Ways to use Yogurt in Indian recipe

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Table of content

● Everything you need to know about yogurt

● Nutrition

● When is yogurt good for you?

● Fast facts about yogurt

● Types ofYogurts

● What are the most significant health advantages of yogurt?

● Indian Recipes WithYogurt Or Curd

● Conclusion

Everything you need to know about yogurt

Using a yogurt culture, milk is fermented to create yogurt, a dairy product. It offers calcium and protein and may improve the balance of good bacteria in the intestines. Depending on the type of yogurt consumed, there are a number of health advantages, such as defense against osteoporosis, relief from irritable bowel syndrome, and support for digestion.


Yogurt is a delicious and healthy supplement to any diet. There are numerous varieties of yogurt, and some are healthier than others. Yogurt comes in a variety of varieties with various amounts of nutritional value.You can contact Corriander Leaf to get to know about the nutrition in yogurt or dahi.

When is yogurt good for you?

● Yogurt consumption may or may not be a healthy choice, depending on who is drinking it and what sort.

● Yogurt contains significant amounts of protein, calcium, vitamins, living cultures, and probiotics, which can enhance the gut flora.

● These might safeguard teeth, bones, and the digestive system.

● Low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein when trying to reduce weight.

● Probiotics may help to boost the immune system.

Fast facts about yogurt

● Milk is fermented with a yogurt culture to create yogurt.

● Examples of health benefits include supporting bone health and enhancing digestion.

● Probiotics, which are living, active bacteria found in some yogurts, can support gut health.

● The health advantages of heat-treated yogurt are diminished since the products lack live microorganisms. For instance, raisins with yogurt on them.

● Yogurt contains calcium, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12, and calcium. The amounts vary depending on the type.

Types ofYogurts


By adding microorganisms to milk, yogurt is made and thickened, giving it its well-known tart flavor. In order to stop curds from developing, milk is heated. The mixture is then chilled before adding bacterial culture. Probiotics, which are live, active microorganisms found in most yogurt, support gut and intestinal health.Although it is less thick than other yogurt options because it is still too thick to swallow.

2. GreekYogurt

This is strained to eliminate the liquid and whey after the yogurt base has been made, giving it a thicker consistency than regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is a well-liked alternative to sauces used in savory foods because of its potent sour flavor. (Did you know that

ricotta cheese consists of the liquid and whey extracted from Greek yogurt?)


Australian yogurt is unstrained, just like regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is thicker than standard yogurt but has a creamier texture. Since it is cooked more slowly and for a longer period of time than regular yogurt.

4. FrenchYogurt

Instead of being created in a large vat and then divided into containers, French-style yogurt is cultured in the individual-sized containers it is served in. It is much like conventional yogurt, but it is less sweet than other yogurts and has a smooth, creamy texture.

5. Skyr/IcelandicYogurt

Greek yogurt is notably thinner and less tart than Icelandic yogurt, or Skyr.There is disagreement over whether Skyr belongs in the category of yogurt varieties. It may be claimed that it is cheese because of the way the process causes curds to form. Skyr is promoted as Icelandic yogurt in the United States because, whatever it is properly called, it is eaten like yogurt. Skyr is one of the thickest yogurts on the market since it has been strained four times.

6. Lactose-freeYogurt

There is yogurt available without lactose, even if yogurt with live, active cultures is already a suitable option for those who are lactose intolerant.Aunique enzyme that breaks down the lactose in milk is available in the lactose-free yogurt. Your body does not feel the discomfort of lactose intolerance in the absence of this lactose. Because the lactose has only been broken down outside of your body, it still tastes like regular yogurt.

7. DrinkableYogurt

There are many alternatives available for drinkable yogurts, not just in terms of flavors. However they come in a variety of consistency levels, from a thinner consistency more like skim milk to a thicker consistency more akin to classic yogurt.Additionally, you can decide whether you want to savor a sour or sweet yogurt. When traveling or on the go, this sort of yogurt is a terrific option for a healthy snack.

What are the most significant health advantages

of yogurt?


It may help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

According to study, yogurt may assist people from developing Type 2 diabetes. Feller claims that yogurt “contains unique properties, such as its lactic acid bacteria concentration, which may alter gut microbiota and have a possible function in lowering glycemic variability,” or the sharp fluctuations in a person’s blood sugar levels. Naturally, it’s important to remember that the yogurt you choose shouldn’t contain sugar; otherwise, you won’t be able to take advantage of this benefit.

2. It's good for bone health.

Regular, plain yogurt has 415 milligrams of calcium per eighth-ounce serving, which is crucial for strong bones. By increasing bone density, calcium aids in maintaining bone strength, according to Castillo.This can serve as an osteoporosis defense. Calcium is also necessary for vascular contraction, muscular function, nerve transmission, and cellular signaling, according to Modell.Yogurt’s high-quality protein helps maintain healthy bones and builds muscle.

3. It's good for heart health.

Want to consume foods that are heart-healthy? Take a yogurt spoon and dig in. However a study that showed frequent consumption of fermented dairy products like yogurt (approximately two servings per week) can help minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure over the long term.

4. It's good for your gut.

According to Modell, probiotics found in yogurt, particularly the dairy variety, help your immune system and “enhance digestive health by maintaining levels of ‘good bacteria’in the gut.” Castillo adds that this beneficial bacteria also lessens irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and aids in the breakdown of lactose. This will benefit not only your digestive system but also your brain. There is a significant link between gut health and brain health, according to scientific studies.Thus, regular yogurt consumption can benefit both mood and cognitive function.Also connect to Corriander leaf and we will inform you about the additional benefits of yogurt.

Indian Recipes WithYogurt Or Curd

1. Low-Fat Dahi Chicken

The dahi chicken recipe is flavorful and low in fat. Furthermore, it’s easy to make. Chicken pieces can be simply marinated in a curd marinade and left to rest for around 30 minutes. Once you add your onions and tomatoes, you can fry them in masala.

2. DahiAloo

This gravy side dish pairs beautifully with plain chapatis or hot, steaming rice.The dinner, which includes curd-cooked potatoes, is simple, quick, and delicious. On those leisurely days, you may prepare this meal in about 20 minutes.

3. Dahi Bhindi

It is a well-known Hyderabadi dish. Curd can be helpful while making dahi bhindi, a straightforward and speedy curry preparation that has a smooth and creamy texture. When you eat this sabzi, the spicy curd (dahi) gravy absorbs into it, making it juicy

4. Kadai Paneer

This delicious and delectable dish is not only simple to prepare but also a favorite of paneer lovers. You can quickly prepare this dahi kadai paneer when you have visitors over because it only takes 30 minutes to prepare.

5. ChickenYoghurt Curry

This is a recipe that all chicken fans will like devouring with roti or chawal and will taste fantastic. However the dahi in it adds a calming taste to the dish’s robust masala flavor. Chutney is an additional option that you have with it.


Corriander leaf advises you choosing yogurt brands that have undergone scientific investigation if you’re buying it for your health. However, to help communities get the most out of this potentially crucial meal, scientists have called for more thorough research and legislation on yogurt’s nutritional value and commercialization.

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