Cream City Magazine No. 40

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founder & publisher fernando de haro


NO 40

december • january 2017

copy editor

jacqueline santos

design & production

lead designer gabriela lozano

design production assistant mildred olavarria photographer ferch

A todos nuestros lectores les saludamos afectuosamente en esta nuestra edición de Diciembre que marca la despedida del 2016, un año que hizo historia con sucesos muy importantes no solo en nuestro país sino también a nivel global y dan pie a escribir una nueva historia, abrir un nuevo camino y para muchos empezar desde cero. Esta edición es sumamente especial para nosotros porque aparte celebramos ya 40 veces que Cream ha sido publicada. Podrá sonar tal vez como un número chico al compararlo con otras publicaciones que tienen generaciones en los medios, pero 6 años hoy en día no es algo que se logra tan fácil, requiere un esfuerzo casi sobrenatural y un equipo trabajando en sintonía, con la actitud de estar siempre innovando y redefiniendo el mundo editorial. Agradezco a todas las personas que de alguna o otra manera han tenido que ver con nuestro éxito y hoy les compartimos unas piezas de mucha inspiración. Primero una plática con Mary Lou, la dueña de Hair Sensations, que este 2016 está celebrando ya 30 años de estar dedicada a hacer lucir a las mujeres de Laredo radiantes y muy a la moda con sus increíbles peinados,estilos y tratamientos! Felicidades a todo el staff de este maravilloso lugar! Les deseamos muchos años más! También tuvimos la oportunidad de platicar con Rafael Garza Lozano creador de La Bigotona, una cerveza muy especial, ya que es creada localmente y además cuenta con un sabor que te va a sorprender! Te invitamos a leer estos artículos y conocer un poco mas de estas 2 personas, las cuales admiramos por su esfuerzo y dedicación. Algo que además quiero hacer es dar nuevamente la bienvenida a nuestra colaboradora Michelle Cook, quien está de regreso con su sección de moda y estilo! Sabemos que estará mejor que nunca, Mich! Gracias a todos por formar parte de esta historia llamada Cream, despedimos el año con la mejor de las actitudes y solo podemos decir que el próximo año viene lleno de sorpresas! Bendiciones y felices fiestas!

high end retouching paola denyce badouin fashion coordinator amely garza

interns cynthia vallejo edith salinas daniela rodríguez guajardo alicia gómez


rubén bazán iii, joe arciniega, victor hugo garcía, melva lavín and michelle cook.

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Happy Holidays! we hope that you behaved very well and were a good

person this year. may santa grant your hearts desires and all the gifts that you requested. don’t eat too much, go to bed early, and share your happiness. see you next issue, the cream team.

Copyright © 2016 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images of their ads. Printed in Mexico.








Meet two dynamic achievers who contribute to the development of both Laredos. They are flying high on Cream’s radar.



Principal Director and Owner at NGM Wireless LLC MetroPCS Authorized Dealer

Photographer & Childhood Cancer Awareness Advocate, Founder of The Golden Heart Project

I began my cell phone related career working as a Sales Representative for a local company. I realized I had the skills along with great customer service to thrive in the sales department. I saw the opportunity for growth within the company, and didn’t hesitate to give 150% of myself, at times, even more. I escalated through several positions up to the District Director position, where I was in charge of markets in Laredo and Corpus Christi. I felt armed with enough experience and knowledge to manage and run a successful business.

Photography became my therapy in 2012 as I was undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer. As my passion for photography grew, so did my interest in working with children battling cancer. My idea on a small project became a reality in September 2015. Getting to know little warriors with huge hearts in this battle is something that made me want to go through with the project. I wanted to shower them with love and support while reminding them that they are not alone in their battle.

What really sparked my interest was that I realized I had the option to help my clients and offer them a solution tailored to their needs. Ironically, I obtained my bachelors degree in music, since my main goal was to work in the music industry, but life sometimes takes you through different paths. The way I see it, any decision you take is very important, because it could change your perspective and take you in a completely different direction. All my experiences have brought me to where I am now, and I wouldn’t change anything from my past.

My greatest admiration goes to all those out there that never give up. It doesn’t matter what you are doing at present time, if you show initiative and give 100% and more, it will open your opportunities to become successful in any career you choose.

I always set goals for myself, and I work hard to achieve them. Setting up goals is a huge part of life and I will never stop challenging myself to achieve more. My inspiration comes from the ability to spend more quality time with my family since I have more flexibility in my schedule. I am very satisfied with the knowledge and experience I have gathered through all these years, and once you set up your own expectations, life will push you in the right direction. 6



/ january


Being a cancer survivor, I know what it’s like to feel down…I know how hard it is at times. I know how fulfilling it is to receive love and support from others. I am extremely compassionate; one of the reasons why my project was named The Golden Heart. This project has come a long way, but there is still so much more in my plans. Becoming a nonprofit organization is my next step. As a project, I look forward to assisting families with expenses such as hotel, food and fuel, as they travel for out of town for treatment.

I find inspiration in seeing others grow spiritually and in knowledge. I have so much respect for those who fight hard battles. Seeing cancer warriors and others grow from their hardships inspires me to continue being an advocate for childhood cancer awareness.

My advice to anyone with a passion or vision, is to go for it! No one will have the same interest in something as you. Be patient and kind and little by little you will achieve what your heart desires. The Golden Heart Project’s mission is to create friendships and memories between children in this battle, to uplift spirits & to spread Childhood Cancer Awareness everywhere we go.





er ( Old )

With The


e often hear the phrase “out with the old, in with the new” whenever December/January rolls around. We open doors to welcome new ideas into our homes, discarding everything “old” in hopes that the incoming year will be filled with newer, better things. Every generation prides itself with being the innovative one. The new generations either invent or discover things that make them say “why didn’t the adults think about this before?” We can’t fathom the idea of a world without Snapchat, smartphones, e-mail, 24-hour news, television, radio, Social Security, suffrage, and so forth. Contemporary attitudes dictate that the world is better with what we currently have, yet we sometimes complain that the world could be better if we kept some of the things that have worked for decades. We’re often told that we should heed the advice of those older than us. We claim to consider the older generations as wise and experienced enough to revere them as sages of life; yet we ignore their phone calls or text messages because we’re too busy.

Many baby boomers share at least one thing in common: they’re starting to feel ignored and neglected. Let this sink in, because while you’re making an effort for those two blue check marks on WhatsApp to not appear on your parent’s and grandparents phones, they’re trying to still feel needed and relevant. They want from us what we demanded from them when we were children: consideration and care. So yes, there is a role-reversal that comes into play at a particular age in your life. Meaning, your parents end up being your children, only they don’t need toys or animation. They just don’t want to be forgotten. Between the ages of 25 and 45, we get so enveloped by our career paths and our own children, that putting our parents aside comes way too easy. We often reach out to them only when we find ourselves in inescapable predicaments or financial emergencies. We hang up on them too quickly because our time is constantly consumed by something (or someone) else. Unbeknownst to us is the fact that our parents internally tell themselves “it’s OK, they’re building their own lives. I’ll step aside for a while so they can grow, and I’ll still be here for whenever they need me.” They are also careful as to not make their children feel guilty about this sentiment. This is love - silent, supportive, unconditional love that you will inevitably feel at one point. We live in a throw away culture. Whatever serves no purpose to us is quickly replaced with what we consider useful, and this goes far beyond outdated electronics and last year’s fall fashions. Friendships, relationships, and even our long-term caregivers and parents are easily disposed of when we feel they have become even slight inconveniences. This may be why, in some cultures, retirement centers are socially acceptable options for the older generations. Talk about a business opportunity.

What we can do to avoid this path is to put a spin on what are considered an individual’s golden years. Defined by San Diego State University as the span of time between retirement and the beginning of age-imposed physical, BY RUBÉN BAZÁN III THERUBENINDEX@GMAIL.COM 8



/ january


emotional, and cognitive limitations – basically any age after 65 – we can redefine the third age by considering them a generation of gold mines, serving love and wisdom. During college, I found myself surrounded by wise professors, both young and old, both liberal and conservative, and both unrelated and related to me. I found myself redefining what an actual professor was, and realized that my professors weren’t necessarily on my alma mater’s payroll. I realized that my grandmother, almost 3000 miles away, was a professor of mine as well. Luckily we were both night owls, and I had conversations with her until the wee hours of the morning that filled me with an amount of raw, brutally honest wisdom incomparable to anything written by Confucius or Proust. I’m glad I struck gold with her before she passed away. She knew what was up.

My parents, two of the smartest people I know, have four children and nine grandchildren. They worry about the educational and loving footprints they will leave on those kids. By SDSU’s standards, one of my parents has already reached the golden years (sorry dad), and the other will reach it in 2017 (sorry mom). What’s funny, however, is that today’s older generation doesn’t consider itself old. Older, yes, but certainly not old. They still feel strongly about the impact they have on the family they created, and it’s our job to keep this alive. We will never stop learning from our ancestors, so pick up the phone when they call, and remind them of their value. Your Netflix and chill can certainly wait. Make it a lifelong season of “in with the new, in with the older.” Be patient with the aging crew. They were attentive and mindful when you needed it, so return the favor now that the tables have turned. Just don’t call them old. They (probably) hate that. Sending love to the gold mines.


n 2015, the Pew Research Center, described as a nonpartisan “fact tank” based in Washington D.C., confirmed that the Millennials, numbering 75.4 million, surpassed the 74.9 million Baby Boomers in population in the United States. With some variations by demographer, Millennials are understood to be those born between 1982 and 1997. The year 2000 was set as the identity flashpoint by which the first ones born entered majority age, leading those to follow for 15 years thereafter. Baby Boomers were named as such for the first postWorld War II boom of babies born between 1946 and 1964. By the same convention, our coming of age (I was a “Late Boomer” born in 1958) began in 1964, the year of the Beatles’ “American Invasion,” and ended in 1979, just as disco was falling out of favor. I am proud to be a Boomer. Dominant in sheer volume, exceeding birth levels not seen in 25 years, Boomers were also very quickly associated with redefining what were previously traditional American styles and values. In other words, we were rebels, and how cool is that? Early on, we began to see ourselves as exceptional, and with that self-actualization mandate, we created wealth and health to levels unimagined by previous generations. This dominance carried us through the next 50 years, a veritable “pig in the python” moving our bulky, noisy way, slowly but deliberately through life’s demographic digestive tract. Perhaps we didn’t realize that we were nonetheless being consumed, that eventually we would follow the way of the Silent Generation (1928-1945) and the

Greatest Generation before them. Our once majority population, which peaked at 78.8 million in 1999, is projected to dwindle to about 16.6 million by 2050, and you know what that means. So when Prince, the late rock idol and fellow “Late Boomer,” beckoned us to “…party like it’s 1999,” he was perhaps unconsciously prescient that from the year 2000 it would be “…party over, oops out of time” for us. I’m not bitter. We all have our moment. And I’m not going to indulge in the current fad of bashing the Millennials for, among many things, arrogance, lack of perspective, and a fondness for body art and flip-flops. Anyway, they wouldn’t care more than I did in my time about my arrogance, lack of perspective, and fondness for polyester and platform shoes. It is in the spirit of gracefully passing the relay baton to the next runner, who looks to be every bit as big, fast, bold and brash as we, that I offer these six pointers in my “Memo to Millennials”: Floss - Even better, use a Sonicare toothbrush and floss, every day. By listing this first I am not necessarily giving it the highest priority, but I could. The health and beauty advantages are innumerable, as your selfies will show. Plus, we Baby Boomers paid a lot for your straight, white, complete mouth of teeth; the next set is on you. Love - Give as much love as you can sincerely mean (so it can’t be just anybody and it better not be everybody). Love palpably; make it count to the receiver. Love so fully that you glow from it. You will be irresistible and deeply loved in return, always. Learn - At all times, you should be learning something new, something exciting, impressive, cool, complex, simple. Learn languages and skills that matter to your aspirations. Absorb anything and everything. Be a sponge; a sponge fits anyplace. Save - If not yesterday, start now, or tomorrow, but start. Your prime earning years go faster than you will ever be able to imagine right now. And as the late, great, “Greatest Generation” playwright Tennessee Williams wrote, “You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.” Master English - I don’t mean just functionally well, MASTER IT. Master both writing and speaking it, which means you will have to read it too, a lot. Your contemporaries in India, China, Korea, and Japan, are mastering English, and they have been doing so since grade school. Master writing and speaking English, and you will hold your own anytime, anywhere, with anyone. Thank - You have heard of an “attitude of gratitude.” This is a potent philosophy with rebound effects. Give thanks at least 100 times per day, and somehow the reasons for more will proliferate. Find deserving recipients for your gratitude, they are everywhere. If you are living the great life you expect, 100 thanks per day will be easy. It took some of us Boomers a while to figure these out; our parents weren’t called the “Silent Generation” for nothing. Admittedly, these may not be the secrets to the universe. But one thing is certain, if at my age, you find yourself alone, uneducated, broke, bitter, and whistling double negatives through a mouth of jack-o’-lantern teeth, I will know. You didn’t get the memo.




/ january



the spirit of giving When people set their minds and hearts to help others, great things happen! Thanks to the Emergency Assistance Team (E.A.T.), numerous families were gifted boxes filled with Thanksgiving meals. Congratulations to all the giving souls that donated, and volunteers that helped to make this a reality.

teleton fashion show 2016 Con gran éxito se realizó el Laredo Fashion Show a beneficio de Teletón USA en las instalaciones del Laredo Country Club, Inc. Las cámaras de Cream City Magazine estuvieron presentes y les compartimos algunas imágenes de la noche.


o d n a e Pedal y explorando Andar en bicicleta para mí no es solo una forma más de mantenerme activo y hacer ejercicio; es toda una manera diferente de ver mis entornos, descubrir nuevos paisajes, y porque no, toda una manera distinta de ver la vida misma. Con la Cd. México en el número 5 a nivel mundial en cuanto cultura ciclista urbana se refiere, es todo un deleite para mi tomar parte del programa “Muévete en Bici” cada vez que visito CDMX. Abarcando rutas dentro de la urbe más grande del mundo con una longitud de hasta 55 kms, realmente es fascinante poder pasar un Domingo recorriendo y admirando diferentes sectores de la capital que te hacen apreciar su esplendor. Multitudes de monumentos, calzadas majestuosas como lo es el Paseo de La Reforma, tomar una desviación por alguna interesante colonia como lo es Polanco, o un recorrido por el mismo Bosque de Chapultepec y sus jardines remotos y secretos como lo es el Audiorama. Apreciar la arquitectura y paisajes urbanos de una de las ciudades más grandes del mundo desde una bicicleta es una experiencia realmente estimulante y maravillosa.

Por otro lado, mis excursiones en bicicleta en los ambientes de San Miguel de Allende son más orgánicas, incluyen descubrir comunidades prehispánicas que aún subsisten hasta la fecha, granjas y pastizales de alfalfa, maíz o campos llenos de flores silvestres. Es toda una experiencia diferente y llena de sorpresas que la naturaleza tiene preparadas en cada ocasión. Andar en bicicleta significa para mi darme la oportunidad de crear lazos con mi hermano Raúl quien es ávido ciclista y deportista en la Cd. de México, o crear memorias placenteras con mis amigos ciclistas en san Miguel de Allende. Hay algo acerca de compartir momentos juntos, con la adrenalina de la velocidad y los elementos del medio ambiente en nuestras caras, el sol, el aire, los aromas del campo... que verdaderamente no tienen precio. Es una meditación en movimiento! POR VICTOR HUGO GARCÍA SIGUELO EN INSTAGRAM @victorhugo956



/ january




Of Style


he ever changing world of beauty revolves around new techniques and beauty breakthroughs on the daily. With innovation comes transformation, and trends come and go, but there are others that leave a lasting impression that go far beyond the conventional. Such is Mary Lou’s unparalleled talent, which for the last 30 years, has been the expert ally when it comes to beauty. Cream had the privilege of conversing with her as she shared her beginnings in the beauty industry along with a couple of secrets on her rise to success. You are celebrating a career of 30 years! How did you start in the world of beauty? My mother encouraged me to go to beauty school. She had gone, and I followed in her footsteps. I wanted to make a difference by making people feel beautiful.

What sparked your interest? My interest was sparked when I attended my first hair show. I had always wanted to travel and now I could. The magnificent and breathtaking shows were so inspiring. To see the trends evolving and learning the world of beauty from different aspects and cultures ignited my imagination and innovation to create.

How were the first 5 years of your career? The first five years were my formation as a hairdresser. I started at Jose Fierros Barber and Styling. The hair salon was inside the Hamilton hotel with no visibility so I had to learn to make the customers want to come back. Truly caring for what you do and doing it with love showed me the key to success.

What satisfaction has your career provided? I have a myriad of amazing customers who give me so much and are a big part of who I am. Being able to meet challenges, do exactly what the customer has envisioned, transforming someone’s look and seeing the way they feel when they gaze in the mirror at themselves is so satisfying and fulfilling.

Define beauty. I believe that beauty comes from within. We were created in the image and likeness of God, therefore we are all beautiful and should not let the happenings of life rob us from that. It is my job to create beauty and let their reflection be a reminder of that. What has been the key to your success in these 30 years? The key to my success has definitely been putting God first. The support of my family, my great friends and my amazing clients has enabled me to learn the best from each and every one of them and made me the woman that I am today.

How much has your industry changed? The hair industry is directly associated with fashion, and is continuously evolving. I believe we have more change every year than any industry, and that is why I love what I do!

How have you adapted? What has made you stand out? My philosophy is using the most natural products to keep your hair healthy and vibrant. The Aveda products are fabulous and do just that. I have become well known for accepting the challenge of repairing damaged or weak hair and being able to restore it back to a healthy state.

What defines you as a person? My strong faith in God defines everything about me. I believe we are all human and should pass no judgment on others. I love unconditionally with the hope that it reflects in all I do.

What are the services offered at Hair Sensations? We provide the following: Haircuts for both men and women, all color options, color correction, hair treatments, waxing and facials.

Anything else you would like to add? I love what I do and am happy to have such a great staff. We sell all Aveda products and have a large variety of gifts, clothing and hair accessories. New customers are always welcome!

1605 E. Del Mar Blvd., Ste 118 956.791.0060 Tuesday thru Saturday 9am to 6pm

christmas morning edition

seasonal mode







STYLED I’ve seen how this magazine has set the bar high with their on-point fashion editorials: spreads of beautiful and inspiring pictures. From its early start, they’ve gone above and beyond to bring together talented makeup artists, models, and writers. So needless to say, when I was invited to write their style section and become part of the Cream Team, I was more than thrilled; and this second time around the feeling is only better! Styled by Michelle was created to connect with readers, showing how approachable and fun fashion is. I love getting questions on how-tos, but my biggest satisfaction is knowing that in any scenario of our everyday lives fashion gives us a reason to smile, and if my input serves to provoke that, then I’ve done my job.

I have a newfound love for vintage pieces, especially when it comes to denim. Dating back a couple of decades, a

pair of worn out men’s levi’s are the definition of our modern boyfriend jeans. Adding a feminine strapless peplum and high heels for contrast is key for a put together look.





/ january


Same but

Different One of my favorite topics is personal style, after all, finding a style identity can be a challenge. A simple tip and one I'm a huge advocate of is wearing what makes you feel YOU. The following are 3 pieces that are not only trends but also staples in my closet. They have remained in my must have list for years due to their endless styling potential.

We welcome with open closets this 90's resurrected trend: the intimates-inspired slip dress has been refreshed by

wearing layers underneath for a grunge, yet minimal, silhouette. I picked a sheer top to go underneath, belted it and added color with a satin-like green bomber.

Last but not least, is the quintessential hat. Worn with a

favorite pleated leather skirt, a dainty lace sleeve top over layered camisole (echoes of the slip dress) and of course, biker boots because I don't know how to wear anything else.

I’m so excited to pick up again on this journey and add some humble insight on how to style pieces from your closet. So here’s to a closet full of confidence inducing pieces that will be part of memorable moments, and highlights of your new year. Let’s pray that looking back you’ll never say “what the hell was I thinking".




/ january






l Vela

La Navidad para mi es una fiesta de agradecimie nto, de fe, bendiciones, buenos dese y os. Agradec er vivos, tener amigos since por estar ros, una vid sana y ver a a la gente que amamos, feli Amigos, co z! n el propós ito que ca uno llevam da os en el co razón, les in a que encen vito damos una vela… por ca esperanza, ca da da sueño, el amor, y la paz !

Paloma De La Torre as a de las fech representa un y n ad ió id ex av fl N re a de L omentos m al cú o p en em as al. Es ti más bell familia es vit s en sú a Je ci e en iv qu conv eseo es amor. Mi d en y te n en ió m un va e d nue e año y nazca venga este bre todo qu so y , es n zo e ra d co on d s ro nuest niño, en ocencia de y in ón os gi li m re ga n , te as de raza ci en er . if ad d y felicid no hay amente amor creencias. Sol

Ana Laura De La Cruz en familia el para celebrar es ad id av N La también para l niño Jesús, nacimiento de igos, y sobre sf rutar con am compartir y di con nosotros de recolección a oc ép a un todo imo un nuevo sf rutar al max di í as y os m is avidad! m vidas. ¡Feliz N año en nuestras



/ november





da del año en que Es la época más espera niño Jesús, y en la celebramos la llegada del ros valores como cual reafirmamos nuest gría, esperanza, el solidaridad, unidad, ale y amigos. amor y la paz en familia


Buying A House During

Holiday Season In the hustle and bustle of year-end holidays people are beginning to check off items on their to-do list. Things such as buying presents and/or planning a Christmas party are main priorities for some, but for other people, getting a home is their main target on that checklist. The following tips can give you insight on buying a house during the holidays, and how doing so at this time of year can actually be very beneficial by saving you thousands of dollars. • Less homebuyer competition: everyone is busy getting their holiday presents purchased or traveling; this gives you more choices of houses to view and bid on. • Sellers know it’s a slow season, but they still want/ need to sell ASAP. Having low active homebuyers during holidays puts you at an advantage when negotiating with the seller. • Great incentives from builders: Usually, several builders give out a lot of incentives toward years end. They want to close the year strong, so they usually come up with strategies like lowering sales prices dramatically and/or paying borrowers closing costs. • Lock Prices with builders even if the house will be finished next year. Each year, building materials go up, spiking up their sales prices as well.

If you contract this year, this means you have locked this year’s prices and they can finish the home and close the next year. • Plan accordingly to prepare your income tax. This information will help you figure out if you will get an income tax return and how much. This money can then be used as your down payment. Bottom line, you can save thousands of dollars buying a home around holiday season. BY ALEJANDRO BERNAL

Alejandro Bernal is currently the Branch Manager at Southwest Funding and has been a loan officer for 10 years. The married father-of-two, enjoys spending time with family & friends, in addition to playing golf & tennis.




/ january


¡felíz cumpleaños! Recientemente celebró su cumpleaños nuestra amiga Tania, quien en un ameno convivio gozó junto a su familia y amistades su gran dia! Tus amigos de Cream te deseamos muchas felicidades!


christmas morning edition


u la

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+ r e e B Drink

A dream, a vision, a hobby, and now a trademark: Cervecería de las Americas. Rafael Garza Lozano, is the man behind it.


f one day you have a chance to talk to Garza, you will be immersed in a world of knowledge. He demonstrates the ability to take you on a journey where the mix of details awakens the imagination, and the description in general makes you want to enjoy a beer. As a hard-working man whose brain never stops thinking, Garza’s daily wish is to create and deliver products to serve others. Cervecería de las Americas was born the day he decided he wanted to brew beer, but as with anything he does, he researched the elements needed to create a perfect combination for two different craft beer flavors.

Today, he shares the outcome of his hobby though “La Bigotona” and “La Beeronga” craft beers. “Opportunities expanded three years ago (in México) when a new law prevented large companies from being sole options for product purchase in restaurants and businesses in general,” Garza said. “Before that, it was very difficult to even consider being in competition.”

The Process

Fermentation takes a month for both beer flavors, but it’s this process and an exact mix of elements that are able to create two different and unique flavors now available for residents in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. “Locally, I am the only one brewing craft beer that’s available to consumers,” Garza said. “I am the one in charge of all the process, and I believe this is my beer is very tasty.” Furthermore, customers are now open to the idea of tasting different beers. “People need to realize that this is not a conventional beer; we even use classical music during the brewing process,” he added. “Initially, some may find unusual flavors, all we ask of you is to take a chance and try something local and different.” Water, malts, hops and yeast are the four main ingredients needed to brew a beer. It is the origin and blend of these elements that produce a different beer. Garza explained the differences between his two beers. “La Bigotona” is a blonde ale: very light, and is best paired with a hamburger, appetizers, pico de gallo, and seafood. “It is very smooth, and very easy to combine with an array of foods,” he said. “La Beeronga” is a dark beer, braggot style -- meaning it has honey and barley malt. Garza is also a beekeeper, therefore, he uses his own honey in this beer. This combination of flavors is perfect when paired with a salad with vinaigrette and strawberries.

“The process to brew a beer is similar to when someone is brewing coffee…we put the malts to brew and we extract all the sugars, then we add the hops and yeast. It is the yeast that converts sugars into alcohol,” Garza explained. “It is a sophisticated yet simple process.” The first events where he showcased his beers were during Nuevo Laredo’s “Viva Fest” and “Noche de Invierno” in 2015, also during the “Noche de Primavera” in 2016. “Everything started there, now I feel very proud to see “La Bigotona” and “La Beeronga” as options in their menus. Both beers are served in a jar since we don’t use bottles; we deliver the beer in a keg,” Garza explains. “This is a hobby and has nothing to do with money…it is very satisfactory when somebody tells me they have tasted my beer and enjoyed it.” In the near future, he hopes to build a microfactory to produce larger quantities of barrels, and have a third kind of beer, a saison style, to be named ‘Paito’s 41’. “We are breaking down paradigms, it is time to take our time and enjoy our food peacefully and at a slow rhythm,” Garza said. “This way, a person can learn about taste, color, smell…and there’s no better way to do it than with a craft beer.” BY MELVA LAVÍN MLAVIN@MELVALAVIN.COM


taking pictures in the pumpkin patch setting.

palenque grill inauguration The inauguration of Palenque Grill, conveniently located on IH-35, introduced the 2nd of its kind in our ever growing Laredo. Top-notch city officials were amongst the present at this cordial event. Delighting in authentic flavors of Mexico, and catering to your celebratory needs, Palenque Grill truly is “un rinconcito de MĂŠxico.â€?


If you’ve yet to commit to an exercise routine, there’s no need to worry. We at Cream recognize the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and encourage you every step of the way. Without further ado, we present our fitness section, supplying readers with expert advice from Alan Gutierrez, owner of Dynamik Physiques. In this session, Alan gives us insight on several factors that may be hindering weight loss.

Why can’t I lose weight?!

(I do want to point out that results do vary. These are only four reasons that I’ve encountered while closely monitoring a few of my personal training clients).

1. Don’t stress about it - Stress releases cortisol, known as “the stress hormone.” Cortisol degrades muscle tissue and encourages the storage of body fat. Its been linked to other health issues and it adds a few extra pounds around your waistline.

2. Sleep deprived? Sleeping reduces the levels of cortisol, but it also produces growth hormone (GH). GH pretty much has the opposite effect of cortisol on the body—it encourages fat loss, supports your immune system, and helps keep your organs functioning properly.

3. Hydration is key - There are plenty of benefits to drinking enough water, one of which is proper kidney function. Dehydration impairs your kidneys, and when that occurs, your liver has to pick up the slack. Your liver is responsible for the metabolism of fat, which means fat cannot be metabolized as efficiently when your liver has to work twice as hard to remove toxins.

4. Fiber: the nutritional hero - Fiber aids digestive health and helps create a sense of fullness. Most of us assume we’re getting enough fiber from grain-based products like bread and cereal, but the truth is, these highly-processed foods have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber. We should eat more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice and stealcut oatmeal. Alan Gutierrez, originally from Bayamon, PR. is certified by the International Sports of Science Association (ISSA) since 2007. His main goal is to help people become the best version of themselves. As of September 2013, Gutierrez opened his business named Dynamik Physiques and has been helping clients improve their overall health.



Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana or King Pigeon Pose This pose is an extremely deep hip opener that should only be practiced once you’ve properly warmed up the body. With your left leg bent in front of you, extend your right leg behind you. Square your hips to the front of your yoga mat, and roll your right hip forward. Reach your right hand back to receive your right foot and bring your foot up to your elbow. Work on holding that bind by kicking the foot into the elbow crease and opening up the chest. If it is in your practice, work on reaching the fingertips to touch, and eventually interlace your fingers in a bind. The more intensely you kick back, the deeper hip and shoulder stretch you’ll experience. Continually work on rolling the right hip forward to further engage your glutes and biceps. You can find this pose and other beneficial yoga poses in the all level classes offered at Casa Yoga. Call 956-307-YOGA to schedule your first free class. Model: Gaby Martínez


sunshine pumpkin patch Always bringing families together, Sunshine Learning and Enrichment Center hosted their Pumpkin Patch festivities on Saturday, November 5th. The enthusiastic staff, parents, and children delighted in activities such as a mini carnival, painting, and taking pictures in the pumpkin patch setting.

palenque grill inauguration The inauguration of Palenque Grill, conveniently located on IH-35, introduced the 2nd of its kind in our ever growing Laredo. Top-notch city officials were amongst the present at this cordial event. Delighting in authentic flavors of Mexico, and catering to your celebratory needs, Palenque Grill truly is “un rinconcito de MĂŠxico.â€?

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