The Colorado Auctioneer 1st Quarter 2017

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the First Quarter • 2017

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Colorado Auctioneers Association

How much is TOO much? By Cissy Tabor, BAS, PRI hy would I even ask this question? Well, there are many areas or divisions in a state association and in providing a convention for our state association. This year, one statement was made that could be viewed as a critique in regard to our 2017 Convention. Will You Choose to raise your “average” or lower it? YOU are The Only One who can make the decision! Now I realize, that this year, not only were we jam-packed with speakers, but also, we began our convention at the beginning of Friday morning versus years’ prior. Is that a bad thing? Well, not necessarily. We, the board association, did everything we could to inform our members of the high-paced and information-packed convention to the best of our ability through the newsletter and email blasts. So, let’s look at the statement. Is it better to have too much information and opportunities available to you for learning than not enough? Or worse yet, no one you would care to even learn from? Is it beneficial for our association to start earlier on Friday morning vs half-a-day of socializing and networking? Well, I believe the answer lies in one word; “Quality.” Quality is the key when asking such a question in which your answer will be based on perception. Through some positive networking and planning, the association tried to bring a diverse schedule to our association members in hope that we would be able to provide education to ALL Of Our Members whether it be technology, social media, legal, insurance or bid calling techniques with champions. Even though our convention was jam-packed with speakers, bid calling sessions, vendors, entertainment and championships, I believe that not only were we able to provide “quality” speakers to our members, but we were also able to provide an opportunity of “Balance” to our members in choices as well. Our association membership is as diverse as our industry and if we don’t look at our members and try to provide a diverse opportunity of learning, then we are doing a disservice to our membership and I don’t see how we can continue to stay strong and grow. We have begun to already start working on next years convention and I encourage you to contact Mike Nichols with any requests for speakers / classes that you would like to have offered. I am grateful to all of our speakers (Larry Harb, Adele Nichols, George Michak, Shannon Sewell Mays, David Whitaker, John Korrey and Matt Corso) that battled the winter storm to make it to our convention and share their expertise with us! A big “Thank you” to Scott Shuman for stepping in to share with us his information and some lessons learned along the way and to Junior Staggs for being on our competition judge panel. To Myers Jackson, “Thank you” for not only sharing your knowledge with us, but also showcasing the Colorado Auctioneers Association and our members, along with providing us your photography services. We continue to look forward to you sharing more pictures with us from our convention!


Many success speakers say that we are each the average of the 5 people with whom we spend the most time. This means average of professional success, income, debt, etc... So, start thinking toward 2018....Will you choose to raise your “average” or lower it. YOU are the ONLY one who can make that decision! Additionally will you seek to increase the average for others or decrease it? ~ Jim Rohn FISRT QUARTER • 2017


From the President


New Year, a new President, a new season and a new challenge. Let me start by saying “Thank You” to all those who attended this years conference. As we face the New Year, your elected Board searches for new ways to bring cutting edge education to our association. Sure, some of these problems are the ones we have faced throughout the ages and others are new problems we see arising in the CAA. Looking at the CAA future, we have to make the decision between what is right and what is easy. Your Board of Directors are looking to develop short term and long term goals that will allow the CAA to continue being a strong institution; an institution that many look at as a family. With suffering numbers and poor attendance at the conference the question may be, is the CAA Family sick? Has the family nothing left to offer? I refuse to believe we have nothing to offer. I believe that we offer a good product and a great family. I am proud to be a part of the CAA, and this is, part of the reason I ran for the board and am now, your President. Let’s talk about the dreaded membership responsibility. In a busy world with no time to say “howdy,” how do we get to know somebody in a deeper manner than business? Membership is everyone’s responsibility. “Why” you ask? Because, “it is the foundation of the family.” Who joins without being asked? Who comes without having someone they know inside? “Why join? What can you offer me? Why should I give you my money?” These are just some of the questions I have heard as the resistance to join. My challenge to every member is have you ask someone to join this year. Everything requires growth. The Colorado Auctioneers Association needs to grow. Josh Larson and Mike Heitmann head up the Membership Committee on our Board. So let’s get behind them and increase our family this year! In the next newsletter, we will provide information in regard to the upcoming Summer Picnic. We have started a discussion of utilizing the Summer Picnic to help us in our membership growth for our CAA Family. What a fun time to have people get to meet our association members, have fun and enjoy some networking. Keep that in mind as you ask someone to join this year. In closing, I would like you to Mark Your Calendar for the Day At The Capitol on April 7th! Come and spend the morning at your state capitol and if you can, enjoy some fun with us at lunchtime near the capitol. Take care, Eric Arrington, 2017 CAA President


BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Eric Arrington The Auction Team 2478 Industrial Blvd • Grand Junction, CO 81505 970-245-1185 • Cell: 970-623-9161 • 1st VICE PRESIDENT: Michael Nichols Nichols Auctioneers 22300 CR 9 • Flagler, CO 80815 719-765-4756 • Cell: 719-350-0126 • 2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Cissy Tabor Cissy’s Auction Services, LLC 846 Cactus Ct. • Rifle, CO 82650 970-985-8228 • CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Butch Hagelstrom Buckhorn Auction Services P.O. Box 306 • Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 303-827-5157 • TREASURER: Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 303-510-3866 • Bryce Elemond (2016-2017) Affordable Auctioneering, LLC 25800 E. Byers Pl. • Aurora, CO 80018 720-229-5832 • Casey Giddings (2016-2017) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-222-1625 • Rob Hart, CAI, ATS Hall & Hall Auctions 100 S. Cherry Ave., Suite D• Eaton, CO 80615 970-716-2120 • Cell: 303-510-3866 • Mike Heitmann (2017) MH Bar Auctions, Inc. 27275 Mid Jones Rd. • Calhan, CO 80808 406-450-2051 • Josh Larson (2017-2018) 310 N. Wayne • Haxton, CO 80731 970-520-2946 • Lance Nichols (2017-2018) Nichols Auctioneers 38241 WCR 23 • Eaton, CO 80615 970-302-6185 • John Schaffner (2017) Schaffner Auctions 36470 CR Z • Wray, CO 80758 970-630-3402 • David P. Whitley (2017-2018) Rocky Mountain Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-539-1269 • Diana Raven • Executive Secretary 8757 W. Cornell Ave., #9 • Lakewood, CO 80227 720-242-7971 • Cell: 303-618-1162 • FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer


“Day At The Capitol” Mark Your Calendar ~

CAA Members Invited to Colorado State Capitol on April 7th In honor of National Auctioneers Day, April 15, 2017, we hope you’ll join your fellow CAA Members for a visit to the State Capitol on April 7th! We will meet downstairs in the café area @ 8:15 am. The metered parking lot across the street is the most convenient for our attendees. A meet-and-greet with Representative Perry Buck, has been scheduled and she will be sponsoring our association during our visit. We would like to thank her for her time. We will meet Representative Buck at the Capitol on April 7th @ 8:30 am for introductions, take a few pictures and a short visit. Representative Buck will introduce us on the floor at approximately 9 am. ALL Members of the CAA are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the event. Come join us as we make an impact and a statement as the Colorado Auctioneers Association – the only association representing the interests of professional auctioneers in Colorado. Wes Lamb, 2017 CAA State Champion, will auction a flag that has been flown over the capitol on-the-floor-of-the-house to the attending representatives. Our organization will be honored and announced on the floor of the legislature. Mark your calendar, enter it in Google, post it on Facebook or write it on the refrigerator door…but please plan to attend! Please R.S.V.P. - Michael Nichols - or call 719-350-0126. Let’s have a strong showing for the CAA to represent National Auctioneers Day! Michael Nichols Legislative Chairman FISRT QUARTER • 2017




2017 State Champion Wes Lamb By Wes Lamb y passion for the auction business started at a young age. When I was a mere eight years old I can remember showing up to Loveland Auto Auction and getting paid ten dollars a day to run invoices into the office. Running through each lane listening to the thundering voices of the auctioneers was an adrenaline rush for me. Being raised up in a family of auctioneers, the auction industry is something I have always wanted to pursue. A little family history, my Grandpa, George Lamb, started the first, Colorado Auto Auction and my Dad, Randy Lamb, has been an auto auctioneer for over 40 years. At the age of nineteen, I really began to seriously work on my career as a Professional Auctioneer. Starting from the ground up meant beginning my work as a Ringman to gain better experience and soak up the knowledge of the auctioneers around me. I also had my older brother, Chad Lamb, with me at the auctions, helping me to understand and work the floor, all while having fun with it. As you can see, the auction industry is not just a career but a family affair as well. Besides family, I could not have made it where I am today without learning from admirable auctioneers like Ken Holzworth, Scott Goodhue, Josh White, Terry Elson, Harley Troyer and many more. Someday, I hope I can help an upcoming auctioneer and set a good example as these gentlemen have done for me. These days I am very fortunate to make a living doing what I love to do. I currently work five sales a week. Tuesdays, I work for Manheim Denver. Wednesdays, I work for The Auto Auction of Billings, Montana. Thursdays, I’m at Dealers Auto Auction of the Rockies. Friday, I work at Loveland Auto Auction and Saturdays, I work for Pacific Public Auto Auction. O.J. Pratt has taken me in and educated me about how public auto auctions work. I look forward to and enjoy working classic car sales, horse sales and charity sales. I thoroughly love what I do and cannot thank these auction companies enough for allowing me to make a living doing what I do!


Selling automobiles is really where I “cut my teeth.” Competing in competitions has been a completely different atmosphere that was foreign to me. Dean Gunter and Sean Allen were the first ones to twist my arm in competing for the Troil Welton First Timers Competition in 2014. I have learned a great deal from Dean and Sean. Through a great deal of patience, these men have taken their own time to coach me and teach me “how to present myself in front of not only an audience but, a panel of judges.” That same year, I was fortunate enough to win the Troil Welton First Timers Award and was hooked! The great thing about competitions are that they take you out of your comfort zone and give you an opportunity to really reflect on your own learning experiences. A wise auctioneer by the name of Steve Holt once said, “If the only thing you get from this competition is a trophy, then I feel sorry for you.” And that is the truth. Improving myself and challenging fellow Colorado auctioneers has been the best part of being in the association and participating in the competitions. Every year, after competing in the competition, I would go home and study the videos to try and learn from my mistakes. And a big thanks goes to my loving future wife Jill for all her support throughout the years. And after it is all said and done, it is truly an honor for me to be your 2017 State Champion. I am looking forward to spending time with each one of you and getting to know the auctioneer community. I will work just as hard as I have pursuing my auction career in being a great ambassador for the Colorado Auctioneers Association and representing us all to the best of my ability. FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer


2017 Troil Welton Champion


he 2017 Troil Welton Award was won by Bret V. Barker of Hotchkiss, CO. Mr. Barker graduated from World Wide College of Auctioneering in September and has already worked several fundraising auctions in Arizona and Colorado. A native of Denver, Mr. Barker graduated from Green Mountain High School in Lakewood and then earned a bachelor’s degree from The Colorado College in Colorado Springs. Brett and his wife Heidi produce grass/alfalfa mix horse hay at their irrigated farm in Hotchkiss from April through October every year then they head to Scottsdale, Arizona where they enjoy the winter with their six-up of Spotted Draft mares. “Going to auction college has been a dream of mine for over 30 years but my busy life as a businessman and farmer got in the way! After attending many horse auctions and antique sales over the years I finally made time to attend and the experience was fantastic. World Wide is a first class organization and everyone I have met in the industry has been helpful and friendly. I especially enjoyed attending the Colorado Auctioneers Association annual convention in Denver. My only regret is that I did not get started years earlier!” Mr. Barker plans to work hard in the fundraising and benefit space and is anxious to gain experience where ever he can. “The auction business is exciting and I believe that there are many opportunities on the horizon.” Brett and Heidi welcome visitors to their farm in Hotchkiss and their ranch in Scottsdale. “Come by and see the mares in harness and visit!” Brett can be reached at 602-509-2111 or email him at:

Good Design is

Good Business Specializing in print graphics and logo & identity branding. Proud Designer for the 2016 NAA Marketing Award Winners for The Colorado Auctioneer newsletter. 10+ years of experience in design!

Sarah Krautschun 970.590.3235 FISRT QUARTER • 2017



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CAA Foundation

CAA Foundation Updates

By O.J. Pratt, CAI am very happy to say that the Colorado Auctioneers Foundation (CAF) is off and running! We are off to a great start. We have such a great association of auctioneers here in Colorado and it is great to see how much participation there is in the Colorado Auctioneers Association (CAA) and now in the CAF.


If you were not able to make it to this year’s Annual Convention, held on January 6 - 8, you missed a great time of networking, great educational opportunities and some real fun auctions. CAF sponsored the most exciting auction of the weekend – the Kids Auction. We had over 12 kids participate as they sold lots of toys and games. Thank you parents and grandparents for bidding! It was lots of fun and we raised nearly $900.00 for the Foundation. The Kids Auction has grown each year and I know next year the kids will be looking forward to getting up and showing off their auction skills again. Start saving now parents!  Our King Soopers Program is doing very well. We just received our first check for over $270.00. Yay! If you do not have a King Soopers card, pick one up from Walt Partridge. If you shop at King Soopers, it is a no brainer. You load your card with money (that you are going to spend anyway) and 5% of that amount gets donated back to the CAF. What a great way to donate to your Foundation!

King Soopers Reward Program and YOU! King Soopers Reward Program - Pre-loaded King Sooper Gift Card (initially contact Walt Partridge) that is recognized at most Kroger affiliated stores throughout the US including, Kroger, Fred Meyer, Ralphs, Fry’s and Fry’s Marketplace, King Soopers, Dillons, smith’s Food & Drug, City Market, QFC, Food 4 Less, Owen’s Foodsco, Hilander, Pay-Less, Cala-Bell, Baker’s, Jayc, Fred Meyer Jewelers, Littman & Barclay Jewelers and Loaf & Jug. — Cards with a $0.00 Balance for 90 days will become inactive. A new card will need to be purchased from our organization. The Colorado Auctioneers Foundation earns 5% each time we, as an organization, reaches a total of $5,000!

Please refer to the article about our Sweepstakes. Raising money for your Foundation from outside our association. Please share this with everyone you know. Post it on your Facebook, Post on your website, Announce at your auctions, Send out to your mailing lists, Send out to clients and customers. This is a great opportunity to own a new, high end, truck for as little as $25!! How is the money used? One way is through our scholarship program. There were no scholarships given during the convention this year. We have moved our application deadline date out to April 1st. This will coordinate with many other scholarship programs across the country. Our Foundation can be recognized as the student attends their school awards banquet as a scholarship recipient. If you have a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, who will be attending college next year and they could use a $1000.00 scholarship, please have them complete the application and send it to the Foundation by April 1st. Your Foundation also likes to bring in a mid year educational session or designation program. We have not yet scheduled an event for this year, so please contact Doug Carpenter, OJ Pratt, Walt Partridge, Shannon Schur or Cissy Tabor with any suggestions you may have. We want Colorado Auctioneers to be the most educated auctioneers in the country! We look forward to continuing our service to you! 8

USA Today Advertising - 15% Discount and an adjusted display advertising rate for members. NAA members receive a 30% Discount. Please contact Josh Padro (727) 431-0858 or FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Convention News

CAF Kids Fun Auction Kicks Off The Convention Events

By Cissy Tabor ’m not exactly sure how it all started in Colorado. I’m going to make an educated guess that we wanted to give our kids and grandkids a fun experience like we’ve seen at the National Auctioneers Association. But, no matter where it started, we do know that, “It IS Here To Stay!” A big shout of appreciation is sent to the Colorado Auctioneers Foundation in sponsoring the Annual Kids Fun Auction that has now become a tradition for kicking off the auction events at our annual convention. We have watched our kids and grandkids grow in our auction family. It is evident through the years of pictures. Go ahead. Pull out the past 2 year newsletters and I bet you will be just as amazed as I am to see the growth right before your eyes. But one thing is for sure, the confidence in the children is growing too! This year, Barret Palombo’s son got up on stage and sold not just one item, but 2! That’s a big difference from last year of turning into his Dad’s shoulder and not saying a word. We’ve enjoyed watching the grandkids of Walt Partridge and Dean Gunter throughout the years along with seeing Scott & Krista Shuman’s and Rob Hart’s children have fun stepping on stage and selling each year! Of course, we missed seeing Sammy Hamblen’s grandchildren this year and do hope that they will join us again next year. This year, we even were blessed to have a young man, Jessie, join us for this fun activity. Jessie may not have started out as a typical family member of the CAA, but I can guarantee that the CAA has adopted him as part of our auction family and we look forward to and hope to see him again next year!


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Convention News

CAA 2017 Junior Bid Calling Championship

By John Schaffner ne of the perks of being on the CAA Board of Directors is getting to help with the various contests that take place at our annual convention. Because I strongly believe that any organization needs new blood coming in to survive, I was privileged for several years to help with the First Timer’s Contest. This year I had the extreme pleasure of reaching out to even the next generation down and helping with the CAA 2017 Junior Bid Calling Championship. As a grandfather of thirteen (13) grandchildren and one (1) great-grandchild, this contest was right up my alley. We had three brave and talented young auctioneers enter our contest this year. They are as follows: Tiffany Lahey from Highlands Ranch, Colorado; Brayden Nichols from Severance, Colorado; and Shelby Shuman from Eaton, Colorado. Each contestant sold three items provided by the CAA. The bidding was spirited with bids coming from the general public as well as from parents and grandparents. When the scores from the panel of judges were tallied, there was a thin margin between all the contestants with Shelby Shuman being crowned the 2017 CAA Junior Bid Calling Champion.


An Interview with Shelby Shuman, 2017 CAA Junior Bid Calling Champion

By Cissy Tabor I had the pleasure of doing a phone interview with Miss Shelby Shuman, 2017 CAA Jr Bid Callling Champion, to ask her about her experience, thoughts, feelings and outlook in regard to being crowned the new champion. I would like to say that she is a delightful young lady and her candor with me was so honest and inspirational. Like many young women, she was not only nervous, but she doubted herself and was fearful that people would make fun of her competing. Yet, a trait that is so indicative of the CAA Family, Shelby decided to compete while hanging out with Brayden Nichols and talking with him about the upcoming competition event. Brayden had competed the year before and was excited to do so again this year. Shelby has grown up in our CAA Family, participated in the annual Kids Auction for the past 2 years and even had some fun during our karaoke events for 2 years running. But did you know she has stage fright? I don’t think many of us would have. And so, I asked her how she felt about competing and getting over the hurdles that she had so honestly shared with me. She said that she had talked to her sister, Amanda (2015 CAA Jr Bid Calling Champion), in which she had shared that, “It had been fun competing.” By the time Shelby registered and found out she would be one of three competitors, she knew it would be a “Good experience for her.” When asked about how she feels about winning, Shelby was not boastful in any way, but was very humble and expressed with sincerity of how “she looks forward to Brayden winning in the near future.” So, what is in store for our champion? She will be doing a benefit auction in November for one of her teachers and will be sharing her experience with her 4-H Family. She wants to represent CAA well and looks forward to opportunities. She would like to compete in the upcoming International Junior Champion Auctioneer Competition (IJAC) to represent Colorado and her town. On a side note, Scott Shuman (aka Dad), told me “He is very proud of her and she has been studying / working / practicing for the upcoming IJAC Competition nightly.” Shelby will always be part of the auction family, however, science is in her heart and I think we can see some amazing things from her future. Writers note….Brayden and Shelby fall just under the entry age for the competition, but asked to be granted to compete. This factor, alone, shows the strength and courage of them, their families and our CAA family that builds strong youth for our future and we are proud of them both! FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Media Relations

Facebook... What’s It All About? By Adele Nichols


acebook. Love it? Hate it? Depends on the day? No matter how you feel about this form of social media and communication, Facebook is here to stay and it’s an extremely powerful tool for small businesses. I’m not a social media marketing guru by trade, I don’t spend hours reading social media marketing blogs. And let’s be honest – none of us truly understand Facebook’s algorithms and we never will. They are ever changing and kept under lock and key only known to Mark Zuckerberg himself. As with many things there are multiple ways to go about marketing your business on FB – the following is simply what has worked for me, for multiple businesses, in different industries over the past few years. There are two very important terms and Insights as a powerful tool for anyone marketing on Facebook REACH is the number of people who see a Page post. ENGAGED USERS are of the people who saw a post that reacted to, shared, clicked or commented on it. In the world of social media analytics, anything above a 1% engagement rate is considered “good.” Somewhere around 6% engagement rate is considered “average” for small-medium business pages. If you already have a business page, look towards the top in the white menu bar with black writing; Page  Messages  Notifications Insights  Publishing Tools Click on Insights. You will be taken to a Page Summary – look right there and you will see your Reach and Post Engagements for the last 7 days! See next to “Page Summary” where in blue it says “Last 7 days”? Click on that, take a look at your Reach and Engagement for the past 28 days. Do you want more information that takes you back several months? • Look to the right of the blue “Last 7 days” • All the way over to the right • Click on “Export data” • Now choose a date range and click “Export Data” in the bottom right hand corner. Give it a few minutes and you will now have a spreadsheet with more data to geek out on than you probably ever will need. But it’s really quite interesting. 12

Now, back on your business Facebook page, you’re still in the Insights. See the vertical menu over to the left hand side? Overview, Promotions, Likes, Reach, Page Views, Actions on Page, Posts, etc… Each of these are links – click on them, take a look around, you will find a wealth of knowledge and data about your business page! Facebook can’t be explained by Reach, “Likes” or even Engagement alone. The PEOPLE are One of the Most Important Factors! By far and away the questions and concerns posed to me about Facebook have evolved around increasing followers, building more “Likes” and reaching broader audiences. This is where it is very important to consider the PEOPLE behind the computer, who they really are and consider your target market. Know your audience! I was asked, “Is it true that even if individuals like a company’s page, posts from that company won’t show up in individual news feeds unless the company pays for an ad?” NO. That is not true. The more active and engaged your audience is, the more organic reach your business page will have. Different types of posts will have higher reach – photos and video versus text only will always engage more people. There’s a reason posts go “viral” – We can’t post funny puppy videos or cartoons all the time, but posting something that will be highly engaging, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your business, from time to time, increases engagement, increases visibility, increases reach. I encourage you to think of Facebook in a similar way to that of a store front business. When someone comes into the store, do you greet them, do you engage them in polite conversation? Do you address their concerns, answer their questions, thank them for coming by? This is especially important as an auction company – we are selling, in part ourselves, our personalities! In the coming newsletters, we will continue to explore Facebook Marketing by explaining both free and paid ways to increase your reach and engage users on Facebook. Social media marketing can be learned, but for some, it may not be the most efficient use of your time. There are both companies and individuals available for hire who can help you with social media marketing – if you’re feeling overwhelmed or simply cannot add another thing to your plate, I would encourage you to seek out a professional. FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Convention News

2017 First Timers Of The CAA By Michael Nichols


ne of the most important resources of any organization is the addition of new active members. Whether these members are newcomers to the auction industry or veteran auctioneers, “the CAA Welcomes You to Our Auction Family.” On the morning of January 6, 2017, the CAA held a special welcome breakfast to our new auctioneers. We were able to visit during this time and learn about how and why each of them decided to get into the auction profession. Throughout the breakfast, a majority of the Board of Directors and several members stopped in to say, “hello and welcome these individuals to our association.” Speaking with these new members throughout the convention, I believe the Welcome Breakfast was a great success and plan on continuing this event next year. That evening, the CAA hosted our annual First Timers Bid Calling Competition; a couple new auctioneers chose to compete in the contest for the honor of earning the coveted Troil Welton Memorial Award. This award is named after an auctioneer for a reason; Mr. Troil Welton spent more than 45 years in the auction profession and was a pioneer of the CAA. He was passionate about helping new, up-and-coming auctioneers and was always happy to give a word of encouragement. Mr. Welton is inducted into the CAA Hall of Fame and the NAA Hall of Fame. After his passing in 1999, the board voted to annually present the Troil Welton Memorial Award to the best of the First Timers Bid Calling Competition. The participants did a very professional job and I was proud to call them all, fellow auctioneers. The contestants must have completed their auction training within the last twelve months in order to compete. The competitors were Brett Barker and Daniel Ankarlo. After the numbers were tallied up, Brett Barker earned the top scores of the competition and was crowned the 2017 First Timers Champion and received the Troil Welton Memorial Award. Congratulations to each contestant in the contest! All of the First Timers to the CAA were also given a Scavenger Hunt to complete that challenged them to meet and visit with various members of the CAA. On Sunday, at our annual meeting, the First Timers who completed the Scavenger Hunt were drawn from a hat for a chance to win a 2018 membership to the CAA. Erin Turner, of Schur Success, was the lucky name drawn. Congratulations Erin! I would like to thank all who were able to attend and participate in the 2017 Colorado Auctioneers Association Convention. It was good to see and visit with all who were there. I want to challenge the membership body of this fine organization to go out and recruit a new member or a person who may have been a past member and invite them to rejoin. 14

We are a member-powered organization and we have greater strength in numbers. Whether we help one another through business opportunities, experience or fellowship; we will have a stronger, united membership we can all be proud to be a part of.

Marketing Award Recipients • Real Estate - HALL & HALL AUCTIONS • Farm and/or Ranch – HALL & HALL AUCTIONS • Commercial/Industrial/Machinery & Equipment – SCHUR SUCCESS GROUP • Company Promotional Item – SCHUR SUCCESS GROUP • Company Apparel – NICHOLS AUCTIONEERS • Vehicle Graphics – NICHOLS AUCTIONEERS • Internet Web Page – NICHOLS AUCTIONEERS • Facebook – ROCKY MOUNTAIN ESTATE BROKERS • Internet Auction Catalog – PURPLE WAVE, INC FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

Member Spotlight

My Auction Industry Experience After Just 1 Year… By Erin Turner


y name is Erin Turner, and I joined the Schur Success Group last March, after 13 years with the U.S. Olympic Committee in Partnership Marketing (yes, I went to five Olympic Games, and yes, it was an ongoing series of once-in-a-lifetime experiences) and many years before that in Human Resources and Corporate Leadership Training with a pharmaceutical company, steel distribution plant and a historic downtown hotel, to name a few. I decided to join the team for a couple reasons – I was looking for more flexibility, an opportunity to make a bigger difference in people’s lives, and a way to better set myself and my family up for a solid financial future. I signed on thinking I’d focus almost solely on real estate – how wrong I’ve been. As the Director of Marketing & Administration as well as a Real Estate Associate Broker, I support the team on all things “auction & appraisal,” drive our strategic plan development and marketing, work almost all aspects of our auctions and assist real estate clients. It changes every day, and I love it. Since joining this team, the Colorado Auctioneers Association and the NAA, I’ve had the opportunity to attend the Annual CAA Summer Picnic, the National Women’s Summit, the CAA Convention and the AMM Designation Course in Iowa. What a new series of experiences for me! I’ve felt inspired, overwhelmed, challenged, but most often, welcomed. It’s become readily apparent that not only are a significant number of multi-generational families involved in this business, but everyone in this business is part of an even larger auction family. We may be competitors in different facets of our business, but that doesn’t stop or even slow people down from providing support and their expertise to help others get better. I arrived at the picnic not knowing a soul and ended up feeling like I had made some new friends. I’m sure that agreeing to participate in the horseshoe tournament helped! The Women’s Summit was a whirlwind of meeting new people from across the country, hearing stories that inspired and gaining practical knowledge that I could bring back and apply immediately to help our team. I was starting to truly catch “the auction bug.” In January, I continued my journey at the CAA Convention. Simply put, Colorado members exemplify, the best in the industry. I heard it over and over again from national presenters that attend events all over the country. When this article was due, I hadn’t yet attended the AMM course, but my understanding is that the knowledge I’ll gain will take us to the next level (understatement of the year, correct?). As I move into my second year with this new career, this company and these associations, I’m excited about the possibilities. My advice to anyone new to the industry or to the CAA – Get Involved. Learn as much as you can

from the experience of your fellow auctioneers, ringmen, clerks and clients. This is an industry steeped in tradition that is embracing new technologies and methods to attract new customers, reach new audiences and solve problems and make a difference for the people that trust them with their assets and passions. You can make that difference by offering your talents and skills – don’t hesitate to do so. Jump in with both feet. To wrap it up, the question “When are you going to Auction School?” shall remain unanswered for the time being. A certain presenter at Convention has me equally intrigued by the idea of the Professional Ringmen’s Institute. More to come… FISRT QUARTER • 2017



CAA 2017 Convention

12 FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer FISRT QUARTER • 2017



The 1099-K Effect on Auctioneers

By Jack Christy Sr., CAI

Let’s get real.

What happens when an auctioneer or auction company receives a 1099-K form? The answer is panic, fear and fainting. Okay, maybe not fainting but what is the 1099-K anyway? According to the IRS, a payment settlement entity (PSE) must file Form 1099-K for payments made in settlement of reportable payment transactions for each calendar year. A PSE makes a payment in the settlement of a reportable payment transaction, that is, any payment card or third party network transaction, if the PSE submits the instruction to transfer funds to the account of the participating payee to settle the reportable payment transaction. In other words, the Form 1099-K is a summary of your receipts charged with the credit card company by the auctioneer or auction company. According to the Form 1099-K, credit card merchants must report the gross amount of total reportable payment transactions over $20,000 or such transactions exceeding 200. If you are in that category, then expect a Form 1099-K in your mailbox. How does the 1099-K affect us as an auctioneer or auction company? Well, let’s look at an example. If you processed $10,000 in credit card sales in a fiscal year, the IRS will receive a 1099-K from the credit card merchant company. The IRS will then send you a 1099-K for the full amount charged, stated as your income. In the eyes of the IRS, the auctioneer earned $10,000. Again the IRS believes that $10,000 is your income for the year and they want their tax. Unfortunately, they are not taking into consideration that the total amount of the credit card charges is not all of our income or our money. The money charged primarily belongs to the seller and also the government, in the form of sales tax collected. Only a small portion of this amount is our actual income. A large amount will be held in escrow that will be paid out to the owner of the items sold within 30 days and to the department of revenue. In recent conversation with an accountant and an IRS agent, many questions were asked to reveal the intent of the 1099K and the reply was alarming. The intent of the 1099-K Form is to require auctioneers to submit a 1099 Form to the IRS on all sellers. This has great concern for auctioneers and auction companies. The IRS is seeking an avenue to track unreported sales through all auctions, including timed internet auctions. For example, this would require a seller on an internet auction site, such as eBay, to report their income through the 1099-K or 1099 Form.


Can you imagine such an exhausting task for auctioneers and auction companies to submit a 1099 on every seller? So, what is the answer for auctioneers? One professional tax adviser recommends filling a 1099-K Form with an explanation regarding commission as a CostOf Goods to show the net amount to the IRS. It is strongly recommended that you seek your personal tax advisor on this particular topic. As you may have guess, this article was written from personal experience. Again, if you receive a 1099-K, please contact your tax advisor for professional advice. Jack Christy began his auction career in 1975. His company, Christy’s of Indiana, Inc. is one of the nation’s finest auction galleries operating today. Jack has a passion for education, as demonstrated by his service as an instructor for Reppert Auction School for many years and the Certified Estate Specialist (CES) designation program offered by the National Auctioneer’s Association. His involvement and dedication to the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI) earned him the prestigious Delta Award. Jack is a triple crown winner in the Indiana Auctioneer’s Association. He is a past president, hall of fame inductee and bid calling champion. Jack is a master graduate personal property appraiser (MGPPA) and serves as an expert witness in state and federal courts.

Real Estate  Business Liquidation Personal Property

Eric Arrington Auctioneer

Phone: (970) 245-1185 Cell: (970) 623-9161 1610 Hwy 50 Grand Junction, Colorado 81503 FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

Treasurer's Report By Rob Hart


he 2017 Annual Convention and Bid Calling Contests were a financial success as they generated over $34,000 for the CAA and CAA Foundation. Expenses were held in check and will total close to $22,000. The Foundation has been issued a payment for just over $5,700. The CAA will retain the remaining $6,300 to help cover administrative expenses. Membership Dues have come in slower than past years but should pick up as invoices become due. Currently, $6,700 has been collected with another $3,300 expected over the next few months. Current Assets are currently $49,500 with zero Liabilities. Complete financial reports are available upon request. FISRT QUARTER • 2017



NAA Spotlight

NAA State Leadership Conference By Hannes Combest


n just a little over a month (the first part of March), the National Auctioneers Association will welcome more than 50 people from across the United States representing at least two dozen state auctioneer associations at the State Leadership Conference. Hosting this conference is a highlight for those of us who work at NAA Headquarters because we know that the people who attend this conference are representing people who are not NAA members. This gives us the opportunity to hear different views from state leaders about what is happening all over the country. This kind of representation is what your state association is all about – whether it is representation of your concerns and challenges to the NAA or to your state legislatures or to your potential clients. NAA recognizes the importance of your state association leadership and hopes that the programs that we offer during the State Leadership Conference help strengthen your associations. With other organizations (such as the National Association of Realtors), membership in the state or local organizations requires you to be a member of the national organization and vice versa. In the auction industry, we don’t have that kind of requirement. State associations are totally autonomous from the NAA. Having said that, I think we all believe we can be stronger together if we all are moving in the same direction. Since being named Chief Executive Officer almost nine years ago, I have been to 20 state associations. Some have been very small and some have been large, but all have one thing in common: successful auction professionals who specialize in various assets that are absolutely passionate about this industry and about the organizations in which they participate. Often I am asked, “which state association is the best one that we work with? And what makes them so good?” Honestly, this sounds like political mumbo jumbo but it is the truth – those that are good, have highly engaged members and work hard to meet those needs and work hard to foster community. NAA is no different. We work hard to determine what your needs are and how to meet those needs and we work hard to foster community. But your state association or the NAA can’t do it alone. If you are a member of your state association, don’t just be a member – be an engaged member. Volunteer to run for the Board, be on a committee, write a letter for your magazine – or even, welcome people at your next event. 20

I hear people often talk about the NAA and their state association in a third voice – “I can’t believe what the NAA is doing? Did you hear that the ________ (insert the name of your state association) is wanting to do XXXX?” The NAA is not the staff at headquarters. It is not the Board of Directors. The state association is not the Board of Directors. YOU, the members, ARE the state association; YOU, the members, ARE the NAA. So please, don’t be a mailbox member. Get involved. See what is happening on your state level. Give them your opinion. Give them your talents. After all, It IS YOUR Organization. FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

Johnson Auction Service clerking for the 2017 National Western Stock Show. Crew - Cody & Jamie Johnson, Bryce Elemond, Raymond Griffiths and Adele Nichols

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Proper Password Management By Aaron Traffas, CAI, ATS, CES


assword management can be challenging. Proper password hygiene requires a different, secure password for each service. Let’s take a look at what these two requirements mean and why they’re important.

SECURE PASSWORDS A secure password is one with enough entropy and length to resist brute force attacks. Entropy, in this context, is the amount of randomness in the password. A password that comprises words in the dictionary has a very low entropy, while a password made up of random characters has a high degree of entropy. A brute force attack uses a powerful computer to try every possible combination of characters until one works. Modern offline brute force attacks can attempt billions or trillions of combinations per second. Entropy is important because modern password cracking processes are smarter than just starting with A and then trying AB and then ABC. They use patterns derived from the millions of leaked passwords to determine commonalities likely found in your password, and they try those first before moving on to more random combinations. Length is important because it’s how we can easily make the brute forcing process take much longer. Each character in the alphabet can be upper and lower case, which means every letter we add forces an additional 52 possibilities. Adding numbers and special characters to the password “alphabet” can increase the character depth to 92. There’s the great Password Haystacks tool at GRC to analyze password strength and length and tell you how long a brute force attack would take on the password you give it. Don’t worry – nothing is sent through the internet…it’s all done with your browser, which is important for reasons we’ll examine later in this post. DIFFERENT PASSWORDS We’ve all heard of the myriad password leaks from major internet businesses in the last few years. These leaks seem to be increasing – Yahoo is usually good for a new breach announcement every few months now. When passwords are leaked from one service, every user who used the same password on a different service is suddenly vulnerable. If every password you use is unique to each 22

service, then a password breach only impacts your account at the service that was breached. ROTATING PASSWORD Why do some security experts recommend, or in some cases demand, that we change our passwords every so often? Because if our password is one that we’ve reused on multiple sites, then the longer we use it, the better the chances that it’ll have been involved in a breach of some service somewhere and our password will be floating around in one of the databases-for-sale available to the hacking community. A frequently refreshed password mitigates this danger. But, if we make sure that each website has a different and secure password, then there’s no need to ever change it. Here’s a bad password - Auction123 Here’s a good password - VSSK}5kQeJu>F3*,IIK|CWzUa6<Sk PQLbxJnc/k}XlS3,nDrI`{K!b<jyAp8|=5 It’s unrealistic to think any of us can remember a good password for the hundreds of sites that we use on a regular basis. We must use a password management system.

LastPass is the right password manager While there are many services that compete for each class of service these days, in my experience there are some absolutely right answers. CrashPlan, for example, is the right answer for file backup. TrueCrypt was the right answer for encryption when I wrote about it in 2008, now it’s TrueCrypt’s offspring VeraCrypt. Doggcatcher is the right answer for podcasts. For password management, the right answer is LastPass. LastPass is the Cadillac of password management systems. There are several out there — 1Password, KeePass, Dashlane — but in my research and experience, none offers the combination of security, simplicity and enormous feature set found in LastPass. You name it, and LastPass does it. Browser extensions and an excellent mobile app mean you only have to log in to LastPass and LastPass logs you in everywhere else, automatically filling in your username and password across the web and in your local apps and even Wi-Fi networks. Passwords are only the beginning, as you can store notes, SSNs, QR codes, images and credit card information completely securely. Shopping becomes much easier when LastPass populates credit card information and addresses into web forms. It features two-factor authentication, so you can enter a one-timeuse code in addition to your LastPass password for that important second layer of security. The first time you log in to a site, it popsup an option to automatically store that credential so you never have to worry about it again. When you’re (continued on page 23) FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

Proper Password Management (continued from page 22)

creating accounts, it generates extremely secure passwords so you don’t have the stress of having to come up with something yourself. It can also audit your security, letting you know which sites have weak passwords and offering you the ability to easily change them. For most sites, it can actually change your passwords for you to something much more secure. You can also share passwords securely with other LastPass users, which lets us share the ability to login with employees without giving those employees the actual passwords. If an employee leaves, we simply turn off the sharing of the login with that user instead of having to actually change passwords to the different sites the employee was using. The best part about LastPass is that all your content — passwords, SSNs, notes and even images — is encrypted on your computer before it’s transmitted to the LastPass servers. LastPass never has access to the master password since it, too, is encrypted before it leaves your computer. Even if the LastPass servers are compromised, all a hacker would have access to is the encrypted data which, assuming the master password has enough entropy and length, is useless to anyone other than you. LastPass has a free tier, which lets you sync any of the same type of device. If you set up your account on a desktop, you can sync with any other computer for free. If you create your account on a phone, you can sync to other mobile devices for free. To sync your phone and computer, you need to upgrade to LastPass Premium, which, at $1 per month, would be a steal at 10 times the price. If you don’t have a password system in place, get LastPass today. If you currently use one of the other password management systems, take a hard look at LastPass and see if it might make your life even easier. If you look at LastPass and think one of the other solutions works better, I’d love to know why and how.

Aaron Traffas has been inducted as the 2017 Kansas Auctioneers Association President.

Congratulations Aaron! FISRT QUARTER • 2017




echnology is a remarkable thing, and it has a tremendous impact on the auction industry. The ability to reach thousands of potential bidders in showcasing your auction, and exposing your seller’s property, provides significant opportunity. However, there are risks associated with opportunity, and it is important for you understand and manage those risks. Before conducting an online auction, it is necessary for the auctioneer enter into a contract with an online auction platform provider (unless the auctioneer has the time, interest, and resources to establish his or her own platform). Those contracts are typically form contracts prepared by the provider, and – while the auctioneer may be able to negotiate around the margins regarding fees, term, and certain incentives (particularly when establishing the relationship) – the form contract prepared by the provider is largely a take it or leave it proposition (we can talk about that in another post). This, however, doesn’t mean that the auctioneer shouldn’t take the time and effort to read and understand the contract. To the contrary, it is important that auctioneers read and understand the contracts with their online auction platform providers in order to consider if, and how, such contracts might expose the auctioneer to liability – especially the type of liability that the provider seeks to avoid. Additionally, for an online auction to occur, there will, necessarily, be multiple contracts between the provider and end users – otherwise known as bidders. It is equally important for the auctioneer to understand the terms of the end user agreements, as well. One of the things that contracts do (or should do) is identify and allocate risk. One of the things that online auction platform contracts do (or try to do) is shift risk away from the provider. This is particularly evident with respect to failures of technology. Typically, online auction platform contracts will seek to shield the provider from liability in the event of a failure of technology, loss of connectivity, delay or failure in receiving bids, and other potentially catastrophic disruptions of the online auction event – even if the provider is negligent. Similarly, the end user agreements between the provider and the bidders will typically seek to relieve the provider from liability in the event of a failure of technology, loss of connectivity, delay or failure in receiving bids, and other potentially catastrophic disruptions of the online auction event – even if the provider is negligent. The efforts of online auction platform providers to avoid liability raise important issues affecting the auctioneer, and implicate steps that the auctioneer ought to consider in seeking to protect against claims by bidders and sellers who might be affected by, or unhappy with, the performance of the online auction platform. Keep in mind that while the auctioneer has a contract with each of the seller, the bidders, and the provider, and the provider has a contract with the auctioneer and the bidders, the provider 24

typically does not have a contract with the seller. However, while there may be no privity of contract between the seller and the provider, the online auction platform agreement will often contain an indemnification clause requiring the auctioneer to protect and hold the provider harmless from third-party claims, including tort (i.e., negligence) claims by the seller. So where are the gaps in protection and the resulting risk? Without more, the relationships I just described have the potential of leaving the auctioneer exposed to claims of liability by the seller and bidders resulting from a failure of technology (over which the auctioneer has no control). This is because the seller is relying on the successful performance of the system to achieve the highest and best results, and the bidders are relying on that same uninterrupted performance to record timely bids. In the event of a failure of technology, the contracts that are in place tacitly direct potential liability to the only unprotected party – the auctioneer. Whether or not such claims could be successful may be dependent on the specific facts and circumstances and could be the subject of another, much longer, discussion. In any event, it is important for the auctioneer to include terms in both the seller contract and the bidder terms and conditions that recognize possible failures of technology and allocate that risk away from the auctioneer. Otherwise, if a bidder loses an item because of a connectivity issue, and that same bidder can’t sue the platform provider, he or she might just be looking at the auctioneer. Similarly, if a seller experiences a bad result due to technology failures, the seller might be looking to the auctioneer (with whom the seller is in contract) and not to the platform provider (with whom the seller likely has no contract). So, the auctioneer really needs to ensure that those moving parts – the various contracts among the seller, the bidders, the auctioneer, and the online auction platform provider – conform in such a way so as to reduce, if not eliminate, liability gaps that may turn into traps for an otherwise unwary auctioneer. George has a dedicated auction law practice, regularly representing auctioneers and auction companies on all legal aspects affecting the auction industry, including: contracts; litigation; administrative law; licensing and disciplinary matters; online auctions; intellectual property; business purchases and sales; land use; real estate; environmental issues; oil, gas, and mineral rights; federal and state restrictions on the sale of certain property (including taxidermy and firearms); sales tax; Uniform Commercial Code; succession planning; ethics; best practices; and risk management. Recognizing the significant impact of technology on the auction industry (and on the law as it relates to the auction industry) George monitors technological and legal developments affecting the industry. George also helps auctioneers and auction companies identify, manage, and reduce risk while educating sellers and buyers and protecting commissions, premiums, and fees. FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

barn media provided live media coverage for caa competitions We’d like to say “THANK YOU” to BARN Media & the Colorado News Network for once again providing coverage for the 2017 Jr Bid Calling Championship and the Colorado Auctioneer State Championship through live video streaming. We are grateful of their continued to support in spite of their busy / committed schedule to the National Western Stock Show. At this point in time, it has been viewed 2,025 times on his page and over 1.5k on the Colorado Auctioneers Association Facebook page! WOW!!! BARN Media Founder / Chief, Brian Allmer and his lovely wife, Connie Allmer, have been large supporters of the Colorado Auctioneer’s Association and in promoting our organization and its members throughout the years. Not only does he broadcast our annual competition, but he also shares CAA events, information and more on his page with his viewers! Please accept our most sincere “Thank you” for all that you have done for our organization! You can directly watch this years’ competition at the following link: Go ahead and take a look, share it with your friends and family. And, if you take a gander around Barn Media website, I bet you can find the broadcast from last year on….. FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Chaplain’s Corner By John Schaffner


t was sure good to see all of then we decided to try some thing else & didn’t like that no better. my fellow CAA members Even the day of our Sale it was below zero a bad day for our sale who were able to attend the that was against us. Then the nite we moved up here it was 10 or 2017 convention. There were 12 below zero.” several of you who hardly ever This young lady’s outlook on life through all her trials could miss a convention who were be summed up by the words in Romans 8:28, one of my not there this year. You were favorite verses. It says, “All things work together for good to those missed and we hope to see you who love God and are called according to his purpose.” all at the Summer Picnic, or at least at next year’s conference. It is my hope that each of you can look back at 2016 as having been a productive year for you as well as look forward to 2017 with an optimistic view. We, as auctioneers, should all feel blessed to be part of an industry that helps other people solve problems and live better lives. Trusting in our Creator should give us a good outlook for the upcoming year. This last year I had the bittersweet task, along with my PRAYER REQUESTS seven siblings, of sorting through our Dad’s estate of • Keep Safe Our Military / Police Officers & a lifelong collection of a man who grew up during the depression years and never threw anything away. Amongst Civil Personnel his collection were hundreds, if not thousands, of old books. One day while walking through the “book room” I PRAISE REPORTS randomly picked up a book that turned out to be a treasure. It is a 1935 hardbound daily journal of a young married • Butch Hagelstrom is grateful for all the woman in southwest Iowa. By reading through the journal prayers for his father-in-law who has come I could see that in 1934 the woman and her family had lost their farm due to the hard times of what we now know out of hospice and is on a healthy recovery as the Great Depression. A subsequent business adventure in rehabilitation. had also failed. Even during those tough times she loved and trusted her GOD. On Tuesday, January 1, 1935 this lady wrote, “Well, a brand new year today & how different I feel than a year ago today. So much happier and content, although not having nearly as much of this world’s goods, but much, much more of the Devine Spirit of our Savior than a year ago & how different the feeling in my heart.” Her husband had just started a new job as a salesman selling probably either Watkins or Raleigh products from farm to farm. January 1935 was a bitter cold month and traveling on the country roads was very difficult. On January 31st she wrote, “Well today ends the first month of dad’s business. He sold $157.43 of products.” Her journal entry on February 22nd gives some more insight into what her family had gone through. “I was as nearly crazy as I ever expect to be a year ago this month especially the latter part. A Colorado Auction Company Oh what anguish & torment we did suffer. I’d gladly have escaped through death if I could have. But now a whole year later I am Happy in the Lord for he has helped me through….Just a year ago now I was in Hell on Earth. For a whole month in St. Joe we lived in Torment.” Office: 303-857-2399 On February 25th she tells still more about what they had H.L. (Butch) Hagelstrom, Jr. gone through. “It does seem Fate has been against us but guess it Mobile: 303-827-5157 was sent on to us for permitting our selves to loose sight of our Lord 140 Denver Ave., Ste. F & Savior to a certain extent those last 2 or 3 years we were there Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 on the farm. We never prospered the last 5 or 6 years it seems FISRT & QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

Board of Directors

Meet Your Newly Elected 2017 Board of Directors By Cissy Tabor, BAS, PRI


he election for the 2017 CAA Board of Directors was one of the most diverse in our associations history. Upon Eric Arrington’s appointment as the newly elected President, Mike Nichols as 1st Vice President and Cissy Tabor as the 2nd Vice President, Eric shared with the attendees the 2016 Board of Directors recommendations for the 6 open seats that needed to be filled, followed by the recommendations from the floor / attendees. 6 open seats to be filled is not a standard for our association, however, due to a small number of resignations this past year, for personal reasons coupled with the rotating positions that would be opened as set forth by the Articles Of Incorporation, our association received a diverse and qualified selection of individuals that were willing to fulfill the responsibilities set forth as a Board Director. By sealed ballot at the close of the 2017 CAA Convention, David Whitley and Josh Larson were voted for a 2nd term of service along with your newly elected 2-year term board members of Rob Hart (who will remain Treasurer) and Lance Nichols, who has previously represented our association through the rank of Chairman. John Schaffner and Mike Heitmann were elected to serve a 1-year term for 2017, in which we just may find them run again next year to fulfill open positions.

The Board is excited about the dynamic of members that we have serving you. We are looking forward to the promising outlook that the 2017 CAA Board of Directors and believe that this board will be a great asset for their service to the CAA. We wish to thank the service / contributions from the outgoing members, OJ Pratt (Chairman of the Board), Dean Gunter (2nd Vice President), along with Directors Emily Wears and Sean Allen for their continued service and look forward to having their continued support of our organization. FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Hall of Fame

John Nichols Shares With Us; Start in the auction industry, the CAA and Family


graduated from CSU Fort Collins in the spring of 1970. My wife, Zee, and I were married in 1969. After graduation, we went back to Flagler, CO to ranch. Our three sons were born, starting in 1972 with Lance, Jason in 1974 and youngest son, Mike, in 1978. We were ranching, farming, custom hay hauling and several other jobs to try to make a living. In 1974, I got my real estate license and hung my license with Odle-Cumberlin Auctioneers. In November 1976, I attended Missouri Auction School. Zee could see we needed another source of income as we had purchased quite a little land and were highly leveraged. This turned out to be a good and exciting choice for my family and myself. In 1980, Odle-Cumberlin became involved in the 1st video cattle auctions in Colorado and became Superior Livestock Auction in the mid 1980’s. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to have worked with Chuck Cumberlin and Jim Odle. This venture turned into approximately 40 years. Probably the best advice and schooling, by example, were from Jim & Chuck. “Always be humble, honest and work hard to do your best.” Chuck’s advice was “Always Go YOUR Best.”


It has been a pleasure to work in the livestock industry. I’ve met a lot of people across the USA and have seen a lot of the country. People in the Ag Industry are probably, as a whole, the most honest and down to earth individuals. In the early 80’s, Odle-Cumberlin, with approximately 6 auctioneers, provided as many as 305 auctions a year. They were livestock sales, farm and real estate, liquidation, mineral lease auctions and more. Today, we see far fewer auctions and more auction companies and many more strictly internet auctions. I am hopeful we will see a leveling off and hopefully there will always be a demand for open, outcry auctions. More than likely to survive, we will need the internet bidding with open outcry. Probably my least favorite education topic is the use of computers, social media, internet, etc. In todays auction business, I know it is important to use all of these tools. I am very fortunate to have 2 daughter inlaws to help in those areas. Adele and Melissa are both excellent and very comfortable using this technology. They probably get tired of my stupid questions as a “computer illiterate.” (continued on page 29) FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

“Chuck introduced me to the CAA in 1976. I joined and attended the convention that was a 1 day affair and a few years later, it went to a 2 day gathering. It has continued to grow and expand and improve over time. Probably the best part of being a member of CAA is the people you meet and the lifetime friends you make. All the good lessons you learn from one another will help you throughout the rest of your auction life. I feel the gains, far outweighs the time & effort it takes to attend. You meet fellow auctioneers and receive support from people involved in the industry from all over the nation. I don’t think I ever attended a CAA Convention that I didn’t take something away that was well worth the time to attend.” Thought it wasn’t a family business for the Nichols, both Jim and Chuck always made my family feel as though we were a part of their Auction Family. “I “Thank” them for the opportunity, their support, advice, wisdom and friendship.” Nichols Auctioneers have only been in business, as a family auction company, for a little over 1 year. I learned a long time ago on the ranch, the best help you usually have is, the help you raised. I want to recognize Lance & Mike and praise them for their strong work ethic. Thank you also to my daughter inlaws, Adele & Melissa, for their dedication and hard work. Doesn’t matter if it is ranch work or auction business, Zee and I couldn’t be more blessed and happy to be working with family and we praise the Lord for the opportunity. FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Auto Industry

30 FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer FISRT QUARTER • 2017



Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. 1685 S. Colorado Blvd., Unit S-160 Denver, CO 80222 • 303-729-1195

CA L E N DAR March 6-7, 2017

2017 State Leadership Conference, Kansas City, MO

March 19-23, 2017

Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), Bloomington, IN

April 1, 2017

CAA Scholarship Deadline, Contact Doug Carpenter

April 7, 2017

Day at the Capitol, Denver, CO

July 11-15, 2017

NAA Conference & Show, Columbus, OH

August 7, 2017

CAA Summer Picnic Dream Pickup Sweepstakes Drawing

August 27-29, 2017

Benefit Auction Summit, Cancun, Mexico

September 6-7, 2017 NAA Day On The Hill, Washington, DC January 6-8, 2018

2018 CAA Annual Convention FISRT QUARTER • 2017 thecoloradoauctioneer

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