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ADVERTISE WITH US | 072 757 0514 | GET A POWERBLOCK ADVERT FOR 4 WEEKS FOR R200! 08 Oct 2021 | Edition 37 - 2021 | | 072 757 0514


REKORD UMSOBOMVU: Including Norvalspont & Noupoort







IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CRYSTAL ■ Gerhard Olivier A few months ago the Setsoto Rekord - published in Ficksburg, Clocolan, Senekal and Marquard in the Free State – reported that the SAPS arrested drug dealers who tried to sell drugs to a 12 year old in Clocolan. The drug was referred to as Crystal meth. An investigation was launched by this newspaper in what was initially thought to be a “fly by” fix just to find that Crystal meth has become so popular amongst the youth and young adults that local drug dealers are struggling to meet the demand on almost a weekly basis. Drug use in townships has escalated drastically and Crystal meth has become the go to drug to forget about worries and stress. During the investigation REKORD has established that in all 60 areas where we publish a digital copy of Rekord, Crystal meth is easily available with prices for a sachet - referred to as a “bankie” (see picture above) starting at R50 (Ficksburg) to R90 (Prieska) to R110 (Paulpietersburg) is not cheap and according to the users REKORD spoke to you need at least 3 – 4 bankies a night. It also depends what you type of Crystal you buy – oil based or water based. During my investigation I have learnt that oil based is more popular as the fix lasts longer. There is also a difference in the smell with water based


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A Sachet of Crystal meth will cost you between R50 – R110 depending where you buy it.

leaves a “sweaty: type of smell in the users mouth and oiled based has no smell. A Pyrex pipe is the preferred method of using the drug warming it up with a lighter and inhaling the smoke. The longer the user uses the drug the inhaling is not enough and the crystal is warmed up and the liquid gets rubbed on the users teeth and gums. A classic sign if someone is using is bad eroded teeth. In Clocolan the use of Crystal amongst unemployed white youth and young adults is alarmingly high. And the consensus is that this is the same in almost every town in the country. Some belief it’s a stress reliever but I had first hand experience what impact the drug has on the user when he uses and when he runs out of drugs. When on the drug the user can stay up for nights in a row hardly eating. They work harder and never stops smiling. In some cases the users body black out (feints) after three or four days due to no sleep and food. When the drug is not available the user becomes grumpy, irritated and in some cases violent. And desperate. The need to get the Crystal meth has led to many cases where items was stolen or pawned. In Brandfort a mother had to travel to Bloemfontein to get her belongings from a dealer who supplied her son for three months on account and when he couldn’t pay he simply took furniture from the his mother’s house. In Warden a young adult stole money from his employer (who requested not to be named) went and bought the drugs and was smoking it openly during working hours.

A used Pyrex pipe is the preferred item but users will use lightbulbs as well if they can’t find a pipe.

In the townships the problem of Crystal meth has escalated so drastically that residents started to form night watch groups to protect their belongings and to chase users from their wards. The SAPS is working hard to fight the wave of drugs killing the youth and young adults and recently the SAPS in Bethlehem arrested various dealers. However the solution is temporary as gangs in Townships especially in the metropolitan areas have become the supplier to dealers and cases in the rest of the country have been reported about escalating turf wars between gangs and rivals for a bigger market share. I spoke to 7 users who have left the drug and the general consensus is that if you can reach the first 11 days you halfway to staying clean. Only 2 have lapsed before. With not enough rehabilitation facilities, resources and man power the question is not when but how this drug will be stopped destroying more innocent lives and families.


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 By Lebohang Tlaba UMSOBOMVU: Pixley ka Seme District Municipality through its Local Economic Development (LED) Unit collaborated with Mme Re Ka Thusa Trust Fund with the support of Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism to

launch Sumeya General Trading which is a roof sheet manufacturing company with a potential to create many jobs in the Umsobomvu Municipality. Phumza Gongota, the majority owner of Sumeya GT met up with Mme Re Ka Thusa's officials during the PKSDM Global Entrepreneurship Week in November

2020. We thank MRKTTF and DEDAT for their contribution that have seen this project take off in the district. Councillor Kafi from Umsobomvu Municipality welcomed the delegation, while Executive Mayor of PKS district, Honourable Nkumbi delivered a stellar Keynote address.


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Net ‘n oomblik ■ DEUR THARINE HURTER

Joke of the week A young man walks up to the bar and sits down next to a young blonde woman. As he sits down the 10 o’clock news comes on. The news team were at the scene of a man who was preparing to jump from a tall building. The blonde looks over to the man and asks “Do you think he’ll do it?”. The man answers “Yes, I think he probably will. In fact, I’m willing to make a bet on it.” And he placed a R100 note on the bar. The blonde replies “You’re so negative, I bet he won’t then.” and also placed a R100 note on the bar. Shortly after this, the man on the news makes a great leap off the building, sadly falling to his death. The blonde looks upset as she slides her money towards the man. With a pang of remorse, the man says “I’m sorry, I can’t take your money. I saw this story earlier on the 6 o’clock news and knew he would jump.” The blonde also admits to having seen the news earlier: “I did too…but I never thought he would do it again!”

Wat ‘n foto… Rekord nooi u uit om u foto met ons lesers te deel. Stuur u foto met ‘n volledige beskrywing asook waar die foto en natuurlik deur wie die foto geneem is na

Ons WAT ‘N FOTO is geneem deur Francois Bronkhorst van Bloemfontein op 1 Oktober 2021 tydens ‘n donderstorm die aand.

'n Professionele sleutelweggooier/ -verplaser. Dís ek beslis. Nietemin, my selfoonlaaier is op 'n dag in my kar. Ek het die ding gesoek, maar ook nie vreeslik hard nie. Gistermiddag hekel ek soos 'n kommandowurm vars mielies vreet. Die foon biep-biep, maar eers toe die ding heeltemal pap is, begin ek my karsleutel soek, want die generiese selfoonlaaiers, waarvan daar seker vier in die huis is, is gemaak inTaiwan. As ek nou werklik onverantwoordelik was en 'n partytjie gegooi het, was die internasionale soekgeselskap wat deur my ma en kind van stapel gestuur was, dalk nodig. Maar soos 'n oujongnooi het ek onophoudelik gehekel. "Net nog 'n ry," seg ek vir myself. Ag, dis weer ek wat nou storietjies uit die verlede opdiep oor sleutels. Kyk, 'n klomp Hurters moet verkieslik nie langer as drie dae in mekaar se geselskap wees nie. Iemand sal iets sê, doen of verkeerd swets en dan is daar moeilikheid om die eettafel. So kuier wyle oupa Vernon en ouma Kiek met die berugte wit 144 Volvo met maroen-sitplekke in die Oos-Vrystaat by Kersielaan 1, Ficksburg. Die einste kar met 140 000 myl op die klok, waarvan die helfte van Suikerbosrand ge-"free" is en net terug Tweedelaan 9 toe in Heidelberg gery is. Die yskas is mos 'n algemene bêreplek vir almal se brille, pille, sleutels ens. Vir vier dae is die Volvo se sleutel weg. Dis 'n soektog. Oupa se groot tas word uitgepak en onder die bodem van die gruite karton word TH (Heidelberg se registrasie destyds) is gesoek.Langs die eettafel word al hoe meer beskuldigings oor wie die sleutelsteler kan wees, rondgegooi. Ná vier dae, toe ma Kotie in die eierkassie binne-in die yskas iets, wat nie baie gebruik word nie, uithaal, vind sy die verkoelde sleutel. En oupa en ouma kan terug oor die Vaalrivier huistoe ry. Ek was verheug, want ek moes meer as 'n week op die vloer slaap. Die joys van 'n enigste meisiekind wat haar kamer moet opoffer vir gaste, is soms bitter. Net so terloops: ouma Kiek het nie veel van boerdery geweet nie. 'n Stroper is langs die pad gewaar- sonder die stropertafel. Sy maak die opmerking: "Wat 'n koddige voertuig!" Oupa was 'n meester in draaie sny. Hy het 'n myl plus minder afgelê, al het jul presies dieselfde pad gery. Kyk, die maroen sitplek aan die passasierskant het so "piping" gehad. Aan dié 5mm of minder kunsleer het Ouma vir lewe en dood geklou, want oupa het gerý. Sy hele lewe ongeluksvry. Ons weet nie van die ongelukke wat hy veroorsaak het nie. Nietemin, alle stories op 'n stokkie en 'n voorneme om 'n sleutelhangplekkie in te rig, ek is heeltemal okay. Die sleutel is onder die afgeloopte ystergordyn (die deken waaroor my vriendin so kla omdat dit so swaar is), wat Hitler, my wyle bedmaat, as hy iets hoor en diep onder die kombers lê en opstaan om sy blaf te gee, saamneem, is die Passat se sleutel amper onder die bed gevind. Die selfoon is nou op ''charge". Dae van wegraak soos André Stander van ouds is vir onskuldige foongebruikers vir altyd verby. Hulle sê enige IT-ghoeroe kan jou opspoor as jy net 'n selfoon het.


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Heuning Druppels Christianity Works ■ DEUR WILLEM BOTHA

Ek voel so effe swaarmoedig soos ek hier skryf, want ek verstaan nie wat is fout met ons mensdom nie. Ek lees tans 'n boek wat handel oor die Boereoorlog en ek sien hoe mense bereid was om hulle lewe te gee vir 'n saak. Dis verstommend hoe dapper daai manne was, sommige nog blote seuns. Dit was in die weermag ook so en ons was nog nat agter die ore, maar ons het 'n saak gehad waarvoor ons geveg het. In die Boereoorlog was die gevegte teen die Britte, soos jy weet. Maar o wee, dit was nie lank nie toe begin van die boere sáám met die Britte veg, en dis broer teen broer, neef teen neef en selfs pa teen seun. Absoluut skokkend! En vandag is dit presies dieselfde, en dis waar my hartseer oor hierdie ding vandaan kom. Mense neem besluite en hang sekere strominge aan en dis natuurlik presies hoe dit moet wees, maar volg sosiale media en kyk hoe meedoënloos ons as mense teen ons eie mense veg oor hierdie virus. Ek kan nie glo hoe aaklig mense mekaar in die openbaar aanvat oor hulle keuses nie. Ons het 'n gemeenskaplike vyand, maar ons veg eerder teen mekaar as teen die vyand. So doen ons nog altyd in die politiek, ja in DIE KERK, in die werkplek en in ons huishoudings. Nou kyk, as jy gevegte wil sien, dan luister jy hoe mense mekaar oor geestelike sake "byt en verskeur", soos wat Paulus sê. En dit soms oor totaal onnodige dinge. Wil jy hê ek moet so bietjie vir die meeste mense warm onder die boordjie kry? Dis maklik, ons begin net praat oor die doop, die Skeppingsverhale (ja daar is twee), die ouderdom van die aarde, die laaste dae, of daar 'n wegraping gaan wees al dan nie, 'n tattoo op jou lyf, die maagdelike geboorte, ag aarde tog, noem dit maar op. As ek nou my mening oor al hierdie goed uitspreek gaan een klomp mense my onmiddellik wil kruisig, en 'n ander klomp gaan uitskree: Halleluja! Hierdie is niks nuut nie. Kain het vir Abel vermoor, Josef se broers het hom in 'n put gegooi en hulle rug op hom gedraai en selfs Paulus en Barnabas se paaie het geskei. En die ergste is dat mense sommer hulle Verlosser aan 'n kruis vermoor het! Ja vriend, daar is sekerlik mense wat jy nie meer in die oë wil kyk nie! Jip, sommer bloedfamilie ook. Ai, dit moet die Here sekerlik verskriklik bedroef. As ek nou regtig sinies wil wees, dan sê ek jou dat ons nie 'n vyand nodig het nie, ons maak sommer ons eie mense ons vyande. Is ek skuldig hieraan? Natuurlik! En ek skaam my vir ons!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5



Because you have these blessings, do all you can to add to your life these things: to your faith add goodness; to your goodness add knowledge; to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add patience; to your patience add devotion to God; to your devotion add kindness toward your brothers and sisters in Christ, and to this kindness add love. If all these things are in you and growing, you will never fail to be useful to God. You will produce the kind of fruit that should come from your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As much as we don’t like to admit it, God develops our character mostly during those tough times. We know that … and yet, when the going gets tough, all too often we want to use that as an excuse to … well, you know … behave badly. Why is that? It’s a real dilemma, isn’t it? On the one hand, if we cooperate with God during those tough times – seek Him out, draw close to Him, listen to Him – He will, without doubt, make us stronger and wiser. He will, without doubt, help us to become who we were always meant to be – someone made in His image. But on the other hand, when life is tough … well, it’s hard. We’re tempted to lash out. We’re tempted to lose hope. We’re tempted to a full stop. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, amen? The Apostle Peter was writing to Christians who were undergoing intense persecution, but instead of mollycoddling them he lays things right on the line: 2 Peter 1:5-8 Because you have these blessings, do all you can to add to your life these things: to your faith add goodness; to your goodness add knowledge; to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add patience; to your patience add devotion to God; to your devotion add kindness toward your brothers and sisters in Christ, and to this kindness add love. If all these things are in you and growing, you will never fail to be useful to God. You will produce the kind of fruit that should come from your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Listen up. You and I are blessed beyond measure in Christ. And the more we get to know Him, the more that blessing is meant to be the foundation of a character – built layer upon layer on that Rock – to reflect His nature to those around us. Your character matters to God. That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.


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Die Rekord



Sondae is vir baie van ons maar 'n familiedag, gesinsdag, saamwees-dag… en as daar een skakeltjie van die gesinskettinkie weg is, verander ‘n Sondag na ‘n verlang-dag. Want daar is skielik ‘n leë gat waar daar eens soveel liefde was. Ek het al so baie dae gewonder oor die dood, gewonder of die hartseer van 'n geliefde wat weg is, ooit beter raak? Gewonder oor die Hemel... 'n Rukkie terug vra ek vir iemand of hy al ooit gewonder het oor die Hemel, en waar dit is? Só, kom die eerlike antwoord: "Die Hemel is waar Jesus is." "En waar is dit?", hou ek hardkoppig vol. Toe kom die verontwaardigde het-jy-dan-nie-geweet-nie antwoord: "In my hart, natuurlik!" Die Hemel is waar Jesus is, en Jesus is in my hart... Ek dink dood werk soos 'n kapsule. Ons liggame is soos die buitenste omhulsel, die doppie wat ons siel binne hou. Ons siel, ons menswees, is soos die poeier in die kapsule, dit wat REGTIG saakmaak, dit wie ons is en wat ons uniek maak... Wanneer ons doppie oopgebreek word, word dit weggegooi, begrawe, veras. Maar ons menswees word soos die poeier van die kapsule, in die Hemel uitgestrooi. Daar waar God is. In my hart... Die mens na wie ek en jy vandag so baie verlang, is nie vêr weg nie. Nie in ‘n graf nie, nie in 'n nis nie, ook nie êrens iewers in die buitenste ruim nie. Die mens na wie ons verlang, is by God, en God bly in ons harte... ALTYD. Mag dit vir jou so 'n klein bietjie troos bring die week...



Send us a picture of your catch to 073 847 2468

Picture: Loch Athlone Bethlehem Dam, fish was hooked by Kaloli Morena Malakoane





Government elections

POLITICAL PARTIES ATTEMPT TO WOO VOTERS AHEAD OF THE UPCOMING LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS Democratic Alliance (DA) leader John Steenhuisen said on Sunday that the opposition party was not bringing empty promises to this year's local government elections, saying it was the party that would deliver. Steenhuisen was in Cape Town where he launched the DA's election TV advertisement campaign ahead of polls on 1 November. The ad shows that it'll target unemployment, fight corruption, crime, combat load shedding and more. Steenhuisen maintained that the DA had a proven track record of delivering services. With the municipal polls focusing on service delivery, Steenhuisen added the DA would prove itself should people trust it with their votes. Steenhuisen has been visiting several municipalities this weekend including Midvaal, Ekurhuleni, the City of Cape Town, and ending at Nelson Mandela Bay. SERVICE DELIVERY WON’T BE POLITICISED: The United Democratic Movement (UDM) said under its leadership, service delivery would not be politicised. The party’s leader Bantu Holomisa has been on a campaign trail in the Eastern Cape. He told supporters in Mthatha on Saturday that UDM municipalities and their councillors would keep their noses clean and would stick to their role of oversight. The party, which has seen a steady decline in support, is contesting its fifth municipal election. However, Holomisa was optimistic that the UDM would perform well in the forthcoming elections. FAILING TO PROTECT RESIDENTS: The African Christian Democratic Party leader Reverend Kenneth Meshoe emphasised fighting corruption in the public sector during the party’s manifesto launch. Meshoe said under the current government, corruption had crippled and, in some cases, collapsed the country’s institutions. He said the time had come for appointments in municipalities to be based on merit and not on affiliation. Meshoe also accused the government of failing to protect residents from crime. BEST CANDIDATE FOR THE JOB: Good party leader Patricia de Lille has been campaigning in the Drakenstein and Stellenbosch municipalities. On Saturday, de Lille was joined by Drakenstein Municipality's mayoral candidate, Peter de Villiers where he detailed some of his plans for the area. De Lille said she believes de Villiers is the right man for the task. The party leader has been canvassing in six wards in the Stellenbosch area.

Kitchen Delight ■ CORNÉ





DIY do it yourself ■ CORNÉ


Light up your life

Here is what you'll need:

INGREDIENTS 150 ml of white wine 100ml of olive oil 4 eggs 1/2 teaspoon of salt 250g all purpose flour 1 teaspoon of baking powder (about 5g) 150g grated cheddar cheese 1 large onion 100g bacon (rindless) 200g ham, already cooked — sold as “ready to serve”. 100g black olives (seeds removed) 100g green olives 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the wine, oil, eggs and salt. 2. Separately, mix the flour and baking powder, sift and stir into the liquid preparation. 3. Chop the onion finely and melt in a skillet with a bit of olive oil (or butter). 4. Add the bacon to onions and cook for a few minutes then put aside. draining the mixture to avoid a soggy dough. 5. Slice the olives and parsley and cut the ham. 6. Add all ingredients and grated cheese to the basic preparation and mix 7. Pour into a buttered loaf pan, 9 by 5 inches. 8. Bake in the oven for 1 hour at 360°F (180°C).

- Several cleaned jars. Soak them in water to get the tags off and use some cleaner for the glue residue. Make sure to clean them with soap to get all the soap or cleaner off or else the paint won't stick. - Yarn or some sort of string. If the yarn has a lot of fuzzy fibers it may stick to the jar a little but it won't be very noticeable so don't worry about it too much. - A can of white spray paint. Flat. White is always best suited. - You'll also need something to cover whatever surface you'll be spraying on. Spray paint doesn't work as well when it's cold outside so it will take longer to dry. Make sure to give it some extra time before you touch the jars. Use some regular packaging string and some yard with texture. Wrap the string around the jar tightly and tie a knot. Now wrap the string around the rest of the jar tightly crisscrossing and overlapping until you like what you see. Then just tie the end to the leftover string where you started and cut off the ends. Place the jars onto your covered surface upside down and spray paint them evenly with 2-3 coats. Make sure to let them dry for 5-10 minutes in between coats. Once they are fully dried just cut the string in one place and unwrap. Now you can place a tea light inside and decorate away :) It would also look cute to wrap some twine around the bases of the jars for some more texture. The different effects of the skinny string and the textured yarn creates looks great. The jars that were wrapped with the thicker yarn look like they have puffy clouds floating in the sky. This project is also super cheap since the jars should not cost you anything and maybe you have the string and yarn on hand, all it might cost you is a can of spray paint. They would also make great little gifts, just tie a ribbon and bow around 3 and you're ready to go.






TOYOTA HAS UPDATED ITS RANGE-TOPPING C-HR CROSSOVER WHICH NOW FEATURES REFINED STYLING AND ENHANCED SAFETY SPECIFICATION. SEE WHAT’S CHANGED BELOW… The range-topping Toyota C-HR 1.2T Luxury is the current #CarsAwards Crossover category champion and the stylish model received a facelift early in 2020. Now Toyota has updated its rangetopping C-HR derivative with aesthetic and safety upgrades. New features for the Toyota C-HR: The C-HR Luxury derivative now gains sequential indicator lights and Y-shaped light guides in combination with LED headlights and Daytime Running Lights (DRLs). Toyota has also fitted LED fog lamps. At the rear, the C-HR wears a 3-segment LED light design with smoked light surrounds and a horizontal cross-section that spans

across the rear end for added visual appeal. Buyers can choose from a range of exterior colours including White Pearl, Passion Red, Lunar Metallic, Cosmic Blue and Inferno Orange Metallic. In terms of added safety features, the range-topping C-HR now features allspeed Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and the Lane Departure Alert (LDA) function now also gains Lane Trace functionality which helps to keep the vehicle centred in its lane. Other useful safety features include Pre-Collision System (PCS), Auto High Beam (AHB), Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) and Blind Spot Monitoring (BSM), all of which

are a part of the Toyota Safety Sense (TSS) suite. The C-HR employs a familiar 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine with 85 kW and 185 Nm which can be paired with a CVT or a 6-speed manual. Fuel consumption for the manual is claimed 6.3 L/100km while the CVT derivative is claimed to consume 6.4 L/100km. How much does the Toyota C-HR cost? C-HR 1.2T R402 300; CHR 1.2T Plus R436 300; C-HR 1.2T Plus CVT R449 300; C-HR 1.2T Luxury CVT R519 900. Pricing includes a 3-year/100 000km warranty and a 6-services/90 000 km service plan.

Focus on




crystal meth


Photo: Banyan Treatment Centres Ingredients of Crystal Meth / Meth / Tik / Super Ice are extracted from Over-theCounter (OTC) medications, paint thinners, nail polish remover, household cleaners, drain cleaners, brake fluid, ether and chloroform, air conditioning units, energy drinks, benzene and petrol, and car batteries. An explosively unstable concoction. Yet a growing number of our population choose to introduce these toxic substances into their bodies. Smoking, injecting, snorting and swallowing pills are preferred means of ingestion. Each of which leads to varying levels of “rush”. The rush only lasts for a few minutes, which leaves users clambering for prolonged affects by taking multiple hits of the drug. This results in some users not eating or sleeping for days. This is what makes Crystal Meth so life shattering, and with a potency three times that of cocaine, addicts become caught in the drug’s icy grip like no other drug on the market. Combined with a cost effective price tag, ease of obtaining large amounts, and a skewed view that meth is a drug of choice, leads to a head-on collision with negative socio-economic factors. The financial impact cost of an addicted member of society, treating overdosed users in hospital, increased crime rates

in order to fund a growing addiction, breakdown of family unit costs and a drop in workplace productivity are a few of the issues that create governance headaches. Add to this sudden weight loss, rotting teeth, skin sores, burns, liver, kidney and heart dysfunction, it is a further burden on already stretched health structures. South Africa, and the world, are in the grips of the rushing maelstrom of COVID-19, changing forever the “normal” that was accepted before December 2019. Mental anguish is already affecting many families, management of a changing environment has been less than adequate in the most part, coping techniques have not been incorporated into treatment programs, and this has left large swathes of our fellow human beings at the end of their tether. By rushing headlong into a drug induced escape from reality may be a short term solution, the medium to long forecast is more sobering. Consider how side effects of what meth abuse will have on emotional and psychological wellbeing. Constant headaches, fatigue, sleep problems, appetite issues, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, aggression, hallucinations, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure in normal pleasure activities). Relational

withdrawal from partners, children, friends and family are on the cards. Parents lose their children, partners lose their significant others. Distrust, disrespect, self-worth insecurities and irrelevance are introduced into the equation. Children are at risk of losing parental guidance, early childhood developmental opportunities, safety and security concerns, increased anxiety, unexplained emotional confusion and feelings of hope for the future are unnecessarily amputated. Should the workplace be unduly tested, dismissal and loss of income is a strong contender. The vicious circle is compounded, now, providing for self is not legally feasible, let alone providing for dependents. In the fog of hopelessness is a beacon of salvation. Getting treatment. Owning the fact that humans are susceptible and prone and tempted to put a plaster on the difficulties faced in daily life is understandable. Abuse of meth will most likely leave physiological scars long after the mental scars have been dealt with. There is only one person you can totally commit to during a lifetime, yourself. Step up to your plate and admit to the problem. Seek help for the problem, deal with the problem and become part of the human solution, not the human problem.

HOLIDAY GUIDE - VAKANSIEGIDS  To advertise on this page call Kleintjie Koen – 072 757 0514




FREE to all churches, schools and NPO’s – Send your event info to:

 09 Oktober 2021 ARLINGTON (VRYSTAAT) NG Kerk Arlington Motorfietsdag. Volwassenes R200 per persoon en skoolkinders R150 per kind. Streng kontant. Opening 09:30 en vertrek 10:00. Ekstra braaipakke te koop teen R60. Streng Covid-19 reëls en regulasies sal gevolg word. Rig navrae aan TJ by 079 494 2787 of Willie 082 854 9836 23 Oktober 2021 Bethlehem (VRYSTAAT) Truida Kestell Koshuise Gholfdag word by die Bethlehem Buiteklub gehou. Die dag word gehou ten bate van die skool se instandhouding van die koshuise en waterprojek. ‘Shotgun’ begin om 10:00. Uitstallings kan gehou word teen R1000. Kompetisie 4 ‘Ball Alliance, Scramble Drive two scores to count’ (R4000). per 4 Ball. Daar gaan baie pryse wees om te wen. Kontak: 058 303 4888 of die kantoor 18 – 21 November 2021 FOURIESBURG (FREE STATE) Ionia Cherry Crop Celebration on Ionia Cherry Farm. Save the date. Fresh cherries, Cherrie tours, Cherrie products, beer tent, camping site, gourmet food, Belgian waffles, tea garden, horse riding, Christmas market, fun for kids & adults. Live music and lots more. Find more info on Facebook or Instagram  02 – 04 Desember 2021 SENEKAL

(FREE STATE) Die Senekal Skou; stalletjies, skoon toilet geriewe, ‘petting zoo’ vir die jongspan met hoenders en nog ander diere. Veilige parkering. Stalletjies nou reeds beskikbaar – email: of WhatsApp 082 854 4546


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HOLIDAY GUIDE - VAKANSIEGIDS  To advertise on this page call Kleintjie Koen – 072 757 0514




The cherry farm is made up of five farms and there are more than 15000 cherry trees planted. Currently, they have 13 varieties of red cherries and 4 varieties of yellow cherries. Take a tour of the Ionia Cherry Farm and experience the beauty and magnificence of the Eastern Free State, where you will have the opportunity to take photos, pick cherries and take a walk through the orchard. You can also experience cherry liqueur tasting. Don't miss the opportunity to see and taste why they call cherries "fruit of the gods". This historic farm, set amongst the rugged sandstone cliffs of the Eastern Free State Highlands, is blessed with a precise combination of soil and climate, and is set at the precise altitude - landmarked by a solitary rock needle etched against the skyline known as the Pulpit - required to produce the perfect cherry! Call 072 585 3684 or send an email to:





OVK Lewendehawe en Veilings: ‘n Reuse veiling van 4400 Dohne Merinoen Merinoskape is namens GH Muller & Seun op 11 September op die plaas Morgenzon (Frankfort) aangebied. Die volgende pryse is behaal: 803 Merino ooilammers (geskeer): 39kg @ R48.07/kg (gemiddeld); 710

Stoorlammers met wol: 35.7kg @ R46.81/kg (gemiddeld); 852 Dohnelammers met wol: 36.9kg @ R47.58/kg (gemiddeld); 339 Geskeerde Dohnelammers: 36.39 @ R45.76/kg; 270 Dragtige Merino-ooie @ R2 500 (gemiddeld); 210 Vetlam @R90.17 gemiddeld (geslagte gewig); 116 Vetlam

@R93.80/kg (geslagte gewig); 343 Stoorlammers: 27kg @ R50.19/kg (gemiddeld) en 247 Hammellammers: 38kg @ R46.71.”Baie geluk aan Gertjie Muller en sy seun met hierdie goeie veiling!”

RECORDS BROKEN IN AUCTION BKB: Gersuré (Suffolk) Malherbe and Waterpas (SAVM) broke records on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. Malherbe and Waterpas hold their annual production auction in Hertzogville. The SAVM rams' average was R19 400, a new RECORD, with the most expensive ram being sold for R27 000 to Hennie Smith from Brandfort. The Stud SAVM ewes' average was R4 800. The Suffolk rams' average was R18 125, with the most expensive ram sold for R24 000 to Nico Steyn from Pretoria. The highest average yet at a Suffolk auction. The average price of open Suffolk ewes was R 14 600. The average price of pregnant ewes was R23 800, with the most expensive ewe sold for R65 000 to Gert and Thea Coetzee from Toska. A NEW SA RECORD! The commercial pregnant

SAVM ewes sell at an average of R3 200, and the open ewes sold at an average of R2 800. BKB Kroonstad hosted the auction with Gert Jordaan as auctioneer. Thank you to Louwtjie, Theuns and Hentin for your hard work. “Thanks for our sponsers Voermol(Jan Coerzee), John Deere (Auto Sentrum Hertzogville) Dierekliniek Hertzogville, Bkb Louwid.” Picture left top: Left to Right; Gert Jordaan (Auctioneer) Henton Minnaar (BKB Sheep and Wool Advisor) Theuns Barnard (BKB Sheep and Wool Advisor) Elsa Goosen (Waterpas SAVM) André en Michelle Malherbe (Malherbe SAVM). Pictured on the bottom left: NEW SA RECORD! Gert Coetzee (Buyer) Gert Jordaan (Auctioneer) Theuns Barnard (BKB Sheep and Wool Advisor) Leslê en Gert Malherbe (Sellers) Front: Rooman van Rooy (Sheep Handler)




NAME & SURNAME: ____________________________________________ CITY OR TOWN: __________________________ I AM _________________________YEARS OLD. TELEPHONE NUMBER:

Competition closes on 29 October 2021 (The winner will be announced in the first week of November 2021)


REKORD 18 Colour the picture and WhatsApp your entry to: 073 847 2468 AND YOU COULD WIN



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