Volume 6 Issue 5 December 2023

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Life was never meant to be journeyed alone. We need others to come along side of us through the ups and downs of life. We are here to support you through your journey. Our Mission at Calgary Institute of Counselling is to provide a safe place, free of judgement, for clients to find healing.

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Let’s build a strong, diverse, accessible community together!

#ItTakesaCommunity Copyright 2023 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine. Volume 6 Issue 5 – December 2023. All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, writer, artist, or photographer.

Mental Illness Does NOT Discriminate It does not care what size pants you wear It does not care about the colour of your hair Mental Illness does not care if you are rich or poor It does not keep a score Mental illness does not judge you by your age It is not a craze or the latest rage Mental illness is REAL It is something we all feel Mental illness is everywhere And is in no way fair Mental illness is here to stay Unless we work together to find a way We need to listen and learn How to help those around us Not in exchange or for a return Mental illness is in our homes, workplaces, and schools It’s become a social media frenzy And it has no F**king rules Together we can unite We can stand up to this and we can fight Together we can build mental wellness And learn to understand mental illness




Mental health is the main key to locking down my sobriety, it allows me to stay grounded and in the present moment to be the best version of myself at all times, even if that means that version isn’t perfect. Its creates true happiness and clarity, which allows me to see and feel my true passion and allow for success I could only dream of My advice to people facing mental health challenges or a quote – REACH OUT, the first step is to talk about it with someone who will listen. - Jayme Minor

Jayme Minor – Sober AF, Founder of OktSOBERfest, Partner at MAXgreen, Music Artist

Mental health is important to me in the role it plays in being a "whole human". You are not alone, we all struggle. The myth of "it's only me" needs to be shattered, no one needs to suffer alone. - Tyler Chisolm Tyler Chisholm, CEO clearmotive, Podcast Host

Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Owning a business is not just a 9 to 5 job. There is no such thing as work life balance. You have to work longer and harder than everyone else. And you feel like no one understands the challenges you are facing. The stress of keeping all of those balls in the air can have a big impact on your mental health.

“The big step towards improving your mental health is talking about it. You can’t fix a secret. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It actually breaks some of the power our challenges have over us because it creates the space for connection and reminds us that we are not alone.” - - Faisal Karmali, Host of The Karmali Exchange

I started The Karmali Exchange to help entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level. A big part of that mission is creating a community that normalizes asking for help. I think reaching out is a superpower. It opens our eyes to see that we are not as alone as we thought. There are other people who have been through what we are facing and are willing to share what they have learned to help us on our own journeys.

In business today, we need to pay attention to our employees and their mental health needs. We are not given the tools or the training to deal with any of this and our people are suffering. Showing up for work does not mean they are showing up and we need to work with them to ensure they are engaged and inspired as that leads to a more productive and happier mindset. My advice to people facing mental health challenges or a quote If I have learned one thing through more own experience, please ask for help. No-one needs to face anything alone. Sharyl Madigan, Founder CEO Voice of Business

“Know that you are not alone in your challenges and there are people all around you that can be a source of help or support.” Furkhan Dandia, Therapist www.eunoiazen.com Mental health is an important topic because of the impact I see it has on people's lives and their relationships when they are not able to get the appropriate help they need.

“Talk to a professional. If you cannot afford it, our MAXcommunity by MAXgreen program will subsidize your psychologist fees.” - Adam Jones

Adam Jones Founder of MAXgreen Windows, Siding and Roofing

“Mental Health challenges run in my family. I lost my dad to alcoholism. After a scary accident with my 3-month-old daughter, I also suffered a very dark time in my life. I also nearly lost one of my best friends to alcohol and drugs. Sharing my success story with others can hopefully provide them with a light at the end of their tunnels. I am also fortunate enough to be in a position where I can financially give back to the community and help pay for counseling for those in need.” - Adam Jones

Mental Health is an important topic as it is the most integral part of our health and our ability to function and be present, both for ourselves and for others. My advice to people facing mental health challenges is that you are not alone, ever. - Sarah Hawco Hawco Peters & Associates Inc.

Too many people are dying, and it can be prevented. My Husband died by suicide. My advice to people facing mental health challenges We all have a story, let’s love others well. - Amie Uitvlugt, Financial Health Advocate Rethink Your Financial Health

“Mental health is an important topic for me because of my experience as a teacher and having a son who has been challenged with anxiety and depression. I have seen the gaps in the system and spent a lot of time trying to find and then access support. The gaps need to be closed collaboratively and constructively so that resources are easily accessible and courageous conversations can happen.” - Christina Henderson, Owner Peerspective

“Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.” – Jade Alberts Mental Health is important to be because I have struggled with it my entire life. It took me 47 years to talk about it and I want to inspire others to ask for help earlier. Jade Alberts, Founder, Peer Guidance

“It takes a community.” We need to continue to learn about mental health & illness, but we also need to continue to learn about people, the impacts of life and continue to provide education, resources and understanding. Most importantly we need to stand together as a community. My advice to anyone who is facing mental health challenges … you are NOT alone! I know you will hear that repeatedly in this issue, but it’s true! You are not alone and everyone in this community would take your call. #itsoknottobeok #ittakesacommunity Krista Malden, Now! Magazine



Mental health is an important topic to me because I myself have really struggled with my mental health. There is a lot to be done to help people that are suffering in silence like I did and I want to bring a real change to people. Mental health is health and needs to be treated equally as important as our physical health. My advice to people facing mental health challenges: There is nothing fundamentally wrong or flawed about you. Things can get better. You can feel better. Yes, work does need to take place, but you do not need to do that work alone. We were never meant to do life alone. We all need support to feel better and there are people who very much want to journey with you to help you feel better.

Jenn Betts CEO & Registered Psychologist Institute of Counselling

85.4% of homeless youth fall into the “high symptom/distress” category for mental health. 42% reported at least one suicide attempt.

My advice to people facing mental health challenges: You are not alone and don’t be afraid to ask for helping. Asking for help shows your strength and is not a weakness.

Carolyn Halloway Karen Sherbut

Carolyn Holloway, Community Engagement Officer Safe Haven Foundation -

Mental health is important to me because I've seen and felt the effects of being in an unhealthy mental state. I've had family suffer from alcoholism, PTSD, and suicide. Feeling verbal abuse isn't a fun place to be, and I know we can move through the feelings when we have someone to talk to. My advice to people facing mental health challenges: Read or listen to the book, Nonviolent Communication by Marshal Rosenberg. Britton Ledingham, owner of iEvolve Media and director of external relations and secretary for Deciduous.

As an entrepreneur life is a constant roller coaster ride. Some of the highs are amazing, but you also spend much of your time down at the bottom and climbing up. You hear "no" more often than anything else, and even when you are tired and burnt out, you still have to be there for your team, and for your clients. There is always a deadly curve around the corner, and sometimes all you can do is hold on tight and pray that you make it through still on the tracks. My advice to people facing mental health challenges: Try to avoid getting fired up, upset and stressed out. Just remember, "Good thing, bad thing, who knows?" https://theraoinstitute.com/goodthing-bad-thing-who-knows/

Al Del Degan, Founder & CTO New Idea Machine

There is no health without mental health. Chronic stress and strain (burnout) significantly impacted my mental health for many years. Poor workplace mental health affected my confidence, and identity at work creating a ripple effect on other domains of my wellness, including my personal relationships, physical health and financial well-being. This topic is important to me because mental health goes beyond merely a policy; there needs to be a strong commitment from leaders through education and awareness, fostering collective understanding, and implementing inclusive and diverse practices to support current and future generations. My advice to people facing mental health challenges: Acquire and maintain highquality connections. Positive and meaningful relationships will help you cultivate a senseof-belonging. These high-quality connections act as a buffer during those challenging days!

Sumana Jeddy, Founder & CEO Jeddy Wellness

Mental health is important to me because I struggled with my own mental health when I was younger, and I sympathize with those who experience it too. I also had 9 friends die by suicide during the lockdown and as a result, I am dedicating my life to mental health initiatives. As a community we need to keep doing what we are doing…shine a light on it, talk out loud about it, and provide empathy for those who are dealing with it. Catherine Brownlee www.catherinebrownlee.com

Mental Health in an important topic for me because I have seen friends, family, and clients struggle with mental health. They struggle with the symptoms of their illness and struggle with side effects of their medications, but they also struggle with the way that our current medical model treats (or doesn't treat) mental illness. More and more, we are seeing how mental and physical health are intertwined. This is why I wholeheartedly believe in treating a person, not just a symptom. Without looking at the person as a whole, we are missing the larger picture. We are missing who the person is and what their journey has been. Our advice to those who struggle with mental health challenges is to try to be your own advocate. Samantha Moore, CEO & Co-Founder https://www.flyingstartadvocates.com /

Due to stigma, budgetary pressures, staffing issues, lack of understanding, and other factors, there are healthcare professionals who may treat you as lesser. Being able to advocate for yourself and knowing what your treatment options are is crucial.


We realize that asking for you to be your own advocate when you are struggling with poor mental health may sound laughable, but it is crucial to try to do while you are in such a vulnerable state. Remember: if you ever need a co-pilot at your appointments, Flying Start Advocates is here for you.

Ryan believes that mental health is important because it directly impacts a person's overall well-being and quality of life. He understands that mental health issues can affect individuals' ability to thrive and reach their full potential. Ryan recognizes the importance of addressing mental health concerns and promoting mental well-being for everyone, regardless of their neurological wiring. He is committed to creating a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, and that includes prioritizing mental health. Practice Practice Practice Repeat Reoeat Repeat Don't compromise your safety and mental health. Be a good example, not the best or the worst. Self Affirm your intrinsic value.

Ryan Perez, Digital Stem Cell

The topic of mental health is important to me because I am continuously seeing young people expressing, they are overwhelmed and stressed. My advice to anyone facing mental health challenges is to create an imaginary Hermione bag and fill your bag with as many tools as you can. Not all tools work all the time and some work better in different circumstances. Start NOW with creating good healthy life practices so when survival or destructive stress occur you will be better able to navigate it. – Adette Lacerte Nine and Three Quarters Coaching Ltd.

Steven Archambault Co-Founder & Director of operations and programs Stonewall Recovery Mental health and addiction are topics that are deeply important to me, both personally and as societal issues. I believe mental well-being is fundamental to overall health, yet it often remains overshadowed by physical health. The intricate connection between mental health and addiction is profound; one often influences or exacerbates the other. In my life, witnessing loved one’s struggle with these challenges has been a poignant reminder of their pervasiveness and the silent battles many face. The importance of mental health and addiction awareness lies in the pervasive impact they have on individuals, families, and communities. These are not isolated issues but ones that affect relationships, productivity, and quality of life. My advocacy for better understanding and support comes from a place of empathy and a desire for societal change. I've seen how early intervention and compassionate support can transform lives, offering hope and a path towards recovery and resilience. Moreover, the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction often hinders people from seeking help. By openly discussing these issues, we can foster a more inclusive and understanding environment. This is crucial for encouraging individuals to access necessary support without fear of judgment. My commitment to these causes is driven by the belief that everyone deserves a chance to heal, grow, and lead fulfilling lives, free from the constraints of untreated mental health issues and addiction.

Mental health holds a profound significance for me because it's intricately woven into the fabric of my personal journey. Through my experiences, I've come to realize the transformative power of acknowledging, addressing, and prioritizing mental well-being. It's not just a theoretical concept; it's a lived reality that has shaped my resilience, personal growth, and the trajectory of my life. Consequently, advocating for mental health is more than a cause for me; it's a deeply personal narrative that fuels my commitment to fostering awareness, understanding, and support for individuals navigating their mental health journeys. In the face of mental health challenges, my advice is rooted in my own transformative journey: "Embrace the strength in vulnerability, for it is in acknowledging our struggles that we pave the way Kathy James, Suicide for resilience and healing. Seek support, whether Prevention Educator from friends, family, or professionals, and www.kathyjames.org remember that your journey is uniquely yours. Just as I discovered, it's okay not to have it all figured out, but taking that first step to prioritize your wellRyan Perez, Digital Stem Cell being is an act of courage and self-love. You're not alone, and your story is worthy of compassion and understanding. Mental health is important to me because it is affecting a large number of young people and therefore it is in everyone's best interest to get involve and try to reduce the number of incidences even if one person is saved it is worth it. “At some point we have all dealt with some type of mental issues, whether long term or short term and what is crucial at this time is our support system and quick access to support from the health care system.” Deloris Walker, Realtor ReMax iRealty Innovations

Blaise Hunter | Human Rights Consultant | Communications Expert

The Superpower Project Effective Communication Equals Positive Mental Health or… Vice Versa

What came first: the chicken or the egg? Much like the age-old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, the relationship between communication and mental health is intricately connected. It's a dynamic duo where effective communication can drive positive mental health by fostering understanding and connection, while empowered mental health provides the solid foundation for improved communication skills, creating a humorous parallel to the classic conundrum of causation. In essence, they coexist and flourish together, forming a symbiotic relationship that elevates both aspects of our well-being.

The Superpower Project is about highlighting various challenges or “kryptonites” facing people and helping us neutralize their effect on us. A deadly kyrptonite facing us these days is we address communication skills and mental health separately but in reality, they both equal x. In the multifaceted tapestry of human existence, the threads of effective communication and mental health are interwoven, forming a profound connection that shapes our daily interactions and overall health and wellness. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, understanding the parallels between these two vital aspects become paramount. I challenge us to explore how effective communication serves as a catalyst for empowered mental health and delve into inspiring notions on how to become heroes of our lives through the art of being a superhero communicator. Effective communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships and societal harmony. It transcends mere words, encompassing active listening, empathy, and a genuine connection with others. Likewise, mental health is not merely the absence of illness; it involves emotional resilience, self-awareness, and the ability to navigate life's challenges. The correlation between effective communication and mental health becomes evident when we recognize that both hinge on understanding oneself and others.

“Life is a mixed bag of peaks and valleys. To take control of our lives, we must take control of the narrative.”

“Know Yourself” is the cornerstone of all philosophical commandments, Socrates once observed. The phrase “Know thyself,” is centuries old, but it’s still one of the essential meta-skills of the 21st century. I’ve referenced this quote many times with my work and I’m going to say it again because it is the key to healing humanity from the inside out. And frankly, we still haven’t let that statement permeate our way of living. If we could just work on unmasking, self-reflecting, identifying our triggers, and unpacking why we have them we would learn more about ourselves and subsequently improve our mental health and our exchanges. I honestly don’t know what came first: mental health or communication. But I do know once I committed to addressing both in tandem, my life drastically improved or at least my lens in which I looked at my life did. I still have struggles. I still battle a rare illness. I still haven’t been able to birth another baby. But my view on my life is much better, clearer, and more optimistic. I’ve learned that the key to my mental health and how I communicate is really about creating rose-coloured glasses and then literally sh*tting rainbows. Life is a mixed bag of peaks and valleys. To take control of our lives, we must take control of the narrative.

Statistics paint a which calls for lenses even more:

stark picture rose-coloured

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 in 4 people worldwide will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Concurrently, studies show that effective communication skills are consistently ranked as one of the most sought-after attributes in personal and professional settings. Yet, a communication breakdown can exacerbate mental health issues or contribute to their onset. In workplaces, for instance, poor communication has been linked to increased stress levels, lower job satisfaction, and diminished overall mental well-being. In personal relationships, a lack of effective communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and feelings of isolation, all of which impact mental health negatively.

Becoming a Superhero Communicator: To bridge the gap between effective communication and mental health, we need to adopt the mindset of a superhero communicator. Here are some inspiring notions to guide us on our journey: 1. Embrace Empathy Superheroes are known for their ability to understand and relate to the struggles of others. Likewise, in effective communication, empathy is a superpower. Practice putting yourself in others' shoes, acknowledging their feelings, and validating their experiences. By fostering empathy, we create a supportive environment that promotes positive mental health.

2. Harness the Power of Active Listening Superheroes pay attention to the nuances of their surroundings, and in the realm of communication, active listening is the key. Instead of merely hearing words, strive to understand the underlying emotions and messages. Give your full attention, ask clarifying questions, and respond thoughtfully. This not only enhances your communication skills but also fosters a sense of being heard, which is crucial for mental well-being.

3. Break the Silence Superheroes do not shy away from challenges; they confront them headon. Similarly, in the context of mental health, breaking the silence surrounding issues is imperative. Encourage open conversations about mental health, challenge stigma and biases, and create a space where individuals feel safe sharing their struggles. By doing so, we contribute to a culture of acceptance and support. This also has a dual purpose of better communication driving improved health and well-being. Be brave with your struggles and verbalize the realities of our lives. This opens the door for a shared reality with others and empowerment through connection.

4. Cultivate Self-Awareness Superheroes understand their strengths and weaknesses, and selfawareness is a cornerstone of effective communication. Reflect on your communication style, identify areas for improvement, and be open to feedback. By cultivating selfawareness, you enhance your ability to navigate conversations skillfully, promoting positive interactions that benefit both your mental health and the well-being of those around you.

5. Be a Cheerleader Superheroes radiate positivity even in the face of adversity. Similarly, in communication, maintaining a positive and uplifting tone can have a profound impact on mental health. Offer encouragement, celebrate achievements, and practice gratitude. Your words can be a source of inspiration for others, contributing to a collective atmosphere of well-being. Sh*t Rainbows! The similarities between effective communication and mental health underscore the interconnectedness of these two fundamental aspects of human existence. By recognizing the reciprocal relationship between the two, we unlock the potential to become superhero communicators—individuals who wield the power of empathy, active listening, deep inner work, and positivity to enhance not only their own mental health but also that of the communities they inhabit. In a world where the need for strong communicators and mental health advocates is ever-growing, embracing these principles can empower us all to be heroes of our lives and champions for humanity. Let’s not split our energy or attention on these two concepts anymore. One cannot be without the other. Let our words and thoughts be the architects of a healthier, more empathetic world, where understanding and connection become the bedrock of a brighter future for us all. For more information visit www.blaisehunter.com.

We are the GEDI-Hub, Alberta’s first and only workplace resource centre for workplace equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).






One phone call, 14 years plus thousands of servings of soup total a heartwarming partnership between two charities. Serving hugs-in-a-bowl to youth in crisis and experiencing homelessness, Soup Sisters and The Doorway have come together in the spirit of compassion and collaboration. “The concept is so straightforward. A hug in a bowl, feeding bodies and fueling minds. Anything brilliant is simple,” says Marilyn Dyck co-founder and former Executive Director of the Doorway and the passion behind the organization and the partnership. “I just knew when Sharon phoned with this wonderful idea of caring for others through nutritious soup that this was for our youth. After that first call, our lobby had a freezer full of this amazing quality food. And the effects were immediate – our youth were delighted to have good food they could enjoy right away or take with them. Good food they didn’t have to steal.”

Every week purposely made fresh and nutritious soups made by the community arrive to stock the freezer of the Doorway. The young people who come through the doors know this is for them. Made with love, completely free, with no strings attached. The Doorway is a community supporting young people choosing to leave street life and integrate into mainstream society. A safe place where young people can think for themselves, learn, ask questions and are seen and heard.

When Soup Sisters’ founder and CEO, Sharon Hapton, learned about this organization, she was struck by the incredible kindness and caring for these young souls. It was something she had to be a part of, changing lives. “I just knew I had to help. Soup is what I love, it’s what I make, it’s my way of taking care of others,” says Sharon. “People thrive when they are respected. I have seen it over and over. When vulnerable citizens receive a warm, delicious, and filling bowl of soup, they marvel that something this good was made for them. This simple exchange – a moment of shared humanity – is incredibly powerful. Soup may not change all that is bad in their world, but it’s a good start.”

“It was wonderful to see how soup could initiate conversations. The dignity of gathering around a meal is powerful, especially for these young people who have felt rejected and discarded,” adds Marilyn. Together, The Doorway and Soup Sisters proved that a warm healthy meal, listening and understanding worked wonders in the trajectory of young peoples lives. “I saw firsthand the impact of a safe place and warm soup mixed together.” Stated Krista Malden, founder of Community Now! Krista started off at the Doorway working with the youth, and later would represent The Doorway at the Soup Sisters soup making events! “I loved going to the soup events, watching the community come together to bring soup to various organization through the city and now across Canada. This was a great opportunity for everyone involved, The Soup Sisters, Doorway, Volunteers, Companies participating in soup making, young people. This is what community is about; collaborating for a stronger ecosystem for everyone together.” Soup Sisters doesn’t just make soup for organizations, they bring community together to connect, cook, give back and learn about the organizations they are making soup for. They do this while also getting to enjoy a warm, healthy bowl of soup. Marilyn Dyck has been an essential part of the community for young people, to be heard and seen, simply by providing space where everyone is safe, and by listening without judging. This is what community is!

CREATING SPACE ONE BRICK AT A TIME! Stonewall Recovery Centre exists to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals impacted by addiction through specialized, innovative treatment programs and enhanced community partnerships on a local and national level. Stonewall Recovery

How do we get there? Great question... WE NEED YOU! Stonewall Recovery is a charity, which means we rely on donations and sponsorships to fund our development and run our program. Please visit our donation page, GoFundMe OR email info@stonewallrecovery.ca to learn about our other donation options. Taxable donation receipts will be provided by Simon House Recovery Centre.

Your contribution could have the power to save a life.

Marilyn Dyck, Sharon Hampton, and Krista Malden, connected over Soup & community. “It’s because of remarkable women like Marilyn & Sharon, who live and teach the saying “it takes a village” … that doors have been open not only for the community & community organizations but for founders, and leaders.” Said Krista Malden, “Thank you both, for all you do in our community!”

Marilyn Dyck & Governor Genernal Mary Simon Marilyn Dyck was awarded a Meritorious Service Medal. Congratulations Marilyn, the work you have done in the community is remarkable! Photo Credit:GG11 series :MCpl Matthieu Racette, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2023

Alta Montana Coffee – Connecting Communities Globally! Straight from a family farm in Columbia to a Calgary owned and operated family Roastery. Connecting global communities! Order your coffee today, or book Alta Montana Coffee for your next event or conference! altamo@telus.net Alta Montana Coffee

Helping you find the perfect community. phone: 403.815.0429 email: dwalker1@remax.net Deloris Walker, RE/MAX iRealty Innovations, Calgary real estate



As a kid, I never really felt like I fit in anywhere and it led to a lot of obstacles early on in my life. At the age of 10 I was getting diagnosed with disorders left, right and centre which made me feel like even more of an outcast from society. I never thought I was good enough and always felt like I had to put a mask on to fit in. By the age of 11 I had been experimenting a bit with alcohol and weed. The week I turned 12 the “experimenting” had turned in to full blown daily abuse of substances. At first this felt great, I had finally found my escape and felt as though I didn’t have a worry in the world while under the influence. Very quickly though, things came crashing down extremely fast and my life was crumbling all around me, preventing me of any thought that there was any light at the end of the tunnel. During my active addiction I was always very quick to throw all the blame on my mental health and deny that drugs or alcohol had any part to play in the destruction of my life.

Once the overdoses started that thought process would slowly start to change but I never wanted to admit that I had a problem, that too would change once I had my final two overdoses which ended up in flatlines and comas. After this I entered treatment at AARC. Going through the program I was able to identify and work around the real biggest issue in my life. Addiction. Going through the program not only did I work on my problems with addiction, but also worked a lot on myself internally and began to work on the underlying issues of how I was living when I had no substances to turn to. Since then, I have been able to fix a lot of the damage I have caused in my past and rebuild/make new relationships with old or new people in my life. On Saturday November 18th, 2023, I celebrated my 20th birthday which just a few years ago did not seem like a realistic age I would be alive at. I now have my relationship with my family back along with new friendships I have made along the way. I am so grateful that everything recovery and sobriety have shown me since making that choice to turn my life around. It feels great to finally say I am okay with being myself and that others like me for the person I am. I have made so many amazing memories in recovery and it is without a doubt that it has been the best thing to ever happen to me.


What is Equity? Equity aims to ensure that there is fair treatment, access, equal opportunity, and advancement for everyone. Equity identifies and removes barriers that may be preventing people from fully participating – or benefitting within a workplace. Equity is an important consideration when designing internal workplace processes, culture, and delivery of resources. Equity directly affects employee retention and engagement. Equity allows workplaces to better value and leverage differences and accesses diverse perspectives.

What is Diversity? Diversity is all the way that people are different from one another. These differences may include race, ethnicity, religion, marital/family status, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, class, and/or socio-economic situations. Diversity influences ideas, perspectives, and values, guided by people’s lived experiences and realities. Workplaces that lack new perspectives are statistically not as competitive and innovative as compared to those workplaces that embrace diversity. Diversity is about creating a workforce with a wider variety of ideas and approaches.

What is Inclusion? Inclusion builds a place and a culture where everyone feels welcome by actively inviting everyone to share their perspectives and participate. It’s very much about behavior and the ways people interact with each other. In an inclusive workplace, employees are given the opportunity to voice opinions, not feeling excluded based on their differences. Exclusion, on the other hand, can be extremely destructive in a workplace – leading to high employee turnover and lost productivity.

Make Your Voice Count for Mental Health Take Our Survey for a Chance to Win a $100 Gift Card and Shape the Future of Workplace Wellness! Jeddy Wellness goes beyond conventional solutions of workshops and training, offering a comprehensive and bespoke approach to well-being. Our evidencebased strategies are geared towards sustainable wellness for all workers. Recognizing the intricacies of modern workplaces and the challenges of daily routines, Jeddy Wellness addresses the profound impact of stress, burnout, and chronic diseases on individuals, teams and businesses. At Jeddy, we live and breathe science. Our team comprises dedicated scientists and educators from across the globe, specializing in evidence-based solutions designed to revolutionize workplace wellness. Why Your Voice Matters: We believe that every individual's perspective is a valuable piece of the wellness puzzle. Your experiences and insights can contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges people face in their professional and personal lives. How Your Data Helps: By participating in our 20-question survey, you're not just entering for a chance to win a $100 gift card to The Rec Room; you're actively contributing to the future of mental health and workplace wellness solutions. The data we collect will be used to identify trends, challenges, and opportunities, enabling us to tailor our evidence-based strategies to meet the specific needs of workplaces. Scan the QR code now, share your experiences, and be a part of the change with Jeddy Wellness. Together, we can shape a healthier and more balanced future for workplaces everywhere.

THANK YOU! To everyone who made our 6th annual mental health summit, TAKE the DAY remarkable! #ittakesacommunity What does #ittakesacommunity mean? It’s when people come together to build, create, support, learn, help…..eachother, together. On December 13, the community came together to TAKE the DAY to PLAY at Community Now! Magazine’s 6th annual mental health summit. This day was truly an example of what community is! It wasn’t just about the speeches, or interactive activities. From the minute the event doors opened the community was there to help set up, navigate all issues, adjust, and hold an incredible event. “That’s community!” The day was filled with learning opportunities, interactive activities, connections, conversations, and networking…

Stay Tuned for a recap of the event in 2024! And save the date: DECEMBER 6, 2024

"The Transformative Power of Intrinsic Motivation: A Key Driver of Success in Modern Leadership" -

In the fast-paced landscape of modern business, success hinges not only on strategic plans and profit margins, but also on the driving force that propels individuals and teams forward: intrinsic motivation. As leaders, we find ourselves navigating a dynamic terrain where understanding the deepest motivations of our people is not just an asst, but a necessity for sustainable growth and prosperity. I am a firm believer in the transformative power of intrinsic motivation. Having spent years in the tranches of sales and leadership, I have witnessed firsthand the monumental difference it makes in not only achieving targets, but in cultivating a culture of excellence and passion within teams. Intrinsic motivation is the heartbeat of our endeavors, the why behind every action, the untapped reservoir of potential waiting to be unleashed. Let’s embark on a journey through the realms of intrinsic motivation, uncovering its profound impact on business sustainability and success. We will delve into practical strategies for leaders to inspire and engage their teams and explore how intrinsic motivation plays a pivotal role for those in leadership positions.

Sharyl Madigan, Voice of Business Join me as we unravel the layers of the vital force, understanding why it is the linchpin of contemporary business, driving us to not only get up and move but to keep moving towards unprecedented heights of achievement. At its core, intrinsic motivation is the internal desire, passion, or drive that compels individuals to engage in an activity or pursue a goal. It arises from within the person, independent of external rewards or pressures. When someone is intrinsically motivated, they find personal fulfillment, enjoyment, and satisfaction in the task itself. For example, imagine a salesperson who is intrinsically motivated. They don’t just aim to meet quotas for the sake of a bonus or recognition. Instead, they are genuinely passionate about the products or services they offer, and they derive a sense of accomplishment from helping clients find solutions that genuinely benefit them. This results in long-term relationships that both the organization and client benefit from.

Intrinsic motivation is characterized by 9 drivers. Here are a few key features: 1. Individuals feel a sense of ownership and autonomy over their work. They are driven by a sense of personal choice and control. 2. There’s a desire to improve and master skills related to the task or activity. The process of learning and growth is inherently rewarding. 3. Intrinsic motivation is often tied to a sense of purpose or larger goal. Individuals believe thar what they’re doing is meaningful and contributes to something greater. 4. Intrinsically motivated individuals tend to be more engaged and committed to their tasks over the long term. They are less likely to experience burnout. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors such as rewards, punishments, recognition, or societal expectations. It involves performing an activity to attain a specific outcome or avoid a negative consequence. For instance, consider an employee who works diligently because they hope for a promotion, or a salary increase. While these external incentives can drive performance, they do not necessarily cultivate a dealseated passion for the work itself.

Extrinsic motivation can be effective in achieving short-term goals and compliance, but it may not sustain long-term commitment or foster genuine enjoyment in the task. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have their place in the workplace. However, understanding the distinction allows leaders to leverage these forces effectively. Striking a balance between providing external incentives and nurturing intrinsic passion can create a powerful catalyst for sustained success and fulfillment. In the dynamic landscape of professional growth, we acknowledge that motivation is no a static force. It ebbs and flows, shaped by experiences, aspirations, and evolving circumstances. Recognizing this fluidity, businesses need to become committed toa unique philosophy: making the invisible visible. Understanding and helping your team to become self-motivated serves as the bedrock of business sustainability, driving individuals and teams towards enduring excellence. In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, sustainability extends far beyond environmental considerations. It encompasses the ability of a business to thrive and adapt over the long term, weathering challenges and seizing opportunities. At the heart of this sustainability lies a motivated and engaged workforce.

Sustainable businesses recognize that their most valuable assets are not just their products or services, but the individuals show drive innovation, build relationships, and fuel growth. By prioritizing the well-being and intrinsic motivation of their employees, organizations lay the foundation for enduring success. Here’s how intrinsic motivation contributes to business sustainability: Higher Productivity Innovation


Intrinsically motivated employees are more likely to be creative, resourceful, and driven to find novel solutions. This leads to increased productivity and a culture of continuous improvement. Reduced Turnover When individuals are genuinely passionate about their work, they are more likely to stay committed to the organization. This reduces turnover rates and the associated costs of recruitment and training. Enhanced Adaptability Intrinsic motivation fosters a growth mindset, enabling employees to embrace change and adapt to new challenges. This agility is essential for businesses to navigate evolving markets and technologies. Positive Work Culture A workplace that values and nurtures intrinsic motivation fosters a positive and inclusive culture.

This, in turn, attracts top talent and creates a virtuous cycle of excellence. Inspiring and engaging teams goes beyond monetary incentives and external pressures. It requires a deeper understanding of individual motivations, aspirations, and values. Motivation is personal and difficult to engage and inspire. In the dynamic arena of contemporary business, where change is constant and challenges are aplenty, the bedrock of sustained success lies in the hearts and minds of the individuals who drive it forward. Intrinsic motivation, the inner flame that ignites passion, purpose, and persistence, emerges as the linchpin to business sustainability. As leaders, we bear the privilege and responsibility if nurturing this intrinsic spark within our teams. By understanding the unique motivators of each individual, we unlock a reservoir of potential that propels not only the achievement of targets, but the cultivation of a culture rooted in excellence and fulfillment. Through a delicate balance of autonomy, recognition, growth opportunities, and trust, we inspire our teams to not only meet objectives, but to surpass them with a fervor born of personal conviction. This is where true innovation thrives, where resilience flourishes, and where businesses not only weather storms, but forge new horizons.

As a sales success and motivational trainer and coach, I have witnessed the transformative power of intrinsic motivation firsthand. It is the force that turns tasks into missions, colleagues into comrades, and challenges into opportunities. It is the heartbeat of our endeavors, the why behind every action, the unwavering belief that propels us forward. In closing, let us remember that business sustainability is not solely measured in profits and growth charts, but in the legacy, we leave in the hearts and minds of those we lead. It is a testament to the enduring impact of intrinsic motivation, a force that transcends the boundaries of the boardroom and shapes the future of industries, communities, and lives. Embrace this force, nurture it, and watch as it propels your team towards heights of achievement that once seemed insurmountable. For in the realm of business, as in life, it is the intrinsic spark that lights the way.


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People, Planet & Community Investment!

Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge Selects Successful Projects On December 6, 2023 – Alberta Innovates and Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) announced the successful projects in Phase III of the Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge (CFGC). Over $15.2 million is being made available to five teams to refine and scale-up their carbon fibre production technologies. One of the Phase III CFGC recipients is Edmonton-based Thread Innovations Inc. Dr. Weixing Chen and his team at Thread Innovations Inc. are looking at novel ways to convert bitumen from Alberta into high-value carbon fibre, using vacuum refinery residue-derived and asphaltenesbased precursors.

The five successful projects are based in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, and they are competing to produce carbon fibre from Alberta bitumen. They must demonstrate the ability to produce between 0.5 – 1 kilogram of carbon fibre per day using technology that will allow them to scale to more than 5,000 tonnes of carbon fibre per year by the early 2030s. As part of the competition, the commercial carbon fibre must cost 50 per cent less expensive than current carbon fibre products. 13 applications were received for Phase III of the carbon fibre grand challenge, launched earlier this year. The competition was open to technology developers, industry – including small, medium and large size enterprises, industry associations,

research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, not-for-profit organizations, and government research labs. A team of experts was able to select the best projects to move forward. The successful candidates will have 36 months to complete their projects. The Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge is directed towards funding the development of technologies that can convert Alberta oil sands asphaltenes into carbon fibre. Alberta Innovates was the sole funder for Phase I and worked with partners to support Phases II and III of the Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge. The Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) was a co-funder of Phase II and Emissions Reduction Alberta is a cofunder of Phase III. Full Phase III program details can be found on the Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge website.

Alberta Innovates manages nearly 1,300 projects in a portfolio valued at $1.33 billion. We work with innovators in all sectors of the economy and all corners of the province to drive entrepreneurship, applied research and industry development. With our impact-based funding programs and services, we are transforming energy systems for a netzero world, promoting the responsible use of land and water,

leveraging provincial strengths in agriculture and contributing to improved health and well-being by harnessing digital tech and data. We are also advancing emerging technologies and strengthening entrepreneurship for a strong and diversified economy. We operate in 11 locations with more than one million sq. ft. of industrial testing and lab facilities, and 600 acres of farmland. We employ nearly 600 highly skilled scientists, business and technical professionals. From funding to commercialization, we are Alberta’s innovation engine! See what entrepreneurs say about our coaching and support. Learn how Alberta Innovates. For 14 years, ERA has been investing revenues from the carbon price paid by large emitters to accelerate the development and adoption of innovative clean technology solutions. Since we were established in 2009, we have committed $887 million toward 254 projects worth $7.7 billion that are helping to reduce GHGs, create competitive industries and are leading to new business opportunities in Alberta. These projects are estimated to deliver cumulative GHG reductions of 40 million tonnes by 2030 and 110 million tonnes by 2050. Find out more about ERA.

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MENTAL HEALTH & COMMUNITY RESOURCES Jeddy Wellness is a workplace wellness consulting company. While we don't offer mental health resources specifically, mental health is intertwined in our offerings. We offer bespoke evidencebased strategies to private, public and non-for-profit organizations to create healthier and sustainable workplaces. www.sumanajeddy.com

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