December 2022 Volume 5 Issue 5

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Mental Health is important to talk about because it’s about language becoming medicine.

In this circle of medicine, we share stories, billions of stories that overlap if only in the least bit.

Billions of us linked together making our stories a collective Venn Diagram of human connection through oral communication.

When we find that our stories exist in others, we find that we are none of us alone.

That, I believe, is Healing.

That, I believe, is Mental Health.

That - is when Words become Medicine, and we may “Write A Way to Wellness.”

“Write A Way to Wellness.”

Let’s write our way to wellness

it can be that easy

Wakefield Brewster aka: Da Lyrical PitBull Calgary Poet Laureate 2022-2024

Professional Poet & Spoken Word Artist

Professional Poetic Interpreter™

Founder & Curator: Page2Stage Productions

“When it comes to fostering strong mental health, I believe the role of community is vital. It is important that everyone knows that they have a friend, a family member, a colleague, a teammate or a counsellor who they can talk to. I encourage all readers to reach out to anyone you think may be struggling and be willing to listen to them.

Don’t forget to say thank you to anyone who has helped you in any of your life endeavors. Let’s remember to be grateful for all the small things in life. With a grateful heart we are able to embrace others with empathy and unselfishness. By working together, we all have the tools we need to foster stronger and more resilient people and thus, communities.”



you to all our Contributors:
The Honourable Lois E.
Jade Alberts Al Del Degan
Samir Musayev Sharyl Madigan Blaise Hunter Cara Wolf Kimberly Dawn Sophia Fairweather Dr. Bonnie J Kaplan Jeff Sturgeon Krista Malden Sarah Hawco Amie Uitvlugt Philip Calvert
Photos: Jill Drader
Blaise Hunter Sarah Hawco Jessica Gray Tamara Becker
Special Thanks to: Kenzie Webber
Volume 5 Issue 5 December 2022 #ItTakesaVillage Karmali Exchange Nomina Wellness/Health School of Rock Calgary Hawco Peters You Insure Inc. Made by Momma Deloris Walker Your Counselling Inc Alberta Innovates Castle and Associates Careers New Idea Machine InceptionU Ammolite Analytx Fabulous @50 Peerspective Consulting No Such Thing as A Bully Motivating for Success Terminator Foundations
Workplace Wellness Collective Banbury Crossroads School Alberta Bike Swap No Fixed Address Alta Montana Coffee Safe Haven Peer Guidance Blaise The Trail
Blockchain Consortium
Brittany Fraser Nicole Langton Amie Uitvlugt Darlene Chrapko Kathy & Dave Malden

Mental Illness Does NOT Discriminate

It does not care what size pants you wear It does not care about the colour of your hair

Mental Illness doesn’t care if you are rich or poor It doesn’t keep a score

Mental illness does not judge you by your age It is not a craze or the latest rage

Mental illness is REAL It is something we all feel

Mental illness is everywhere And is in no way fair

Mental illness is here to stay Unless we work together to find a way We need to listen and learn How to help those around us Not in exchange or for a return

Mental illness is in our homes, workplaces, and schools

It’s become a social media frenzy And it has no rules Together we can unite We can stand up to this and we can fight Together we can build mental wellness

Movement. Why We Need It.

How We Can Make It Happen.

We all know we should exercise, just like we know we should eat our vegetables and avoid fast food. But knowing and doing are often worlds apart. Everyone has an excuse, some valid, some not. Too busy is a favourite, especially among the working moms. And we are busy! Too busy, too tired, too stressed, too intimidated, or the common, too out ofshape.Igetit,Ireallydo.But,aswill become a common theme on this page, put yourself first, put value on your needs, and your health, and your happiness.

To almostquoteGlennonDoyle,thereis no prize to conquering Mount Martyrdom.Likeeveryjourney,itbegins with the first step. Just. One. Step. And then the next.

Exercise isn’t just for strengthening our hearts and muscles and lungs, it also plays an integral role in strengthening our brain. It makes us more resilient to stress, depression, anxiety, trauma. Movement can help us tap into our joy. The type of physical activity does not matter, those that are physically active tend to be happier and less likely to suffer from loneliness or depression.

Sarah Hawco, CPA CA, LLM, CIRP, Q. Arb., CFE Photo: Jessica Gray

So how do we tackle the top reasons why we don’t move?

1. Too Busy to Exercise

This is probably the reason I hear most why people don't exercise. Between work, and commuting, and family obligations there simply isn't time. Believe it or not, this is the easiest fix. Quite simply, you make the time. Schedule it, in your calendar. Block off that time in your work calendar so that no meetings are booked in that time frame. Not in the office and managing a household? Advise your masters (children, pets, etc) that you are simply not available from time x to time y. If doing it in the morning,thensetyouralarmtomakeit happen.

If you were to take inventory of the amount of time you spend on social media, or Netflix, or online shopping (guilty!), I suspect you could carve out 30-60 minutes in every day to get moving. If you went to bed 30 minutes earlier, shutting down your device knowing that you have an earlier wake up time, the earlier alarm will only hurt the first few days. Trust me, there are many mornings that I want to hit snooze on a 5am alarm. But you know what I can unequivocally promise you? No one has ever regretted a workout. Not once have I returned home from a sunrise run thinking, gosh I wish I hadn't done that. Note once. Make the time. For you.

2. Too Tired or Stressed to Exercise

This can be linked to the grand umbrella of too busy I suppose. But fatigue and stress are close relatives. The more stressed one is, the more tired they become, both from poor sleep quality as well as the fact that stress and more so depression can lead to fatigue, a shutdown of sorts. Again, you are in luck. The body and brain LOVE exercise. It provides relief, it provides hormones and endorphins and feelgood dopamine. Exercise is scientifically proven to reduce depression and stress. The more stressed or tired your body and mind are feeling, it is quite possible that exercise, even a brisk walk (ideally outdoors) will be the cure.

3. Too out of Shape

This excuse falls on a spectrum. You may indeed be too out of shape to run, orliftweights,orgotoaspinclass.That might be true. So, you start where you are within your physical capabilities. Maybe you walk before you run, do body weight exercises before you pick up the weights. Often however, the too out of shape excuse is misplaced and inaccurate. It is a preconception you have about both others and yourself. Gyms can be intimidating, the narrative in your head about how the "other" participants in a group fitness class might look can psych you out before you even consider walking in the door. You know what though? You can make space for the fear and dare yourself to be brave. No one, I repeat NO ONE, will ever shame someone for showing up. You deserve to be there. With rare exception will you find a marathoner who did not first run a 5k, or a fitness instructor who never had their first class.

My partner is a long-time fitness guru. He is a well-known trainer in town who is quite literally known as “the fitness guy”. Though I had exercised my whole life, I did so on my own. I had heard stories about his group fitness classes long before I met him. When I was invited by one of his participants to go I waited a full month before finally gathering the nerve to try it. I was sure I was not “fit enough” to go. You know what? I was fit enough. Everyone there was, regardless of age and size.

There were super fit people, and less fit people. There were young people in their early 20s and people like my father who is almost 80. And everyone was putting in their best effort for their stage of life and their physical capabilities. Exercise is a judgement free invitation to your body and mind and to move. To feel. To breathe.

Whatever your excuse, exercise and movement is likely the answer, not the barrier. Start where you are and just keep doing it. It is for no one other than you. You will find your groove and derive such satisfaction and joy. True joy. Because movement taps into our courage, and our hope. It creates and it expands what we believe we are capable of. To be continued…

Photo Credit: Jessica Gray

The Compelling Reasons to Make Nutrition a First-line Treatment for Brain Health

Dr. Bonnie J. Kaplan, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

I’m sure you have seen this quote, sometimes attributed to Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Our health educators and dietitians ought to contemplate that pithy sentence, because they have been trying to change the way people eat for at least 50 years by saying the samethingsoverandoveragain:eat a balanced diet, eat to build strong bones and muscles, etc.

The result? Our society is increasingly doing the opposite! According to the latest crosscountry survey data from the U.S. as well as Canada and the U.K., more than 50% of the calories our society consumes come from packages of ultra-processed industrialized chemicals which the manufacturers are permitted to call ‘food.’ For children under age 19, it is 2/3 of their caloric intake! These products

are virtually devoid of micronutrients (mineralsandvitamins).Amuchmore brain-healthy diet would include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

This point warrants repeating: As of 2021, more than half of what people inoursocietyconsumedoesnotmeet the definition of food (defined as what we consume to build and maintain our cells).

Compare that to the way our parents and grandparents ate prior to about 1950. Did your grandparents cook oatmeal,ordidtheybuyFrootLoops? Did they make sandwiches for lunch or open a box of Pizza Pops?

AsweshowedinTheBetterBrain,the way society is voluntarily excluding micronutrients is a real problem for brain health. There is now a vast amount of scientific proof that minerals and vitamins are required for preventing both mental disorders and dementia. And there is now sufficient published information for me to say this: We could save significantly in our own household budgets as well as in our provincial health care budget if we change the way people eat.

And here is the truly amazing point: Most of the Canadian studies cited below are, in fact, generated by Alberta scientists from Calgary, Edmonton, and Lethbridge. If we could just get the attention of politiciansandpolicymakers,wehave the knowledge and expertise for a made-in-Alberta solution to bending the health care curve and saving moneyandlives. What we need to do is place nutrition education and treatment where it belongs: at the front line of brain health protection and treatment.

One step in the right direction would be to change the educational messaging. Instead of telling people what they should do (which clearly has not worked after 50 years of trying), let’s teach people WHY they should focus on their nutrient intake.

Every educational program from elementary school through medical school would explain the word ‘cofactor’ – the compounds based on micronutrients that enable our brain metabolism to function. Watch a 5minute video here for a simple description of what micronutrients and cofactorsdotofacilitatetheproduction of all your neurotransmitters.

A second positive step would be to require every school health program to explain that even though we must eat well to build strong muscles and bones, our greediest organ is actually our brain.So,weneedtothinkabouteating to optimize our brain health.

And third, every mental health clinic and every health professional assisting people with mental health challenges ought to implement nutrition education in their own setting. Why? In The Better Brain we review the scientific evidence for this, such as:

• Dietary intake is correlated with mental health. For instance, a Canadian study showed in adults with mood disorders that within just a 3day period, the higher their mineral and vitamin intake, the better their general mental functioning. Another Canadian study in grade 5 children also found that the better their Healthy Eating Index, the fewer worries and sadness they reported.

Improving overall dietary intake results in improved mental health. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that adults with depression who were taught how to improve their diets experienced significantly reduced depression and saved 20% of their food budgets. In one of the studies, 32% of the participantsachievedremissionfrom Major Depressive Disorder in just 12 weeks. No study of antidepressant medication has ever shown such a large benefit.

• Supplementing with a full spectrum of approximately 30 minerals and vitamins reduces symptoms across all psychiatric diagnoses. The improvements have been documented in more than 55 peerreviewed studies. Symptoms most clearly improved are usually mood dysregulation, explosive rage, irritability, and aggression. Three placebo controlled RCTs on childhood ADHD associated with mood dysregulation reported large benefits. Some of these studies have been done after natural disasters (our 2013 flood, New Zealand earthquakes), and should influence policy makers dealing with crises.

This is not magic. The mechanisms by which nutrients improve brain function are well known. All metabolic reactions are dependent upon the presence of sufficient cofactors (minerals and vitamins) for the synthesis and breakdown of neurotransmitters.

Essential fatty acids, critically important for brain cell walls, along with minerals and vitamins, are also responsible for optimal production of the energy molecule ATP in our mitochondria, one natural homeostatic mechanism for controlling excessive inflammation. Thesefunctionsofnutrientsinthehuman brain are well-established and described in basic biochemistry textbooks.

Attention politicians and policy makers. There is a financial imperative to pay attention to this research. In two extensively documented cases, Canadian health economists showed that micronutrient treatment in a child and in an adult cost less than 10% of the patients’ previous (and ineffective) conventional care. In children aged 1011,Canadianresearchdemonstratedthat for every additional health behaviour a child followed, there was a 15% decrease in medical appointments for mental health problems two years later. A 15% decrease in cost for pediatric mental health alone would have a significant impact on health care budgets.

I see this as a moral challenge. Over 50 years of the ‘psychopharmacology revolution’has seen the prevalenceof mental health disorders increase from less than 1% to over 20% (and no, that increase cannot entirely be attributedtopeoplebeingmorelikely to seek help – something that of course we want to encourage). Is there not a moral imperative to look at the evidence supporting the foundational role of nutrients in protecting our brain health?


My favorite part of the Mental Health Summit is watching the collisions happen between industry, people, and generations. The collisions happen prior too, during and long after the event is over. All because people chose to Take theDay, to gather to share stories, connect, learn, and change the narrative around mental health.” KristaMalden, FounderCommunityNow! Magazine#ItTakeAVillage

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
- Maya Angelou


“It Takes a Village”

“Teaching is a tough slog some days, but I will admit that after 16 years of teaching business, legal studies, psychology and social studies that no two days are exactly the same and every student wants to learn.” Tyler Melnyk

People. Planet. Profit.

The idea of the Huggabowl comes from a pay it forward concept. When researching the type of venture, I knew the goal and mission for NFA would be to provide dignity and quality to all, regardless of one's ability to pay for it forward. Food insecurity is much easier to miss than housing.

The Huggabowl is the second bowl. It's the afterthought for most. Now that you have ordered your soup from NFA you will be

asked if you'd like a second, a Huggabowl. It's going to be half price, covering costs only. This is where the pay it forward system kicks in. You can take the Huggabowl with you, give it away to a co-worker, or leave it with us to give back to the community.

“When we keep the Huggabowl we place a token out front of NFA's order window so that the next individual who walks past can stop and get a warm cup of soup while keeping their dignity.” Tyler Melnyk

To get involved, learn more, or book No fixed Address for your next event email:

Community Collides! Calgary Centre for Newcomers Ethnicity Kitchen is today’s soup supplier. They run a social enterprise catering and cafe business from The Village Square Leisure Centre. Employing newcomers and refugees while teaching transferable skills.

Thank you, Calgary Centre for Newcomers Ethnicity Kitchen, for ALL you do!

“It Takes a Village.” .
Meet Tyler Melnyk, High School educator by day, community warrior by night.

Where the inspiration came from:

“For a period in my 20's I watched my father slip away becoming my towns homeless population. There was a physical and emotional divide forming. No matter how much my family and I tried it was never enough. I felt ashamed and at the same time enraged that a city wouldn't acknowledge this as an “us” problem while treating him with such distain. Helpless I forged on with my own path, charting a course through university and into the life I never thought possible. I look at my situation today - my wife, daughter and career and see that this is my shot at creating that legacy for my father. He didn't leave us anything when he passed except the rich knowledge that every person caught out in the cycle of housing insecurity is someone's loved one. I look at No Fixed Address as my turn to pass along that legacy, one bowl at a time.” Tyler Melnyk.



So many terrific partners have offered their support along the way, Thank you to everyone, especially to my wife, Kristine.

Strong Brains Beat Bullying

No Such Thing as a Bully is a system that prevents bullying and reverses the effects of bullying on those who have already had the experience of bullying. All people use both bully actions and victim responses, one set of skills solves both.

takes a village”
shake up our social eco-system together
One bowl of soup at a time!

Alta Montana Coffee

Straight from a family farm in Columbia to a Calgary owned and operated family Roastery. Connecting global communities to provide people with the best coffee, provide jobs and opportunities and all while creating remarkable coffee!

Our dream started to become a reality in February of 2012 when the first batch of our coffee made it to Calgary. This story goes back to 1988 when my in laws bought a piece of land and started to turn it around with their own hands.

A rich volcanic soil provides for some of the best specialty coffees of Colombia. It is deep in the Nariño department, in the subdivision of Veracruz, where a microclimate is conceived, at an altitude of 2,100 meters still able to receive warm winds from the Patia Valley. Here, the traditional selective harvesting and sun dry processes carried out in "artisan" cultivation yields the ideal conditions for a cup of outstanding quality. Only with the strength of the artisans carrying these volumes on their back, can this quality product make its way to your cup. While in full compliance with environmental and social sustainability standards, Alta Montaña Coffee as a family-owned business vows to provide a product fruit of a fighting community that protects its land while keeping the balance with Mother Nature.

Order your coffee today, or book Alta Montana Coffee for your next event or conference!

Alta Montana Coffee

Thank you Alta Montana Coffee for introducing us to your amazing coffee and story! And for taking the day with us. From CN!

Magazine Connecting Global Communities

Terminator Foundation strives to reach individuals with mental health, trauma,andaddictionissuestosupport their health and wellness journey using our cutting edge 'Activity Based Recovery Therapy', which applies the three disciplines of triathlon: swimming, biking, and running.

Why Exercise Is Important for Recovery:

-Exercise offsets feelings of hopelessness and uselessness

-Exercise helps to fight the urge to use alcohol/drugs while simultaneously increasing dopamine

How can the community get involved with the

Terminator Foundation?

A. If you're in recovery or want to be in recovery and are looking for a supportive group of like-minded individuals, contact info@terminatorfoundation.c om to join our Activity-Based Recovery Therapy Program!

B. Volunteer at events and conferences: contact us at info@terminatorfoundation.c om for more information.

-Exercise lowers tension and stress levels

-Exercise counteracts anxiety and depression

C. Terminator Foundation is looking for monthly partners! To receive a tax-deductible receipt for your contributions, visit: www.terminatorfounda

The mission of BC & Alberta Guide Dogs is to meet the growing demand for professionally trained Guide Dogs, Autism Support Dogs and OSI-PTSD Service Dogs for citizens of British Columbia and Alberta. At all times we meet or exceed international standards as established by the International Guide Dog Federation and Assistance Dogs International.

MAXgreen windows, siding and roofing believes that homeowners shouldn't have to be inconvenienced to ensure a leak proof and comfortable home, and that they should feel great about their exterior renovation experience and giving back to their community.

Calgary’s' one-stop solution for Windows, Doors, Siding & Roofing

Over 10,000 trees planted and over $200,000.00 Donated to Local Charities

Let’s CHANGE the NARRATIVE Together!

Action Items everyone can do to help change the narrative around mental health and build a stronger community of mental wellness. - Bythecommunityforthecommunity

- Take care of yourself - Check in on people

- Listen - Keep a list of resources in your phone - Be nice - Be understanding“Ask permission. When someone comes to you, to share a story or how they feel, instead of giving advice, ask. Ask them what they need. If you want to give advice, ASK, if they would like advice. Or just ask “what do you need from me, space, resources, someone to just sit with.” – Krista Malden.

“Grow. - Learning without integration leads to complacency. We are obligated to GROW as we learn, to be better than we were. Without growth we hold on to old biases, ideas, and ignorance.” – Ethan Nicolas.

“Learn - If you don’t know much about mental illness, signs of mental illness, resources for mental illness take time in your day to talk to a therapist, doctor or do some research”

Mental Health

What are the stats?

I read that in any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experiences a mental illness. By the time Canadians reach 40 years of age, 1 in 2 have – or have had – a mental illness.

Mental Health Resources: Meet Rea Hailley and Jenna Galloway

When it comes to youth and adults, Rea Hailley introduced me to a powerful technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping. It is based on acupressure and is very useful for managinganxietyandstress.Inthepast when I used it, I found it helped me centre myself and stay calm, before entering a potentially stressful situation.

This technique is a tool that you can have in your back pocket to help you through difficult situations, and better focus on how you are dealing with stress. Combined with self-reflection and meditation, you can better understand what triggers you, and consciously step outside of a situation to see it from a different perspective.

"When you need support, reach out for professional help but also arm yourself with tools you can use in the moment. "

A little over a year ago I met a lady named Jenna Galloway. She spoke to me about a project she was working on called Fledge. The idea behind the projectwassimple.Insteadoffocusing on how to deal with mental health issues in society, maybe if we were to give our children the tools and skills, they needed to deal with this crazy thing we call life, they may have a better chance at avoiding mental health issues in the first place.

To me, this was incredibly moving. I still get goosebumps when I think of what she is doing. Full disclosure, I immediately asked her how I can get on board and help out. As a result, myself and my team are helping Jenna build a software application. It will allow teachers, parents, and child health-care professionals to work togetherwithkidsinschoolgradesK-3 (this will grow to include 4-12 in the future) to build resilience and capacity to deal with the things in life that throw them off and cause mental health issues later in life. Things like dealing with anxiety, self-regulation, and focus are a great place for young ones to start.

It is important that we look after ourselves, and for those of us who have children, we should do what we can to prepare them for life. Expecting them to be strong and telling them to not let things bother them is not giving them the power to handle difficult situations. Swooping inandtakingontheworldforthemso they don’t have to stand up for themselves doesn’t help either.

Every human being must be given the tools and taught the skills to selfmanage their mental health. Starting from a very early age is the best gift we can give to provide the opportunity for them to grow up strong, healthy, and resilient.

The Superpower Project

Captain Communicator

Most of us can relate to having mixed messages or signals getting lost in translation from time to time. Humanity solely relies on communicating to survive, yet we are horrible communicators. Every day we experience assumptions, conflict, triggers, trauma, illnesses, and disconnect, but we never really hone our communication skills. Wouldn't it be amazing to have communication superpowers? Can you imagine going anywhere in the world and being a universal translator?

The Superpower Project is about highlighting various challenges or “kryptonites” facing people and helping us neutralize their effect on us. A deadly kyrptonite facing us these

days is we are a communicationsobsessed culture, yet we lack empowering communication skills.

When we say there's a breakdown in various areas of our lives, it's usually because of a lack of communication. We can’t thrive as a society with disconnects in our bodies, minds, homes, relationships, workplaces, or with our loved ones. For the last fourteen years, I have been dealing with a rare autoimmune disease. Thereisacommunicationbreakdown in my body which creates massive confusion. The body mistakenly attacks healthy cells and it’s like I live in a constant warzone. If we have mixed signals and breakdowns in our bodies, how can we expect to send

Blaise Hunter | Human Rights Consultant | Communications Expert

and receive information effectively with others? The foundation of being an effective communicator, is healing the dis-ease internally which drives connection externally. The point of all communication is connection. After going through earth-shattering traumas andbattlingarareautoimmunedisease, I was forced to make a choice. Either I stay the course and die—or face the mirror, rewire, and live. I just recently published my second book and I challenged myself to assemble it as my medicinalmanifesto. Thesewordsmake upmylife.Iinvitepeopleintoseeallthe good, the bad, and the ugly. Captain Communicator: How To Turn Signals Into Superpowers is about how I’m creatingsafetyinmyinnerworldsoIcan communicate better with myself and others. Through it all, we can obtain tools to navigate through life in a brave way. A hero’s journey isn’t about the wins; it’s about how we take the losses and turn them into life-giving superpowers. I wrote this book because I refuse to wither and die emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Disease, miscarriages, trauma, pain, and heartache don’t define me. By reconnecting the portals of communication,Istarvethisdiseaseand inject healing. We can all benefit from learning effective communication strategies and applying them to all aspects of our lives.

Every day we miscommunicate, whethertoourselvesortoothers.Our world is filled with signals and messages. How good are we at sending and receiving them? Do they get lost in translation? Do we become a slave to false narratives? Even though superheroes are fictional, humanshaveaninnerfantasyofbeing a secret spy and possessing superhuman abilities. If you could be any superhero, who would you be? How many people said themselves?

Ifyouaren'tasuperheroinyourmind, you won't be one in life. Tapping into the communication superpower begins with how we allow our minds to communicatetous.Thisdriveshow we see the world and how we choose to transmit messages. We can't effectively send and receive messages with others until we master our own communications system. Language contributes to our well-being, and the well-being of those around us. Are your inward and outward signals the heroorthevillain inyour story? Iama communications expert by trade and yetthroughoutmylife,Iwasahorrible communicator. Through trauma healing, self-reflection, humility, and vulnerable honesty, I discovered the key to effectively communicating is through human connection. Our life experiences, environment, and genetics contribute to our comms systems becoming vastly disconnected. The connection within determines how our internal and external transmitters will operate. Once we re-establish healthy lines with ourselves, we can learn how to correspond like a superhero and be a mighty interpreter.

Communicationisnotjustameansto send and receive information, it’s also a gift that is highly valued and sought after in all walks of life. Shrewd communication isn’t a soft skill; it’s the ultimate utility tool that will improve our interactions in every way. When we communicate with the intention to connect, everyone involved walks away satisfied and feeling validated. By delivering messages through an emotionally intelligent filter, we decrease the chances of mixed signals, assumptions, and conflict. In situations where clashes arise, active listening, self-control, wise words, and grace are key factors to ensure that the situation is resolved in a respectful manner. How one communicates can be a make-orbreak factor in our mental health, securing a job, maintaining relationships, our self-esteem, and having healthy self-expression. The following are immediate actions we canintegrateinourlivestobecomea Captain Communicator:

1. Know Yourself

By asking reflective questions and giving ourselves honest answers, we gain valuable intelligence about our triggers and needs with interactions. This creates razor sharp awareness which presents an opportunity for us to set up our exchanges and take control of the narrative. Learning how we send and receive information is at the crux of being an effective communicator with others. When we see ourselves with a clear lens, we improve our sight with incoming signals.

2. Be Present and Embody Active Listening

When engaging in conversations, listen without judging the other person. Keep an open mind and just hear them out in a neutral space. If we internally criticize what people say, we compromise the connection as a listener. Avoid jumping to conclusions as well. The person is using language to represent their personal thoughts and feelings. We are not inside their brain, so we mustn’t prematurely dismiss their words. The only way we connect is by entering a shared reality with others and we do that by listening with an unbiased ear.

3. Ask Clarifying Questions

It’s better to ask uncharged questions for clarity than to display agreeance and walk away with unsubstantiated assumptions and conclusions. We tend to avoid conflict but just agreeing. This puts us in the passive-aggressive category instead of being an assertive communicator. Observe the natural pauses, breaks, and breaths in a dialogue and then enquire.

4. Stop Interrupting

Wait for a pause before responding. Interrupting the speaker is disrespectful. We need to remember this is a give and take exchange. We can’t establish active listening when we are constantly interjecting our opinions. Initiate self-restraint when feeling the urge to suggest solutions. Most of us don't want unsolicited advice, instead we are seeking a soundingboard.Whenthereisapause, practice asking, "May I offer some feedback?"

5. Notice the Non-Verbal Cues

We collect a great amount of information from reading between the lines and the energy that is being presented. It’s trickier with emails and texts because the tone can be misinterpreted. Strictly referring to verbal dialogues, it’s crucial for all parties to detect the connotations of body language. Sensing if someone is happy, sad, angry, or irritated help us spot clues to better shape our words in the exchange.

How do you define communication? Where can you improve on? What does your selftalk look like? Are you constantly facing mixed messages and conflict because everyone is on a different frequency? Start implementing these superpower strategies and see the reconnection. For a deeper look on how to be a master of our messages, join me on this journey of exploring various areas of our lives that are suffering all because of a lack of empowering communication. There are millions of books on this subject, but Captain Communicator takes a daring approach. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic that humans encounter daily. I weave my own story of ups and downs and show how we can connect the severed lines to become the hero of our signals instead of the victim. Eventhoughweallhaveuniquelife encounters, we all require the same communication skills to thrive not just survive. Productive communication creates positive mental health. When we earn our Captain wings, we have the power to change the direction of our narratives. To learn more about how to be the hero of your life visit

There is more to money than numbers, reaching your financial finish lines starts within. Some of you are likely thinking "No, it starts with your bank account". I wish to challenge you if that is you today. I too thought the same thing, that to finish well when it comes to money you need the money in your account but then through my life journey, I realizedthatouremotionsaretrulyin the driver's seat to our financial decision and if left unchecked it can lead us astray and into financial ruin. So, to get good with money we need to get good with our emotions.

Emotionally connected people have better finances. As Mike Cameron would often say “they make better partners, parents, contributing members of the community, employees, and overall better humans.”

Whatdoesthisevenmean?Abigpart of the mental health crisis right now has a financial component. Forty percent of Canadians are financially unwell. We allknowthatwhen facing financial strain, it affects all aspects ofone'slife: relationships,marriages, kids, physical health, work production and emotional health.

I believe the key to increasing one's financial health comes with the awareness that we all have a money story, different communication styles and money languages. Your money storyiscraftedandcreatedthroughout your lives so far using four different lenses.

1. What we were told.

2. What we learned.

3. What we experienced.

4. What we believed to be true.

I think that is straightforward to understand, when you were younger, and you were told that money is the root of all evil, so subconsciously you believed it unless you did the work to cancel out the lie. Maybe you grew up in a home that fought lots about money, so you learned that money puts a wedge in a marriage. You may nowliveyourlifetheoppositewayand you don't talk about money in your marriage which I might add is not healthy either.

If you are like me, you faced devastation and lost everything either through death, separation, divorce, or health issues. You now experience fear in finances, thinking the other shoe will drop, a scarcity mindset, and have a hard time trusting. These are just a few examples of how what we were told, learned, and experienced can play a role in our beliefs. When we believe somethingwhetherit'strueorfalse,we live out patterns and behaviours that reflect our beliefs. I won't go into the neuroscience of it all.

Yes, these lenses play a part in more than just your money but for today's topic of financial wholeness, I will only beaddressingthemoneysideofthings. As that is where my passion lies to help othersreachfinancialwholenessasthis leads to finishing well financially. If you don't know my story, I encourage you to watch it on my website, my lack of emotional intelligence hindered my financial future back nine years ago.

Stop and put thought into these questions:

➢ What was money like for your parents growing up? Ask them.

➢ Think about their patterns and behaviours, what do you notice?

➢ What was money like for you as a kid growing up?

➢ What are your money patterns and behaviour?

➢ What is your very first memory of money?

➢ Has it played out in your financial decisions over the years?

Let's look at your lenses when it comes to money and communication.

Lack of communication about money isoneoftheleadingcausesofdivorce along with fights about sex. I am not afraidtospeakthetruthweknowthe stats and if you are married or divorced what are your biggest obstacles? Be honest. Ask yourself whatyouweretoldaboutmoneyand communication. Depending on the generation you came from you may have gotten the message that the man oversees the finances or vice versa. What did you learn? Was money a taboo topic or was it openly discussed?

The biggest contributor to our belief systems comes from our very own experiences so, what have you experienced regarding communication about money? For me I had a marriage fail due to a lack oftransparencyaboutmoney,money infidelity happens often do you know how to spot it in yourself or others? Learn how to build healthy communication lines when it comes to money with your partner, parents, and children both young and old. You are never too late to learn this, trust me I know (wink, wink).

Financial wholeness is a profound way of living out the truest version of yourself. When all aspects are working for your greatest good, the biggest benefit, and your richest life.

I am going to leave you with a great little exercise. This exercise will take less than 10 minutes.

What you will need:

• Sticky notes

• Sharpie

• Little box or container to store the stickies

• Timer Steps:

1. Writes on your sticky note what you did well with money this week.

2. On the second sticky note write down what you did poorly with money this week.

3. On the third write what you want to do better with money next week and how you will do it.

4. Reread the sticky notes. This is personal reflection, ownership, and accountability.

5. Save these sticky notes and do this exercise every week.

6. Review at the end of the month, you will start to see patterns.

7. Dig deep. Find the root. Break the patterns.

When you look after your financial well-being, you can look after your mental health, physical health, and your future. Sadly, financial literacy is often neglected - it is my experience, and the statisticstellus that youth are provided a shallow education in financial literacy. That is fundamentally why I created KeyAngels.

However, financial literacy is not just something I believe in; it's a problem youth have brought up time and time again. A US National Financial Educators Council survey of 7,532 young adults found that 50% said money management would benefit them in life, over social studies, math, and science. Without the knowledge and skillsto usetheirresources,youth lack the components required to build a secure, sustainable, and stable life for themselves.

They have the opportunity to stay out of survival mode and thrive, and their mindset improves, as they learn to


Financial Literacy = Mental Wellness

manage their own property, wealth, etc. Weneedto allputanemphasison learning and teaching financial literacy, with housing, taxes, saving, investing, credit, debt, etc. When youth understand how and what to do with money, stress and anxiety plummet, and youth describe they feel supported, confident, and ultimately happier.

Let’s collaborate, educate, and build stronger communities together! .

Email me at: for more information on Key Angels, Financial literacy, and youth

Let’s buildmental wellness,by teaching& providing opportunitiesfor financialliteracy.

This Issue of Telling It Like It Is

Features: Shelvie Fernan

CEO & Co-Founder, Fly and Fetch Inc.

2. How does your process work?

1. This is such a unique idea, how did you come up with it?

As immigrants we've always been familiar with shipping goods internationally, but this is almost never done through courier, but through friends and family travelling. WhenIneededtoshipapackagefrom the Philippines, I have always thought of just looking for a traveller and not even bothering going through a traditional courier. That's when we realized that there is an opportunity here. There's a method of shipping that has been done for decades and wefoundawaytomonetizeandhave the entire community take advantage of it.

STEP 1: Sender registers the package ontheFlyandFetchwebsitethendropoff their package at the nearest hub.

STEP 2: Hub manager inspects the package and processes it into our system along with other packages from other senders.

STEP 3: Traveller’s pick-up the packages from the hub one day before their flight and inspect the packages then they travel with the packages.

STEP 4: When the travellers arrive at the destination, they meet our hub manager right away to drop off the packages.

STEP 5: Hub Manager dispatches the packages locally.

3. What type of items can you ship?

Various items as long as it is allowed in customs, and it fits our size requirements. We don't ship animals, meat products, and contrabands.

4. What is next for Fly & Fetch?

We are inbuilding mode. Scaling and growing our community and routes. We've found our product market fit and we have validated our business and now, it is time to just grow.

5. If you had one piece of advice for a start-up or entrepreneur, what would that be?

My one piece of advice is to take advice, lol. It sounds like a joke, but feedback and advice are very important. There are various people out there that have in dept experience and great ideas that can help you. I always look for mentors and seek advice whenever I am unsure of something. It has helped me a lot, as a first-time entrepreneur,Idon'thavethatmuch experience and I really needed the advice from various people, which is very easy to get in the community! People love to help.

Telling It Like It Is

– Wednesday’s 9.30am MST

Watch here Facebook https://www.facebook.c om/PeerGuidanceYYC



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67% of all small businesses that are cyber attacked do not recover. Many go bankrupt. 80% of all hacked businesses are hacked again.

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Choose Ammolite Affordable advisory services provided by the foremost experts in cybersecurity Approachable with personalized support We take large volumes of complex information and translate our knowledge into easy-to-understand business language We empower you to make more informed business decisions Working with Ammolite experts, you’ll have access to decades of experience. Experts in the areas of Finance, Energy, Health, and Technology Ammolite advisors share deep expertise and knowledge as we guide you through your cybersecurity journey

Meet the TEAM

“I hope that the work we do now in bringing awareness, education, tools, & community to the workplace wellness movement will shape a happier, healthier future. Together we can create a society that is built for people and planet health, an economy that is balanced and sustainable.”


Strategic Planning & Training

Nicole Felipe Cofiño, Director of Engagement & Branding Pattra Winner, MPH Member-at-large Rebecca O’Brien, DIrector of Communication & Marketing. David Spinner, Director of DEI & Business Development Michele Thomson RN, Director of Membership, Jenn Hensel, Director of Business Development & Pitch Coach

“Health & wellness promotion is important for addressing public health problems and burnout is a public health problem! We need to develop a rest ethic. The essence of wellness and promoting wellness is allowing people to take control of their health and determinants of health. I am the most energised when I teach evidencebased workplace wellness strategies to decrease inequities between and within communities and workplaces.”

“As leaders the promotion of wellness, the act of taking care of our followers and ourselves in a thoughtful, intentional way, must be an enacted core value, not simply a slogan or a catchphrase. I believe it is one of the critical determining factors of success.”.

“Taking care of your body, mind and spirit should be your number one priority. It is difficult to offer back to your community when you are depleted. This is why it is so important to keep talking about wellness resources and solutions, so it becomes an integrated and attainable practice in our daily lives.”

Sumana Jeddy, Founder & CEO, Marion Spears Karr,ViceChair.

Motivation: Bringing the Inside Out

The other day I was discussing with a client how she just didn’t feel motivated. Although she had just come back from a week’s vacation, she didn’t want to get out of bed and go to work. She wasn’t feeling badly, but she just didn’t have the energy to get going. As we talked more, I realized how motivation means the energy within. When we are motivated, we have energy and loads of it. We can hardly wait to get out of bed in the morning, get dressed and get out the door. We went on to determine what motivational drivers were no longer meeting her needs and what new ones had surfaced that required work.

We often don’t realize that as time goes on, we move into different roles within organizations and not always by design. They just seem to happen. We get promoted because someone else sees us as fitting that role. But do we? We’ve been offered the new roleaswehavealwaysbeenexcitedaboutour work and put in extra hours as required. We support the rest of the team and have a “can do” attitude. We work hard and fulfill our obligations. Then we wake up one morning and don’t wantto goto work. So,we callinsick and stay in our pyjamas, but the next day we don’t feel any better. We realize that the role we are now in is not motivating us. We have been a loyal employee of the organization for years and yet something is missing. It is our motivation!!! We have slowly taken on a role that really isn’t suited to us, that robs us of our energy. Then we start to doubt ourselves and our ability. That is when we start looking for a new job.

As I walk into my regular meeting on Thursday, I think about my own motivation. The energy in the room instantly fills me up. Others greet me with open arms, and I feel part of a community. Someone asks me to sit at their table and tell them how my week has been. I become engaged in the various conversations going on throughout the room, be it politics, business, family concerns, hobbies, or the weather. And we all talk about what our committees are doing and what we are contributing back into the community with our work. Everyone in the room takes the initiative each Thursdaytomeetandgreettheothers. We have purpose, have community, a sense of self-worth and other benefits.

At the same time, I also realize how I am lacking in my own motivation due to extreme circumstances that have taken over my life. I feel how unhappy IamwhenIaminthisroomwithallthis positive energy. With focus, determination, self coaching in motivation and help from my community, I am making my way back to me.

OvertheyearsIhaveoftenjokinglysaid that I make a lousy employee. I would rather tell the boss to “you know” than to take orders. Then when I discovered my true motivational drivers, I realized that I had been spot on with my feelings. I need freedom, autonomy, to be in control of my own actions.

The worst thing that can happen to me is to be “micromanaged.” When I work for someone who robs me of this freedom, I am so demotivated that I can’t get out of bed. That does not mean that I don’t like working for a company. It doesn’t mean that I don’t support the company and believe in it. If I have the right leadership giving me the autonomy I need, I can be very highly driven.

Do you worry about not being part of the team? Does it upset you that some people are able to advance themselves and/or their business and you can’t seem to? Do you watch someone else be the life of the party and no one notices you? Yes, part of this is about our unique personality traits but more than half of all these feelings come from our unfulfilled motivational drivers. When we lack motivation, we are unhappy, lacking in energy, lacking in confidence, and unable to find a way to move.

We all work from an emotional level, some more than others and some at levels higher than others. But overall, it comes down to what is driving us each day. Are those drivers being met? If they are not,we are lacking in energy, that feeling of wanting to get upandgetgoing,oftendescribedasa low level of depression.

Its amazing how we all talk about being motivated, but most of us don’t

understand it. We don’t know what does motivate us. We just know the feeling and it is not a good one when we are not. And it always amazes me that we don’t realize how motivation is intrinsic.Itissomethingonlywecando for ourselves. But how exciting when we do know what is driving us.

When we meet someone who has loads of energy, we gravitate to them. We don’t feel threatened by them, we don’t feel judged by them, we don’t feel less then them. We feel uplifted, we feel energized, we feel happy. We want to be around them. These people are motivated, they are happy, they are productive. They are self-aware. They are comfortable with who they are.

I have watched a close friend go from totally demotivated to completely motivated by finding her passion and pursuingit.Sherealizedthatshehadto develop purpose in her life. I have

watched her begin to glow and grow into an amazing person building a business focused on her purpose.

Over 40% of all of us are motivated by a sense of purpose. Although purpose can meanmany things to each of us, if we don’t have that purpose, we are lacking motivation.

So, lets talk about getting to know who you are. What really does motivate you?

Motivationisanemotionalreactionto a stimulus. Often, we use the most negative of stimulus to motivate and that is fear - fear of losing a job, our reputation, our stability, approval, love. But when there is positive stimulus and our most dominant motivational drivers are satisfied, we become more productive, more resilient,andfeelamassiveshiftinour well-being. We become happy!

How good do you feel when you are bringing the inside, out!

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There is no “one size fits all.”

“Remember, it’s your counselling, and together we will find the right approach for you.”

– Chinese Proverb

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”


Our team has used our counselling services to work with people of numerous backgrounds and demographics. We have extensive experience in the assessment and treatment of depression, anxiety, panic, and phobias. Additionally, our team has worked with individuals to overcome addictions, strengthen relationships, process grief/loss, and to understand and develop tools to manage emotions, stress, and interpersonal conflicts.

Often times, stereotypes actually prevent us from improving our own lives. You may have some preconceived notions about counselling in Calgary, and we will work to alleviate any concerns that you might have about these stereotypes.

Q & A with Jeff Sturgeon, BSc, BSW, MSW, RCSW Founder & Clinical Therapist at Your Counselling Ltd.

1.“Remember, it’s your counselling, and together we will find the right approach for you. What do you mean when you say this is your counselling?”

Counselling is a unique journey for everyone. Our agency is founded on the principles that tailored and customized approaches, rooted in evidence-based practice are the foundation for success and growth. The clients are the experts of their story. Our name keeps the focus grounded in their experience.

2. Why is it important to try different approaches in therapy?

There is no “one size fits all”. Humans are unique and change is constant. Trying different approaches at different times in our life is important because it allows us to learn different things.

3.When someone is looking for a counsellor what can you suggest that will help them find the right one?

Research shows us that the relationship between the client and therapist is a key factor for therapeutic change. So, it is essential to ask questions about their training, education, and approaches. It also is important to be direct with what you’re looking for, and if you’re unsure, it’s OK to say that.

4. If someone can’t afford a counsellor/therapy? What do you recommend?

Accessibility and affordability are important values that we hold. We offer a sliding scale and will refer people to low cost or no cost options. As an agency, we keep up to date on directing clients to appropriate support.

5. Why are you so passionate about helping people?

I live my life by the motto that happiness is found by helping others. I’ve created my team at “Your Counselling” to be able to provide a space to live out that motto.

6. Why is our mental health important?

Because health is important. Simple but an important reminder. Human beings are complex. I believe in the continuum of health, including the physical and mental. We can’t compartmentalize ourselves when trying to change, learn and grow.

7. What advice would you give to someone who needs help, but doesn’t know where to look or how to ask?

Start with someone you trust. A friend. A colleague. Family doctor. Look to those around you. Explore community resources.

Book a FREE 30-minute coaching session: econsulting/free-coaching-session If you have questions, please don’t hesitateto You are not alone. "Yourstoryisaworkofart. Whenyoufocusonthe strengthswithinyourstoryyou areempoweredtomoveforward andflourish.Letmehelpyou discoverthepossibilities"
Welcome to H.O.P.E.'s Corner! December 15; 2022 -Kimberly Dawn & Peers orme/ Wait for Me brings together two incredible artists and emergency* room physicians who offer* a different perspective* by sharing the emotional reality of what the past 18 months has been like on the frontline of the pandemic. ● "She hugged* him so tightly" ● H.P. ● Alberta ● Hugged ● Offer ● Perspective ● Emergency #MentalHealthMatters & #WeAreInThisTogether & #StrongerTogether & #Be��United & NeverGiveUp & #ReachOut & #GetReal & #GetLoud Kimberly Dawn Bridge Builder of H.O.P.E.'s Corner & Peer Support Specialist ● Honour; ● Observe; ● Purpose; ● Evolve; ● K.W. ● Alberta #eAreHealingTrauma #ReachOut #SprinklesMakeEverything Better #BeTheVoice https://mentalhealthactio

– Phillip Calvert

My name is Philip Calvert and I have lived here in Calgary since my family moved here from B.C. when I was 4. However, my kids are an extremely rare category of Calgarians as, 5th generation, born and raised! I am passionate about our city and know that we have a lot to offer on the global stage. As a TEDx speaker with TEDxYYC and volunteer there, I love the stories and ideas that come out of Calgary.

In my work, as International Justice Mission Canada’s National Director of Development, my role is to help Canada to lead the global fight to end slavery. Slavery? You may be asking.

On September 12th, the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) released its first modern slavery estimate report since 2016, the shocking revelation being that the

number of people currently in slavery has grown by 10 million people – toanestimated50 million. We have seen slavery on fishing vessels, on palm oil plantations and even in factories producing medical gloves. The fact is, modern slavery touches us all in ways that are uncomfortable to think about. Fifty million is a lot of people and Canada’s law makers are working towards catching up to other G20 nationsthroughlegislatereform.Bill S-211, which is currently in committee review at the House of Commons, is an example of that. Central to the aim of this Bill is around transparency for consumers as well as allowing the government to ban the importation of products known to be tainted with slavery.

“Let’s anticipate a future in which there is NO slavery.”

The curious, may be asking, how does that help to solve such a big problem? Well, what we have seen around the world as the core contributing factor toslaveryisalackofaccountabilityfor those who use slavery as a means of production. When a slave holder is allowed to produce goods without paying for labour, their profit margins are sky high. Jurisdictions allow this to happen through a lack of law enforcement. However, when accountability exists for those who look to break the law, we have seen dramatic reductions in the prevalence of slavery, as high as 80% in some project areas.

Remember,pretty much everywhere, slavery is illegal. The will to enforce those laws are the key!

So,whenajurisdictionislookingatthe real possibility of not being able to export their products to Canada, the will to enforce the law and protect workers goes up! This reality, in tandem with ethical business practices really helps to move the needle in the right direction.

So, what can you or I do? I have two ideas for you to consider.

First, make ending slavery part of your holiday season by giving the gift of hope by funding rescues from slavery that IJM does around the world every day!

Second, for the politically inclined, make sure to let your MP know that you care about Bill S2-11 (The End Modern Slavery Act). So that, when it comes to the house floor and your MP decides to vote in favour of it. They know that you, as a constituent are in favour of it as well.

References: s_lives_yes_they_do_go_hand_in_hand en/index.htm

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always.”
– Robin Williams
HAVE A VERY MERRY HOLIDAY SEASON! And A Successful, Healthy & Happy 2023!

Volume 5 Issue 5 | December 2022 All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher and writer.

Copyright 2022 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine. Krista Malden, Kenzie Webber & the Community

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