Cobham Hall News
Monday, 6th March |Week A
Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance
Diary Dates
The Week Ahead
Years 7 and 8 Netball vs Fort Pitt
4:30pm-6:00pm, Tuesday 7th March
Shakespeare Rehearsal
4:30pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 7th March
Preloved Uniform Sale
4:15pm-4:45pm, Tuesday 7th March
Shakespeare Rehearsal
4:30pm-7:30pm, Thursday 9th March

4:30pm Friday 10th March – Sunday 12th March
Silver DofE Training
9:15am-2:00pm, Saturday 11th March
Shakespeare Rehearsal
9:30am-12:30pm, Saturday 11th March
Unicorn Ball
6:30pm-11:30pm, Saturday 11th March
Looking Further Forward
Trial Exams (Years 11 and 13)
8:00am Monday 13th March to 4:30pm Friday 24th March
Please see the final page/s for timetables
Shakespeare Festival (Year 9)
8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday 14th March, Woodville Halls
Anti-Bullying Training
12:45pm-3:25pm, Thursday 16th March
Shakespeare Festival Performance
7:00pm-8:00pm, Thursday 16th March
World Book Day

This Thursday was World Book Day, and Cobham Hall staff and students took the opportunity to dress to impress with a book character costume.

It was lovely to see everyone getting involved in the event and helping raise money for Book Aid. We were treated to a fantastic selection of creative costumes, including characters from SpongeBob, Alice in Wonderland, Mr Men and Little Miss, Great Expectations, and many more.
Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event
Although we couldn’t convince our minibus driver and resident historian Mr Fletcher to dress up, we did persuade him to put on his author’s hat and share this collection of his many published works with us. With another book coming out in April to add to this impressive range of titles, we can only congratulate Mr Fletcher and thank him for sharing them with us.
Cobham Hall News

Monday, 6th March |Week A

Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance News
Saturday Enrichment Programme
Saturday 18th March at 9:15am12:35pm:
Art workshop (Years 7-9)

Year 12 Personal Statement Workshop
Service Saturday
World Book Day Decorated Doors

In celebration of World Book Day, along with donning amazing costumes, our students got creative and decorated the doors in T-Block, treating us to a fantastic selection of bright and imaginative displays. With only one hour between selecting their book and completing their designs, our students certainly demonstrated collaboration, communication, organisation, and time management. Congratulations, the doors all look incredible.

Cobham Hall News
Monday, 6th March |Week A Kindness,
Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance
Bronze DofE Training
Last Saturday, Year 9 students took part in the Bronze DofE training day, during which they learnt the basic skills needed for next term’s expeditions. Students learnt map skills including grid references, setting a map, general direction and identifying map symbols, and how to use a compass to take a bearing and find out which way to go. They refreshed their first aid knowledge, cooked lunch on a Trangia, and learnt what equipment they will need on an expedition.

Autumn Term Quiz Results
Well done to everyone who took part in the Autumn Term Quiz. The results are in:
1st place – UCP (50 points out of 55)
2nd place – UKB

3rd place – UAK

Wooden spoon – UEC
Congratulations to the winning team, UCP, pictured here with their trophy.
Important Security Notice
Please be aware that scammers worldwide are targeting parents paying independent school fees or transferring large sums of money. We urge you to be extremely vigilant; Cobham Hall uses secure portals, and you should not transfer anything as a result of an email, link or attachment. If you have any concerns, please contact the School directly.

Please generally be very cautious before replying to emails, opening attachments, or clicking on links. We urge you to ensure that you know who is sending you an email and to check email addresses carefully to ensure that they have arrived from the right address. Please watch out for addresses that look similar to one you may be expecting, such as, as this is not our domain. All Cobham emails are
If you are unsure, please do not open an attachment or click on any link and instead contact the School.
Cobham Hall News

Monday, 6th March |Week A

Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance News
Artist of the Week
The artist of the week is Carmen, Year 8, who has produced a fantastic collection of naturalform drawings using a range of mediums, techniques and themes. She has worked very hard to produce the work and is always consistent in her approach to the task. A welldeserved artist of the week.

Cobham Hall News

Monday, 6th March |Week A Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance News

Bronte School Activity Day
On Monday, we invited Year 5 students from local prep school Bronte School for an activity day here at Cobham Hall. They began with a STEM-focused task and had a fantastic time analysing evidence and figuring out the culprit in our infamous CSI Cobham murder mystery: “Who killed the Deputy Head?”

This was an excellent opportunity for us to share our great facilities and exciting classes with another school. The students had an excellent time and left some very positive feedback about their experience. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this day and for making their experience so enjoyable.

Cobham Hall News

Monday, 6th March |Week A Kindness, Trust, Respect, Honesty, Tolerance News

Student Artwork
More of our students’ work has been added to the displays on Blue Corridor. It is wonderful to see so much talent on show.

Spring Flowers
Brightening up our corridors this week is a beautiful selection of daffodils, exciting us for the start of spring. We hope some warm weather will follow.

Thank you to our gardener, Mrs Adams, for these lovely arrangements.
Chemistry Experiment

This week Tyler, Year 13 Chemistry student, successfully synthesised an organic solid to prepare benzoic acid. This was a multi-staged assessed practical that involved the use of many advanced techniques, such as refluxing and purifying to find the melting point, and thin layer chromatography to test the sample made.
Tyler’s many hours of hard work were rewarded with excellent results.
Cobham Hall News

Monday, 6th March |Week A News
Kent Swimming Championships
Congratulations to Natasha, Year 12, for her success competing at the London Aquatics Centre in the Kent Swimming Championships over the past two weekends

Natasha came 9th out of 14 in the 200m Backstroke and 10th out of 18 in the 200m freestyle in the first weekend On the second weekend, she was a finalist reserve at 12th out of 21 in the 100m Backstroke and came 19th out of 25 in the 50m Backstroke.

Natasha achieved some fantastic results and achieved personal bests in all her events. Well done for such a great championship.
Biathlon Championships Final
Natasha, Year 12, and Olivia G, Year 10, have achieved the fantastic accomplishment of reaching the final of the 2023 British Schools Modern Biathlon Championships, which takes place at National Abbey Stadium, Birmingham, on 11th and 12th March.
Both students have done exceptionally well so far in the competition. Natasha’s points score to date places her in the top 11 of the ranking list for Years 12/13, with Olivia ranking 23rd for Year 10.
We applaud Natasha and Olivia for these impressive results and wish them all the very best for next weekend. We look forward to celebrating their further success.
Cobham Hall News
Monday, 6th March |Week A
Coming Up
The Unicorn Association Invites you to The Gatsby Candlelit Ball
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of Cobham Hall,

You are cordially invited to the 2023 Candlelit Ball This year, the Unicorn Association is hosting a glorious Gatsby-themed evening, with music, casino and a delicious four-course dinner in the exquisite Gilt Hall. Cobham Hall students in Years 12 and 13 are invited to attend with parental/adult supervision. The dress code is Black Tie/Gatsby/1920s. Ticket price: £59.50. Click on the link below or go to Classlist for menu choices and ticket sales.

We look forward to seeing you at the party The Unicorn Association
Click here for tickets:
4:30pm-5:30pm every Wednesday, Week B All year groups are welcome.
Wednesday 15th March (British Science Week): Students will take part in the Royal Society of Chemistry global challenge. The results will be uploaded and shared with the world.
“Taking part in our global battery experiment will give you the opportunity to explore the science behind batteries – and why they are such an important part of our bright energy future.”

- Royal Society of Chemistry
Preloved Uniform Sale
The Unicorn Association will be hosting a Preloved Uniform Sale on Tuesday 7th March from 4:15pm-4:45pm in the Old Library.

Interview with Rhiannon
Rhiannon, Year 13, handed over her Guardianship responsibilities last week to our 2023-24 Guardian, Alyssa, Year 12. During her time as head of the Student Leadership Team, Rhiannon has been involved in organising countless events and activities to help build a sense of community around the School, and she has helped to represent and express the student voice. Now that her time as Guardian has come to an end, we invited her to sit down with us and talk about her experience.
What has been your proudest achievement as Guardian?
“I’m pleased with how we were able to bring the community closer together through staff and student events I’m so happy with how the donations turned out for the Trussell Trust food bank; sometimes it can be difficult to encourage people to donate, so it was great seeing how many boxes of food we had. Spirit week was amazing. There was a lot of organising, but it was a huge learning experience. It was rewarding to see every member of the School get involved, and it brought us all together.”
and find out for myself what works has helped the most From Year 7 to 13, I have developed and changed so much; I never would have imagined I would become Guardian.”
Has being Guardian aided with any future ambitions?
“I want to be a politician, so the public speaking element has really helped to boost my confidence. I have learnt that if you want change to happen, you have to make it happen. You need a lot of ambition in politics, and my time as Guardian has helped me to develop this side of myself. I am hoping to complete a gap year programme, and everything I have learnt as Guardian transfers to this: I’ll be looking at organising work events, building community in the office, RSVPing and general organising for the think tanks. Being Guardian has also taught me about the importance of working alongside, and communicating with, lots of different people.”
How has the School helped you in your journey?
“The flexibility that Cobham Hall has given me to organise events, and the way they have allowed me to experiment

What advice would you give to our new Guardian?
“Communication is key. Putting your own twist on everything helps so much. If you care about something you will succeed. Listening to the student voice is very important for the role; you will enable the community to become closer if you listen to them.”
What will you take from this year?
“Being Guardian has taught me so many skills, such as multi-tasking, communication, public speaking, organisation, and teamwork. During our first Saturday School, we planned our own events for the day; this gave us the chance to learn the organisation process and it was great to see how that worked out. Our aim was to introduce the new Year 7 students into the environment, and we ran events to boost spirit and bring out friendly competition.”
How would you summarise your experience?
“My team and I have grown community spirit and brought the people closer through so many events. This has developed our characters and skills and will help us further in life.”
We would like to say a huge thank you to Rhiannon for her dedication and commitment as Guardian and for all that she has contributed. We wish her the best of luck in her exams and every success in her future career

Monday, 6th March |Week A News