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VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

Why I am an



ecause only truly independent representatives will vote as their conscience and the will of ordinary citizens direct them to. Both Republicans and Democrats vote for whatever their party leaders tell them to. 42% of Americans identify themselves as independent. The two most prominent parties each represent less than 30%. In the 2016 election alone, Paul Ryan spent more than $13.3 million dollars on his campaign and received just slightly more than 230,000 votes. That’s approxi-

“I will guarantee you one thing. If you keep voting for the people who owe their allegiance to billionaires and huge corporations nothing will change.” —Dr. Ken Yorgan mately 58 dollars per vote. And the billionaires who financed that campaign got way more than what they paid for. A massive permanent tax cut for themselves and repeal of regulations which allows

them to operate the most environmentally damaging businesses and pay no consequences. What did you get for your vote? A small tax cut that will make little difference in your life (which will phase out over several years) plus polluted air, water and land in your neighborhood. Billionaires don’t live anywhere near the pollution. I will guarantee you one thing. If you keep voting for people who owe their allegiance to billionaires and huge corporations, nothing will change. And that is exactly

how they want it, because the system is completely tilted in their favor. In 1776, a bunch of ragtag farmers and merchants put together a revolution against the major superpower of its day and created an opportunity for self-governance in a new country. It was to be a country, not where any man can be “king,” but a country there are no “kings.” I think its time for a new Declaration of Independence. Independence from the two-party system that is turning America into a land of a few princes and lots of paupers. Join the effort and Send A Friend to Congress! Visit the website to sign up to make this your campaign!

The true voice of the people

VOTE INDEPENDENT NOVEMBER 6TH DR. KEN YORGAN Dr. Yorgan is an independent candidate with no political affiliation. YORGAN WILL FIGHT TO: • Protect property rights • Stop endless wars • Demand fiscal responsibility

• • • •

Health care for all Cannabis decriminalization Strong mental health services Protect social security

Yorgan for Congress Wisconsin’s First Congressional District

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018


Largest Number of Voters Self-Identify as Independent

The hurdle for any independent candidate is to create enough awareness within the independent voter community for them to be comfortable in the knowledge that they do control the outcome.

Why Vote for an Independent Candidate?


he “two party system” is a complete artifice. There is little that differentiates the Democrats and Republicans other than a few high-profile issues that stir the emotions of the electorate at election time. Abortion and the 2nd Amendment are two that are typically used to polarize the public through fear mongering and demagoguery. Each party portrays a victory by the other to be a catastrophic event, which is simply not true. Very little if any change occurs when either of them is in power, yet every election cycle many people hold their nose and vote for whoever they have come to believe is the “lesser of two evils.” This mentality of, “A is bad, but B is worse, and even though I prefer C, if I vote for him or her then I risk seeing B get elected” is the worst way to decide who to vote for. It’s a fake narrative that is perpetuated by a media that has fallen completely under the control of immensely wealthy corporations with the express purpose of keeping the game rigged in their favor. I see no other purpose for being in the House of Representatives than to advocate for the

citizens of the 1st District and the policy positions that we support. That means speaking with the other members in a collegial but purposeful manner when advocating for district interests and developing a staff that is capable of and willing to review and discuss legislative proposals as a team. I believe it is also important to have staff members who can accept and process requests for assistance from the electorate in situations where they find themselves in need of or in conflict with some federal agency. I see a Congressional Office as being very much a team of people, led by the Representative, whose sole purpose is

advocate for the constituents and the policies that will best serve them. And to be clear, I will always place the greatest emphasis on the needs and concerns of those who face the greatest challenges.

Who Is an Independent Voter?

An independent voter is a voter who does not align themselves with a political party. An independent is variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates on issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology, or a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party.

Nationwide, 42% of voters claim to be independent. The remainder consider themselves to be members of some party, though very few are actual dues paying members. 29% consider themselves Democrats while 26% are Republican and the remaining 3% are loyal to some other party. The big money typically gravitates to one or the other of the two most prominent parties, which makes sense because they are the most entrenched and have established party machines. Media outlets tend to focus on Republicans and Democrats because that’s where the money flows and political advertising is seen as a reliable cash flow that is coveted in these competitive and difficult times for print and other media. The hurdle for any independent candidate is to create enough awareness within the independent voter community for them to be comfortable in the knowledge that they actually do control the outcome. Now that you know there is an independent candidate that you can feel good about voting for, you have the opportunity to impact this election by spreading the word. Of course, money is helpful in that regard, but mentioning this campaign to friends and neighbors is even more valuable. If you feel uncomfortable discussing politics, or simply want to do more to support the campaign, buy 5-yard signs for $20. One for your yard and 4 that you (or we) can place with your friends or other independents. And if anyone calls you and asks who you’re supporting, just say “I’m leaning toward Dr. Yorgan.” That will help with the poll numbers and get him included in the debates. You can decide who you vote for when you get in the booth on Tuesday, Nov. 6th.



he first three words in the Constitution are the most powerful: We the People. They declare that the Constitution derives its power not from a king or a Congress, but from the people themselves. This concept of popular sovereignty—power to the people—is the foundation upon which the entire Constitution depends. The framers of the Constitution designed a system of government in 1787 that distributed power among three branches—legislative, executive, and judicial. Having just overthrown a king, the framers did not want to concentrate power in one ruler, whether a president or a Congress. Therefore, they established checks and balances for each branch over the other


VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

WE THE PEOPLE two. Some modern critics argue that this system creates gridlock and is ill-suited to the demands of the 21st century, where global electronic networks can collapse financial markets and national governments in milliseconds. They advocate creation of a new constitution. But even the framers themselves did not think the Constitution was perfect. That’s why they included an amendment process in Article V, so the people could make changes to the Constitution as they saw fit. Over the past 225 years, the people have added 27 amendments; the most common theme has been expanding the right to vote. In the end, each generation strives to create a “more perfect union” for those yet to come. The Constitution begins and ends with We the People.

In 1776, a bunch of ragtag farmers and merchants put together a revolution against the major superpower of its day and created an opportunity for self-governance in a new country. It was to be a country, not where any man can be “king,” but a country there are no “kings.” I think it’s time for a new Declaration of Independence. Independence from the twoparty system that is turning America into a land of paupers and princes.

The Great Divide: The Second Amendment


early everyone knows that the Second Amendment is our constitutional guarantee to keep and bear arms. Or in more common language, “own and use fire-

arms.” I have owned guns and hunted, and though it is not a significant focus of my time and attention, I’m not ignorant to the issue. Despite widespread concern that there is an orchestrated effort

Despite widespread concern that there is an orchestrated effort to take away our 2nd Amendment rights, I’ve met almost no one who is in favor of that. Still, it pays to remain alert.

to take away our 2nd Amendment rights, I’ve met almost no one who is in favor of that. Still, it pays to remain alert. Gun rights concerns are driven largely by the fact that there have been a number of school shootings and the response among some is to ban certain firearms, or whole classes of firearms. This in turn aggravates a defensive response among those who are already wary of a potential “gun grab” and an angry confrontation ensues. Just as I have met almost no one who advocates for doing away with our rights, I have not met anyone who advocates for mass shootings in schools, or anywhere else. Gun owners are just as appalled by mass killings as non-owners are. It’s time for thoughtful people, both owners and nonowners, to sit down together and develop a reasonable and effec-

tive response. We already have laws designed to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals. We should make certain that they are effectively enforced. I’m convinced that this is as much a mental health issue as it is anything else, and anyone who has been paying attention to that subject realizes that we have been dangerously inattentive to the needs of people who struggle in that regard. As I write this, we are in a relatively peaceful period, without a dramatic shooting being in the immediate conversation. Now is precisely when we should be putting forth our sincere and nonjudgmental effort to join together to prevent another from happening. I hope that when you read this, that remains true and that the effort has begun. If it hasn’t, it will when I arrive in Washington.

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018



I Got Yer Workin’ Man Right Here! ust in case someone gets the idea that a “doctor” can’t relate to working people, let me

explain. Even if you prefer to confine the definition of working man to exchanging one’s labor for a paycheck, I have more than enough experience with that. I began working in the factories of Racine on my birthday (Sept. 12) in 1964 at the age of 18. Of course, that wasn’t my introduction to the 40 hour week. That happened 4 years before when I spent my “summer vacation” cleaning cages at a local dog kennel for 50 cents an hour. By that first factory job, wages had risen to around $2.50 an hour. Perhaps some of you remember those days. I spent several years in factory jobs, never finding one that felt much like a “career.” And as career potential goes, I think I pretty much shut the door on that possibility when I had a less than pleasant conversation with the superintendent of one place where I was working. Let me give you a quick insight into this particular superintendent so you’re not confused as to which one of us you might side with. He once fired a worker who was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack. Anyway, during the course of this particular conversation, I suggested that said supervisor ought to plant a kiss on a specific part of my anatomy, and forcefully insert the warehouse in the corresponding part of his own. Of course, that was after I verbally tendered my resignation. It would be inappropriate for an employee to speak to a “superior” that way. Oddly enough, this happened on Leap Year Day and every 4 years for quite some

time, Feb. 29th was celebrated as “Kenny Yorgan Day” by my remaining co-workers. I always wondered if this had anything to do with being unable to land another factory job in this town. Lol Some years later, on Thanksgiving Day, I was working a 16-hour shift as a longshoreman in the Port of Milwaukee. I have what is referred to as a “normal variable” in my low back, and you likely couldn’t have designed a better activity to rupture a couple of discs than the bending, twisting and lifting that was engaged in that day. I continued my career as a “working man” for several years after having spinal surgery, despite the discomfort and occasional disability, mostly as a self-employed “Jack-of-allTrades.” Of course that meant no “paycheck” until whoever hired me was happy with my work. I actually did pretty well with that arrangement, but realized I would eventually have to engage in something less physically demanding as a career. I went back to school in 1977 and received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1982. I’ve had plenty of conversations with working men since then. They come to visit me at my current job. I have decades of experience with the health challenges of working people, as someone who has a permanent partial disability from a work injury, and as someone who has helped others through the injuries they have sustained. I understand the complicated economic minefield that working people face, and I have genuine strategies (not slogans) for creating fair access to and payment for the health care they sometimes need.

At the Office — October 1996 In front of my chiropractic clinic office on Washington Ave. next to the mighty Pike River, cleverly disguised as a drainage canal until was rehabbed several years ago. It’s made a remarkable recovery and now it’s a great place to walk during lunch.

The Janitor — October 1980 During my college days, I attended a faculty meeting where the staff was complaining about how messy the students were and the students were complaining about the staff not keeping the class rooms clean enough. I spoke up and said, “Give me 30 bucks a week and I’ll make sure our room is kept clean.” Shortly thereafter, the college president came up with the great innovation of hiring students to clean the classrooms, and I had to apply for the job. I was in the unique position of being student body president and janitor at the same time.

Peace and Justice Rally — May 2006 Addressing a Monument Square peace rally regarding the Iraq War in 2006 as Chairman of the Racine Coalition of Peace and Justice.



VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

Yorgan on the Issues


n this century, it is imperative that we find ways to make systemic changes. It is our responsibility to rebuild the political culture of the United States in order to stop wars of aggression, short-sighted ecological destruction, erosion of our rights, and policies that perpetuate social and economic injustice. In other words, we must fundamentally change our society’s broken political system.

to people with pre-existing conditions, they have a number of ways to avoid paying for people’s care. The health law perpetuates a health system that treats health care as a commodity so that people only receive the amount of health care they can afford rather than treating it as a public good, as does every other industrialized nation.

End the “War on Drugs”

The “War” has been a terrible failure at an expense of an estimated Trillion Dollars. The Health Care Medicare to all. Health care, priority has to be an end to the without the current financial barcompletely unwarranted crimiriers is a top priority. It should nalization of Cannabis/Marijuana users. We all owe thanks to those include freedom of choice for those in need, and fair compensa- states who courageously legalized all forms and uses and demontion for those who provide. The private insurance industry has strated the wisdom of doing so. It’s time to do this on a national been a terrible manager of the citizens’ money and it is past time level. As for use of addictive when that power needs to be taken drugs, this needs to be approached from them. Medicare, as managed as a health issue rather than a criminal issue. Incarcerating users by the government, has been far has simply not worked as a treatmore efficient than the private plans. It will take work and dedi- ment or deterrent and it’s time for a more effective plan. cation to equitably expand it to all citizens and providers, but it is National Debt a strong foundational model that Democrats and Republicans will be an immediate improvehave irresponsibly expanded our ment over what we have. national debt by trillions of dollars to finance tax cuts for America’s ObamaCare Focused on wealthiest citizens, war, corpoJust Selling Insurance rate welfare and bailouts of Wall ObamaCare was primarily Street, this is unsustainable. focused on selling his law, and more insurance, to the public. He avoided discussing the root causes Stop Endless Wars We are not policemen to the of our ongoing healthcare crisis. planet. 800 military bases in The bottom line of Obama’s 172 nations is not descriptive of comments on the health law was the “peace loving nation” that that more people have health we declare ourselves to be. It is insurance and insurance compain our best interest, and that of nies can’t deny people based on pre-existing conditions. He urged our allies, to begin phasing out this incredibly expensive and everyone to make their friends unsustainable military presence and family buy insurance. in foreign lands. Our checkered What he didn’t say is that history of supporting unpopular people with health insurance in governments does not enhance the US still can’t afford the care our stature among nations. they need and face bankruptcy if they have a serious health probUncensored Media lem. And although insurance Far too much control of incompanies cannot deny policies formation has been allowed to

accumulate in far too few hands and journalistic standards have been replaced by profit driven presentations that have lost the incentive to truthfully inform. Just as it would be dangerous for central government control of information, it is equally dangerous to have unrestrained corporate control.

Political Power of Large Corporations

Veteran Health Care

Protect Social Security

Provide better care for the wounded, sick and injured soldiers. Restore full funding for veterans’ health programs. Ensure that the Pentagon takes all steps necessary to fully diagnose and treat the physical and mental health conditions resulting from service in combat zones, including post-traumatic stress disorder. Support increased funding for additional clinics to provide services which now are too often delayed or denied throughout the Veterans Affairs system because of overcrowding and budget constraints.


Reward farmers and ranchers for the ecosystem services they provide on private and public lands. Favor policies that promote small-scale farmers and ranchers over large-scale corporate agriculture and ranching. Promote livable rural communities to minimize urban migration and protect property rights. I also support the growing international demand to eliminate patent rights for genetic material, life forms, gene-splicing techniques, and bio-chemicals derived from them.

Unelected and unaccountable corporate executives are not merely exercising power in our society — they are ruling us. I want to reduce corporate powers and privileges, including by stripping them of artificial “personhood” and constitutional protections. Protect Social Security by lifting the payment cap so that everyone who makes over $250,000 a year pays the same percentage of their income into Social Security as the middle class and working families.

Property Rights

We as citizens have a right to be secure in our life, liberty, and property. These rights are not granted by government or by society; they are inherent in the nature of human beings. It is intuitively right that individuals enjoy the security of such rights; the burden of explanation should lie with those who would take rights away.

Privacy and Security (Patriot Act)

Governments invasion into Americans private lives must be protected. The Patriot Act is unpatriotic and undermines our liberty. The Patriot Act should be focused on investigating potential terrorists, rather than spying on innocent Americans. Americans who care about their online freedoms should also be asking tough

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018 questions about the government’s expanding surveillance powers.


Break up our nation’s largest banks and financial institutions so that none is “too big to fail.” End taxpayer- funded bailouts for banks, insurers and other financial companies.


Any publicly financed program, that is promoted with the urgency and fanfare that accompanied Foxconn, should be met with a healthy dose of skepticism, especially when those who are most enthusiastically promoting it have a questionable record of managing public money. As time goes on, there will certainly be other aspects of this project that warrant public evaluation, not the least of which are the legality of “eminent domain” as a property acquisition strategy, compliance with environmental regulations and OSHA requirements. All of these should be readily available to the public in easily understandable language and format.

Climate Change

Climate change should not be a controversial subject. You would hope that we would have learned something about the legitimacy of the environmental movement by this point. The air, the land and the water we had during the 1960’s was in seriously compromised condition until citizen activism (“the environmental

WWW.YORGANFORCONGRESS.COM 7 movement”) successfully insisted on government response. Improvements have been achieved, but we have continued to degrade the ecosystem in significant ways, most notably in the alteration of the atmosphere and the oceans. Why are those who were right in the past being once again subjected to scorn and criticism over what is simply a continuation of the forewarnings of 50 and more years ago that brought so many benefits? The obvious answer is that those who profit most from the status quo are willing to spend obscene amounts of money to keep the cash stream flowing toward them. Probably the most obscene aspect of the equation is that many elected officials, eager for campaign contributions, persistently vote to enable and even subsidize with taxpayer money, those who are the worst offenders.

Renewable Energy

The United States has a highenergy-consumption economy based mainly on fossil energy. The extraction, refining, and combustion of fossil fuels have proved extremely harmful to the environment, and supplies are rapidly being depleted. The development of Earth-gentle, sustainable energy sources must be a cornerstone of any plan to reduce reliance on conventional fossil fuels. I advocate for clean renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, marine-based, and other cleaner renewable sources as the long-term solution.

Mental Health

A severe shortage of inpatient care for people with mental illness is amounting to a public health crisis. Much of our mental health care now for individuals with serious mental illness has been shifted to correctional facilities. A significant group of people who require structured inpatient care can’t get it, often because of funding issues. Ensure psychological and medical care and rehabilitation services for the mentally ill. Release incarcerated prisoners with diagnosed mental disorders to secure mental health treatment centers.

Prisons and Justice

The United States of America has a higher percentage, and a greater number of its citizens in prison than any other nation on Earth, including those that we officially label as “repressive.” Are we truly expected to believe that “the greatest nation of Earth” is home to the most criminal population on the planet? If not, why are so many incarcerated? And if incarceration is an effective response to criminality, why do the rest of us not have the highest standard of living and the safest neighborhoods in the world? (In case you were not aware, we don’t.) Prisons are not a place where any meaningful rehabilitation is occurring. When comparing private “for profit” prisons against “public” institutions, the clear majority of studies demonstrate that public prisons are more economical and actually produce somewhat better results. The most disturbing revelation

concerning our justice and penal systems, is the failings of the judicial process. “The Innocence Project,” with very limited resources and addressing only cases directly dependent on DNA evidence, has established a shocking history of wrongful convictions. Not only have those convictions caused the imprisonment of innocent people, they have allowed those guilty of some of the most heinous crimes to remain free to violate again. We should all be committed to greater justice and better outcomes.

Improve Teacher Training and Pay

Improve the quality of teachers with support for career-long training. On-the-jobs apprenticeships for teachers-in-training. Teacher pay scales comparable to other professionals with similar education and responsibilities.

Economic disparity

There has always been and will likely always be inequality in our population. However, the current level of inequality is possibly more dramatic than it has ever been in human history. While a few are wealthy to the point of abject boredom with their indulgent lifestyles, many others struggle to gather together enough water and nutrition on a daily basis to sustain themselves. In this modern world, health care has become one of the most basic needs to survive and thrive, and really amounts to nothing more than assistance with some issue that is causing either

(Continued on page 8)



Yorgan on the Issues

repressive governments. They are mostly direct descendants of the native people who inhabited these (Continued from page 7) lands before white men “discovered” them. physical or mental dysfunction. I understanding, and fairness. In Yes, there is a need to control consider this to be a basic human truth, our country benefits both our international borders, but fear financially and culturally from right that we should collectively those who come here to work or to mongering and scapegoating for insure for all of us through a public program. Doing so would escape from terrible circumstances political gain demonstrates a very elsewhere. Every legitimate study low moral character and has no enhance the quality of life for legitimate place in America. shows that to be the case. Are everyone and access to health care should not be rationed out as there some who commit crimes, a for profit consumer product the or take advantage of our social way that it currently is in the U.S. welfare programs? Of course, but there is a lower percentage of imA collectively funded program migrants engaged in those activiwould actually be operable at a considerable savings compared to ties than there is of legal residents. Many of the people who arrive at what we now have. our southern border have come Immigration to escape violence and repression Homelessness Should we have control over Homelessness is another in Central America, which has at our international borders? Ableast in part been the result of US product of inequality and is often solutely, but that control should directly linked to the lack of acforeign policy in that region that be exerted with compassion, cess to health care. We once had a has led to social instability and


e are in a time when the momentum is growing for the US to finally enact a single

Worse than being last in citizen health status, is the fact that we pay significantly more than any other country.

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018 widespread, functional system for sheltering people who could not house themselves due to health issues. While it is true that the system contained some inefficiencies and abuses, it was a terrible mistake to dismantle it because what replaced it has been far less efficient and resulted in much worse suffering for those in need and danger to those who are exposed to our less functional citizens when they are sometimes driven to aberrant behaviors. As our formerly hospitalized population was released into the mainstream, often expected to comply with some pharmaceutical maintenance program, our homeless population and our prison population has grown, fed in part by those who cannot self-manage successfully. We need to shelter citizens of no means who suffered from age or infirmity.

Why Elect a Chiropractor? payer health care financing system. Most people don’t realize it, but the contemporary “private insurance” industry is already substantially that, but it bears the unfortunate feature of being a “for profit” system. Why do I claim that it is substantially “single payer?” Because the insurance industry at large is exempt from American antitrust laws, which were created to protect consumers and ensure fair competition within any given industry. Ask yourself, why would the insurance industry feel that they should be exempt from fair competition and consumer protections? If they are not competing are they not in fact a single entity? But getting back to Chiropractic, it has been the largest non-medical health care system within the industry at large and it deserves to have a seat directly at the negotiating table rather than having to depend on paid lobbyists to carry its message, or that of other non-medical systems, such as Acupuncture and Naturopathy.

A “single payer system” would not be “socialized medicine,” it would be more akin to a group purchasing plan for health care with the US Government acting as the fiduciary agent under our (the citizens) direction. This would not be necessary if the health insurance industry had proven over the years to be good stewards of our money. Unfortunately, they have been anything but, consistently placing profits ahead of people and overseeing a “system” that has resulted in the U.S.A. being in in last place among 11 “high income” nations according to a study published on Aug. 1, 2018 in Time Magazine. https://www. This is absolutely NOT a result of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) we have had this ranking for many years under many Presidents. Worse than being last in citizen health status, is the fact that we pay significantly more than any other country.

I have studied, and lectured, on health care finance reform, and I have 36 plus years of experience with the current system. Medicare for all, funded through taxation, makes the most sense. I know, TAXES put everyone’s teeth on edge, but you have to remember that even though taxes would go up HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS WOULD BE ELIMINATED!! The most recent study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University showed that Medicare for All would create an approximate 2 Trillion dollars savings over ten years while providing care to millions more people. minutes/150286/new-study-universal-health-care-shows-partisans-bad-reading-studies. Yes, the transition would be complex, and it would likely take years to reach peak efficiency, but I have absolutely no doubt that we could immediately provide better, more diverse care, to more people and at a lower cost.

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018


Cannabis, Repealing a Bad Law work for the DEA and was the first architect of the “War on Drugs.” There is strong evidence that Anslinger actually saw the claims against Cannabis as “absurd fallacy” but used them to uite possibly the broaden the authority and reach most remarkable public statement I of his fledgling agency. How did Harry Anslinger have seen from a law enforcement become the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics? official on the Cannabis issue was made on July 31st by Man- In 1930, the Bureau of Narcotics was a branch of the Treasury hattan District Attorney, Cyrus Dept., which sought to capture Vance. He stated, quote: “Torevenue from the taxing of alcomorrow, our Office will exit a system wherein smoking a joint hol, which was just coming off Prohibition and thus completely can ruin your job, your college untaxed, as well as other subapplication, or your immigrastances that were popular with tion status..., but our advocacy the public. Anslinger had built a will continue. I urge New York lawmakers to legalize and regu- reputation as a tough investigator due to his work as an investigalate marijuana once and for all. tor for the Pennsylvania Railroad The needless criminalization and later, police and military. of pot smoking frustrates this The prohibition of Cannabis core mission, so we are removwas ill-conceived, discriminatory ing ourselves from the equation. Our research has found virtually in its enforcement, horrifically expensive and immeasurably no public safety rationale for the ongoing arrest and prosecu- more destructive to our national culture than casual use could tion of marijuana smoking, and possibly have been. It is way no moral justification for the intolerable racial disparities that past the time when it should have been ended on a national level. underlie enforcement.” It is appropriate to acknowlLet’s review a couple of direct edge all those who have advocatquotes from Harry Anslinger, ed for decriminalization during who was America’s first “drug the most repressive times and to czar” from 1930 until 1962. “Marijuana is the most violence thank them for their efforts and sacrifice. My position and senticausing drug in the history of mankind. You smoke a joint and ments have always been aligned with theirs though my primary you’re likely to kill your brothvalue as a Doctor of Chiropractic er.” compared to “Marijuana causes pacifism and communist would have been compromised by too public an advocacy. This brainwashing.” It seems that has been the position forced he felt Marijuana could be the cause of dramatically conflicting upon many other professional behaviors depending on his pur- and public figures and is a clear pose at the moment. How about and continuous violation of all of our First Amendment rights. these remarks, “Reefer makes I have been, and will remain, darkies think they’re as good a committed advocate for the as white men.” or “the primary reason to outlaw Marijuana is its completion of this long process of Cannabis decriminalization on effect on the degenerate races.” This is a man who had direct a federal level. I also advocate and substantial influence on pub- the immediate release of all nonviolent offenders and a redireclic policy. He laid the ground-


“While I oppose the criminalization of cannabis users, I also oppose the open, commercial promotion of this, or any other substance, that has the potential to disrupt routine and sober mental capacities.” —Dr. Ken Yorgan tion of the funds now used for incarceration to a program of reintegration into society. While I oppose the criminalization of cannabis users, I also oppose the open, commercial promotion of this, or any other substance, that has the potential to disrupt routine and sober mental functions. I support the right of anyone who might use cannabis for medical or recreational purposes and I am confident that they will access cannabis without the aid of advertising and promotion. The history of alcohol and tobacco should guide us in that regard. We have a lengthy list of challenges and priorities facing us as a nation and promoting widespread use of any substance that would divert our attentions from that purpose would be just as foolish and wasteful of resources as persecuting users has been. If you are unfamiliar with the origins and history of Marijuana repression, it is your duty as a public official to familiarize yourself with it in order that you are able to make a rational and responsible decision in regard to future public policy. What you

will discover is an outrageous and embarrassing story of racism, bigotry and unfair business practices that have been so blatant and audacious as to render them unrecognizable for what they are. I have compiled a brief list of resources for you to consult, if any doubt remains as to what your proper action should and will be. They are admittedly supportive of ending cannabis prohibition, but you have, throughout your lives, been inundated with oppositional materials that have promoted and perpetuated the current policy agenda. You will also be exposed to the ecological, medical, agricultural, industrial and economic values of the non-psychoactive strain of Cannabis known as “Industrial Hemp.” In many ways, that story is more compelling than the story of Marijuana, and has the potential to move you toward decriminalization with greater urgency. Thank you for your time, I pray that you will join me, and millions of other responsible citizens and do your own part in ending this national disgrace.

My First 100 Days in Office in the 116th Congress I Will Introduce Legislation to:

• Reevaluate and Repeal the Patriot Act portions that violate our constitution. • Begin the Demilitarization of Local Police Departments: Police departments should not look and act like an occupying army. • Introduce Legislation to Protect the Mentally Ill: Mental health issues have been at the center of mass killings, largely due to neglect of those not equipped to function in society. • Repeal Cannabis Prohibition at the Federal Level: Prohibition has been a massively unjust, ineffective and costly failure. It is a law that should never have been. I am an Independent Candidate • Not Controlled by Party Policies or Bosses • I Will Work For YOU



VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

You might find yourself distributing literature with someone from the original TEA Party or long time Green Party members. We have Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians among us.


We Welcome All Political Parties

hat’s about the only way that you could describe the supporters of this campaign. If you think I’m kidding, come and interact with some of the people who have become a part of this team. You might find yourself distributing literature with someone from the original TEA Party or long time Green Party members. We have “Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians” among us. Here’s the reality: The majority of us Americans identify ourselves as “Independent” (42% nationally), but we rarely have candidates who represent that ideal. And when one comes along, they are often so radically non-conformist that they make a lot of people uncomfortable. It then becomes easy for the big money candidates to portray them as a “wasted vote,” one “We are divided not on that will only disrupt the election the grounds of principled and help the candidate you find most objectionable to win. disagreement, but by party


Phone: 262-221-5886

affiliation.” —Dr. Ken Yorgan

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We have a government that is running out of bounds while most people have no idea what is wrong or what is to be done to fix it. People think this is a Left vs. Right/Republican vs. Democrat issue.

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018


The American Character


he American character has always been endowed with extraordinary sympathy and generosity. 911 was a truly horrible day in the life of our country. 2,977 innocent lives were lost (plus the 19 hijackers). That’s more than 500 more than were lost to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The only good that could be attributed to the events of that day was the solidarity that was created in the American people,

and the sympathy that was generated for us around the world. It would be to our benefit if the spirit that arose on that day, and in the months that followed, could be revitalized and made an ongoing expression of our national personality. The American character has always been endowed with extraordinary sympathy and generosity. But it seems that we sometimes lose touch with that truth when there is no emergency to inspire us to express it.

I believe we’re moving into a time when it’s going to be more important than ever. I believe that our best hope of getting through it intact as a nation will be to return to what has gotten us through the trials of the past. President Kennedy spoke to this during his inaugural address when he encouraged us to ask ourselves

what we could do for our country, rather than to ask our country what it could do for us. Often the most obvious thing you can do is extend the hand of brotherhood to some person you encounter during everyday life.

I’m Going to Make the “Debates”

Way More Interesting


I understand how the short hand approach of choosing a candidate based on party affiliation has evolved, but this time it’s not necessary for you to do that.

Take Time to Select Your Candidate


eep an open mind for the moment. It only takes an hour or two of focused attention to determine who will be the best representative for you in Washington. Making that decision without becoming somewhat familiar with all your choices is more dangerous than not voting at all. I understand how the short hand approach of choosing a candidate based on party affilia-

tion has evolved, but this time it’s not necessary for you to do that. And let’s be honest, it is “party loyalty” that is being exploited by the billionaires (and yes, they control both major parties) that has gotten us into the mess that we’re in. But, this time there is a third option available to you that is worth a little of your time to get familiar with. You owe it to yourself and your country to do so. It only takes a couple of hours.

y belief has always been that most of us love our country and share common goals and ideals and have only minor differences in how we hope to achieve them. Most people have no dislike for hard work and responsibility, but also believe that the reward for investing those things should be that you can at least live simply in a safe neighborhood and afford health care and decent food. Unfortunately, that is not today’s America. I’ve talked to a lot of people from all kinds of circumstances and I keep hearing the same concerns, over and over again. • Health care is causing me to slide into debt. • My after taxes paycheck from one job just isn’t enough. • I don’t feel safe in my own neighborhood. • “The government” has forgotten about people like me. • Is Social Security going to be there when I retire? And this is true regardless of who I’m having a conversation with, whether I’m in the east end district neighborhood or a farm in the western side of the district. Well, the two parties of big shots and billionaires have decided who they want you to vote for, and they know you will confirm their two “choices.” The “vote” isn’t until November, but there will be “polls and debates” coming up to try to make this exciting, and to make you believe you want that show pony or that mule. So, when someone calls and asks you, tell them you’re leaning toward Dr. Ken Yorgan. That’s gonna make the “debates” way more interesting. You don’t have to really decide until Nov. 6 who you want in front of the plow.



VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

Dr. Yorgan on Military Service


Say It Ain’t So, Bernie!


ndependent champion of the people, Bernie Sanders, the last man standing against the billionaires, whose hands cradled the controls of virtual America in 2016, has been served notice by the Democrat Party. The notice reads: “At the time a presidential candidate announces their candidacy publicly, they must publicly affirm that they are a Democrat.” Further, they must pledge that they will both “run and serve” as a Democrat. Just what does that mean, anyway? Serve who? Why do we even have political parties anymore? They’re nothing more


than cash conduits between the candidates and the billionaires whose thumbs dance over the game controls. We get it fellas, you wanna own the game and watch the rest of us just exist under the grace of your corporate compassion, going through the motions as you dictate the action, hunched over, staring at what you believe we accept as reality. But we see those little cables running from those controllers between your knees, one red and one blue. Well guess what? You go ahead and keep pressing those buttons. We’re gettin’ together and take back our nation.

here is nothing more honorable that a man or woman can do than to place themselves in harm’s way in protection of their family, home and country. America has always been rich with such men and women. But, incumbent with that honorable service is the responsibility on those who would deploy them, to only do so in situations of extreme emergency. In too many instances, that responsibility has not been fulfilled. Even worse is the historic disregard of those who have gained the most from war, to the debt that is owed to those who have lost the most. War profiteers and the military elite seldom experience want, while those who have returned broken and dysfunctional are too often left to navigate through what remains of their lives, alone and forgotten, except by others who share their experience. If we hope to become the nation described in our founding documents, we will redirect the resources that we squander on military adventurism, to rebuilding our homes and cities and fulfilling the debt owed to those who There is nothing more honorable that a man or have paid so much woman can do than to place themselves in harm’s in their effort to way in protection of their family, home and country. defend it.


othing stirs the emotions of voters more than the subject of abortion. Politicians know this, and many exploit it, not to address the issue, but to collect votes. First, let me state with absolute clarity, I am not “pro-abortion,” and I prefer that it would simply not be done. The first real question is: Will making abortion completely illegal mean it will never occur? And the answer is NO. It never has, and it never will. Most people don’t realize that there were no legal restrictions on abortion in America until 1880, after the Civil War. That includes the more than 100 years after the constitution was ratified. Between 1880 and 1973, it was heavily restricted, and during the

tunately, those who will be caught breaking the law will be almost exclusively women who cannot afford to travel to where it is legal or pay a doctor to label it as some other procedure, just like it was when it was banned for 93 years. What should a woman’s punishment be? Fine her, when she is probably already struggling financially? Put her in prison, sepaannually.* The US population at rated from whatever children she may already have? that time was about 180 million. The population today is 325 milThe last question is: Is there a better way? I believe there is. lion and now less than a million abortions occur. Almost all women who undergo an abortion will tell you that they The second question is: If making it illegal won’t end it, who felt forced by circumstances to will likely be caught and what make that choice. Wouldn’t it make more sense to build a sociwill their punishment be? Unfor1950’s and 60’s (the last decade of illegality), estimates are that there were between 200,000 and 1,200,000 abortions performed

ety where women would welcome rather than dread pregnancy? One big step that could be taken in that direction would be “equal pay for equal work.” Another would be to encourage anyone who is able to, to remain abstinent until in a stable relationship, and to provide birth control to those who cannot. Abortion has been an unfortunate reality for as long as there have been humans and cannot be eliminated through legislation. I will not vote for a law that unequally criminalizes the most vulnerable women among us for making a choice that others will do without consequence. * It is not possible to know precisely how many abortions were performed during the ban because many were performed outside of mainstream medicine or were performed under some other description, such as a “D & C.”

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018


“FOXCONN”: Your Rights as a Property Owner


he fourth Amendthe political process, including ment to the Constilarge corporations and developtution, a vital part of ment firms. As for the victims, the Bill of Rights, the government now has license states: “The right of the people to to transfer property from those be secure in their persons, houswith fewer resources to those es, papers, and with more. The effects, against Founders cannot “Where are the unreasonable constitution-loving public have intended this searches and seiperverse result.” officials and candidates for zures, shall not 42 states office in this matter?” be violated...” scrambled to How is it in —Dr. Ken Yorgan repair the damage any way “readone, including sonable” to seize Wisconsin, whose the home of a U.S. citizen for the legislation appears strong enough purpose of turning it over to a pri- to prevent the action taken by vate enterprise? No less a foreign the Mt. Pleasant Village Board, private enterprise who received which voted 6 to 1 to condemn $4.5 billion from the taxpayers of more than 20 homes as “blightthe State of Wisconsin! ed,” though they are clearly not. On June 23, 2005, the U.S. The most outrageous aspect Supreme Court rendered what of this Foxconn-inspired seizure might be its most controversial of citizen properties is that the decision ever. In her written citizens are willing to “sell” their opinion against the decision (split property for the betterment of the 5 to 4) Justice O’Connor said: community, if they are treated “Any property may now be taken fairly! But, while some who have for the benefit of another private sold their property are now milproperty, but the fallout from lionaires, others are being told that this decision will not be random. they should be willing to accept The beneficiaries are likely to a move to less attractive housing be those citizens with dispropor- and lose hundreds of thousands of tionate influence and power in dollars in the process.


In the past, a similar fate has been imposed on Native Americans to exploit resources, and on inner city residents who have been “in the way” of urban renewal. Does this have the potential to inspire a solidarity among this diverse group? Is enough now enough?

in my jurisdiction.” Jurisdiction or not, does he not realize that the voice of the Speaker of the House might have some positive effect on this matter involving his constituents and former WI Democratic minority leader Peter Barca’s vote for the $4 plus billion-dollar incentives.

Where are the constitution loving public officials and candidates for office in this matter? If there are any who have not blindly lined up in the Foxconn parade, they are yet to be publicly identified. Paul Ryan has taken the position that this is “not

One congressional candidate in the first district has declared this move illegal. That one is me, and I’m calling on all candidates and officials to take a public stance for or against these American citizens whose rights are being trampled on.

And Who Gets Deregulated?

e hear a lot about “Big Government” controlling our lives. And I agree, I don’t want some bureaucrat sitting in an office somewhere making decisions about how I should live my life.

But what have we gotten from federal candidates who have promised to “get big government off our backs”? It’s not you and me who have been deregulated! All too frequently, those who claim they will protect us get to

Washington and what kind of regulations get done away with? The laws that protect our air, our water and our land from big corporations who exploit and pollute, the rules that restrict big banks from gouging us with high interest rates on loans and credit cards, or bonds to rebuild our cities, or the laws designed to prevent monopolies that concentrate more and more wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people. Meanwhile, back in our world, deregulation never seems to take root. Did you know that in many municipalities you’re legally

required to get permission to replace your toilet or build a deck or paint a fence? You probably did know that, and it’s why you hate regulations and vote for people who will “get government off your back!” You need to get out and vote in local elections if you ever hope to get personally deregulated. If you want clean air and water, and the right to keep your home and property without some big corporation taking it from you with the help of government approved “eminent domain,” you need to send someone like me to Washington DC.



VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

You Need Health Care, Not Health Insurance!


ealth insurance was an invention of a group of health care providers in Massachusetts during the 1920’s. The intention was to make health services available to people who could not bear the costs of care under the “pay as you go” system that prevailed at the time. Insurance could best be described as a “pre-pay” plan where a large group makes payments in advance to cover the costs for those members who need care at some future time. One of the less talked about, though obvious reasons for insurance, is the fact that providers had a more reliable revenue stream for the services they provide. Insurance worked fairly well, for quite some time, but it was never designed to pay for health services for any and all who needed them.


What we need to replace it with is a group purchasing plan that would completely eliminate many of the inefficiencies, inequities and profiteering that render the current marketplace unfair and unsustainable. Compared to all other developed nations, the

Get Involved


f not us, who? If not now, when? We are the ones we have been waiting for. Join us! Now is the time to build a bridge from the world we have to the better world we know is possible. Now is the time to grow a sustainable political force to work for grassroots democracy, nonviolence, social justice, and ecological wisdom.

money that pulses through this segment of our economy is staggering, yet the outcomes that are achieved by it are embarrassingly inferior. It’s partially true when people Please tell me what’s “conservative” about spending 25% to 40% for say, “we have the best health care something you can get for under 2%. in the world.” The providers and technologies we have truly are phenomenal, but too many of us expectation of making a profit Prior to the Affordable Care Act simply do not have access to it from that investment. In other (Obamacare), the private secand our national health profile tor sometimes had administrawords, they get more money out shows it. We have some of the tive costs as high as 40%. The than they put in. Where does that worst statistics in the world for ACA capped it at 25%. Some of additional money come from? many of the most important health Health insurance should really the stuff that’s included in “admeasurements. And we pay sigbe nothing more than health care ministrative costs” are executive nificantly more for it. It’s time we financing. By virtue of the intent salaries and those glass palaces got what we’ve been paying for. you see along the freeway. of health care, which is to assist people in maintaining or recoverMedicare for all is our best SOME THINGS YOU ing their health, it really makes no avenue for creating a fair and PROBABLY DON’T KNOW sense to allow the management affordable financing system for The insurance industry is exhealth care. True, the transition of the financial side of it to be empt from antitrust laws. Antitrust obscenely profitable. And yet, last will require work and innovalaws began with the Sherman year, just 70 CEOs in the industry tion and there will be temporary Act of 1890 and they are meant were given 2 billion dollars in pay glitches, but it will be an imto “protect consumers and ensure and compensation. mediate improvement and we that businesses are engaging in should commit to working our I don’t believe that’s how fair competition.” Ask yourself, people expect and want their pre- way through any short-term why would the insurance industry mium dollars to be used. problems because what we have want to be exempt, and what efWe’ve all been subjected to is embarrassing.** fect does that have on you? *Please tell me what’s “conservathat “conservative”* warning, Here’s another thing to think tive” about spending 25% to 40% for “Government can never run anysomething you can get for under 2%. about. Insurance is used by some thing as efficiently as the private **Among the 11 highest income as an investment strategy, meansector.” Consider this: Medicare nations, the US currently ranks last in ing they buy stock in insurance results while paying the most for health has consistently operated with companies with the hope and administrative costs of under 2%. care services. Now is the time to discard failed ideologies and political structures and join together with the flourishing grassroots movement to tackle real problems with real solutions.

Impact the Community

need events to spread information on the issues about the Yorgan for Congress campaign. You or your group can contact the campaign and we will help you to promote your event. We look forward to hearing from you.

There are many ways to volHost a House Party unteer from walking door-to-door or hosting a house party for a fundraiser. There’s no limit to your imagination on events you or a group could sponsor. While some people are more than happy to volunteer and donate to the campaign, we

Give your friends and family a chance to meet Dr. Yorgan.

Host a Meet and Greet

Hosting a meet-and-greet with Dr. Yorgan is an excellent way for you or your organization to build rapport with a candidate and encourage the exchange of ideas. We’re proud of our website, it’s homemade and beautiful, check it out. Be sure to “like” it (Facebook rewards “likes”). Then subscribe and we’ll let you know when we post new stuff. Thanks!

Your friend, Dr. Ken Yorgan

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018


Get a Yorgan for Congress Yard Sign To get a Yorgan for Congress yard sign, e-mail yorganforcongress@, visit our website at or call


DONATE: Send a Friend to Congress! Any amount is welcome and will be put to effective use. The big money donors are locked in to one of the two parties because they know that’s who has been rigging the system in their favor for a long, long time. They won’t be sending any money to this campaign, and I wouldn’t take it if they did. As this election season progresses, you’re going to see millions of dollars being spent by the Democratic and Republican parties on slick TV ads and tons of literature in your mailboxes. It’s all a big spectacle! Regardless of which of those parties is “in power,” NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

We have an opportunity here in Wisconsin’s First District to tell them we’re not going to play the game the way they want us to this time. And I feel confident that there are people in other districts around the country who are ready for this same kind of change. Make your vote really count this time, vote for someone you actually agree with, instead of someone you simply dislike less. Send a friend to Congress! Make your donation online: Mail a donation to: Yorgan For Congress, 4601 Washington Ave., Racine, WI 53406.


Why I am an Independent Candidate

page 2

Guns and the Second Amendment page 4


I Got Yer Workin’ Man Right Here

page 5

Yorgan on the Issues

We Welcome All Political Parties

page 10

Say It Ain’t So Bernie

page 6

page 12

Cannabis: Repealing a Bad Law

The Great Divide: Abortion

page 9

page 12

VOTE NOV. 6, 2018

Property Rights and FOXCONN page 13

You Need Health Care, not Health Insurance

page 14

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