June Issue Valley Voice Issue 43

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Georgia Nicols M.A. is Canada’s most popular astrologer. A Buddhist, this Vancouver-based astrologer is featured in regional papers across Canada, the United States, and New Zealand. www.georgianicols.com

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This month you want to boost your earnings, get a better job or make money on the side. Plus, you’re considering a major purchase. Specifically, you want to feel what you own helps you in your life, not hinders you. (Do you own your stuff or does it own you?) If you buy something, you’ll want to show it off. All this just prompts you to think more deeply about your value system. In other words --what really matters in life? Hmmm?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Now the Sun is back in your sign for the first time in a year. It’s all about you! This is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It’s totally appropriate to put yourself first. This is not selfishness. It simply means it’s time to focus on you. Furthermore, you have a strong need to express yourself to others. It’s the one time of year when your first duty is to yourself. (Yes! Seconds on dessert!)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

We all send out two signals to the world: one is what we consciously say and do and the other one is what unconsciously propels us. Although we might not be aware of it, others see both. This month, your unconscious self will grab you by the throat. Childhood behaviour patterns that are no longer appropriate might manifest in an embarrassing way. Grab this chance to identify them and let them go! (“Be gone!”) It’s also a good time to look back and see

how well you’re doing at the art of living.

Cancer ( June 21-July 22)

You’re going to be very popular this month! Not only will you enjoy involvement with groups and friends, others will love to see you as well. Get out and schmooze. Team efforts will be productive. (In fact, it’s a good time to form working relationships.) Speak freely about your hopes and dreams for the future because others might be able to help you (almost a certainty). Plus you’re excited about your ideals.

Leo ( July 23-Aug. 22)

The Sun is at the top of your chart acting like a spotlight, and this lighting is flattering! Everyone think you’re hot! Naturally, you can use this to your advantage. Go after what you want. You’ll be surprised how easily doors will open for you. This is also the perfect time to think about your life direction. Where are you headed? Where do you want to go? Meanwhile, back at the ranch, many of you are involved with parents more than usual. (Don’t know about you, but my parents turned out pretty well.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You want to travel, see new places, meet new faces and learn new facts. You want adventure, fresh knowledge and the feeling that life is stimulating! You’re Gene Kelly strutting across the stage singing “Got-ta dance!” This is a fabulous time to take a course or enroll in any kind of study or take up a new hobby. By all means, travel anywhere if you can. You’ll love discussions that are metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, religious and political because you’re intrigued by big ideas.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your love of restaurants, social fun, chic clothes and a beautiful home is tough on your pocketbook. Because you’ve enjoyed recent travels and splurges, now your financial reality is coming home to roost. This is why you’ll be focused on debt, taxes, inheritances, insurance matters and shared property in the next month. You want to reduce your debt so you can have more fun in the future! Along with this desire, you want to improve your life at many levels.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Sun is your source of energy, and this is the only time all year when the Sun is opposite your sign. This means you need to get more rest. (The Sun is far away!) Do yourself a favour and acknowledge this. Furthermore, the Sun opposite your sign makes you focus keenly on partnerships and close friendships. Clean up messy situations and examine your relationships with others. Do these relationships benefit you? After all, it’s a two-way street.


You’re making To Do lists because you’re keen to get better organized. You want to establish a better sense of order; in part, because you’re also keen to improve your health and you know that cluttered surroundings contribute to a cluttered mind. Vigorous, daily outdoor exercise is probably on your list along with getting rid of whatever you don’t need. You love to lighten your load because it means greater freedom in the future, which of course, means freedom to travel.

May Horoscopes

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Oh joy! You’re entering one of the most fun-filled months of the year! Because it’s your turn to party, you’re motivated to get out and have a good time. You also want the freedom to be able to express who you are. Everything around you feels lighter, prankish and social. Your involvement in sports, the Arts and children will be increasingly rewarding. Your passion to have a good time encourages love affairs and romance to flourish.

Aquarius ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This month your attention swings to home and family. Some will cocoon; some will tackle special projects. Because you’re doing lots of personal self-evaluation and evaluating your surroundings, you’ll think a lot about your lifestyle. This focus will manifest externally (as you check out where you live and relations with family members) and internally (as you acquire a deeper, psychological self-awareness.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Strap on your sneakers because you hit the pavement running! You’ve got places to go, things to do, people to see. You’ll love the pace because you feel excited. You’re stimulated talking to everyone, running around doing errands and taking short trips. You’ll also be increasingly aware of the need for clear communications with others because this month is the perfect time to tell others exactly what you think.



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