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volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college


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Juan Lopez Corsair The Santa Monica College Associated Students board’s nearly unanimous vote on further discussion of Director of Activities Matthew Nicholson’s alleged misappropriation of funds during their weekly meeting in the Cayton Center on Monday, March 31.

Free pizza leads to possible impeachment Henry Crumblish Editor-In-Chief It all started with a pizza party on the quad. A pizza party that ended in one student facing alleged campaign violations, non-representation, misappropriation, disqualification, impeachment and even accusations of “money laundering.” Disqualification The motivation and intentions behind the Feed the Students event on the quad on Tuesday March 25, have been heavily contested. The contention stems from Matthew Nicholson’s conflicting duties and responsibilities as the Associated Students director of activities and as a candidate in the 2014 AS election. There is also an ongoing debate over the alleged misuse of funds. Despite the pizza giveaway being an AS sponsored event, the Elections Committee held a meeting and voted unanimously on Thursday to disqualify him from the election for his involvement in the Feed the Students event. Nicholson claims he was never notified of the meeting and was not present during the decision making process. “Making a ruling without me being there, I don’t care what the election code says, it’s not right in a moral sense,” he said. ”I feel that I was unjustly and maliciously disqualified from the election.” According to the Chair of the Election Committee, Jasmine Jafari, the committee is not required to notify candidates of when there’s an infraction against them. Once they make a decision, in this case to disqualify Nicholson, the action is effective immediately. On Monday that decision was upheld at

an Election Committee appeals hearing. Nicholson allegedly failed to represent and promote the AS by wearing an Alumni Association t-shirt at the event instead of an AS t-shirt. In addition there were no promotional materials (banners, pins) present to make it clear that Feed the Students was an AS event. The ambiguous nature of the intent behind the free pizza is what forced the Election Committee to disqualify Nicholson as well as the fact that the table for the free pizza was located around campaign stakes. “We had a candidate who was also a director, who wasn’t being completely transparent about the source and use of funding for an AS event,” Jafari said. Since Nicholson was handing out pizzas, items with inherent value, he violated the election code. “Candidates can’t give anything with added value, he was giving away slices of pizza,” Jafari said. “The rules for giving away those slices of pizza was that it would be clearly marked as an AS event. Since it wasn’t, it counts as campaigning.” Funding Another major allegation against Nicholson is his alleged misuse and misappropriation of AS funds. However, Nicholson said that he did not misuse any funds because he claims Tuesday’s Feed the Students event did not use any AS funding. “I’ve had such trouble with the board,” Nicholson said. “What I’ve been doing is going around to places and businesses that I have a previous relationship with and getting donations.” Reasoning that the event wasn’t funded by the AS, Nicholson claims he was not obligated to promote the AS. Nicholson however, receives a weekly allotment of $1,000 to fund Feed the

Juan Lopez Corsair A Santa Monica College student hands out pizza while wearing a Proud to be SMC t-shirt during the “Feed the Students” event on the SMC quad on Tuesday, March 25.

Students as well as other events on campus. The director of activities is the only position on the board to receive an allotment. Why Nicholson chose to fund Tuesday’s Feed the Students activity with donations as opposed to his allotment funds is unclear. At Monday’s AS meeting the board voted to remove his allotment and stripped him of his ability to put on any future Feed the Students events.

Per fiscal policy, if Nicholson received donations he is required to fill out forms and paperwork for the sake of transparency. Nicholson faces impeachment from his seat as director of activities at the next AS meeting unless he can provide a record of where the funding came from. Nicholson claims that a stipulation of the donations Continued on page 3

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2 contents

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

E D I T O R I A L S TA F F Henry Crumblish····· Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Elizabeth Moss·Digital Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. w e b e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m David Yapkowitz······Managing Editor c o rs a i r. m a n a g i n g @ g m a i l . c o m Ronja Jansz···········Health & Lifestyle c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Alci Rengifo····· Arts & Entertainment c o rs a i r. c a l e n d a r p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Jonathan Ramos······· Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Trev Angone·············· Sports Editor c o rs a i r. s p o r t s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Jimmy Janszen············· Photo Editor Rachel Porter············· Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Jhosef Hern····················Illustrator c o rs a i r c a r t o o n @ g m a i l . c o m David Veta················Design Editor c o rs a i r. d e s i g n t e a m @ g m a i l . c o m c o r s a i r s ta f f Brandon Barsugli, Scott Bixler, Rob Black, Cesar Clarke, Alejandro Colmenares, Marlene Conner, Amalia Darin, My’sson Downs, Mia Duncans, Maurice Dwayne, Elin Ekdahl, Paulina Eriksson, Walter Flores, Darin Geesey, Rachel Gianuario, Jorge Gonzalez, Qalil Ismail, Shakeel Joyce, Sarit Kashanian, Nick Kovalenko, Aaron Leaureaux, Juan Lopez, Malin Lord, Maggie Louie, Jazmin Martinez, Devon Marque, Christophor McGovern, Delmy Moran, Adrien Piteux, James Powel, Yaddick Rivas, Elia Sanchez, Patrick Shanley FA C U LT Y A D V I S O R S S a u l Ru b i n & Gerard Burkhart AD INQUIRIES: co rsai r. admana g er@g m ai l . co m (3 1 0 ) 4 3 4 - 4 0 3 3

Dear Corsair staff,

Liz Phillips Corsair Marianne Williamson gives a speech on Thursday, March 27 on the quad of Santa Monica College as part of the closing segment of the college’s recognition of Women’s Empowerment Month, while also campaining for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for California’s 33rd District.

Letter to the Editor

As one student out of 34,000, and one who has a degree and takes classes just for the purpose of furthering my education, I felt that after more than six weeks of frustration with your paper, I needed to voice my opinion. According to you no one else has. After leaving your office with many concerns left unanswered and avoided, I needed to take my voice to the campus community. First, the Corsair staff is incorrect in that the paper does not always include an invitation for the greater campus community to voice their opinions by writing a letter to the editor. And when an invitation is included it is reverted to a small paragraph which is not easy to find nor to read. It is almost has if it is hidden. Secondly, it is disappointing on a personal note. I am someone who works full - time, who is in full care of myself, through sickness and financial stress, who has already graduated with a degree. In addition, as someone who was very involved and took responsibility with campus affairs as an undergrad, it is disappointing, that according to the Corsair staff, “that they have only received one letter to the editor this semester, which they published (from the A.S. Directors). We are a greater campus community of

Henry Crumblish Editor-In-Chief

almost 40,000 strong and this is unacceptable. Because of this lackadaisical attitude, I need to speak for myself and hopefully the greater campus community. I also voiced my concerns to the Corsair staff that 3 of the 12 pages of the Corsair dedicated to pole dancing, along with 7 photos is excessive and unnecessary. I was told that this is what the students want to read about and that the photos were artistic. Is this the majority opinion? Asked and not yet answered… Am I the only one who likes to know about what is going on on campus? Am I the only one who finds it discerning that the Santa Monica College paper (Corsair) dedicates a majority of its only 12 pages to large photos and outside events, like random music at Harvelles, the Roxy, three pages to pole dancing, World News, etc? Ok, if you want to dedicate a small portion of the paper to these types of stories I get it, but not the majority of it. I can read about this stuff in other newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Personally, I would much rather read and learn about upcoming campus events and promotions, as well as student activities, A.S. issues, City and State legislation affecting students, teachers, employees, Student Clubs and Events like Club Awareness and Club Row, Campus concerns and issues, Campus Safety and Security,

and even stories about students who make a difference and about their contributions on campus and in the community. Personally, I would prefer the Paper dedicate the front page to informing students about financial support through AS scholarships ending March 31st or even a Police Captain who was beaten on campus, rather than dedicate the front page to an image of a pole dancer. Hopefully, I’m not the only who feels this way and more people on the Santa Monica College campus community will take the initiative to voice their views and opinions regarding Corsair coverage and Campus Community issues. The Corsair is our campus paper and our vehicle to communicate. I look forward to listening and learning about other students feelings, concerns, and opinions. I feel it is our responsibility to educate others and create change where it is needed. And in my opinion the College Campus paper needs to hear from us and needs to make changes. “Less enormous photos, less extrenuous coverage, and more coverage here at home! Sincerely Scott Garvey – SMC student

Letter from the Editor

Everyone’s a critic. It may sound cliché but until you have experienced something or are a professional with the education and experience to verify your lofty claims, you don’t know what you’re talking about. As a journalist one of the first things I search for when editing a story are the quotes from professionals. In society we respect education. Your degree, and your experience in your field communicate to the world that you are capable and competent. In modern society we have to trust professionals and their judgment. From our property to our lives we trust mechanics, doctors, and lawyers to take care of our everyday lives. I will reiterate that if you are unhappy with what is printed or if you have an issue with the Corsair, I welcome

you to make your voice heard or come see me personally. However, what I will not tolerate, are unfound accusations against this publication. I have never buried a letter or discouraged a larger campus conversation. I welcome it. Some members of the student body have questioned why the staff felt the need to print a pole-dancing story in March, Women’s Empowerment Month, and whether it was respectful. I stood behind pole dancing last week and I’ll defend it again this week. If you are comfortable enough with your body and yourself to pole dance, you are empowered; male or female. If anyone curious about the cover story took the time out of their day to read it you would find that the women in the story are proud to do what they do, seeing no shame in being pole dancers, and the photos illustrate that. I ask the student body to please read first and ask questions later, because many of you are quick to cry sensationalism

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or propaganda before acknowledging all the facts. The facts are The Corsair did print a story on Captain Bottenfield being attacked, The Corsair did publish a story on the Student Success Awards, and The Corsair has now published two letters to the editor. Things that you claim are absent from the paper are clearly in print for all to see. Before you question my news judgment, allow me to question your authority to critique our body of work. You are not a professional writer or journalist and I am. All students are welcome to share their opinions however, some of these critiques sound like you’re more upset with our graphic design rather than our actual content. If you want to know what’s happening on campus don’t stop reading once you’ve finished this letter. Scour the paper and devour every word, and you’d be surprised how much you’ll actually learn about Santa Monica College. /thecorsairnews •


news 3

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

cont. from cover Henry Crumblish Editor-In-Chief

is that he keeps his sources of funding confidential. Meeting The entire situation has brought the specific duties of directors into question as well as the function and purpose of public meeting minutes. At Monday’s meeting the board spent over an hour voting on action item 11.1 regarding the alleged misuse of funds. Emotions ran high throughout the meeting as Nicholson repeatedly stated that the stipulations that were alleged to have been placed on the event were “not in the minutes,” causing Associate Dean of Student Life Sonali Bridges to interject to point out that their minutes are not meant to be a verbatim recording of the events. Student Advisor Benny Blaydes echoed this sentiment stating that minutes from meetings are rough summaries. They do not necessarily quote what was said at meetings, they are meant to document what was done at meetings. AS President Ty Moura struggled to maintain order throughout the proceedings, relying on her gavel and raised her voice multiple times at multiple directors. Director of Budget Management Inayat Issa even accused Nicholson of money laundering. “Misuse of funds is money laundering which is grounds for impeachment.,” Issa stated during the meeting. Nicholson stated multiple times that he felt as though the entire meeting was an attack on his character. At times he was openly attacked by other board members, with Michael Greenberg, director of

publicity clearly telling him to “Please resign,” during discussion. Acknowledging the meeting proceedings breaking down, Bridges suggested that the topic had been exhausted “I encourage you to finish your motion, vote upon it and stop the discussion because we do need to move forward,” she said. She also pointed out the questionable behavior of some AS members singling out Nicholson stating, “The bashing of Matt and the innuendos and everything else stops.” Deyna Hearn, dean of student life, felt compelled to intervene at one point warning the board of directors that they were potentially on the verge of violating the Brown Act. The AS attempted to add action item 11.2 to the agenda, demanding that Nicholson provide records and documentation of his funding for the pizzas to Bridges. Failure to do so would result in impeachment, and pressing a vote on the matter in the same meeting would have been a clear violation of the Brown Act. “Is it appropriate during the meeting to add an item to the agenda, an action item?” asked Hearn. According to the act “No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any item not on the agenda.” However, the board eventually rejected the motion and amended item 11.1 to include the stipulation regarding documentation. Nicholson has until Monday April 7, to reveal his donation sources or face impeachment at the next AS meeting. To finally conclude the topic, Director of

Juan Lopez Corsair Santa Monica College Associated Students Director of Activities Matthew Nicholson adjusts the microphone during discussions of his alleged misappropriation of funds during the weekly AS meeting in the Cayton Center on Monday, March 31.

Student Affairs Kseniya Lyalina said “It seems like everyone made up their opinion already. I just want to say that Matt is innocent until proven guilty. I don’t want anybody to make an opinion on this.”

She turned to Nicholson and said “Matt I hope you can prove us wrong, I don’t want anything to happen to anyone of us like this. Good luck, seriously, good luck.”


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4 news

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

S.I.M.B.A. roars Sarit Kashanian Staff Writer

Rachel Porter Corsair Pablo Garcia poses for a photograph after the A.S. president debates on Tuesday, April 1 at Santa Monica College.

Commissioner to current Associated Students President Ty Moura, Pablo Garcia is one of three candidates running for the position of AS President. Due to the current vacancy of a vice president on the board, it seems as if Garcia is second-hand to the president herself. Garcia is head of the SIMBA election slate which stands for Student Involvements Makes for Better Action. He started at Santa Monica College this year with a will to become involved in student activities and surround himself with fellow goal-oriented students. “If you told me I would be running for president a year ago I wouldn’t have believed you because in high school, I didn’t have such a great record,” Garcia said, “but thanks to my teachers in high school, I started focusing in class and realized I really cared. I want to be able to plan events and play an important leadership role, and get students to do the same.” According to Garcia, he made such an impression on the AS board when first serving as commissioner in the fall that the board asked him to run in the election in order to fill existing vacancies. Garcia decided to be a commissioner to gain experience before running for the board. He remarked that the current board has been doing a good job with their respective duties, but he would like a way to make students more aware of campus activities and events that they may take advantage of. “It’s really easy to feel like it’s high school all over again,” Garcia said. “I want to be able to reach out to as many students as possible. They’re not active participants in what’s happening on campus.” Garcia admitted that campaigning was somewhat difficult for him since he

identifies as being an introvert. “I come from a Hispanic background and I was taught to be very humble, so definitely campaigning has been difficult for me. I like working hard, but when it comes to publicizing that’s not my expertise,” Garcia explained. In addition he noted, “I think there’s a thin line between publicizing and bragging.” Garcia believes that his humility is something that differentiates himself from other candidates and some politicians in general. In response to claims that his position as Moura’s commissioner sets him up to be on the receiving end of favoritism, Garcia stated, “I told Ty that I wanted it to be a fair race and she respected that. When we first wmet, she said that I was committed. She definitely encouraged me to run because I’ve worked so closely with her. I’ve been able to gain the skills and learn the basics of what it means to be a president.” If elected, Garcia hopes to work closely with the Inter-Club Council and to help smaller clubs grow larger. Furthermore, Garcia stresses the importance of today’s youth to educate themselves. “I’m a first generation American and I’ve learned the value of being able to take advantage of learning,” he said. Currently deciding between a major of public policy or political science, Garcia aspires to turn his strong passion for public service and social justice into a governmentoriented career. To be elected AS president would be the first step for Garcia’s goals to be realized. He leaves his fellow students with the following message: “As president, I don’t see myself as someone to dictate, I see myself as a mediator. I see it as a learning experience for myself, so the more people sharing their ideas the better.”

“Si Se Puede” Allie silvas Contributing Writer In the two years Associated Students presidential candidate Kai Perez has been attending Santa Monica College, he has undergone a drastic change of ambition. At one time, he had little interest in even attending college, now he’s looking towards Loyola Marymount University, Pepperdine and the University of Southern California to continue his education as a business major. Kai Perez credits the SMC honors society Phi Theta Kappa for taking him from an unmotivated, selfish musician to presidential material. Although music is still a big part of his life, Perez says through PTK he learned to be a part of something bigger and now strives to make an impact on others. He is currently on the AS as a commissioner to the director of sustainability as well as on the board for PTK as the AS representative. Perez presents himself as professional and charismatic saying that he thinks of himself as being very vocal. PTK allowed him to gain experience going up to people and striking up conversation. He looks forward to using this skill to meet students and bring them together with professionals to create a network of career opportunities. Regardless of personal situations or opinions he is committed to carrying

himself with an air of respectability and will expect the same from his staff. “Disputing is okay,” he says “but when the environment is hostile, that’s when it becomes negative.” Perez has many new ideas for SMC beginning with a zero waste plan. He is already working with Andrea Gonzalez, who is running unopposed as the director of sustainability, to make SMC a zero waste campus. “I know my ideas aren’t perfect,” he admits, “but I want to work with every person in this school to make this school perfect.” Perez wants to increase integration in the International Student Forum on campus and bring more culture to Santa Monica. One way he hopes to engage students and showcase their talents is to commission artists and musicians to paint murals and play music on campus. One of his greatest challenges as a musician was finding gigs and he hopes to be able to provide the financial support starving artists need through the AS. In addition to helping students make money, he wants to help them save money specifically in the cafeteria. While he understands that Eat Street and Campus Kitchen still need to earn a profit, he wants to lower prices for students as much as possible and is even considering subsidizing food costs with AS funds. Courtesy of Kai Perez

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News 5

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

“A fellow conqueror” Juan Lopez Staff Writer Running across campus carrying handmade picket signs, Associated Students presidency candidate Courtney King turns heads with her unconventional appearance. With her trademark blue hair, Marino ram horns made out of Marino wool, and alternating accessories, King is banking on people remembering her name once they meet her. “I love campaigning, this is the best part,” says King. “I’ve been on campus more; I’ve been talking to people, putting up my awesome posters.” Though students see her as a ball of energy, King says that during her first year at Santa Monica College, she had no friends. After her first year on-campus, King became involved in clubs. Her club involvement and what it did for her personally have led to a platform focused on club improvement, student involvement, and an all-around active campus life. Through her Inter-Club Council involvement, she has been talking to many clubs and finding their issues and their advantages. She cites several clubs involving transit, biking, and club enrollment. She even is in the midst of preparing a large craft bee in coordination with the Craft Club, Art Club, and Creative Collaboration Club. “I try to remember the name of every person that I meet,” says King of her one-on-one campaigning. “I met 36 new people yesterday.” Behind the colorful and eye-catching exterior, King touts a more serious side. She was highly active in debate and mock senate in high school, and is currently a neuroscience major, along with global studies and toy design. “I want to be a

senator,” said King. Before deciding to run for AS President, King was asked to become a part of Kai Perez’s “Si Se Puede” slate. “When you see the fire in someone’s eyes, and the eagerness, you know that you want to work with them,” said Perez of his initial proposal to King. Initially being honored for being considered, King changed her mind. “If I thought that any of my competition could do better, maybe I would run for vice president or something else” said King. “But when I decided that that wasn’t true, and that I wanted to be completely different, I decided to run as an independent.” After deciding to run for AS president, she and Jeffrey Lewis were going to run as slate mates, however she was advised by peers against forming a slate of two. With only two weeks at the time before the closing of registration for candidacy, King was unable to find enough people to fill up an entire slate such as S.I.M.B.A., Si Se Puede, or Real Change had. Former ICC-Chair Spin Versele knows her for being “incredibly energetic and incredibly spirited.” He believes King would bring an energetic and knowledgeable presence to the AS board. “She’s very good at having this vision of what she wants to see done, carrying it out, and continuing through it,” said Versele. She has a few large-scale ideas to tackle should she win AS presidency. One idea she has is to turn the former Bread Factory into a more visible place for campus club and activity information, to reach students outside of the second floor of the Cayton Center. She even wants to work on getting the school to work on acquiring local housing

for students. In addition to club and campus involvement, King is a strong supporter of individuality. “You don’t have to be limited by what people tell you you should be,” said King, who hails from a town in Tennessee, which she saw as small, close-minded, and homophobic. “I’m so happy about being in school that I’ll be here learning for a while,” said King. She is currently taking classes such as sewing and jewelry which she uses to support her small crafting business on Etsy, “Kisses or Stitches.” She Nick Kovalenko Corsair frequently tells Courtney King is one of the candidates running for the office other students of president in the Associated Students. Her emphasis is on about her learning originality and advancement of clubs on campus to make students silversmithing feel a more inclusive, and a fun atmosphere. through her jewelry “I am in California being the best person course. “I can make stuffed animals already, and with weapons I can be.” After the debates, student Natalie would be cool,” says King. During the AS election debates, King Arciniega, who watched from the quad let everyone know how she felt about the walkway said King appealed to her. “She school. “I’m living the dream” said King. had a lot of conviction,” said Arciniega. “She was quirky and stuff, so she was cool.”


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Sarah Yoseph, ICC Communications Officer (310) 434 - 4270 sarahyoseph@gmail.com for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

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6 photostory

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

The Great Debate Alci Rengifo Arts & Entertainment Editor

Amid pizza and sunshine the candidates for top offices in the Associated Students presented their platforms and visions on Tuesday morning during a debate and discussion session held in the quad area. The debates began promptly at 11:15 a.m. as all the candidates sat behind two long tables fit with microphones and not only explained how they would deal with pressing campus issues, but took questions from students who would stop their daily routine to watch the debates. There was a free flowing attendance, the audience would easily number from 40 to 70 people. As a bonus, free pizza from Domino’s was being handed out to students who voted in the elections and presented a voting ticket, or those who would ask for a slice and inquired about the day’s proceedings. Among the candidates, there was inter-slate chatting and fraternizing before the main event. There was Adela Kormanova, a Director of Technical Support candidate for the ”Si, Se Puede!” slate speaking with Ali Kahn, candidate for Vice President for the “Wolves Of Pearl Street” slate. Before the debate, all candidates, for president and other AS positions, were invited to introduce themselves before the masses and in Athenian fashion, describe their agendas. Angelica Panosian, candidate for Director of Student Outreach for the slate “S.I.M.B.A,” was one of the first to step up to the podium. “I want to raise awareness about AS, whether you are a member or not. Some may not be aware they are and so this is my main goal to raise awareness. Then I want to emphasize the benefits that are already in place,” she said. After a few more introductions from candidates such as Robert Espinoza for Director of Student Outreach for the “Si, Se Puede!” slate, who shared his personal story of growing up in South Central Los Angeles and stated “I want to put Santa Monica on the map!,” it was time for the presidential candidates to step before the podium and press their cases before the gathering plebs.

Candidates such as Kai Perez of “Si! Se Puede!” appeared in a suit and tie and described how he began as a music major but realized it wasn’t a financially wise move and decided to switch to business. Perez emphasized, among other goals, to try and make cafeteria food more healthy and affordable “through subsidies.” He invited people to walk up to him because “I’m a really friendly person,” he said. Another candidate, Courtney King, dressed in ram horns meant to evoke the ancient Greek custom to acknowledge royalty, greeted the audience by calling them “my fellow conquerors” and went on to say that she understands what it takes to get far in a new home having moved to California from far away Tennessee. Her platform was summarized as “curiosity, creativity, Courtney” and will put special emphasis on club involvement and making it easier for students to form clubs. King also pointed out that she will make an effort to get Manuel Henriquez and his music back on the quad. When the forum was opened to questions from attendees one of the first issues that arose was the difficulty in finding parking. S.I.M.B.A. candidate Pablo Garcia admitted that while the AS has little power regarding this issue, “we can promise to keep an open dialogue with the administration and let them know this is an issue the students want answered.” Perez recommended that students consider using the free parking offered at satellite campuses to which there also runs a free shuttle to the main campus. During one moment when King emphasized the need to make more clubs and fix their schedules so they don’t interfere too often with students’s class hours, Perez retorted by saying “I’ve heard you say that twice now. Clubs are pretty easy to start and if we make them any easier clubs get a certain amount of money permitted to them each semester so people could easily take advantage of that.” Another question focused on what the candidates would

do with an issue like Henriquez and if the administration simply refuses appeals to allow him back on the quad. King said “we will do what we can to reach out regardless.” She and Perez both touched on the fact that a petition has already begun in Henriquez’s favor with over 1,000 signatures collected. “They key is to be persistent,” added Gutierrez. The forum was also opened to questions for all the candidates. Other questions came from the revolving audience on issues such as better Wifi access, education accessibility, and AS fees when getting a student I.D. Diana Gutierrez, S.I.M.B.A candidate for for Director of Student Advocacy said regarding I.D. fees “we need to raise this awareness. We have to make events to make people curious and ask ‘am I an AS member?’ That way when they find out they are AS members they can use more of the benefits that come with that.” SMC is of course an international campus and one question wondered how the candidates would react to a major conflict breaking out in Eastern Europe in the current, ongoing crisis between the United States and Russia over Ukraine. King said that “I would try to make students aware of Putin’s actions and all that was going on, we would also have some sort of event to keep people from freaking out. We would do things to make sure public worry wasn’t too high.” Yana Demeshko, S.I.M.B.A’s candidate for Director Of Publicity who is herself from Ukraine, said “it’s important for people to feel included and for others to understand what international students are going through with something that’s going on in their home country. I would love to create a culture week.” The proceedings were soon closed. A larger line formed for the pizza as students continued casting their votes. The candidates made their cases and now the masses will make the final decision.

Jimmy Janszen Photo Editor Director of Instructional and Technical Support candidate Jeffrey Lewis speaks in front of a crowd at the AS presidential debate at the Santa Monica College quad on Tuesday.

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photostory 7

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

Jimmy Janszen Photo Editor Presidential candidates Courtney King (right) and Kai Perez (Left) talk over Pablo Garcia (Center) about the importance of clubs on campus during the AS presidential debate on the Santa Monica College quad on Tuesday.

A Santa Monica College Associated Students election sign stands in the SMC quad after two of the candidates were forced to remove their images form their materials on the heels of disqualification on Tuesday. Juan Lopez Corsair

Rachel Porter Photo Editor Pizza is handed out during the debate for students who have already cast their ballots, or those inquiring about election information.

“It is important for people to feel included... I would love to create a culture week.” -Yana Demeshko Rachel Porter Photo Editor Santa Monica College students stand in line to vote for the 2014 A.S. campus election on Tuesday.

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& Entertainment 8 Arts

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

Melodies that escaped the Nazis Patrick Shanley Staff Writer

Music has the unique power to evoke deep emotions and can inspire in ways that no other art form is quite capable of. As such, great works are to be cherished and their composers should be lofted to stations of great admiration. Sadly, in 1930’s Nazi Germany, the opposite ideal was being cultivated. Many great Jewish-German composers of the time were forced from their homeland or simply chose to flee in fear of their own, and their family’s lives. Last Thursday night at the Broad Stage at Santa Monica College’s Performing Arts campus, James Conlon presented “Recovered Voices”, a short collection of music from deposed Jewish-German composers who found sanctuary Los Angeles after Adolph Hitler’s rise to power. Conlon began the show with a short lecture on the history of the time period using a large, projected map of Los Angeles to show just how many German composers called the city home during that time. “The social phenomenon of ‘brain drain’ that follows any type of catastrophe, usually man-made catastrophe in which those that have the means of leaving, they are often the intellectuals, musicians,” Conlon said. “Another side of that coin is ‘brain gain’ and that’s exactly what happened to us here in the United States.” Colon then performed a selection by composer Eric Zeisl entitled “The Hunt”, a darkly appropriate title given the background of the composer; Zeisl himself fled Vienna with his wife in 1938. Four young musicians from The Colburn School in downtown Los Angeles, filed

onto the stage dressed all in black, each with a golden horn. They played in beautiful unison the jaunty, hunting tune and were met with raucous applause from the audience. After a quick stage change, pianist Nino Sanikidze and soprano Tracy Cox took the stage to perform four songs by composer Walter Arlen, who fled to Los Angeles in 1938 at the age of 18 and who was in attendance. His compositions were hauntingly beautiful, played to perfection

“There were so many different ways of expressing sadness, and anger, and suffering.” by Sanikidze and sung with flawless fervor by Cox. Upon their completion, Arlen who is now 94, shuffled to the front of the stage. A small, demure man with a permanent smile, he joked in his high-pitched voice, “Thank you for not applauding between songs. It’s so continental.” The evening continued with more fantastic performances, but the music had begun to take a distinctly less jovial tone. Replacing the upbeat horns and sweeping soprano were now discordant piano compositions,

made to evoke darker emotions. With its stabbing staccatos and severe dynamics, the five short pieces written for piano by Arnold Schoenberg were much more polarizing than the work of Arlen and Zeisl. “That one wasn’t really my style,” said Linda Weiner, a Colburn graduate and lifelong Venice resident. However, some of the audience found the more arresting, emotional works to be their favorite. “I thought so much of the music was beautifully painful. There were so many different ways of expressing sadness, and anger, and suffering,” said audience member Steven Gordon. Agreeing with Gordon was audience member Isaiah French who believed that Schoenberg’s pieces were able to capture many emotions. The show closed with a beautiful composition by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, a composer mostly known for his work in film and whose private compositions were almost entirely unheard of until Conlon began performing them. With a string sextet and piano accompaniment, the hall was filled with beautiful melody, ending the concert on a optimistic note that culture and art should always be cherished and exalted, but never forced into exiled. “’Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings’,” Conlon said, quoting the great German poet Heinrich Heine. In times of uncertainty, hopefully this message will always endure.

Transformers’ new stars phone in Alci Rengifo Arts & Entertainment Editor Who knew that Santa Monica College’s running track also doubled as a training ground for aspiring Hollywood heart throbs preparing to battle machines from outer space? That and more were a few of the revelations that emerged during a phone

conference interview with Nicola Peltz and Jack Reynor, the two latest additions to the ongoing “Transformers” franchise whose latest incarnation is “Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction.” They will be supporting characters to Mark Wahlberg, the new star of the popular blockbuster series. Once again that guru of massive explosions and collapsing metal, Michael Bay sits in the director’s chair.

Jhosef Hern Corsair

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The film won’t be released until June, but last week Peltz and Reynor were part of a phone conference hosted by Paramount Studios involving newspaper representatives from 20 colleges from around the country. Each representative was allowed one question with the possibility of a second one if time allowed. Like transmissions from space, the various colleges asked their questions ranging from how it felt to perform in a film filled with CGI characters to the relevance of “Transformers” in the world we live in today. “It was a big challenge to step into a monumental franchise like this. You really have to rely on your imagination in that circumstance,” said Reynor. Bay, who is famous for big budget extravaganzas like “Armageddon,” “Pearl Harbor,” “Pain And Gain” and of course the “Transformers” movies, has a reputation for being a hard-edged perfectionist on set. “Michael has such high energy and the set is moving so fast all the time. What he gets done in one day is insane. He’s such a hands on director, he gives a hundred and ten percent and expects the same from you,” said Peltz. Bay’s dedication and commitment to his projects were something both stars were highly impressed by. “At the end of the day Michael Bay is responsible for films that are at around $250 million budgets,” said Reynor. “And that’s an awful lot of responsibility, it rests on your shoulders to bring in the box office and complete the job on time. But his energy and focus are something to be @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

admired. It’s a long shoot, it’s five months and it’s very exhilarating.” To train for those five months, the two actors revealed that they used SMC’s very own running track for training. “That’s where we did our sprints preparing for this movie. Loved the campus, it was really great,” said an enthusiastic Reynor. For both actors, “Transformers 4” might seem like a big popcorn behemoth to enjoy over the summer, but when it comes to relevance the film might have in today’s world, they revealed the deeper potential in the film’s sci-fi storyline. “I think it says at the end of the day family comes first, family matters. In this film I get separated from my dad and at the end we see it come together so beautifully,” said Peltz. “Everyday we get distracted by technology and we get upset over the little things, but at the end of the day what matters is family.” In terms of the film’s overall tone, moviegoers might expect something a little more deep. “I think this Transformers is a little darker than the previous ones. I think you’ll see the autobots in this movie reflect a little bit of the sense of anger and resentment that we see in contemporary society, particularly in the United States,” said Reynor. The characters in the movie can be seen as trying to find their place in society. “These are people that are quite displaced, are trying to find where they can exist comfortably in the world. They’re trying to reconcile who they are themselves,” said Reynor. “That’s something we find people coping with in society at the moment, so that will certainly be two themes audiences in this country can reflect upon.”

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volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

Arts & Entertainment 9

Scott Bixler Corsair Nina Cremer plays a piano piece at the SMC Performing Arts Center on Tuesday. Cremer is gaining recognition as an SMC student with a tremendous vocal and musical range.

The journey of a voice Rachel Gianuario Staff Writer She sat quietly, lightly strumming her fingers on her knee to a silent melody, patiently awaiting her performance, gazing adoringly at a student playing guitar. And then Professor Parnell called her name. It was her time. She rose gracefully out of her seat and approached the classroom’s center stage in an elegant blue and black suit. Looking up at her audience of peers, her hands began to shake slightly; her face became distant and eyes glazed. The accompanist began to play, and Nina Cremer released an entrancing voice, as fine-tuned as a bird’s song, upon the audience. Cremer, a 24-year-old musical theater major at Santa Monica College, has known since a very young age that acting is her first love. “Acting was always my passion. There was nothing else I ever wanted to do,” said Cremer. Though the voice in her performances suggests years of fine-tuning that crisp, operatic quality she possesses, Cremer only began taking singing lessons about a year ago. While she always felt music was a tremendous part of her life, she never connected it with acting until an SMC professor guided her towards musical theater classes and voice lessons. Acting and singing together afford Cremer everything she enjoys in performing. “Music is the only embrace that you can fall into, that will catch you and comfort you, without you having to say a single word. Its so universal,” said Cremer. “To me, music has always been that comfort. When you’re lost for words. When you can’t explain why you are feeling the way you are feeling, music can catch you.” For Cremer singing and acting are the best of both worlds. The combination works harmoniously. At the beginning of the school year, Cremer auditioned for SMC’s highly prestigious Applied Music Program designed to help music majors of every type hone their musical talents for performing and transferring to four-year universities. When she first heard of the program, she was intrigued by the opportunity, but was convinced she would not be accepted her first time auditioning. She was more than

Scott Bixler Corsair Nina Cremer plays a piano piece at the SMC Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, March 25.Cremer is a rising star in the music department for her vitality of voice and musicianship.

aware that this was the third attempt for some students. Cremer was accepted into the program the first time she applied. She recalled the phone call and how for the first time she understood the meaning of the phrase “jumping for joy.” “I was jumping for joy and breaking down crying,” she recalled. While Cremer enjoys singing music in English, she also enjoys expressing herself in the four languages she speaks fluently including French, Spanish, and German. She also knows some Chinese. Oddly enough, there is a slight Irish accent hiding in her voice as well. Not only does Cremer have natural singing and acting talent along with a humble character to match, her personal story is international in scope. Born in Western Germany, she always felt she belonged in America.

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“I felt like I was born in the wrong place. My heart was born in English not German.” said Cremer. From an early age, she had dreams of coming to America and fulfilling her goal to be an actress. Her family however, did not share or support her desires. So at 19, Cremer left home in what she called, “an act of freedom,” and began a long journey to various parts of the world, knowing that her true home would be somewhere in America. “Something inside told me, ‘what you’re looking for is there, that is where you belong.’ It was the language and a feeling inside.” said Cremer. After a short-lived stay in Ireland with some friends, Cremer arrived in Seattle, WA and soon headed south along the coast, never straying far from her favorite place in all of nature, the ocean. Luckily for her, she became an au pair for @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

a family living in Pacific Palisades. Living with this family made it easy for her to go to school nearby and get around the often difficult part of international student life, safe housing. Nearing the end of her first year in America and at SMC, Cremer was sure she would be sent back to Europe, being unable to afford the expenses that come with being an international student. Just after Christmas, however, the family she was staying with explained they could not bear the thought of her leaving, and offered to house her and pay for the rest of her schooling. “There was a feeling inside, like the weight had lifted off my shoulders, I finally found my home.” said Cremer. She is still hesitant however, to settle in and build strong connections having moved so many times for various reason since she left home. “The world is so great, but I sometimes feel like there’s not a single string attached to this world for me. I’m here but I don’t know if I can stay here,” said Cremer. It is her heart’s longing for a true home and her scattered past that bring a quality of sadness to her most powerful performances. She values a performance that makes her cry and believes in her ability to stir emotions when she sings. “Its nice to laugh and its fun, but it’s for an instant and then it’s gone,” said Cremer. “A deep feeling lingers. It’s on a deeper level, it stays with you. It means something.” Though Cremer has been accepted into several prestigious programs, is excelling in her musical studies, and recently received a part in SMC’s spring opera, “Luisa Fernanda”, she still doubts her musical abilities. She attributes this lack of confidence and fear of failure to her struggles in her personal life, specifically her separation from her family. Her drive is fueled from this. “My parents didn’t believe in me. I guess I’m trying to prove to myself that I’m not worthless, that I am good for something.” said Cremer. Perhaps more than she knows, Cremer is surrounded by a supportive community of her peers, professors and families who believe she truly has talent, grace and a unique sense of kindness that is both endearing and contagious. Watch the video at thecorsaironline.com.

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+ Lifestyle 10 Health

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

Trevor Pop’s Chamber of Secrets Ronja jansz Health + Lifestyle Editor A smile forms on his face and a glimmering in his eyes cannot go by unnoticed. “When I was three years old, I didn’t know what ‘hot’ was,” says Santa Monica College student Trevor Pop. “But while watching a scene of ‘George of the Jungle’ in which George’s female interest quickly ran into frame to cover him up because he was naked, I remember all too well wishing that she wouldn’t do that.” Growing up in a Pentecostal household with seven uncles, Pop always felt out of place among the men in his family. He spent most of his time with his aunts in the kitchen or secretly read science fiction books in the library or on the rooftop of his house. “We weren’t allowed to watch a lot of TV and so ever since I can remember, reading became an escape from reality for me,” says Pop. “I loved reading and dreaming about magical places far away. The Harry Potter series were one of my favorites.” Pop did not know what gay was until a visit to his step-grandfather’s home when he was 11 years old. The visit turned into an aggressive conversation in which his grandfather expressed his belief that homosexuality is a sin and that every gay person would burn in hell. “After we left, I remember asking my dad what a ‘gay’ was and he said it was a boy who liked other boys. I remember thinking, well, that explains me,” reminisces Pop. Religion plays an important role in the life of Pop’s family. His father is a deacon and his mother one of the female elders at their local Romanian church in Anaheim. “When my dad told me that being gay was a sin I grew very afraid for myself because I found boys physically attractive,” he shares. It wasn’t until his senior year in high school that Pop would come out to his friends. His main inspiration was his best friend and love interest at the time, Connor, who had already come out and received positive reactions from friends and family. At the age of 17, Pop came out of the closet to his close friends and the news spread like wildfire, everybody at his high school found out. Aside from a few negative remarks, he received a lot of positive reactions. His good friend Barbee was very excited to learn that she had a gay best friend. While the positive responses were of great relief, Pop was not ready to come out to his parents yet. Finals were soon over and he was going to study at California Baptist University after his graduation. He and his

friends would go to different schools and he had no clue what the future had in store for him. During the fall semester of his first year at college, his life took a different course and Pop became very depressed. His parents were paying for his education and wanted him to become a doctor. As a result he started studying biology with a concentration in pre-med but did not feel fulfilled. On top of that, he also felt frustrated that he couldn’t come out to his parents. “At this time in my life, I had literally come out to everyone that I could come out to without it being someone that would talk to my parents about my sexuality,” says Pop. “Being that my family is extremely religious, I knew that it would not only be unacceptable for them to have a gay son, but it would also be a cause of embarrassment for them if anyone at their church found out.” Pop started to think that it would be better for his parents to not have a son at all as opposed to having a gay one. This line of thinking triggered suicidal thoughts resulting into several attempts to kill himself. “The first time I tried to kill myself I drank two full bottles of hard liquor and several different size bottles of ibuprofen while taking inhalants. The second time, I tried to bleed myself to death,” reveals Pop. “The third time I attempted to kill myself, I was out drinking with my dorm-mates up at our hangout spot and tried to throw myself off the edge of a precipice.” One of Pop’s dorm-mates talked him out of jumping and helped him home that night. The next morning one of his professors was alerted of Pop’s suicidal attempt and contacted the dean of students. The dean sat down with Pop and informed his parents. They were shocked by the news. Despite having been aware that he was going through a difficult time, they didn’t realize the full extent of his inner struggle. Pop decided to come out to them at the end of that winter break. He first told his father who cried all day. In the evening, as his mother was preparing dinner, she asked him if he knew why his father had been crying and Pop came out to her as well. She had been peeling potatoes and started throwing them at him as he ran away. His parents had a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that their oldest son was gay. Once the school semester ended Pop was urged to go home to his parents house and start a form of conversion therapy to cleanse him of the “demon of

“I grew very afraid for myself...”


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homosexuality.” He would go to church for regular therapy sessions with the youth pastor and one of the senior pastors. These sessions were then continued by evening services which in turn were followed by prayer. Aside from the countless services, he also spent about 40 hours volunteering for the church on a weekly basis and underwent a total of two exorcisms. “There would usually be a group of about four or five people who would lay their hands on me and start praying in tongues and chanting for my freedom from the demons that were possessing me while either my father or one of the pastors would be anointing my head with oil. This process would go on for hours.” recalls Pop. His parents decided to send him to an exgay camp. However, before they could send him away, Pop decided to take matters into his own hands and climbed on a bus that drove out to Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, a place he describes as his personal “Hogwarts”, Pop received help from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center. After getting into their Transitional Living

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Arlene Karno Corsair Trevor Pop, 20, poses in front of the pool at Santa Monica College on Monday. Pop is in his first semester at SMC and has overcome numerous roadblocks throughout his life pertaining to his sexuality.

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Program for homeless youth, Pop became involved with LifeWorks, an organization that offers free services to support its members in managing personal issues at work or home. Pop now volunteers at the LifeWorks youth space on a daily basis and works with his fellow peer mentors to provide a safe homophobic-free space for LGBTQ youth to come. He is excited to soon move into a place by himself and has come to better terms with his family whom he sees on a monthly basis. He looks forward to introducing his boyfriend to them and has good hopes that they will get along and one day accept him as his partner. Pop advises individuals with similar struggles to surround themselves with people that love them. “There are people who will love you in the world just the way you are and want to be,” says Pop. “Don’t be afraid to be you, because at the end of the day, if you can’t be you, then who will be.”

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Opinion 11

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

AS elections: just the same old song and dance Jonathan Ramos Opinion Editor One topic comes to mind when recalling a meeting of the Santa Monica College Associated Students last semester: microphones. Rather than discussing issues that affect the student body, the AS directors spent nearly an hour debating on how much money to spend on new microphones for their own meetings. Now, I’m sure there have been bigger wastes of time in the lives of the students who sat through that particular meeting, but this one definitely ranks high on my list. The only other remotely relevant topic for students from that meeting was the Civic Engagement Program, a volunteer program meant to assist SMC students with finding local volunteer opportunities which, just like it’s former leader, Alex Vandertol, ended it’s reign just as fast as it began. My disinterest with the AS, however, doesn’t solely stem from these experiences. This spring semester’s AS elections have shed a much brighter light on student’s interest in the AS as well as interest in joining the board of directors. After a debate between presidential candidates as well as candidates running for directors positions on the quad Tuesday during the student activity hour, several students were asked what they thought about the debate, only to respond with the same general responses of non-interest. “I actually just caught the last five minutes,” said SMC student Alexander Nickerson. “I didn’t even know what they were running for.” Some students skipped it all together while some who actually stuck around felt it could’ve been a little bit more compelling. “I thought it was good. They could’ve asked some harder questions, I liked it though,” said SMC student Andy Martin. Most of the questions, which were centered around SMC’s dismal parking situation and student I.D. fees, garnered the same overused responses about “doing what’s best for the students” that students

Jimmy Janszen Corsair Santa Monica College student Manuel Henriquez sits among an underwhelming crowd while AS presidential candidate Pablo Garcia (center) speaks about campus issues in the SMC quad on Tuesday.

have become accustomed to year after year. A much more glaring factor with this year’s elections is the lack of important positions being contested. As it stands now, the positions of Vice President, Student Trustee, AS Secretary, Director of Budget Management, Director of Academic Support & Shared Governance, and Director of Sustainability have candidates running unopposed. These are six positions important to the success of the AS. How can they expect students to show interest in their operations when the AS can’t even show interest in it themselves? Political gate keepers will always say that people have no right to complain about politics when they take no action

themselves. However, in this case, the AS does not have the leverage to ask students to become interested in them when they can’t even generate proper interest within their own ranks. This in mind, it is interesting to have been able to hear the AS’s take on just how they plan to peak the interest of their constituents. During the debate, candidates addressed the issue by saying that students will know to join the AS the next time they are not allowed to print from a computer in the Cayton Center because they are not an AS member. While the AS may think that manipulating students into choosing between becoming a member or having no student rights is a rational move, this can only further push

away students as it is telling them that they will be taken care of unless they’re not AS members, then they’re on their own. Instead of “doing what’s best for students,” the AS seems more interested in “doing what’s best for AS members.” These elections will serve a purpose for better or worse. Whether this will be the year that a truly significant promise is fulfilled, or just another year of the same old speeches, the elections will come to an end and students will have their new government. Will they care? One can never really tell. But with a little bit more arm twisting, maybe the AS can gain what they so dearly crave: interest.

size discrimination has increased to 66 percent over the past decade in the United States and that obesity is now the fourth most common base of discrimination after gender, race, and age. Additionally, the study shows that inequities based on size are often due to widespread negative stereotypes that an overweight and obese person is lazy and less disciplined. However, it would be too simple to say that obesity is caused solely by habits of excessive eating and a sedentary lifestyle. There are more dimensions to it than laziness and the lack of discipline. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, being overweight can be influenced by environmental factors such as insufficient access to healthy foods or lack of time, by genes which can affect the amount of fat stored, by the overproduction of certain hormones that slow down the metabolism, medication, lack of sleep, and pregnancy, just to name a few. As stated on the NAAFA website, the Fat Acceptance Movement does not try to find excuses for big people to be overweight or encourage an unhealthy lifestyle. Instead, it promotes a different beauty image than our current, upheld standards that define slender and toned people as attractive. Although the mission of the Fat Acceptance

Movement to educate the public on the various causes of obesity, to fight prejudices against big people, and to support the belief that beauty comes in all sizes is a good cause, it is seemingly ineffective. Since the movement was started in 1969, not much has seemed to change in the prevalent opinion of the public. To the contrary, according to the study by the Yale Rudd Center, discrimination has increased over the past ten years. This becomes most obvious in media which not only predominantly portrays lean people to be beautiful but also produces so-called “fatertainment” for which overweight people are ridiculed. Despite small campaigns, such as Dove’s Real Beauty advertisement, movies and TV shows like “The Nutty Professor”, “Identity Thief,” or “The Biggest Loser,” to list only a few of many, still perpetuate the existing negative stereotypes of obese people. Furthermore, a study published by the Harvard Medical School in September 2013 proved that even if heavier people are metabolically healthy, meaning they have normal cholesterol levels, regular blood pressure and blood sugar levels, they are exemptions and are still at risk for cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. Although the movement does not explicitly support unhealthy lifestyles, embracing being bigger implies the acceptance of

living a life that is or will be harmful to one’s health. Rather than advocating only for the acceptance of bigger people, the movement should try to educate both the prejudiced public and those who suffer from being overweight. Obese people, no matter if metabolically healthy, should be aware that being obese is always a potential health risk. They should not lose weight because of the negative prejudices and discrimination but because of themselves. Losing weight is not easy, especially when other factors other than superfluous calories are at play. In those cases it is even more crucial that the Fat Acceptance Movement motivates and supports its members in achieving a healthier lifestyle. The Fat Acceptance Movement’s mission to fight against size discrimination and current beauty images is worth supporting. However, its perspective on obesity is too one sided and fails to recognize that being obese is undesirable due to health issues and not because it is an indication of negative character traits. Until they acknowledge that they must accept the truth about obesity and its related-health hazards, it might be beneficial that the movement has not yet reached the mainstream media.

Fat acceptance movement is lacking Jasmin Huynh Contributing Writer The advocacy of various beauty images and the fight against size discrimination is an honorable cause, but not very effective if it does not acknowledge that obesity is ultimately a health hazard. Obesity has been around for decades, just as discrimination based on size. In 1969, Bill Fabrey in New York had a bellyful of the prejudices and unjust treatments and hence founded the National Association to Aid Fat Americans, which is now called National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. This non-profit, volunteer-based organization spearheaded the Fat Acceptance Movement that works against discrimination of obese people and their mainstream stigmatization and provides “fat people with the tools for selfempowerment through public education, advocacy, and support,” as stated on NAAFA’s official website. Several studies supported NAAFA’s claim that size discrimination exists in all aspects of daily life, ranging from employment and medical care to education and public accommodation. One of the studies was conducted by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University and argues that

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12 sports

volume 107 issue 6 • April 2, 2014 • santa monica college

Women’s softball splits doubleheader Trev Angone Sports Editor The Santa Monica College softball team took to their home field at John Adams Middle School yesterday afternoon in an attempt to break their 7-game losing streak and improve their season record of 12-15. In the first game of a doubleheader against the Glendale Community College Vaqueros, the Lady Corsair let old habits resurface as they had difficulty closing out the Vaqueros, ultimately losing 11-6. “It’s pretty similar to what we’ve done all season, start slow and finish strong but we always leave ourselves with too much to do,” said Head Coach Daniel Soto. “We’re a scrappy little bunch, but I wish we would start games the way we end them. We can play with anybody and we have proven that time and time again.” In the second game of the doubleheader, SMC got out of trouble in the first inning, turning a rare 5-3-2 double play and keeping Glendale off the scoreboard in the early going. The presence of mind to execute that play on this level by the Lady Corsairs suggests that fielding is definitely not one of their weaknesses. In the bottom half of the first inning, the Lady Corsairs got to work early, putting a myriad of runners on base and not squandering them. SMC would put up five runs in the inning highlighted by a two-run triple from freshman center fielder Lauren Spurlin. “I’m just happy to help my team out and whatever I can do to give us some cushion, means a lot,” said Spurlin. “I feel like our season started off a little slow, just because it’s a whole new team, but we’re coming together.” Though the Lady Corsairs were able to put some early pressure on the Vaqueros, it wouldn’t take long for Glendale to respond. In the top of the second inning, following the Lady Corsairs initial outburst, outfielder Vivian Topete crushed a two-run

homer off SMC pitcher Jasmine Martinez. Sensing Martinez was struggling, Soto opted to bring in pitcher Natalie Montelongo, and it didn’t take long to see the move pay off. Montelongo would not give up a run until the fifth inning, by which time the Lady Corsairs had amassed a comfortable 8-4 lead. “I think the game went pretty well,” said Montelongo. “I try not to think about coming into the game during a pressure situation. I just try to come in, do my job and pitch for my team.” With such an impressive start to her collegiate career, the Lady Corsairs coaching staff is happy about the possibility of bringing back such a talented young player like Montelongo. “When she’s on her game, she’s a tough pitcher to hit. She has really good pitches and she throws them for strikes,” said Soto. “Sometimes she can be her own worst enemy, sometimes she battles herself instead of just letting it go. Today she did a much better job moving on to the next batter.” Glendale would make it as close as 8-5, but just as they managed to put a couple runners on base in the top of the fifth inning, the game was called due to time constraints. Though the Lady Corsairs have had a difficult time getting in a rhythm this season, wins like this are the building blocks for the future. SMC only has two returning players on the team right now, which means they should have a good amount of sophomores returning next season. All of whom are getting lots valuable experience for next year. With the coaching SMC has in place, in addition to the work ethic the Lady Corsairs have come to expect from themselves, next season they should have a great jump on everyone else in the division when the pursuit of the playoffs begins.

Brandon Barsugli Corsair Santa Monica College Corsairs women’s softball player Natalie Montelongo pitches the ball during a game against Glendale Community College on Tuesday. The Corsairs won 8-5.

Spotlight on Imani Holloway: A silver lining David yapkowitz Managing Editor Growing pains. Every sports team encounters them, but for Imani Holloway and the Santa Monica College women’s basketball team, the past two seasons have been filled with them. Holloway was the lone sophomore on a team full of freshmen this season, one year removed from another team comprised mostly of fresh out of high school recruits. The Lady Corsairs struggled mightily through the past few seasons, but there’s a silver lining in everything and Holloway was just that. A local standout from Santa Monica High School, Holloway was named to the Western State South all-conference team in February. She led the Lady Corsairs in scoring with 14.9 points per game and pulled down just about 10 rebounds per game, good enough for second overall in the conference. “I feel that I did my best during the season,” she said. “You can always do

more, but I feel like I really showed out my sophomore year and it ended with a good title.” Basketball didn’t always come so easy for Holloway at the junior college level. She went through a bit of an adjustment period during her freshman season. “The pace and speed is a lot faster, my first year I wasn’t used to it,” she said. “But I got used to it fast and now it’s regular.” Being the only returning member of last season’s team, Holloway took on added responsibilities including a new leadership role. “I was never on a team where I had to be a leader. This year was the first time I had to actually step outside my comfort zone and run things,” she said. “It was a good experience, I’m not used to being so demanding.” Stepping up as a team leader also entails being able to keep locker-room harmony despite on court disappointment. Holloway was able to help maintain unity while urging the team not to dwell on past mistakes. “Together we just tried to stay close and positive,” she said. “We tried to keep a positive mind-set, and just move forward from it.” Despite having an influx of new teammates, Holloway

“Together we just tried to stay close and positive.”

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enjoyed getting to know, and play alongside the rest of the team. To her, they weren’t all that different from herself, being only one year younger. “It was really interesting, basketball wise I felt like we learned a lot together,” said Holloway. “I learned from them, they learned from me; we connected really well.” With her final year of basketball eligibility at SMC in the books, Holloway has already begun to make plans for the future, one that she hopes will include being miles away from Los Angeles. Her talent and skill have already put her on the radar of upper level universities. “I just want to get out of California and go far” she said. “I have some offers, but I haven’t chosen yet. I’m just trying to get everything on the table.” After that, there may even be a professional future in sight. “I want to go overseas after college. I want this to continue, I don’t want it to end,” said Holloway. No matter where basketball takes her, Holloway is clear that she will remember SMC very fondly. “It was a lot of learning, a lot of growing; I met long time friends here,” said Holloway. “The coaches are amazing, I had a good two years here.” @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

Scott Bixler Corsair Imani Holloway attempts a free throw during sophomore nigt where she was presented with a collage, depicting her time spent playing for the Lady Corsairs.

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