Collins Secondary Social Sciences Catalogue 2013

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Social Sciences 2013

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Welcome to the 2013 Social Sciences Catalogue. Inside you’ll find lots of useful information on GCSE and A Level resources from Collins Education.

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CONTENTS Sociology

Key to Symbols Used NEW

for 2013 age …

Sociology GCSE for AQA

Page 4

Collins Revision GCSE Sociology

Page 5

Sociology AS and A2

Pages 6–7

Sociology Themes and Perspectives 8th Edition

Page 8

Sociology in Pictures

Page 9

Student Support Materials for Sociology

Pages 10–11

Student Support Materials for Psychology

Pages 12–13

Psychology A Level

Page 14

A Level Revision

Page 15

Suitable for age…


For AQA exam specifications


For OCR exam specifications


For Edexcel exam specifications

Highlights for 2013 Sociology Themes and Perspectives 8th Edition Page 8 A brand new edition of the ‘blue bible’ - available in 2013! Now includes access to an all new companion website




Themes and Perspectives 8TH EDITION


0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131


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SOCIOLOGY GCSE FOR AQA Authors: Pauline Wilson and Allan Kidd



Help students to progress with this accessible and clearly differentiated textbook, completely matched to the AQA GCSE specification Save time on planning with a wide range of engaging activities designed to develop students’ evaluative skills Enable students to monitor their performance and revise more effectively with frequent ‘Check your Understanding’ sections

Age 14–16

Achieve exam success with an Examination Practice and Preparation chapter and ‘Eye on the Exam’ sections throughout

“Excellent resource for classroom teaching [...] has a range of up-to-date studies, thoughtfully written (source based) and 'check your understanding' questions to support teaching. Fully covers the new syllabus. Thoroughly recommended.”


- Alexander J. Thirkill, awarding Sociology GCSE for AQA 5 stars on

Each topic begins with a key question and clear objectives to focus students’ learning

Develop students’ interpretation skills with written activities

Get the best out of your students with Stretch and Challenge Activities Ensure students have understood key concepts using the ‘Check your Understanding’ sections throughout

Sample from Sociology GCSE for AQA



Stimulate lively and interesting debates with Discussion Activities



Sociology GCSE for AQA Student Book



Sociology GCSE for AQA Teacher Pack



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Age 14-16

Improve students’ grades with this great value combined revision guide and workbook with detachable answers, written by leading author, Pauline Wilson Help students revise, practise, check their progress and improve results with this all-in-one resource


“This attractively designed guide provides clear and comprehensive advice that will help all students to improve their grade.” - Patrick McNeill, examiner for Sociology reviewing Collins Revision GCSE Sociology

‘Key points’ boxes help prepare students for what may come up in the exam, with guidance based on the assessment objectives

‘Good points’ boxes provide analysis from an examiner, to help students understand how to improve their exam technique

Help students do their best in the exam with helpful tips on how to answer particular types of questions

Tasks are given so that students can test their knowledge, practise and assess their improvement

Sample from Revision GCSE Sociology

TITLE Collins Revision GCSE Sociology

0844 576 8126

ISBN 978-0-00-735059-9

Real student answers are provided so that students can improve their results

Schools’ Price




0844 576 8131


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SOCIOLOGY AS AND A2 Authors: Stephen Moore, Dave Aiken, Steve Chapman and Peter Langley



Age 16+ AS A2

AS and A2 for AQA

AS and A2 for OCR

Ensure complete coverage of the AQA and OCR specifications with these completely updated resources, featuring the latest research and all the key theories and concepts presented in a clear, accessible and lively style Bring Sociology to life with a student-friendly approach and a strong focus on activities that develop students' evaluation and analysis skills Get the best results by preparing your students with exam-style practice, example student answers and in-depth guidance from experienced examiners Assessment Pack featuring exam-style questions, self and peer assessment checklists, mark schemes and sample student answers on every topic will ensure you help students achieve the best grade possible

“It is simply the best textbook available for students studying towards an exam in AS Sociology � - K. Thompson, Surrey, awarding Sociology AS for AQA 5 stars on


169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:33 PM Page 7

Features on interesting and relevant research help develop your students’ evaluation skills and understanding

Important terms and concepts are clearly defined and linked to their context

Test students’ understanding with comprehension questions

Sample from Sociology AS for AQA

Encourage students to take their learning further using suggestions for small-scale research and web-based activities

A complete exam-style question, with an example answer included at the end of each chapter

Examiners’ comments and a mark are included to identify to students how best to respond to a question to get the most marks in the exam

Sample from Sociology A2 for OCR




Sociology AS for AQA



Sociology A2 for AQA



Sociology AS and A2 Assessment Pack for AQA






Sociology AS for OCR



Sociology A2 for OCR



0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131


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SOCIOLOGY THEMES AND PERSPECTIVES 8TH EDITION Authors: Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn

The 8th Edition of the bestselling ‘Blue Bible’ of Sociology HARALAMBOS & HOLBORN

Age 16+

Ensure your teaching is as current as possible with the 8th edition of this essential resource, featuring completely up-to-date sociological teaching, the latest research, empirical studies and theoretical developments, and an all new chapter on ‘Development and Globalisation’


Themes and Perspectives 8TH EDITION

AS and A2

Raise standards and engagement in sociology, with an easy-to-follow format that makes understanding the subject easier for all your students and helps them access the answers to any queries they may have RESOURCES ONLINE

Guide students to exam success with in-depth coverage of every topic, making this the essential resource for sociology students Includes access to an all new Companion Website: Featuring additional and up-to-date supplementary content, the Companion Website includes: a detailed glossary detailed ‘hot topics’ additional student resources including practice questions useful links to further reading, including article and podcast recommendations.



Chapter 8 Families, households and personal life

Introduction The family has often been regarded as the cornerstone of society. In pre-modern and modern societies alike it has been seen as the most basic unit of social organization and one that carries out vital tasks, such as socializing children. Until the 1960s few sociologists questioned the importance or the benefits of family life. Most sociologists assumed that family life was evolving as modernity progressed, and that the changes involved made the family better suited to meeting the needs of society and of family members. A particular type of family, the nuclear family (based around a two-generation household of parents and their children), was seen as well adapted to the demands of modern societies.

Families, households and personal life

From the 1960s, an increasing number of critical thinkers began to question the assumption that the family was necessarily a beneficial institution. Feminists, Marxists and critical psychologists began to highlight what they saw as some of the negative effects and the ‘dark side’ of family life. In the following decades the family was not just under attack from academic writers. Social changes also seemed to be undermining traditional families. Rising divorce rates, cohabitation before marriage, increasing numbers of single-parent families and singleperson households, and other trends all suggested that individuals were basing their lives less and less around conventional families. Some have seen these changes as a symptom of greater individualism within modern societies. They have welcomed what appears to be an increasing range of choice for individuals. People no longer have to base their lives around what may be outmoded and, for many, unsuitable conventional family structures. Others, however, have lamented the changes and worried about their effect on society. Such changes are seen as both a symptom and a cause of instability and insecurity in people’s lives and in society as a whole. Traditionalists who want a return to the ideal of the nuclear family have held this view. For them, many of society’s problems are a result of increased family instability. Some postmodernists argue that there has been a fundamental break between the modern family and the postmodern family. They deny


that any one type of family can be held up as the norm against which other family types can be compared. While modern societies might have had one central, dominant family type, this is no longer the case. As a result, it is no longer possible to produce a theory of ‘the family’. Different explanations are needed for different types of family. However, some sociologists believe that such theories fail to capture the extent to which connections within families, and other aspects of personal life, continue to be central to the lived experience of members of society. They neglect, for example, the importance of emotional responses to personal life – emotions which may be as strong as love and hate. Both postmodernists and critics of their theories, though, have increasingly recognized that families cannot be fully understood without also looking at other intimate relationships and aspects of personal life that are connected to family life, such as friendship and even the keeping of pets. Alongside these developments in society and sociology, family life has become a topic of political debate. What was once largely seen as a private sphere, in which politicians should not interfere, is now seen as a legitimate area for public debate and political action. As concern has grown in some quarters about the alleged decline of the family, politicians have become somewhat more willing to comment on families. Sometimes they have devised policies to try to deal with perceived problems surrounding the family. In short, the family has come to be seen as more problematic than it was in the past. The controversies that have come to surround families, households and personal life are the subject of this chapter. We begin by examining the assumption of the ‘universality’ of the family.

Is the family universal?

Praise for the current edition:

"Sociology Themes and Perspectives was first published in 1980 and this edition is probably the best yet. Clearly written and extensively revised with entirely new chapters... this intellectually stimulating, comprehensive and detailed introduction to sociology is an ideal guide for A-level students." Customer review on

George Peter Murdock: the family – a universal social institution In a study entitled Social Structure (1949), George Peter Murdock examined the institution of the family in a wide range of societies. Murdock took a sample of 250 societies, ranging from small hunting and gathering bands to large-scale industrial societies. He claimed that some form of family existed in every society, and concluded, on the evidence of his sample, that the family is universal.

Sample taken from Sociology Themes and Perspectives 8th Edition



Sociology Themes and Perspectives 8th Edition






PUB DATE May 2013

Also available while stocks last: Sociology Themes and Perspectives 7th Edition


169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:33 PM Page 9




Help students access, understand and revise for their exams with this bitesized version of the essential Sociology textbook

Age 16+

Build, reinforce and test learning with extra interpretation, application skills, analysis and extension activities Cover the specifications with confidence – comprehensive coverage of the AQA and OCR qualifications

AS and A2

“Two established, talented authors have taken one of the biggest and best textbooks and summarised the “good bits”. I would recommend this to any A level Sociology students needing help with revision, and anyone wanting support with the day-to-day of an AS course.” A customer, awarding Sociology Themes and Perspectives Student Handbook 5 stars on




Sociology Themes and Perspectives Student Handbook 978-0-00-731072-2


SOCIOLOGY IN PICTURES Authors: Michael Haralambos with Wendy Hope Illustrated by: Matt Timson

Provide a unique approach to research methods for A Level Sociology from a leading author team and top comic illustrator

Age 16+

An introduction in pictures to Research Methods – exciting and motivating, informative and fun!

Offer an effective and novel learning experience which will engage students with an accessible visual approach Much of the material is taken from actual research- classics like William F Whyte’s Street Corner Society and more recent studies including Sudhir Venkatesh’s Gang Leader for a Day TITLE



Student Book



Teacher Guide



0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131


169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:33 PM Page 10

STUDENT SUPPORT MATERIALS FOR SOCIOLOGY Authors: Steve Chapman, Martin Holborn, Liz Steel, Fionnuala Swann, Viv Thompson Series Editor: Peter Langley


Exam success is simple with these essential study aids Age 16+

Improve performance with separate books for each unit, written and developed by senior examiners into manageable sections and exactly matched to the 2008 AQA and OCR specifications

AS and A2

Help students to excel with examiner guidance advising on exam technique, warnings of common mistakes and a detailed glossary of key terms Get the best exam results with two complete exam papers, a breakdown of what each question is actually asking and two full sets of answers with detailed commentary indicating how these could be improved

“I find the new revision guides link well to the specification. They are clear and concise for each unit, with key studies identified throughout. My students have commented on the easy bullet-pointed concepts which they can build on, each book's clear sections and the ‘great glossary!’ I have strongly advised my students to purchase Collins Student Support Materials” Emma Innesbeer, Head of Sociology, School of Advanced Education, Lincoln College, reviewing Collins Student Support Materials for Sociology

“I have to say, after years of using a wide range of sociology textbooks and specific books on Families and Households, this is by far the best. The detail is just right, [and] there are plenty of studies (and different ones to those generally included in books). The exam practice section is brilliant. Students cry out for exam questions with proper example answers. It covers what the students need, and to a level that is good for top students as well.” Fiona Hayden, South Wolds School, Nottingham, reviewing Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Sociology AS Unit 1: Families and Households


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Crucial comments relating to the content on the page

Hints and tips from the examiners identify common mistakes and offer vital exam advice

Sample from Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Sociology A2 Unit 4: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods TITLE TITLE






OCR SOCIOLOGY AS Unit G671: Socialisation, Culture and Identity with Research Methods



AS Unit 1: Families and Households



AS Unit G672: Sociology of the Family



AS Unit 2: Education with Research Methods



A2 Unit G673: Sociology of Crime and Deviance



A2 Unit 3: Beliefs in Society





A2 Unit G674: Social Inequality and Difference with Research Methods


A2 Unit 4: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods 978-0-00-741834-3



Each entry begins with a clear definition and is followed by explanation that contextualises the concept and applies it to the real world ISBN





May 2013


TITLE Key Concepts: Sociology

Collins Key Concepts

Key Concepts in Sociology explains the key terms for anyone studying Sociology in school or college

Age 14+


Author: Emily Painter

Emily Painter

AS and A2

0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131


169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:34 PM Page 12

STUDENT SUPPORT MATERIALS FOR PSYCHOLOGY Authors: Mike Cardwell, Simon Green, Eleanor Hills, Alison Lee, Alison Wadeley Series Editor: Mike Cardwell



Exam success is simple with these essential study aids Improve performance with separate books for each unit, written and developed by senior examiners into manageable sections and matched to the 2009 and 2011 AQA specifications

Age 16+

Help students to excel with examiner guidance advising on exam technique, warnings of common mistakes and a detailed glossary of key terms

AS and A2

Get the best exam results with two complete exam papers, a breakdown of what each question is actually asking and two full sets of average and strong answers, with accompanying detailed commentary indicating how these could be improved

“I would recommend this revision series to students. The key topic content is useful, appropriate and just right for the current and revised specification. The material is at the right level, accessible and student friendly.” Janet Lord, Associate Lecturer at MMU and Edge Hill universities, reviewing Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Psychology




AQA Psychology


AS Unit 1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods



AS Unit 2: Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences



A2 Unit 3 Topics in Psychology: Aggression



A2 Unit 3 Topics in Psychology: Biological Rhythms and Sleep



A2 Unit 3 Topics in Psychology: Relationships



A2 Unit 4: Psychopathology



“These titles are perfect for revision - at the right level and clearly set out. I think students (and teachers) will benefit from them enormously.” Vicky Carrington, Senior Tutor and teacher of Psychology, reviewing Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Psychology

169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:34 PM Page 13

Hints and tips from the examiners identify common mistakes and offer vital exam advice

Crucial comments relating to the content on the page

Sample from Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Psychology AS Unit 1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Topics are clearly labelled to aid revision

Full colour figures and photographs engage interest and set out content as clearly as possible

Sample from Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Psychology A2 Unit 3 Topics in Psychology: Aggression

“For such a small book it contains a wealth of information to help prepare students for their unit 3 exam. I particularly like the example essays in the back to show how to avoid silly mistakes and the 'model' answers to most questions. I am recommending it to my students to buy as it is very reasonably priced and am looking to order some for our school library.� sophieizastar, awarding Collins Student Support Materials for AQA Psychology A2 Unit 3 Topics in Psychology: Aggression 5 stars on

0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131


169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:34 PM Page 14

PSYCHOLOGY A LEVEL Authors: Mike Cardwell, Liz Clark, Claire Meldrum, Alison Wadeley


Age 16+

Deliver AQA Psychology AS and A2 with ease – all the content and up-to-date research at exactly the right depth to guide your students to top marks Develop students’ evaluation, critical thinking and analysis skills with Stretch and Challenge activities and a strong focus on How Science Works and Research Methods

AS and A2

Stimulate your students’ interest with Psychology in Context, Key Research Studies and Issues, Debates and Approaches features Raise achievement in exams with exam-style practice, concise chapter summaries and in-depth guidance from experienced examiners Lead students to success with in-depth guidance from experienced examiners and time-saving resources in the new Psychology Resource Pack for AQA A Enhance your resource bank with a CD-ROM containing PowerPoints for every AS & A2 chapter and fully editable Word versions of the content, included in the Resource Pack

Free online at Matching Chart for the new 2012 Specification

Encourage students to practise as they learn using the Activities sections throughout the book

Enable the development of important analytical skills with case studies and key research studies

Opportunities for further research are provided with links to key works and websites

Sample from Psychology A2 for AQA A

“Excellent, the best book available to buy by a long way!” TITLE




Psychology AS for AQA A



Psychology A2 for AQA A



Psychology AS and A2 Resource Pack



Angela Ware, Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College (BHASVIC) reviewing Collins Psychology A Level

169730 Social Science Catalogue 07/12/12 2:34 PM Page 15

A LEVEL REVISION Revise AS & A2 Sociology and AQA Psychology study guides provide complete and in-depth study support throughout the A Level course, plus invaluable advice on how to get the best results in the exam.

Age 16+

Information presented in a clear and easy to use format Frequent progress checks and exam practice questions to consolidate learning Examiners’ hints and tips and model answers show students how to achieve higher marks

AS and A2

Sample from Revise AS & A2 Sociology



Schools’ Price


Revise AS & A2 Sociology




Revise AS AQA Psychology




Revise A2 AQA Psychology




Revise AS & A2 AQA Psychology




Sociology and Psychology Resource Bundles Flexible teaching materials for key topics just a click away Download extra resources to support your teaching of A Level Sociology and Psychology with these cost-effective bundles of videos, podcasts, worksheets and activities. These practical classroom resources include podcasts, sets of essay plans and online worksheets, available to buy online only from or TITLE








Research Methods


£10.00 + VAT

Cognitive Psychology


Culture and Identity


£10.00 + VAT

Research Methods


£10.00 + VAT

Families and Households


£10.00 + VAT

Individual Differences


£10.00 + VAT



£10.00 + VAT

Developmental Psychology: Early Social Development


£10.00 + VAT

Biological Psychology: Stress


£10.00 + VAT

0844 576 8126

0844 576 8131

£10.00 + VAT


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