BRAG presents
From the mountain dragon to the handfish
What is Hooked! all about? Nature has long been a source of inspiration for artists when creating beautiful pieces that have the power to educate, entertain and engage audiences. ‘Hooked! from the Mountain Dragon to the Handfish’ brings communities together, inspiring a revival in fibre arts and providing opportunities to educate and integrate. Hooked! participants had the opportunity to learn about nature, express themselves through art and contribute to a community art exhibition. Although a pilot project for North West Tasmania, Hooked! was inspired by knitting and crochet projects worldwide and focused on our unique, iconic and threatened native plants and animals.
The project also provided opportunities for the exchange of information about arts (fibre arts, creativity and expression and the local arts community), the environment (through guest speakers and activities), health (including mental health and healthy communities), and community groups and other services.
and the Exhibition
The Hooked! project was initiated by Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) and ran from May 2012 until May 2013 in the region. A series of free workshops were held for adults and children that combined craft tutoring, informative presentations on Tasmanian wildlife and an occasional dash of face painting and balloon twisting fun. Participants learnt about our local reptiles, the giant freshwater lobster, the endangered spotted handfish and burrowing crayfish, Tasmanian Devils, platypus, and quolls, and the problem of marine debris. Participants were assisted in their flora and fauna creations by members of the Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild of Tasmania who volunteered their time. Putting together the exhibition was a challenging job, as more than 370 woolly creations were contributed by 230 project participants and collated four days before the exhibition opening.
- Margaret Barlow Seahorse / Beetles -Hazel Girolamo , Mushroom - Eunice Horne, Corals
Hooked! allowed participants to express their interpretation of the environment and its social impacts and make unique North West Tasmanian animals and plants that fascinated and inspired them.
Hooked! Workshops
How did people get Hooked!?
Tasmania has a vibrant arts community with many creative people, largely inspired by their natural surrounds.
Social Media
The Hooked! project allowed participants to be creative, share their vision and express themselves artistically while learning about our natural environment.
Hooked! also gave rise to the creation of social networks between members of the community who may not otherwise have had opportunities to connect.
Who has supported Hooked!?
A Facebook page (facebook. com/HookedinTasmania) was established for the project and soon reached over 9,000 page hits with many ‘likes’ and comments.
The Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild (HWSDG) of Tasmania and the Burnie Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) are both major project partners for Hooked! Hooked! was funded by Cradle Coast NRM through the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country and was assisted by sponsorship from Tasmanian Alkaloids, and grants from the Tasmanian Community Fund and Inspiring Australia.
The page featured pictures for inspiration, tutorials and pattern links, as well as information about the intriguing native wildlife found in North West Tasmania.
The following organisations and individuals were also involved in Hooked!: HookedinTasmania Turtles - Judith Rice Corals - Kim Shadbolt Owl - Annette Cuthbe Red Gorgonia - Kim O’Brien Beetles - Hazel Girolamo Seaweed - Adrienne Krist
˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚
Devonport Regional Gallery Leven Regional Arts Tas Regional Arts Lighthouse Regional Arts OceanPlanet / Environment Tasmania NRM North Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania / NRM South Various guest speakers Wool, fibre and materials suppliers.
May 25 – June 30 2013 Hooked!
Major Exhibition at BRAG The idea for Hooked! began in June 2011, drawing inspiration from knitting and crochet projects from around the world. The concept behind the exhibition was to create a representation of the iconic wildlife and flora of North West Tasmania. It was imagined that audiences would view an installation that started at the region’s iconic Cradle Mountain and wove its way down to the sea. To support this vision, a photo montage representing the region’s varied landscapes was commissioned to a local graphic artist who manipulated the images to represent fibre. This graphic artwork was then printed onto two fabric wall hangings measuring 4 x 3 metres and 5 x 3 metres each. These formed the backdrop, in-front of which the participants' fibre artworks were placed. As the audience meander through, and interact with the exhibition, a soundscape of oral histories is heard, overlaid with a soundtrack including native animals, ocean and forest sounds. Amongst the many exhibition features, highlights include a walk-through glow-in-the-dark jellyfish swarm under black lights; and one of the fabric wall-hangings offering fun photo opportunities, with head and hand-holes for participants to be a 'mountain dragon' or 'spotted handfish'.
North West Tasmania The Cradle Coast region is remarkably diverse, bounded by 2,640km of coastline and covering 22,520 square kilometres; approximately one third of Tasmania. Our natural assets – rivers, wetlands, groundwater, coasts, estuaries, oceans, natural and productive landscapes, biodiversity, geology, atmosphere and cultural heritage – all contribute to the unique character of this region and also act as major tourism drawcards. The region stretches from Narawntapu National Park in the East to Cape Grim in the far North West, and to Port Davey in the South. Its Eastern border runs diagonally through Cradle Valley. The region includes King Island and other islands in Bass Strait and also includes State waters which extend to three nautical miles. The region covers five of Tasmania’s nine terrestrial bioregions and four of its seven marine bioregions.
Mou ntain Dragon
Spotted Handfish Mountain Dragon - Image/ Michael Thow
The Mountain Dragon is an agamid, or dragon lizard, endemic to Australia.
ge/ Michael Thow Tiger Snake - Ima
The Tiger snake is a normally timid species which, like most snakes, usually retreats at the approach of a human. It can be difficult to distinguish the Tiger snake from the Copperhead since sizes, habitat preferences and behaviour overlap somewhat. On the mainland of Tasmania, Tiger snakes reach a length of between 1 - 1.8 metres. The Tiger snake is legally protected in Tasmania and still faces danger from human activities such as destruction and fragmentation of habitat. Many are needlessly killed on the road when deliberately run over.
ina Rose
(No tec his scu tatu s)
Kar ked! participant
by Hoo Fibre Handfish
Tig er Sn a ke
ant Karina Rose
It occurs in the uplands of New South Wales and Victoria, as well as in Tasmania where it is the only native agamid. They are oviparous (develop eggs inside their bodies, and lay them) and feed on ants and other small invertebrates.
Handfish - Image/ Aquenal
Fibre Dragon by Hooked! particip
(Rankinia diemensis)
(Brachionichths hirsutus) The Spotted handfish is listed as endangered in Tasmania's Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, and also under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Spotted handfish are marine fish, endemic to Tasmania. They are only found on sandy sediments at the bottom of the Derwent estuary and adjoining bays. Spotted handfish are very small, only growing to a maximum size of 12 centimetres, meaning they could fit within the palm of your hand. The biggest threats to the Spotted handfish are from illegal collectors, habitat disturbance by dredge, or net fishing and from the introduced seastar (Asterias amurensis).
Major Exhibition at BRAG
Thylacine - Karina Rose, Possum - Margaret Daymond, Manta Rays - Annette Cuthbe , Wave - Hazel Girolamo, Octopus - Adrienne Krist, Crayfish - Portia Andrew
May 25 – June 30 2013
Cradle Mountain Banner/Table Cape
Banner - Billie Hardy Artistic Design
Ptunarra Brown Butterfly
Weedy (or Common) Seadragon
Needle-felted buuterfly by Hooked!
Brown Butterfly - Image/Simon
participnt Ire ne Hall
de Salis
Seadragon - Image/ Graham Edgar
(Oreixenica ptunarra) The Ptunarra brown butterfly is listed as threatened and is a small brown and orange butterfly belonging to the family Nymphalidae. It is endemic to Tasmania and restricted to five areas of the state: the Midlands, Steppes, Northwest Plains, Eastern Highlands and the Central Plateau.
Si lver Tu ss oc k G ra ss
(ha bita t for the Ptu nar ra bro wn but terf ly)
Felting fleece in progress
s - Image/Ali Dugand
participant Karina Rose
Silver Tussock Gras
Seadragon by Hoo ked!
(Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) This species is related to the seahorse. Unlike seahorses, the seadragons do not have a pouch for rearing their young. Instead, male seadragons carry the eggs fixed to the underside of their tail. This superbly camouflaged fish usually occurs in kelp-covered rocky reefs at depths between 3 to 50 metres.
i Gra ssla nd) (Lo wla nd Poa lab illa rdi ere
r tussock grass. of grasslands dominated by silve This vegetation sub-type consists orchids occupy the inter-tussock spaces. and Other herbs such as lilies, daisies the situation and g or small and tufty depending on open layer with an Tussocks may be large and spreadin as ear app or s form a closed mas site history. The grass tussocks may the inter-tussock spaces. ns in smaller grasses, plants and liche
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Swa mp Harrier (Perameles gunnii) The Eastern barred bandicoot is ( a yellowish-brown marsupial with 3 to 4 distinctive pale bars index.aspx?base=4830) on its hindquarters.
Bandicoot - Image/DPIPWE
rier - Image/Ali Dug
Grey Go sha wk
The legs, feet and the cere (just behi nd the bill), are yellow. Females are Grey Goshawk occurs singularly, larger than males. The or in pairs, in rainforest, wet scler ophyll forest and woodland. They feed on birds, small mammals , reptiles and insects.
pant Karin a Rose
oked! parti ca
awk by Ho
e/Bert Quant
The Grey Goshawk is a mediumsized bird of prey (350-550mm). In Tasmania, the bird despite its name, is all white - the only all-w hite raptor in the world. On the main land, two colour forms occur - all white and grey.
li Dugand Two week old Swamp Harrier chick - Image/A
Fibre Gosh
- Imag Female Grey Goshawk
(Ac cip iter nov aeh olla ndi ae)
(Circus approximans) Swamp harriers once enjoyed nesting in swamp land and marshes. Now drained for agriculture, their former habitat area is reduced and the preference is to settle for alternatives that include farming cropland. The Swamp harrier is particularly vulnerable during harvest and can be disturbed during egg laying throughout October–November. Early intervention by flagging a nest site at this critical time and alerting machine operators to avoid the immediate nest site could be all that is required to support the long term survival of this valuable “Farmers Friend”.
pant Emma Pugh
d! partica Fibre arts Swamp Harrier Hooke
Female Swamp Har
It grows up to 35 centimetres The Eastern barred bandicoot is long and can weighmarsupial up to 1450with a yellowish-brown grams. This bandicoot has large 3 to 4 distinctive pale bars on its pointed ears and a tail which hindquarters. It grows up to 35 grows to 9.5 centimetres centimetres long and canlong. weigh up to 1450 grams. This bandicoot has large pointed ears and a tail which grows to 9.5 centimetres long (Cronin 1991; Strahan 1998; TSSC
M ak e a ha nd-k nitted Spott ed H an df ish
Patte rn by Kari na Rose Leve l of Diff icult y: Inter medi ate
Materials mm knitting needles (straight). ˚ 4.5 2.25 ˚ mm knitting needles (straight or dpn). ply yarn: Main colour for body and gusset; ˚ 8Contrast colour for fins, ‘hands’ and tail.
˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚
Body (Starting at Tail)
Using MC and 4.5 mm needles, cast on 10 stitches Rows 1-10: Stocking stitch Row 11: Inc 1 st at each end of row (i.e. make 1, knit to last st, M1, K1)(12 sts) Ideally the MC is mustard, and CC is cream/white. Rows 6-12: Stocking stitch Row 13: Inc 1 st at each end of row (14 sts) Brown crochet thread for French-knotting the Rows 14-19: Stocking stitch “spots” onto the body. Row 20: Inc 1 st at each end of row (16 sts) Safety eyes (or beads/buttons for eyes). Rows 21-26: Stocking stitch Craft pipe cleaner/chenille (polyester or nylon-covered wire. This gives legs structure Row 27: Inc 1 st at each end of row (18 sts) Rows 28: Purl and ‘bend-ability’). Row 29: Cast on 8 sts, knit to end (to make ‘legs’) A strand of multi-brown crochet thread can be knitted in with the CC to create the “spots” on the Row 30: Cast on 8 sts, purl to end (to make ‘legs’) Rows 31-34: Stocking stitch fins. Alternatively you may wish to hand-stitch Row 35: Cast off 8 sts, knit to end seed beads for the spots onto the fins using Row 36: Cast off 8 sts, purl to end (18 sts) nylon/clear thread and a beading needle. Rows 37-38: Stocking stitch Row 39: Inc 1 st at each end of row (20 sts) Abbreviations (top of ‘head’) MC: Main Colour Rows 40-42: Stocking stitch CC: Contrast Colour Row 43: Inc 1 st at each end of row (22 sts) dpn: double-pointed needle st: stitch Rows 44-46: Stocking stitch inc: increase Row 47: Dec 1 st at each end of row dec: decrease (i.e. K1, K2tog, K to last 3 st, K2tog, K1)(20 sts) K: knit Row 48: Purl P: purl Row 49: Dec 1 st at each end of row (18 sts) K2tog: knit 2 stitches together Rows 50-52: Stocking stitch K2tog tbl: knit 2 stitches together, through back of loop Row 53: Dec 1 st at each end of row (16 sts) M1: make 1 stitch (by knitting into Rows 54-56: Stocking stitch front and back of stitch) Row 57: Dec 1 st at each end of row (14 sts) Sl1: slip 1 stitch Rows 58-60: Stocking stitch PSSO: pass slipped stitch over Row 61: Dec 1 st at each end of row (12 sts)
Front (Pectoral) F ins (make 2)
Underbelly (gusset)
Using CC (double strand with crochet thread for ‘spots’, if desired) Cast on 11 stitches using picot method : 1.. Cast on 5 stitches 2.. Cast off 2 stitches 3.. Slip the lone stitch on the right hand needle back to the left needle Repeat these 3 steps twice, cast on 2 (11 st) Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 3: K2tog, K to last 2 st, K2tog tbl (9 st) Repeat rows 2 and 3 until 5 stitches remain Row 8: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 9: Knit to end Row 10: P1, (K1, P1) to end Repeat rows 9 and 10, 3 more times (15 rows total) Cast off knitways.
Using MC and 4.5 mm needles, cast on 3 stitches Rows 1-3: Stocking stitch Row 4: Inc 1 st at each end of row (i.e. make 1, knit to last st, M1, K1) (5 sts) Rows 5-7: Stocking stitch Row 8 Inc 1 st at each end of row (7 sts) Rows 9-11: Stocking stitch Row 12: Inc 1 st at each end of row (9 sts) Rows 13: Purl Row 14: Inc 1 st at each end of row (11 sts) Rows 15-17: Stocking stitch Row 18: Dec 1 st at each end of row (i.e. K1, K2tog, K to last 3 st, K2tog, K1) (9 st) Row 19: Purl Row 20: Dec 1 st at each end of row (7 st) Row 21: Purl Cast off.
Head (F irst Dorsa l) F in (mak e 1)
Cast on 14 stitches Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1, P1) to end Rows 3-4: repeat rows 1 and 2 Row 5: inc row K1, M1, K to end (15 st) Row 6: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 7: Knit Row 8: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 9: K1, M1, K to last 2 st, K2tog (15 st) Row 10: (K1, P1) to end Row 11: K1, M1, K to last 2 st, K2tog (15 st) Row 12: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 13: Cast off.
Tail (Caud al) F in (mak e 1)
Cast on 25 stitches Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1, P1) to end Rows 3-10: Repeat rows 1 and 2 Row 11: K1, P1 to end Row 12: P1, K1 to end Rows 13-16: Repeat rows 11 and 12 (rib) Row 17: ((K1, P1, Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, P1)-
“Botto m (Ana l) F in (mak e 1)
Using CC (double strand with crochet thread for ‘spots’, if desired) Cast on 18 stitches using picot method Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1, P1) to end Rows 3-6: Repeat rows 1 and 2 Row 7: K2tog, K to last 2 st, K2tog tbl Row 8: Cast off purlways.
Top (Seco nd Dorsa l) F in
“Han d” (Pelvic/Ventral) F ins (mak e 2)
Using CC (double strand with crochet thread for ‘spots’, if desired) Cast on 13 stitches using picot method Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1,P1) to end Rows 3 and 4, repeat rows 1 and 2 Row 5: K2tog, K to last 2 st, K2tog tbl Row 6: (K1, P1) to last st, K1 Rows 7-12: Repeat rows 5 and 6
Cast on 40 stitches Row 13: Cast off purlways. Row 1: Knit Row 2: P1, (K1, P1) to end to Repeat rows 1 and 2, using short-row shaping Tail (caudal) fin , shape the fin, until fin measures 5 cm in height reducing to 38 stitches on last few rows Cast off.
“Hand” (Pelvic/Ventral) fins
Main body and legs Chenille covered in yarn (for legs)
Front (Pectoral) fins 4 times), K1 (17 st) Row 18: P1, (K1, P1) to end Row 19: ((K1, P1) twice), Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, P1, K1, P1, Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, ((p1, K1) twice) (13 st) Row 20: P1, (K1, P1) to end (9 st) Row 21: ((K1, P1, Sl1, K2tog- PSSO, P1) twice), K1 Row 22-24: rib Cast off.
Bottom (anal) fin
Head (first dorsal) fin
Wh o g ot ! Hooked
Cradle Coast NRM works with communities in North West Tasmania to manage and improve natural resources such as land, water and coasts to ensure a healthy future for the region. For more information go to
Wh at Cra dle Coa st NR M do..
Useful Websites BirdLife Australia - Tasmania
Cradle Coast NRM
(Natural Resource Management )
local community groups: Landcare, Coastcare, and ˚Support “Friends of” groups with technical guidance and information and deliver environmental education ˚Develop Administer grants and incentive programs ˚Help commercial and hobby farmers manage their ˚land sustainably with communities and land managers to control ˚Work Declared Weeds and Weeds of National Significance.
Clean Up Australia Day
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (Tasmania) (Frog Watch or local Herpetological Society)
Landcare Tasmania
Living with Snakes WebPages/SJON-52F4SG?open
Save the Tasmanian Devil
Tasmanian F ield Naturalists
Pene Day Margaret Daymond Sophie Deka Reid Doherty Marguerite Donaldson Trudi Dudding Anne Dunham Georgia Dunlop Grace Dutton Ella Ehrat Vidakovic Thomas Farr-Hingston Felix Farr-Hingston Zoe Farr-Hingston Donna Fenlon-Carr Oscar Fenlon-Carr Jesse Frankcombe Shanyne Frankcombe Sandy Frankcombe Abbie Gausden Hazel Girolamo Tannah Goss Kirsty Goss Jackson Gray Harry Gray Rachel Gray Neve Green Jo Green Hilary Greene Jorja Greene Chandi Grubb Irene Hall Danny Hanlon Mason Harris Nicola Harris Finn Henwood Skye Henwood Ben Hicks Sonja Hindrum Mark Hingston Eunice Horne Alyssa Hurd Josh Hurd
Helen Jennion Henry Kable Pea Kapene-Laing Bella Kenworthy Mary Kille Adrienne Krist Joshua Kusnezow Eligh Lambert Thomas Lane Magdalena Lane Sam Low Thomas Low Sam Lowe Matthew MacKinnon Sheldon MacKinnon Sophie MacKinnon Lachlan Masters Leon Masters Lisa McAndrew Jenny McCulloch Bethany McDonald KC McLean Melony McKinnon Pamela Mitchell Janine Morris Taylor Mowatt Sophie Nichols Pam Noble Rose Noble Frances O’Rourke Harrison Oakley Kate O'Brien Kim O'Brien Dianne Och Sue Paterson Jazlin Paterson Robert Paterson Shanli Perkins Faye Poke Donald Porter Rita Power Chantal Purton
Acknowledgements (Native Plants and Animals) (Managing Our Natural Resources)
Frog monitoring
Bo Adams Jessie Adams Tamsin Adams Zane Adams Portia Andrew Evelyn Antonysen Chelsea Ball Tamsyn Ball Margaret Barlow Sarah Beer Eve Bell Susan Bell Zhenesa Borg Piper Bramich Amity Brimfield Layla Brimfield Sarah Brimfield Tracy Broomhall Emily Brown Stefanie Brown Miranda Burns Rachel Burns Sophie Burns Thomas Butler Seonaid Campbell Caitlin Carroll Tom Casey Ella Clarke Rebecca Clarke Leza Clarke Georgia Cleaver Joshua Colgate Trudi Cooper Lynette Correy Patrick Correy Samara Correy Christine Crampton Imogen Crampton Ineke Crate Anne Crummy Annette Cuthbe Melinda Davis
Thankyou to all our Hooked! particapants
Cradle Coast NRM Staff
Wa nt to become more involved in looking after your area ?
˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚
Join a natural resource management group Coastcare, Landcare or ‘Friends of’ group Monitor threatened plants or animals Join in clean-up activities Include native plants in your garden Conserve water Recycle and reuse waste Walk or ride to school or to work Walk your dog on a lead Keep your cat indoors at night Subscribe to Cradle Coast NRM’s Cradle to Coastlines newsletter to keep informed of local projects.
Karina Rose – Facilitator (Hooked! Project Manager) April Langerak Amanda Wilson Stacey Groves Kate Prestt
Handweavers Spinners & Dyers Guild of Tasmania Margaret Barlow Annette Cuthbe Margaret Daymond Yoka Douglas Irene Hall Sonja Hindrum Diana Kearney Cheryl Matthews Jenny McCulloch Dorothy Pearn
Faye Poke Kim Shadbolt Stratie Stratford-Pearn Dean Rivett
Graphic Design
Leanne Purton Judy Rice Lily Richardson Liza Richardson Georgia Richardson-Hume Rachel Read Karina Rose Taya Russel Shayne Sayer Finlee Sayer Liam Scolyer Debbie Searle Kim Shadbolt Maggie Sheehan Rosita Shepheard Jessica Shepherd Taylor Sherrif Keryn Sherrif Jodi Sinfield Amity Smith Caiden Smith Ava Strachan-Taylor Locklan Stallan Sumara Thow Chloe Jane Thurston Dalton Traill Mandy Traill Melody Turner Saxon Turner Andrew Turner Bronte Whish-Wilson Finn Whish-Wilson Emma Williams Jenna Wise William Wise Jaco Wise Lucy Woodard Lorraine Wootton BreeannaYaxley Karla Young Kyarn Zeuschner
Tracey Lane, Wings Wildlife Park Janine Morris Rita Power Evelyn Antonysen
Special Thanks / Acknowledgement
Emma Porteus, Stompin’ (Hooked! Project Coordinator) Tessa McDonald, SCAT Emma Williams, NRM North Presenters/ Contractors Nicki Fletcher Josie Hurst Carolyn Henwood, Caro’s Face and Jenny McCulloch, HWSDG Body Painting Greg Leong Michael Thow, All About Reptiles Birgitta Magnusson-Reid, BRAG Jeremy Lane, Aquenal Randolph Wylie, BRAG Rebecca Hubbard, OceanPlanet Geoff Dobson, BRAG Bill Flowers Eunice Horne, TRA Peter Whish-Wilson, Surfrider Foundation Astrid Woods-Joyce, DRG Joanna Lyall, Nest Tracy Broomhall, DRG Todd Walsh, Kanunnah And countless others... Lara Hardy, Billie Hardy Artistic Design Michael Cannon, Design Eye
This Project is supported by the Cradle Coast NRM, through funding from the Australian Government's Caring for our Country