Coast news inland 2014 07 18

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The Coast News




VOL. 28, N0. 29

JULY 18, 2014

Bugs may tell new story about watershed health By Tony Cagala

ESCONDIDO — Last month, teams of researchers and trained volunteers with San Diego Coastkeeper waded into the shallow waters of Escondido Creek and a handful of other local rivers, collecting whatever forms of benthic invertebrates they could find. What they were doing was conducting a bioassessment of some of the rivers around the county, which, according to Travis Pritchard, program director with Coastkeeper, will help them to tell a new story on the health of local watersheds. By pairing the chemical data of the county’s rivers, something Coastkeeper has been collecting and studying for a long time, with the new biological data ought to tell a lot about the creeks and rivers. Water samples, Pritchard explained, can show the chemistry of the water there, what the pH levels or nutrient levels are like. “And that’s good because it tells you what the water quality is like,” he added. “It gives you a snap-

shot into what the current water quality is. When you measure bugs though, you can take that information and tell a bigger story. “It’s a direct measure of the integrity of the aquatic life and you can see what effect those pollutants are having on the life of the stream,” he added. Taking five samples in five days from sites in Sweetwater, Buena Vista Creek, two in Escondido and one at the San Diego River, the samples are waiting to be sent to a taxonomy lab so that all of the bugs can be identified down to their genus and species level, Pritchard said. Of the water quality data Coastkeeper already has, Pritchard said Escondido Creek has the highest levels of nitrates of any other river in San Diego County. “And I don’t think anybody knows why,” he added. Though Taya Lazootin, a student in San Diego State University’s master’s degree watershed science program is studying the nutrient pollution in the creek to try and find out why. She’s spent the last six

The Tri-City board is filing a lawsuit that would force the sale of the vacant building on its campus on Vista Way to the hospital for fair market value. Photo by Tony Cagala

Travis Pritchard, program director with San Diego Coastkeeper takes samples in June during a bioassessment of San Diego County rivers. Photo courtesy of San Diego Coastkeeper

months specifically looking at nutrient pollution, nitrates and phosphates, trying to correlate land use to nutrient concentrations in Escondido Creek, which drains into the San Elijo lagoon, a protected estuary. “You would think that nutrients are good, because they help the vitality of the system,” Lazootin said, “but when you have an overconcentration or an overabun-

By Aaron Burgin

dance of nutrients it can also be detrimental to the habitat.” Basically, she explained, when you have too much algae in the water, it takes up a lot of the oxygen in the water, which can deplete the oxygen for anything else that’s living in the water. And eventually, if it gets really bad, she added, then the TURN TO BUGS ON 19

Craft beer creating a buzz in Vista By Ellen Wright

VISTA — This past June marked a milestone in American craft breweries — the most in operation since 1873, according to the Brewers Association. California has the most breweries among them, producing close to 3 million barrels of craft beer a year. During a time of brewery booms, North County is witnessing a boom of its own, with Vista surpassing Portland, Ore., for the amount of breweries per capita, according to head of Vista Brewers Guild Melody Campbell. The city is home to 10 breweries, with two set to open by the end of the summer and one by the end of the year. “It’s really great that it’s getting to the point where each neighborhood now is developing its own identity as part of the (craft beer) community,” said Jill Davidson, sales and brand ambassador for Pizza Port Brewing, which operates a cannery on the outskirts of Vista in Bressi Ranch. She pointed out that the San Diego craft beer industry has long had roots in North County, including Stone Brewing Co. and Pizza Port Brewing, but the amount of breweries is changing dramatically. Vista officials made it easier for the small businesses to get started and they worked closely with brewers to find out their needs and what ordi-

Cans wait to be filled at the Pizza Port Brewing Co. in Bressi Ranch. Photo by Ellen Wright

nances weren’t working. “They were really gracious and they welcomed us with open arms,” said Daniel Love, CEO of Mother Earth Brew Co. It all started when the CEO of Stone, Greg Koch, was looking to change locations from their San Marcos brewery. While he didn’t eventually choose Vista, Stone’s move opened the eyes of city officials to the possibilities. “In working with them we realized it was really kind of a bio-tech company in what they did,” said Kev-

Tri-City lawsuit alleges conflicts of interest over building

in Ham, economic development director with Vista. Ham worked closely with Love and other brewers to make Vista the brewing hub that it is today. “You want to create spaces and places where people want to live and work. The breweries have really added to that environment,” said Ham. The city worked with brewers to start the guild, which meets monthly to discuss issues. “The reason we created the guild TURN TO BEER ON 19

OCEANSIDE — TriCity Healthcare District’s former CEO and board chairwoman had illegal conflicts of interest when they pushed for the district to enter into an agreement with a Carlsbad insurance underwriter to build a medical office building on the hospital’s campus, the hospital alleges in a lawsuit filed this month. The accusations are spelled out in the 149page suit filed on July 3 by the district, which is seeking to void the pact between the hospital district and Medical Acquisition Co., (MAC), which the district said has left it with an unfinished project and a deal that has been to the district’s detriment. Yet, Larry Anderson, the former CEO, board chairwoman Rosemarie Reno and an attorney with MAC each categorically deny the accusations the district made in the lawsuit. “Everything that they have accused me of is completely false,” Anderson said. “I am really getting tired of being accused of things that are totally false, and I have been dealing with this for nine months, and clearly have more to deal with for the foreseeable future, but the accusations are false and in time everyone will see this.” The complex development agreement called for MAC to lease district land for 50 years and build a 60,000-square-foot complex. The hospital would then lease almost half

the space for $75,000 a month and prepay $7.5 million in up-front rent. MAC would use the rest of the space to house doctors from a side company it set up for spinal surgeries in Tri-City’s operation rooms, as well as other services. As of today, the office building sits vacant on the southern edge of the campus. The lawsuit says that Anderson pushed the lease arrangement even though it had a clause that virtually guaranteed him employment for eight years and while MAC owner and founder Charles Perez had bought him various gifts, including a home-security system, guns and other gratuities. The original agreement had a poison-pill clause that would have forced the hospital to pay MAC $18 million if the board were to fire Anderson or his executive team. Even though the hospital board later voted to remove the language, the lawsuit says the conflict still existed at the time the deal was being negotiated. The district terminated Anderson in October 2013, and in November of that year outlined several causes for his termination, including that he misled the district about its financial condition, pressured the former hospital financial officer to misstate financial reserves, conducted an inappropriate investigation of Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall, spent district money for TURN TO LAWSUIT ON 18


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014

Escondido’s Queen Califia closes for maintenance for first time By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — Queen Califia’s Magical Circle in Kit Carson Park has been closed for maintenance for the first time since its opening in 2003. Normal wear and

tear from weather, visitors and occasional vandals necessitated the closure. Tiles were beginning to break, including some glass-mirrored tiles, which caused the city to

close the garden. “The tipping point was that it was hazardous. It was a safety issue,” said Marty Tiedeman, part of the Queen Califia Ad Hoc Committee.

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For the first time since its opening in 2003, Queen Califia’s Magical Circle in Kit Carson Park will be closed for maintenance and repairs. The attraction plans to re-open in late August. Photo by Ellen Wright

The garden is tucked into a remote area of Kit Carson Park and features whimsical statues popular with children and adults alike. The remoteness is part of the garden’s charm but also makes it an easy target for vandals. In order to deter vandals, a taller fence is needed, Kristina Owens,

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associate planner for the city, told the Public Art Commission on Monday. A docent program will also be introduced to reduce vandalism and to educate visitors about the garden. Tiedeman hopes the education program will create respect for the gardens instead of “being a source of entertainment to destroy when (kids) are bored.” The commission plans to re-open the gardens by late August, according to Tiedeman. The dynamic sculpture garden was created by French-American artist Niki de Saint Phalle and gifted to the city. The rich colors and whimsical characters invite viewers to interact and touch the exhibit. Although some people may be surprised to learn that the interactive sculptures are not

meant to be climbed on, according to Commissioner Jean Will. It is the only sculpture garden in America by de Saint Phalle and was her last major project. She passed away in 2002 before the garden was finished. Some of her sculptures are also on display in Balboa Park. The artist also has sculpture gardens in Jerusalem and Italy. She lived in La Jolla with sculptures throughout San Diego, but Queen Califia’s Magical Circle is the largest public garden of her work in America. “I think it’s the jewel of our community,” said Petey Dietz. The Niki Charitable Art Foundation, which insures artistic integrity for all of the artist’s TURN TO REPAIRS ON 19

July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Parking spaces could get smaller in San Marcos district By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos’ long awaited Creek District will soon have new features that might drive SUV owners up a wall — slimmer parking spaces and more spaces for compact cars. The City Council voted on July 7 to approve the first reading of an amendment to the Creek District specific plan that would allow developers to build parking spaces that are a half-foot less in width than the current code requirements of 9 feet and 8 1/2 feet for regular and compact spaces, respectively. At the same time, the ordinance will allow 35 percent of a creek district development’s parking to be compact spaces, compared to the 20 percent maximum citywide. The City Council, as part of the approval, also added language to allow the body to review the parking arrangement annually to see if changes need to be made.

“We know that other cities are doing it,” Vice Mayor Rebecca Jones said of smaller parking spaces. “But we could get it wrong.” City staff said the change was pivotal to give developers incentive to build parking structures within the district, which would be necessary to accommodate the massive amount of growth the city anticipates within the proposed district. The Creek District Specific Plan, approved seven years ago, encompasses a rectangular area generally bounded by Grand Avenue, San Marcos Boulevard and Discovery Street. City officials see the district as becoming the bustling downtown that the city has always lacked. The specific plan calls for 2,300 residential units, more than 1.2 million square feet of retail space and 589,000 square feet of office space, outdoor cafes overlooking San Marcos Creek, 20

acres of parkland a trail system and a 150-seat amphitheater. Villa Park-based Blue Band Enterprises, the developer of the proposed Main Street Plaza, proposed the change, which it said will give developers incentive to build the parking structures because it would drive down the cost per space. The Main Street Plaza project is a mixed-use development that would feature 400 high-end apartments atop 60,000 square feet of office space on six acres near the Arco gas station on San Marcos Boulevard. “To achieve the type of density the city is looking for in the creek district without subterranean parking structures is impossible,” said Michael Lipets, president of Blue Band Enterprises. “And subterranean parking is expensive. Without the proposal, it might be prohibitively expensive.” As justification for the approval,

Blue Band representatives pointed to a study that showed consumers are trending toward buying smaller cars. The California New Car Dealers Association, according to its most recently quarterly data, said that eight of the 10 most purchased cars statewide were compact vehicles, and the most popular car statewide was the Toyota Prius. “Whether that is a trend or if it is increasing or decreasing, I can’t say,” said Brian Maas, president of the new cars association. “But the current stats show that the most popular new cars are mid-sized and smaller cars.” A few cities in San Diego County allow smaller compact spaces than those proposed in the Creek District. In Oceanside and Coronado, for instance, compact spaces can be 7 ½ feet by 15 feet. The City Council will have to approve and adopt a second reading before the change is finalized.

City considering catch and release policy at lakes By Aaron Burgin

NCHS will begin team-based care at its five community health centers. Team-based care frees up doctors to see a greater number of patients. Photo by Promise Yee

NCHS receives $75,000 to fine tune team-based care By Promise Yee

REGION — Now that all Californians are required to have health insurance, North County Health Services (NCHS) has seen a marked increase in newly covered patients at its five community health centers. To help ensure patients receive optimal health care, team-based care is being implemented. Team-based care delegates more health care duties to registered nurses, medical assistants and health educators on the team. This frees up doctors to see a greater number of patients for services, which require their expertise. “People on the team work to the top end of their licensure giving the maximum amount of services they can provide,” Alta Farley, NCHS grant writer, said. The approach has required medical assistants to receive additional training and more health educators to be hired. Patients are paired with a team that works with their primary care physician. This allows trust to blossom. Briana Cardoza, NCHS senior director of program planning and grants, said the team-based approach is expected to reap positive results. “We are excited to adopt these models of care because it’s been shown that team-based care positively predicts satisfaction and engagement among patients,” Cardoza said. A big benefit is that patients become more responsible for their healthcare, including adopting a healthier

lifestyle. “Many patients have needs and barriers beyond seeing a physician,” Farley said. “We can integrate a lot of health education and nutrition.” Those with chronic diseases will benefit from one-on-one recommendations to help manage their health. “A physician is limited with their time and doesn’t necessarily address lifestyle changes,” Farley said. Additional expected patient benefits are better health, reduced emergency room visits and lower health care costs. “We’ll have a healthier, happier community,” Farley said. “Patients will feel more supported in their care, feel an active participant in making decisions about their own care, feel empowered and be connected with other community resources.” To help get team-based care off to a good start, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded North County Health Services $75,000 to hone best practice. The funds will be used to fine-tune team-based care during the first year. A NCHS project team will visit successful team-based care facilities, receive best practices training and troubleshoot implementation. “We pretty much have a skeleton of it in place,” Farley said. “Now we need to streamline it, make it work efficiently and cost-effectively.” NCHS serves more than 60,000 patients at its community health centers in Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos and Ramona.

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos is considering requiring local anglers to catch and release fish caught at Discovery Lake and Jacks Pond, rather than recommending it as the city currently does. The city’s Community Services Commission is set to vote on an action item recommending the council change the city’s policy, which the council could vote on as early as August. The fishery at both local water bodies — which at one point was teeming with bass, bluegill, catfish and crappie — has slipped in recent years, largely due to anglers catching fish and taking them home, rather than releasing them as recommended, according to a city staff report. “There would be times that I would visit the lake and observe some fishermen leaving the lake with stringers full of fish (legal size & limit),” a city park ranger said in a report. “I’d try to encourage them to catch and release but they wouldn’t be receptive to releasing a nicesized bass.” Parks staff received a letter from Lee Franchi, a San Diego resident who fishes at Discovery Lake, who expressed concern that the over fishing would lead to future generations not being able to enjoy the lake. “It occurred to me on several occasions that unless there is a change in the current policy, the possibility that my son, and many other sons, dads and/or granddads could lose the opportunity and inherent enjoyment of fishing this body of water in the not too distant future,” he wrote. Park rangers concurred with Franchi’s as-

A fisherman casts a line into the water at Discovery Lake in San Marcos on Tuesday. The city is considering requiring a catch and release policy at two of its lakes. Photo by Tony Cagala

sessment and are endorsing the change. Several lakes in San Diego County also have mandatory catch and release, including Lake San Marcos, Lake Las Posas and Lake O’Neil in Camp Pendleton and

Barrett and Upper Otay lakes in San Diego. Discovery Lake is south of Craven Road and west of Twin Oaks Valley Road and Jacks Pond is south of Barham Drive along La Moree Road.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Letters to the Editor

Ranchers coming around on global warming California Focus By Thomas Elias


he chorus of global warming deniers has not shrunk. Outcries claiming the entire issue is fraudulent are not going away. But realism is also slowly setting in among some California groups that long tried to wish away the issue by claiming any warming that’s happening is strictly a cyclical natural phenomenon. California ranchers are now among the first interest groups to realize that like it or not, global warming can no longer be denied with any semblance of accuracy. For very gradually, ranchers are seeing the grasslands they depend upon to feed their cattle begin to shrink and convert naturally to shrub land. What’s the difference? Shrubs have a greater ability to withstand wildfires, but cattle don’t like to eat them. This means the more grasslands gradually shift to chaparral-like shrubbery, the more ranchers must spend on hay. For consumers, that means more expensive beef, from filet mignon to hamburger. It’s not that grassland is disappearing quickly or that the loss is inevitable. But there has already been some acreage lost, mostly in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains and a 2013 study from Duke University and the Environmental Defense Fund concluded that if global warming continues its present trends, it will hike California ranchers’ spending on hay by upwards of $235 million a year within the next half century. That time frame is similar to predictions made two years ago by the state Natural Resources Agency, which concluded that if current trends continue (sea level along the California coast having risen eight inches since 1910), as many as 500,000 persons living

near beaches and marshes will be threatened with flooding by the end of this century. Climate change denial tends to run stronger among political conservatives than others, so an interesting contradiction is arising. For these are usually the same folks who oppose increasing national debt levels for fear of fobbing large burdens onto generations to come. Why, if they don’t want to impose financial burdens on their descendants, do they not mind hitting those same generations with an environmental calamity? Maybe because they

high mountain peaks were mostly from natural causes, it is helped along by human activity that produces CO2. Which means today’s adults have an obligation to their children to do whatever they can to contain it. True, some other countries and much of America are doing little or nothing about all this. Does that excuse Californians from our responsibility? Meanwhile, plenty of other countries have acted similarly to this state’s cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases. One officer of the California Cattlemen’s Assn., which just over two years ago issued a statement opposing all cap-and-trade

For consumers, that means more expensive beef, from filet mignon to hamburger don’t believe there’s anything humans can do about global warming, which many conservative politicians and writers ascribe to nature. They ignore, though, the hundreds of academic studies that have found increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) are associated with higher ambient temperatures. Maybe, also, they don’t think a degree or two of difference in average temperatures makes much difference. The once-large and permanent ice fields visible from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park offer some evidence to the contrary: Photographed a century ago at midsummer by the legendary Ansel Adams and others, they are now all but gone. There was barely a glimmer of ice visible from the point last July and there’s less each year. It’s the same at Glacier National Park in Montana, which may now be a misnomer. So even if the warming visible on rangelands and

legislation, later said in a rangeland conference at UC Davis that climate change (natural or not) is “certainly going to impact all the other natural resources that we’ve worked to steward for so many years.” This change of attitude toward climate change from an organization that’s anything but politically liberal was remarkable. Whether it presages movement among other interest groups that have consistently fought climate change legislation is an open question. But it demonstrates that ideology can sometimes go out the window when confronted with hard reality. Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

Carlsbad mayor and city reservoir site. council: Are you listenExcuse me! Does the city come to residents ing? to fund other improveSince January, Olde ments or projects? Isn’t that why we all Carlsbad residents have been petitioning and pay taxes? If the city was in fimeeting with the mayor and city council mem- nancial crisis that may bers to set aside a 3-acre make sense; but that unused parcel of land is not the case here in at the old Buena Vis- Carlsbad which is quite ta Reservoir to be used well off financially. Surely Carlsbad can for park or open space serving the residents easily afford to turn this of Carlsbad’s northwest 3-acre parcel into somequadrant. thing of value to the Olde Carlsbad in the whole community. northwest quadrant of Who does the counthe city has been under- cil really represent? Apparently not the served regarding park residents or we wouldn’t space. Residents have met still be having this disrepeatedly with staff or cussion. council members and Mayor and city counhave so far only met with cil members, it’s time excuses, resistance, or to speak up and declare silence. whose side you are on. At the June 17 counAs elected officials cil meeting, 17 speakers you owe us that. Either you are on representing 600 residents of Olde Carlsbad the side of special interexpressed their unani- ests or on the side of the mous interest in having Carlsbad residents who this land set aside for a wish to preserve what precious open space is neighborhood park. It’s a total no-brain- still remaining to imer. The unused land is al- prove the quality of life ready owned by the city for all of us in Carlsbad. and it’s an ideal location If you disagree, we for a neighborhood park. need to have an open So why hasn’t it already dialogue, not silence. If you agree we need happened? When Mayor Hall your help and active asasked the council mem- sistance to move this bers for any comments dream forward. We would like to see after the June 17 meeting there was complete a “Buena Vista Reserve” silence with the excep- to be saved for all future tion of council member residents of northwest Carlsbad, indeed all of Keith Blackburn. Mayor Hall made the Carlsbad to enjoy. The next time we comment the sale of the reservoir would be off vote we will know who to the table until the fall. vote for and who not to Why not off the table for vote for. good? Respectfully, Ron Why would the city Ramswick, 39-year resistill be considering selldent of Olde Carlsbad ing the property instead of serving the residents? Mayor Hall has said on more than one occasion, “How are you go- Is this what taxpayers ing to pay for this,” in want? response to our request for a park or open space The July 15 Carlsbad to be established at the City Council workshop

on parks and open space was the opportunity for the City Council to aspire to the kind of parks and open space that truly would make them a world class city. What they did instead was : • Eliminate the long standing goal of 40% open space at build-out • Ignore the request for neighborhood parks • Imply there “might” be some future parks added with no assurances that will happen • Say absolutely nothing about converting the Buena Vista Reservoir to a park • Make it clear they do not want to spend any more money on parks. Someone needs to remind them where their $ 74m in excess reserve funds came from. Wouldn’t it be a novel idea for politicians to spend taxpayer money on what the taxpayers want? Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera

Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcomed. Please keep submissions relevant and respectful. Please submit letters or commentaries, including your city of residence and contact information (for confirmation purposes only) to letters@


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Contributing writers BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee ChrisTina maCone-greene david Boylan e’louise ondash franK mangio Jay Paris

Photographer Bill reilly

Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Escondido’s pocket park brings new look to area By Tony Cagala

ESCONDIDO — Jerry Harmon walked through the brand new pocket park on Saturday evening, stopping to view local artist Zane Kincaid’s large mural on the side of a wall. Harmon said of the park that it’s turned an otherwise closed off location on Escondido Boulevard into an appealing open feeling that makes people want to use the trail. The inviting sense that the park brings allows people to say, “It’s OK, I’m supposed to be here,” Harmon added. Designed by Nathan Stout, the park is the first of what city officials and community volunteers hope will become a part of what Kevin Barnard, board president of The Escondido Creek Conservancy, described as creating a series of “beads on a necklace, providing things to do and see along the way.” The project has been in the works for a couple of years, according to Ann Hough, managing director of The Escondido Creek Conservancy. But it was only when they received a grant from the Escondido Charitable Foundation and other donations from the Kiwanis Club of Escondido and personal donors that the park was able to move forward. Stout said the park took the vision of the Reveal the Creek community group to design, and he just put the ideas down on paper. “What they were looking for was a place that brings together the community that uses the Escondido Trail, local business and also the river, and so in the design, we have elements that reflect the business, provide usefulness for the people and elements that are reminiscent of a river of flowing water,” Stout said. Bike racks that resemble juncus plants, which, Stout explained were culturally significant to the native people in the

Jerry Harmon walks through the pocket park in Escondido on Saturday evening, stopping to view local artist Zane Kincaid’s mural. Photos by Tony Cagala

area give cyclists a place to lock their bikes. And Stout said they’ve started calling an oak tree they’ve planted their “legacy oak,” because it should persist well beyond all of us. “To have a group of people with a vision and a willingness to take action, and then to see them succeed in creating their vision, is extremely rewarding,” Stout said. With the park being his first built project, he said there were no words to describe how it felt to see it translate from paper to reality. “It’s pretty incredible to see it come to life,” he said. “It makes it a visible improvement,” said Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz. “There are environmental reasons to work along the creek…and it’s not always obvious to the public why that’s important, but when you have a recreational, and visibly pleas-

From left: Escondido Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz, Mayor Sam Abed and Councilman Ed Gallo help celebrate the grand opening of a pocket park on Saturday.

ing project, suddenly there’s in- added. “This is exactly the kind of terest,” she said. “And I think that’s what you’re seeing, just project that we should be enfrom this project…and then couraging,” Diaz said. they learn about the creek,” she Mayor Sam Abed said the

almost seven mile project will serve the community’s best interest. He added that the city fought hard to receive SANDAG funding for lights that were recently installed along the trail. “And we continue to lobby for more money from the federal government, from the state government, to have this project completed,” Abed said. “We are doing it one project at a time, and that’s what it takes.” Several other projects along the creek have been completed or are being planned, including the building of three Habitat for Humanity homes last June and working to connect Stone Brewery with the urban network of creek trail. A master plan-approved skate park is in the works at the city-owned Washington Park, Diaz said. The pocket park is at 510 N. Broadway.

Find your Escondido animal shelter joins with San Diego inner beauty REGION — The Heading for Hollywood Pageant is now accepting contestants for the 2014 Inner Beauty Pageant Show to be held Aug. 17. All contestants are offered a one-week pageant training clinic, July 21 through July 25 that includes professional instruction in acting, singing, dancing and pageantry. The pageant is open to boys and girls, ages 4 to 17 and no previous experience is necessary. All contestants will receive recognition and top winners will have the opportunity to participate in the Poway Days Parade in September. Registration is ongoing and runs through Aug. 4. For more information and to register online, visit or call (858) 679-8277. The Heading for Hollywood Pageant seeks to inspire creativity, confidence and positive self-expression in today’s youth.

REGION — On July 1, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA and the Escondido Humane Society officially merged into a single organization, working for a more humane San Diego County. The name of the combined organization will be the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA, with Gary Weitzman continuing as the president and CEO. “We have been eagerly anticipating this day because we know how combining resources will save more of the most vulnerable animals in our community,” said Weitzman. “Our organizations have been working together to save homeless pets in San Diego County for quite some time but now we can make an even greater impact together.” “This merger enables us to increase both efficiency and effectiveness, which translates into more animals being saved,” said Sally Costello, executive director of Escondido Humane Society. Costello officially begins her new role at San Diego Humane Society as vice president

of Strategic Initiatives. However, she will spend the next six months devoted to transitioning the two organizations through implementation of integrated practices. The shelter location in Escondido will operate as the “San Diego Humane Society, Escondido Campus,” joining the San Diego Humane Society’s existing San Diego and Oceanside Campuses. The benefits of the merger are many, including: More treatable animals’ lives will be saved Additional resources to advance animal welfare services Increased services for individual pet owners when they are faced with the challenges and difficulties of separating from a beloved pet Weitzman said, “We’ve been saving all healthy and treatable animals for several years. Now our focus is on assisting other local animal shelters reduce the number of animals euthanized for medical and behavior reasons in San Diego County. With special veterinary care, time in a foster

home, rehabilitation programs and training, these animals can now be saved.” As organization leadership work collectively to expand programs and services, the current program offerings and community service at both organizations will continue uninterrupted. The animal control

contracts managed by the Escondido Humane Society in the cities of San Marcos, Poway and Escondido will remain in place under the new San Diego Humane Society Escondido Campus and will be fulfilled as contracted. For more information, visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014

Panel discussion looks for lessons learned during wildfires By Promise Yee

SAN MARCOS — It was a needed discussion on lessons learned for those involved in the May wildfires that popped up over three consecutive days, in three different areas in the county. The San Diego chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists held a panel discussion on the campus of Cal State San Marcos on Wednesday to discuss perspectives, expectations and realities for safety officials, journalists and residents during emergencies such as the recent wildfires. “The idea is we’re going to get the media, the public and safety officials talking to one another, reflecting on what worked and what didn’t in the May 2014 wildfires, and discussing how to improve things for everyone in the next one,” Matt Hall, president of the San Diego chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, and public engagement editor for U-T San Diego, said. No two fires are the same. The May fires burned 26,000 acres, destroyed 46 homes and 19 structures, and spurred 121,000 evacuation notices. A lot was learned in the 2003 wildfires that helped this time around. “I think the county is safer than ever,” Dean Elwood KFMB/Channel 8 news director, said. There have been major safety advancements with the implementation of drop boundary agreements between cities, and air and ground coordination between fire, police, sheriffs and military. Nick Schuler, Cal Fire battalion chief and incident commander for the May fires, said he is able to request military assistance with a phone call. “San Diego is the only county in the nation with immediate response,” Schuler said. “I can make a call to the military to say we may need to activate you tomorrow and find out what they

Panel members consider a question by moderator Matt Hall, president of the San Diego chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, and public engagement editor for U-T San Diego. Discussion on May wildfires included Marine Col. Will Hooper, U-T San Diego public safety editor/online news director Tom Mallory, Cal Fire Battalion Chief Nick Schuler, KFMB/Channel 8 News Director Dean Elwood, and Escondido Police Chief Craig Carter. Photo by Promise Yee

have available.” While collaboration has improved county safety, there are gaps between public expectations and reality. “The challenge is people see military helicopters sitting in a row and think every one of them should be in flight,” Schuler said. Marine Col. Will Hooper, deputy operations officer, said the military is ready to help fight fires in the capacity it can. “It is not out primary mission,” Hooper said. “The Navy has a core mission of firefighting we do not. We have the capacity to provide this when we’re able.” The Corps has 33 buckets to air-

Hospice offers training ESCONDIDO — The Elizabeth Hospice will host a three-day volunteer training for individuals interested in becoming a hospice volunteer from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 19, Aug. 20 and Aug. 21 at The Elizabeth Hospice administrative building, 500 La Terraza Blvd, Suite 130. Volunteer training is free and open to the public. Volunteers can assist with complementary therapies such as pet therapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and Reiki. Licensed massage therapists are greatly needed. Spanish-speaking volunteers and veterans are also needed. The Elizabeth Hospice serves San Diego and South Riverside Counties. Professional staff at the hospice teach the comprehensive training classes, ad-

dressing issues such as the volunteer role in hospice care, working with non-verbal patients, cultural diversity, complementary therapies, and active listening. Graduates of this volunteer training will serve hospice patients and their family members that live in the graduate’s community. To ensure a place in the volunteer training, contact the Volunteer Department at (760) 737-2050 by Aug. 13. Another training will be offered in the fall. The Elizabeth Hospice has a 36-year tradition as the premier provider of medical, emotional and spiritual support to the seriously ill and their families. To learn more, call (760) 737-2050 or visit

drop water, and all of them are located in California. Journalists also discussed challenges of accessing the scene. “We’re really trying to serve the public and save lives,” Elwood said. “To each person their property is really important to them. We want to give some people a little sense of relief.” Discussion brought to light that the limited media access to the fire in Carlsbad was due to safety concerns. Winds were pushing along embers that had 100 percent likelihood of starting another fire. “The fire was burning fast and furious,” Mike Lopez, Carlsbad division chief/fire marshal, said. “It was the

perfect storm. We were taxed on resources. Then we get hit with the call for Poinsettia. We sealed off roads. The fire was in the direct center of the city.” Talks also shared that access to updated fire maps are improving. Simpler, easily accessible maps are being developed for the public. High-resolution maps, in several file formats, are accessible to media. Brett Van Wey, San Marcos fire chief, added access to the most accurate maps is sometimes a matter of media contacting the city that is handling the fire, rather than the county. The mutual need for public safety and media to work together was shared. Schuler said Cal Fire relies on media to get out emergency information. “It’s important for us to work as a team,” Schuler said. “If we don’t provide it for them, they’ll find someone else who will provide their perspective.” Craig Carter, Escondido police chief, reiterated the need to work together especially in announcing mandatory evacuations and shelter locations. “We can’t do our job without media,” Carter said. Journalists discussed getting out timely and accurate information to keep the public updated. Carter warned journalists against reporting unverified information heard over police or fire emergency radio. Social media was also discussed as a useful source to quickly disperse and gather information. It was cautioned that information must be vetted. “There’s so much more information available, so much more quickly it’s unwieldy at times,” Elwood said. Discussion concluded with kudos to safety officials for keeping the public safe, and a vow by journalists to keep residents informed.

Explorers finish strong in regional competition By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The Oceanside Explorers team did a crackerjack job during regional competition, which challenged teams in law enforcement response scenarios, target shooting and a mile-long obstacle course. Dominic La Porta, William Jester, Brannon Adkins, and Jordan Laser represented Oceanside during competition held at the 63-acre Escondido Police Department shooting range June 26 and June 27. The Oceanside team excelled in the vehicle felony stop scenario in which teams were graded on how they enacted procedures, utilized team members, and kept the situation safe. “They were given a perfect score and first place,” Lt. Leonard Cosby said. Scenarios also asked Explorers teams to respond to a police officer ambush,

bus assault, and domestic up to 100 yards out. violence incident. There was also a mileShooting competition long team obstacle course to master. Oceanside teamed with Escondido in the competition, which included the challenges of passing water buckets over a six-foot tall fence, bandaging an arm en route, and tire flipping. There was the added challenge of teammates being blindfolded it they made a mistake along the course. This called for fellow teammates to assist them with the remainder of the challenge. “This event required excellent teamwork from Lt. Leondard Cosby all of the participants,” Oceanside Police Cosby said. Department The Oceanside Explorers team took third place tested Explorers mastery of overall in the two-day com40-caliber handguns, shot- petition in which 13 Exguns, and semi-automatic plorers teams from eight riffles. Timed drills asked Southern California police team members to shoot tar- agencies participated. Oceanside also regets at varying distances, ceived the Honor Award for

If it wasn’t for Explorers, officers or someone else would be doing it for us.”

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most commitment. “The kids are really sparkplugs,” Cosby said. “Sgt. Garcia of the Escondido Police Department said he was really pleased with the attitude of the kids.” The Oceanside Explorers program is run through the Police Department that teams up with an accredited school to instruct 15 to 20 year olds in law enforcement skills. Explorers meet monthly, and volunteer year round to serve the community. Opportunities range from police ride-alongs, to event crowd control, and field evidence technician training. “We’re engage with young people all the time, this hits closer to home for us,” Cosby said. “We see it as an investment in the life of a young person.” The program gives Explorers an understanding of police operations, and allows them to reap the rewards of serving the community. During July 4, crowd control operations Explorers helped transport police officers to their patrol sites. “If it wasn’t for Explorers, officers or someone else would be doing it for us,” Cosby said. “It freed up a lot of hands.” Many Explorers go on to work in law enforcement.

July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Tracking group offers firsthand look at wildlife By Promise Yee

REGION — A group gathered around a circle drawn in the dirt. Using charts, measuring tools and field experience, they determined the four-toed track was from a toad. Senior tracker William Sulzbach pushed the group to come up with more information. Which were the front and hind tracks? What direction was the animal headed? After analyzing their find further the group moved on, stopped and circled another set of tracks, this time a mule deer. The group gathered at Los Peñasquitos Ranch House on July 12 was taking an introductory tracking class. Tracks, scat and tufts of fur were all clues to wildlife in the area. Denise Harter has been a volunteer tracker with the San Diego Tracking Team for five years. She said her appreciation of nature has grown because of tracking. “The landscape opens up to you,” Harter, said. “You’re aware of the birds and how they stop singing when you’re there, and how they start singing again if you stand still awhile.” Dick Chadwick, of La Mesa, said he is considering taking formal training to become an official volunteer tracker. “I do a lot of hiking,” Chadwick said. “It’s something I’ve always been interested in.” Formal training teaches volunteers the protocol of collecting data. “Once you’ve gone through the full class series you really learn what you’re doing,” Phoenix Von Hendy, San Diego Tracking Team vice president, said. Volunteer trackers go out quarterly in two-hour sessions to collect data in Los Peñasquitos Canyon, Mount Woodson, Calavera, Rose Canyon and Mission Trails. Tracking is usually done in the early morning when the lighting is the best. Volunteers stick to trails to minimize their impact on the environment. “Transect surveys are nondestructive, they’re on existing dirt roads,” Von Hendy said. Data is hand-recorded in the field, and then transferred into a computer database where it is used by county and state parks, land management agencies and conservation groups. Trackers observe patterns over time, and see firsthand the impacts of new roadways and wildfires on nature. Von Hendy recalls tracking a familiar transect following the 2003 Cedar fire. “The coyote population crashed,” Von Hendy

MiraCosta College will be opening a Technology Career Institute in Carlsbad with plans to be ready for student enrollment by January 2015, Photo by Ellen Wright

MiraCosta set to open North County Technology Career Institute By Ellen Wright

Measurements and charts help the group determine what animal left the track. Toad, mule deer, and cottontail tracks were found during the training session. Photos by Promise Yee

Volunteer tracker Denise Harter, left, listens as senior tracker William Sulzbach explains how an animal’s gait indicates its size. Classes fine-tune trackers’ skills.

said. There was also a corresponding increase in bobcats and gray foxes. It took more than 10 years for a healthy balance between coyotes, bobcats and foxes to return. The San Diego Tracking Team has been recording habitat data since 1993. Countywide tracking began when Friends of Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve and San Diego Biodiversity Project joined efforts to create the first maps of San Diego County wildlife corridors in the 1980s. Conservation biologists and wildlife habitat experts helped the groups finalize wildlife corridor maps. The mapping project brought attention to the natural need for wildlife corridors, which were soon after included in city and county urban planning. The San Diego Tracking Team 501(c) 3 was formed in 1999 when the Mt. Woodson Wildlife Trackers and Los Peñasquitos Tracking Team merged to form an umbrella organization to educate the public and train tracking volunteers.

CARLSBAD — MiraCosta Community College will open a North San Diego Technology Career Institute to train students in advanced manufacturing programs like electromechanical engineering, robotics /automation and fluid power. The institute was approved Tuesday to lease a building from the city of Carlsbad on Las Palmas Drive. The site will allow 775 students to enroll annually with a job placement rate of 90 percent for new students, and 100 percent for returning students, according to the city’s Economic Development Manager Christina Vincent. The certificate program will last between 12 and 16 weeks. If all of the building updates go according to plan, the site will be ready for en-

rollment in January, said Vincent. The Department of Labor provided MiraCosta the funds to start the program, according to Dr. Dick Robertson interim president of the college. “Currently there is a

that are currently vacant.” Tech industry specialists came to the Council meeting to voice their support for the program and to illustrate their need for skilled workers. “The skillset is bad

Currently there is a shortage in all of North County for skilled technicians.” Dr. Dick Robertson Interim President, MiraCosta College

shortage in all of North County for skilled technicians,” Roberts told the City Council on July 8 “We have received multiple visits and requests from businesses asking MCC to provide the kind of training that will fill hundreds of positions

out there. We’d prefer to draw from a more reliable pool,” said Sean Tiller from Alphatec Spine. Pay for the jobs that the program aims to fill start between $15 and $20 an hour, according to TURN TO INSTITUTE ON 19


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014

A rts &Entertainment

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Michael Cho to debut ‘Shoplifter’ at Comic-Con By Noah S. Lee

Pantheon Books, part of Random House’s Knopf Doubleday group, appears in this year’s San Diego Comic-Con at booth No. 1515 to showcase Canadian illustrator/cartoonist/writer Michael Cho’s debut graphic novel “Shoplifter.” This wonderful combination of imagery and words revolves around a young woman’s search for true happiness and self-fulfillment in the big city; meanwhile, she busies herself with small-time shoplifting in order to cope with her conflicting emotions. “Shoplifter” is a skillful testament to Cho’s potential as a graphic novelist, and that same skill resonated within the questions I had for him in advance of SDCC. There is no such thing as a work without an origin story. Which inspiration(s) encouraged you to create “Shoplifter”? A couple of different things went into it. I’ve worked primarily as an illustrator in my career, doing assignments for magazines and drawing book covers, etc., but had started to move towards writing and drawing comics stories. I’ve had a lifelong love of the comics medium and, over the last few years, I’ve written and drawn shorter comics on a variety of different subjects. I finally wanted to tackle a longer format story, so “Shoplifter” came out of that impulse. As for the story itself, it was something that had been percolating for a while. I knew a lot of people like Corrina, the protagonist of the story, who were in their 20’s and well-educated, intelligent and eager to pursue their creative ambitions but trapped for whatever reasons in a job and a path that might not get them there. It seemed like a great setup for a graphic novel. I can imagine the transition you made from illustrator/ cartoonist to graphic novelist must’ve been an interesting experience. When you decided to combine beautiful imagery with brilliant writing in what would be-

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David Yaruss’s collection of Disney animation artwork will be on exhibit for the first time publically at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido starting July 26 through Sept. 7. Courtesy photo

Collector drawn to Disney artworks By Tony Cagala

Author Michael Cho is set to debut his graphic novel “Shoplifter” at this year’s Comic-Con. Image courtesy

of Michael Cho

come your first graphic novel, how did it feel? First, thanks for the kind words. It was a very rewarding but very challenging experience working on this book. I tend to have more confidence in my drawing than I do in my writing, but the writing has to come first for me. So there was a lot of gnashing of teeth as I worked on revising and polishing the story to a point where I could then sit down and draw it. Also, comics are a medium that values the economy of words, so I spent a lot of afternoons doing things like cutting 30 words in a panel to just 10, or replacing them with a wordless picture. Drawing the story had its own challenges, like figuring out how to convey interior states and subtle emotions in pictures, but it also had its own rewards. I like to get lost in the drawing when I work, and it was easy to do so with a story that I had written myself and knew intimately. Overall, I was extremely grateful throughout the process to be able to work on a project that was self-initiated and which I had complete freedom to tackle as I

saw fit. What is striking about “Shoplifter” is its natural ability to speak to our generation about self-fulfillment and happiness, and it explores those themes through the eyes of one Corrina Park. During the character creation process, what did you need to consider with respect to conveying that sense of purpose via the heroine’s journey? This is a tough question! My main consideration was trying to create a living, breathing character that was believable and relatable. I didn’t want Corrina to be a stand-in or the “voice of a generation” or anything awful like that, I just wanted her to be a complete person with the contradictions and complexities inherent in anyone interesting. I think her struggle, however, can resonate with a lot of people who are sharp enough to critique but, for whatever reason, feel unable to create. The entirety of “Shoplifter” is presented in black-&white, which proves to be effective in painting a lively portrait of the setting and characters. As you were applying your artwork to the

story, were there any other reasons you opted for the resulting choice of color? The book is actually drawn and printed in two colors — a magenta tone and black ink. I’ve worked in two-color quite a bit, and it’s an approach I felt was appropriate for this book. I just find focusing on things like atmosphere or mood easier with a limited palette than in juggling harmonies in full color and I’m more confident in depicting subtleties in two-color than with a harsher black & white approach. Now that “Shoplifter” is on its way to reaching the eyes and ears of the world at this year’s Comic-Con, what’s next for you? I’m just continually working on growing as an artist and story-teller. “Shoplifter” was originally planned as the first of five interrelated stories featuring different characters, so I have four others that I’ll be working on over the next few years. The next book is much longer and incorporates many of the lessons learned while working on “Shoplifter.” Hopefully it’ll find an audience as well.

ESCONDIDO — San Diego resident David Yaruss is recently retired from his professional work as a pharmacist. Though it’s his work as a hobbyist dealer at Comic-Cons for the past 35 years that has drawn his interests. Since 1975, Yaruss has collected close to 300 pieces of Disney animation artwork — everything from concept art to character cells to backgrounds of some of the company’s most iconic films. More than 250 pieces of his collection will be on display for the first time publically later this month at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. The former pharmacist said he began collecting roughly in 1975, out of total serendipity. He learned about a local comic show from TV and thought that it would be interesting. Yaruss went to the old El Cortez for the small show, where he saw some of the old comics he’d had as a kid. Those comics turned out to be very popular, he said, because of the artists that drew them. “It all just changed my collecting life at that point,” he said. Yaruss talked a little more about his passion for collecting and gave some advice on what to look for when going to the exhibit.


Vrana Rachel

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Is there a bit of nostalgia for you in collecting these works? I collect for every reason. Nostalgia started it and then just the beauty and quality, especially the concept art and backgrounds, the cells — the images of the characters are cute and that is sort of the final touch on a piece of Disney art, or the process that goes on the screen — but there’s the concept art, storyboards, drawings, all of which come first. Is it only the art of the “Golden Age of Animation” that you’re interested in collecting? That’s my primary focus, but as far as strictly Disney, I have some other non-animation stuff that I’ve picked up over the years. But mainly the passion is Disney before the 1950s and earlier. Although I certainly wouldn’t say no to anything later if it was nice. There’s so many factors involved. Is it difficult to find these pieces today? Are you still collecting? Yes. The passion is always there. And each year it becomes more difficult. A lot of sources wind up in auctions and it’s becoming harder each year.

Is there one piece that you’re especially looking Do you remember your first for that you haven’t yet piece that you collected? found? A couple of my earliest Well, anything that I’m pieces — I don’t even have TURN TO ANIMATION ON 19 anymore — were some early

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“Snow White” drawings.

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July 18, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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A rts &Entertainment


Composer/editor John Ottman talks ‘X-Men’ at Comic-Con By Noah S. Lee

REGION — On July 24, John Ottman will appear at Comic-Con’s 2nd Annual Musical Anatomy of a Superhero panel, in which prominent Hollywood composers will provide insight into bringing comic book characters and stories to life through music. A Marvel veteran, Ottman is the only person in Hollywood who handles both scoring and editing duties in the films on which he works, a practice he reserves solely for his longtime collaborator Bryan Singer. His dual contributions can be seen in the recent “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” During this phone interview, Ottman discussed his working relationship with Singer, his favorite career scores, what draws him to Marvel characters, the experience he had in composing the latest “X-Men” score, and more. What do you enjoy most about your collaboration with director Bryan Singer, from your USC days to nowadays? The best part is the fact that we’ve worked together for so many years that there’s a trust factor that we have, and so it makes my job much easier than it can be when we’re making one our films. I just do it [music and editing] and then he comes in and basically sees what I’ve been doing and checks in to see how I’m shaping things.

one film score of your career that you love the most, which would it be? That’s a really hard one because there’s a few of them, but, inevitably, it’s usually the ones that no one hears or sees; the films that bomb usually end up being my favorite scores. In recent memory, one would be “Astro Boy” – a film that no one ever saw – and going way back, there’s a film called “Incognito”; that wasn’t even released. And “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” is one of my favorites as well. What do you personally enjoy about scoring Marvel films, given your long history with not only the “X-Men” series, but also the last two “Fantastic Four” films? Well, I think you can wear your emotions on your sleeve a little more as a composer, because the characters are larger-thanlife, and therefore you don’t have to be as subtle as you might have to be with another film, and you can actually write themes for characters and so forth. As a composer, that’s sort of a breath of fresh air, because you can be more musical than you might be restricted to on some other franchise. I think a superhero film is the closest thing you can get to score an animated film, which is the ultimate film for a composer, because you can just completely be much more overt with your musical emotions.

Film composer John Ottman is appearing at Comic-Con to speak about the “musical anatomy” of scoring comic book-based films. Courtesy photo

of Future Past,” what kind of approach did you opt for so as to differentiate this film from “X2”? The biggest thing that differentiates it from “X2” is that it’s a little more modern; it’s been over a decade since “X2,” and some of the scoring styles have changed slightly, even though I continue to keep my own mantra of being thematic in my scores and keep within the spirit of the “X-Men” franchise. Nevertheless, the score was When you were composing more modern and perhaps If you had to choose the the score for “X-Men: Days darker. Modern meaning I

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

JULY 18 MCCARTNEY COMES TO TOWN Paul McCartney will play the Petco Park Sept. 28 during his Out There tour. This will be his first concert in the city since the Wings Over America tour passed through in 1976. Tickets are on sale at padres. com/PaulMcCartney and all Ticketmaster locations.

children’s books from noon to 3 p.m. July 19 at Bliss 101, 687 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite 151, Encinitas. For more information call (760) 487-1900 or visit bliss101. com. ART AUCTION A free, fine art auction will be held from 4 to 7:30 p.m. July 19 at the Harding Center Auditorium, 3096 Harding St. All items offered for auction will be available for inspection at 3 p.m.

REGGAE CLASSICS The Wailers will perform at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Junior Seau Pier Amphitheater, 200 FEEL THE RHYTHM North of the Strand, OceansDance Explosion 2014 does ide. Tickets are $25 at sumits second show at 7:30 p.m. July 18 at MiraCosta College Theatre, 1 Barnard Drive, JULY 21 THE REP North Coast Oceanside. General Admission, $15. Tickets for the Repertory Theatre offers Romance” summer concert may be pur- “Romance, chased online or one hour through Aug. 3 at 987 Lomas before the concert opens at Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solathe MiraCosta College Box na Beach. For showtimes and Office located at the Oceans- tickets visit northcoastrep. ide campus: (760) 795-6815. org or call (858) 481-1055 JULY 23 JULY 19 ROCKIN’ WEDNESMEET KIMO Children's author Kerry Germain will DAYS The band, Machin, discuss her “Kimo” series will bring its Spanglish jive,

I was hoping it would used a lot more synthesizers within the score than actually work, and it did, because when you actually just pure orchestra. go put the scene together How fun was it incorporat- for real, it’s very often that ing Jim Croce’s “Time in a the song doesn’t work anyBottle” into the Quicksil- more, and I was thrilled ver slow-motion sequence? that the song still was just It was a lot of fun, ac- as magical in the sequence tually, because when we as it was in the animated put that song into the pre- version of the scene. vis version of that scene, it just completely made Now that Singer has sucthe scene happen. I wish I cessively returned to the could take credit for that “X-Men” series with “Days song, but the pre-vis artist of Future Past,” are you with whom I was working looking forward to scoring put that song in, and I was and editing future installments? thrilled with it.

Latin, gypsy, reggae sound to the Encinitas Farmer’s Market from 4:30 to 8 p.m. July 23, in parking lot B, 600 S. Vulcan Ave., at the corner of E Street and Vulcan Avenue. For more information, visit

imal art runs through Aug. 24 at the Encinitas Library Art Gallery and will host an opening reception from 1 to 4 p.m. June 26 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. The show supports the Rancho Coastal Humane SoJULY 26 ciety. For more information, QUILT ART Selections call (760) 519-1551 or log on from the 18th Quilt National to competition will be featured July 26 through Nov. 23, at ART SHOW DEADLINE Oceanside Museum of Art The entry deadline for the 704 Pier View Way, Oceans- Carlsbad Oceanside Art ide. Tickets are $8 general. League’s Open Juried Fine A reception will be held at Art Show is July 26. Get a 6 p.m. Aug. 1, in conjunction prospectus and entry forms with First Friday: Oceanside at Show dates are July Art Walk. 30 through Sept. 7. For information, call ART AND ANIMALS more The Zooinitas exhibit of an- (760) 434-8497.

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Yes and no. The “no” comes because of the responsibilities that I take and the hell on Earth that I experience trying to tackle those tasks; that part I don’t look forward to. Having said that, there wouldn’t be any franchise that I wouldn’t jump in faster than this one; I am so in love with these characters and the world of “X-Men,” and filled with passion about it. So, in that regard, I would very much look forward to going back and continuing to tell the story.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014

Camp P endleton News

New commanding officer takes 7th ESB helm Sharing By Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez

CAMP PENDLETON — “You’re the backbone of what we do, and I’m proud of every one of you,” said Lt. Col. John Martinko during a change of command ceremony to his family, which includes not only his wife and three children, but also his Marines. “Each and every one of you made me a better person and leader. For that, I’ll always be grateful.” Martinko, outgoing commanding officer of 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, relinquished command of the unit to incoming commanding officer, Lt. Col. Eric Penford, during a change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton on July 1. Martinko’s poignant speech was preceded by a ceremony, conducted by a formation of Marines with Headquarters and Support Company, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, Alpha Company, Bravo Company, Engineering Sup-

Brigadier Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese, right, 1st Marine Logistics Group Commanding General, speaks with Lt. Col. John Martinko, left, outgoing commanding officer, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st MLG, during a change of command ceremony where Martinko relinquished control of the unit to Lt. Col. Eric Penford, incoming commanding officer, Photo by Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez

At the height of the cerport Company and Bridge Company, complemented emony, Martinko handed by the 1st Marine Division the unit’s colors to Penford, Band. symbolizing the transition

of command of 7th ESB. Martinko will pursue further studies at the National War College, Ft. Lesley

McNair, Wash., which prepares officers for higher command positions in the future. Brig. Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese, 1st MLG Commanding General, addressed everyone in attendance, recognizing the Marines in formation for their outstanding presentation and both commanding officers for their hard work. He lightheartedly mentioned that if he had a chance to become an enlisted Marine, he would choose to be a combat engineer. Penrod, a former engineer occupational field sponsor with Headquarters Marine Corps, Arlington, Va., said he is eager to assume his new duties and responsibilities as the commanding officer of 7th ESB. “I’m honored and humbled in being chosen to lead a unit of this size and with such a diverse set of capabilities,” said Penrod, of Windber, Penn. “I’m very excited to take command of such an excellent unit, and hopefully we can improve on what’s already excellent.”

15th MEU welcomes Col. Vance L. Cryer in change of command ceremony By Cpl. Emmanuel Ramos

Toolan addressed the crowd about the importance of Marine expeditionary units, the Marine Corps’ smallest standing Marine Air-Ground Task Force. “We are trying to return back to our amphibious roots, and we need expertise like (O’Neal’s) to get there,” Toolan said. “(O’Neal’s expertise) came out in spades during

CAMP PENDLETON — Colonel Vance L. Cryer assumed command of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit from Lt. Col. John R. O’Neal during a change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton on July 10. In attendance during the ceremony was Lt. Gen. John A. Toolan, commanding general, I Marine Expeditionary Force.

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the course of this past year when he was in command.” In front of a formation of Marines from various units that will join together to comprise the 15th MEU later this year, O’Neal and Cryer exchanged the unit’s colors symbolizing the transfer of leadership. O’Neal, who is from Southfield, Michigan, assumed his duty as commanding officer June 27, 2013, but served as the unit’s executive officer during the 15th MEU’s Western Pacific 12-2 deployment. His follow-on assignment will be at the Strategic Initiatives Group, Headquarters Marine Corps. During the ceremony O’Neal reflected on his service and addressed family, friends, and Marines. “This last year has

Lt. Col. John R. O’Neal reflects on his time as the commanding officer of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit during a change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton on July 10. Photo by Cpl.

Emmanuel Ramos

been the most rewarding of my career,” O’Neal said. “Marines, thank you for what you do. The MEU’s success would not be possible without your hard work and dedication.” Cryer, who joins the unit after serving as the Aviation Weapons Programs deputy branch head at Headquarters, Marine Corps, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to lead such a reputable unit. “Right now around the globe there is chaos,” Cryer said. “The Marines here are working diligently each day to go forward and do the nations bidding, and this is where it all starts.” Cryer, who is from Fort Worth, Texas, said he plans to continue to build on the unit’s successes and prepare for the unit’s future deployment in 2015.

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Seven-year-olds Luis, Jayden and Jaylxon spin inside a floating intertude at the Beach Bash at Del Mar Beach here July 4. The Beach Bash is an on-base event open to service members, dependents and guests and features live bands, kids’ activities, a tribute to heroes video, a fireworks show and give-aways. Photo by Sgt. Valerie C. Eppler

career experiences CAMP PENDLETON — Retired Gunnery Sgt. Nancy Arroyoavila, president of the Edith Macias Vann, Southern California Chapter of the Women Marines Association, along with fellow WMA members, spoke to Marines at the Pacific Views Event Center aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton on July 8. Retired and former Marine women from the WMA teamed with the I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group Female Marine and Sailor Council to share their career experiences, including challenges and achievements they experienced along the way. The council is a noncommissioned officer-managed forum that meets quarterly. Its purpose is to discuss gender-specific issues, establish a professional network, and leverage mentorship opportunities in order to increase individual and unit readiness. The council was originally set up to provide a venue for female service members to network and mentor each other, said Master Sgt. Bonnie Diaz, the acting motor transportation officer in charge of I MHG and sponsor of the council. The meetings are designed to allow the Marines to network, build camaraderie, mentor and speak about future initiatives regarding female Marines. The next step for the council is to move away from small meetings and move into a bigger forum, said Diaz. The Council wanted to bring guest speakers to share stories about their involvement in major conflicts and open up the forum for the women to ask questions. The WMA is here for us to help each other and ensure camaraderie among women who share a common bond, said Arroyoavila. The members of the council are developing a platform to share experiences with one another and strengthen their bonds, and are now looking toward the future and planning an annual symposium. “The symposium is going to be called the I MEF Women’s Military Leadership Symposium, and that will be every year in March during Women’s History Month,” said Diaz. Attendees of the council meeting expressed interest in continued participation. “It was really motivating to see, and I hope I get the opportunity to come again,” said Lance Cpl. Jasmine Meade, a radio operator with 9th Communications Battalion.

July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CHICKENS ON PARADE Featuring pieces like this painted chicken by Julie Veee, the San Marcos Chickens on Parade ongoing art show, scavenger hunt and photo contest continues through Sept. 30. Visit to download your scavenger hunt, map and contest rules. Courtesy photo

Come in and Experience Summer Savings “With a little help from your friends” At The Madd Potter


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7th Annual Camp Erin® San Diego Golf Tournament & Dinner Auction The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe

Tuesday, September 9,


Golf Tournament Noon Shotgun Start Dinner Auction 5PM

Non-golfing friends, join us for the dinner celebration featuring fabulous food, music, drinks and silent and live auctions.

Vista man to compete in Hemingway look-alike contest By Tony Cagala

VISTA — The man was sitting at a small table outside of the café. On the table in front of him was an unopened biography of Ernest Hemingway. With close-cropped white hair and a full white beard, the man sitting at the table bore a resemblance to the photo of the late author on the book’s cover. Tom Robertson, though, was of a slighter build than that of the pictured author known for his larger than life persona. Retired since last year after 43 years as a school teacher at Carlsbad High School and no longer having to grade papers or go to teachers’ meetings, Robertson’s newfound freedom has since been spent traveling

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July 18, 2014

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Vista resident Tom Robertson will be a participant in the Ernest Hemingway Look-Alike contest in Key West, Fla. during the Hemingway Days celebration this week. Photo by Tony Cagala

with his wife and volunteering. “What I’ve been trying to do since I’ve retired, I’ve been trying to do new things that I’ve never done before in my life,” Robertson, 67, said. That includes traveling to Key West, Fla. this week for the 34th annual Hemingway Days — a week-long celebration of the author, where

Robertson will be a participant in this year’s Hemingway Look-Alike contest. He got the idea some time ago, he said, when an inlaw of his entered the contest and actually won it several years back. Robertson, sizing up the in-law a bit, said to himself, ‘OK, I could do this.’ I look as much like Ernest Heming-

way as he did, and he won the thing.” Held at Sloppy Joe’s Bar, the three-night competition to find the best Hemingway look-alike gives Key West and Sloppy Joe’s a tremendous amount of exposure world-wide throughout the year, said Donna Edwards, brand manager at Sloppy Joe’s. “Hemingway was friends with the original owner Joe Russell of Sloppy Joe’s in Key West, (and) there has always been a bond between the time Hemingway lived and wrote in Key West and Sloppy Joe’s,” she said. No more than 150 contests are allowed to participate; this year there are 125 look-alike hopefuls competing. The contestants come from all over the country, Edwards said. Each year, Edwards added, they get international contestants, too, including one gentleman from Germany this time around. This year’s event will be a little more special with July 21 marking the 115th anniversary of Hemingway’s birthday. During the first round of the contest, each Hemingway contestant has 15 seconds to make an impression on the judges and audience, though Robertson said he doesn’t yet know how he’ll do that. He said his wife wants him to bring a stuffed animal — a six-toed cat — with him. Hemingway was fond of that type of cat and owned several of them at his Key West house when he lived there on and off for several years. One thing he knows, he said, is that he’ll wear a sportsman’s vest at least. Once he found out he was entered into the competition, Robertson began going back into the author’s works. As an English student at San Diego State University, “thousands of years ago,” he said, he took a class in Hemingway. “I do love him. I love his writing style; love the quick, short chapters, the short sentences, the simple writing,” he said. Though looking like the author, the similarities seem to end there. Robertson said he was a sportsman in the traditional sense during high school playing basketball and football. “I’m not a sportsman in the sense of what he did, with the bullfights…but as far as deep sea fishing, I’m just not into that, and big game hunting. I have been hunting, but not like what he did,” Robertson said. “So sportsman, yes, but sportsman like Hemingway, no,” he said. “He was one of a kind, that’s for sure.” Since he started letting others know he’s going to Key West for the contest, people have been giving him second looks, telling him he does resemble the author affectionately known as “Papa.” And if he doesn’t win? Robertson said he’s also been told he looks like Santa Claus — and with the holidays coming up that might just be another volunteering opportunity for him.

July 18, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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7/18-7/25 Local Print Coast News, Coast News Inland, Ran cho Santa Fe


Roemo C./Gary K. Studio Mgr.: Ray E. DD Cho Print Prod. Mgr.: Jennifer Collins AE: George Donovan L. Judy Chea Notes:

SAN MARCOS — The city of San Marcos presents its annual Summer Concerts in the Gardens series at the Wood House, 1148 Rock Springs Road. This year’s concert series includes former Wood House concert performers who have received the highest audience ratings. The Saturday outdoor evening concerts that are held once per month and include a wide variety of music appropriate for all ages. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. and gates open at 6 p.m. Bring beach chairs or blankets for picnic seating. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase. Parking is free. The schedule through September includes: • July 26, Skelpin, Irish / Spanish fusion • Aug. 23, Clay Colton Band, country • Sept. 13, Sue Palmer and her Motel Swing Orchestra, boogie-woogie Tickets can be purchased at the door, in advance at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive or online at specialevents. Prices are $ 6 presale, $ 8 at the door, and $3 for children under 12.


CD: AD: CW: Studio Artist:

San Marcos outdoor concerts



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014














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July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Summer’s here and time is right for Chargers football sports talk jay paris It’s a summer tradition in these parts, going nicely with long days and sweet sunsets. It’s July, the month when Padres fans’ patience has been tested, the promise of another season washed away in a sea of shutouts. Those taught to keep the faith question their beliefs, and much like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy to hold the football just right, they’ve been snookered once again. So with Padres patrons looking to punt, did someone actually say “football?” Yep, the American kind, World Cup breath, which is a breath of fresh air to those digging the Chargers.

Remember them? When last seen they were plopping a bow on a stellar season, even if it ended in Denver with the Broncos eliminating the Chargers in the playoffs. That the Chargers, after stumbling to 5-7, reached January was a victory in itself. Especially with general manager Tom Telesco and head coach Mike McCoy being NFL newbies on their posts. “We’re a lot more comfortable this year,’’ McCoy said. “Everyone knows what’s expected.’’ Those dejected with the Padres can turn their attention to the Bolts. The players report to training camp on Wednesday, with the full squad practicing the following day at Chargers Park. Unlike last summer, Telesco didn’t hose down the roster like we once did with our driveways before the drought. He

tinkered here, adjusted there, and we’ll see how his handiwork plays when the curtain is raised in Arizona, Sept. 8. But first comes camp, where the temperatures are hot, the players are grumpy and the fans have a blast. I love this point in the NFL calendar but not so much for the football. The practices are tedious and there’s so many players before the cuts, one gets lost in the mass of sweating bodies. Still, there’s always a surprise — someone not supposed to make the roster and he does. There’s always an injury — something that wasn’t supposed to happen and it does. But what’s best are the Bolts’ backers making the trek to camp, getting to see their favorites up close. Let’s face it, attending an NFL game can derail a budget and many

blue-collar folks can’t afford it. That’s why camp is keen, when they pry loose the gates to everyone and fans of all economical backgrounds blend together, producing a mixture of enthusiasm and appreciation. Kudos to the Chargers for running a good show when unlocking the doors. Although nothing matches those idyllic days at UC San Diego, where every practice was open and the afternoon breeze soothed the aching muscles and fueled the coming season’s optimism. But Chargers Park is cool, especially if it’s the only time many see the big boys up close. When eyeing the field keep three positions in mind, issues needing to be addressed over the next six weeks: The

Defensive Chargers

dreadful defending the pass in 2013, not good in a passing league. So they burned their top pick on TCU’s Jason Verrett and signed freeagent Brandon Flowers. But Verrett missed most the offseason workouts with a bum shoulder and if Flowers was so good, why didn’t the Chiefs bring him back? Those two, though, are an upgrade and will boost the defensive back end. The question is how quickly can the get up to speed?

• Outside linebacker: Melvin Ingram is no longer of wounded knee, and that’s a plus. Dwight Freeney is bound for the Hall of Fame, but does he have one more productive season remaining before reaching Canton? Can Jerry Attaochu, a third-rounder from Georgia Tech, wreck back: havoc? If these guys can were meet at the pocket, the

secondary will be ever-so-thankful. receiver: • Wide Keenan Allen was a third-round steal last year, but he’ll no longer fly under that radar. Can his game continue to elevate with more attention paid to him by defenses? Opposite Allen is Malcom Floyd, already a feel-good camp story by rebounding from last year’s serious neck injury. But he’s yet to absorb a significant hit and relying on him for 16 games is a stretch. Eddie Royal is in the slot, but Vincent Brown needs to flourish on the outside after an inconsistent season. Keep an eye on Tevin Reese, a rookie burner from Baylor with the nickname, “Sweet Feet.’’ Contact staff writer Jay Paris at jparis8@aol. com. Follow him on Twitter at jparis_ sports.

Young hoopsters take part in NCAA ‘evaluation day’ By Aaron Burgin

REGION — Tommy McCarthy, a soon-to-be-senior point guard for the La Costa Canyon basketball team, was not wearing a Mavericks jersey on Sunday afternoon at Cabrillo High School. With the words “Earl Watson Elite,” the name of his Los Angeles-based travel team, emblazoned across his chest, McCarthy sized up recent Ontario Colony graduate Derrick Bruce, and let a three-point shot fly. It swished through the net. Along a wall behind the hoop, men with T-Shirts bearing the logo of the schools they represent as coaches nod in approval, and jot down notes in their paper pads. Days later, several of those same coaches would be on the phone with McCarthy, offering him a scholarship to play basketball at their institutions. This is July, and Sunday was the conclusion of one of three “evaluation periods” during the month, the most important periods of the year for high school basketball players with aspirations of playing college basketball. The National Collegiate Athletics Association, college basketball’s governing body, limits the amount of time college coaches can attend a recruit’s games during the off-season months to several such “evaluation periods” during the spring and summer. During those periods, coaches can’t speak to recruits, only observe their games. “I think the evaluation period is the most important time for a high school basketball player because

it’ the only time where you get the opportunity to play in front of a lot of coaches in one place,” said McCarthy, who has received scholarship offers from such schools as Rice, UC Davis, Montana and Portland State. McCarthy is one of several high-school players in North San Diego County who are considered top basketball recruits. Three of his teammates, Travis Fuller, Brady Twombly and Patrick Fisher, are also being courted by a number of college programs. Each plays for a different travel basketball program: Fisher and Twombly play for Vista-based Gamepoint, Fuller plays for Los Angeles-based California Supreme. Each of these teams, as well as others, converge in gymnasiums across the country at huge tournaments sanctioned by the NCAA.

Coaches during these periods flock to the tournaments hopes of discovering players that they hope

cruiting has seen a paradigm shift over the past 20 years. Before, college coaches would seek out recruits

Coaches can come watch you at your high school, but you’ll never have as much exposure as you would at an AAU event.” Tommy McCarthy Senior, La Costa Canyon High School

to convince to attend their school, or to evaluate players to whom they have already extended such offers. “Coaches can come watch you at your high school, but you’ll never have as much exposure as you would at an AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) event,” he said. College basketball re-

in local high-school gyms. Now, due to shrinking travel budgets and the convenience of having a number of potential recruits under the same roof, most college recruitment is done during the spring and summer at tournaments like the one McCarthy played in this week, the Pangos Sweet 16. “The gradual shift is

due to the pure economics of recruiting,” said Dinos Trigonis, the director of the Sweet 16 and several other major West Coast travel basketball tournaments. “Seeing more quality prospects in consolidated venues allow for more evaluations.” For recruits entering their senior years, like McCarthy, the three July viewing periods are among the final few chances they will have to impress coaches. “It can make you or break you,” McCarthy said. Dalton Soffer, a soonto-be senior at Poway High School, can also relate to the importance of the evaluation period. He entered July with a number of colleges expressing interest, but none offer-

ing him a scholarship. Then, on Sunday, 3,000 miles away from McCarthy in a gym in Springfield, Mass., the 6-foot-5 shooting guard hit eight three pointers against one of the top travel teams in the country, including one at the buzzer to give his Gamepoint team the upset victory. Manhattan College, Siena College and Yale University all extended scholarship offers to Soffer the next day. “Playing well during the evaluation period is the most important part of being recruited,” Soffer said. “The first evaluation period took my recruitment level up a notch and I finally started receiving scholarship offers and interest from many schools.”


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

July 18, 2014

Exploring the gluten free

lifestyle at The Curious Fork

Taste Of Wine columnist Frank Mangio and Estate d’ Iacobelli owner Ronei Iacobelli.. Photos by Frank Mangio


A wine country for the future taste of wine frank mangio


n my visits to Temecula’s wine country I have been making the beautiful drive north on the Interstate 15 in San Diego County for some nine years now, passing though what is known as Fallbrook. I have also driven though most of the Northern California and Italian wine countries, stopping to visit and soak in the natural wonders of the hill-

sides, the aroma of farming and the fresh scent of a nearby ocean. The only difference is that on the I-15, there are hundreds of avocado trees on the hillsides. My vision of this area, some day in my lifetime, sees grapevines. The pioneer and model for what I believe is coming, is Fallbrook Winery. Started as a vineyard in 1981, it moved into mainstream high quality red and white varietals. There are 36 terraced acres about 1,000 feet above sea level. Only two other wineries were listed as being in Fallbrook, both tiny, until recently. TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 19


Say you saw it in the Inland News! PRSRT STD







VOL. 28, N0. 25

JUNE 20, 2014

Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The council took another step toward acquiring the Pacific View site on Wednesday night. Council members voted 3-2 in favor of a $50,000 deposit and other conditions spelled out in a memorandum of understanding for the property. That document paves the way for a final purchase agreement, which the council majority hopes to approve by the end of May. But the agenda item sparked a long debate over whether the council should have even agreed to pay $10 million to acquire the site from the Encinitas Union School District. Resident Jeff Eddington said he’s excited at the prospect of the city owning the site, but worried the coun- Pacific View Elementary, which closed a decil is getting “bamboozled.” cade ago. The council approved a memoran“The city offered $4.3 million for dum of understanding at Wednesday night’s the property in the not-too-distant meeting, bringing the city closer to acquiring past, and is now offering more than the site. Photo by Jared Whitlock

2.3 times that price.” Eddington said. Councilman Tony Kranz, an advocate of the purchase, said the $4.3 million figure was based on the property’s current public zoning. And it was only intended as a first offer. Additionally, Kranz said he voted in favor of upping the price knowing that EUSD had a strong rezoning case, which would have made the land much more valuable. The city could have tried to fight the district’s rezone request, but that would likely have resulted in an expensive court battle, Kranz added. Last month, EUSD was due to auction Pacific View with a minimum bid set at $9.5 million. With the clock ticking, the city submitted an offer just before the deadline. EUSD has delayed the auction by two months as a safeguard, in case the deal with the

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for coming forward with plans to redevelop the dated shopping center that they said currently lacks signage, design, and a main tenant. “(La Costa Towne Center is) just this big long white wall. You have no idea what’s inside, it’s not inviting,” said Planning Commissioner Hap L’Heureux. “This center has been long overdue.” Commissioner Aurthur Neil Black called the little mall an eyesore.


to be part When you shop or use theCenter services that of housing project are advertised in the Inland News, you are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to bring you quality news. We are funded only by advertising revenue, so please, when you use a product or service that you saw in the paper, say you saw it in the Inland News!” Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Sincerely, The Coast News-Inland News Staff Mosaic, part 2

Two Sections 48 pages

Artist Mark Patterson has plans for a follow up to his Surfing Madonna mosaic. A5

Message remains

The final installment on Eden Gardens tells of the community’s commitment to youth. A6

OUSD takes the pledge to reduce waste and form “green teams” aimed at recycling. B1

A&E..................... A10 Classifieds.......... B21 Food & Wine....... B12 Legals.................. A18 Opinion................A4 Sports.................. A20


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Community News Letters

By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The announcement that an UrbanLIFT grant will fund building the Kay Parker Family Resource Center at the planned Mission Cove affordable housing project bought applause for two reasons. Community members were glad to have a family resource center as part of the city’s low-income housing project, and equally pleased the name of the center will honor the late Kay Parker, a beloved, fair housing advocate.

Kay’s husband Dick Parker helped accept the grant at the City Council meeting April 16. He said the honor of naming the resource center after his late wife was well deserved. The Mission Cove affordable housing and mixed-use project on Mission Avenue is being developed through a partnership between the city and National Community Renaissance nonprofit developer. The project will break ground this summer. GradTURN TO CENTER ON A17


f I could have all my meals prepared by the team at The Curious Fork, I would have no problem giving gluten-free a try. The team there is committed to that lifestyle and has obviously put a lot of thought into making gluten free delicious. I met with co-founder and chef Barbara McQuiston and her partner chef Kai Peyrefitte recently to learn more about their new venture. The Curious Fork has a lot going on. Besides the gluten restaurant portion, you have an educational component and great culinary stuff for sale. How did you come up with this mix?

We want to provide a complete, integrated experience at The Curious Fork. This is why our concept is a hybrid culinary space with a fresh quick-service café for breakfast Curious Fork co-owners Chef Kai Peyrefitte and Chef Barbara McQuiston. Photo David Boylan and lunch, an educational kitchen offering cooking overall well-being. What school and knew I wanted ingly, the entire menu is gluten-free classes and guest speak- influenced your decision to create a culinary en- completely ers, and a culinary retail to make Curious Fork com- vironment dedicated to without sacrificing taste. healthy living highlighting We are open for breakfast center, all under one roof. pletely gluten free? the importance of quality and lunch serving freshly We understand that baked pastries, nourishing I was raised cooking food. being healthy is a lifestyle. I realize that some peo- smoothies, dynamic salWe want to be a commu- with my mother and grandnity resource on culinary mother using fresh ingre- ple get slightly turned off ads, tempting sandwiches when they hear the term and soups, handmade pizdients from the garden. whole foods learning. As I grew up, my chil- “gluten-free;” our food zas, and satisfying small That’s why we are incorporating education classes dren and myself were challenges that stereotype plates and specials. Café favorites include and sell unique products diagnosed with celiac completely, and we provide we believe in, in addition disease — and I immedi- simply delicious dishes the mini quiche with choto the café to help someone ately switched my at-home that people don’t even re- rizo and dried tomato, berry tarts and treats, tancooking techniques to glu- alize are gluten-free! stay curious about food! ten-free. This was not an talizing charcuterie and So, I’ll admit, I’ve always easy task to undertake So about that food, every- sandwiches and unique arbeen a bit of a gluten free and there was not enough thing I sampled was really tisan pizzas. We also have a home skeptic. While I recognize information at the time to good. The quiche was the that Celiac disease is real, help out, so the task was best I’ve had in a while, cured smoked salmon that and your desserts were melts in your mouth! We I feel that it’s been exploit- monumental. The result of this ef- fabulous. And then, to top strive to source the best ed way beyond that and it sometimes feels like a fad fort was seeing my family’s it off, you managed to pull unique products such as diet by the way it’s been health, along with my own, off a gluten free baguette the coveted Oakland-based marketed to the masses. improved almost over- that won over even a skep- Blue Bottle Coffee, which That said, I’ve never really night. After I transitioned tic like me. I’m not saying is the first time the brand tried cutting back on glu- from my national defense it’s not the best baguette has been available in ten to see how it affects my career, I went to culinary I’ve ever had, but it made Southern California. a great sandwich. Tell me what went into your menu The culinary classes you development and some of offer and the demonstrayour techniques. tion kitchen are quite im We place an empha- pressive. What types of sis on using local organic classes are you offering? ingredients and surprisWe have quite an array of educational classes in the works including Farmer Basket Fun on Thursday nights where you can pick up the box of organic vegetables and Curious Fork Let me show you how, call specialty items and enjoy a few samplings that the Krista for more information chef demonstrates that you can make at home! This class is an hour x101 and you get to take your

Do you want your business to make

MORE MONEY? Advertise now in The Coast News!



July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Educational Opportunities

Exciting new charter school enrolling now in North County SAN MARCOS —Taylion San Diego Academy announces the opening of its newest location in San Marcos, offering a variety of unique and customized classes for students in grades K-12. The school presents a program that’s online, at-home, or a blended program of both, for gifted and talented students who are looking for a more

academically, physically, and mentally,” said Taylion’s Academic Director Vicki McFarland. “Taylion’s philosophy is that all students can succeed if they truly learn to believe in themselves. Our philosophy is to inspire confidence in a child through our belief that we can make a significant impact with each child by

Taylion San Diego Academy provides students a unique, holistic learning environment that prepares them for the 21st century academically, physically, and mentally.”

Vicki McFarland Academic Director, Taylion San Diego Academy

challenging curriculum different from a tradi-tional class setting. The Taylion program is an option for students K-12, who find that a traditional school setting just isn’t a good fit for them, academically or otherwise (bullies, etc.). A large number of their student population is high school students. “Taylion San Diego Academy provides students a unique holistic learning environment that prepares them for the 21st century

empowering all students to better understand themselves as individuals.” Taylion offers three sep-arate learning environments for students: an online component, a home-school program, and a blended program that includes independent study and classroom options along with online components. School officials say the program offers individualized learning, a safe environment with less distraction, higher parent involvement, credit recovery,

Who’s NEWS?

sary in March. In addition, they have added more authors to their existing 11, who are members, and now have author Debbie Macomber as a life member. Tree of Life for Healthy Birthing & Parenting Center invites the community to help celebrate its opening from 3 to 6 p.m. July 27 at 617 Saxony Place, Encinitas.

Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to

The Vista Chamber of Commerce honored four members who celebrate significant membership anniversaries. The honorees include Chamber Applied Membrane with five years; Silver Oak Country Estates for Senior Living with five years; North County Transit District with 10 years and Alta Vista Insurance Agency with 10 years. Springs Charter Schools announced Amy Heald as its new director for its La Fuente Student Center in Oceanside. Heald has a B.A. degree from Williams College, and a Master of Education and BCLA D teaching credential. Her career emphasis has been on second language acquisition. Most recently, she served as acting executive director of Mountain Peak Charter School in Vista. Friends of the Cardiff-by-the-Sea Library have added 100 new members in celebration of their 100th anniver-

credit acceleration, greater access to new educational resources, and unparalleled flexibility in utilizing various instructional delivery methods based on the particular student’s learning style. “We are thrilled to be opening a school here in San Diego, offering a blended learning solution which is state of the art, but we are also very proud of our independent study and home schooling options as well,” said Timothy A. Smith, president of the school’s parent company, Learning Matters Educational Group. “We feel that we are going to be able to serve our students in the San Diego area very well with highly qualified teachers —dynamic teachers that are going to be able to personalize instruction for each child.” Taylion belongs to a group of charter schools that began in Arizona in 1996. The San Marcos campus is located at 100 N. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #119, San Marcos, CA 92069. For more information regarding enrollment and upcoming parent information sessions, call (855) 77-LEARN or (760) 2955564, or visit

Fran Miller and Arliss Adams were selected as Named Gift Honorees. Laura Pasquale and Betty Reed received Shape the Future awards.

Sandra Van Gilder of Longevity Physical Therapy announced the opening of its third clinic July 11at 2077 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad. This opening was a fundraiser fort the family of three-month-old baby Mia who is still in The Del Mar-Leuca- the NICU. dia Branch of the American Association of UniElectra Bicycle Comversity Women recently pany, a division of Trek installed their Board of Bicycle Corp, has anDirectors for 2014 -2015 nounced that it’s move at a brunch meeting dto Encinitas. at the Lomas Santa Fe The company, which Country Club. started more than 20 Directors installed years ago in the North were Fran Miller, pres- County city, is making a ident; Judy Howarter, return to the coast and vice president, pro- has just signed the lease grams; Arleen Von for 1010 S. Coast HighSchlieder, membership; way. Betty Reed, finance & Electra is currently webmaster; Karen Del- headquartered in Vista. linger, recording secretary; Liz Roy, A AUW The Curious Fork, funds; Laura Pasquale, the new healthy café public policy direc- and hybrid culinary tor; Barbara Bladen, space in Solana Beach organically Council offering InterBranch gluten-free Liaison & Local Schol- sourced, arships; Linda Quinby, fare, is now open in the Tech Trek coordinator; Ocean Pointe complex at Kathy DeGraffenre- 512 Via de la Valle. id, corresponding secThe Carlsbad-based retary; Bobbi Karnes, publicity; and Nancy company, Project Pie, Kohrs, parliamentar- has been rated the No. restaurant among ian. Branch members 1

emerging brands on Yelp. This recognition came as a result of a study done by a metrics research company that analyzed established and emerging brand popularity through social media metrics and sentiments. The San Diego County Fair counted 1,457,130 guests at the 2014 Fair. Bacon-A-Fair used 15,000 pounds of bacon, and 150 bottles of Jack Daniels for Churros. Chicken Charlie sold more than 20,000 Krispy Kreme triple-decker cheeseburgers. Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls used 20,000 pounds of whole wheat cinnamon roll mix, 4 tons of cinnamon and sugar and 500 gallons of cream cheese frosting. Tasti Chips used 21.5 tons of California grown potatoes for chips. 5,360 took the bungee plunge during the Fair. Approximately 100 got cold feet. The youngest jumper this year was 6 years old, the oldest; 79 years young. North County Film Club’s Nancy Javier has created a another blog file — Nancy’s July blog. For details, visit ncfilmclub.blogspot. com / 2014 / 0 6 / 2014 -su mmerfall-season.html

Library wins check-out challenge VISTA — It’s official: County Library Director José Aponte is wearing a Mohawk. Three branches — Vista, San Marcos and La Mesa — competed in a Checkout Challenge to reach one million checkouts for the fiscal year, which ended on June 30. The Vista Library reached the milestone with a day to spare, clocking in at 1,003,394 checkouts from July 1, 2013 through June 29, 2014. The branch hosted a “1 Million Celebration” July 11. In addition to refreshments and entertainment, customers enjoyed a special collection of 500 new DVDs to check out while five staffers and Library Director José Aponte, publicly cut their hair into Mohawks at the event. “I am appreciative of the Vista Library’s effort and am excited and elated to celebrate their accomplishment,” said Aponte. “Subjectively, I am braced, if not resigned, to the big event. It’s time for me to make good on my promise. I’m going to rock that Mohawk.” As of June 29, the San Marcos Branch was in second place with 885,256 checkouts, and La Mesa in third place with 842,100

Losing (yet winning) the Checkout Challenge to reach one million checkouts for the fiscal year, San Diego County Library Director José Aponte agreed to sport a Mohawk haircut. Courtesy photo

checkouts. “I am very proud of the community’s support on our year-long effort to reach 1 million,” said Vista Branch Manager Ceci Rincón. “Our customers truly value the library and have shown it more than ever by checking out materials, attending programs, and sharing in our enthusiasm for this competition.” For more information, contact the Vista Branch at (760) 643-5100.



online image enhancement services and his interaction with M AC, which was deemed inappropriate. Anderson prevailed against the district’s attempt to block his unemployment request, when the state Unemployment Insurance Board said the district’s claims — some that mirror claims made in the lawsuit — lacked foundation beyond the hearsay testimony that was proffered up at the hearing by the district’s compliance officer. The lawsuit also alleges that former board chairwoman Reno, who is still currently on the board, failed to recuse herself from voting on the deal even though Perez, through M AC’s services, paid for $200,000 worth of medical expenses for her grandson who had been in a car accident, and who was later hired as a company driver. Instead of not participating in the lease negotiations, the suit alleges that Anderson and Reno were major proponents of the arrangement, with Anderson going as far as misleading the board with incomplete, faulty and misleading information about M AC, its financial strength and construction experience. These actions, according to the lawsuit, were violations of several government codes, including 1090, which bars elected and certain appointed officials from having a financial interest in a contract made by them in their official capacity. In certain cases, these types of conflicts

T he C oast News - I nland E dition can result in criminal charges being brought against the elected officials, though Tri-City legal representatives said the district was only pursuing civil remedies. The hospital’s dealings with M AC predated the medical office building arrangement. Tri-City and M AC started doing business shortly after Anderson took over as CEO in 2009. M AC had worked with several hospitals that Anderson and TriCity’s current CEO Casey Fatch used to run. M AC’s business model is to pay upfront for patients’ surgeries in personal liability cases, then seek to recoup its investment from responsible parties’ insurance companies. In addition to the conflicts of interest, the suit spells out a series of actions Anderson did on behalf of the company that were tantamount to an quid pro quo arrangement, including: • hiring employees to mine hospital data to identify patients for M AC’s medical factoring business. • allowing Perez to interfere with district operations • paying M AC’s construction contractor $75,000 in district funds to settle the company’s outstanding bill with the contractor. • paying $47,000 in district funds for the rental and purchase of a truck used for mobile advertisement of M ACs services. • causing the district to pay for the remodeling of a building at 4010 Vista Way, which it then leased to M AC, and then forgave M ACs obliga-

tion to repay the district when it terminated the lease early. • Waiving a condition of the lease arrangement that required M AC to furnish the district with a letter of credit, which M AC couldn’t obtain due to its financial distress. The hospital is seeking to purchase the and voted building, Tuesday to file an eminent domain lawsuit, which would force the sale of the building to the hospital for fair market value. But the board said Tuesday it would negotiate with M AC’s attorneys to come to a fair purchase price for both taxpayers and M AC. The sides are far apart on the value of the building. Tri-City offered M AC $4.7 million, while M AC attorney Duane Horning said in a presentation to the board that the building is closer to $20.2 million. Reno recused herself from Tuesday’s vote after seeking advice from the board’s legal counsel, Greg Moser. When reached for comment, Reno said, “I have done nothing wrong. What the lawsuit accuses me of is low down and dirty, and I have done nothing but good for the hospital. As a registered nurse, I gave my life for the hospital.” She also said that in 2010, she asked Moser if

Barry N. Queskey, 82 Carlsbad March 20, 1932 - July 10, 2014 Norma Elizabeth Barden, 92 Solana Beach March 8, 1922 - July 7, 201 Donald Lee Palky, 71 Carlsbad Nov. 6, 1942 - July 6, 2014 Alexander A. Radetzky, 54 Carlsbad Dec. 19, 1959 - July 5, 2014

her grandson’s arrangement posed a conflict. She said he told her it didn’t, but later recanted. M AC, in its own lawsuit against the district, filed in April, called the allegations of an improper relationship with Anderson “factually baseless.” M AC’s suit alleges that the district did everything in its power to not fairly compensate the company for the medical office building, including making two inconsistent claims — that the agreement was voided and that the hospital was in breach of the agreement. “The district has prescribed way too much power to Larry Anderson,” said Duane Horning, an attorney representing M AC in its legal actions. “He is an employee of the board, the board voted on the decisions, they weren’t subject to his control, it was the other way around.” As for Reno, Horning said he believes there was no conflict of interest because she didn’t have a vested financial interest in her grandson’s treatment. “The facts are correct, but they are irrelevant,” Horning said. “The fact that her adult grandson received treatment through the company’s routine medical factoring business does not result in a conflict for her,” Horning added.

Joan Lightner, 83 Ranchos Santa Fe July 11, 1930 - July 5, 2014 Norine Mae Larson, 87 San Marcos Feb. 23, 1927 - July 11, 2014 Lucia Ong Sioson, 81 San Marcos March 5, 1933 - July 6, 2014 Delmore Edith Moten, 59 Vista July 14, 1954 - July 5, 2014

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

July 18, 2014

Club supports Camp Pendleton Marines VISTA — The GFWC Contemporary Women of North County came up with creative ways to support some Pendleton Marines. Known as the “Gunfighters,” the Helicopter Marine Light Attack Squadron 369 was adopted by the city of Vista in April of 2013 and CWONC stepped up to join them. They soon formalized a plan to collect much needed socks for deployed Marines. Four CWONC members Laura Wilson, Lisa Pratte, Carollynn Holemo and Linda Bridges plus a member of the Women’s Club of Vista, Judy Pantazo, provided 300 pairs of bamboo socks through Operation Knock Your Socks Off. In October 2013, the small Adopt a Squadron Committee was asked to put together a beach party to welcome home deployed Marines and thank them for their service and sacrifice. After much planning and hard work that included the Squadron’s Family Readiness Officer Crystal Gates, Vista City Management Analyst Cheryl Mast and two additional CWONC members Penny Hagler and Jenna Reid, the Gunfighters Beach Bash took place June 27 on

base at Del Mar Beach for 500 Marines and their families. As Marines and their families arrived on the beach they received a Beach Bash T-shirt, a Picnic Pal and coupons from local vendors. Each child received a bag with Frisbee, snacks and bubbles. The bluegrass band “Old Town Road” played and lunch was provided by the Vista American Legion. The Pride of Vista Lion’s Club princesses helped youngsters with face painting, hair chalking and temporary tattoos, and crafting with sand art was also available, plus surf lessons and volleyball. Photos to remember the day were provided by Remember This Photo Booth and there was even a dunk tank. Support groups Patriot Support, Veterans Association of North County (VANC) and Dogs on Deployment were there to provide information. The Squadron’s new Commander Lt. Col. Jamey Federico ended the day in the sun by thanking the many groups and volunteers that worked so hard to insure the Marines and their families had a special day.

Allen Brothers Family

ALOHA VEGGIES 2 cups sliced carrots 1 (8 oz.) can pineapple tidbits 1/4 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup chicken broth 2 tbsp. minced onion 1 tsp. parsley 2 tsp. cornstarch Cook carrots in chicken broth 10 minutes. Add onion and parsley. Drain pineapple and reserve liquid. Stir in pineapple and green pepper. Cook 1 minute. Combine cornstarch with reserved juice. Stir into simmering vegetables. Cook until thickened. Makes 6 servings



1315 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083


SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD-1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069


July 18, 2014



habitat can completely die out. Because there are so many land uses where Escondido Creek flows, Lazootin said it’s been hard to find the source of the pollution. “It could be coming from groundwater, it could be coming from runoff,” Lazootin said. “It’s just really hard to correlate exactly what source is contributing to high nutrient concentrations like nitrate or ammonia.” But what she and Coastkeeper do know is that high concentrations of nutrients take a huge dip in the areas that are mostly natural and vegetated — that’s where the trees and the vegetation suck them up in a way. Lazootin added that the levels are a lot higher in the urbanized areas, whether it’s commercial or residential/ “Escondido Creek is a river that goes through a lot of North County,” Pritchard said. “It drains a relatively large watershed. It’s still fairly rural up in most of it, however, it’s currently in the process of being developed, so that’s go-

is so we could have a positive relationship with the city and they could get to know us as creating a destination for the city of Vista, which is essentially what we have done,” said Campbell. She said that the guild helped in the beginning, since city officials weren’t sure what to expect with tasting rooms, which she clarifies, are different from bars. The city changed ordinances so that the breweries could have retail spaces in industrial zones, which opened the door for tasting rooms. The tasting rooms have changed the face of downtown Vista according




One of the insects that was collected at a sample site may help to tell how healthy the county’s watersheds are. Photo courtesy San Diego Coast-


ing to get more pressures on the river. “It also drains into the San Elijo lagoon, which is one of California’s few remaining coastal wetland areas out there. So what happens in the river is going to affect the estuaries in the lagoon there,” Pritchard said. The hope for the new project, Pritchard said, is to help lay the groundwork to put in new biological regulations and objectives in the region. The funding to conduct

the study this year and for next year has been secured through a grant from the state’s Department of Water Resources, administered through the County Water Authority. Over the next six months, Pritchard anticipates they’ll be compiling a report on the state of the watersheds, sharing the results with local storm water agencies that are responsible for maintaining the health of the streams and also with the regional water quality control board.

land, it appeals to all ages.

specific, some of the concept work — the detail in the drawings and the paintings, in some cases, are just astounding…Concept art to me is among the most beautiful.


Do you think today’s animated films being computer generated takes away anything from the artwork you collect? I would think if anything it will make it more rare as time goes on. In other Who do you think this art ap- words (it’s) one of those they don’t make them anymore peals to? I would say anyone and sort of things. everyone that sees it and has seen any of the movies. For someone who will see Probably, “Fantasia”…it had the exhibit, what should they a re-birth in the ‘60s, the look for? They might want to, psychedelic-era, which is my favorite movie. That’s sort of now with smart phones and the passion of my collecting computers, look up “animais aimed. But newer stuff, tion process,” educate themthey did wonderful stuff on selves briefly on what the “The Lion King.” So I would process of getting a film on say it’s kind of like Disney- the screen (is)…To be more looking for these days, and since I do have quite a good collection, I really can’t afford. I started this in the early days. I can’t afford the pieces I would like to have.



works throughout the world, toured the garden and was impressed by the condition, considering the exhibit has never been closed. “The Foundation said with the other exhibits in Europe, which close down four months out of the


Director of the college’s Community Services and Business Development Lisa Kurokawa. To get into the program, students are interviewed and tested to assess their education levels. If needed, students can get remedial education from MCC to bring their math and reading skills up to speed. The interview is administered to ensure the students are ready to start the intensive program. “Our program is pretty intense. The level of technicians today is pretty high,” said Kurokawa. “We always do the initial


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Where: California Center for the Arts, Escondido; 340 N. Escondido Blvd. When: July 26 through Sept. 7 Tickets: $8; members and children under 12 are free. Senior, student and military discounts available. Info:; (760) 839-4138

year, the fact that we kept this open for 10 years continuously without any kind of interruption” was pretty good, said Assistant Planning Director Jay Petrek. The commission plans to move money from the Pedestrian Pathfinders and the Escondido Creek Art funds to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the garden, said Owens.

They also plan to solicit private donations because the only funds specifically designated for maintenance are from the interest accrued on funds already in the Public Art Fund. The art installation will first re-open for private soft openings and then open to the public, with docent supervision.

interview because some people need to talk about what they really want to do. There’s been cases where we’ve noticed that (students) are just not quite ready for our program.” The Engineering Technician Training Program is starting this fall at MCC but the program is limited by space constraints, said Kurokawa. The program will move over to the new building in January. In order to get the building up and running, the city will spend $450,000 on maintenance. The building needs a new roof, ventilation repairs, resealing of the parking lot and a power wash for the exterior.

The college will pay just under $ 68,000 annually in rent, instead of the average rate of $190,000. MiraCosta is getting a discounted rate on the space in order to fulfill its mission to add to the technology workforce base in Carlsbad and strengthen the technology sector in North County. The Small Business Development Center, which is currently at the Oceanside campus, will also be relocated to the new building. The city purchased the building in 1986 and it has been vacant for more than four years. Any improvements to the existing floor plan will be done at the expense of the college.


box home and play with your food! Pete Balistreri who opened Tender Greens is preparing a summer harvest at our restaurant July 28 at noon. If you sign up online, you will get to enjoy what he prepares and taste some of his own Italian style salumi! I appreciate how the retail portion of Curious Fork offers functional items that can be used


Ronei and Lisa Iacobelli divide their time between Michigan and Southern California, pursuing health care careers in Michigan and their passion for wine in Fallbrook. Ronie is the son of Italian immigrants where wine was a part of life, and he crushed many a grape inMichigan. Fast forward to Temecula where, in 1998, the couple bought a vineyard along the Deportola Trail. In 2013 they got an opportunity in the hills of Fallbrook for a 15-acre estate to grow grapes, make wine and live in a beautiful home on the property. “We knew at first sight this was the best location for the highest quality growing conditions,” he said. They have just had a grand opening for their Estate d’ Iacobelli tasting room. The views from this hillside site just over the Pala Mesa Golf Resort are stunning. The guest residence has two bedrooms and a “great room” with spruce ceilings, an enormous fireplace and opens to a private courtyard and swimming pool. A casita guesthouse also has two bedrooms, a cozy living area with a full kitchen. Walking trails allow guests to hike though the vineyards. For rates, contact the winery. A walk though the newest wine releases offered by Estate d’ Iacobelli revealed 6 choices, including a lone white wine,

to Love. “It wasn’t a safe area to be in,” Love said. “You didn’t feel safe to be here with your kids. We took a risk and it’s changed downtown.” He estimates that hundreds of people come to Vista on Fridays and Saturdays for the breweries. Ham believes the tasting rooms are not only beneficial for the tourism, but also for existing businesses. They give companies another place to socialize after work, where employees can discuss work over a cold one. The higher price point means people are less likely to over-imbibe and it brings in customers with higher disposable income, said Ham. The breweries are located in industrial zones,

so there are no restaurants for the tasting rooms to compete with. However, there is also a lack of food available for tipsy patrons. After the guild voiced their concerns with the city, officials changed ordinances to allow food trucks in business parks to serve food longer than 30 minutes. They’re now allowed to operate as long as the tasting rooms are open. The large amount of craft beer makers brings more awareness to the industry, said Davidson, and that helps the beer community grow as a whole. “There’s never going to be a shortage of great beer to drink and there’s never going to be a shortage of people who want to drink great beer.”

on a regular basis. Most of us have cupboards full of cooking gadgets that don’t get much use. Can you share some of your more popular items? We have a number of items we sell in our store that are both unique to San Diego and practical for a home chef. An example is a cheese making kit from Portland Oregon with all the materials you need to make anywhere between eight and 24 batches of Feta, Greek Yogurt, and/ or Yogurt Cheese, and all

you need to add is milk for the perfect cheese at home. The Curious Fork is located at 512 Via De La Valle, suite 102, Solana Beach or visit online at

Viognier, which could be purchased two ways: the 2011 vintage ($32), and a “Sticky Fingers” 2010 late harvest silky sweet version for desserts ($26). The lineup of estate reds mostly centered on Sangiovese, that quintessential native grape from Tuscany. Iacobelli has a 2010 vintage of 100 percent Sangiovese ($36), and a 2009 and 2010 “Rodolfo Red” blend of Sangiovese, Cabernet and mostly Mourvedre, a Rhone Valley French style red ($30 and $28). One trip to Estate d’ Iacobelli and you will sense the future of wine in Fallbrook. Public hours are Thursday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Monday through Wednesday by appointment. Call (760) 723-0616 or visit

bled, and Poggi’s Barolo cru Corda della Briccolina 2007 matched up to perfection. The local Harry’s is a close relative of the world famous bar in Venice, Italy and radiates Bon Appetito! Visit at Wine Bytes

I’m Just Wild About Harry’s tefano Poggi is as good a presenter S of Italian wines as it gets.

Veteran restaurateur and new owner of Harry’s Bar & American Grill, Garo Minassian chose Poggi, who is the import director of Batasiolo wines of Piemonte, Italy, to orchestrate his first wine dinner on La Jolla Village Drive, just north of San Diego. He also wanted to showcase his Executive Chef Alejandro Vicens and his creations. Both presentations were triumphs. Chef’s Rack of Lamb and Roasted Venison wowed the assem-

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@ or (858) 395-6905.

Wiens Family Cellars in Temecula has its Summerfest Backyard BBQ July 18; entertainment at 7 p.m., and doors open at 6 p.m. Try wines or brews, both from Wiens. Price is $35 for a full menu plus. Phone (888) 98-WIENS Cohn Restaurant Group and Vintana Restaurant in Escondido has the leading Mexican-American vintners of Napa Valley in a “walkabout” wine tasting from 6 to 8 p.m. July 19. Eight leading winemakers will be accompanied by seasoned Vintana sommelier Maurice DiMarino. Tickets are $25. Call (760) 7457777 or Frank Family Vineyards of Napa Valley will lead a special wine dinner at West Steak and Seafood in Carlsbad July 22 at 6:30 p.m. Chef Eugenio Martignago has created an exciting six-course menu to pair with these fabled wines. Cost is $130. Call (760) 930-9100 for an RSVP. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and link up with his column at Reach him at


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014 for a careless error on your shoulders. Stick to the truth, but don’t point fingers.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You need to take control of your life. Fight boredom by checking out activities that will help you meet new people and experience new ways of doing things. Embrace change.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Disagreements will get overheated if you aren’t willing to back down. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and giving everyone due consideration will show that you can be gracious.

Put your best effort into your pursuits in order to rise above the competition. Refuse to let an unsettled situation curb your productivity. Focus on the positive, take the path of least resistance and find suc- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Explore cess in all of life’s detours. new places today. Make plans to travel CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Rela- somewhere you have never been before. tives and friends should not be allowed Don’t stay home just because you don’t to meddle in your personal affairs. Your want to go somewhere alone. You’ll meet emotions will run high, but that doesn’t someone special if you venture out. mean you should make assumptions. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Put some Get the facts before you cause a scene. effort into inexpensive projects. Your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Take a leader- imagination will spark a few innovative ideas that won’t break the bank. Show ship position. Your skills, compassion others how versatile and inventive you and ability to communicate will sway othcan be. ers to join whatever cause, fight or proARIES (March 21-April 19) -- It will be motion you try to launch. tough to get along with everyone today. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You will be Take a back seat and avoid potentially enticed to spend more money than you contentious situations. Move on to a transhould. Take a close look at your upcom- quil, relaxing setting. ing expenses and reconsider your plan for the day, with a mind to tightening your TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Don’t abuse the trust that others place in you. Being purse strings. deceptive or dishonest could cause a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Keep the lot of friction. Don’t risk losing a valuable peace regardless of what others may do friendship. Sit tight and let someone else or say. The less said, the better. You don’t make the first move. want to have regrets. Listen, but refrain GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You will face from judgment. criticism if you are too outspoken. Don’t SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Don’t al- waste your energy on people who don’t low your stubbornness to hold you back. share your vision. Collaborate with those Co-workers may try to place the blame who think along the same lines as you.

July 18, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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JUNE 20,

Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

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EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! WAREHOUSE BLOWOUT SALE! Save up to 80% on name brand mattresses, massage chairs, recliners and office chairs – Tempurpedic beds, Aeron office chairs, Inada massage chairs and much, much more! Overstock and clearance - brand new Inventory must go! Crazy prices! Saturday & Sunday 7/19-7/20, 10 am - 6pm, 9369 Dowdy Drive Suite F San Diego CA 9212





OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 1PM 4PM (part of extravaganza) 4911 Amador Drive, Oceanside Hills. 3 BR, 2.5 BA, large yard. Corner Lot. Heather Patrize (619) 218-5388 (bre#01424264) OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY JULY 20, 1-4PM 16825 Via De Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067. 4 br 2.5 ba Spanish Colonial with hip, light, & bright inside. In Village walking district. Private putting green. Janet Lawless Christ/ Coldwell Banker Rancho Santa Fe. 858-337-7700 OPEN HOUSE, SATURDAY JULY 19, 1-4PM 5464 El Cielito, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067. Incredible 5+ br 6.5 ba rebuilt Covenant home. Features grand circular drive, gourmet kitchen and pool. Fantastic detached guesthouse. Horses possible. Janet Lawless Christ/Coldwell Banker Rancho Santa Fe, (858)3357700



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PLANT SERVICE Offices, restaurants, or residential plant service. Specializing in flower beds, decorative indoor plants, orchid arrangements, and hanging baskets. Call Devon (760) 696-2957 or email

NATURAL SKIN CARE BUSINESS Natural anti-aging skin care reps needed for new, natural line. Unlimited income potential. Low start-up cost. Work from home. For info and samples, visit: CONSTRUCTION FINANCING Construction financing available with competitive terms at Pacific Premier Bank. Contact Dave Yoder at 760.479.4348 CASH FOR: Promissory Notes, Trust Deeds, Land Contracts, Owner Financing, Owner Carry. call Jon Pearson, CA broker 858-829-2040.



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Sr. Firmware Eng. In Carlsbad, CA (FE-CA) Develop embedded firmware for devices & systems. Req MS+3 or BS+5. Send resume to NETGEAR, Inc.; 2200 Faraday Ave # 150, Carlsbad, CA 92008, ATTN: K.Osmian/FE-CA MATURE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Cleaning, errands, odd jobs around the house, gardening, occasional filing and paperwork. 3 hrs per day W,F,Sat, $12/hr. Must have car. Near Encinitas. jhaase639@ WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATE/CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Full time position available in Solana Beach for a friendly, helpful, clean cut individual who enjoys working with the public and helping customers move items into and out of storage. Must be a team player. Light maintenance and custodial duties are required. Email Ellen at if interested. HIRING CHILDCARE/CAREGIVERS ASAP - Sunshine Sitters Agency Professional & Personalized Childcare Now reopened! Sunshine Sitters Temporary on Call Service for: Childcare/Nannies/ Adult/& Sneezes & Sniffles (non medical) for: Hotels/Resorts/Special Events/ Homes Sunshine Sitters Agency is: Licensed,Insured, Sitters are screened, reliable, C.P.R. T.B. Tested, Trust lined & dress code. non smokers! Serving San Diego & North Co. Office Hrs. Sue 8-6 MonSat 760 547-1799

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July 18, 2014


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

July 18, 2014

Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. $16.66 thousand financed. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by July 31, 2014.

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2014 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

Car Country Drive

Car Country Drive

760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 7-31 -2014.

ar Country Drive

Car Country Drive


More zip on a long trip. $1000 Turbocharged PrePaid Card or $1000 Manufacturer Bonus New 2014 Volkswagen Turbo models Customers purchasing or leasing a new VW Turbo model will have the opportunity to choose between a $1000 Turbocharged Reward MasterCard® PrePaid Card or a $1000 Manufacturer’s Bonus towards the lease or purchase of a new 2014 Turbocharged model. Please see dealer for details.

760-438-2200 VOLKSWAGEN

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 7-31-2014.

ar Country Drive

ar Country Drive


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