Cream No. 35

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founder & publisher fernando de haro C I T Y M A G A Z I N E

N 35 O

february • march 2016

copy editor

joana santillana

design & production

lead designer gabriela lozano

executive coordinator arely díaz

¡Bienvenidos a la edición #35 de Cream! Les saludo con un gusto enorme en este mes de febrero donde el amor y la amistad la celebramos publisher con una sesión de moda muy sweet con la súper talentosa modelo Vielka Belén, la cuál estamos seguros muy pronto causará revuelo en las pasarelas internacionales. ¡El equipo de Cream All-stars se lució al máximo para crear estas imágenes y escenografía! Gabriela Lozano y Amely Garza no perdieron detalle alguno produciendo como siempre una sesión la cual fue para mi un honor poder captar para nuestras páginas y los resultados simplemente son ¡wow! El grupo de los caballeros extraordinarios marca un gran paso para nuestra escritora Doris González, quien visitó a este adorable grupo de caballeros. Ellos nos platican la historia de los inicios y las actividades que realizan semana a semana. Todo esto a raíz de una plática con su abuelo en una pieza muy interesante donde Doris nos muestra su gran evolución expresiva. Les invito a leer esta pieza para que ustedes también puedan descubrir un poco más de este extraordinario grupo. Seguimos trabajando arduamente para tener siempre nuevas propuestas e ir creando historia. Este 2016 estaremos celebrando nuestro 6to aniversario y es tiempo de refrescarse y reinventarse. Es tiempo de pasar al siguiente nivel y agradecemos a todos nuestros lectores que nos estarán acompañando en este especial trayecto. Un afectuoso saludo a todos lo que nos leen y también a cada una de las personas que forman parte de esta publicación: clientes, familiares y amigos.

Hasta pronto,

Copyright © 2016 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images of their ads. Printed in Mexico.

design production assistant mildred olavarria photographer ferch

high end retouching paola denyce badouin fashion coordinator amely garza

interns alicia gómez dinorah villarreal


rubén bazán iii, joe arciniega, tina gómez, julia kowalsky, and doris gonzález special thanks fernando gaytán, tati friar, angel de haro, nina gutiérrez, elyssa canales, and to all the people involved in bringing chipotle and five guys to our city.

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Like! us on facebook / cream city magazine AND FOR EVERYTHING ELSE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Cream Team No 35 : Dinorah, Gaby, Arely , Verónica, Nancy, Vanessa, Alicia, and Mildred.









Meet three dynamic achievers who contribute to the development of both Laredos. They are flying high on Cream’s radar.


Principal at United South High School

I began my career as a biology teacher at United High School. I taught for 11 years, and then moved into administration with United Independent School District. I served as an assistant principal for several years before getting the wonderful opportunity to become principal at United South High School. My father was also a principal, and I grew up watching him work, plan, and dedicate himself to the school community. I am proud to be following in his footsteps. I always wanted to be a teacher. I was very excited to begin my career teaching science and working with my colleagues and students. I was interested in becoming a school principal, so I sought a Masters Degree in Educational Administration. I truly enjoy what I do and feel very fortunate to be around people that work wholeheartedly to help students succeed.

Once you begin a career in education, you find that it is not a job, but rather a career that becomes part of your life. Teachers and administrators work endless hours at school and at home to ensure that the students they work with will achieve their ultimate goals.

My role is versatile, fast paced, and challenging. I enjoy the opportunity to work with teachers, administrators, students, and community members. I feel accomplished when our students and teachers are successful. I am inspired watching our students graduate and become productive citizens. Many of them come back and join our teaching community.


My career as the President of DIF Nuevo Laredo began when my husband, Carlos Canturosas, was sworn in as mayor. The job is as challenging as it is rewarding; helping people that are in difficult situations has made me more empathic to the needs of our city. Our organization’s main goal is to look after the welfare of the most vulnerable members of our community, as well as to promote and strengthen the family unit. Through my job with DIF, I have learned and witnessed cases of abuse and neglect. To this day, even reading and hearing about this is heartbreaking. However, knowing that we are able to help women and children in these situations gives me peace. It is our duty to protect and fight for the rights of those who cannot defend themselves.

Even though I’ve accomplished many of my goals, there is still plenty to achieve. I am excited for what the future might bring, and what new surprises I’ll find in my path. I always try to look at the positive side of things, and do my best to help others. We have been so fortunate and blessed in our lives, that it’s only right to give back whenever we can, and help those who are less fortunate than we are.

Although this opportunity came along with my husband’s political career, it has been such a gratifying experience. I feel so much more connected to the people in my community. If you ever are given the chance to be a part of something that will impact other people’s lives in a positive way, do not hesitate. Do it. You will never regret it. LUCY DE LEÓN

Pastor at New Vision Community Church of Laredo

I never expected to be a pastor. I was a Mary Kay Sales Director when I came to Laredo and Nuevo Laredo as part of a Christian mission team in 2002. My heart, for some reason that only God knows, stayed here. At that point, it was only a matter of time before I would return, leaving my career at Mary Kay behind to take on a full-time ministry. We moved from Palatine, Illinois to Laredo in a three day period. My husband Luis was a hospital administrator and I was a sales director, but we both quit. He stayed behind to take care of a few things, but everything seemed to work out perfectly. For instance, our old house sold within a week of being on the market. As we saw God work out all the details, we were convinced that our call was to come and serve this community for Christ.

My greatest reward is to see people get out of poverty and overcome difficult situations. We lend a helping hand by teaching people what we know and helping them succeed in life by making them self-sufficient. It is a satisfaction that you cannot quantify. To see families succeed; to see their children become professionals; to experience the love of so many people that we have encountered and helped; it is all a testament to the incredible love God has for all of us.

Learn to love unconditionally and to live with what you need and not with what you want. I can assure you that God will provide for all your needs and beyond in unexpected ways. Also, you will learn to appreciate every minute of your life in a different way. cream


/ march 2016






he 1971 hit song “Imagine” by John Lennon asks us to imagine there’s no heaven. According to him, it’s easy if you try. I have a difficult time doing this, as believing in a paradisiacal afterlife does keep me going. I guess my opinion of heaven differs from others’. I much prefer Belinda Carlisle’s idea that heaven is a place on earth.

i’m a catholic. there, i said it. yet, i would never judge if people aren’t. the media and a plethora of movies have done a fantastic job at shunning people from having even a small amount of faith in what i consider helpful. “How can I believe in God knowing all of the bad things the church has done?” they say. I see where they’re coming from. Terrorism, infidelity, and the Vatican turning a blind eye towards child sex abuse have murdered any chance of our faith growing in numbers. And who wouldn’t hate these things? This was not exactly what was promised in Sunday school and in the sacraments we’re obliged to go through. They say that non-believers are among the ones who talk about God the most. I can’t prove this with statistics (which is something they love). However, it does make me wonder why they bring up the concept of God only when something terrible happens. They neglect the idea of a higher being existing when they go through the most beautiful events in their life, such as a new baby or a successful business venture, yet they wonder where “God” is when a particular stadium in Paris is attacked or when a life-threatening natural disaster devastates the coastal cities on the Indian Ocean. Why mention Him if He really “doesn’t exist?” Why believe in anything at all?

I often ask myself what people live for when they say they have no faith. I picture an army of robots going through the motions, blindly working forty hours a week, paying taxes, and dying. Yet, when you ask them why they have children or why they want to leave a legacy, they say it’s because they believe in leaving behind the world in a better state than when they themselves came in. This means that they do have faith. They either just

don’t know it, or they are confused as to what faith actually means. They might believe faith automatically stems from a profound loyalty to a man-made institution, quickly forgetting that faith and the church are two completely separate entities. (Side note: many times I think people don’t have faith because it’s now the “cool” thing to do, but that’s just me. I strongly hope I’m wrong.)

The faith I have does not lie in marketable images. The God I believe in is not personified by a bearded, sandal-wearing creature magically floating in the clouds. He is not a man pointing fingers at the sinners and smiting them. The faith I have lies in the quietly wonderful events that surround us. It exists when I see the patience people have with the older generation either at the supermarket or learning about the latest technology. It exists when people slow down when BY RUBÉN BAZÁN III THERUBENINDEX@GMAIL.COM

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they see a stray dog crossing the road. My faith is strengthened when I witness people having the opportunity to screw people over and deciding not to do it. It is very present when people fight for the happiness of other people even if they’re somewhat different. It exists when people listen - genuinely listen - to the troubles of their neighbor. It is personified when I see people giving up the value of their minutes to be there for someone else. It exists when people swallow their pride and forgive others’ trespasses for the betterment of the community. It exists, not necessarily in opulent churches and expensive religious retreats, but in the way we make our surroundings a more inhabitable place. It exists when nonbelievers carry themselves politely. I see it in my friends - close friends - who are not Catholic and who don’t believe in God, because I see every day how good they are to me and their loved ones, unknowingly manifesting my Supreme Being’s work. Faith is attainable, not because we’ve been told that we should have it like something we can purchase at a convenience store, but because it exists in almost every situation we find ourselves in. This is why it’s hard for me to imagine that there’s no heaven - many times, it’s right here among us. To those who have suffered, gone through hell and back, witnessed infidelity and treason, hit rock bottom, lost everything, and still managed to dust themselves off – thank you for setting the example that so many desperately need.

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Krizia Lauren Keiser Noble Hero / Organ Donor 6/13/1994 - 6/06/2013

y daughter Krizia Keiser was an incredible human being. She was a young, beautiful, and free spirited girl who did not hesitate when it came to helping others. Her courageous and noble decision to have signed up to be an organ donor at such young age, knowing that if something was to ever happen to her she would be able to help those in need, has made a big impact in so many people’s lives. We believe she had a great purpose in life and she accomplished it by giving life to others.We would like to continue her mission by spreading organ donation awareness in our community. Our daughter’s memory and purpose live on through the organization that bears her name, the Krizia L. Keiser Memorial Foundation.

Cream City Magazine is honored to feature a story about an extraordinary young girl whose life, and sadly, death, made an impact in the world. Krizia L. Keiser radiated a light that lit up everything around her. Her soul remains alive through the foundation that her family set up in her memory. Krizia’s mother, Martha González Keiser, talks about her sweet angel in a candid and heartwarming piece for our publication.

Krizia’s decision not only helped those who received her gift of life, but has helped us, her parents and brother, tremendously during this time of grief. Knowing part of her still lives on, knowing that her wish to help others was granted, and knowing her legacy will live on gives us great comfort. Nothing will ever replace our child, but believing her mission was accomplished helps us to continue to have faith. Her story has been heard throughout our community and the result has been very positive as many have opted to sign up to be organ donors. Since the foundation’s inception, we have had two memorial 5K run & walks and two memorial bowl-a-thons. We look forward to continue hosting these annual events. There is also an exciting project that the foundation, along with Councilman Roque Vela, has been working on. The Krizia L. Keiser Memorial Garden at the Bartlett Complex will be a nice little spot by the pond we are going to fix up with wild flowers, beautiful succulents, blooming trees, and a couple of benches for those visiting to sit and enjoy the view. I feel proud knowing she will be remembered forever. Our 3rd Annual Krizia L. Keiser Memorial 5K Run & Walk is scheduled for February 27, 2016, at Lake Casa Blanca State Park, starting at 7:45 a.m. We are looking forward to having a great turnout as we will again have participants not only from Laredo, but traveling from Dallas, Kyle, Austin, San Antonio, and some participating via virtual run from Germany. We are also very blessed that Rick, one of the organ donor recipients, will be coming to our 3rd Annual 5K Run & Walk. We look forward to meeting him, hugging him, and introducing him to all who will be participating that morning. I would like to encourage our community to sign up to be organ donors; there is a tremendous need and the thought that only 2% of those who have registered will be able to become donors is very low. Our actions and what we make of our lives matters. Krizia’s selflessness makes us proud to call her our daughter, and she will be forever remembered by all the people whose lives she touched. In the words of Krizia’s younger brother, John Hanson, “We are not immortal, but we are eternal.”

Cover page from left to right: Kristina Vásquez - scholarship recipient. Martha González Keiser - Krizia’s mother and founder of the Krizia L. Keiser Memorial Foundation. Tino Serna - participant in the 2nd Annual Bowl-a-thon. Charles Light - winner of Krizia L. Keiser Memorial 5K Run & Walk.



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he opening four bars are just piano chords against a downbeat, as simple as a church song. Ordinary. Quaint. Almost amateur. But when the singer begins singing those words, there is no mistaking the song:

“When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go…”

“Downtown,” composed by Tony Hatch and sung by Petula Clark, was released in November 1964, and by January was the first number one of 1965 on the Billboard Top 100. Who knows why some pop songs reach into the national and even global consciousness and never leave? This is one of them. Ask anyone of most any generation, sing any of the verses to them, or even just recite the words; they will return that one word two syllable chorus.

“The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your troubles; forget all your cares so go…” downtown, in any city, has always held a fascination. the name alone conjures sophistication, excitement and mystery. By the time Petula Clark’s British-inflected lilt reached my ears with this song, I was six years old and newly moved to Laredo from San Antonio. Nonetheless, I didn’t wait long before I managed to visit downtown Laredo, and I was instantly bewitched. Through the years my enchantment grew, and then solidified when I became a part of it. My very first post high school job was for Zales Jewelers on the southeast corner of Farragut and Salinas, in the then vibrant heart of downtown Laredo. I worked there off and on until I left for Los Angeles and didn’t return permanently until 26 years later. In these days of shoebox sized mall jewelers, with a handful of multitasking clerks, it is hard to imagine the impact of that Zales store in the mid-1970s. It was immense, and the staff that serviced customers was just as imposing and impressive; every one of them experienced retail professionals, most with decades-long tenure.

From this preeminent home base, I was able to experience downtown Laredo as an insider for a few critical formative years. From my desk I could see Jarvis Plaza Park, a green mirage peeking through the white glare of the noontime sun, tempting shoppers who couldn’t find enough respite under the brown canopied roof that cossetted the windows at department store Joe Brand on the Park across the street. I was basically an office clerk, so one of my jobs was to run the daily bank deposit down Farragut Street to Laredo National Bank. It was my favorite task, so I didn’t run very fast.

As I exited Zales, I could see just enough of the limestone glowing like a pearl on the Neoclassical style U.S. Post Office. It stands, as it has since 1907, like a stout Empress Dowager

unbowed by the showier twelve stories and mosaic façade of the adjacent Hamilton Hotel.

Walking down Farragut toward the bank, Hachar’s department store cornered at Convent Street quickly loomed into view. Its blue cylindrical spires, pinstriped in gold, topped the store’s name in vertical letters, impressing even before one noticed the opulently merchandised windows walled in mottled gray marble. Sometimes I would take “the long way” to the bank and turn right on Flores Avenue toward the Plaza Theatre, which featured the latest movies, albeit month’s behind their general release. We didn’t mind too much, because its distinctive celadon green marquis and tiled entry promised a cool respite regardless of what was playing on the screen. Standing there on Hidalgo Street looking East afforded the best view of the cream brick capped tenth story of the otherwise red brick Plaza Hotel in its last gasp of hospitality before converting to Laredo National Bank’s corporate offices. It was located just across the street from the bank branch to which I was originally headed, so seeing it reminded me of my primary mission hurrying me through it and back to work.

Today, downtown Laredo seems to have lost the devotion of the masses to peso devaluation and urban decay, if not to malls and online shopping. The days of reveling in the heady perfumed air and refined elegance of Richter’s, or placing oneself in the expert professional hands of the distinguished Juvencio de Anda for men’s clothing, the enigmatic D.D. Hachar for ladies shoes, or everyone’s golf buddy Al “Shuggie” Cohen for engagement rings, seem long past. Even Laredo National Bank no longer exists as it did, with that gracious lady Lamar Kahn Gallagher’s luminous plate-sized eyes and genuine smile commanding the attention, if not adoration, of all who entered. This downtown is sadly, perhaps inevitably, gone. But that doesn’t mean that downtown Laredo is done. Since my return, I have been thrilled to note the efforts to revive it, with the Laredo Center for the Arts, Gallery 201, Siete Banderas, the Outlet Shoppes of Laredo, and even plans to renovate our old Plaza Theatre leading the way back to cultural, culinary, entertainment, and retail relevance for downtown Laredo. “So maybe I’ll see you there we can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares…” Yes. Downtown. Again.




/ march 2016


Building The



onstruction has been a part of human history since the dawn of time. To build often means progress, evolution, and development. There is a company here in Laredo that has distinguished itself for over a quarter of a century for being a part of our history of building spaces that feature outstanding quality, design, and vision. We bring to you an interview with Modern Construction Inc., the family-owned company that is at the cutting edge of the industry. They share with us their ideas and approach to create and build the future sites of the most important companies in the area.

Define Modern Construction, Inc.: MCI is a family-owned company in its third generation. We consider ourselves to be a multi-faceted firm which offers a range of commercial construction services that include:

Concrete Services performed by American Concrete Institute (ACI) certified specialists A certified specialist ensures that you have knowledgeable staff preparing a strong quality foundation/parking lot.

Design/Build Construction Design build services save you time and money by streamlining the traditional construction process. Commercial Remodeling From repairs to renovations, remodeling can be an economical solution.

Commercial Building Maintenance/Repairs From the sheet metal roof and walls to the joints and caulking, regular maintenance will keep your building in top form. New Construction Whether from the ground up or finishing out a retail center or office building, MCI’s experience will prove to be a great asset to your process.

Warehouse/Office/Parking Lot Additions Working on an expansion with minimal interruption of the client’s daily operations is part of MCI’s commitment.

What makes Modern Construction the best solution when building the future of your business?

The focus and attention placed on our clients’ vision is what distinguishes MCI. We do this while maintaining the client’s construction budget and timeline. We have streamlined the various facets of our company, and this expedites the workflow that leads to the timely completion of each project. The management team at MCI is committed to maintaining a lean, efficient operation. Our entrepreneurial philosophy enables the team to focus on continued growth while strengthening our core business. Our goal is to outpace our own efficiency and performance, thus benefiting our clients.


What else would you like people to know about Modern Construction? While we live in a world that is constantly evolving through technological advances, there is much to be said about keeping the service you provide personalized. We are proud to service the local construction needs of clients from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. We are diligent about maintaining open lines of communication with our clients, thus ensuring that the client’s plans and goals are at the forefront regardless of their geographical location. Describe the Modern Construction experience: The company is completing 43 years of service to South Texas, and we are proud to state that we are still here because we have stayed true to our core values. Innovation, responsibility, and pride in our projects is what has enabled MCI to stay true to its mission. Since 1972, the mission of providing “Innovation and Craftsmanship without Compromise” has defined MCI and it will continue to lead the way as the company moves forward in 2016. For personalized service and a commitment to the client’s vision, we invite you to visit with us. We can help you make your dream project a reality.

José “Pepe” Eduardo García Héctor “Bebo” Guillermo García

2120 Blaine Street Laredo, TX • 78043

956.724.9001 cream


/ march 2016



wcc disbursement dinner This January, some of Laredo’s most influential women gathered for a disbursement dinner at the Laredo Country Club! During the event, guests enjoyed a delicious dinner and great conversations. The Women’s City Club is ready to make its mark on our city once again!


wbc commander’s reception It’s the most wonderful time of the year for Laredo! Washington’s Birthday Celebration month kicked off with the Commander’s Reception at the Laredo Energy Arena. The event gave guests a snippet of what to expect for this year’s long awaited celebration. We can’t wait to see what else is in store!




A highly dynamic, creative, and charming young lady ready to take on the world...that’s Pao! She talks to us about her future plans and what she enjoys most about life. We invite you to get to know a little bit more about Paola in this exclusive interview for Cream!

Name five words your family play in your life? Family is the most important part of that best describe you. Dreamer, my life. I owe everything I am to them. They are the ones that perseverant, sensible, creative, and passionate. Do you go by keep me going every single day. I know I have their unconditional Paola or Alexa? Pao! What school do you attend? When do you support. I would never trade them for anything. Is being a chef a graduate? The Culinary Institute of America at San Antonio. I glamorous job? Definitely not! It entails no jewelry, basic makeup, graduate this upcoming April 2016. How did you discover your no nail polish, no perfume, and no pretty shoes. Also, you work passion for culinary arts? All my life I have been very creative; long hours and get very little sleep. Name your three favorite TV I love art. When I started to investigate shows? Velvet, Club de Cuervos, and Grey’s and see everything that was possible to do Anatomy. What city do you like to visit most? in the culinary and pastry industry, it was Mexico, DF! Group or singer that is never fascinating to me because I realized that To me it’s like making edible missing from your favorite playlist? Alejandro you cannot only create amazing and artistic Fernández. Can you share your recipe for art with my own hands, products, but also that people can eat and happiness and living a carefree life? God, enjoy. To me it’s like making edible art with family, friends, being sure of who you are, my own hands, and I love it! What’s your and doing what you love. What was your specialty in the kitchen? Making sweets and favorite dish as a kid? Sopita de fideo because giving a unique touch to every dessert I I love how my mom makes it. What was the create. What are your three go-to restaurants? last thing you ate? Pozole verde my mom Bistro, Bakery Lorraine, and Urban Taco. Sweet or salty? I enjoy made at my apartment in San Antonio. She makes it for me so I preparing sweets the most, but I eat more salty food. Where do can have it while I am away from home. It’s the best pozole verde you see yourself in five years? Having my own pastry business. I have ever had! Do you have any pets? No. I don’t have time What inspires you? The people in my life that support me and because I spend most of the day at school. What do you like about believe in me are my biggest inspirations. As far as my career Cream City Magazine? Cream is innovative and very stylish. It’s goes, I draw inspiration from nature, fashion, paintings, and even the magazine that brings out the best in terms of photography, makeup; all these things influence my unique dessert creations models, personalities, places, businesses, events, and local talent. both in their flavor and their presentation. It’s fascinating how What do you enjoy doing during your spare time? Netflix, crafts, you can transform a Laredo sunset into a cake. What role does and exercise. Pick a social media outlet. Snapchat.

and I love it!



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Coated by
















Finding love in the modern age is no longer an exact science; it’s no longer in the air, or in all the wrong places for that matter. Love is in fact a wonderful thing, and thanks to modern technology, it’s only a click away. In 2005, 14-15 million Americans considered themselves in a long distance relationship (ldr) according to, well, the Center for Long Distance Relationships. A modern love is more accessible than ever. Thankfully, all the components to a perfect relationship can be accessed from a mobile phone, tablet, or other high-tech gadgets that make life in the 21st century all that much sweeter. Do you enjoy road trips, sleepovers, and long late night phone calls? Then you might want to look into taking the digital plunge. If convenience and companionship are what you’re looking for, then a long distance relationship might be for you. Testing the waters and securing a lifelong partner has never been this easy.


There’s an array of dating apps available if relationships aren’t your scene, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Commitment is a big 10 letter word that sends most of us back to our adult coloringbook activities. We understand. Whatever you’re in the mood for, as long as it’s a match, there’s someone out there for you. From Bumble to Tinder, Grindr to Her, there’s an app that’ll get you closer to him, her, or they. The idea behind these apps is geared towards the “try before you buy” or “sharing” generation. It’s a wonderful time to be alive and romantically available. Dating hasn’t always been easy for our pre-millennium ancestors, so be sure to take full advantage of the convenience, luxury, and GPS on your mobile devices. This definitely isn’t your parents’ dating scene, so explaining how you both met might be a technical challenge.

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If you’re a diehard Parks and Recreation fan, or just a gal with a finger on the culture pulse, then you know and might have already celebrated Galentine’s Day! What is Galentine’s Day you might ask? Well, it’s the day before Valentine’s Day, and it’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate your gal pals and get your gifting on. Galentine’s Day originated from a Parks and Recreation episode where the female characters munched, gifted, and celebrated their friendships. If your network isn’t exclusively female, then you can always celebrate Palentine’s Day! There’s always time to celebrate the ones who get you through breakups, shake-ups, and meltdowns. So get the e-invites ready, put the Moet & Chandon on ice, and bust out your Wilson Phillips CD, because it’s time to “Hold On” to the ones you love. Mark your calendars for February 13th, and get ready to start a lifelong tradition.

galentine’s day




i abuelo gustavo siempre ha sido muy platicador. desde que era pequeña, él siempre me ha contado todo lo que sabe. Le encanta tanto compartir su sabiduría con la gente, que a veces pienso que él es más enciclopedia que humano.

Hace ya varios meses, una noche noté que mi abuelo estaba hablando más que nunca. Su voz resonaba por los pasillos de la casa y yo podía percibir la felicidad genuina que sus palabras expresaban. Al preguntarle que le había causado tanto ánimo, me respondió que había regresado de su primera reunión con el “grupo de los caballeros extraordinarios”. Me contó que el grupo consistía de varios amigos de la tercera edad que se reunían para platicar, comer y convivir. Desde ese momento en el que vi un cambio en mi abuelo, decidí asistir una reunión del grupo para descubrir que era lo que lo llenaba de tanta alegría. Cuando me senté esa noche con los caballeros extraordinarios y escuché sus palabras llenas de años de conocimiento, me di cuenta que mi abuelo no era el único que irradiaba un gozo indescriptible




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a través de su sonrisa. La amistad entre los caballeros dibujaba un brillo juvenil en sus miradas a pesar de los años y experiencias que han vivido. Sus risas y sus conversaciones me demostraron que siempre existe un buen rato para disfrutar entre amigos. Aprendí que las personas que nos hacen reír y nos llenan de amor son las que siempre debemos de conservar. Aunque la vida trate de separar a los amigos, es imprescindible apreciarlos e intentar de no perder a las personas que nos dan una razón para sonreír día a día. Nadie entiende este concepto mejor que el grupo de los caballeros extraordinarios.

Iniciado en Laredo, el grupo consiste de cuarenta caballeros de edad avanzada que tienen un sazón por la vida. Cada lunes, los caballeros se reúnen en un restaurante de la localidad para hablar sobre la literatura, la política y muchos temas más de conversación. Entre sus pláticas, los amigos se ofrecen consejos, risas, y ante todo una amistad sincera. José “Pepe” Caballero / Fundador

Gustavo Villarreal / Miembro

¿Cuándo se fundó el grupo de “los caballeros extraordinarios”? Hace 8 años

¿Qué es lo que más disfruta del grupo de los caballeros extraordinarios? Su

en el mes de febrero.

¿Cuál es el propósito del grupo? Juntarnos

para pasar un tiempo agradable platicando, compartiendo historias, poemas y cantos en compañía del uno al otro. Todos nos escuchamos y las anécdotas que compartimos nos enriquecen las vidas.

¿Cuántos caballeros forman parte del grupo? Este grupo comenzó como un

sueño y al principio teníamos solamente cinco miembros. Ahora está compuesto de cuarenta caballeros y sabemos que continuaremos creciendo.

Explíquenos que sucede durante una Regularmente compartimos junta.

reflexiones y cantos. A veces traemos un CD y escuchamos música o escribimos poemas para recitar. También relatamos los acontecimientos que nos suceden día con día.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos para formar parte del grupo? El caballero debe que

tener 65 años o más y la disposición de asistir a las reuniones. Asimismo, debe disfrutar de la camaradería y demostrar que tiene un amor y una amistad hacia los demás.

amistad, su cariño, y el bien que buscan siempre para el necesitado.

¿Cómo describiría usted a un amigo? Un

verdadero amigo es el que siempre ve por el prójimo. El amigo es el que está contigo en los buenos y malos momentos de tu vida.

La amistad entre ustedes es admirable. ¿Cómo cultivan su amistad después de sus reuniones? La cultivamos aprendiendo de

lo que expresamos durante las reuniones y aplicándolo a nuestras vidas. La bondad y el amor de mis amigos los tomo como un alimento para mi espíritu.

¿Porqué son tan importantes los amigos en la vida de una persona? Los amigos

son importantes porque te aman y te apoyan cuando más lo necesitas. El amigo verdadero es el que es como de tu familia sin llevar tu sangre.

¿Cómo ha contribuido ser miembro del grupo en su vida a esta edad? Ha

contribuido mucho al bienestar de mi espíritu y de mis pensamientos. Con las experiencias que escucho de ellos y con las que yo tengo, hacemos una amalgama de recuerdos hermosos. Es maravilloso formar parte de un grupo de personas mayores pero jóvenes en el alma.

Cada caballero del grupo tiene algo diferente que ofrecer. Algunos saben mucho sobre la política. Otros sobre la historia o la educación. Sin embargo, su amor mutuo los une. El grupo de los caballeros extraordinarios revela que la amistad provoca juventud, alegría y ganas de vivir. ¡Viva la amistad!



/ march 2016



wbc commander’s reception It’s the most wonderful time of the year for Laredo! Washington’s Birthday Celebration month kicked off with the Commander’s Reception at the Laredo Energy Arena. The event gave guests a snippet of what to expect for this year’s long awaited celebration. We can’t wait to see what else is in store!

my greatest accomplishment is

i never say no to

i can’t get enough

the kid in me loves



Standing Bow Pulling Pose or Dandayamana-Dhanurasana To perform Standing Bow, start by standing on your right leg. Turn your left palm up toward the ceiling, and while keeping your palm facing upward, reach around behind you. Bend your left knee and lift your left foot backward and upward, placing the foot in your cupped hand. Grasp the instep firmly about two inches below the toes. Your wrist will be inside the foot, your fingers will be pointing outward and the sole of your left foot facing the ceiling. Lock your standing knee, and keep your thigh muscles tight. Raise your right arm in front of you with your elbow locked, fingers together, and pointing forward. Keep your arm close to your head throughout the pose.

Next, level your hips squarely forward; raised knee pointing directly at the floor. Focus on one spot in front of you and roll forward like a wheel until your abdomen is parallel to the floor. Point your toes and kick your left foot upward and backward with all your strength- kicking into your cupped hand. This pose activates your entire body and is designed to promote balance, concentration, and endurance. Be sure to try it on both sides for a balanced practice. Standing Bow Pulling Pose can be found in the Hot Yoga Flow Foundation Classes at Casa Yoga. For full class schedule, visit or call 956-307-YOGA(9642) to schedule your first free class. Model: Cristina Villarreal




Wandering the streets of Laredo, we came across a hidden and glorious red wagon where we soon discovered lied the secrets of pure indulgence. We are talking about Sweet

& Salty, the new addition to our city’s antojos. As we spoke to owners Estefanía Martínez and Rafael Benavides, they explained how they were inspired to come back to Laredo and share their passion with us. Their menu consists of six waffles (three sweet and three salty). The Ham & Cheese, their unique yummy version of Chicken & Waffles, and the Whan Mi that has a tender spicy twist to it; on the sweet side they have Nutella & Berries, Banana Nut, which is a combination of dulce de leche and bananas, and S’mores, which has been a customer favorite lately. Besides the waffles, they offer a wide variety of “kolaches” right out of the oven, their amazing Wapapa (their version of papa asada), and seasonal items that are just something else. We have converted to loyal followers of Sweet & Salty in a matter of days, please do not think about it twice, your life will never be the same.

•• Visit them at 1020 E. Saunders St., from Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm -10pm ••

12things that make

Sunshine unique Alejandra García Avitia

Their STEAM curriculum will help your child develop both brain hemispheres Their art classes will help promote your child’s creativity Travel adventures let your child appreciate other cultures Get the best nutrition for your child: healthy, organic food


oin in the adventure as Ale García Avitia walks us through the fun and quirky Aussie traditions. Her time spent down under tested her time-management skills as she dared to find the balance to squeeze in time between assessments and job interviews to walk down the metropolitan streets of Sydney and slip away on the weekends to tour its paradisiacal coasts.

Well-qualified educators (CPR, First Aid training, background check, and teacher training). Music lessons for your little one that will help elevate their IQ - Psych ology - Hillso ng Inte rnatio Leader n ship C ollege al - Baulk ham H il South Wales, ls, New Austra lia

How is college life different locally compared to abroad? Are there more challenges or advantages? In everything that you set out to do in life, you’ll come across challenges. However, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the challenges. In the college I attended, the diverse student population was one of the major highlights. This Australian institution is made up of people from all around the world! Did you experience a culture shock? If so, how did you get through it? I knew what was waiting for me on the other side before I crossed the globe. I did not only experience the Australian culture, but what we call the “Hillsong culture.” After all, I was lucky to attend a world-class college where all the different nations become one. The things that “shocked” me the most were the higher prices on most products. Australians love a good BBQ, and they like to shorten the names of mostly everything. Hence, breakfast becomes brekky, afternoon becomes arvo, and McDonald’s is maccas. Stores close super early (5:00 p.m.) every day, except for Thursdays (9:30 p.m.). And forget about refills and “super-sized” meals. Has studying overseas impacted your professional or personal goals? Definitely! This is the third time that I have lived overseas, but the first time I have felt at “home” overseas. Before Australia, I’d never studied outside of town for more than 3 months. This time, I learned to carry the weight of independence, responsibility, and to really appreciate the world in every sense. My goal is to keep exploring new places without losing a sense of who I am. Have you made any serious decisions already? Anything that made you feel like this was a different stage in your life? My decision is to keep listening to the voice of God in everything that I am planning for the future. My plans are set to help people, I want to use my skills in psychology and everything I learned in Hillsong to help this community and communities all over the world. My next step for 2016 is South Africa. Australia was definitely a different stage in my life; the best one so far. Anything else you want to share with us? Stop dreaming and start chasing. Comfort and security never produce growth. Get out of your comfort zone! Listen to the voice inside of you. Go after what you really want. When you really want to achieve something, money or time will not stop you. Just have faith and start to walk in it. Before coming to Australia, many people said I was crazy, that it was a stupid idea, and that I wouldn’t last the year. If I had listened to them, I would have missed the best adventure of my life. Our graduation was broadcasted online in almost every continent. I had the opportunity to be part of a Hillsong conference that many delegates attended (including singer Justin Bieber). It was worth the risk!

Foster independence and responsibility Gardening lessons for your child Great physical education class so your child can develop his/ her motor skills Get your child ready for kindergarten Develop social skills Get ready to be amazed by your child

This is the best time to enroll your child in our program! Reach us:

Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm


2715 E del Mar Blvd • Laredo, TX 78041



/ march 2016




few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a video on Facebook titled “Instagram Husbands” that so accurately depicted what it’s like to get the perfect Instagram picture. Basically, the husbands are forced to stand around taking endless pictures of their wives until they’re happy and feel satisfied posting the billionth shot. Now, there are many things that factor into posting—one has to contemplate what the picture conveys, how many likes it’ll get, if it will stir up jealousy about “how much fun” it looks like one is having, etc, etc. I’ll admit, I’m extremely guilty of doing this whenever I think I’m doing something really fun or think I look great. You best believe my best friend turns into my personal photographer and will stop at nothing until both of us have AMAZING pictures to post.

But sometimes, taking a million “perfect” pictures to post isn’t all that fun or reflective of your life at a certain time at all. As the New Year begins, I want to start a new project—a 365 project. At the end of the school year last spring, my friend Maddie put together an amazing 365 video to show one of the student organizations I’m involved in. I was floored! For an entire year, she took one photo or a one-second video every single day, and on the 365th day, she made the video. Just like that, her collective memory of the year was compiled into roughly a six-minute video. But the thing about all of the photos and videos was that they were completely raw; they were the in between, candid moments and seconds. The moments when life really happens—when a friend is laughing too hard at a silly joke, when you did great on a test, or when you’re singing a little bit too high and off-key in the car. These are the times we rarely remember, but the ones that mean the most and ground us when we forget that life is not always filtered.

So I’m challenging myself, and I’m challenging Cream readers to start their own 365 projects. Go ahead and remember the little things, big things, and all the things in between! You’ll thank yourself at the end of the 365 days for taking the time to do so.

m the year so far! o r f s e r u t Here are some of my pic 44 cream


/ march 2016

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