BE BOLD Leadership Campaign Guide

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BOLD LEADERSHIP Broward’s Issues That Matter




highest rat

A Growing Community Today there are nearly 2 MILLION Broward residents. BROWARD is the 17th most populous county in the nation and larger than 13 states. 67 people move to Broward EVERY DAY.

SCHOOL IS COOL 25 school districts produce 20% of the nation’s dropouts and

cancer diagnoses in residents have limited to the latest treatments


40% of Broward’s working families live PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK and remain one emergency away from financial despair. THE GOAL: Empower hardworking families to move from struggling to thriving with a hand up, not a handout.

Broward is one of them.

THE GOAL: Transform middle schools, the “fork in the road,” to boost Broward’s high school graduation rate to 90%.


2 out of 3 adults in BROWARD are overweight or obese increasing their risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. THE GOAL: Empower Broward residents to take control of their health to avoid serious, lifestyle-related illnesses.


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THE GOAL: Create a safety net of essential services that enables Broward’s booming 80+ population to live life to the fullest.

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80% of arts funding has been cut by the state, placing

ECO BROWARD Sea-level rise will cost Broward more than

$5 billion by 2035.

THE GOAL: Protect Broward’s fragile environment to create a more vibrant and resilient place to live for generations to come.

Florida 48th in per capita spending on the arts nationally. THE GOAL: Ignite creativity, fuel community pride and connect people to each other by growing and sustaining the arts.

YOUTH WORK Employers say a

lack of critical life and soft skills puts today’s youth at a disadvantage when starting a career.

ANIMAL WELFARE More than 30,000 domesticated and 12,000 wild animals need homes and

THE GOAL: Shape tomorrow’s workforce with hands-on experiences that empower Broward’s youth to build career skills.

care each year. THE GOAL: Ensure Broward’s animals, both wild and domesticated, are treated with respect and live safely.


ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE THE PROBLEM: Nearly half of Broward’s workers live paycheck to paycheck, earning wages that fail to keep pace with Broward’s rising cost of living. Unable to save, they are at risk of a medical bill, car repair or another unexpected expense pushing their families into economic despair.

THE GOAL: Empower hardworking families to move from struggling to thriving with a hand up, not a handout.


of Broward’s working families live paycheck to paycheck.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to move Broward’s struggling working families to financial independence.


Permanent Gig Fund

Nick of Time Fund

American Dream Fund

Launch Your Business Fund

Job training and placement into higher-paying skilled opportunities so people don’t have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Emergency funding for hardworking families to prevent them from facing financial disaster caused by unexpected shortterm expenses.

Enable working families to keep a roof over their head through access to affordable housing and help with critical housing-related expenses.

Help Broward residents incubate and grow small businesses, turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

ART OF COMMUNITY THE PROBLEM: Too many residents in fast-growing Broward remain cut off from the power of the arts to unite, inspire and enliven our community. As budget cuts continue, more support is needed to create a thriving arts scene that reaches every neighborhood.

THE GOAL: Ignite creativity, fuel community pride and connect people to each other by growing and sustaining the arts.


of arts funding has been cut by the state.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to create and sustain a vibrant arts community in Broward.

Neighborhood Transformation Arts Fund

Emerging Artists Fund

Art Prodigy Fund

Healing Arts Fund

Supercharge The Arts Fund

Create public art in every city in Broward, beginning with those with the greatest need.

Incubate and strengthen emerging arts groups, organizations and artists to bring their creative vision to life.

Enable young people to access and participate in the arts to develop their creativity and to expose them to creative careers.

Empower the arts to create dialogue, unite the community, spread understanding and help heal our neighbors facing adversity.

Strengthen and grow existing arts organizations with hardto-come-by operational support.


SCHOOL IS COOL THE PROBLEM: Broward students who struggle with the ABCs – attendance, behavior and class performance in math and reading – are at greater risk of dropping out. That means they are more likely to face a future of higher unemployment, lower earnings and increased incarcerations. Middle school is a critical point where students who fall behind often end up in a downward spiral that leads to dropping out.

THE GOAL: Transform middle schools, the “fork in the road,” to boost Broward’s high school graduation rate to 90%.

Broward is one of 25 school districts producing


of the nation’s dropouts.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward students achieve and succeed.


Student Success Fund

Involved Families Fund

Opportunity Knocks Fund

Healthy Mind Fund

Lead by Example Fund

Accelerate student success with programs and strategies that focus on improving attendance, behavior and course performance.

Build stronger bonds between a student’s family and school to ensure all students get the support they need to succeed.

Create unique experiences in and out of school that help students see their potential and the opportunities that await them.

Build confidence, self-esteem and social skills in students facing social and/ or emotional challenges.

Expand opportunities for school leaders to gain knowledge and apply the latest innovations and best practices that lead to student success.

DIGNITY IN AGING THE PROBLEM: Broward’s skyrocketing population of residents age 80 and older has exposed gaping holes in the safety net of community services they deserve to live with dignity. Many Broward seniors face isolation, malnutrition, deteriorating homes, financial struggles and long waiting lists for help that may never come.

THE GOAL: Create a safety net of essential services that enables Broward’s booming 80+ population to live life to the fullest.

Broward’s 80+ population will grow by


in the next 12 years.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward’s older residents live life to the fullest.

Silver Wheels Fund

Senior Safety Net Fund

Tech To Connect Fund

Help at Home Fund

3 Meals A Day Fund

Provide transportation options enabling older residents to remain healthy, engaged and connected.

Enable temporary financial assistance for struggling seniors dealing with unexpected and emergency expenses.

Support technology to connect homebound seniors to the outside world, friends, family and doctors.

Provide in-home assistance with day-to-day activities (meals, laundry, cleaning, home repairs) for seniors with limited mobility.

Support efforts to ensure older residents remain healthy with access to regular nutritious meals.


ECO BROWARD THE PROBLEM: The dangerous effects of climate change and damage to Broward’s fragile environment put our homes, our businesses and even our lives at risk. More flooding, lingering heat waves and strained drinking water supplies threaten Broward’s future as a vibrant, sustainable place to live.

THE GOAL: Protect Broward’s fragile environment to create a more vibrant and resilient place to live for generations to come.

Sea-level rise will cost Broward more than

$5 billion by 2035.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to make Broward a more resilient and sustainable place to call home.


Energy Conservation Fund

Habitat Protection Fund

The Fresh H2O Fund

Eco Action Fund

Create more energy efficient homes and buildings by taking advantage of renewable energy resources, new technology and upgraded infrastructure.

Preserve, restore and create green space for native plants and animals to thrive.

Ensure our community always has clean drinking water and unpolluted waterways.

Provide environmental education programs and community outreach activities to protect our fragile ecosystems and create a healthy, resilient and sustainable community.

CANCEL CANCER THE PROBLEM: Rising medical costs and difficulty accessing cutting-edge treatments make it hard for cancer patients to get the care they need in Broward. Finding transportation to appointments, dealing with insurance and hunting for specialists – while working and caring for family – add stress as patients fight for their lives.

THE GOAL: Save lives in Broward by advancing breakthrough clinical trials and cancer patient support.

Broward has the

2nd highest rate of new cancer diagnoses in Florida.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to provide lifesaving treatments and renewed hope to Broward residents facing cancer.

Innovative Cancer Technology Fund

Win the Battle Cancer Fund

Cancer Hope Fund

Cancer Education Fund

Support the development of cutting-edge technologies to enhance diagnosis and improve cancer treatment.

Support breakthrough clinical trials that provide lifesaving treatment to cancer patients in our community.

Provide hope and ease the burden on Broward cancer patients, their families and those who have lost someone to cancer through social, emotional and financial support.

Teach Broward residents how to minimize cancer risk, and enable local doctors and researchers to effectively share cancer research and collaborate across the field to save more lives.


BROWARD PRIDE THE PROBLEM: While Broward has more same-sex households than any other county in Florida, many LGBT residents face discrimination and feel excluded from “mainstream” community institutions. LGBT families often face unequal treatment when they seek housing, employment, health care and other essentials in the place they call home.

THE GOAL: Foster equality, inclusion and acceptance for Broward’s LGBT residents to ensure everyone in our community is welcome and can succeed.

Inequality and discrimination persist despite Broward having the

largest number of same-sex households in Florida.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward become a more inclusive community for our LGBT residents.


Safe Spaces Fund

Broward Equality Fund

Proud to Include Fund

Grow the number of safe and welcoming spaces within the community for LGBT population.

Reduce stigma and discrimination while promoting equal rights, fair treatment and access.

Promote LGBT inclusion and drive culture change within public and private organizations through education, policy and programming.

BFIT THE PROBLEM: Barriers to healthy living put a growing number of Broward’s children at risk of obesity and leave more adults facing diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. Trouble accessing nutritious food in our neighborhoods and the struggle to live active lives threaten Broward’s future as a healthy place to call home.


Empower Broward residents to take control of their health to avoid serious, lifestyle-related illnesses.

2 out of 3 Broward adults are at increased risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease due to obesity and inactivity.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward residents get healthy and stay that way.

Healthy Food Fund

Get Active Fund

Health Care Access Fund

Eliminate food deserts in Broward neighborhoods by enabling access to healthy food options through urban gardens, farmers’ markets, pop-up stores and other innovative opportunities.

Foster physical activity and make neighborhoods more exercise-friendly through fitness programs, sports equipment, walking and bike trails, new parks and more.

Create opportunities for low-income communities to have equitable access to top quality health care, including diagnostic screenings, dental care, medical facilities and medication.


YOUTH WORK THE PROBLEM: Adults with more work experience are taking part-time jobs that once helped young people develop the career skills needed to compete in the workforce. Without early work experience, young people are more at risk of falling into substance abuse, crime and a future with long spells of unemployment.

THE GOAL: Shape tomorrow’s workforce with hands-on experiences that empower Broward’s youth to build career skills.

A lack of critical life and soft skills puts Broward’s youths at a disadvantage when starting a career.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward youths achieve career success and a brighter future.


Youth in Trades Fund

Ready to Work Fund

YouthPreneurs Fund

Jump-start student careers through apprenticeships that result in industry certifications.

Provide paid jobs and internships that help young people gain valuable work experience and develop the hard and soft skills needed for career success.

Coach and develop youth to start and run their own businesses.

ANIMAL WELFARE THE PROBLEM: Thousands of unwanted dogs and cats become homeless and overwhelm public animal shelters. Broward’s native wildlife gets squeezed out by dwindling habitat and invading exotic species. Broward’s animals, wild and domestic, face a future of growing challenges.

THE GOAL: Ensure Broward’s animals, both wild and domestic, are treated with respect and live safely.

More than 30,000 domesticated and 12,000 wild animals need homes and care in Broward each year.

Solutions You Can Create Create one of the following endowed Funds in your name and you will build the permanent, long-term resources needed to help Broward’s animals live without threat, abuse and neglect.

Furry Family Fund

Call of the Wild Fund

Best Friend Fund

Safe Sex Fund

Forever Home Fund

Enable individuals to keep and maintain their family pets when faced with financial or personal struggles.

Rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife, and protection of the habitats where they live.

Improve the quality of life for seniors, veterans and those with special needs through companion and support animals.

Support for spay/ neuter efforts to control pet overpopulation.

Promote efforts to find forever homes for shelter animals.


YOU CAN TACKLE ALL THE ISSUES THAT MATTER CUSTOMIZE YOUR FUND FOR BROWARD More than a decade ago, Mary Mackenzie created her endowed Mary and Alex Mackenzie Community Impact Fund. Mary’s Fund for Broward has no restrictions and evolves

Current 2020 Fund balance is $14.2M

with the community. She didn’t want it to be narrowly focused on a specific issue because she knew that community needs change over time. And because it’s endowed,

To Date: 212 grants awarded - totaling $7M

Mary’s bold impact will grow over time and last forever.


2008: Fund created with a $12.1M gift

BOLD IMPACT FOR BROWARD The Mary and Alex Mackenzie Community Impact Fund has already: • Helped boost Broward’s high school graduation rate. • Moved hundreds of struggling families to financial stability. • Furthered acceptance and inclusion of Broward’s LGBT residents. • Enabled children aging out of foster care to transition to independence. • Improved the quality of life and reduced isolation for Broward seniors. • Invested in efforts to tackle climate change, sea-level rise and beach erosion. • Fueled clinical trials for cutting-edge cancer treatments like personalized molecular testing. 13

• Found forever homes for thousands of Broward shelter animals.

THE TIME IS NOW CREATE YOUR ENDOWED CHARITABLE FUND • It’s time to step up and lead the way to a brighter future for the community you love. • Broward needs forward-thinkers, visionaries and doers like you. • Create bold impact on the issues that matter most in our community – forever.

GET STARTED TODAY: • Create your endowed charitable Fund using cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, IRA / 401k, personal property, life insurance or other assets. • Include the Foundation in your estate plan.

Join us and BE BOLD!



Please contact: Nancy Thies, Vice President of Philanthropic Services Phone: 954-761-9503 Email:

910 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

Publication Date: February 13, 2020

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