Denver and Modern Muse. He is a graduate of the University of San Francisco.
Nagle Jackson: Director - Ghost-Writer Mr. Jackson has directed at major theaters throughout the U.S. and on Broadway, (The Utter Glory of Morrissey Hall, starring Celeste Holm, Mark Hellinger Theater, 1979), in Europe and was the first American ever invited to direct in the Soviet Union. He served as Artistic Director of both the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre (1970-76) and the Tony Award winning McCarter Theatre, Princeton (1979-90). He stepped down from the McCarter to pursue his dual career as
playwright and director. His play, Opera Comique, debuted at A.C.T., San Francisco and then played the Kennedy Center with a cast including Eli Wallach, Ann Jackson and Brian Beford under Mr. Jackson’s direction. This past fall it had its European debut in Luxembourg. His play, The Elevation of Thieves was awarded the Onassis Foundation International Playwright’s award, presented to Jackson by the president of Greece. Seven of his plays have been published by Dramatists Play Service and are regularly presented both here and abroad. Mr. Jackson resides in Princeton Junction, NJ with his wife, Sandy. He was a Fulbright Fellow for theatrical studies in Paris, and holds an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Whitman College. For CRT, he directed last season’s The Road to Mecca, 2010’s The Ladies Man, as well as 2009’s The Imaginary Invalid, 2008’s Fools and 2007’s Everything in the Garden.
Jessica Jackson: Director The Drowsy Chaperone, The Presidents! See Staff Bios on page 77.
Designers Michael R. Duran: Scenic Design The Drowsy Chaperone, Mrs. Mannerly Michael a native of Denver is pleased to return to Creede. Michael has worked as Actor, Stage Manager, Scenic Designer, Playwright and Director in theatre and film for over thirty years here and across the country. As Scenic Designer, Michael has designed scenery for every major and community theater in the Denver metro area. Michael served as the resident designer for the Helen Bonfils Theater, Steamboat Repertory Theatre, Stagewest, Backstage Theatre and The Shadow Theatre Company. Scenic Designs for Creede Repertory include Cowboyily, To Fool the Eye, Snake in the Grass, Everything in the Garden, Urinetown, Irma Vep and The Bad Man. Michael is presently teaching and designing at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas.
Jon Young: Scenic Design Is He Dead?, Harry the Great Jon is an Assistant Professor of Scenic Design for the School of Drama at the University of Oklahoma. Recent designs include: Sunday in the Park With George, The Odyssey, RENT, The Three Musketeers for University Theatre. Altar Boyz at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown at Black Hills Playhouse, Mauritius, Faith Healer, The Great American Trailer Park Musical at Unicorn Theatre, After Juliet and The Night Before Christmas at the Coterie Theatre, Dangerous Dirty Little Liaisons, The Woman, Santaland Diaries at Late Night Theatre. His Scenic design for After Juliet was exhibited at World Stage Design 2009 in Seoul Korea. His design work can be viewed at Young is a member of United Scenic Artists, Local 829 and earned his Master of Fine Arts in Scenic Design from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Amanda Embry Scenic Design – Ghost-Writer Amanda is excited to be a part of the CRT’s team this summer. She is a New York based, award-winning set and costume designer for theatre, opera and film. Her most recent credits include the Off-Broadway productions of Lebensraum, (Harold Clurman Lab Theatre) and Yorktown (The Drama Garden Theatre). Other set design credits include, Long Way Go Down (Harold Clurman Lab Theatre), The Whipping Man (Luna Stages), Crave (Wingspan), Everyman, Escape From Happiness, Boeing, Boeing, Rumors, Franny’s Way, The Cripple PAGE SI X TY-NINE > > >
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Amanda Embry, cont’d
Ryan Wentworth: Resident Lighting Designer
of Inishmann, The House of Bernarda Alba, Top Girls, (Stella Adler Studio of Acting), Le Nozze De Figaro (SMU) and Trojan Women (Stages of Learning). Her film credits include The Sundance Channel’s Webby award winning political series The Captive and the world’s first online game show, Red Carpet Run. She is currently the Production Manager and resident Set Designer for Stella Adler Studio of Acting in NYC.
Ryan is thrilled to be returning to CRT for his 10th season. Before relocating to Denver in 2011, he lived and worked as a professional designer in NYC for the past 9 years where he has designed many productions including Mnemonic, On the Verge, Marisol, This is Your Brain On.., A Phoenix Too Frequent, Reckless, The Dreamer Examines his Pillow, Everyman, Mankind and Trojan Women. In addition to the theatrical world, Ryan has designed events and architectural displays for a wide range of corporate and nonprofit companies throughout the northeast. This year will mark the 50th production Ryan has designed for the CRT. His work has also been seen regionally in Dallas, Atlanta, and Denver. He would like to thank his friends and family here at CRT for their support, Amanda for her love and patience, and especially the Creede community for everything they have meant over the years.
Alicia Hess: Scenic Design Mentor – The KID Show Alicia Hess has lived the majority of her life in southern Colorado. She currently lives in South Fork, Colorado with her husband and two children. In 2007 she received her bachelor’s degree in art and art education from Adams State College in Alamosa, Colorado. As an art teacher in at the Creede School District, she gets to teach the subject she loves and watch children’s abilities grow and blossom. She is a working sculptor as well as a teacher and enjoys the creative problem solving that working in a 3-D medium brings. She has worked with the Creede Repertory Theater for the past two seasons teaching art through the children’s programs. She cannot think of a better life than to teach and create art in this beautiful setting.
Tatyana De Pavloff: Costume Design The Drowsy Chaperone, Is He Dead?, Ghost-Writer Tatyana is thrilled to return to CRT for her second summer. She is a freelance costume designer and a textile artist as well as a member of a design group Fashion Vigilantes. She was born and raised in Moscow, Russia, where she studied costume design at the Moscow College of Theatre Arts. She moved to the United States in the late 90s to the San Francisco Bay Area where she lived for 9 years. Tatyana’s costume design credits include many music videos, a pilot for a children’s TV program/stage production Fickle Forest Fairytale, film Good Luck Mr. Gorski and CRT’s I Capture the Castle and The Road to Mecca. Presently she lives in Taos, NM.
Nina Silfverberg: Costume Design Mrs. Mannerly, Is He Dead?, Harry the Great Nina’s designs have been seen from Edinburgh to Stockholm, from Helsinki to California and on numerous stages in between. For over twenty years, Nina has engaged in thorough ensemble work, deciphering the language of costumes. Nina is happily designing costumes at CRT for her third season in 2012. Her most recent work was seen for Magnificat Baroque in the Bay area, designing costumes for a Baroque a capella performance with traditional Commedia dell Arte presentation. She works regularly in her native country Finland, for Wasa Teater, where she does both set and costume design. Nina is also a fiber artist who works with large scale felted wool sculptures and installations. Nina lives and creates in Taos, New Mexico. Visit her at:
Natalie Maynard: Costume Design Mentor – The KID Show Costume Design - The Presidents! Wow time flies! Somehow this is Nattie’s tenth consecutive season working at the Creede Repertory Theatre. In 2003, she began her career at the C.R.T. as an intern in the costume shop and immediately fell in love with the community and its theatre. Since then she has worked as a Draper, Stitcher, Wardrobe Supervisor, Costume Shop Foreman, and Costume Designer. This season marks her eighth year as the costume designer for the Kid Show an amazing collaboration with the young people of Creede and a handful of young professionals working at the Creede Rep! A resident of a 1993 Subaru Station Wagon, Nattie has built costumes for The Opera Theatre of St. Louis, The Santa Fe Opera, The Virginia Stage Company, The Governor’s School For the Arts, The University of Texas at Austin, The Zach Scott Theatre and The University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.
CREATIVE TEAM Joe Montelione: Music Director – The Drowsy Chaperone, Harry the Great and Musical Improviser – Boomtown Joe is a professor of music responsible for directing the orchestral performance program at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. As a conductor, he conducted the Memphis Chamber Symphony in a performance of Stravinsky’s L’histoire du soldat, advanced to the top fifteen in the Concours International de Jeunes Chefs d’Orchestres d’ Harmonie in Chenove, France, guest conducted the West Point Military Academy Band and is the resident musical director for the McCoy Theatre in Memphis. He has conducted orchestras featuring Broadway stars Laura Bell Bundy, Lea Michelle, Bart Shatto, Eden Espinoza, Kristoffer Cusick and Steve Tewksbury. Other conducting credits include the USC Chamber Winds, Star Theatre Pops Orchestra and the Capistrano Performing Arts Center Orchestra. He has been seen in the Broadway pits of Victor/Victoria with Julie Andrews, King and I with Lou Diamond Philips and Forum with Nathan Lane and performed with the Alabama Symphony, Moscow State Radio Symphony, Erie Symphony and Washington Symphony Orchestra. He holds degrees from SUNY Fredonia, George Mason University and the University of Southern California.
Diana Dresser: Choreographer – The Drowsy Chaperone See Actor Bios on page 61.
Kate Goldstein: Dramaturg Kate is excited for her second summer in Creede, where she will collaborate on CRT’s Headwaters New Play Development program. Kate received the 2012 Residency Grant from the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of America (LMDA) to support her work. She returns after a year at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, where she wrote, researched, and directed as part of a fellowship in the Artistic department. Kate received a degree in Dramaturgy from Carnegie Mellon University.
John Gary Brown: Company Photographer For the past 38 years, John Gary Brown has been photographing all aspects of the summer repertory theatre companies. The resulting voluminous body of work is magnificent. To have this visual history is rare indeed and represents one of the great treasures of CRT. Brown’s photographic study of tombstones, The Soul in the Stone, published by Kansas University Press, is a best seller. Widely acclaimed as an abstract landscape painter, Brown has sold 500 paintings since 1973. His work has been featured on the cover of “Architectural Digest” and in “Smithsonian.” Brown won “first prize, regardless of medium,” in the Nelson Gallery’s “Mid America” exhibition, which had three thousand entries. Shortly after that one of his canvases was purchased by Omaha’s Joslyn Art Museum. Brown, who is married to actress Christy Brandt, has a BA in Art from Wichita State and an MFA in Painting from the University of Washington. He and Christy live in both Creede and Lawrence, KS.
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Company Management Samantha Corey / Company Manager Sam is originally from Raleigh, North Carolina and this is her first season at CRT. Sam has a BA in Theatre from Appalachian State University and spent the last two years as Company Manager at Burning Coal Theatre Company in Raleigh, NC. Her skills in theatre range from reciting Shakespeare on the low-flying trapeze, to designing puppets and managing armies of interns. She is very excited to work in such a beautiful environment with such great people.
Stage Management Brooke Redler* / Production Stage Manager Stage Manager – The Drowsy Chaperone, Is He Dead?, Harry the Great KC Rep: Stage Manager: The Whipping Man, A Christmas Carol, August: Osage County, Cabaret, 30th anniversary production of A Christmas Carol, Saved, Palomino; Assistant Stage Manager: Bus Stop, A Flea in Her Ear, Winesburg, Ohio, A Christmas Carol, Radio Golf, The Drawer Boy, A Marvelous Party!, Bad Dates, The Syringa Tree, Love, Janis; Production Assistant: Clay, To Kill A Mockingbird, A Christmas Carol, Jitney. Local credits: Aladdin Jr. (1st Assistant Stage Manager, Starlight Theatre) Anything Goes, The King and I, Cinderella (2nd Assistant Stage Manager, Starlight Theatre) King Henry V, Romeo and Juliet (Assistant Stage Manager, Heart of America Shakespeare Festival);Regional: Big River and Promises, Promises (Assistant Stage Manager, Stages St. Louis). Opera: Moscow, Cherry Town, Medea (Production Stage Manager, Long Beach Opera), The Good Soldier, Schweik (Assistant Stage Manager, Long Beach Opera); Santa Fe Opera, two seasons.
Jonathan D. Allsup* / Production Stage Manager Stage Manager – Mrs. Mannerly, Ghost-Writer Assistant Stage Manager – The Drowsy Chaperone Tech Improviser - Boomtown See Staff Bios on page 77.
Nathan J. Heldstab / Assistant to the Stage Manager Nathan is thrilled to be joining the stage management team this summer at CRT. He comes to us from Crookston, MN and is looking to move to the Chicago area within the next year. Nathan graduated from the University of Minnesota Duluth in 2010 with a BFA in design and technology with his emphasis being stage management. He has managed straight plays and operas but most of his credits are with musicals. Some of his favorites include Footloose which traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, State Fair, and Sugar (Some Like It Hot). Nathan has stage managed at The Huron Playhouse and the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center. He was the assistant production manager with the Merry-Go-Round Playhouse last summer and was on tour with Nebraska Theatre Caravan’s production of A Christmas Carol (East Coast) this past winter. Much love to all his family for their support and guidance.
Rachel Kelmenson / Assistant to the Stage Manager Stage Manager - The KID Show Rachel is delighted to be back for her second year at CRT. Last season, Rachel assistant stage-managed How to Succeed in Business, The Mystery of Irma Vep, and The KID Show. Other recent credits include On Ego (Science Fiction Theatre Company) and The Velveteen Rabbit (Boston Children’s Theatre). When not in Creede, Rachel lives, works, and stage manages in Boston, and misses the mountains terribly.
Maegan Burnell / Assistant to the Stage Manager Stage Manager – The Presidents! Maegan is a 1st year graduate student studying for her Master of Fine Arts in Stage Management at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She is originally from Michigan where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Theatre from Central Michigan University. More recently, she has been a Production Assistant for August: Osage County at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre and The Salvation of Iggy Scrooge at the Unicorn Theatre. At UMKC, she has been the House Manager for The Comedy of Asses and was the Stage Manager for The Winter’s Tale. She was also the Assistant Stage Manager for Billy Bishop Goes to War, a co-production with Kansas City Actors Theatre, UMKC Theatre and the WWI Museum. She is very happy to be at Creede Repertory Theatre this summer and would like to thank her boyfriend and family for their continued love and support.
Jean Egdorf / Assistant to the Stage Manager Jean originally hails from northern New Mexico, but has lived in Denver, Colorado for the last six years. She is a Senior at Metropolitan State College of Denver, where she is double-majoring with a BFA in Applied Theatre Technology and Design, with an emphasis in stage management, and a BA in English Writing. Most recently, she staged managed Metro State’s production of Sweeney Todd. When she is not stage-managing plays, she is writing them! She is a twotime winner of the Rocky Mountain Theatre Association playwriting award, and the past year has seen productions of two of her short plays: Mission Impassable and The Ultimate Sacrifice. After completing her undergrad, she aspires to earn an MFA in Playwriting at the University of Texas at Austin.
Joshua Tumblin / Stage Supervisor Josh is excited to be with CRT for his first season. Originally from Nashville, TN, Josh is a graduate of Abilene Christian University, where he earned a B.F.A. in Directing. While in school, he served as a Scenic Shop Assistant for the theatre. He served as the Lighting Designer and Master Electrician for the Abilene Shakespeare Festival’s 2011 production of Much Ado About Nothing, also performing his sound design live onstage for Comedy of Errors. In 2011, Josh directed and designed a production of Mercy Seat by Neil LaBute. Most recently he was found directing the original play Just One of Those Things at Abilene Community Theatre. He spends time in between theatre work writing plays and producing short films for his independent production company, Cognomen Studios.
Jake Harbour / Stage Technician Jake is back for his third year at CRT (2007, 11). He worked at the Curious Theater, Shadow Theater, and Aurora Fox Theater in 2008. He has been the Technical Director at Lipscomb, in Nashville (2009-2012). He will be attending Northern Illinois University this fall as he works on a Masters in Theatre Technology. He would like to thank his mother, because she would like that.
Scenic Shop Sam Francis / Asst. Technical Director/Props Master Sam has worked in theatre for 10 years and in professional summer stocks for the past 6. Most recently, he worked at The Illinois Shakespeare Festival and The Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts as a mechanic and a carpenter. He attended The Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts Conservatory program from 2008 – 2010. Currently he is attending The University of Memphis working towards a BFA in design with a Technical Direction and Properties emphasis
Elizabeth “Biz” Grim / Paint Charge
Amanda Relaford / Props Carpenter
Biz is a theatre design instructor at Trinity Valley Community College in Athens, TX. She graduated with her MFA in Scenography from the University of Kansas in 2010. At KU, she had several of her scenic, costume, and light designs realized. Most notable production was Biz’s set design for Book of Days by Landford Wilson in 2008. For this design, she was recognized as an American Student Exhibitor Prague Quadrennial. This will be Biz’s fourth season with CRT as their Scenic Charge. She has had the privilege of doing a set design for CRT for their 2010 production of The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite by Quincy Long. Biz has also worked as a designer for the Multi-cultural Theatre Initiative during their opening 2008-2009 season and their 2009-2010 season. She has worked as a Stage Apprentice for the Santa Fe Opera for their 2005 and 2007 seasons.
Amanda graduated from Georgia State University in December, 2010 with a B.I.S. degree in Theatre. During her time at Georgia State University she served as President of The Players of GSU, the oldest student chartered organization in the state of Georgia, from 2008-2010. In addition to her work at GSU, Amanda gained experience through internships with the regional theatre Theatrical Outfit, the Center for Puppetry Arts, and New York Stage and Film during their 2011 Powerhouse Season. She later went on to be employed by both Theatrical Outfit and the Center for Puppetry Arts. Most recently, Amanda returned to GSU as Props Designer for The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee, and Set Designer for Cloud 9. She is very excited to be working in Creede this summer!
Bethany Reinfeld / Master Carpenter This is Bethany’s first season with CRT as well as her first time to Colorado. She comes to us from Minneapolis, MN. Bethany has received her B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with an emphasis in Technical Direction and Scenic Design from the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD). She was the Technical Director for Stage II (a student production company at UMD) for two seasons. She was also a carpenter for the Sieur Du Luth Summer Arts Festival for three summer seasons. This past summer she was a Carpenter at Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor, NY. Her most recent production was working with Wayzata Central Middle School in Plymouth, MN as the Scenic Designer and Technical Director for their spring production of Beauty and the Beast JR. She enjoys the community environment that theatre creates and is excited to be at Creede. She will miss her family and her cats terribly. Bethany is hoping to attend the University of Wisconsin Madison in the fall to gain her M.F.A. in Technical Direction.
Caitlin Kelly / Carpenter Catie is excited to be joining Creede Repertory Theater for her first season. Originally from New Jersey, she received her B.A. from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. Before college, she worked for the theatrical textile company Gerriets International, handling orders for theaters and film companies worldwide. In 2008, Catie spent a semester in New York City as a scenic and lighting intern at the Off-Broadway experimental theater Performance Space 122. In that time, she also worked as a carpenter, set dresser and props buyer at venues around the city. Since 2009, she has been working as a construction and remodeling contractor in the Richmond area. Catie loves hiking, camping and climbing and is thrilled to be spending the season in the mountains of Southern Colorado.
Trevor Muller-Hegel / Carpenter Trevor was born, raised, and schooled in the beautiful mountains of Missoula, Montana. This is his first time living anywhere else, but he’s explored much of the world in his short time on it. He’s always after learning new things and gaining new experiences. He’s been on the build crew for 20+ sets for shows like Guys and Dolls, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Leading Ladies. He received his BFA from the University of Montana in December of 2011, and has worked with the Montana Repertory Theatre, Missoula Community Theatre, and Stageworx during that time. He also designed and built the Montana Rep’s Educational Outreach Tour for last Fall entitled Writing Wild, which was the story of Jack London. He is very excited to work with CRT this summer.
Matt Mott / Props Carpenter Matt is a second-year Scenic Design MFA student at the University of MissouriKansas City. Matt, a Colorado native, earned his undergraduate degree in Scenic Design from the University of Northern Colorado. After earning his BA, Matt had the privilege to work with such organizations as Aspen Opera Theatre, Little Theatre of the Rockies, the Unicorn Theatre, and the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Some of his favorite productions have been El Viaje de Beatriz, Don Giovanni, God of Carnage, and The Salvation of Iggy Scrooge. Matt is very excited for his next opportunity as the scenic designer of Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson at the Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City. This is Matt’s first summer with Creede Repertory Theatre and he is very excited for the opportunity and to be back in his home state.
Electrics and Sound Mandy Heath / Master Electrician Lighting Design – Boomtown, The KID Show Mandy Kay Heath is originally from Iowa, and received her undergraduate degree in Theatre Design and Technology from the University of Northern Iowa. She is a first year grad student currently seeking her MFA in Theatre Design, focusing in Lighting and Scenic Design, from the University of Memphis. Recent design credits include: Lighting Designer for Theatre Memphis’ A Christmas Carol, Assistant Lighting Designer for U of M’s Arabian Nights and Scenic Designer for Sissy’s Sircus Presents: Future Lovers – A burlesque and drag show which plays in her home town in Iowa. Aside from theatre, Mandy loves ice cream, fires, and the stars.
Nina Harris / Electrician Nina has been working in and around the theatre ever since she was a little girl. Nina just received her BA in Design/Technical Theatre from Colorado Mesa University and plans on continuing her education with a MFA in Lighting Design. Born and raised in Colorado, Nina is so excited to get to work in such a wonderful theatre so close to home.
Samuel Charles Wolfe / Sound Designer/Engineer In 2010, Sam received his B.F.A. in Theatre from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Tx. During undergrad, he designed sound & lights for numerous productions including Mauritius, Aida, Little Shop of Horrors, and A Streetcar Named Desire, as well as directed Game Theory. Since then, he has served as a sound technician on board two of Carnival Cruise Line’s cruise ships; the M/S Conquest and the M/S Valor. Sam joined CRT last season and fell in love with the place. He is thrilled to have returned for his 2nd season to this truly wondrous place.
Costume Shop Anthony Sirk / Costume Shop Supervisor Anthony comes all the way from Asheville, NC where he manages the costume shop at Western Carolina University. For the past several summers he has also created the costumes for Janiec Opera Company in Brevard, NC. Anthony has also worked for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, West Virginia Public Theater, Maine State Music Theater, Pensacola Opera, Ball State University, and Anderson University. This past spring, Mr. Sirk designed the costumes for the first revival of Music Is! Since its Broadway debut in 1976. Anthony is extremely excited and blessed to be spending his summer in Creede, CO.
m agazine
cr edits
Copy Editor: Jessica Jackson Advertising Manager: Sarah Wallace Production Photographer: John Gary Brown Design & Layout: RoShamBo / Printing: B&B Printers /
Š The 2012 CRT Seaon Program / All Rights Reserved
Tamara M. Carruthers / Draper
Nick Moen / House Manager
Tamara is thrilled to be a part of CRT this season. Originally from New Mexico, she has spent the last ten years as the resident costume designer/shop manager for Wayside Theatre in Middletown, Virginia. Her work from past seasons include classics such as Wuthering Heights, Importance of Being Earnest, Blithe Spirit, and Othello, musicals and musical reviews such as My Way, Honk, Always Patsy Cline and Spitfire Grill, and the world premiers of Shadow of the Raven: Tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Robert E. Lee and John Brown: Lighting the Fuse, Southern Crossroads and Southern Crossroads: The New Orleans Adventure. She is excited to be back in the Southwest region and looks forward to an exciting summer.
This is Nick Moen’s second season with CRT, after being a Stage Carpenter for CRT’s 2010 season. Nick has a BA in Theatre from the University of Wisconsin- River Falls, with an Art minor. Originally an actor, he has now found his strengths to be both behind the scenes and in front of the house, but aspires to one day return to the stage. Nick is excited to be back in Creede, where he enjoys exploring Colorado’s scenic outdoors.
Kate Mott / First Hand Kate is a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado with a BA in Costume Design. After she graduated, Kate worked as a freelance costume designer for such organizations as Theatre Aspen, the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Vintage Theatre and Princess Paradise LLC. Her designs include The Rocky Horror Show, Lend Me a Tenor, Den of Thieves, Auntie Mame, and God of Carnage. In 2011, Kate accepted a position as an MFA candidate at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She hopes to graduate with her MFA in Costume Design in 2014. This is Kate’s first summer with Creede Repertory Theatre and she is very excited to be back in beautiful Colorado.
Loren Ankrom / Patron Services Loren was born in Dallas, TX, but moved to California soon after. Her first theatre experience was in 1st grade in a production of Where the Wild Things Are. She played the mom. A couple years later, she moved to Broomfield, CO, where she fell in love with theatre. Currently a sophomore theatre major at Adams State College, Loren is the department House Manager. She specializes in Front of House and backstage work. This is her first season as a part of the Creede Repertory Theatre Patron Services Staff. She is so excited to meet and learn from some amazing people this summer!
Sarah Efthim / Patron Services Intern
Lisa is a senior at the University of West Florida where she is pursuing a degree in Costume Design and Technology. At UWF she has helped build several shows as well as doing the wig and make-up design for the past two seasons and the costume design for The Importance of Being Earnest. For the past to summers she has been employed in the costume shop at Brevard Music Center.
Sarah is very pleased to be joining the crew at Creede Repertory Theatre for her first time! Originally from Northern Virginia, Creede is the farthest west she’s ever been. Sarah graduated high school in the summer of 2009 and is currently working her way to becoming a high school drama teacher. She has participated in various shows throughout her life and even directed a play, The Salmon Tribunal by Walter Wykes, in the fall of 2011. Besides theatre, Sarah also enjoys drawing, singing, hiking, fishing, and baking treats for her doggie friends back at home. Sarah is very grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of such a well-known theatre company and is eager to get out and explore the glorious mountains around the wonderful town!
Shelly Tarter / Wardrobe Supervisor
Madeleine Gibbons / Patron Services Intern
Originally from Shallowater, TX, Shelly is a recent graduate from Abilene Christian University, located in Abilene, TX, where she earned a B.F.A. in Design/ Technical Theatre with a focus in Costume Design. At ACU, Shelly worked as a Costume Shop Assistant where she served as a Stitcher, Finisher, Dresser, Wardrobe Supervisor and Assistant to the Costumer. Shelly was a Featured Costume Designer for Abilene Christian University’s productions of Shakespeare in Hollywood and Titanic. Shelly served as the Costume Designer for ACU’s studio premiere of Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice as well as Aesop’s Furry Tails and Lady Grey: (In Ever Lower Light). She was the Co-Costume Designer for Othello during the Abilene Shakespeare Festival and most recently the Costume Designer for Abilene Community Theatre’s Just One of Those Things. Shelly is very excited to join Creede Repertory Theatre for her first season and is looking forward to a summer of theatre!
Madeleine Gibbons is a recent graduate of Johnson State College in Johnson, Vermont with a double major in Theatre & Drama and Musical Theatre, with an associate’s degree in Technical Theatre, as well. She has been living in the world of theatre since she was very young and finds herself calling it home. Professionally, she is pursuing a career in stage management and eventually wants to teach. She is thrilled to be able to join Creede Rep this summer and make the move to Colorado. She is originally from central Massachusetts and considers New England her home. She would like to thank her wonderful family and friends for always supporting her in her career choices and helping her find her way.
Lisa Eash / Stitcher
PATRON SERVICES Cecilia McNeel / Patron Services Manager Cecilia grew up in Flagstaff, AZ where she spent much of her time dancing, playing the violin and hiking. She received her BA in Performing Arts, Dance with a minor in Technical Theatre this past May from Colorado State University. During her time at CSU she had the opportunity to perform in a great many dance concerts and to choreograph a number of pieces. Cecilia also worked as a member of the Event and Administrative staff of the University’s Center for Arts during the course of her degree. Through the Theatre department she had the opportunity to work as a House Manager for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival this past February. She plans to pursue further education in the field of Arts Administration and to teach ballet. She is very excited to be here this summer!
Business and Development Maggie Schlundt / Development and Volunteer Coordinator Assistant Maggie graduated in June with a degree in Theatre Management/Arts Administration. Originally from Thornton, CO, Maggie has been acting since she was six but began working in theatre administratively four years ago. She taught drama at Camp Wayne in Pennsylvania for two years and has since worked at theatres in Iowa, Chicago and, last year, Creede! She’s so happy to be back in this unbelievably gorgeous place and can’t wait to see what this summer holdsshe’s sure it’s going to be magical!
Heather Brophy / Business & Development Intern Heather is very excited to be a part of CRT’s company for the first time this summer. She will be a senior at Creede High School in the fall. Heather has participated in many of CRT’s summer programs in past years, and highly recommends them to anyone interested in the performing arts. She would like to give a special thanks to Renee Stynchula for showing her the magic of theatre.
Jenna Kate Karn / Assistant Patron Services Manager Jenna Kate comes all the way to Creede, CO from New York where she is pursuing a BA in Theatre Arts from SUNY New Paltz. Although her education is focused on performance, Jenna Kate enjoys working in the box office and in the electrics department. She would like to thank everyone at Creede for giving her this wonderful opportunity and for this amazing summer.
MEET CRT’s TEAM: “365” 365 days a year these people live & breathe the dream of THEATRE IN AN UNLIKELY PLACE Maurice LaMee, Executive/Artistic Director Maurice is enjoying his twelfth year as the Executive/ Artistic Director of the Creede Repertory Theatre and his fifteenth season directing at least one play for the company. He has overseen the production of nearly 100 plays for CRT and he has directed nearly 25 productions since 1997. In 2010, he was honored by the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation to participate in the Livingston Fellowship program. He serves other Colorado non-profits through Colorado Creative Industry’s Peer Assistance Network. He lives in Creede year-round with his family, actress Trary Maddalone and twin thirteen-year olds, Kieran and Genevieve.
Jonathan D. Allsup, Managing Director Having stage managed over 500 performances at CRT, Jonathan’s stage managerial credits include all of the musicals (except one) produced at CRT since 2006. Jonathan stage managed in Chicago, Washington state, and Washington D.C. before moving to Creede full-time in 2007. He also managed the design and construction of CRT’s Ruth Humphreys Brown theatre. Jonathan teaches stage management and theatre career development workshops and classes at colleges, universities, and festivals across the mid-west including Fort Lewis College, Adams State College, and Metro State College in Colorado. While being a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association, Jonathan is more proud to be married to theatre scholar and CRT Business Manager, Elizabeth Zurn, and to share their house in Creede with their dog Stagehand.
Jessica Jackson, Associate Artistic Director
Also a Resident Composer here at CRT, she’s directed and acted here since 2004. Original Scores for CRT: The Bad Man, The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite, Swiss Family Robinson, Billy Hell (for which she shares a Denver Post Ovation Award for Best Original Music with Ryan Prince & Kendra Kohrt), Meet the Beasts, Grimm Pajamas, Zeus on the Loose, Lullaby Bay, and Scruff Turbo. She has an M.M. from The Boston Conservatory and B.A. (Government) from Harvard University. In 2008, she made Creede her home with husband Ryan Prince and their mutt Duncan Idaho. This year, she and Ryan welcomed baby Penelope into their charmed lives.
Catherine Augur, Development Director This is Cat’s fifth season with the CRT, and her ninth year of non-profit work. Cat holds a masters degree from University of Denver and a fine arts degree from University of Illinois. This past offseason, Cat participated in the “Institute for Leaders in Development” – a yearlong professional advancement opportunity for fundraisers in Colorado’s nonprofit organizations. She lives in Creede with her husband Avery Augur, and they can often be found in the mountains, fishing streams, hiking overgrown trails, and cross-country skiing with their two dogs Emmy and Lula.
Renée Stynchula, Education Director Renée began working with CRT in 2002 and has appeared in various productions on the CRT stage. She has been a teaching artist for twelve years and cofounded The KID Show in 2003 with her brother and creative partner, Ryan Prince, in an effort to include local children in all aspects of play production. Past KID Shows include An Afternoon of Mime, Roald Dahl: A Puppet Show, The Rainbow Goblins, Emilia’s Tree, Lullaby Bay, Scruff Turbo, The Story of Babar, Dragons, and Bugs. Renée is a tireless arts education advocate and serves on the boards of the Creede Schools, Arts for Colorado, and Rural Arts Now. She holds a degree in theatre from Northwestern University and is currently pursuing her Masters in Theatre Education from the University of Northern Colorado.
Ryan Prince, Production Manager Ryan looks forward to his 5th year as a full time staff member at CRT. He has worked for seven seasons as co-director of The KID Show. He has also served as props master and scenic designer for many shows. He received a BFA in sculpture from Alfred University in 2001. Since college, Ryan formed a community arts group in Jamestown, NY, worked in several arts programs for kids of all ages, worked as an archeological field tech throughout the Southeast, and helped start a sign company in southwestern Illinois. Ryan lives here year-round with his wife, Jessica Jackson, baby Penelope, and loyal dog Duncan.
Elizabeth Zurn, Business Manager Elizabeth is pleased to be in her eighth season with the CRT. Originally from Illinois, Elizabeth received her BA in Theatre from Northwestern College in Orange City, IA. She also holds an MA in Theatre from Bowling Green State University, where she focused on community-based performance. Elizabeth is on the Board of Trustees for the City of Creede, and she feels privileged to live, work, and serve in this beautiful town.
Sarah Wallace, Marketing and Volunteer Coordinator
This will be Sarah’s third season at CRT. Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she happily traded humidity and traffic for snow and aspen leaves. She is a Louisiana State University graduate with a BA in International Studies. A third generation summer inhabitant here, Sarah has enjoyed making Creede her yearround home with the office borzoi dog, Townes. She feels infinitely fortunate to work at CRT and looks forward to her future here.
Greg Potter, Facilities Manager Greg is excited to be on the staff at Creede Rep and to be living year-round in the beautiful town of Creede! Originally from Lakeland, FL Greg has worked in regional theatres as well as Off Broadway shows. With a backgound in theatre tech and property management he is looking forward to being an asset to both the theatre and the community. He would like to thank Carl and Hollie Ruthberg for their never-ending support.
in honor and in memory... in memory:
in honor:
Sandra Adkisson James Adkisson and Mariah MacLennan Julian and Carla Capps Reese and Lisa Beeman Jack and Lisa Parr Kenneth and Dolores Hyde Dorothy Nieman Jon and Jan Ball David and Laurie Dresson Martin and Gayle Jones Ronnie and Karel Cason Rosie Coppedge Mark and Dawn Buschardt
Bob and Jane Habenstein Kay Lancaster
Tracie Tempfel Floyd and Karen Tempfel
Amanda Keen Basler Pat and Brenda Oenbring
Michael Hackett Ted and Judy McNeilsmith
Dr. G.H. Vandiver Steve Vandiver Pearl Weaver Doug and Nancy Reese
Andre and Annita Bens Rick and Diane Sloan
Chuck Barnes Sharon A. and Darrel Brehm Suzie Harris Steve and Cynthia Haynes Howard and Florence Loomis Valley Courier
Aaron Jennings Elizabeth Galles
Phil Bethke Carolyn Lamb and Steve Reed Kay Lancaster Steve and Marta Quiller Al and Marie Birdsey Kay Lancaster John Savage Sheldon Kushner, Betty Brandt, and Sylvia Brown Larry Morgan and Julie Kushner Ruth H. Brown Chuck and Kay Harbert Loretta W. Hubbard Harriet H. Kelly Robert H. Kelly Livia Gaston shelton BUMPAS In honor and memory of our mother, Livia Gaston Shelton Bumpas, who loved Creede, CO. SuAnn Aday and Sarah Hext Rosalie Coppedge James Adkisson and Mariah MacLennan Rose and Tom Crumpacker Marguerite Maddalone Ron Davis Susie Davis
Tim Hogue Roy and Linda Helms Mark Houston Derrell Capes and Sally Mason John and Chick Hood Polly Houston
Candee Keen Keen Cleaners, Inc. David Klager Courtney Klager Martin and Lucille Klinger Helen Lou Monter and Family Alden H. Knapp Shawn and Shannon Binkley Randy and Sandy Schafer Kirk and Heather VanDeMoortel John and Dutch LaFont Kay Lancaster Drs. Ed and Minnie Lee Lancaster Kay Lancaster Mack McLeod Natalie McLeod Arnold and Clara Reed Kay Lancaster Anita Rosenau Gary Rosenau Gordon Rowe Roena Rowe Virginia S. Rowley Karen J. Rowley-Parsons
Georgia Entz Margaret A. Steffens
Doug Shriver Zola Shriver
Gerry George K.R. and Sherri George
Louise (Bebo) Sloan Kathy and Jim Dawso
Leslie A. Goss, Jr. Barbara Goss
Lee Stametz Jamie and Nancy Horton
Peggy Bryn Green Peggy Longwood Lamb Robert Lamb Julia Rathgeber Kay Wyley Nell Wyley
John “Gib” Strode Chuck and Kay Harbert
Robert E. Taylor Barbara Kline Taylor
Bobby Mac Williams Paul Williams Sherry Wittwer William C. Wittwer John David Lentz Memorial Fund Charlene and George Ameel Tom and Genny Basler Milt and Rene Benham Robert and Mary Berger Bill and Nancy Blackford Judy Blanch Ray and Raena Borth Shelia and Bill Brown Tom and Pat Brummett Gary and Kathy Bussing Carl and Marjorie Clark Laura and Wayne Cothren Kathalee Cottingham Patrick and Beverly Dooley Rita Odom and Clyde Dooley Marlene and Mike Fishman Sarah Garrett Larry and Kay Gorsuch Joe and Susan Grigsby Chuck and Kay Harbert Warren and Liz Hemphill Don and Rosemary Hollenshead Anne and Nabil Istafanous Jean Jeffrey Ron and Mary Sue Johnson Evan Kenney Dhyana and Fred Kluth Christy Lentz Stan and Julie Lentz Don and Sue Loudon Fred and Nancy Lowe Kem and Junko Lowry Jeremy and Emily (Lentz) McComas Family Irv and Karen Miller Kathy and Jim Nolan Rich and Cathy Ormsby Alton Pope Kristin Ring Bob and Sharon Seago Monica Shilling Dane M. Smith Bill and Teri Smith Carol Snyder Sherri Stoneberger Floyd and Bean Sulser Jim and Jenny Van Ry Helen Watson Caroline Zouloumian
Christy Brandt James Adkisson and Mariah MacLennan Sandra Allen and Michael Horton Betty Brandt James Adkisson and Mariah MacLennan Ruth Brown and Family Robert H. Kelly Jeff Carey Cynthia Kahn Gusti Escalante Ellis and Marcy Kirks Rusty and Libby Goff Carolyn and Vance Newland Steve Grossman Gary Mitchell Kalyn Hemphill Jim and Roberta Hemphill Jenny Inge Dan and Billie Krausse Ed and Paige Innerarity Caroline Cowden Courtney Klager Doug and Nancy Reese Margaret and David Knowlton Melinda S. Douglas Dawn Wood Marta Knudson Doug and Judy Knudson John and Betty Martin Bruce and Patsy Nichols Elizabeth “Liz” Morris June Carmichall Ruth Nichols Keith and Bobbie Nichols Susan Pollard Cara Pollard Rick and Diane Sloan Paul and Susan Lyon Merritt and Kevin McShane Betty and Gordon Tucker Benjamin and Elizabeth Albritton