The Copenhagen Post: May 2023

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May 2023 Culture Tourism Business Print version ISSN: 2446-0184 Online version ISSN: 2446-0184
opens doors How learning Danish brings success to internationals ... and their employers Inside Pages 16-18 Strength and balance FREE PAPER
in style Danish badehoteller offer a taste of how wealthy locals used to unwind Relocation The ultimate guide for newcomers to Copenhagen Pages 20-21 This month A new beginning: The Copenhagen Post looks to a brighter future under new ownership Pages 2 & 10 - how an American ballet star made it in Denmark
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt


For 25 years The Copenhagen Post has been the leading media for internationals in the Greater Copenhagen area. The ambition when the paper was born was to serve foreign citizens a buffet of relevant Danish news in English.

The last couple of years have been tough; the corona pandemic and the challenges that media all over the world face in general have made things challenging for The Copenhagen Post.


But as of today we look to a brighter future.

This edition of The Copenhagen Post is the first under new ownership of the paper. We’ve developed new editorial concepts and identified new focus areas for our independent reporting, and we’ve made major changes to the layout.

We strongly believe that The Copenhagen Post will play an important role in the years to come, during which thousands of new foreign citizens are expected to settle in Copenhagen and the rest of Denmark.

Danish companies and the welfare state are desperately looking for new talent who can develop and contribute to Danish companies and society.

On the other hand, we know from various studies that while expats in general find great satisfaction with their work in Denmark, they are missing a ‘sense of home’. For example, the Danish language is challenging.

Jesper Skeel CEO

Lennart Nielsen Head of Sales

Andy Horvath Key Account Manager

Hans Hermansen Contact Director

The Danish way of running a business can be very different from other countries. It’s hard to make new (Danish) friends. It’s difficult to find out where to go and what to do when the office is closed. Being an international in Denmark is not as easy as it should be. That’s a shame. And that brings me to our purpose with The Copenhagen Post: we want to create a modern media that provides the news the Danes are talking about. We will look into how expats enrich Danish society and put a spotlight on role models who stand out in business and on the cultural scene. We want to address the challenges expats face in Denmark – and point out the solutions that will make both private and professional life easier.


We are proud and honoured to have this opportunity to develop The Copenhagen Post and make it – whether it’s, our digital newsletter or the newspaper you’re holding in your hand – the leading independent media that internationals and tourists turn to when they need guidance.

I strongly encourage you all to share your thoughts about what The Copenhagen Post can do for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out at 


Uffe Jørgensen Odde Ansvarshavende chefredaktør/Editor-in-Chief

Nicolai Kampmann Co-Editor

Ben Hamilton Managing Editor

Christian Wenande News Editor

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 2
Editorial Offices: The Copenhagen Post Ryesgade 106A, 2. th 2100 Copenhagen Ø Founded in 1998 All rights reserved Published by The Post ApS CVR: 43916181 Design: Scandinavian Branding Printed by Erritsø Tryk
Photo: Bjørn Pierri Enevoldsen Cover photos: Klaus Vedfelt (main) Mads Tolstrup, Pixabay VisitDenmark/Martin Heiberg
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Balancing through life

– far away from home

After arriving as a teenager, Holly Dorger has had an astonishing career. She’s used to standing ovations night after night. But living in Denmark hasn’t been a walk in the park, the American ballet star reveals. And after her recent divorce, she has found her balance once again

It’s raining hard outside Gamle Scene in Kongens Nytorv, the home of Danish ballet. The street seems deserted, but Holly Dorger magically appears out of the cityscape –bang on cue, just like you would expect from one of the world’s best principal ballerinas.

But her journey to greatness hasn’t been easy. When she moved here aged just 18, she was very much alone – mirroring the experience of thousands of other expats who have relocated here for work or studies.

“I knew nothing about Denmark,” she recalled in an accent mostly unaffected by her time in Denmark.

“I didn’t even know where it was – like somewhere in Scandinavia.”

She pauses.

“Sweden? And I had never heard of Bournonville [the famous Danish ballet dancer, master and choreographer]. I was hesitant to come.”

In time, despite an uncertain start, she has grown to love it here, finding a second family among her colleagues at the

Royal Ballet, who in times of need have been a huge support. It’s very much as a proud homeowner, therefore, when Holly Dorger invites me backstage at Gamle Scene.



The first thing you notice about the 33-year-old American is her posture. Erect spine, elevated chest, serene countenance – she is a cathedral of composure as we exchange pleasantries and start to walk around the cavernous building.

But after a while I notice her legs have a different agenda. Rarely still for long, every stair presents an opportunity for a quick stretch of the calves, or manipulation of the ankles. Certainly, there’s a lot to see. The Petit Pentagon’s outer walls do not betray the vast corridors or furious industry of pirouettes and plié that wait inside, or the “intense love and warmth” of the Danes working behind the scenes, who Holly Dorger greets by name – the very rock on which she has built a life here in Denmark.

On stage at the Royal Theatre. Holly Dorger had the lead role in the Giselle she tells me how she grew up believing in magic – like anything is possible in her world.

And when we enter the inner-sanctum of the stage area itself, to listen to a matinee opera in full flow, it’s a beguiling experience: a glimpse into Holly Dorger’s domain where magic really happens.


There’s a glint in her eye when

Santa Claus is a case in point: “the magic of going to bed and then waking up the next morning with a Christmas tree full of presents”.

“My Mom would put a ripped

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“If you want to talk, talk! If they think you’re weird, then let them think you’re weird.

piece of red cloth in the chimney. Or some chewed carrots from the reindeer, while Dad would eat Santa’s cookies – you know, things like that, but you just completely believed in it,” she recalled at the same brisk rate she no doubt ran the stairs.

Holly Dorger questions whether the Danish approach to the likes of Father Christmas, when the presents are “brought in by somebody’s brother or uncle dressed up as Santa”, stimulates the imagination in quite the same way.

“I believe on the stage there’s magic every time we perform.

You don’t know what’s going to happen. Yes, you’ve worked hard, yes, you’ve put in all the effort, but there’s also a bit of magic, and I think that stems from when I was a kid. I believed in magic,” she contended.


‘Mom’ was an ice skater who would take Holly Dorger to her adult ballet classes where she would “waddle around”.

For every birthday party, a dancer would perform: ballet, Hawaiian, Scottish Highland – it was typical of the way her mother liked to stir her imagination.

Aged ten, Holly Dorger won the United States Championship in Highland Dancing and went on to compete in the discipline all over the world. She went on to gain a place at the prestigious School of American Ballet, the scene of the meeting that would change her life.


It’s been a sensitive time for Holly Dorger these past few months. Not only is she going through a “horrible” divorce, but her long-term dancing partner, Marcin Kupinski, has just turned

Holly Dorger recommends… :

Restaurant: Juju with chef Kristian Baumann – the sesame rice ice cream is not to be missed!

Drinks: Nothing better than buying a few beers and sitting at the top of Kastellet with friends.

Hangout: Inipi – a Sauna Gus Experience.

Coffee House: Espresso House at the top of Magasin – hazelnut latte with a slice of carrot cake

Park: Kongens Have – the garden strip at the far end of the park. So beautiful!

Attraction: Hermes statue on the rooftop of Varehuset Messen on Købmagergade.

Museum: SMK. Loved the Matisse exhibit!

Place outside CPH: Frederiksborg Castle & Baroque Gardens. Activity: Ballet. I know it’s cheesy but I really love what I do.

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ballet 
Photo: Henrik Stenberg

40, and with that he had to turn in his ballet shoes.

It was another retirement that paved Holly Dorger’s path to Copenhagen: Nikolaj Hübbe’s. At her school, where Hübbe taught classes, Holly Dorger caught the future Royal Danish Ballet artistic director’s eye.

“He was a big star at the New York City Ballet and I was just a dorky kid. But then, when I was 18, he wanted to take a dancer to Denmark to represent the New York style, and his choice was me.”

Holly Dorger had never heard of Denmark.

“My school was so hyper-focused on the New York City Ballet, I thought I’d failed. I didn’t want to leave my family. It was a bit of a shock, and when I moved I was so lonely,” she recalled.

“The season started in mid-August and it was my birthday in October. I went to McDonald’s and got a McFlurry.”


Initially, like many new arrivals, Holly Dorger found her hosts quite cold.

“In America it’s much easier to talk to one another – like in the grocery store because the price of bananas went up 10 cents,” she said. “But then you ‘get in’ and now some of my closest friends are Danish.”

Holly Dorger advises newcomers to the city in search of Danish friends to make the first move.

“If you want to talk, talk! If they think you’re weird, then let them think you’re weird. But hey, you might make a really good friend because you started the conversation instead of being timid and not saying anything just to be like everyone else,” she advised.


Learning the language has helped – a sustained effort she is proud of – although she doesn’t feel 100 percent confident to always speak it.

“I understand more than I can say. I’ve even applied to become a Dane. I should know in about six months.”

Holly Dorger has struggled more with the approach to competition.

Holly Dorger

Age: 33

Education: Scholarship at American School of Ballet

Profession: Ballet Dancer

In Denmark since: 2008

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Holly Dorger has been living in Denmark since 2008  Photo: Natascha Rydvald

“I think America definitely has that go-getter, shoot-for-themoon type of attitude. But in Denmark it’s: ‘Don’t try to stand out. Don’t present yourself like you’re better. Just do your thing, quietly.’ It was the first time I was told ambition was a bad thing,” she recalled.

She grins.

“But I don’t think I ever changed. It has nothing to do with anybody else, but I want to be the best I can be: to fulfill my potential. You can take the girl out of New York, right? But you can’t take New York out of the girl.”


As a principal ballerina, Holly Dorger’s biggest competitor is herself:

“It’s a beautiful career, but

it’s a hard career. It’s not just tutus and tiaras and sparkles. It’s a mental mind game. I would say the hardest part is staying focused on yourself.”

Cast in some of the most demanding roles in ballet, including the leads in ‘Giselle’ and ‘Swan Lake’, she relentlessly pushes technical boundaries.

“I’m always trying to add harder turns or sequences: it’s a now or never attitude; you don’t know how long it’ll last,” she reasoned.

“I love to perform. Yeah, I can get nervous. But I’ve done a lot of difficult roles. And now, it’s almost like it’s time to play.”

The emotional power of her performance, meanwhile, comes from personal experience. She reflects on her divorce:

“That's very much the White Swan right there. That’s basically

me just tapping into my real life. She’s so innocent and so pure, and she’s completely betrayed.”


Despite her divorce, Holly Dorger is excited to be independent again:

“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. When you’re out of a bad situation, what freedom you feel!”

She has her first film to look forward to. Delayed by corona, it’s a Scandinavian-set movie about four aspiring ballerinas in which she has been cast as the prima ballerina they all look up to.

And then there is her work, which she couldn’t be happier about, in the magical building she frequents every day: from the workers behind the scenes

to her fellow dancers, and let’s not forget the young students from the KGL ballet school!

“They have so much love to give! I hear them as I walk down the hallway: ‘Holly, Holly, Holly!, and I just put out my arms and they all come running for hugs. The love and warmth that is in this building!” she enthused.

“And especially in this past year, the support from the company and my boss Nikolaj Hübbe, who I 100 percent support and adore, is so amazing. I feel so extremely grateful and so blessed to be here.” 

Holly Dorger's passions... :

Her cat ‘Blue’ – I love that little fluff muffin

Her friends – We love karaoke!

Writing – Ambition is to write a book

Walks in the park – loves Frederiksberg/Søndermarken

Sliders – burgers and karaoke in a private room; the best

Teaching – I love to teach! Last year I taught a KGL summer course, and I teach private or group classes whenever my schedule allows it.

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Among colleagues. Holly Dorger on stage during the Giselle ballet  Photo: Henrik Stenberg

This edition of The Copenhagen Post is the first under new ownership - and the new company behind the 25 year-old media has great ambitions, the CEO states.

“We’re excited to have this opportunity to develop a legacy media that plays an important role for thousands of foreign people living in Denmark,” said Jesper Skeel, CEO of The Post ApS.

Various studies show that being an expat in Denmark isn’t always a walk in the park; the language is hard, it can be difficult to settle, feel like home, understand the Danish way of living, running a company etc.

But when thousands of foreign workers are expected to arrive in Denmark in the years to come, the need for an independent media in English is perhaps greater than ever before.

The Copenhagen Post under new ownership

The Copenhagen Post, founded in 1998 and for several years published by Ejvind Sandal, has gone through some tough times in recent years.

Among the reasons why are the challenges that media all over the world face, but under new ownership, new energy, ideas and editorial concepts have grown already.

The media did a survey in late March among its online users. The results of that confirm what previous studies have shown, but it also highlights the needs for relevant news about Danish society, information and guides about where to go and what to do when the office is closed, and interviews with expats about the challenges they face professionally and privately.

“The results from our own survey, the studies we’ve read, and the talks we’ve had with both expats and Danish companies, tell us that there is a great potential for a media like The Copenhagen Post,“ said Skeel. He continues:

“Our ambition is to transform The Copenhagen Post from a free print media to a digital subscription media. We will still publish a paper, but our main focus will be online, serving relevant newsletters that help our users in their daily life.”


The Copenhagen Post will therefore provide a daily newsletter containing the news Danes are talking about, articles about expat life, the Danish

society and business life, and inspiration about where to go, what to do and how to connect.

“Our purpose is to make both private and professional life easier for expats and foreign citizens. We believe that independent reporting and guides can make a difference,“ contends Skeel.

The CEO furthermore states that from now on The Copenhagen Post will look into how expats enrich Danish society and put a spotlight on role models who stand out in business and on the cultural scene. The media wants to address the challenges expats face in Denmark – and point out the solutions that will make both private and professional life easier. In the future pipeline there are more products on the way:

“But for now we focus on delivering a relevant, independent and useful product,“ Skeel concluded.

He encourages all expats and foreign citizens to go to and sign up for the daily newsletter. 

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Denmark’s leading media for foreign citizens has come under new ownership. A revitalised The Copenhagen Post will make life easier for expats and international residents in Denmark
Jesper Skeel, the CEO of The Post ApS, the new company behind The Copenhagen Post  Photo: Bjørn Pierri Enevoldsen BRIGHTER FUTURE
Our purpose is to make both private and professional life easier for expats and foreign citizens
- Jesper Skeel, CEO, The Post ApS

The date 26 July 1999 was a significant one for The Copenhagen Post. In a way it should have marked the last copy of the English-language newspaper to hit the streets – exactly 17 months after its launch.

But it instead unveiled its saviour: a giant of a man with an equally huge vision. Ejvind Sandal saw potential in the newspaper where others didn’t.


On page two of the July 26 issue, the then 56-year-old Danish lawyer

They called him Mr Saviour

Owner Ejvind

expressed his confidence there would be a “significant growth in the market for English language information, not only in Denmark, but in the whole of Scandinavia”.

He went on to exclusively bankroll the newspaper for 18 years, conceding his majority shareholding in 2017 as part of a management buyout that left him with a ‘main shareholder’ stake of 28 percent.

This continued until 2023 and the newspaper’s takeover by The Willmore Group, its new owners.


It’s no exaggeration to say The Copenhagen Post would have ceased to exist on numerous occasions without Sandal’s support.

His advice – sorely sought out by all manner of Danish business, from Vestas to Brøndby IF, to chair their boards – was invaluable along the way.

For just under 25 years he has been the lifeblood of a media company that owes him an enormous debt – as do legions of readers who have benefited from the vital service he helped provide.

What have been your primary goals with the newspaper – and your biggest triumphs?

“We scored a few remarkable moments, like when we interviewed the Indian PM at arrival and presented him with a copy of the newspaper with him on the front page five hours later when he had made his address to Danish Industri. During COP15 we published a daily newspaper serving the 25,000+ internationals attending the summit.”

What hopes do you have for its future?

“In the future I expect the megatrend to continue. The demand is there. However, we may have to address social media and build on the respect that our many years of editorial quality has gained.” 


ADVERT Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invites written bids for purchase of a Mercedes Benz 2009 S600 – Diplomatic car – Used condition – Black in colour – Automatic gear – Armored car Bids should be sent by email to: The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023
Ejvind Sandal has been an invaluable person in the history of The Copenhagen Post 
Sandal recalls a quarter century of high hopes and hard work at the English-language newspaper. But all good things come to an end

‘I kind of fell in love’

nothing can truly be perfect.

My favourite observation about the Danes is … they try to plan absolutely everything. I don’t think there’s a Danish word for spontaneity. When you just want to do something, people say: “What about Week 59?” – and I don’t even know when that is. I didn’t know weeks were scheduled like military operations. Another thing is how cultured the Danes are. Compared to the UK they seem really well educated.

On an integration scale of 1 to 10 I would say I’m … an 8. My partner would say about a seven because there are certain things that pop up every now and then. Like we’ve all recently had Årsopgørelsen, right? And you try and make sense of it. And it’s like you need an advanced degree in both finance and hieroglyphics, with questions like did you pay your unicycle taxes?

Most of my friends are … primarily Danish.

The best way of making Danish friends is … well, it’s a good question. I see this asked a lot by the expats in the groups online. I remember one guy who wrote: “Why is it so hard to make Danish friends. I’m a nice guy. I’M A NICE GUY.” I think sometimes people get in their own way a little bit.

If I could choose three food and drink venues I would go for … Sliders, which is such a great little burger place. There’s the Taphouse , if you want to drink something other than just Tuborg or Carlsberg. And then finally, at the top of my list, is Mæxico. They have this deal: for about 400 kroner you can get unlimited tacos and margarita cocktails, and the quality is just incredible.

Ifirst came to Denmark … in 2016 because I was offered a part in a show at Tivoli called the ‘Crazy Christmas Cabaret‘ as Robin Hood. I was in it for six years, but I stopped last year because I wanted to do my own thing.

If you asked me if it was love at first sight … I would say yes. I understand quite a lot of foreigners, like myself, struggle in Copenhagen, but I find

the sensibility here is very similar to Britain or Ireland. I kind of fell in love with the place immediately.

My favourite thing about living in Copenhagen is … everything just works, man. In London, and especially in northern England, trains are delayed or there’s roadworks and things of that nature. The infrastructure here – it just works. Don’t get me wrong: there are issues but

Jeg kan tale … godt dansk. I was on the train about a month and a half ago. It was about two in the morning and I was going home on the Metro from a gig. And four blokes came in quite drunk. I suddenly realised could understand everything they were saying and I thought: “Oh my God, if you can understand drunk Danes you’ve reached the pinnacle of your fluency”. I was really patting myself on the back. And then one of them said: “I’ve got to pick up the wee bairn tomorrow,” and I realised they were just Scottish.

The best place to visit on a budget is … not Copenhagen. It isn’t really the best place if you’re on a budget.

The three words that I think best describe Copenhagen are … culture, security and liveliness. 

Jefferson Bond

Age: 30

Job: Comedian and actor. Currently working on his first one-man stand-up show on the themes of Denmark. He will also be performing in Shakespeare in the Park again this summer

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When he’s not treading the boards at the theatre, Jefferson Bond is splitting sides at the Citizen Comedy Club in Valkendorfsgade – over the past few years, the Belfast-born comedian and actor has become a mainstay on Copenhagen’s stand-up scene
Jefferson Bond is working on his first one-man stand-up show on the themes of Denmark. Photo: Michael Weberg  Photo: Michael Weberg

‘Nothing beats how safe it is –especially as a Mom’

Icame to Denmark because … the company my husband works for opened an office here, and we decided to move. None of my kids were in school yet: it was a big move.

If you asked me if it was love at first sight or not I would say … yes and no. Yes in that it’s so beautiful here. The first couple of months felt like a vacation. But when I got to the reality of everyday life here, it was more of a challenge adapting than I expected.

My favourite thing about living in Copenhagen is … the safety. There’s so many things that I love about it: the architecture, the culture, but there’s nothing that beats how safe it is, especially as a mom.

And my favourite observation about the Danes is … they’re so reasonable. And that’s something that I’m not quite used to. I’ve actually become

quite accustomed to the reasonableness and the practicality and the straightforwardness. I really appreciate it.

Here in Denmark I never get used to … some of the food culture – leverpostej, for example. Somebody told me that a very common Danish breakfast is just oats with cold milk on top. That kind of stuff. On the other hand, I really like rye bread with all the classic toppings. And schnapps.

Jeg kan tale … lidt Dansk. I’m trying to learn a bit more, but if I speak it in front of my kids, they get quite embarrassed.

On an integration scale of 1 to 10 I would say I’m a … 6. The biggest barrier is definitely the language. Also, we were really fortunate in that the company that my husband was working for basically got us an immigration lawyer. We were very privileged in that way.

I get a lot of questions from people asking like oh, how can I just up and move there? And I don’t know. I don’t even know if that’s possible.

I have more international friends in my social circle because … you have so much in common with other expats. It’s not that I’m opposed to being friends with Danes, or that I don’t have Danish friends: it’s just a question of common ground.

I think the best way of making Danish friends is … asking them about the culture and about Denmark. People are so generous with useful and interesting information about Denmark, and that’s something that has been so valuable to me. People here are just helpful, and they’re friendly if you take the initiative to approach them.

Tourists in Copenhagen should visit Tivoli. I feel like it’s such a good

representation of what Copenhagen is about.

If I could choose three food and drink venues they would be … Aammanns 1921 is a good bet if you’re looking for a place that’s quintessentially Danish. I don’t go out to eat so much, but we just went to Hidden Dimsum close to Gammel Strand the other day and that was really special. Another great place is Juno the Bakery.

The three words that I think best describe Copenhagen are … peaceful, safe and cosy. 

Annie Samples

Age: 36

Job: Annie Samples works on content creation and writing. She has dived into Copenhagen life, which she documents on social media under the moniker ‘Annie In Eventyrland’

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Annie Samples, originally from Texas, feels ambivalent about the term ‘influencer’, but with 119,000 followers on Instagram, no-one could deny she has become pretty influential
Annie Samples has more than 119,000 followers on Instagram  Photo: Annie Samples MY ♥ CPH

Among the best cities in the world

There’s a perceived emptiness about the UN World’s Happiest Report, which in March once again included Denmark in its top five, according to many of its critics.

Too much of it, they contend, is based on how happy the survey participants feel, but not enough about what their communities do to meet their expectations.

But a new report from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), which ranks Copenhagen as the world’s fifth best city where people are happy to live (down one place from the last report in 2021), cannot be accused of

being lightweight.

In total, ‘Cities of Choice: Are People Happy Where They Live?’ asked 50,000 people in 81 cities questions about 150 economic, social and political metrics and indicators. It seeks to provide “important insights into the factors that drive people’s choices about where to live”.

Not only does it rank Copenhagen as one of the best cities to live in the world, but it paints an optimistic view of its future, portraying it as a dynamic capital with few flaws – particularly when compared to other western European metropolises.

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In a hugely encompassing report compiled by the Boston Consulting Group the Danish capital ranks as the number one medium-sized metropolis where people are happy to live
Copenhagen has been rated among the best cities in the world in a new report  Photo: Pixabay/varsbergsrolands


Spread across five main categories – Economic Opportunities, Quality of Life, Social Capital, Interactions with Authorities, and Speed of Change – and 26 sub-dimensions, it leaves nothing untouched.

If you love Copenhagen because you’re an avid cyclist, or in love with Dogme 95 films, or a die-hard fan of the side that lit up the 1986 World Cup, it will all be somehow calibrated into the final score.

And the Danish capital isn’t just among the top five cities, it’s the very best place to live if the thought of living in a metropolis of Tokyo proportions, or even European standards, is daunting.

In the category of ‘Middleweight Cities’, it heads a top five followed by Vienna, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Stockholm.

Only world-leading pair London and New York in the ‘Megacenter’ division (ahead of Shanghai, Beijing and Los Angeles among cities with a 10 million+ population) and ‘Cruiser Weight’ pairing Washington DC and Singapore (ahead of San Francisco, Guangzhou and Madrid among cities with a population of 3-10 million) could surpass Copenhagen’s score.


It is particularly in the Quality of Life and Social Capital categories that Copenhagen shines, ranking in the top 20 percent for each.

Indeed, Interactions with Authorities is the only category in which it doesn’t make the top 40 percent.

As far as the smaller metrics are

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023
Photo: VisitDenmark/Mikkel Heriba
TALKS VODKA VODKA TALKS up bottle the from surface secrets When When secrets surface from the bottle up Teatret ved Sorte Hest 20-22 April HIT-THEATRE.COM TEATERBILLETTER.DK
According to the report, people enjoy living in Copenhagen  Arne Nielsen directed by Lars Junggreen by Poole Vanessa Vanessa Poole Pulkrabek Jana Pulkrabek

Learning Danish was her key to success

It’s been nearly two decades since Chrissy Jackson left the state of Michigan, USA, and hit the ground running in Copenhagen. And the transition was far from smooth sailing for the woman, who left her cosmetology job in Michigan for a sixmonth stint to try to improve her non-existent mother tongue. What she encountered likely resonates with many internationals in Denmark.

But learning the language helped the 39-year-old Chrissy Jackson become part of the conversation at her job and led to being invited to work-related social functions – a key step

towards forming bonds with her colleagues.

“I know some international people that don’t speak Danish and I can just see it affects them at their work. I don’t think I would have got a job if I hadn’t been able to speak Danish, and being forced to speak it improved my skills. It gave you a different kind of respect for being able to speak the language,” Chrissy Jackson, who now works at the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA) as an admin worker, says.

“Once I became fluent I met more Danish people because I could then have a conversation with them in their language.

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She couldn’t have predicted it when she arrived in 2003, but learning Danish was paramount to Chrissy Jackson’s success in Denmark
Once Chrissy Jackson became fluent she met more Danish people because she could then have a conversation with them in their language  Photo: Chrissy Jackson


Earlier this year language centre operator De Danske Sprogcentre in a chronicle in Danish national paper Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, recommended abolishing the rule that prohibits internationals from obtaining free lessons once they have been here five years.

A key argument was while the number of foreign nationals working in Denmark has doubled in the past 12 years, only a third end up taking lessons. There are fears that this could lead to foreigners being poorly equipped to take another job should they switch careers.

To Jackson, that makes perfect sense, particularly given that the number of foreign workers has doubled in the past decade or so.

“If you come here on a work contract, you might be thinking that you’ll be here for three years and then leave again. So initially, learning the language might not seem like a priority. But then maybe you end up staying longer, meeting someone, starting a family and suddenly learning Danish becomes relevant,” she says.


Following her six-month stint trying to learn the language, Chrissy Jackson hadn’t made the progress she had hoped for. So she decided to stay on longer, taking a job as an au pair and doing her best to pick up Danish on the side.

She attended municipal language school four days a week, but it was only after about three years of being in Denmark and having a job which demanded she use it that she really gathered momentum.

“If you’re going to stay here, you need to learn the language, because you get a different respect and the Danes can seem very closed. They have their high school friends or primary school friends (folkeskole) and seem content with that,” she says.

Jackson contends that learning Danish has been a critical aspect of her assimilation in Denmark - and also at work.

Today Chrissy Jackson lauds companies for dedicating resources to help their international workers learn Danish.

But perhaps they should also remind their Danish employees to exercise some patience when their international colleagues are trying to learn their language.

“I think a lot of people give up, knowing that they can just speak English. If Danes at work aren’t trying to understand what you are saying, then who cares! Danes might be under the impression that they are helping people out by switching to English, but they aren’t,” Chrissy Jackson says.

From a work perspective, she argues, learning the language helps internationals become part of the team, take part in social settings and provide insight into the prevailing work culture.


But learning Danish is also hard work and Jackson believes that if companies want their employees to learn the language, they should incorporate it into the work day and earmark more resources to assist. It will benefit them too in the long run.

“It’s tough to take the language courses after work because you are tired or have family obligations or whatever, so it would be a massive help for internationals to be given the courses during work hours,” she says.

“Also, it would also help for companies to inform their Danish employees of what is happening, so they get an idea that these internationals are trying to learn the language.”

Jackson maintains that Denmark should make an effort too if they want people to learn their language.

Encouraging and helping people to learn Danish is also a way to include them in society, to help them feel more welcomed –surely a boon given the country’s declared ambition to attract and retain skilled talent from abroad.

“Imagine coming to a country that extends barriers preventing you from learning their language. It doesn’t exactly ooze hospitality and inclusion, does it? If people have to pay to learn Danish and take time out of their busy schedules to do so, it might not make sense to them,” Chrissy Jackson says. 

Companies focus on social aspects

Being able to speak Danish opens doors both professionally and privately

Danish companies are becoming more aware that learning Danish at some level, even if it’s an English speaking company, can strengthen the environment at the workplace.

“Many of the social aspects occur in Danish,” says Jacob Madsen, a co-partner at Danskbureauet, a language school that has taught Danish to internationals for decades.

In many cases, Danskbureauet’s services, according to Madsen, are requested by companies looking to focus mostly on the social aspects at the workplace.

But for others, such as researchers and health sector workers, internationals can be expected to be able to speak or teach in Danish.


Furthermore Madsen explains that speaking Danish can be particularly relevant in relation to changing jobs or management positions, or contacting the public sector.

And for doctors and nurses, for example, it’s virtually impossible to have a long term career in Denmark if you don’t master the language –due to the client group or patients that they deal with.

“There are simple things you cannot partake in or fully have responsibility for if you don’t speak the language at some level,” Madsen says.

The same can, according to Madsen, be said for internationals with children. It can suddenly become very monolingual when navigating Aula or having contact with teachers and other parents. 

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 17
Being able to speak Danish gives you a better understanding of a lot of things going on in the country.”
Photo: Danskbureauet Jacob Madsen, co-partner at Danskbureauet 

Employers acutely aware of language barriers

Speaking Danish has often been compared to trying to talk with a potato in your mouth. And these days, it’s a potato that is certainly heating up.

With some 300,000 full-time internationals working in Denmark – about 12 percent of all full-time workers in the country – it’s also an aspect that it feels cannot be ignored by the Confederation of Danish Industry, Dansk Industri (DI), which services nearly 20,000 companies stretching across all sectors and sizes. .

Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard, DI’s Director of Global Talent & Mobility, revealed that the issue is currently very relevant among DI members.

“It’s definitely a hot topic, and one that is approached from a magnitude of angles,” Lyndgaard says.

“What we see is that one of the biggest barriers for companies in relation to hiring internationals is language concerns.”

One of the things DI tries to do is advise managers and HR professionals who are responsible for the recruitment of internationals to talk to prospective employees about expectations of learning Danish during the recruitment process.

They don’t necessarily need to be able to work professionally in Danish, but if they can at least join in social conversation, that goes a long way.


In fact, it could drastically alleviate one of the key obstacles Denmark faces when it comes to attracting and retain-

ing highly-skilled talent from abroad.

According to recent reports from InterNations, Denmark scores highly in relation to work conditions, but scrapes the bottom of the barrel for ease of settling in.

Lyndgaard contends that learning Danish not only helps foreigners forge imperative relations at work, but aids the settling-in process outside of the office – such as joining a sports club or engaging in social activity.

And while settling in can sound a lot like integration, Lyndgaard dismisses that term. To her, it’s more about feeling included.

“I’m not very fond of using the word integration when it comes to international labour. If you come here for two or three years before leaving for a job in Spain or wherever, do you really need to integrate? Or is it more about feeling included?” she questioned.

“So I think it also helps the inclusion process if you yourself as an international try to learn some Danish. We also recommend to companies that they talk about the issue already during the interview process.”

Of course, while many companies are well aware of the advantages of their international workers learning Danish, not all businesses are on an equal footing when it comes to having the resources to ensure that happens.


Lyndgaard maintains that while many of the larger companies and startups work globally, and consequently incorporate English as the company language, the same can’t be said for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), which is by far the largest segment of Danish companies.

Many SMEs do everything in Danish. So from an HR or management perspective, the consideration very much relates to whether or not everything is done in English, from translating processes to meetings and lunchtime interaction.

“What we usually tell companies is that they don’t need to have a language policy or strategy, but they need to have an understanding. And that should be whenever someone is present who doesn’t speak Danish, then everyone should speak English. Out of courtesy,” Lyndgaard says.

“Even though Danes are well known for their English language skills, that

doesn’t necessarily mean that we like speaking English or feel comfortable doing so.


Bigger companies often have the ability to offer language courses to their international employees at the company site -- something that many SMEs are unable to do … for a variety of reasons. That’s where Lyndgaard and her highly competent team at DI come into play.

DI provides legal and administrative assistance, as well as tools for pre-boarding, onboarding, recruitment advice and even off-boarding.

Many SMEs lack the HR muscle or knowledge that would prove helpful to them. DI acts as a beacon to facilitate the companies discovering that knowledge.

“It’s not just in terms of what we can help them with at DI, but what kind of help they can get locally, and there is often ample assistance to be obtained at local municipalities,” Lyndgaard enthuses.

“By helping them be good managers for internationals, the workers will succeed, perform better and stay longer. So essentially, a win-win scenario for everyone involved.” 

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 18
Issues related to learning Danish isn’t a conundrum reserved for international employees. It’s something employers are increasingly becoming acutely aware of, according to the Confederation of Danish Industry
Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard, DI’s Director of Global Talent and Mobility, thinks it helps the inclusion process if internationals try to learn some Danish  Photo: Dansk Industri
“Whenever someone is present who doesn’t speak Danish, then everyone should speak English. Out of courtesy”
- Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard, Dansk Industri

Luxurious relaxing like in the old days

Looking for a romantic getaway or quality time with the family? The Danish badehoteller – typically small, old hotels located at the seaside – offer a taste of how the fine Danish bourgeoisie used to relax in historic surroundings

The sound of the waves coming in. A cold drink on the terrace or a warm cup of tea near the fireplace. A dinner in the restaurant where local specialties and good wine are served with elegance after a day of museums, reading, hiking, cycling or bathing in the sea that’s just a few minutes away.

The sum of all that: The luxurious feeling that members of high society once enjoyed all to themselves, but today is a popular way of relaxing and revitalising after busy everyday life in the city. It’s what Danish Badehoteller – typically small, old hotels located at the seaside – offer in abundance.


Even though many of these hotels are located in Jutland, there are still plenty to visit within an hour of Copenhagen.

Among the most well known ones are Helenekilde Badehotel in Tisvildeleje, Gilleleje Badehotel and Marienlyst Strandhotel in Helsingør, which are all on the north coast of Zealand, and Rød-

vig Kro og Badehotel in Stevns, just 40 km south of the capital.

As late as in 2022, Rødvig Kro og Badehotel was elected the best badehotel in the country after a vote in which more than 4,400 Danes participated.


In the late 1800s and early 1900s it was no longer enough for the wealthy citizens of Copenhagen to take a trip to Frederiksberg –which at the time was ‘out in the country’.

This led to increasing interest in hotels located on or nearby Danish beaches.

At the same time the fine bourgeoisie opened their eyes to the benefits of fresh air and sea bathing, which was completely different from earlier times when that kind of activity was perceived as unhealthy.

Staying at these hotels accordingly became very popular in wealthy circles: not only was it a cool thing to do, but also healthy. This is just one of the reasons why the hotels are culturally interesting.

Later, when it became a lot

Badehoteller all over the country today offer the same unique experience

cheaper to travel – for example, to Southern Europe and elsewhere, where the Danes had the guarantee of good weather – the market for holidaying Danes tightened, but in recent decades interest for badehoteller has grown.

Our increased preoccupation with nature and healthy living – along with the success of the TV 2 series ‘Badehotellet’, in which wealthy Danes during the Interwar Period enjoy the allure of such an establishment – are among the reasons why.


In recent years, badehoteller all over the country have looked into how they, in a modern way, can offer the same unique experience that made them popular back in the day.

Today, a great number of the hotels have spa areas, well-reviewed restaurants and luxurious rooms, but it is the unique atmosphere that is key if they want to attract couples on a romantic weekend getaway – or families –looking for a special historic experience. 

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 20
Photo: Mads Tolstrup

that made them popular back in the day 

The sudden death of the dinosaurs

For millions of years it was a mystery. But then an American geologist visited Stevns Klint and discovered things that helped scientists to understand one of the world’s greatest catastrophes.

Nearby Rødvig Kro og Badehotel located in Stevns, about an hour south of Copenhagen, visitors can experience Stevns Klint, an inclusion on a prestigious UNESCO list since 2014.

Stevns Klint is one of just

Further reading:

Links to places and hotels mentioned:

Helenekilde Badehotel:

Marienlyst Strandhotel:

Gilleleje Badehotel:

Rødvig Kro og Badehotel:

Stevns Klint Experience:

seven Danish attractions on UNESCO’s international list of cultural monuments and natural sites in the world worthy of preservation. Here you can take a walk or ride a bike while getting a feeling of being on the edge of the world.


The museum ‘Stevns Klint Experience’ is among the best places in the world to experience the impact of the asteroid – around

10 to 17 km in diameter – that hit Mexico 66 million years ago. The asteroid, which for millions of years spun at a safe distance from our planet, struck with such force that it brought with it mass death and destruction. The impact caused one of the most violent explosions ever to occur on Earth, followed by firestorms, earthquakes, tsunamis and months of darkness. Half of all species – including the dinosaurs – died. Life on Earth would never be the same again. 

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 21
At beautiful Stevns Klint, south of Copenhagen, visitors can get close to one of the world’s greatest catastrophes

Dating the Danes: Are one-night stands the only way?

blonde girl who offered him a beer, a chat and an irresistible invitation: “Do you want to go to my place or yours?”

All he had to do to get laid was to show up and be pretty. But for how long could he do this? On one of his 4 am rides-of-shame home, he looked around and realised he was just another piece of meat on the one-nightstand guy conveyor belt.

That night, he came, but with it came feelings of deep emptiness.


they take it upon themselves to be STRONG and forward – even to get sex.

Louise, another local friend, has a very detached attitude to sex and loves to tell me her stories. Like the time when on a night out she grabbed a guy and went to the bathroom for some fun, then headed home with another one… all said with an “It’s a no big deal” attitude! She refers to it as her need to “release stress”.


I couldn’t stop but wonder. Have some internationals been conditioned to give sex more importance than it deserves, or have the Danes desensitised it to the extent it’s a cheap practice?

not wanting to adhere to current dating trends.

They actively seek one-night stands and rush into things too fast … because they do not know any other way. Many wish that men would just man up and go after them.

Girl, here is a question for you: do you feel like today’s dating scene can only function through one-night stands, or do you want to learn to date differently for the sake of building long-lasting connections? 

Brushing your teeth, emptying the dishwasher or having sex with a stranger are all banal activities in the lives of Danish singles, but the latter can be quite a confusing experience for inbounding expats.

My Moroccan male friend is one of them. On his first night out in the city, he was approached by an attractive

Nicolaj, a local, explains his passive approach to the dating arena. He grew up being constantly corrected when he generalised about gender and frequently reminded he was a ‘nice boy’. The result was he became overly careful about showing alpha traits that could shake up the female environment – the likes of the #MeToo movement.

This in turn exposes Danish girls who are raised by weak male figures. Over time, they lose trust in the men they should be relying upon, and so

Conrad the Contrarian Breaking free from everlasting Easter

There’s a lot of påske in Denmark – a lot. It certainly doesn’t end with Holy Week.


It’s scattered throughout the year like some great long flashback of lockdown. Føtex is closed, offices are like ghost towns and everyone has liver failure from the akvavit.

In my humble opinion, it’s too much. Much too much. To the point that it isn’t even a real holiday in my eyes.

There’s ten, count them, ten(!) days of Påske påskeness throughout what feels like a very short spring. Randomly and suddenly, things will be closed due to a bizarre holiday such as Pinsedag (and again because there’s of course a second Pinsedag!).


Following a controversial post-election promise, Store Bededag was abolished in late February – to be

fair, this was a long time coming, as ‘Big Prayer Day’ was a good example of the nonsense surrounding Danish Påske.

In 1686, King Christian V was so pissed off with the number of small prayer days that he merged them into one – only he didn’t include enough of them and save us all the recent centuries ago.

It was a chance to soak up all the closed-supermarket-and-distressed-parent holidays into one single manageable fixed date.


Because some of it really is nonsense. Himmelfartsdag? I don’t know how much Himmelfarting we must endure. Of 195 countries, it’s only celebrated in 12 and one of those is Vanuatu (which funnily enough, with its good weather, beaches and fresh fruits, is the exact opposite of Herning).

I don't know why this day wasn't

I believe there are differences between the ways the Danes and other nationalities date, but at their core they are all just human beings trying to establish the ‘C word’ – a CONNECTION with someone.

I never bought into the idea that the sex dynamic in Denmark is to the taste of everyone – even the locals. And after years of living here and working with my clients, I am finally getting answers!


My findings are based on interesting confessions from Danish women – the kind they wouldn’t even dare to share with their friends out of fear of being judged, or of being seen as weak for

Maroua is a dating advisor. She helps young professional women who are tired of dating BS to have a healthy love life. Maroua has a podcast, ‘The Magnetic Dater’, where she covers how to reset confidence in yourself and dating, where to find great men … and more. Find out more here:

scrapped because the entire country also takes the Friday off to give themselves a four-day weekend merely minutes after enjoying the three-day affair Store Bededag and barely seconds before the three-day Pentecost weekend, by which point we are all a week behind at work.

The email inbox is exploding, office plants are dead and no-one has seen a doctor since Fastelavn.


If Christian had deleted some of the unnecessary mush around Påske (including fartsdag) then it absolutely would be allowed to sit on the throne next to other genuine holidays such as Christmas and Halloween.

There is hope for our contemporary situation, popular opinion can be realised and policy can change. Quickly and efficiently, we can organise popular protests across the ten largest cities of Denmark.

“Give os vores liv tilbage!” they will chant! People can start turning up to work and school irrespective of the nonsensical Palmesøndag or 2. Pinsedag; demanding to live normal lives no matter who wants to pretend Skærtorsdag is a legitimate thing.


And maybe the government would listen, take a leaf out of King Christian V’s

book and mop up these ancient bombshells into something that resembles a real holiday. A real holiday where supermarkets are open and flight prices are not horrific.

Take your påskebryg, cardamom bollers, eggs with mustard, poisonous akvavit and consolidated prayers – and put it all on one day we can understand.

And keep Føtex open. 

Conrad is a 30+ stand-up comedian and father of two. He has had two oneman-shows that have toured around Denmark, ‘Danglish’ and ‘Danglish 2’, which are both streaming on TV2 Play or his website. His new 2022 show ‘Hyggelicious’ is coming in September. His comedy is aimed at anyone seeking comfort, support or relief in this strange land.

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 22
Conrad Molden Maroua Sajeb Surely, there's a better option  Photo: Pixabay
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Did you know…?

The Copenhagen Post gives you three fun facts about Copenhagen and Denmark

The cycling capital

In Copenhagen cycling is a preferred way of transportation. The Danish capital has often been mentioned among the best - if not the best - city to ride a bike in. And as late as February this year, CNN reported that Copenhagen is one of the 10 best cities in the world to ride a bike. According to VisitDenmark, Copenhageners cycle an average of three km a day, and more than 50 percent of Copenhageners cycle to and from work.

Flag fell from the sky

The Danish flag, Dannebrog, is the oldest flag in the world. According to the myth the ‘flag fell from the sky’ during a battle near Tallinn in Estonia in 1219. The myth continues that King Valdemar got his hand to it and showed it to the fighting troops, who got more courage and later won the battle. For hundreds of years Dannebrog was the Kings' flag. It was not until the 19th century that it began to be linked to the people and the nation.

Meet Æ, Ø and Å

The Danish language can be a challenge and difficult to learn. Silent letters and complex pronunciation are among the reasons. But it doesn’t stop there. The Danish alphabet contains three letters that you don’t find in the English alphabet: meet Æ, Ø and Å. In other Scandinavian countries they have similar letters. For non Danes - or non Scandinavians - these letters are often tough to pronounce.

Sources: CNN,, Visit Denmark.

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 24
Photo: VisitDenmark/Kim Wyon
Photo: Statens Museum for Kunst Photo: wallpaperflare
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It’s a matter of trust

Babies sleeping unattended in prams can often seem shocking to uninitiated internationals, but Professor Gert Tinggaard Svendsen reveals that it’s just another sign that Denmark is a haven for trust

Prams standing like this isn't an unusual sight in Denmark and Copenhagen.

Peculiar cultures and traditions exist throughout the world, often baffling those initially exposed to them.

Smashing dishes at wedding showers in Germany, monkey buffets in Thailand and cracking people over the head with coconuts in India are but a few examples.

Denmark has its own fair share of traditions and cultural aberrations that can leave newcomers perplexed in mouth-gaping disbelief.

Indeed, over the years many internationals have likely wondered why the Danes douse one another with cinnamon, guzzle beers on trucks when finishing school or seem to have an

almost fanatical aversion to curtains.


But perhaps what surprises expats the most upon arrival is the Danish inclination to leave their children sleeping alone in prams outside … even during the freezing winter months.

It might appear surreal to encounter throngs of prams parked outside daycare institutions, in front of cafes or in communal backyards.

Prams cost thousands of kroner these days – not to mention the priceless assets napping inside – and to the outsider, leaving them unattended could invite some sort of disaster scenario.

But according to Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, a professor at Aarhus University and author of ‘Trust’, there is a very good reason for why that doesn’t happen.

“Leaving one’s child out like that represents the strongest expression of trust, and the Danes are world champions when it comes to trust,” says Svendsen.

“And that’s a big advantage because it makes life much easier. That relates

to putting prams outside, unmanned shop stalls in rural areas and the Danish welfare system in general. Here, everyday life is lubricated by a higher level of trust.”

There are ample figures to support those claims.

A recent survey revealed that 77 percent of Danes said they trusted one another – the highest rate in the world. High levels were also registered in the other Nordic countries.

Svendsen explains that Danes trust that most people will find a way to contribute, so we can all access social benefits like health care and education.

The few who fail to live up to that are looked down upon with disdain. As Svendsen puts it, it’s kind of a handshake culture. Their word is their bond.


And that bond is steeped in historical context, linking back to the times when

the Danes marauded across much of Europe as Vikings.

Svendsen says that because the vast majority of people couldn’t read or write at the time, it was crucial to the survival of the various groups that they could rely on the word of others. And as power became increasingly centralised under the rule of King Harald 'Bluetooth', the development of the rule of law meant that more trust began creeping into society as trusting strangers began to become beneficial – like in trade.

“When deals were made, they were sealed by one’s word. There were no written contracts. So that’s one possible explanation for why the Danes got on this path of social control and more verbal tradition instead of writing everything down.”

Svendsen says that some people describe it as being naive. But he maintains that the Danes are naive because

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 26 SURPRISINGLY DENMARK
Photo: Uffe Jørgensen Odde
“When you aggregate the sum of all of this, it means that we become happier and more competitive”
- Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Professor

Copenhagen. According to Professor Gert Tinggard Svendsen, the trust level in Denmark is among the highest in the world 

it pays to be naive.

“There is money in trust,” he says.


But while the Danes are well known for a multitude of exports, not all of their elements of trust go down smoothly abroad.

For instance there is the famous story of Anette Sørensen Habel – the Danish woman who spent 36 hours in police custody in 1997 for leaving her baby unattended to sleep in a pram in front of a New York City cafe.

Cafe guests and staff reported her to the police, who arrested Habel and accused her of neglecting her child.

The police refused to believe her plea that it was standard procedure in Denmark to leave your kid to sleep in a pram on the street.

Habel’s one-year-old daughter was put in foster care and wasn’t reunited with her mother for four days. Habel sued the city of New York for 135 million kroner, but lost the case when a judge ruled that the police had acted lawfully.


Back across the pond, the high level of

trust in Denmark is also one of the reasons why the country consistently ranks among the happiest countries in the world, contends Svendsen.

He argues that trusting others makes you and the person you trust feel happy.

Svendsen pointed to research by Paul Zak, the founder of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies, which shows that trusting others releases the natural hormone oxytocin – which is linked to warm, fuzzy feelings felt when hugging and lower levels of stress and anxiety.

And co-operating based on trust also translates into better business.

Svendsen refers to a famous quote from Vladimir Lenin, who said "Trust is good, but control is better", which he has morphed into his motto: "Control is good, but trust is cheaper".

For instance, Danes save on time and lawyer fees during many smaller transactions –

informal agreements are often used and very rarely will someone feel cheated.

“It’s about conveying our competitiveness and explaining why we are so well off. You need some control, but too much control is the enemy of trust. Most people will behave well without control, and too much control suggests to people that they are not trusted. They won’t like that here,” observes Svendsen.

“When you aggregate the sum of all of this, it means that we become happier and more competitive.”

Another segment of the population who ultimately stands to gain are the infants themselves.

Research indicates that fresh air and sunshine help babies sleep better and regulate melatonin levels.

“In short, we create a winwin situation,” concluded Svendsen. 

The Copenhagen Post | CPHPOST.DK May 2023 27
Professor Gert Tinggaard Svendsen  Photo: Poul Ib Henriksen

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