Summer 2023 Supplement

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Photo: VisitDenmark/Mette Johnsen

In love with the Danish summer nights

Let me start by admitting that I love to travel. I love to go abroad, experience different cultures, be places where the sun always shines and leave a busy everyday life behind for a while.

But that said, I also think that Denmark, despite the fact that it might rain and not be that warm, is one of the best places to spend the summer.

Why? Because nothing beats the Danish summer nights.


Perhaps I’m in love with the Danish (and Scandinavian, to be fair) summer because of my childhood memories.

As a child I spent most of my summer holidays in Norway and Sweden. I recall nights when we would sit outside talking, playing and laughing.

Later, as I grew older, my friends and I spent night after night partying. And now, as a father of two, my wife and I tend to spend the summer nights sipping white wine on the terrace of our summerhouse.

When we sit there – perhaps with a blanket – it’s like time stands still and we wish the summer would never end.


Denmark is, of course, much more than those summer nights. And in this supplement we’ve

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collected a bunch of inspiration for you.

Personally, I like to keep a bucket list of all the Danish hidden gems I’ve not yet visited. A new inclusion this year is the Regan West bunker.

If you’re looking for more expansive places to visit, I recommend you read about the Danish islands. All of them are worth visiting during the summer.

And if you’re into festival life, but find major options like Roskilde and Smukfest a little too much, we’ve handpicked five alternatives for you.


You’re probably wondering where I’m going myself. The truth is that we’re off to Italy.

But even while we’re there, I think I’ll be looking forward to returning to our summerhouse to drink chilled white wine with my wife after a busy day playing with the children.

I guess you could say true love never dies.

I wish you a great summer – in Denmark or elsewhere …

Best regards,

Uffe Jørgensen Odde Ansvarshavende chefredaktør/Editor-in-Chief

Nicolai Kampmann Co-Editor

Ben Hamilton Managing Editor

Christian Wenande News Editor

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Photo: Bjørn Pierri
World Capital of Architecture 2023 Exhibition 05.05.– 22.10.2023 in Common Copenhagen Foto: Eryk Piotr Munk/Unsplash UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture Copenhagen 2023 Official partner Berlingske Kulturinformation Politiken

Discover the Danish islands

It’s a small country, but Denmark has a large number of islands: 1,419 to be exact, of which 443 are named and 78 inhabited.

During the summer, from Vadehavsøerne off the Danish western coast to Ertholmene, the most eastern point of the country, visitors can enjoy all that its islands have to offer. Between forest, sand or rocks, hiking, fishing or resting, surrounded by birds or seals, in peace or in turmoil, there is something to enjoy for all age groups.

Probably the most popular of the Danish islands, Samsø and its 3,775 inhabitants are the ‘Pearl of the Kattegat’. Known for its sandy children’s beaches, the island also offers good opportunities for fishing. Its flat landscape makes it ideal for cycling holidays, and it is also popular for its many hiking tours – in forests or along coasts.

Located in Sydfynske Øhav next to Langeland, Ærø hosts a little over 6,000 inhabitants. Almost a sixth of them can be found among the small squares, cobbled streets and half-timbered buildings of Ærøskøbing, one of Denmark’s most idyllic towns. Also visit the seaside town of Marstal, which exudes maritime culture and shipping. Spring brings out the best of the island, transforming its nature into a symphony of colour.

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023 4
Cobblestone streets and colourful houses in the town of Ærøskøbing on Ærø  Photo: VisitDenmark/Roar Paaske Samsø Ærø
Denmarks is known for its many pleasure isles. Great to visit during the summer, they provide a diversity of landscapes, demographic densities and activities. Get to know some of the most popular ones


Halfway between Frederikshavn and Gothenburg in Sweden, Læsø might be the largest island in the Kattegat, but it only has 1,769 inhabitants. The island – known for salt boiling, kelp roofs and delicious virgin lobsters – is a popular destination for many sailors. It offers good safaris and hiking tours under different landscapes according to the seasons.


Anholt is called ‘The Desert’ because most of the island consists of old sand dunes. Far out in the Kattegat, midway between Sweden and Denmark, the island has the country’s most isolated community: just 150 permanent residents. The unique nature is immensely versatile: from flat landscape and dunes, to dense forest and open heath. It also has a large seal population.


Smålandsøerne – Fejø, Femø and Askø-Lillø – are located north of Lolland.

With its 500 permanent inhabitants, Fejø is the largest of the islands and particularly known for its apples and pears.

Femø (154 inhabitants) houses the world's oldest women's camp, drawing in large numbers from June to August to take part in various talks, workshops etc.

Askø-Lilleø, the smallest of the islands with 55 permanent residents, is known for the quality of its light, which annually attracts hundreds of artists to its shoreline.

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Aerial view of Læsø  Photo: Kjetil Løite

Frolicking on the sandy beaches of Fanø 


Just off the western coast, Fanø, Rømø and Mandø, which comprise Vadehavsøerne, can be found in the Wadden Sea.

Fanø (population 3,427) with 15 km of beaches, seals, dunes and nature, is best enjoyed in the cosy villages of Nordby and Sønderho, where art museums, galleries, maritime history and gourmet experiences await visitors.

Rømø (650) is linked to the Danish mainland by a road running across a causeway. The island

is popular with visitors attracted by the clothing-optional beaches on which vehicles can be driven legally.

Mandø (just 35) is the place to experience nature in all its magnificence and quickly fall into the rhythm of nature. The Wadden Sea is of great importance to migratory as well as sedentary birds – every year it’s used as a stopover by up to 12 million. Several important fish species, such as plaice and cod, have breeding grounds, and it is also Denmark’s most important procreational area for the harbour seal.

Ertholmene has a permanent population of 100 people and – located near Bornholm – is the eastern point of the country.

It consists of three main islands: Christiansø (named after King Christian V), Frederiksø (named after King Frederick IV), and uninhabited Græsholm, a bird sanctuary. Ertholmene is a popular destination for yachts.

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Ertholmene Photo: Visit Denmark/Niclas Jessen

Summer course in Danish language and culture

Spend your summer in Copenhagen and join our three-week course where we dive deep into Danish language and culture. Language teaching every morning and cultural activities afternoons and evenings. Lots of networking with other interesting people.

Read more and sign up at

24/7 - 11/8


Choosing the right summer school

Summer school is a staple in the Danish child’s summer holidays. Unlike summer school in the United States, they are not a chance for students to improve their grades or catch up academically.

In Denmark, summer school is a chance for children of all ages to develop other interests. Whether it is to learn how to paint, write poetry, play hockey, knit or swim, the list is endless.

These ‘camps’ are generally a week or two long, and schools offer several weeks to choose from – but most take place during the first half of the summer (i.e until early/mid July).

Some are more like the traditional ‘sleep away camps’ memorably portrayed in American youth movies, while at others the students are only there during the day.


The biggest selling point is that the schools can help keep your children stimulated. Summer is, more often than not, a period of time in which children are not intellectually or creatively challenged, and this is often problematic when they return to school in the autumn.

According to the US think-tank Brookings, an analysis of the phenomenon of ‘summer learning loss’ concluded that children on average lose a month’s worth of school learning during the summer. This means they will struggle when they return to school in the autumn. It can therefore be reasonably concluded that summer

school can aid in reducing this drastic impact.

However, this doesn’t mean that the only solution is to have children in an academic setting all summer. Being physically, creatively, or intellectually stimulated aids in your mental acuity because it increases the production of neural pathways that are used in learning, thus actively combating the summer learning loss. Therefore, by sending your child to summer camp you are able to help them get back to school on a more stable footing.


Summer school also steers your kids away from the temptation of sitting in front of a screen all day, allowing them to meet and interact with children from all over Denmark, and develop life skills as well as interests in entirely new areas.

It sure beats the alternative of bored children sitting around at home waiting for the rest of the family to clock off so they can travel. Especially due to Covid-19 this year, the options

for children during those first few weeks of the holiday will probably be very limited because they can’t go to the movies, museums or amusement parks.

Summer schools are therefore a big help to parents – especially ones with young children. The alternative can often be far more expensive, for example a nanny or babysitter, or troublesome: working at home whilst parenting. The lockdown has shown this is far from ideal!

Summer schools were created to combat this. They ensure children are kept occupied during the working hours of the day, thus allowing their parents to get their work done in the most productive manner possible.


However, summer schools are not entirely free of risk. The first, and most apparent one depending on the summer school as well as the child, is homesickness. Being away from family for even a day can appear daunting to children. Thus, attending summer

school could create a lot of tension and make the child unhappy.

But while every child is different, so is every summer school. It’s important to choose the right summer school for your child’s needs and to thoroughly take into account the activities, distance from home etc.

Of course, sometimes it’s impossible to find the right school for teenagers. They generally don’t like being told what to do at the best of times – especially when that means they can’t hang out with their friends or do what they want on their one long break from school.

After all, for some it can be overwhelming – particularly if they are going directly from exams and tests into another, sometimes high intensity, learning environment.

But if the approach to sending one’s child to summer school is facilitated in such a way that allows them to have control over the situation, and an awareness that this isn’t an academic setting but is in fact a chance to have fun, the rest will be smooth sailing.

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Nobody knows your child better than yourself, so make sure you send them to an environment where they will flourish not falter!
In Denmark, summer school is a chance for kids to learn something new  Photo: Pixabay/JillWellington

The lights are on, but nobody’s home

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Summertime in Copenhagen, but where are the hosts?

The lights are on, but nobody’s home: that’s Copenhagen in July! But where exactly have all the Danes gone?

To the summerhouse!

Surely it can’t be because the entire population have uploaded their homes onto Airbnb and headed off to Spain for six weeks?

After all, the Danish summertime, when the sun shines, is hard to beat.

Well, there’s a logical answer and it can be found in the population’s nottoo-distant agrarian past.


Danes are essentially farmers at heart, and they like nothing better than leaving the city behind them for long periods to live in their rurally-based summerhouses.

Within just days of the corona lockdown being announced in March 2020, there was a stampede to the countryside amid unparalleled demand for high-speed internet connections in remote areas.

That’s the real reason why the corona lockdown was so quiet: nobody was

here. Meanwhile, the populations of certain coastal towns in northern Zealand and Jutland ran into six figures.


For reasons like this, having a summerhouse is a big deal. Albeit trivial and overlooked by most internationals, you could say it’s something of a lifestyle divider.

In some countries, the lifestyle divider is a matter of life or death, like having water or not having water, or possessing or not possessing guns. In the US, for example, it’s having health insurance, and in the UK, it’s whether you can afford to send your toddlers to childcare.

But in Denmark, it’s the ownership of a summerhouse and the means to travel there. In fact, it’s so slight, most internationals don’t even notice.


So come July, an awful lot of Danish people relocate to their summerhouse for six weeks. For some, this can be a perilously long car journey across the entire country, for others, just hopping aboard a Christiania bike in Vesterbro and cycling to a garden shed in Gladsaxe.

But regardless of the cottage or carriage, it means living the dream, and this is what July has become for most Danes: a chance to disconnect most of their devices, recharge their batteries, and reconnect with their agrarian past.

The result is that July is mostly bereft of major events, leaving June and August to overflow with all manner of festival. Bar the odd tourist getting lost on your street, it’s an extraordinarily peaceful time in the major cities.


L E A R N I N G , A D V E N T U R E ,

F R I E N D S H I P A N D F U N !

W e l c o m e t o o u r e n g a g i n g s u m m e r p r o g r a m d e s i g n e d f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 4 t o 1 2 ! J o i n u s f o r a s u m m e r p a c k e d w i t h l e a r n i n g , e x c i t i n g a d v e n t u r e s , a n d e n j o y a b l e a c t i v i t i e s , a l l i n a s a f e a n d p o s i t i v e e n v i r o n m e n t O u r s u m m e r c a r e a n d c a m p p r o g r a m s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n a w e e k l y b a s i s , g i v i n g y o u r f a m i l y t h e f r e e d o m t o s e l e c t a c t i v i t i e s t h a t f i t y o u r s c h e d u l e Y o u h a v e t h e o p t i on t o m i x a n d m a t c h C A R E a n d

C A M P w e e k s b a s e d o n y o u r c h i l d ' s i n t e r e s t s a n d n e e d s .

T h e S u m m e r C A R E P r o g r a m m e i s t a i l o r e d f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 4 t o 1 0 , o f f e r i n g d a i l y a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s c r a f t s a n d e d u c a t i o n a l g a m e s i n a c h i l d - c e n t e r e d a n d i n t e r e s t - b a s e d s e t t i n g .

F o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 7 t o 1 2 , w e p r e s e n t t h e S u m m e r C A M P P r o g r a m m e , f e a t u r i n g a v a r i e t y o f t h e m a t i c c a m p s i n c l u d i n g m u s i c , s c i e n c e , t h e a t r e , a n d m o r e . V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e t o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t e a c h c a m p a n d f i n d t h e p e r f e c t f i t f o r y o u r c h i l d

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A popular way to spend the July holiday in Denmark  Photo:VisitDenmark/Niclas Jessen

Revealing Denmark’s hidden gems

We asked an expert for help uncovering some of the country’s less obvious attractions

Before accessing the REGAN West bunker, one of the hidden gems, you’ll have to take a 300-metre walk through a tunnel 


Hidden 60 metres under a chalk hill in a forest near Skørping in northern Jutland, the REGAN West bunker was established in the 1960s during the Cold War to house the government and royals in case of a nuclear war. This year the bunker, which is part of Nordjyske Museer, opened to the public. It stands untouched and fully furnished with all its original interior. Such is the interest, it can be hard to get anything more than a solitary ticket, but it’s definitely worth a visit. If the Cold War is of high interest, alternatively go to Stevnsfortet for further insights into the cold relationship between the West and former Eastern Bloc.

More info:


Located next to Copenhagen Airport, this grill restaurant is a popular gathering spot for plane enthusiasts. Watch close-up the incoming and outgoing planes at the largest airport in Scandinavia – it’s the best seat in town. The legendary dinner serves traditional Danish food while airplanes hang from the ceiling.

More info:

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023 10
Photo: Lars Bo Axelholm Photo: Flyvergrillen

Besøgscenter Østerild

As a frontrunner in alternative energy, Denmark is often referred to as a wind nation. At Besøgscenter Østerild near Thisted in the northern part of Jutland, visitors can learn about how a turbine produces electricity and look into the future of wind technology. Located in Østerild Klitplantage, there are plenty of possibilities to go on a picnic before or after the visit.

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Bridgewalking Lillebælt

Afraid of heights? Don’t go! Looking for a stunning experience 60 metres above water? Go! Since 2015 the old Lillebæltsbro, built between 1925 and 1935 to connect Funen and Jytland, has been a popular site to visit among daredevils looking for fun. According to the company offering the experience, you need to be in reasonably good physical shape, so there are a number of rules for going. Among them, you have to be at least 140 cm tall.

More info:

About the expert

Lars Bo Axelholm is the Editor-in-Chief at the media For a number of years he has been covering the Danish tourism industry, so accordingly he knows every corner worth visiting in Denmark.

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023 11
Photo: Besøgscenter Østerild Photo: Bridgewalking Lillebælt

Day tripper: A quick-step from the capital

Six short sojourns to consider north of Copenhagen

Just a hop, skip and a jump from the Greater Copenhagen area, north Zealand has much to offer anyone looking to venture out of the city for a day or two, or find an idyllic holiday spot.

The region has been a favourite escape for Danish royalty for generations and is still frequented by the queen of Denmark today – and for good reason.


While it is perhaps best known for its stunning coastline, the ‘Danish Riviera’, there are also fantastic sites of historical significance, as well as prominent art collections.

Catering to both the thrill-seeking and those in need of relaxation, there’s more than enough to satisfy tourists of all tastes and stripes.



North Zealand is a popular place for posh vacation homes, and there are arguably none grander than the historic Fredensborg Palace, where

Queen Margrethe typically resides in the spring and autumn. ‘The Palace of Peace’ often plays host to foreign dignitaries and important royal events. In July and the first week of August, visitors can take a guided tour to visit parts of the palace, while its magnificent surrounding gardens are open year-round to the public.


One of Denmark’s most impressive castles is Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød – the largest Renaissance castle in Scandinavia. Its baroque palace gardens and grandeur have earned it the nickname ‘the Versailles of Denmark’. It was home to royal families for nearly 100 years after its completion in the 1600s. Frederiksborg is open every day throughout the year to visitors, with opening hours varying between winter-spring and summer-autumn.


The imposing stronghold of Kronborg Castle in the city of Helsingør was

immortalised as the setting for Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. Overlooking its strategically important view since the 1420s, some 6.5 km to Sweden, it has been destroyed by fire, captured by the enemy and enjoyed several reincarnations. The castle and its grounds are open to tour year-round, and in the summer live performances of ‘Hamlet Live’ are held as well as the Shakespeare Festival.


This historic city of Helsingør has been revamped over the years into a dynamic hub for festivals and performing arts as well as outstanding food at its shipyard Street Food Market and restaurant scene. For a look at Denmark’s seafaring past, head over to the National Maritime Museum in the old dry docks – an architectural wonder in and of itself. And then unwind at both indoor and outdoor spas .


Slightly off the beaten path is the harbour town of Hundested. Located at the

entrances to both Isefjord and Roskilde Fjord, it has a bustling waterfront featuring modern restaurants, breweries, art workshops and fantastic ice cream parlours. A popular site for wind and kite surfing, make sure you visit Liseleje Beach, which is considered one of Denmark’s finest. History buffs are well served by the scenic walk that takes in gorgeous views and the home of legendary polar explorer Knud Rasmussen.


The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art at Humlebaek is very much deserving of being Denmark’s most visited museum. Elegantly built into the coastal landscape, it showcases the works of contemporary Danish and international artists with both permanent and rotating exhibitions. It is easy to spend a whole day simply wandering its expansive grounds whilst taking in the spectacular view of the Øresund – and that’s without factoring in its immersive, thought-provoking, mind-bending and bizarre modern art!

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023 12
Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød is the biggest Renaissance castle in Scandinavia  Photo: VisitDenmark/Mark Gray

An international’s guide to CPH

Where: The Botanical Gardens

What: The Botanical Gardens is part of the Natural History Museum at the University of Copenhagen. It holds the largest collection of living plants in Denmark.

Why: The Botanical Gardens are amazing. Not only because of the plants, but also because of the good biodiversity – bugs and beetles are things I’m quite interested in. So as much as I look at the flowers, I also take a closer look at what’s in the flowers or maybe underneath the leaves.


Age: 48

Job: Mari Keto is an artist who specialises in sculpture and jewellery.


Where: Science & Cocktails Copenhagen

What: An initiative that brings science and entertainment closer together through a series of public lectures served with cocktails.

Why: It’s a great concept. Talks can be about all sorts of things: from hormones and black holes, to special kinds of ants etc. The speakers are highly motivated and come with great enthusiasm – and you get fantastic cocktails at the same time. It's always interesting. So, you're learning and you're having a good time. Just remember that you have to buy a ticket in advance.

Where: Sydhavn Recycling Center

What: An unusual recycling centre with shops and activities that support recycling and sustainability.

Why: There are all kinds of workshops there, and also a shop where you can buy things that people have discarded – the prices are really reasonable. The concept is that designers and creative entrepreneurs can take a space there for free for half a year to make their products, providing they dedicate two to four hours a week to repairing things for the centre to sell. The workshops tend to have a recycling or circular economy theme. It can be anything from repairing jeans to panel debates.

“A sensational show - in his paintings Georgian artist Pirosmani kept on creating wondershis legacy is a gift to the world history of art”.


Kristeligt Dagblad


The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023
♥♥ ♥♥ Politiken ★★★★ Kulturinformation ★★
Originally from Finland, Mari Keto has lived in Denmark for more than 20 years. We asked her to point out her favourite spots in Copenhagen
Mari Keto has been in Denmark for more than 20 years  Photo: Lars Wahl

Five alternatives to Roskilde and Smukfest

Here’s a small selection to get you started

There is no Danish summer without hundreds of thousands of people attending music festivals nationwide.

From northern Europe's largest gathering, the Roskilde Festival, to Tinderbox in Odense, Northside in Aarhus and Smukfest in Skanderborg, guests enjoy summer days and nights attending concerts, dancing with friends and having fun in the camps.

But besides these large festivals, which mainly cater to fans of hip-hop, rock and pop, there are so many others to choose from, offering a wide variety of different genres.

Each offers its own special vibe, underlining Denmark’s status as a premier festival country.

Jelling Festival

When: May 25-28

Where: Jelling

This non-profit festival was established in 1989 by a fundraiser organised by a local football club. The first festival invited 1,000 guests to enjoy just one day of music – last year’s edition encompassed four days, entertaining 35,000 revellers in the company of 5,000 volunteers. Headliners include Westlife, Lewis Capaldi, Lukas Graham, Nik & Jay and Medina.

More info:

Copenhagen Jazz Festival

When: June 30-July 9

Where: Copenhagen

When the Copenhagen Jazz Festival rolls out across the city, the capital is transformed. There is, literally speaking, music everywhere: on the squares and in the city's parks, in the jazz clubs and on new temporary stages, in theatres and museums, and – not least –in the city's largest and most beautiful concert halls.

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The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK June 2023 14
The non-profit Jelling Festival has been kicking up dust since 1989  Photo: Jelling Festival
There’s more to the Danish music festival scene than the rite-of-passage, tried and trusted favourites, with well in excess of 30 others to choose from.

Tønder Festival

When: August 24-27

Where: Tønder

Tønder Festival, which began in 1974, is now one of northern Europe’s major international festivals for folk and roots music. The ambiance on the festival site is relaxed, friendly and warm. Besides the music, which includes plenty of country and blues, the festival offers art, events, artist talks, food stalls, restaurants, bars and so much more. Headliners include Jim Lauderdaleone, Twang, Kristian Bach, Liam Ó Maonlaí, Roo Panes!

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When: June 14-17

Where: Refshaleøen, Copenhagen

Looking for a place to head-bang and wear your favourite black t-shirt?

Copenhell is the place to be … The festival offers metal fans a unique, total experience from the second they enter the gates of hell. The parties in the Biergarten beer tent have achieved legendary status, but if you get time, you must traverse the festival site for all the evil art, demonic hangouts and twisted metal on offer. Last year Metallica embraced the festival, and this year is no less prestigious with Guns N’Roses, Mötley Crüe, Slipknot and Def Leppard among the headliners.

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When: June 8-10

Where: Egeskov Slot, Kværndrup

Festival life is often associated with tents in a field, but the Heartland Festival is held at Egeskov Castle on Funen, which lends the occasion a very special atmosphere. Each year the contemporary culture festival presents an international line-up of music, art, talks and food – so it’s fair to say that the festival, first held in 2016, is one of a kind.Look forward to, among others, The Minds of 99, Robbie Williams, MØ and Sting.

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Photo: Tønder Festival Photo: Copenhell Photo: Katrine Moebius
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