CorD Magazine No.12

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Interview opposed this requirement, while the European Union and Javier Solana are arguing strongly in favour of these elections. There is an existing commitment for these elections to be held. Naturally, everyone in the international community expects the elections to be held, both in Serbia and in Montenegro. Another point that was very important in this report is cooperation with The Hague Tribunal. How do you see that issue progressing? There's a lot of criticism of the apparent unwillingness of Serbia & Montenegro to co-operate with The Hague Tribunal and I think this is damaging the international reputation of Serbia & Montenegro. I would urge all the authorities in SCG to not only co-operate with The Hague Tribunal, but to be seen to be co-operating with the Tribunal. In the same light, how would you comment on the situation in Bosnia & Herzegovina, considering that there is also some turbulence regarding co-operation with The Hague Tribunal? There is indeed a lot of criticism about Bosnia & Herzegovina as well, but of course this is no defence, or argument, for Serbia & Montenegro to fail to co-operate. Everybody should co-operate with the international tribunal in The Hague. Would it be fair to say that everything is not quite as dark as it seems? There has been a significant improvement in relations between Serbia and Croatia: the Croatian Prime Minister made a very positive visit to Belgrade and senior Serbian and SCG officials reciprocated with a visit to Croatia. How do you feel the improvement of bi-lateral relations between Serbia and Croatia can help stabilise South-Eastern Europe? I think an improvement in relations between Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro is very important. I think everyone, especially myself, is pleased to see that there has been a marked

Importance of Federal elections At the level of the State Union, the recent period was marked by a stalemate. The State Union Court has now been established, but it still has no functional premises in Podgorica and there is little evidence of its activities. Furthermore, there is still a lack of clarity around the competences of this Court and this is certainly linked to the debate over the future of the State Union. The most debated issue is the question of the direct election of the State Union Parliament. According to the Constitutional Charter, the State Union Parliament should be directly elected 2 years after the adoption of the Charter, i.e. by February 2005. The Republic of Serbia has adopted the necessary legislative provisions for the organisation of these elections, in spite of a lack of enthusiasm at the idea to have another round of elections. The problem resides with the Republic of Montenegro where there is reluctance by the authorities to organise elections to a Parliament which could possibly disappear a few months later in case of a successful referendum on independence which could be organised at the end of the 3-year period in March 2006. Clearly, the incapacity to organise direct elections to the State Union Parliament would constitute a breach of the Constitutional Charter and would further weaken the State Union institutions.

Kosovo a part of Serbia improvement in recent months; the more contact that takes place, the better. In your view, does South-East Europe have a clear European perspective? Or rather, is the EU completely decided that all countries of South-East Europe will achieve membership of the European Union? I cannot really comment on the European Union. The Council of Europe and the European Union are two different organisa-

I'm very disappointed that the authorities in the Serbian Orthodox Church will not allow us to repair their churches in Kosovo. We have the money. We have the will. But they refuse to let us help them. tions. Serbia & Montenegro is already a full member of the Council of Europe. I understand, of course, that many people in Serbia & Montenegro want their country to join the European Union, but that is a matter for Serbia & Montenegro and the European Union. It is not a matter on which the Council of Europe can comment. Addressing the issue of democracy in this region more broadly, the situation of national minorities is a very important factor of democracy. The very issue of inter-ethnic relations was the biggest problem of this region in the last decade. How do you see the current position of Kosovo in that regard? Kosovo is a very important factor in the Balkans. However, we regard Kosovo as part of Serbia & Montenegro that is, of course, CorD | January 2005


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