Personal Fables 3C

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The cheetah and the snail One day there was a slow, clever and good snail that lived on the farm. One day he went to the small farmer‟s house and met a fast, foolish and arrogant cheetah.

Then arrogant cheetah laugh to

Snail “I‟m faster than you” “You are very slow”. Then slow Snail wanted to challenge the fast Cheetah because he thought that he could win by being clever and not by being fast. Then they started the race and tortoise felt nervous but Cheetah felt excited because he thought he was going to win. Foolish Cheetah rushed ahead.

Suddenly Cheetah stopped because he saw his favorite

food delicious pizza with ice-cream and started to eat it but clever Snail didn‟t stop. He kept running. Finally when Cheetah finished his food Cheetah remembered about the race and goes running till the end but Snail has already won and Cheetah cried and went home.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

By Camila

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