Daily Lobo 08/22/2022

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By Madeline @maddogpukitePukite

SUB comes alive for Friday Night Live SAC kicks off Welcome Back Days

Ruiz, a business management major and public relations head of UNM board see Friday page 2

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901 Students walk up and down the stairs in the UNM SUB atrium during Friday Night Live on Aug. 19. By John @JScott050901Scott On Friday, Aug. 19, Lobos flooded the Student Union Building at the University of New Mexico for Friday Night Live, a one-night activity event kicking off Welcome Back Days. Laser tag, casino games and free food were just a few of the highlights from the late-night gathering. This event was only the first in a series of events called Welcome Back Days, aimed at welcoming students back to campus after summer break — other planned events include the Class Crawl, Movie on the Field, President’s Ice Cream Social and UNM Community Day. The primary purpose of this kickoff event was to con nect students not only with one another, but with the various organizations and clubs avail able on campus, according to Student Activities Center advisor Rudy“It’sMontoya.primarily intended to get students connected; it’s a little bit more social … We’ve invited chartered student organiza tions to showcase their work … It’s a good chance for them to share who they are, what they’re doing, recruit new members,” Montoya said. For Ethan Krammer, a senior studying nuclear engi neering and former president of the American Nuclear Society at UNM, the event helps with net working and getting the word out about their organization to students as well as spreading the word about nuclear engineering more broadly. “It works for us two-fold. Our first thing is obviously to get peo ple that are interested in nuclear policy and energy and power and get them involved in our student section here on campus, but we’re also here to inform people about nuclear energy (so they) know … it’s a thing that is good for combating climate change,” KrammerMontoyasaid.emphasized how an event like this can allow new and returning students alike to form new connections with people and organizations across“Thecampus.biggest opportunity is connections. It allows people to meet each other … We get a lot of brand new students who’ve just moved to campus; they’ve been in the residence halls around campus for an entire day at this point … It’s a great way for new people to have an experience and become friends. It’s a great for returning groups, return ing friends to connect with each other and be in campus and in person and sort of just engage all around,” Montoya said. The event helps to make starting college a less intimi dating experience, according to Rosie Deal, a freshman exercise science major. “It makes it a little bit less scary, too, because I feel like people look more approach able now that like, you know, we’re having a party together,” DealTristiansaid.

Grad union bargaining reaches tensionover retracted raises, grievance clause

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901 Members and supporters of the United Grad Workers of UNM rally on the corner of University Blvd. and Basehart as a UNM shuttle to Lobo Village passes by on Thursday, July 14.

The United Graduate Workers of the University of New Mexico just wrapped up another bar gaining session on Friday, Aug. 12 and are preparing for the next on Monday, Aug. 29, with a walkin planned for Monday, Aug. 22. While the Union is making prog ress, they still face difficulties from the University, according to Samantha Cooney, a member of the bargaining committee. “We’ve made a lot of movement with the UNM bargaining team towards an agreement on what those assistantship contracts should say and how much clarity we should have the right to before starting our job duties each con tract period,” Cooney said. Previously, many graduate workers had experience with be ing asked to do personal tasks for advisors as a part of their job, according to Union member Me gan Vigus. Having definitive job descriptions would also enable them to be more prepared for their“Sowork.we’re making progress on having a two-step process where there’s a draft contract that has these assistantship duties and descriptions that can be negoti ated before it gets sent for final approval by graduate studies of fice,” Vigus However,said.the Union did face arguments with the University over a grievance clause, which is outlined by the Public Employ ee Bargaining Act as an avenue where employees — but not the University — can file grievances; the University has been calling for equal power to enact griev ances through this same process, according to Cooney. Cooney is concerned about the potential room for abuse if the University is able to use it as well. “I think it’s also important because the University itself has a lot more money than em ployees do. And if they were wanting to take us to arbitration and spend an exorbitant amount see Union page 2

Daily l obo new mexico The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895 dailylobo.com Monday, August 22, 2022 | Volume 127 | Issue 2

PAGE 2 / MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com NobFresh.Simple.Local.(505)266-06073222SilverAveSEHillCrepeEscape 10% OFF with UNM ID! The Daily Lobo is digital first! The Daily Lobo will publish new content every day on our website, dailylobo.com, and publish a print issue every Monday! www.dailylobo.com @DailyLobo @DailyLobo @DailyLobo @DailyLobo Friday from page 1 game and role-playing game club Tabletop Tavern, recalled his own experience of joining Tabletop Tavern and how clubs and organizations on campus can help students find a sense of “Icommunity.waslooking specifically for a place to play (Dungeons & Drag ons). It wasn’t until this club was made that I had that sort of club … And from this, I’ve met half the people I hang out with on campus. Without it, honestly, I wouldn’t know a lot of people,” RuizThesaid.importance of Welcome Back Days as a whole comes down to community, according to “It’sMontoya.onething to look at a ton of brochures and emails that stu dents have received … It can be easier and more engaging to be able to walk around a set of tents or tables or in a building and actually see the people who are behind these programs and ser vices. Not just to realize how vast and diverse the UNM commu nity is, but also to be able to find their place and see what works for them, what’s interesting to them,” Montoya said. Students interested in get ting involved with the American Nuclear Society at UNM can go to their website. Students inter ested in joining Tabletop Tavern can join their Discord through their website.

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

John Scott is the editor-inchief at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at editorinchief@ dailylobo.com or on Twitter @ JScott050901

A student lines up a shot while playing pool. Union from page 1 of money that the employees and Union just doesn’t have, I think it’s quite important that that right remains solely within the Union,” Cooney said. Another point of contention that was brought up was the Uni versity retracting raises that were given to some graduate students, claiming it was illegal to do so while bargaining with the Union. However, Vigus said there is no legal substance to the Univer sity’s claim; the raises would be illegal had the University used them to encourage graduate workers not to be in support of the Union, but this was not the case. The raises are currently still“They’reretracted.trying to claim that they think that because they’re negotiating with the Union, de partments aren’t able to offer raises, which is not true legally,” VigusThesaid.University also argued that the raises would cause pay discrepancies between depart ments. This is already the case and the raises would not have a large impact, according to Vigus. “(We are) going to push for raises, of course, when we get to economic bargaining, and it’ll be higher, of course, than what the University offered,” Cooney said. There is still no agreement over the union rights, which would include details about the Union’s ability to collect dues. The University is trying to push forward on its management rights, which would include details about rights over employ ment and operations. Cooney said they will not discuss man agement rights until union rights are agreed upon. They plan to move into dis cussions on economic barrag ing soon, however, they are still at stand-still in regards to the nondiscrimination article and have yet to reach an agreement on discipline and discharge. The Union is continuing to advocate for representatives present at any meetings involving repre mands, according to Cooney. “We do still need to find an agreement on employee con tracts and discipline on dis charge, but we do hope to move on to economic sections soon, which would be about pay for grad workers and health insur ance benefits, that sort of thing. One of the things though, that has continued to stay stagnant is the nondiscrimination article, which is incredibly frustrating, of course, for our members,” Cooney said. Madeline Pukite is the man aging editor at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at manag ingeditor@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @maddogpukite

MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 / PAGE 3@DailyLoboNEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO ¿Ahorros assignment!That'sestudiantes?paraaneasy Empieza tus 6 meses de prueba. | amazon.com/nuevostudent

REVIEW: ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’ stacks up the schlock in satirical slasher

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the Alleditor-in-chief.contentappearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted.

Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

UNM Land Acknowledgement statement Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council.

This review contains spoilers A24’s new satirical slasher “Bod ies Bodies Bodies,” directed by Dutch actress Halina Reijn, seemed awful by the first trailer — a typical thriller told through the gimmick of influencer culture. To my pleasant surprise, the actual movie offered up a strong visual identity, intel ligent humor and a passable story to tide audiences wary of hearing the same generational jokes we’ve heard thousands of times before. Though still gimmicky, and in many ways unoriginal, “Bodies Bod ies Bodies” is an entertaining and aesthetic ride. The film follows recovering upper-class party girl Sophie (Amandla Stenberg) and her new lower-class girlfriend Bea (Maria Bakalova) as they hunker down for a hurricane party at her friend’s mansion. Animosities, secrets and fake friendships lead to an evening of tense confrontation and bloody fights for survival when members of the group turn up dead one by one. The performances in this film are exactly what one would expect from watching the trailer: broadly disap pointing, but showing real strength in parts. As the night gets bloodier and the ensemble gets trimmed, the performances get stronger — it helps that Pete Davidson’s phonedin “David” is the first to go. The four women who make it furthest in the film give by far the strongest performances, par ticularly Rachel Sennott as Alice, a vapid, drug-addled podcaster; Sen not shows a clear understanding of the source of the satire more than any other actor in the cast. It’s clear Sennott’s strength in “Shiva Baby” was no fluke — this is an actress and comedian to watch. Though “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” standout Bakalova also delivers a strong performance, it’s dampened by a lacking chemistry between her andTheStenberg.satirein this film works far better than the trailers would sug gest. Though the first act suffers from what is clearly the voice of a screenwriter who is not part of Gen Z (Sarah DeLappe) ringing clear in the Gen Z dialogue, the satire grows sharper and more vivid as the titular bodies begin to pile up, reach ing a pitch-perfect high point in the bloody third act confrontation be tween four of the survivors. “Bodies Bodies Bodies” exists in a space between slasher and who dunnit. Unlike the quintessential slasher-whodunnit “Scream,” “Bod ies” finds pleasure more in the idea of a mystery than in actually setting up compelling questions. Though many have lauded the twist ending, it felt like it undercut the promises of both genres far too much. Unlike “Scream,” the solution was evident by the second or third gorey ex ecution, and as the misdirections gathered, they felt just like that — obviousThoughmisdirections.thecamera work was as obfuscating as one would expect from what might be described as a chamber slasher, there were mo ments when the lack of contrast became almost too overbearing. It not only obscures the audience’s senses, but the script’s structure as well, especially in the middle of the second act when the char acters’ movements through the house felt unmotivated — wan derings and separations designed only to provide opportunity to raise theStill,tension.though this is only Reijn’s second feature, there are times where she shows great utilization of film’s visual language. The cam era is hyper-cognizant of what light is coming from where, so through the survive-the-night section of the film, I’d recommend viewers pay close attention to the lighting, both diegetic and nondiegetic, while try ing to notice the things the camera barely shows you. In classic slasher fashion, your eyes only tell part of theThisstory.movie, while better than I was expecting, was still lacking in a lot of areas, but all in all, it’s worth checking out. Be prepared for an ambling-sort of film — not fright ening or funny enough to fully fall into either camp, but enough of both to justify itself to its audiences. Come in with the trailers under your belt, and you’ll be pleasantly sur prised with a perfectly fine night at the movies. Spenser Willden is the culture edi tor at the Daily Lobo. He can be con tacted at culture@dailylobo.com or

Photo Editor MackenzieSchwartz Designer Natalie Jude Editorial Staff Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) news@dailylobo.com277-7530www.dailylobo.com

Opinion Editor / opinion@dailylobo.com The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895 LOBO OPINIONMonday,August22,20224 Volume 127 Issue 2

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Spenser’s Pick: “Drop Dead Gorgeous” dir. Michael Patrick Jann Pageant queens, tap rou tines and more fake Minnesota accents than you can shake a ‘dern’ stick at — Michael Patrick Jann’s 1999 cult hit “Drop Dead Gorgeous” is a riotous pseudomockumentary following a sweet teen beauty queen in pursuit of a pageant crown rigged against her. Starring Kirsten Dunst, Kirstie Alley, Allison Janney and Denise Richards, and featuring Brittany Murphy and a young Amy Adams in her film debut, the movie ac tively avoids many hallmarks of the coming-of-age genre through its pitch-black comedy. This is not a movie focused on young love or personal accep tance, but rather a loss of naiveté concerning human life and the senseless acts of violence occur ring right on the surface of our world. Tragedies in this movie are a dime a dozen, but they’re mean ingless — the world just doesn’t care beyond the next scene when a beauty queen is blown to smith ereens or a young man is shot between the eyes after scorning Richards. Horrible things happen, and it’s Dunst’s character who has to believe in some broader pur pose in order to grow up. This isn’t to dissect the frog, though — what’s best about this movie is its razor-sharp humor. Though extremely dated at times, the movie is a cult classic for a reason, not just for Denise Rich ards performing a tone-deaf impression of Franki Valli to a paJoseph McKee / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Ask the editors graphic by Joseph McKee. see Editors page 6

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions.

Ask the Editors: favorite coming-of-age movies

By Spenser @spenserwilldenWillden

Editor-in-Chief John Scott Managing & News Editor Madeline Pukite Sports Editor Thomas Bulger Culture Editor Spenser Willden Copy Editor Zara Roy Multimedia Editor EstradaKatrina RepresentaiveClassifieds Mariah Rosales Advertising Staff Telephone: (505) advertising@dailylobo.com277-5656www.dailylobo.com

By The Editorial @DailyLoboBoard

With the start of the fall se mester, it can feel like we’re entering the next chapter of our own coming-of-age film, with new characters, settings and conflicts. Three Daily Lobo editors have picked some of their favorite coming-of-age movies for your enjoyment and to maybe help you find your way through your own coming-of-age journey.

The cast of “Bodies Bodies Bodies” stands around a table. Photo courtesy of IMDb.

The Vortex Theatre presents “As You Like It” on Thursday, Aug. 19 as part of the New Mexico Shakespeare Festival.

New Mexico Shakespeare Festival presents free performances of canonical works

ASME UNM The mechanical advantage

MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 / PAGE 5@DailyLobo Caregivers lead activities, play sports, make crafts, have fun and are good role models for school-age children before and after school. Starting pay is $16.50/hr Associate Directors are in a leadership development position for those who are working toward the position of Site Director. FT or PT. Starting pay is $18.50/hr Site Director leads the day-to-day operations of the program. Starting pay is $22/hr Apply at www.childrens-choice.org/jobs 505-296-2880 Children's Choice Child Care is HIRING Join a theengineerspromotingdedicatedorganizationmultidisciplinaryglobal,toandsciences. asme@unm.edu

By Spenser @spenserwilldenWillden

On Aug. 5, the New Mexico Shakespeare Festival opened its 2022 season at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial Park in col laboration with Vortex Theatre and the city of Albuquerque, bringing Shakespeare to New Mexico in an accessible fash ion with free tickets and local talent. This season includes per formances of “As You Like It” and “King Lear” and will run until Sept.The3. festival, one of only 14 free Shakespeare festivals na tionwide, serves to lower the barrier of entry for audiences to enjoy the work of one of the most beloved playwrights of all time by presenting his plays in an accessible fashion at no cost to audience members, according to the festival’s website. The two plays part of this year’s festival are directed by Julia Thudium (“As You Like It”) and Debi Ki erst (“King Lear”), two widely acclaimed veterans of the local theater scene. The festival began as a sum mer season of Shakespeare at the Vortex Theatre, entitled “Willpower,” before moving to Civic Plaza in 2013 and renam ing itself to “Shakespeare in the Plaza,” according to artis see Festival page 10

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

PAGE 6 / MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com spotlight Quirky Used Books & More o ers a wide selection of nonfiction and fiction in all genres and subject areas. Our retail store is located in a converted eyeglass factory just east of Albuquerque’s Nob Hill neighborhood; additional inventory is o ered online. In addition to books, we carry artwork by local artists and a small selection of LPs, CDs, DVDs, collectibles, and gift items. As part of our commitment to the Albuquerque community, we partner with local organizations to help them raise funds through book donation drives. moved!We’veThrift Store P A W S Come in & find a treasure! 50%OFFwithUNMID!*couponcannotbecombinedwithotheroffers* 1830 Juan Tabo Blvd 505.544.7776NEOPEN : Wed, Thur & Sat 10am-5pm Thank you for shopping at PAWS Thrift Store and for supporting our mission to care for cats who have outlived their owners. We have a wide selection of new and used items for adults and their pets. MidMod • Junk • Design 145 Jackson St NE Friday & Sat : 10am - 4pm Sunday : 11am - 4pm FacebookFindpresentedwhendiscount10%validUNMIDisuson&Instagram812Retro@retrogurlpics 12601 Central Ave NE (505) 761-9818 4501 Silver Ave SE (505) 254-1778 Thrift Store Shop & Donate TuesdayDonation9am-5pmSaturdayPickup(800)728-7825 Albuquerque’s Newest Used Bookstore 120 Jefferson St. NE • 505.492.2948 OPEN Mon – Sat 11-6 Come check us out! Albuquerque’s Newest Used Bookstore 120 Jefferson St. NE • 505.492.2948 OPEN Mon – Sat 11-6 Come check us out! Editors from page 4 per mache Jesus Christ on a cross. Like any movie featuring the late Brittany Murphy, “Drop Dead Gorgeous” is camp and imminent ly quotable. Awful pacing aside, this is the perfect movie to put on while you kick back with friends. Zara’s Pick: “Welcome to the Dollhouse” dir. Todd Solondz Cruel and heartfelt, un flinching and empathetic, Todd Solondz’s 1995 film “Welcome to the Dollhouse” is certain to make you laugh and immediately feel terrible for laughing. The film follows a twelve-year-old Dawn Weiner (Heather Matarazzo) as she navigates the harrowing world of middle school and attempts to come to terms with all of the new feelings and relationship dynamics that come with ado lescence — sometimes blissful, sometimes tragic. This film’s progression is objec tively grim, as Dawn is the subject of bullying by peers, neglect by her parents and constant foibles in her pursuit of the ever-alluring high schooler Steve. However, there is a beautiful honesty that comes with Dawn facing increasingly awkward and terrifying events. As she’s slowly stripped of the guards humans often pad themselves with, she is left only with her in nermost core of being. While her story ends on a minor key, there is a certain soothing quality to real izing that I was not alone in feeling like middle school was the end of theTheworld.film is chock-full of Solon dz’ signature grim humor, which I think he executes fairly tastefully in this film. Dawn feels entirely real even when placed in totally unreal situations: the perfect embodiment of the isolation of entering a new period of your life with nobody to guide you. The truth is that change can be ultimately painful, but even in the bleakest of situations, small moments of comfort may light your way.

John’s Pick: “Days of Heaven” dir. Terrence Malik At first glance, Terrence Malik’s sumptuous 1978 film about life in the Midwest just before the Great Depression might not seem like a coming-of-age film. However, this film astutely exhibits the potential subtlety of the coming-of-age film and is one of the finest examples of subversion within the genre. Our three main characters — Bill (Richard Gere), Abby (Brooke Adams) and “The Farmer” (Sam Shepard) — all appear to be in their very early twenties, but are already faced with heavy, concep tually adult issues. Bill struggles to find work, The Farmer has come down with a serious illness and Abby just wants to settle down (an unfortunately weak character arc). We see them having to mature, or come of age if you will, through poetic vignettes of American life. But it’s through Linda, Bill’s younger sister and our narrator (brought to life by a brilliant Linda Manz,) that we find the essence of this coming-of-age tale. Through Linda, we see that our characters are given almost no time to be young. They find brief respite once harvesting season is over on The Farmer’s farm, but they are largely stuck — and history, as well as the film’s ending, tells us that things will not improve for these char acters. They never grow and move beyond their immaturities like other films in the genre, but will stay stuck in a cycle of negation andThetragedy.coming-of-age genre is broad, as are the experiences of growing up in different American eras and climates. No matter your experience, whether bitter and bleak, or exaggerated and mean ingless, there’s a movie to reflect your perspective and help you find solace in the shared pain of getting older. Spenser Willden is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @spenserwillden Zara Roy is the copy chief at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at copychief@unm.edu or on Twit terJohn@zarazzledazzleScottisthe editor-in-chief at the Daily Lobo. He can be con tacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.

MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 / PAGE 7@DailyLoboNEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO COUPONBONANZAEVERYMONDAY WELCOME NEW STUDENTS!$9+Sandwich/WrapSoup&Cookie95 Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Expires 08/28/22 BOXSPECIALLUNCH 2201 Silver Avenue SE (corner of Silver & Yale) 262-2424 5939 4th Street NW Albuquerque 254-2424 5200 Eubank NE Albuquerque 275-2424CAR-MA®TOGOcurbsideservice WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Vegan and Gluten Free Baked Goods Catering Soy-free,Availablewheat-free bakery Tasty made from scratch menu See our Green & Chef’s Plate Specials Onlinewww.worldvegetariancafe.comCHAIHAPPYHOUR 3-5pmdaily ® WELCOME BACK! OPEN 5am - 12am 2400 Central SE WALKONOVER! OPEN 5am 11pm Every Day 2400 Central SE $1.65Save Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 08/19/2022For only $6.60 Reg. $8.25 CHEESEBURGERCHILE (Green Chile, Tomato, Pickle, Onion, Lettuce, Salad Dressing & Cheddar Cheese) THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN TOWN! with a regular OPEN 5am 1am Every Day 2400 Central SE $1.65 For only $4.50 Reg. $6.15 FIESTA BURGER (Red or Green Chile, Cheddar Cheese, Onion, & Lettuce) Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 11/11/16 with a regular For only TACO$6.00TUESDAYSPECIAL2 Crunchy Tacos and a regular soda or iced tea WEDNESDAYSPECIAL 2 Carne BurritosAdovada&Fries No necessary!coupon For only $6.00 No necessary!coupon THURSDAYSPECIAL Frontier Pile-Up with red chile or green chile stew For only $6.00 No necessary!coupon $1.95Save Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 08/26/2022 OPEN 5am 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE For only $4.00 Reg. $5.95 valid only from 5 am - 11 am Breakfast Burrito GOOD MORNING SPECIAL (Egg, Cheese, Green Chile, and Hashbrowns wrapped in a fresh Flour Tortilla) $1.65Save Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 08/26/2022 OPEN 5am 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE For only $5.25 Reg. $6.90 HAMBURGER (Tomato, Pickle, Onion, Lettuce and Salad Dressing) with a regular

NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com HAPS The Entertainment Guide Monday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm (505) 963-1894 Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 (505) 764-0249 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Check out our store! 4012 Central Ave SE, Mon: 12pm-5pm Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. J1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Tuesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm (505) 963-1894 Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! Aug 23 7pm Doors, All Ages! She Wants Revenge- Disappear Tour with D’Arcy* Fearing Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Tues store hours: 11am-5pm Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Wednesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm (505) 963-1894 Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 (505) 764-0249 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Wed store hours: 11am-5pm Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. Join for shared meals on Wednesday evenings @5pm 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE Luther House Thursday Centering Prayer 12:00-1:00pm at the Duck Pond Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm Closed Sundays (505) 963-1894 Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com for more information! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 (505) 764-0249 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 11am-7pm Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Friday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE Luther House Join us to learn, discuss and take action on theological issues At the SUB ( Lower Level North Entrance) 12:00-1:00pm Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM (505) 963-1894 10% o with student I.D. Great place to study! Coffee Shop and Craft Toast 718 Central Ave SW • 505.737.7017 • Sun 9 - 2 • wed-Sat 8 - 2 curioustoastcafe CLOSEDSundayupServinggoodvibes&greathighsMonday - Saturday 10am - 7pm 505.369.1894 4212 4th St Stop by & say high! Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. About 13 percent of them don’t know it and need testing. Be Empowered. Know your status! Walk-In Testing Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Wednesday 1pm 7pm Thursday 801 Encino Place Building F Stop by for a & grab some food or pastryhouse-madetopair! bnbabq 119 Gold Ave SW cOfFeE tEa lEmOnAdE BeEr WiNe

Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Saturday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE

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Aug 27 7pm Doors, All Ages! Butcher Babies* Uncured Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 2pm-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 2pm-7pm Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805


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Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 Squidly Designs Find us at the Downtown Growers Market! 810 Copper Ave NW 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sunday Luther House Every other Sunday worship with wider community Contact us for current schedule. facebook.com/DailyLobo 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear NEW LOCATION ! 3904-B CENTRAL SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 Luther House Where all are welcome! Follow Us: @LutherHouseNM Email Us: Lcmunmcnm@gmail.com North of Dane Smith Hall 1805 Las Lomas Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 505.615-2688 “You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love.” Join us each Wednesday evening @ 5pm for a free meal! Duke City Herbs responsiblyconsumePleaseCannabis is for use only by adults 21 and older; keep out of reach of children; not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, e ectiveness, and quality; do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the in uence of cannabis; there may be long term adverse health e ects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding. 4012 Central Ave SE Abq, NM 87108 (505) 750-0158 • www.dukecityherbs.com DukeCityHerbs Now O ering... Delivery Services! Cute art & local handmade goods UNM Students get 10% off with student i.d. Located at the corner of Central & Edith! Tues-Fri: 10-6 | Sat: 10-4 514 Central Ave SE  @squidly.store DailyLobo-Squidly-2x3-Ad.indd 1 8/16/22 4:29 PM Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! Aug 28 7pm Doors, All Ages! www.MastodonRocks.comMastodon Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE (505)737-7017SWSun:9am-2pm Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688 HAPS The Entertainment Guide Squidly Designs Find us at The Rail Yards Market! 777 1st Street SW 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM www.dailylobo.com

Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 (505) 764-0249

The Vortex Theatre presents “As You Like It” on Thursday, Aug. 19 as part of the New Mexico Shakespeare Festival. tic director Peter Kierst, who has been a part of the festival since its inception in 2010. In 2019, the festival moved to the NM Veterans Memorial Park in partnership with CABQ and was officially renamed the New Mexi co Shakespeare Festival. Peter Kierst, a constitutional law professor and Shakespeare scholar who plays Lear in this year’s production, performed cuts on the scripts to make them suitable for a modern audience. “We want to make sure that at all times the story is clear. As theater artists, we’re primar ily storytellers … So we make them accessible by editing them so they are easy to understand. We don’t dumb them down, we don’t change the language, but (we make) sure the story is moving forward in a coherent fashion,” Peter Kierst said. “As You Like It” is this year’s comedy, concerning the niece of a duke fleeing into the for est to escape persecution and finding love in the process. It’s a pastoral comedy featuring clas sic Shakespearean hallmarks such as the wise clown, crossdressing woman and a marriage finale tying all threads together in holy Whatmatrimony.drewThudium to this play in specific was the openness it offers and the way it lends itself so easily to music — the entire cast plays instruments in a Celt ic folk style to accompany the play, ranging from the ukelele to the“(Themandolin.cast) is all incredibly musical and have this sort of wonderful, full feeling when they’re all jamming … I al ways knew I wanted this sort of Scottish/Celtic vibe to it,” Thudium said. “King Lear,” this year’s trage dy, follows a mythological British king as he rejects the daughter who loves him and embraces the two who flatter him, going mad with the end of his reign. Debi Kierst directs her husband Peter Kierst in the titular role. “It’s huge and canonical, and it’s a gigantic process … A proj ect as big as ‘Lear’ probably requires deeper digging and a richer thought process,” Debi Kierst said. For Debi Kierst, herself a re tired theater teacher, directing Shakespeare provides its own sets of challenges, including in creased rehearsal, research and teaching the actors to under stand the text itself. This process is often arduous — rehearsals began June 27 after months of preparation, with auditions be ing held in January. “I find directing Shakespeare so much more fulfilling. It’s re ally exciting and fun to work on a play that is so rich and so full … It’s kind of you and the bard, you and Shakespeare. Obviously there’s collaboration with every body else too, but the material is so rich that, honestly, I prefer it,” said Debi ThoughKierst.it’soften dependent on weather, the festival averages out at about 200 audience mem bers per performance, according to Peter Kierst. He credits the low ticket prices for drawing such a wide and diverse audience. “We are a New Mexico Shake speare festival. We’re very much committed to being a homegrown, by-New Mexicans, for-New Mexicans Shakespeare festival. We don’t need to go any place else to find talented actors,” Peter Kierst said. A complete calendar of per formances is available on the festival’s website. Spenser Willden is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@daily lobo.com or on Twitter @spenser willden

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