ACD Regency 1 Winter Newsletter

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American College of Dentists



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Upcoming Meetings January 2024

New York Section Awards Banquet The Penn Club New York, New York

Regent Report

January 27, 2024

Regency Leadership Meeting


t is hard to believe that I have been Regent of Regency 1 for over a year now. This past year has been a whirlwind with the ACD. I am grateful for all of the Sections who welcomed me to their meetings and events. It has been an honor to get to know all of you.

Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA January 27, 2024

New England Section Annual Luncheon Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA

Contents Regent Report New York Section Update

1 2-3

New England Section Update 4-5 Hudson-Mohawk Section Report


Western New York Section Report


Atlantic Provinces Section Report




Other News


At our Annual meeting in October, Dr. Terri Dolan became the President of the ACD. We learned that in the first half of 2024 the ACD will release the new Strategic Plan and also introduce a new Executive Director. A Regency 1 Breakout Session was also held during the Annual meeting. It was well attended. Each Section provided an activities update and we went through a Nominations exercise. In the short term, I would ask each of you to consider nominating a colleague (or colleagues) to Fellowship. There is a new tutorial on the nominations process that Past President Dr. Robert Lamb and Current regent Dr. Bob Plage put together. Additionally, in the NY Section we have developed a Nominations “Cheat Sheet” as well as a “sample” Nomination Letter packet. I shared this with all Section Chairs in our Regency earlier this month. Please be sure reach out to your Section Chairs for guidance with the Nominations process. Nominations are due on January 15th, 2024. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season. May the new year bring you peace, joy and much happiness. Kind regards, Julie



NY Section Chair Message

NYS Board with Representatives from the local SPEA Chapters at the Board meeting held prior to the Fall Stated meeting.


his Fall, the NY Section held its Fall meeting on October 17th at the Penn Club in New York City. In attendance were the Board of the NY Section, Current Fellows, Newly-inducted Fellows as well as SPEA representatives from local Dental Schools. We listened to Dr. Michael Glick, Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Integrative Oral Global Health at the University of Pennsylvania, speak on “From Evidence to Policy. Facing Challenges to our Profession.” In November, the NY Section sponsored a seminar at the Greater New York Dental Meeting. Returning to speak were Drs. Guenther Jonke and Kevin Henner. They gave an interactive three-hour Ethics seminar entitled “Code of Ethics, Your Roadmap to Professional Success.” Our next meeting will be in January of 2024 at the Penn Club. At that meeting, our Annual Banquet, we will be recognizing Student Leaders from the local Dental Schools as well as fellows of 15/25/50 years. That meeting will also mark the transition to the next Chair. It has been an honor to serve the NY Section as Chair this past year. I know the Section will be in excellent hands when Dr. Gene Farone takes over.


American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023

Speaker Dr. Michael Glick and Chair-Elect Dr. Gene Farone.

It has been an honor to serve the NY Section as Chair this past year. I know the Section will be in excellent hands when Dr. Gene Farone takes over.

Speakers Dr Guenther Jonke (past Chair) and Dr. Kevin Henner (past NYSDA President).

Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477




New England Section Chair Message


ur section remains strong primarily due to a committed and dedicated group of both past chairs and current leaders and the addition of new leaders to our board that I am honored to have the opportunity to work with. We again, have had a multitude of activities, both in planning and executing for the next few months in New England that will take place. I have communicated by email with both our new Fellows and all of our established Fellows to update them on dates to save to participate in events that we are bringing to them to keep all informed and engaged within our section. As I stated in my previous update, we all agree that with the more visibility and contact our section has with our members, the more effective we will be in meeting their needs to not only remain member fellows, but to also be advocates for ACD in ethics and professionalism for others and the public at large. With this in mind, we have set the following meetings and events for the next few months into 2024. First, our Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 16,2024 at 7PM by Zoom. This change is taking place due to the first ever joint ACD/ICD Awards Luncheon at the Yankee Dental Congress which necessitated this meeting being separated from the luncheon. At this time, we will vote a new slate of officers and board members as well as vote our newly revised draft bylaws. I will be giving updates to those in attendance on section activities and will encourage others to become involved on various committees where we could use expertise and input. We hope to increase the number of New England fellows attending this meeting because it is virtual and easily accessible to all. Bad weather is not an issue anymore!! Second, as I have just mentioned, our new revised format for our ACD/ICD luncheon at the YDC will take place on Friday, January 26, 2024 at the Seaport Hotel, still in the usual place, and will be solely dedicated to bestowal of awards by both ACD and ICD for deserving individuals and senior dental students. We hope to have a great attendance at this event which includes dignitaries from ACD national as well as ADA.


Chair, Maria A. Smith with a new Fellow at the 2023 ACD Convocation.

Our leadership dinner for Regency 1 Regent, chairs and other individuals, is scheduled for Friday January 26, 2024. We are still finalizing the venue but will be sending out information within the next few weeks. Also scheduled during YDC is our Regent’s Leadership Meeting on Saturday, January 27 at 8AM which includes section chairs, section officers, invited guests as well as representatives from all of the SPEA chapters in Regency 1. This was well attended last year and we expect another great attendance this year. I would encourage all to make your hotel reservations early since this is a busy well attended meeting. Our full day lecture on ethics, particularly focusing on social media and marketing, will take place on March 15, 2024 at the Straumann Center in Andover, MA. This is our first face to face course since all was shut down during Covid so we are really excited to offer it to all of our New England members as well as our neighboring sections. More information about registration and logistics will be forthcoming by early February.

American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023

Some of our newest New England Fellows at the 2023 ACD Convocation.

We are also working on strengthening our interactions with our SPEA chapters in our New England dental schools, working with the students to provide them with any necessary speakers, mentoring or grants for their school programs. We have the ethics booklets from national to distribute and look to the appropriate time to do so based upon discussions with faculty advisors and/or the school’s deans. Our board continues to meet regularly approximately every 6 weeks which has worked well for this year. We continue to actively recruit new members for board positions to align with succession planning for our section and continue to actively communicate with all of our New England members. Times are challenging in our profession and we are committed to keeping our members engaged and up to date on our section activities. My next report will have photos from many of these future planned meetings and events. We do however, have many from the ACD national meeting where again, New England had a remarkable number of new fellows inducted into the ACD this year! A heartfelt thanks to all who nominated these worthy individuals. A happy and healthy 2024 to all! Respectively submitted, Maria A. Smith, DMD Chair, American College of Dentists, New England Section

Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477

Paula Friedman wins the Distinguished Leadership Award at the 2023 ACD Convocation. Pictured with Robert Lamb and Dick Jones.




Hudson-Mohawk Section Report Wayne Harrison, Section Chair

Section Chair, Dr. Wayne S. Harrison and Treasurer Dr. Brendan Cooney present awards to Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) students who made poster presentations at the Capitol Symposium.


American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023

Section Chair Wayne Harrison , New Fellow Gary DiSsanto-Rose and Captain America at the ACD Convocation in Orlando

NYSDA ED Greg Hill receives honorary Fellowship at the ACD Convocation in Orlando

New Fellow Dr. Gary DiSanto-Rose and his wife Mary Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477




Western New York Section Report

11/1/2023 This is my last report to you as Chairman of the WNY Section of the American College of Dentists. Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving as your chairman for the last two years. I have truly enjoyed leading our section and representing you at the ACD meetings in Boston, Houston, and Orlando. More importantly, thank you for supporting and attending our various activities these last two years. I especially want to thank the following people: Dr. Richard Andolina Sr. for the work he did as our secretary and treasurer, our past section chairman and my mentor Dr. Larry Volland, and Dr. Kevin Hanley our newsletter editor. I also want to thank Dr. William Calnon for graciously accepting the chairmanship going forward. I know I am leaving the section in very capable hands. Fraternally yours, Charles S. Travagliato, DDS

The annual meeting of the Western New York Section was held at the Lafayette Hotel in Buffalo this August. It was called to order by Chairman Dr. Charles Travagliato. Earlier in the day, fellows and their guests enjoyed lunch at the Terrace Restaurant in Delaware Park and a tour of the Burchfield Penny Art Center on the campus of Buffalo State College. The previous evening, fellows and their guests enjoyed dinner at the Lafayette Brewery, allowing a chance to meet, mingle, and enjoy the fine food. The Western New York Section participated in an “Ethics Program with Facilitated Dilemmas” on August 29, 2022, for the D1 class at the UBSDM. Members of the Western New York Section volunteered as facilitators for the breakout sessions. Since 2002, other than the COVID year, the Section has held this program and the response to this workshop continues to be very positive with the first-year students. The same program is scheduled for August 28, 2023. At the annual awards banquet held May 3, 2023, at the UBSDM the American College of Dentists Award for the academic year 2013-2014 was presented to Andrew S. Hanna. This award, known as “The Outstanding Student Leader Award,” is presented to a graduating student for outstanding clinical skills in the art and science of dentistry, and is based on clinical achievement, initiative, and scholarship. The award consists of a certificate and a check for $750.00 to the student. The monetary award is composed of $500.00 from the Western New York Section and a matching grant of $250.00 which was contributed by the American College of Dentists for this purpose.

WNY Annual Dinner in Buffalo, NY

Dr. Bill Calnon has agreed to become the next WNY chair the section for the next two years.


American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023


t the annual meeting of the American College of Dentists, held on October 4th and 5th 2023 in Orlando Florida:

I along with past chairman Dr. Larry Volland attended all of the business meetings and social events which were held. We attended the continuing education class “ACD Ethical Dilemma Videos- A Valuable Tool for Practitioners and Educators”. This presentation introduced participants to the ACD’s videos, resources, and strategies to incorporate into practice and teaching. Also, included were Facilitator Guides for each video which suggested a framework for resolving ethical dilemmas.

WNY new Fellow plus Chair Charlie Travagliato

We then attended the Regency Breakout sessions which were led by our new Regent Dr. Julie Connolly. We were able to meet our colleagues from the other sections of Regency 1 and share reports of activities within our sections. We also attended the Fellows Forum, The Ethics of MedicalDental Integration: Starting the Conversation Within the Dental Profession. This was a moderated panel discussion whose primary focus was on bringing together various components of the oral health community, ideally to reach some consensus on a working definition of medical-dental integration and what integration could or should look like. The highlight of the annual meeting was of course the Convocation where new Fellows were inducted. The following nominees from the WNY Section were inducted as new Fellows: Dr. JosephDeLuca Dr. Cynthiav Wong Dr. Elizabeth Kapral Dr. Alyssa Tzetzo Dr. Genene Crofut

WNY new Fellows with Chair Charlie Travagliato past Chair Larry Volland

Dr. Ashley Maciejewski Dr. Darren Forcier Dr. Josh Hutter Dr. Frank Sindoni

Of special note, our very own Past Regent Dr. Paula Friedman received the Distinguished Leadership Award which recognizes individuals having a record of significant and distinguished leadership in dentistry, public health, or national health policy. Congratulations Dr. Friedman on receiving this well-deserved honor.

Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477

WNY new Fellows




Atlantic Provinces Section Report Debora Matthews, Chair

November 2023


ur AGM was held in Halifax in September with 22 Fellows in attendance. Mr. Andrew Elkinson, the 4th year SPEA representative, was unable to attend the meeting but provided a written report of his attendance at the 2022 SPEA meeting. The members had a robust discussion concerning the Section’s future funding of the Dalhousie White Ceremony in 2024. Traditionally, the Atlantic Section has sponsored the Faculty of Dentistry’s White Coat Ceremony for dentistry and dental hygiene students new to the program, in the fall of the year. This year marked a change in protocol. During the first week of classes, the Dean held a Welcome Reception for all new students. Faculty, staff and the Registrars of the Provincial Dental Board of Nova Scotia and the College of Dental Hygienists of Nova Scotia were invited. I brought greetings from the College and spoke briefly about what it means to be a professional. The ‘White Coat Ceremony’ itself will now be held in conjunction with the Convocation dinner in May, as we welcome those graduates to the beginning of their professional career. It was felt that this might be an opportunity for the Section to work with Dalhousie to determine another way to fund an event that is within the mandate of ACD. Some possible options are to support the Faculty sponsored “Welcome to the Profession” event for first year students in September or an Ethics-Professionalism Seminar outside of White Coat.

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Those Section Fellows eligible to receive their 25-year pins were Drs. Elaine Gordon and Robert Janes. The Fellow eligible to receive their 15-year pin was Dr. Anil Joshi. Our dinner meeting was well attended and featured Dr. Darren Burke as guest speaker. Dr. Burke in an expert in the areas of diet and exercise and champion of sustainability. His current capital venture is developing mycelium fermentation to make alternative protein, with a plan to use mushrooms to make sustainable ‘almonds’. He is currently Industry Professor in the Faculty of Science at McMaster University and entrepreneur-in-Residence at St. Mary’s University. At the Orlando meeting in October, the Atlantic Section of ACD was awarded Model Section status – one of seven for the 2023 year. Mr. Serge Hache, a DDS 3 student, attended the SPEA conference. All our nominees for Fellowship were approved. We welcomed Drs. Joy Carmichael and Joanne Thomas to the College at the 2023 Convocation in Orlando. Dr. Kelly Manning was co-sponsored by our section and the Ontario section. Two of our 2022 candidates have deferred to the 2024 meeting in New Orleans (Drs. Chad Avery and Paul Cameron); 5 of the 2023 candidates have deferred (Drs. Jennifer MacLellan, Doug Mackey, Paul Hurley and Dana Coles). One nomination was misplaced by Head Office, and this will be put forward for the 2024 convocation.

American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023

From the Annual Meeting, Suzanne Drapeau McNally, Kilby Townshend, Debora Matthews (Chair).

Our By-Laws have been updated, and changes approved by the Board of Regents. Thank you to Fellow Dr. Doug Chaytor for getting this started several years ago and to Drs. Gillis and Robinson for helping us move this along. Our 2024 meeting has been set for Prince Edward Island on the weekend of September 13 –14th, 2024 at the Inn at Bay Fortune, Prince Edward Island. Details have been forwarded to members to confirm rooms and dinner for the Fireworks Feast. We will be holding our meeting the morning of Saturday, September 14th. Dinner will follow at the Inn at Bay Fortune. Respectfully submitted; Debora Matthews Chair, Atlantic Section

Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477

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SPEA Update

Sonya Livitz, immediate-past Regency 1 rep and now current SPEA VP

SPEA National E-Board

SPEA National Update Annual meeting was held this past October for students in Orlando, and I have attached the SPEA National E-Board picture.

Northeast SPEA Chapter Updates: NYU

We have had great success in bringing back the SPEA Chapter at NYU.


We have increased our student “membership” to 150, and had a recently successful Lunch and Learn

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events on Dental Contracts with one of our faculty presenting, and an evening event on Social Media and HIPAA.

Boston University

We had 2 successful events in which we acted and led discussions on ethical scenarios. Below are the flyers from those events. We plan to continue holding events such as this next semester where we tackle common scenarios that associate dentists encounter to help the student body prepare for life outside of dental school.

University of Connecticut

We have been working hard to increase membership for the UConn chapter of SPEA. We set up our first lunch time ethics seminar for Friday 12/1 with our dean, Dr. Steven Lepowksy. We have been in

American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023


collaboration with Dr. Smith of the ACD to obtain funding to provide lunch for those that attend to increase incentive. Dr. Lepowsky is a great speaker, and we anticipate that this will be a well-attended event. We have not done any fundraising events so far. We hope to use this seminar to increase involvement and interest in similar events in the future.

SPEA at Columbia for the current school year is off to a strong start! We hosted our first event of the year in conjunction with another club on campus, the Periodontics Club, and put together a “Perio Ethics and Eat.” After speaking with SPEA reps from Stonybrook, they told us about their catchy “Ethics and Eats” events on their campus, so we put our own spin on it. Our Ethics and Eats sessions at Columbia focus on different areas of specialty, so we began with Periodontics, and we have an event on Orthodontics in the works for early next semester. We were honored with the presence of Dr. Tom Connolly, Dr. Julie Connolly, and Dr. John Lanzetta at this event, and they shared their insights on ethical dilemmas that arise in the field of Periodontics and answered our questions. We also plan to host our annual SafeZone event in the Spring, where Columbia students can discuss any ethical and professional concerns.

Stony Brook University

This year, we had an event called “Ethics and Eats” where we had 15 students from the D2-D4 class meet at a local restaurant. Under the guidance of 3 faculty advisors, we were able to discuss ethical encounters we have faced in our clinic as well as how the ethical committee in Suffolk County Dental Society (SCDS) mediates ethical dilemmas brought up for peer review. We are in the process of organizing an open panel discussion with 3 esteemed faculty to discuss the ethical dilemmas surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how AI is integrated into dentistry. This event is being planned for some time in December. Other events we are interested in for the spring semester is another Ethics and Eats event, as well as collaboration with specialty clubs to discuss how ethics plays an important role for specialists. This idea was introduced to us by the SPEA president of Columbia.

Touro College of Dental Medicine Dr. Eric Wachs just gave a very interesting lecture titled, “Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of AI in Healthcare” this past week. Submitted by Daniela Benzaquen Touro College of Dental Medicine

We hope to continue this tradition of promoting ethics to our colleagues and look forward to working with other SPEA chapters in advancing ethics in our profession. Julie Connolly, DDS | | 212.888.7477

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Other News

DID YOU KNOW? The ACD, in conjunction with Indiana University School of Dentistry, has created a series of 16 Ethical Dilemma Videos. These videos portray a variety of Ethical Dilemmas commonly seen in dental practice. They are excellent teaching tools which can be used in a variety of setting such as study clubs, with your own office staff and when teaching ethics to dental students and residents. Study Guides have been developed for several of the videos and can be obtained by contacting ACD National Office. Here is the link to the videos, enjoy!

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American College of Dentists | Regency 1 | Winter 2023

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