Volume 104 Issue 11

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BOT approves 5.7 million contract for Pico building; says farewell to chair


Corsairs still American Pacific

Conference champions

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volume 104 issue 11• november 14, 2012 • santa monica college



nathan gawronsky Editor-In-Chief

Michael Yanow Corsair Santa Monica College tight end Dominique Bierria #85 makes a catch in front of Antelope Valley College defensive back Mike Smith #37 at Marauder Stadium last Saturday in Lancaster, Calif.

The mood during Tuesday evening’s Board of Trustees meeting was decidedly cheerful and nostalgic—a marked change after many months of anxiety about the uncertainty of the college’s financial future. Aside from discussing the implications of the passage of Prop. 30 for the college, there were other significant items of business on the agenda. The Board, with the exception of Trustee Andrew Walzer, voted to approve the renewal of a three-year contract with LPI, Inc., a construction management company that has overseen the construction of various projects at Santa Monica College, for $5.7 million. And to the great pleasure of trustees and representatives of LBI, Inc., along with the

BOT on PG. 3

Prop. 30 follow-up allie silvas News Editor

Michael Yanow Corsair Quarterback Alfonso Medina smiles after defeating Antelope Valley College last Saturday. SMC won 24-21 to win the league championship for a second consecutive year. champs again photostory pg.6

more inside opinion


SMC’s financial woes and Prop. 30



pg.6 health & lifestyle

Champs again

Global Motion’s “Now and Then”




The heavy weight of an eating disorder


Playoff hopes await after dominating victory

Proposition 30 passed in a narrow majority on Nov. 6, with the final tally at 54.3 percent for and 45.7 percent against. The measure will generate $210 million in its first year, and Santa Monica College will be allocated $915,000 this year alone, according to Paige Dorr, media adviser for the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. The $210 million is considered “new money” for education according to Dan Troy, vice chancellor of fiscal policy for the CCCCO, but $160 million will go to paying back deferrals. Prop. 30’s passage is seen as a blessing for many students and educators in California. “We are very relieved that we are going to begin to find some solid ground,” California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice Harris said in a media briefing Wednesday. “I think we need to give credit to the governor and legislature, it was the credibility they developed in those budget reductions.” In addition to providing extra funding, Prop. 30 prevented $338 million in trigger cuts for the education system and $6.2 million at SMC, according to Dorr. This means saving 500 course sections and will prevent layoffs of any full time employees, according to SMC public information officer Bruce Smith. Because the SMC budget was modeled assuming that Prop. 30 would pass, the funding will now be available as planned. “Although this is amazing, wonderful news, and we’re so happy it passed, we still won’t look how we did prior to 2008,” Smith said. “This will stabilize our funding so we can get back that half of a million students we’ve had to turn away,” Harris said. *Molly Philbin contributed to this story.

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2 contents

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

E D I T O R I A L S TA F F Nathan Gawronsky······ Editor-in-Chief c o rs a i r. e d i t o r i n c h i e f @ g m a i l . c o m Amber Antonopoulos···Managing Editor c o rs a i r. m a n a g i n g @ g m a i l . c o m Amber Antonopoulos·· Health & Lifestyle c o rs a i r. l i f e s t y l e p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Allie Silvas···················· News Editor c o rs a i r. n e w s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Samantha Perez··· Arts & Entertainment c o rs a i r. c a l e n d a r p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Muna Cosic················Opinion Editor c o rs a i r. o p i n i o n p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m David Yapkowitz············ Sports Editor c o rs a i r. s p o r t s p a g e @ g m a i l . c o m Ian Kagihara··········Multimedia Editor c o rs a i r. m u l t i m e d i a @ g m a i l . c o m Paul Alvarez··················Photo Editor Marine Gaste················ Photo Editor c o rs a i r p h o t o e d i t o r @ g m a i l . c o m Nathalyd Meza··············Design Editor c o rs a i r. d e s i g n t e a m @ g m a i l . c o m c o r s a i r s ta f f Fernando Baltazar, Nathan Berookhim, Tiffany Bingham, Kou Collins, Samantha Conn, Henry Crumblish, William Duggan, Rachel Duron, Tina Eady, Skya Eiland, Alberto Fernandez, Amy Gaskin, Ryonn Gloster, Jennifer Gomez, David J. Hawkins, Sam Herron, Annjelicia Houston, Zach Johnson, Eugene Jones, David Madrid, Juan C. Martinez, Ruth Mavangira, Raphael Mawrence, LeAura McClain, Elizabeth Moss, Wayne Neal, Mikaela Oesterlund, Daniella Palm, Molly Philbin, Andy Riesmeyer, Rachel Spurr, Alex Vejar, Anilec Vita, Merissa Weiland, Livia Wippich, Michael Yanow, Arezou Zakaria FA C U LT Y A D V I S O R S S a u l Ru b i n & Gerard Burkhart A d I n q uiries : c o rsai r. admana g e r@g m ai l . co m (3 1 0 ) 4 3 4 - 4 0 3 3

Michael Yanow Corsair Santa Monica College sophomore Jane Siri #3 hugs teammate Bianca Ngo #13 during a ceremony recognizing the sophomores on the team before playing Citrus College last Friday. The Corsairs lost in straight sets 3-0 in their last home game of the season.

correction: In an editorial titled “Waiting out in the cold,” it was incorrectly stated that Santa Monica College would be providing classes to international students. AC college will be providing contract education classes at SMC.

letter from the editor

nathan gawronsky Editor-In-Chief

who’s whining now?

Last week’s election was (paradoxically) as predictable as it was cathartic. What would become of the president? Would Obama the incumbent retain his office, or would Mitt Romney win by some crazy stretch and, with a little luck, ruin our country for good? And what would transpire with Prop. 30 and the fate of public education? Would Californians vote for a tax increase to fund education and public safety, or leave it to buckle under the weight of budget cuts and student demand it couldn’t accommodate? The American people decided that as far as the president is concerned, we’re staying the course. And as far as Santa Monica College is concerned, it would appear as though we’ve been spared the kind of massive cuts and austerity measures that President and Superintendent Dr. Chui L. Tsang described in September as “catastrophic.” As the results began pouring in on Nov. 6, and everyone here in the newsroom was

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glued to CNN, some expressed worry early on about the very slight lead that Romney held in electoral votes. Though it was too early to be able to give a reliable projection, I never doubted that this would ultimately be Obama’s election. The reasons were numerous. Our conservative brethren often describe Democrats and liberals as “whiners;” but if you happened to tune into FOX news over the past week, you likely saw a far different picture than the business-as-usual propaganda. Right-leaning conservatives were suddenly scratching their heads, unable to comprehend how the election—which they swore up and down, was theirs! (Had to be!)—slipped from their grasp. What? How? There is no single reason why the election swung so commandingly in Obama’s favor, or why the Republican’s lost face so spectacularly (except for Ohio, perhaps). Remember when former President Bill Clinton gave his speech at the DNC on Sept. 5? It was captivating. You felt as though he was speaking to you through your television

or iPhone. Remember when Clint Eastwood spoke to an imaginary Obama sitting in a chair at the RNC stage in August? Remember how awkward and horrible that felt? It was like watching the Romney campaign take a group stomping in slow motion. Or that secret video of Romney writing off 47 percent of Americans as food stamp queens, couch potatoes and ne’er-do-wells. Or when Rep. Todd Aiken and Sen. Richard Mourdock made their off-the-cuff (read: infantile and misogynistic) remarks about rape, and how women come with built-in abortion systems in their bodies, or some other crazy chutzpah. These were men running for public office, as Republicans. Predictably, Romney didn’t even have the decency to give Americans the straight dope, and to put these boors in their place. The point is that there was so much nonsense and mishegas, from Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry et al., that only the most misinformed and/or otherwise delusional voters would entrust our country

to these buffoons. They are out of touch with the changing American landscape. And while the Democratic Party and this administration is a distant cry from perfect, I nevertheless feel far more confident and safe with them behind the wheel—as most Americans feel too. The GOP is at a crossroads now, and there are two paths they can travel down now. On the hopeful, sunny side of outcomes, they can go inward, and do some serious soul searching. They can figure out how to reign in the extremists in their camps, and become a viable, inclusive party that actually speaks to the needs of all Americans instead of a very wealthy and private elite. The other outcome, which is pessimistic and far more likely, is that they will do what battered and bruised political movements always seem to do: Radicalize. The Tea Party and the far right will become even crazier—certifiably nuts. Major. And the line separating classic, moderate conservatives and far right wing mental patients will grow thinner, and thinner.

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news 3

volume 104 issue 11 •november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

Amy Gaskin Corsair TOP: Trustee Susan Aminoff and President and Superintendent Chui L. Tsang review reports during the discussion of the future Student Services Building during the Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday night. LEFT: Chairwoman Margaret QuiñonesPerez (right) thanks Lisa Rose at the end of the Board meeting on Tuesday night. The meeting was Quiñones-Perez’ last evening as chairwoman.

from BOT on PG. 1 renewal of the continued relationship between SMC and LBI, Inc., the long-delayed approval for the future Student Services Building was just recently delivered by the Division of State Architects’ San Diego office. According to David Hart, the architect for the Student Services Building, bidding for contractor selection is set to begin immediately, and groundbreaking will most likely take place in February. “There is a lot of public interest in this building,” Hart said, explaining that after delays reaching up to three years, the public, as well as the college community, are eager to see the building completed. The project is expected to take two years to complete. Hart attributed the delay of the project to

the bureaucracy of the DSA, particularly the Los Angeles office. He explained that typically a project of the size of the Student Services Building would take a year to 18 months, but that this project has taken twice that long. After two years of being under structural and design review at the DSA’s Los Angeles office, there came a point, according to Hart, where “it became crystal-clear that they were not able to review the project.” Hart described the delay as the “longest in our firm’s” history. “LBI has done an excellent job for the college,” said Trustee Louise Jaffe, citing the various other projects that the firm has overseen construction for. Apart from the news about the new building’s approval and imminent commencement, the board also devoted

Law Club guides prospective law students

David J. Hawkins Corsair On Tuesday, Lisa Mead speaks with David B. Finkel, Law Club adviser, retired Superior Court judge and Santa Monica College Board of Trustees member.

for extended coverage visit us at thecorsaironline.com •

time to discussing the implications of the passage of Prop. 30 for the college. “The passage [of Prop. 30] is a great relief for the college,” said President and Superintendent Chui L. Tsang. “Hopefully we can now move on.” The passage of Prop. 30 in last week’s state election, though it does nothing to fix the $4 million operating deficit currently faced by the college, prevents the $6.2 million in trigger cuts the college would have faced had it not passed. “Together, we averted the decimation of public education,” said Jaffe. “We avoided falling off a terrible cliff. It’s a wonderful thing it passed.” The Board also paid tribute to Chairwoman Margaret Quiñones-Perez, due to her term ending with the closing of the meeting.

Quiñones-Perez described her time as chair of the Board as an “ugly experience” in her life. “The good part was seeing the CSEA contract completed, but the most painful experience was seeing the student pain we saw this year. I never thought I’d ever deal with that,” she said, referring to the student protests on campus last semester over Contract Education classes. “But we learned from it.” “I can hardly wait to not be the chair!” she said after the meeting ended, before going home. With Quiñones-Perez stepping down, it is believed that Nancy Greenstein, the vice chair, will likely take her place as the new chair of the Board. The Board will decide on the issue during their next meeting, which will be on Dec. 4.

henry crumblish Staff Writer

you took it more than once, however now they just take the higher score,” said Mead, who recommends that students take a prep class before attempting the law school admission test. Trustee David B. Finkel, the Law Club’s adviser and political science professor at SMC, was in attendance. “I tell my students to focus on reading, writing, and how to ask questions,” said Finkel. “When you’re students, as opposed to David and I, there’s a sense of urgency,” said Mead. “You need to slow down; you don’t need to do it all right now.” “Our goal is to raise the legal literacy of our peers here at SMC; the constitution and legal code aren’t confusing,” said Clinton Johnson, Law Club vice president. “Learning these laws gave me confidence.” “I’m from D.C. and I’ve seen a lot of poverty, living in that type of situation and seeing the divide,” said Johnson. “I got interested in law because I saw how much it affected people.” The Law Club, made up predominantly of law students, meets every Tuesday during the student activity hour from 11:15 to 12:35. The club gives students interested in pursuing legal careers an outlet to discuss relevant and current issues. “We raise awareness on environmental law and things the entire campus and community benefit from,” said Stephen Prociw, club president. The Law Club, not just for lawyers and paralegals, is open to all students, and urges them to actively participate in legal issues. “Your reputation as a lawyer is your greatest commodity,” said Mead.

If you’re interested in a career in law these days you better make sure you’re committed because without scholarships, “you’re going to come out with around $200,000 in loans,” said Lisa Mead, former associate dean at USC’s Gould School of Law and current director of Pro Bono at Inner City Law Center. Mead, a prestigious figure in the southern California legal community who has years of experience as a judicial clerk, legal consultant and lawyer, spoke at Santa Monica College Tuesday to clarify the law school admission process. “Law school is a great educational experience; no matter what you do, you are going to learn to think very differently,” said Mead. Mead, who said she receives five to 10 resumes from prospective hires a day, did her best to dispel misconceptions about what acquiring a legal degree entails. According to Mead, a first-year law school graduate working in the public sector makes anywhere from $32,000 to $40,000 a year and the stereotype that all lawyers make six-figure salaries just isn’t true. Mead stressed the importance of having an education plan for law students and how the days of carelessly entering law school are long gone. “You do not want to end up in your third year, having no clue what type of law you want to practice,” said Mead. Most students worry about the negative effects of repeating a course, but for law students, repeatability can be a positive thing. “The LSATs used to average your score if @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

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volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

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Photograph: Ben Ferrari

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opinion 5

volume 104 issue 11 •november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

SMC’s financial woes lessened with Prop. 30 approval Molly Philbin Staff Writer

Many worries swarmed California community colleges due to the financial crisis suffocating its students, faculty and staff. However, the passage of Gov. Jerry Brown’s Proposition 30 secured a more stable, financial future for community colleges, compared to the disastrous outcome Santa Monica College would be facing had Prop. 30 failed to pass. Santa Monica College will receive $915,000 of the $210 million gained by community colleges from the passage of Prop. 30. This amount will secure SMC to continue without any major glitches, giving the school a collective sigh of relief. According to Paige Dorr, media adviser for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, the majority of the $210 million will replace money that is owed to the system ($160 million), and $50 million will go toward additives. California Community College Chancellor Brice W. Harris said, in a press briefing on Nov. 7, that the success of Prop. 30 will “stabilize the funding for community colleges for the next couple years.” Prop. 30 will most likely stabilize SMC's budget, but that doesn’t convince me that it’ll completely stabilize our school’s

financial issues. More cash flow seems to be the solution, but I'm not buying it. Voters will not continue to constantly pass propositions that increase tax rates for institutions that turn to state funding to solve quintessential problems. There needs to be a better solution to secure California’s education system. Prop. 30 spared California community colleges a $338 million trigger cut — a $6.2 million cut for SMC, according to Dorr. “The important thing that happened last night [Nov. 6] was that California put a halt to the catastrophic cut to our budget,” said San Diego Community College District Chancellor Constance Carroll during the press briefing. “It's a turning around of a bad situation as we move to the good.” I'm glad that passing Prop. 30 means that we won’t see SMC’s quality degrading, but hopefully improving with time. It’s important that our school can continue to strive to support a greater number of students while facilitating their educational goals. SMC public information officer Bruce Smith said that it was heartwarming to see a lot of SMC students rally behind the government to educate the public on why this proposition was so essential, proving to everyone that we cared for our school’s

What goes online stays online Annjelicia Houston Staff Writer Ladies, as you pose “innocently” for that picture you plan on posting on a social network site, do think of the consequences that might come your way if you post that picture online? Do you ever consider that this picture could end up on a porn site, or be used for other mischievous things? That is probably something you didn’t have in mind when you took that picture and posted it online. However, a recent study conducted by the Internet Watch Foundation discovered that most selfportraits and self-made videos of young women on porn sites were taken from other sites, including social networking sites like Facebook. That’s right—your private photos are not so private after all, so think long and hard before you post any personal information on the Internet. Any information you post online— whether it be text, photos or videos—is circulating through the Internet, regardless of whether you deleted it on your social networking site or not; the damage is done. That picture is lost in the tangle of the web forever. Let’s say your Facebook is set to private. With more than a thousand friends on the social networking site, who’s to say which one of them won’t take your picture and share it with the wrong people? It’s a web, interweaving one with another and giving them a chance to connect with your personal information while you’re living in oblivion. Debbie Choxon, a Santa Monica College student, thinks the best way to keep away from such problems is to avoid social networking media all together, or to at least take stronger safety measures. “The people in my life know what I’m up to,” says Choxon. “There’s no need for me to constantly update them via Twitter or whatever about the mundane things I am doing.” But who doesn’t like to be complimented on a nice photo of themselves? One of the main reasons girls post pictures of themselves—exposing their “best” attributes for everyone to see and compliment them on—is so that people can praise them. “I keep it old school, in an album, for my eyes only,” says Choxon. “To think that someone can’t take these images and do what they want, lets just say, the internet is a vast place, and taking half naked pictures of yourself, you’ve got to think about that.” According to the study conducted by the

Internet Watch Foundation, 88 percent of the self-portraits they found of young girls on racy sites were taken from other sites— mainly social networking sites. In less than 48 hours, the IWF found over 12,000 self-generated pictures on over 68 different sites. Most of these sites were created for the sole purpose of exploiting young adults. The saddest part of the discovery is that many of the girls, whose photos were posted on the sites, were completely unaware of it, and didn’t consider something like this happening to them. They took these photos and perhaps sent them to someone they knew, thinking that no one else would see that photo; but if one of their photos is currently showing up on an annoying pop-up ad for a porn site, then they could not have been more wrong. “I sent a picture to my friend once, a picture in a bikini I wasn’t sure about buying. As a guy, I thought he could tell me whether or not I looked good in it. About six or so months later, I saw that picture on a Facebook page,” said SMC student Alexis Calderon. “He was my friend, so I didn’t think anything of it when I sent that picture to him. I asked him how it wound up there but he couldn’t tell me. He swears that he didn’t give it to anyone,” says Calderon. “So, I really don’t know what happened. Thankfully, I’m clothed; sort of.” SMC student Chacta Brice felt strongly about pictures stolen from sites for inappropriate usage. “If you’re photoshopping someone’s picture, that’s criminal,” says Brice. “But if you’re posting provocative pictures of yourself, that’s another thing.” “If a girl posts a sexy picture of herself online, and it’s then used for a porn site, it’s not her fault—but it is her fault at the same time. When you put pictures online, that’s permanent. And if you didn’t know that, you’ve been misinformed,” says Chacta. Girls who post provocative pictures of themselves are placing themselves in a dangerous zone. At the end of the day, it’s your own judgment that either keeps you from these issues, or throws you in hot water. So, next time you decide to post a picture of yourself online- whether it’s provocative or not- think twice before you click the post button. There are many harsh consequences people can face when being careless with the Internet, so it is vital to take strong safety measures and protect yourself before it’s too late.

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future. However, Harris did say that “only time will tell,” estimating that the CCC will not fully understand Prop. 30's impact for another 20 or 30 years. Meanwhile, increases in sales tax rates are up by onequarter cent for every dollar for four years and personal income tax rates on high earners with a yearly salary greater than $250 thousand will raise by one to three percentage points for seven years. These tax increases are the funding sources for Prop. 30. “Voters placed their faith in public education as a means of getting our state’s economy back on track,” Harris said during the press release. “We have a long road back to financial health, but state commitment for our colleges is now pointed in the right direction, and we can continue to be the leaders in educating the workers needed for our changing economy.” For example, California has the second highest sales tax in the country at 9.08 percent. Santa Monica's sales tax, which is currently at 10.25 percent, is the highest tax of the surrounding areas. Since high school, I've chosen to shop outside of Santa Monica due to this high sales tax. This increase does not motivate me to spend money within the city, but the increase is

understandable and needed in order to help schools move forward. California still has the lowest credit rating of any state. Borrowing costs remain high, and there are signs that the Brown administration's current $91.3 billion budget may fail to meet expectations, according to the Los Angeles Times. It wouldn’t be surprising if Prop. 30 took the bullet for an unstable tax system, but this new measure is necessary. Despite how much I enjoy being skeptical, feeling bitter about the future makes me feel old. I have reveled in the positives of Prop. 30 passing — in particular, monotonous complaints on funding will be silenced for a while. If Prop. 30 had not passed, the repercussions would have been a reduction in 500 sections from spring semester, and fewer seats for SMC students, according to Smith — a scary thought to process in a time when we are constantly dwelling on the future of our educational system. But regardless of the received money, the real gem that has come from this measure was the collaborative spirit demonstrated on campus in hopes of bettering SMC’s future. Prop. 30 keeps us further away from heavily increased cuts, which would have hit home hard.

The ideal college life experience isn’t always the wisest Arezou Zakaria Staff Writer Ever since childhood, our eyes have been opened to society’s take on what the ideal “college life” is. We grow up waiting for that moment to graduate high school and start a new chapter in our lives as college freshmen. We crave that freedom to move out and live in a dorm with a bunch of other young adults, and begin the experiences of a lifetime. A dream come true, right? However, that “dream” is faltering drastically in recent years due to economic woes and students simply deciding to live at home while attending college. In recent years, there has been a sufficient increase in young adults living at home, while attending college. According to the Census Bureau, between 2005 and 2011, the proportion of young adults living in their parents’ home has increased. The percentage of men between the ages 25 and 34, living in their parents’ home, rose 14 percent in 2005, and increased to 19 percent in 2011. And for women, it increased from eight percent in 2005 to 10 percent in 2011. Living away from home does have its advantages. You deal less with college peer pressure because you aren’t surrounded by the “college life” atmosphere at all times. Not to mention, you become more focused on your studies while living at home, compared to living on-campus which can be distracting. Students living away from home find themselves lost in a “fantasy” lifestyle that starts to clash against “reality.” There is always that debate about whether students living at home are missing out on the great “college life,” unlike those who live away during their college years. Well, that certainly isn’t stopping college students from staying at home these days. According to the Pew Research Center, Pew Social & Demographic Trends, “one reason young adults who are living with their parents may be relatively upbeat about their situation is that this has become such a widespread phenomenon. Among adults ages 25 to 34, 61 percent say they have friends or family members who have moved back in with their parents over the past few years because of economic conditions.” As someone who isn’t experiencing the ideal “college life,” I don’t find that I’m missing out on much. While my friends, who are living on-campus, are complaining about the lack of money for food and clothes, having to do laundry themselves, and getting their stuff stolen, I am living @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

the good life, coming home to fresh homecooked meals and my personal items staying untouched. If you are fortunate enough to have a family that wants you to stay home and you get accepted to a college near your home, then take that route and live at home while working on getting your college degree. This will keep you more financially stable and give you reason to finish college ontime and move on with your career. According to the Pew Research Project, 29 percent of parents said that their child has moved back home due to the economy. With today’s economy, it’s harder for college students to afford living on their own, so they tend to financially depend on their family. Even if they lived a dorm life during their college years, most come back home after graduation because of college debt. “Among all adults ages 25 to 34, nearly fourin-ten (38 percent) say their current financial situation is linked to their parents’ financial situation,” according to the Pew Research Center. Those living at home tend to have a great financial connection with their parents, easing the economic hardship off of their shoulders, while going to school. But financial difficulties aren’t the only problems for college students living away from home. There are many issues a college student can face when living away because they are either still immature or irresponsible. When you move out at a young age, you want to party and have fun and live the “college life” you always dreamt of when you lived under your parents’ roof. One of my friends, who moved away for college, was so excited to be living on his own, getting a roommate, and experiencing the “college life,” that one night he and his roommate decided to throw a party at their apartment. Things got so out of hand that he didn’t realize how many drinks he had in his system, and suffered alcohol poisoning. If his roommate hadn’t found him in time, the outcome would be something completely different. What some college students don’t seem to understand is that with freedom comes even more responsibility. When you’re living at home you live under your parents’ rules, and even if you still manage to live a crazy social life, you are still guarded by parents who watch out for you. Living a free life by yourself, without parents breathing down your neck, may sound appealing, but there are many consequences that will come your way if you’re not responsible enough to handle the “college life.”

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Champs 6 photostory

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

“I’m so proud of our organization. That’s back-to-back Conference Championships and 13 straight conference wins. To go up to Antelope Valley and play in harsh conditions (cold and wind) against a very good AVC team just made the culmination of this sweeter.”


Back-to-back conference Coach of the Year Santa Monica College

Quarterback Alfonso Medina #12 and head coach Gifford Lindheim share a moment after defeating Antelope Valley College at Marauder Stadium last Saturday.

Defensive back Qujuan Floyd #9 runs with the ball after intercepting a pass to seal the victory for SMC against Antelope Valley College at Marauder Stadium last Saturday. Floyd was named conference Defensive Player of the Year after recording 49 tackles, seven interceptions and one fumble recovery.

Ty Rouzan #74 and Marcus Manley #92 prepare to leave the pool area after changing into their uniforms at Antelope Valley College last Saturday.

Santa Monica College players fight over an extra chicken sandwich at McDonald’s post game. The atmosphere was lively and celebratory after the win.

overall 8-2 pct. .800 conf. 6-0 pct. 1.000 streak won 6 home 4-1 away 4-1 neutral 0 - 0

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photostory 7

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

Corsair football team takes league championship title two years in a row

Photos by michael yanow

Santa Monica College players and coaches pose for the team photo before taking on Antelope Valley College last Saturday.

Alfonso Medina rides on the team bus heading for Antelope Valley College for the last game of the season last Saturday. Medina was named conference Offensive Player of the Year after passing for 2,382 yards and 28 touchdowns on the season. Medina finished his career at SMC with 55 regular season touchdowns, setting a new benchmark.

Reggie Mitchell #8 catches a 15-yard pass for a touchdown in front of Antelope Valley College cornerback Mike Smith #37 at Marauder Stadium last Saturday. Mitchell’s catch in the third quarter made the game 17-7 in favor of the Corsairs. SMC won 24-21 to win their second consecutive American Pacific Conference title, and a berth in the American Championship Bowl facing Southwestern College on Saturday, Nov. 17 in Chula Vista, Calif.

overall 9 -1 pct. .900 conf. 7-0 pct. 1.000 streak won 9 home 4-1 away 5-0 neutral 0 - 0

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+ lifestyle 8 health

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

The heavy weight of an eating disorder anilec vita Staff Writer Hiding and throwing away food, overexercising, obsessing about weight. For Los Angeles acting student Evgenia Ermolenko, these habits marked the beginning of anorexia, which she has since been battling for almost seven years. “I started to care about the way I looked when I started taking acting classes in Moscow,” she says. “One of the teachers told me that I was not fat, but that for being an actress, that was not enough, because actors have to be perfect.” From that moment as a 13-year-old, she tried to look perfect. “I used to wake up in the middle of the night to weigh myself, and I knew it was not normal, but I could not stop myself; I wanted to make sure I was not gaining weight,” she says. Ermolenko says she finds it difficult to describe her disorder. “It is like I have two minds,” she says. “One mind makes you feel guilty about eating, but the other mind knows that it is not normal to feel this guilt.” For many years, the “mind” that made Ermolenko feel guilty about eating was louder than her “rational mind,” making it impossible for her to eat normally. “I am glad my mom noticed when she did; otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to recover,” Ermolenko says. Like an estimated 24 million Americans, according to the National Eating Disorder Association, Ermolenko struggles with an eating disorder. “Understanding Nutrition,” a nutrition textbook used at Santa Monica College, defines eating disorders as “eating behaviors that are neither normal nor healthy, including retrained eating, fasting, binge eating, and purging.” Yvonne Ortega, a registered dietitian and nutrition professor at SMC, explains that not every eating disorder falls under the categories of anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. “Disordered eating occurs when there is an obsessed preoccupation with food, calories and exercise that can be unhealthy,” Ortega says. According to Ortega, there are different causes for eating disorders that include psychological disorders, sociocultural factors, and neurochemical conditions. “We need to figure out the cause for each patient,” Ortega says. “For some, it might be issues going on in the family. For others, the cause can be the pressure they feel. Sometimes there are traumatic events that happened in childhood. I have worked with eating disorder patients that have been sexually abused, and it manifests in that way.” Ortega says that the key to avoiding eating disorders is creating a healthy relationship with food. “When people start to tie emotions with food is usually when we start to see eating disorders develop—for example, the guilt that people experience because they had a food that may be high in fat or sugar,” Ortega says. Ortega explains that in order to prevent emotional ties with food, people should avoid using labels like “healthy food” or “junk food.” “From an educator’s perspective, I really try not to give negative labels to food because I think that brings feelings of guilt, especially in kids,” Ortega says. “I try to teach along the philosophy that there is no

Are generic and brand-name drugs equivalent? merissa weiland Staff Writer

Fernando Baltazar Corsair Registered dietitian and Santa Monica College nutrition professor Yvonne Ortega looks at a picture of sweets in a nutrition textbook last Thursday. She explains how she has talked to people who may not realize they have an eating disorder.

bad food or good food; it is about reducing quantities and not eliminating a type of food.” Ermolenko is still fighting to develop a healthy relationship with food. “I try not to read the labels; my doctor says I should not do it, but I always buy the light version of everything,” Ermolenko says. “I also try not to compare myself to others, but is difficult. It was a problem for me growing up.” Ortega claims that the key for people like Ermolenko who experience anxiety around food is to listen to body signals. “The body will tell you when you are hungry and when you are full,” Ortega says. “I use what is called the hunger scale, and I try to get people to get back in touch with that. The scale ranges from one to 10, where 10 means being stuffed and one means being starving.” For the dietitian, five is the ideal hunger level at which the body is comfortably satisfied. “You never want to be a one or a 10,” Ortega says. “When it goes as low as three, it is time to intervene and have snack. When people ignore the symptoms of hunger and deny food to their bodies and reach the point where they are hurting the body, it’s time to look for help.” The dietitian recommends that friends and family look for signs of an eating disorder. “Physically we can see symptoms like hair loss, nails breaking constantly because the body is malnourished, and bad skin,” Ortega says. Ortega explains that weight loss is not always indicative of an eating disorder. “People with bulimia seem to be of a normal weight, so that might not be an indicator for friends and family, but there are other signs they might look for— the individual may be using laxatives or medications to lose weight, or they may also notice if the person goes to the bathroom after eating,” Ortega says. According to Ortega, there are also social symptoms that may be telling. “If someone is isolating and avoiding social situations, usually something is wrong,” she says. The dietitian emphasizes the need to recognize symptoms and seek help.

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Like many Americans, Anne Steele suffered from nasal allergies. She tried multiple over-the-counter me­dications, but nothing seemed to help. After visiting her doctor, she grew hopeful that she could be relieved of her troublesome symptoms, but that hope turned out to be short-lived. After being prescribed a generic version of Flonase, a prescription nasal spray, Steele noticed that, not only did the medication not work, but that it actually seemed to make her allergies worse. “I talked to my doctor, who said that he was not surprised because the generic med was made in a different factory,” Steele said. According to the Food and Drug Administration’s website, generic drugs account for approximately eight of every 10 prescriptions filled in the U.S. But although government agencies and medical professionals assure their safety and effectiveness, generic medications may not always be exact equivalents of their brand-name counterparts. “They use different filling agents, different coloring agents, and different binding agents,” said Marvin Friedman, a professor of pharmacology at Santa Monica College. Friedman said that the government has measures in place to protect the safety of consumers of prescription drugs. “It has to go through testing,” said Friedman, who explained that the federal government conducts regular “bioavailability/bioequivalence” checks on generic prescriptions. “When a generic drug product is approved, it has met rigorous standards established by the FDA with respect to identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency,” according to the FDA. “However, some variability can and does occur during manufacturing, for both brand-name and generic drugs.” Friedman explained that the required testing addresses this variability among medications. “The absorption—that’s primarily what they’re being tested for because the chemical is going to be the same,” Friedman said. “The absorption can be slightly different from the brand-name.” Tina C., a pharmacist at a West Los Angeles Rite-Aid who declined to provide her last name, said that most consumers have no issues Diego Morales has worked as a nurse at center for eating disorders for three years. He says that the most difficult part of his job is dealing with patients who do not want help. “They know they have a problem, but they refuse the help; they lie to the counselors and to themselves,” Morales says. The nurse claims that eating disorders have the highest fatality rate of any psychiatric disorder. In California, insurers must pay for residential treatment “for eating disorders and other serious mental illnesses under the state’s mental health parity law,” according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. However, the National Eating Disorders Association states that insurance companies often refuse coverage for residential treatment of eating disorders and other mental conditions, which can cost more than $1,000 daily. According to Ortega, education can help reduce the ocurrences of eating disorders. @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

when taking generic versions of medications, but that the variability of inactive ingredients could potentially pose problems. “Some might be allergic to the inactive ingredients in a generic medication,” she said. “If that’s the case, they can go with the brand-name.” The FDA is aware of this issue, noting that some people might experience negative side effects when switching from a brandname to a generic, but the organization does assure consumers that the public would be informed should a serious issue with a medication arise. One such instance occurred recently when the FDA issued a recall for a generic version of the antidepressant Wellbutrin XL. “It was a sustained-release product, and they later found that the sustained release wasn’t up to par in terms of the release and being equivalent to the brand name,” Friedman said. Friedman assured that this type of situation does not happen often, and that consumers do have other options. “Periodically, we do get some patients that say a generic just isn’t working,” Friedman said. “It’s very rare, but you do see it once in a while.” Some may wonder how generic drugs can have the same ingredients and potency as brand-name medications, but with a much lower price tag. “Cheaper does not mean lower quality,” according to the FDA’s website. Friedman explained that generic drug companies do not have to put as much money into the product as creators of the medication do. “Drug companies patent every chemical that they make,” Friedman said. “The generic companies don’t have that at stake. They don’t have to do human testing other than the bioavailability/bioequivalence. They don’t have as much involved in terms of research investments, so they don’t really have to recoup that much. Also, they don’t have to recoup anything on their failure rates.” According to Friedman, consumers should not worry about the differences between generics and brand-name medications. “There’s very little in terms of seeing something as being problematic with a generic,” he said.

“I really emphasize the importance of mindful eating in my nutrition classes here at SMC, and the fact that we eat for the purpose of nourishment,” she says. “We have associated food with so much more than nourishment, we get to the point where people are no longer listening to their bodies.” Ortega reminds students who are dealing with stress that food should not be used as an escape. “Food is usually the place students go to when they are stressed out, but they need to find healthier ways to deal with stress, anxiety or depression,” Ortega says. “Understand that food is only fuel for our body, and avoid the emotional connections with food because they might lead to eating disorders.” For Ermolenko, it is still a daily struggle to overcome the guilt she sometimes feels when she eats. “I know I am not cured, but I have learned to live and ignore the other part of my mind that makes me feel guilty when I eat,” she says.

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volume 104 issue 11 •november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

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+ entertainment 10 Arts

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

Diversity and dance in Global Motion’s “Now and Then” leaura mcclain Staff Writer

Diversity is an element that we are all accustomed to, especially at Santa Monica College. It’s what makes us different, and yet, somehow, it brings us together. For their seasonal showcase, the Global Motion World Dance Company’s theme was, “Now and Then,” which captured diversity by featuring twelve dance performances ranging from hip-hop to Tahitian. Global Motion has worked with some of the finest student-dancers to showcase the evolution of dance around the world. According to the program, Global Motion is “dedicated to educating, preserving, and performing world dance.” Each semester, new and returning dancers practice for about seven weeks to put on a show that reflects the culture of the world through dance. Their performances were held at The Broad Stage on Nov. 8 and 10. The show’s opening number, “USA Hip-Hop,” took the audience through the historical journey of hip-hop. The dancers in this piece used every tool in their arsenal in order to capture the specific movements of the hip-hop culture. The music of “USA Hip-Hop” accompanied the choreography wonderfully; as the movements evolved so did the music. Popular tunes from artists like Aaliyah were paired with choreography that was popular during the song’s release, and similar styles could be seen in the music videos of that time. The dancers continued through a hip-hop timeline to popular styles of today such as tutting. Tutting uses very specific hand movements to create certain visual effects, and is paired with music such as dubstep. Global Motion did an great job of providing the audience with visual effects, which enhanced the show entirely. Flashing red and white lights effectively created visual illusions, captivating the audience. In “A Tribute to the Kura Birds,” the dancers performed a traditional Tahitian dance complete with traditional attire. They dazzled the audience with their bright smiles, which encapsulated the joyful essence of the Tahitian culture. As they moved in unison, they transcended cultural barriers and shared their passion for the art of traditional and creative dance styles with the audience. Costumes were some of the most important elements of the show. The Russian dance number — traditionally performed by the Russian Roma’s or Gypsies—was beautiful because the costumes incorporated bright colors with interesting and vivid patterns embroidered on them. The spirit of the dance is fun, lively, and free, as it’s paired with beautifully long, flowing skirts with which the dancers twirled and spun together. Global Motion’s performance was a beautiful experience that allowed the audience to take a journey through the globe and visualize how history has established itself through creative movement. This season’s performance, “Now and Then,” was a learning experience and allowed the audience to dive into cultures they may not have known existed. Global Motion represents the true beauty of culture, and the company did a great job of presenting that this season.

Livia Wippich Corsair Christian Galindo and Nicole Diaz perform a traditional dance from France, a ballet choreographed by Cynthia Molnar, as part of the Global Motion World Dance Company’s presentation of world dance cultures at The Broad Stage last Saturday.

“Ralph” delights noobs and pros alike

Andy riesmeyer Staff Writer

Walt Disney Animation Studios plugs into the big screen with “Wreck-It Ralph,” an animated film featuring the voice talents of John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Sarah Silverman, and Jane Lynch, in a video-game inspired comingof-age comedy that earns bonus points for adults and kids alike. Ralph (Riley) is a villain in a vintage arcade game called Fix-It, Felix Jr. who grows tired of playing bad guy to titular protagonist and ever-positive Felix Jr. (McBrayer). To prove his worth as a good-guy, Ralph adventures into another game to win a medal, but is quickly snarled by his own thug-headedness. Inadvertently spreading a virus into a popular racing game, Ralph’s actions put the entire arcade at risk; he must team up with Felix Jr. and other video game characters to save the day.

The movie has plenty of heart. It’s emotional where it should be. John C. Reilly has never been so empathetic. He’s entirely convincing as Ralph, the bad guy who’s trying to change his ways. His relationship with glitchy, speed racer Vanellope von Schweetz (Silverman) seems improbable, but works perfectly in the playfully absurd animated world. Jane Lynch portrays a tough-talking, alien-blasting video game vixen who spurns the hilarious advances of McBrayer’s Felix Jr. Each of the members of the all-star voice cast delivers some great moments. Though product placement was heavy on candy brands, real-life video game characters we’d expect to see, like those from the Mario Brothers franchise, Street Fighter and Pac-Man were all present. Video-gamers will delight in the references to vintage arcade games Q*Bert, Tapper and Qix. “Wreck-It Ralph” is a kids’ movie. Let’s

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make no bones about it. If you go to a showing (especially on the weekend) you’ll be in a packed house filled with little humans. I knew this going in, and I was a bit apprehensive, wrought with fear that distractions in the form of crying infants and errant toddlers might ruin the movie going experience. After all, memories of the kid version of me in a movie theater are still fresh in my mind (thanks for powering through it, Mom). But I was wrong. It was a packed house, and full of kids. But they didn’t cry, squelch or mill about. They sat still, with eyes glued to the screen, entirely engaged by the movie. It’s a testament to the superior visuals and fantastic storytelling in “Ralph.” Many of the great moments are rooted in video game nostalgia, but as the kids’ reactions prove, you don’t have to be a nerd to appreciate the film. @t h e _ c o r s a i r •

In fact, some of the games in the movie, like 1982’s Frogger, are ten times older than the three-year-olds at the screening. And while the kids very much behaved like adults, it’s movies like this that let the adults feel like kids again. Director Rich Moore (“The Simpsons,” “Futurama”) sprinkles a handful of subtle visual puns throughout the movie that parents with kids-in-tow will get a kick out of stumbling upon. I’m happy to report that my fears of rambunctious kid disruptions were unfounded, shadowy glimpses of a cranky old man I’m trying to stave off becoming anytime soon. The movie made me feel like a kid again, which is awesome, ‘cause being a kid was pretty great. The moral to the kids is: “You don’t have to win everything to be the good guy, just be nice,” and in our hypercompetitive world, that’s a pretty sweet sentiment.

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volume 104 issue 11 •november 14, 2012 • santa monica college ADVERTISEMENT

OOPS! Recently the Broad Stage in Santa Monica distributed an advertising flyer with this paper that included an ad for a one-woman show the theatre is presenting in January. That blurb was accompanied by a photo of two women, one of whom is Judith Owen, well-known to many Southern California music fans. This usage of Judith's image and likeness, without her permission, was highly misleading. The effect, if not the intent, of the photo placement was to associate the show, a relatively new venture with which Judith Owen has had no association, with the successful London two-woman theatrical production "Losing It" which Judith co-created and in which she co-starred. Anyone who saw that flyer and assumed that Judith was involved in the January presentation, and who may have purchased tickets under that assumption, should contact the Broad Stage for further guidance.

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12 sports

volume 104 issue 11 • november 14, 2012 • santa monica college

women’s soccer

Playoff hopes await after dominating victory eugene jones & kou collins Staff Writers

One by one, the sophomores were called to the field with their families by their side, receiving an ovation from the crowd at Corsair Field on Friday. The last home game of the regular season for the Santa Monica College women’s soccer team was a game to remember, as they cruised to a much needed and stunning win against L.A. Valley 10-0, putting them in a good position to make the playoffs. The Corsairs finished the season with a 7-3-4 record in the Western State South

conference and 10-4-6 overall. They are in third place behind Citrus and Canyons and seem destined to make the playoffs this season. The team has been known to come from behind in their games, but Friday was a different story. Sophomore Meg Pierce set the tone early, as she scored two goals in one minute. “I knew that we were labeled a secondhalf team going into the game; when we played them [Valley] last time, it took us a while to score, but once we did get a goal they started coming right away,” Pierce said. “I made it my goal to get a goal right away.”

The team continued the rally, giving the Corsairs a 6-0 lead at the half. All of the eligible sophomores started the game, and by the end of the game the whole team found its way onto the field. “A lot of those girls haven’t gotten a huge amount of minutes throughout the season, and for those starters being on the bench supporting, and cheering them on when they are doing good things, I think it’s very important for a positive team dynamic,” Head Coach Aaron Benditson said. “You could see how happy they were to have those players come in, and enjoy playing the game.” One player who did not play, however, was sophomore Emily Pierce, who finished up her two game suspension that she received during SMC’s loss at Bakersfield on Nov. 2. Benditson explained that Pierce would help SMC if they make the playoffs going forward.

“She’s a quality player—she actually was incorporated into our team a little bit late,” Benditson said. “Once she joined our team, she just gave us another potent weapon in our attack, especially with how good she is on the ball and her creativity offensively.” But SMC apparently didn’t need Pierce’s offensive creativity, as they were able to get plenty of goals from Meg Pierce and sophomore forward Rosie Potts. Freshman forward Daysi Serrano contributed two goals coming off the bench. Santa Monica College will find out on Monday if they make the playoffs—but the team feels pretty optimistic about their chances. “The playoffs are a whole new ball game; it essentially is a whole new season,” Benditson said. “Hopefully we are in a good state of mind. We’re all pretty healthy, and we are excited for the opportunity to see how far we can go.”

men’s basketball

Corsairs battle back in come-from-behind thriller David Yapkowitz & Alex Vejar Sports Editor & Staff Writer

What do you do when you’re down one with 12 seconds to go, and the game is on the line? Give it to the guy who’s 1-6 from the field. “We were trying to get it to Chris [Camper] regardless,” Head Coach Jerome Jenkins said after the game. The Santa Monica College men’s basketball team edged out a 72-71 victory over the Cerritos College Falcons last Friday night on a reverse layup by Camper with 1.5 seconds left in the game. Before Camper’s late heroics, he wasn’t having the most superhuman of games. Nonetheless, he felt he “needed to make something happen.” “I just felt like I wasn’t having a productive game. I was in the right spot at the right time, and I just had to make a play,” Camper said. Despite getting off to a strong 12-3 start, SMC eased up on their early defensive pressure and allowed Cerritos to get comfortable. After an early timeout, Cerritos went on an 8-2 run, getting them back in the game. The Corsairs trailed by seven at halftime, and fell behind by 15 points in the second half. A ferocious dunk late in the second half by Jon Benson of Cerritos gave them their biggest lead, 61-46. Following his monster slam, Benson was assessed a technical foul for a little too much showboating. The Corsairs would use that as fuel for their comeback. “We teach our guys that no deficit is too big,” said Jenkins. “We started playing better basketball and our players made plays.”

Helping to spark the run was freshman guard Keilan Horton. He led the Corsairs in scoring with 23 points off the bench, scoring 15 in the second half alone. “I had to turn the switch on, get my team going, play with some intensity and pick up the pace,” Horton said. The Corsairs hit Cerritos with a 17-2 run, knotting the game up at 63 off a Horton jump shot. With 51 seconds left, he knocked down a pair of free throws to put SMC ahead at 68-67, their first lead since early in the first half. Then the unthinkable happened. Before Cerritos inbounded the ball, Horton committed his fifth and final foul, sending Falcons’ guard Manny Garcia to the free throw line. He made both shots, giving Cerritos back the lead. On the ensuing play, Corsair forward David Nwaba drove down the lane and scored, putting SMC back up by one. The Falcons would answer back with a jump shot from guard Kevin Conrad, who led his team in scoring with 11 points. It was time to take action, or go home. Without taking a timeout, the Corsairs ran up the floor, looking for a way to get the ball inside. With Horton fouled out, Camper was SMC’s first option. Jenkins stated that he wanted to go to Camper because he has good size and strength, enabling him to get good post-position. Camper muscled his way to the rim, converting a reverse layup to seal SMC’s victory. After the game, he explained what propelled his team to come out on top. “Everybody stepped and played the way we’re supposed to play,” Camper said. With one win under their belt, the Corsairs travel to Irvine Valley College for a threeday tournament starting Thursday, Nov. 15 against Imperial Valley College at 8 p.m.

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