Volume 6 Issue 4 November 2023

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Photo Credit: Xalynn Malden

Life was never meant to be journeyed alone. We need others to come along side of us through the ups and downs of life. We are here to support you through your journey. Our Mission at Calgary Institute of Counselling is to provide a safe place, free of judgement, for clients to find healing.

Book your FREE 20-minute consultation today! Calgary Institute of Counselling | Emotion Focused | Calgary, AB, Canada (counsellinginstitute.ca) 103 - 11500 29 St. SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3W9 5873508843 intake@counsellinginstitute.ca




“It TAKES a COMMUNITY to INNOVATE and CREATE SOLUTIONS for a Stronger More Diverse, Inclusive & Accessible Ecosystem...” that is why we ALL need Community NOW!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Health Innovation Featuring: - Flying Start Advocates - Fledge - Telling It Like It IS o HONE - The Superpower Project - Fun Facts by Samir In the Community Featuring: - Closer to Home - idea Conference - Tony Del Degan Contributors: -

Blaise Hunter Jade Alberts Krista Malden Smantha Moore Jenna Galloway Samir Musayev Zanika Malden Xalynn Malden

VOLUME 6 ISSUE 4 In the spirit of respect and truth, we acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), as well as the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The city of Calgary is also home to Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.

FUN FACTS: with Samir (Sam) Musayev, PhD, CITF X-Ray's Spooky Start: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the discoverer of X-rays, initially referred to them as "X" for the unknown. He even X-rayed his wife's hand, creating the firstever X-ray image.

Copyright 2023 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine. Volume 6 Issue 4 – November 2023. All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, writer, artist, or photographer.

Toothpaste and X-Rays: The discovery of X-rays led to the development of the first mass-market toothpaste containing fluoride, promoting dental health.

Have You Ever? …felt overwhelmed by a diagnosis or uncertain of the next steps? …forgotten or been confused about what was discussed at your medical appointment? …missed work to accompany a loved one to a healthcare appointment?

Flying Start Advocates (FSA) is a Registered Nurse-run healthcare advocacy company that empowers and guides clients through their health journey. FSA is here to have our clients’ voices heard, have our clients understand their care plans, and have our clients feel secure while knowing that their health is being advocated for. Let FSA Co-Pilot your health journey with you.

Referrals. This service is provided to all our clients at an hourly rate and is there to prevent you from falling through the cracks of the healthcare system.

With Flying Start Advocates, Registered Nurses will join you virtually (using your phone or a smart device) during your healthcare appointments. These Registered Nurses help to ensure that your medical concerns and questions are addressed at your appointment. Simultaneously, these Registered Nurses take accurate medical notes during your appointment. This means you can re-read what was discussed, understand your healthcare plan, and share this information accurately with your families and support people.

Created by four Innovators:

We want to empower you throughout your health journey.

CEO & Co-founder: Samantha Moore. Samantha graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) in 2009 from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB. Samantha then completed her Perinatal Nursing Extension Certificate at Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB and is currently enrolled in the Occupational Health Nursing Certificate at MacEwan University.

At Flying Start Advocates, we have worked diligently to obtain the Alberta requirements to hold client information safely. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients can trust that we hold their information securely and confidentially.

Samantha has worked as a Registered Nurse in General Surgery, Urology, Endoscopy, Eye Surgery, Long-term Care, Neurology, and Outpatient clinics for Upper GI, Lower GI, Urology, Breast, Oncology, Bariatrics, Recruitment, and currently in Labour and Delivery.

Flying Start Advocates also provides a subscription-based monthly service to help ensure your healthcare professional is following your healthcare plan and notifying you about consultations, results, and

Samantha has been working on Flying Start Advocates since 2021 and is passionate about helping clients and their families through the healthcare system as smoothly as possible.

COO & Co-Founder: Tierney J. O’Connor Tierney graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) with Honours in 2014 from Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. Jeanie is currently enrolled in the Technical Writing Certificate at Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB. Tierney has worked as a Registered Nurse in Labour and Delivery, in Supervised Consumption and Mental Health, in Recruitment and Private Operations, and most recently in Long-term Care as a Nurse Educator. Jeanie has a lifelong commitment to equity, justice, privacy, and compassion for all. Charlie Moore, CFO & Co-Founder Charlie Moore is a co-founder of Flying Start Advocates and the owner of MyCharlie Consulting. Charlie’s areas of expertise are in bookkeeping, client management databases, research, statistical reporting, and business administration. Charlie has a passion to keep business running smoothly for all stakeholders. Rick MacLennan, Co-Founder Rick’s professional career has spanned more than 30 years and has included many specialities such as sales, marketing, business ownership, and consulting. Rick has earned a myriad of achievement awards such as: Franchisee of the Year for Cox Target Media, Most Improved Region Cox Target Media, Million Dollar Round Table SunLife of Canada, Top Sales Award Spartan Press, and Founding Member of John Maxwell Leadership Certification. Rick has been a guest lecturer of Sales and Marketing at The University of Alberta, Grant MacEwan, The Edmonton Direct Marketing Association, and Martech College.

Q & A with SAMANTHA MOORE, CEO - Flying Start Advocates

Grandma Patricia lived in Ontario and was diagnosed with cancer. Her entire family lives in Alberta. Grandma Patricia did not have support, and she needed it. She would tell me things that, as a Registered Nurse, I knew couldn’t be accurate. She was taking medication that she didn’t know the name of, or what it was for. Grandma Patricia would forget to ask questions and couldn’t remember her care plan, so she wasn’t following the plan. Why did you start Flying Start Advocates? Flying Start Advocates was created out of my own frustration watching family, friends, and clients struggle with the healthcare system. One of the main catalysts was my Grandma Patricia and her experience with the healthcare system regarding her cancer diagnosis. For the full story, please read our blog here https://www.flyingstartadvocates.co m/blog/czmnm4kvf4cac75mailoewl 5edoz9v.

This led to frustration, pain, and confusion for her and for my family. Once day, I was on the phone with Grandma Patricia, and I was trying to review her recent medical appointment. I was trying to coach her on questions to ask so we could increase our understanding of the plan. My mother was in the room at the time and asked me if it was common for other people to struggle with their healthcare plan like Grandma Patricia. We decided that we wanted to work to help people with this issue, and Flying Start Advocates was created.

Why is it hard for people to understand/grasp the information they are being told by the doctors? I wish the answer to this question was black and white, because then our healthcare system would be able to make a quick fix! Unfortunately, the honest answer has multiple factors (and a lot more that we aren’t even identifying here!) Firstly, medicine is an entire language. Healthcare providers spend years studying and practicing how to communicate effectively using medical language. Unfortunately, some healthcare providers can forget that their own clients do not often speak or understand medical language. This can lead to healthcare workers using terms or acronyms that the average person is not familiar with. This causes immediate confusion, like if someone you were speaking with peppered French or Spanish words into conversation! Secondly, our current healthcare system is set up for appointments to be about 10 minutes each. Ten minutes is a very short amount of time to discuss something as important as your health! This time limit that healthcare providers must adhere to so that they can see all their booked appointments, often leaves clients feeling pressed for time. This feeling of being rushed causes anxiety in a lot of people. When anxiety comes into our body, our minds have a hard time thinking clearly and asking important clarifying questions.

Thirdly, healthcare appointments can be information overload. Imagine having your spouse read you the grocery list and then expecting you to be able to remember it all when you’re at the store! This is what is happening in our healthcare appointments, but with our health diagnosis, medications, and plans. Fourthly, every single conversation that we have in our lives is coloured by our past experiences. This means that two people can be having a conversation where they are both getting different meaning and understanding from that conversation. They both have different memories of what was said! Now, imagine adding in a third person, or needing to relay the conversation when it happened three days ago. We are all doing our best, but our best is often subjective. What is one piece of advice you can give to people for when they go see a doctor? Take us with you to your appointments! But seriously… if we could give another piece of advice that didn’t involve our service? Take your health diagnosis seriously. Learn what it means to be diagnosed as diabetic (or whatever your diagnosis is), understand what your medications are for, their side effects, and how they should be taken.

Understand what makes your illness better or worse. It’s a lot of work and it can be overwhelming, so take it in steps. Understanding your illness, instead of relying on someone else to tell you everything, will help you hold onto your power and better advocate for yourself. And if that becomes overwhelming, give us a call and we can do the advocating work for you. If you could give any start-up advice, what would it be? Start with a problem. If you can find a problem that needs to be fixed, you can build your business around that problem as a solution. As well, do not be afraid talk to people. Gather information from the public to see if your chosen problem is a problem for everyone. If you come up with a product or service first, and then try and see where it will fit, you might have issues getting clients or users. Mission - To provide Advocacy, Balance, Clarity, and Documentation for our clients throughout their healthcare journey. Vision - To remove the stress and complication from healthcare. Values - Accountability, Confidentiality, Transparency, Responsibility, and Integrity

Book a Complimentary 15minute Consultation. Learn how our personalized services at Flying Start Advocates will work for you or your loved ones. Speak with one of our Registered Nurses today! BOOK A CONSULTATION TODAY For more information visits: Flying Start Advocates

FUN FACTS: with Samir (Sam) Musayev, PhD, CITF Magnetic Resonance Magic: The term MRI was coined as a marketing strategy. Originally known as NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), the word "nuclear" was dropped to avoid any negative connotations, making it sound more friendly.

- Jenna Galloway

An Innovation in Health Education for Stronger School Communities

designed to gamify mental health When we consider the well-being and equip children with foundational of our children, it's not just about life skills. Members of our founding physical health, but also their team have experienced forms or mental and emotional health. supported others with mental health struggles firsthand and deeply A mentally healthy child is one who can understand the importance of early navigate the ups and downs of life with intervention and education. The resilience and emotional intelligence. 1 platform offers a solution to bridge in 5 children in Canada will experience the gap in mental health education mental health issues, and the for children, making it engaging and repercussions of this affect not only accessible for both students, these children but their families, teachers and caregivers. educators, and caregivers, as well as straining healthcare and support My personal journey of grappling systems. In a society where less than with mental health issues during my 20% of affected children receive the post-secondary education was the appropriate treatment, there's an catalyst for developing Fledge. urgent need for innovative solutions to Despite having a supportive address this challenge. upbringing and access to high-quality education, something was amissFledge is a groundbreaking, researchand the stress of university proved backed, and interactive online platform overwhelming.

I was excelling academically but lacked the knowledge and ability to seek healthy coping mechanisms necessary to navigate life's challenges. This prompted me to take a step back from traditional education and embark on a pretty transformative journey- one that involved diving deep into therapy, yoga, mindfulness, breathwork and meditation. Drawing from my background in Health Sciences, I recognized the potential for an upstream intervention that could significantly impact an individual's success in mental health. This realization led me to establishment my first company, Wymbin, which is dedicated to early childhood education and wellness. For six years our team has provided classes, workshops, camps, school outreach programs, and professional development services in Calgary and other provinces. However, there was a glaring need to reach broader communities effectively. Many schools praised the positive effects of our Wymbin residency programs but faced budget and time constraints- making it challenging to offer daily access to such valuable programming. Moreover, parents wished to acquire the same tools and skills their children were learning. Fledge emerged as a new and innovative solution to these issues. The COVID-19 pandemic forced a shift to digital solutions, which provided the impetus and creativity for the development of Fledge.

While digital programs for literacy and numeracy existed, there was a clear void in platforms focused on building mental health competencies in students as unique individuals. Existing solutions followed a onesize-fits-all approach, primarily relying on video or animation-based content. Our team saw a unique opportunity to embrace brilliant research, content, and frameworks that have been established as proven and effective mental health education tools- and gamify learning to make the process engaging and meaningful for students. Recognizing that not all children learn the same way and that individual experiences vary greatly, Fledge was developed to offer a more comprehensive and personalized approach. The platform prioritizes research and collaborates with industry professionals to ensure the impact and effectiveness of their content. We also have plans to integrate machine effectiveness of their content.

We also have plans to integrate machine learning and artificial intelligence to further tailor the learning experience to each child's unique strengths. Our team at Fledge has a bold vision is to equip every child worldwide with foundational mental health and well-being skills. We emphasize a holistic approach, involving educators, parents, and healthcare providers to ensure open communication and a coordinated effort to support each child's development. The ultimate goal is for every child to have access to a customized "toolbox" of skills that matches their learning style, background, needs, and priority health outcomes.

This Issue of Telling It Like It Is features Jessica Renney & Paula McQuaid Founders Hone Athletics and Work Life Mental Health is a massive issue in society today. I love what you are doing and the traction you are getting. Please share how you started HONE. As psychotherapists, we had an interest in mental health and wellness. As former athletes and people who grew up in and around sport in many different capacities, we were both drawn to the experience of athletes, coaches, leaders and ultimately the culture that exists within sport. A chance opportunity presented itself to us to lead a discussion for a group of young, predominantly male, athletes which was quite incredible and led us to create Mindful Athletics. Mindful Athletics led to us spending five years working with individual athletes and teams about feelings; emotions; relationships; all the things that weren’t often discussed in the locker room. During this process we quickly recognized the incredible impact the culture of the team and sport in general has on the individual. We were determined to ensure that impact would be a positive, healthy one. And we still are!

IT’S TIME TO HONE IN. “Employee mental health impacts workplace success just as much as skills and experience.”

HONE Work+Life

Teams and organizations were becoming more and more open to the idea that they could be part of supporting athlete mental health. Which was so encouraging! However, inviting people like us to present to teams a few times during the season was not going to be enough. In recognizing the influence coaches and leaders had on the wellness of their athletes more needed to be done to support all involved. And then came HONE! We created the HONE platform with years of research under our belt and harnessed our ability to help more people with a scalable technological approach. I was, in my mind, still a high-end athlete. Athletes are a unique group. How does HONE help atheles? That’s great! Your mind seems like an interesting place! I like to believe we are all out here doing our best. But sometimes it’s going to be more difficult to show up. The stressors that exist in our world are ever present and our capacity to deal with them depend on a multitude of factors. Athletes are no different in that they too deal with the same stressors however, the magnitude and influence on their wellness can often feel beyond their control and ripe with consequence.

HONE supports the environment in which the athletes exist. HONE helps coaches create cultures of wellness by gathering anonymous data from the athletes that lets them know where their team is from a mental wellness perspective based on six stressors known to impact athlete mental health and performance. We provide athletes with a place to share their input and ultimately influence how their coaches build not only their team culture but the individual as well. How does your App work? HONE is a platform that has two parts. A mobile app for the athletes and a web-based dashboard for the coach. Each week the athletes complete a brief survey based on six stressors that impact their wellness and performance. The data is returned anonymously to the coaches where they can see how their team responded to each stressor. The coach is then provided with strategies and suggestions on how they can support their team based on the dynamic data they’ve received. But that’s not all. Our Customer Service Managers connect with each leader on a monthly basis to support them in executing HONE and ensuring their teams are having the best possible experience.

What is next for HONE? HONE Athletics continues to gain traction growing over 320% this past fiscal. The greatest areas of growth include the NCAA, USport, and professional-level multisport programs in Canada and the US. In addition to HONE Athletics, HONE Work Life has been successfully launched to provide the workspace with a similar advantage. Seeing traction in many different areas, we are pleased with how well it has been embraced. The number of leaders who recognize the importance of creating cultures of wellness rather than simply placing the responsibility on the individual to solely address mental health has been incredibly encouraging.

“Asking for help is Not a sign of weakness.” Jade Alberts

If you had one piece of advice for an athlete or entrepreneur thinking of asking for help, what would that be? Entrepreneurs exist in a culture very similar to athletes. One that expects us to figure things out on our own, show no weakness, and push through when we are feeling like we need to slow down. Despite the short-term advantages of this approach, it's not sustainable and is detrimental to both our health and businesses. So, perhaps it could be more advantageous to consider “what can the culture of sport or entrepreneurship do to help…”

www.PeerGuidance.ca Telling It Like It Is YouTube: Peer Guidance / Telling It like It Is - YouTube

The Superpower Project The Vital Shift: Integrating Health Innovation in Today's World

“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” ― Desmond Tutu

Blaise Hunter / Communication Expert / Truthteller

We have become a reactive culture instead of being a proactive and predictive society. We always wait for people to be disappointed, hurt, destroyed, killed, badmouthed, and victimised first, before we can take action. This reactive approach isn’t innovative or pioneering. It’s not quick to answer the call and adjust the course. It’s just a repetitive lazy cycle that doesn’t work. Innovation, often defined as the combination of invention, adoption, and diffusion, is a cornerstone of progress in healthcare. It encompasses novel ideas, products, creative means, services, and care pathways that offer clear benefits compared to existing practices. Successful healthcare innovations share two critical qualities: they are both practical and desirable. Yet, the pace of change in the healthcare sector has been notoriously slow. I want to explore the necessity for a cultural shift in healthcare, emphasizing the importance of speed, wisdom, resourcefulness, and a proactive-taking approach to address issues at their root, rather than reactively responding. The Superpower Project is about highlighting various challenges or “kryptonites” facing people and helping us neutralize their effect on us. A deadly kyrptonite facing us these days is we are looking so far into the future to be innovative; we’ve lost touch with the source of our creativity – introspection.

While innovation is undoubtedly essential for progress and growth, it's crucial to strike a balance between innovation and supporting systems while simultaneously addressing root causes. Focusing too much on the former can lead to inefficient resource allocation, while neglecting the latter can perpetuate underlying issues. By getting back to basics, which include reflection, addressing, reinforcing, transforming, improving, and growing core elements of a system, organizations can achieve more meaningful and sustainable progress. We almost have to work backwards to move forwards while also ensuring modernization. The Challenge of Slow Adoption: Healthcare is not unique in its slow adoption and diffusion of innovative solutions. History is riddled with examples of revolutionary technologies and ideas that took years, or even decades, to achieve widespread acceptance. For instance, it took the telephone 64 years, electricity 45 years, computers 23 years, mobile phones 16 years, radio 12 years, and the internet 13 years to reach 40 percent consumer adoption. This sluggish pace of acceptance has real-world consequences, as it delays the implementation of beneficial innovations that could save lives and improve healthcare outcomes. Any one of us can look at a variety of world issues and can come up with an array of suggestions to help improve things. So why can’t we go head and adopt such logical concepts? The more reactive “supports” we get, the more broken our world becomes.

The Need for Proactive Solutions The prevalence of reactive health resources that address issues only after they occur is frustrating. The focus must shift upstream, targeting the root causes of health problems and cracks in the system. To achieve this, we need to integrate health innovation more effectively into today's healthcare landscape. Here are some steps to facilitate this crucial transformation: 1. Foster a Culture of Innovation: To accelerate the adoption and diffusion of healthcare innovations, a cultural shift is essential. Healthcare organizations and professionals must prioritize innovation and create an environment that encourages creativity and experimentation. This culture should embrace risk-taking and be open to fresh ideas and approaches.

2. Promote Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Health innovation often requires expertise from various lenses, including medicines (western & eastern), technology, design, humanness, and business. Encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration can lead to innovative solutions that address complex healthcare challenges. By breaking down silos and fostering collaboration, we can tap into a broader pool of knowledge and expertise. This ensures a positive outcome.

3. Invest in Grassroots Ideas: To drive healthcare innovation, substantial investment and buy-in for experiential programs are necessary. This funding can support the creation of cutting-edge technologies, therapies, and care pathways. Government initiatives, private sector investment, and partnerships between a wide range of entities can play a crucial role in this regard. Investing in grassroots concepts for healthcare issues and backlogs empowers communities to address their specific needs and challenges, forging a sense of ownership and accountability. It also leverages local knowledge and resources efficiently, leading to more effective and sustainable solutions.

4. Embrace Real Mental Health Solutions: Embracing mental health pillars that target systemic barriers, gender inequality, burnout, isolation, racism, and other key issues represents an innovative health approach because it acknowledges the interconnected nature of mental health challenges. By addressing these systemic factors, it promotes holistic well-being and resilience, going beyond superficial quick fixes. It recognizes that deep inner work and meaningful societal change are essential components of a sustainable and inclusive mental health strategy, furthering a more equitable and supportive environment for everyone. Recognizing that mental health is a key component of our overall wellbeing and requires to be addressed alongside physical health for a comprehensive approach to healthcare. 5. Prioritize Preventive Care & Provide Access: Shifting the focus from reactive healthcare to preventive care is a key step in addressing the root causes of health problems. Encouraging individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles and providing early interventions can significantly reduce the burden on the healthcare system and improve overall health in communities.

Affordable access and proactive approaches go hand in hand with innovative healthcare strategies, as they promote a more comprehensive and effective healthcare system, where timely and equitable access to healthcare services aligns with measures that prevent health issues.

6. Regulatory Support and Incentives: Governments and regulatory bodies play a pivotal role in facilitating health innovation. They can provide incentives, such as tax benefits or grants, to organizations and startups engaged in healthcare innovation. Streamlining regulatory processes can also expedite the adoption of new technologies, strategies, therapies, and holistic methodologies. 7. Patient-Centered Care: Innovation in healthcare should always prioritize the needs and preferences of the people. Engaging patients in their care decisions, gathering their feedback, and designing services that cater to their expectations, needs, and means can enhance the desirability and usability of healthcare innovations.

The integration of health innovation into today's world is not merely a luxury but an absolute necessity. The challenges and intricacies of modern healthcare demand an initiative-taking, multidisciplinary approach that delves deep into the root causes and drives concrete improvements in patient outcomes. To embark on this transformative journey, we must raise a culture of boundless curiosity and a resolute willingness to explore from a myriad of perspectives. The pathway to a healthier and more innovative healthcare system commences with the realization that we possess the capacity and the obligation to be faster, wiser, and more resourceful in our relentless pursuit of enhanced well-being for all. We must redefine the very essence of healthcare innovation. True innovation is not restricted to merely addressing the symptoms; it entails unshackling ourselves from conventional norms. I am committed to breaking free from the cycles that bind us and advocating for authentic and radical healing. Together, let us pioneer a new era of healthcare that leaves no stone unturned in our quest for a brighter, healthier future. For more information visit www.blaisehunter.com.

Empowering Lasting Change.

Simon House guides and empowers individuals to achieve long-term recovery from addiction and all of its effects. Through our Core Values of

compassion, acceptance, collaboration integrity, humility, and innovation, we will lead the way in addiction treatment and lifelong recovery. Our mission and core values are guiding principles which you will experience at all times while engaged with our program, whether as a client, family member, staff, donor, community stakeholder, or visitor.




Invite your family, friends and neighbours over for supper sometime this fall. You can host a pizza party for $20 per person or get gourmet and charge guests $100+ for your amazing food, drinks and hospitality. You decide the donation amount and size of your SUPPER. When you register as a SUPPER HOST you’ll receive a SUPPER Apron and HOSTING Kit.


We’ll help you set up your guest list and get your invitations sent.


Closer to Home Community Services Adopta-Family Driven by Lexus of Calgary to Brighten the Holidays for Over Kids and "Calgary800 is experiencing a Closer to Home Community housing crisis; families cannot Services' Adopt-a-Family, driven Families afford a safe place to live. They by Lexus of Calgary is open! This year, Closer to Home (CTH) has identified a 40% increase in families needing support during the holiday season, so we are calling on our community to help. CTH knows that families are struggling in our city due to the current economic environment, with rising housing costs, limited rental availability, inflation, and more. We know that with the support of our community, we can provide relief for these parents and caregivers during this time.

are struggling to put healthy food choices on the table due to inflation. And, on top of this, the holiday season is coming up, providing an extra stressor for families," says Karen Olivier, CEO of Closer to Home Community Services. "Every day, we hear stories about families and their need for support—whether financially, skill building, or seeking safe shelter for their family. With Adopt-a-Family, we aim to ensure every family is supported and cared for, now and in the future."

For 13 years, the Adopt-a-Family campaign has been our community's vital pillar of support. Last year, thanks to our community's giving, we supported 800 families who wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to provide for their loved ones during the holidays. It truly is a testament to the generosity and compassion of individuals, businesses, and organizations each year, all while supporting those who might otherwise go without. When the community donates to Adopt-a-Family Driven by Lexus of Calgary, families are given gift cards, allowing parents and caregivers to purchase vital needs, such as warm winter clothing, socks, groceries, or other necessities. By doing this, parents and caregivers can put more money towards their monthly bills, like utilities and rent, eliminating some worry about how they will put healthy foods on the table or purchase warm winter clothing for their growing kids. Not only are families supported during the holidays, but they also stay for the ongoing family-centred programs and services to ensure that they have the skills necessary to work towards a brighter future– whether it is parenting programs, financial education, afterschool programs, or in-home support.

Any amount you can give will significantly benefit those who need it most this year. Please give to Adopt-a-Family– the last day to donate is December 15. How to donate: Visit our website at Adopt-a-Family | Closer To Home and select your donation amount—from individual family sizes, family bundles or any amount with Community Hands.

"Your story is a work of art. When

you focus on the strengths within your story you are empowered to move forward and flourish. Let me help you discover the possibilities.”

CREATING SPACE ONE BRICK AT A TIME! Stonewall Recovery Centre exists to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals impacted by addiction through specialized, innovative treatment programs and enhanced community partnerships on a local and national level. Stonewall Recovery

How do we get there?

Book a FREE 30-minute coaching session: https://calendly.com/christinapeersp ectiveconsulting/free-coachingsession I AM HERE TO SUPPORT YOU peerspectiveconsulting@gmail.com. You are not alone. Peerspective Consulting

Great question... WE NEED YOU! Stonewall Recovery is a charity, which means we rely on donations and sponsorships to fund our development and run our program. Please visit our donation page, GoFundMe OR email info@stonewallrecovery.ca to learn about our other donation options. Taxable donation receipts will be provided by Simon House Recovery Centre. Your contribution could have the power to save a life.

idea CONFERENCE. Including ALL INCULSION. DIVERSITY. EQUITY. ACCESSIBILITY. “The Idea Conference brings together employees, employers, and advocates to celebrate the abilities and strengths of people with disabilities while positively shaping the future of workplaces by educating employers.” - Christina Henderson

“This one-day conference brought community together to connect and learn about how we can shape the workplace so that it is supporting everyones strengths and to create a better understanding of what inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility are and how we can be better as an overall community when we include everyone.” – Krista Malden.

October was formally proclaimed “Disability Employment Awareness Month” by the Government of Alberta thanks to the caring efforts of many service providers, including Gateway Association. Albertans all agree we want every citizen to have inclusive and equitable employment, and through a partnership with the Government of Alberta, DEAM continues to make it a priority.

Employers, service workers, employees to listen to remarkable panel discussions, stories, and gain resources to creating a safe workplace for ALL. Gateway Association and the GEDIHub focus on Disability Awareness every day of the year and encourage everyone to have a better understanding of what an inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible workplace looks like and feels like.

October is an opportunity to spread the important message that a strong workforce includes the skills and talents of people experiencing disability. Businesses and employers who believe that diversity only makes us stronger hold events all October long. Gateway Association and the GEDI-Hub held events all month long with DEAM idea conference being their biggest event of the month bring together

The GEDI-Hub is providing space and education around: INCULSION. DIVERSITY. EQUITY. ACCESSIBILITY. While creating space for people to learn, be vulnerable and connect with the community. Check out their up-and-coming workshops: Workshops - GEDI-Hub (gatewaytodiversity.ca)

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Loa Tsu

Alnoor Damji

Storytelling I have been involved in storytelling for over 20 years! Through Rhythm and Rhyme, one word or one beat at a time! Telling stories of others, inspiring change, creating impact. Because people’s stories matter... it’s a fact. We all don’t need to share, but we need to listen. (and learn) Listen to the picture that the artist creates! Hear the words within the song, or the rhythm of the drum. Hearing the story isn’t about the words we speak daily, but finding the understanding we can intake. Stories come in many forms. My favorite is when a story is told and as you hear it your own creation is formed… … You are inspired to change, to grow, to give back. …You have learned something new or unlearned something old. … experience is a direct fact. … a direct impact. Another person’s story is theirs and theirs alone and is shared to create space for others to learn and to grow. Share a story through song, dance, painting, or writing… you can tell it in a poem or play or just through the beat of your drum…there are so many ways.

Listen to the picture the artist creates. Hear the rhythm or the rhyme, one word or beat at a time. - KM

HOPE’S CORNER WHAT IS HOPE? Join Kimberly Dawn at Community Now! Magazines Mental Health Summit on Dec 13 to BUILD, CREATE & SPREAD HOPE, by building words within words and contributing to a book about HOPE! Events | Community Now! Magazine (communitynowmagazine.com)

FUN FACTS: with Samir (Sam) Musayev, PhD, CITF Penicillin's Moldy Origins: Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin when he noticed that a mold, Penicillium, killed bacteria. This chance encounter with a moldy petri dish revolutionized medicine.

The Telemedicine Space Race: Telemedicine made its space debut during the Apollo missions when astronauts could consult with doctors on Earth, giving "house calls" a cosmic twist.


Writer Releas es 4th Book!

“Ever since I watched Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings, I knew what I wanted to do with my life.” – Tony Del Degan

Local author, Tony Del Degan releases his 4th novel: IN RIVER CARDINAL


Tony is a young author, who writes sci-fi and fantasy horror novels. JUST RELEASED: IN RIVER CARDINAL


A journey Through the Hidden Mind Dewey Becker was contracted by Cardinal Medicine to invent things. He called his first creations Dewboxes, and Cardinal brought him on full time as a technician to maintain them. After a troubling past the job would carry him softly into retirement… Tony’s writing style keeps every reader interested and thinking! Tony leaves room for the reader to interpret various aspects of the characters and there is a metaphor in how nearly everything is written. “There are numerous monsters and creatures created by the villain using the deep-seated fears and regrets of the main character. I designed the monsters specifically so that every aspect of their design means something. This was inspired by things like Silent Hill.” Tony Del Degan If you are a fantasy horror fan this is a MUST READ! (it also makes a great holiday gift) Check out Tony’s work: Tony Del Degan - Official Site

About the Author: watch Tony’s Book release interview here: Author Interview - In River Cardinal Book Launch Event - YouTube

TAKE THE DAY…TO PLAY! Community Now! Magazine Presents the

6th annual mental health summit! Join us on December 13, 2023, and TAKE THE DAY TO PLAY, while connecting with the community, learning about mental wellness, and filling your BUCKET with mental health resources! Start the day with coffee and networking, followed by an opening keynote and facilitated exercises. Spend some time drumming, creating, and participating in activities. There will be a panel discussion around mental health, business, and accessibility.


Jayme Minor Host

Sumana Jeddy Keynote

Ryan Perez Keynote

Krista Malden Founder / Drumming Facilitator

Faisal Karmali

Tyler Chisolm

Jenn Betts

Jade Alberts

Shannon Phillips

Furkhan Dandia

Chritina Henderson

Sharyl Madigan

Sarah Hawco

Amie U Blaise Hunter

COLLABORATION: the definition of collaboration is generalized as two or more people working together (to create and or build something.) LET’S take the word collaboration and make it work to its fullest. Collaboration … working together, promoting each other, connecting each other, lifting each other up and helping each other reach our end goals! Collaboration can be as simple as being each other’s cheerleaders and connecting each other to the right people, or it can be as complex as joining two businesses to build something new! Collaboration is something we can all do together.


RESOURCES in the COMMUNITY Mental Health Resources

Workplace Wellness Resources

Health Resources

RESOURCES in the COMMUNITY Business Resources & Services

Business Resources & Services



www.communitynowmagazine.com publisher@communitynowmagazine.com

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