March 2021 Volume 3 Issue 7

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Volume 3 Issue 7 • March 2021

published by ZX Media Corporation

SHIFTING PERSPECTIVES Now more than ever, innovation plays a critical role in defining Alberta’s future. Alberta Innovates leads the way by bringing people and resources together to help Alberta businesses grow, create new opportunities and jobs, and solve challenges. Through our world-class expertise, leadingedge facilities and strategic investments, we’re charting the course of innovation that will help renew and sustain Alberta’s prosperity

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Krista Malden & Kenzie Webber

CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7 The Community This grassroots magazine is a platform for, about and by the community.

Subscribe for your free issue of Community Now! at Copyright 2019 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine Copyright 2018, published by ZX Media Corporation. Volume 3 Issue 7 | March 2021 All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher and writer.



ot knowing where you are going to sleep at night and feelings of rejection are thoughts that many of us have never had, and feelings that a young person should never have to lay awake at night and think about. But this is the reality for so many. In Canada, over 70% of young people are forced to leave their home because of challenges they face with their parents. These youth often find themselves precariously housed, couch surfing or accessing youth shelters. Many times, the housing options for youth are not a choice, but out of necessity, and are dangerous and leaving them at risk.

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In 2020, those numbers increased and our Haven’s Way™ long-term homes program saw a surge of teachers, family members and young girls reaching out in need of housing and wraparound supports. Our supportive housing program assists young women who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness. They are between the ages of 14 to 24 and are without child welfare status. These youth are the ones who are often referred to as the ‘invisible homeless.’ For us, like many non-profit organizations, the past year was filled with uncertainty, change and growth. It also gave us permission to

slow down and recognize the importance of family and natural supports, how valuable these relationships are, and who it is we want them to turn to in times of need. During the early months of the pandemic, we saw family members reach out to their children who were in our care, making sure they were safe and letting them know they were loved. We saw those same youth reciprocate those thoughts and feelings to their parents and family members and sharing these feelings was a first for many of them. This pandemic, while not positive in the least, did unite families. It was something that they could pick up the phone and talk about, something they could all relate to, and something that was connecting them back together. The pandemic was a starting point for the Haven’s Way girls and their families to start to reestablish their relationships. However, this time it was in a safe environment - one filled with support and caring from our Program team. For the first time in a long time, moms and dads met with their child on the front lawn of Haven’s Way to reconnect, check in and see how they were doing and, for the first time in a long time, those girls felt cared for from the ones that mean the most to them. Parents took steps forward to share their feelings, be vulnerable and ask for help, knowing that it did not make them weak, but on the contrary so incredibly strong. In a recent post by Daphne Winland (Associate Professor/Graduate Director, York University) on the Homeless Hub–Research Matters Blog states in part, “Our research demonstrates that for many homeless youths and those at risk of homelessness, family does matter. We have found that not only did youth express the desire to improve relations with family, but that often the problems that forced these kids to leave home have more to do with family member’s struggles

with mental health, abuse, poverty and/or addictions, rather than with the problems of the youth themselves. We also found that in many cases, family members could not cope with the challenges of undiagnosed learning or mental health issues of youth, and this can often lead to youth homelessness”. Parents and caregivers need support. Haven’s Way focuses on the family and natural supports, on strengthening those relationships, providing space for reconnection and building skills to create new boundaries, allowing for each person to feel that they belong and have purpose. We respect that girls and their families are the experts, and we are here in their lives for a period; we are not permanent. Our Program team accompanies them on their journey of healing and health and provides opportunities for growth. When one of the girls was sick, it was a grandparent that wanted to be by their grandchild’s side to comfort them. We created a supportive and safe environment for that to happen. Other parents cooked with their children over Zoom and shared family recipes. We support, but we also step aside to allow family to be there for one another. In the words of a parent, “Thanks to Haven’s Way for supporting my daughter and helping her find her way. As a parent its always hard to try and do the right thing and we all make mistakes on our journey through life. Most times as young children we will not look at the advice or help parents try to do for them and tend to lash out when you are trying you best to do the right thing for them through support and counselling. Since my daughter joined Haven’s Way there has been a tremendous change in her personality. It has strengthened

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(continued from page 5...) our relationship through the teachings and support from Haven’s Way. The Support Coaches have been instrumental through all this. She now understands better the cost of living and contributing to society. Thank you for your patience and support. Best thing that happened to her.” Because of the strict limitations and restrictions of the pandemic, coupled with the unique housing supports that Haven’s Way offers, a community began to form inside the homes; a connection that created an environment of healing for the girls living together. Over the past year, these girls formed bonds that will last forever. They came together and

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held hands through an unprecedented time and learnt to heal, while the stakeholders and community of Safe Haven Foundation safeguarded their well-being. It is because of the care and dedication of community partners, individual and corporate donors, funding organizations, supporters and volunteers in Calgary that we have been able to continue to operate this incredible program for over two decades. Our overall program goal is to not have youth return home, it is to support them in identifying and creating a community of supports, a network of healthy relationships that increase self-esteem, well-being, promote growth and provide a safety net of stability to ensure they never enter homelessness again.

A different kind of support…the importance of lived experience.

Carolyn Holloway, Community Engagement Officer

For 25 years, we have

been offering supports and opportunities to

vulnerable young people and their families in the community. 8 // Community Now!


020 was a year of incredible learnings, growth, and awareness at Safe Haven Foundation. Like so many other non-profit organizations, we were challenged with how to keep our youth safe while still effectively delivering our programs and services. It was also a year of innovation and opportunity. Havens Way™ is a voluntary, long-term supportive housing program that assists young women who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness. They are between the ages of 14 to 24 and are without

child welfare status. These youth are the ones who are often referred to as the ‘invisible homeless’. Because we can’t see them and they don’t know where to access supports, they may slip through the system cracks. These girls have experienced considerable housing instability, alongside additional risks such as mental health, physical and sexual abuse, neglect, addictions, trauma, family conflict, violence and sexual exploitation.

holistic ways. Education comes in many forms and they wanted to share with the girls living in the homes currently that they were going to be okay.

For 25 years, we have been offering supports and opportunities to vulnerable young people and their families in the community. Through those years, we have learnt so much from the young people who have graduated from Haven’s Way. We recognize that they are the experts and provide space for them to lead and shape the way in which we offer supports that allow space to heal from trauma, explore their goals and build meaningful lifelong connections to community and family. These youth have also shared the importance of connecting with someone that has travelled a similar path and what value that relationship holds; someone who understands what it is like to be forced to leave home without a place to go; someone who understands what it is like to experience homelessness.

pathway out of homelessness who can share their experience to provide guidance and an opportunity to heal to others is invaluable. Youth who have lived it usually have the best understanding about what the problem is and what needs to be done to address it. This is what is defined as “lived experience.”

In 2019, Safe Haven Foundation began our own research, listening to our Alumni youth and asking them to share their experience living in the home, what needed to change, what we were good at, and what we needed to enhance. The youth were vulnerable and shared that what we were missing was more youth voice and opportunity for peer mentorship. There was a great desire among these youth, who once lived in the home, to give back. The Alumni youth shared that they wanted to help teach life skills, build relationships and share their experiences in natural,

Through extensive research and commitment to best practices, we have begun to understand that lived experience is a key component in supporting youth moving out of homelessness and into adult self-sufficiency. Having someone who understands the journey and

In March 2020, our first Live-in Peer Support Mentor moved into Haven’s Way. We welcomed this unique opportunity and are excited that she is also one of our Haven’s Way Alumni. Sam previously lived in the home from 2010-2013, during a time when she was committed to healing from her own trauma and struggles. Coming full circle, she now brings comfort to the role of the support that she felt she needed. She naturally uses the strategies that worked well for her in that setting and is automatically transported back to the path she already walked, but this time she will be in another girl’s story. This position, though still new to us, has transformed our work and the way we support youth and their families. The Peer Support Mentor role brings more than support. It is a person who understands the feelings of hurt and rejection a youth walks with and tries to work through every day. It

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(continued from page 9...) is someone who understands the problem and offers a solution only they can offer because they have gone through it themselves. It is someone who brings hope and can share in the successes and mountains climbed that once seemed insurmountable. It is someone who challenges the status quo and presses us to be better for our most vulnerable and atrisk young people in Calgary. Sam lives full-time in the home and, alongside the Live-in House Parent, supports the young women who reside at Haven’s Way. Together with the Program Team, they ensure that all ongoing support and resources are provided in a flexible, compassionate, encouraging environment. They are responsible for the dayto-day aspects of the home and supporting case management in an ethical manner and in the best interest of the girls. This includes connecting to family and natural supports, mental and physical health supports, employment and education, social inclusion, and recreational activities. The Peer Support Mentor is an intricate part of the team and helps us in our mandate not to duplicate existing services, but rather to form partnerships and work with other community organizations to ensure our youth are receiving the supports they identify. A strong focus at Haven’s Way is ensuring the girls are supported in their commitment to complete their education. The Peer Support Mentor plays an integral part in helping the girls determine the path that is best for each and supporting them in all aspects of their learning, helping to reduce barriers, communicating with schools and attending meetings as required. They bring new knowledge, tools

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and skills that we have not previously been able to access or utilize in a structured way. The fact that the position is being filled by an Alumni of our program amplifies this and increases our capacity as an organization. She advises our team and shares her perspective from a lived experience lens to many decisions, including policies and procedures and strategic visioning. In the focus group we had with Alumni, some of the feedback about peer support was “Someone who gets what you’re going through”, “A person who is relatable, you know really gets it”, “Boundaries are really important”. Our current Peer Support Mentor, Sam, has a diploma in Office Administration and Addictions and Community Services and is also actively pursuing her Yoga Teacher Accreditation. In her own words, “This past year has been a wild ride, with many laughs, tears, and powerful late-night conversation that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’m proud of the team I work with and the brilliant young women I live with.”. With the one-year anniversary of the Livein Peer Support Mentor role, the youth and staff have shared so much and know that we still have much room to grow. It is with the ongoing support of the community that we can continue to show up for youth and their families and work towards a common goal of ending their experience of homelessness forever.

Safe Haven Foundation of Canada







Thinking for Themselves Through Self-Determination Young


can all relate to those teenage years. It was

way. Whatever it was, there was a persistence with when you wanted to do certain things and exactly you









inevitable phase into the context of parenting and raising a child, it is often story told in a way that depicts determination and persistence in a negative light.









understand and explain why they are experiencing this







powerless. They may have been removed from their

a time where you were determined to do things your



childhood and adolescent experiences where they felt









even for




defiant teenager. That said, we can also all see the importance and value of our children being able to intrinsically






much more.



their of









is of so

homes or families, experienced or witnessed abuse and addictions at young age. There is a myth that exists around young people on the street - that they have ‘chosen’









system of care) - when in all reality they had little ‘choice’. Circumstances usually become so unbearable for them that the only viable option they see is to leave the environment and to stay away. While this removes them







environment, sense






powerlessness. as





feel with

homelessness, poverty, lack of access to education and employment opportunities. They feel powerless when they have to ask for hygiene supplies or wait in line with others









feeling the need to use substances to cope with these and many other pains in their life.

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When a young person is given the opportunity to be selfdetermined and make decisions based on their own will and








conscious choices for themselves. When they are seen as the ‘expert’ in their life and given the choice to set a goal for










endeavor, the reward is often the activity itself. This leads them to experience a sense of intrinsic motivation and they build confidence in trusting themselves as they pull on










intrinsically motivated when we do something out of free will








activity out (mastery) and when the activity doesn’t limit our sense of connection to others (purpose). Fostering an environment







person finding personal motivation and in turn grows their confidence to trust themselves to pursue their thoughts and ideas to create things. The icing on the cake is when things work out and they reach a goal or learn something

When we listen to young people at The Doorway, who

new the success is theirs to own.

are often in their early 20’s, they shamefully admit to having authority issues or ‘triggers’ that go beyond what

Not only do we believe in the value of self-determination

we may think an average young person’s aversion to


authority should be. They share with us a sense of regret

transformational outcomes of being a sanctuary for where

for the knee-jerking responses they directed toward a

a young person’s thoughts, opinions and ideas are not only

co-worker or supervisor after someone used a certain

accepted, but they are encouraged in every way, shape,


and form. We understand that in the grand scheme of

















their life we only have a short time with them. One of our

different. Over the years, we have learned that even

biggest priorities is to have them leave our space and

though from the outside it may look like a young person

program stronger and more resilient. Self-determination is


not just a great strategy because of their backgrounds





paradoxical describing


reality are


is fact





















experiences, connection,










sustainable change - attributes every young person and

enough opportunity for self-determination.

the adults in their world can benefit from.








make choices and manage their own life. It helps us to feel a sense of ‘control’ over our choices and lives. Not only does self-determination have positive impacts on our mental health and well-being, it also impacts our motivation. Daniel Pink (2009) proposed a motivational theory based on self-determination whereby he argued people



an and











with, parenting or supporting young people it’s important to foster an environment where they can make decisions that help them to direct their own lives, learn and create new things, and contribute to something bigger. Pink’s terms for this are autonomy (being able to decide what to do, when you do it and who you do it with), mastery (the desire to improve or build a skillset), and purpose (understanding and investing in the ‘bigger picture’).

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facilitates for more information

Steps off the Street 2021 Virtual Run, Walk or Roll Presented by Servus Credit Union

No young person should feel trapped on the streets and have given up on their future before age 24.

Run, Walk or Roll this April to support their way off the street. Sign up as an individual or recruit a team to raise money together. Run, walk or roll any distance between April 1st and 18th. E-mail a selfie or photo of your adventure and join us online on April 18th at 1pm for prize announcements.

This year all proceeds will be matched (up to 50%) by Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink! Sign up and information:

The Doorway Community Volunteer Spotlight Joelle Church, Steps off the Street Volunteer Coordinator Joelle has been volunteering on a weekly basis at The Doorway for 6 years. Every week we can count on her to show up, usually with donations for our Community Corner (a corner filled with hygiene, clothing etc. for participants to have free access to the things they need), coffee creamer and some other treat. She brings energy and laughter to our space and like all volunteers at The Doorway she ensures our participants know community people care about them and want to see them succeed. We cherish most the days when our young people trust her enough to bare their struggles to her. In those moments she often responds by saying “okay do you want me to be a volunteer right now or do you want me to mom you right now”. They always chose to be “mommed” and her response is always what they need, even if it’s a mom prescribed reality check. In 2016 between young people's visits to our space Joelle planned a fundraising event; Steps off the Street Run/Walk. It was a year when fundraising had been a challenge and we were overwhelmed when a community member stepped up beyond their current commitment and planned an entire fundraising event 'off the side of her desk'. In its first year Steps off the Street raised more money than any other single fundraising event in our history. It was an example of a single person calling several communities of people to action and in turn a large amount of steps towards change being made!

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We are a community instilling hope and connection in the lives of young people aged 17 to 24, exiting street life.

Change is Possible. - CRA 13140 1226 RR0001 W O R D S









I believe being an adult is not about age but rather you are capable of complex problem solving within the framework of your own needs.

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soil, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

You can go as far as your mind lets you.

People can only help so much, then you have to help yourself out.

With responsibility comes self-respect.

The ability to see right and wrong when making a decision may not be as easy for everyone. I believe that this is largely to do with the way a person is raised. B A Y

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F R I E N D S @ T H E D O O R W A Y . C A

Working from home? Take a break to enjoy the view. Celebrating 47 years of being locally owned and operated. Support local, and stay safe.

3RD ANNUAL MAKER MIND STEAM EVENT Let’s be creative, design, challenge, inspire and learn ... together

Let’s be creative! Design, Be challenged, Learn.

The 2021 Maker Mind Engineering Challenge is a challenge you don’t want to miss! If you decide to participate - you will choose from a list of clients and then solve a problem for them by making a prototype and sharing it with the online community. For this challenge all you need is a little bit of creativity and your perseverance! The #CommunityNow community will provide you with instructional and inspirational videos to help you learn the ins and out on how to be an engineer. You will definitely walk away with some new skills. There will be prizes for the five different design categories. Click here to get the engineering package

LOVE ART? Create a cover for the Fierce Mom planner and have it featured on the back to school cover and win a $50 gift card! Learn more by clicking here!

LOVE MUSIC, WIN A SCHOLARSHIP to the School of Rock Calgary! Submit your music video and tell us why you love music! Learn more by clicking here


What would you do for a case of Oh Natural Snacks? Make a video showing us what you would do for a case of Oh Naturals.

Delicious And Nutritious! Locally Owned and Operated. Oh! Naturals Healthy Snacks Oh! Naturals offers delicious and affordable fruit and vegetable snacks for all ages. All products are Gluten Free, Nut free,Vegan and have no preservatives. A gluten free snacks for kids, a vegan appetizer. Gluten free potato and banana chips. Get 15% off your order using vip15 or buy a case of 12 and get 6 Sweet potato bags for free ($24.00 value) with code free6 RULES: Submit videos, art, images to with NAME AGE/Grade Parents name

Email address

Challenges: ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE BY MARCH 30 2021 winners will be announced in April and featured in the MAY ISSUE of Community Now! Magazine.

Banbury Crossroads Banbury Crossroads School


Seeking aschool school like home? For 40 years, a Banbury haslike offered an atmosphere where Seeking home?

children feel safe,Banbury comfortable, and relaxed. an We atmosphere offer For has offered For40 40 years, years, Banbury has offered an atmosphere full Pre-Kchildren to Grade 12. Tosafe, learn more, please schedule where feelsafe, comfortable, and relaxed. where children feel comfortable, and relaxed. an with us to today or call12. Anne the learn office atmore, We offer fullPre-K Pre-K to Grade 12. To Weappointment offer full Grade Toinlearn more, (403) 270-7787. please schedule an withwith us today or please schedule anappointment appointment us today or callAnne Anne in at at (403) 270-7787. call in the theoffice office (403) 270-7787.

Building B1, #201, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7K1

Building B1, #201, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7K1

Building B1, #201, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7K1

Finnish the Myths around Education in Finland

Esa Säily

The Finnish government is extending the compulsory education to 18 years

which means after primary school everyone applies to either vocational school or upper secondary school.


henomenon based learning? Teacher autonomy? Planning time? These are just a few concepts readily used to describe the Finnish Education system. As a Finnish teacher myself, I am here to tell you that this is true, but not entirely the way it is portrayed in the media. This is my reality as a teacher, which is of course not representative of the entire country, so I encourage you to take it with a grain of salt. Finland has a population of 5.4 million people. In a country that identifies as an economy of (continued on next page) Community \\ 19

As a teacher, I highly recommend you reach out and learn about different systems and if there is an element that excites you, try to see how it can be adapted in your classroom or school.

Photo credit cartoon: Tuukka Talvenheimo.

(continued from page 19...) wellbeing, the tax rate is naturally high. Finns understand the importance of paying taxes because we have all grown up in this environment. The education starting from pre-school to higher education is free. As well as health care, dental care (for children and students), school textbooks and materials. At the age of six all children living in Finland are obliged to attend early childhood education which is free. Primary school is divided into two different levels. After the sixth-grade, the children apply to upper level (which you probably know as middle school). This is usually a different school with different teachers. My own class of sixth-graders have recently applied to attend middle-school, which required for some to take an entrance exam because they were applying for weighted-cur-

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riculum education such as arts, sports, music and science. The Finnish government is extending the compulsory education to 18 years which means after primary school everyone applies to either vocational school or upper secondary school. The percentage of students attending vocational or upper secondary has been 50/50. Students have free lunch every day. Some of my sixth-graders find it very unfair that in Canada students can bring their own food to school. There are days when kids can decide what’s on the menu. My class often votes for spinach crepes, macaroni casserole and kebab with rice. Teachers need a master’s degree in education with a specialization to classroom teaching. In all the cities where it is possible to study to

become a classroom teacher there is a Teacher Training School which is a university owned school. There is a misconception that there are no private schools in Finland. There is less emphasis on private schools, because the quality of education is very similar to that of a public school. This is possibly the secret of Finland’s success in education. We have a saying that Finland does not have the best schools. Finland has the best worst schools. Finland is known for safety and autonomy. We encourage our kids to come to school independently regardless of age. For example, it is common to see a 7-year walking to school by themselves. One of the funny myths that I have heard is that Finnish teachers do not give homework. That’s quite a step from the reality. I give homework every day except on Fridays. Does that mean Finnish teachers wouldn’t give homework on Fridays? No, I just teach mostly sports and music then. Globally there has also been this notion that in Finland, we do not teach traditional subjects. It has usually come as a shock when I have had to admit that yes, we do still teach core subjects here. The subjects are all separated in our curriculum and we have a set time to teach each course every week. This rumor could have been caused by our emphasis on phenomenon-based learning where the ideal is combining different subjects while working on a project. This happens but not as regularly as the world would like to think. The pandemic makes it more difficult, but we do a lot of group projects. My class has rolling chairs and easily moveable tables so that I can create different groups. When I hear phenomenon-based learning I think of a few

week-long projects that we design with other classes. The students design the project based on their own interests. Pedagogically though I see it as just one way of learning. The national curriculum that the teachers follow emphasizes on the strengths of individuals. We do curriculum changes and readjustment continuously and the national curriculum is updated every tenth year. In my school there are two teachers who work as “curriculum agents” on Tuesdays. This means that their job is to share insights between schools on challenges and solutions that teachers and leaders are facing. This collaborative model, creates a sense of shared culture and understanding among the schools in the city. There is a feeling of working together across school networks rather than being isolated to one school. Professional development is seen very positively among Finnish teachers. It’s even encouraged to take a year off to study and then return to the classroom. These are a few examples of the reality of a Finnish teacher. Having married a Canadian teacher, I realize this is not the case across the world. The things that we might take for granted such as time to plan, ongoing professional development and a non-hierarchal model between teachers and principals and teachers and students are not priorities in other educational contexts. While I think there is value in understanding what works well in different countries, the context can determine whether implementation is possible. As a teacher, I highly recommend you reach out and learn about different systems and if there is an element that excites you, try to see how it can be adapted in your classroom or school. Sharing scalable best practices can have drastic effects towards real change.

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The Superpower Project The Problem With Pink Shirt Day Blaise Hunter | Heroine


In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

recently shared some insights on social media about bullying and I could not believe the overwhelming response. My opening line was, “I am anti Pink Shirt Day”. From there I explained how I completely support the mission of anti-bullying and what it represents. Pink Shirt Day has brought a lot of awareness and opened a dialogue. The reason I spoke out about this is, if you put a pink shirt on your child today and they still bully tomorrow, then what is the point? Let us start changing behaviours not just our shirts. The Superpower Project column is about highlighting various challenges or “kryptonites” facing women and helping us neutralize their effect on us. That one post on February 24th exposed we need more conversations and more actions. Women, men, mothers, and fathers all resonated with my perspective. They echoed my words that we need to move the needle more on abolishing bullying in our schools. I also confessed I have experienced 22 // Community Now!

endless tormenting by women in the last few years. Then something remarkable happened. Bravery overcame fear. Women flooded my inbox with revelations on how they too are experiencing bullying in the workplace and in their social circles. The activist in me became ignited and now passion leads the way. I am tired of marketing campaigns. I am annoyed at band wagon supporters. I am angry 7-year-olds are bullying and be being bullied. I am frustrated adults are feeling unsafe at work. If we don’t take a conscious effort in curbing the bully mentality daily, then we become active participants in the bullying. The cycle keeps repeating itself. When David Shepherd and Travis Price took a stand against bullying in 2007, they created a conversation. They awakened a kindness culture. They became the change. Unfortunately, many businesses and schools have bought into this concept only for a day and not a lifetime. Don’t wear pink today if you

aren’t prepared to take a stance the other 364 days of the year. Don’t show up to work with a pink shirt today and exclude someone tomorrow. Bullying isn’t just mean words or violence it can also take on a more subtle form. My daughter is excluded at her school and I continually get left out. This is the opposite of kind. Exclusion isn’t a form of bullying—it is bullying. Pink Shirt Day isn’t the problem but rather it is what’s not happening the rest of the year. How can children feel safe at school if their institutions aren’t embodying the signs, campaigns, and mission statements posted everywhere? Isn’t that hypocrisy? We need to put on a “pink shirt” every single day and hold the line on kindness. We owe that to our kids, our community, and ourselves. When women confide in me, it stirs my soul: “Thank you for speaking about this Blaise. This last year and a half I have been bullied by a couple of women and it has been the worst year of my life. I literally work, take the kids to school, and come home. It is so hard. I have seriously been contemplating moving.” “Social isolation in group settings is brutal. I see it all the time in my work, cliques etc. One minute you’re in, then someone gets mad at you and you’re not asked to go on the lunch time walk. Or you hear about how everyone went out for lunch and no one invited you, or everyone gets birthday cards except for you. It is a painful experience.” Just like the schools take on a kindness contradiction so are the workplaces. How can someone step forward and voice they feel unsafe when they have an anti-bullying program at work? How can adults be bullied? Shouldn’t we be able to stand up for ourselves? This creates a level of shame and confusion and then

ultimately a gag order on anyone wishing to speak out. Or the fear of being ostracized even more overrides the call to be brave. What is the solution? 'I want to tell you a secret, a great secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. You must always remember this. Have courage and be kind.' - Ella’s Mother (Cinderella) I just heard this quote, and it sparked a profound realization. We cannot have kindness without courage. In a world filled with hurts and cruelty, when someone chooses kindness, they are incredibly brave. Let us tackle the problem by the root and teach parents and children to be reflective and realize our bullying behaviours come from our own hurts. Let’s encourage bravery to face those hurts and heal them. If we don’t pick up the mantle of courage in the present moment, aren’t we doomed to perpetuate the callous culture? The child bully today becomes the tormenting co-worker tomorrow. Our words and actions have the power to heal or to hurt. Don’t you be the prick. Today I choose to look in the mirror. Today I acknowledge my critical or judgmental thoughts of others is me feeling inadequate. Today I choose courage and admit those insecurities to myself. Today I recognize me excluding someone is me rejecting myself. Today I choose to change the atmosphere and wear my pink shirt. My courage and commitment today, changes our tomorrow. Learn more about the Heroine Movement

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Bullying – It Needs To Stop! Adette Lacerte


was in the fifth grade when I started taking extra precautions when walking home from school. Before leaving the school grounds I would take a few extra glances around. Who was present? How far away were they? Could they see me? Did I do something to catch their attention? Next was the quick walk home where I had to time it right or the high school students would be coming from the other direction. These were built into my daily habit, but it wasn’t the worst of it. In the sixth grade I went to the local pool by myself without my parent’s knowledge. A small act of rebellion. It was a warm day and I wanted to go for a swim. Little did I know that it could easily have been my last day alive. 24 // Community Now!

A group of aggressive students from my class approached the pool. It’s difficult to flee when you are in water. The group formed a ring around me. There was no escape. The ring got smaller and soon I felt a hand push down on my shoulder. Another hand pushed on my head. I was under the water. Panic sunk in. My family didn’t know where I was. I was helpless against my classmates. The pressure released from my head and shoulder. Up I came. A gasp of air, only to fill my mouth with water as I was pushed back under. I thrashed to no avail. Back up, more sputtering and then back under the water. I don’t know how long this went on for. All I remember is that I was certain this was how I would die.

navigate around bullies. Instead, I developed survival skills instead of growth and development skills needed for thriving.

What are the effects of Bullying? For the victim the effects can included: Short-term • Low self-esteem and confidence • Feelings of shame • Social isolation • Avoidances of places associated with the bully, school for example • Avoidances of things that normally are enjoyable • Risk of substance abuse • Changes in eating habits • Psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, physical pain or discomfort with no known source • Decreased performance, specifically at school Eventually, reprieve. I don’t know what made my classmates stop. As I came up and caught my breath, the eyes of the lifeguards seemed preoccupied elsewhere. I felt both relief at being alive and betrayal by those who were supposed to protect me from drowning. I quickly exited the pool and headed home. I couldn’t tell anyone what had happened that day. I wasn’t supposed to have left the house, let alone go swimming. The emotions ran high and I felt isolated in not being able to talk to anyone about my experience. It’s a lot for a young person to process. I continued to experience bullying through my remaining elementary, high school years and into my adult working environments. As a young person I never learned the tools to

Long -term effects • Chronic depression • Self-destructive behavior • Anxiety • Post-traumatic stress disorder, specifically if it is a long-term issue • Trust related issues • Substance abuse Long-term effects for the bully • Risk of spousal or child abuse • Risk of antisocial behavior • Substance abuse (continued on next page) Community \\ 25

(continued from page 25...) It wasn’t until I was in my late thirties that I started learning about the effects bullying had on my personality, behaviors, and way of seeing myself. Learning new patterns and ways of being in the world has taken over a decade of continuous awareness and work. I had to learn to love my uniqueness and who I am at my core. Trust issues are something that I continuously have to work at. I had to learn to recognize the signs of this bully behavior so that I could confronted it. In an adult world this can be difficult. Many industry professionals are still burying their heads in the sand about inappropriate behavior in their workplace. I have been volunteering with Girl Guides of Canada for many years and as an adult I continue to hear the stories of bullying. My sadness and grief grows for these girls as I relive my own trauma. How can this still be going on? Over the years parents have commented how Guiding is the only place their daughters feel safe. I personally take a stand to create safe and brave spaces for young people. I have the opportunity to do this through program work, open discussion, and being present for today’s youth. What can adults do? 1. Acknowledge the child. Take the time to listen to the child and what they have to say. Just be present for them. If they are willing to talk or ask for help from you it means they have exhausted all resources and skills they currently have. 2. Validate the child’s experience. Let the child know that how they feel is justified. That if you were in the same position that you might feel the same way. 26 // Community Now!

This lets the child know that they are not over-reacting to the situation. 3. Let the child know that you love and support them. This may sound obvious, but unless you express this in words and actions your child is left to interpretation. When children are stressed and left to interpretations the results are not always healthy. 4. Seek to address the child’s concerns with other adults that might be better able to address the situation. If this is a situation that is happening at school it is important to have a conversation with the teacher, the school counsellor, and or the school administration. Depending on the situation this might include speaking to the parent of the child who is bullying. If this is a school environment you may ask to have the meeting on school grounds with a staff member present as a mediator. Some parents are unaware that their child is acting out with inappropriate behavior, others are the source. 5. Create a routine of self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth exercises. not just for the child, but for the family. Children who have experienced bullying often develop low self-love, and self-acceptance and self-worth. Regularly practicing different exercises at home can help build up their confidence and moral. If you are doing it for one family member, get everyone involved. We can all benefit from increased personal esteem and confidence. 6. Engage an external mentor or coach. This is particularly important if your child is entering into the tweens and teens. At this stage in their personal development,

they are looking for more independence and are often challenging what their parents are telling them. Having an external source who is reinforcing those exercises from #5 and validating the child’s sense of who they are has shown to build long term confidence and self-esteem. What can kids do if they are the target of a bully? 1. Develop a buddy system. Create a system where you are never alone. There is always someone you trust nearby. Bullies like the advantage of having you alone. 2. Avoid confrontations. Look for ways to create physical space between yourself and the bully. This may mean using a different hallway or different part of the school yard to hang out in.

Don’t do anything to upset the bully. Retaliation is not a winning strategy. 3. Use your words effectively. Sometimes when we use our words strategically it can deflect a situation. You might try complimenting the bully. Joke around with your bully. Humour often disarms people. If you are using humour as a strategy, make sure it is not directed at the bully. You can certainly use it back on yourself. For example, if you have just tripped over your own feet (I’ve done it) laugh at yourself and joke that you will never make it on to the soccer team with coordination like that. Making fun at your own mistakes takes the fun out of it for the bully.

(continued on next page)

USEFULBAGS AND MASKS People, Planet, and Worms. Really.

Email us today and ask about branded masks/bags & fundraisers Community \\ 27

(continued from page 27...) 4. Don’t acknowledge the effect the bully is having on you. This is particularly hard. Bullies are looking for and respond best when there is a power dynamic. If you can simply turn and walk away with no emotional response there is nothing for the bully to play off. 5. Tell an adult. Telling an adult is not a sign of weakness. Bullies relies on a power dynamic. If you bring an adult into situation the power dynamic can be dismantled. What can bystanders do? 1. Move toward or next to the victim.

themselves. By moving towards the victim or standing next to them the dynamic changes. Letting the bully know that the victim is not alone and is supported in the situation often stops them in their tracks. 2. Use your voice. Assertively, say “Stop”. Let the bully know that the behavior is not appreciated and needs to end. This also lets the victim know that they have a friend to support them. 3. Lead the victim away from the situation. Accompany the victim to a safe space away from the bully. Physical distancing is always beneficial for everyone involved. It defuses the bully and gives comfort to the victim.

The bully relies on a power dynamic. This dynamic is enhanced when the victim is by

Educate, Elevate & Empower Women in Business It’s time to stand up, speak out, and realize your greatest potential!

because you’re worth it | 28 // Community Now!

4. Tell and adult. You are not alone. Adults are there to support kids. It is important that you tell the teacher, coach, counsellor, or other appropriate adult in the situation what is happening. My biggest take away regarding the issue of bullying is that we all need to take action. Bullies are very good at creating believable stories that discounts the experience of the victim. It’s important to look at what are the power dynamics. Listen carefully to the person who is being oppressed. Their story is the one that needs to be acted on. As adults, it is our responsibility to not only protect those that are victims, but to also call out the bullies. The behavior can’t stop unless we are willing to take action.

References: Bullying – Know what it is, https://www. Get Help – Bullying Canada https://www. Hurley, Katie, LCSW, Short Term and Long Term Effects of Bullying, Psycom. net, 26-Sep-2018 effects-of-bullying Helping Kids Deal With Bullies, Kids Health from Nemours https://kidshealth. org/en/parents/bullies.html The author: Adette Lacerte is a Life Coach at Nine and Three Quarters Coaching. She specializes in working with Potterheads and GenZ to reconnect them with their own inner magic and not settle for second best in their lives.

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Children. The Circle


of Security I

30 // Community Now!

t is normal for kids between the ages of 10 and 19 to struggle with their emotions when they reach puberty. However, when children begin to experience frequent thoughts that they would be better off dead, engage in frequent impulsive or self-destructive behaviours (cutting, substance abuse, binging/purging), experience social anxiety, explosive anger, conflict with peers/family members or have fearful thoughts, they are indicating that they do not have the required skills / tools to deal with what is going on in their lives.

Parents and caregivers can help by actively listening and validating what the child is saying. This is not the same as agreeing with the child. It is simply providing a sounding board so that the child feels heard and understood, which is where all healing begins. Seeking professional help in the form of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is also crucial. Not only does DBT teach the skills required to manage stress and crises, it also supports the child in fostering self-esteem and choosing healthy relationships which then leads to greater academic achievements. For younger children, it is critical that parents and caregivers understand their child’s emotional world, read emotional needs and cues, and support the child’s ability to positively manage their emotions. If the environment in which the parents and/or caregivers was not supportive and respectful of their needs when they were children, they would not have learned the skills required to parent effectively. Thankfully, there are easy to apply strategies to help support parents and their children navigate what often feels like a tumultuous world. 1. Validate the teen’s emotions and experience. Do not mock them or tell them they are wrong, or it is just in their heads. Instead, paraphrase what you hear. For example, “I see that this conversation is stressing you out. Let’s take a break and revisit this when we are both feeling calmer.” Or, “I see that going out tonight is very important to you. My concern is that I don’t know your friends very well. I also don’t know who else is going to be there and your safety is very important to me.”

2. Show empathy when they are in discomfort or emotional pain. Chat with them, or if appropriate, distract them with an activity they enjoy such as a walk or board game. For example, “I see (or sense) that you had a stressful day. Would you like to make popcorn and cuddle on the couch tonight?” Or, “I see you had a stressful day. Would you like to talk about it? If not, we can talk when you feel up to it”. 3. Teach them respect by giving them your full attention when they are speaking and show interest in what they are doing. This will show them that you care about their safety and wellbeing and enhance their self esteem. For example, “I would love to hear you practice the new song you wrote. I’m currently tied up with this time sensitive project. Let me finish this so that I can give you my undivided attention. Does that sound fair?” 4. Teach them problem solving skills by asking them what other options they have in dealing with the situation or what they would do differently next time. This shows that you believe in them and that they are capable of solving problems on their own. For example, “It seems that you are not getting along with your friend at this time. What do you think you need to feel better about this situation?" (If the teen is not able to brainstorm ideas, you can suggest possible options for them to consider) For more parenting tips and professional support in your area, please visit

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Simon House Recovery Needs the Communities Help! Our Story. Founded in 1982 by Doreen Baker and Franciscan Brother, Bernard Barry, Simon House began its work in a Bowness duplex that still serves men in need today, 37 years later. Simon House has been, and will always be a beacon of hope and refuge for men who have found themselves in the grip of addiction. Humble beginnings saw Brother Bernie and Doreen work tirelessly with integral volunteers and original employees, to grow and develop Simon House into the program and facility it is today. In 1983, the duplex immediately next door to its original location was generously donated to expand Simon House services and support. In 2006, through the generosity of donors, Simon House built a 30 bed building with a full commercial kitchen, board room, and office space. Today, Simon House operates 4 buildings and 64 beds, which provide 3 distinct phases of addiction treatment and recovery to assist men in moving from a residential program to transitional housing, and onto independent living with supports and counselling. Through committed staff, board members, donors, and community partners, Simon House has become a highly respected, valued, integral, and successful addiction recovery centre in the Calgary community, serving men and their families from all across North America.

Understanding Addiction. ASAM – AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ADDICTION MEDICINE – DEFINITION OF ADDICTION: Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.

To find out more go to: To Donate go to:

Participate In A Weekly Virtual Discussion Group of 5 People!

“MENTAL HEALTH CONVERSATIONS START RIGHT NOW! RIGHT HERE!” With Your Online Social Workshop Experience Series • Is There a Difference Between Mental Health & Mental Illness? • What Are The Best Recommended Daily Coping Strategies? • How Can We Give & Receive Support That Makes A Difference In Our Lives? • And More! Much More! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE By Contacting Robert Manolson

Providing Literacy and Foundational Learning to the Community. For the Community. By the Community. At Further Education Society of Alberta(FESA), we believe that literacy and foundational learning affects all aspects of family and community life. We want to strengthen communities by removing barriers to access these opportunities by providing free programming. We want to see Canada as a literate and learning society.

OUR COMMITMENT TO CALGARY FESA’s programs are hosted throughout Calgary by our program partners and cover a variety of topics that improve literacy and essential skills for the vulnerable populations of Calgary. Our Calgary Programs partner with over 35 community agencies to deliver 70 to 80 programs to approximately 876 Calgarian families each year

“We build communities through literacy and learning.”

When reflecting upon this year many words come to mind: struggle, fear, uncertainty, anxiety, sadness, loss. I personally have felt these emotions as I’m certain have our Board, staff, supporters and partners. This has been a time of immense challenge. Low literate learners and vulnerable families served by FESA are confronted with these very challenges all the time, not just during a year defined by a pandemic. Without literacy and foundational learning their worlds remain profoundly limited. FESA understands their learning journey takes courage, commitment and fortitude. Which is why the breadth and depth of their work constantly evolves to remain relevant and timely. FESA now provides outreach to vulnerable families to assist in accessing COVID-19 resources,

supports and benefits. They are developing curriculum to address stress and change management, including how to assist in children’s school work. Their Indigenous workplace supports include improving LES skills for higher success rates, and involving Elders in research bringing traditional knowledge into the workplace. FESA is also introducing new topics to Financial Literacy including navigating online banking. Clearly FESA, along with key partners and funders, overcame incredible hurdles to ensure this kind of work continues effectively and safely. Elaine Cairns, and her remarkable staff and interns, achieved miracles in the middle of an international health crisis that trickled down into their own families and daily lives. I tip my hat to their resilience and work ethic. Donna Rapp, FESA Board President

34 // Community Now!

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - C.S. Lewis

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Telling It Like It Is features

7 Summit Snacks

Founders; Kristyn Carriere, Christine Reimer & Leanna Carriere How and why did you start 7 Summit Snacks? After sporty and health-conscious Leanna was tired of not finding an enjoyable fuel source that spoke to her as an athlete, she turned to Chocolate Scientist (and sister) Kristyn to plant the seed that would solve her problem. A few months later, Kristyn woke up in the middle of the night with an epiphany! “It’s called 7 Summits Snacks and it’s formulated for endurance athletes”. The epiphany came at the same time that Kristyn’s partner Robin was summiting Mount Everest; a few hours later, we found out he passed away at that very moment. It was now crystal clear that Kristyn would return home to Canada and start the company with her sister. Upon her return to Canada, Kristyn asked innovation strategist and friend, Christine, if creating an athletic chocolate company was a good business idea; the market looked good and Christine wanted in! What separates your product from the competition? We are a super food (which also contains superfoods). Our Endurance Bar is a portable stick of chocolate fuel you can eat, crafted with carbs, fats, and caffeine to

36 // Community Now!

keep you going. It’s meltable if you just can’t give up that craving for goo, or eat it solid as an energizing snack. Our everyday Superfood Chocolate Bar is that indulgent reward for a job well done. It uses sustainably sourced ingredients which pay homage to the mightiest mountain on each continent- escapism where you are. I want to talk about getting your product into stores. What are you currently doing? We are currently employing the timeold method well known in this slightly archaic industry of cold calling (on the phone and over e-mail) and setting up store visits. We have launched with focus, targeting boutique sports stores where our core consumers shop. We wanted to prove to ourselves in the first place that there is demand for our product. We are slowly gaining traction in Alberta, with a push to now list in similar stores in BC. We have been lucky (through hard work) to also gain trial listings with Blush Lane and a handful of Co-Ops in central Alberta. We are learning from this exercise that we are not well recognized to the masses yet, and our premium price point is a barrier to initial purchase. We endeavour to continue to work on building our com-

munity of loyal consumers who spread the word on our behalf and eventually know to look in their grocery store to find us. Due in part to COVID, we’ve also grown our e-commerce using social platforms and other digital strategies (experimenting with SEO now). It helps that our product is relatively lightweight, shelf stable and high value compared to other foods, making shipping cost effective. What Social Media Platforms have you had success with and why? Our core demographic of consumers hang out on Instagram and then Facebook, so we focus our efforts there. To manage our budget, we create our own posts, and as this is not in our core competencies, we are always learning new things (reposts, etiquette, what works and doesn’t with our consumers). It’s a time consuming game, at times; however, purchasing apps like Canva and content calendars have been useful tools. As well as running ideas and post through each other, we enjoy engaging with our community on both of these platforms to get feedback on ideas and connect with our followers. What is next for 7 Summit Snacks? Oh! We have many ideas! . Our plan is to eventually have 7 different product formats spread across flavours representing the tallest mountains of each of the 7 continents. We are in the middle of testing three flavours to get consumer feedback on the recipes, performance, and marketing. The most successful of the three products will launch this spring!

We are also very excited to be partnering with a few ultra running events this year- Sinister 7 to name one. Partnerships with other brands that our core consumers know and trust is key to building our brand awareness (in our opinion). What is also great about these partnerships, is that even with whatever may come for in-person events this summer with COVID-19 restrictions, the community we are targeting is more and more comfortable with the virtual eventing, allowing us to “sample” in some way or another. If you had one piece of advice for small businesses or start-ups, what would it be? As per our delightful Peer Guidance chat, we have some (healthy) internal discussions around “just go for it” and “test absolutely everything first”. Belief is the fire that fuels you, but entrepreneurs really require confidence to think their product/ service will make it. Seek feedback and test your bias as much as possible at the beginning: that’s the best time to make big strategic changes. And then don’t be offended (or surprised) when someone calls your baby ugly. -----------the Seven Summits Snacks Team Fuel your next adventure! @7summitssnacks

Jade Alberts - Peer Guidance - Jade Alberts Consulting 403-771-1301 •

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Music March Deborah Nichol

This month’s challenge is all about music and how it connects us. Music feeds our soul, and It can give us a more profound truth about how we live our life story through the music we remember. We can remember all the firsts in our life. I bet you can remember what song was playing on the radio when this happened. We recognize the music from movies. We remember how old we would have been or what grade we were. Music can bridge generation gaps. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a tiny bit of a control specialist. And so, I was a single mom, working a lot when my kids were young, and I needed to engage some help from my kids to help clean. I wanted to make it fun but also not spend the entire day doing it. So what we decided to do was make a rock-out cleaning playlist. My kids are young at the time, so that I would assign them age-appropriate tasks. It was so much fun as they grew older, And when they were teenagers, they would make the playlist. We learned to appreciate all kinds of music, we had so much fun, and we did the cleaning in ¼ of the time. And so, playlists became a thing. I’ll date myself a little bit and say we used to make CDs (truth be told, I’m from the cassette tape era). We travelled a lot 38 // Community Now!

when my kids were in dance, so we had a CD for every trip, every party, every family event. This month’s challenge is for you to create some playlists of your own. Here is the challenge; 1. Make at least three different playlists- for example: getting up, getting ready, singing in the shower tunes, working out, stretching, dancing, the list is endless. 2. Choose three memories great memories and three songs that go with them. 3. Think of what your life soundtrack would be. You might have a soundtrack of your misspent youth, your twenties, your thirties. You get the idea. When I was a kid, one of the best memories was that my grandparents loved Lawrence Welk. Whenever I see or hear big band music, I think of my grandparents I remember so fondly how much they loved music. I think music connects us that way. Music is one of the most inclusive connections we can have to one another. You can listen, you can play, you can dance, you can sing, you can love, music is our connection to one another. Enjoy this month’s Happiness Challenge!

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Mental Wellness Tip of the Month

Make Gratitude your Attitude: Joanne Neweduk RN

Feeling grateful is a sure-fire way to improve your mood. Emotions of gratitude have even been found to create positive shifts in our brain. Gratitude mixes well with mindfulness, a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Try this helpful daily practice by concentrating on five different things for which you are grateful. Each one pertains to one of the five senses, as in something you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Notice how your happiness set-point changes.


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40 // Community Now!

Time, Energy and Motivation –

Fake News!

Jennifer Hadley Fierce Mom Personal Coaching •


f you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ll know that planning is my lifeline. I’m a self-proclaimed Goal Setting Guru and a Purveyor of Practicality, and I’m proud of it! Being a single, workfrom-home mom of two of the busiest kids on the planet, who volunteers on boards, committees, and chairs the Parent’s Association - and has a penchant for living the good life without subscribing to any guilt in those pleasures – I know a thing or two about planning, logistics, and making things happen out of thin air! Things like time… we think we don’t have enough of it. Things like

energy… I hear people complain that they are constantly tired. Things like motivation… I’ll tell you a secret, you don’t need motivation to help you get your life the way you really want it. Time, energy, and motivation are all fake news. Yes, I said it – ALL FAKE. Sorry, not sorry. These ideas are perceived concepts that we like to use as excuses for not doing the things we “should” or are “supposed to” do. Any lightbulbs going off? Let me explain. (continued on next page) Community \\ 41

(continued from page 41...) Time is a man-made idea that we have only a certain amount of… I’m not denying the 24 hours in a day concept, it’s how the world works, like physics and gravity (which are laws, not ideas by the way). I’m not trying to be a revolutionary and start a movement against the concept or science of time. We all live by the clock. That’s just life. But what if I told you that you had the power to create time in your life? To make time for the things that matter? Would that be a crazy idea, or something that you want to learn more about? Same with energy. I’m not talking calories or kilojoules, I’m talking about our inner electricity that we produce ourselves. No one decides how much energy we have, but us. How would you like to have more energy to do the things you want to do? Another crazy idea from this idealistic workaholic mom? Perhaps… Intrigued?

Introducing the NEW...

Read on!

The ever-popular, motivation… Motivation is a cool idea and a buzz word use by many coaches and trainers in the “get off your butt and do something with your life” business.

Introducing the NEW...

Host Joanne Neweduk


42 // Community Now!

But motivation is NOT going to get you to where you want to go. You can have all the motivation, energy and time in the world but if you don’t have this ONE THING, you will fail. Every. Single. Time. Here’s the secret to everything that’s stopping you… Habit. Yep! Habit. These 5 letters will change your life in more ways than time, energy and motivation combined. How do you reach your goals? Building habits. How do you make your life better? Habits. How do you make sure you have more time, energy and motivation? You need to set up your day as a series of habits that are attached to your purpose, your values, and your goals. It’s very simple. Your daily habits determine your level of success. If you’re scrolling social media for most of the day, you’re wasting time, energy, and motivation. If you’re binging on Netflix and junk food every night to escape from your big goals because they are overwhelming and you need to “shut off” regularly, you’re wasting time, energy, and motivation. In contrast, if you wake up each day, learn something new, have an uplifting conversation, eat nutritious food, exercise, and fuel your mind, body, and soul, you will have more time, more energy, and higher motivation to optimize your performance. Guaranteed. Your ability to reach your goals, your ability to rise up in your life, and your ability to build a life that you don’t need to escape from is a choice. It’s you actively participating in your own life by having honest conversations with yourself – those are the most important meetings you’ll ever attend by the way. A daily or even weekly meeting with your PBD (Personal Board of Directors) is crucial in shaping your success. You are the CEO of your life. If you have a few trusted advisors, coaches, mentors, or friends that you can consult with, that’s even better! But be sure that they see

and understand your vision. This is about you and your success. You don’t have to apologize for making this about you. You don’t even have to include anyone else in your meetings, talking to yourself is not as crazy as it seems, and if you’re shy, put a mask on and no one will see your lips moving :) The greatest part of holding regular meetings with yourself, is that you get to change course if you’re noticing that you’re not going in the direction you thought you wanted to go. Often times, we set goals in our annual or quarterly strategic planning sessions and we grind to make those goals happen. What if they’re not aligned with your current state? As we all know, what we planned last month isn’t always a possibility two months from now. So, we re-evaluate, we edit, we tweak, and we pivot. Yes, I know, pivot is another overused word, but in this case, it’s valid. Just because you thought that something was a great idea and you put it in your plan, doesn’t mean that it will always make sense for the timeframe you have it scheduled for. Or that it really aligns with your ultimate goals, driven by your values, driven by your purpose. Give yourself permission to change course. You’ll know when that time comes when you notice those tasks and projects keep moving from one week to the next, to the next, and the next after that. What does that mean? It means you’re procrastinating. Why are you procrastinating? Because deep down in your gut - that sticky intuitive spot in your core that tells you if it really matters to you or not – you’ll feel it. If you’re not jumping at the chance to work on something because you either love that thing (continued on next page)

Part 1 of Understanding Cyber Security Q & A with Dominic Vogel Founder of Cyber.SC 1) What is cyber security? The digital equivalent of physical world security. Your doors need locks and cars are protected with alarms. Cyber security protects the digital realm. Effective cyber security is a special blend of people, processes and technology that when properly combined protect organizations, individuals or networks from digital attacks. Cyber security keeps data and systems safe and resilient. 2) Who needs to have cyber security in place? Anyone or any organization that has a digital presence. Are you on social media? Then you need to think about cyber security. Does your business use computers and email? Then you need to think about cyber security. Do you live under a rock in an isolated part of Montana? Then no you don’t need to worry about cyber security. 3) What kind of cyber-attacks happen? For most people and organizations cyber attacks are launched by criminals. Cyber crime has surpassed the drug trade as being the most profitable crime on the planet. Every single criminal syndicate organization invests heavily in cyber crime. It’s safe, scalable, attribution is difficult, and they can carry out these attacks anywhere in the world. Ransomware is one of the most common cyber attacks affecting organizations right now. It’s the 21st century equivalent of kidnapping. Basically your systems and data are held for ransom. You don’t regain access unless you pay the ransom (generally via a digital currency like Bitcoin)

(continued from page 43...) or you understand the benefits it will bring you later, it’s probably something that’s out of alignment with your ultimate plan. I challenge you to do an inventory of all the projects you’ve got on the go. Study the ones that you’re procrastinating on, and consider the reasons for the delays. I’m not talking about filing taxes or getting a root canal… no one likes those things – however, building proper habits in advance of the emergency race to get it done, will make it an easier and less painful experience. Proper monthly bookkeeping, proper dental hygiene and the like are all habits that we can control to lessen the blow of tax season, and may prevent having to get a root canal all together! This concept works for everything in life. Try it! Consider 44 // Community Now!

the things you’re doing that stress you out. Why do they stress you out? You either don’t want to do them because they’re not your “thing”, meaning you’re out of alignment. Or, they are stressing you out because you haven’t put the habits in place to create a flow that makes it easy and/or enjoyable! Consider building habits in your day to help you make more time, and build up energy, which will in turn increase your motivation. All of these things are finite. If you don’t have the proper habits in place, you’ll run out of all three and regularly end up at the bottom of a party-sized bag of chips with Netflix asking if you’re still watching. And when you’re solid with your habits, do some deeper digging about your progress. When you notice things are dragging, it might be time to flip them around!


Our Mission: Promoting curiosity, communication and engagement in making Alberta a stronger and better place to live, to be educated, do business, promote innovation and community celebration. Facebook: @communitynowmagazine Twitter: @communitynowma1

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