Spring 2013 small

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Newsletter of Catholic Charities North Dakota Volume 27, Issue 1 Spring 2013

Our Journey to Emme Our journey to our youngest daughter, Emme, began weaving its way into my heart in the fall of 2010 when I began reading Choosing To SEE: A Journey Of Struggle And Hope by Mary Beth Chapman. The story of Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, a Christian singer/songwriter, was full of the heartache and grief they experienced after losing one of their daughters in a tragic accident. She had been born in China and after their loss, they began to feel that God wanted them to care for the orphans in China. Maria’s Big House of Hope opened its doors in Luoyang, Henan, China in July of 2009, to help house some of the most medically vulnerable orphans in the area. Little did I know as I began reading this book that God was working to open my heart. Little did I know that Maria’s Big House of Hope would play such an important role in our lives, or that Emme’s grafting into our hearts was just beginning. People often ask if we planned to have seven children; the answer is a definite no. We never planned to have such a


Melissa Smith

large family, but I am learning that where we place a period, God has often placed a comma. The furthest thing from our minds in the fall of 2010 was adding another child to our family. We had six children! We had no more room at the Inn! Or in our vehicles! Christmas was fast approaching and amidst the busyness that can come with the holidays, I could not shake a heaviness and urgency in my heart for the orphaned. There are an estimated 147 million orphans worldwide. There are many boys and girls in China with minor to severe medical needs waiting for families and I began to feel as if we had another daughter in China waiting for us to find her. Of course I also felt that these thoughts were crazy and I was not about to share them out loud with anyone. But when I could not dismiss the feelings any longer, I shared them with my husband. Two weeks later he asked our oldest daughter if she wanted a sister. On February 3, 2011 I went to an adoption agency’s website and for the first time saw the precious face of Dang Qing Fei. She had been born in Luoyang, China, was two and a half years old, had been treated surgically for a large nevus (a mole or lesion) on her scalp, and she needed a family. She did not do well after her surgery and was sent to Maria’s House of Hope where they could better care for her needs; the facility had only recently opened its doors. That fall as I was reading Choosing to See, our Emme was at the very facility I was reading about. Oh yes, God is in the details! We began the process to adopt her on February 7, 2011. Almost a year after seeing Emme’s face for the first time, I travelled to China with a good friend. On January 9, 2012, a brave, beautiful and tiny little girl walked into an unheated, very cold government office in Zhengzou, China. There are no words to adequately describe

Melissa meets Emme for the first time.

EMME continued on page 7

P e g o n i ple, Ch p l . e H es an g i n g Li v

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