Key Stage 2
Mathematics Set A Paper 1: arithmetic
Name School Date of Birth
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00562_P009_024.indd 9
Mathematics Set A – Paper 1: arithmetic
07/09/2018 09:42
Instructions Do not use a calculator to answer the questions in this test.
Questions and answers You have 30 minutes to complete this test. Write your answer in the box provided for each question.
You should give all answers as a single value. For questions expressed as mixed numbers or common fractions, you should give your answers as mixed numbers or common fractions. If you cannot do a question, move on to the next one, then go back to it at the end if you have time. If you finish before the end of the test, go back and check your answers.
Marks The numbers under the boxes at the side of the page tell you the number of marks for each question. Answers are worth one or two marks. Long division and long multiplication questions are worth TWO marks each. You will get TWO marks for a correct answer; you may get ONE mark for showing a correct method.
Mathematics Set A – Paper 1: arithmetic
00562_P009_024.indd 10
©HarperCollinsPublishers 2018
07/09/2018 09:42
23 + 3,000 =
1 mark
657 + 2,546 =
1 mark
4 7 + = 8 8
1 mark
ŠHarperCollinsPublishers 2018
00562_P009_024.indd 11
Mathematics Set A – Paper 1: arithmetic
07/09/2018 09:42
345 ÷ 1 =
1 mark
465 – 80 =
1 mark
4.5 + 5.023 =
1 mark
Mathematics Set A – Paper 1: arithmetic
00562_P009_024.indd 12
©HarperCollinsPublishers 2018
07/09/2018 09:42
Key Stage 2
English reading Set A: Reading answer booklet
Name School Date of Birth
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00579_P029_044.indd 29
English reading – Set A: Reading answer booklet
07/09/2018 14:55
Instructions Questions and answers You have one hour to complete this test. Read one text and answer all the questions about that text before moving on to the next text. There are three texts and three sets of test questions. There are different types of question, which you need to answer in different ways. Short answers Some questions have a short answer line or answer box. You only need to write a word or a few words for your answer. Several line answers Some questions have a few answer lines. You need to write more words or a sentence or two for your answer. Longer answers Some questions have more answer lines. You need to write a longer, more detailed answer to give your opinion. You may write in full sentences. Selected answers Some questions require you to tick, draw lines to, or circle the correct answer. The space provided shows you what type of answer is required. You must write your answer in the space provided. Always read the instructions carefully so you know how to answer the question.
Marks The numbers at the side of the page tell you the number of marks for each question.
This is a reading test, so you need to use the information in the texts to answer the questions. When a question includes a paragraph or page reference, you should refer to that paragraph or page to help you with your answer.
English reading – Set A: Reading answer booklet
00579_P029_044.indd 30
ŠHarperCollinsPublishers 2018
07/09/2018 14:55
Questions 1–13 are about All the Wonderful Things (pages 20–21) 1
Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Peter whined and complained… What is the weather like on the walk home? Tick one. It is a hot sunny day.
It is cold and icy.
It is raining.
There is a cool breeze. 1 mark
Peter thought George was a spoilt show-off. Which word is closest in meaning to spoilt? Tick one. indulged
damaged 1 mark
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00579_P029_044.indd 31
English reading – Set A: Reading answer booklet
07/09/2018 14:55
Why does Peter feel he is treated badly?
1 mark
When they arrive home, Peter sulks in his room. What could be his motivation for doing this? 1 mark
What two obsessions does Mum remember Peter having in the past?
1 mark
After a very subdued meal… What does ‘a very subdued meal’ mean?
1 mark
English reading – Set A: Reading answer booklet
00579_P029_044.indd 32
©HarperCollinsPublishers 2018
07/09/2018 14:55
Physics •
You have 25 minutes to complete this test.
1 Earth, Sun and Moon a
Joe is trying to find objects that show the Earth, Moon and Sun to scale for a project. Write under each object which one of Earth, Moon and Sun would fit best.
! b
Grain of sand
Exercise ball
Tennis ball 1 mark
How often does the Moon orbit the Earth?
! 1 mark
©HarperCollinsPublishers 2018
39-44_Letts_KS2_Science_Test_Practice.indd 39
Science: Physics – Test 1
10/03/15 9:33 PM
2 Circuits a
Here is part of a series circuit. Finish drawing the circuit by including a closed switch and a bulb, using the correct symbols.
! 1 mark
Will the circuit work?
! b
1 mark
Will the lamp light in this circuit? Tick the correct answer box.
Yes No 1 mark
Will the motor work in this circuit? Tick the correct answer box. M
Yes No 1 mark
Will the lamps light in this circuit? Tick the correct answer box.
Yes No 1 mark
Science: Physics – Test 1
39-44_Letts_KS2_Science_Test_Practice.indd 40
ŠHarperCollinsPublishers 2018
10/03/15 9:33 PM
3 How we see a
Kamil is exploring how he can see different objects. Using arrows, show how light travels so Kamil can see his scooter.
1 mark
Give an example of a natural and an unnatural source of light.
! Natural Unnatural
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2 marks
Science: Physics – Test 1
10/03/15 9:33 PM
4 Friction a
Isaac has a toy car. He has been exploring how it travels on different surfaces and has noticed that it travels in different ways. He pushes the toy car and lets it go.
Put the following surfaces in order from the one on which the toy car travels the least distance to the one on which it travels the furthest.
Long grass
! Least
1 mark
Explain why the toy car will eventually stop on the surfaces.
2 marks
Science: Physics – Test 1
82905_P039_044.indd 42
ŠHarperCollinsPublishers 2018
06/11/2017 16:30