CPH Post newspaper - March 10-24

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Take your



2446-0184 2446-0192

11 - 24 MARCH 2022 VOL 25 ISSUE 03



Remember: everyone’s Irish on this day! Dig out your best green shirt, cast aside your aversion to dark beer and hit the town for a great day out


Based on a global survey that assessed personal safety, digital and environmental security, and healthcare, Denmark is the world’s safest country


Denmark may be famed for its gender equality, but a new survey suggests men are fast-tracked for management in professions dominated by women



Visit Finland to discover the unlimited joys of Lapland, a winter wonderland where you can enjoy snow adventures, sub-zero bathing and ice-cold beers



11 - 24 MARCH 2022

BILLY’S ZEAL SHAKES THE ESTABLISHMENT Irishman who refuses to adhere to the Handshake Law loses his right to citizenship

conflict with the constitution”. The process of applying and being granted Danish citizenship tends to take two years.



64-YEAR-OLD Irishman is a hero on social media following his late-February decision to not shake hands with a Copenhagen mayor and forgo Danish citizenship. Billy O’Shea, a resident since 1980, told Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, the Copenhagen mayor of employment and integration, that he would not shake her hand as a matter of principle because it is “unDanish, undemocratic and in

Must be voluntary! THE HANDSHAKE Law was introduced by the former right-wing government to inconvenience applicants uncomfortable with shaking hands with a woman. Following his refusal, O’Shea revealed he once shook the hand of the initiator of the Handshake Law, the former Venstre immigration minister Inger Støjberg – proof he will shake hands with anyone!

The difference, on that occasion, was that he gave his hand voluntarily.


Christianshavn Gymnasium barred off the adults at lunchtime

Editorial offices: Holbergsgade 24 kld 1057 Copenhagen Denmark


Ejvind Sandal

Hans Hermansen



Ben Hamilton EDITOR

THE BUDGET of Phase 1 of Lynetteholm man-made island in Copenhagen Harbour has shot up from 300 to 500 million kroner, according to By & Havn.

COPENHAGEN is the third best city in Europe to enjoy a weekend break with children, according to an OVO Network. The capital scored highly for its clean air (1), access to museums (5), access to themeparks (3=) and safety (top 10). Prague and Helsinki topped the ranking. Recycle your mattress

TAKE YOUR old mattresses to Sydhavn Recycling Station by March 14 and they will be recycled as part of a pilot project inspired by Dutch initiatives that claim to reuse 85 percent of them. Over half a million mattresses are burned every year in Denmark.


“It’s strange as most people lose their virginity while they’re at gymnasium,” Alma Tynell, the chair of student group Danske Gymnasieelevers Sammenslutning, told DR. The median average age for losing one’s virginity in Denmark is 16 or 17.

Founded in 1998 by San Shepherd All rights reserved Published by cphpost.dk ApS. Printed by Dansk Avistryk A/S

COPENHAGEN is the tenth most relaxing city in the world, according to Compare the Market. It had the eighth biggest proportion of yoga centres and meditation studios. Florida pairing Orlando and Miami sandwiched Kiwi capital Wellington at the top.

Top weekend break location


Focus on consent THE STUDENTS are concerned that the need to confirm consent before two people get intimate, which was made part of Danish law in January 2021, is being overlooked, along with issues such as gender, sexuality and boundaries.

Island budget hike

A HIGH court verdict has upheld Lyngby Court’s decision in early 2021 to sentence a youth to eight years in prison for killing a young man during a pre-arranged scuffle between two groups of teenagers in a carpark in Gentofte in April 2020. Much was made of their varied parentage, which included a doctor, entrepreneur, mayoral candidate and prominent biker.


CHOOL children aged 6-16 are traditionally taught sex education in Week 6, but not their older counterparts at the gymnasium high schools. The classes were recommended in 1970, but nothing was ever done - until now! Students at Christianshavns Gymnasium orchestrated a two-hour lunchtime strike on February 10 and streamed a lesson supplied by Sex & Samfund to nine other high schools across the country.

One of the most relaxing

Stabbing sentence upheld

Courtesy observed “I HAD SHAKEN hands with her just before the ceremony, but of course that doesn't count,” O’Shea wrote about his encounter. “I did lift my hat to her, in the traditional Danish sign of respect. But that was voluntary, so again, that doesn't count.” His actions have further increased the pressure on the current Socialdemokratiet government, which came to power in 2019 on the back of some hardline anti-immigration laws of its own, to repeal the Handshake Law.

In the absence of a sex education curriculum, Christianshavns Gymnasium orchestrates its own lessons



Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, who had only just started her anger management course, was a little flummoxed


Caught with cash

TWO PEOPLE are in custody after being caught with suitcases containing an estimated 3 million kroner in cash at Copenhagen Airport. They were trying to leave the country

Beggar sentence upheld

THE SUPREME Court recently upheld a two-month prison sentence handed to a Lithuanian man for begging at the entrance of Copenhagen Central Station. It rejected claims the sentence was discriminatory because the man is foreign. Dozens of foreigners have been imprisoned for begging since a new law was passed in 2017, but only one Dane. Yellow house protection

ONE OF Copenhagen’s most famous neighbourhoods, the yellow houses of Nyboder, will be given additional conservation status in the near future. The buildings have housed Navy and maritime workers for centuries. Toxic mayor accepts help

COPENHAGEN’S mayor for employment and integration, Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, has agreed to seek professional help to improve her behaviour. The news comes in the wake of several media reports shedding light on her ill-treatment of her staff at City Hall. “I’ve been under a lot of pressure,” she told Politiken. "I need to work on myself." Labour market vow

COPENHAGEN Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen has replaced her Region Scania counterpart Carl Johan Sonesson as chair of Greater Copenhagen. She has vowed to make the region’s labour market more cohesive.

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Christian Wenande

Stephen Gadd

Hasse Ferrold

Lena Hunter








11 - 24 MARCH 2022




Defence referendum

All out of iodine

ON JUNE 1, Danes will be invited to the polling station to vote on abolishing the Danish Defence Reservation – a referendum that if approved would increase Danish military spending and allow Denmark to join EU-led conflicts. In related news, Denmark and the US have been working on a new defence agreement that could lead to American troops being stationed in Denmark in the future.

RETAILERS have been selling out of iodine tablets – a medication commonly taken to ward off the side-effects of high radiation. However, experts say a far higher dosage is needed to work properly. In related news, right-wing parties have asked for an assessment of Denmark’s bunker capability and a Russian expert has warned Putin might detonate a nuclear bomb between Britain and Denmark as a show of strength should sanctions start to cripple his country.

Embassy closed

THE FOREIGN Ministry closed its embassy in Kyiv following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urged Danish citizens to seek safety. PM Mette Frederiksen called it “a dark day for peace in the world”. Russian gas goal

A rally outside Parliament on February 25 drew many

Such has been the response in Denmark, there are dozens of ways to help. Here is just a selection LENA HUNTER


F YOU FEEL helpless as videos and images of devastation pour out of Ukraine, read this guide to how you can take individual action to support Ukraine from Denmark.

Local support BEVAR Ukraine is sending trucks full of medical cargo from Denmark to Ukraine. Since 2014 it has provided 54 trucks and two aircraft to different parts of the country, benefitting some 255 educational and medical facilities. At bevarukraine.dk, you can find drop off locations, make one-off donations, or become a member for 100 kroner a year. The Danish Refugee Council, meanwhile, co-ordinates with the UN's food program, distributes cash support and helps to shelter and provide emergency aid. In Denmark, it will provide asylum counselling and delegate welcome receptions and support to refugees arriving from Ukraine. You can donate and sign up to become a volunteer at drc.ngo CIVC is a Copenhagen-based volunteer network that supports refugees and a broad scope of humanitarian initiatives. They are accepting volunteers to help in their community work with incoming refugees. Find them on Facebook. Finally, Lee Wood, a Brit based in Denmark, is accepting computers, phones, MP3 players, games consoles and games, which he will wipe and install Windows in English, or on older machines a version of Ubuntu, along with a Ukrainian language pack. Contact lee@midttech. com to find out more.


NGO options NOVA UKRAINE provides citizens with necessities like baby food, hygiene products, clothes and household items. Donate at novaukraine.org People in Need is a Czech organisation providing food, shelter, water, coal and hygiene items to over 200,000 people. Donate at peopleinneed.net The Ukrainian Red Cross dispenses a huge range of humanitarian support from training doctors to providing shelter. Donate at redcross.org.ua The Romanian Red Cross allocates resources to Ukrainian refugees who cross the border. Donate at crucearosie.ro Come Back Alive is a Kyiv-based charity with a reputation as one of the most trustworthy and accountable working for the military in Ukraine. It provides auxiliary equipment, specialised software, drones, personal body protection, training and other supplies. Donate and see their financial reports at savelife.in.ua UNICEF Ukraine is repairing schools that have been damaged by bombings

and providing care for children caught in the conflict. Donate at unicef.org The power of words THE KYIV Independent was “created by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence”. You can donate to its Patreon or GoFundMe on their website. Ukraine World is an independent English-language publication founded by volunteers who helped international journalists during the 2014 ‘Revolution of Dignity’. You can donate to its Patreon via their website. On openpetition.eu, there is a petition urging NATO to close Ukranian airspace, directed to the European Parliament Committee on Petitions. EU states make up two thirds of NATO members so, as you can’t directly petition NATO, this may be the most effective channel. You can submit a citizen’s proposal to the Danish government at borgerforslag.dk. Once a petition reaches 50,000 signatures, it will be submitted to Parliament for debate.

IN ORDER to be free of using Russian gas by next winter, the state has appealed to the public to conserve energy and phase out their gas boilers. Meanwhile, days after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz suspended the certification of the 1,230 km Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, its Swiss owner filed for bankruptcy. Nord Stream 2 AG is owned by Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom. Huge boost for refugees

THE GOVERNMENT wants to fasttrack a special law that will help Ukrainian refugees quickly settle in Denmark. The law, which has the backing of a broad majority in Parliament, will grant the refugees one or two-year residence permits so they can find a job and become part of Danish society. There will be no ceiling on how many Ukrainians can come to Denmark. Danes signing up

SEVERAL Danes have heeded the calls of the Ukrainian foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, and volunteered to fight in the conflict. PM Mette Frederiksen says there is nothing stopping them. However, Danmarks Veteraner has warned against it. Ukrainian ambassador Mykhailo Vydoinyk has told TV2 that he will sign up himself.

DENMARK has pledged 2,700 shoulder-launched missiles to the Ukrainian army. Well suited to shortrange firing at lightly armoured vehicles, they would probably not destroy a tank, concur experts. Additionally, Denmark is also sending components taken from 300 Stinger missiles earmarked for disposal, along with mobile hospitals and other equipment. Russian boycotts

MAERSK has suspended all shipments to and from Russia, with the exception of food, medicine and humanitarian aid – one of many Danish companies to cease operations in the invader. The Salling Group and Coop have stopped selling Russian-made goods. And like many countries, Denmark has closed down its airspace to Russian aircraft. C25 in slump

THE C25, the index of Denmark’s leading stocks, has fallen heavily since the Russian invasion, although some companies, even Novo Nordisk, have proved immune. Likewise, Dansk Industri does not think many Danes will lose their jobs. Meanwhile, the price of Brent crude oil has been steadily rising, pushing Danish petrol prices up to their highest rate in eight years. Ukraine fundraiser concert

RUSSIA'S ambassador to Denmark, Vladimir Barbin, remains in place, as do all the Russian heads of mission in Europe, thanks to an EU-wide agreement not to expel them.

DR AND TV2 are joining forces to organise ‘Sammen for Ukraine’, a series of events to support Ukraine that will culminate with a concert broadcast live from Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen at 19:30 on March 12. Big screens in Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg and Esbjerg will also show the event. Donations are welcome via MobilePay 405042.

Spelling changed

FCK defender’s grief

THE GOVERNMENT and various Danish media have changed their spelling of the Ukrainian capital from Kiev to Kyiv following new guidelines ushered in by the language council, Dansk Sprognævn.

FC COPENHAGEN defender David Khocholava's father-in-law has been killed in the war in Ukraine. Khocholava, a Georgian with a Ukrainian wife, has been given compassionate leave.

Ambassador still here


Weapons donated


11 - 24 MARCH 2022




Allies speak out

New deal with France

THE GOVERNMENT’S allies have spoken out at the number of deportations back to countries still considered unsafe. Deportations should only take place when "fundamental, stable, and lasting changes" are visible, they contend. Current rules permit them when there are merely improvements.

THE GOVERNMENT has inked a deal with France that will from next year impact Danish pensioners living in France and firms based there. Pensioners on Danish pensions now face being taxed by Denmark, while the companies will enjoy fewer administrative burdens and improved trade conditions with French companies.

Visit from British royal

CATHERINE, the Duchess of Cambridge, visited Copenhagen on a two-day working visit in late February to find out more about the Mary Foundation’s work with children. She launched her own foundation last year. Support for asylum overhaul

FOLLOWING a meeting of his European peers in Lille on February 4, the immigration minister, Mattias Tesfaye, reported there is increased support for developing a new asylum system in Europe, despite the government failing to push it through over the past two and a half years. Tesfaye expects another surge in asylum applications in the near future. Rabbit welfare in peril

Nyhavn: literally only a slip away

Denmark applauded for its low crime rate and good access to high-quality healthcare LENA HUNTER


ENMARK is the 'safest country in the world' to live in and relocate to, according to a study by expat insurance-provider William Russell that looks at factors including healthcare, infrastructure, personal safety, digital security and environmental security. Completing the top five were Iceland, Canada, Japan and Singapore.

Low crime, good healthcare DENMARK swung the top ranking with its low crime rate and good access to high-quality healthcare. The nation spends above the EU average on healthcare – some 10.1 percent of its total GDP. City infrastructure is sound, with good public transport and an airport that ranks third in the European Consumer Airport Index. William Russel also cited its goal of recycling 70 percent of all waste by 2024, and the fact that “there’s almost

no risk of natural disaster”, as additional contributing factors. Safe for travellers ICELAND was applauded for its low violent crime and air pollution levels. Canada won praise for its outdoor lifestyle and green spaces, above-average national life expectancy and being the “safest travel destination for members of the LGBTQ+ community”. Spain is the safest country in the world for lone female travellers, followed by Singapore, Ireland, Austria and Switzerland.


A NEW EU law to unify the medical treatment of animals, which came into effect on January 28, will impact rabbits, as they will now be regarded as production animals across the continent. The regulation, which aims to reduce the use of antibiotics, will probably result in Danish vets euthanising more pets instead of treating them, even if they can safely do so.

Heading smoking initiative

OVER THE next three years, Denmark will be the main co-ordinator of Joint Action on Tobacco Control II, an ambitious EU initiative to reduce smoking across Europe. Involving 21 member states, it will devise strategies and recommendations to strengthen regulations in the areas of advertising, taxes, smokeless environments and packaging. Corona dose cock-up

OVER 105,000 AstraZeneca corona doses promised by Denmark to the international vaccine initiative COVAX, which distributes them to developing countries, have been binned due to erroneous expiry dates, reports Information. AstraZeneca is blamed for marking them with an expiry date of February 2022 – an erroneous extension of one month. Sixth best for democracy

DENMARK placed sixth in the 2021 Democracy Index published by Economist Intelligence Unit. The top five were Norway, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Iceland.

Novo support for Syrians

Defence deal with US

THE NOVO Nordisk Foundation has set aside 40 million kroner to help provide a better future for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The money is earmarked to three projects that all support vulnerable young people, improve their living conditions and enhance their opportunities. About 1.5 million Syrian refugees are currently living in Lebanon.

IN EARLY February, PM Mette Frederiksen announced that Denmark was considering a new bilateral defence agreement with the US that could include the stationing of American troops on home soil. However, it would not involve setting up US bases in Denmark. The US has a similar co-operation with Norway.



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Hospitality industry, in particular, alarmed by escalation in deportations ALL PHOTOS: JESSII LIU



N FEBRUARY 14, a one-day sit-in was staged outside the headquarters of SIRI – the agency that oversees immigration and work visas – to raise awareness of the rigid and discriminatory nature of Danish immigration policy. Anger at SIRI has been growing, particularly in the hospitality industry, over the past few months. The protest is organised by Jessie Liu – a Copenhagen-based chef from Taiwan. On February 11, Liu posted an explainer on Instagram:“With SIRI changing visa regulations multiple times a year, the livelihoods of many people – especially non-EU citizens – continue to be drastically affected.” “Enough is enough!” “ENOUGH is enough!” proclaims Liu in her call to action, which has been widely shared amongst the chef community. In it, she spotlights examples of SIRI’s flagrant mishandling of chef visa cases. One high-profile case saw Jah Izakaya – a beloved Japanese eatery in Vesterbro – lose their head chef, Shinya Ito. “Due to unexpected and shocking challenges concerning our head chef’s working permit, we are forced to do without him for a while,” stated a spokesperson for the restaurant on February 4. "It’s honestly hard for us to comprehend that we have to see our head chef, his wife, and three kids leave Denmark after almost six years in the country." Discrimination pattern ITO’S DEPORTATION is just the tip of the iceberg. Bord, a newsletter dedicated to investigating the Copenhagen restaurant scene, reported on January 16 that “toward the end of 2021, SIRI admitted that it had rebuffed a full 96 percent of chef applications”. “I’ve been living and working in Den-

Queen survives corona

More mink discovered

QUEEN Margrethe II contracted corona in February. However, the 81-year-old monarch only had mild symptoms and it is not thought she suffered too badly. Plans to spend her winter holiday in Norway were cancelled.

SOME 119 illegal mink were recently discovered at a former farm in northeastern Djursland – the third case of commercial breeding to be discovered since the practice was banned in late 2020.

Pandemic divorce hike

A 12 PERCENT rise in the divorce rate in 2020 was blamed on couples being cooped up together during the pandemic lockdown. However, that number then fell by 18 percent in 2021 to 12,900 divorces – which was 19 percent lower than in 2021. Curious rape trial Major protest on Valentine's Day

AN ONGOING trial in Herning involves a 27-year-old man who stands accused of two counts of rape and one attempted rape. However, he was not physically present during the alleged incidents. The defendant has pleaded guilty to hacking into countless private social media accounts. Some 20 days in court have been set aside for the trial.

mark for three years. I just changed job and SIRI rejected my visa because they said that I 'don’t have the qualifications',” said Juan Manuel, a chef from Venezuela. "I have a degree in both hospitality and gastronomy. I’ve worked in restaurants for 15 years." Not ‘high-end’ enough “SIRI IS always looking for reasons to send immigrants out of this country. I know many chefs whose visas got rejected because the restaurants that they want to work in are not ‘high-end’ enough," explained Sherwin, a chef from the Philippines. "The salary on our contract is always either ‘too high’ or ‘too low’. No matter what visa we apply for, we will not win.” An American chef, Tristan, who worked for Claus Meyer’s Nordic business venture in New York, testified to the same. “Meyer was trying to hire me to work in Denmark but we struggled with the rigid and slow immigration system," recalled Tristan. "After seven months of waiting, SIRI rejected my case. The reasons seemed superficial, mainly focusing on the ‘low prices of the restaurant’s lunch menu’.”

Law tightened up

Arrogant and irresponsive FURQAN, a chef from India said he was “astonished” by the Danish system. “It’s the most inefficient, arrogant and irresponsive immigrant bureau I’ve ever come across in my past six years living in multiple countries in the EU," he said. Liu hopes the protest will draw attention to the plight of all immigrants who have struggled with SIRI’s policies – not just chefs. “It’s only when enough individuals take action that systematic change becomes possible,” she says.

THE LAW concerning sex with minors has been tightened up. Previously sex with a child under the age of 12 was classified as rape, but that has been changed to encompass all under-15s. Adult perpetrators had got off with lenient sentences if they were able to demonstrate they had a meaningful relationship with the child. Smaller families

FOR THE first time in Danish history, immigrant women are having more children than their ethnically Danish counterparts: an average of 1.76 compared to 1.78, according to Danmarks Statistik. The descendants of immigrants have even fewer children: an average of 1.75. Appeal ruled out

Wetter than most

DF inroads despite exodus

Worrying Tik Tok trend

JANUARY was the seventh warmest since records began in 1873, and February the second wettest. The average temperature in January was nearly 2.5 degrees warmer than normal – more befitting a March – but drier with just 51.5 mm. February made up for that with 121.0 mm – second only to the all-time record of 135.8mm set in 2020.

SIX OF Dansk Folkeparti’s 16 MPs have become non-attached members since Morten Messerschmidt was elected as leader. However, the party has climbed 50 percent in the polls to the extent that the red bloc would only win 49.5 percent of the vote and the blue bloc 48.3 percent – the tightest race since well before the 2019 General Election.

THE POLICE warn against a worrying new trend in which children, sometimes as young as six years old, post videos of themselves with sexual undertones on sites such as TikTok. Preying adults who see the videos could then potentially threaten them and pressure them into making more videos. The legal age to create a TikTok account is 13.

Murder sparks taxi outrage

Finally released

Good year for church

MPS HAVE called for tighter unlicensed taxi legislation following the use of one in the abduction and murder of Mia Skadhauge Stevn, 22, in Aalborg last month. The subsequent police investigation, which gripped the nation, culminated in the discovery of body parts at a recycling centre. A 36-yearold man from Vendsyssel has been charged with her murder.

LARS FINDSEN, the former head of the FE intelligence services, was released from prison on February 17 after 71 days behind bars. He was jailed in December for leaking highly classified state information. Former PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen is among those deeply concerned by the government’s detainment of Findsen and plans to try Claus Hjort Frederiksen for treason.

ONLY 8,961 people left the Folkekirken national church in 2021 – the lowest number for 15 years, according to Danmarks Statistik. In comparison, 24,728 left the church in 2016. As of January 1, 73.2 percent of the population were members. All internationals become members when they start paying tax, paying 0.88 percent of their gross income to the church.



THE APPEAL of convicted fraudster Britta Nielsen’s three children will not be heard in the Supreme Court. Østre Landsret added six months onto their sentences at the high court, meaning they are now serving sentences ranging from two to four months. Mother Britta is serving six and a half for embezzling 117 million kroner from the state. Into party coffers

COPENHAGEN City Hall’s Enhedslisten representation has controversially pocked 500,000 kroner after its former mayor, Ninna Hedeager Olsen, said she did not need the severance pay after stepping down at the end of the year. Enhedslisten Anders Jonassen rejects claims it is double standards to receive taxpayer money.

Ageism bill reading

PARLIAMENT has had a first reading of a bill to stop age discrimination in the job application process. When passed, the law will make it illegal to screen candidates depending on their age. It is expected to come into effect from July 1. Call for age limit rethink

THE AGE limit for buying alcoholic drinks with a percentage below 16.5 percent is 16, but supermarket owner Coop wants this raised to 18 - the same as in bars and restaurants. Some 65 percent of 15-year-olds in Denmark drink alcohol every month – about twice the EU average. More opposition

ENHEDSLISTEN and Alternativet have joined Liberal Alliance and Radikale in opposing a bill to ensure that 60 percent of vocational training for four major public sector professions – teachers, pedagogues, nurses and social workers – will be located outside the country’s four major cities. Damning abuse report

A WHO REPORT reveals that 23 percent of women in Denmark aged 15-49 have been subjected to either physical or sexual violence from their partner, or both, on at least one occasion. Globally, the figure is 27 percent of the demographic. Party restores the meat

VEGANERPARTIET held an EGM in late February where its co-founder Henrik Vindfeldt, who was ousted in January, was reinstated and the board asked to step down. Vindfeldt received backing from 120 of the 150 members at the meeting. Eyes on island

VORDINGBORG Municipality intends to buy the island of Lindholm, the island identified by the former blue bloc government in 2018 as a great location to house rejected asylum-seekers and convicted foreigners. Vordingborg Mayor Mikael Smed (Socialdemokratiet) told DR that he wants to ensure the plans never take shape. Closing the gap

BILINGUAL children are closing the gap on their ethnically-Danish peers in Copenhagen where the grade gap among public school leavers has shrunk from 1.8 in 2017 to 1.4 today. Bilingual female students have raised their average grade score by 1.2 points, but the boys only by 0.3


11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Too many cars in capital

Scissors to paper

THE TECHNICAL and environmental mayor, Line Barfod, contends there are too many cars in Copenhagen. Between 2012 and 2019, official Copenhagen figures confirm that the number of cars entering the municipality increased by 8 percent. However, journeys passing through the city centre fell by 3 percent over the same period.

CØ P / S, the owner of Copenhagen Harbour island of Papirøen, wants to revert back to its former name: 'Christiansholm'. It also wants to change its main street, Trangravsvej, to Christiansholm too.

Most mobile in world

A spoke in the minister's achievements

Benny Engelbrecht claimed key figures relating to Denmark Forward did not exist. But there was no backing out once his lies were exposed

CO2 neutral, but Ingeniøren published a series of articles sowing doubt on the statement, leading to confirmation that Engelbrecht withheld figures that he initially claimed didn’t exist.



ENNY ENGELBRECHT stepped down from his position as transport minister on February 3 after being accused by other parties of withholding key climate figures relating to the government’s massive 160 billion kroner infrastructure plan, ‘Denmark Forward’. The ministry suggested the plan was

Proud of his record ENGELBRECHT lamented the nature of his departure. “Throughout my ministerial time I have strived to treat everyone as well as possible and show respect and humility for the office ,” he said. “I’m proud of the results we’ve achieved: particularly the broad infrastructure agreement that plans for

how we will electrify the entire transport sector.” Mette moves quickly THE VOID spurred PM Mette Frederiksen into action, appointing the defence minister, Trine Bramsen, as Engelbrecht’s replacement. She has also been named equality minister, meaning the responsibilities are shifting from the Employment Ministry to the Transport Ministry. The tax minister, Morten Bødskov, will replace Bramsen as defence minister and in turn be succeeded by Jeppe Bruus.


MOBILITY innovation is a measure of the environmentally and resource-friendly movement of a populace, and Copenhagen ranks #1 among cites with a population of between 600,000 and 3 million, according to the 2022 Smart City Mobility Index compiled by EasyPark. Aalborg and Aarhus made the top five for cities with populations of 50,000-600,000. Shell station pilot scheme

ELECTRIC car owners now have the opportunity to charge their cars at five Shell petrol stations in certain parts of Copenhagen. The stations were chosen by DCC Energi due to the high amount of traffic passing through them.

Green car tax rethink

A PROPOSAL to re-evaluate tax exemptions on green cars now has the support of three of the government's allies. A 2020 reduction in the tax on green cars caused a spike in sales. However, a study of 1,300 Danish plug-in hybrid cars found they emit on average twice as much CO2 as the government limit for green cars allows. Stolen bike checks

IN WEEK 6 police stopped numerous cyclists to check whether they had been stolen. There are 15,000 bicycle thefts every year in Copenhagen. More charging ports

COPENHAGEN Airport has signed an agreement with the Jutland energy group EWII to set up 1,350 new electric car charging ports at the airport over the next 10 years.



11 - 24 MARCH 2022




Is he really worth syphilis? Syphilis increase

No need to wing it

FOLLOWING a decline between 2015 and 2018, the number of registered syphilis cases rose from 326 in 2018 to 365 in 2019 and 446 in 2020. The trend continued in 2021, according to Statens Serum Institut. Homosexual men accounted for 70 percent of the cases in 2020. There were only 37 cases in 2020 involving women.

RESEARCHERS at the University of Copenhagen have developed an AI that recognises and registers individual insects' wingbeats using sensor measurements. This could eliminate the need to count them by hand when estimating their diversity. Around 40 percent of all species are in decline to the extent that a third are threatened.

Tasty alco-free beer!

Jogging on, no idea the police are logging on

TWO-THIRDS COULD BE LOGGED Should a government proposal be approved, then 3.9 million will be living in a catchment area where the police can monitor their data

which intends to use the data to fight crime. Furthermore, even if you don't live in the areas, it's likely you'll visit them and be logged whilst there.



F THE GOVERNMENT’S proposal to log citizens’ telecom data were to become a reality, then you could be one of the 3.9 million people living in Denmark who resides in a catchment area. Those numbers are just an estimation made by the Rigspolitiet national police,

Parliament divided FOR THE proposal to become law, it must have the backing of a majority in Parliament. While Socialdemokratiet can rely on the support of Konservative, the same can't be said about some of its allies. "We are approaching a situation where

logging will be indiscriminate," warned SF legal spokesperson Karina Lorentzen, according to DR. Greater freedom? THE JUSTICE minister, Nick Hækkerup, maintains the measures will increase the security and freedom of the people of Denmark, and that only criminals should fear them. However, Lorentzen contends the government hasn’t struck the right balance between police efficiency and public freedom.

Money a good incentive

Study uncovers the truth

Green light for wind farm

USING money as an incentive to give up smoking does work, according to a study conducted in six Danish towns. In three, a 1,200 kroner reward was offered and 32 and 29 percent remained smoke-free for six and 12 months compared to 22 and 18 percent in the three without an incentive. The sign-up rate to the cessation courses was similar, though.

ACCORDING to a University of Copenhagen-led study of 'super-social' traits, young children will keep searching for hidden objects if adults tell them they haven't found them all – even if they know that can't be true. The same is true when adults check the same place twice for something they know is not there ... just because someone told you to do it.

THE MINISTRY of Climate has signed an agreement with global wind-energy giant German RWE to build Denmark's largest offshore wind farm to date. Thor Wind Farm in the North Sea will have a capacity of 1 GW and be able to supply energy to 1 million Danish households by 2027.

Meniscal tear breakthrough

April 1 deadline

SURGERY is normally recommended for youngsters with meniscal tears, one of the most common types of knee injury. However, according to a University of Southern Denmark-led study, you could also be treated by doing exercise. The findings could open up more options to treat these kinds of injuries.

APPLICANTS have until April 1 to apply for funds from a 194 million kroner pool that supports projects for technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. The Energistyrelsen pool was approved by the 2022 Finance Act and is funded by the NextGenerationEU initiative. Decisions are expected in June 2022.


Worrying sea level report

A NEW REPORT by COWI and the University of Southern Denmark on rising sea levels reveals that 76 of the country's 98 municipalities will be impacted. At least half of the salt marshes and dunes – breeding spots for rare birds, amphibians and plants – will disappear in the next 100 years, it predicts.


RESEARCHERS from the University of Copenhagen have developed a way to brew non-alcoholic beer that tastes like … beer. When alcohol is removed by heating it up, the aroma from the hops tends to disappear. But the new method uses small molecules (monoterpenoids) that produce a hoppy flavour that is added at the end of the process. Skippy’s on the loose

A KANGAROO has been sighted in the wilds of Lolland, but nobody has reported a missing one – including nearby Knuthenborg Safari Park. In related news, there has been a rare sighting of a golden jackal in the Wadden Sea National Park. Before you ask whether it was a wolf, the animal was seen by an expert. Let nature run wild

UNIVERSITY of Copenhagen researchers have discovered the rare 'Common Stringleaf' moss in the Gribskov National Nature Park – a variety not seen in Denmark since 1978. In other nature news, the government wants large nature areas (+1,000 hectares) to run wild without human intervention as part of its Natura 2000 initiative. The results should be visible in ten years.

Observing star collisions

IRFAN Kuvvetli, a senior researcher at DTU Space, has invented a device that can detect gamma radiation. So it could potentially be used to observe a violent collision between two distant neutron stars far out in the universe, or a small cancerous lump in a human breast. To this end, DTU Space is collaborating with Kromek, a British radiation detector producer. Feeds the soul

A RIGSHOSPITALET meta-analysis of 121 studies shows that people are way more active if they have feedback on their activity from a watch or a phone. Compared to the participants who do not get feedback, those with feedback walk an extra 1,235 steps per day and an extra 49 minutes of exercise per week. Healthier and tastier?

THE DEPARTMENT of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen has acquired a new Nano-inXider instrument, which will enable it to use X-rays to find what makes food taste good and soft to the bite. The SAXS method, which examines food to a millionth of a millimetre, could lead to making healthier alternatives taste better.

Dead seabird problem

Imagine herds of drones

AN ORNITHOLOGIST recently collected 200 dead seabirds in a week on the west coast of Fanø. Their deaths are most probably due to a decline in the sea fleas they feed on. In other bird news, 152 breeding pairs of sea eagles were counted last year, and a decline in trees on Sortedams Sø in Copenhagen has been blamed on the acidic excrement of the resident cormorants.

THE UNIVERSITY of South Denmark and two private robot companies are collaborating on the four-year HERD project: a bid to enable the use of multiple drones at the same time in agriculture and rescue work. Being able to control a swarm of 20 drones instead of one would make a huge difference to farming. HERD started in November 2021.


11 - 24 MARCH 2022




"Didn't you get the memo: you're getting lonelier"

"So over this pandemic. How I long for the days when I worked on 'Dexter'. 'Murder most phial!' we used to say"

All indicators are good “THE GENERALLY high societal infection rate has led to more cases in care homes and among the elderly population. Fortunately, we see only a few in these groups becoming seriously ill and indicators suggest that the third jab still provides good protection,” explained Sundhedsstyrelsen spokesperson Bolette Søborg. “As we see the epidemic winding down and the seasons changing, we don’t see a need for elderly care residents and people over 85 being offered a fourth jab this season.”

Winding down ADDITIONALLY, people under the age of 18 will not be given the third jab, which the rest of the population has been offered. Sundhedsstyrelsen recommends that children aged 5-11 continue to be vaccinated for the remainder of the winter period as only a few of the vaccinated children have contracted MIS-C, the rare but serious COVID-19 complication. Accordingly, the current vaccination program for all age groups will shortly be wound up.

Pfizer pill approved

Colossal fine numbers

Sweden fully open

THE EUROPEAN Medicines Agency has approved Pfizer’s corona pill, but only for people vulnerable to coronary heart disease. Tests have shown that its consumption reduces the risk of hospitalisation and death by 89 percent.

DSB HANDED out 2,761 fines to train passengers who were unable to produce a corona pass between December 19 and January 30, the rail operator has confirmed.

THE SWEDISH government has axed all restrictions for travellers moving into the country from Denmark, the Nordics and the rest of the EU.

Seasonal changes partly informing the decision, explain health authority CHRISTIAN WENANDE


HE SUNDHEDSSTYRELSEN health authority has announced it will not be giving the public a fourth round of COVID-19 vaccinations. Despite the relatively high infection rate – which is mostly ranging between 10,000 and 20,000 these days – the pandemic has been waning in urban areas since mid-February.


Different kind of combat

No herd immunity yet

STATENS Serum Institut’s main role is combatting infectious diseases, but in February it found itself in a different kind of fight: combatting misinformation. The main culprit was Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist from Harvard, who wrote after Denmark lifted restrictions: “Its political leaders have completely lost their frigging minds. They are gaslighting their own citizens!”

CORONA rates have been falling since early February, mostly thanks to a huge decrease in the cities. However, rates have been climbing in the regions. It is too early to proclaim herd immunity, notes Statens Serum Institut, but the country is heading in that direction.

Swine flu warning

HANS JØRN Kolmo, a professor of microbiology at the University of Southern Denmark, has warned that the country could easily become the ground zero for a future pandemic, given how many people live in close proximity to pigs. He has called on government action to prevent a potential swine flu epidemic. Denmark produced over 33 million pigs in 2021. Home work revisal

DUE TO the pandemic-driven rise in the number of people working from home, Parliament has updated its rules. Employees can now use their own equipment, given it meets company requirements. If not, the employer must provide equipment. The HK trade union is dismayed, arguing it will give employers the opportunity to offload office expenses onto employees.

Sub-variant in charge

BA2 IS MORE contagious than BA1, its co-Omicron sub-variant, which it has quickly replaced as the country’s dominant strain. SSI-backed studies suggest there is a 39 percent probability that it will be passed on at home within the first week of infection, compared to 29 percent for BA1. Some tests are woeful

QUICK tests have been unavailable in Denmark since March 6, so it’s worrying that a Region Midtjylland study reveals that some of the tests on sale are woeful. Of the 46 tests it assessed, nine had an accuracy rate of over 90 percent - Flowflex was best with 94 percent, while the worst scored only 2.5. Each test was applied to 700 samples. No longer needed

SINCE February 21, it has no longer been necessary for teachers and students at daycare institutions and public schools to test themselves for corona twice a week. However, testing is advised in the event of outbreaks or someone obviously infected.



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Quid game: which streamer needs to fork out more? Streaming tax criticised

Moving shop soon

A MEDIA analyst has criticised the government’s plans to levy an extra 5 percent tax on streaming service revenue to support domestic production, arguing that the likes of Netflix and HBO Max already make their own Danish series. The culture minister, Ane Halsboe Jørgensen, favours a staircase model that would see such services pay a smaller contribution.

THE ZOOLOGICAL Museum will close shop at Universitetsparken 15 on October 23 ahead of reopening at a new site by the Botanical Gardens in 2024. Visitor numbers have fallen recently: from nearly 95,000 in 2019 to 64,423 in 2020. At its new home it will share the building with Statens Naturhistoriske Museum and the Geological Museum.

More focus on local

Not exactly a whale of a time: it's enough to make you blubber

Decaying sea mammal offers insights to life in the depths at aquarium exhibition

Fjord&Bælt had a similar exhibition involving a dead seal back in 2019, so this effort is a 2.0 rendition.



JORD&BÆLT aquarium in Kerteminde, Funen has turned quite a few heads with its latest exhibition. ‘Life in Death’, which opened on February 10, involves a dead porpoise slowly being devoured by sea scavengers to illustrate what happens when a marine mammal dies.

Prerequisite for life “IT’S DIFFICULT for us humans to experience life under the surface. So we’ve revived the idea of showing the entire process in an aquarium in the exhibition,” explained Jeppe Kaczmarek, Fjord&Bælt’s exhibit manager. “Our guests see how the porpoise decomposes and becomes a food source for a lot of other animals. This

way, we demonstrate how death is a prerequisite for life on earth.” It's fin-tastic! THE DEAD porpoise was acquired from a fisherman who found the small dolphin-looking marine mammal in his fishing net. The exhibit also gives children the opportunity to dissect fish and touch live crabs, starfish and flatfish. Guest are also able to take in Fjord&Bælt’s daily training sessions for its porpoises and seals.

LOCAL journalism looks set to become the biggest beneficiary of the government’s new 4.8 billion kroner media package, with national newspapers looking likely to lose out. Digital media will also be eligible for funding, and there will be more criteria enabling support for the production of image and sound. Oscar hope on song

DENMARK’S Oscar entry ‘Flugt’ (‘Flee’) picked up four Roberts: the awards for best documentary, editing, score and sound design. Elsewhere, ‘Hvor kragerne vender’ won best film and director, ‘Pagten’, won both major acting awards, and TV series ‘Kastanjemanden’ (‘The Chestnut Man’) scooped four of the five TV gongs it was nominated for. Danish humour book

Home-language entries

Name to watch out for

Mermaid fine upheld

A RECENT analysis reveals that the entries in the Danish Melodi Grand Prix are increasingly being sung in Danish. In between 2012 and 2019, there were only three occasions when there was more than one Danish language entry. But in 2021, half the entries were in Danish, and this year five out of eight – the highest share for 18 years.

FLORA Ofelia Hofmann Lindahl is a name to look out for in the world of Danish acting, reports DR. Aged just 15, she won the Robert for best actress in a TV show last year for her role in ‘Ulven kommer’, and this year there is growing buzz over her appearance in the film ‘As in heaven’ and TV series ‘Rituals’. Aged just nine she won Denmark’s junior version of the Melodi GP.

THE SUPREME Court has upheld a 300,000 kroner fine handed out to Berlingske’s editor-in-chief, Tom Jensen, for authorising the use of the Little Mermaid’s image in content that did not directly relate to the famous statue. The heirs of its creator Edvard Eriksen have been entitled to royalties since his death in 1959. The rights expire in 2029.

Top concerts in town

Former minister’s input

Iconic pic auctioned off

MUSIC fans are slowly beginning to believe again after two years of postponed or cancelled shows due to the pandemic. The past month has brought news of three appetising concerts: The Libertines at Store Vega on November 1, Black Eyed Peas at the Nibe Festival on June 29, and alt-J at KB Hallen on November 5.

MARTIN Lidegaard, the foreign minister from 2014-15, has been a consultant on the fourth season of ‘Borgen’, which returned to our screens on February 13 with a plotline revolving around the discovery of oil on Greenland. He was at hand to read the scripts and answer any questions the show’s star Birgitte Hjort Sørensen might have about her fictional role as FM.

SOME 74 photographs taken during the Apollo lunar missions were auctioned by Bruun Rasmussen on March 9. One of them was the iconic Apollo 11 selfie taken by Neil Armstrong in Buzz Aldrin’s mask. Earlier this week, Bruun Rasmussen auctioned a 1934 painting by Gerda Wegener of her husband Lili Elbe – the transwoman whose story was told in 'The Danish Girl'.



A NEW ENGLISH-LANGUAGE book, ‘Danish Humour – Sink or Swim’, seeks to shed light on why many Danes find inappropriate matters so amusing and come across as ‘in-your-face’ and rude. Penned by Helen Dyrbye, the co-author of ‘The Xenophobe’s Guide to the Danes’, and academic Lita Lundquist, it features insights, research, theories, opinions and countless mirth. Historically high?

COPENHAGEN Museum is investigating whether 18th century city folk used chalk pipes to smoke cannabis. In related news, archaeologists speculate that a well preserved wooden cup found in an old well at Bjellerup Ladegård was the drinking vessel used by thirsty passers-by – until one of them accidentally dropped it in!

Book deal for journo

AS PART of a deal with Penguin Books, journalist Allan Mutuku-Kortbæk, the former music editor at CPH POST, has published his first book:‘Copenhagen Like a Local: By the People Who Call It Home’. Mutuku-Kortbæk combines visual, audio and sensual experiences such as winter bathing and the best coffee in town. More caned than coined

DEN FRIE Centre of Contemporary Art at Oslo Plads has dedicated an exhibition to the currency launched by Christiania in 1975. One silver coin (designated ‘1 FED’) equalled one gram of cannabis and bore various motifs, including one of a squinted owl smoking a hookah. The exhibition will continue until May 29. Best kebab in town

THE ANNUAL Just Eat Awards have named Turkish takeaway Le Bon Goút as the best place in Denmark to get a kebab. Located in Vanløse at Godthåbsvej 199, it is close to the border with Frederiksberg. Meanwhile, Burger Palace on Vesterbrogade won best overall takeaway. Lunar living

IN 2020, TWO architects shared a living space measuring just 4.5 sqm in a remote part of northern Greenland for 60 days. They were testing ‘Lunark’, a habitat designed for the Moon, which is now on display at Danish Architecture Center as part of the exhibition ‘A Space Saga’. Sundance success

THE DANISH documentary 'A House Made of Splinters' returned with a prize from the Sundance Film Festival: the award for best directing in the international documentary competition.


11 - 24 MARCH 2022


How Relative Age Effect is impacting Danish football




EET ANDREAS and Oliver. They’re both 15 and aiming for football careers. But one of them has an advantage that the other does not … he is born in the first half of the year. The phenomenon, known as Relative Age Effect (RAE), describes the effect that the month of birth has on achievement and it seems to be becoming more pronounced in Danish football. If you look at the Danish boys under-16 team, not a single player is born in the second half of the year: 14 are born in the first quarter and eight in the second. In the other youth teams, 76.6 percent were born in the first half of the year, and 45.3 percent were born in the first quarter. It starts very early A DBU-SUPPORTED report from Aalborg University has shed light on the issue, revealing that there is a visible RAE among kids aged 9-14 when it comes to picking players for elite football teams – from clubs and talent centres to national teams. “We can now see that Relative Age Effect already impacts 2 to 3-year-olds who play football,” Niels Nygaard Rossing, one of the researchers behind the report, told TV2 News. Rossing went on to underline that

Bit Esports earner

Opposed to UEFA plans

THE WORLD’S biggest earning Esports player in 2020 was a Dane. Johan Sundstein, 28, who competes under the name ‘N0tail’ and is the captain of the OG Esports team, earned just over 7 million dollars. Denmark was the sixth highest-earning country. It has 1,705 pro players, and their total earnings amounted to $42.2 million dollars.

THE DBU football association is opposed to UEFA’s plans to set up a new tournament format for under-15 national teams, as it would mean starting its talent development process a year earlier than is currently the case. It contends that 14 is too early an age to play national team football.

Qatar shame for DBU

DESPITE being a critic of 2022 World Cup hosts Qatar, the DBU football association owns shares in several big banks in the country, as well as bonds in a state-owned energy firm. DBU communications head Jacob Højer apologised, partly blaming the body’s financial advisers at Danske Bank. The DBU also has investments in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Teen signs with Bayern Before the Sagittarian can shoot ... he's impaled by the Capricornian

RAE is a manifestation of an unhealthy culture that can ultimately impact society as a whole. “It’s a huge problem and the question is if it’s bigger than just football. For instance, is it the same in handball? We imagine so, because we have data that suggests there is inequality across the board down to ten years old,” he said. Bagging the late bloomers IN 2013, DBU launched its ‘future national team’, which is made up of talented players who have been unable to make

it on youth national teams due to being smaller or late bloomers compared to others in their age group. One of the players who was in one of DBU’s first ‘future national teams’was Mikkel Damsgaard, who scored against England in the 2020 Euro semi-final last summer. “Some studies indicate that these players born in the fourth quarter of the year can be as good, if not better, than those born in the first quarter, if they are let into the academies,” said Rossing.

Superb ice hockey debut

FCK drawn against PSV

Eriksen returns

THE MEN’S ice hockey team exceeded expectations in their Winter Olympic debut, winning three out of five games, beating Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Latvia – all teams with a superior world ranking. But they lost twice to the eventual runners-up, the Russia Olympic Committee. In a tight quarter-final, they were in contention deep into the final period.

FOLLOWING its bye into the final 16 of the UEFA Conference League, FC Copenhagen has been drawn against Dutch side PSV Eindhoven, which is currently second in the Eredivisie. The sides will meet on March 10 and 17. Both FC Midtjylland and Randers failed to join FCK after losing their games against PAOK Saloniki and Leicester City – on penalties and 2-7 respectively.

CHRISTIAN Eriksen returned to professional football on February 26 when he made his debut for English club Brentford. Some 259 days after his cardiac arrest, he came on for Mathias Jensen, the player who replaced him at the Euros. The whole ground rose to salute him, and he was quick to show some trademark touches. BBC Sport readers voted him their Man of the Match.


GERMAN giants Bayern Munich have signed Danish attacking midfielder Jonathan Asp Jensen, who turned 16 last month, from FCM for 11 million kroner. In other transfer news, AGF Aarhus have signed former England midfielder Jack Wilshere, 30, on a free. The midfielder was released by AFC Bournemouth last May and has not played first team football since. Curlers crushed

BOTH THE women’s and men’s curling teams came a long way short of the medal games in the 2022 Winter Olympic curling tournaments. The women finished second last and the men last with two and one wins out of nine respectively. It left Denmark without a medal at the games yet again. Its only ever medal came in 1998: a silver in the women’s curling. Big win for Jonas

JONAS Vingegaard won the hilly oneday race Drôme Classic on February 27, thus underlining the potential he showed when he made the podium of last year’s Tour de France.

Hoop dreams back on track

DENMARK beat Norway 84-68 at home in a 2025 Eurobasket pre-qualifier on February 24. Following their away loss to Kosovo in November, the Danes must beat them in the return fixture on June 30, before travelling to Norway three days later for a game that could potentially decide who advances. Kosovo have already lost to Norway twice. Twice in one week

DANISH sprinter Ida Karstoft recently broke the national 200 metres record twice in the space of a week, lowering the time to 23.25. The 26-year-old, a member of the 4x100m relay team at the 2020 Olympics, also has two caps for the Danish national football team. Content at Russian club

DANISH players Anders Dreyer and Oliver Abildgaard are content to stay with Russian Premier League club Rubin Kazan, according to head coach Leonid Slutsky, despite the country’s invasion of Ukraine. However, basketball player Gabriel 'Iffe' Lundberg and women’s national team player Kathrine Heindahl have both left their Russian clubs. Hoops star half-Danish

CELTIC midfielder Matt O’Riley wants to play for Denmark at the 2022 World Cup. The London-born 21-year-old, who has several English youth caps, has a Danish mother and says he speaks the language decently. The DBU has confirmed that Riley is among the many players it is keeping tabs on.



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Help for homes hit hardest

All time record for Maersk

THE GOVERNMENT has backed an emergency 1.25 billion kroner package to support families hit by large heating bills this winter – providing their annual household income does not exceed 550,000 kroner. An estimated 320,000 households can expect 3,750 kroner each, while 250 million will support households phasing out their gas boilers.

RECENT financial results have revealed many record profits for the likes of Maersk (117.5 billion kroner), Novo Nordisk (47.8 bn), Ørsted (24 bn), Danske Bank (12.9 bn), DSV (11.3 bn), Nykredit (10.7 bn) and Carlsberg (6.85 bn). Maersk’s EBITDA profit was the highest in Danish history.

SAS unveils new plan

SAS HAS announced an ambitious plan, ‘SAS Forward’, to address recent losses. For its last quarter, it lost 1.7 billion kroner. SAS has pledged to cut annual expenditure by 5.2 billion kroner, raise new capital and brand itself as a “leader in sustainable aviation”. Over 700,000 people travelled with SAS in January – 2.7 times the number in December. Opting in for the ads?

"Okay ... you've fast-tracked these male nurses, but you didn't have to give them stethoscopes"

A new study of nurses, social workers, pedagogues and primary school teachers reveals an alarming disparity when it comes to getting a leadership role


Danmarks Statistik relating to people who were trained for one of the four jobs mentioned above and who graduated in 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. They then looked at their careers after five and ten years to see whether they had obtained a leadership position. That allowed them to observe potential changes in inequality over the period 1980-2020. And it has changed. For the worse.

Over 40 years of research THE RESEARCHERS used data from

Six times more likely “OUR RESEARCH shows that men have much better odds of obtaining a leadership position, especially within the first five years after graduation,” continued Poulsen. “Men are put on a fast-track to advanced positions due to gender norms and biases." For example, male public school teachers are six times more likely to


EN ARE still given more opportunities to take charge than women, according to a new University of Copenhagen study. The trend can be observed in what are traditionally considered 'women’s jobs', like being a nurse, social worker, pedagogue or a primary school teacher. “We picked the four biggest welfare professions in Denmark and historically, these are professions with a majority of women practising them,” Poulsen told CPH Post newspaper.


secure management positions within five years of graduating compared to their female peers. ESG stock preferences IN RELATED news, Danske Bank unit Danske Invest recently conducted a study on investor preferences in Denmark revealing that women are more willing than men to sacrifice returns to uphold environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. Some 59 percent of men were ready to invest in companies that ignored sustainability, provided they generated higher returns, compared to 41 percent of women. According to Natalia Setlak, a senior strategist at Danske Bank, 23 percent of men have a negative view of ESG stocks, compared to 10 percent of women.


SEVERAL organisations have called for a new system called 'Advertising – Yes, please', in which households must opt in to receive paper advertisements, rather than opt out. It comes at a time when many supermarkets, including Irma and Netto, are reining in their printed ads. Local newspapers are worried the new system could spell disaster for them.

Strong growth expected

FOLLOWING a 2.1 percent fall in 2020, Denmark enjoyed economic growth of 3.9 percent last year, according to initial projections by Danmarks Statistik. According to Dansk Industri, 1994 was the last time there was higher growth. However, the consumer price index rose by 4.3 percent in January compared to the same month in 2021 – the biggest increase since August 2008. Vestas most sustainable

UPON LEARNING that Corporate Knights has named Vestas the world's most sustainable company, its CEO and president, Henrik Andersen paid tribute to the company’s efforts to help its partners avoid more than 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon emissions over the past four decades. Unhappy with CO2 tax

ONLY 176 companies went bankrupt in January, according to Danmarks Statistik – a 7 percent decrease compared to December 2021. It was the lowest monthly number of bankruptcies in six years – a result attributed to the strong economy and recent state support.

AN EXPERT group appointed by the government has come up with three different models for cutting CO2 emissions, and Aalborg Portland, the country’s biggest CO2 emitter, is not happy with the first, which proposes a uniform CO2 tax of 750 kroner per tonne. It has previously threatened to leave Denmark should the tax be too punitive.

Novo the top tax payer

In the family

THE DANISH Tax Agency's list of the companies that pay the most in taxes, which it first launched in 2013, again confirms Novo Holdings at the top of the list. For 2020, it paid just over 5.7 billion kroner.

ROBERT Mærsk Uggla, 43, has replaced Jim Hagemann Snabe as chair of Maersk. He is the greatgreat-grandson of Peter Mærsk Møller, who founded the company 118 years ago.

Low bankruptcy rate


11 - 24 MARCH 2022


CAN RUN. Or rather: I thought I could run. I knew I couldn’t run fast, but at least I could move. And then I met Lotte. She is an osteopath. She told me in no uncertain terms that my back was at serious risk. She now has to work with me for months – and at a substantial fee – in order to reteach me how to run in order to save my back.

Why? Maybe because I do not want to hear anyone say: “Why didn’t you call earlier?” or “That can’t be fixed!” or “Why did you THINK you knew how to do this yourself??!” Worse, the condition has become more entrenched over time. Many years of living abroad have solidified the feeling that I can do everything myself.



Oil is also pivotal, with Russia supplying about a third of its oil. This places Germany in an obvious bind, given Russia’s invasion of a sovereign country, and the fact its majority state-owned oil and gas companies are pivotal to its finances. Promptly pivoting to alternative suppliers, particularly of natural gas, is difficult. The British and Dutch waters are increasingly depleted. Norway is one of the few European countries with sub- Apparently spoiling the view from some churches! stantial reserves, but it is already reassess. New, interesting, and po- first, scour the markets for alteroperating at full capacity. tentially safer nuclear technology native gas providers. This includes is being tested all the time, and liquefied natural gas, and signifnuclear may be a way to provide icant infrastructure investments Nuclear way out? WHILST its renewables production alternatives to fossil fuels and de- may be necessary. has increased, Germany remains pendence upon Russia. Second, double down on redependent upon Russia due to newables, with huge projects like its desire to transition away from No quick fixes the one Denmark is planning. environmentally-damaging coal. SO WHAT should Germany do in its And third, reopen the debate as Less understandable is its phas- current energy predicament? Well, to whether nuclear power should ing out of nuclear energy, partly there is no magic bullet, but it should be part of the energy offering. due to long-standing safety con- take this crisis as an opportunity to None of this will happen overcerns, which began in earnest after finally wean itself off depending night, but the imperatives (both environmental and geopolitical) the Fukushima disaster in 2011. upon a troubling regime. Now may be the time to It can work on three strands: require nothing else.

All by myself IN MY DAY job, as a leadership coach and culture expert, I help my clients to reflect on their leadership practices and their companies, passing no judgement whilst drawing on my own experience and knowledge in the process. But in my private life, I evidently believe I can do everything … myself. I can leave my back to fix itself, self-diagnose and treat the cat’s ailments, change ‘the water thingy’ in the shower, and so on – all without involving my husband, let alone calling an expert.

Joys of outside input IT DAWNS on me that others may feel the same. In my research project, Project Onboard Denmark, my colleagues and I talk to many HR professionals, CEOs and experts on onboarding, and some of them are unsure about reaching out for help. Can we do the recruitment and onboarding of internationals ourselves, or do we really need specialist knowledge or skills? In my experience, there may be many reasons for this uncertainty – and I now see that one of them may be the (to me very familiar)

NE OF THE big success stories of modern Danish business is renewables. 2020 was the first year when a majority of the electricity used in Denmark was powered by wind and solar energy. Now, roughly 40 percent of gross energy consumption is derived from renewables. With hugely ambitious projects underway like ‘Energy Island’ in the North Sea (which will provide electricity to 800,000 homes), the role of renewables will substantially increase.

NEIL SMITH DANISH CAPITAL IN 2022 Neil is a Scottish-educated lawyer with 18 years’ experience in corporate structuring and general commercial matters. Based in Copenhagen, he primarily advises on international deals. Out of the office, his interests include sports and politics. His column explores topical international financial and economic issues from a Danish perspective.

Energy crisis for Germany? THESE projects are hugely beneficial from an environmental point of view. And now events in Ukraine have demonstrated the geopolitical urgency to switch over. Denmark’s neighbour Germany, Europe’s largest economy, has made significant strides in the production of renewables, but natural gas still makes up only a quarter of all energy consumption – and 55 percent of this comes from Russia.


SIGNE BIERING NIELSEN GET YOUR BIERING’S After 20 years in the Danish diplomatic service, including stints in India, China and Israel as deputy ambassador, Signe Biering Nielsen is turning her diplomatic binoculars onto the (in her view) intriguing Danes. She is an executive advisor and coach with a focus on internationals in Denmark. See LinkedIn and Instagram for more details.



It's not a crime to accept help occasionally

pull towards saying “We can fix it ourselves!” But our research and our experience from working alongside companies has shown us that companies do benefit from getting input from outside. And from talking to other companies who are in the same situation. Learning to learn YOU MAY have examples of your own. When do you say “We can



fix it ourselves” when expertise exists out there? Like me and my running: it might be time to realise there are people and expertise out there who can actually help you take great strides forward without you having to endure the same mistakes that other people have made. My back is better now, thanks to Lotte. And as for letting go of my omnipotent self? It has not hurt as much as I thought it would.


Union Views

Fit For Business

The Valley of Life

Just Say It As It Is

Startup Community

Stress Wärnings

Winnie's World

UK-DK Trade

Global Denmark

Give Yourself a Chance




11 - 24 MARCH 2022



XPECT the unexpected’ was the slogan when the pandemic arrived. We had not, or at least in the queen’s reign, seen anything like it. Two years and several mutations later, we are still living with it, but we are not worried anymore – more irritated than anything. But normal life is back, and the masks are gone.

Beast in the east PRESIDENT Putin’s mask has gone as well: we can see his true face in Ukraine now. How it ends remains to be seen, but it has turned our attitude towards Russia upside down. When the Cold War ended and the WWII generation in Denmark could finally relax, we adopted a mitigating attitude towards Russia – long overdue, we optimistically said at the time. For almost three centuries, Russia had been a dominant factor in Danish politics, arguably from the moment Peter the Great famously rode up and down the Rundetårn in 1716, and in 1945 they took a foothold when its troops occupied Bornholm for a year following the end of WWII. Denmark wisely ended up in NATO, but Russia remained a threat, unseen but still feared by generations of conscripts from their positions at Køge Bugt, guarding against a possible invasion from Warsaw Pact forces. This was a very real possibility, as such plans were confirmed shortly after the Soviet Union collapsed 30 years ago. These are unusual times RUSSIA’S invasion of Ukraine is a huge all-round shock. Tzar Putin is attacking to paralyse an independent nation of 40+ million people, and very few of them are on his side. Of the 6 million Russian-speaking minority, only 35,000 are pro-Russian separatists. They hold a strong position in the Donbas region in the very east of the country, but it won’t sway the result. Already the invasion has had a major influence on the



Straight, No Chaser

political theatre. Parliament has given standing ovations to the Ukrainian ambassador – not too dissimilar to the one given in the US Congress following the State of the Union address. These are unusual times – to put it mildly. On top of that, Denmark has presented Ukraine with hundreds of anti-tank rockets and ripped up its asylum policy to open up the country to Ukrainian refugees and instant integration. Looking ominous THE SUPPORT for the Danish actions was unanimous, bar some noise from Enhedslisten where some old-timer communists expressed some sympathy for Putin, but they were voted down, so united we stand. It reminds older Danes of the attitude in 1956 when the Hungarian refugees poured into the country – the door was opened to many, of whom a fair number are still here and well. NATO does not want a confrontation with Putin, but Russia is not what it thinks it is, and the sanctions imposed by the rest of the world will change the game. It has already jump-started a rise in the defence budget in Germany and probably in Denmark too. They and others quickly want to become independent of Russian energy – an export shortfall for the gas giant that will be hard for it to sustain. It is early days, but Putin may have really overstepped the red line this time. An exit strategy will be on his mind when the Russian people realise that it is not a reality show but a tragedy.

An Englishman abroad, Stephen has lived and worked in Denmark since 1978. His interests include music, art, cooking, real ale, politics and cats.


N MID-NOVEMBER last year I was lucky enough (or unlucky if you prefer) to turn 64.

difference between the happy-go-lucky pop of ‘Please Please Me’ and tracks like ‘Revolution Number 9’.

Lord of the strings AROUND the same time the hype was in full swing to promote the 50th anniversary of the Beatles album ‘Let it Be’ – tying in with Peter Jackson’s documentary ‘Get Back’. In true Jackson style the film clocks in at almost eight hours (!), which is a couple of hours longer than ‘Gotterdammerung’ – the final opera in Wagner’s ‘Ring Cycle’. I’ve not had the chance or the stamina to see the documentary yet, but the publicity did make me want to play some Beatles records again. ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ was an obvious choice, containing as it does the song ‘When I’m 64’. Every time I put a Beatles record on it’s like returning to an old friend. The more I hear them, the more I’m convinced there will never be another ‘pop’ band like them. The musical and lyrical progress made over a short period of a decade is simply staggering. There is a world of

Worldwide phenomenon IT IS IMPORTANT to note that the Beatles took the world by storm – not just Europe. They were big from Japan to the US and in June 1964 gave two concerts at Frederiksberg’s KB Hallen, the only time they played here. Drummer Ringo Starr had a sore throat and was replaced by Jimmie Nicol so the Danish audience had to make do with three out of four, but nobody was complaining. Those lucky enough to have attended the concerts have often attested to what a life-changer this was. BT’s reviewer wrote that “the Beatles are something that everyone can identify with”. In contrast to other pop stars big at the time the Beatles were real – “they were not churned out in a factory”. Man with a vision READING the lyrics to ‘When I’m Sixty-four’ I’m struck by the acuity of observation and maturity shown by Paul McCartney.

He actually wrote the song when he was 14 (!), but it was not changed very much when it was finally recorded in 1967. It begins with a somewhat elegiac opening (see below) and continues in similar vein. This strikes a particular chord with me as our family did just that – going on holiday to the Isle of Wight or renting a cottage. I’m also lucky enough to have two grandchildren of my own, albeit not Vera, Chuck or Dave. The song is the perfect accompaniment to the photographs of Tony Ray-Jones or Martin Parr, whose views of typical English families on the beach during the 1960s and 70s are arresting and human. Here, you have Dad, with his braces and a knotted handkerchief on his head, paddling in rolled-up trousers, or picnicking trying to keep the wasps out of the jam. Another world perhaps, but one that very much shaped my life and experiences. So do yourself a favour: dig out a Beatles album or two, sit back and really listen. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. As John Lennon puts it in ‘For the Benefit of Mr Kite’, which was also on Sgt Pepper, “a splendid time is guaranteed for all”.

ALL TOGETHER NOW ... “When I get older losing my hair Many years from now Will you still be sending me a Valentine Birthday greetings bottle of wine” “Every summer we can rent a cottage In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear We shall scrimp and save Grandchildren on your knee Vera, Chuck and Dave”

Ejvind Sandal

The greatest album of all time found space for Paul's granddad song



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Englishman in Nyhavn

The Road Less Taken


Jessica is a bestselling US author, Danish parenting expert, columnist, speaker and cultural researcher. Her work has been featured in TIME, The Huffington Post, The Atlantic and The NY Times, among others. She graduated with a BS in psychology and speaks four languages. Follow Jessica on IG @jessicajoelle_ or jessicajoellealexander.com.


HEN I MARRIED a Dane over 20 years ago and came to Denmark for the first time, I was a self-proclaimed ‘non-maternal person’. I didn’t even know if I wanted to have children. What I would learn from this tiny country in the north of Europe – famous for The Little Mermaid, Nordic Noir and Hans Christian Andersen among other things – would blow me away. In a faraway land I WASN’T blown away by the wind, which in fairness was very gusty. I wasn’t blown away by the food or the taxes or the weather. No, it was the children who astonished me. I would find myself endlessly observing peaceful parents and calm, serene kids who seemed truly happy, respectful and well-behaved. How was this possible without screaming, yelling and ultimatums, I wondered? What was going on with all of this free play, hygge and empathic communication? Could learning to whittle with knives at the age of three, rather than forcing academia, be the secret to the edge

Americans so desperately wanted for their children? From duckling into swan THIS KIND of question would set me on a journey that would change my perspective so profoundly, it became my life’s work to research and write about the Danish educational model. Denmark has been voted one of the happiest countries in the world for over 40 years in a row, and I firmly believe it’s because of the way they raise their children. I converted myself from my American way of parenting to the Danish way many years ago, and it was the biggest transformation I’d ever experienced. I went from being a ‘non kid person’ to a thriving parent and happier human being. The princess and my prose! SO, WHEN I read last week that Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge, had read ‘The Danish Way of Parenting; what the happiest people in the world know about raising confident capable kids’, a book I co-authored with a Danish psychotherapist, I was flabbergasted.


The British newspaper The Telegraph reported: “The Duchess, who has read the book as part of her own parenting journey” visited Denmark to study the early parenting and educational system in Denmark to share this model with the UK. The book aims to help parents around the world take a look at their own culture, and then take a look at the Danish culture, and ask if there might be a better way of doing things. The premise is that happy kids grow up to be happy parents who repeat the cycle.

Mackindergarten ADRIAN MACKINDER


Happy forever after COMING from America, a culture where competition and individuality make up the bedrock of what it means to be successful, we consistently score low on the happiness scales. If we want to get ahead in wellbeing, we might want to reconsider these core values. Perhaps if the UK gets on board with The Danish Way, other countries will be open to it too. Soon, we may all discover that the survival of the fittest was always the fairy-tale and that the survival of the friendliest was the real story of happily-ever-after.



Early Rejser ADAM WELLS



An Actor's Life IAN BURNS

"Pssst. You used to whittle with knives, right? A fish should be no problem"




11 - 24 MARCH 2022

KATERINA DELIGIANNI WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD Katerina is a visual artist/interior architect who came to Denmark a year ago to explore the north together with Wally, her dog. With a Greek heritage, Italian culture and universal vibes, she gets inspired by Mother Nature and human smiles, finding beauty in the details. Her dream would be being able to take pictures with her eyes to show you the world as she sees it. Find her at katerinadeligianni.com


PON ARRIVING in Copenhagen from a Mediterranean country, where I lived all my life until now, I was immediately triggered by Scandinavian architecture, art and design. Art in their hearts ONE OF the most captivating details is the love the Danes have for any type of art: from sculptures and paintings, decorative vases and designer lamps, to hand-knotted rugs and illustrated posters framed in oak or birch wood – to mention but a few. The Danes are always so happy to buy art pieces for their houses, new or used, from a ‘loppemarked’. Different focal points WHILE in the southern countries we mostly embrace the exterior environment of our homes to the extent they are orientated towards the outside – balconies, terraces, backyards and sofas facing windows – in the northern countries, the centrepiece of a living room is almost certainly a beautiful piece of wall art. That is clearly due to the ‘darkness’ we experience for most of the winter. The absence of daylight, coupled with the rainy, grey days, provoke a need for beauty, inspiration and enlightenment. Of course, the use of wall art is not limited to the living room, as we often encounter exciting art pieces in the kitchen/dining area, in the hallway, and even inside the bathroom! Acting on impulse THIS INSIGHT was the main topic of conversation I recently shared with graphic artist Dan Eggers (daneggers.dk), the co-owner of Poster Projects (posterprojects.com), a charming poster shop that recently opened in my neighbourhood at Cassensgade 10 in Østerbro. My encounter with Dan was impulsive. While walking by his store with my dog, my

eyes caught the lovely colours of an elegant and minimal poster with illustrated flowers. Next to it was an abstract design with warm, earthy tones that I immediately thought to buy as a gift for a friend’s house. As is natural for me, I entered this lovely place with no second thought and started asking many questions – all of which, thankfully, a smiling Dan was very kind enough to answer. Investing in yourself DAN EGGERS and Kristian Granquist (granquist.dk) collaborate with designers, illustrators and photographers to produce their prints in Denmark at a Nordic eco-labelled company. The result is posters with great aesthetics, unique designs and fascinating colours. The extensive use of wall posters in Copenhagen has completely changed my point of view of wall art – I am now a confirmed fan (see box). As a creative designer myself, I can’t help but embrace this kind of initiative and invite you all to invest in some wall art. Believe me, it’s an investment in yourself! Love, laugh, let go CHOOSE colours that speak to your heart, images that make you dream, patterns that make your soul giggle, and designs that make a strong statement. Whatever you choose, bear in mind the natural daylight in your house, as well as the indirect lighting from a lamp. Remember that a black background works as a hole, giving depth and mystery, while pale colours are more soothing and probably more suitable for a nursery. Now that the days are getting longer and we’re heading into spring, take a stroll around your local area and discover gems like Poster Projects. Invest time in choosing the right design for your home or as a gift for someone special. Happy hunting!

PULLING POWER OF POSTERS They are affordable: there are many options on the market depending on your budget. They can be exclusive: source limited prints in places like Poster Projects, which supports and enhances the work of designers and artists. Fabulous frames: choose natural or lacquered wood, or maybe metal depending on your interior styling preferences. Support creatives: buying a wall poster from a local shop supports a whole team of creative people who every day pour their passion for design, colours, typography and photography into their artistic process.






JENNIFER & JONATHAN BAUER ED TALK Jennifer and Jonathan Bauer are both teachers. Jennifer is from Chicago, and Jonathan is from New York. Jennifer has been teaching for 14 years and Jonathan for 11. They are parents and amateur Epicureans. Jennifer currently teaches privately. For more information, go to jennibauer.com.


AVIGATING the daycare system can be a harrowing experience. What’s best for your child? Vuggestue or dagpleje? Everyone is telling you to sign up early. You’re tired. You haven’t slept. The home nurse pays a visit and informs you of your options. There’s talk amongst the parents about where is best for the LOs. Whether or not you’ve connected with other parents through parent groups or social media can make a big difference! Log onto Borger.dk and find bøernepasning (daycare). Some municipalities have their own digital plasanvisning (digital placement). Here is where you search for places and, if you’re lucky, you will find information. Some places have easyto-find descriptions while other places are a bit more difficult to figure out. Some institutions are private and a bit trickier to find out about because they’re not always listed on the municipality sites. This is where parent word-of-mouth can be helpful. Dagpleje vs vuggestue YOUR CHILD is around ten months old and is ready to start their daycare. It depends on the criteria most important to you and your family. We are a high-risk family, so germs are a big issue. Most dagpleje institutions have four kids or occasionally five. They are small and allow room for each child to be seen. Vuggestuer can have a lot more children, but will have trained pedagogues and other support staff. If you want your child to have a broader social experience with a wider array of personalities, then this is the place for you. Some vuggestuer are integrated with børnehaver and, while they are usually separate, there can be some mingling. Dagpleje institutions are placed in the caretaker’s private home. They are harder to choose from. When you sign up to a waiting list, you sign

up for either a specific vuggestue (and eventually børnehave) or a dagpleje area. You can’t choose between specific dagpleje institutions – you just tick ‘dagpleje’ and they offer you one in your district. Depending on the municipality, it might not be as close as you’d like to your home. You can also look into private dagpleje options. Making the choice THIS SHOULD go without saying, but always try and visit a place. You can visit the institutions on your list, but you can first visit a dagpleje once you get an offer. You can learn a lot by taking the time to see a place before signing up. While it doesn’t tell you the full story, you can get a feeling of how the staff are and the cleanliness of the environment, but most of all: are the children happy? Consult social media – after all, most communities have groups and parents exist in these groups. They are thrilled to discuss their experiences with the system, institutions, pedagogues etc. It helped a great deal when signing our LO up to børnehave. Prepare a list of questions: what is the adultchild ratio? What are their hygiene policies? What are their meal policies? Some require a packed lunch and some offer food. At some børnehaver, there is an extra fee for prepared meals. Some places offer organic or vegetarian meals, and some have no sugar policies. Bring any important issues you want to raise when meeting with an institution’s staff. Linguistic difficulties BEING an expat in this system can be tricky. Some districts have language acquisition policies. While some will intervene if your child isn’t speaking Danish by the age of three, some will start to hound you if the child isn’t speaking, or speaking



Dating the Danes

All Things Beautiful

Copen' with the Kids

Taste Bud

Danish, by the age of two! Høje Taastrup is one of the municipalities with the strictest language policies. If they are concerned, they might demand that your child attends daycare a minimum of 30 hours a week for language stimulation. If you don’t comply, they might take away your børnepenge (child allowance paid out quarterly). They might insist that you speak Danish with your child. Once you are in the system, your child might be visited by a language or speech pedagogue. This turned into a big issue for us, which is

for an entirely different piece, but be aware that they are watching! It is always possible to find a district with more lenient language policies or sign up to one of the international daycare institutions. The downside can be convenience of location and the possibility of above-average tuition costs.



Style Stil

Mental Kinda Health


Follow your gut! WHEN CHARTING the sometimes-turbulent waters of the daycare search, try to be patient, ask questions and don’t be afraid to go with your gut.

Up the Alternative Alley

Building Green Habits



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



Romanian ambassador Mihai-Alexandru Gradinar (left), the dean of the Diplomatic Corps, and his wife Andreea (right) were among the guests of Jens Heinrich (centre left), the head of the Greenland Representation, at the exhibition ‘From Greenland with Love’ recently. Also present was Serbian ambassador Jasmina Mitrovic-Maric, a contributor to the exhibition

The ambassadors of Slovakia (Miroslav Wlachovsky), Hungary (Gabrielle Jacob) and the Czech Republic (Radek Pech) were all in attendance at the inauguration of ‘The Natural Treasures of the Visegrad Group’, a new exhibition at the Hungarian Embassy, on February 8. The open air exhibition is open to the public. As the fourth member of the Visegrad countries, the Polish Embassy is also involved

Colombian ambassador Ana Maria Palacio Calle was among the guests of US charge d’affaires Stuart Dwyer at a special screening of ‘Winter Starts Now’ at Cinemateket on February 23 – an event dedicated to the return of Danish visitors to the US

All six members of the Crown Prince Family were out in force on February 6 for the recording of ‘Mary 50 – vi fejrer Danmarks kronprinsesse’, a TV2 program celebrating the 50th birthday of their matriarch, Princess Mary

Vivienne McKee was among the honoured guests at the premiere of the musical ‘Kinky Boots’ at Det Ny Teater on February 10. McKee is busy making preparing for her production of ‘Shirley Valentine’, which is scheduled to run at Teatret ved Sorte Hest from April 21 to May 14

The new ambassador of Georgia is Nata Menabde, and the new ambassador agrée of Spain is Maria Victoria Gonzalez Román. Mogesalmebit and bienvenidas!




11 - 24 MARCH 2022

BURNS NIGHT WITH A TWIST: BAGPIPES, KILTS, WHISKY AND ACTORS ... The 65th birthday party of one of the English-language theatre community’s most esteemed performers was a night to remember PHOTOS: HASSE FERROLD

The cream of the Anglophone theatre community congregated on February 10 to celebrate the 65th birthday of Ian Burns, a British actor who has called Copenhagen his home since the early 1990s. The venue, the Globe Irish Pub on Nørregade, provided Ian with its signature: a photo of the birthday boy inscribed onto the head of every pint of Guinness

Ian is no stranger to playing to the boxes, but for once he had the upper stand, entertaining his guests with some 1950s medleys straight out of the soundtrack of recent play ‘Look Back in Anger’. For those in the cheap seats with a view of the kilted performer’s inside leg measurements, it was a chance to confirm whether Ian is a true Scotsman

Some of Ian’s biggest collaborators and friends were there (left to right): from Crazy Christmas mainstay Andrew Jeffers to esteemed director-writer Barry McKenna, both co-stars in recent That Theatre Company production ‘The Visit’, to Sira Stampe and Katrin Weisser, fellow cast members in the 2014 spring production of ‘God of Carnage’

Also in attendance were (left to right) old sparring partner David Bateson (Watson to Ian’s Holmes on one occasion), long-time friend and director Claus Bue (co-stars in classic 2006 julekalenderen ‘Absalons hemmelighed’ no less) and CPH POST editor Ben Hamilton




11 - 24 MARCH 2022



FTEN CALLED Denmark’s greatest business mogul, Carl Frederik Tietgen was almost single-handedly responsible for bringing Denmark into the Industrial Age. His business legacy lives on today in companies such as DFDS, Tuborg, GN Store Nord and Danisco, as well as the magnificent Marmorkirken he was responsible for completing. But who was this business titan and what was the secret to his success? Manchester stimulants BORN IN Odense in 1829 to a modest family, he was a bright child and always top of his class. After school he took an apprenticeship and then his working life took him overseas to Manchester in England, the city at the very heart of the Industrial Revolution. Tietgen quickly realised the truth in the popular saying: “What Manchester does today, the rest of the world does tomorrow.” While Denmark had just one railway line between Roskilde and Copenhagen, Manchester was a transport hub with railway lines and trams leaving in all directions. While Denmark had just one bank, Manchester had seven. Tietgen returned home to Denmark with his head brimming with new ideas, inspired to make a difference in his home country, where he founded a wholesale business dealing as an agent between business connections in the two cities. Shaking up banking HIS SHARP business eye didn’t go unnoticed in the Copenhagen business community for long. Aged just 27 in 1857 he was headhunted to become



How Carl Frederik Tietgen brought Denmark kicking and screaming into the Industrial Age

the director of a new bank – Privatbanken, the first privately-run bank in Denmark. Under his leadership, he modernised the whole concept of banking and created an investment bank. This gave him the platform he needed to bring Denmark into the industrial age. His timing was impeccable: that same year, a new law was passed ending the old guild system and liberalising all trades, in essence making it easier for anyone with a good idea to start and run a business. What’s more, with no regulation to get in the way of a good business idea, the market was ripe for innovation. Buy, merge, dominate OVER THE following 40 years, Privatbanken with Tietgen at the helm invested in companies in transport, communication and food. His investments tended to follow a pattern. Privatbanken would buy up smaller companies in one industry and consolidate them to achieve economies of scale and the sheer muscle needed to dominate the market. This was the case with the shipping company Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab (DFDS), Danish Sugar (now Danisco), the Great Nordic Telegraph Company (now GN Store Nord) and Danish Distillers, which is still in existence today. At the same time, he considered business in a wider strategic context. A shipping company was always going to need ships, so Privatbanken invested in the shipyard Burmeister Wain. And ships were going to need a port so Privatbanken invested in expanding the harbour of Esbjerg so goods could reach the valuable British market. From sugar and foodstuffs to the burgeoning telegraph and telephone industries, Tietgen’s power and influence were felt in every corner of Denmark.

Immortalised forever at Sankt Annæ Plads Square

A new summit to conquer IN HIS later years, having reached the top of his professional game and with no children to carry on his business empire, Tietgen set his sights on a new summit: a lasting memorial in the city. The unfinished Marmorkirken close to Amalienborg gave him the perfect opportunity. This church had stood unfinished at a height of 19 metres for over 100 years, slowly turning into a ruin with plants growing up its incomplete marble pillars. While it was much loved by Danish painters of the Golden Age, many considered it to be an eyesore – not least Tietgen who walked past it every day on his way to work. Lacquered in limestone THE BUSINESS titan struck a deal to buy the ruin from the Danish state and complete it in the original style. Unfortunately, this was a deal that proved more costly than first thought. The church was in poor condition and many parts needed to be completely rebuilt. To rein in the spiralling costs, Tietgen reduced the height of the rotunda, dropped the side towers and built much of the church in

limestone instead of marble. The deal to buy the church was also not without its controversies as it included giving Tietgen the rights to sell off the surrounding land around the church to build apartment buildings. The only part of the area Tietgen didn’t get his hands on was a small row of houses from the 1700s towards Store Kongensgade. This corner of the complex broke the strict symmetry of the site and has since been the site of a petrol station, a hotdog stand named ‘Mary’s Corner’ after the current Crown Princess, before being turned into an office building ironically called ‘Tietgen’s Regret’. Slower than Sagrada’s AN INCREDIBLE 145 years after the first stone was laid, and 20 years after Tietgen had taken over the project, in 1894 the church was finally inaugurated. This makes it in effect an even slower project than the better known La Sagrada Familia church project in Barcelona, which has taken 140 years and is still ongoing. Today Marmorkirken stands proudly at one end of the axis that intersects


Amalienborg Square. It is flanked at the other end by the new Opera House – a donation from Tietgen’s 20th century business counterpart, the shipping magnate Mærsk McKinney Møller. Tietgen’s church project may have given him more headaches than many of his other business deals, but anyone who has seen the church from across the harbour at sunset will agree that it is a fine legacy for Denmark’s first capitalist.

Polly Davis was born in the UK and has lived in Denmark for over 20 years. When she is not researching stories to use on her guided tours of the city, she works as a freelance copywriter.


11 - 24 MARCH 2022

Chocolate Festival

Dance 'n Drinks

Flea Market at DTU

Chocolate Festival

Lucy Love

Dance ‘n Drinks – for everyone

Flea Market at DTU

Follow Your Inner Voice

March 12-13, 10:00-17:00; Otto Busses Vej, Cph SV The Chocolate Festival is for everyone interested in good chocolate. A lot of different Danish brands host stands offering delicious tastings and purchases. (AD)

March 17, 20:00; Amager Bio, Øresundvej 6, Cph S; 220kr from ticketmaster. dk, 235kr at the door Grime duo Lucy Love are promoting their most recent album, 'Hammerhead', which they released on October 2. (AD)

March 20, 10:00-16:00; Anker engelundsvej 1, bygning 101, indgang E, Kongens Lyngby Find your new favoyrite blouse at the Environmental Council's flea market. (AD)

Thursdays 17:00-19:30; Heinesgade 11, Cph N; 300kr via art-xp.com This is an intuitive painting class where Agostina Vilar invites you to connect with your inner voice, while letting her lead you in the process of creating an authentic expression of yourself on paper. (AD)

Children's Literature Festival

CPH Championship Wrestling

March 18, 18:30-21:30, Salsa class 1830:19-30; Hvidkildevej 64, Cph NV; free adm, sign up via FB event ‘Dance 'n Drinks – For Alle’ Dance n' Drinks is an evening for EVERYONE who loves to dance, regardless of level and age. Don't miss out on this evening of music, fun, socialising and great wine. (AD)

March 14-19; various libraries This year the festival’s focus is on 'Wondrous Families' in children's literature. Among the many activities, meet authors, listen to them read and attend workshops. Youngsters can enter a short story competition for 11 to 14-year-olds. (AD)

March 12, doors 18:00, show 19:00; Idrætsfabrikken, Valdemarsgade 12, Cph V; online 200kr, at the door 250kr, bit.ly/CCWGRUNGE Experience the action live at what has been described as Denmark's WILDEST night out as top stars battle it out in the ring! All your favourite CCW stars, including Copenhagen Hangman, are returning. And the star could be you, as the action on the night is being taped. (AD)

Science & Cocktails

March 15, 19:00; DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 145195kr Spend an evening with archeology superstar David Wengrow as he discusses ‘A new science of human history’. He explains how archaeology and anthropology are providing startling new answers to major questions, revealing a prehistoric world more varied and unexpected than we ever knew. Marathon Monks and Copyflex are performing. (AD) Music of The Lion King

March 13, 15:00-17:30; DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 525kr Take a musical journey with the greatest hits from ‘The Lion King’, as written by Sir Elton John and Hans Zimmer and performed by the Broadway Symphony Orchestra. (AD)

3for2: English Comedy Night

March 15, 20:00; Strandlodsvej 7, Cph S; 85kr, tinyurl.com Six comedians and three shows = one night of unmissable comedy at the Teater Play. (AD) La Bohème

March 12 at 19:30, March 16 & 22 at 19:00, March 18 at 20:00; Opera House, Ekvipagemestervej 10, Cph K, 80-980kr, kglteater.dk The essence of Puccini’s ‘La Bohème’ is catchy music sprinkled with heart-stirring arias and magnificent choral works. Its almost cinematically condensed plot has been called the world’s best musical drama. (AD)

Exhibition by ‘yespr’

March 11, 16:00-19:00 & March 12, 12:00-17:00; Foyer of Johan Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, Cph K An exhibition of 15 charcoal drawings on cardboard: close-ups and sections of selected artefacts, people and buildings from his life and travels. (AD) It's Groovy

March 12, 17:00; Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, Cph K; 300kr, 250kr for members, to book tickets, call 3374 3412 Enjoy all three films of the Austin Powers marathon with an open bar. Casper Christensen from Filmnørdens Hjørne will address the audience with a presentation about the notorious womaniser before the first film. (AD) Copenhagen Bike Show

March 12, 09:00-18:00 & March 13, 09:00-16:00; Øksnehallenen, Halmtorvet 11, Cph V; online tickets 75kr via billetto. dk, at the door 90kr, under-12s free adm Whether you're an ambitious amateur, an energetic cycling enthusiast or looking for innovative novelties for the family, there will be something among the exhibits and speakers for all bike lovers. (AD)


How to host something as a cloud

March 11, 20:00 & March 12, 19:00; Brønshøjvej 29, Brønshøj; tickets: 4565kr, eventbrite.com; warehouse9.dk A multi-sensory and all-consuming performance installation that takes you completely into its LGBT universe. The venue will not be heated; you should expect the same temperatures as outside. (AD)

Globe Quiz

March 10 & 24, 19:15; Globe Irish Pub, Nørregade 43-45, Cph K; 50 kroner per person to enter Game night’s on at this pub on Nørregade! The winners will be awarded 1,000 kroner, and there are plenty of spot prizes too. (MB)

CTC Open Stage

Gravens Rand Quiz

March 17, 19:30-10:00; Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, Cph Ø; ctcircle.dk The CTC is calling all artists to perform at its next open stage night. If you want to join, sign up via openstage@ctcircle.dk. (AD)

March 15 & 29, 19:00; Søndre Fasanvej 24, Frederiksberg; entry 30kr Maximum of four per team, it’s 1,000 kroner for the winners and a crate of beer for second. Two beer rounds, and shots for last place!


Linocut Print Workshop

March 16-April 9, Mon-Fri 19:30, Sat 17:00; Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, Cph Ø; 205kr, teaterbilletter.dk Claus Bue directs Ian Burns, Andrew Jeffers, Sune Svanekjær and Dawn Wall in this brand new play by Irish playwright Fergal O'Byrne. Check out the interview with Fergal in the St Patrick's Day supplement to find out more.

March 15, 13:00 & 18:30 and March 22, 14:00 and 18:30; Blaa Galleri, Blågårdsgade 29, Cph N; 500kr via art-xp.com THIS BEGINNER’S workshop with Henry the Rabbit will provide all the tricks to get you started on making your own prints for poster art, t-shirt & fabric designs, propaganda, or limited-edition fine art. (AD)

Learn to Draw Your Emotions

March 12, 16:00-18:00; Brydes Allé 24A, Cph S; 390kr via art-xp.com Get in touch with your emotions through mixed media art. There are only five tickets available so hurry up and book yours. (AD)

Outdoor Flea Market

March 19-20, 10:00-17:00; Otto Bussesvej 5A, Cph SV Buy or sell your outdoor equipment. Stands are provided free of charge. Send an email to marcus@vagabond.info with a short text + photo to present your goods. (AD)



11 - 24 MARCH 2022



HAT IS it about all the penises? They’re everywhere! (When I say penises, I should hasten to say ‘male penises’, just in case that caused any offence out there.) Small screen penises, big screen penises, hypnotic penises, comic penises, erotic penises and even penises that talk … in the old days, the inclusion of multiple penises in film-related copy always meant one thing: Ewan McGregor gets his kit out. Now it’s the Hollywood standard. Erectile dysfunctional ROMAN Roy’s dickpics in Succession, the testicular cancer scare in The White Lotus, the talking knob in Pam & Tommy (entire series available on Disney+ since March 9; 72 on Metacritic), the Bronco Henry appreciation club in The Power of the Dog, Bradley’s bubble bath hand shandy in Nightmare Alley, and that old man’s fully erect number just before a deranged grandmother cuts off his fingers in the first episode of Euphoria S2 (entire season available on HBO Max; 74). Every time it catches you by surprise … like an erection flapping through the opening of a pair of boxers (or was that just me at boarding school?). “Surely, they won’t show you that,” you think, and then suddenly it’s there: “I’ll pretend I didn’t see that … that doesn’t look real … I thought it would look older.” Honestly, I was pretty disturbed by the over-the-top first episode of Euphoria, but I continued down the road to Dasmascus, and by the end of episode 7 I was well and truly converted. Should I, a 49-year-old, be watching yet another drama about teens portrayed by adults that makes youngsters insecure about their bodies? Well, this is a teenage drama like you’ve never seen before. It’s so artistic and assured it will give Succession a run for its money in the major awards. Shame the final episode sucked so much with the overkill. What killed Kenny’s chances? IT MAKES you wonder what Games of Thrones would have done with the

castration storyline had it been made 10 years later. Well, maybe Against The Ice (Netflix since March 2; 50), which reunites Lannisters Charles Dance and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in the icy wilderness of Greenland, will have the answer – like in the cross-country Olympic skiing, frozen thingies are a distinct possibility. Coster-Waldau, whose wife is Greenlandic, co-wrote the script, so hopes were high, but out-of-his-depth Danish director Peter Flinth (Arn) rendered this one limp on arrival. Early Oscar favourite Belfast (March 24; 75) most probably shot its load, but the late announcement that it is screening before the ceremony is welcome news. Kenneth Branagh’s most personal ever film (he grew up in Northern Ireland before moving to Reading as a young teen) has assembled a strong cast including Judy Dench, Ciaran Hinds and Jamie Dornan – a revelation in miniseries The Tourist (all episodes on HBO Max; 81). But will it end up have the staying distance of these three heavyweight contenders: Paul Thomas Anderson’s coming-of-age epic Licorice Pizza (March 17; 90), Maggie Gyllenhaal’s impressive debut The Lost Daughter (March 17; 86) starring Olivia Colman; and Japanese tour-de-force Drive My Car (March 31; 91), a 179-minute surething to win the Best International Film award. It’s hard to know which one we should watch first. In contrast, although not released yet, Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre (March 17), Ambulance (March 24), Morbius (March 31) and yet another Netflix vehicle for Ryan Reynolds, The Adam Project (March 11), have a ‘shower, not a grower’ air about them. The former has all the ingredients to be another Guy Ritchie howler and … of course Jason Statham is in it. This leaves several 5.5-6.0 inch affairs: The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (March 3; 63) stars Benedict Cumberbatch as an off-the-wall late 19th century artist; Studio 666 (March 10; 50) plunges Foo Fighters (yes, the band) into a haunted house horror film; in the intriguing Windfall (March 18 on

"As the Danish Olympic delegate, may I say that not cancelling was a complete cock-up"

Netflix), starring Jesse Plemons, Jason Segel and Lily Collins, a tech billionaire discovers an unhinged waster living in his holiday home; while Old Henry (March 31; 69) imagines what it might feel like to discover your ageing father was in fact Billy the Kid. Aha … that’s a male penis COULD be worse … imagine finding out your dad was Toni Schumacher. He’s no relation to former Liverpool policeman Tony Schumacher, the writer of acclaimed British crime series The Responder (dr.tv) starring Martin Freeman, and the authenticity really shows. The writers of Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (HBO Max since March 7; 69), on the other hand, were barely out of nappies when Magic Johnson was strutting his stuff, but the result is a highly watchable se-

ries that owes a debt to The Last Dance. Overall, there aren’t many exciting US TV prospects in store for March. Pirate comedy Our Flag Means Death (HBO Nordic; 71) already looks dated – like it missed the boat and got marooned in the pandemic. Likewise Minx (March 17 on HBO Nordic), the tale of a feminist who makes the world’s first erotic magazine for women in 1973, has the same beat of better series that have already told similar stories with better casts. And 1950s miniseries Women of the Movement (March 11 on CMore; 71) has déjà vu written all over it. Returning series include Barry (S3; TBC), Better Things (S5; March 3) and Kung Fu (S2; March 11) on HBO Max; Transplant (S2; March 8) on CMore; and Bridgerton (S2; March 25) on Netflix – and no doubt there will be

fans excited to see what happens to the Duke of Hastings in this no holdsbarred penis freezone. Well, get with the program Ladies, because RegéJean Page ditched this as soon as they said wrap on S1. There’s also understandable interest in the documentary Undercurrent: The Disappearance of Kim Wall (March 8 on HBO Nordic), but far more intriguing might be The Andy Warhol Diaries (March 9 on Netflix), which delves into how his life changed forever after a feminist nearly shot him dead in 1968, and Phoenix Rising (March 16 on HBO Nordic) in which actress Evan Rachel Wood comes to terms with the extent of her abuse by Marilyn Manson. They say appearances can be deceptive, but it turns out that Manson not only looked like a ‘male penis’, but was one.

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