Expo Guide / Contactus Ealing 2020

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Make the most of your Expo days


elcome to Ealing Business Expo 2020 – 12 hours over two days to promote and support the local business community in Ealing and Expo director, West London. Carlene Bender We’ve been through a few The Contactus changes of date and format for Network Expo 2020, but here we are at last, 100% online and learning as we go. I’d love to know how you’re using this event – are you just attending the talks, and/or are you here to network, or promote what you do? Email and let me know your feedback and your ideas: info@contactusealing.co.uk


We’d love to hear about your experiences at the Ealing Business Expo! Include the hashtag #EalingBizExpo in your social media posts (highfives for posts with photos/ videos) so we can join in the conversation with you.

Visitor etiquette

Remember that exhibitors have paid to promote their businesses at the Expo. Visitors may use the speed networking sessions to share their own offers. Some of the sessions have been sponsored, so please expect to hear a short pitch from the people who have helped us to put on this event


2 • The Stands 3 • Visitors Guide 4 • Event schedule 7 • Speakers info 11 • Networking tips 13 • Exhibitors 17 • “Thumbs up” 18 • Standing out on Zoom 23 • Follow up CONTACTUS EALING (turn over to read from other side) 4 • Q&A: Alex Pemberton, Tecric

Visitors Guide

How to attend Ealing Business Expo Online 2020


ave a look through this gentle guide to ensure you make the most of the time you spend with us at Expo 2020. 1. Where to start The Expo has been set up at ealingbizexpo.co.uk – click through to the special ‘Expo Day’ page to find the list of sessions, alongside the online stands. As we go through the schedule, talks and sessions that have ended will be shaded out and the current part of the event will be highlighted so you know exactly where to click/tap to join in. Most of the sessions will take place on Zoom, and some on Facebook. If for some reason you can’t access the Expo website, the pinned post on our Facebook page @ealingbizexpo will also be regularly updated. The meeting links and passwords will also be sent by email the day before the start of the event. As long as you have registered for the event (via

Eventbrite), you will receive this email. It might be in your spam folder, though. 2. Speed networking There are five (5!) online speed networking sessions of 20 minutes each – but don’t feel pressured to attend all of them. This style of networking is new to most people, but it’s not difficult – just join the session, and after the short welcome, you will automatically be placed in a breakout room to meet a new (or not so new) contact. After one minute you’ll be switched to another room to meet and speak with a different person, and so on until the 20 minutes are up. More tips for online speed networking on page 11. 3. When to engage Some of the sessions will be open Zoom calls, and some are webinars. You are welcome to use the Chat feature to ask questions, comment on what’s going on (please be generous

with your positivity), or reply to someone else’s comment. During the social media breaks, please do post something about the event. Don’t forget to stop by the online stands to connect with local companies that you might like to do business with. Some of the exhibitors will be live at the other end of a Zoom link, others will be available by appointment. 4. In case of trouble It’s unlikely that we will get through 12 hours of an online Expo without any glitches. If there is a problem at our end, we will update Twitter first. If there’s a problem at your end that we can help with, send a DM or quick email to info@ contactusealing.co.uk For information about the speakers, see pages 7 & 9, and about the exhibitors, pages 13-15. Remember to flip over and read the ‘Contactus Ealing’ side of the magazine too!


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