Cream City Magazine No. 42

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founder & publisher fernando de haro

copy editor


jacqueline santos

NO 42

design & production

lead designer gabriela lozano

photographer ferch

arpril • may 2017

high end retouching paola denyce badouin fashion coordinator amely garza

Welcome to our April/ May issue! Our 42nd edition comes loaded with major articles and features of great interest since our writing team is always exploring topics which make our readers ponder and reflect. We’d like to extend our gratitude to all our readers; you are the motor that drives us to produce a high quality publication. Mother’s Day is an exceedingly important date to us and is the reason we continue with our traditional piece on modern moms. Special thanks to Josefa, Cibeles, Priscilla, and Marisela whom kindly opened their doors, inviting us to capture images for our special section which is without a doubt a highlight in this issue. Also within our pages, we invite you to learn more about Davenport Dental Group. With the opening of a second clinic, we took the opportunity to chat with the group and become informed on their new Laredo location. Congratulations on your achievements, we wish you continued success! At Cream, we love to explore new looks, this is why we featured several examples on how to switch up makeup looks from active daytime to a night of brilliant elegance! We hope you enjoy this section and find inspiration for your next girls’ night out! Once again, we sincerely extend our thanks to all those that make our magazine possible. Our city is ever-growing, and with it, so are we. We are proud to see more people and new businesses on the daily. We are experiencing grand progress, therefore, we must always keep a positive attitude! Until next issue!

production + video assistant katya peña

interns cynthia vallejo cynthia ortega dulce maría miranda estefanía flores daniela rodríguez guajardo


rubén bazán iii, joe arciniega, michelle cook, victor hugo garcía, and melva lavín.


cynthia vallejo, dara michelle neher and leslie miramontes

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leslie, dara, ja


im #selfiet

Copyright © 2017 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images of their ads. Printed in Mexico.






Meet two dynamic achievers who contribute to the development of both Laredos. They are flying high on Cream’s radar.



Attorney at Villarreal & Romero, PLLC

Falcon Bank Executive/President FalconSure Inc.

My career began when I became interested in applying to law school while I was an intern at the National Science Foundation. Before my internship in Washington, D.C., I had not given law school any consideration. After my experience, I realized that attorneys have unique opportunities to positively impact people’s lives, and a social responsibility to do so. As part of the Texas Young Lawyers Association, I engineered the project that invited and hosted the Texas Supreme Court to Laredo and Webb County for the first time in the history of the state.

I thank God for all the jobs that I had prior to becoming a banker. These included Restaurant Management, Sales Associate (Retail), Business Office at a Meat Packing Company. I worked my way up in banking from being an Accounts Payable Clerk to being promoted to First Vice President at IBC. I moved to Falcon Bank in 2003 where I was an Executive Vice President in the Business Development Department, and in 2010 I was presented with a great opportunity and I moved over to FalconSure as President. I have been a member of the Falcon family for 14 years!

Among my greatest satisfaction has been owning my own successful law firm with my partner, Eduardo Romero, and working with the talented team that we have assembled. My office has provided internships to 6 students so that they know the real life and workload of a lawyer. I urge those interested in a law career to find a mentor. Reach out to attorneys and ask for an internship or ask to shadow them at the office and courthouse. We have mentored students so that they appreciate the fact that being a lawyer is different than what they might see on TV.

I admire my mother’s persistence and positive outlook. When I was 12 years old, my father passed away and mom became my sole supporter. Her determination set an example for me as she was always industrious and unwavering in her faith.

Some people think that being an effective lawyer means being loud and overbearing. However, in addition to always being prepared, I have used my calm, steady demeanor to achieve results for my clients. Now that I have served the local and state bar associations, and having been married for over 3 years, I feel that I’ve achieved equilibrium with my work-life balance and am ready to achieve many more goals. 6



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Convincing a customer to buy insurance and then helping them when they have a claim is very rewarding. I represent Falcon 24/7, and this is a big responsibility that I enjoy because this allows me to help customers! Surprisingly, I learned to sell while I was working at Sears Roebuck, and as part of my sales pitch, I would promise to install their washers and dryers. Selling is what I do! To this day, I’m still great at installing washers and dryers.

Seeing my kids grow and teaching them with actions and not words is definitely inspirational. I choose to be happy! If you are happy, then you can be a positive resource to others! As far as goals, I have accomplished some of them, but there is always more to learn. I want to learn how to play the piano and I am currently taking online courses, but I still have a long way to go! I find satisfaction in running into people that I have helped and I am grateful for being a small part in their successes! I am so blessed to be able to give back to our community through several boards that I am a part of. Making a difference in someone’s life...priceless!




hey say that more pictures are taken with cell phones than with any other device. I’m around for many of those photo opportunities. With family, friends, and even at work, I am surrounded by people taking pictures of the group or of themselves. More often than not, I hear the phrase “I’m going to upload it” as soon as the shutter clicks, and I can’t help but think “would they have taken the picture if they weren’t going to share it or upload it?” It makes one wonder how many more pictures are taken now that social media is an essential part of our lives.

Real Reason The

Behind the Things We Do

I’m the first to admit that I like to upload pictures to Facebook, and quite often too. I love my wife and my family and friends and I take pride in sharing what matters to me, just as others do so with their children, or when they complete marathons, or when they celebrate a new business venture. I look back at my own newsfeed and it has become somewhat of a journal to me – photographical reminders of my special moments with the ones I love. However, I can’t help but think of recent studies that prove that every like and comment we get on social media releases a small amount of dopamine in our brains, which is the neuronal chemical that BY RUBÉN BAZÁN III THERUBENINDEX@GMAIL.COM 8



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causes the happy feeling people get when they drink or ingest psychotropic substances. Every text message and affirming online comment we get is now the equivalent of social validation, which of course makes us feel good and giddy. However, would we still upload pictures if the comment section and the like button were removed? Is this the addiction du jour? Have drugs gone digital? This is only an example of what this column is about. Piggybacking on the idea of removing an expected feeling to triggered stimuli, I began to wonder if we would keep doing the things we do if the consequences weren’t the same. What if the real reasons behind certain actions are masked by fake or superficial motives? We get excited during the holidays and we get excited to see family. Television and marketing reminds us of Black Friday deals and the importance of gift giving. However, would you still celebrate Christmas if presents weren’t involved? We are wired to believe that toned abs and firm butts are the ultimate in sexy. Would you keep exercising if it meant you were never going to look good naked? It feels great to help the less fortunate. However, would you donate to charity anonymously, knowing that you would never get any recognition? When we talk to mom and dad, they hear about our struggles, both financial and emotional. Would you still call your parents if you didn’t need anything from them? These are a few of the questions we must explore when we make the decisions to do them.

We live in an age where the sheer amount of information that we process on a daily basis can raise our anxiety levels to dangerous highs. Bad news sells, and seeing everyone’s highlight reels on social media may cause personal anxiety since social comparison is a very real thing. Our minds are now constantly clouded by mixed messages and we may begin to forget the original meaning of the things that we do. But who’s to blame? With marketers having a need to put

food on the table, and millennials having a need for constant validation, the result was almost expected. People used to take pictures to capture moments. Now it’s to garner likes since recent technology has helped us find a way to nurture our vanity. We used to go to the gym for health purposes. Now it’s to attract a partner or to last longer in bed. We used to go to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Now we want Christmas to arrive to see how much people thought of us with their gifts (as we eat Chinese food and go to the movies). Much of the original purpose of things has been lost, and it’s up to us to recover that. Of many of these things, I am guilty. However, it’s often said that realizing that there is a problem is half the battle. I can start out small. I vow to give gifts throughout the year instead of on Christmas since I think of my loved ones all year long and I want to put my Savior back on the pedestal. I vow to exercise for my own personal benefit and not because I think those Express shirts are going to look good on me. I call on you to explore why you do the things you do, and do some restructuring if necessary. I’ll still upload pictures I like, though. After all, I’m also a millennial, and we believe in one miracle at a time. Plus, the meal I ordered looks amazing and too good not to share. Like and share if you agree.


CCing Soon




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t was downtown dallas, july 7, 2016, just minutes before 9:00 pm, and it was a classic Texas summer night. The temperature was 91 degrees, only barely released

from the grip of the afternoon high. The lightly clouded sky had yet to give in to inky nightfall, leaving the soon humbled sun to temporarily flirt with the city lights making their twinkling debut. Punches of artificially lit color, the blood red and royal blue of a bank sign on one building, the florescent green outlining the vertical reach of another, competed with the cerulean sky that God made. In Texas, in summer, it is the sweet spot of the whole day. There was even a slight breeze puffing its way down to that corner of Main Street and South Lamar, and the protest marchers were grateful for it.

They were marching to protest the recent police related killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philandro Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. A cross section of race, color, creed, sex, orientation, and age; they were a sampling of people who make up a big modern city. Maybe it was the ripened beauty of that city, in that season, at that time of day, because by most accounts, everyone was in a good mood. The officers of the Dallas Police Department that walked easily among the protesters were smiling and mostly without protective armor, some were even wearing their short pants uniform. The understanding was the correct one. The protests were about the actions and behavior of some, not about all police officers, and certainly not about the ones among them in Dallas. But in a moment, all that changed.

The only thing that matters about the sniper that day is that he was eventually killed and stopped. Regrettably until then, with obsessive planning, the element of surprise, tactical clothing, and automatic artillery, even one such as he had every advantage. At first, the officers had no idea how many were shooting, from which direction, and who the targets were. As trained and expected, these heroes in blue were initially in full citizenry protection mode, blocking the weaving traffic as they scrambled to shield the now panicking, screaming protesters. “To protect and to serve,” they were directing them out of harm’s way. Tragically, in doing so for those lethal first moments, they left themselves, the actual intended targets, completely vulnerable. Five Dallas police officers were killed, Dallas PD’s Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, Officer Michael Krol, and Sergeant Michael Smith, as well as Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Officer Brent Thompson. Nine others were injured, and so were two civilians. It stands as the greatest loss of police life in one incident anywhere since 9/11. On May 4, 1963, by Proclamation 3537, President John F. Kennedy signed a joint resolution approved by the Congress on October 1, 1962 requesting that he designate May 15 of each year as Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the calendar week during which it occurs as Police Week. In Washington D.C. during this week, the Guard Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund,

and Concerns of Police Survivors sponsor events such as the Memorial Service, a candlelight vigil, and seminars. National Police Week draws 25,000 to 40,000 attendees from across the country with the Annual Blue Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and a wreath laying ceremony honoring officer deaths in the line of duty among their favorites. Cities across the United States replicate the observation with their own local events, and ours is no exception. But this year is the first Police Week since the Dallas shootings killed five of our own. For Texans, last year it got personal. So for National Police week this year, I’m proposing an extra sign of support, approval, and gratitude.

Our military servicemen have yellow ribbons welcoming them home. “Thank you for your service” has become a ubiquitous coda to television interviews and passing conversations with them. The pendulum has swung wildly from the Vietnam War era when their veterans were treated like pariahs, as if they were the cause of the war and not among its victims. That has changed. It started with the Gulf War in the 1990s, and September 11, 2001 solidified it. The patriotic frenzy that followed swept military servicemen of all branches into the warm embrace of sentiment and the protection of political correctness. Now people, and especially politicians, are quick to praise, slow and careful to criticize. Strangers smile at them, restaurant tabs get paid, seats on airplanes offered or upgraded. And why not? They are protecting us, defending our lives and freedoms, they are our heroes at our shores and abroad. Our policemen protect us too, in our cities, our schools, on our streets, in our workplace, and in our homes. They protect our loved ones and our material possessions; sometimes, they even protect us from ourselves. They aren’t perfect; there are as many flaws in their fabric as anything involving humanity, but they are our heroes too, and it’s time we acted like it. So, let’s make it simple. Give them a thumbs up, not just figuratively, literally. See them on the street, thumbs up. Find yourself next to one in traffic, thumbs up. One at your place of business, your kid’s school, or where you shop, thumbs up. They don’t need to return it, they are working. They don’t even need to smile or acknowledge it, that’s not the point. They just need to know. The morning after that dreadful day in Dallas, Police Chief David Brown, who retired just 3 months later after 33 years of service said, "We don't feel much support most days. Let's not make today most days. Please, we need your support to be able to protect you from men like these, who carried out this tragic, tragic event." It’s time they know.




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High-Quality Personalized Care at


With over 25 years of experience serving our community, Davenport Dental Group opens a brand new state of the art clinic located in the Shoppes at Winfield. We had the opportunity to talk to Dr. Matthew D. Davenport about their second location, and learn more about the services they will be offering. Congratulations on the grand opening of your new state of the art dental practice, we are really impressed with the facility, the inviting atmosphere and the modern design! Can you tell us more about how this concept came together? Thank you very muchafter almost a year of planning, we are excited to make this dream a reality. My father and I talked about expanding the practice while I was attending dental school a few years ago to meet the ever growing needs of Laredo. He started his practice over 25 years ago, after working as a dentist at the Laredo Health Department for several years. He built a practice that focuses on offering highquality personalized care and has successfully implemented that concept over the years. Now as the future owner of the practice, I have tried to implement the same model here at our second office. What are the main services provided? We are a general dentistry practice that provides a wide range of dental services. Every new patient receives a comprehensive exam and a personalized treatment plan that suits their individual needs. Along with that, we perform everything from simple fillings, crowns, and root canals, to cosmetic procedures such as: dental implants, cosmetic veneers, clear tray orthodontics and teeth whitening. Technology is constantly evolving and being up-to-date with the latest dental technologies and techniques is fundamental to provide the best service, how does Davenport Dental Group stay current? My father is a true lifelong learner and has completed hundreds of hours of continuing education courses over the years. Watching him stay current in the field of dentistry has encouraged me to always learn, read, and grow. Dentistry, like many other health and science fields, is rapidly evolving. If you are not keeping up with the latest procedures, research, and technology, you will quickly fall behind. Excellent customer service is really important. What can patients expect when visiting Davenport Dental Group? This is a great

question. Over the last decade, corporate dental offices have rapidly grown and offered a much less personalized experience, with long wait times and a high turnover of dentists and staff. One of the biggest compliments we receive is we have an extremely friendly team that is happy to treat and work with patient’s specific needs. We have been lucky to have some team members for 10 to even more than 20 years, so patients are comfortable seeing the same familiar faces they know and trust. We feel as local members of the community, we can form great long-lasting relationships and offer consistent customer service with our patients for many years to come. We live in a busy, busy world where time is a major key in people’s lives, waiting in big lines is always a big turnoff, how will you help alleviate that? One of the key components to offering a highquality personal experience is respecting our patient’s time. We are aware that our patients are all living busy lives, many taking time out of their work schedule to see us. We strive to offer an appointment time that we intend on keeping with our patients. Rarely do our patients experience wait times, and if they do, we hope that it is no more than 10-15 minutes. If time permits we try to accommodate same day treatment, if not, you will be scheduled as soon as we are available. Location, location, location! The new clinic is easily accessible at The Shoppes at Winfield, why was this area on Del Mar Blvd. selected to open your second dental practice? Simply put, we felt it was a fantastic location that couldn’t be passed up. When we were made aware of this facility being built, it was the spark needed to make our vision a reality. The proximity to neighborhoods, apartments, and schools is great. The quality of local businesses that have joined the Shoppes at Winfield has only reassured us that we made the right choice and are excited about our future here.

3402 E. Del Mar Blvd. Suite 260, The Shoppes at Winfield. 956.516.4093 | 1310 Junction Dr. 956.726.9980 cream


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ince opening their doors to the public in the Summer of 2015, Sunshine Learning and Enrichment Center has become the mark of excellence with its outstanding academic program & activities that create brilliant students as well as happy parents! Cream sat with Tania Galindo, director and founder of Sunshine, and conversed in great detail about new practices that have been implemented this year.

Tell us about anything new that has been established within the last two years. We now offer help with children’s homework. Our afternoon program for kids 4 to 8 years old helps kids do their homework and school projects.

Enrichment program: this program is from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for children 12 months old to 5 years old, in which we offer language classes, music, and arts and crafts. TSR: We are now a Texas School Ready program, which is a

comprehensive preschool teacher training program that combines a research-based, state-adopted curriculum with ongoing professional development and progress monitoring tools.

We know how important the learning process is for every child, therefore, we want them to enjoy the journey and have that ongoing thirst for knowledge. Our goal is that all our children develop the love for continued learning. We teach them to read, math, the basics and fun of science, music, Zumba, and classes that help them develop personally. While we would like for them to learn their numbers, we also develop early math concepts such as addition and subtraction, among others. They explore outside and learn about nature thanks to our Junior Master Gardener program. To learn, embrace and love different cultures around the world. Enjoy exercise by doing Zumba while practicing basic vocabulary in the songs. We practice yoga to help them balance their bodies, teach respiration techniques, and help them relax when they need it. We teach them to make healthier food choices and understand that self-care is essential for their daily progress and learning.


What is your goal for the future? Continue growing as a school, and help kids develop their love for learning. We want them to develop academically, socially, and culturally. What classes are offered at Sunshine? Sunshine Academy is a Learning and Enrichment Center. We offer bilingual classes for children from 1 year of age to preschoolers. Language and literacy, math, arts and crafts, science, geography, gardening, music, Zumba and yoga are classes we provide our students with. At what age does enrollment begin? Enrollment starts at 12 months old in an early stimulation program. At 5 years old, children graduate to go on to kindergarten. We offer programs for older children in our Summer Camps. We have cooking camps where they can make their favorite dishes and desserts, as well as Science and Technology camps, where they get to complete fun science experiments and build robots.

On behalf of Cream, we would like to extend our gratitude to Tania for inviting us to learn more about all these interesting new projects at Sunshine. We encourage you to pay them a visit and enroll your children in their upcoming summer camp!

Silver Leaf Plaza • 2715 E. Del Mar Blvd. Laredo TX 78041 • Ph (956) 701.3041

”ABSTRACT 003” 24X30 Media used: Acrylic and spray paint.

“INFINITE CHAOS” 24X30 Media used: Acrylic, charcoal, watercolor and many other experimental chemicals.

featured artist // shellee laurent


rt has been good to me throughout my life. I approach it with care, and with an open mind, ready to succeed or fail. I moved from realism into abstract expressionism a few years back, and it has been a wonderful experience. I have opened up my consciousness in a very organic way. I find that using acrylic is the best choice for me, as I like to work fast and very present in the moment. Painting has become sort of a ritual. I do like privacy in the studio, and find that in all that silence, I am allowed to paint as if I were a child: without rules or boundaries. I shall leave you with one of my favorite quotes: Art “is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.” -Jackson Pollock




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about the artist I am an abstract expressionist painter currently residing in Laredo,Tx. It has been an exciting time in my art career. I have enjoyed becoming more expressive and bold. Whether small or large in size, I want my pieces to be visually exciting, capable of engaging the eye, emotions, and stimulating the mind of the viewer.


congratulations mr. castañeda The Aztec District - South Texas Council Boy Scouts of America presented Mr. Blas Castañeda with the Presidential Award of Service. The event was held at Dr. Ike’s True Value Home Center. Congratulations, and thanks for your continued dedication to our youth!

El Más Grande Regalo Y en las sabias y siempre amorosas últimas palabras de mi madre, "no se separen nunca". Arriba izquierda a derecha: Jorge, Adriana Raul, Javier y Elvia. Abajo: Luis Eduardo, Doña Irma, Yo, Don Raul y Luis Gerardo. C. 1972 .


e dice que la vida es 90 porciento relaciones, que lo demás son detalles. Y la relación madre e hijo/hija es tremendamente especial por los lazos únicos que se crean durante la vida; desde los primeros cariños y cuidados, hasta los lazos que se crean en la adultez, si la vida lo permite.

Contar con la dicha de una madre que amó y estuvo orgullosa, como constantemente mi madre demostraba a sus 8 hijos, ha sido el más grande regalo y bendición con lo que he podido contar en mi vida. No podría haber cosa material en esta tierra que se compare con ese regalo.

Y así, el resultado de cómo aprendemos a relacionarnos en la vida, esa formación personal que no se aprende de ninguna otra manera. Nuestra capacidad de amar, de dar, e incluso de perdonar, no podría tener más relación que con la manera que fuimos edificados por nuestras madres.

Se dice que la presencia es el mejor presente, y que compartir experiencias, y no cosas materiales, es más perdurable y emocionalmente remunerable.

La relación con nuestra madre es quizás la que deja la huella más grande en nuestras vidas.

Mas sin embargo, el dar y recibir regalos es también otra forma de demostrar cariño y amor. Y en fechas como éstas donde festejamos a todas las mamás del mundo, la eterna cuestión de cuál es el mejor regalo para darle a mamá en su dia siempre está presente.

Para mi, desde pequeño, no fue difícil tratar de halagarla con detalles florales hechos por mi, de mas adulto y hasta su última despedida así lo fue, y no solo en el dia de las madres pero en cuanta ocasión me era posible y sin ningún motivo. Mucha gente podría estar familiarizada con mi amor por mi madre, y por las flores, pero con certeza puedo decir que el tiempo compartido con Doña Irma fue lo que más nutrió nuestra relación. Desde los más sencillos momentos cuidando el jardín, haciendo juntos lo que tanto nos gustaba, preparar un pastel de zanahoria juntos, o llevándola a su lugar de comida favorita podrían ser los más gratos momentos que mi memoria guardará.

Y con eso me quedo, que a pesar que hay ausencias tan grandes como la de una madre, nos quedan a los dos, unos lazos más fuertes y valiosos que el oro mismo.

Los lazos de amor y el TIEMPO compartido juntos, no solo en el dia que se festeja a mamá, son para mi el mas grande regalo que alguien puede compartir. POR VICTOR HUGO GARCÍA SIGUELO EN INSTAGRAM @victorhugo956



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Golden Retriever. Romeo. HOW OLD IS YOUR PET AND HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD HIM? Romeo will be 3 years old on May 1st, and has been with us since we lived in Laos. He is our forever souvenir from Thailand! WHEN HAT TYPE OF PET DO YOU OWN? WHAT’S THE NAME OF YOUR PET?


brother and I love pets in general, we’d have a zoo if we could! Golden Retrievers are fun and energetic and Romeo keeps up with us just fine. DO YOU OWN ANY OTHER PETS? IF YES, WHAT ARE THEY? In Laredo, he is our only pet, but at our Grandparent's home in Del Rio we each have our own parrots, Chiquis and Nico Jr. WHAT DOES YOUR PET MEAN TO YOU? Romeo is a very special part of our family, his heart is definitely a reflection of his outside. “Heart of Gold”, he truly is a great dog in every sense of the word: loyal, sweet and smart. WHAT TYPE OF SPECIAL CARE DO YOU HAVE FOR YOUR PET? Romeo looks forward to his “spaw” days at Crazy 4 Pets Mobile Grooming. To say he loves it is truly an understatement, for as soon as he sees the truck pull up he is overwhelmed with excitement! IS YOUR PET TRAINED? HOW DIFFICULT WAS IT TO TRAIN HIM? Romeo actually knows commands in three languages, English, Spanish and Lao. One thing he does routinely is ring a small bell when he wants to go outdoors. TELL US YOUR FAVORITE ANECDOTE WITH YOUR PET. Romeo will always come to you for a scratch behind the ear or will place his paw on your lap, I love that about him. He will always make sure you never feel alone. COULD YOU GIVE US SOME TIPS FOR CHOOSING A PET? Choose a pet that fits your lifestyle, one you can incorporate into your life that can only lead to a lifelong bond. IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHICH WOULD YOU BE AND WHY? My mom always says we remind her of “Chip and Dale” the chipmunks, twin brothers who tend to get into mischief! lol.

"Romeo is a very special part of our family, his heart is definitely a reflection of his outside. “Heart of Gold”, he truly is a great dog in every sense of the word: loyal, sweet and smart" NICHOLAI AND ALEXEI



hen I turned 30 two years ago, contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t opposed to parting ways with my twenties. Oddly enough, the idea of switching digits from 2 to 3 didn’t scare me; rather there was something undoubtedly sexy and cool about embracing a more mature and accomplished self. It is unquestionably for most an interesting time to step back and reflect on the last 10 years of life.

Birthday Reflections BY ELYSSA VILLARREAL

In 2014, I had never had a better year; I was living in Asia with my twin sons and engaged to the man of my dreams. I was 29 and in love with life! For most, myself included, your twenties defined trying times, a series of one bad decision after another followed by a never-ending array of consequences. I was young, dumb, naïve and did I mention dumb? I’ll spare you the dramatic anecdotes and keep it short and sweet: I dove into my twenties head first and left wounded, battled and scarred. I learned that this is normal and it is completely abnormal to have zipped through this decade unscathed. It wasn’t all bad, and somewhere along the way I managed to pull myself together and get through college, establish a career, and even purchase a home all while being a single mom! Early on, I quickly grasped an understanding that no one is exempt from this life and it happens. “Adulting” is hard, but if you learn from your mistakes it can also be rewarding, liberating and yes, fun!

It is now April 2017, and as you are reading this, I’m probably laying poolside with my besties “soaking up each other’s awesomeness”. I’m turning 32, we’ve welcomed Baby Andreas and yes I still enjoy the occasional Mean Girls quote. Accordingly to “research”, I’m creeping over the hill and I should be worrying about frown lines, flying Botox needles and even that little hot P.Y.T. and her series of envy-worthy IG posts. Instead of planning my funeral, I’m here to tell you life didn’t end at 29, and it surely isn’t at 32. I may not have the body I did when I was 21, but I also don’t have the dwindling finances I once did then either. Get excited, because you’re just getting started! By now, you’ve got all the mundane things over with, and college is long behind you, your career is headed in the right direction, and if you’re not married don’t sweat it. This could quite possibly be the best time of your life; you now grace the ranks of Beyonce, Khloe kardashian, and me (lol). I’m not saying this to make myself or you feel better about that inevitable cloud lurking over our heads, but the truth is, it’s imaginary, and I’m truly and legitimately happy. Whatever it is you don’t like about yourself, try your best to embrace it. Girl, you’re going to be okay! Broaden your horizons, move somewhere new. Sometimes what your soul desires is to simply be in a new place where you don’t know anyone and get to know yourself. Some of my favorite memories are going for walks with Eddie through the Night Market along the Meh Kong River while we watched Nico and Alexei play with the local children. Most times, while the family was off at school and work, I’d venture off on my own and find new areas to discover. We travel every opportunity we get, and I encourage you to travel often and don’t let it intimidate you, don’t allow yourself to be threatened by the world at large. Suddenly, your problems don’t seem that big when you realize how great the world is and have an understanding for others. As I’ve matured, I have grown increasingly confident in myself and my God given gifts and abilities; from important decisions to simple aesthetic taste choices alike. I don’t necessarily care if I fit in, trends and hypes mean nothing, and I’m grateful for the beautiful girlfriends I can count with certainty on one hand. I am myself, and will always invite personal growth as well as admit the gaps of knowledge I aim to fill, for these are the reasons I have garnered the woman I am today.


Vidales Hinojosa Hoy en dia, ser una mamá moderna es definido por poner en prioridad a

sus hijos, su esposo y su hogar, sin descuidar sus propios sueños, metas y su bienestar en todos los aspectos como mujer. Yo disfruto mucho ser mamá, y me siento muy orgullosa de ser mamá de Ana Pau y Mateo. Son unos niños muy buenos, tiernos y cariñosos. Me encanta estar con ellos y jugar con ellos.

Moder n


CCM 2017

Priscilla Garza

The meaning of being a mother is endless.

Motherhood is the greatest job in the world. A Mother can do it all; we are protectors, chefs, nurses, coaches and friends. To me, being a mother means to be fearless, to be your child’s number one fan in every milestone, to demonstrate unconditional love that has no end. Being a mom is making your child’s happiness your happiness. Being Noah’s mom has been a blessing and a gift. It’s a relationship that never ends and a love that never dies. It’s the best thing I have ever become, the greatest love I have ever felt, and the best part about being me.

Cibeles Tena

Ser una mamá moderna implica balancear muchas responsabilidades.

Antes, ser ama de casa era lo único de lo que muchas madres se tenían que preocupar. “Olvídate de estudiar y trabajar, eso es de hombres”, solían decir, aunque las que pasaron por esto saben que ser ama de casa es un trabajo de tiempo completo más “overtime!”. Ahora, una mama moderna, aparte de sus responsabilidades en su hogar, estudia, trabaja, y convive. Yo soy una mama moderna! Para poder ser una mamá moderna, sin duda, se necesita a un papa moderno que tiene que saber balancear ser la cabeza de su hogar, apoyar y ayudar a sus hijos y esposa incondicionalmente!

Joséfa Martínez

Para mí, una mamá moderna en estos tiempos que vivimos significa ser una Supermom. Tenemos que balancear la GRAN responsabilidad de educar a nuestros hijos mientras uno tiene que trabajar, mantener la casa en orden, más cumplir con las actividades del día de nuestros hijos: clase de natación, práctica de algún deporte, clase de ballet, etc. También nosotras como mamás tenemos que darnos el lujo de ir a una clase de yoga, al gimnasio, al café con las amigas, o en mi caso atender nuestro negocio familiar. Gracias a mi esposo, mis papas, y mi suegra, puedo lograr hacer una gran parte de lo que mencione.

Maricela Cañamar

About two years ago, I stepped off my career track as a full-time Licensed Professional Counselor and became a stay at home mother. Since my oldest was born, it was always difficult to reconcile being divided from my boy’s daily life. Meanwhile, my boys began hitting more milestones: teeth falling out, awards being presented, sports achievements, arguments with friends… and I was there to witness all of it!. Being a modern mom comes with challenges and responsibilities, and everyone’s experience is different. One thing is certain… I thought I was here to teach my children life lessons, but truly, my boys have taught me so much.


mi armario bazar With huge success, our friends Cynthia Vallejo and Carolina Rivas hosted another issue of Mi Armario Bazar! This time the place of the event was the beautiful Siete Banderas in our historic downtown. Congratulations girls on putting together the best bazaar in both Laredos!


You can say this is my favorite time of the year in fashion. Fashion week was in full swing and it was the time for designers to whip out their best versions of floral prints —yeah, groundbreaking, but nonetheless, a trend we'll never grow tired of. So please keep ‘em coming. Then comes the interesting part...Spring trends mean fresh outtakes, ideas, and proposals that define trends for the rest of the year, including Fall, and many of these stay for the next consecutive seasons. In upbeat news, we can all sigh in relief because self expression is key. No wrongs can be done, there are no rules to break because you will make them. In a quick, wearable recap without breaking the bank, here’s how to nail this season’s must do looks.

Revival of the 80’s: Big silhouettes and a ruffled shoulder on this top resonate to this past decade, but the acid washed and high waisted jeans are the star of this look. Modern, fun, and easy to wear, these also have the embroidered patches trend in addition to the mom jean look. Worn with classic block midi heels and a Frida Mexican mercado tote.


Punk Princess: Tulle and see through dress with yet another appearance of embroidered patches —as seen everywhere. This little ensemble echoes to Dolce and Gabbana's proposals, body hugging sheer dresses with bustiers and patches of roses. Mixing and matching at its finest with an oversized military vintage jacket.

Statement Stripes: Like florals, stripes are also a fall back print for Spring and Summer. In a little pattern play, gingham meets nautical stripes here on an origami wrap skirt and a billowy top worn off the shoulders, because we’re obsessed with baring our delicate features.

Going all out may be our solution. It’s time to be bolder, daring and baring, mixing and matching prints and wearing all these with nothing but confidence. At the end of it all, it doesn’t hurt to always keep in mind the whole point of fashion: to look good and feel good. Time to bloom!


jay cadena Cream had the pleasure of chatting with Jay Cadena, 21 yr old musician, personal trainer, and student, to gain insight on his interests and hobbies. Participant of La Banda 2016, he admits that before music, sports were his favorite leisure activity. You can catch more of Jay on IG: JAY_CADENA or Twitter: JAYCADENA3.


Definitely Chris Brown. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? Baseball and football. DO YOU PLAY ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? Guitar and piano. WHAT KIND OF FOOD DO YOU ENJOY MOST? Pizza and wings. DESCRIBE THE PERFECT ROAD TRIP: Los Angeles with my family. WHAT COUNTRY WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPLORE AND WHY? Brazil, since it has a lot of beautiful places to visit. WHEN DID YOU DECIDE TO DEDICATE YOURSELF TO A CAREER IN MUSIC? When I was 10 years old I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? My brother. WHAT DO YOU FEEL THE MOMENT YOU STEP ON STAGE? It's a surreal feeling. Nothing compares to it. ASIDE FROM MUSIC, WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? Gym. WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST MEMORABLE CONCERT YOU’VE ATTENDED? Chris Brown. WHAT WOULD THE BEST PARTY OF

YOUR LIFE LOOK LIKE? Party on The Hills of Hollywood with my

friends and family. FAVORITE COLOR? Black. WHAT IS THE MOST Not giving up and making sacrifices. WHAT IS YOUR DRINK OF CHOICE? Coke. NAME 5 THINGS YOU’D TAKE WITH YOU ON A DESERTED ISLAND. Knife, fire starter, guitar, rope, shoes. WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN TEN YEARS? Being a successful artist surrounded by the people I love. WHAT KIND OF SACRIFICES HAVE YOU MADE FOR YOUR CAREER? Giving up sports, and relationships. WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE A CHALLENGE? Balancing out every day duties at once. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE ANYONE THAT DREAMS OF HAVING A CAREER IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY? To never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. People will always try to put you down, but if you stay focused, stay humble, and give all the glory to god, there's nothing you can’t achieve. DIFFICULT THING ABOUT BEING A SINGER?


There is no shortage of super-heroic adventure on TV right now. Legion, the new series by creator Noah Hawley (Fargo), is not that. Technically, FX’s trippy property is based on a character from Marvel’s X-Men books, but it intentionally moves away from the genre’s traditional tropes. David Haller is a schizophrenic patient at Clockworks, a seemingly ordinary mental institution. It quickly becomes clear that there is more going on in David’s maze of a mind than mental illness, and that he may possess abilities that easily transcend human boundaries. Is he insane? Is he a powerful ‘mutant’? These notions are played with to brilliant effect, and you aren’t getting any straightforward answers. The pilot episode is a technical knockout, one of the best I’ve seen in years. This show takes more inspiration from 1970’s psychological sci-fi than it does Marvel movies, and it’s shaping up to become something truly exceptional.


Billionaires, the 1%. If you’re not one of them, you probably can’t stand them. After all, overeager kings of finance played a sizeable role in our country’s economic plunge of 2008, and they mostly got away with it. What makes these guys tick? What fuels their boundless appetite to conquer financial markets? Showtime’s Billions is an interesting attempt in exploring part of that. The show revolves around Bobby Axelrod (Homeland’s Damian Lewis), notorious multi-billionaire hedge fund genius, and the U.S. Attorney, Chuck Rhoades’ (Paul Giamatti), desperate attempt to bring him down. Given how Axelrod always seems to make the right investment plays at just the right times, insider trading and other shady business practices seem to be the only explanation. The first season plays out as an explosive game of cat-and-mouse between rival alpha males Rhoades and Axelrod, and it’s a whole lot of fun to watch.


This HBO series was quick to spark public curiosity even before its first episode. When its teaser was released, months before its January premiere, it took on a life of its own on the internet. And it’s easy to see why: Jude Law was a young, attractive pope with dangerously traditional ideologies and a cruelly narcissistic demeanor who smugly smoked cigarettes in the papal palace. Everyone seemed to collectively roll their eyes and share funny memes about it. What a surprise, then, to find that it actually turned out to be one of the most effective and well-crafted shows I can remember watching. Italian filmmaker Paolo Sorrentino, whose 2014 picture The Great Beauty won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, obviously has very personal thoughts about the nature of things like faith and modernity. What could have easily ended up a cheap caricature instead feels like a profound achievement, whether you’re into religion or not.

the young pope


Vasisthasana or Side Plank Variation


o perform this pose, begin in high plank pose. Rotate to one side and find stability. Your wrist may be aligned slightly above your shoulder for comfort, but focus on lifting up and avoid spilling lots of weight into the shoulder and wrist. When you have stabilized, lift the top leg, bringing the big toe to the knee. Reach the top arm for the knee and find a powerful lock as you press the knee firmly into the hand and continually spiral your chest and torso upwards. The harder you press, the more stable your pose will become. Listen for steady breathing and concentrate on finding balance. You can find this pose and other beneficial yoga poses in the all level classes offered at Casa Yoga. Call 956-307-YOGA to schedule your first free class.

Model: Cristina Laurel


Foods to AID DIGESTION Digestion is critical. Without it, nutrient assimilation will become hindered, affecting recovery, growth, energy, sleep and even fat loss. There are various things you can do in order to improve your results. I’m going to provide 4 food based experiences that can have positive effects on your overall digestion. Pineapple I’ve always enjoyed pineapple, and in addition to being a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, pineapple is also rich in a natural digestive enzyme known as bromelain. This naturally occurring enzyme can help improve overall digestive function and contribute toward the breakdown of protein. Avocado Avocados are a great source of fiber and healthy monounsaturated fats which together help promote and maintain healthy gut function. One interesting thing about avocados, and the nutrient content found within them, is that they help convert something called betacarotene into Vitamin A. Whilst this

vitamin is good for organ health and immune function amongst other things, it also helps promote a healthy lining of the GI tract. Kiwi Fruit Kiwi’s are very rich in several ingredients which are all very helpful for digestion. However, the ones I’m most interested in are pepsin, linoleic acid and actinidin. Amongst the micronutrients you get from kiwis, these ingredients help ease digestive issues. Again, like pineapple, kiwis can easily fit into your diet as a source of carbohydrates and fiber. Tomato Tomatoes carry many properties which make them a healthy option, especially for men. However, in relation to the gut they are also very rich in micronutrients which promote healthy gut balance. One key ingredient worth mentioning is lycopene, along with relatively high amounts of potassium and magnesium. The reality is that these foods are highly beneficial for your overall health. When it comes to good nutrition, it is 3 dimensional in the sense that by taking care of one area will positively spill into other areas of the body. For instance, a large proportion of the immune system is housed around the gut, therefore, it makes sense that by boosting your immune health you’re indirectly potentially going to help with gut performance too. Alan Gutierrez, originally from Bayamon, PR. is certified by the International Sports of Science Association (ISSA) since 2007. His main goal is to help people become the best version of themselves. As of September 2013, Gutierrez opened his business named Dynamik Physiques and has been helping clients improve their overall health.



First Time Home Buyer


Buying your first home should be exciting, but sometimes it can be stressful. There are so many questions to ask that it can be intimidating at times. This is why I’m presenting a First Time Home Buyers Checklist: GO WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER.

GATHER DOCUMENTATION. (Last 2 years of Tax Returns along with W-2’s/1099’s, 2 months bank statements, most recent 30 day pay stubs, ID & SS Card) FIND OUT HOW MUCH YOU QUALIFY FOR (We will review your credit score & Debt to Income ratio)

DO A PERSONAL BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT and decide how much you are willing to pay per month on your mortgage (advice: buy a house less than you qualify for). SAVE AT LEAST 3.5% OF THE SALES PRICE for Down Payment. (If you are Pre-Approved for $200k, then you need to save at least $7k). Keep in mind that whenever you are buying a house you have a minimum down payment required AND closing costs; these closing costs are yours, but you can negotiate with the seller to pay a portion or all of your closing costs. DON’T MAKE ANY CASH DEPOSITS into your bank account. The Government needs to know where the money is coming from.

DON’T OPEN ANY CREDIT TRADELINES or pull your credit report after your Loan Officer has pulled it; as it will create a new hard inquiry and if you opened a new credit line, the lender will ask for proof of new debt to be added to your Debt to Income Ratios and this can Jeopardize the Approval on your Loan. CONTACT A REAL ESTATE AGENT. A realtor will be representing you to show you any house available. He/ she will be making appointments to have houses open for you to see. GET A HOME INSPECTION after a contract has been signed by both parties.

You can contact me for further details and explanations. BY ALEJANDRO BERNAL

Alejandro Bernal is currently the Branch Manager at Southwest Funding and has been a loan officer for 10 years. The married father-of-two, enjoys spending time with family & friends, in addition to playing golf & tennis.

grand opening Friends, family, and extreme sports fanatics were present to celebrate the ribbon cutting of Polaris of Laredo // BGMXtreme. Here are some of the special moments we captured of the event, it was a total success!


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