Benefits of Mustard oil in Indian food

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Table of content

● Mustard Oil Nutrition

● Health Benefits of Mustard Oil

● How to use mustard oil for various benefits?

● Mustard Oil Recipes

● Conclusion

Mustard Oil Nutrition

Mustard oil contains around 12% saturated fat, about 21% polyunsaturated fats, about 60% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), including 42% erucic acid and 12% oleic acid, and about 6% omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and 15% omega-6 linoleic acid (LA). Due to its ideal omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and low concentration of saturated fats, mustard oil is healthier and more favored than many other oils on the market. However reddish-brown or amber in color, mustard oil is distinguished by its potent aroma and bitter, pungent flavor. The presence of allyl isothiocyanate is what gives mustard oil its pungent flavor. You obtain this fatty vegetable oil by pressing mustard seeds. Hence let’s take a closer look at mustard oil in Indian food and its advantages for the time being with Corriander leaf; the finest restaurant in the town.

Health Benefits of Mustard Oil

1. Cardioprotective Effects

Mustard oil is a nutritious edible oil because it has a favorable LA: ALA ratio, is high in MUFA and PUFA, notably alpha-linolenic acid, and is low in saturated fatty acids (SFA) (6:5) When mustard oil was used by Myocardial Infarct (MI) patients, arrhythmias, heart failure, and angina were decreased As a result, mustard oil is a beneficial option for people with cardiovascular diseases

2. Reduces Cough, Colds

Mustard oil has been used for centuries to treat allergies, asthma, coughing, and other respiratory conditions. Mustard oil steam inhalation leads to relieve respiratory congestion. Additionally, massaging our feet and chest with a mixture formed by heating mustard oil, a few garlic cloves, and a teaspoon of ajwain offers relief from a cold and a cough. Patients with sinusitis may also get benefits from mustard oil.

3.Anti-bacterial,Anti-fungal &Anti-carcinogenic Properties

The antibacterial, fungicidal, and cancer-preventive properties of glucosinolate, which is present in mustard oil, are beneficial for human health Thus, it shields us from gastrointestinal and colorectal malignancies Food is safe from fungus development and infection by the antifungal substance allyl isothiocyanate

4. Strengthens Red Blood Cells

All the fats needed by our body to carry out various biological processes as parts of plasma, cell lipids, and cell membranes come primarily from mustard oil. Red blood cell membrane structure is improved and cholesterol is reduced with mustard oil (RBC).

5.Acts as a Stimulant

Our sweat glands are known to be stimulated by mustard oil, a natural stimulant, which enhances blood circulation throughout the body. Additionally, it aids in lowering body temperature and toxin removal. Increased blood circulation throughout the body helps to relax and revitalize tense, overworked muscles.

6. Relief from Joint Pain &Arthritis

Regular mustard oil massages are effective at easing sore muscles and joints. Due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in mustard oil, which assist to reduce stiffness and discomfort associated with arthritis, people who have arthritis also feel relief and comfort after receiving a massage using mustard oil.

7. Immunity Booster

Based on what our bodies need, mustard oil in Indian food is composed differently This oil has a low saturated fat content of 7% and a high monounsaturated fatty acid content of 3 6-32 2% A sizable proportion of linoleic (18:2) and linolenic acids are also present (18:3)

8. Reduces Diabetic Hazards

The level of vitamin E in the alpha-tocopherol found in mustard oil in Indian food helps to reduce the risks associated with diabetes.

9. BoostsAppetite

People who are underweight can drink mustard oil, which is quite beneficial. By pounding your stomach and facilitating the flow of gastric fluids and bile, which cause the feeling of hunger, it makes you want to eat more.

10. May inhibit the development of cancer cells

According to research, mustard oil may also aid in reducing the growth and metastasis of specific cancer cells in your body. Insulin resistance and excessive fat oxidation are mostly brought on by trans fat. Thus, mustard oil’s lack of trans fat contributes to the maintenance of insulin levels, which in turn control our blood sugar levels.

How to use mustard oil for various benefits?

1. Food can be cooked and fried in mustard oil. In this way, it strengthens our immune system and benefits diabetes and our hearts.

2. Pickles and chutneys that have it added serve as preservatives.

3. Inhale steam containing mustard oil to relieve congestion in the respiratory system.

4.To relieve a cold or a cough, we can massage our feet and chest with a mixture of mustard oil, garlic, and ajwain.

5 A spoonful of honey and mustard oil can help with a variety of respiratory issues

6 Oil pulling with mustard oil eliminates bacteria and stops gum bleeding

7.Our teeth and gums become healthy when we apply a paste made of salt, turmeric, and mustard oil on them.

8.You can massage your skin with a blend of coconut oil and mustard oil.

Mustard Oil Recipes

1. Instant Red Chilli Pickle (Indian Style)

● Fresh whole red chilies, 20 pieces (lal mirch)

● Seeds from six tablespoons of coriander (dhania)

● Two teaspoons of mustard seeds, yellow (peeli rai)

● Fennel seeds, three tablespoons (saunf)

● Fenugreek seeds two teaspoons (methi dana)

● Nigella seeds, two teaspoons (kalonji)

● Two teaspoons of powdered raw mango (amchur)

● One teaspoon of natural turmeric (haldi)

● Salt, two tablespoons

● Ateaspoon and a half of asafoetida (hing)

● Mustard oil, six tablespoons (kachi ghani)

● Two lemons juice

2. Indian Spiced Cauliflower

Healthy eating might seem difficult in the winter when our bodies yearn for comfort foods, even when we are eager to start the new year off right. You don’t have to give up flavor when choosing a healthy side dish because this recipe is full of warming spices and purifying elements like lemon and turmeric. For a filling supper, grill the eggs, tempeh, or beef.

Ingredients for a marinade

● Coconut oil, 3 tablespoons

● Curry powder, two tablespoons

● Garam masala, two teaspoons

● Sea salt, one teaspoon

● 1 bunch sliced cauliflower florets

Relishing Substances

● Olive oil, two tablespoons

● 3 ounces of minced almonds

● Sea salt, one teaspoon

● 1 tablespoon minced fresh mint

● Turmeric, 1 teaspoon

● 1 date, finely chopped and

● 1 teaspoon of lemon zest


● A400 degree oven is recommended.

● The marinade ingredients and cauliflower should be combined in a bowl and thoroughly mixed.

● Put the cauliflower in the oven after placing it on a baking sheet. Roast till soft and barely browned after 15 minutes of tossing every five minutes.

● Combine the ingredients for the almond relish in a different bowl. On a serving platter, arrange the cauliflower and top with the relish.

3. Dhaba Style Paneer Masala Recipe

Onion, garlic, tomato, chilies, spices, and cottage cheese are required to make paneer masala. This meal, which has Indian origins, is full of spices; masala is the word that describe the spices. The cottage cheese, also known as paneer, is first marinated, fried, and then a vegetable and spice gravy is made.Then combine the gravy with the paneer.


● 400g of paneer cubes and four medium onions, chopped

● Degi red chili powder, 1 teaspoon

● 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

● Frying in 1/2 cup of mustard oil

Paneer masala

● Salt to taste

● 10 grams of cumin seeds

● 2 seeds of coriander

● 2 to 4 cloves

● Black peppercorns, 1/2 tsp.

● Black cardamom, two

● One cardamom plant

● Cinnamon stick, 1 1/2 inches

For Tempering

● 3–4 dried red peppers

● Two cloves

● 5 to 4 black peppercorns

● 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

● Garlic and ginger paste (crushed, not ground)

● Aheaping teaspoon of degi red chili powder

● 12 tsp of coriander powder, heaping

● 1/2 cup of tomato puree

● 34 teaspoon of prepared paneer masala

● Remaining oil from the fried paneer

● Leaves of coriander for garnish

● 1 cup vinegar 1 little cube of medium-sized beets

● 5–10 peeled onions, 2 teaspoons sugar

● 12 inch of peeled ginger

How to Make Paneer Masala

● Dry roast the cumin seeds, coriander powder, cloves, black and green cardamoms, black peppercorns, and cinnamon stick in a skillet

● All of the prepared masala should be transferred to a grinding jar and ground into a fine powder

● Set it aside for a later time.

For frying and marinating

● Paneer, degi red chili powder, turmeric powder, and salt should all be combined together in a mixing dish.

● Paneer is added to hot oil in the pan and cooked till crisp on a medium temperature.

● Put it on a piece of tissue paper and set it aside for later use.

For Tempering

● Add cumin seeds, cloves, black peppercorns, and dried red chili powder to the same pan and let it sputter

● Add the onion and cook it well After that, stir in the ginger-garlic paste

● Now add some turmeric, coriander, and red chili powder and sauté

● Now stir in the salt and tomato puree, and cook for 5 minutes

● Then combine everything thoroughly before adding the prepared paneer masala and fried paneer

● Remove it, place it in a serving bowl, and add some garnishing


You can simply reach out to one of the best restaurants “Corriander Leaf” and we will let you know more about mustard oil and it’s benefits and recipes in details.

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