EXPLOITS Magazine November 2020

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w w w. J e r u s a l e m C h a n n e l . t v

The Flying of the Bride By Christine Darg Jewish weddings are typically held at night. The fact that Jesus described his sudden coming at midnight means that his coming will be alarming and unexpected by most of the world, but not by the Bride who is making herself ready!

Think of a gauge reaching 100 per cent. It has taken centuries, but some day soon the true Church of believers will reach maximum fullness . . . .and then when the Lord is fully satisfied with the complete number of the gentiles in the Church, as Romans 11: 25 teaches, the Lord will come for us and the Bride will fly away! Let’s do all we can to be sure God’s gauge reaches 100 per cent of souls saved and overflowing!

In Biblical weddings, the custom of lifting up the bride on a portable couch was called “the flying of the bride” as she was whisked away to the father’s house. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is being prepared. The soon coming of the Lord is evident by the historic announcement of the Abraham Accords, peace between the physical descendants of Abraham: Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. The Accords are a fulfilment of Bible prophecy



for which we have prayed and longed to see. The Bible itself predicted that the Gulf states would come into alignment with the Jewish state in Ezekiel 38: 13. However, Bible prophecy watchers know that eventually the Antichrist will confirm a seven-year covenant in the region. That’s according to Daniel 9:27. That’s why it is important to press into God for massive revival now because we want the Bride, the Body of Messiah, to be enlarged at maximum capacity before the Rapture. The only reason why the Lord’s coming is delayed is because he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. And when the Bride is fully ready, God promises Israel that he will fully regathered all the Jewish people to their own land and give them a future and a hope under King Messiah’s reign.

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This was our Feast of Tabernacles tent on the Mount of Olives. The Lord has given us amazing locations in past years, but due to virus lockdowns, the Lord instead spread his tent this year from Jerusalem to the nations. Christine Darg participated in a number of Zoom telecasts with Orthodox Jews! The Lord’s ways are past finding out! God is always doing the new thing!

Type to enter text Christine Darg has been named on the first annual list of Israel’s “Top 50 Christian Allies.” The list includes Pastor John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. We thank our faithful ministry partners for helping to make this honour possible. The Knesset’s Israel Allies Foundation published the list in honour of Succot and Zechariah 14: 16.

As soon as Israel opens for tourism again, we are urging our partners to join us for our next prayer tours. It is vitally important to make up for lost time! Please visit our website Events page for regular updates. Whether it is our New Year conference or Passover Convocation, we urgently need your participation and support!

God’s Last Refuge for the Jewish People?

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Christine’s newest book is available to order in printed form or by ebook at smile.Amazon.com in the USA and smile.Amazon.co.uk in the UK. Where can the Jewish people shelter after the desecration of their holy temple which will be rebuilt in Jerusalem? The current ongoing “Abraham Accords” peace deals indicate how close we really are to the future Daniel 9:27 covenant that Israel will make “with many.” Exploits Ministry Trustee Patrick Lineen wrote, “This is a superb book. The crying need of the hour is for a clear exposition of what the Bible says about the End Times.” In his recommendation, Pastor Derek Walker of the Oxford Bible Church said, “It is full of precious prophetic insights. Christine’s devotion to God’s Word is matched by her openness to His Spirit, which is exemplified by her dramatic supernatural experience at Petra, where He gave her a vision of what will soon happen at the place, which agrees with what the Bible teaches.” Prayer leader Susan Bowles: “An eye opener with the ability to bring you to your knees in prayer for God’s beautiful people.” CM Franklin’s review at Amazon: “The go-to book for the return of Messiah Yeshua.”

The mandate of EXPLOITS MINISTRY ® You shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost ends of the earth. (Acts 1: 8) In the USA Exploits/Daystar International is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 charity PO Box 2768 Staunton, Virginia 24402 USA In the UK Exploits is a registered charity (108 5831) PO Box 109 Hereford HR4 9XR England To make a one-time monthly donation by credit or debit card, visit our website www.JerusalemChannel.tv/donate To contact us by email: jerusalemchannel@icloud.com Cover photo: Painting by Alex Levin www.artlevin.com ©All rights reserved November 2020

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