
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Camden and Campbelltown businesses their annual night of nights arrives with the Local Business Awards (LBA) gala nights. For Campbelltown finalist businesses, the annual night of nights is July 19 at Wests and Camden businesses finalists take the stage on August 15 at Camden Civic Centre.
This edition of the Macarthur Advocate published two special finalist features to celebrate the hard work, commitment to excellence and service demonstrated by these businesses over the previous year. Also included is a winner’s feature for the Wollondilly LBAs.
Managing Director of Precedent productions and LBA founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers. That’s why the annual Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the LBAs was an enormous achievement. See inside for full details and features.
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WOLLONDILLY Shire Council is calling on the NSW Government to honour its infrastructure commitments and prioritise the needs of the state-led Wilton Growth Area, following the announcement of rezoning for the Wilton Town Centre.
The Wilton Town Centre is a crucial milestone for the delivery of services and local employment for Wilton and for the broader Wollondilly Shire, with an estimated 3,000 permanent jobs expected to be created.
The rezoning will allow for 1600 new homes, land for a new public school, open space including sports fields, protection of 37 hectares of environmentally sensitive land, as well as improved roads and public transport infrastructure.
Mayor Matt Gould said: “Wollondilly Shire Council acknowledges the importance of rezoning the town centre to support this fast-growing new community, however once again we are continuing to see the lack of a clear plan for how and when critical infrastructure such as water and sewerage will be delivered across the Wilton Growth Area.
“Wilton is here now. It is already being developed and houses are being constructed, so we need the Town Centre to service the houses that are going up, but we also need certainty that critical infrastructure will provided in a timely manner.
“Council is continuing to call upon the State Government to make sure it honours its commitments and prioritises Wilton as the primary growth area for Wollondilly.”
“Council will continue to work with the developer to plan and create an exemplar Town Centre, that is supported with the right investment from both the developer and the State Government.”
The Department of Planning and Environment has advised that new controls include two provisions to offer the necessary safeguards that will ensure that development cannot be approved until arrangements for infrastructure are in place.
While there are infrastructure issues outstanding, the developer has written to the Department committing that it will not lodge DAs and will continue working with the Department and Council on these infrastructure matters.
MACARHUR’S refugees, migrants and diverse communities will benefit from greater support with the NSW Government and the Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre after opening a new support location in the region.
The Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre plays a crucial role in the settlement and integration of refugees and humanitarian migrants by offering vital resources, guidance and a strong
support network to those who are rebuilding their lives.
From settlement support and employment programs to youth programs and aged services, the Resource Centre assists in addressing the multifaceted needs of refugees and migrants.
Before expanding to Campbelltown, the Centre provided community outreach and support to new, established and emerging communities in the Liver-
With Stage 1 of the Employment Zone now completely sold out, Stage 2 offers another opportunity to secure industrial space in Oran Park’s growing community. Whether you’re a small or large business owner, this is your opportunity to take your enterprise to a new level in one of the fastest growing areas in Sydney’s South West.
An active and vibrant employment area in the making, the Employment Zone is growing rapidly to meet the expanding needs of the surrounding business community.
pool region.
Minister for Multiculturalism Steve Kamper attended the event, announcing the winners of a community competition to name the centre’s two new community rooms.
“The NSW Government has a strong and proud history of working collaboratively with the Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre,” Minister Kamper said.
“This partnership has been a vital relationship over many years, most
recently it was instrumental in providing support services to the Liverpool region’s diverse communities during COVID-19.” “The centre is a shining example of how local communities are best placed to find local solutions.”
Western Sydney MRC Acting CEO Mohan Gunasekara said: “Our expansion into Campbelltown is a direct recognition of the growing need for supports and services in the Macarthur region.”
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ISSUE 7 | July
The Macarthur Advocate is available at strategic locations throughout Blacktown LGA. To find a location near you visit our website.
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Admin and General
Editor Michael Walls
News Editor Dallas Sherringham
Advertising sales
Maree Daniels
Rebecca Swaleh
Design and production Design2Pro, Ju Ju Garphics.
Platinum Media Partner
Support Partner Local Business Awards in Campbelltown, Camden abd Wollondilly.
TANYIA Harris OAM, the lady with a golden heart known widely as the ‘Queen of Campbelltown’, has passed away.
Tanyia passed peacefully at Campbelltown Hospital last week surrounded by her family and loved ones.
Member for Campbelltown Greg Warren relcognised her sad passing on his Facebook page.
“Tanyia was not only a dear friend of mine and thousands of others, but she was widely and rightfully considered the Queen of Campbelltown,” he said.
“Tanyia was known for many things, but most of all for her love for Campbelltown and for the countless charities she has supported over many years.
“Only second to her family, Tanyia’s greatest love was harness racing where she has made contributions that will forever carry her legacy.
“I will miss her just as I know many others will. Rest in Peace Queen of Campbelltown, Tanyia Harris OAM.”
Glowing tributes on Facebook posts remarked on her service to Rotary and many other organisations.
Mayor of Camden Ashleigh Cagney said: “A beautiful woman with a heart of gold, she will be missed greatly”.
Cr Cindy Cagney - Camden Council North Ward said: “Such sad news. She was such an amazing intelligent lady
so passionate about our community, with a smile that lit up a room. She will be deeply missed; may she rest easy knowing that she has been a blessing to so many”.
Many Perrin said she was “a wonderful supporter of our community.”
Gary Colligan said: “You were an inspiration to our Campbelltown community”.
The Menangle club paid tribute to Tanyia in the
“It IS with much sadness that we advise of the passing of one of Club
Menangle’s most generous supporters Tanyia Harris OAM. Tanyia was just shy of her 92nd birthday.”
“Born on July 28, 1931, Tanyia immediately became involved as soon as she joined the NSW Trotting Club as it was known at that time. Such was her way.
“Tanyia joined multiple committees, most notably the Credentials Committee, where she was very active.
“The Credentials Committee was a group that worked to evaluate membership applications to present to the Club Menangle board.
“No one who didn’t meet the highest standards would have received Tanyia’s endorsement. Another role that Tanyia held was as a Blue Coat at Harold Park.
“The Blue Coats were essentially the concierge, in charge of ‘first impressions’ for racegoers and would greet attendees at the gate and assist them in deciding where they wanted to go on the night.
“Tanyia always believed in South West Sydney, as she did with Menangle Park and that Menangle was the future of Harness Racing in NSW.
“Prior to the move from Harold Park to Club Menangle, Tanyia was a valued volunteer who assisted with the initial development of the new Menangle Park complex by providing meals for workers every day of the week.
“When the new track opened at the current complex in Menangle in 2008, the club was cash-strapped and structures were very basic with hired marquees due to the expensive cost and racing still taking place at Harold Park.
“Tanyia then approached John Dumesny, who was then the Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Harness Racing Club to advise that she wanted to assist with purchasing marquees.
“On the spot, Tanyia wrote out a cheque for the total cost, which enabled the club to progress with buying the permanent marquees.
“The marquee was then named the Tanyia Harris OAM Marquee in her honor.”
THE long-awaited preliminary flight paths for Western Sydney’s new multi-billion-dollar Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport are finally on view to the public and that very same public is not happy.
The flight paths will have a major effect on some suburbs and a lesser effect on others.
If you live in Erskine Park, Greendale or Luddenham the noise will be most apparent with lesser noise hitting spots like Parramatta, Rossmore and Springwood.
An online tool allows residents to see the noise impact over their homes by inserting their address,
It’s like a game of Twister trying to work out the overly complicated map which is at the heart of the tool.
However, the figures are less confusing with the suburb of Erskine Park set to experience 20 to 49 flights exceeding 70 decibels over 24 hours.
By 2033 Greendale residents will shudder through 10 to 19 flights per night which exceed 60 decibels.
The $5.3 billion Western Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek will be the first in NSW with no curfew, which means flights taking off and landing 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
It’s all about the wind to decide if your suburb will suffer at any given time.
The flight paths show wind conditions
will determine which of two main runway directions, Runway 05 and Runway 23, will be used at any time during the day and night.
A noise level of 70 decibels is the benchmark for aircraft noise since it is enough to disturb a conversation indoors.
Luddenham, Badgerys Creek and Erskine Park are all predicted to experience flights above 70 decibels during the day.
Further afield, Springwood, Rossmore and Parramatta, would experience some flights, but at levels well below 70 decibels.
Worst affected suburbs
Erskine Park will be one of the worst affected suburbs by aircraft noise when Runway 05 is used.
By 2033, residents are predicted to experience 20 to 49 flights exceeding 70 decibels over 24 hours.
But, when Runway 23 is used, residents around Greendale will be most affected, experiencing 20 to 49 flights exceeding 70 decibels over 24 hours.
By 2033 Greendale residents will hear 10 to 19 flights per night which exceed 60 decibels, which is a level that disturbs sleep.
And 60 is the magic number for deciding if your sleep is disturbed.
In fact, Greendale and Luddenham are predicted to experience these noise levels at least 10 to 19 times a night.
Further afield at St Marys and Marsden Park these noise levels will be experienced two to four times a night.
Meanwhile, locals in Liverpool and Kellyville will hear the occasional flight at 42 decibels during the night, well below the limit to disturb sleep.
When Runway 05 direction is used, all aircraft will arrive from the south-west and depart to the north-east, while Runway 23 direction will see all planes arriving from the north-east and departing to the southwest.
And a third plan, which can be used at night when air traffic demand is lower, is designed to minimise the impact of noise on the most heavily populated areas of Western Sydney.
Member of the Residents Against Western Sydney Airport (RAWSA) community group Peter Dollin told the ABC the release of preliminary flight paths had been a long time coming.
CAMDEN Council has released its bold plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the region.
The plan is featured in Council’s Camden: Towards Net Zero strategy, which is on public exhibition this month.
It lays out a pathway to achieve a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, before achieving the final target 20 years later.
Mayor of Camden Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said the strategy was incredibly important, given both the growth of the area and the requirement for urgent action on climate change.
“The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world, which is why we need to act now,” she said.
“Sadly, here in Camden, we’ve recently experienced the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events including storms, droughts, bushfires and flooding.”
Cr Cagney said some of the work had already begun. Recent-
ly, Council secured 100% renewable energy for street lighting and 46 of its largest sites.
Council has also installed electric vehicle charging stations, placed solar panels on
several facilities, operates an electric mower and much more.
In 2021, Council was recognised as a Silver Partner of Sustainability Advantage – a program of the NSW Department of
“We’re looking forward to having that transparency, but obviously we’re quite anxious about what the final flight paths will be,” he said.
Mr Dollin has lived in Blaxland for almost four decades and is most concerned about the potential impacts of aircraft noise in his area.
“There’s an absolute inequality going on here between eastern Sydney and Western Sydney,” he said.
“Sydney Airport has the benefit of a curfew, there’ll be no curfew for this airport.”
To find out more, community information sessions will be held across Western Sydney in the coming months, where locals will be able to speak with the flight path design team.
Construction of the airport is past the halfway mark and right from the start it will have capacity for up to 10 million passengers and around 81,000 air traffic movements a year by 2033.
Qantas and Jetstar became the first airlines to sign a deal with the airport with five Qantas and 10 Jetstar aircraft operating in its first year of operation.
Planning and Environment.
“We’ve made steps already but there is a lot more to do and we look forward to working through the action plan to reach our goal,” she said. “We
welcome community feedback on the strategy and I encourage everyone to have their say.”
“I’m proud that we are an organisation which strives to operate sustainably.”
IN any business, when employers hire staff they hope the worker will be reliable, trustworthy and do a good job.
And when they decide to diversify and hire people with a disability, the expectations remain the same according to the disability employment service, NOVA Employment.
“NOVA finds jobs for people with disability at the same pay, same conditions, same responsibilities as you and I,” said Martin Wren, chief executive of NOVA Employment for 30+ years.
Mathew Allous, Owner of Challenger4Computers in Fairfield hired through NOVA and now knows first-hand the benefits a business gains from an inclusive workforce.
“I can depend on Kevin a hundred per cent to fix the customer’s problems,” said Mathew, referring to the assistant he hired through NOVA Campsie.
As with any new staff, all it took was a little patience and time.
“I trained Kevin, step-by-step how to format computers, use instillation programs and how to research anything on Google,” explained Mathew, who hired Kevin almost a year ago.
The combination of Kevin’s drive to learn and NOVA’s service are what’s led to the longevity, reveals the head of Sydney’s highest-rated disability recruitment service.
“When you need staff, NOVA concen-
trates on getting to know your business first and then the responsibilities of the role,” said Martin Wren, who operates 28 NOVA locations across Greater Sydney, including nearby Liverpool.
“Next, we find someone who wants that job and can accomplish the demands of that role,” explains Wren, who was
inducted into the Disability Hall of Fame in 2022 for his decades of dedication to promoting the abilities of people with disability.
Challenger4Computers is one of the thousands of businesses that employ people with disability but the owner, Mathew Allous believes there needs to
be many more, and employers “need to open the door for people with disability,” said Mathew.
If you are a business owner or want to know more about building an inclusive workforce you can call 1300 ABILITY or visit www.novaemployment.
Hollywood has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Blacktown City businesses, the annual night of nights is Wednesday 17th May.
That’s the date of the 2023 Blacktown City Local Business Awards.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annual Blacktown City Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the Blacktown City Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
“It’s also a chance for business people and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.
“Making it to the finalist presentation is a great reflection on their efforts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
“Western Sydney Express, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.
“All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on the big screen.
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”
Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Blacktown City Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
“ Blacktown News , which has supported the awards as media partner
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
The Fairfield City Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of Presenting Partner, Commonwealth Bank and Major Partners, Fairfield City Council, Nova Employment, Doltone achievements, on behalf of the Inner West that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year. “Without them, these outstanding businesses would receive the recognition which they deserve.”
for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
Th e Blacktown City Local Business Awards are only possible with th e support of Presenting Partner, Commonwealth Bank and Major Partners, Blacktown City Coucnil, Blacktown Workers Club, Westpoint and NOVA Employment and support partners, Cornerstone and White Key Marketing.
“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the finalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Blacktown City Local Business Awards,” Mr Lo e said.
For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit
“I would also like to thank the Blacktown City community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.
“Without them, these outstanding businesses would receive the recognition which they deserve.”
Scenes from 2022 gala event.
For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit
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There’s only one feeling better than being the first to sail on a new itinerary, and that’s getting it for FREE!
Be among the first to sail from Australia aboard Virgin Voyages’ Resilient Lady when she makes her debut out of Melbourne on Monday 11th December 2023. This 5 night trip heads south to explore Tasmania, with stops in Hobart & Burnie. How do you enter to WIN tickets for two people sharing a Sea Terrace cabin on this luxury cruise?
1. Visit
2. Enter your details and tick a couple of boxes. The winner will be selected at random from the entries on Tuesday 10th October.
Instagram: learnthroughplay_childrensot Facebook: Learn Through Play
Location: Cobbitty - Mobile services to family homes, daycares or schools (in surrounding suburbs).
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OzDetect Pty Ltd are a utility locating/ survey company that is passionate about detecting and mapping the underground infrastructure, keeping our customers & our community safe.
We are a proudly family owned and operated company, established in Camden, with over 20 years experience.
All of our technicians are experienced professionals and have the required skills set and knowledge to identify underground utilities accurately across our community.
Our niche company is customer focus orientated and have a strong focus on industry requirement.
Pizza Spot has been a family and locally owned business serving the community for 18 years. We have a huge range of delicious food specialising in Ribs and Pizzas and a big variety of sides for pick up or delivery.
Catering for all functions and events for up to 130 guests
Trading hours
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For Reservations, order takeaway or function enquiries visit:
TWO Good Egg -Macarthur is located at Camden Fruit Barn and has been an instant success since it was launched in 2022.
The ‘two good eggs’ are owners Rachel and Steve and they won the Outstanding Café Award in the Camden Local Business Awards last year. They have an awesome little team backing them up including Chloe, Adam, Cooper and Laurence. And there are exciting things to come in 2023 according to Rachel and Steve who said: “watch this space”.
It is described as a self-sufficient pop-up cafe that brews, grills, shakes and bakes. The cosey little cafe has outside and undercover seating, an enclosed children’s playground and animal feeding.
Opening Hours are Monday - Friday: 5:30am2:15pm and Saturday and& Sunday: 6:30am - 2:15pm
The Café is located at Camden Fruit Barn, 8 Macarthur Road, Elderslie. Phone: 04077 55 829 | 0421 01 9272. Email: Website:
A Big Thankyou to all our Loyal Customers for their continued support , we have loved helping you all create your dream holidays & look forward to continue to assist you in the future “
Praesidium provides consultancy, training and peace of mind to a broad suite of clients including organisations such as Marvel Stadium, Melbourne & Olympic Parks, Network Ten and Redcape Hotel Group to name a few. Locally, a range of organisations has utilised Praesidium for our Conflict Mitigation, Mental Health Awareness and other related training programs that have directly translated into keeping people safe and well.
Our Founder, Scott Taylor, has also been a keynote at many local Chamber, BCRG and Charity events on topics ranging from Behavior profiling to staying safe online and many others. Praesidium is a local security, risk and training firm bring global capabilities and experience to ensure the highest level of service.
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At The Finer Detail by Kim, we specialise in heartfelt keepsakes, milestones, printed photo gifts, event signage and more. Made with love in our Smeaton Grange warehouse, our mission is simple: to provide our beautiful customers with an unforgettable buying experience through our customer service, high-quality products and sustainable packaging and processes.
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KG Travel, a vibrant new business in the Camden area, has been recognised as a finalist in the Camden Local Business Awards, a testament to the exceptional service and dedication of father and daughter owners Kylie and Gary.
who face emotional regulation challenges, Claire’s personal experiences have fuelled her determination to make a positive impact.
In pursuit of this goal, she has authored a boxset of captivating children’s books titled “How Does Your Body Feel?” that serve as a valuable resource, enabling young children to explore their emotions and discover effective tools for emotional regulation.
Through her expertise as an occupational therapist and her personal journey as a parent, Claire combines her professional knowledge with empathy and compassion.
She is committed to supporting children in their emotional development, equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate life with confidence and resilience.
provide them with the highest standard of care, whether it’s a routine checkup or a complex dental procedure.”
“We believe that the essence of law is to help and fight for fair. We are big believers that everyone deserves a right to justice, fairness and opportunity.
“We make real connections with our clients; we understand their legal concerns and we go above and beyond to work together to creatively but effectively from A to B.
‘We are all about legal advice without jargon.”
Renee has worked for Australia’s top corporations including Wesfarmers and Qantas however these experiences have taught her to be commercially savvy and provide a holistic advice that makes sense.
This dynamic duo has quickly become a cornerstone of the community, providing bespoke travel experiences with a personal touch.
With a rich history in the travel industry, Kylie and Gary are not just travel advisors, but qualified Cruise Masters. Their expertise ranges from crafting solo adventures to curating multigenerational family cruises.
Whether it’s a short three-day getaway to nowhere or an extravagant 150-day round-the-world luxury cruise, KG Travel is the go-to expert.
The recognition from the Camden Local Business Awards is a proud moment for KG Travel. It reflects their commitment to serving the community and their passion for creating unforgettable travel experiences.
But for Kylie and Gary, it’s about more than just the accolades. It’s about the smiles on their clients’ faces, the stories they help write, and the memories they help create.
KG Travel is not just a business; it’s a dream realised and it’s a testament to Kylie and Gary’s dedication, expertise, and love for what they do. As they continue to navigate the seas of the travel industry, one thing is clear: KG Travel is setting the course for excellence in service and unforgettable travel experiences.
With her unwavering dedication, Claire strives to “create a brighter future for children, one filled with increased independence, joy, and emotional well-being”.
SCOTT Taylor and his team at Praesidium Risk and Resilience are a Narellan-based specialist security, safety and risk provider.
They service a healthy mix of iconic National sites and Corporate Groups and Local Community based businesses.
“Our role is to protect all of people’s assets,” Scott said. “This includes their people, property, information and reputation and we place great weight with the position of trust that we have.
“Each business has its own unique risk landscape and we provide a contextualised support and service framework regardless of client size and budget.
These experiences have also made Renee realise that she prefers and rather support the everyday Australians with the everyday legal problem
Renee specialises in conveyancing, estate planning and commercial and is dedicated to excellent outcomes for her clients.
LEGENDS Dental, a reputable dental clinic serving the Gregory Hills community and neighboring suburbs, is dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care.
It is co-owned by Dr Sahar Naoum, a highly experienced dentist with more than 20 years in the field and Dr. Hiba Aal-Yaseen, a certified Gold II Invisalign provider, with over 10 years of experience.
“The clinic, therefore, can comfortably offer a wide range of services that can meet diverse oral health needs of its local community,” the owners said.
“At Legends Dental, prevention is a priority and patients can benefit from dedicated routine checkups, professional cleanings, in addition to fillings, and transformative smile makeovers. The latter featuring veneers, dental implants, and Invisalign treatment,” they said.
“The dental practice understands its local community and the financial hardship that patients’ may have. Therefore, to ensure accessibility for all patients, flexible payment plans are available for any required treatments.
“With a strong commitment to excellence and remaining at the forefront of dental advancements, Legends Dental employs state-of-the-art technology, resulting in a seamless and comfortable experience for their patients.
“From cyber security and electronic security countermeasures through to strategic security, risk assessments and enhancing HR vetting guidelines, we can assist organisations to improve their security posture.”
Organisations such as Network Ten, Melbourne & Olympic Parks, Redcape Hotel Group and a few Federal Government entities entrust Praesidium as do local Macarthur businesses that have engaged them for Leadership days, Mental Health Awareness Training and vulnerability assessments.
For any enquires, speak to Scott Taylor on +61 416 167761 or via Website:
SODEN Legal is a specialist family law firm known for its exceptional legal services and client-focused approach.
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to achieving the best outcomes for their clients, Soden Legal has established itself as a trusted name in the legal industry.
Soden Legal specialises in family law and the firm boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers . Their expertise, combined with a deep understanding of the ‘human side’ of dealing with people and families, allows them to provide tailored and effective solutions to their clients’ legal challenges.
The Principal Solicitor Sandra Soden was formerly a Registrar of the Family Court of Australia and has a high level of experience as a mediator to support parties in amicable settlements.
Soden Legal places great emphasis on building strong relationships with their clients, ensuring open communication and a thorough understanding of their needs and objectives.
CLAIRE Joyce is a dedicated paediatric occupational therapist with a deep passion for empowering young children and enhancing their independence in all aspects of life.
With a strong desire to bring more joy and autonomy to children, Claire’s work focuses on helping them develop crucial life skills.
As a loving mother of two children
“The clinic utilizes cutting-edge imaging systems, such as digital scanners, to capture precise 3-D impressions of the teeth and mouth, enabling accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. In addition to advanced surgical dental implants, rotary root canal therapy and laser gum contouring systems that ensure highest quality dental health is achieved.
“Patients can therefore have complete confidence that Legends Dental will
RENEE Roumanos Legal is a boutique legal practice located in Southwest Sydney.
And Renee Roumanos Legal is all about doing law differently. “What makes us different is how we advise, protect and support clients in ways that actually work better for them and simplifies things,” Principal Solicitor Renee said.
They prioritize delivering practical and pragmatic advice, backed by thorough research and analysis, to help clients make informed decisions.
Overall, Soden Legal is renowned for its professionalism, integrity and dedication to achieving the best possible results for their clients, making them a top choice for individuals and businesses seeking high-quality legal representation.
AMOTETTI’S Narellan is Gabriele Moretti’s encore to the 12-year success of Amoretti’s Abbotsbury.
Once again, you are invited to step into a modern and fresh enactment of his loving Italian family dining room.
The ethos and formula remain the same – source local fresh and seasonal ingredients, let the quality of the produce speak for itself and as his mother taught him, always cook from the heart – With Love.
Starting from next week through to the end of August (Monday to Thursday only) There will be a special of a traditional pasta carbonara on the menu with truffle. Cost is $50 per person.
In true Italian style, no meal is complete without a robust espresso and the Amoretti’s Café sharing the venue is certain to impress – the perfect conclusion, you will be smiling and laughing with friends and family. Memories that last are guaranteed.
The restaurant is open for dinner nightly from 5.30pm to 9.30pm and on Saturday and Sunday for lunch as well from 11.30am to 2.30pm.
The Café is open Monday to Friday (8am to 2.30pm) Saturday (7am to 1pm)
CHICKEN Empire is committed to providing the utmost quality and impeccable service.
“Combining over 25 years’ experience in food and customer service, we strive to provide the best you’ve come to expect,” a team member said.
“Our friendly environment generates a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. From Families to friends, we will not disappoint.
“Utilising some of our own homemade and authentic recipes, combined with only the freshest of ingredients, we are able to deliver a dining experience that not only can be described as amazing, but will definitely have you coming back for more.
“Our commit extends beyond just your satisfaction; we strive for perfection. Our promise to always stay family orientated and friendly will always be out top priority.”
CMP Real Estate is a trusted independent agency in Sydney that offers a wide range of property services.
Key personnel include Christina Pincevic, Natasha Pincevic, Leylla Tupkovic and Dima Roael.
“Our team of highly skilled and passionate professionals is dedicated to providing outstanding property support and services to our clients,” Christina said.
“Whether you are looking to buy, sell, rent, or need assistance with property management, we are here to help. We understand that these processes can be complex and overwhelming, so we strive to make them simple, straightforward, and effortlessly seamless for you.
“At CMP Real Estate, we take care of the entire end-to-end process, ensuring that your needs are our top priority. Our personalized service is tailored to meet your specific requirements, and we work closely with you to understand your goals and objectives.
“Exceptional customer service is at the core of everything we do. Our team is available 24/7, demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to being there for you whenever you need us.
communication, keeping you informed every step of the way. We are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that you achieve the lifestyle and outcome that you deserve.
“CMP Real Estate is a professional, reliable, and dedicated property support in Sydney. We are here to assist you with all your real estate needs and provide a memorable experience throughout the process.”
CONCEPT Care is a registered provider of Disability and Aged Care and has been established as a trusted provider of choice.
Business owners are Santana Baskar and Nikhila Gopinathan and General Manager is Dean Jones.
“As a leading NDIS Registered Service Provider in Sydney, we are deeply committed to providing the industry benchmark in care support services to the ageing population and those with a disability or injury,” they said.
“We are on a mission to be the most certified and trusted NDIS service provider in the country. Concept Care is ACIS 4.0 and ISO 9001 certified, as well as NDIS registered, and is continually looking for ways to continue to improve quality in the organisation.
“These certifications are a testament to our approach to quality, which is industry-leading and creates a competitive edge.
“Concept Care is an award-winning employer of choice ranked number seven among healthcare businesses in the AFR Best Places to Work list with a passionate and purpose-led culture.
with a specific vision concern or exploring the latest eyewear trends, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.
“At Eyesight Optometrist, our mission is to empower you with great vision for your lifestyle.”
LANDSDOWNE Property Group are Macarthur’s premier buyer’s agents, who have lived in the district for over 29 years.
The principal team members are Rachel and Robert Elliott.
“Our aim as a buyer’s agent is to save you the most important resource, time. We research, locate, and select homes that fit your goals and inspect, negotiate on your behalf,” they said
“We get early access to pre-market and off-market properties and can utilise industry networks for related services from builders, brokers, to building inspectors that ensure your purchase goes smoothly.
quality grade of meat toppings,” a team member said.
“We even grate our mozzarella cheese in store. So if you would like a tastier higher quality pizza that is loaded with our fresh toppings, choose Pizza Spot. Where we don’t compromise on quality.
“We give you heaps more toppings”.
Pizza Spot is open six days a week and is closed on Mondays.
Phone: 4655 5396. Web:
SIMON Property is a new business which has been selected as a finalist in the Camden Business Awards.
The management team includes Simon Samardzic, Phillip Vella and Michael Betts.
“We are a new business that we are proud and honoured to be selected as a finalist,” Simon said.
“As a boutique non franchise agency, we strive to give our clients a more personal and one on one interaction throughout the transaction of selling or leasing their property.
“We are a combination of local agents from former agencies with each having over 10 years’ experience in the local area. We all live locally and support local community and businesses in the local area.
“With our strong morals and valued reputation in the area, we strive to give the best knowledge and guidance to our clients during the selling, leasing process or giving information on market trends for our clients.
“We believe in open and transparent
VISION Eyesight Optometrist has given thousands of clients a bright future since opening in September 2022.
Key people in the business include Principal Optometrist Aldrich Concepcion Operational and Business Manager Fred Latu and Director Darshni Shukla.
“Our unwavering commitment is to provide great vision for your lifestyle. Whether you are the working professional, work in trades, school kid or the retired senior - we strive to see best for your eyes,” Aldrich said.
“Trust, integrity, passion and a genuine love for our community are the cornerstones of our practice. When you step into our doors, we hope you will feel our care and warmth, knowing that your eye health and overall well-being are our top priorities.
“We believe that healthy eyes are essential for a fulfilling life. Whether you’re coming in for a routine eye exam, seeking assistance
“Whether you are looking for a Family Home, Investment, Downsizing, or aa Commercial Property, we can help with all your needs. ‘
“We are with you all the way and never leave your side to ensure right up to settlement you have a helping hand.
OZDETECT Pty Ltd is a utility locating and survey company that is passionate about detecting and mapping the underground infrastructure to keep customers and our community safe.
“We are established in Camden, proudly family owned and operated company with over 20 years’ experience,” a team member said.
“All our technicians are experienced professionals and have the required skills set and knowledge to identify underground utilities accurately across our community.
“Our niche company is customer focus orientated and has a strong focus on industry requirements.”
Details Email:
Ph: (02) 4610 0659
PIZZA Spot is an Australian and locally owned and operated business in Flinders Ave, Camden South.
And the team at Pizza Spot uses only the freshest ingredients in their pizzas and ribs meals.
“All of the vegetables we use are chopped and sliced fresh daily. We only use the highest
“We at Simon Property love doing what we do and our sole purpose is to be an honest and trustworthy agency which our community deserves. This is what we wish to build and grow our business on.”
DIRECTOR of Switchsafe Electrical Jesse Musgrove is a strong believer in having the key skills and attributes to do job correctly.
“We found that the typical domestic electrician lacks a couple of key skills and attributes,” Jesse said.
“Whether we were told about a previous contractor from a client or through a discussion with another electrical contractor when working with or hiring electricians, a couple of things stuck out.
“These included communication and professionalism which were lacking. In fact, trust for the industry seems to be slipping, especially after job cleanups. The work is sub-par at best.”
Jesse said: “We knew the industry and community deserved better, so in order to make a change, we launched Switchsafe, which is a family run business in the Macarthur region.
“We strive to provide exceptional .customer service by utilising skilled and experienced electricians with a keen eye for quality and safety to deliver high quality, reliable solutions for the community.
“With a quickly growing list of happy clients, amazing reviews and referrals, Switchsafe is well on its way to changing the industry and setting a new standard for electrical services.”
home modification works, including complex home modifications, as well as building works project management, all with a focus on compliance to the relevant standards and codes while maintaining best practise in the industry.
PNP Constructions is a building and construction company which offers bespoke end-to-end solutions for clients, specialising in the disability sector.
They strive to deliver a quality and customised range of services to their clients. PNP Constructions is also an award winning and fully licensed Australian, family-owned company.
“Our highly experienced team of professionals, along with our capabilities and incomparable experience and knowledge, underpin the
way we do business. We’re here to push the boundaries of innovation and break down barriers, to ensure you always receive an individualised bespoke service” - Marcus Pavlakis, Founder of PNP Constructions.
Through over 20 years of experience, they can provide an important and meaningful outcome to their client’s home or commercial building and improvement need, that increase quality of life and make a direct impact on the client.
PNP Constructions offers a unique and tailored approach for addressing specific conditions associated with NDIS
PNP Constructions provide a full end-to-end solution from inspections, reporting, designs, scope, estimates, building work and full management of the entire process for their projects, regardless of the complexities involved.
Their key areas of expertise are:
• NDIS Bespoke Complex Home Modifications (CHM).
• Building Works Project Management (BWPM).
• Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
“At PNP Constructions, we understand the stress that building projects can cause, and we ensure that our working relationship consists of honest communication, empathy, commitment and professionalism always”.
TOM Hamilton, the Principal Physiotherapist at The Healthy Body Company, Mount Annan and Camden district local is a very happy man.
“We have only been operating here in Mount Annan for 13 months. To be selected as a finalist for the Local Business Awards is an enormous honor and we are very grateful to the community for supporting our nomination.
“I want to acknowledge the contribution of my amazing team including our physios Kaelin Moodley, Thiwanka Jayamaha, Mitch Heiser and Sharni, Tiana and Mackenzie our admin team.
The Healthy Body Company has a stunning new clinic in Mount Annan Central. The team offers the full spectrum of
physiotherapy services and can manage everything from sports or work injuries through to respiratory conditions.
The clinic includes a fully equipped rehab gym. They welcome private, workers comp, DVA. Medicare and NDIS patients.
For now, Tom and his crew have their fingers crossed.
“I want to congratulate all the nominees in our category - it is an amazing field of businesses. We will be very excited if we bring home the trophy on the night,” Tom said.
Bookings can be made online via their website or social profiles, or by calling the office on 4622 8111. Call the team and have a chat.
Talese Mechanical, an auto repair shop here in Campbelltown, provides reliable and dependable services for your vehicle maintenance needs.
We are your one-stop shop solution auto mechanic, we have been servicing the people of Campbelltown and surrounding areas since 1989.
We deliver on the promise of the best quality work at the most competitive prices.
If you would like a free video review of your current website let us know and we would be happy to send that over to you.
We have passion for the highest possible standards of service and integrity to match and are located in Campbelltown.
Monday is our Sensory-Friendly day this includes reduced noise, reduced lighting and reduced capacity for your comfort.
We specialise in all beauty treatments including Waxing, Facials, Eyelash Extensions, Lash Lifts, Henna Brows, Dermal Therapy including LED Light Therapy, Body Treatments including Body Massage, Ear & Nose Piercing, and Spray Tans.
RISS Photography is a professional wedding photography and wedding videography business based in Sydney, offering professional wedding video and photo services all over Australia. We assure value and ideal quality for every service you receive. Our company is a team of highly proficient cinematographers and top wedding photographers who are enthusiastic about storytelling and portraiture.
0431 679 653 |
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Camden businesses, the annual night of nights is July 19 at Wests Capmbelltown.
That’s the date of the 2023 Cambelltown City Local Business Awards.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annual Campbelltown Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Fairfield City businesses, the annual night of nights is Wednesday June 14 at Doltone House Western Sydney.
That’s the date of the 2023 Fairfield Loacl Business Awards.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annualFairfield City Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the Fairfield City Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
“All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of
Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Campelltown Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges
ing, Macarthur Square, My Gateway and Cornerstone.
“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.
“Making it to the finalist presentation is a great reflection on their efforts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.”
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebra tion with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on the big screen.
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the Campbelltown City Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”
“The Macarthur Advocate, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
The Campbelltown Local Business Awards are only possible with the
Blacktown City community for the huge
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit
House, Stockland, White Key Marketing, Cornerstone and media partner Western Sydney Express.
“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.
“Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Hills Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.”
“Western Sydney Express, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.
“Making it to the finalist presentation is a great reflection on their efforts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.
The Fairfield City Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of Presenting Partner, Commonwealth
“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the finalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Inner West businesses through the Awards every year.
Talese Mechanical, an auto repair shop here in Campbelltown, provides reliable and dependable services for your vehicle maintenance needs.
We are your one-stop shop solution auto mechanic, we have been servicing the people of Campbelltown and surrounding areas since 1989.
You can rely on Talese Mechanical. We deliver on the promise of the best quality work at the most competitive prices.
The team at Macarthur Locksmiths would like to thank all of our valued customers for voting for us in this years
Local Business Awards.
Local Artist – Jazmin Louise creates stunning handcrafted Ocean Resin Homewares.
Proudly servicing the Macarthur and Camden region for over 40 years, our experienced team are here to help! Macarthur Locksmiths has offered professional Locksmithing Services ...
P: 1300 656 633
Contact on
We have passion for the highest possible standards of service and integrity to match and are located in Campbelltown.
Monday is our Sensory-Friendly day this includes reduced noise, reduced lighting and reduced capacity for your comfort.
We specialise in all beauty treatments including Waxing, Facials, Eyelash Extensions, Lash Lifts, Henna Brows, Dermal Therapy including LED Light Therapy, Body Treatments including Body Massage, Ear & Nose Piercing, and Spray Tans.
CLUB Menangle is incredibly proud of the dedicated team at Menangle Country Club to have been announced as Finalists in the Campbelltown Business Awards for the fourth year running.
The club takes pride in always exceeding members and visitors’ expectations with top level service, from a warm welcome at reception through to the precise presentation of your private
function in our modern event space The Manor.
The head chef and his team work hard to provide a fresh and interesting new menu each season, sourcing local produce wherever possible and continuously searching for the best selections available.
The club has been focusing on expanding entertainment offerings in recent months. The Mini Trotters pro-
gram has taken off with a bang, helping to entertain the whole family during the school holidays.
The monthly themed trivia is a hit, and we have recently started offering live music on Friday evenings and a DJ on Saturday evenings in the Sports Lounge. These are in addition to our regular Sunday Duos sessions.
The looks forward to continuing to serve our community in the same reliable
manner we have been embraced since opening in 2020.
Address – 170 Menangle Road, Menangle Park 2563
Phone – (02) 4645 2260
Functions Enquiries – Facebook - menanglecountryclub
MORTGAGE Choice Campbelltown was established in early 2022 by local Kyle Thompson to provide a fair go to everyone when it comes to home, commercial and personal loans.
Being born and raised as a local in Campbelltown and attending John Therry Catholic High School, Kyle has since completed his Masters in Financial Planning as well as his Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking through Kaplan Higher Education.
Now in its second year of business, Kyle’s franchise provides a personalised approach by tailoring financial solutions ideal for his clients, their life and financial circumstances, as well as their short term and longer-term aspirations for their families.
By offering a diversified range of products from multiple lenders, Kyle and his team are able to match the best available loans to his customers at the best possible market rates.
Providing customers with comprehensive advice and a seamless experience in often stressful situations, Mortgage
Choice Campbelltown ensures ongoing support and a broker relationship post-settlement that can be depended on.
As a small business owner that believes in corporate social responsibility, Mortgage Choice Campbelltown leads several Campbelltown/Macarthur community initiatives and supports numerous charities including Camp Quality, Fred Hollows, Compass Housing and many more.
In addition to this support, business owner, Kyle Thompson, is involved as Engagement Lead for the corporate Mortgage Choice Charity Foundation on both NSW State and national levels.
CARE Group Community Services was established in 2019, when a need for a NDIS Service Provider who was focused on providing disability support for high-risk and challenging behaviours, with trained, culturally diverse staff was identified.
The service was required to be compassionate, caring and committed to building long term relationships with those in need.
With decades of experience within the industry and a large network of experienced Pacific island staff, Care Group NSW was created as a full-service disability support provider, and later renamed Care Group Community Services in 2022.
Care Group Community Services purpose is to enhance our communities and alleviate hardship through the provision of support services, accommodation and emergency care to those in need.
“Our team provide indepth personalised framework of care, in-home support solutions, accommodation, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We work in partnership with families, guardians, Support Coordinators and other internal
departments to provide personalised support and accommodation,” a team member said.
INSPIRE Small Business is a leading Shopify expert that specializes in website design and optimization to help Shopify store owners increase their sales.
By building websites that convert visitors into paying customers, Inspire Small Business has generated tens of millions of extra revenue for small businesses in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States.
Since 2018, Inspire Small Business has been ranked Number One Shopify Expert in Australia for two consecutive years and their expertise in website builds and redesigns has earned them the highest ranking of Number Eight out of about 500 experts in the world.
Additionally, they have been nominated for multiple awards, including the local business awards for Campbelltown, Upcity Top Rated Developer and Australian Small Business Champions for Web Development.
If you’re a Shopify store owner and want to improve your website’s performance, Inspire Small Busin ess offers a free video review of your current website. Contact them to learn more about their services and how they can help your business grow.
Details: Clayton Bates | 0468 325 296
“At Care Group Community Services we strive to provide quality staffing who can deliver a range of
support services to vulnerable individuals displaying challenging behaviours and high complex needs within
the NSW, QLD, VIC and ACT region.”
RISS Photography is a professional wedding photography and videography business based in Sydney. Riss offers professional wedding video and photo services all over Australia.
“We are chasers of the true essence of a wonderful wedding celebration,” a team member said.
“We bring the very soul of emotions and whimsically roman-
tic moments that you can cherish forever is our prime focus.”
“You can assuredly come to us for high-quality wedding photography; we find joy in creating memories by capturing the beautiful details that last more than a lifetime.”
“Reach out to us to share your ideas about your big day, and we will help you treasure the day of your dreams to reminisce over.”
“We offer a wide range of wedding photography and video services for different communities and we deliver nothing but the best.”
These include weddings, elopements, engagement sessions, parties, corporate functions and candid packages. We also offer live streaming, same-day edit, drone shoots, professional albums, and prints.
Agricultural Business
Cedar Creek Orchard
Antiques, Art, Crafts and Gifts
The Kids Cottage Toy Boutique
Automotive Services
Tyrepower Tahmoor
Bakery/Cake Business
IC Care supports frail aged people, younger people with a disability and their carers to remain living independently at home in the Wollondilly and Camden area.
Their overall aim is to keep people living independently for as long as possible in the Wollondilly and Camden areas.
The services provided by IC Care includes Meals on Wheels, Social Support Groups, Social Support Individual, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Lawn Care services.
The CEO is Lisa Smith and the Chairperson Sandra Bartlett.
IC Care’s four values are:
• The right of people to make choices.
• The right of people to receive dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality.
• The right of people to be valued as individuals.
• The right of people to access services in a non-discriminatory basis.
We boast years of experience in crafting
•Bread Rolls
•Sausage Rolls
I produce specialty jams, marmalades, preserves,pickles, relish, chutney, sauce, cakes and cookies. As well as seasonal products such as Christmas Cakes, Traditional Plum Puddings and Gingerbread Houses.
I hold cooking workshops teaching people to make Christmas puddings, as well as scones and strawberry jam.
Ph: 0405 275 118
Fb: @windyoaksproduce
WINDY Oaks Produce is a specialty food business that produces a range of delicious jams, marmalades, preserves, pickles, relish, chutney, sauce, cake and cookies.
In addition, they offer seasonal products such as Christmas Cakes, Traditional Plum Puddings and Gingerbread Houses. Windy Oaks Produce also provides cooking workshops where customers can learn how to make Christmas puddings, scones, and strawberry jam.
The business was founded in February 2022 by Debra Sharp, who inherited her love for cooking and traditional English recipes from her grandmother. Debra’s grandmother taught her how to make traditional English jams, marmalades, and pickles as well as her traditional English plum pudding.
She was a member of the Women’s Guild in the UK for many years and introduced Debra to the Country Women’s Association in Australia, where she spent many years cooking for her local branch.
Windy Oaks Produce sources all of its produce from local farmers, supporting the local community and promoting these farms.
Debra ensures that the quality of her products is second to none by using the best quality fruit and vegetables sourced from local farmers. She also caters to gluten-free customers and uses traditional bush tucker flavors like Wattle seed, Lilly Pilly, Rosella (Hibiscus Flower), and Lemon Myrtle.
The business is promoted mainly
through social media and word of mouth. Windy Oaks Produce has received excellent feedback from customers, and its products are stocked in The Oaks Fruit Shop and Oakdale Workers Club, which is a testament to the quality of the products.
Windy Oaks Produce is committed to environmental sustainability. Debra recycles all green waste by putting it back into the earth and using it as manure. She also runs the business mostly on solar power, reducing its carbon footprint.
As a sole operator, Debra ensures that she stays up to date with the latest information regarding food preparation and introduces new products to her list of items.
With its excellent customer service and products, it is no surprise that the business has received recognition from the local community, such as being a finalist in the 2022 local business awards.
IC Care has been successful at the Wollondilly Local Business Awards, winning the Most Outstanding Specialised Business. They support frail aged people, younger people with a disability and their carers to remain living independently at home in the Wollondilly and Camden areas.
IC Care’s services include Meals on Wheels, Social Support Groups, Social Support Individual, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Lawn Care services. They would love some more volunteers to assist with meal deliveries, transport, as well as group activities in the community.
WE are living in unprecedented times, with technology giving us convenience and knowledge but the dark side is disconnection between kids and parents.
The bad news is this leads to a disastrous loss of simple life skills, poor verbal communication and an epidemic of teen suicide and mental health issues.
The good news is a trailblazing Survival Course could prove to be in Western Sydney and the Central Coast could provide a solution for under fire parents.
It’s a Three-Day Survival Course for ages 10 to 18 that started in May and is running monthly.
The Course will provide help for relationship repair and it involves a lot of fun and not a huge outlay of time
Tony Loughran, spokesperson for Channel 7 on local and global events is an ex-Commando Medic. Tony is used to treating Commando’s physical and mental health in remote Arctic and Mountains locations and is well versed in spotting signs of mental deterioration.
During the past few years Tony developed a unique survival course for Australian kids, to restore life skills, self-confidence and family connection.
“Two of my friends’ children sadly took their own lives by jumping off a cliff in my area. These kids could
Day One
no longer communicate with their parents and friends and didn’t have basic skills to face daily challenges and could barely put one foot forward,” he said.
Tony developed a hybrid Survival Course, teaching kids and their parents basic bush survival that empowers them and gets them out in nature while imparting daily life skills.
The three-day curriculum is fun and includes build-
• Building a first-class shelter with the evening spent learning how, where and when to lay hunting snares and fishing hooks, closely followed by keeping your fire going and boiling water.
Day Two Lesson 1.
• Learn to treat several common injuries, breathing, bleeding, bone fractures all learnt through simulation played out during a simulated motor vehicle accident, delegates woken from survival night slumber forced into action, re-engage with the art of communication. “It’s a great trigger to get parents and children to communicate with each other.” says Tony
Lesson 2.
• Remote survival, drawing on every ounce of collaboration between parent and child to get them through complex challenges such as a simulated ‘close target recce and a fast-flowing river crossing’. At night, we brief them for a night navigation exercise, culminating in a camouflage exercise and a Close Target Recce (CTR) on a house. All this before checking their snares and fishing lines and then back to their native bivvy to sleep.
Day Three
• Morning snare and line check & freshwater collection.
• Preparation for breakfast and then straight into a lesson about bullying, recognising where it comes from and how to deal with it, followed by Occupational
Violence Training, which is a successful conflict management session developed and used by the media, aviation and retail industry. Survivalists learn about personal space, defusing verbal threats & attacks then are run through a skills training ranging from attacks from edged weapon to non-weapons.
• Most families are buzzing by now, eager to head home
ing your own shelter, trapping, snaring, skinning and preparing anything you catch.
Keeping a fire going, boiling water, when to lay your hunting snares and fishing hooks. Treating injuries, dealing with verbal and physical abuse and many of the other challenges facing our future generation.
Contact kylie@zeroriskinternational for dates, locations and details and register your interest.
and deliver a few moves from the course. First they’re run through a simulated check point (complete with guard force). The idea of this scenario is to put parent and child through a confronting situation. Once completed, it illustrates how far they’ve come in repairing their damaged communication skills. All leave for home with a huge sense of achievement, a radiant smile and a Course Completed Certificate.
Western Sydney is a diabetes hotspot with rates far higher than the NSW average.
Western Sydney Diabetes (WSD) is a collaborative initiative led by Western Sydney Local Health District, Western Sydney Primary Health Network and Diabetes NSW & ACT to help detect and prevent type 2 diabetes in Western Sydney.
Diabetes is a condition where there is too much glucose (blood sugar) in the blood. This is normally due to low insulin levels or ineffective insulin which normally helps break down the glucose. Over time, high glucose levels can cause long-term health damage to your heart, kidneys, eyes and feet.
At Workers Blacktown, WSD runs a free diabetes detection program twice a month on alternate Tuesdays for members and guests. Since the detection program started in January, more than half of the community members entering the club have shown results that suggest pre-diabetes and diabetes.
Diabetes tests are quick and easy and you can find out if you are at risk of diabetes in just three minutes. The free finger prick test checks your HbA1c (blood glucose) levels to advise if you could be diabetic or pre-diabetic. If you do test within an at-risk range, a nurse will send a letter to your GP and provide you with diet and exercise recommendations.
During Diabetes Week, 9-15 July, the team from Western Sydney Diabetes will be running additional daily diabetes detection and prevention activities at Workers Blacktown, 55 Campbell Street, Blacktown NSW 2148.
If you fit any of the following criteria, you should consider getting tested for diabetes:
Have a family history of diabetes
Have an inactive lifestyle
Are overweight or obese
Had diabetes during pregnancy
Are aged 45 years or over and have a Pacific Island, Indian subcontinent, African, Asian, South Asian, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island background.
Western Sydney Diabetes runs free healthy cooking demonstrations on the last Thursday of each month at Workers Blacktown.
A nutritionist provides tips on cooking three fast, affordable, tasty meals to feed the whole family.
For more educational resources and videos, head to
THE terrible destruction of the deep-sea Titan submersible has thrown the spotlight on to Adventure Tourism, one of the fastest growing segments of the travel market.
In years gone by, adventurers trained for months to climb Mt Everest, paddle the Amazon or trek Antarctica. They were young and fit and well prepared to take on the difficult challenges.
And young adults still dominate the extreme end of the market, but today’s “soft” adventurer is more likely to be a 60-y-o retiree or an office worker who dreams of “going wild” once a year.
In our amazing modern world, it is possible to fly out of Sydney one day and be standing on top of Victoria Falls or gazing into a volcano the next. Anyone can be an adventurer including those people who have a disability.
This puts many underprepared travellers in the firing line for an accident at the hands of a cowboy operator…or worse, as the submersible disaster graphically illustrated.
In other cases such as the White Island volcano explosion, it is simply a case of bad luck- being in the wrong place at the wrong time,
So how risky is it and how can you guard against an accident?
Every adventure has a risk element, but participants are willing to take that risk for the thrill of it all.
My advice is to do plenty of research before you go. Read reviews to find out the most professional operators versus the cowboys attracted to the big amounts of money people are willing to pay.
Operators who have been in the business for years without having an accident caused by negligence are your best bet. English speaking operators are preferred simply because they instruct you in our language and they can answer your questions and concerns.
A good operator is wholly concerned about your safety and will have the best equipment available and never take a major risk with your life. He wont allow anyone in your group to take a risk.
They will fully school you on the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of walking with elephants or sky diving from 5000m. And you need to pay careful attention.
I have been in groups where some members are more interested in taking selfies or having a good time than listening.
One particular memory stands out.
I was white water rafting with a group of Japanese in North Queensland and the instructor said: “Whatever you do,
sit on the side and paddle when we go through rapids.”
As soon as we entered the rapids, they panicked, threw their paddles away and dived into the centre of the raft. The raft was out of control and hit rocks, Luckily it did not flip over.
The Japanese group learnt some
new English words as the Instructor erupted in a tirade of expletives.
For the solo traveller undertaking an adventure as a single, it is a good idea to team up with a group or a couple of fellow adventurers.
The other aspect of planning is to understand what safety equipment is necessary for a specific location where you are going. You may need correct communication equipment, for example: GPS equipment and emergency radio which shows the weather forecast, a radio phone and correct clothing and footwear.
Also, the adventurer needs correct knowledge of the environment in order to protect themselves.
A good safety rule is to go through survival school on the environment where you are going and in order to have opportunity to defend yourself and survive high risk situations.
When people undertake adventure activities without appropriate experience of activities or training, it can be dangerous with a high risk of possible injuries or death.
People, if they are travelling independently, should have a good attitude towards their own safety to survive or not get injured.
A handful of adventures I have done and recommend:
• Walking with lions in Zimbabwe. Heli-skiing in the New Zealand Alps.
• Climbing Yasur Volcano on Tanna island, Vanuatu.
• Swimming with sharks in New Caledonia.
• Swimming with a sea lion
• Being attacked by crocs in a tinny in the Daintree. Taking a dive on a submersible in Hawaii.
• Walking with bears in the Sierra Nevada mountains.
• Climbing Uluru and trekking the Snowy Mountains.
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) is living his day to day as The Flash, helping the Justice League fight crime. But he still laments the loss of his mother, and his father’s imprisonment.
When he finds a way to go back in time using his super speed, he does sodespite the warnings of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck). He goes back and saves his mother, but in doing so resets the universe.
He finds himself stranded in an earlier time - General Zod (Michael Shannon) is about to come to Earth, and Barry has to team up with his younger self and an alternate Batman (Michael Keaton) to find Supergirl (Sasha Calle) and stop him, all while finding a way to put the universe right.
The Flash, hyped off the back of CinemaCon as one of the best superhero movies of all time, is a frankly disappointing product. Visually, thematically, and on a bare bones execution perspective, the movie just does not work.
Let’s tackle the visuals first, because one of the most exciting things about the Flash’s appearance in earlier DC films was how cool his slo-mo visuals looked. Lightning sparking around him, warping space and time.
Who doesn’t love that scene of a resurrected Superman’s eyes flicking to the slo-mo Flash, and reaching out to knock him off balance? Here, the visuals look garbage. The historically great looking slo-mo looks weird and terrible.
The baby scene at the start is horrid, and the chronosphere time warp region looks like it was shot in the early 2000s.
As much as these ones stand out, rightly, for their objectively terrible VFX, perhaps the most shocking work happens with Zod. While objectively not as bad, what really shocks is that we have seen these exact fights and exact scenes
pretty much, in Man of Steel, and back then they looked better! Director Andy Muschetti takes a character who already fought on Earth, and drops him into a gray, random desert landscape, and makes it look 100x worse than it did in the visually stunning Man of Steel.
The story also just does not work. The leg work for Flash really has not been done to the point where you can jump into this sort of multiversal content.
It’s nice to see Keaton back as Batman, and Sasha is fantastic as Supergirl (although with some of the worst effects of the entire movie), but these characters and the journey they go
on is at once too high stakes, too low stakes, and too unresolved to be of any real import.
The ending, in a sign of how deeply off the rails this gets, feels both unearned in its scope, and wraps up too neatly in a little bow in about 20 seconds.
A lot has been said about Ezra Miller and the pervasive off screen antics seeping into perception of their performance. Outside of that, their work as the two Barry’s is both clearly defined and strong, but also a little miffing as an audience member.
Once the younger version of the character begins his descent arc, the movie picks up speed a little, but until then there is a sort of misbalance, where you are meant to be rooting for the original Flash, but he comes across boring and un-fun by comparison.
What made this character sing in the previous films, has seemed to be done away with here, in service of making the older and younger versions of the character more distinct.
There are a couple of nice, fun cameos, and a couple of troubling (ethics-wise) cameos, but ultimately the movie is a bit of a misfire.
Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.comEMBER (Leah Lewis) is a young fire element woman, who is preparing to take over the local community store from her father, Bernie (Ronnie Del Carmen).
But her temper keeps getting in her way, and her father doesn’t feel comfortable initiating the transition until she gets it under control. When he gives her a chance, she blows up, and causes a leak in the basement that literally draws in city inspector, and water element man, Wade Ripple (Mamoudou Athie).
Wade is the opposite of Ember entirely, but when she wins him to her side, the duo have to pair up to fix a city leak, stem the flow of water, and protect not just the shop, but the entire fire community.
As Wade and Ember go about fixing the city, they also fall in love with one another; but can two elements, from different backgrounds, ever really mix? And can Ember ever truly pursue her passions, when her father expects so much from her?
Elemental is a heartwarming film that evokes some of the beautiful moments of Pixar’s storied history, building on beautiful themes of love, friendship, and cross-class engagement.
But it’s also a movie that smashes you in the face with its social commentary, presenting a perfectly worthy level of messaging with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Leah Lewis and Mamoudou Athie are both fantastic as Ember and Wade, and the two characters really sing as personalities.
Each is really strong and engaging, and probably will generate a mass of young fans. I also really loved Ember’s dad, Bernie, who feels like a very real and warm interpretation of everyone’s Dad or Granddad.
Visually, Elemental is both stunning, and a little underwhelming. Effectively a
meld of Inside Out and Zootopia, Elemental plays fast and loose with the physics of its world, but all in the service of creating something visually stunning. There are a heap of really beautiful ideas in this movie, and the four different elements provides the great opportunity for a wide variety of visual inspo.
The backstory to the fire nation really came across well also. The strong imagery of their native land, the deep bow element, and a lot of the fun, fire themed parts to their society, all worked.
What didn’t work as well, was the sledgehammer style force feed of the messaging. The movie has a great heart,
and a strong message and reason for being.
The story really brings to life the class and racial divide between immigrant and non-immigrant communities, along with the inherent debt many first and second generation immigrant children feel towards their parents, and the impact of that debt on their life.
However, it does so with a complete absence of subtext; everything is spelt out in text.
This script needed a strong rewrite to nuance it up a little, and provide a little less explanation. The audience isn’t dumb, but this movie thinks they are.
Ultimately, while that can grate at times, and the plot dealing with the water leak is pretty nonsensical, the warm romance between Ember and Wade, along with the beautiful family dynamics on display, carry this movie as a light, beautiful and fun entry into the Pixar pantheon.
Elemental has a pretty poor mcguffin, and a bare bones message delivered without nuance, but the visuals and the heartwarming romance make this one to watch.
HORRIFIC CGI, a plot that makes little sense, and a deeply unsatisfying conclusion, all delivered only a couple of weeks after one of the greatest superhero movies of all time, makes for another disappointing DC adventure.
HONDA Australia has this week confirmed pricing for its forthcoming ZR-V coupe-SUV, a model it says will slot between the HR-V (from $36,700 d/a) and next-generation CR-V (pricing TBA) in its SUV portfolio.
Priced from $40,200 drive-away, the ZR-V will be offered in four trim grades and with petrol and petrol-electric (hybrid) drivelines. The flagship e:HEV LX (hybrid) tops the range at $54,900 drive-away.
Honda says the range features various safety, interior and exterior specification details, but is holding information close to its chest until the model’s official launch on May 19.
Colour choices for the model include Crystal Black, Platinum Grey, Platinum Crystal Blue, Platinum White and Premium Crystal Garnet.
“The new Honda ZR-V offers optimal balance of fuel efficiency and dynamic performance, from day to day commuting in city and suburban environments, to weekend adventures on highways and winding coastal and country roads,” said Honda Australia in a statement.
“The petrol variants (VTi LX, VTi L & VTi X) feature the 1.5-litre VTEC turbocharged engine and the e:HEV LX sports a two-motor hybrid system with a 2.0-litre direct injection engine. Both systems deliver an impressive driving experience.”
Honda has previously confirmed the ZR-V will offer features that include Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity via a 9.0-inch colour touchscreen, front and rear parking sensors and reversing camera, and LED headlights. However, it is not known if these features are standard across the board, or grade dependent.
Viewing overseas model specifications, it is understood the ZR-V will receive as standard safety equipment including AEB, traffic sign recognition, blind spot monitoring and adaptive cruise control, though again it is not known how these features will be distributed across the Australian ZR-V line-up.
The Honda ZR-V will rival models including the Nissan Qashqai, Mazda CX30 and Skoda Karoq, but offer its own, unique coupe-like proportions.
The ZR-V features a vertical grille which blends seamlessly with the bumper surround and is flanked by narrow, wide-set headlights like those found on the latest Civic and HR-V. Honda says the front of its latest SUV is meant to convey “highly sophisticated expression, yet with stature and a strong presence”.
With a widened stance, the rear of the body aims to add volume to the ZR-V’s proportions, the rear haunches and tailgate culminating in a smooth, upswept look that is neither as edgy as the HR-V, yet as stylised as many competitors’ coupe-SUV offerings.
Inside, the link between other new-generation Honda models is evident. The cabin of the ZR-V is spacious and open with an instrument panel that stretches out horizontally across the dashboard, and a well-presented array of functional elements finished with their own high-quality design.
Like the CR-V, the ZR-V features a high-deck centre control to separate the front seats and create individual zones for the driver and front-seat passenger.
The model also promises an elevated view of the road and a wide, horizontal field of vision thanks to drawn back A pillars and door-mounted wing mirrors, again like those of the Civic, HR-V and forthcoming CR-V.
HIGH blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.
It is a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. While medication and lifestyle modifications are often recommended to manage blood pressure, exercise is an incredibly effective and natural way to lower and control blood pressure
indirectly contribute to blood pressure management.
Chronic stress is known to raise blood pressure levels. Regular physical activity acts as a powerful stress reliever, promoting the release of endorphins, or “feelgood” hormones, in the brain.
These endorphins help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which can contribute to elevated blood pressure.
IN today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it is no wonder that stress, anxiety, and mental health disorders are on the rise. A midst our busy lives, it is crucial to prioritize relaxation and create space for moments of calm and tranquility.
Relaxation not only provides a much-needed break from the pressures of everyday life but also plays a vital role in promoting and maintaining good mental health.
In this article, we will explore the importance of relaxation for mental well-being and discuss various techniques that can help you unwind and find inner peace.
Relaxation allows our bodies and minds to rest and recharge, helping to alleviate the physical and psychological effects of stress.
When we experience stress, our bodies go into a “fight or flight” response, releasing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
Prolonged exposure to these hormones can have detrimental effects on our mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. By practicing relaxation techniques, we activate the body’s natural relaxation response, counteracting the effects of stress and promoting a state of calmness.
One of the significant benefits of relaxation is its ability to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of tranquility.
When we relax, our heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, and our muscles relax. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques are effective tools that can be used to induce a state of relaxation.
These practices help calm the mind, release tension from the body, and provide a much-needed break from racing thoughts and worries.
Regularly engaging in relaxation exercises can improve overall mental well-being, enhance s elf-awareness, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.
Moreover, relaxation has been shown to improve sleep quality, which is essential for optimal mental health.
Take in a good book
Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression and make it more challenging t o cope with stress.
By incorporating relaxation techniques into your bedtime routine, such as practicing mindfulness o r listening to soothing music, you can prepare your body and mind for a restful night’s sleep.
Quality sleep rejuvenates the body, improves cognitive function, and helps regulate emotions, p romoting better mental health overall.
Another important aspect of relaxation is its ability to foster self-
car e and self-compassion. In our hectic lives, it is easy to neglect our own well-being and put the needs of others before our own. However, self-care is crucial for maintaining good mental health.
Taking the time to relax and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can reduce feelings of overwhelm and burnout.
Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or going for a walk-in nature, finding activities that promote relaxation and selfcare is essential for nurturing our mental and emotional well-being.
In conclusion, relaxation is a fundamental component of main -
taining good mental health in t oday’s fast-paced world. By incorporating relaxation techniques into o ur daily lives, we can counteract the negative effects of stress, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, an d foster self-care and self-compassion.
Wh ether it’s through deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in activities that bring us joy, finding moments of relaxation is crucial for nurturing our minds and promoting overall well-being. So, prioritize relaxation, create space for tranquility, and reap the countless benefits it brings to your mental health.
1 The Arc de Triomphe in Paris was built to honour soldiers in which two wars?
2 How many letters are in the Welsh alphabet?
3 The lotus flower is the national flower of which two countries?
4 Does a solidus – a punctuation mark – lean towards the left or the right?
5 Holly Valance (pictured) stars as Katie in which 2011 Australian comedy?
6 IDR is the code for what currency?
7 Other than the Tour de France, what are cycling’s Grand Tour races?
8 The Macquarie Dictionary declared which word the word of 2010: a) vuvuzela b) googleganger c) aquaponics?
9 How many films did Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers make together?
10 In what year did The Beach Boys release their album Surfin’ USA?
16 Not moving (9)
18 Retention (7)
19 Reasonable (7)
21 Least distant (7)
23 ‘Not on your —!’ (5)
25 Hatred (5)
26 Opposite of downs (3) HARD
1 Adverse fate (4)
5 Rounds (4)
6 Makes brown (4)
7 Greek god of war (4)
1 Facts given (4)
2 Man’s name (4)
3 All (4)
4 Lichen (4)
The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included, and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
Secret message:
No. 040
16 John Malkovich thriller adapted from the Patricia Highsmith novel of the same name (7,4)
17 The voice of Todd Chavez on the Netflix animated series BoJack Horseman (5,4)
18 Halle Berry’s supernatural horror (7)
19 Actor who portrays Prince Philip in The Crown, – Smith (4)
22 War film starring Billy Bob Thornton as Davy Crockett, The – (5)
24 Actor (pictured) who plays the Beast in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Charles Dickens in The Man Who Invented Christmas, – Stevens (3)
1 Tom Rosenthal’s character in Plebs, – Gallo (6)
5 Actress who played Louise Ellis in Revenge, – Satine (5)
7 Matt Tyrnauer documentary, Where’s My Roy –? (4)
9 The main protagonist in The Matrix franchise played by Keanu Reeves (3)
10 Movie directed by Duncan Jones and starring Jake Gyllenhaal (6,4)
27 Actress who played Lenny Cohen in the miniseries Imposters, – Thurman (3)
Each number corresponds to a letter. Can you crack the code?
12 Angelina Jolie’s Tomb Raider character, – Croft (4)
13 British actress who plays Mary Walker in the Netflix series Iron Fist, – Eve (5)
Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.
Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
14 Actor known for Love & Other Drugs and Out of the Furnace, – O’Malley (5)
15 Actor who plays stuntman Cliff Booth in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, – Pitt (4)
18 Star of As Good as It Gets and Little Miss Sunshine – Kinnear (4)
28 English actor who plays Bernie Taupin in Rocketman, Jamie – (4)
29 Star of A Walk in the Woods and Angel Has Fallen, Nick – (5)
30 Actress of Lovelace and The Disaster Artist, – Stone (6)
2 Michael Haneke’s acclaimed romantic tragedy (5)
3 Black comedy crime film starring Angela Jones (7)
4 Italian actress who played the lead in Dario Argento’s horror film The Card Player (8,5)
5 Musician and producer who scored Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Brian – (3)
6 Director of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, – Lee (3)
26 Acclaimed British spy series, Killing – (3)
8 Le TT e RS
Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.
1 Apple mp3 players
2 Australian tennis player, Bernard —
3 Number of legs on a spider
4 — books are full of cartoons
5 Tools for clearing leaves
6 Aussie city, — Springs
7 Month before May
8 Group of angry wasps or bees
e e
20 Director Asif Kapadia’s motorracing documentary (5)
21 Marvel series starring Hayley Atwell, – Carter (5)
e e Y
23 Star of Romulus, My Father, Eric – (4)
25 Charlie Sheen’s ’90s sci-fi horror (3,7)
Insert the missing letters to make 10 words –five reading across the grid and five reading down.
7 Canadian actor of Just Shoot Me! and Veronica Mars Enrico – (9)
8 US comedy-drama series starring Rachel Bilson (4,2,5)
1. When did Beverly Hills, 90210 premiere?
A. 1990
B. 1988
C. 1992
D. 1993
3. What was the surname of twins Brandon and Brenda?
A. Taylor
B. Silver
C. McKay
D. Walsh
NOTe: more than one solution may be possible
11 Actor who plays “Spud” Murphy in the Trainspotting films, – Bremner (4)
14 Tim Burton’s superhero film with Michael Keaton in the lead role (6,7)
2. Who was the series producer?
A. Aaron Spelling
B. David Lynch
C. Dick Wolf
D. David E. Kelley
4. How old was Gabrielle Carteris when she portrayed 15-year-old Andrea Zuckerman?
A. 21
B. 29
C. 22
D. 32
1. In which year did Stefanos Tsitsipas defeat tennis great Roger Federer in a shocking upset at the Australian Open?
2. Which team was Collingwood star Brodie Grundy traded to in the 2022 off-season?
3. Former Manly Sea Eagles star Martin Taupau plays
4. True or false: Ronda Rousey is an Olympic bronze medallist?
5. What nationality is F1 racer Alexander Albon?
6. Who won the 2016 Super Bowl?
7. Which AFLW Melbourne star announced her retirement in 2022?
8. At what time did the mammoth five-set match between Andy Murray and Thanasi Kokkinakis end at the 2023 Australian Open?
Which former WWE champion has a leading role in M. Night Shyamalan’s 2023 horror film, Knock at the Cabin?
Which UFC athlete goes by the nickname ‘The Baddy’?
What is the nickname of the NBL team based in South East Melbourne?
What is the name of the recent Netflix tennis documentary series?
13. Ash Gardner represents Australia in which sport?
14. The NFL team Buffalo Bills are based in which US state?
15. Before competing in 2023, how many times had Victoria Azarenka won the Australian Open women’s singles title?
16. Former Western Bulldogs star Lachie Hunter currently plays for which AFL team?
17. In January, which cricket star was involved in a public altercation in with Karl Stefanovic?
18. Dwight Yorke recently ended his tenure as coach of which A-League team?
19. In which year did the first AFL Women’s season take place?
20. How many nations participated in the first modern Olympics in 1896?
21. Jack Ziebell stepped down after six seasons as captain of which AFL club?
22. Which A-League team rivalry is known as ‘The Big Blue’?
23. Which 224cm NBA basketballer played a hitman in the film John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum?
24. Bronson Xerri is set to return to the NRL with which club?
25. Which Australian former tennis professional is the youngest to win the Australian Open men’s singles title?
26. Football commentator Rex Hunt played a total of 202 games for which three VFL/AFL clubs?
27. Which Swiss former tennis professional is the youngest to win the Australian Open women’s singles title?
28. Which two NFL teams played off in the 2023 AFC Championship game?
29. Which Barbados-born performer headlined the halftime show at Super Bowl LVII?
30. Which two NFL teams played off in the 2023 NFC Championship game?
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