Industrial and other Conditions of the Island of Puerto Rico, and the Form of Government ... (1900)

Page 71


)..'llll. 't'lll'y olfl'l'l'd 11 houuty of uhntt 111'1'111 11 pouml, uud 1~ g-olid IIIII III' .Jll'll\111'. Wl'lll ill Ulllhll' f'hp hll'll 4h11t it wit>~ II )!IHXI iill'l'~<tlll~'n~ hu t '1 dou rt it. :\l.1· """'"''ju •nk illl'l'><tig-n.tiou" hn 'I' imli1·nkd thnt ( '1difo1'nilt i,o fur ><III'H'l'ior to :"\(• •m:-~ku. \\' t' huilt n fill''l' th1•1'1', nucl. "" I :-~nid \\I' hnd 11 tzu·iff nl lhut tinw o~ uhout :!t A'l'n l" ou' ><U)!III'. ' lu I !l.uud L !10, wlwu I 1'111111' to UoU)!I'I'""· tht'l'l' luul 111'1'11 ~~ )!l'l'lll dPnlof .hllk "'"'"'" "h'l'l' hnlukfn>'t tuhh•,"lllHII fouud thnt 'tlw RPpllh• li1·nn 1 u·t,· hnd dl'll't'lllinl'd to clo· H\\'11\' with th i• tnritr on .-<IIJ.rlll' nnd "uh,otitut1;n hounh·. I clid not'likr th'ut'. l~t•l·nu><l' 11.ttluit tinw IIH•Iii'VI·rl tht• htnmh· wn. 11 't~·l'lll ' lll'riHI>' thin)!. "" I hud ,..l:,.n· th1• Htntl' hounll' t'llfllldi" t•tl. hut thut wn" th1• ,,..,.., thing' WI' l'llllltl do und I III'I'I'Pll'd ii: . hnt thKt b~td >~otlll'lhiug to do " 'ith rl'l:u ling' th~· tlt·rdopnu•nt of tilt' hl'l'l ·"llj!l!l: iruhr><l '."· In I , !II till' :\lt-1\inlt•,l' (,iJI 1\ll'nl into l'lfl'd, and Wt tuok 1.1 hounty of ·:! l'l' nl>< 11 pound. In I :-i!l+. wl11•n thl' lll'llllll'l'ttts 1'111111' 'in. thut hount .r w11." takt•n oil'. and in tlw pl'l'iod of ng'itution 1tnd 11111'1'. I from 11{!11 to li\!11 not 11 "iltg-h' hl'l't·>'ll).l'nl' fadory wn>< huilt: 11nt 11 orw. I tlln >< tnt in)!' thl'"'' mult1'r" ttl ,.;how tlw n•u,.;on II' I' hnn• not Jll'll)!l'l'""l'd f:l>'lt'l' thun mig'hl hun • IH'I'n l'XPI't'lt•d. l<:n•r.diody kill'\\' thnt IHllllll\' would I'Ollll' ntf. and it did . Th1•n :t :<nurll 1lutr wn" Jilt ori ttnd~·r i·ht• .\\'iJ,..on hill. a pmtl't'tin• tnritr of niHJUt 11 l't;n • That did uol itHhll'l' Jll'opl" to g-t• iu. hut· wh1•n tlw lkpuhlimu pn1't.1' iu it>< plntfiH'III d1•ti llllll'l'd {Ill' Dt'UII l't'nt i1· party for not kt'I'IJing- faith with tilt• i<u1.rnr prociUI't' t'"· unci ,;nit! thl',l'. wnut<•d t'u pnHhtt·l' 11 I t.lw ,;ugnr tlw Alllt'l'lt11tt lll'opl't• I'OII>'Illlll'll. WI' took it in g-ood fnith. nud ful'torit'.< ,;tnl'll•cl rig-ht in. nml tlwn• hn,. ltt<l'll an immen"l' dt<l'l' lopttu•nt: nnd then l'll'llle tlw :-\pn11i~h ~ntr.ilmltlw l_lawtJ.iiall tpw:<tion t'llllH' up. :<o th!tt '~" h111'1' ht•1•n ~·ontttlnou,.;h· . 1'\'t'l' ""A'' ' th1• tmll' I Pntt'l'l'tl t·lll' hu.-<llll'>'><. thrt•att•m•d i11 lliH' \\'11\' 'or Ullbtht'l'. That i>< OIH' rt<n><on wh1· the lw •t : "UJ.."ttr imlu:<tr.\· i!' on I_,: phKlm·ing- :'iO,Ill.lll ton,; to-dn.1·. My jirdgnu•nt i. · that if \\'t' hnd l'Ontin~ti•d with . till' ><!IIlli' protl'l'!ion from I HIJ to 1!1110 th~t WI' bt\d from L ro tq ISHO "'': WOl~ld hiLl:" hti'P n P!'Odltl·ing IIIII'· thu·d .• ut \('ll>~t. of tlw ,;ug~IJ' tht• l lllt!'d ::-;tnlt'" I>' t'OII:Illllllllg'. )h·. Pt:t RIN:<. Wlmt ),. th1~ I'O><t. pt<r 1tt·re. of thP 1·nltivnt.ion of lw •t ""J-'111'! ?\h. Ox:SAI!O. rOil 1'1111 t'Uitil· '"' for ahottt ~II toll. I I. l'O>'L:! l~lxlllt · :! u· ton to eultiratt•. the rn'l'h<. 111111 to han· '"' thl'm, ,;ny. nlHmt 511 cc11t:<


.)h·. P•:JlKt'N-<. Tlw produdiolt pt<r nt'l'P. i11 ton:<. i" how llllll'h 1 ,)Jr. o.· NARIJ. Tht• proiiudion pt<r 1!1'1'1' i,.; on I,\' ahout p01lll(b-\

thttt i:;, ut 11 ton and a half. )Jr. J>F.-HKIN~. How mtt fh1• ht>l't-sugtu· i1fdu:;tr~· t'()lli!Jt'te aguins• · thf' Huwuiitw inqil~tJ·.• wht<n• tlw~· rai,:t' f1· m 6 to 10 toll>' p •r ac1~.! )lr. Ox:sAHU. -ou mi rht "'"' LL on :<Oilll' of the plnntation . On ,;ome uf theru.tht•.'· prodm 1• u~.'bigh n,o 1L ton per tlt'l'l'. W P l.'!~n not t·ompct . .All thnt ·J ban ·nid ml'un:s thi,o: The l nitcd ' tutel!! could hot pnKlui.'P it,.; own :ougt r })(•fore 1 !:10. for the implt• reason thttt -the~· mndl' ntt mpt,; to do >'U "" f:u· htwk u:s 18HI' tbl• suga1· I !et w~ n t ilie -, ub~n·-produei11 ·, plnttt of th wol'ld in tb enrly days, but it w devel.o ped up in ' F 'ltncr 11nd Germnny, 11nd developed up hy rnomiou, bounti.~'" · and 9. the.-e 'bounti(-8 and bv 'prohihitory tariffs · thl·~· pren•hted nn.1 1 i!!Uglll: from going into Germahy 1md }ranee nnd Au tria, nod gl\\·e immen::~e · bountie,; in its rl · !jtages; and ,tbnt · re ultt'li in th ir pr~ul'ing, in 1 1 • two-;tblrd:s oi t~ sugar of tho rea:s i.n 1 0 world frQm tb sugar beet in te1,1d of· the :-~ugar l'lln~,




TtJiol I ~ LA N I)

OF I'l l ~: 1no IUt lC 1.


two•thirds of it wn>~Jll'ochll'cd frollt lht• 1'11111' nut! unt tlw IJt•l'l. Tlmt. wn.~ hrought nlJtHII ~~ >~o hy tht< fnl'l that. tl11• ht•Pt it,;df wn:-~ dt•I'C"Iopl'd tllllt'~t II>~ you would tm !'rl hol'~l':< ol' t'tttt.h• .. It iH n nttt uml HI hll'tiou , nntl Ill>< IHwn lm•clup, tLutlup, aud up, ILIHi f1·(nu t\ouhtiuing o11l,r (i pm· , · . t'l'n of >'llJ.:111' iu thl' ol'llinal'.l' n•d tnhlt' hl'l'l, in t.hl' whitt• >~llg'tl l' fn·nt (thi• ,.;Umdttrd .t."PI' of ""1-"~tl' IH•I't of to-<111,1') thl't'l' i~ ILil ltllt'l'tll.(l' of I Ii pt'l'•t•t•nt• ~~ d1ff1'1'~'lll 'l' of !I pointk ou tlw tt\'1'111g'l'. Tbl' IWI'I'IIg'l' Mllg'ltl' lot•t•t of to-dn,r 1·ontninM Li1 pt'l' t'l'tit wiH·r·o, a hitndn•d ,1'1'1~1'" ago, it t ·untt~itwd h11t. ii ]ll\t' l'l'llt. W1th t:h11"'tllll' t•api t:tlltlld MILIIII' in\'I'Mfllll'lll )'011 1\Xll'lll't that ltllll'h ll'tol'l' MUW~l','llncJ it ltn,_. n•ndl'l't•tl it Jl"""'ihlt•1·o dt' \'l'lop thl' hl'l't-,.;ug-nl' illdiiMtl',\' of tJw world . If vo11 wnut Ill\' ri""'" iu tlli,.; mntlt•r I will g-ivt• tht•lll ft-nuklv and plulul,r. l \'to' IH~H lluwnii. C11lnt ttll t.IH)MI' i,..lmrd,;, Wl'l'l' Jl\'l'fl'l'tlV ,;at.i. tit•cl. 'I ht•y ,..111\: tltnt Loui,..itumt·uulcluot ~~·othll'l' ~lw 'HI~It.''of' this_ t·ountry. nut! tlwy·dtd not uutl\1• a tty effort :=;. I h1•y "'""" . nt.1sftPd tl11·y lfl'l'l' g'OiiJg' to I'Oil'timu• to hold t'IJi,. lllltl'kl'l. ,,.,t I IH•Iil'l't' tht• tttlvnnt of hl'!'t SUg'lll' in tht•l'uitt•1l Stlltl'>< hroul{ht allottt .tl7n WILl' wi1lr lluwaii anti tlu· wnr with Hl'nin. I hl'lit'\'1' tht• llu w:~iinns "aw that. "'oonlll' u1· ln!t'l', tlwy \\'1' 1'1' gultlg' to lo:<P thi:<Jtlttt'kPt: th:tt thl' l'uitPd Htntl's bad rlt•tt rmi iu•c,l to grow it:-~ ow11 ,;ug-r~r, ttttd tltt•y :-!:tiel "wn mttst ,;top it or lost• it; WP Httt>'t ht•l·cirttt' u. pu1·t of tin• l'OUtlt~,r or dtcok· tlnv!llopIIH'nt tlf thl' hPI't.-><ugnr itldu>'try.'' Thny wt ln llt~t ahln tiJ 1'111 t' th1~ ciPrcloptttt•ut of tht\ iud1.1,..try. and !Itt· war 1:a1Ltt' lthou t ill ll nwai i, ttl tht•y Wt'l'l' nthttiltt•tl to t.hi,.; t·ountry. a11d tlwir sttgar,; Wt' t'l' ttdmittc•d. ('uha >'tlW th1• ,;unit' lhittg. I lmvt• not, th1• ,.Jightl'st, douht th1tt the l'llll~n o( t'hl' Cuhuu wn r wa" hOt'ntiSI' t.bny t•ould Mt\11 · thnt•y were 1 ;ru ing- to 'lww tht• nmrkl't" of tho lluit.ed Htt~tl is . • • :\Jr. GAr.T.JNG.:H. l>o l'ou nu•ttn th1• n•volut.lon thcwe ~ :\fr. (hl"AHD. Y1'"• ,..(r; I .thi11k tlw l'lltim l'l'l'.o lutiolt c'onld l111 writll•n in tlw om• WIJ6'd ":-~ugat·.'' ;\h. <iAJ.J.Jl"ta:n. I. th i11k you are ull wru11g thor·e. ~(r . Oxrmrd. 1 . Mr. N •:1 .:-ION. W(• l'lltl >' tlllll', 011 ILV!)l'ltg'l', OV ' l' lil.fJOO;OOO ton,.; ll







· i\fr. OxNAtW. Yc. , ~; ir. Mr. N•:r .so •. How t.lo you :ti.'I.'Otmt for tb • ful't thut it wu,.; so ahmnitlg ~vhen wt' WI'J'C only prodnt'ing- l!5 000 tot1s, and tho highe~St prorlllt' ion WIU; only 7n;ooo ton. . How do _you nmk n. little· production of . ~5,000 or 30,000 ton:< o nlal'l11ing to thcs ·other produ ·ers '! Mt·. OxNARD. RPt't\UF!Il the.v !-'1~\V we were go! ng Ollltnll ju. t beginning .to develop it. 1 · The CHAinMAN. L undet·~od yon to i!!U.)' that th 1'1' was no develop· ment in the ugar i11du tt·y from 1 91 to 1896. The \ 1\.r began when . tb indu~try was at n .·tnndstill: Doc. that chang ,v our opinion~ Mil'. OXNARD. They tLW thltt·ing tho. o .yenrs we ·~ad a low tariff, l hut jn 1896- ·. Tb CHAinMAN. But they had ·ommenced the war more th!m a vear before that-in ]<' bruary, ;1.895. But proceed. · OxNARD. Tho e are my firm conviction . I may be wron~, and do not say that I am right, but- it i my idea, from conver:-~a.ttons I hnv~ had with severlllt planter in Cuba and elsewh .~r. J<'AtRBANKS. How much ·can we produde ~ Mr. OxNARD. Two 'million tom. MT. FAIRBANKS. All we require for home con~Sumption1 M;r. OxNARD. Every pound of it. I The CuAmM'AN. How does the cost of the production of the beet




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