The Physical Therapist's Marketing Manual from Co-Kinetic

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The Physical Therapist’s Marketing Manual from


to the Physical Therapist’s Marketing Manual from Co-Kinetic I’ve produced this manual for three reasons:

1. The first is the shake-up that Covid 19 has caused to many of our businesses during 2020-2021 2. And the second is the fast accelerating rate of inflation which is pushing prices of just about everything up and significantly Both these events have already and will continue to impact the financial health of all small businesses, meaning that anyone running one needs to be absolutely at the top of their marketing game, if they’re going to come through this alive, let alone find room to help their business to thrive. 3. The third reason I wrote this manual is because data from my Marketing Grader, which has been completed by more than 1,500 physical therapists worldwide, reveals that 60% of you feel that the single biggest marketing obstacle holding you back from growing your business, is a lack of knowledge about what you should be doing and a fear of wasting time doing the wrong things – something I seek to address with this manual. All three reasons made producing this manual a no-brainer. What I do know without a doubt, is that every person who takes the time to read this guide, will benefit greatly from it both professionally, as well as in the capacity of a business owner or self-employed individual. Here’s what I’ve set out to achieve with this manual: l To give you an all-important big picture view of how the various different marketing activities fit together – and why some are of significantly greater value than others (a topic I cover in detail in my free webinar “Discover the 20% of Marketing Activities That Will Give You 80% of Your Marketing Results” (

l Compile everything you need to know to successfully market your physical or manual therapy business, all in one place. l Provide you with a whole range of practical tools and work sheets to help you plan, build and equally importantly execute, a well-structured and strategic marketing plan. l Demonstrate that marketing is not something that has to feel salesy and is not something you have to fear or feel uncomfortable about - instead if you focus on building trust, adding value, keeping the customer’s best interests at heart l not only will the sales take care of themselves but you’ll also build a healthier, more robust business, and a much happier, more supportive working environment and surrounding community. Every single practitioner, whether you’re an experienced marketer or a business-newbie, I guarantee, will find at least one, if not several, business-boosting strategies from this manual (and I’d love your feedback on which turn out to be the most useful). Briefly to explain who I am, and what I do: I trained as a physiotherapist at Addenbrookes Hospital, UK, but left in 1999 to launch my own clinical education journal, known then as sportEX medicine, and published today under the title Co-Kinetic journal. More recently, and more relevantly to this manual, I’ve created an easy-to-use marketing solution for physical therapists which includes automated social media, a huge library of tried and tested marketing resources, email templates, nurture funnels and much, much more. I hope you find the information in this manual businesschanging in these challenging times and I hope I’ve succeeded in demonstrating that really good things can happen with really good marketing . With my warmest wishes for a healthy and successful year. Tor and of course the lovely Lupa!

Tor Davies began her professional life training as a physiotherapist at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK. She went on to complete a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science at the University of Birmingham while also achieving a WTA international tennis ranking. After graduation she worked in marketing with a London agency and then moved into medical journalism where her passion for publishing was born. At 27 she established sportEX medicine, a quarterly journal for physical and manual therapists. With a passion for technology as well as publishing, Tor’s leadership grew sportEX into the Co-Kinetic journal and website which included a more collaborative, royalty-based form of publishing as well as a wider content remit. Tor’s focus is on providing resources to help therapists develop their professional authority and brand, and grow their own businesses while working more efficiently and effectively, a topic that she speaks regularly on at global conferences. Join us on Facebook: Connect with Tor:

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ISSUE 83 JANUARY 2020 ISSN 2397-138X

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DISCLAIMER While every effort has been made to ensure that all information and data in this magazine is correct and compatible with national standards generally accepted at the time of publication, this magazine and any articles published in it are intended as general guidance and information for use by healthcare professionals only, and should not be relied upon as a basis for planning individual medical care or as a substitute for specialist medical advice in each individual case. To the extent permissible by law, the publisher, editors and contributors to this magazine accept no liability to any person for any loss, injury or damage howsoever incurred (including by negligence) as a consequence, whether directly or indirectly, of the use by any person of any of the contents of the magazine. Copyright subsists in all material in the publication. Centor Publishing Limited consents to certain features contained in this magazine marked (*) being copied for personal use or information only (including distribution to appropriate patients) provided a full reference to the source is shown. No other unauthorised reproduction, transmission or storage in any electronic retrieval system is permitted of any material contained in this publication in any form. The publishers give no endorsement for and accept no liability (howsoever arising) in connection with the supply or use of any goods or services purchased as a result of any advertisement appearing in this magazine.



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The Challenges Facing Physical Therapy Businesses in 2022 and Beyond AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM By Tor Davies, physiotherapist-turned Co-Kinetic founder


multi-month, if not -year, recession has arguably been due for some time now. I look after investments for a small handful of people and most of the people in that industry that I talk to agree that a recession has been due for a while. As usual we just don’t know when. First in the UK we had Brexit (2019), quickly followed by the internationally-devastating Covid 19 (2020), then just as we were starting to emerge from that in September 2021, the UK was hit by an energy crisis (very interesting article if you want to understand that better), which has already led to around a 4-fold increase in the price of gas. And if that wasn’t enough, now there’s the war between Russia and Ukraine, the former of whom the UK disappointingly relies upon heavily for gas. This is fuelling a fire that is essentially accelerating an already deteriorating situation. I’m writing this article on the 9th March 2022 and here are some of today’s headlines: l Bank of America manager predicts 7% inflation for UK in 2022 (FT Adviser) l UK household incomes facing biggest decline since mid-70s (The Guardian) l Living costs rising at their fastest rate for 30 years (BBC) l UK’s economic growth to halve this year (British Chambers of Commerce)

Let’s face it, we’ve been incredibly privileged as a generation that we haven’t had to deal with too much national or international threat to our livelihoods (unless of course you count the ongoing destruction of our environment). But let’s not beat about the bush, life is about to get much, much more expensive and running a business is going to get significantly harder, not just for months but potentially for years. Whether we like it or not, as business owners, we’re going to have to adapt. If we don’t, our businesses are going to die. And we need to take action quickly. One way or the other, a lot of businesses still won’t make it through. This article details some strategic decisions and actions that you can take now, to help your business survive this latest financial challenge, that’s fast taking hold. The sooner you act, the better off both you and your business will be. Read this article online etc. It’s not just heating our houses or fuelling our vehicles that we’re talking about, but the full cycle of production, from food and drink, to the manufacturing and production of just about

While these headlines are UK-centric, the impact of rising energy prices is already being felt worldwide. Ultimately, there is very little that we produce, that doesn’t require chemical energy, ie. gas, petroleum,


stronger in the process.

THE KEY TO RAISING YOUR PRICES IS TO DO IT STRATEGICALLY everything. Think about everything you buy for your business, not just the cost of heating and lighting your treatment rooms but also the medical supplies, computer and therapy equipment, cleaning supplies, stationery, marketing materials and software, to name just a few. All of those companies will be dealing with increased costs, at least some of which they will have to pass on to you. In my small business alone in just three months of 2022, I’ve had to accommodate rises in postage prices (although to be fair that happens twice a year anyway), not one but two significant rises in paper costs (15–20%) and now energy surcharges on printing and I’m well aware that this is only the start. Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the price of goods and services. It means that the money we have now won’t buy as much in the future as it does today. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that increasing prices combined with reduced consumer spending is not a good combination for most businesses, including those offering physical therapy services.

How Can We Protect Our Businesses From What’s Coming?

Well the most obvious thing is to increase your prices. However, I fully appreciate that’s like telling most physical therapists to strip off their clothes and run naked into a burning fire, even in the good times. But your costs are going up which means your profit will go down. The biggest risk is that you then cut costs on the things that can bring you new customers, ie. marketing and sales. Do that and it won’t be long before it’s game over for your business. The key to raising your prices is to do it strategically and the companies that master this will come out much

Strategies We Can Use to Increase Profitability

1. Reduce costs – but make sure the costs you cut don’t compromise your ability to bring in new customers or deliver better value to, and build loyalty with, your existing customers. 2. Increase sales – put your prices up, reduce no-shows, increase retention rates of existing customers, attract more new customers, re-engage old customers, step up your customer referral efforts. 3. Increase productivity (you and your team) – have a clear strategy, reduce the time spent on activities that aren’t a good use of your time and outsource where necessary, focus clearly on things that ‘move the needle’, stick to the strategy and be consistent in your commitment. 4. Increase efficiency – the key thing here is to identify which patients, injuries and treatments earn you the most money per minute, for the time you spend with them, then clearly define and build audiences of ‘perfect patient prospects’ based on those priorities. It’s not as bad as it sounds, more on that below. 5. Expand into new market sectors, or develop new products or services – you’re looking for opportunities to increase the amount you can earn per 30–60 minutes of your time, than you would under current circumstances. For example working with smaller groups, the combined revenue of which is worth more than a single patient consultation. The success of your business adaptation will revolve around your patients and your prospects – so let’s delve into that aspect in more detail.

The Perfect Patient Prospect

Although most business owners believe that customers are the lifeblood of their enterprise, this is not actually 100% correct. It’s more a case that the right customers are the lifeblood of a business. If you are a proponent of Pareto’s Law aka the 80:20 principle (and I am), 20% of your customers are likely

to generate around 80% of your sales. So it makes sense to identify who those 20% of people are and then build audiences of those same groups of people to focus your marketing efforts on. Paul Gough is a UK physio, multi-clinic owner and author, who also leads a programme and team of people who teach physical therapists worldwide how to market their clinics. As you’d expect he talks a lot of sense. This is how he once defined the perfect prospect: “Your job is to find a prospect with the highest probability that they’ll require your services (and soon), the motivation to seek your services and the means to pay for them. And your marketing needs to be talking to a very specific pocket of people (ie. 50+) about a problem they are living with (ie. back pain), that you can help them solve.” Let me add a further refinement to that statement, which asks: Is there a group of patients or type of injury that earns you more than others? Let me expand. Take shockwave treatments for example. After the initial assessment, each shockwave treatment (even with some preamble and some followup advice on exercises/stretches to complement the shockwave treatment), can be done in less than 30 minutes and usually costs a premium. That means a shockwave appointment most likely earns you more money per minute than a nonshockwave treatment. Shockwave application also has the added advantage that you need a minimum of three treatments to see any improvement but the accepted gold standard is generally six (or more) which means that you have a built-in and clinically justified retention strategy. So now ask yourself what injuries are most effectively treated by shockwave? Well lots, but particularly tendon-related injuries. Who gets lots of tendon injuries? Well for starters, runners and cyclists.

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:04–13 6


Is it unethical, therefore, to build local audiences of runners and cyclists, knowing that they’re most likely to have tendon issues which can be very effectively treated with shockwave? Of course not. You’re just priming your audience as per Paul’s quote, which I’ve adapted with the new criteria. “Your job is to find a prospect with the highest probability that they’ll require your services (and soon), the motivation to seek your services and the means to pay for them. And your marketing needs to be talking to a very specific pocket of people (ie. cyclists living within 10 miles of your clinic) about a problem they are living with (ie. ITBS, patellofemoral/hip/ Achilles pain), that you can help them solve (using shockwave).” It’s about building target audiences of people who have the greatest chance of being the most profitable customers. It’s not unethical. You’re simply selecting people who by virtue of their ‘qualification’ represent greater value to your business. That’s one excellent way to increase your business ‘efficiency’ and your profitability in the process and building these audiences should be a major focus of your marketing strategy.

How Do You Build These Target Audiences?

As an advocate of the education-based marketing approach, where the priority is always about adding value to your prospects and cultivating trust, while at the same time building an audience with the qualities you’ve identified, my first step would be to use a paidsocial-media lead-generation strategy offering high-value content that’s relevant and desirable to the audience you want to attract, downloadable in return for an email address. Until you have at the very least an email address, you don’t own the right to the conversation. Once you have an email address, then you can undertake a nurture process to further segment and build trust with your prospects. This nurture process is, in my view, the single most important aspect of your marketing. It may seem boring and a bit tedious but successful marketing is

really about just two things: (i) growing a relevant and targeted audience (as discussed above), and then (ii) building the ‘know, like, trust factor’ between you, your business and that audience.

The Importance of Cultivating Trust

Let’s recap on the three key roles of marketing: 1. B uild an audience (ideally a strategically planned one) 2. E stablish authority and cultivate trust with that audience (nurturing) 3. Lead your audience on a path towards a purchase There’s lots of research on the role that trust plays in a purchasing decision (Google this if you’re interested ‘role of trust in purchase intention’) but here are a couple of highlights: l 63% of people agree with this statement: “A good reputation may get me to try a product or service – but unless I come to trust the company behind it I will soon stop buying it, regardless of its reputation.” (Edelman) l Marketing executives at businessto-business (B2B) and business-tocustomer (B2C) service firms rank ‘trusting relationships’ ahead of ‘low price’ and ‘superior innovation’ among their customers’ priorities. (The CMO Survey) l As we build relationships, we build trust. Edelman’s 2018 report found that company content is twice as trusted after a customer-brand relationship has been formed. Marketing has a lot of functions but this one is the most vital. All of our efforts are doomed without this crucial piece of the puzzle. (Top Rank Marketing)

exposure effect happens subliminally, or at a subconscious level. In fact, researchers have found that the effect is more powerful when we are unaware of a stimulus. There are two reasons why the mere-exposure effect is important: 1. It reduces uncertainty. We are programmed by evolution to be careful around new things because they could pose a danger to us. As we see something repeatedly without noticing bad consequences (this part is important), we are led to believe it is safe. 2. It helps us to understand more easily. We are better able to understand and interpret things we have already seen before. Think about watching movies with complicated storylines, they’re easier to understand the second time around. Our mind generally looks for the path of least resistance, and so we prefer stimuli that we have already been exposed to. The second psychological phenomenon is known as the ‘bandwagon effect’ and refers to the tendency people have to adopt a

Utilising Social Psychology in Building Trust

There are two important psychological phenomena, or cognitive biases, that are really important to consider here. The first one is known as the ‘mereexposure effect’ by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. In social psychology, this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle. Most of the time, the mere-


certain behaviour, style, or attitude simply because everyone else is doing it. The more people that adopt a particular trend, the more likely it becomes that other people will also hop on the bandwagon. This is where testimonials and social proofing become important. To learn more checkout my article Timeless Testimonials: The Power of Customer Reviews here [].

Why Your Nurture Process Now Becomes Key

The easiest, most scalable way (ie. a growing audience doesn’t affect your workload) to build the mereexposure effect is by using a regular, consistent, nurture (non-sales) email programme. By regularly showing up in your prospects’ inboxes (as long as it’s in a good way), helps you to become familiar to them. Remember what we said above about the mere-exposure effect: If we see something repeatedly without noticing bad consequences we are led to believe it is safe. This is why I regularly stress the importance of not adding any salesy information into your nurture emails, because those are ‘bad consequences’ – that salesy content will have the opposite effect to making people feel your content is safe! Sales information in your nurture emails undoes the good and changes the personality of what should be an email sent purely for the benefit and value of the reader, to an email sent for your business’s own interests. What’s equally important to the non-selling aspect of these emails is that the emails are regular and consistent. This helps to demonstrate at a subconscious and subliminal level that you are reliable and trustworthy.

Establishing Authority With Your Audience

Another key component to cultivating trust is establishing authority and credibility, which makes this another key role for your marketing. Remember marketing is all about the soft-skills – the priming and education process. Sales comes in at the point that you


12 Ways To Establish Authority in Your Field

Here are some ideas for ways that you can stand out and make an impact. Publish articles in newspapers, print publications or on local forums/groups or online outlets. Publish a blog – it’s a great way to connect with your audience, increase traffic to your website, and establish yourself as an expert in your subject matter. Ideally you need to be publishing a blog post a couple of times a month. Build a social media following – share news, quick tips, information, resources, opinions, links to your blog posts and questions. Use your social media pages to talk to your page followers. Distribute information resources such as leaflets, handouts, special reports, newsletters, ebooks. You can either give them away, use them as lead magnets to build your email list, or sell them. Create a YouTube channel and post regular short videos with helpful information or tips. Run educational classes and workshops – having a captive audience is one of the most powerful ways to market yourself and then promote your workshops to your target audiences. Be a guest on a local radio show or podcast – have you got a cycle ride or triathlon coming up in your area? Why not offer to be interviewed by your local radio station about the 6 most common cycling injuries with tips on how to prevent them. Run a scheduled webinar or online presentation – this offers the advantage of giving you time to generate a good number of sign-ups. If you already have a good-sized target audience to promote an event to, you could run a live online event. Only do this when you can ensure you can be confident of getting at least 10 or 20 people to attend for the full event, otherwise it risks looking weak. Create meet-ups and/or memberships with your target groups or organise your own meets from your clinic – this works brilliantly if you want to target runners or cyclists for example, particularly if you or a colleague is a keen runner/cyclist. Form strategic alliances with people who already reach your target audience. For example, if you want to focus on cyclists with cycling injuries, team up with a cycle shop to offer injury prevention/treatment workshops or distribute helpful resources. Write a book – obviously a bit more involved and may not appeal to everyone!

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Apart from the YouTube channel and the book, a CoKinetic Clinic Growth subscription includes all the content and material you need to make the other 10 activities happen – and happen quickly.

convert your primed, warm, nurtured prospect into a paying client and if you do the marketing well, the sales will happen in most cases automatically. Remember those 3 marketing steps again: 1. Build a strategically planned audience (build your email list). 2. Establish authority and cultivate trust with that audience (nurturing). 3. Lead your audience on a path towards a purchase. The thing to remember here is that you don’t need to be the expert. You don’t need to know everything. Nobody knows everything! But you do know more than your patients and your job is to demonstrate that to the people listening to or reading your content. What’s particularly important about the trust-building process is that your pricing becomes significantly less of an issue, which makes it much easier to raise your costs.

Increasing Your Productivity

One of the biggest weaknesses of small business owners is the tendency to try and do everything themselves, instead of focusing on what they do best and the reason why they started their business in the first place. Even if you enjoy the blend of treating patients along with the business management aspects, try and focus your non-patient time on things that you enjoy. Every business must do marketing whether you like it or not. Not having a marketing strategy and not implementing that marketing strategy is a bit like trying to train to win The All England (Wimbledon) Tennis Championship without having a coach and without going to the gym. Mastery and success, in any context, comes from doing the right things at the right time and practice – lots and lots of practice. You can’t run a successful business if you don’t want to do the necessary jobs, such as marketing, that will help you achieve it. We have produced lots of free tools and resources to help you learn what marketing activities you should be doing, and when (see the Further Resources box for more details). What about outsourcing your marketing? Absolutely, but before you do that, you need to have a very

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:04–13


clear picture about what it is you want to do and what success looks like in terms of both outcomes and your return on investment (ROI). Outsourcing should not be an excuse to delegate something just because you don’t like doing it. You must understand what it is you need to achieve, before you delegate it. And last but not least, do not waste precious time producing marketing content that helps you achieve the objectives above, when you can buy high-quality, peerreviewed, ready-to-use content from us, including: l blog posts; l nurture emails; l social media; l lead magnets; l email-lead collection pages; l literally 100s of high-value resources you can use across a whole range of marketing activities; l posters to promote your activities; and l lots more! Unless you particularly enjoy writing blog posts or nurture emails, or building email-lead collection pages, or creating high-value lead magnets to help you attract your perfect prospect onto your email list, then for goodness sake save yourself the time, energy and cost and use one of our

GOOD MARKETING IS ABOUT BUILDING A TRUSTED RELATIONSHIP WITH A STRATEGICALLY TARGETED AUDIENCE BY CONSISTENTLY ADDING VALUE TO THAT AUDIENCE subscriptions. If you do your marketing well, you should never be in short supply of customers, so weigh up how much time you spend creating marketing content with how much you’d earn if you were seeing patients (which presumably you’d also find much more enjoyable) and that’s how much you can afford to spend to get those resources from somewhere else.

Some Final Thoughts

l When you do put your prices up, be bold – it’s better to be safe than sorry and our cost of living is going to keep rising for months and possibly years. If you’ve followed the advice in the article above, you’ll be attracting the right kind of customers who come to you because they trust you, and you’ve demonstrated that you have the right expertise to help them. l Commit to ongoing, regular,


Practical Ways to Use Content to Promote Yourself and Your Business [Article] How to Promote Your Marketing Activities [Article] Part 1: How to Set Up and Use the Co-Kinetic Marketing System and Where to Find Your Marketing Content [Article] Part 2: What’s Included in a Co-Kinetic Marketing Campaign and How to Use It to Grow Your Business [Article] l Just started or starting out in business? Use our Marketing Grader to see what marketing tasks you’ve got covered, what else needs doing, why and how to do it – l Want to learn what the 20% of marketing activities are that will give you 80% of your marketing results? Watch my 5-star rated webinar – l Looking to accelerate the growth of your clinic? Try out our Clinic Growth Accelerator Tool – l Need a ‘readable’ marketing guide? Check out our Compendium of Marketing and Clinic Growth for Physical Therapists and Manual Therapists –

consistent marketing every few weeks – success won’t happen overnight, which is why so many people fail to do it at all. Focus on building and educating an audience about your business, establishing authority and cultivating trust with that audience (ie. nurturing), and leading those prospects through a customer journey towards a purchase opportunity. Every business should be doing this as routine marketing. l If you have the budget you can also run targeted ad promotions, for example through Google Ads or Facebook, that will help you accelerate the process I’ve outlined above and bring in sales more quickly – but that shouldn’t stop you from continuing with the regular audience building and nurturing. l Remember, good marketing is about building a trusted relationship with a strategically targeted audience by consistently adding value to that audience. When you achieve this, turning that prospect into a customer will happen naturally.


lT he chances are that the UK is heading for a recession. lA s a result of Brexit, Covid and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine, costs are going up. lB usinesses will have to adapt to survive. lP rofitability can be increased by targeting the right prospective patients. lT he key to nurturing your audience is to build trust and establish authority. lD emonstrating your knowledge through non-salesy blog posts, nurture emails, lead magnets, etc, is a good way to build trust and establish authority. l I f you do your marketing well, you should never be in short supply of customers. l It’s important to weigh up how much time you spend creating marketing content with how much you’d earn if you were seeing patients: that’s how much you can afford to spend to get those resources from somewhere else.


Future-Proofing Our Physical Therapy Businesses In Light of Covid T

here’s no doubt that 2020-2021 were ‘shockers’ of years for most physical and manual therapists. Most of us got caught with our metaphorical pants down, or more politely put, ‘we were caught unawares’ by the onslaught of Covid. Every therapist I know admits that their businesses were isolated and exposed when Covid hit, and I personally invested a lot of time and money building new features into Co-Kinetic to give you ways to generate new therapy-related revenue streams. That included adding the ability to sell and manage subscription-based products or content packages, deliver online education sessions and offer paid upsells, and to sell and manage gift vouchers. Each development was designed to build on the marketing strategy I’ve outlined in the previous pages, which forms the backbone from which you can build strength into your business. I wrote and presented a webinar for about 9 months on how you could build new and ongoing revenue streams using specifically your physical or manual therapy skills. That webinar is still highly relevant, whatever state of Covid we’re in (or even not as the case may be), and you can still watch it in recorded form (details at the end of this article). Business diversification is critical to the health and survival of any business and it involves having a range of different revenue streams that would respond differently to a given event, eg. Covid. It’s about having your eggs in more than one basket – in fact ideally in three of four different baskets. If pre-Covid, you’d already, for example: l been offering your services online; l built a clinic membership package that gave you some monthly financial security (even if you had to postpone delivery of some or all of the services); l been delivering a content or advice-based monthly subscription offering to a specific patient group(s); l been running online classes or selling access to online workshops; l been selling therapy products or equipment (think about all the equipment and advice people needed when they suddenly had to start working from home); l been offering mentoring or consultancy; and/or l been running subscription-based peer-to-peer support groups or patient support groups… …the list goes on, but whatever it was, your business model would have been significantly less impacted. And guess what, if you’d also had a decent-sized, active and engaged email list, then you would have been in the top 0.1% of therapists who were best positioned to weather not only this storm, but also most other threats to their business and livelihood.

A handful of varied revenue streams, combined with a decent-sized, healthy and engaged email audience is your insurance policy against just about anything that the world can throw at your business. And even if you didn’t have the revenue streams up and running before the incident itself strikes, having a primed, healthy and engaged email list gives you the best opportunity to get those new revenue streams up and running more quickly than anyone else (not to mention you’ll get better takeup or buy-in). I know that everything seems so clear in hindsight, but if we’ve learnt one thing from this experience, it’s not to get caught unprepared again. Who knows where the next threat is going to come from? Whatever it is, it looks likely that we’ll be living with the presence of unpredictable Covid outbreaks for the foreseeable future, regardless of the success of a vaccination programme, so please, please, please heed my advice and get working on that email list TODAY! If you’re interested in exploring the different possible revenue streams you could use to future-proof your business, I have a few resources that might be helpful.

Further Resources


BINAR Physical Therapy Business Coronavirus Survival Strategies and How to Build New (and Ongoing) Streams of Revenue Link: NEUR THERAPIST ENTREPRE

netise How to Mo y Your Therap Skills Online By Tor Davies,



ago, none and 4 months this future holds anything like of us ever believed yet here we are. If Introduction more effectively and look at how could happen, now, I’m going to Covid-19 spreads other viruses our businesses In this article and manual not all, we don’t adapt they won’t the than most, if your physical good chance of, at least outside it’s not there’s a very you can use revenue we’re aware the future brings. And, while to generate survive what think scientific community. (Ebola therapy skills physio, I understand briefly why I As a former virus we’ve seen at first the deadliest rates of may, at least online, and discuss . There is a very small with fatality that prospect takes that prize extremely depressing addition to affecting it glance, seem this is so important with my Covid over 40%), in I also understand vulnerabilities, and demotivating. motivation each most of those with immunity amount of cross-over deep seemingly random webinar, but first-hand the feel better has also affected of help people Survival Strategies article (and my new even no obvious signs of you has, to with satisfying, people how of this immune system. and I understand the content hands-on by a compromised it is to deliver and better informed, ly, this, accompanied exhilarating, not only Understandab help to heal webinar) is fresh months of hole in our knowledge treatments that having four also the mind, such a gaping fearful the body, but as a result of emergency makes us all so having about this virus, not being in and in doing or our impact hindsight, and that either ourselves into such a motivating The key to business might fall quality loved ones, survival mode! on people’s It’s about spreading We can’t not that minority. of life. And I’m survival is diversity. all our eggs are being give afford to underestimate not saying we should the the risk so that we are not so this fear. up on that, quite we basket, and just saying I don’t The fact that held in one contrary. I’m income. of have source to add more also don’t yet that we need reliant on one you through so many bows (and more here to talk a vaccine for strings to our (despite the have the space t this strategy step-byof these viruses than just filling first discovered permanent ones not as Ebola being SARs in how to implemen so that we’re strategy to of 50 years ago), gap temporarily), to prime your if one source for like in 1972 (nearly step (or how in 2012), it feels I’ve left that financially vulnerable just as it 2002 and MERs disappears, On the best results), is to income suddenly unknown future. give you the a scary and the worldwide idea of this article of March. The in extent did plus side, the the webinar. I cover the income the following wreaked by In this article, over which of economic destruction a vaccine at the but I tackle practical the let you mull finding you, and then revenue ideas, generate Covid-19, puts not only n of how to work best for level possible, how you implementatio ideas could the explain for highest priority I’ll webinar. webinar, funding available revenue, in my it so with plenty of through the funnel, prime also an international endeavour, but seen We Learnt? create a marketingof people who need like we’ve never What Have that effort in play, is full a few key lessons the last are funnel them, There your before. me to all learnt over going to offer this still leads hopefully we’ve However, all the service you’remove people through that as a profession, few months. to the conclusion on we rely too heavily and designed way, towards as our almost exclusively living, 1. As a business, unsalesy y which relies appointments our on face-to-face contact to make stream it in a completel continuously adding face-to-face only, revenue diversify while of primary, if not choice but to we have no a purchase, didn’t have much sign up to basis. To state 2. We probably prospects. To on a more permanentknows what the value to your nobody this link 45 the obvious, click/or visit



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Magic Membership

By Tor Davies,






recurring on a regular businesses packages, purchased valuable to all Membership by a are extremely payment basis, challenge presented that but with the at all times, can be the lifeline Covid-19, they a business surviving situation like between s of creating makes the difference the advantage more article details then goes into or not. This streams and you could create recurring revenue packages of the sorts business. Download detail about or manual therapy link within a physical following article at the the PDF of this iE. not. I really hope happening? own


and run my Having built a 100% 22 years on business for I know at ased model, subscription-b advantages strengths and first hand the structure. of a of this business some advantages Here are just business model: recurring revenue a customers have 1. Recurring value, in higher lifetime as significantly more than twice fact they spend customer much as a pay-as-you-go to greater opportunity with 2. You get a term relationship build a longer customer which a recurring revenue more makes them builds trust and more likely to loyal and therefore refer to you of to predict ahead 3. It allows you for capacity, time the demand reliably to plan more allowing you exposed. out demand some new and smooth embership Until we develop our of revenue, 4. Regular subscription/m and alternative streams effort more reliable is time, the all income businesses and in them to predictable which we’ve invested and money the gallows, need for invoicing hanging from 5. There’s no date, will be easier to manage NEUR THERAPIST makes cashflow us hoping fervently who ENTREPRE with each of doesn’t ‘stickier’ customers gives door below 6. It creates this that the trap it worth for longer, and open. But is stay around to upsell suddenly spring you’ve invested you more opportunities not gambling everything date, on that to in your business ber):42-45

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The Benefits Packages Membership of Offering apy Business ip in Your Ther the benefits of offering a membersh business. TIC 20-10-COKINE WEB MOBILE FORMATS


Vicki explores manual therapy some In this article, a physical or explores option within ips are so valuable, subscription ns regarding why membersh some suggestio in which you She discusses ip models, offers the ways

different membersh and then reviews briefly ips. have been emberships include time in all the membersh what you can around a long and manage settings, sorts of business can take payments an Coach online https://bi now slowly making and Business and they’re world, Read this article Clinic Owner in the therapy appearance a Massage Therapist, time, creates thing. By Vicki Marsh, which is good preferred appointment to your capacity with the concepts are snapshot We’re all familiar but in this WHY memberships much clearer quickly cover to make confident like gym memberships, into what a for any business. is and allows you or expand. to dig so important when to hire article I’m going biggest reason for your decisions about The first, and appointments can look like membership reliable recurring By getting those other therapy practice, that they create PLAN your it also encourages physical or manual and the different can actually in advance, of them, income. You to get their appointments the benefits there is a guaranteed from. regular clients robust knowing choose can finances an increasingly models you the in next month. in too, building to predict can provide payment coming clearer ability Memberships if we look ahead diary with a months. to become a For most clinics, the over the coming option for clients special even just 2 months, your income get VIP services, won’t in the dairy for most importantly, bookings arguably member and And included in their number of committedrunning costs of rates or extras basic loyalty and fee. It builds even cover the no actual it membership and you have business, making the business, will book. stability in your regular anyone else step for your often guarantee that the natural next know that clients In practice, we book, but clients. same day to don’t even leave it to the in the dairy, A lot of therapists membership commitment option of a of your without that consider the by what be 100% certain NEUR THERAPIST you can never get overwhelmed ENTREPRE package or simple and with income. how memberships to choose. Starting best plan, and This leads onto is the limited places and places improved diary the offerings can deliver you then build out I ALWAYS recommend management. treated over time. members are are that all your their appointments their ps are SO like VIPs and secures This Why Membershi any Business booked in advance. Important for the specifics, let’s into Before we dive


OPEN ACCE SS ARTICLE How to Build Recurring Revenues into Your Physical Therapy Business Link:

OPEN ACCE SS ARTICLE The Benefits of Offering Membership Packages in Your Physical Therapy Business OPEN ACCE SS ARTICLE The Power of Gift Vouchers

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Last year, Covid-19 businesses reeling on that it is a brilliant way e learn early many than to for your business circumstances, restrictions left is better to give are taught to Selling gift vouchers business in any receive. We of cashflow. rather than to help and grow your it feels good experiences give and that there a to improve cashflow the trend for gifting creating a need. But is when is a someone in working hard to giving? There particularly now Tor has been to do. This article deeper current that shows the increase. easy for you of evidence goods is on growing body it can be. selling gift vouchers to become more our how simple in we are evolving system to make benefits and shows you e and collaborative u1 many compassionat and thrive. explains the quest to survive research provides article online this Today, scientific Read the notion data to support compelling a powerful pathway Founder that giving is Co-Kinetic (and getting through of your brand By Tor Davies, to finding purpose, ambassadors fulfilment more spend finding to and our likely difficult times, is sensitive to will be more in life. The social media the gift recipients and meaning and the pre-written with you) and and an offering people healthcare climate the gift itself fully edited) Which is why benefit from on (which can be to have positive sales pages to focus for you to build the opportunity specifically opportunity such as increased have been written highlighting even experiences, this opportunity; and anxiety and people to take on adding value relaxation, reduced the services you can incentivise not being over-salesy. your benefits, while further benefit to give pain relief, through offer. Not only is actions that this article is or The goal of powerful give reviews you can be provide, is a business, like ways in which gift, it can also media posts; you ideas of gift it a very thoughtful suit your clientele engage in social power of selling your to harness the awareness of On the face uniquely tailored certificates. . help raise you provide. vouchers and and and the services since business; vouchers is simple your will know that of it, selling some easily using Most of you can be sold , but there are I’ve been working also straightforward your social networks; ways Covid-19 struck, ways you can website and the year to find instantly and less widely known to help hard throughout in these can be purchased power of vouchers harness the generate income making to help you conveniently, . your business. difficult circumstances them excellent ways of generating Selling One of the best last-minute gifts which is Reasons Why is Great gift vouchers, can cash is to sell (vouchers Vouchers Gift into the Co-Kinetic why I built this be posted or a few for Your Business launched it just system and sent as an email system the As always my Gift vouchers: – to start with weeks ago. within minutes); (gift sales help grow sales combines technology pre-created can be with most obvious; – generates and management) purchased from boost cashflow as voucher sign-up of delivering and content, such the comfort social media revenue in advance of pages, ready-made (and safety) gift the service; past health-focused to re-engage great looking home; take orders are a great way to help you certificates, customers; your campaigns. to participate and promote to give allow your business special this article is The goal of of things in a whole range of the sorts of – you some ideas events and holidays; a voucher system you can do with but any increase customer Co-Kinetic one, gift with not just the – engagement The difference voucher system. it’s built givers become system is that the Co-Kinetic in mind. with health professionals


How to Monetise Your Therapy Skills Online



of The Power Vouchers Giving Gift



3 4




Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:04–13

Discover the 20% of Marketing Activities That Will Give You 80% of Your Marketing Results


Post 9 Covid-1

Tired of working all the hours in the day for a physical therapy business that feels like it only just survives? Or fluctuating between “feast or famine” with your clinic bookings? Well, it’s time to change all that. Sign Up to My Free Webinar

Host: Tor Davies While Tor trained as a physical therapist, she has been an entrepreneur now for more than two decades. Her focus is providing resources to help practitioners and therapists develop their businesses and to work more efficiently, a topic that she speaks on regularly at global conferences. The marketing practices and principles that Tor advocates, will help you turn a business that is only just surviving into one that thrives in just a matter of weeks.

Take Action Today

You’ll discover a unique three-step formula for attracting new patients, that allows you to attract only motivated prospects, who understand the value of what you are offering, and are predisposed to trust you. By using this formula you can increase your earnings by over £6,000 a month - more than enough to move into a new premises, take on another therapist, or even open a new clinic.

Register Now!

The State of Physical Therapy Marketing Today Results from the Co-Kinetic Marketing Grader


he Marketing Grader is something I developed in 2017, as a means of delivering a free email course on marketing, specifically designed for physical and manual therapists. So far it has been completed by just over 1,500 therapists from all over the world. It consists of 20 yes/no questions designed to establish where you are with your current marketing and to help you to decide what actions you should prioritise, going forward, to give you the most time- and cost-effective ‘bang for your marketing buck’. If you haven’t done the survey yet, it will take you no more


than 5–10 minutes. Once completed, you will receive 7 emails (one per day) outlining what your next marketing actions should be, why and with practical step-by-step advice on how to actually get these tasks done. This infographic reveals some interesting insights that, to be honest, I find depressing. Physical and manual therapists are spending on average 9.5 hours a month on their marketing but as the data below shows, they’re clearly not doing the marketing activities that will generate the results they want. Take the Marketing Grader Test here>.

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:04–13



An Overview of the Marketing and Sales Process M

any people are intimidated by marketing for the following reasons: l It seems confusing because there are a lot of different aspects to it, which makes it hard to know how or where to get started (problem = knowledge). l Because there are seemingly so many possible marketing routes, it’s easy to waste time doing things that don’t get results, and as business owners we can’t afford to do that (problem = time pressure). l Then there’s a concern about marketing requiring technology skills that many people don’t feel they have (problem = technology). l Lastly, many therapists feel very uncomfortable making sales, it’s too salesy (problem = approach).

l Firstly, you make someone aware of your business. l Then you create reasons for them to engage in your business. l Then you take them on a journey of discovery, building trust, establishing authority and clearly demonstrating how you can help them. l Finally, you give them an opportunity to purchase from you by offering them something that you’ve by then already established will interest and help them.

The goal of this issue of Co-Kinetic is to solve these four problems and bring some clarity to help you see the bigger picture of marketing. This in turn will make it clear which activities you need to focus on, and importantly why, while also demonstrating that it’s possible to implement an effective marketing plan with ZERO technology skills and without ever having to feel salesy.

What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Sales?

l Sales refers to all activities that lead to the selling of goods and services. l Marketing is the process of getting people interested in the goods and services being sold.

What Is a Marketing and Sales ‘Funnel’?

This is a version of the same funnel with slightly more detail on the purpose of each funnel layer. As you take people down the funnel, they become warmer and more engaged with you and your business (and naturally people will drop off at each level, hence the funnel shape).

A marketing funnel is essentially a way of breaking down the customer journey starting from the top of the funnel with the ‘awareness’ stage (when someone first learns about your business) through to the bottom of the funnel, the ‘purchase’ stage (when they’re ready to buy your product or service). For the record, a funnel can also include post-purchase followups which increase retention as well as cross-sells and upsells, but we won’t tackle that here. This is why some people (me included) prefer to refer to the marketing funnel as a customer journey. Some marketers are moving away from the term ‘marketing funnel’ saying it’s too mechanical or simplistic to describe the lead nurturing sequence, ie. the process by which customers move from awareness to purchase. In my view, however, it’s still a useful way to describe a complex process and also be able to visualise the journey from start to finish.

How Does The Marketing and Sales Funnel Work?

In short, everything you do with your marketing and sales should fit within that funnel structure. This is what the funnel might look like in its simplest form. (The term ‘lead’ refers to a new prospective customer.) The marketing activities you put into action are designed to take people through that customer journey.


What’s Next?

One of the problems I promised to solve was that of finding a marketing approach that you could feel comfortable with and that didn’t feel ‘salesy’. That approach is something often referred to as ‘content’ marketing. The focus is on offering education and advice, something health professionals are very good at doing, so it should come very naturally. In fact, if you’re doing it right, it will never feel salesy. So let’s explore that in more detail and see where it fits within the customer journey (marketing funnel). Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


Content Marketing: What Is It, How Does It Work and How Do I Use It? T

he Oxford English Dictionary definition of content marketing is, ”a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services”. I would take that a step further by adding that the content should focus on offering genuine education and therefore adding value to people’s lives. In the wise words of Albert Einstein:

ll Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value ll

This is such a fundamental concept to keep in mind throughout your marketing strategy, and all your associated activities, that I produced a whiteboard animation to explain content marketing in the context of physical and manual therapy. You can watch it here. What all this means is that your marketing activities and the associated material should not explicitly promote your business, but instead stimulate interest in your services while at the same time adding value to your reader/viewer and moving them through your customer journey, ie. down your marketing funnel.

The Bigger Picture Marketing Funnel

As we’ve discussed, a customer journey (or funnel) is divided into 3 core levels: 1. building awareness; 2. developing trust and establishing authority and credibility (engage and nurture); and 3. creating an opportunity for people to purchase something from you (discovery and conversion).

Level 1 – Awareness

The top level is about making people aware of your business. It’s about getting in front of people. There are many ways to do this, including: l using paid advertising (online and offline); l promoting yourself locally; l website search engine optimisation (SEO) to make sure you’re found on web searches; l having an up-to-date Google Business profile; l a growing number of customer testimonials (social proofing), particularly on Google and Facebook; and l through your social media profiles. This list is by no means exhaustive (and I have lots more ideas for you as we progress through this journal) but these, in my view, are the OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: most effective when taking into account 13 Steps to time, effort and cost. Building a Thriving If you want some more guidance on Physical Therapy Business how to prioritise your marketing activities I’d recommend the following article. ENTREPRENEUR THERAPIST


This article discusses 13 steps that are crucial for developing your business. The tasks are listed in priority order, with task 1 being the most important, but as you get the fundamentals in place, the tasks grow in their ability to have impact. It is important, however, to get the fundamentals in place first. Over the last few months, I’ve been working with my Done For You Marketing clients and during this process I’ve been drilling down to find the 20% of marketing activities you can do, that will give you 80% of the marketing rewards. It turns out that it’s much easier to see the wood for the trees when it’s not your forest, and I get a massive kick out of helping you guys to save time while also building a thriving business, so this article is particularly exciting for me. If somebody had come along to me when I was starting out as a green inexperienced entrepreneur and totally novice publisher all those 19 years ago, and said, “Hey, you know, if you do these 13 things well your business is going to fly”, I would have bitten their arm off for that list. And you know the best part of all? Every one of these tasks is totally achievable even for the most technophobic luddite. And if you’re still not convinced you’re up to the challenge, I’ll point you in the direction of people who can help you.

YOUR MARKETING MISSION SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT Work from the top of the list down, they’re listed in priority order, and if you’re really pushed for time, set yourself the task of doing one job each week and keeping on track. If you’re a shit-or-bust kind of person like me, set aside a day and go at it full on. Most of the time I don’t manage to everything I set out to do, mainly because I’m hopelessly over-optimistic, but you know the saying, ‘if you shoot for the moon even if you miss you’ll land among the stars’. Focus on each task as if your life depends on it, because the success and health of your business literally


If you do these 13 tasks well, I guarantee that you will build a thriving therapy business, with a constant stream of fresh, new, cash-paying clients, as well increasing loyalty among your existing clientele. Sound too good to be true? Well it isn’t – we’ve put it into practice and it works. For each task I will explain the rationale behind why each task appears in the list and, wherever possible, give you links to practical resources to enable you to implement them. Most of the tasks you should be able to do yourself, or with very minimal help. Read this online


does! Some of the tasks on this list are one-off set-up jobs which you should be able to clear off quickly and once they’re done, they’re done. Then you have time to concentrate on the ones that need ongoing attention. Don’t be put off by the thought of having to create all the content we talk about in Part 2 of the article because we’ve got that covered, just focus on getting the foundations and infrastructure in place so that it can allow the magic to happen.




‘10 Website Home Page Essentials for Winning New Clients’

‘Optimising Your Physical Therapy Website to Generate New Leads’ ‘5 Things You Can Do in An Hour to Increase Your Google Search Profile’

PDF version of the presentation 13 Mission Critical Steps (see online version of this article) Google Review Handout PDF (see online version of this article) 30 Day Free Trial to



Level 2 – Engage and Nurture

Level 2 in your funnel is about building trust, establishing credibility and helping people to understand what you can offer and how it will help them. There are two top level reasons why someone would engage the majority of physical or manual therapy services: 1. They have hit their clinical ‘tipping point’ and need to manage some sort of health issue. 2. They discover the role you could play in helping to improve some area of their life that they are keen to explore; for example, reducing stress and anxiety, increasing performance in a sport or preventing future injury or illness. Clinical tipping points might include: l experiencing a specific injury such as a car accident, sports injury, accident; l noticeable or visible physical changes to limbs or soft tissues; l when the pain becomes so bad that other treatments and medications that have worked before, are no longer enough; l it becomes too difficult to do things that are important to someone like working, carrying things, playing with grandchildren, or other activities of daily living; l concern about long-term implications of leaving things without treatment; l pre- or more commonly post-operatively; l a chronic condition or neurological disease; and l during or after pregnancy. Other people might not even realise or appreciate that you have the skill set to solve a problem for them or to help them to achieve or improve something. They may not even realise they have a need for that ‘solution’ until it’s brought to their attention. This is exactly why this nurture and engagement level is so fundamentally important to your business. It gives you the opportunity to educate and explain how you can help people and open their minds to the ways in which your skills, and more precisely YOU, are ideally suited to achieve this. So what does that look like in practical terms? To build trust, you need to offer value (without asking for something in return), but remember we’re still quite high up the funnel at this point. They may have only recently come across you, for example on social media, so they’re probably still quite ‘cold’ in terms of their lead temperature and need a bit of warming up before they can be encouraged to engage further with your business. Think of it in the same way as getting to know someone and becoming friends; it takes time and unless there’s a specific need for your help, it’s not something that can or should be rushed. One of the most effective ways of giving value, without asking for anything in return, is to offer education that will benefit the reader. It could be advice about how to reduce pain, build strength, prevent injury, manage stress and anxiety or generally increase quality of life. The education you choose to offer would ideally match to your perfect ‘prospect’ or customer demographic, if you have defined one.

However, if you already have an existing group of people to pitch your information to, who are probably fairly diverse in demographics, that education should cover a range of different topics, so that it keeps as many people engaged as possible.

Harnessing the Advantages of Email

The most time-effective and cost-effective way of achieving what I’ve outlined above, is by using email. Using the postal system to distribute printed leaflets is expensive (plus you have to collect the addresses if you don’t already have them), telephoning people is labour-intensive and texting is invasive to the caller. Both telephoning and texting come across as being very salesy, whereas email is extremely practical. Sending emails is cheap, it’s easy to collect email addresses, because it’s one contact detail that people are used to sharing, and are more willing to share. It’s also scalable, meaning it takes you the same amount of time to write an email to send to 10 people, as it does for 1,000 people, or 10,000 for that matter. In other words there is no significant additional ‘cost/effort’ the more people you’re impacting. It can also be very quick and time-effective to write nurture emails, particularly when you have access to valuable resources such as advice handouts, exercise sheets, infographics and other educational content, which you can use to add value to your emails quickly. Realistically, if you have access to a range of shareable resources that you trust (like the patient leaflets I produce through Co-Kinetic), you can write and send a nurture email in as little as 30 minutes. This makes it perfectly feasible to do 2 or 3 times a month (which is what I would recommend). In summary, nurture emails: 1 allow you to help and add value to people’s lives 2 generate likeability/let people get to know you 3 build trust and credibility 4 help you to develop, strengthen and deepen a relationship 5 are easy to share and forward 6 generate a sense of reciprocity (the desire to give back) 7 build authority and reputation 8 are non-intrusive – can be read when someone is ready 9 increase brand awareness 10 can be done at scale, ie. there’s no more work if you’re sending 1 email versus 1,000 emails. Very often your prospective new client might have been living in pain for months, maybe even years, before they hit their clinical tipping point. Equally some people won’t yet have reached the tipping point where they realise that they need, let alone be ready to commit to, a therapeutic intervention. This is exactly why the gentle, non-invasive approach of sending educational value-added emails is a perfect nurture tool. It’s supportive and helpful without getting in people’s faces. It’s also easy for your recipient to decide on its relevance and to share with friends and family if it is. There are a LOT of benefits to using email to warm up and build relationships with your OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: prospective Turning Email Leads into customers. If you’d Paying Customers Using the like to explore Powerful Hidden Influences of this in more detail Nurture Emails check out the article here. ENTREPRENEUR THERAPIST




If you’re not already collecting leads from your social media efforts, you absolutely should be, because it’s one of the most obvious ways of getting a return on investment from time spent on social media. The article ‘A “Ready-to-go” Marketing Strategy for Therapists’ explains why it’s so important to be doing this, and also shows it can be achieved simply and easily [].

So, you’re publishing some great social media content onto your social networks, some of which (hopefully) are designed specifically to collect email leads in return for the downloading of a value-added piece of content. Everyone reading this article, will probably have a bunch of email leads of past and prospective customers, that aren’t currently being tapped to grow your business. Depending on the size of your list, this is potentially a big opportunity that can be mobilised quickly and easily. The question is how to convert these email leads into paying customers, a topic that I’ll explore in this article. I’ll explain a quick and easy way of doing this, and reveal why nurture emails have some hidden influences that make them such a powerful tool when you have this objective in mind. Read this article online

“Lead nurture is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel, and through every step of the buyer’s journey. It focuses marketing and communication efforts on listening to the needs of prospects, and providing the information and answers they need.”

However, regardless of whether you are collecting leads from your social media efforts or not, everyone probably has at least some email leads of past or prospective customers that you could be warming up to become a newly paying client. The question is how you can do this quickly and easily, without it taking up unnecessary time or money. The process is called lead nurture and this is defined as follows: “lead nurture is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales


funnel, and through every step of the buyer’s journey. It focuses marketing and communication efforts on listening to the needs of prospects, and providing the information and answers they need.” That process sounds complicated, but we’re going to break it down and show that it can be made very simple. This article is specifically about ‘nurturing’ leads, as opposed to selling appointments. It’s about strategies and techniques for moving email leads from initially cold contacts who have little or no awareness of you, to the point of becoming a paying client. This process is achieved by building trust, rather than trying to ‘close the deal’ ie. taking a paid booking there and then (we’ll talk more about that aspect in a future article).






Video 1: The Science of Persuasion (Courtesy of YouTube user Influence at Work)



Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35

BACK TO BASICS Where Does Social Media Fit In?

Social media certainly can play a role in warming up prospects; however, there are two very important things to consider: I Did you know that less than 1% of your social network page followers will see any given social media post on your page (and most of the time it will be the same 1% of people)? I know that’s a bitter pill to swallow if you’ve been investing a lot of time, energy and money into your social network pages, but hopefully it helps to explain the general lack of engagement on your page posts. Why is this? Because bluntly speaking, social networks have no interest in, and make no money from, helping you build your business for free. If they’re going to help you build your business, you’ll need to pay – and that requires a proper strategy (which I cover later in this journal). 2 If your social network had, for example, a major security breach or cyber-attack and was shut down tomorrow – or maybe they just decided to stop showing people your posts (Facebook have been doing this for about 5–6 years as it is) or stopped you from direct messaging people unless you pay – you could lose access to your followers literally overnight. These two reasons alone make social media a very unreliable means for communicating with your audience. That doesn’t, however, mean social media or social networks are useless to your business (quite the contrary, as we’ll discuss on page 14), but as a reliable communication channel, it’s very poor. The key point here is that a business’s biggest marketing asset by a long way (I often go as far as referring to it as your golden goose) is the audience it can motivate to take action when needed (for example think Covid and galvanising people to buy services online). In order to do that, you must be able to reliably communicate with your audience, when you choose (or need) to. This means you need to have contact details that you own, are in control of and don’t have to pay to access. This brings us back to an email list.

l l The marketing jewel in every business’s crown is a growing, engaged and receptive audience who can be quickly galvanised into taking action, and the most cost- and timeeffective way of building that audience is via a consistent email strategy focused on nurturing and building trust on a regular basis l l This is the single most important marketing activity you can do, regardless of the size or stage of your business. In fact, the health of an email list (ie. growing in size and engagement) is likely to be a very good indicator of the health of a business.

l l So, if your email list is sitting neglected, unloved and stagnant, make this your top marketing priority to remedy, today! l l

Level 3 – Discovery and Conversion

This level is about deepening the relationship you have with your prospects and giving them an opportunity to buy from you. Remember that we’re following a ‘content marketing’ approach which means that everything in your marketing funnel, including this layer, is about adding value. However ultimately you also run a business, and that requires people to book appointments and purchase things from you. The key here is to do it in a way that is more about offering education and advice, ideally for free or at least very cheaply, but with an associated purchasable opportunity or upgrade. It’s a ‘try before you buy’ approach that I refer to as a Conversion Event. The better the incentive to buy after you’ve tried, the higher chance of the person doing so. This is one of the most successful, and therefore most commonly used, sales strategies that’s relevant to every business, in any sector, wherever you are the world. It can take lots of different forms, but the formula is essentially the same and consists of: lP art 1: a free ‘sample’ (eg. food tasting, wine tasting, massage, pet health check, bike fit, gait analysis, education session, running injury presentation, etc.). lP art 2 (the upsell): a follow-up special incentive/offer/discount to convert to an upgraded version of part 1 (ie. the food, wine, first massage booked, pet teeth cleaning, full bike fit, a running injury prevention programme, a package of appointments, etc.). The idea is that you offer value without asking for anything in return, but you create a desirable and purchasable upsell offer that you know will appeal to the people who have signed up to Part 1, because you’ve already established that they’re interested in the topic in question. Part 1 gives you an opportunity to demonstrate authority, credibility and knowledge which can powerfully influence the buyin to Part 2. Traditionally, I encouraged practitioners to do this in a face-to-face setting, but Covid threw a spanner in the works and disrupted that particular delivery model. The advantage of being face-to-face with people is that you interact more closely with your audience and you as a therapist have a chance to triage and work out who needs, or could most benefit from, your help. However, many people very effectively achieve the same outcome using webinars or online presentations. You deliver an education session online and create a compelling offer to purchase the upsell or Part 2. Not only can this generate valuable bookings and sales, but the beauty of a webinar is that you can record yourself doing it, put it online, and then all you have to do is direct a constant flow of people to it. Then it can generate income 24 hours a day without it taking up any of your actual physical time, once it’s set up. I explore this in more detail in the article here. The Overwhelming RE YOU BUY” Case for “TRY BEFO Conversion Events BY TOR DAVIES, CO-KINETIC FOUNDER



WHAT IS A ‘TRY BEFORE YOU BUY’ EVENT? A ‘try before you buy’ conversion event does exactly what it says on the tin! It gives people a chance to ‘meet’ you and try your services, preferably for free, before they commit to booking a fully-paid appointment. Some therapists feel that offering free trials, devalues their profession, skills and qualifications and makes them look cheap and desperate for business. And this is an understandable concern. We’ve all seen it, as restaurants, desperate to stay open, make increasingly ridiculous offers – most of which end up failing ultimately. And I tried really hard to find more to say about the disadvantages but struggled to come up with anything else. If you’re reading this and starting to feel that I haven’t given the cons their due justification, then please jump on the discussion panel below the online version of this article, and share those cons with me and I will happily update this piece of content. But honestly, I couldn’t find any additional legitimate cons. The pros of ‘try before you buy’ conversion events are overwhelming. Before we explore them in more detail, let’s look at what I mean by ‘try before you buy’ events.

One of the best ways of bringing in new paying customers, is to offer ‘try before you buy’ or ‘conversion’ events. These could involve anything from a free consultation, assessment, open day, treatment or education event. Your imagination is your only limit. There are so many advantages to these ‘open’ events, it’s hard to imagine why anyone wouldn’t embrace them, but some people are vehemently opposed to them because they don’t feel they should devalue themselves, by offering their services for free. In this article, I’m going to explore the pros and cons, and leave you to decide. Read this article online That’s just a handful of ideas. In reality, you can do whatever you want. The key is to pick something you’re good at and that you love doing because you’re likely to be more passionate and that will come across strongly to your attendees.

WHY ARE ‘TRY BEFORE YOU BUY’ CONVERSION EVENTS GREAT? From a prospective client perspective n Meeting you/your therapists and becoming familiar with your clinic, parking options, how to get there, etc, will increase familiarity and reduce barriers to booking.

EXAMPLES OF ‘TRY BEFORE YOU BUY’ CONVERSION EVENTS n Free consultations – telephone/Skype/in person n Education events – evening lectures/presentations/seminars n Mini-assessments/injury screening – muscle balance, gait analysis, bike fit n Topic-specific events like running injury clinics, ski fit, headache prevention, back pain, etc n Open clinic days – range of free events/trials n Webinars – online presentation with Q+A n Free treatments – free 20-minute massage – great if you’ve got therapists with free appointment slots or students in for work experience n Packages and discounts – ‘buy one, get one free’, 50% off your first treatment


n You will get qualified leads so you know who to focus your attention on. For example, if they visit your clinic you know that (a) they are local (not something you can ascertain from your social media followers without using paid ads) and (b) they’re interested in your services. n Potential customers will know exactly what to expect from you/ your team moving forward. n They are a great opportunity to help answer any questions that are holding potential clients back from booking that first appointment with you. n A physical visit gives you a chance to show off facilities and equipment and communicate much more than what’s on your website – let’s be realistic, very few people have the time to pour over a website anyway, however pretty it might look. n A face-to-face meeting, even a telephone call, can help you build a level of rapport and trust that is much more difficult to build through digital methods. n It gives you the opportunity to learn more about your prospective clients, Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;79(January):46-47

OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: How to Use a ‘Try-BeforeYou-Buy’ Strategy To Convert Prospects into Paying Patients

What’s Next?

In the next article we’ll look at practical ways in which you can fill your funnel with new people in order to nurture them through the customer journey and explore the ways in which you can start to convert these new prospects into paying customers.


Further Resources


Discover the 20% of Marketing Activities That Will Give You 80% of Your Marketing Results Tired of working all the hours in the day for a physical therapy business that feels like it only just survives? Or fluctuating between ‘feast or famine’ with your clinic bookings? In this webinar we discuss which 20% of marketing activities will bring you 80% of your results and even use a spreadsheet to illustrate why! Not only will you have a clear vision of your marketing priorities but you’ll be able to stop relying on word-of-mouth to generate sales and instead build a controllable supply tap of new customers, which you can turn on (and equally importantly off), as and when YOU need them. Register free at ENTRE PRENE





we half of 2016 During the second 1,000 physical under surveyed just and this is to be exact) therapists (946 survey: out from that what stood your to increase n 93.2% wanted customers g to number of new with marketin help n 76.4% wanted grow your business nding help understa n 74.5% wanted to grow social media how to use your business ing help develop n 70.6% wanted brand your business to to sell more n 39.2% wanted rs. existing custome


Content Marketing – How to Get Clients Without Being Salesy

e clear that it has becom ssful e in 2016 and to build a succe a lot of peopl r and harder We spoke to and there’s it’s getting harde new clients and as a profession a lot of competition to find it’s getting more ’s already that there sional help. business. There out profes ting noise ively without so much marke te yourself effect lves. In this article promo ourse to lt hate selling you’re more difficu sion we clearly without ever feeling that why this Plus as a profes and it a way of doing in how to do ss. We expla we show you ite, growing elf or your busine sing traffic to your webs selling yours credibility, effective at increa g your authority and it can be so following, buildin customers and , finding new your social media mers. Plus marketing reach existing custo digital expanding your nship with your to have your g your relatio article e the thenin of end streng return receiv tunity at the sional and in there’s an oppor by a marketing profes now that could ed you do presence analys the top 5 digital things amount of effort of least t the repor a custom benefits with the greatest would give you . Read this online http:// (see Useful Links)


In this article I’ll show you a way of marketing and promoting yourself and your business without ever feeling that you’re selling yourself. I’ll explain how to do it and why it can be so effective at increasing traffic to your website, growing your social media following, building your authority and credibility, expanding your marketing reach, finding new patients and strengthening your relationship with your existing customers, all geared towards turning these people into paying customers. Link:

internet today s are Google searche n 2.9 billion n Lack of time day g knowledge clients, made every need) more n Lack of marketin in selling yourself blog posts are If we want (and ce Thanks to n And 2.7 million and get them. n Lack of confiden day let’s just go published every of the internet s of heric growth seemingly hundred to the stratosp matters worse: n There are but how we have access to help you And just to make n of alternative and the ‘cloud’ a service” marketing gurus trust? “software as With the explosio to n who d amazing orientate some le prices do you know businesses physical therapyincredibly affordab of all (for our platforms at are now many es, promote n And worst group ng degrees, there our business a professional to help us run to ners with competi at least) as icate with more practitio probably prefer and commun same pool of than our services most of us would own eyes than vying for the more easily skills, our infinitely in g our clients you’re after stab needles n of marketin customers that The explosio to sell or promote which ever before. a whole of businesses to actually have resulting from n The number higher we opportunities ourselves! years is getting networks means fail within 5 range of social clients to have to prospective rather than lower lucky enough everywhere can get access most cases. much noise So unless you’re s you, you g a dime in n There’s so g effort or n that precede without spendin an increasin reputatio a getting new ng. takes us it that people’s to do somethi So what’s stopping y to capture are know you have more ingenuit you start? There one clients? But where do how do is the single attention s online but be more We asked, “What back the estimated to so many resource is holding you on the n There are thing you feel websites live answers than 100 million following three most”? The responses: in 96% of the cropped up


Practical Ways to Use Content Marketing to Promote Yourself

WAYS TO PRACTICAL OTE T TO PROM USE CONTEN YOUR BUSINESS businesses. or their AND oting themselves concern. The comes to prom YOURSELF

when it a legitimate offering notoriously shy is a fair call and very comfortable is a sionals can be as salesy, which Healthcare profes we dread coming across we exist. As we’re our businesses, your to tell people se of ourselves and ers, we have Often it’s becau gy to promote l content as part want new custom same this same strate can use helpfu trouble is, if we ers, while at the ver, employing different ways in which you howe help your client numb X. advice and the various ss and grow .nl/2KxOzh article explains of your busine //spxj ness https: aware great fit. This this article online gy, to increase here, marketing strate risk of seeming salesy. Read re, because healthca in any ses, working other busines part of time avoiding ‘content’ as than in most IC 19-07-COKINET PRINT WEB MOBILE FOUNDER FORMATS , CO-KINETIC BY TOR DAVIES

Fig. 1: Content

new marketing isn’t

Fig. 2: Example

g animation of content marketin

using more be If you’re not of trust cannot this article ng efforts yet, the importance and your marketi you should be, nt overstated. will explain why to feel confide can do this. A client needs ntly how you to more importa the right person engine that you are Along with search ing that is causing marketing (SEO), content trust with someth It can be easy ng optimisation l pain. inant marketi them physica predom that most forget the is ts, to major world. Every for us as therapis l pain in the strategy in the new ledging physica it, and it’s not acknow using many is s for busines be difficult a brand using example of first place, can to someone (1). The first ering that pain its customers and surrend the content to educate e, requires trust. when John Deere, else’s expertis was in 1895 ent manufacturer, agriculture equipm r magazine The Tipping Point , will custome The Clinical launched its grown heard me present I like then, it has just Anyone who’s ing Furrow. Since refer to someth popular. Often have heard me more and more tipping point’. the past, is ‘clinical ng the to call Content marketi ng future of marketi present and trust – and all because it builds Content based on trust. purchasing is n – it’s about educatio t marketing is you ‘sell’. Conten and e not about what about your audienc marketing is to them. what matters a whiteboard I commissioned detail explain in more animation to benefit marketing can how content r ts in particula physical therapis this link: it at (you can watch 53y9r38) e/CUg3 https://youtu.b (Fig. 2).

From People Buy Trust People They powerful strategy

send Fig. 3: Do you

most It is the single promote y can use to that any compan . But never and services its products people more true for has that been

nurture emails?



Journal 2019;81


ornerstones The Three C and Sales to Marketing


, into specifics efore we launch marketing there are some have you need to foundations starting an ongoing in place, before . marketing strategy

jobs) Up (one-off Marketing Set s account/

By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic founder 20-10COKINETIC FORMATS WEB MOBILE PRINT

sales: of getting = is the process and l Marketing d in the goods people intereste sold services being s that s the activitie l Sales = describe of goods and lead to the selling . services

ing Priorities Ongoing Market marketing’) (‘steady-state nities to many opportu 1. Creating as list build your email to nurture emails 2. Sending regular email list your growing customer collection of 3. Ongoing /Facebook. reviews on Google Once you have

be much more efforts must So prioritise sales. we need to g money, spend marketin it fits whenever you about whether think very carefully you’ve built. ng into the strategy so-called ‘marketi Whatever your number of you, a greater expert’ tells ment or s, page engage page follower m very Instagra or k Likes on Faceboo in the ability to result known rarely, if ever, They’re . revenue generate more read for a reason, as vanity metrics Content the t article from Right this excellen entitled The different sales are two Marketing Institute Use Vanity Metrics rly if Marketing and Ways to and Wrong same coin, particula in the sides of the (1). e is sales, which we’re to learn more your end objectiv is to make sure ses it should The goal here g small busines case of most the 20% of marketin give implementing order to Cola be. we need, in not The Coca activities that is all about Most of us are results. This to invest in our of afford can 80% us g Company who the right things. g strategy, involvin focusing on a wider marketin awareness. brand goals like raising Funnel small ways for most The Marketing to every There are better cornerstones earned three hard are spend There , and businesses to sales) strategy than on raising marketing (and ones marketing money, three cornerst ss. together these fill this brand awarene The idea is to g without sales form a funnel. of people, You can do marketin this regularly specific group be doing funnel with a you, with (and you should to ‘buy’ from need whether you s in who are primed regardless of without marketing activitie can’t do sales a structure of move these exactly sales), but you the funnel, to ately, this is place within e. and marketing. Unfortun purchas do, a attempt to people towards ones to a sales what most people get The three cornerst why most people g is the reason g funnel are: from their marketin and marketin very poor results

a strategy ready to plan place, you’re your e sales from that can generat s. marketing activitie clear on the Just so we’re and n marketing distinction betwee

My Busines l A Google listing k updated Faceboo l A regularly s that promote set Business page ce in your skill authority, confiden viewers to your page and adds value to ensure urpose’ website l A ‘fit-for-p what you who you are, people know attend to book and do, and how also could (you an appointment k page for this use your Faceboo to) wanted k purpose if you s and the Faceboo on your l Google Analytic code installed s Pixel analytics you track activitie website to help your more detailed when you begin marketing.

ions in those foundat



Content marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies that any company can use to promote its products and services which is why it’s used so widely. But never has that been more true for people working in healthcare because here, more than in most businesses, the importance of trust is fundamental. A client needs to feel confident that you are the right person to trust with something that is causing them physical pain – and, as therapists, we know that’s a very vulnerable place for most people to put themselves. Importantly, this is a form of marketing that lets you do what you do best: share your knowledge and enthusiasm of a subject you love with the primary goal being to alleviate pain and suffering. In this article, I’ll show you lots of different forms of content marketing and explain how you can use it to promote your business effectively, quickly and easily. Link:

The Three Cornerstones to Marketing and Sales

based thing can be In reality, every l of people cate marketing. form a funne le overcompli d combine to right things Too many peop pal pillars, which shoul focus on the ting mers. If you princi paying custo around three number of marke focus to convert into tunately, the and what to who you intend it’s hard to go wrong. Unfor where to start so you can know time, to why, lt right it difficu at the matters, and be there, can make help you identify what are likely to activities out is to on ones that of this article ing link of wasting time on. The goal at the follow ies, instead article activit this of right focus on the load the PDF e. You can down unproductiv g 3nrGR. us, our marketin For most of pragmatic,


Journal 2020;86



Too many people try and ‘do’ marketing without having an underpinning strategy. Without that strategy, it’s hard to make sense of which activities fit where and it all becomes overwhelming and confusing. In reality, everything can be based around three principal pillars, which should combine to form a funnel of people who you intend to convert into paying customers. If you focus on the right things at the right time, it’s hard to go wrong. Unfortunately, the number of marketing activities out there can make it difficult to know where to start and what to focus on, and it’s easy to get lost or distracted in the process. The goal of this article is to help you identify what matters and why, so you can focus on the right activities instead of wasting time on ones that are likely to be unproductive. Link:



Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


Putting Your Marketing Funnel Into Practice T

o recap, we’ve discussed the structure of a simple marketing funnel/customer journey, which is to make people aware of your business and ultimately lead them through to a purchase. We’ve also discussed a strategy that will allow you to do that in a way that fits with your professional integrity as a physical or manual therapist and that you can feel comfortable with (ie. it’s unsalsey). That strategy is referred to as ‘content marketing’, which involves distributing content that doesn’t explicitly promote your business, but stimulates interest in what you do and what you can offer, while at the same time adding value to your reader. The important thing to remember is that you must follow the funnel through and be thorough about doing each level because they interdepend and rely on each other. If you raise awareness of your business but then fail to nurture and engage those people, your leads will go cold and you effectively have to start from scratch again (which wastes the time and money you’ve invested so far). The good news is that as long as you’re consistently growing the audience you’re nurturing (ie. your email list) and you’re consistently and regularly performing the green nurture level, you can control the timing of your conversion layer.

The Conversion Level

Let’s take a look at the conversion layer in a bit more detail. Remember this layer is all about giving people an opportunity to purchase from you, and that opportunity can take many different forms, depending on what works best for you. Here are some ideas to get you started but remember anything goes here – the goal is to play to your strengths, pick things you’re passionate about and make sure your upsell is compelling (and you may need to tweak and test to see what works best): 1 It could be education-based, like an education session, delivered either online as a webinar or offline as a face-to-face event, and during which (or at the end) you give a special incentive for people to sign up to your event upsell. Ideally this would be related to the education session. The goal of the education session is really to make the case for why they need what you’re going to offer as an upsell. 2 It could be an open clinic event which you could run once or twice a year for example – a sort of meet the team, try out some free sample appointments, take a tour around the clinic. Again if you advertise this through the social networks, you’ll also be growing your email list in the process as you would ask them to sign up to get early-bird access to the free appointments and offers. Vicki Marsh has written a series of articles giving lots of practical advice on running these events, and they would be well worth reading if you’d like to run an event like this. It’s a great opportunity for you to introduce yourself, your team members or introduce equipment or services you can offer in your clinic. It’s particularly useful if you take on a new therapist with a new skill set, or you’ve invested in some new equipment and can offer a new service. You could even do this event virtually if you wanted to, using a short video


tour of your clinic and/or interviews (keep them short) with your team members and perhaps the offer of a voucher (half price or free) for those attending the event for a future visit. It could be a special offer like a discounted or free treatment, eg. a massage, gait analysis, bike fit, etc. This is commonly and often very successfully implemented using a relatively simple paid advertising campaign on a social network. You would advertise an offer, for example to sign up to a free 30-minute massage. They would enter their details (including phone number) and then you would call them to get the appointment booked in. When they attend the appointment (about 30–50% usually do), you would offer an upsell, ie. an incentive for them to purchase further treatments at a specially reduced price. This is a very effective strategy for drumming up new appointments (and cash) quickly, but it shouldn’t be used too often, because there is a risk of it devaluing you and your business and in the process appearing desperate.

In short, as long as you are doing levels 1 and 2 as ‘steady-state’ (ie. ongoing) marketing, you can add in a level 3 event as and when you’re ready for new bookings, instead of worrying about not being able to control the additional patient flow during busy periods. BUT … this all sounds like a lot of work? If you’re doing it all from scratch, yes it does and it is, but that’s exactly why I created the marketing OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: packages I offer The Overwhelming Case through Co-Kinetic. for ‘Try-Before-You-Buy’ What I’ve done is Conversion Events create both the content and the dummyfriendly technology to help you put this plan OPEN ACCESS ARTICLES: into action. The Blueprint for Running a Using our content Successful Open Clinic resources and Event – a series of technology, it should 5 articles written by take you no more than therapist and clinic one hour a month to owner Vicki Marsh implement levels 1 and 2 – it really is that simple. The Overwhelming RE YOU BUY” Case for “TRY BEFO Conversion Events BY TOR DAVIES, CO-KINETIC FOUNDER




A ‘try before you buy’ conversion event does exactly what it says on the tin! It gives people a chance to ‘meet’ you and try your services, preferably for free, before they commit to booking a fully-paid appointment. Some therapists feel that offering free trials, devalues their profession, skills and qualifications and makes them look cheap and desperate for business. And this is an understandable concern. We’ve all seen it, as restaurants, desperate to stay open, make increasingly ridiculous offers – most of which end up failing ultimately. And I tried really hard to find more to say about the disadvantages but struggled to come up with anything else. If you’re reading this and starting to feel that I haven’t given the cons their due justification, then please jump on the discussion panel below the online version of this article, and share those cons with me and I will happily update this piece of content. But honestly, I couldn’t find any additional legitimate cons. The pros of ‘try before you buy’ conversion events are overwhelming. Before we explore them in more detail, let’s look at what I mean by ‘try before you buy’ events.

One of the best ways of bringing in new paying customers, is to offer ‘try before you buy’ or ‘conversion’ events. These could involve anything from a free consultation, assessment, open day, treatment or education event. Your imagination is your only limit. There are so many advantages to these ‘open’ events, it’s hard to imagine why anyone wouldn’t embrace them, but some people are vehemently opposed to them because they don’t feel they should devalue themselves, by offering their services for free. In this article, I’m going to explore the pros and cons, and leave you to decide. Read this article online That’s just a handful of ideas. In reality, you can do whatever you want. The key is to pick something you’re good at and that you love doing because you’re likely to be more passionate and that will come across strongly to your attendees.

n You will get qualified leads so you know who to focus your attention on. For example, if they visit your clinic you know that (a) they are local (not something you can ascertain from your social media followers without using paid ads) and (b) they’re interested in your services. n Potential customers will know exactly what to expect from you/ your team moving forward. n They are a great opportunity to help answer any questions that are holding potential clients back from booking that first appointment with you. n A physical visit gives you a chance to show off facilities and equipment and communicate much more than what’s on your website – let’s be realistic, very few people have the time to pour over a website anyway, however pretty it might look. n A face-to-face meeting, even a telephone call, can help you build a level of rapport and trust that is much more difficult to build through digital methods. n It gives you the opportunity to learn more about your prospective clients,


From a prospective client perspective n Meeting you/your therapists and becoming familiar with your clinic, parking options, how to get there, etc, will increase familiarity and reduce barriers to booking.


n Free consultations – telephone/Skype/in person n Education events – evening lectures/presentations/seminars n Mini-assessments/injury screening – muscle balance, gait analysis, bike fit n Topic-specific events like running injury clinics, ski fit, headache prevention, back pain, etc n Open clinic days – range of free events/trials n Webinars – online presentation with Q+A n Free treatments – free 20-minute massage – great if you’ve got therapists with free appointment slots or students in for work experience n Packages and discounts – ‘buy one, get one free’, 50% off your first treatment


Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;79(January):46-47



And Where to Start With Your Event

By Vicki Marsh, Massage Therapist, Owner of the HeadStart Clinic 20-01-COKINETIC FORMATS WEB MOBILE



These results are taken from the past two years of the Open Clinic event that I run at my Headstart Sports Injury and Performance Clinic, based in Cambridge, UK. In 2018, we focused on offering only 1-to-1 appointments with the aim of testing a range of follow-up offers to convert these taster appointments into paying clients. We also worked with some fellow therapists to offer a range of additional appointments such as nutrition and gait analysis. This helped all those of us involved to build our email list and expose ourselves to more prospective customers. We had 287 appointments available in total (145 of which were non-massage and 142 of which were specifically massage). In the results below, we’ve focused on the massage-only appointments so


If you’ve been following along with this series, then this is the article you’ve probably been waiting for. This is where we give you the numbers behind our Open Clinic event, show you just how effectively events like this can help to build your business, offer you some lessons we continue to learn every time we run these events, and, most importantly, where to start when it comes to organising your own Open Clinic event. There are four articles that precede this one, which take you through the full planning, organisation and marketing of your event, you can find links to those articles in the Related Content box at the end of the article. Read this article online


Part 2 Strategies for Marketing Your Event for Free

Running an Open Clinic event can bring in many new clients if you get

The Blueprint for Running a Successful Open Clinic Event:

30-minute trial massage appointments we can compare like with like across 19-07-COKINETIC right. article available, whichThis we sold out. shares with you some of the most effective 2018 and 2019, but it was a your great marketing FORMATS WEB experience to team up with ways fellow of doing this for free. Read this article online MOBILE PRINT therapists and I’d definitely do this 2018 would 2019be to get on with building an clients out, which means you don’t In Part 1 I shared with you how we build again in future events. BYbombard VICKI MARSH, people who aren’t available or an Open Clinic event that 3 years on463 is email In 2019, we had one less room 19-04-COKINETIC Email sign-ups 516 list as soon as possible. MASSAGE interested THERAPIST, in the event with emails they our biggest new customer generator There are a number of simple available to run the event, soFORMATS we had WEB Attendees (for massage appointments) 142 145 OWNER OF THE don’t want. in our calendar. From it we gather ways you can do this. MailChimp is less availability, and I had a 2-monthMOBILE PRINT HEADSTART Immediate salesof new email addresses, have Once youCLINICS have a link to your signhundreds a great free email marketing service old baby – so the aim for 2019 was BY than VICKI up page: over 100new newclients clientssales visit the clinic £300 which to make the week EASY, rather l Pre-event £375integrates directly with a lot This is the third part in a series of articles leading you step-by-step So far I’ve shared with MARSH, 1. Contact the people on your email during the week and deliver around of online booking systems. I’ve been overcomplicate it with additional l New clients sales £1026 £927 you how to plan and use free marketing through how to run your own Open Clinic event and discusses a great list. Let them know the dates, why 400 free appointments. using the Co-Kinetic Marketing System therapists as we did in 2018.MASSAGE to create an awesome Open Clinic l Membership sales it’s × 6very (annual £4320 you’re running the event and how to strategy to use when you are paying for marketing so that you can These days easyvalue) to get£3960 to post social media that is designed In 2019, we had 145 freeTHERAPIST, event to help grow your practice. These OWNER OF THE register. carried away withREVENUE marketing online, £5286 specifically to help you build up your maximise the return on your investment. Read this article online TOTAL INCREASED £5622 days it is VERY easy to get carried away HEADSTART 2. A few days later send another email particularly with the power of audience email list, by offering helpful educational with marketing online, particularly on CLINICS to the people who didn’t open the targeting on Facebook. But no matter content in exchange for filling out a Facebook. But no matter what paid previous email. Keep the content what paid advertising you are doing, form. And you can also connect this 2. What is your normal rebooking rate advertising you are doing you should people, you first need to create an audience exactly the same, just tweak the you should always be working to straight to MailChimp too. from promotional clients? The higher always be working to maximise your free in Facebook. This is a group of people with subject line to something different to maximise your free marketing options The following tips will help you get your rebooking rate, the more budget certain characteristics, so in our case as marketing options FIRST – so please get their attention. first. started on building your email list as 19-10-COKINETIC you can afford to invest. make sure you’ve read Part 2 of this therapists we are normally looking for people 3. Repeat step 2. By taking tried and tested soon as you put this article down. FORMATS WEB MOBILE PRINT 3. How many clients you want to series before you dive in with your paid in the ages of 25 to 55 years, male and 4. Repeat step 2… We sent out five free methods, you can have 100% bring in? The more clients you want ads. female but very importantly who live and/ separate emails using this exact confidence that you won’t be throwing 1. CREATE AN EARLY By Vicki Marsh, Massage Therapist, normally means a bigger budget. In this article I share with you or work locally to our clinic. By using these strategy. Each time 5% of the money down the drain on the paid side REGISTRATION LIST Owner of the HeadStart Clinic 4. Do you have a tried and tested Step 3 in the Blueprint of Running a criteria we can narrow down the audience recipients signed up. And we had of things. AND PAGE strategy to get back your ad spend? Successful Open Clinic Event – your from the millions of people on Facebook and only two unsubscribes over the The great news is that all of the Create an early registration page and n this article, we will start to reap the Don’t worry if the answer to this PAID Marketing Strategy. put our Open Clinic ad up in front of only entire email campaign. Turns out strategies listed below can be used sign-up link for your event. This can rewards for all the hard work we’ve question is no, I’ll share one with you those who we want to sign up. people really don’t read their emails, to market your clinic in general as be done in something like MailChimp put in so far by getting the clients at the end. You can then target down even further What is Paid Marketing? or just keep leaving it until later. So, well. These are all strategies that may and Co-Kinetic also provides pre-built attending our Open Clinic events to by choosing interests to target. Select topics Paid marketing is, simply put, any don’t pester people who DID open require your time (which of course is pages for this purpose too, which you rebook into a paying appointment. 37 marketing that you actually have to pay Who Should You Advertise To? that you know your current client base all your emails but didn’t sign up. worth money) but doesn’t require cash can fill in with your own text. There are Regardless of whether you’re doing are interested in, this will make it easier to real, hard cash for. A simple example There are two ways that you can ENTREPRENEUR The focusiseach is on people up front, and you can still reach a great a numberTHERAPIST of reasons for doing this, but This article thetime fourth in our series on how to run your own Open a large scale Open Clinic event like we get sign-ups. You can choose from sports, would be getting leaflets printed to advertise on Facebook depending on who haven’t opened your emails at number of people, even more so if the main one is that by creating that list Clinic event. people attend these events tointerests, people who follow other do, a super-relaxed coffee morning or activities, promote an eventMost but, more commonly your audience, who willbecause fall into twothey want all. you’ve been doing consistent marketing you can be 100% certain those people even using one of the conversion events pages. The more you narrow down, the more today, it involves Facebook or However, groups:the point of running an Open try something out forAdsfree. throughout the year. are actually interested in your event. (talks/lectures) included in the Cotargeted, and therefore the more effective, Google AdWords. 1. people who HAVE NOT heard of It will help with anticipating numbers, something this Clinic is toForgain new,like paying clients. This article shows you howyour toaddo Kinetic system, this series of articles will will be. In this article, I’m going to focus on you before and never been to your PRO you can create exclusive offers and it ALWAYS send yourself a test YOUR EMAIL LIST TIP Ads, this using a variety ofistime-limited offers. this article online If you’re going to offer a free postnatal give you everything you need in order Facebook because this what we website – a Read COLD audience creates a clear ‘call to action’ in all of email first and check that This is your number one marketing to run a successful event. check-up at your Open Clinic, then target used and I’m going to share a system 2. people who HAVE heard of you your subsequent marketing material. every single one of the links is working channel, although I know (from reading In this article we look at actual women of childbearing age. Offering a Golf that worked brilliantly for us. before – they’ve visited your website, If you do have an email list you only correctly. The last thing you want is to the Co-Kinetic educational emails) this stage is to warm up your email conversions. Taking people from a doesn’tinteracted give you with a conversion rate MOT? Then target men and women over 35. your page – a WARM want to be emailing people who are find out that your sign-up link isn’t that a lot of therapists actually don’t prospects they are open to, or Spend? even prospect into becoming a paying at moreaudience. than around one-third of How so Much Should You interested in your event; having an early working. have email lists and/or aren’t actively keen, to is take whatever nexttostep customer. attendees. That’s absolutely normal. This a great question startyou’d with! Designing Your Funnel registration list lets you segment those building them. My first piece of advice like themWhenever to take. Inyou thisuse case it would But if you your content Of the twoget options, it’s normally much paid advertising, If you’re a Co-Kinetic Marketing subscriber be to attend event. Firstly, What are Conversions? marketing right therefore and are prepared easier (and cheaper) to get you wantan to Open ensureClinic a return on your then you’ll already have a pretty good idea Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;80(April):44-46 44 Admittedly, could domeans this Conversions are the action or behaviour givesign-ups that group of your Open Clinic visitors from warm audience. investment, you an ROI. This of how this works! If not, here’s how to set up without nurturing your email list,you butget at some you want your customer to take. This exclusiveit’sfollow-up However, a smalleroffers, group then, of people whatever money you invest, your funnel. you’llleast getthe a much and the overthan could be as simple as signing up to an time,the in much our experience, 80% bigger coldover audience, samegreater amountuptake back from response if youifhave put the effort into email list but in our case it’s booking a of those clients willtocome and pay and you need haveback the Facebook marketing, not more. The basics of what to create are: warmingSo, upifthese prospects first. Not paid appointment or buying a pass. for an appointment. pixel installed so you can identify them we spend £50 on Facebook 1. Facebook Ad (using the conversion onlyAds that,we they’re already the Not moredone thanthis halfyet, make – soonly if youthat, haven’t want to ensurewell thatdown we get objective), promoting your If you’ve been following along with this By Vicki Marsh, Massage Therapist, Know, and possibly even intobooking the Like of them toASAP. pay full Why is this Different to surewill yoube getwilling it done at least one appointment Open Clinic event (Fig. 1) Owner of the HeadStart Clinic series, then this is the article you’ve probably been waiting for. our ThisNormal Clients? phase, bythat thecampaign time you meet. is an incredible Rebooking For an Open Clinic event we’re from (and ideally more price, which 2. Sign-up page – this is what ours looks like At our Open Clinics, have that ROI,actually or return on your original is a great question! trying to attract new clients to because of the futurewe bookings If you have a 20-01-COKINETIC is where we give you the numbers behind our Open This Clinic event, different of clients who turn up. investment. reality we are VERY lucky in our the clinic, so targeting a cold audience clienttypes will make). Co-Kinetic subscription, they have preFORMATS WEB MOBILE PRINT show you just how effectively events like this can helplinetoInofbuild your them will beyou likewant our normal This is known as the work. Clients come to us knowing Some ofThe is going to work well‘Long for bringing in that amount to spend on made editable template sign-up pages business, offer you some lessons we continue to learnthatevery time we run clients, ready to book that follow-up approach, which I prefer to they have a problem, and have client base. Facebook Ads depends on your answersSell’ new that you can customise by filling out a Overview but most won’t. call the ‘keeping the door open’ alreadyitdecided thatto we can provide the appointment, to the following questions. simple form. If you don’t, then MailChimp these events, and, most importantly, where to start when comes These results are taken from the past So why much do weadvertising even bother? solution. 1. How budget do youstrategy. is another simple way to get started How to Find Your Ideal Clients organising your own Open Clinic event. two years of the Open Clinic event Because it’s not that simple. Generally speaking, unless have available – £ vs £££? We’re 3. Thank you page (Fig. 2), to confirm their To get your ad in front of the right that I run at my Headstart Sports Injury There are four articles that precede this one, whichsomething take you used to the ‘Short Sell’; ie. clients goesthrough wrong, then we are What Follow-up Offers and Performance Clinic, based in come to us proactively, typically to rebook Should You Do? the full planning, organisation and marketing of yourable event, youthem canfor that follow-up who42 Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;81(July):42-43 Cambridge, UK. rebooking within a 6-week period for appointment (albeit sometimes that If you’re a very skilled practitioner on find links to those articles in the Related Content boxisn’t at straight the end of the In 2018, we focused on offering away, but generally they do their follow-up. the ‘soft skills’ involved in booking only 1-to-1 appointments with the aim article. Read this article online But with offers and promotions, come back!). These are HOT clients – clients, then you can definitely try to of testing a range of follow-up offers super-ready to buy, or in our case, book. it can sometimes take up to 2.5 years rebook those Open Clinic clients at to convert these taster appointments for that rebooking. Yup, that’s right! I But with Open Clinic events, or full price. 30-minute trial massage appointments into paying clients. We also worked we can compare like with like across had a client who came for our Open any offer/promotion for that matter, it’s Realistically though, it’s a big available, which we sold out. with some fellow therapists to offer 2018 and 2019, but it was a great Clinic event and then over 2 years later different. The goal of our Open Clinic jump for someone to understand why a range of additional appointments experience to team up with fellow came back, invested in a very specialist event is to build on what is commonly they might want to start paying >£50 such as nutrition and gait analysis. This therapists and I’d definitely do this course of sessions with me and hadn’t referred to as the Know, Like, Trust for something that they just wanted 2018 2019 helped all those of us involved to build again in future events. been for one appointment in between! factor – a key strategy for converting to try out in the first place. our email list and expose ourselves In 2019, we had one less room Email sign-ups 463are currently 516 effectively bySo what does this mean? people who Here’s a formula that we find to more prospective customers. We available to run the event, so we had Attendees (for massage appointments) 142active145 standers into customers. works well for us, which you can had 287 appointments available in less availability, and I had a 2-monthIdeally, you would have started this easily modify for your practice. Offers/Promotions Attract Immediate sales total (145 of which were non-massage old baby – so the aim for 2019 was process by sending regular nurtureThe client attends the Open More WARM Clients and 142 of which were specifically to make the week EASY, rather than l Pre-event new clients sales driven emails, £300 ie. emails £375 that offer Clinic appointment and then: It just means we have to approach it massage). overcomplicate it with additional l New clients sales £1026 £927 and don’t ask help, advice and value, differently. Do not get disheartened l If they are NEW to the clinic they In the results below, we’ve focused therapists as we did in 2018. anything ‘salesy’ of them. The goal at if your follow-up offer for the event get a 50% off fast-action offer l Membership sales × 6 (annual value) £3960 £4320 on the massage-only appointments so In 2019, we had 145 free




Part 3 Your Paid Marketing Strategy



Part 4 Your Sales and Conversions Strategy


And Where to Start With Your Event






£5286 £5622

Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;82(October):38-40



This is what the complete funnel looks like using the Co-Kinetic system, with timings for each level. So having looked at how we might use the funnel to generate revenue, now let’s look at how we implement levels 1 and 2 practically, in other words filling the funnel with our audience and nurturing that audience until we’re ready to ask them to take action.

Filling The Funnel (and Building Awareness)

Although raising awareness of your business is important and necessary, the most important thing is that you create the opportunity to move these newly aware prospects through your funnel. In order to do that, you need to be able to communicate with them. The most effective (and scalable) way of doing this as we’ve discussed previously, is by using nurture emails to build trust, develop the relationship and ultimately give your prospects the opportunity at level 3 to become a paying customer. This means that level 1, in order to get the best return from our investment, needs to involve a strategy to collect email addresses. At the same time, we want to do this in a way that maintains our professional integrity and adds value to the people coming into contact with our businesses. So how does that work?

exercise handouts to help prevent or treat an injury. Generally, the more helpful and informative the information or the bigger the problem it solves, the more desirable the resource and the more email leads it will generate. To give you some real examples, here’s a selection of some of the leaflets we’ve produced for our subscribers.


Avoiding Injury on the Slopes There’s no doubt about it, snow sports are fun. Whether you’re hurtling down the side of a mountain at 40 mph, or exploring backcountry terrain; snow sports always involve excitement, adventure and exhilaration. But snow sports are much more fun when you’re physically fit. There is nothing worse than having to limp in early from the slopes because you’re tired or sore (or even worse, injured). Snow sports are major workouts and if you’re not fully prepared physically for your holiday, not only will you be exhausted for most of it, but you’re also at a much higher risk of injury, let’s face it, nobody wants to come home in a plaster cast. So, the goal of this guide is to get you as fit as possible, in the shortest time possible, and give you the best chance to have an awesome, injury-free holiday.

Building an Email List

In order to build a good email lead collection process we need two things: one is a means of collecting the email address (ie. an email lead collection form) and the second is a reason or incentive for the person viewing this form to share their details with you. This ‘incentive’ is often referred to as a ‘lead magnet’– in other words, something that attracts ‘leads’ (in this case the email addresses of prospective new customers). A ‘lead’ is the term which is often given to a new customer prospect.

1. The Lead Magnet

now sports demand a combination of both technique as well as muscle strength and flexibility to keep stay safe on the slopes, run after run. Decent stamina (aerobic fitness) is key if you’re going to have enough energy to last the day, and anaerobic fitness is needed for the downhill bursts of activity. So, if you’re spending your hard-earned cash on a trip to the mountains, it’s just a waste if you don’t prepare. Any preparation you can do in the weeks leading up to your holiday will improve your performance and enjoyment, as well as reduce your chance of suffering an injury. Here are our top six strategies for reducing the risk of injury while on the slopes.







DURIN or exercise before If you can’t e is then lunchtim after work, in a bet for fitting your best This may involve or real session. close to work the joining a gym from walk or run g taking a brisk a little plannin back. It’ll take but it office and gym bag, packing a skip lunch ahead, like Just don’t done. be to be can easily does need as your body altogether, d. refuelle

the stairs each If you use to visit the time you need alternate you restroom and soon so you will floors doing in the extra mileage clock up some that drinking plenty to ted office. Added of caffeina of water (instead you feeling keep drinks) will often those hydrated in itioned stuffy air-cond g your risk reducin offices, hes ing headac of develop , and the extra from caffeine won’t do you bathrooms trips to the


ball helps a stability Sitting on better posture you to practice good spinal ges and encoura strengthen It also helps alignment. as they nal muscles . your abdomi maintain balance contract to



we should We all know the lift, instead of do take the stairs do we actually so but how often it a habit, is making a choice it? The trick about it as you stop thinking every time. make you have to to take the Start by aiming then work up a day, stairs once tic. Or climb until it’s automa your of stairs in a few flights and small Start short breaks. each an extra floor work up to






g your and changin s Taking a break some exercise position, doing you from s will relieve and stretche lead to postures that sustained pain. neck and back


specialises in migraines, who can help with medication prescription.




10 11

case. ©Co-K inetic 2017



l Hormonal changes, monthly cycle,

contraception, menopause aspartame (artificial sweetener), sugar, processed meats, foods containing lots of colorants and preservatives like MSG

There are many causes or ‘triggers’ for migraines and being able to identify them in yourself will go a long way to keeping your migraine episodes at bay. Often keeping a diary of what you have done, or eaten and drunk during the day will help you to identify any patterns or triggers preceding a migraine which you can subsequently avoid.

l Genetics – there is a family history

Migraines are individual, you may present with a few or all of the above symptoms, with or without an aura. A “copy and paste” principal for treatment shouldn’t be applied, because what works for one person, may not work for you. The best thing is to contact your healthcare practitioner such as a doctor or physical therapist, to find what works best for you. When considering treatment most people believe migraines are only managed through medication and avoidance of triggers. Yes, medication does play a vital role in migraine management, however there are many benefits from physical therapy interventions. With migraines, muscles around your head and neck can become very tender and present with spasm. Combined with any stress or underlying neck pain, physical therapy may be key to reducing the pain and intensity of your migraine episode as well as decreasing the frequency and duration of each episode. 1 Manual therapy, including massage has been shown to be as effective as some medications in reducing the pain and intensity of a migraine. Regular massage (weekly massage treatment) has also been shown to be a good preventative measure for migraine management substantially reducing the frequency of migraines. 2 Cold therapy in the form of gel ice packs or frozen neck wraps can be applied at the onset of a migraine, targeting the carotid arteries at the

Triggers may include: l Vasodilators (some heart medication

like calcium channel blockers, aspirin and nitroglycerine) l Skipping meals l Weather changes l Dehydration or insufficient clear

fluid (water) intake l Sleep deprivation l Stress l Excessive afferent stimuli

(eg. flashing lights, strong odours) l History of head trauma, underlying

neck problem




The informat ion containe d in this article is intended individual as general medical care guidance or as a substitut e for specialis and information only and should t medical advice in each individua not be relied upon as a basis l case. ©Co-Kin for planning etic 2019


Video: k0_z3iQ6Qc


if you n Overstretch your neck as Side Flexio forwards, bend your

nose is pointing your left shoulder, using Ensuring your to make towards on to a chair your left ear ssure. Hold were taking apply overpre the hand to gently should feel stronger. You the stretch same side neck on the Repeat to stretch to your on to the chair. you are holding help improve exercise will the right. This Hold for 20 your neck. mobility to sides. both seconds. Perform Video: u9xdU2N9ao




h Standing a wall if you wish) ion Stretc against Neck Rotat (you can rest your back your neck to the

al Upper Cervic Full Rotation with Flexion

good posture, Sitting with to your tuck your chin far as feels chest (or as Gently rotate comfortable). upper neck no more improve your your neck by This will help each side. than two inches both sides. rotation. Perform

Rotate Stand up straight up to 90 degrees. one arm and place feel a stretch You should opposite side. neck on the side of the in the lower your arm. you are lifting. same side seconds. Hold for 20 sides. Perform both

Video: 7csKSRzjuw

Video: geO87_VFog




tretch if you your neck as Flexion Overs Neck Side nose is pointing forwards, bendshoulder. To increase

right drop Ensuring your towards your your body, your right ear e away from were taking Use the opposit your right arm straighten your fingers. on the the stretch, straighten will feel a stretch This r slightly, and your shoulde pressure. You the right. apply more Repeat to hand to gently g your arm. you are extendin your neck. same side mobility to help improve exercise will


for planning upon as a basis not be relied only and should case. ©Co-Kinetic 2019 information individual guidance and advice in each as general is intended specialist medical in this article substitute for on contained care or as a The informati individual medical








your bike, and probably also at work, places strain on your spine, loading structures for prolonged periods of time. Cyclists’ back pain is often due to mechanical factors. Have your bike properly fitted to your body, then look at your body. Lack of flexibility, such as excessive hamstring and hip flexor tightness can contribute to low back pain. Differences in leg length are common mechanical problems leading to imbalances in the spine. Core strength is very important to avoid low back pain. Core strength comes from a collection of deep muscles both big and small that work together to give you core lumbar and pelvic stability. TIP Low back pain may arise in cyclists that push big gears, especially while climbing. The angle of your back in relation to the bike can increase or decrease the strain on your back. Consider alternating climbing positions by standing up, changing the angle of your back, especially during long rides or climbs, or talk to your therapist about a back rehabilitation programme to focus on strengthening your core muscles.



Neck pain from cycling usually stems from poor posture and weak muscles. Pain caused by neck hyperextension is made worse by positional issues on the bike, combined with lack of flexibility. Just as you have core stabilisers around your lower back, you have stabiliser muscles called deep neck flexors around your neck to hold your head

Common Sw imming Injuri es


Signs & Sympto ms

l Pain in front and back of shoulder l Pain down arm or up to neck l Painful arc of l Pain sleepin movement g on side l Pain with swimming

Common Causes l Poor stroke technique l Weak compo nents in

shoulder comple x l Poor posture


l Stiff upper back l Lack of shoulder blade stability l Overus e

Bridge Basic

Lie flat on your back, with your feet resting on a Swiss ball, and your arms by your side face down). Squeeze (palms your bottom muscles and lift your back upwards. Make posture (do not sure you maintain over-arch your good lower back) and abdominal muscles contract the by squeezing deep To make the your tummy exercise easier, towards your spine. move the ball more under towards your your legs), and body (ie. to make it harder, from your body move the ball (ie. more under away your heels). This to strengthen the abdomina exercise helps l, lower back, muscles. gluteal and hamstring



Video: C1KldR_A

Squat with Band


Video: 8ZbhLIW68 The information


Lunge with


ell Holding a kettlebell in each hand, step forwards, take a and bend your front knee past the vertical. Your back knee towards the drops floor. Always keep good alignment, your knee should stay over the 2nd ray of your foot, and never let your knee drop inwards. Return to the start position and repeat by lunging with the other leg forwards. You must focus on doing it correctly - if needed start weights in your with no hands and then progress by adding weight. SETS

Place your feet shoulder width apart, or just outside shoulder width. Tie an exercise band around your knees keeping it quite tight. Slowly bend your knees to go into a squat position. Maintain a good curve in your lower back, and control the squat making sure your knees do not drop inwards. When you have gone as low as feels comfortable, push upwards through your legs to straighten your knees into a as required. standing position. This exercise can be progresse Repeat weight in your d over time by hands like a adding dumbbell.


Video: /4gO0vGc04zM


TIP Try variation in your pedal cadence – breaking up your training by pedalling in a high cadence (90 – 120 revs per minute) can help prevent injury. Raising the seat if it’s too low will reduce the amount of knee flexion and utilise more of the hamstring and gluteal (buttock) muscles thereby off-loading the quadriceps muscle and patellar tendon. If your foot rocks from side to side, use an insert to stabilise the rear of your foot, thereby reducing strain on the knee and increasing efficiency.

Unless you fall off, cycling is a sport blessed by its bodyfriendliness! In fact, riding big miles is more likely to get you fit than fractured. But, like any endurance sport, cycling can produce a catalogue of niggling aches and pains, which if left untreated can become more serious. To give your pain a name and point you down the right road to recovery, we’ve listed the 8 most common cycling ailments, their most likely causes, and how to go about fixing them.


t who physical therapis

Lying flat, tuck gap reducing the floor. You to your chest neck and the top between your stretch at the will feel a gentle Hold this position, neck. back of your and then relax.

One of the most common cyclist knee complaints is pain in the kneecap. This is most likely to be patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). PFPS is often worse when walking up and down hills/stairs or sitting for long periods of time. It may include wasting of the quadriceps (thigh) muscles if the injury is an old one, and tight muscles around the knee joint. PFPS occurs when the patella (kneecap) rubs on the femur (thigh) bone underneath. It is believed that incorrect tracking (gliding) of the patella over the femur is a significant factor and results in damage to the cartilage underneath the patella. The cause may be from external factors like an increase in training, the seat being too low or riding too long in big gears. Internal factors such as poor patella tracking may result from excessive pronation (flat foot), rotation of the lower leg and tight or weak muscles around the thigh and pelvis.

Strength Trainin g Exercises for Running

your injury guided by always be s for your specific not be You should FOR PHYSICAL s or stretche TIME-SAVING RESOURCES AND MANUAL THERAPISTS g you should delete exercise around the therapist to may add or ber whilst stretchin severity. Remem and consult your physical phase and stop are, please in pain, if you ents. make adjustm

ning Neck Flatteyour chin down



Treatment & Rehab l Manual Training Tips therapy and to improv for pain reduction l Monito l RICE, strappin e mobility r mileage and intensit g progression y, gradual l Stretch tight shoulde l Avoid excessi r structures l Improv e upper back l Stroke correctve use of paddles and mobility l Strengt kickboard ion: flat hand hen shoulde the midline r blade and entry, don’t BREASTweak shoulde , high elbow cross r muscles recovery and through, body l Pain inner l Posture STROKER’S pull side of the roll correction, l Use fins knee l Swelling KNEE changes (compu lifestyle to offload l Weak muscle shoulder l Use other ter work etc.) s around hip l Very sensitiv strokes, cross and buttock e to touch l RICE, strappin l Improv s train l Stiffnes e kicking l Wide kick g s power l Soft tissue work, massag l Stiff ankles l Avoid kicking e and joint mobilis sets ation l Warm up l Strengt adequately hen thigh l Breasts muscles and troke pull NECK PAIN hips, buttock sets to rest muscles. l Narrow l Genera knee l Stretch er kick l dull ache hip joint across/ around neck l Improv l Poor techniq e ankle flexibili ue l Sharp poking ty l Poor posture all strokes pain l Spine mobilis l Headac l Weak shoulde– chin forward ation or manipu he dry needlin lation, l Stiffnes g, massag l Weak stabilisi r muscles s l Stroke correct e, heat l Strengt ng muscle l Pain on ion: body hen deep s specific front of the alignment body roll, neck muscle l Stretch in water, bilateral breathi neck s movements tight muscle l Avoid excessi ng, good s l Posture BACK PAIN undulation ve use of correction kick board l Dull ache and change in ergono across lower mics l Sharp pain back l Poor techniq at specific ue level l Stiffnes all strokes l Weak core s l Spine mobilis l Referre l Weak gluteus ation or manipu d pain into dry needlin buttocks lation, and hip and leg g, massag l Avoid excessi muscles e, l Strengt l Pain with hen core muscle heat l Stroke correctve use of kick board certain s and muscles of ion: body movements pelvis roll, good better rhythm – buttocks or activitie l Stretch MUSCLE undulation, and hips. s , improve upper power in pull for breasts l Sudden l Make change back and hips CRAMP troke and unexpected and kick PRODUCED butterfly s to work/sc sharp pain IN ASSOCIA home to hool/ l Tight hips, TION correct WITH and posture l Debilita l Poor posture upper back ting l Stretch , excessive l Stiff, tight sitting, lifting muscle l Massag etc e l Fatigue l Variety l Heat through session l Muscle , change routine strokes in a semi THESE EXERCIS s and ES l Relax legs or tense position contracted, The exercise while kicking for routine below l Conditi prolonged may be a beginning strength training oning point for addingperiod to your running l Avoid doing to avoid fatigue cover the large schedule. The person is different a heavy leg basic muscle groups immediately strengthening so these exercises needed for running, exercises and pelvis with require some prior to a are only a guide session good core muscle ie. a strong trunk tweaking for swim session that may glutes (buttocks) you specificall strength, as well It is recomme y. , hamstrings as strong thighs, nded to do 2-3 and training, it is Exercises should strength sessions advised to consult calves. If you are new to be per strength a professional a previous injury minutes between done in sets of 3 with 8 repetition week. first. If you’ve there sets is advised had s per set. Two which will specificall may be some exercises pain, stop and for recovery. to avoid, or some y address any If at any time consult your you feel weaknesses, therapist. Never technique for you have. Every sacrifice your heavier weights form/ or more repetition s. Supine

muscles ISES some of the strains THESE EXERC help to stretch the loads and s below balance is good The exercise y will help nt that there good flexibilit rly importa neck. Having are able to joint. It is particulayour neck, so that they on your neck around alignment. the muscles joints in good balance in vertebra and hold your neck

here are two main types of cycling injury, those caused by falling off (which we don’t discuss below) and the issues caused by overtraining, biomechanical stresses, often due to muscle imbalances, and incorrect bike set-up. It is particularly important for the sake of future injury prevention to identify the root cause and address this ASAP.


Swimmer’s Shoulder

g Exercises Neck Stretchin


After knees, the back is probably one of the biggest causes of pain for cyclists, with lack of flexibility and bad posture generally the cause. Hunching forward on




of migraines in about 60% of cases, suggesting a hereditary factor exists.


Prevention of


etch Ro u for Back tine Pain


l Perfo rm single leg exercises on both legs If an exerc stop and ise causes pain, move onto the next exercise

l Certain foods – chocolate, caffeine,




4 5 6 3 Str Morning7 8



week. These symptoms will be completely e: le includ hy peop in the brain reversible and tend to happen up to 60 hormones ty for healt minutes before the onset of a changes cal activi s cortisol Physical activity nes) and reduce fits of physi the migraine, almost like a warning sign. l health: to reduce The bene happy hormo and menta PISTS been proven hins (the primary ed mood AL THERA of endorp the best sion. People l activity has MANU 1 Improv depres is one of ingAND n, physica es a release AL th, ie. it better In additio l in manag and increas Physical activity t and are and ill-healPRODUCEaD BY: FOR PHYSIC RCES hormones). RESOU been helpfu g burnou of disease it has stronger HOW IS MIGRAINE DIAGNOSED? sion and of reachin levels (stress AVING preventers fitter and injury before could be ping depres TIME-S rth, Everyone presents differently and may have lower chance are able to get le disease or and self-wo risk of develo active also have a prevents good examp against a activity you self-esteem possible. Youfeatures of other headache types which can more more occur. A t your to are With who to protec chance levels. helps build thought ing stress vaccinations you never – this in turn ing with others make diagnosis difficult. Most headaches at manag the use of do more e achieve things and the socialis virus. can be diagnosed and classified according just becaus consequently more and group and that a even disease or in or you to do has proven with others people to your history and an examination by a t mean you Research motivating exercise to 24% in today, doesn’ was choose to consider your mood. is reduced by up disease risk healthcare practitioner. There is no one may also you are healthy and relax and only positive on tia risk a Alzheimer’s be hugely back n: Demen specific test, scan or examination that can you have can also activity. And should sit ive functio levels of l activity once physical loss, confirm or differentiate migraine from l activity. ed cognit ate to high doing physica s have proven that of physica rm weight 2 Improv in ed in moder tee long-te high levels Studie helps another headache type. In some cases you who engag risk of disease problem. people with e alone won’t guaran However, exercise prevent the by 37% in ary. ions, so don’t Exercis lean muscle may be referred to a neurologist who reduced activity can also necess nt condit y weight: and build 13 differe change is in health weight mic index 3 Mainta behaviour more than will allow now! on e your glycae diet and get going composition reduces the load a balanced wait, let’s sugars, improv improved body t loss also your blood and do to Weigh image n. you regulate allowing healthy body and improved functio stable joints, mass. This ed fitness support more . Regular control, improv stronger muscles deaths of and of 16% ly can your joints ted as a cause who exercise regular e of been attribu People becaus even more. by 30%. fitness has . This is all nerve risk of death ary people longer: Low function, 4 Live reduces the red to sedent blood vessel ts to your physical activity nal 4.5 years compa s, bone health, benefi The additio muscle walls. live for an l activity on blood vessel living longer. of physica brain and falling by ute to the effects als in the the risk of to contrib r and chemic are also likely been proven to reduce stable joints. Regula function wellbeing e has to s and more the brain psychological of falls: Exercis stronger muscle d to nerves from ed chance e you have are require 5 Reduc on’ with the , all of which as 21% becaus better ‘communicati with daily as much tes co-ordination c balance exercises also promo control and specifi exercise balance, People doing benefits ascular on your feet. the feet and 49%. your cardiov more stable risk by as much as improve make you to do more. to l activity will their fall able d and physica r less are able activity reduce of life: Regula will feel less breath tly, so you ed quality more efficien chores, tasks and lungs), you 6 Improv as they work heart and able to fulfil less oxygen fitness (your to being muscles need All of this adds up life more. fitness levels ss. Stronger effort. and enjoy that as your with less s of tiredne do more independent, is a well-known fact reduce feeling It easily, stay es will will help fatigue: or exercis work moreveruse and lessseemingly ed sleep2. Hand Placement andthe chores into the Water: A The posture you carry for the majority endless ed sleep es. Improv tasks and improv 7 Improv repetition e the easierhand pitch outwards with a ethumb first of the day inevitably bleeds into your of arm rotations seems so your sleep you becom more. increase like anand a welcom stronger ered to do entrys into theand water leads to excessive swimming. Poor posture limits the for and fitter inevitable prescription and empow nervou energy fear symptoms Also, the pain, butless tired for internal rotation which, can eventually mobility of your shoulders but also shoulder when you have proper outlet you reduce Better sleep e is a healthy feelings. It helps feel, leaving leadoverall to acute paining. in the shoulder as an dramatically short-changes the amount shoulder alignment and posture you can wellbe ts and stress: Exercis Manage reduce ve though 8 significantly these factors AllInstead of calm and negati ‘over-use’ injury. of entering the of power you can exert. the chances of injury. ships. from sense a es ed relation distraction and increas first,e.change your technique to Three key areastion for injury prevention to enhanc thumb exercis e catastrophisa socialising also leads to achiev enter with a flat hand, finger-tip first. include your stroke, your POSTURE CORRECTION through regular ed your body and order in levels improv do stress and should one 3. High Elbow Catch: Without the use training. ute to reducing CAN START WITH: contrib physical activity of video analysis, many swimmers are l Sleeping on your back. Lying on your of how much rd’ ‘gold standa unaware of how they pull through under sides accentuates the rounded shoulder YOUR STROKE There is a ts. benefi the water. Typically, swimmers will pull position and can result in impingement Repetition alone isn’t enough to injure your optimal health through with either a dropped elbow or of structures either causing shoulder shoulder, but repetition of a bad technique with a very straight arm. Doing this, will pain or exacerbating it. Lying on your definitely is. Correcting your technique is load the shoulder muscles excessively back stretches out your pectoral (chest) not actually that difficult, but you do need as the majority of the pull through phase muscles. You can place your hands to know what to look out for and, just as is spent pushing down, rather than across your chest with a pillow under importantly, work diligently to improve in pressing back. Working to develop a your elbows to ensure your shoulders roll these areas. Video analysis is a great tool, ‘high elbow catch’ technique utilises the backwards. because it really helps you identify what larger, more powerful muscle groups of l Thoracic spine mobility. This is the you personally need to work on. Get some your chest and upper back, rather than stiffness of your upper back. With bad instruction from a coach or have a friend relying upon the shoulders. posture it is normally hunched or curved film you to see where you are going wrong. 4. Hand Entry in Line with the Shoulder: forward which accentuates rounded At the point of hand entry often shoulders, causing impingement. Your FOUR STROKE TECHNIQUE TIPS swimmers allow the hand to cross thoracic spine is important in swimming TO HELP AVOID DEVELOPING the midline of the body, this causes as it is part of the shoulder complex and SWIMMER’S SHOULDER impingement in the front of the shoulder. essential in rotation with freestyle and INCLUDE: Likewise, during pull through the hand backstroke. A stiff thoracic spine also 1. Body Rotation: Developing a good, should not pass the midline if your restricts your ability to undulate during symmetrical body rotation through the stomach/chest. Visualise an imaginary butterfly kick. Specific exercises and development of an efficient bilateral line cutting through your body into a stretches can help improve your upper breathing pattern is key to removing left and right half. Make sure that during back extension. Mobility helps your shoulder injury. Swimming with a flat hand entry and pull though the hand posture and your stroke technique which body in the water with limited rotation doesn’t cross over onto the other side. helps prevent injury. along the long axis of the spine causes 2. Scapular Stability: Research has the arms to swing wide around the side shown that swimmers who have muscle during the recovery phase. This swinging YOUR BODY deficiencies or imbalances around the action results in large amounts of internal 1. Posture: It starts with building better WITH scapula (shoulder blades) are more rotation at the shoulder joint which is posture, both inIATION the pool and out of CED IN ASSOC likely to develop shoulder injuries. the major source of impingement andPRODU it. Modern life, with long hours sitting The shoulder blades need to rotate rotator cuff issues. stationary, perpetuates poor posture.


Repeat each times holdi exercise 3-5 ng each one for 5-10


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ute for special ce and informa tion only ist medica and should l advice not be relied in each individual case. ©Co-K upon as a basis for plannin inetic 2020 g and should not be relied upon as This informa a basis TIME -SAV tion is intende for plannin ING RESO g individu d as genera al medica URCE S l guidanc l care or FOR PHYS as a substit e and informa ICAL AND ute for special tion only MAN UAL ist medica l advice THER APIST in each individual S

e Go out of letting someon ie instead Even or smooth up for you. to A migraine is a recurrent headache else pick yours a plan could make that strikes after, or along with sensory better you further down t vendors disturbances known as aura. These try differen than the closest the road rather disturbances can include flashes of light, to the office. blind spots and other vision changes, or tingling in your hand or face. WHILE WALK A migraine can last between 2 to 48 8 YOU’RE ON hours (sometimes longer), and usually E PHON THE typing affects one side of the head, comes need to be a habit (over 15 to 30 minutes), Unless you on gradually try to make either! whilst talking, calls standing any harm feels pulsating, is of moderate or severe of taking phone office. The and can be aggravated by intensity, T in your TAKE SHOR or pacing dependant 6 REGULAR ‘ACTIVE’ obviously routine physical activity. Nausea, vomiting, distance is y’. Take or throbbing pain, along with THE ‘mobilitpulsating DURING bit on your phone’s , everyalittle BREAKS hypersensitivity to light and noise are of moving can can DAY advantage also common symptoms. Migraines affect days, you in posture the change On really busy short breaks by ing neck adds up and around one in 10 people. They are three in of develop legs, still work out chances your doesn’t reduce the times more common in females and tend stretching Physical activity getting up, all about its totohave and back pain. around. It’s affect young people who are otherwise part and walking formal exercise ent a natural have to be healthy. Most people who get migraines making movem showed that benefits. will have a family member with the same One study of your day. breaks NT problem. take walking SKIP INSTA people who enthusiastic, 9 MESSAGING Migraine is thought to be a feel more ly during work ING pain syndrome ie. involving and general AND EMAIL neurovascular less tense, n or query and able a questio nerves and blood vessels where electrical more relaxed If you have the building when they within activity in the nerves in the brain stimulate or to cope than from a college an IM, email blood vessels to release walk breaks. popping offthe surrounding don’t take ns, get instead of till you extensioinflammatory phone painful chemicals, but very Don’t wait set have the using the internal office and breaking point, r on actually known about it. to his/her little isshort reach your walks reminde up and walk prompt or face. Those The pain is often so bad that it makes it a computer and on face to every 30 to time discussi breaks exercise to have the to drive or concentrate. your total very hard your phone walk around will add to to relieve poor . Get up and your chair An aura typically consists of a up 60 minutes get you off your office, floor, combination of disturbances: building, your posture. stairs, do a flight of VisualPACE - including seeing spots and and down at 1 THE s standing UP exercise PICK some lights or being aware of blind spots 10 Be it personal or work The exercise your desk. Sensory 2 , turn these- include tingling and pins to your itself will add needles or numbness -related errands and bouts. ive total but little exercise daily cumulat activities into 3 Movement problems - include ing in prevent is also crucial reduced coordination, dizziness ing. pain develop and speech disturbance. musculoskeletal

Disease Prevent

Live Bett er






YOUR COMM travelling to and 1 The time you spend why not anyway, so is happening of just from work of it, instead to benefit out fairly close get some it. If you live , or cycling sitting through walking, jogging transport. work, try brisk using public driving or g instead of or dauntin is too long away If the distance distance some try parking off the or getting from work, a few stops subway the bus or walk or jog early and then distance. Always the remaining up stairs or walk choose the to some and listening escalator, add that extra music can . motivating encouragement little bit of

Sleep Be tter

● Try not to watch scary movie shows with s or distressing increase content, ONCE your these IN BED wakefulness adrenalin and ● Try to stimul . turn your endorphins Comedies are good ate mind away the day’s will be releas as from activities, help you ed which any worrie may have to relax. can s you or ● Set your RE BED future. This what you will do alarm each ● Establ in the is not the ish a regula get up at night and think of the r routine aim to helps to these things best time to each night. irrespective same time each ‘cue’ your . Think about pleasant morni This body and of how much to sleep. ng places or during the mind sleep you events or Click imagin ● Eating night. for video ation to use your had ● Taking and drinkin conjure a warm images. up relaxin g for the before bed bath g and/or having massage last few is likely to ● If you hours are good so try to find that a stimulate ● Avoid for induci do these you are vigorous while in ng sleep. unable to things earlier your body, evening. bed, exerci to perfor se Steering bed. Yoga before going in the m your relaxa sleep routine as clear of be disrup good relaxa food that tion non-aerobic and stretching tive restful as are good can forms of or rich foods, right before sleep. good sleep. tion can be as ● Medit exercise. ● If you Heavy ation and dishes, citrus fatty or fried meals cannot get deep breath exercises to sleep, , spicy fruits and after 20 ing are also can trigge GET UP minutes, good techni to calm r indigestion carbonated drinks don’t and turnin your ques When this g and becomlie there tossing preparation mind and body occurs close for some peopl watching in ing anxiou e. for sleep. can lead to bedtim the clock HIP ● Avoid to painfu ing stimul e, it SEATED SIDE yourFLEXO STRETCH– this will only s l heartburn bodyRmore disrupts ants and nicotin such as wake sleep. that with adrena anxiety. caffeine ● Read REACH e close to Go and lin and or watch when it bedtime. do somet and relaxin television comes And hing boring bedroom, outside g is key. Althou to alcohol, mode the bedro the sleepy again. to allow your body ration associated gh alcoho om to feel to help Have some l is well-kn with sleep should be or videos you fall boring books own It should asleep faster, on close to be a quiet and perhaps sex. ● The enviro hand. bedtime too much calm space can disrup nment in the secon . which you is impor t sleep in d half of tant. Try sleep the night begins to and bedroom as the body ensure TOE process TOUCH your is quiet, the alcoho well-ve and a comfo l. rtable tempe ntilated, dark Extra Tips rature. ● Avoid daytime naps or are tired keep them during the to no more day, yoga, and medit ation stretching, THE than 30 minute be less confus or simply puttin CAT s before taking time for g some breath 3pm. If you a night owl. ing for your ‘sleep your feet up will ing help your clock’ than ● Ensuri body recove exercises sleeping ng adequ r and may through ate expos individuals the day ure and becom to natura who may l light. This day, as well ing not ventur is particu e outsid as darkne ● Makin larly impor e freque ss at night, g sure ntly. Expos tant ure to sunlig for comfortable that the sleep envirohelps to mainta in a health ht during . y sleepthe from lamps The bedroom shouldnment is pleasa wake nt. Mattre , cell phone be cool ss and pillow cycle. those light (15–19°C) and TV s should off or adjust CHILD ’Sscreen for POSE be shades, them when s can make it diffi optimal sleep. ear plugs, Bright light cult to fall possible. ‘white noise’ can make asleep, The informa the bedro machines, Consider using so turn tion contain om more blackout humidifi ed in curtains, relaxing. ers, fans individual this article is intende eye and other medical d device as general care or as s that guidan a substit


The lead magnet is THE key component here because if the lead magnet isn’t sufficiently desirable, people won’t be motivated enough to share their details in order to access it. The better the ‘lead magnet’, the more people’s details you’ll collect. Audience targeting is also important, the more interested your audience is in the topic of the lead magnet, the more desirable it will be. There’s another important factor: as healthcare professionals our reputation is everything, which means it’s critical to maintain your credibility in this process. This means that any lead magnets you promote should enhance rather than detract from your reputation while at the same time offer genuine value to the reader once they’ve signed up to receive them. They need to be medically accurate (ideally peer-reviewed), to look professional and you need to be sure that the delivery of the promised information works across multiple different platforms and devices, so there’s no risk that your new prospect feels they’ve been duped into sharing their details, or worse still not receiving the promised information. What could these lead magnets be? Essentially anything that your target audience would be keen to know about. This could be tips about reducing the risk of injury, improving performance, managing an injury or condition, reducing pain or generally improving someone’s quality of life. Equally it could be answering one or more questions, solving a problem or pain or sharing


any peopl e have diffi sleeping culty for a numb er of reason s – be it stress, worry, bad habits anxiety, pain, and routin Poor sleep es. habits (often referred to as make these ‘hygiene’) can diffi worse. Obtain culties even ing health is impor y sleep tant for both physic and menta al l or emoti can also onal health improve productivity . It quality of and overal life. l Below are sleep hygien some essentials of to remem e. The most impor good ber when tant point trying to not to try get to sleep too much more hard. Worrying is about tiring than just being sleep is awake. BEFO



Video: 1WBlMOAY

Romanian Dead

Lift Keep your knees just slightly bent, shoulder width apart, and place a dowel rod or barbell on the blocks. Keep your back straight/flat as you bend your knees more towards the bar. Hold the bar shoulder width apart or slightly narrower, with one palm facing up, one palm down (or both palms facing Lift the bar up down). by straighten ing the legs extending the and back at the same time. Keep the bar close to your shins during the movemen you may need t. If you lack to bend your flexibility knees blades at the top of the movemen a little. Squeeze she shoulder t. Return to the start position. SETS



ZEOLaBmo contained in this article is intended as general individual medical guidance and care or as a substitute information only for specialist and should not medical advice be relied upon in each individual case. ©Co-Kinet as a basis for planning ic 2020





Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35

BACK TO BASICS 2. The Email Lead Collection Form

You will have undoubtedly been on many web pages that feature annoying pop-ups that bounce out and scream for attention, often preventing you from moving forward without filling them out. What do we do? I’m guessing most of us shut them down and go back to our search results to find another source of whatever it was we were looking for. In your case, that could be another source of advice from a competing therapist. Not the outcome we’re after! We need to take a more intelligent approach. Yes, we need to present and describe the lead magnet in a way that’s appealing but also in a way that doesn’t serve to sensationalise or overexaggerate it (which is unfortunately the case with too many lead magnets out there). In other words, your lead collection form needs to reflect the same qualities as your lead magnet: professional; high quality; genuine; and authentic. Although the lead magnet and the email collection page are the two fundamental components in this process, there is a third slightly less important one and that’s the method of delivering your promised information.

3. The Lead Magnet Delivery Page or Access to the Lead Magnet

There are several ways to deliver your lead magnets: 1 You could use something as simple as an automated email that’s sent as soon as someone signs up to your email form, containing a link to the lead magnet(s), althought there is a risk they will be picked up as spam. 2 Alternatively when someone completes the form, you could redirect them to a downloadable file – you could use free services like Google Documents or Dropbox for example. 3 Or you could redirect your viewer to a page where they can download their resources. This gives you the opportunity to be a bit more creative and really wow your new email sign up. We use this option combined with an automated email containing a link so they can access that same page at a later date.

Email Lead Collection Forms

Lead Magnet Delivery Pages

On the right of the page you can see some examples of the pages people land on when they sign-up through the email lead collection forms we create for you through Co-Kinetic.

Generating Email Sign-Ups

Now you’ve created the sign-up page, produced (or sourced) one or more great quality lead magnets, and worked out how you’re going to deliver those resources to your new sign-ups, the next thing is make people aware that these resources exist and get them onto your sign-up page. Fortunately there are lots of great ways to achieve this.

Social Media

Social media posts promoting aspects or benefits of your lead magnets and that link to the email sign-up page can be very effective here. However remember as we’ve discussed previously, less than 1% of your page followers will be shown your organic (unpaid) page posts because it’s just not in the interest of social networks to help you build your business for free and they’re more interested in person-to-person interactions. In other words, don’t expect your organic page posts (ie. the ones you post for free on

your page) to generate tonnes of new leads, because they won’t – it doesn’t matter how good the social media is. However, social media is an extremely powerful tool when you use these same social media posts as well-targeted paid ads (which we’ll cover in more detail shortly) and posting informative, unique, educational social posts on your social network pages does bring many other benefits which we explore in more detail in the next article. 21

What might these social media posts look like? As part of our Co-Kinetic social media offering we produce a whole range of content including whiteboard animations, videos, infographics, eye-catching images, memes, links to blog posts and cartoons. The important thing is that your social media posts: a. add value to your viewer b. enhance your credibility c. on some occasions should lead people to your email sign-up page (by offering further value).

Social Media with Paid Advertising


INTRODUCTION As I write today, there has arguably never before, been such a powerful advertising and marketing resource, available at the literal fingertips of every single person that owns a computer and has access to the internet (or even just a mobile phone). That resource is currently Facebook (although LinkedIn may not be far behind). Facebook, today, gives you enormous potential to grow your business. Unfortunately, thanks to some unscrupulous, so-called Facebook ad experts, many people have been stung and have lost valuable hard-earned money, without seeing any results, which has also made many people nervous of Facebook ads. It’s also partly why I paid nearly £1,000 to put myself through a very thorough, and reputable Facebook advertising course, which I can wholeheartedly recommend to those of you interested in taking your Facebook ad understanding to a deeper level. However I’ve also produced a series of short videos to go with this article, which will talk you through each stage, step by step (see Further Resources for more details). As with everything “marketing”, it’s extremely dangerous to delegate responsibility for jobs that involve parting company with cash, without first having a good understanding of what that delegation involves (that’s one of my marketing 101s!). Unfortunately internetrelated activities, are an easy way for less scrupulous individuals, who want to make a quick buck, to take advantage of people who don’t know much about the topic they need help with (SEO and Google Ads also offer rich pickings). Added to which, the Facebook ads platform and user interface is pretty ugly, not very intuitive and quite difficult to master, which is why so many people do delegate and end up getting ripped off. So I’m going to try and help with that. The goal of this article is to explain why Facebook advertising is so powerful, and 40

One of the best ways of generating really well-targeted email leads is to use the social media posts we’ve discussed above as a paid ad on your chosen social network. This not only dramatically increases the reach of your posts but you can also use the powerful targeting ability that many social networks offer (particularly in my experience Facebook) to pitch relevant lead magnets to relevant people and, even more importantly from a local business perspective, to people in the relevant geographical area. This means you’re not only collecting the right demographic for your locally selected prospective customers, but you can also match their interests to your lead magnets: for example, targeting members of running or cycling clubs with running or cycling injury prevention resources. The targeting power is phenomenal but you have to be prepared to pay to run the ads. As a result we’ve produced a Facebook Advertising bolt-on with ready-made ad material (images and text) and all the instructions you need to set up the ad, build the targeted audience and OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: collect the email leads. How to Power Up Your If you’re interested Email List: A Start-Up Guide in learning more about to Facebook Advertising for using Facebook Ads Physical Therapists to build your email list, Link: check out this article.

A Start Up Guide to

FACEBOOK ADVERTISING Advertising through Facebook is probably the single most impactful marketing activity that you can pay for, to grow your business (possibly with the exception of search engine optimisation). This article explains how you can best use Facebook advertising, the steps you need to take to get started, and an accompanying step-by-step video course. Read this article online how it can help you build your business. I’ve also produced a series of short videos, to help you get the basics in place, which then progress by showing you step-by-step, how to run ads to a geographically and interest-targeted group of people, to generate new email leads who can then be followed up with retargeting ads, to promote sign-ups to related conversion events.

So let’s get started. There are two main ways you can utilise Facebook advertising to grow your business: 1. By using the Facebook Pixel to track digital interactions with the content on your website, Facebook page and other third party websites such as the Co-Kinetic Marketing System. 2. By running targeted ads to hone in on prospective customers using interests, demographics, geographical location and a whole host of other criteria that help you get laser focused.


In a nutshell, the Facebook Pixel lets you filter and target people, based on interests which it picks up through interactions people have in three key areas: 1. On your own website pages 2. On any other platform that integrates with the Facebook Pixel such as the Co-Kinetic Marketing System landing pages 3. Through your Facebook page and post content

Here are some examples of how it might be used

In terms of your website, if for example you publish a blog post about cycling injuries – and someone visits that page, you immediately know that they’re likely to be interested in cycling and you can use ads on Facebook to tell them about other resources you have, that they might be interested in, or events you are running, relating to that same topic. Remember, unless you get them to sign up for something, you don’t know WHO those people are, because Facebook doesn’t tell you, but you can still retarget them with ads through Facebook.

The Facebook Pixel is a small piece of code, which tracks what people do on your website (or other web pages where you install your Pixel). It’s very similar to Google Analytics.



If you have a subscription to the CoKinetic Marketing System, the same goes for tracking visits to the landing pages that we host for you. So, for example, you can advertise to people who visited the lead collection page of a certain campaign, say back pain, but

TIP: If you haven’t got either installed on your website, then do both the Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics at the same time because your web ‘dude’ shouldn’t charge you any more to do both. It’s a copy and paste job.

TIP: The Pixel really only comes into its own, when it’s combined with Custom Audiences. These are audiences you need to set up, that you may want to retarget in future with advertising, based on the pages they’ve visited and the actions they’ve taken (more info below).

Co-Kinetic Journal 2019;80(April):40-43

Google Ads

Similarly to above, you could set up Google Ads to promote awareness of your lead magnets and direct people to your email sign-up pages.

Blog Posts

There are several benefits to blog posts. Firstly, they help to improve your search engine ranking (so they play an important role in your search engine optimisation (SEO)). Secondly, they help to build a really strong reputation-enhancing area on your website, allowing you to demonstrate the range of your expertise and knowledge, which in turn inspires more confidence in your prospective patients. In terms of lead generation, these blog posts can be written around the topics of lead magnets and your social media – in other words, as part of a bigger campaign. This means that the blog post can include links to your email sign-up pages, giving your blog readers the opportunity to download the additional resources. This turns your blog post area into a 24/7 email lead generating-tool while continuing to add value to your website viewers. Blog posts are also great resources to share on public forums, within discussion groups and through other social media pages and local networks and because they are 99% value-led information with just one or two links to the additional lead 22

Social Media Post With Link To Sign-Up Page magnet resources (accessible via the lead sign-up page), they are genuinely credibility-building. And of course you can also use paid advertising, particularly Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram Ads to drive people to your blog posts. The art of a good blog post is to make sure to offer plenty of substance in terms of the information you’re sharing, but most importantly to make your reader want more, and therefore be keen to click the links to your lead magnets. This is why for the blog posts we produce for you within our subscriptions, we commission not only a technical writer (ie. a physical therapist to write the blog post content itself) but also a copywriter to really bring that blog post to life. This helps to build the desire and motivation in the reader to know more and so to click the links to access your lead magnets.

Give Webinars or Face-to-Face Education Sessions

Webinars and face-to-face presentations are a great way to build your email list, but they are also incredibly powerful in other ways: l It’s an excellent way for you to demonstrate your knowledge. l Presentations help people feel they’re getting to know you, helping to build that ‘know, like, trust’ factor. l Based on your audience’s questions and interactions it helps you triage who is most in need of, or ready for, your help. l Attendance at a free event generates a sense of reciprocity (the desire to return the favour), eg. to buy something from you, or take a desirable action, in return. l Attending a webinar or presentation is a bigger commitment than a simple download, which in turn demonstrates a stronger interest. l During the webinar you can offer a highly-targeted upsell opportunity, for example a specially discounted package of treatments that only your attendees can benefit from. l And if it’s held in a physical location such as your clinic, it allows your visitors the chance to locate your clinic, find parking, navigate travel routes and become familiar with their surroundings, all of which can act as barriers to booking a first appointment. l And of course as I mentioned at the start, it’s a great way to build your email list.

Discounts and Offers

I generally encourage people to use these sparingly and in very targeted ways, so pick your moments. You don’t want to be seen to be continually running offers as it risks devaluing you. However, Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


Email Sign-Up Page

Lead Magnet Delivery

everyone loves a deal, so it’s a great way to collect email leads as well as generate quick business. There are a few ways you can do it: 1 You could create a dedicated ‘offers’ email sign-up page – they sign up to be first to hear about new offers. 2 You could run a specific offer, for example a free gait assessment, bike fit or massage. 3 You could use a voucher sign-up page which results in a printable/downloadable PDF (this has the benefit of having a more ‘physical’ presence). The Co-Kinetic subscriptions include fully editable web pages to allow you to create sign-up forms for any purpose. You can specify whether you want just a simple sign-up form (contact details), take a single payment, or offer a recurring membership/subscription. Where possible, use very specific offers, to very specific groups of people, who you know have an interest in the offer you’re going to make. This is one of the benefits of using topic-based marketing campaigns to build a better understanding of what your customers are interested in, based on what resources they sign up to download, which education sessions they’re interested in, and what content they click on in your emails. It gives you a head start in knowing who might be most interested in what.

Run a Contest or Giveaway

This uses the same principle as above: the better the offer, and the wider you can spread the word about it, the higher the sign-up rate. However, again use these sparingly. There are lots of ways you can do this, for example prize draws, and you it’s a great way to get input and 25 feedback from OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: people. 25 Ways to Grow There’s a whole Your Email List. bunch of ideas of Link: other ways you can build your email list in this article. TO GROW YOUR (GDPR-DECIMATED)


Email list-building is everything to your business. And if it’s not, it should be. In fact, if you’re interested in conversions and business growth in general, the number one thing you should be working on right now is how to grow your email list. Why? Because email is almost universally used. It’s more popular than social media for communication, it gets far more conversions than any other platform and it’s a direct line to your audience that works, especially when you have engaged, interested readers. Here’s a list of 25 proven ways to grow your email newsletter list and harness the power of email to turn readers into paying clients. Read this article online





Collecting and nurturing your email contacts is one of, if not THE, most important aspects of marketing yourself and your business. Unfortunately, it’s one of the areas people tend to neglect the most … sharp intake of breath … which is a crazy waste of opportunity. Even if you don’t need new customers right now, what harm is there in delighting them with loads of great-value content while you wait for the time to come when they may need your help? It’s not like it takes any longer to send an email to 10 people, as it does to send to 2,000 if you use a dedicated email marketing platform like Mailchimp (which is also free for up to 2,000 contacts). But I can already hear the negative self-talk starting up … but I hate sending emails, I never know what to write in them, I’m crap at writing anyway and I hate feeling like I’m selling. Well, luckily for you there’s a solution to all those problems.


You need to focus your efforts on something that’s known as ‘inbound marketing’. What is inbound marketing? Here’s a definition from Hubspot, one of the most highly respected digital marketing authorities:


Nurturing Your Email Prospects

Finally, and very briefly, because this is the simplest layer to to implement (and we’ve already discussed it in

“Inbound marketing is focused on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content and adding value at every stage in your customer’s buying journey. With inbound marketing, potential customers find you through channels like blogs, search engines, and social media. Unlike outbound marketing, inbound marketing does not need to fight for potential customers’ attention. By creating content designed to address the problems and needs of your ideal customers, you attract qualified prospects and build trust and credibility for your business.” Inbound marketing is also commonly referred to as content or educationbased marketing which you will have heard me talk about in many of the presentations I deliver and articles I write. That’s because it’s the central strategy behind the marketing content that I create for therapists.


Here’s a suggestion: in future, stop thinking about marketing as a part of a promotional or sales process, and instead think about it in terms of building relationships and getting to know people. See, it already feels better doesn’t it?

Co-Kinetic Journal 2018;77(July):44-47

the previous article), let’s look at the nurture emails. Ideally most nurture emails would be as short as the one in the image above: In other words don’t overthink it! Here are some key points about your nurture emails: l The email is short and concise. l Include value-led, informative resources. l It’s quick and easy for the receiver to establish relevance. l Include a call to action to encourage people to share it. l The information is relevant, accurate, authoritative and credible. l Your email sending schedule is regular and consistent (at least monthly but ideally 2–3 times a month).

Key Points

l Stay closely focused on your marketing strategy: 1 Focus your top level marketing activities on growing your email list. 2 Get into a habit of sending consistent, regular nurture emails to that email list. 3 When you want to encourage new bookings, run some sort of conversion event and/or offer to convert prospects into paying clients. l Your reputation and credibility is key, so make sure your the resources you distribute are high quality and the email collection process is professional. l Always remember that your time costs money, so although you could be writing blog posts, creating social media and building email sign-up pages, do you really want to be? How much would that time be worth (not to mention more enjoyable) if you spent it treating patients instead? l If there are resources that you can buy in, that free you up from doing things you don’t enjoy, and give you that time to do the things you do enjoy, then invest in them and put them to use. l Don’t overthink your marketing and get lost in the detail or distracted by the shiny new things – concentrate on the 20% of activities that will give you 80% of your results and don’t waste precious time on the unnecessary. l Webinars and online presentations make excellent conversion events especially when combined with well-targeted upsell offers to attendees. l Use automation in your marketing wherever possible and get all your marketing set up and scheduled in one go, before the month kicks off. That should take you no longer than 45–60 minutes on Co-Kinetic, so if your method is taking you longer…re-read my bullets above!

What’s Next?

One of the questions I’m asked most frequently is whether there is a role for social media in your marketing strategy and if so what that role is, so that’s a question I’m going to answer next. 23

Should I use Social Media For My Business and If So How? S

ocial media can be a very useful tool for all sizes of business. However, it is important to understand what it can and what it can’t achieve and, therefore, how it can be used best. Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many people waste phenomenal amounts of time, effort and money on their social media networks, without getting anything in return. This is usually because they have no clear strategy of what they’re trying to achieve. The purpose of this article is to try and prevent you from falling into the same trap.

Let’s Review Some Key Points

l Remember that less than 1% of your page followers are likely to see your ‘organic’ (ie. unpaid for) social media posts. l More or less the same 1% of people will be seeing most of your posts. l In other words, don’t expect your organic social media posts to garner much engagement or many responses to your calls to action, eg. sign-ups. l This is also why it’s virtually impossible to bombard most of your page followers with too many posts because, quite simply, they won’t see them. l Why is this? Because it doesn’t serve the social networks to help you grow your business for free. l The social networks are more interested in encouraging personto-person interactions rather than page-to-person interactions. l The only way to get your posts to reach outside this 1% is to pay to boost them or run them as ads. BUT make sure you have a specific strategy for why you want to do this. I’d argue that for small businesses, the only reason to run paid ads is to collect targeted email leads or sign-ups – for which it is very effective. l Don’t expect your posts to go viral, it’s almost as likely to happen as spotting a unicorn! So with that in mind, let’s now look at what social media CAN do for your business, because despite my reservations above, it can actually achieve a LOT. I divide the role of social media into two categories: the subjective goals, which are hard to measure (or quantify); and the objective goals, which can be quantified (ie. counted).

Subjective Goals of Social Media (Influencing/Relationship Building) 1



evelop/build relationships by interacting with your customers. D For example, ask for opinions and reply to concerns. You could do a free Q+A once a week – use one post and always link back to it and pin it to the top of the page on that Q+A day, which builds engagement and reduces the risk of people asking the same questions. Humanise you and your business. This is particularly good in healthcare which is intimidating to many. Having a good social media profile can break down barriers of the unknown and make you more approachable. Establish and build trust and reputation. Our health makes us feel vulnerable; we have to expose pain which can be very personal, and trust is a key element in the decision-making

process to become a paying customer. Raise awareness of your business. Networking and participation in local groups allows you to target a local audience. 5 Establish your brand as a thought-leader. Do this by publishing content, particularly when new research emerges or something topical happens in your industry. 6 Encourage reviews and testimonials. These are one of the most powerful factors for influencing sales conversions and are a key feature of social media, particularly in Facebook. 7 Encourage word-of-mouth marketing, which can generate 20% of sales. Do this by partnering with external influencers or other complementary local businesses to promote each other. 8 Staying top-of-mind. Social media is great for this. 9 Not losing potential customers. Your competitors will most likely be on social media even if you’re not. On the plus side, it also gives you a way of keeping an eye on your competition. 10 Social media is a great way for customers to research YOU. 11 Improve your search ranking. Search engines are already using ‘social presence’ as a ranking factor and this is likely to grow with time. 4

Objective Goals of Social Media (Quantifiable) 1


3 4 5 6 7

enerate email leads. Use email lead collection forms or G information requests in return for free downloads (as discussed previously). Build an informed perspective of who’s interested in what, which you can use for future email targeting. Do this by using different campaign topics and analysing the interactions with those posts and sign-ups to your resources. Gain reviews, testimonials and social proofing. Target new customers or previous visitors to your website/ social media profile via paid advertising. Increase traffic to your website. Important if you publish a blog, good if you combine it with email lead collection. Carry out research. Use polls and ask questions. Demonstrate a direct return of investment (ROI) for your activities by using your platform’s reporting and analytics.

What’s Next?

Let’s look at how we can future-proof our businesses against unforseen threats like Covid.

Further Reading

OPEN ACCE SS ARTICLE Why Nobody Ever Engages with Your Facebook Posts Link:


For Social Media Should I Use rapy Business? My Physical The If So Why,

and How?


love it, some Some people Social media. of us tolerate it and the rest as a people hate gly. However, it, mostly begrudgin you’d be a little bit owner small business that you’ll it. Yes, it’s unlikely ‘viral’, mad to ‘diss’ that will go ever hit on something and yes, you best efforts despite your you’re very in hot water if y, you can get yourself more importantl on social outspoken. Perhaps amount of time huge a of return can waste get any kind media, and never But in reality, that will t. on that investmen post without having a if you only happen I’ll outline the In this article, solid strategy. active social network what strengths of having importantly review by pages but more for your business you can achieve presence. social media good a having for key objectives explain I will look at the businesses and healthcare-based prioritising and why. be asked what you should some frequently should Lastly, I’ll answer as which platforms day a questions such how many times or not you be using, posting and whetheron more should you be time be spending some you should you We also cover than one platform. for 2020. Hold onto trends online social media Read this article your horses….! G

comfort of it all from the l You can do a has become your living room highlyocial media access to a huge, open canvas, l You have vast and wide it of people advantage of targetable group which and taking full A testimonials, strategic planning. l Reviews and requires careful at least on Facebook, not just feature highly, media strategy, sales converters good social positive and are very influential widely used WILL, have a should, but are sales. influence on l Social networks are some demonstrable UK population in and look at - 67% of the Let’s jump right and 72% of Australians, of social networks on Facebook, 77% of of the strengths Zealanders, a social 60% of New achieve with 69% of Americans what you can Canadians and are free media presence. social networks l All the major paid ads) Strengths (until you utilise What Are The on social networks, l People are they of Social Networks? socialise, so for building primarily to valuel They’re great designed more personal, - specifically encourage a approach relationships than a sales engagement add approach, practitioners. for human interaction, which suits healthcare and sharing potential networking 41 l Great


OPEN ACCE SS ARTICLE Should I Use Social Media for My Physical or Manual Therapy Business? If so, Why and How? Link:


Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35

Here’s What Our Customers Say

Kirsty Tarr I have been a subscriber to Co- kinetic since its early sportex medicine days and it has been fantastic to follow Tors Journey. Every time I listen to her speak

Jan Normanton

I feel inspired. She has been crucial to the development of my business

I launched my first campaign with Cokinetic today! So

Kirsten Lawton

delighted to have found this incredible resource! The material is outstanding in terms of content and design

I’m a student soft tissue

and the amounts available to use are breathtaking.

therapist and at the early stages of thinking about how I build

There is enough campaign material to keep me going

my business and market my

for at least a year and Cokinetic are producing more

services. I’ve just attended

content all the while. Mostly brandable as well which

over the years and having watched the Webinar last night I feel ready to take the next steps to future proof my business. Something i would not be able to do without the help of Tor and her Co - kinetics subscription package. Today I feel excited and for that I thank you Tor�

looks great for business!

the 80:20 webinar, which was excellent. It’s given me focus on

Okechukwu Eze

where to channel my efforts and will stop me precious wasting

Great webinar and really informative resources which I am now

time. Thank you Tor!


using within my Subscription to get new leads for my clinic. Highly recommend!!!

Nanda Hirani Co-kinetic has been a great investment for me, they

Vispi JAMOOJI Tor is a master at what she does. Passionate, putting heart and soul,

have made it easier for me to manage my social media posts. I no longer have to feel pressured to come up with

(aside of value) into helping physical therapists progress their marketing. Often clinicians like me, over 30 years in practice, missed the modern marketing / internet boat. Fear not Tor and her team are here to give therapy!

new things all the time, they have some great content that i use and i can definitely see an increase in activity on my social media which is turning

Thanks Tor for a great product and I

into real customers slowly!

look forward to growing with you.

Definitely recommended!

Katrina Wade

Love this marketing system. The admin support is second to none and what Tor does not know I could write on a postage stamp!

Chris Lander

Dan Smith

Tor has demonstrated a passion for

We have used Co-Kinetic “done for you social media for over 2 years now. I love the

supporting small businesses in particular

fact that I can set up the campaign and let it run for a month and not need worry about

and in my communications with her she

it. It bring in new leads and keeps our existing followers informed. As well as posting

has responded with my best interests

to our social medial channels we use the content for our patient notice boards and

at heart. Having only started my own

newsletters. This saves lots of time. Tor and her team are always on hand for advice

business in Sept 19, I have been looking

and help if you need it. I would really recommend their business for anyone looking to

for some support so that my business

save time on social media marketing.

can grow, strengthen and support a wide number of people in my community. Tor is sincere, speaks honestly and gives confidence to the worries held by smaller businesses. I am excited about the support and amazing resources produced by the Co-Kinetic team and, considering our current position, feel I now have the determination and the tools to be very positive about the future. Thank you Tor!

Kirsty Wales How to Monetise Your Physical Therapy Skills Online webinar from Tor Davies and CoKinetic is a must for any business owner trying to secure future revenues online. She teaches, what to do, how to do it and provides the platforms to implement it all. Invest 90 minutes of your time and watch this FREE webinar. It is packed full of ideas, suggestions and examples if you are stuck for ideas. Although therapist based, these principles can be applied to any business or industry. Protect yourself and your business today! Thank you Tor.

Which Marketing Metrics Matter

(And Which Don’t)


s many of you will already know, one of my key missions through Co-Kinetic is to help you to navigate your way through the maze that appears to be marketing, and to help you to drill down to the small number of marketing activities that can actually move the needle for your business ie. the ones that generate customers and therefore revenue. I say ‘the maze that appears to be marketing’ because marketing is actually nothing like as hard as most people think it is, as long as you focus (and stay focused) on the right things and this was THE major objective of the marketing compendium I wrote earlier this year entitled The Co-Kinetic Compendium of Marketing and Clinic Growth for Physical Therapists and Manual Therapists. After receiving some truly inspirational feedback about the compendium, I decided to make this 60-page resource fully openaccess. You can access it here ( It’s basically a marketing handbook packed full of articles, images, infographics, cheat sheets and lots of marketing ideas and inspiration, delivered in a structured way, so you know where each activity should fit within your business. What I didn’t discuss in that compendium is which metrics you need to be using in order to inform your marketing decisions, because remember, ‘you can’t manage what you can’t measure’. No, I’m not going to discuss cashflows or profit margins, this is specifically about what numbers you need to know in order to both plan


All too often we get caught up measuring the wrong things when it comes to our marketing and as the saying goes, ‘garbage in, garbage out’. In other words, if you put in the wrong data, you’ll get the wrong answers. This article looks at eight marketing metrics that matter and explains why they matter when it comes to helping you achieve the right business goals from your marketing. It also exposes the vanity metrics that don’t matter, which are often the ones we spend too much time on. You’ll be glad to hear that all eight metrics are relatively easy to track as well, so gathering them doesn’t need to consume great amounts of time either. Read this article online

By Tor Davies, physiotherapist-turned Co-Kinetic founder and measure your marketing, so that you’re getting the results you need, in the most cost-effective way possible. And by the way, that’s an iterative (ongoing) process because it involves constant testing, measuring, adapting, retesting, remeasuring etc. So before we look at what you DO need to be tracking, let’s look at what you DON’T need to waste time tracking.

Vanquish the Vanity Metrics

What’s a vanity metric? In short, indicators that don’t serve an actionable purpose. In other words, they don’t directly drive a business goal. There’s a great article at this link ( by Michael O’Neill which describes vanity metrics as follows:

“These metrics are often reported as ROI [return on investment], but are rarely useful: l page views

l social media likes l website bounce rate l social media followers l site visitors l organic traffic growth l keyword rankings.” Vanity metrics can measure nontransactional activity, but they do not correlate in any way to revenue. They can be useful to measure brand awareness but, as I repeatedly say, every single person reading this article has many more important marketing activities to be prioritising and investing in, before you start



throwing money down the brand awareness drain. That might sound harsh, but it’s true.

The Marketing Metrics that DO Matter

These are the metrics you need to know in order to be able to answer the all-important question: If I spend £100 [for example], how much can I expect to get back? These metrics include: 1. average search position for buyerintent keywords 2. email leads collected 3. lead magnet downloads 4. marketing-qualified leads 5. sales-qualified leads 6. conversion rate 7. customer acquisition cost 8. customer lifetime value So let’s look at each of these in turn.

1. Average Search Position for Buyer-Intent Keywords

Buyer-intent keywords are search queries which demonstrate that someone is actively looking to make a purchase, in other words, they’re primed and ready to buy from you. It’s well worth employing some specialist search engine optimisation (SEO) input to help you define these search queries/keywords, and help you optimise your SEO with that in mind, and show you how to track your average search position for those keywords.

2. Email Leads Collected

As you probably already know, I deem growing and nurturing your email list one of the single most important marketing activities you can do, so collecting new email leads is one

metric that can definitely can correlate with revenue. Once collected, these leads then need to be entered into an email nurture process where you send regular value-added resources, such as links to the patient information leaflets that Co-Kinetic provides in all our subscriptions. Having an active and engaged email list means you can get people to take action when you want them to, whether it’s to take you up on special offers or attend new events that you launch.

3. Lead Magnet Downloads

Giving people resources to download (ie. lead magnets; whether that’s patient leaflets, ebooks or anything else downloadable) is one of the best ways to collect marketingqualified leads. Remember, you should only give access to these resources in return for, at the very least, an email address: in other words they should fill out an email lead collection form in order to obtain the download. Not only do you collect an email address that you can then nurture through your email nurture programme towards other marketing or sales-led activities, but it also helps inform you about people’s interests meaning you can more accurately target them in future with information that you already know is likely to be relevant to them. For example, if someone downloads a lead magnet on running injuries, there’s a very good chance that they might be interested in a running injury prevention presentation

you might offer in the future, which leads us neatly into the next metric: marketing-qualified leads.

4. Marketing-Qualified Leads

A marketing-qualified lead (MQL) is someone who has demonstrated some interest in your services, based on marketing activities that you’ve put out there. This could mean lead magnets they’ve downloaded, website pages they’ve visited, social media posts they’ve engaged with, etc. Essentially they are demonstrating an early interest in the services you offer. The goal here is to turn a MQL into a sales-qualified lead. One of the best examples of a MQL is someone who has downloaded a lead magnet from you.

5. Sales-Qualified Leads

A sales-qualified lead (SQL) is someone who may have demonstrated more investment or effort in you, or engaged at a deeper level with your



marketing activities. This indicates that they are a viable prospect with needs that match the service you can offer. Take the example of a running injury presentation; if they’re ready and willing to attend an educational event then there’s a good chance that you have expertise and input that they need. Offer them a compelling reason to take the next step into becoming a paying customer, and there’s a good chance they’ll take it. As another example, they may have signed up to your email list, or regularly comment on or share your social media posts. These are all indications that they’re ready for the next step, so why not offer them a one-off free taster appointment, or some sort of discount offer to move them into the paying category.

that move them from a MQL into a SQL (like attending some sort of conversion event that you have run), and 10 of those convert into paying customers. That would be 10 paying customers out of 100 leads: 10/100=0.1. Multiplying this answer by 100 gives you a percentage, ie. a 10% conversion rate (which is a pretty good conversion rate). Equally you will also have conversion rates at each level as prospective customers move down the funnel, but the most important one (for these purposes) is the conversion rate between the start of the funnel/ customer journey and the end sale. That means you know how many people you need to put into the top of the funnel (X) in order to get Y conversions. Once you know that you can focus on improving the conversion rate at each layer.

6. Conversion Rate

7. Customer Acquisition Cost

In essence what we’re describing with this sequence of metrics, is a marketing and sales funnel where you lead someone along a customer journey from becoming a lead, to taking a deeper, more involved interest in what you have to offer and finally making a purchase from you. In the purest sense, your conversion rate is the number of leads who become paying clients divided by the number of leads entering the top of your funnel (this could be email sign ups). So say you get 100 new email leads a month, 50 of them sign up to a lead magnet which turns them into an MQL, 25 of them take actions

Now we get down to one of the most important metrics: customer acquisition cost (CAC). This does exactly what it says on the tin, it’s how much it costs you to acquire a new customer. At the very simplest level it can be calculated by dividing all the costs spent on acquiring more customers (ie. marketing and sales expenses) by the number of customers acquired in the period that money was spent. For example, if you spent £500 on marketing in a quarter and acquired 10 new customers in that same period, their CAC is £50. To give you the most accurate number, you should also include the cost of any time spent by employees in that


same process; arguably that should also include your time because if you weren’t spending that time on those activities, you could be earning money seeing patients. Whenever you run a campaign, you should try and keep as accurate a record as possible of these costs. However, remember that as a result of a campaign, you might still acquire a new customer several months or maybe even years later, and this will fall outside the measuring period, so it will never be 100% accurate. It does nevertheless give you a fairly accurate answer to the question: If I spend X in the next 3 months, what am I most likely to make in return from that investment (ie. Y) in the next 4–6 months? However, it’s only one part of the answer, because there’s one more metric that’s equally, if not more, important: customer lifetime value. This is a metric that’s frequently ignored, because it requires a more detailed knowledge of your customer purchase history.

8. Customer Lifetime Value

Now, I’ve written about customer lifetime value (also known as CLV or CLTV) on a couple of occasions and I often include it in my webinars because knowing it helps to inform many business decisions, including what you can afford or might be willing to invest in acquiring a new customer. Customer lifetime value is the metric that indicates the total income you might reasonably expect from a single customer throughout the lifetime of that relationship. Let’s take physical therapists (in the UK at least): most of whom I’ve worked with will bank on an average of a patient attending 4–5 appointments per episode/issue. (And let me just say

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


here that there’s a very valid argument that 4–5 sessions probably won’t give you enough time to truly resolve an issue, prevent it reoccurring in the future, and get the real ‘success’ outcome that the patient wants deep down, but that’s an argument for another time.) For example, say you charge £50 a session, each patient should be worth at least £200–250 per issue or episode they present with. Now, assuming you’ve treated

them well and they walk away happy, how many different issues or episodes might you see the average client for? Maybe 2–3 different issues potentially during the course of their lifetime? (NB. If you’re a massage therapist you may have a more ongoing programme, so your rates could potentially be even

What’s Next?

Instead of penny-pinching your marketing efforts or being worried to invest in it, take the following 4 steps: 1. Put a marketing (and sales) funnel in place that is proven to work. Read my Compendium for a detailed model you can follow (]. 2. Set a process in place to measure the key metrics outlined in this article, in as much detail as you’re able to (but don’t overdo it or make it so complicated you give up, especially to start with). 3. Keep a spreadsheet of what you’re spending on each marketing campaign (later if you want to, you can break it down by level), including wherever possible any staff time involved (including your time). 4. Crunch whatever data you can to come up with as accurate an estimate as possible of customer lifetime value (it doesn’t have to be perfect) – and put measuring tools in place to track how this number changes in future. And then you’ll be able to confidently answer the question: If I invest £X in my marketing over the next 3 months, that will result in £Y income over the next 6-8 weeks, and £Z income over the course of those new customers’ lifetimes.

better.) That means that each client could potentially be worth at least £500– 750+ and that’s without taking into account people they recommend you to. If you’ve lived in the same area for a long time, and you’re better at your customer re-booking/retention than most, this figure could be considerably much higher, possibly 2 or 3 times higher. So suddenly the £50 it costs you to acquire a new patient, actually means £500–750+ value, even if it isn’t in immediate sales. But you can see how quickly that exponentially affects your numbers if you’re consistent with your marketing and regularly bringing in new clients. It is the difference between taking on a new therapist, moving into a bigger clinic or if you want to stay as a one-wo/man band it could give you the necessary demand you need to increase your rates – all of which should contribute to a substantially increased quality of work life and subsequently personal life.

Further Resources

lT he Co-Kinetic Compendium of Marketing and Clinic

Growth for Physical Therapists and Manual Therapists; pages 4–13 describes a proven marketing and sales funnel you can replicate. l Strategies for Converting Prospects into Paying Clients


lC o-Kinetic Compendium of Marketing and Clinic Growth for Physical Therapists and Manual Therapists


Being SEEN Being FOUND Being HEARD

By Tor Davies, physiotherapistturned Co-Kinetic founder

Running a physical therapy business involves not only working on your patients but also working on your business. One of the key business activities is marketing, and many people avoid this because they don’t know what to do or where to start. This article has broken it down into simple, easy steps and shows you how to make the biggest impact for minimal time and budget, so that your business can be seen, found and heard. Read this article online


n this article we’ll look at three key elements of your physical therapy marketing strategy: 1. Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Seen ( 2. Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Found ( 3. Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Heard (

Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Seen 1

Your Website/Online Profile

The first thing in any business lifecycle is to give people a place to find out more about you, think of it as an online brochure, and the two most obvious ways of doing this is by building a website and/ or setting up a Business Facebook page (preferably both, as they can serve in different ways). l A website should give a customer all the information they might want to know about what you can do: ‘features’ (qualifications/ experience/services you can provide); and how it can help them: ‘benefits’. l It should also give them everything they need to know in order to book and attend an appointment – ranging from what to expect when they arrive, what clothes to wear and what will happen during the session. l It’s also important to tell people how to find your clinic, where they can park, what public transport is available to them (if relevant) and an interactive telephone number and map link so they can call you or navigate to you using one-click on a mobile device. l Your website should also feature social proofing. This should primarily come in the form of genuine customer testimonials or reviews but could also include logos of businesses, sports clubs or associations who utilise your services. Don’t Over-Invest In, or Over-Think Your Website A simple but effective website really shouldn’t cost you any more than


£500–£1000 – and you really only need 5 or 6 pages: Home page – including social proofing (see article ‘Timeless Testimonials’ below). 2 About You page – this should focus on qualifications and experience (in other words ‘features’). 3 Services You Offer page – this is all about benefits, what you can offer and how it will benefit your reader. 4 Contact Us page – but don’t use a horrid impersonal contact form, instead include a Google map with an interactive link showing people how to get to your treatment area, make sure to include your address on that page and also an interactive (clickable) contact number (you can always set up a virtual number and redirect it to your mobile phone, or use a virtual assistant). 5 FAQs – frequently asked questions area (optional but can be useful for boosting confidence and building trust). You could also include this FAQ area on one of your other pages if you didn’t want to create a dedicated page. 6 Blog area (optional extra but useful for search engine optimisation ie. being found by Google). 1

On one or more of the above pages you should feature testimonials and social proofing. This absolutely should include customer reviews and testimonials but it could also feature logos of businesses, sports clubs, or other organisations who use your services (make sure you check with those organisations before you put their logo on your site). Testimonials are a very simple but powerful way to convert prospects into paying clients as well as increase your visibility through search engines like Google. I’ve written an article specifically about how important testimonials are at this link (‘Timeless Testimonials: The Power of Reviews’ and we’ve even created a review leaflet that you can add your review link to, print out and give to your customers .


A Business Facebook Page

A Facebook Business page can certainly, in the early days of your business, be used as a temporary website, just try and make sure you include as much of the information that I recommended you

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


include on your website as possible. It can give you some valuable breathing space to build a brand, logo and identity before investing in a website. It offers several other opportunities: l It allows you to present a more informal and personable view of your business. l It’s a great way to introduce new therapists or new services. l By publishing good educational content, it’s a great way to build reputation and authority. l It offers multi-media opportunities to inform and educate which in turn builds trust. l You can use it to collect email leads and build your email list (don’t worry you’re not going to spam them!). l The Recommendations section acts as a form of social proof. There’s a more detailed article on the topic of why and how to use social media as a physical therapy business owner at this link (‘Should I Use Social Media for my Physical Therapy Business? If So, Why and How?’


Getting Your Name Out and About

There’s a popular saying which originated from the 1980s film, Field of Dreams, which goes “if you build it, they will come”. Unfortunately although this might work for the baseball field it refers to in the film, it certainly doesn’t work for websites or Facebook pages! You’ve got to give people a reason to come and find you. This is where helpful educational resources like patient leaflets, exercise handouts, cheat sheets and infographics come in handy. This is something we include in all four of our subscriptions and I wrote an article about the various different ways you can use these resources to make you and your business more visible‘Getting the most from your Patient Information Leaflets’ Of course it doesn’t matter where you obtain these resources, they could come from anywhere, but the principles behind how you use them still apply. The point is that you can distribute these resources both online as well as in print forms, making sure to include your own branding such as your logo and business details. They are a fantastic way of adding value to your reader while also very subtly promoting your business (Fig. 1). In online format you could: l post them on your social networks; l include a link to specific resources in local discussion or help forums; and l feature them on your own website.

Figure 1: Your branding goes here...

Some Practical Implementation Tips

l Get a logo created on the freelance graphic design site ( – you’d be amazed at what you can get for a very small investment. Again you can rebrand/update it once you’re up and running and have a bit more money in the bank. l If you are building a website from scratch I’d recommend using a WordPress template. Wix and Squarespace are also frequently used but WordPress sites give you more flexibility and control, and are likely to be much cheaper in the long run. There are loads of freely available templates and again you can use someone on to build a WordPress website for you. Use the reviews as a way of selecting your freelancer. l Another route you could take is to use a service like MSK Sites ( who will build and maintain the site for you for a small monthly subscription. This means you won’t be stuck trying to get changes made to your website from unreliable web developers because unfortunately there’s a lot out there! l Publishing testimonials and reviews on your site – personally I prefer to use an embeddable ‘widget’ to publish reviews people have left on either my Google Business page or my Facebook Business page. The widget I use is called Embed Social ( but there are many other widgets out there too that do similar things. There are also free plans available. l If you want a source of ready-made social media content that is both educational, informative and adds value by offering links to even more high-value content such as patient leaflets and exercise handouts then take a look at our Social Media or our Clinic growthe subscriptions ( They can save you a huge amount of time and take much-needed pressure

In print format you could: l share them with local businesses; l give them to sports shops to distribute as value-adds on their counters; l pin them to local notice boards; l offer them to GP practices; and l take them to sports meet-ups or share them with local sports groups. For lots more ideas and inspiration click on the ‘Overview of the Patient Information Subscription’ PDF in the Media Contents box.

Figure 2: Timeless testimonials: the power of reviews – key points Credit: Co-Kinetic 2021


be found for your key words. Again a good SEO expert can help to advise you on this as it should be done with a bigger picture SEO strategy in mind.

off you and your team to come up with a regular supply of social media that achieves the goals of a good social media strategy.

Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Found

This section is about making it as easy as possible for people to find your business through the search engines, primarily (at least currently) that means Google. There are five key things you can do here, listed in order of priority: 1 Set up a Google My Business profile if you haven’t already. THIS IS A BUSINESS-CRITICAL MARKETING ACTIVITY FOR EVERYONE! Here’s an article explaining why it’s so important: ‘Why is Google My Business Important for Your Business?’ (https://spxj. nl/3xOvApP), and here’s where you can do it: ‘Stand out on Google with a free Business Profile’ ( 2 Start (and continue) to build a bank of customer reviews specifically on your Google Business Listing and also ideally on your Facebook page. As we mentioned earlier testimonials are extremely powerful – I wrote an article explaining why (‘Timeless Testimonials: The Power of Reviews’ and also included a link to a ready-made leaflet which you can add your review links to, and then handout to your clients asking them to write you a testimonial. There’s also lots of practical tips on how to implement this. In short, testimonials on Google help you get found and help you to appear in search engine results. Figure 2 shows you some key points. 3 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). This involves making sure you’re ticking all the boxes you possibly can to help the search engines find your website. Some of this is making sure you have the right elements set up on your website like good meta data for your key pages and site maps so the search engine crawlers can find and index your site. This probably requires the input of a specialist (try and find someone who comes recommended as there’s a lot of ‘shysters’ (unscrupulous/fraudulent people) around who will take advantage and charge a lot of money). If your SEO specialist seems to be doing their job well, you 4 could invest in some paid Google ads to help boost your search engine ranking for certain key words. 5 Publish regular new content on your website such as blog posts which support your bigger picture SEO strategy - so helping you


Helping Your Physical Therapy Business To Be Heard

This section is all about building an audience which you can galvanise into action when you need to make things happen for your business. If you have listened to any of my webinars, you will know that I deem building an active, engaged email audience, the single most important marketing activity you can do on an ongoing basis. I frequently refer to your email list being like your very own golden goose. Feed, nurture and care for it, and it will lay you golden eggs whenever you ask it. Abandon it or let it stagnate and all the effort you’ve put into building that list up until that point will be lost. When I work with businesses looking to buy physical therapy businesses, it’s one of the ‘under the hood’ aspects I recommend those investors look at. The more larger, more active and more engaged a business’s email list, the more quickly and effectively it can be galvanised into revenue generating streams and the better the business’s growth prospects, so if you’re considering selling your business some time down the line, better to be investing in building and nurturing that list now, because it’s not an activity that can be done overnight, quite the contrary. Building trust and demonstrating consistency happens over a period of time.

Social Media Audiences Don’t Count!

If you’ve been on any of my webinars you will also know that I don’t classify a social media following as a legitimate audience. Why? Because you’re not in control of communicating with that audience, the platform owner is! If Facebook wanted to stop people seeing your posts (which incidentally they’ve been doing increasingly for about the last 5–8 years), they can. If they want to remove the opportunity for you to private message people, they can. Basically they can do what they want. The only way you can build a reliable communication channel is to build it in a way that you control and that you own, and the quickest, most scalable way to do that (ie. workload is not significantly impacted by growth), is by building your own email list. You can still use the social networks to help you do that (and you definitely should) but the holy grail is be in complete control of your communication channels, and that means email.

There Are Two Key Aspects to Building an Engaged Email Audience


ollecting new email leads C (ie. building your email list) which requires the following three things. a. An email lead collection form. b. A useful, informational downloadable give-away that people feel is worth giving you their email address for. In marketing lingo that’s referred to as a ‘lead magnet’, ie. something that attracts (email) leads. A ‘lead’ is simply a prospective client for your business. c. A way to promote the existence of that informational giveaway to encourage people to sign up for it (this is where social media comes in useful, especially when combined with

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:14 –35


Social Media Post With Link To Sign-Up Page

Email Sign-Up Page

Lead Magnet Delivery

Figure 3: Email lead collection process


some paid advertising to get your lead magnet in front of the right demographic of prospective customer). Figure 3 shows the email lead collection process. The second stage is consistently nurturing that email audience to build trust, establish authority and reputation and develop a sense of reciprocity (the desire to give back) in your audience. This can be much more simply done than most people appreciate. All it requires is short, regular emails with links to value-added resources (yes, this is another place that our patient advice leaflets come in very handy! There’s a reason why they’re included in all the Co-Kinetic subscriptions). Here’s an article which discusses the benefits of having an engaged email audience: ‘Turning Email Leads into Paying Customers: Using the Powerful Hidden Influences of Nurture Emails’ ( Fig. 4 shows how simple an email I’m talking about...

Luckily for you, 88% of physical therapists still aren’t bothering to do this currently (Fig. 5) ... which gives you a distinct advantage to get ahead of the game!

Email List Building Through Co-Kinetic Subscriptions



e’ve produced a bunch of educational and fun social media W highlighting the many benefits of exercise for health - you would set this up to post out of Co-Kinetic and onto your social networks. Some of these posts promote the availability of additional downloadable resources giving specific physical activity advice for a range of different medical conditions. When someone clicks on those links in those social media posts, they’re taken to the following page > (go on, click the link to see what I mean), which gives them more details about the resources on offer. As you can see, everything is focusing on adding value to your reader. When they fill out the form (go ahead you can do it), they are automatically redirected to the promised downloadable resources.

This physical activitycampaign is open-access so you could run it yourself if you wanted to (even without a sub).

Better still, both the email sign-up page, the page featuring the

Figure 4: Example of a simple nurture email

Figure 5: Email list building and email nurture among physical therapists


downloads and the downloadable leaflets themselves, will ALL feature your branding and contact details, making it look like you’ve created everything. Pretty cool huh?

Some Practical Implementation Tips

l If you don’t feel confident building email lead collection pages and creating the juicy give-away lead magnets and social media posts to raise awareness of these give-aways, that’s exactly what we offer in the Social Media and Clinic Growth subscriptions from Co-Kinetic. You can find more info here > l Make sure you use an email marketing platform to send your emails through, even if you only have 10 or 20 people on your email list to start with. This enables you to ‘segment’ your audience based on which emails they open and click on so you can start to build a picture of who is interested in what, in order for you to be able to target them in future with increasingly relevant content. I tend to recommend Mailchimp because it’s widely known and it’s free for up to 2,000 unique contacts (I have also connected Co-Kinetic to Mailchimp meaning any email leads you collect through the Co-Kinetic campaigns can be automatically transferred straight into Mailchimp). l Segmentation is a fancy word for figuring out who’s interested in what. Some people will be more interested in for example your back pain resources, than they are in your running injury resources. Others might be more interested in chronic pain than they are in golfing injuries. The more information you have about your audience, the better you can target your emails so that you’re sending the resources each group of people is most likely to be interested in. l Utilise the power of paid advertising, particularly through social networks like Facebook, to build email audiences of people that are most likely to become your prospective customers, that could be age groups, gender or a whole range of different interests. l Realistically you need to be emailing your email list with helpful value-add resources at least once a month, ideally once every two weeks but remember, these are NOT bible-length clinic updates, they’re short simple emails, with value-added resources, just like the one in Fig. 4. l I wrote an article here with ideas for ‘25 Ways to Grow Your Email List’ ( Happy marketing


lY our website/online profile is an important place for people to find out more about you. lA simple website with only 5 or 6 pages can be very effective and will not cost much. lA Business Facebook page provides opportunities that a website isn’t designed for. lE ducational resources that you distribute for free in exchange for an email address give people a reason to get to know you. lH elp people to find you with a ‘Google My Business’ profile and search engine optimisation. lK eep your email audience engaged by continuing to collect new leads (email addresses) and nurturing your audience with short, regular emails with links to value-added resources, such as patient advice leaflets. lU se segmentation to identify who is interested in what to target your audience with information that is specifically of interest to them. lC o-Kinetic has all the resources to help you to implement this advice.


RELATED CONTENT lT urning Prospects into Paying Clients: Building and Implementing a 12-Month Marketing and Sales Plan [Article] l Marketing Metrics that Matter (And Which Don’t) [Article] l How to Get More Patients Without Being Salesy [Article]

Co-Kinetic –35 Co-KineticMarketing MarketingHandbook Handbook2022:14 2022:14 –35


d e s i l a n

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Post 9 Covid-1

Tired of working all the hours in the day for a physical therapy business that feels like it only just survives? Or fluctuating between “feast or famine” with your clinic bookings? Well, it’s time to change all that. Sign Up to My Free Webinar

Host: Tor Davies While Tor trained as a physical therapist, she has been an entrepreneur now for more than two decades. Her focus is providing resources to help practitioners and therapists develop their businesses and to work more efficiently, a topic that she speaks on regularly at global conferences. The marketing practices and principles that Tor advocates, will help you turn a business that is only just surviving into one that thrives in just a matter of weeks.

Take Action Today

You’ll discover a unique three-step formula for attracting new patients, that allows you to attract only motivated prospects, who understand the value of what you are offering, and are predisposed to trust you. By using this formula you can increase your earnings by over £6,000 a month - more than enough to move into a new premises, take on another therapist, or even open a new clinic.

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e all know that people buy from people and businesses that they trust, because we do it all the time. Take a moment to think about the purchases you make (or services you employ) because you trust the person or business involved. Think about the interactions you’ve had with those businesses, and the ways in which they’ve earned your trust. Here are some trust-driven sales statistics to illustrate the point: l 92% of consumers are more likely to trust non-paid recommendations than any other type of advertising. l 92% of people will trust a recommendation from a peer. l 82% seek recommendations from friends and family before making a purchase. l 88% of consumers trust user reviews as much as personal recommendations. l 70% of people will trust a recommendation from someone they don’t even know. And if you’re not convinced how important ‘social proof’ in the form of reviews and testimonials are, these statistics should give you an idea: l 87% of buying decisions begin with research conducted online before the purchase is made. l The average consumer reads 10 online reviews before making a purchase decision. l Buyers require an average of 40 online reviews before believing a business’s star rating is accurate. l 85% of consumers think that online reviews older than 3 months aren’t relevant. l And interestingly….91% of customers say they’d give referrals, but only 11% of businesses ask for referrals. So before you go out and pay for an ad in your local newspaper, reflect on this, investing a little bit of time building up your customer testimonials and reviews is likely to give you a better ROI. Better still, use a selection of your customer testimonials in your ad.

Trust Pays Handsomely

Customers who trust you will spend more money with you, are more likely to

By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic founder

I work with a LOT of physical and manual therapists to help them grow their businesses, and those businesses come in all shapes, forms and sizes. But the one success factor that stands head and shoulders above the rest, and most often sorts the businesses that are thriving from those that are just surviving, is the commitment to adding genuine value at every customer (or prospect) touch point with their business. This helps them to establish (and explicitly demonstrate) authority and expertise while also building a deeper level of trust with their clients. And as this article will demonstrate, trust pays in many different ways. It’s probably the single most valuable currency, particularly within healthcare. It drives what people are prepared to pay for their appointments, how loyal they are to your business, how likely they are to recommend you to family and friends, and how often they will take actions to support your business. We end the article with some suggestions of strategies you can use to build trust with not only your clients, but also prospective ones.


sign up to loyalty programmes, are more likely to put their own reputation on the line to refer you to other customers thereby growing your word of mouth business and will help you acquire new business by posting positive reviews and engaging more often with your social media. There’s something else too, a recent Dale Carnegie study (1) found that 71% of respondents said they would rather buy from someone they trusted over one who gave them the lowest price. And, even if you do muck up, as long as you hold your hands up and admit to it, if you have trust in the first place, you have a much better chance of retaining or rebuilding that trust, than someone who doesn’t yet trust you. Customers show they trust a business by (2): l Making more purchases (71%) l Recommending you to friends (61%) l Joining a loyalty programme (41%) l Posting positive reviews or comments on social media (40%).

Trust in a Practical Context

Just the other day, while on a ‘Tor on Tour’ trip where I spend time connecting with other professionals in our industry, I met a couple at my campsite who ran a sustainable energy business installing heat pumps, solar and wind energy solutions all around the UK. We were pitched next to each other in our respective vehicles (Womble (my small but awesome campervan) and their much more spacious motorhome) and we got chatting. Eventually we ended up talking about our businesses, the impact of inflation and our various successes and frustrations. I was particularly interested in their business as my plan in the not too distant future is to buy and re-wild (increase the biodiversity of) as large a piece of land as I can acquire in the southwest of England, and adapt (or build) an accompanying property to be as energy self-sufficient as possible – in short, through our conversations I became invested in helping them to succeed (much like a physical therapist would be when they got to the root cause of what was truly motivating a patient to seek their help). As a result, I promised when I was due to drive back down the M5 a couple of weeks later, that I would stop at theirs and spend a day drilling into where they might be able to reduce some of the technology barriers they felt were holding them back or costing them unnecessary money. In other words, over our two relatively short evening exchanges (about 45 mins each), they trusted me enough to let me delve into the guts of their business and make some recommendations. And I happily noted that I needed to look no further for a company to install my future sustainable energy solution because I would 100% trust them to have my interests at heart (of course I will do the appropriate due diligence) and that’s a £15-20k investment. And it all comes down to trust.


So What Exactly Is Trust and How Do You Build It?

Trust ultimately boils down to the customer’s belief that someone is acting with their best interests at heart. The Oxford Language Dictionary defines it as firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. So, you build trust by demonstrating reliability, truth and ability – which is exactly what I outlined in the introduction to this article as being the difference between the businesses I’ve worked with that thrive, versus those that just survive. I would say there are a few additional nuances that help to build trust: l Reliability – keep your promises and don’t overpromise l Honesty - truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness – be honest about what you can and can’t do l Authenticity – being real, genuine and true – don’t try and be something you’re not l Objectivity – put aside your personal beliefs or feelings, in the interest of doing the right thing for your clients l Responsiveness – be quick to react to something or someone in a positive way – if you make a mistake, don’t try and cover it up, be honest, hold your hands up and rectify it in the best way you can l Consistency – be consistent in your efforts/work – if you’re want to demonstrate you’re invested in your customers then demonstrate it consistently (nurture emails are an excellent example here. there’s no point in sending just one email, you need to consistently demonstrate that investment in adding value, for it to build trust).

The 6 Principles of Persuasion

If you’ve been on any of my webinars, you’ll have heard me talk about the 6 Principles of Persuasion, which form the backbone of the excellent book entitled Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini (if you haven’t read it, it’s well worth a read). He demonstrated that there were 6 shortcuts or rules of thumb that individuals use to guide their decision making:

1 2

eciprocity – the desire to repay kindness – this is R why giving people small free treatments or offering value-added education workshops can be so powerful because they build a sense of reciprocity, the desire to return the favour. Scarcity – people want more of those things they can have less of. This is a powerful influencer but make sure to make the reason for that scarcity genuine and transparent.



3 4

5 6

uthority – the idea that people follow the lead of A credible, knowledgeable experts. The better you demonstrate expertise, the more likely people are to do what you ask (a key one for physical therapy!). So, state your value clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, don’t just suggest it but not directly express it. Consistency - people like to be consistent with the things they have previously said or done (the more trust you build, the more commitment to consistency you’ll get eg. referring you, joining loyalty schemes, writing a reviews etc). Consistency is activated by looking for, and asking for, small initial commitments (which is again why trial/sample appointments and education workshops work so well in a physical therapy context). Liking - people prefer to say yes to those that they like and trust – in other words everything we’ve discussed above. Consensus (often referred to these days as social proof) - particularly when they are uncertain, people will look to the actions and behaviours of others to determine their own (this is why customer testimonials are so powerful).

Employing these shortcuts in an ethical manner can significantly increase the chances that someone will be persuaded by your request or proposition, and they also clearly demonstrate the close relationship between trust and sales. If you want to explore this in more detail, there’s a great whiteboard animation which you can find here (

The Four Principles of Trust-Based Selling

While researching for this article, I came across another article that particularly resonated with me, and I think it will with you too – it was called ‘Don’t Treat Clients Like Competitors! The Four Principles of Trust-Based Selling’ (3). It’s hard to summarise because the whole article is so good, and I would definitely encourage you to read it full, you’ll find the in the References section below. What follows is a direct extract: Trust-based Selling™ is a principled way of approaching the commercial relationship between two parties. It is not a methodology, or a process model; it can coexist with existing methodologies or processes, as long as they are not manipulative or selfish. People – including sophisticated clients – are overwhelmingly disposed to buy what they need to buy anyway, from someone they trust. They trust people who are trustworthy – worthy of

BEST WAY TO SELL SOMETHING: DON’T SELL ANYTHING. EARN THE AWARENESS, RESPECT AND TRUST OF THOSE WHO MIGHT BUY Rand Fishkin trust. Trustworthiness can be defined as behaviour in accord with certain principles. There are four principles and they need to be applied across all stages of the sales process, all aspects of selling, and all characteristics of the client/ professional relationship. Those principles are: l Client focus for the sake of the client; l Medium to long-term perspective; l A habit of collaboration with the client; and l Transparency in all things with the client. Being trustworthy means, above all else, having the client’s best interests at heart. One way to demonstrate this is to be open with them in all mutual affairs. Conversely, the biggest reason a client might suspect we don’t have their best interests at heart is a sense that we are hiding something. So make sure your policies are right and then don’t hide anything. The solution isn’t to keep secrets; it’s to explain reality to them. You gain three benefits by being transparent: l You show you’ve got nothing to hide;



GREAT SALESPEOPLE ARE RELATIONSHIP BUILDERS WHO PROVIDE VALUE AND HELP THEIR CUSTOMERS WIN Jeffrey Gitomer l You distinguish yourself by so doing; l If your policies are weak, wrong or inconsistent, you’ll find out fast and have to fix them so they’re stronger—in which case, repeat the first two benefits. Why do we resist transparency? Again, the culprit is the competitive mindset we bring to bear in selling. In this case, we are afraid that if we share certain information, the “other party” – in this case, a potential client—will use that information against us, or we will lose advantage. That is the language of competition, not of trusted relationships. We must stop viewing our clients as our competitors. What we fear, we empower. If we treat our potential clients as competitors during the sales process, we will end up with competitors. The cycle has to stop with us. We need to sell from principles of trust, rather than from principles that create more competitors in the very process of gaining clients. Trust begins in the sales process, if we have the courage to put it there. Source: Don’t Treat Clients Like Competitors! The Four Principles of Trust-Based Selling’ published on (3).

How Can Co-Kinetic Help You Build Trust?

I was particularly keen to write this article because everything I produce on your behalf is aimed at building trust. Through Co-Kinetic I strive to deliver two forms of content: 1. High quality, engaging professional development content, that helps you to stay at the top of your game clinically 2. Equally high-quality patient-facing marketing content, designed specifically to help you build trust and establish authority and expertise, ranging from: sharable patient leaflets; engaging, educational social media; pre-written blog posts and nurture (trust-building) customer emails; to ready-to-present educational workshops. Why have I committed the last 22 years of my life to this? Because as I said in the abstract, I’ve worked with 100s of physical therapy businesses to help them to grow their customer base and turnover, and hands down, in my experience, focusing on building trust and establishing authority, and then giving prospects genuine opportunities to become a paying customer, is what works. It’s honest, it’s transparent, it’s authentic and it genuinely has the client’s best interests at heart, which is why I so often refer to it as completely unsalesy.


In Summary

There is no question that sales trust takes time to develop and that it can be shattered very quickly. But hopefully it’s also very clear from this article, that if you do take time to build and maintain that trust, it will serve you and your business better than any other strategy out there. You need to consistently focus on adding value, being reliable, dependable, honest, and honourable. This is the not-so-secret secret to developing sales trust. This is what I aspire so strongly to deliver with my business, CoKinetic. I seek to be 100% authentic, honest and genuine about my subscriptions, my discounts and offers, and me and my team’s business practice. I strive hard to practice what I preach and with courage I put it out there that if you see or read something I’ve said, that you think contravenes the principles and goals I’ve outlined in this article, please call me on it!

It may not sound as sexy as some of the ‘get rich quick’ marketing schemes you’ve undoubtedly seen (which never work). And it’s not a one-hit-wonder because it does require consistent (albeit small because we provide as much as we can for you) efforts applied regularly. But long term, it will pay big dividends. Perhaps more importantly, it’s a marketing strategy and approach that we, as healthcare professionals, can feel comfortable about. You are a business, I am a business, and we both need customers, it’s the only way we can continue to afford doing what we do, and helping more people with our services. So don’t feel uncomfortable about asking people to pay fairly for a genuine, honest, authentic service that makes their world a better and more comfortable place. References 1. 2. 3.

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:36–45

Activities Physical and Manual Therapists Can Use to Build Trust


out regular educational value-adding email newsletters et involved in relevant health discussions on local social 1 Send 7 Gnetworks with links to useful resources – top of my list! Easiest way to or discussion forums (Facebook is a good one and nurture and keep your (hopefully growing) email list warm, build trust and establish authority – but note that consistency is key – when you start, you need to keep going. Scheduling several at a time will help!

encourage user reviews and testimonials – stick 2 Atoctively one or two sources max so you don’t spread them too

thinly - Google definitely, followed by either Facebook or a well-known, well-established customer review platform in your country, like TrustPilot in the UK.

helpful value-adding blog posts on your website 3 Publish – also good for your SEO (and being found on Google specifically).

educational workshops and/or team up and contribute 4 Run to someone else’s –great way to get in front of people and

demonstrate your expertise and therefore powerful authority and trust-building activities. Make sure the education session matches your ideal demographic: a menopause workshop if your target is middle-aged women; a running injury presentation or gait analysis if your demographic is runners…you get the idea.

or low cost opportunities for new customers 5 Otoffertry free out your services, or for existing customers to try

new services that they don’t currently use. Face-to-face interaction is the gold standard trust-building exercise. But make sure you have transition to paying customer strategy in place and be strong about applying it. This could be an introductory 30 minute massage, gait assessments, bike fits, posture analyses – whatever you have in your repertoire that can lead in to a paid appointment.

reate value-adding opportunities for new and existing 6 Ccustomers to visit your business – education sessions are one opportunity, but others include Open Clinic events, Meet the Team, Introduce a New Team Member/Service/Facilities etc. – just make sure there’s something compelling to draw in your audience, and again make sure there’s an incentive to make a purchase.

also NextDoor in the UK), and share helpful resources like links to information leaflets.

et involved with local events, they could be sports events, 8 Ghealth events, fetes, fayres, open days – offer free advice, print out information leaflets, give short treatments if appropriate.

up with other local businesses or organisations that 9 Team compliment your business offering and offer value-adding

tools and resources that represent a win-win. For example, give cycle injury information leaflets to your local cycle shop, tennis leaflets to local tennis clubs, hand out running injury leaflets at running meets – just make sure not to tread on the toes of any competing professionals who may already have a formal relationship with these organisations/businesses. Other businesses could include health food shops, sports shops.

Encourage referrals from fellow professionals in related professions who already have the trust of their clients – ideas include sports coaches (eg. tennis, cricket, golf), personal trainers and Yoga instructors would be an excellent fit, holistic health professionals, health coaches, nutritionists…etc. Agree an introductory discount for their clients – so there’s a win-win for them, you could offer to give them a cash referral fee, but services-in-kind like free massages or treatments would give you better opportunities to build on the relationship.

11 opportunities to strengthen relationships with both your Don’t be afraid to look outside the box for left-of-field

customers as well as the businesses around you (you’re bound to have friends or contacts running local businesses for starters). Could you get local pubs, restaurants, cafes to offer a free ‘something’ to your clients or your email list? “Take this coupon and you’ll get a free coffee at…” This is a great way to offer extra value to your customers, at no cost to you, while also helping out fellow local businesses, building reciprocity on all sides. There are lots of different ways to use this approach.

12 (some will drop off, not all will work, but learning who and

As you build stronger relationships with your local businesses what does is part of the process), you could do shared email promotions and collaborate on increasing number of activities.

Marketing is all about strengthening relationships and making people aware of the ways in which you can improve their quality of life – if you do that with customer’s best interest at heart, with a long-term customer view, and with honesty, integrity and transparency at the forefront not only will the sales will take care of themselves but you’ll also have a healthier, more robust business, and a much happier, more supportive working environment and community.

Really good things can happen with good marketing 41

Marketing Opportunities for Physical Therapists l Introductions

– Introductory Offer – Come and Try Us Out – Free Discovery Sessions – calls, appointments, online – Welcome Our New Team Member Offer – Open Clinic Evening/Day – meet the team, try out some free sessions – New Equipment/Services – Electrotherapies, Gait Analysis, Bike Fit Assessments

l Education Events

– Sports Injury Prevention/Management/Treatment – Running, Cycling, Swimming, Skiing, Football/Soccer, Rugby – Health Awareness - Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Disease Prevention/Health Promotion, Post-Viral Fatigue – Common MSK Conditions – Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, OA/RA

l Celebrations

– Big Birthdays/Anniversaries – you, the team, your business – Clinic Renovations/Improvements/Extensions – Holidays/Public Occasions – national events, Valentines, Mother’s Day

l Business Programmes


– Clinic Membership Packages – Thank You for Your Loyalty Schemes – Refer a Friend Schemes – ‘We Miss You’ Past Patient Re-Engagement – Referral Partnerships – local personal trainers, yoga and Pilates teachers, health and wellbeing professionals

l Local Events/Communities

– Sports Events – 10k/half/marathons, cycle events, triathlons, sea and snow events – Fetes, Fayres, Markets – Networking Groups – Online Discussion Forums – Online Social Network Pages – Support Your Local Business Promotion – collaborate up with other local businesses, co-promotions, offer discounts and freebies, health fayres

Promotional Methods Offline

l Direct Address Mailing – postcards/ mailshots/letters (‘old school’ arguably works better than ever these days) l Print Publications – newspapers, local magazines, Parish Council newsletters – where possible get editorial coverage l Posters and Leaflets – distributed through local businesses, organisations l Noticeboards – libraries, supermarkets, community centres, retail stores l Local Radio l Local Display Ad Opportunities – buses, billboards, trains


l E mail – your email list (this is why it’s important!), collaborate with other business partners to co-promote l Organic Social Media – local groups, networks (that’s why being part of them before you need to promote yourself is a wise investment in time) l Paid Social Media (Ads) – focus on a clear target audience to maximise your return l Blog Posts – yours and third parties l Websites/Banner Ads – yours and third parties

Really good things can happen with good marketing 42

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:36–45


TIMELESS TESTIMONIALS It’s easy for some (although admittedly not all), to brag about themselves and the services and products they offer, but there’s honestly no better way to build trust and demonstrate authenticity and validity than by using customer testimonials. This article discusses the evidence behind why testimonials and reviews can have such an impact both on your bottom line as well as the ability to be found, and then looks at some practical ways to implement what we discuss. Read this article online


estimonials take the spotlight away from you the ‘seller’, and shine it on the client. Once a potential new patient hears from someone they can actually relate to – someone who isn’t being paid to say great things – it deepens their trust and increases the chances of them buying into you. Anyone who has listened to just about any of the marketing presentations I’ve given, will know that I consider reviews and testimonials to be a marketing super-power. Add growing your review and testimonials count to email list building and email list nurturing, and you have the three most powerful and influential marketing activities available to any business, of any size, in any industry, anywhere in the world. But why are reviews and testimonials so powerful?

The Influences of Reviews and Testimonials 1. Testimonials Build Trust

Testimonials, case studies, reviews and star ratings are all designed to build trust and confidence by communicating a real customer’s experience. This also gives prospective customers a more personal insight into you and your business, so they can decide whether it’s a good fit for them (social networks can also help here). l9 2% of customers read online reviews before buying (Big Commerce). l7 2% of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business (Big Commerce). l7 0% of people trust reviews and recommendations from

of r e Pow ws e i v e R The

By Tor Davies, physiotherapist-turned Co-Kinetic founder strangers (Nielsen). l8 8% of consumers trust online testimonials and reviews as much as recommendations from friends or family (Big Commerce). l7 2% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review (Search Engine Watch). But numbers do matter. Ten or more reviews can increase search traffic (Big Commerce) and 40+ reviews are needed before consumers will consider a star-rating accurate (Opt-In Monster).

2. Testimonials Drive Revenue

Testimonials are perfect for resolving customers’ objections, which reduces buying resistance and increases confidence in you and your service. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of them becoming a customer. lU sing customer testimonials regularly can generate approximately 62% more revenue (Strategic Factory). lC ustomer testimonials placed alongside more expensive items increased conversion rates by 380% (Power Reviews). lO n average, testimonials on sales pages increase conversions by 34% (Impact). lC ustomers who interact with reviews are 58% more likely to buy (Big Commerce).

3. Testimonials Improve Website Traffic and Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine developers like Google, want their customers to find the best

results for their queries and the best possible businesses that most accurately answer that query, which is why reviews and testimonials play a role in which businesses come up for which search queries. Testimonials also create fresh, ever-changing and relevant content that proves to search engines that customers are interacting with your brand, and reviews are naturally filled with long-tail keywords that customers are actually searching for. Here are some testimonial statistics that demonstrate clearly how using reviews and testimonials can improve search engine optimisation (SEO) and help you to win more search traffic. lW ebsites using testimonials saw a 45% increase in traffic compared to those who didn’t (Yotpo). l L isting 10 or more reviews increased traffic by 15 to 20% on Google Business listings (Big Commerce). l I mproving star ratings from 3 to 5 stars can increase clicks on Google up to 25% (Bright Local). lB usinesses with 5 stars earned 69% of total clicks amongst top Google listings (Bright Local). lR eviews account for nearly 10%, or 1 in 10 of total search engine ranking factors (Search Engine Watch). The customer review software platform Yotpo performed their own research to see how testimonials could impact SEO rankings. They tested 30,000 ecommerce businesses of all sizes and industries to “see how SEO traffic


Google Organic Page Views Per Month

5k 7.5k 7k 6.5k 6k 5.5k 5k

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Data courtesy of Yotpo’s global user database of over 150,000 online businesses, 2016

How Reviews Boost SEO: The change in time in organic page visits for 30,000 businesses that began using reviews

increased when the only common denominator was adding reviews to their site.” Over the course of nine months, they found that, on average, a site using customer reviews increases site traffic about 45%. That’s how powerful customer reviews can be.

Local pack


If you’re interested you can find the full article in the resources below. It’s worth a read. It also discusses in more detail that you won’t be penalised (and your SEO won’t suffer) for bad reviews because Google knows no one is perfect and even the best sites can get bad reviews and ultimately it points to a more authentic overall rating.

4. Testimonials Impact Google Local Pack Results

A Local Pack is a collection of the top 3 or 4 most relevant results for your local search. It’s like SEO but with the added element of geographical location. For example, if you search for things like: “physiotherapist near me” or “osteopath in Wimbledon”, Google understands that you’re looking for a local business and it’s going to provide a Local Pack selection at the top position in search results. Based on your geo-location, Google will deliver the most relevant answer to your query, in your local area. You get paid ad results first, then the Local 3 pack (or in this case 4 pack) above other organic results (see image below). The strength of your reviews will to a large extent decide who goes where.

Practical Ways to Grow Your Review Count

1. Create a Google My Business Listing … NOW!

The number one priority over all things is set yourself up a Google My Business account which you can do at this link

Google is the king, queen and jack of search, so do whatever you can to be seen by it! You need to have a Google My Business account in order to collect the Google Reviews that will help you increase your search visibility as we’ve discussed above. There are other benefits too, including appearing in a big area at the top of the Google search engine results page (SERP) if someone searches for something that is close to or matches your business name. You’ll see that Google also picks up other reviews, so my Facebook reviews have also been found. And you can add opening times and key contact details. You can hit the Directions button to open Google Maps, which is incredibly important to you as a local business (not so much to me as I don’t have an actual physical destination for my office) and the phone number is hyperlinked making it easy to call you with one click. As I frequently say in my webinars, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, let Google help you!

2. Follow the Advice Below

Getting Great Reviews lP ut in place ideally an automated process to request testimonials and where possible exclude people who have already provided you with one so they’re not hassled. If you can’t automate it, send a manual email if you feel you’ve had a particularly good session with someone and tag them so you don’t ask them again once they’ve given you a review. It’s always best to strike while the iron is hot when asking for reviews. Failing

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:36–45 44


that, send out an email every month to that month’s clients and again try to tag them so you don’t keep sending them the same email. lM ake it easy for more customers to submit a testimonial – give them a direct link to your Google Review area in your Google My Business account (here’s a help post telling you how lH elp people write quality reviews by adding some suggestions in your email request, for example ask your customers to share specific details that demonstrate the ways you helped them or what changed in their lives as a result of their sessions with you. We have produced an

Editable Canva Templates

lY our Thoughts Matter: Client Review Request Leaflet lY our Thoughts Matter: Client Review Request Postcard l5 Ways to Support Your Local Business Poster l5 Ways to Support Your Local Business Postcard

editable leaflet template that you can you can send to clients and include your own review links. lW here possible make your customers look good: back links help everyone so include mentions of their businesses, their skills, or things that are important to them wherever you can in your responses. lU se a mix of content types – prioritise Google and Facebook reviews, but videos can be very effective when shared on your social networks – as videos connect on an even greater emotional level. lS creenshots of tweets and social media posts add visual interest (just make sure to blur out personal identifiers) and a collection of company logos adds to the perfect blend. Getting the Technical Stuff Right lM ake sure the majority of your testimonials and reviews are optimised for search, ie. they’re in html text form and can be found by search engines. Text in most images won’t be found by search engines, so while screenshots can add visual impact don’t overuse them. Same goes for logos. lU se testimonials across your site, but particularly where you want to drive conversions – including the homepage (this also adds engagement). l I f your clients run a business, or have a logo, ask if you can display these too. lU se the highest-quality photos and video you can manage… l… and if you have a handful of clients

you know well or who are your best advocates, why not ask them to do a video testimonial and organise a day at your clinic. You can always thank them with perhaps a voucher or coupon for a free session/s or bonus treatments. lQ uantity and authenticity really do matter in your reviews. Anyone can type out a model (ie. ‘fake’) quote, but if you have 30+ authentic quality reviews on Google or Facebook, these will blast a so-called ‘model’ review out of the water. lD on’t worry about the occasional bad review, they happen and Google knows it and allows for it, so it won’t impact your SEO. It is a good idea to address it promptly in person (in private), and offer a solution because it gives you an opportunity to turn a disillusioned customer into a future fan, but it won’t impact your Google Listing. If anything it will make it more authentic. lF or Co-Kinetic we use review management software called EmbedSocial, which helps us to collate reviews across different platforms into one place that can then be published in one widget onto our respective website pages (you can see it in action on our pricing page; https:// It comes highly recommended and gets great reviews!

References and Further Reading

l3 0 Testimonial Statistics You Should Know in 2021 l How to Use Customer Testimonials to Generate 62% More Revenue From Every Customer, Every Visit l New Data Reveals The Real SEO Benefits of Reviews l How to Rank #0 in Google with Local Packs – The Ultimate Local SEO Guide


l Reviews directly influence purchasing decisions. l Reviews increase search traffic (SEO). l Reviews increase local SEO. l Reviews increase click through rate on paid search by 10%. l Reviews make your home page more engaging. l Reviews build trust (and increase purchasing likelihood). lA ll you need to do is ask! 7 out of 10 consumers will leave a review if asked. 45


Overwhelming Case for ” D D A E U L A “V Conversion Events What is a ‘value-add’ event?

A ‘value-add’ conversion event gives people a chance to ‘meet’ you and try your services, preferably for free, before they commit to booking a fullypaid appointment. Some therapists feel that offering freebies, devalues their profession, skills and qualifications and makes them look cheap and desperate for business. And this is an understandable concern. We’ve all seen it, as restaurants, desperate to stay open, make increasingly ridiculous offers – most of which end up failing ultimately. The pros of ‘value-add’ conversion events are overwhelming. Before we explore them in more detail, let’s look at what I mean by ‘value-add’ events. That’s just a handful of ideas. In reality, you can do whatever you want. The key is to pick something you’re good at and that you love doing because you’re likely to be more passionate and that will come across strongly to your attendees.

Examples of ‘value-add’ conversion events


One of the best ways of bringing in new paying customers, is to offer ‘value-add’ or ‘conversion’ events. These could involve anything from a free consultation, assessment, open day, treatment or education event. Your imagination is your only limit. There are so many advantages to these ‘open’ events, it’s hard to imagine why anyone wouldn’t embrace them, but some people are vehemently opposed to them because they don’t feel they should devalue themselves, by offering their services for free. In this article, I’m going to explore the pros and cons, and leave you to decide. Read this article online Why are ‘value-add’ conversion events great?

From a prospective client perspective l Meeting you/your therapists and becoming familiar with your clinic, parking options, how to get there, etc, will increase familiarity and reduce barriers to booking. l You will get qualified leads so you know who to focus your attention on. For example, if they visit your clinic you know that (a) they are local (not something you can ascertain

l Free consultations or discovery appointments – telephone/Skype/in person l Education events – evening lectures/presentations/seminars l Mini-assessments/injury screening – muscle balance, gait analysis, bike fit l Topic-specific events like running injury clinics, ski fit, headache prevention, back pain, etc l Open clinic days – range of free events/trials l Webinars – online presentation with Q+A l Free treatments – free 20-minute massage – great if you’ve got therapists with free appointment slots or students in for work experience l Packages and discounts – ‘buy one, get one free’, 50% off your first treatment


from your social media followers without using paid ads) and (b) they’re interested in your services. l Potential customers will know exactly what to expect from you/your team moving forward. l They are a great opportunity to help answer any questions that are holding potential clients back from booking that first appointment with you. l A physical visit gives you a chance to show off facilities and equipment and communicate much more than what’s on your website – let’s be realistic, very few people have the time to pour over a website anyway, however pretty it might look. l A face-to-face meeting, even a telephone call, can help you build a level of rapport and trust that is much more difficult to build through digital methods. l It gives you the opportunity to learn more about your prospective clients, where you may be able to help them most, what specific problems

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67


they need solving and how that can impact what’s driven them to come and see you. l You will reach a greater diversity of potential customers who may not have even known that they needed what you offer. l It gives you the opportunity to offer special deals and incentives to sign up to a package at the event. l You can use events it to reward loyal customers, people who have referred friends to you, anyone who stands out and who you want to encourage to keep spreading the word. From a therapist/team/clinic/ business owner perspective l It helps you get your business in front of people (the first goal of marketing). l It helps you collect new email leads (by taking email sign-ups). l Team-run events boosts morale as you can work on something as a team rather than always working individually. l It can be a great way to say thank you to existing or regular clients which boosts client retention. l If your competition does not offer free trials, this could be a competitive differentiator. And if they do and you don’t, you’re at a disadvantage. l And even if they don’t convert to a paying ‘service’ or product on the night, you can still benefit by:

- Asking for Google/Facebook reviews if they’ve found the event useful - Handing out ‘refer a friend’ offers - Asking for feedback about anything relevant to their experience, the clinic, your therapists, etc. l It’s also an ideal opportunity to try out new things before you launch them on your paying customers, like types of new treatments. l You could use events as part of your interview process with new staff and new therapists. l Why not forge connections with a local university or college and take on students for work experience? (Just make it clear to your prospective clients if they’re on work experience.) If you don’t have a reception or admin person, they could also be useful in a ‘meet or greet’ or administration capacity (make sure they know what they’re doing so they reflect well on you/ your business). l It gives you a chance to ‘split test’ appointment types, or even what you call them and learn what your audience wants. Do they prefer your Chronic Pain Clinic or Mobility for Athletes sessions? You could even test different names for the same session and see which gets more bookings. l It’s a great way to fill up appointments that would otherwise be empty and unused.

Last Thoughts

probably find lots more uses for ‘value-add’ events. As you can see, the benefits are not limited to your clients, they can also be incredibly useful and informative for you and your business. The more you can squeeze out of these events, to help inform your business moving forward, the better use of your time investment. Something as simple as Google Reviews can have a surprising impact on your findability on Google and on people making a decision which clinic or therapist to visit when they search for osteopathy services in Melbourne or Manchester for example. If you’ve got 100+ Google reviews, you’re going to stand out head and shoulders above your nearest rival and no prizes for guessing who Google is going to show at the top of the local search results, the one with 3 reviews, versus the one with 100 reviews?


l How to Generate £3,000 in Revenue in Just 6 Hours – Blizard Physiotherapy Running MOT [Case Study] l Turning Prospects into Paying Clients: Building and Implementing a 12-Month Marketing and Sales Plan [Article] l A Blueprint for Running a Successful Open Clinic Event [Article Series]

If you start thinking about it, you’ll


Discover the 20% of Marketing Activities That Will Give You 80% of Your Marketing Results


Post 9 Covid-1

Tired of working all the hours in the day for a physical therapy business that feels like it only just survives? Or fluctuating between “feast or famine” with your clinic bookings? Well, it’s time to change all that. Sign Up to My Free Webinar

Host: Tor Davies While Tor trained as a physical therapist, she has been an entrepreneur now for more than two decades. Her focus is providing resources to help practitioners and therapists develop their businesses and to work more efficiently, a topic that she speaks on regularly at global conferences. The marketing practices and principles that Tor advocates, will help you turn a business that is only just surviving into one that thrives in just a matter of weeks.

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These files can be downloaded from the Media Contents box of the online version of this article. l 12 Month Planner Template [PDF] l One-Month Diary Template [PDF] l Budgeting Template Spreadsheet [Zip file] l Calendar file for import into your own calendar [Zip]

TURNING PROSPECTS INTO PAYING CLIENTS: Building and Implementing a 12-Month Marketing and Sales Plan

By Tor Davies, physiotherapist-turned Co-Kinetic founder

This article explains in detail how you can plan and implement a 12 month marketing and sales plan for your physical or manual therapy business. We discuss a range of events you can choose from, how to set budgets and financial targets for your events and how to build audiences who are most likely to convert into paying customers. We also outline a timeline of activities for each event and discuss different event types to suit individual personalities. As you’ll see, planning and preparation is key to achieving your financial goals. We include a budgeting spreadsheet, calendar and diary planning templates and even a schedule that you can import directly into your own calendar. Access the article online

Part 1: Building a 12-Month Marketing and Sales Strategy The Conversion Level of a Marketing Funnel

The conversion level in your marketing and sales funnel (the orange layer in

Fig. 1) is all about generating revenue: it’s a necessary element of running any business, despite the fact that most therapists don’t like doing it! Thankfully, the strategy we advocate is based on generating this new business in a way that consistently adds value to your recipient, while at the same time helping you to

Figure 1: Simple sales funnel with purpose


OUR CONVERSION STRATEGY IS ABOUT GIVING PEOPLE A REASON AND AN OPPORTUNITY, WITH OR WITHOUT AN ADDED INCENTIVE, TO PURCHASE FROM YOU build trust, strengthen relationships and establish credibility. Ultimately it’s about giving people a reason and an opportunity to purchase from you. This usually involves running a ‘conversion event’ that leads directly – or indirectly but quickly – towards an incentive to buy. You can take one of two routes to doing this.

1. Direct Upsell Conversion Strategy

This could be a ‘strike while the iron is hot’ direct approach, where you actively promote your offer at the time of your event, and perhaps there is a bigger incentive or unique package offer that wouldn’t otherwise be available through everyday channels. If you use this approach, it’s good to add either a deadline to the offer or a limited number of purchases, to add a sense of scarcity and encourage takeup, but make that deadline or scarcity reason authentic and genuine. That purchase opportunity can take many different forms, depending on what works best for you. The goal is to play to your strengths, pick things you’re passionate about, and make sure your ‘upsell’ is relevant and compelling (and you may need to test and tweak to see what works best). In the second section of this article we’ll go into more specific details about the types of events you can run, but for the purposes of an overview, it could be an education-based event or workshop, with the goal of the session being to make the case for why your upsell is relevant and beneficial. Equally, it could be an open clinic event which you could run once or twice a year. This creates, for example, an opportunity to meet the team, visit your clinic, perhaps try out some free sample appointments and explain what any cool bits of equipment that


you have in your clinic can do. It’s a great opportunity to build on your authority and reputation. As an extra bonus, if you advertise and take sign-ups to these events through the social networks with some paid social media posts, you’ll also be growing your email list in the process. This is exactly the kind of thing that the Co-Kinetic editable web pages are designed to take care of for you quickly and easily and without any need for IT skills. The best open clinic events tend to be physical face-to-face events but there’s absolutely nothing to stop you running an event through a video conferencing platform such as Zoom and taking your viewers for a virtual tour around your clinic and to meet your team members online. You could also run a live Q+A and offer attendees discount vouchers for physical appointments – this has the benefit of generating cash on the day and again you could use your CoKinetic pages to take these payments for you. Other event ideas might include a special offer such as a discounted or free mini-treatment, eg. a massage, mini-gait analysis, or mini-bike fit. This is commonly (and often very successfully) implemented using a relatively simple paid advertising campaign on a social network such as Facebook, and it goes like this: l You would advertise an offer, for example to sign up to a free 30-minute massage. l Your applicants would enter their details (including phone number) and you

(or an assistant/colleague) would follow up with a phone call to get the appointment booked in. l When they attend the appointment (about 30–50% usually do if it’s being offered free), you would offer an ‘upsell’, ie. an incentive for them to purchase further treatments from you (such as a discounted next appointment to ease them into becoming a paying customer). This is a very effective strategy for drumming up new appointments (and cash) quickly, but I’d advise against using it regularly, because there is a risk of it devaluing you and your business. It’s best used in very targeted ways, for example as an initial offer to people who have just joined your email list. The beauty of these events is that you can also plan them to coincide with quieter periods in your diary, instead of worrying about not being able to control the flow of people during already busy periods.

2. Indirect Upsell Conversion Strategy

Do you have to include a pitch for a paid purchase at the event itself? Absolutely not, it’s more a question of how much time you are willing to spare doing ‘non-earning’ activities and, ultimately, what strategy gives you the best return on your time investment. One of the clients I work with runs free education sessions, like the ones we’ve discussed above, but specifically chooses not to promote anything for purchase at the end. Instead he offers attendees the opportunity to book in for a ‘Discovery Session’ (it could be online, by telephone or face-toface), and makes this the priority of his education event. Once he and his fellow therapists get someone to commit to and attend a discovery session, they know they can convert 90–95% of attendees into paying customers, so giving this extra free time away is worth it for him. Again it’s something you should test and then track the conversion rates. It’s also even less salesy than the direct upsell approach and would work

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67


particularly well for people who feel more comfortable working on a one-toone basis.

goals for the year, the idea is to build a schedule of campaigns to meet those revenue goals.

Planning Which Conversion Events to Run and When

Some Thoughts and Suggestions to Get You Started

OK, so let’s get down to the nitty gritty of the types of events you might run and how to schedule them. This section is designed to help you start putting together a 6–12-month plan. We also have some worksheet resources to help (which I’ll tell you about shortly). The planning element is important because, as you’ll read in Part 2 of this article which focuses on implementation, you need to be building and nurturing your target audiences for your events ideally a few months ahead of time.

Four Categories of Conversion Event

I group the main sales opportunities I have found work best for physical therapy businesses into the following four categories. 1. Business-based events: open clinic events, clinic launch anniversary celebration, introducing new staff, introductory offers, ‘We Miss You’ or referral campaigns, introducing new facilities or equipment. 2. Education presentations/ workshops: educational presentations and/or practical demonstrations on different health/ wellbeing/MSK/sports injury topics. 3. Local/national/international events: run events based around other events like marathons, triathlons, cycling races, Tough Mudders, World Cups, Olympics, etc., or health awareness days or local fetes – really anything goes if it gives you a good reason to create an event from it. 4. Time-based events: think vouchertype opportunities, Mother’s/Father’s Day, Christmas offers, January sales, Valentines, harvest festivals, religious festivals, Pride… There are lots and lots of reasons here to run special offers or promotions and some might cross into multiple categories, but you get the general idea. Now, depending on your sales

Starting with a blank sheet of paper can be tough, so try asking yourself the following questions and jot down any notes or ideas that are sparked in the process – any idea goes but here are some starting points: l What skills sets do you have? Focus on what you’re passionate about clinically, and also if you have team members you can call on to help out? If so, what particular skill sets do they have? Or perhaps you have local colleagues who could come and contribute? l What local events take place in or around your business during the year? l Do you have traditional quiet times where (a) you have more time available to run events and (b) a greater need to fill empty diaries? Remember, just because the run-up to Christmas may be quiet for YOU workwise, it’s likely to be a busy for prospective clients, so think about ways you can help them ease this busy-ness rather than demand time from them. This is why vouchers work particularly well around this time of year. l Do you have a larger number of clients in a certain demographic group? For example, do you treat lots of runners or skiers or golfers; or do you have a bias in a client demographic group such as women approaching menopause or in a higher age demographic who may be more invested in programmes for keeping active and healthy? Do you have a high number of clients in a particular minority group that you

could run a specific event for? Or a large number of people working in a particular job or industry? l Can you use any of the nurture emails you’ve been (hopefully) sending to distinguish any particular interest areas? This is why I encourage people to use nurture emails to flush out interests that help you to segment your email audience. Do you get particularly good open rates, for example, when you send out emails on chronic pain or back pain or running injuries? l Do you have any significant clinic events coming up? For example, are you planning on taking on a new member of the team? If so, it would make sense to run a introductory event to bring in bookings before or even as the new therapist starts. Are you planning on investing in any new equipment or building any extensions to the clinic (or moving)? Have you got an anniversary coming up from when you started your clinic, or some other kind of celebration, such as a big personal anniversary like a birthday or wedding anniversary? Unique and different (and highly targeted) is good if you have the audience that will fit that offer, as those Sales Marketing & events will ar Calend MONTH also catch people’s eyes and help you ry Monthly Dia stand out from the crowd, but don’t get caught up feeling pressured into doing something completely original every time. Mix it up a bit.


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Month DAY 1























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l Download the 12 Month Planner PDF and the 30 Day Diary PDF. Use the 12 Month Planner to jot down your ideas, resulting from he questions above. We’ve left the months blank so you can start at any time in the year and still have 12 months to plan forward. You can print out the 30-day worksheet as many times as you need so that you can detail specific jobs that need doing by month. l Download the Checklists and Worksheets in the Media Contents box in the online version of this article to help you plan and run these events. l If you’re thinking about running an open clinic event specifically, and I would definitely recommend thinking about it for the future if you’re not doing it already, it’s well worth reading Vicki Marsh’s article series on implementing an Open Clinic event here.

How Can Co-Kinetic Help Me Run Conversion Events?

l We have a growing range of readymade Clinic Growth campaigns which include all the content you need to run the business-based events including customisable artwork like printable promotional posters and ready-to-post social media, along with the editable web sign-up page which you can use to take sign-ups to the event, or even payments for attendance or the upsells if you choose to – see details via the online article. l If you want to run an educationbased event or workshop, we’ve written the PowerPoint presentations for you and built and written the event sign-up pages – see details via the online article. l If you want to run voucher events,


we’ve got you covered there too! See details via the online article. l And if you want to run any other kind of event, we’ve produced a whole range of more generic but themed editable web sign-up pages which you can customise for your own purposes and use to take sign-ups to, or payments for, the event, offer downloads to documents, or redirect people to your website if you want them to book through another channel. The themes are organised into Health and Wellbeing, Sport and Anatomy – just pick the theme that best matches your event and edit the text to describe your event offering. l Lastly, we have pre-written, preapproved artwork for running specifically Facebook ads designed to help you build your email list with very targeted groups of people. These ads specifically tie into the CoKinetic campaigns so are best used if you have one of the marketing subscriptions to Co-Kinetic (Social Media or Full Site). The ads are included in a Full Site subscription or can be purchased as a bolt-on if you have the Social Media subscription (details in the online article). Now let’s take a look at actually running these events.

Part 2: Setting Revenue Targets for Your 12-Month Marketing and Sales Plan Building Your Calendar of Events

If you have read and digested Part 1 of this article, then we can move on to the fun bit! l Hopefully by now you’ve already jotted down some notes about the kind of events you might like

to run over the next 12 months – taking into account dates of events (eg. voucher offers, business, geographical and educational events), available skill sets/interests/ passions (yours and those of your colleagues), audience demographics (all is explained in the article at the link above). l In pencil, plot your potential events on our 12 Month Planner, one square per month where there is a specific date window for the event. Then star the ones you want to prioritise – these should be the ones you feel most excited and passionate about. You need to make sure that the events are distributed realistically in relation to your workload. If you have additional events/ideas that aren’t time-specific record those on the right-hand side of the page so you can add them in later (if you want to), as you get quicker at running your events. l We deliberately didn’t write in the months for each of the squares so that you could start your plan in the month you’re in now, and then plan forward for 12 months. There’s a line under each box so you can write in the month it corresponds to. l Take a deep breath, relax and be realistic. Allow yourself much more time to run these events when you start out than you think you’ll need, ie. set a worst-case scenario timeframe. That way you won’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure, fail, get demoralised and give up. It’s like learning a skill, everything gets easier with practice! I’d almost say set a timeframe expectation and then double it! It’s better to do the leg-work and get well-prepared at the beginning rather than rush and do it badly. The saying “a stitch in time saves nine” is very relevant here. Take assurance from the knowledge that as you get used to the process you’ll be able to turn these events around increasingly quickly, as well as getting better and better results as you learn what works best for you and your specific situation, and it will all come good at the end of 12 months. So go on, spread those events out, particularly the ones due to take place in the

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67


first part of your 12-month period! l Now look at those events and consider the following. (a) You want to be focusing on building (and nurturing) audiences well before the event is due to run, at least 1–3 months, longer if possible as the more nurtured they are, the better. This audience should consist of people who are most likely to want to attend each event you plan to run. These decisions should in turn inform your email list building and email nurturing activities in the months before the event, and this is why planning is so important. The sooner you can start this process ahead of the date of your event, the better your event uptake, conversion and revenue results. (b) The easiest way of building a targeted audience is most likely to be by running targeted social media ads to attract the audiences who live in your local area (obviously an important factor). But there are other options too, such as collaborating with a noncompeting business which caters and sells to the same audience you want to attract. You could also get involved with local discussion forums but this is likely to be time-consuming and certainly not scalable. The easiest most scalable way to nurture an audience is by email. (c) In order to keep your newly acquired audiences engaged and interested, you need to be sending out regular (preferably weekly) nurture emails containing helpful resources that are as relevant as possible to this audience, and keep doing this all the way up to your event announcement (and beyond), so they are as warm, interested and responsive as possible when you announce your upcoming event. l Map the activities into your calendar. I’ve provided a printable 30 Day Diary worksheet which you can print for all the months going foward, and enter in the more detailed things you need to be doing.

These activities might include running social media ads to build audiences ahead of your event and scheduling in the nurture emails you will send in the run-up to your event being open for signups. I’ve also produced a Google calendar (see Media Contents box for more details).

Email List Building and Nurturing

In case it’s not clear from the points above, there’s a very good reason why I constantly bang on about the importance of building, segmenting and nurturing your email list! l The more targeted the audience you have, and the more engaged they are with you, your business and your emails, the better the sign-up and attendance numbers you’ll get across all your events. l The same goes for the better your audience fits with your planned events, which is why building targeted audiences with your bigger-picture conversion-event plan in mind, ahead of time, is important. l Remember that a big email list isn’t necessarily better – yes you have more people from which to attract sign-ups to your events, but I can’t emphasise enough, it’s more about quality, accurate targeting and segmentation, than it is about quantity. l In other words, as part of your bigger-picture marketing plan (which is based on the events you’ve decided to run), make sure you are actively building segments of people well ahead of time, to maximise the chance of them signing up to attend the events you plan to offer. I like to use a tree analogy to demonstrate the revenue-generating potential of an email list. An active and engaged email list is bursting with health, life and opportunity (ie. revenue-generating potential) compared to a stunted, dead or dying email list which has little or no potential for generating revenue (Fig. 2). To take the analogy a step

Figure 2: The tree analogy demonstrating the revenue-generating potential of your email list

further, the different branches of your tree are equivalent to the different audience segments of your email list. The fuller the tree, the greater your range of opportunities.

Working Out Your Sales Numbers

As a general rule of thumb, the following points indicate how you could expect your numbers to stack up: l Of people who register to attend your event, around 50% are actually likely to attend. l If your event goal is a paid upsell (ie. it requires them to part with money), around 20% of those attending might purchase (that’s the equivalent of 10% of your original registrants if that makes it quicker to calculate). l If your upsell is to another freebie instead of a paid product, ie. a discovery call/appointment, you could expect a conversion rate of around 40–50% (the equivalent of 20–25% of your original registrants). So, for example, if 60 people sign up to your event, 30 people attend, 6 people purchase a paid upsell OR 12 might convert to a freebie eg. a discovery call. I will caveat this by saying these numbers could go up or down depending on factors such as: l how well you’ve built your target audience; l how compelling your upsell offer is for that particular audience; l how good their relationship and trust is in you; and l what type of products/services you


offer as your paid upsell. The more longevity and/or value the product has the better, for example a recurring revenue commitment such as a 12-month massage membership product, a training programme or package, or even a 5 treatments for the price of 4, the better your revenue generation numbers. However, if your audience is relatively new to you, it might be better to offer a simple one-off purchase at the event, and then build up to offering a purchase that requires a bigger commitment after they’ve attended their first few appointments. This is where you have to ‘test, test, test’ with different combinations of offers to different groups of people to establish what works best. Don’t overcomplicate it, just try something, then test a different thing and see which one works better. Then stick with the better one and test it against something else, and see which one works better there, and keep on moving forward that way. The better your relationship with your audience and the more time you’ve invested in building trust and strengthening relationships, the more you’re likely to be able to sell to your customers and the more quickly. The weaker the relationship they have with you and your business, the smaller steps you’re going to need to take before they’ll be prepared to make the bigger purchases. For this reason it’s worth seeing if you can find a way to ‘lead score’ your prospects based on how many ‘interactions’ they’ve had with you. This is an excellent segment to be able to identify and target using your email list because you can start to build your events based on the strength of your relationship (indicated by their lead score) with your different segments of customer.

Interactions and Lead Scoring

Here are some ideas of the sorts of things you could use to ‘lead score’ or segment your prospects (and clients) into engagement levels. Ideally, the different engagement levels would have different values, where purchases rank highest and email opens rank lowest (they still count though): l email opens and activity; l attendance of workshops, open clinic events, etc; l purchases – treatments, services, products, vouchers; l customer reviews; and l survey responses.

The Significance of Knowing your Numbers

If your upsell at the event is something small, say a 50% discount on an introductory massage if booked on the night, which might only be worth say £30 per purchase to you, then on the basis of 6 purchases from the scenario we outlined earlier, that would only generate around £180 for a night of work which probably took a couple of hours to set up and then maybe 2–3 hours to deliver. Obviously that in itself doesn’t translate into much in terms of revenue, and in fact it most likely doesn’t even cover the cost of your own time. Which is why having a progressive sales funnel is important, for example: l If you know that you’re going to convert most if not all of those first appointments into a series of 5 further treatments, even at a low treatment price of say £60 a session (£60 × 5 + the initial £30 = £330 per person) then those 6 people suddenly become worth a total revenue of just under £2000. l Then say you could get 2 of those 6 people to convert into an annual clinic membership which means a commitment to 12 sessions at say a 20% discount, that would be worth another £1150. That would give you a total return


of £3000 for your event, and if your treatment fees were higher, or your ongoing purchase offerings had greater longevity, things would be better still. We wrote up a case study here which shows how the snowball effect of events like these can start to compound your revenue figures. There’s another component that’s important to take into account here also and that is your ‘customer lifetime value’ (CLV). Many people don’t actually know what their CLV is, but you should know and it’s worth doing what you can to work it out if you don’t. Basically what it boils down to is on average the number of times a client is likely to come back to you or the average number of treatments they are likely to have over the lifetime of their relationship with your business. Often the first course of treatments is exactly that, just a first course, and they may return to you 2 or 3 times or maybe more in the future, which means that each new customer is likely to be worth much more than just that first set of purchases resulting directly from your event. By knowing your CLV, you get a better perspective about the biggerpicture impact that events like these will have on your business in the future. If you know that the average CLV (which remember is an average across all your customers) was £800 per customer, then it helps to inform what you can afford to invest in running events like these. If you know that you can bring in 10 completely new customers for each event you run, and your average CLV is £800, then that single event is actually worth not just £3000 from the event itself, but £8000 in the long-term additional revenue to your business. So suddenly the prospect of spending a bit of money, like £500 to £1000 to help you bring in those 10 new customers, whether that’s on some admin support to help you run the event or make follow-up phone calls after the event, or invest in social media ads to get you more new signups, or even both, doesn’t seem like such a risk after all. Hopefully you can start to see that even if you build in only 2–4 of these

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67


kinds of events a year, over time, with the ongoing repeat lifetime visits of your growing number of clients, this will develop into a strong and reliable source of ongoing revenue for your business.

l Promote sign-up to event - send an email to your email segment [Day 15–30]. l Actual event date (2–4 hours) [Day 30–35]. l Event follow-ups [Day 31+].

Strategies for Cranking Up Your Sales at These Events

If you are able to start building your targeted audience segments ahead of this, then you will have more time to nurture and build trust, and therefore should get better engagement and take-up when you run the event. You would also be able to turn the event around more quickly because if you’ve already built your audience, you don’t need to spend two weeks at the beginning of the event cycle, doing the email list-building phase.

Believe it or not, there are only four ways to increase your revenue: l increase the number of customers; l increase the average transaction size; l increase the frequency of transactions per customer; and l raise your prices. So for people who have more aggressive targets, those need to be forefront in your mind when you’re planning your events, and translate into the following actions. l What you sell at the event needs to be bigger. l You could increase your recurring revenue elements, ie. transactions. l You could run more events or a bigger range of events. l Be much more active and invested in building and nurturing your email list so you have a greater number of targeted prospects to run events for.

Setting Time Frames for Your Event

It should be possible to organise and run an event within a 4–6-week window. Below is a simple list of tasks that need to be done along with the amount of time they would take you to do if you were using Co-Kinetic to organise your event and a rough schedule based on a 4–6 week plan. l Event planning (2hrs) [Day 1]. l Email list building – setting up a targeted lead-generating social media ad (1hr) [Day 1/2]. l Send out nurture email 1 (20-30mins) [Day 5–7]. l Send out nurture email 2 (20-30 mins) [Day 10–12]. l Send out nurture email 3 (20-30 mins) [Day 15–21] – you could mention your event in this email if you felt it was appropriate. l Create event sign-up page (20 mins) [Day 15].

Setting Revenue Targets for Your Event

l As an individual practitioner, to make it worth your investment in time, you ideally want to be making at least £1500 and ideally closer to £2000 in sales, for the sort of event I’ve outlined above. This includes revenue that comes in after the event, eg. your follow-up appointments – so it is still directly related to the event. l And this income really needs to translate into cash in your bank account within 4–6 weeks of your event. l It’s OK if you don’t make this kind of amount the first time you run an event as the first one will be more of a learning curve, but you certainly want to be aiming to make that by your second or third events. l A good, progressive sales funnel could bring in £3000+ from an event but a lot of this depends on what you’re selling, and particularly the cost of your sessions. Obviously the higher your rates, the better your results. l I’ve put together a simple spreadsheet, which you can download from the Media Contents box on the online version of this article, which you can use to play with the different variables to ensure you make the event work financially for you. l If you have the capacity to run a bigger event such as an open



Email sign-ups



Attendees (for massage appointments)



l Pre-event new clients sales



l New clients sales



Immediate sales

l Membership sales × 6 (annual value) £3960 £4320 TOTAL INCREASED REVENUE

£5286 £5622

Figure 3: The ‘scores on the doors’ of Vicki Marsh’s 2019 Open Clinic event

clinic event, where you can involve colleagues, and accommodate a larger number of event attendees, then you can certainly double this revenue as Vicki Marsh documented in her series of articles talking through the planning and implementation of her own Open Clinic event. Here were the ‘scores on the doors’ from her event (Fig. 3). l Vicki’s Open Clinic event was different to the model we’ve discussed above but it gives you a good idea of what’s possible. l Despite what I’ve said above, you can still hit these revenue targets by running small but very targeted events, especially if you have a very targeted and ideally unique ‘upsell’ offer. If you want to go small then you still want to aim for at least £1000 in sales directly relating to your event, which means if you’re going to convert say just 3 people, you need to convert them to something that’s worth around £350 in total value. l The key is finding what works for you. You could run one bigger, more ambitious event, with more people every 2–3 months and aim to make around £3000+ per event, or you could run one small niche event every 1–2 months, with a smaller number of sales, but of a higher value, or even a combination of both. You could factor in 4 small niche events, one bigger clinic event because you’ve got a triathlon event coming through town and then a couple of voucher campaigns. l There’s no one-size fits all. As I’ve


said all along, this is for you to experiment with and find the model that fits you, your communication style, your passions and your financial goals. l The only thing I’d say is that despite a bigger event being bigger pressure, it is likely to take less time to organise and implement – relatively speaking – than organising 3 smaller events.

Factoring in Your Personality Type/Communication Style

I’m a... ”Get Me Out There in Front of People” Kind of Person These people love an audience and are generally energised by being in front of people. If this is you, you’re perfectly formed for giving educational presentations, workshops and demonstrations in front of larger groups of people.

Equally you could do Q+A sessions either online or tag this onto the end of your educational presentations.

“I’m More of a One-to-One” Kind of Person

That’s totally fine, but it’s particularly important for you to test different strategies and find the one where you get the absolute maximum return from your time investment because one-to-one is quite time-heavy and not scalable, so you want to be aiming for converting these one-to-one sessions into paying clients with ideally an 80+% success rate. The kind of things you can do are:

l discovery telephone or video calls or face-to-face appointments; l free/discounted sample appointments; and l demonstrations in front of a handful of people, perhaps small clinic tours or demonstrations of equipment.

What’s Next?

l All the resources mentioned in this article can be accessed at the following link “Strategies for Turning Prospects into Paying Clients: Building a 12-Month Marketing and Sales Plan” ( l The next article on pages 45–49 describes how to implement a specific conversion event campaign. “Post-Viral Fatigue Campaign Playbook“ (


1. The conversion level of the marketing and sales funnel is all about generating revenue. 2. The strategy we advocate for generating income is based on a totally ‘unsalesy’ approach that is of value to your prospective clients and helps you to build trust and credibility. 3. Conversion events can consist of many different types of event (education-based, workshop, open clinic) and are linked to no-pressure incentives (upsells) for prospective clients to purchase your services. 4. Direct upsells can involve special offers such as a discounted or free mini-treatment. 5. An example of an indirect upsell is to offer the chance to book a ‘discovery session’. These might take more time but can have higher conversion rates. 6. Base your conversion events around particular skills or interests that you or your colleagues have or other local/national/international events of interest. 7. Avoid running events at times that are particularly busy for your clinic or for your clients. 8. The more you nurture your email list, the more likely you are to have receptive (‘warm’) prospective clients who will sign up for your event. 9. Plan, plan, plan! We provide you with everything you need to plan your year of events and each event. 10. Test, test, test! Start simple and work out what works for you, your clinic and your clients. 11. Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate! We provide you with all the tools to evaluate the revenue that your event can bring or has brought, so you can see that your timeinput is worthwhile.



lR unning an Open Clinic Event from Start to Finish by Vicki Marsh [Article series] l How to Generate £3000 in Revenue in Just 6 Hours – Blizard Physiotherapy Running MOT [Case Study] l Post-Viral Fatigue Campaign Playbook

THE AUTHOR Tor Davies began her professional life training as a physiotherapist at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK. She went on to complete a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science at the University of Birmingham while also achieving a WTA international tennis ranking. After graduation she worked in marketing with a London agency and then moved into medical journalism where her passion for publishing was born. At 27 she established sportEX medicine, a quarterly journal for physical and manual therapists. With a passion for technology as well as publishing, Tor’s leadership grew sportEX into the Co-Kinetic journal and website which included a more collaborative, royalty-based form of publishing as well as a wider content remit. Tor’s focus is on providing resources to help therapists develop their professional authority and brand, and grow their own businesses while working more efficiently and effectively, a topic that she speaks regularly on at global conferences. Join us on Facebook: Connect with Tor:

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67


The Power of Giving Gift Vouchers W

e learn early on that it is better to give than to receive. We are taught to give and that it feels good to help someone in need. But is there a deeper current to giving? There is a growing body of evidence that shows we are evolving to become more compassionate and collaborative in our quest to survive and thrive. Today, scientific research provides compelling data to support the notion that giving is a powerful pathway to finding purpose, getting through difficult times, and finding fulfilment and meaning in life. Which is why offering people the opportunity to have positive experiences, such as increased relaxation, reduced anxiety and even pain relief, through the services you provide, is a powerful offer. Not only is it a very thoughtful gift, it can also be uniquely tailored to suit your clientele and the services you provide. Most of you will know that since Covid-19 struck, I’ve been working hard throughout the year to find ways to help you generate income in these difficult circumstances. One of the best ways of generating cash is to sell gift vouchers, which is why I built this into the Co-Kinetic system and launched it just a few weeks ago. As always my system combines technology (gift sales and management) with pre-created content, such as voucher sign-up pages, ready-made social media and great looking health-focused gift certificates, to help you take orders and promote your campaigns. The goal of this article is to give you some ideas of the sorts of things you can do with a voucher system – not just the Co-Kinetic one, but any voucher system. The difference with the Co-Kinetic system is that it’s built with health professionals in mind.

Last year, Covid-19 and the associated lockdowns and movement restrictions left many businesses reeling from massive interruptions of cashflow. Selling gift vouchers for your business is a brilliant way to improve cashflow and grow your business in any circumstances, particularly now when the trend for gifting experiences rather than goods is on the increase. Tor has been working hard creating a system to make selling gift vouchers easy for you to do. This article explains the many benefits and shows you how simple it can be. Read this article online By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic Founder The social media is sensitive to our healthcare climate and the pre-written sales pages (which can be fully edited) have been written specifically to focus on adding value and highlighting benefits, while not being over-salesy. The goal of this article is to give you ideas of ways in which you can harness the power of selling gift vouchers and certificates. On the face of it, selling vouchers is simple and straightforward, but there are some less widely known ways you can also harness the power of vouchers to help your business.

Reasons Why Selling Gift Vouchers is Great for Your Business

Gift vouchers: help grow sales – to start with the most obvious; boost cashflow – generates revenue in advance of delivering the service; are a great way to re-engage past customers; allow your business to participate in a whole range of special events and holidays; increase customer engagement – gift givers become

1 2

3 4

ambassadors of your brand (and will be more likely to spend more with you) and the gift recipients benefit from the gift itself and an opportunity for you to build on this opportunity; can incentivise people to take actions that further benefit your business, like give reviews or engage in social media posts; . help raise awareness of your business; can be sold easily using your website and your social networks; can be purchased instantly and conveniently, making them excellent last-minute gifts (vouchers can be posted or sent as an email within minutes); can be purchased from the comfort (and safety) of home;

6 7 8 9




generate revenue even if 11 still they’re not used (approximately 20% are never redeemed); help introduce new customers who may not have used your service previously; can lead to larger purchases or upsell opportunities; are simple to manage and distribute; can be sold at any time (including during lockdown) to help plug shortcomings in cashflow; and appeal to all genders, both young and old.


13 14 15


How to Sell Gift linic C Vouchers in Your ility to showcase and s the flexib

Your clinic ha ft certificates: promote your gi banners lays and promo reate visual disp lC g sin ople pay, in dres next to where pe rs and te oms, pickup coun rooms, waiting ro ow displays. even on the wind or gifts to – offer discounts reate gift deals lC ates fic rchase gift certi customers who pu bold d personalised an ork on creative, lW -Kinetic Co ft certificates (at design for your gi u) we do this for yo o sells competitions – wh ee oy pl em e reat lC other or s nic gets a bonu the most in the cli benefits.


Vouchers Online ft certificates. How to Sell Gift ion on your website to promote your gi s them to a

nd sect , pop-up which se reate a special lC clickable banner – e bl ses pages for ea ha tic rc no pu y Make it easil m we’ve built ste sy ic et in -K ith the Co purchase page (w ). ns ficates – don’t ig pa all our cam for your gift certi n sig de ng hi tc area or d eye-ca casion, business reate a cool an lC based on the oc em th ise m sto cu be afraid to -Kinetic). this for you on Co Co-Kinetic audience (we do l media (with the cia so on l es at fic ll gift certi st it to your socia romote and se r you and we po lP fo ia ed m l cia so ted the system we’ve crea . u) yo r networks fo em. ad to promote th un a Facebook lR email newsletter. ur yo h ug ro th rs he . uc vo e e gift certificates romote th lP aways using onlin ve gi d piration dates. an ex ts t es ou nt reate co rtificates with lC ce ft gi g in id ov tion of pr email reminders ou have the op ur gift recipients lY yo nd se to rt po r CSV ex se our Vouche lU ers g balance. in s! If your custom ain m of their re elling really work s-s os cr – a ts as uc r vouche ur prod u can offer a gift ix them with yo lM ount of money, yo am in rta ce a er spend ov reward. mers. reward loyal custo e, get one free). se vouchers to lU deals (eg. buy on of s pe ty e of holidays and nt re ffe reate di lC ate in a wide rang cip rti pa to u yo allows elling vouchers lS ts. en special ev ping. post-holiday shop se them to drive lU

Ideas for Selling Gift Vouchers

Offer an Incentive or Added-Value to Buy a Gift Voucher

Examples could include the following suggestions: lB uy a gift voucher today and be entered into our draw to win a prize, eg. – £X of massage sessions/ treatments – a massage a week for X months – a free running injury consultation consisting of… – a 1-hour bike fit/gait analysis/ movement screen, etc. lA lternatively create a prize draw with different levels of prizes and each gift voucher qualifies the purchaser for an entry into the prize draw. Obviously the bigger and better the prize draw is, the greater the likely response. Again, an ideal opportunity to collaborate with other local partners. lO ffer an additional bonus or valueadd to the gift voucher, like a free glass of champagne, or again team up with local partners to offer a free coffee and cake at a local café (more ideas below). lA dd additional benefits or services to the appointment, book a

30-minute massage, and get an extra 15 minutes free or add in an extra service that doesn’t cost you much to offer – maybe a gait assessment or a free bike fit – each element gives you the opportunity to build a stronger relationship. lO ffer greater value than the gift voucher actually costs to purchase, so for example, you could offer a voucher value of £100 for the actual physical cost of £50. Or £50 value for the cost of £25, which gives clients the chance to get double the value – remember you still get money upfront. To have greater impact here, you could choose to only make this offer to a specific group of people, such as your premium, most committed and loyal customers, thereby building further loyalty in the offer itself.

Collaborate with Local Partners

This is a win–win because all local businesses will be super-grateful for any offers of help, which makes this an ideal time to team up with other businesses to enhance your offer. This also helps you build collaborations for the future, as well as work out what works and what doesn’t.

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Use Cross-Promotions Building on the idea of adding value to your voucher recipients or your gift givers, you could offer extras from local businesses to add to your gift voucher offer. For example, you could team up with: l a local restaurant to offer money off a meal; l a local coffee shop, to offer a free cake and coffee; l a local pub to offer free round of drinks or a bottle of wine with any meal; l a local shop to offer a money-off coupon; l a non-competitive beauty therapist to offer for example xx% off a pedicure/manicure; l a yoga or Pilates instructor to offer money off an exercise session which could complement your treatment; or l a local farm shop to offer a moneyoff coupon. Your local collaborators would give you the necessary vouchers which you could distribute as you choose. Create Product and Services Packages The package would include services you offer, and it could just be limited to your own services, such as a Running/ Skiing/Cycling Injury Prevention Package which could combine several different elements from treatments to special assessments or fitness training. However, it could also include other complementary services from other providers, combined to form a unique offering. For example, if you wanted to go with a ‘stress reduction’ theme you might combine a set of massage treatments with complementary yoga or meditation sessions, or even discounts on stressreducing products like candles and oils. Think as far out of the box here as you like, to create a unique and desirable offer/package. Have you got friends or clients who run small businesses that you could team up with? Do you know your pub landlord well? Why not get on a call and talk through some ideas? You never know

where it might lead you. Or have you got some lovely local businesses creating unique products that you could team up with either to offer coupons or ways to turn your offering into that extra special gift?

Use Vouchers or Coupons To Get People To Take Action

You can use coupons to encourage or thank people taking actions that help you and your business. Ideas might include: l s haring, tagging or engaging in a social media post or on your page in general (maybe offer a voucher each month to the most active person on your page); l r eferring a friend; lb uying a gift voucher; lw riting a review (although I would avoid offering it as an inducement, instead use it as an unexpected thank you); and l s igning up to your email newsletter – what a great way to encourage that first visit.

Reasons to Promote a Voucher Offer

The great thing about voucher offers is that you’re very rarely short of a reason to create a campaign. The most obvious reasons to create a voucher campaign are holiday sales or sales that tie in with traditional annual events, but you can also create voucher offers for occasions that are unique to you, your local community, your clinic or dates or events that are important to you personally.

Public Holidays, Seasonal or Special Event Suggestions

1. January Sales 2. Winter Blues/Blue Monday (3rd Monday in Jan) – most depressing day, apparently 3. Valentine’s Day 4. Nirvana Day 5. Mother’s Day

6. Father’s Day 7. Easter Holiday 8. Vesak Day (Buddha’s birthday) – good if you have a yoga offering 9. Summer Holiday 10. Harvest Festival 11. Halloween 12. Black Friday/Cyber Monday 13. Thanksgiving 14. Christmas 15. Divali/ Ramadam/ Chinese New Year

Ideas ‘Unique to You’

l f irst visit discount; l c linic opening anniversary; l a s part of a VIP clinic membership; l a special offer in honour of a significant date to you; lg ive a gift for a client’s birthday – great for re-engaging lapsed clients and boosting loyalty with current clients; lu se them to raise money for a charity (donate a percentage of takings);


lu se them to offer special packages, eg. 5 sessions for the price of 4; or l a s part of a local event or raffle prize

How to Increase Uptake

Doing the following will help to increase your sales of gift vouchers: lM ake sure there’s a clearly stated deadline. lA dd incentives (or offer extras) to make the sale more compelling. lM ake the campaign bespoke/ targeted, ie. they have a theme (such as those in the list above) rather than a generic sales campaign. lA dd urgency, eg. limit the number of vouchers available. lT o increase conversions customise your offer to appeal to certain target groups such as by interests, gender or age groups. lU se data targeting, like location, along with something like Facebook ads to make sure only relevant people see your ad promotions. lT he better your level of engagement with your customer base and particularly your email list, the greater the uptake will be. lW here possible add something of additional perceived benefit – maybe a free glass of champagne, a fruit smoothie, some chocolates – something small that doesn’t cost much but adds that extra touch.

Offer Ideas

Implementation Tips

The following are good tips for putting your gift voucher plan into action: lD on’t overcomplicate it – stick with what people understand and make it an easy transaction to both purchase but also redeem. lM ake sure the terms are reasonable and you don’t impose overly restrictive redemption terms (especially while Covid continues to be a concern) but do make sure there’s some sort of redemption deadline.

you can amples of things Here are some ex started: offer to get you . here’s s on sessions, eg nt ou ffer disc lo appointment; 50% off your first – great e free (BOGOF) uy one, get on lb for Valentine’s; rize draws; l c ompetitions/p services; lving’ package of l a ‘problem so upfront); les/5 for 4 (cash l t reatment bund mption 5, offer £50 rede uy a gift for £2 lb ); the cash upfront value (again get a d ad d ul y Y (co l f ree X, if you bu ; e) deadlin – free r/sample sessions l v alue-add/taste sis, ge, free gait analy 30-minute massa bike fit, etc; u gifts; rds and thank yo l r andom rewa w ve got/done X, ho pgrades – you’ lu ; nt to Y for a discou about upgrading and an email in exchange for l f ree coupons address.


lG ive them something they can physically print out as it will serve to remind them of the

stem igns which the Co-Kinetic sy ia promoting your gift voucher campa of es ur at Fe ey K l med ady-made socia

ed re e have produc lW -Kinetic. increase ht from within Co l copywriters to aig str (using professiona you can post s ge pa up nsig e voucher eds. e’ve created th lW ble to suit your ne nt. erything is edita ev – ll whatever you wa se d an nt conversions) wa u yo s able/printable rm te lo d signed down ad cost, value an de er e ev ok at sp wh be et a S l confirmation is taken to ur gift purchaser also sent an email d yo , (an up s nrm sig te n d O an l details ing redemption sh to supply). formation you wi gift voucher show in l na tio di website, even in ad y de with an wsletter, on your ne ail em ur containing the co yo orks, in your social netw hare the link on lS e. n be used by on ve if you ha set to use so it ca is t un co ac e your clinic window rip your St the currency that he system uses lT zero cost which . rld re in the wo offer a coupon at n ca u yo lly anyone, anywhe ua e but eq your email list. yments of any siz eat way to build gr – g in ok ou can take pa bo a lY ainst those who have as a discount ag you can prompt so gs in ok bo can be redeemed n oupo V file of voucher/c oking. ownload the CS lD ail, to make a bo em by ts, un co ac r ei th st credit again

To Summarise

The beauty of selling gift vouchers is that you can create whatever offers, for whatever reasons you want, wherever you are in the world. In a way, the more creative you are, the more unique the offer will be. I’ve tried to outline a range of ways you can use vouchers and coupons to build not only your business, but also build networks in your local community. Yes they can be a great cashflow booster, particularly at difficult times, or when cashflow needs topping up, but they can also be used in so many other ways to build loyalty, increase engagement with existing customers, encourage old customers to return, thank people for taking actions, and bring in new customers to your business. The Co-Kinetic Voucher System is an add-on subscription available to existing subscribers at a 50% discount (just £11.99 per month). It can also be purchased by new subscribers as a standalone subscription (no other subscription required) for £23.99 per month. It’s multi-currency, so can be used wherever you are in the world and all the purchases come directly into your own bank account. For more details visit



apy ur Physical Ther Revenues into Yo ng rri cu Re ild Bu n agic: How You Ca embership M lM wJiiE 33 ly/ it. /b s:/ ] http Business [Article y Skills Online ise Your Therap l How to Monet s:// ack [Article] http ur Business on Tr Yo [Article] https://b ep Ke d an VID-19 the Impact of CO ow to Mitigate lH Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67

Here’s What Our Customers Say

Kirsty Tarr I have been a subscriber to Co- kinetic since its early sportex medicine days and it has been fantastic to follow Tors Journey. Every time I listen to her speak

Jan Normanton

I feel inspired. She has been crucial to the development of my business

I launched my first campaign with Cokinetic today! So

Kirsten Lawton

delighted to have found this incredible resource! The material is outstanding in terms of content and design

I’m a student soft tissue

and the amounts available to use are breathtaking.

therapist and at the early stages of thinking about how I build

There is enough campaign material to keep me going

my business and market my

for at least a year and Cokinetic are producing more

services. I’ve just attended

content all the while. Mostly brandable as well which

over the years and having watched the Webinar last night I feel ready to take the next steps to future proof my business. Something i would not be able to do without the help of Tor and her Co - kinetics subscription package. Today I feel excited and for that I thank you Tor�

looks great for business!

the 80:20 webinar, which was excellent. It’s given me focus on

Okechukwu Eze

where to channel my efforts and will stop me precious wasting

Great webinar and really informative resources which I am now

time. Thank you Tor!


using within my Subscription to get new leads for my clinic. Highly recommend!!!

Nanda Hirani Co-kinetic has been a great investment for me, they

Vispi JAMOOJI Tor is a master at what she does. Passionate, putting heart and soul,

have made it easier for me to manage my social media posts. I no longer have to feel pressured to come up with

(aside of value) into helping physical therapists progress their marketing. Often clinicians like me, over 30 years in practice, missed the modern marketing / internet boat. Fear not Tor and her team are here to give therapy!

new things all the time, they have some great content that i use and i can definitely see an increase in activity on my social media which is turning

Thanks Tor for a great product and I

into real customers slowly!

look forward to growing with you.

Definitely recommended!

Katrina Wade

Love this marketing system. The admin support is second to none and what Tor does not know I could write on a postage stamp!

Chris Lander

Dan Smith

Tor has demonstrated a passion for

We have used Co-Kinetic “done for you social media for over 2 years now. I love the

supporting small businesses in particular

fact that I can set up the campaign and let it run for a month and not need worry about

and in my communications with her she

it. It bring in new leads and keeps our existing followers informed. As well as posting

has responded with my best interests

to our social medial channels we use the content for our patient notice boards and

at heart. Having only started my own

newsletters. This saves lots of time. Tor and her team are always on hand for advice

business in Sept 19, I have been looking

and help if you need it. I would really recommend their business for anyone looking to

for some support so that my business

save time on social media marketing.

can grow, strengthen and support a wide number of people in my community. Tor is sincere, speaks honestly and gives confidence to the worries held by smaller businesses. I am excited about the support and amazing resources produced by the Co-Kinetic team and, considering our current position, feel I now have the determination and the tools to be very positive about the future. Thank you Tor!

Kirsty Wales How to Monetise Your Physical Therapy Skills Online webinar from Tor Davies and CoKinetic is a must for any business owner trying to secure future revenues online. She teaches, what to do, how to do it and provides the platforms to implement it all. Invest 90 minutes of your time and watch this FREE webinar. It is packed full of ideas, suggestions and examples if you are stuck for ideas. Although therapist based, these principles can be applied to any business or industry. Protect yourself and your business today! Thank you Tor.

By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic founder

Membership Magic

Membership packages, purchased on a regular recurring payment basis, are extremely valuable to all businesses at all times, but with the challenge presented by a situation like Covid-19, they can be the lifeline that makes the difference between a business surviving or not. This article details the advantages of creating recurring revenue streams and then goes into more detail about the sorts of packages you could create within a physical or manual therapy business. Download the PDF of this article at the following link


f you’ve been on my latest webinar How to Monetise your Therapy Skills Online and Build New CovidResistant Online Recurring Revenue Streams you will already know that I’m strongly encouraging as many people as possible to start building recurring revenue memberships into their businesses, as soon as feasibly possible. Why? Because I believe Covid-19 will remain with us for the foreseeable future, and we’re very unlikely to have a reliable vaccine available to us within the next 6-12 months at the very least, which leaves businesses like ours, which are almost solely reliant on being face-to-face with our clients to earn our living, extremely vulnerable and exposed. Until we develop some new alternative streams of revenue, our businesses and all the time, effort and money we’ve invested in them to date, will be hanging from the gallows, with each of us hoping fervently that the trap door below doesn’t suddenly spring open. But is it worth gambling everything you’ve invested in your business to date, on that not

happening? I really hope not. Having built and run my own business for 22 years on a 100% subscription-based model, I know at first hand the strengths and advantages of this business structure. Here are just some advantages of a recurring revenue business model: 1. Recurring customers have a significantly higher lifetime value, in fact they spend more than twice as much as a pay-as-you-go customer 2. You get a greater opportunity to build a longer term relationship with a recurring revenue customer which builds trust and makes them more loyal and therefore more likely to refer to you 3. It allows you to predict ahead of time the demand for capacity, allowing you to plan more reliably and smooth out demand 4. Regular subscription/membership income is more reliable and predictable 5. There’s no need for invoicing which makes cashflow easier to manage 6. It creates ‘stickier’ customers who stay around for longer, and this gives you more opportunities to upsell

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:XX-XX 62

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and cross sell other services and products 7. By increasing the services you provide online, or by offering a blend of online and offline services as part of a membership package, you are better able to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on your business 8. Recurring revenue streams (ie. subscriptions/memberships) have a 3-4 times greater resale value than non-recurring revenue if/when you come to sell your business. Even without Covid-19 threatening our livelihood, developing and diversifying your streams of revenue is a good idea for any business. After all, we’ve just witnessed exactly what happens when we don’t, and forewarned needs to be forearmed, because most businesses won’t get a second shot at this.

Memberships in Physical Therapy Businesses

This isn’t a new concept and I know several practices who offer ‘physical’ membership packages, although far too few in my view. It could constitute anything from buy five sessions for 10% off the price of one-off appointments, through to much more complex offerings. Vicki Marsh’s article on pages 38-41 focuses mainly on these more ‘hands-on’ clinic membership offerings. What I’m proposing is to focus on building a much stronger online element into these packages, so that we’re not so heavily reliant on delivering physical treatments. In fact you could create a completely hands-on package or a completely (hands-off) online package or a combination of both. What you do is down to what you feel most comfortable with and what fits your skill set best. A fully online offering, such as an online special interest group perhaps, based around an ongoing medical condition, is going to be much more resistant to any further waves of Covid-19, but even a combination of both an online and offline offering, can help you maintain ongoing revenue as well as bolster the delivery of your physical services.


I cover this in detail in my webinar, so I would encourage you to register for, and watch that webinar (see Further Resources for details) but there are three main types of membership: a fully online offering; a fully offline offering ie. physical delivery; and then a blended online and offline approach. You could charge monthly or weekly for a specific period of time, or for an ongoing undefined period (the latter would be my recommendation). Financially, an ongoing model is much stronger as you’ll see from my Recurring Revenue Business Planning spreadsheet (which you can download from Further Resources below). The end goal is to put a package of services together, with as much of it being online as possible (if you want the greatest protection against the impact of Covid), that will add value to your members and help them to solve a very real pain or problem in their life, that you are ideally suited or qualified to solve and by harnessing the tools that you feel most comfortable using.

A Fully Online Membership

This could be a predominantly online group, where you publish or provide access to content that can help solve a problem, or provide support for a community of people with a common ‘pain’ or problem – this could include people for example who are suffering from long term conditions like chronic pain, specific forms of arthritis, mental health issues, dietary or nutritional issues, MS…the list goes on. The sorts of content you could include might be: l Reviews or write ups on newly published research l Online presentations by

yourself, colleagues or third parties l Interviews with other specialists in related areas l Specially curated YouTube playlists l Group Zoom discussions or Q+A sessions l One-to-one online sessions l Online classes eg. management techniques, stretching/strengthening programmes, stress management l Book club-type discussions around different types of treatment or management strategies l Links to publicly available resources, articles, leaflets. Once you let your imagination run free, you’ll probably think of all sorts of things you could incorporate to help support an online community. Even the community itself, can help to support each other. You don’t have to generate everything yourself, but in order to justify a monthly fee, there should be a component of the content that is unique and private to your community. This is my first choice recommendation, because it is based purely online and therefore completely Covidresistant. So during lockdown, I built the technology into existing


subscriptions to allow you to do everything you needed to run one of these groups, including taking sign-ups to your group, processing automated payments (both one-off and recurring) and managing memberships. So if you like this revenue idea, I’d definitely recommend you watch my webinar and visit the Help section on CoKinetic to see how it all works (see Further Resources). There’s no extra cost for this added functionality, I built it into the current subscriptions for free. The premise was that you would charge a monthly fee (depending on the value of the content you were providing) to provide ongoing content and support to this community. You can use the Business Planning spreadsheet (in Further Resources), to set targets, and create a financial model or plan for this kind of community. It doesn’t need to be an ongoing community (although this is a more robust financial proposition), it could be a fixed time-period programme to deal with a given injury instead. It doesn’t matter what the structure, my system will let you designate exactly how many weeks or months you want to set up a payment plan for.

A Blended (Online and Offline) Membership

This approach could include all the things I’ve covered above, but could also incorporate more traditional hands-on offerings. For example, you could decide to charge a monthly membership fee of say £50 and include a monthly hands-on treatment along with some additional value content as I’ve described above. This would help take the pressure off creating lots of unique content but you still need to offer compelling enough value, to make it worth subscribing to, rather than sticking with pay-as-you-go. You could email each customer a coupon which they present at their treatment to redeem that appointment. It doesn’t stop them booking their normal treatments, it just means you’ve incorporated a component of your treatments, into a recurring membership package, which makes it more stable and reliable. Obviously the more incentivised this price is, compared with the normal prices you’d charge, the greater the incentive to sign up. The coupon doesn’t necessarily have to be an appointment with you. You could partner up with people with complementary skill sets so that your subscriber could choose the treatment they wanted that month as a sort of bonus extra. For example if your group was focused on back pain,

you could offer yoga or Pilates sessions or even Tai Chi or a personal guided meditation. You could strike a deal with the people you team up with, to agree a proportion of the fee. All your subscriber would need to do is hand in their paper coupon at the time of their appointment, and that practitioner would send it to you for payment. That way all the money comes to you and then you pay out what you’ve agreed. These third-party appointments don’t need to necessarily be offline either, they could also be online classes, or one-to-one sessions. You get the idea. Basically you could construct whatever package you wanted, as long as it is well-designed to solve the problem or pain of the group you’ve built the package for. If someone was prepared to commit to weekly sessions, you could set this up using these same payment plans, just make sure to keep a note of how many sessions they’re buying, in case there is any disruption in being able to deliver or redeem these sessions.

Offline Membership

Lastly you could offer a completely offline package, ie. physical treatments only, much like those discussed in Vicki’s article on page 38. The only downside here is that it can easily be disrupted by local or national lockdowns and people may be a little more reluctant to make that commitment based on what we’ve been through. Regardless of whether you offer hands-on treatments as part of a purely offline membership, or a blended membership, make sure to have reasonable ‘use-by’ dates on your treatments. Don’t make it too tight a time frame (particularly given the fear of repeat local or national lockdowns), but equally don’t make it such a long redemption period that they leave it, forget about it and then come back to you asking for a refund. So what’s stopping you?

How Can I Find The Time?


If this is what you’re thinking, I’ll bet you a Cornish Cream Tea that you’re currently making a very ineffective and inefficient use of your time, sorry, but I’m not one to sit on the fence! Do you think it’s better to spend

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40 minutes giving a treatment, and getting £50 in the hand today, or is it better to spend 40 minutes investing in creating a piece of content that 10 new people a month would pay £7 a month to access? In other words, instead of a one-off £50 payment, you’d get £70 every month right there, for that same 40 minutes of invested time. And if you had 100 people accessing it, that 40 minutes would be worth £700 (14 times more than your payment for the one-off treatment). In fact, invest just one of your hands-on sessions a week (ie. see one less patient) on creating high value content, and you could be creating 3-4 unique pieces a month, and building a growing, evergreen library resource, that will continue to give value many months, or even years, into the future. And the greater the value of your resources within your community, the greater the amount you can charge to access it. On top of that, it doesn’t matter whether you have 10, 100, or 1,000 people signed up to your group, you don’t have to do any more work, or create any more content for 1,000 members as you would for 10. In other words the model is scalable, your input is not affected by quantity of customers, and this is the very best, most profitable, most cost-effective business model out there. It gives you the choice of whether to use the extra money you generate to support your family, your business, to bank it for future rainy lockdowns or invest further in your offering (which is always my choice). The better the product you have, the more desirable and useful it is, and the more people will want it. The more you invest, the more it will be worth in the longer term, it’s as simple as that.

But Managing Memberships Sounds Complicated

That’s where you’re wrong. Give me a pain or a problem to solve, and I’ll do exactly that! I’ve built a super-simple way that you can use the blank web page templates on the Co-Kinetic site to build a great looking sign up page, set your membership payment requirements, process automated payments and manage membership to

a private Facebook group. If there’s one thing I understand, it’s managing subscriptions and more importantly in the simplest and quickest way possible to do it, which is why I’ve created a new membership management section within the CoKinetic site. And building the sign up pages and taking payments is literally as simple as filling a few form fields in. Check out the Help section in Further Resources to see exactly how easy it is.

How Would I Find Enough Content?

This often seems the biggest hurdle before people get started, and yet it actually ends up being the easiest part once you’re going. The key is to build a content calendar for maybe a couple of months and let the content evolve based on what your community wants and responds to. Start with things you can create or find easily. These could be as simple as links to CoKinetic patient resources, it could be a playlist you put together of exercises on YouTube, a link to a piece of newly published research with your own take-home message. I cover a whole host of ideas in my webinar (and on my private Facebook Group – see Further Resources). It’s actually amazing how much good quality content is out there. Then focus your efforts on producing 2 or 3 really good quality pieces of content like a short PowerPoint presentation or an interview or Q+A session on Zoom, with a colleague or other specialist. It could be exercise sheets or a discussion about a certain exercise that is frequently done badly or incorrectly, or alternatively an exercise that is one of the most effective for the group you’re working with. There is so much content out there. This is exactly the kind of thing I’ll be covering in my own Private Facebook group which I’ve set up using exactly the same technology that I’ve created for you in your subscription. You can join my group for a very small recurring monthly fee at the following link Not only will you be able to see what the sign up pages look like, and how you might use them for your own customers, but once you join the

group, we will be discussing all sorts of ideas and suggestions for helping you put a group like this together. We’ll look at different ideas of what you can include in your membership packages and discuss the types of content that work best.

In Conclusion

As you’ll see from my Business Planning spreadsheet included in the resources below, even a very small monthly subscription charge of £10 per month, growing at just 10 new members a month (which is virtually nothing), can result in an extra £6k in revenue in the first year, and no less than £21k in the second year. That is a significant amount of additional revenue for very little time and cost investment. It is also based on an online-only offering. Incorporate some higher-value content like online classes, physical treatments, or maybe even a short one-to-one online consultations and you could easily double or triple that monthly membership cost. You can use the spreadsheet to model different variations. Start with promoting it to your existing email list and customer base, and you can get off to a great start right there with very little cost (maybe even no cost). I have no vested interest in this process. I make nothing from you using the Co-Kinetic system in this way, I added this value to Co-Kinetic purely to help you build more robust businesses that were better able to survive the Covid onslaught. All I can hope is that you will take my advice, and at the very least, explore the further resources below in more detail. And if you choose to join my private Facebook group at the link in the resources box, I will be there to share the journey with you.

Further Resources

l Register for my free webinar How to Monetise your Therapy Skills Online and Build New Covid-Resistant Online Recurring Revenue Streams at l Co-Kinetic Help Section on building new revenue streams using Co-Kinetic at this link l Tor’s Recurring Revenue Business Planning spreadsheet l Health Professionals Building Recurring Revenue Communities – subscription-based private Facebook group – more details at this link


Build It But Sadly They May Not Come


Here Are Some Tips On Promoting Your Events and Making Sure People Show Up

t doesn’t matter what kind of marketing activity you’re doing – whether it’s running an educational campaign on your social networks, promoting some kind of conversion event, or generating business through voucher sales – everything needs to be promoted. You can’t rely on sticking posts on your social networks and expecting them to magically conjure up paying customers because, as we established on page 14, very few organic (ie. unpaid) social media posts will actually find their way in front of your followers. It doesn’t matter if you have 100 or 10,000 followers on a social network, only a small minority of them will ever see your posts and the percentage that does will vary based on the different social networks. This is definitely not a case of ‘build it and they will come’. If you want to build your business, you need to be proactive in promoting whatever it is you want people to see, and making sure there’s a defined outcome that benefits your business.

Key Points About Promoting Events

l Make sure that, wherever possible, everything you put out there in whatever marketing form has some kind of call-to-action. It could be to sign up to something, to buy something, or to engage in something. Basically you need to make sure to ask them to take action that benefits your business. l If you’re running a conversion event, regardless of what type of


event it is, try and ensure there is always a purchasable call-toaction at one or more stages in the event customer journey – in other words give people something to buy, along with a special incentive to buy it, preferably there and then. l It’s advisable to add some time-pressure to your offer. The greater the time that lapses after your event, the less likely they will be to sign up. You could keep your best offer for during or immediately post-event, followed by a second slightly reduced offer for a short follow-up period post event (1–3 days). The greater the amount of time that lapses post-event, the less the chance of getting a successful upsell. l Make sure your sign-up page strongly emphasises the benefits to the viewer of attending the event, benefits are different to features. There’s a good article at this link which really helps to focus the mind. Explain how their lives will be better if they respond to your call-to-action. l If you’re going to make some kind of upsell offer as part of the process, make sure to tell them on the sign-up page, it’s an extra incentive for them to take action. l Always include the URL (web address) to the relevant sign-up page everywhere that you mention your event. I’ve listed some ideas on where you can do this below.

Ways to Promote Your Event 1

Send an email to your email list and explain clearly how it will

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:46-67s

GENERATING CUSTOMERS AND SALES benefit them – the warmer and more engaged your email list, the better the take-up you’ll get. 2 Post one or more social media posts on your social networks and pin one of those posts to the top of your page where possible (remember to unpin it once the offer is finished). 3 If you belong to any groups (both online and offline), spread the word about your event through these groups and make sure to specifically ask people to share the information with other people they know who might be interested. This might be obvious to us but, until you ask, people generally don’t think of doing it off their own backs. 4 Add a PS at the bottom of all your outgoing clinic emails (whatever the email purpose) highlighting any new events/ offerings/promotions – but again, make sure to remove this PS. once the event or offer is over. 5 Put up a poster in your clinic or leaflets on your clinic reception desk promoting your event. 6 You could always send a letter with details of your events, it’s a great way to keep past customers engaged in your business. 7 If you have a news section on your website make sure to include a at least a news snippet with a sign-up link ideally on the front page of your website. 8 You should definitely harness the power of pay-per-click advertising to promote your event – Facebook, Instagram, Google ads, etc (more details below). 9 See if you can get a piece of editorial into local newspapers, magazines or onto local radio. If you’re running an event off the back of one of our educational campaigns, you could offer the news outlet the customer newsletter that goes with that campaign in return for an extra paragraph at the end referencing your event (and don’t forget to give them the sign-up link). 10 Team up with local businesses to help promote your event through their channels and find a way that they can benefit in the process. If it’s a physical event, could they have a table at it to hand out free samples for example? 11 Invest in the design and production of some postcards that you could get distributed locally promoting your event. Postcards are incredibly cheap to have printed, and you can use a freelance site like to commission someone to design something which is specific for your needs, at a very low cost.

More Tips to Help You Generate Sign-ups to Your Events Good Copywriting is Key

The secret to successfully promoting anything comes down to two key things: (a) a good offer (ie. something that people want); and (b) good copywriting, which makes the offer sound compelling while remaining authentic and not over-exaggerating. This is why I employ copywriting freelancers for most pieces of work I create for you through the Co-Kinetic subscriptions (it’s not a skill I’ve ever mastered). You can employ freelancers for all sizes of jobs through websites such as and Good copywriting will give you better sign-up rates to your event, whatever shape or form that takes, and that in turn will give

you better conversion rates (ie. upsells) on your event, and therefore a better return on your investment. You could also ask the copywriter to help you with any accompanying social media posts and follow-up emails to encourage people to take you up on the upsells post-event.

Use Paid Advertising to Widen Awareness

This is a big suggestion, mainly because you can target people so specifically by interest area and, equally importantly, very geographically accurately. You have two routes you could go down: 1 Advertise some lead magnets on the topic of your proposed event to establish interest first, and then follow up with an offer to attend the event 2 Go straight for an event sign-up. As always, there are pros and cons to each route. If you take route 2 it will cost you more to get a ‘conversion’ from your ad (ie. an event sign-up) than it would to do a sign-up to download lead magnets because it’s a bigger ‘event’ that requires more commitment. Signing up to some simple downloads requires a much lower commitment while at the same time helping you to establish interest relatively cheaply (and establishing interest first will give you a better conversion to event). On the flipside, it becomes a two-step process (ie. lead magnet first, event sign-up second) as opposed to just the onestep process of event sign-up. In other words, it’s a case of ‘swings and roundabouts’ and as always, the key is testing. Try both strategies, see what works best, and then do more of the one that works. That way you know you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

More Resources and Help l How to Power-Up Your Email List: A Start Up Guide to Facebook Advertising for Physical Therapists [Article] l INTRODUCTION: How to Run Lead Generating Facebook Ads to Help You Build Your Email List and Get More Clients [Video Training] l The Blueprint for Running a Successful Open Clinic Event: Part 3 Your Paid Marketing Strategy [Article]


What Is Co-Kinetic and How Can It Help You? S

ince 1999, we have been producing engaging, peerreviewed educational content to help you as a practitioner stay clinically up-to-date. In the very first journal we published three photocopiable (well it was 1999!) peer-reviewed patient advice leaflets. In 2017, we took that considerably further, producing a whole range of ready-made, patient-facing marketing content for therapists. And that’s where things really took off.

The Co-Kinetic subscriptions can offer the following: A Peer-reviewed clinical education articles written to help you stay professionally up-to-date (delivered online and through our a quarterly printed Co-Kinetic journal which is posted worldwide, free of charge). B A substantial, fast-growing supply of patient-facing content which you can use to add value to your clients and promote yourself and your business in a totally unsalesy way. This includes: l ready-made social media (images, animations, videos); l brandable patient advice handouts and exercise sheets; l pre-written blog posts for your website; l pre-written customer emails to use in conjunction with your email list to build relationships with prospective and existing clients; l ready-made lead magnets to attract people to sign up to your email list; l pre-built and hosted email sign-up pages to help you build your email list; and l ready-to-deliver PowerPoint presentations to help you quickly and easily leverage the power of online (ie. webinars) or face-to-face education sessions as a means of converting prospects into paying clients. C Dummy-friendly technology which will help you put this content into action with absolutely ZERO technology skills. In short, it’s both a clinical education resource and a one-stop marketing and sales solution for physical and manual therapists which focuses on consistently adding value to your readers. It is a highly effective way to both enhance your existing customer experience, as well as to build trust with new prospective clients, in a way that matches your professional integrity.

The Co-Kinetic Subscriptions

There are four core subscriptions and each one also includes the content in the subscriptions listed above it, in other words, the Social Media subscription also includes the Patient Leaflets and the Clinical Education subscriptions and so on. 1 Patient Leaflets (brandable with your business details) 2 Clinical Education 3 Social Media and Clinical Education 4 Clinic Growth Subscription

You can find out more about pricing details here. 68

What Does Each Subscription do?

1 Patient Information Resources – lets you deliver a


great customer experience to your existing customers as well as help you to build trust, reputation and authority by sharing links to the leaflets through your website, social networks, in your emails and printing them out and distributing them locally (which also helps to raise awareness of your business). 2 Clinical Education – everything listed in the Patient Resources subscription above along with professional development content helping you to stay clinically up-to-date and maximally effective in the treatment of your patients, while also saving you time and giving you an enjoyable, engaging and highlyoptimised learning experience. 3 Social Media and Clinical Education – everything listed above plus ready-made social media to help you deliver high-value, engaging and professionallooking social media pages. This not only promotes your professionalism but also adds value to your page followers by offering downloadable resources. The social media facility can also help you to grow your email list through the pre-built email lead collection pages also included in the subscription, particularly when supplemented with some pay-perclick advertising. 4 Clinic Growth Subscription – everything listed above plus everything you need to help you convert prospects into paying customers and increase your sales without being salesy. It also includes pre-written nurture emails, blog posts to help with SEO and ready-to-deliver PowerPoint presentations that you can use to give education sessions either online or offline. There are also around 50 presentations currently available, including web pages you can use to manage the events, take single or recurring payments/memberships or run courses or classes. Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–81

ABOUT CO-KINETIC There are two IMPORTANT things you need to know: i. We have created the content (and technology) to work both in its own right and also as part of a bigger picture marketing funnel. That means you have a ready-made marketing strategy you can follow from top to bottom. The strategy, when executed in full, can generate almost everything you need from your marketing and supply you with as many customers as you want, and more importantly WHEN you want them. ii. The whole marketing strategy uses a value-add approach, known as content marketing, explored in more detail on page 5, which means there’s always something useful and valuable for the recipient of your information – and equally importantly to us as therapists, it never comes across as being salesy.

A Co-Kinetic Overview (click image to play)

Data from our Marketing Grader revealed that the three biggest marketing obstacles for physical and manual therapists are Knowledge, Time and having access to quality Resources, and together they make up just under 90% of what therapists say is holding them back with their marketing. A further 9% are concerned about technology and coming across as being salesy. The Co-Kinetic Marketing System has been designed specifically to eliminate all 6 of these problems. In the upcoming pages we’ll explore in more detail how it achieves this. Reference: Data from 1,500 responses to The Co-Kinetic Marketing Grader 2017-2021


Hip Happy

placement Total Hip Re Fundamentals find to walk far, or o you struggle or for too long, that if you sit you or bend over, try to squat down Maybe in your hip/s? experience pain that, and you d further than it’s progresse around? aid to move rely on a walking tried some Possibly you’ve like physical is too treatments already, if the bone damage have therapy, but to treatments tend advanced, the


Benefits of e Good Postur


little or no effect. g (and very debilitatin Pain can be coming especially when depressing) involved in as your hip is from the hip, you make. movements nearly all the ent (or hip Total hip replacem g you may be somethin arthroplasty) a health discussed with that have already nal. It is a technique years care professio recent in ad deep widespre has become strengthen the for improving Exercises to to the need of your neck by in response on the front flexor muscles and reduce have been damaged hip joints that your neck posture will improve and joints injury or arthritis. your neck muscles ent surgery may the load on replacem Joint for pain. or causing the treatment option of a ‘head forward’ offer the best for the hip Being conscious we adapt with improvement which long-term posture, treatments have ‘poking chin’ r work and excessive joint, when other In a majority of te. prolonged compute ent proven inadequa use. ne replacem hip smartpho a total cases, having a return to pain and means the reduces joint t, and generally pain-free movemen surgery, the better the sooner you have


go a good posture he benefits of ‘looking the vanity of way beyond to your pain levels good’. From posture impacts dence, your to your self-confi in the effort think. Putting more than you huge payoffs. posture offers improve your



LOW position in a slouched Sitting or standing time stresses d periods of ly, it puts for prolonge More specifical your lower back. of the spine, the structures pressure on discs, facet intervertebral including the where each contact points above points (the small meets the one individual vertebra surrounding ligaments and the and below),

. the outcome

Head Forward




ENERG and joints are When your bones it allows the t, in correct alignmen they were used as muscles to be fatigue you’ll have less intended, so work as the muscles and more energy

Regular on your back. specific exercise and of your strengthening

core and gluteus (buttock) muscles will help. In addition,set up, desk changing your hours slouching and avoiding lower will reduce your on the couch back pain.


Generally, the WHO older you get, HAS HIP your REPLACEMENT the greaterneeding chance of SURGERY? ent,

You are never surgery. ‘too old’ for risk of Although the is surgery in general a hip replacem older you greater, the gender. has regardless of are, the research someone over and For example, shown that elderly higher chance from having has a 9 times better results the age of 70 get than someone ent frail patients replacem a fall, than of having a hip ent following your weight, a hip replacem age, the greater fracture. If there aged 55. Like repair of a hip of needing surgery. a of lack chance simply and due to pain the greater your strain you is a risk of falling to be better you are the more ing hips – it’s likely The heavier you have mobility in your hip joint, contribut before your ent on ritis, place replacem g osteoarth to have a hip are not to developin significantly risk of Sadly the statistics increases your an accident. an adverse medical ing which ultimately a good for experienc replacement. and there is having needing a hip high fracture, patients are event after a 6 months More and more of death within younger age. significant risk e done at a replacement the procedur fracture. Hip ents are following a hip of hip replacem proven to improve of 65. Nearly a third under the age surgery has been done on patients that the in elderly patients. due to the fact survival rates hips This is probably (artificial) chronic prosthetic of people withmany science of making andproblems years report over thepain WHY As with any and has advanced years often over 15 which now lastsleeping, procedure, HAVE A HIP they has ‘new’ hips will worse; recovery pain sufferers feel and your In addition, makes the pain tion you of chronic REPLACEMENT up to 25 years. their pain rehabilita in a thus resulting(well or no control over surgeon d and with intensive littlewill WHEN THERE have progresse with ‘running’ cycle of pain of peoplebe frustrating back up and discuss the MAY BE RISKS can next you or the ess on Pain the(2016) Facts and Figures chronic pain sleeplessn care system. andday WITH risks versus and the health within the same Pain Association walking) Academy of their social environment people can resume report it being Reference: Surgery impact on patients, RY?Americanpainbenefits. surgery. Most Research 2016;9:457-67 SURGE review of chronic afterdisabling Journal of Pain day the first 3 to Reference: A severely review activities within routine in the UK: a systematic normal 2016replacement. of chronic pain Open hip studies BMJ total Reference: Prevalence of population their http://www.spine of 2016 Pain and meta-analysis weeks 6Facts About Chronic

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Chin Poke

20-30 and muscles. frequently, every Moving around from prevent you minutes, will postures and adopting poor l loads imposing abnorma



e to can contribut Poor posture due headaches, cervicogenic tension and in the back of muscle tension to increased your posture, if you correct the neck. Often and reduce muscle tension s. you can reduce from headache the risk of suffering to ease programme A stretching s, and headache can reduce tight muscles techniques, with manual can reduce physical therapy needling dry even massage and muscle spasm.


. more efficiently types of muscles: There are different postural muscles, like slow twitch muscles, at a low intensity but contract designed to is just what for hours, which that can work day when you need all you’re standing or sitting; and

times more likely

Reference: 3





fast twitch muscles, or prime movers, designed to contract with greater force and effect, to t. generate movemen


Little Known

ake Up Wake Up,urSh ng Energy Flowi PRODUCED


9 x 14%


The Patient Information Resources Subscription

a variety be caused by Hip pain can : of factors, including not heal does l An injury that properly illness l A chronic years of and tear from l Normal wear constant use conditions, especially l Severe arthritic ritis osteoarth such as a a result of trauma, by a l Injuries as dislocation caused hip fracture or fall.


Figures on Pain care system. (2016) Facts and and the health Pain Association Academy of social environment on patients, their Reference: American pain impact Research 2016;9:457-67 review of chronic Journal of Pain Reference: A

and Get Yo

s of sick certificate come from chronic pain and mental health problems


ability to are limited in their perform daily activities

Who is this subscription for and what can it do for you?

Figures on Pain care system. (2016) Facts and and the health Pain Association Academy of social environment on patients, their Reference: American pain impact Research 2016;9:457-67 review of chronic Journal of Pain

Reference: A




of people have

to change their occupational duties or post

feeling of people report their depressed due to chronic pain

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your day in the want to startISTS Figures on Pain practices however, if you L THERAP care system. (2016) Facts and and the health of Pain Association MANUA well spent. Yoga environment a lot to achieve; American Academy on patients, their social AL AND there’s often mat will be time moments for Reference: pain impact FOR PHYSIC Research 2016;9:457-67 is precious as CES minutes review of chronic on your yoga those precious Journal of Pain Reference: A orning timeVING RESOUR a few moment, claiming TIME-SA state of mind, in the present m, best possible focus and be ng your metabolis the day. to help you for kick-starti for the rest of are designed weight-bearing twists are great at your best muscles and choose from, can perform blood to your practices to own body, yourself, so you poses for your energising yoga stretching brings of chronic pain sufferers sitting, adapting the There are many relieves stiffness, between the plenty of time, disability ion of your joints resting poses when you have Add have obtained a out all gentle mobilisat morning. them d available each strength. Try pension for recognise poses build g on the time match dependin if necessary. then mix and incapacity to work standing sections kneeling and jobs Figures on Pain care system. (2016) Facts and people lose their pain problem sit on the and the health Pain Association na) Academy of it difficult to social environment on patients, their Reference: American le. If you find Pose (Sukhasa pain impact due to their chronic your upper Research 2016;9:457-67 review of chronic Easy Seated Journal of Pain feel most comfortab a wall. Keep Reference: A Figures on Pain however you or lean against care system. (2016) Facts and close your and the health Sit on the floor raise your hips of Pain Association environment on the legs and American Academy on patients, their social a cushion to on hands Reference: your the impact sitting pain for planning Research 2016;9:457-67 down, rest floor, try review of chronic 2 minutes. Blink Journal of Pain upon as a basis Reference: A your shoulders not be relied breath for 1 to 2019 body lifted, draw only and should to your natural ©Co-Kinetic information you feel? Listen individual case. guidance and eyes. How do





1 in 5

ng Sleepi de Si Position


in each general medical advice is intended as for specialist in this article n contained as a substitute The informatio individual medical care or

A8 eyes open. Video: https://yo

na) your waist (Parivrtta Sukhasa your spine and turn at you and the up through goes behind position, lengthen so one hand release and From your sitting hands with you breaths, then side, take your position for 5 round to one BY: knee. Hold this each side. PRODUCED the opposite Go twice to other holds opposite side. 0g repeat on the Video: https://yo them front and walk Forward Stretch hands out on the floor in on or -Leg body Crossed Place your your upper legs crossed. to side. Fold 5 breaths, come Sit with your slightly side allow. Hold for body swaying the stretch will as away from your far as and repeat. crossed legs opposite way towards your your legs the -g back up, cross Video: https://yo

Pose Revolved Easy


Lying on Your Front




Sleeping Pos ition Flat On Bac k

foot onto bring your right Twist Take hold right knee and pointing back. ed, bend your with fingers torso to legs outstretch your right hip Sit with both and rotate your right hand behind hand. Engage your core the other side. floor. Place your your left and repeat on right knee with here, release of your outer and breathe Ps the right. Pause Video: https://yo

Staff Pose with

not be n only and should 2020 ic and informatio case. ©Co-Kinet general guidance is intended as in each individual in this article medical advice n contained for specialist The informatio care or as a substitute to 8 x your body up individual medical which can be

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muscles, to improve training helps when they exceed weight. Strength may have unners are injured (be it muscle, to load. You with high your tolerance their tissue capacity and some light weights for planning eor cartilage) thought doing upon as a basis tendon, bone simulates enduranc not be relied short contact repetitions, which be best as running is an runners have n only and should case. ©Co-Kinetic 2019 and informatio tolerance. Elite would hip/knee drive, in each individual get all the general guidance type training ground, high medical advice is intended as However, you pattern. time with the for specialist in this article running endurance sport. and a stiff running n contained as a substitute you need from high cadence The informatio individual medical care or competitive obese, training e even enduranc runners, causes overweight or of form of However, most Strength training a cause of being increased risk don’t have the on the road. WHAT’S WRONG results in an muscles, tendons non-professionals high, INACTIVE? which in turn However, the changes in your withstand specific athlete. WITH BEING the fourth leading risk cy is at its all-time living and diabetes. style allow them to that calibre of ife expectan is are heart disease shown that even not the running shows and bones which results Physical inactivity so many people ISTS research has More often than latest research L THERAP forces. For best the fact that is a most current time, little are inactive, MANUA for death. The s works 80s and 90s factor high loads and longer stance risk their AND factor individuals that a a repetition of AL into BY: consists PHYSIC life is as great with fewer PRODUCED longer, well normal weight and a generally sad reality is CES FOR disease. type high weights disease low cadence However, the RESOUR that a sedentary developing or explosive jumpingdrive and lift, include a obesity, for heart wonderful ideal.TIME-SAVING are at risk of can often on your job best. Also doing al style. You doesn’t always simply a as smoking and can blame it strengthen your not longer to you is t r deal. living coming less economic While that hours in y behaviou a package ssional runner exercises is importan and prevent you to sit for risk. Sedentar of life, it’s not of individual performance ‘hear’ a non-profe the heavy negative good quality school that forces but a cluster children is legs and improve them –not from mitigate the outlive their lack of activity s power which or lying is the you can also each before you see Many people of generate sitting day, moderate feeling a of up aid where landing Strength rs injury. and end from the which may energy 60-75 minutes behaviou form, be it breathing but of posture, and propulsion, and and their pensions, a financial, physical effects with just running in any essential for from your activity a day. dominant mode stride. That said, To get the best like they’ve become on their families. intensity physical marathons and is very low. running speed. d as 1-2 strength or competitive expenditure l burden recreational day, always associate should perform you than doing and emotiona run of pills every running, you Inactivity was s, is better for per week, replacing before half marathon Swallowing handfuls and requiring nursing EXERCISE? s of your style. training sessions best, ence be YOU regardles may grace It . nothing NS WHEN results in: would ease and losing independ run with the sessions if necessary and prescribed WHAT HAPPE that regular physical activity way most people in We can’t all get advice care is not the shown - lung capacity, , however changes physical you start, to their last years. Research has sical fitness of Eliud Kipchoge a running coach, can take in improved choose to spend health-related phy exercises from are steps you form can result 1.1 Improved copes training and However, there . Making importantly trainer. rate for example atus - your body therapist or economy and risk of this outcome steps and resting heart performance, e and functional st to reduce the small n. exercise toleranc EMENT decision to take , with activity injury preventio 2.2 Increased a conscious fatty tissue, make all the LOAD MANAG y how much more efficiently today, could obesity, reduced essentiall better and moves (literally) from forward. Your load is n - protect against AND your body. your life going STRENGTH body compositio and stressing d difference in HDL G 3.3 Improved when performe you are training mileage (fats), higher control CONDITIONIN reaction force triglycerides be your runs, Physical activity, improved weight e sessions, time rofiles - reduced Your loadorwould proven to prevent the ground been alternativ running, protein p has the hill ntary or When chronic lipid lipo regularly, some of control ompleme per week, speed weight, with more than 20 4.4 Enhanced used for a HDL ratios blood sugar is 2.5-3 x body lower LDL to your calf therapies are names and help manage nsitivity – better coronary heart cholesterol, going through asis and insulin se healthcare practices s. These include of highest forces homeost cancer, range condition wide glucose type 2 diabetes, along with 5.5 Improved in your body and used alone or disease, stroke, chemical balance that may be improved blood pressure health problems etc. that maintains treatment for you can’t 6.6 Reduced tone, glands obesity, mental processes medical Sadly, gut – s. life. standard condition vessels tone, autonomic tone and quality of your tone, blood musculoskeletal 7.7 Improved terms health, wellbeing of exercise from formation like heart muscle often use the the risk of clot bank the benefits active throughout your regulating things reducing – Although people n therapies e being and alternativ d blood coagulatio youth. Ideally health benefits, : complementary 8.8 Decrease give optimal there is a difference od flow health lifespan would interchangeably, has shown the : the therapy Improved heart blo 9. research therapies 9 activity entary however blood vessels ● Complem heart function t or medicine through physical ent lining of your 10. ard treatmen 10 Improved gains achieved and developm on – the inner nal time. So, it doesn’t is a non-stand for some cancers with conventio endothelial functi attained at any factor start! be in risk together you Enhanced can and key as use 11. –a ) long 11 that you . your health nflammation you start, as plaque formation t or medicine state can affect matter when directly Reduced systemic i the arteries and not saying you medical treatmen 12. illness is now therapy is a 12 (narrowing of Now we’re certainly fact 70% of all l health therapies: the keeping Ultraof atherosclerosis ● Alternative medicine that stress. It is worth l-being and menta up for an IronMan treatment or attributed to have to sign entary or psychological wel non-standard the next Crossfit nal medical while complem 13. fractures 13 Improved of conventio in mind that Triathlon or become activity includes all bones from have their use you use instead ontrol or loss which protects Physical 14. walking alternative therapies the greatest effect medicine. 14 Weight c Superhuman. in bone density treatment or for joints such as everyday illness, bones – increases better support managing an inducing forms of exercise, 15. active play, 15 Stronger and joints on people is e therapies WITH from A to B, muscles providing have muscles get TION to strong ; alternativ may – surely lth and and they – stronger or cycling recreation IN ASSOCIA risk of falls ED prevention is changes, Complementary 16 Joint hea ility on your feet PRODUC16. reduces the activity and active relaxation; therefore ss diet and exercise and balance and work-related dancing, balance and stab nt improves can encompa nt, out in a gym, 17. 17 Improved tic adjustme nerve recruitme better than cure. such as working games, as well alternative therapies as well as better hypnosis, chiroprac a person’s skin playing active The field of into gardening or fractures. and more ive sport. subsequent poking needles evolving area treatments. and competit is is vast. It’s an among other as organised (acupuncture), as well as of these therapies ISTS research in all therapies work L THERAP needs. ga Some of these ts and they said, integratin to your specific ThatMANUA AL AND BY: may needed. PRODUCED medical treatmen may be adjusted added for progression. FOR PHYSIC into your routine conventional These exercises RESOUR CES you may be After handful of these fewer side effects. If at any time other exercises TIME-SA haveVING ts to your health. strengthen the often through this. As you improve exercises to medicine is premiseda have solid benefi of these will guide you so they can and e has specific Naturopathic and is reason why some physical therapist physical therapist stopping it muscle balance a programm nature Your your of there’s improve of exercise all, s power It will simply for thousand This discomfort consult on the healing To get the best your shoulder. medicine. e, rather than feel pain or have been around of alternative and upper back. muscles around tion programm , in both broad branch shoulder blade adjust the rehabilita with good technique years. believe doctors are trained stability of your Poor the exercises line is this: we Naturopathic e medicines. and correctly. must perform all together. The bottom and alternativ as long benefit you t. Do them slowly a conventional works for you, the cause of g and alignmen in doing what understand with a doctor positionin lead to strain and injury. They seek to with Band mental, physical as you’ve consulted exploring its on. Youpractice can Dumb Waiterband in your hands. condition by er you can rely in a given or practition manifestations of Western Hold an exercise them and spiritual involves a combination in, keeping thy typically may need a therapies 45 Degrees Tuck your elbows next to your body. patient. Naturopa techniques, including complementary Band Flexionband under your foot, t medicine and bent at 90 degrees up. Move your variety of treatmen changes, herbal face Take Place an exercise heal. ral palms to in end upwards. Place your nutrition, behaviou thy and acupuncture. to create a stretch and lift the other side (45 arms outwards slightly to the same time, medicine, homeopa is in the more holistic your arm out you have band. At the t the exercise muscles, the front). When Another benefi back. This many of degrees from arm back shoulder blade midline of the approach of contract your towards the limit, move your your ‘whole person’ seconds. mobility reached your shoulder blades Hold for 10 ers, which considers will improve drawing your your shoulder. its practition down. This exercise shoulder. Perform l health, life-style, exercise for is a mobility to your mental and emotiona in addition to and strength REPS 10 and habits, background provides a SETS 1 both sides. health. This your physical and a more Video: health picture k REPS 10 In more complete many ailments. 3 https://yo treat SETS to effective way approach makes this personal of Video: many cases, AEktw5dQ0I them a sense your arms straight. better, giving active role Press-Up people feel position, with under in a press-up by taking a more bottom tucked . Position yourself empowerment line, with your bending in a straight the floor by health and wellbeingemotional al Keep your body in their own chest towards core, back Desk Extern Band shown that your flat. Drop your This is a chest, Science has and your back start position. do a PushRotation with on a desk, with Return to the progress this forearm the elbows. exercise. To ed your Resting your rotate strengthening up and straighten 90 degrees, perceivated and shoulder have pushed your arm bent from the women were is when you away ISTS Up PLUS. that L THERAP in arm outwards the days when down into the the your are ating more MANUA with even gone AND AL creating a resistance BY: from) particip elbows, push like a PRODUCED Thankfully, long CES FOR PHYSIC table part stays in contact with for the often banned your upper back taking ning exercise for (and from band. VING RESOUR floor raising Your elbow This is a strengthe you can perform this be too weakTIME-SA we were prohibited to time. PROS stretch. whole cat the THE nce sports at the As you improve upon a time larly endurathe deskcuffthat it muscles. unsupported and you elbow sport. Once physical being shoulder l activities, particu at the timerotator in sport and 10 physica with your arm of REPS g standing Getting involved a wide range of illsorts exercise in all the thinkin SETS 3 g whataswe your shoulder. knowin and cycling, activity can prevent in later life, same height , particularly health. Ironic, like marathons Video: range of REPS 10 benefits. health problems L8J3cprDY our reproductive across a whole a myriad of health SETS 3 compromised of exercise as well as offer impact on the benefits have a positive as For girls, it can Video: gical health, know now about t SB lfSRenfpc and psycholo concerns. diseases both physical Arm Push Agains the risk of chronic women’s health arm, push well as reduce new With a straight networks, and ball on the ities interpersonal in later life. opportun against a Swiss it can help prevent Arm Bent It can expand high value on Double a great exercise ent For older women, opportunities. who place a as well developm wall. 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This is a back SETS 3 cardiovascular skills contributes exercise. ent of weight, well as develop excellence strengthening THE CONS in the managem nce of the pursuit of Video: entand maintena REPS 10 goal-setting, aFp0l-izM to the formation 3 most and other achievem joints and I am sure muscles and in performance be invaluable all of that,SETS for planning rs which can After reading healthy bones, of the can be upon as a basis half way out Video: not be relied oriented behaviou risk of falls which mkhtzYbKk Yes! of you are already reduces the n only and should case. ©Co-Kinetic 2019 girls. shoes on… good in older women. and informatio to women and with your training is in each individual can also facilitate general guidance door sounds particularly serious as roles, advice “it t activity medical is intended importan Physical men) of all you’re thinking, for specialist in this article One of its most ent for No? 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Get Physical Ladies, Let’s

eat Sheet Golf Injury Ch 62%

tend to come s in your techniq but their injuries s you can addres tips and change Here are some with few lessons helpful, or a your injury risk. swing may be sheet video your golf following cheat bunker. The Having a friend e is the of the injury your lead arm/sid keep you out and therefore a coach could golfers). nded golfer right-ha a are for left-handed assumes you apply vice versa principles would left (the same

Your Feet Thinking On U

the you can’t bank nfortunately from your youth, benefits of exercise 40 years help you hoping it will is to have The ideal scenario down the line. lifespan but throughout your been active health can shown that your research has at any age, physical activity you start, benefit from matter when meaning it doesn’t start! as long as you


been ly, hasThe Injury performed regular ons. These conditi or exercise, when Physical activity e over 20 chronic Lead Wrist (left t and manag 2 diabetes, cancer, your lead hand Hold proven to preven , stroke, type ons. players) ry heart disease oskeletal conditi for right handed include corona s and muscul thumb health problem in front of you, obesity, mental is a SIONAL up, make a fist. There 3 PROFES RK EXPANSION are usually more or angle at the NETWO

during the workday may log fewer though they productive, even rarely relates all know, quantity hours. As we that being are some ways you to quality! Here e, can make in the workplac more active you do. better at what


natural cup

is the a time, business the wrist – this Once upon over placeof to takeback for the joint. s. networking used power position or lavish weekend ent boozy lunches corporate environm Thankfully the changes making some , seems to be stricter spending s and in this area with ent allowance n tighter entertainm perceptio for public more concern Leads Elbow the awarenes (not to mention With a enticement). of corporate n of health growing populatio ls, conscious individua we may see

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The Problem

The Solution

– thumb a ‘weak position’ If left hand in - you risk of the handle down the top and wrist on impact a flat or bowed possible injury strength to arm and wrist Inadequate in this through impact lead the club position wrist for end and cock Tend to over-ext tendons the extensor if power, stressing s, especially ing ligament and overload frequently hitting the ground forearm on outside of Extensor tendons impact of ed by jarring are overload and ground mishitting ball is poor stroke, strain and tendonit Results in muscle called of the elbow on the outside

INJURIES RUNNING m COMMON Do About The ‘tennis elbow’ tight gripping by excessive Exacerbated of the club

of the on the inside by What to Flexor tendons overloaded And pen Trail strained and Elbow the forearm are the wrist during How They Hap flexing and rotating rough phase


Good Undergoing revision rehabilitation surgery helps prevent the need for a revision

Why is that important?




Reduce pain postoperatively by Does preoperative

Joint Surgery of Bone and Surgery. Journal Research 2019 and Hip OrthopaedicPatients. Journal of Aging Spine, Knee, in Elderly in Inpatient Elective Surgery for Hip Fractures Adverse Events following Associated with and Mortality Reference: Factors . Reference: Morbidity 2017;99(16):1365-1372

Walking with the help of a physical therapist within 3-5 hours after surgery






Reduce hospital stay by day

2 2

Independently days climbing stairs nearly without sooner than people physical therapy and meta-analysis of

outcomes? A surgery improve 2016 replacement to undergo joint British Medical Journal Open for patients planning controlled trials. randomised

1 2 DAY

Being safely 3 discharged from hospital after 3 days

Following a Knee (thigh muscles) physical therapy strength programme increase by including % strengthening exercises, aquatic therapy and and Postural stability walking after by balance improved surgery results in:

Clots the Risk of Blood y Ways to Reduce ement Surger after Hip Replac your risk patient education and

systematic review

Reduces of developing a DVT (clot), stroke and heart attack to potentially leading sudden death, to





improvement in walking

symmetry (difference leg, ‘bad’ between good and term) avoiding a limp long

e Post-Operativ What Does Good y Mean? + Faster walking ability Physical Therap risk of limp

= =

+ Reduced + Greater independence your + Better stability on feet and therefore… + Reduced risk of falling + Reduced fear of falling + Less risk of damaging new hip

cadence gait speed and improve strength, 2013 home setting outpatient or of Physiotherapy exercises in the review. Journal a systematic ted rehabilitation Physiotherapist-direc elective total hip replacement:

2010;81(5):599-605 Acta Orthopaedica arthroplasty: arthroplasty, hip and knee hip and knee Recovery primary after fast-track complications 2014 following Enhanced and mortality risk of thromboembolic Acta Orthopaedica procedures. Reference: Low short-term complications consecutive Reference: Reduced results from 6,000


for planning upon as a basis not be relied n only and should case. ©Co-Kinetic 2019 and informatio in each individual general guidance medical advice is intended as for specialist in this article n contained as a substitute The informatio individual medical care or




your wrist

Here are some more ideas for how to use the patient leaflets: l Use them to deliver a fantastic customer experience by sending them as links in emails to clients after their appointments (perhaps also take this opportunity to ask them for a testimonial or review ). l Include them as links in your nurture emails to build trust, establish authority and more importantly add value to your emails. l Share them as links on your social networks, on local business pages, or in local discussion forums where they can add value to the existing conversation (or use them as a conversation starter). l Print them out and distribute them locally through businesses, sport and exercise settings & clubs, community & health centres, village halls & libraries, GP surgeries, local supermarkets. l Post them to past (and existing) clients as a way of keeping in touch. l Include them in leaflet stands or dispensers in your clinic waiting area. l Take them with you to open days, local meetings or exhibitions. l You can also use the posters included in this subscription to liven up WAYS the walls in your clinic or to support your treatment room. local business



The Cycle of Being less active


Time off work, money worries, relationship concerns


Loss of fitness,muscle weakness, joint stiffness


Negative thinking, fear of the future, depression and mood swings

Create a ‘no go’ list of things can’t do

And because they can 2 all be branded, they are 3 SHOP 4 LOCAL great, almost ‘accidental’, 5 marketing resources. The patient leaflets are included in all four of our core subscriptions which means anyone with a subscription, has access to them. For more ideas on practical ways to use patient leaflets to build relationships all the way through your customer journey – read my help post here to get the creative juices flowing >. 1

Like, comment or share their social media posts - it helps them get seen by other people, who may buy from them E Tell your friends and family about them


Sleep problems, tiredness and fatigue

Weight gain and loss

Write a review for them on their Facebook page or Google Business listing

Stress, fear anxiety, anger and frustration

Sign up to their email newsletter Buy a gift voucher from them

The information contained in this article is intended as general guidance and information only and should not be relied upon as a basis for planning individual medical care or as a substitute for specialist medical advice in each individual case. ©Co-Kinetic 2019





2010;81(5):599-605 Acta Orthopaedica arthroplasty: arthroplasty, hip and knee hip and knee Recovery primary after fast-track complications 2014 following Enhanced and mortality risk of thromboembolic Acta Orthopaedica procedures. Reference: Low short-term complications consecutive Reference: Reduced results from 6,000

practicing mobilising with crutches prior to surgery

not the wrists

Following The Best Results How Can I Get Replacement? My Hip

Clots the Risk of Blood y Ways to Reduce ement Surger after Hip Replac Anticlotting medication

from the body

Power ent Managem and cocking (flexing) sm flicking Avoid avoid hills Possible Mechani impact.Rest or reduce running, s on and after Neural mobility Signs and Symptom much too soon, and speed training. Related to too exercises, eccentric flexibility, weak back of the and flexibility Pain along inadequate 7% impact and follow-th extensors, poor feels tight strengthening. thigh, muscle is on the inside glutes and back in tendonit pain at results Strain and ‘weak’. Sharp elbow‘ eccentric strength. ‘golfer’s muscle the of called the origin of elbow s, in the buttocks. tight structure flexibility of Mobility/ and pelvis core. weak glutes and pelvis, weak strengthening Weak glutes the outside of to running in including core. Tightness down Can be related road). 13% it attaches curve of the thigh, pain where gutter (on the Iliotibial Band cross train. of the knee. glutes. to the outside Reduce running, Syndrome (ITB) muscles, often damage to the ly Strengthen weak Irritation and cap. structures common the Stretch tight behind the knee in and around Pain cartilage and t flexors. 40% to alignmen quads and hip knee. Possibly related Patellofemoral nics. e leg biomecha Pain Syndrom Rest, icing, taping. (Runner’s Knee) on soon. Running Too much too front of Pain along the hard surfaces. 15% be red and the shin. Can Medial Tibial e inflamed. Stress Syndrom running, cross Rest or reduced eccentric (Shin Splints) tion of stretching and and degenera training, ing Overload along always inflamed. strengthening. Pain and tightness up to the tendon, not 11% the ankle the back of Achilles flexibility the calf. Tendinopathy Rest, icing, mobility/ and calf. e e tissue of the connectiv of connectiv the foot Overloading exercises for of foot g the foot due Strengthening Pain along bottom tissue supportin hips 15% lower limb. muscles, weak and foot heel. Fasciitis weak and to Plantar calves. and glutes, tight

PHYSICspeeding up independence and exercise Patient educationRESOUR CES FOR the toilet and/or days VING TIME-SA surgery can: by nearly

your chance of having an adverse event



Following My The Best Results Physical Therapy How Can I Get – Pre-Operative by L THERAP ISTS functional ability Hip Replacement? Improve in using AL AND MANUA before

Medical Having a Bad BY: Your Risk of PRODUCED Surger y Ways to Reduce Hip Replacement more than DOUBLES Outcome from

for more arm and elbow Avoid locking relaxed, arms it straight but power. Keep to finish ‘soft’ from start will pull the left of downswing Momentum arm straight impact forces absorption of and This allows better through tendons load s and decrease ligaments

Hamstring Strain

70 20 58 25 15



Spine, Knee, in Elderly Patients. in Inpatient Elective Surgery for Hip Fractures Adverse Events following Associated with and Mortality Reference: Factors . Reference: Morbidity 2017;99(16):1365-1372

target about away from the is Rotate left hand So your thumb weak position. o 30 from the clock. an imaginary a at about 1 on in the wrist and a slight cup This creates position better power


The Injury

ry From Speedy Recove tion How Make a era lacement Op Your Hip Rep

PhysioExp ert

#healingh ands

your left with your legs Flex through on the floor and rotate Begin sitting to the left thigh. with your legs, of the foot next body forwards, parallel place the sole as you fold your Stretch the arms side to side on the other your toes upwards. left leg. Sway 5 breaths. Repeat towards your knee. Hold for your upper body towards your NT6MgpK5g forwards, head side. Video:

ing, Running Train Injury Strength and

atient leaflets help to deliver a great customer experience all the way along your customer journey from prospect to paying client. You can give them to your existing customers, post them to past customers, add links to them in your nurture emails, post them on your social networks and on your website and print them out and distribute them locally (which also helps to raise awareness of your business). The great thing is that all those things are really easy to do, and can add value to so many people’s lives in so many different ways, which means this subscription gives a massive bang for its buck. That is also why we include it in ALL four of our core subscriptions. xpert PhysioE _UK

a) knee and Pose (Janu Sirsasan ed. Bend your right outstretch Towards Knee heel and point






More Resources .

You can also watch the one-minute overview video below.

Or to take a more detailed behindthe-scenes tour of the subscription, watch the video below.

l To learn more – click here > l To learn how to use and share your patient leaflets – click here > l To explore the range of leaflets included with all subscriptions – click here > l There’s a more detailed open access article I wrote giving you all sorts of other ideas on how to use content to promote your business – click here to read it >

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–81


The Clinical Education Subscription Also included with the SMA Full membership

T 1 2

he Clinical Education Subscription consists of two major components: The Patient Information Resources – see previous page. The Clinical Education content – these peer-reviewed resources provide a highly engaging way of staying clinically up-to-date and maximally effective in your day-to-day treatment of patients. This component of the subscription also includes the quarterly Co-Kinetic print journal (more details below), which is sent to you wherever you are in the world, completely free of postage and packaging.

One-Minute Overview of the Clinical Education Subscription

The Co-Kinetic Journal

Our peer-reviewed print journal is produced four times a year in January, April, July and October, and posted to you completely free of charge, with no additional postage costs, wherever you are in the world! As you will see from the selection of images below, we use a lot of visual tools to make the information in the articles as easy to digest and implement as possible. While I sometimes refer to it as a ‘journal in a magazine’s clothing’, each piece of content is written by highly experienced therapists, each of whom is considered an expert in their field, and then peerreviewed by at least two other clinicians or health professionals.

An Engaging and Dynamic Learning Experience

The human body is dynamic and so it’s only right that we try to make sure our content – wherever possible – is also dynamic, as well as being an engaging and practically-orientated learning experience. DISCUSSIONS Here are a few learning l What physical activities or exercises do you promote to features that are worth pregnant women most often, knowing they may enjoy it and be more compliant? pointing out: (For example, yoga, aquacise, walking, resistance exercises…) l Nearly every clinical article l Are there any specific exercises or treatment techniques/ has a PDF version which modalities that you choose to avoid when managing a appears exactly as it was pregnant patient with back pain? published in the Co-Kinetic l What tips, treatments or routines do you advise to promote relaxation and better sleep during pregnancy? journal. You’ll find that in the Media Contents box (on the right of the page if you’re on a desktop/laptop device or at the bottom of the article if you’re on a mobile device). l Most articles include a Discussions box with some suggestions for questions you could answer as part of your ongoing professional development either as a piece of reflective practice work or as part of a discussion with a group of therapists (the article informs the answers but the idea is to use them to explore the topic in a more reflective way). l Most articles also include a panel of Key Points that summarise the article and help you consolidate your learning. l Videos always include a clickable hyperlink directly to the video in question l And lastly we make it easy for you to share tweets (or social media posts) where appropriate to add value to your social networks.




Journal of Orthopaedic

937 11


2 842 4 3 463 10 4 541 5 5 338 1 6 Journal of






& Sports



Journal of





Journal of Sports

615 13



of Sports

359 3



8 9 10

British Journal

of Sports

273 0




Facebook posts

Mendeley posts

171 4



325 1



Produced by:

of this The PDF version s to the includes hyperlink to access https://s infographic . Click here of research individual pieces

Video 4: Lateral rotation lag sign/infraspinatus weakness by Physiotutors






SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT ASSESSMENTS Video 1: The Neer Test by Physiotutors

The Most Commonly Used Tests for Shoulder Impingement

Other Tests Often Used to Diagnose Shoulder Impingement Issues

small tear involving the infraspinatus (Video 4). Subscapularis Testing the subscapularis involves the evaluation of the patient’s ability to forcibly internally rotate the humerus. This can be achieved either in front (the belly-press test and bear-hug test) or behind (Gerber’s lift-off test) the body.

Hawkins–Kennedy Test This test is again a passive test, with the examiner positioning the patient’s arm at 90° in the scapular plane, the elbow bent to 90°, and the arm taken passively into internal rotation. Creation of pain during this manoeuvre is indicative of a positive test (Video 2).

Infraspinatus Weakness or ‘External Rotation Lag Sign’ Used to diagnose an infraspinatus tear, this test sets out to examine the posterosuperior and posterior cuff elements. The arm is held in 20° of flexion with the elbow bent to 90°. The forearm is passively externally rotated to its maximal range and released. If the arm drops back towards its starting position, even by a few degrees, it is said to have a lag (‘the lag sign’). The ability of the patient to maintain the arm fully externally rotated implies the effectiveness of the cuff structures, mostly infraspinatus, but, with the element of forward flexion, there is also an element of supraspinatus activity with the test, and so pain may be present even if no lag is recorded (Video 4).

Jobe’s Empty Can Test This sets out to preferentially test supraspinatus (complete isolation of supraspinatus from the deltoid is difficult), the most commonly affected tendon when considering degenerative cuff disease. It positions the arm such that the supraspinatus tendon is placed under maximal stress as the arm is pushed down, attempting to invoke pain, weakness, or both, from the examination. It does not, however, completely isolate supraspinatus, and some fibres from the anterior part of infraspinatus are also tested (Video 3).

Teres Minor The examination of the posterior cuff is the hornblower sign. The arm is placed passively by the examiner in 90° of abduction and maximal external rotation. The patient is instructed to attempt to maintain the hand in space when the examiner releases the hold on the wrist. If the patient’s arm falls forward, this is a positive test, and indicates significant weakness of the infraspinatus and usually the teres minor. If the patient can maintain the position of the arm, gentle forward pressure on the forearm may cause pain, and indicate the presence of a

The three most commonly used clinical tests for impingement are Neer’s Sign, the Hawkins–Kennedy test and Jobe’s empty can test. Neer’s Sign This test allows demonstration of a pain during passive abduction of the arm with the scapula stabilised, the examiner lifting the arm in the scapular plane with the arm internally rotated (Video 1).

Video 2: The Hawkins–Kennedy test by Physiotutors

Video 3: Jobe’s empty can test by Physiotutors

Belly-press Test (Napoleon Sign) This involves the hand (or hands if done bilaterally) being placed flat on the abdomen, and the patient is requested to press the hand onto the stomach. If the patient is unable to maintain the elbow forward, so extending the shoulder and flexing the wrist to achieve the desired pressure, this indicates a positive test (Video 5). Bear-hug Test This test was described by Burkhart and De Beer, and involves the arm reaching across the body to hold the opposite latissimus dorsi and, with the elbow held forward of the body, the strength of the resistance to the hand being pulled away from the body is evaluated. Some examiners modify this slightly, asking the patient to simply place the hand on the opposite chest wall, with the examiner’s hand between the patient’s and their chest wall, and ask them to resist a pull-off (Video 6).

Gerber’s Lift-off Test The dorsum of the hand is placed on the sacrum and the patient is asked to take the hand off the back, when the examiner maintains a fixed angle of elbow flexion. If the elbow is allowed to extend, the test is false because there is recruitment of the triceps to the manoeuvre and so any determination of the strength of the lift-off is inaccurate. In addition to this test, a lag sign may be looked for, with the arm held away from the sacrum by the examiner, so maximising the internal rotation of the humerus, and the patient is then asked to maintain that position as the hand is released. If the hand falls back onto the sacrum, it indicates a weakness of the subscapularis (Video 7). One important difference between testing the subscapularis anteriorly or posteriorly is the fundamental ability of the patient to position their hand in the correct place. Although this is rarely (if ever) a problem for the belly-press or bear-hug positions, any significant degree of restriction of internal rotation of the shoulder, or a body shape with big hips and buttocks, may prevent the patient being able to reach sufficiently far around their back to allow comfortable positioning of the hand, meaning an accurate and consistent assessment may be impossible to achieve.

Video 5: Belly-press test/subscapularis tear by Physiotutors

Video 6: Bear-hug test/subscapularis tear by Physiotutors

Video 7: Lift-off sign/subscapularis weakness by Physiotutors

l To learn more – click here > l Which features are included with which subscription? – click here > l Check out a full issue of the Co-Kinetic Journal – click here >


Social Media, Lead Collection and Clinical Education Subscription Who is this subscription for and what can it do for you?

The Social Media subscription consists of three components: 1 The Patient Information Resources – these can be used in all sorts of ways to add value throughout your customer journey as well as to raise awareness of your business in a completely unsalesy way, both online and also offline. Learn more here >. 2 The Clinical Education content – these peer-reviewed resources give you a highly engaging way of staying clinically up-to-date and maximally effective in your day-to-day treatment of patients. Each resource focuses specifically on practical implementation and includes lots of visual learning tools, key points, discussion questions and interactive links to external resources, including references, where appropriate. This includes the quarterly Co-Kinetic print journal sent to you wherever you are in the world, completely free of postage. Learn more here >. 3 Social Media and Lead Collection – ready-made social media, pre-loaded into our inbuilt social media scheduling tool, making it super-easy to share on your social networks. Learn more here >. Now let’s explore the social media aspect in more detail.

Ready-Made Social Media

What Is the Lead Collection element?

If you have read any of my marketing articles about the role of social media for small businesses, one of the things I say most frequently is that you should never spend time, energy or money posting social media if you don’t have a strategy or some sort of quantifiable outcome. I don’t know any small business owners who can afford to spend time doing something that doesn’t give a return on the time being invested, and they’re kidding themselves if they think they can! One way of making sure that your social media delivers a quantifiable return on its investment is to use it to collect email addresses which will help you to build that all important marketing asset – your email list. This is how it works: at least some of your social media should be telling people about high value resources such as downloadable advice leaflets, exercise handouts, cheat sheets, or injury prevention/management resources. These are often referred to as ‘lead magnets’ because they attract email leads. These are the same resources included under the Patient Information Resources section, but in this case are used as an incentive to encourage people to share their email address with you in order to download them. When someone sees one of these social media posts that they’re interested in, they click the link in the post which takes them to an email sign-up page. There they can sign up to receive the lead magnet that was referred to in the social media post. Once they’ve filled out the form, they can be redirected to their resources. People with good technical skills can set this up for themselves. However, it often takes longer than expected to design and write the page and then get it collecting leads and delivering the resources smoothly once someone signs up. Even if you do have the technical skills, many of the best platforms for

We create a brand new campaign every 4–6 weeks and you have access to all previously created campaigns as soon as your subscription is active. A campaign is usually a clinical ‘topic’ that is relevant to as many people as possible that would be likely to utilise the services of physical and manual therapists. They tend to be widely encountered musculoskeletal conditions, sports injuries or health and wellbeing topics. Examples of campaigns we’ve created to date include many sports-related injuries (running, cycling, football/soccer, rugby, golf, swimming, etc.), workplace health, physical activity for health, chronic pain, holistic wellbeing, headaches, women’s health... You can explore the full range using the link at the end of this article. Each campaign comes with around 20–30 social media posts pre-loaded into the Co-Kinetic social media scheduling system so you can quickly and easily post them to your social networks without needing ANY technical skills (more about that shortly). Each social media post also comes with suggested text that you can copy/edit/rewrite to suit your needs, style and preference. Social Media Post With Link To Sign-Up Page


Email Sign-Up Page

Lead Magnet Delivery

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–81

ABOUT CO-KINETIC creating these email sign-up pages will charge a subscription fee which could set you back an additional £25–£40 a month. One of the hardest parts is finding the right wording for the sign-up page to create the best chance of encouraging someone to give you their details in order to receive the resources. Finding the balance between making the resources sound desirable but not overselling them can be tricky which is why we commission copywriters who are best skilled at this, to write the text for the pages that we provide for you under this subscription.

The Email Sign-Up Pages and Lead Magnet Delivery Pages

This whole process is fully-automated and everything is taken care of – all you have to do is schedule the social media posts to be posted to your social networks and that’s it, our system does the rest.

Now Let’s See How Simple It Is To Schedule that Social Media

It takes literally four steps! That’s how easy it is mother can do it!

! Literally, my-81-year old

So when someone sees one of our your Co-Kinetic social media posts, that post will often include a mention of one of these helpful resources along with a link to the accompanying email sign-up page. When they click that link, they will arrive on a page like the ones below (don’t worry we take care of everything for you).

So not only do you now have interesting, regularly updated, informative social network pages but you’re also offering your page followers value-added downloadable information too which means everyone benefits . And remember, if you focus on always delivering value through your follow-up nurture emails, you’ll keep the people on your email list warm and engaged. When they fill out the form (and this is my favourite page in each campaign), they will be redirected automatically to a page where your viewer can download the resources in question, all of which are branded in your own branding (cool huh ). Here are some of our lead magnet delivery pages.

One Last Thing

If you’re relying on organic (unpaid) posts to add lots of people to your email list, it’s not going to happen. This post explains why. In order to really ramp up your email lead collection, you can very effectively use social media ads to do this, and I offer a Facebook Ads Bolt On where I provide everything you need from video tutorials to ad copy and images showing you how to set up an ad and target it at exactly the right group of people. You can find more info about that here >. Now, if you want to take a bit more of a ‘behind the scenes’ tour to see what it looks like in practice, watch this video.

The Editable Email Autoresponder

When you get a new sign-up, we will also automatically trigger an automated email to be sent to your new email prospect. We write this email for you, but the whole thing is completely editable, so you can change it to suit your style and add details if you’d like to. And then we collect those new sign-up details for you within the Leads tab in the Co-Kinetic system ready for you to do whatever you’d like to with them next. We also integrate directly with Mailchimp so we can send it there for you too.

Helpful Resources l To learn more – click here > l To view the campaigns that you have available to you today (remember new campaigns are being added every 4-6 weeks)? Click here >


Clinic Growth Subscription This is an all-singing, all-dancing marketing, business growth and professional education subscription


s far as I’m aware, there’s nothing like this subscription anywhere else in the world (and if there is, please let me know about it ). In a nutshell it’s a complete marketing and sales system for physical and manual therapists. It includes: 1 All the marketing content you need to raise awareness of your business both online and offline, to build an email list, to nurture this email list into a warm, engaged audience and finally to convert that audience into paying clients. 2 All the technology you need to put this content into action without requiring ANY technical know-how or computer skills. 3 The technology and the content work together as part of a bigger picture strategy which helps you stay on track and focus specifically on the activities that will result in the outcomes your business needs, instead of wasting time on ineffective marketing activities. 4 And it achieves all this by using a completely ‘unsalesy’ marketing technique, which is based on consistently adding value to your audience, allowing you to maintain your professional integrity and feel good about your customer journey.

How Is This Subscription Different From the Social Media Subscription?

You get everything that’s included in the Social Media subscription, but this Clinic Growth subscription also includes additional content and tools to specifically help you convert your prospects into paying customers.

Let’s Recap What’s Included From the Other Subscriptions 1



he Patient Information Resources – these can be used in all T sorts of ways to add value throughout your customer journey as well as to raise awareness of your business in a completely unsalesy way, both online but also offline. Learn more here >. The Clinical Education content – peer-reviewed resources giving you a highly engaging way of staying clinically up-todate and maximally effective in your day-to-day treatment of patients. Each piece of content focuses specifically on practical implementation and includes lots of visual learning tools, key

points, discussion questions and interactive links to external resources, including references, where appropriate. This includes the quarterly Co-Kinetic print journal sent to you wherever you are in the world, completely free of postage and packaging. Learn more here >.

Now Let’s Take a More Detailed Look at the Social Media and Lead Collection Content

l A massive range (and growing) of ready-to-use lead magnets on a whole range of different musculoskeletal conditions, sports injuries, health and wellbeing topics, all branded with your company details. l Hosted email sign-up and lead magnet delivery pages. l Pre-written customer newsletters. l An average of 30–40 unique social media posts per month including images, text, videos, animations and infographics. l An inbuilt social media scheduling tool to allow you (or someone you designate) to automate the scheduling of up to three months of social media in one go. Learn more here >

And Lastly the Clinic Growth Only Content

Additional Pre-Written Content (Clinic Growth only)

l Pre-written blog posts and images. l Hosted blog posts (if you don’t have your own blog). l Pre-written nurture emails and images. l One-click nurture email Mailchimp templates. l Off-the-shelf PowerPoint presentations ready for delivering education sessions (online or offline) – 40 topics and growing. l Pre-created Facebook email lead-generation campaigns – all copy, images and tutorials videos showing you how to build a targeted audience, unique to you, for each campaign.

Additional Technology (Clinic Growth only)

l The branding upgrade allowing you to brand all the patient leaflets is included at no extra cost. l The Voucher Sales and Management System and Voucher Social Media. l Pre-designed and pre-written education event sign-up and delivery pages with the ability to offer an upsell during your presentation, which is purchasable right from your webinar page.

Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–81


l Unlimited access to our full range of customisable web sign-up pages allowing you to take sign-ups to events (free or paid), sell access to digital content, sell a product or subscription/membership, or sell or manage access to courses or classes. To be honest there’s not much you can’t do with these pages (we’ll cover this in more detail later in this handbook). l Regional Exclusivity – only one Clinic Growth licence is available per 40,000 population in any geographical area, so once you’re in, your competitors can’t join you!

Here’s How It Works and What It Looks Like in Practice

Every 4–6 weeks we publish a new ‘campaign’. Each campaign focuses on a specific topic relating to either a musculoskeletal condition, a set of sports injuries or a health/wellbeing topic.

Want to Take a Closer Look? Check out this video

Topics We’ve Covered To Date:

Sports Injuries: Tennis; Rugby; Football/ Soccer; Golf; Running; Cycling; Mountain Biking; Snow Sports; Concussion; Swimming; Strength Training. MSK/Health/Wellbeing: Back Pain; Hamstring Strains; Benefits of Massage; Women’s Health; Headaches; Physical Activity Promotion; Workplace Health; Chronic Pain; Hip Replacement; Posture; Covid-19; Holistic Wellness; Pregnancy (plus two seasonal Christmas campaigns Festive Follies and Happy Holidays...Or Is It?).

More Resources l Learn more about the Clinic Growth subscription – click here > l To view the campaigns that you have available to you today (remember new campaigns are being added every 4-6 weeks)? – click here > l Ways to make money out of your Co-Kinetic subscription (everything is included in your Clinic Growth subscription except the Voucher System) – click here >


What is the Branding Upgrade? We explain what it is, and what it can do for you


ery simply, the branding upgrade allows you to add your own business details to the bottom of all our patient-facing handouts, advice sheets, exercise leaflets, posters and infographics. It is a ‘bolt-on’ subscription to the four main content subscriptions (Patient Information Resources, Clinical Education, Social Media or Clinic Growth).

You can add 5 pieces of information: 1 2 3 4 5

your logo business name contact number email address (clickable) website address (clickable).

What Can You Do With Your Branded Leaflets? 1 2

3 4 5


rint them out and distribute them locally (see page 22). P Include them as links in your emails – as soon as someone clicks that link they will be taken to your branded version of the leaflet. Share them on your social networks or other online pages (as above). Link to them from your website. If you have either the Social Media or Clinic Growth subscriptions, the leaflets people access when they request to download lead magnets will also be branded. Print them out and frame them for your treatment rooms/clinic areas.

Remember, all these leaflets have been peer-reviewed, and professionally edited and designed, and once your branding is added, it looks like something you could have created, which helps convey a very professional impression. They become a very effective, although much more valuebased, version of a business card where the focus is always on adding value through the information on the leaflet. The more widely you can distribute them, the more widely your contact details will circulate, and in a completely ‘unsalesy’ way. The branded leaflets can be easily shared between colleagues and friends and they make it very easy for people to find your contact details.

How Do You Get the Branding Upgrade?

You will be offered a chance to add the branding upgrade at a 50% discount when you take out any new subscription (assuming you don’t already have it). Or you can add the upgrade to an existing subscription by using this link here. 76

Setting Up Your Branding Upgrade

There are a few simple, small things that you can do to make sure your logo (and contact details) look great.

For example

l Making sure your logo is the optimum size and shape for the area on the leaflet – this is 740 pixels wide by approximately 300 pixels tall, in other words twice as wide as it is tall. The goal is to make your logo fit as closely to that as possible. This video shows you a way of doing that, even if you have a square logo, using very simple tools like PowerPoint to make it happen. Click here for the help post/video >. l Sometimes logos are trimmed too tightly and don’t have enough border meaning they appear too close to the edge of the leaflet. Alternatively, they may have too much border which means they appear smaller than they need to, or that border pushes them into an odd position. This video can help >. l Here’s a video showing you how to use a really great tool to help you discover the colour breakdowns of your logos so you can do some cool things with the background colour of your banner and the text colour of your contact details. This video shows you how >. l There are some other videos Sleep Stra at this link to help you fine tune tegies F or Back Pa other aspects of your branding so in Suffere you convey the most professional H impression.


The great thing is once you’ve got your branding set up, the changes will apply everywhere your leaflets appear and if you need to change anything in the future, you only have to change it in one place. If at any point you need help, remember to just jump on the chat tool and we’ll be very happy to help with any fine-tuning.

Time off work, money worries, relationship concerns

Negative thinking, fear of the future depression , and mood swings

Weight gain and loss

ow many nigh ts have you spent tossing and turning with often brou back pain, trying every ght on position poss awkward sleep by strain from bad po comfortable ible to get ing positions, and getting lifestyle habit up the next stress and feeling more s like poor morning exhausted nutrition, alcoh consumption than when to bed? you went o and weight gain, to nam a few. Worse still, e you spend the next day irritable and Here are 6 strategies weary, only feeling along with accompanying to repeat the over again cycle all the next nigh exercises, that you can to help you t? Well, it’s that one in something use banish those three of us sleepless nigh experience for good, and point in our at some ts allow you to life. refreshed and wake up feelin And as if deali ready for actio g ng with back n. the day isn’t pain during hard enou gh, this pain 1 ADO tends to incre PT THE RIG often ase in inten HT sity through night, mea SLEEPIN the ning the resul G POSITION ting lack of only impacts sleep not on your abilit Refer to our y to function following day, leaflet “Slee the but can also ping Positions Pain” with lead to depr cause anxie accompanying for Bac ty and ession. videos, and position that’ The chronic pick a s most comf back pain ortable for cycle is relen it takes more Many peop you. tless, le find that of a toll on back is the lying on their our than most most comforta of us appreciat emotional state ble position back pain. e, and sleep plays a pivot Place for lessness al role in that and keep your a pillow under your knee downward What’s inter spira s spine neut l. esting howe ral. The pillow important back pain ver, is that — it works isn’t caused is most to keep that by serious your lower conditions curve in medical back. like cancer or arthritis. How does Instead, it’s this position sleep on your help? Whe n you back, your weight is even distributed and spread ly Being across the area of your widest less active body. Ther e is less strain pressure poin on your ts and you can achieve alignment better of your spine . Loss of If you don’ fitness,muscl t find that comfortable try sleeping weakness, e then on your side joint and betw stiffness use a pillow een your knee s to adjust position and your body improve the alignment spine. If you of your roll onto your THE back once fallen aslee you’ve p on your side, and this pain, tuck CYCLE OF causes a pillow behi nd your back prevent you to from rolling Create a CHRONIC backwards. ‘no go’ list Try and avoid sleeping on of things side all the the same can’t do BACK PAI time as this N can imbalance lead to musc s and incre le ased pain, sure to sleep try and make on both sides equally. How does this position your side alone help? Sleep ing on won’t make It’s using the you feel bette Sleep pillow betw problems, een your knee r. the trick. The tiredness s that’s pillow will keep your and fatigu and spine e hips, pelvis, in better align Stress, fear ment. anxiety, If you have anger and a herniated frustration position is disc then the likely to be fetal the most com position to fortable sleep in. Tuck your knees your chest toward and gently curl your torso your knees toward and remembe r to switch from time sides to time to prevent any The Movin imbalance g Bo s.

020 8819







Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–81


The Co-Kinetic Subscriptions


osture, other ol just





F A Q What is Co-Kinetic and what can it do for me?




2397-138X 2020 ISSN





Co-Kinetic is a structured sales and marketing solution for physical and manual therapists. It combines We’ve gone pre-written patient-facing resources with GREEN! technophobe-friendly technology, designed specifically to help you generate not only new customers but also new revenue opportunities. It forms a complete marketing strategy that you can follow step-by-step, which focuses on consistently adding value to the people in your customer journey (ie. it’s completely ‘unsalesy’). The structure of the content means you stay focused on the activities that result in growing sales, rather than wasting valuable time Hip Happy on ones that don’t. Our mission is to save you time by lacement Total Hip Rep Fundamentals creating high-quality, peer-reviewed marketing content that helps turn prospects into customers, while at the same time removing technology as a barrier to preventing you from running a successful business.

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Produced by: TIME-SAVING





Sleeping Position Side


Back Pain Lying on Your Front

Sleepi ng Flat O Position n Back Getting In and Out of Bed

find to walk far, or o you struggle or for too long, a variety The information that if you sit be caused by you contained in this Hip pain can or bend over, article is intended individual medical as general guidance try to squat down Maybe care or as a substitute and information in your hip/s? of factors, including: not heal only and should for specialist medical does experience pain that, and you not be relied advice in each l An injury that further than upon as a basis individual case. it’s progressed for planning around? ©Co-Kinetic 2019 properly aid to move rely on a walking illness tried some l A chronic years of PRODUCED Possibly you’ve BY: and tear from like physical l Normal wear is too treatments already, constant use if the bone damage have conditions, especially therapy, but tend to l Severe arthritic treatments TIME-SAVI NG advanced, the RESOURC ES osteoarthritis such as a FOR PHYSICAL (and little or no effect. a result of trauma, AND MANUAL by a l Injuries as very debilitating THERAPIST S Pain can be dislocation caused or coming when fracture hip especially depressing) involved in fall. as your hip is from the hip, you make. movements nearly all the (or hip t Generally, the WHO Total hip replacemen you You are never may be something older you get, surgery. 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times more likely









Everything that’s been published before you sign up as well as anything new that’s published while your subscription is active. Access does lapse, however, if your subscription is cancelled or expires.

l On average we publish five new patient leaflets every month (about 60–70 a year) – included in all subscriptions. l Social media posts – approximately 30 – 40 new posts a month (all media types). l One brand new full marketing campaign every 4– 6 weeks (eg. email lead collection pages, lead magnets, blog posts, nurture emails, PowerPoint presentations). l One printed Co-Kinetic journal published every 3 months 78

5 1 2 3 4 5






WAYS to support your local business FOR YOU


Like, comment or share their social media posts - it helps them get seen by other people, who may buy from them E


Tell your friends and family about them Write a review for them on their Facebook page or Google Business listing Sign up to their email newsletter Buy a gift voucher from them

Nope, we don’t believe in tying our customers down. All our subscriptions are billed monthly, so you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time either by logging into your account on our website or asking us to do it for you using our chat tool.

How does the billing work?

We use a best-in-class payment processing platform called Stripe, to process our own subscription payments. Stripe is used by millions of businesses both large and small, including the accounting platform Xero, Deliveroo, and Monzo to name just a few. It is also the platform we integrate with, should you wish to take payments through the Co-Kinetic sign-up pages (you can learn more on pages 38–42). It is international and accepts more than 135 currencies and payment methods. So when you sign up to our subscriptions (and when your customers buy from you), you can be 100% confident in the security of the purchasing process. When you purchase one of our four core subscriptions (or the voucher system), your payment will be processed usually on a recurring monthly schedule until you cancel it or you request us to do it on your behalf. The billing frequency is specified clearly at the time of signing up, but if you have any questions just jump on our chat tool and we’ll happily clarify them.

Bene fi Good ts of Postu re

What content do I have access to when I sign up?

How much new content gets published and how often?




No, we have a very wide range of subscribers, with an equally wide range of backgrounds, and the relevance of our content is more dependent on what you do, and who you do it for, than your profession or qualifications. The consumer content we produce focuses on topics relating to sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing, so if you work in those areas, there’s a good chance it will be relevant to you. Remember, all four of our content subscriptions include a 7-day free trial, so you have plenty of time to explore the content before anything is billed.

Am I tied into a contract?


Scandinav IC REVIEW OF REVIEWS IN OLDER ADULTS: ian Journal A of Medicine AND META-ANA LYSES & Science in Sports


British Journal


Is Co-Kinetic only for physical and manual therapists?

containing clinical professional development and business and marketing articles.







I live outside the UK does that matter?

Nope, quite the opposite. We have a large number of subscribers in Australia, New Zealand and North America. All our content works just as well wherever you are, and all the platforms we integrate with are international. This includes the payment processing platform we use that allows you Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:68–79


ABOUT CO-KINETIC the Clinic Growth component of the subscription). The Clinic Growth subscription is essentially a complete marketing (and sales) solution.

to take payments through our web pages. We also send our printed journals to you without charging ANY postage, regardless of where you are in the world.

Who posts the social media for me?

What is the branding upgrade?

You do, but don’t worry it’s super-easy. Everything is pre-loaded into an inbuilt social media scheduling tool which automates everything for you, but you do need to select the posts you wish to send and decide when you want the campaign to start and stop. You can schedule up to 3 months of social media to post ahead of time.

This allows you to add your logo and company contact details to ALL our client-facing leaflets, handouts and cheat sheets, making them an excellent tool to help promote your business. You get a chance to upgrade to it at 50% off when you take out your subscription (it’s included free in the Clinic Growth subscription).

Do you offer a managed service where you do it for me?

How can I contact you?

It’s one of my biggest bug bears when companies make it almost impossible to get in contact with someone which is why I have a chat tool installed on every page of my site. You can contact me and my team at any time and we will answer within one working day (usually much faster).



2020 ISSN 2397-13 APRIL 2020 ISSUE 84

We’ve gone GREEN!

The printed journal is mailed out in the first two weeks of January, April, July and October. When you start your subscription, your first issue will be the closest one after you sign up – but don’t worry, you can access PDFs for the articles included in all the back issues through our website (you can use this shortcut link here too). The print journal is posted to you free of charge, in other words there’s no extra postage costs regardless of where you live in the world. And the journal is included in the Clinical Education, Social Media and Clinic Growth subscriptions.

Can I switch between subscriptions?

Yes, as we bill on a monthly recurring cycle, you can swop subscriptions whenever you like, although it’s not advisable with the Clinic Growth subscription because of the geographical mapping (more details below).

The Social Media subscription is primarily designed to increase engagement on, and add value to, your social media pages as well as help you to add value throughout the customer journey with the patient information resources. The Clinic Growth subscription is a complete marketing strategy based on increasing engagement on your social networks, building your email list, helping you to build relationships with your email readers and finally giving those readers opportunities to convert into a paying customer, or in other words buy something from you (this is the emphasis on


ISSUE 85 JULY 2020 ISSN 2397-138X

What is the Co-Kinetic Journal and when will I receive it?

What’s the main difference between Social Media and Clinic Growth subscriptions?



to all our key

Yes, we offer three options, a one-off set-up package, a regular social media posting option and a more complete package for people with Clinic Growth Subscriptions. You can find out more at the following link or see page 45.

Why do I need to apply for a Clinic Growth subscription?

We map each Clinic Growth subscription geographically, much like a franchise, in order to protect your competitive advantage to the content (and technology) we provide, to help you bring in paying clients specifically. If your subscription lapses or is cancelled, anyone who has applied for a licence in your area will automatically be notified (which is why it’s a good idea not to duck in and out of this subscription if you can help it, as it is likely to be taken up quickly if it becomes available). You can find out more about how the mapping works at this link. workers

I am a member of the Association for Soft Tissue Therapists (formerly the Sports Massage Association), what content can I access?

We are extremely proud to have been your official publication since 2003 (originally as sportEX dynamics and now as Co-Kinetic), and over time our offering has increased dramatically, so much so that many of you probably don’t know just how much content you actually have access to, which is entirely my fault . But let’s set the record straight now! You basically have the equivalent of the Clinical Education subscription. This means that you have full access to all the Clinical Professional Educational content as well as the Patient Information Resources, which you can use on your social networks and in all the other ways outlined on pages 22–23 as well as those described on p38–42 . So, you can do everything that can be done with those two subscriptions, as well as everything where you spot these subscription symbols .





General Marketing Set-Up

Checklist In Priority Order 1 Create a ‘Google My Business’ Profile – don’t snub the king of

search, unless of course you don’t want to be found on the internet! You’ll need a profile to get the all-important Google reviews, which help you be found.

2 Make Sure You Have An Online Presence – ideally a website and/

or a Facebook Business Page (ideally both), so people can find you and check you out. Just don’t over-think or over-invest in your website, you only really need 5 pages: Home page; Who We Are page; What We Do page; How to Book An Appointment/Get To Us/Contact Us page; Information/Resources/Blog Section (this last one is optional and could be added at a later date).

3 Sign Up for an Email Marketing Platform – so you can start

sending your nurture emails out ASAP. If in doubt, we recommend Mailchimp because it’s widely used and is free for up to 2,000 unique contacts, plus we connect directly to it from within Co-Kinetic. Sign up here>.

4 Export or Gather Your Current Email Contacts into a CSV File

– we have a help post here>.

5 Import Your Existing Email Contacts (csv file) into Your Email

Marketing Platform – your email marketing platform will have a help post telling you how to do this. Here’s Mailchimp’s help post>.

6 If You Haven’t Got One Already, Sign Up to One of Co-Kinetic’s

Subscriptions – if nothing else get the cheapest Patient Information Leaflet one, as this will give you a wide selection of helpful leaflets you can send as links in your nurture emails, which makes sending nurture emails very quick and easy.

7 Install Google Analytics and the Facebook Pixel on your website

– so that you can understand what people are doing on your site, and what they are interested in (and potentially retarget them in the future with related content).

Produced by


Email Lead Collection and Email Nurture

Best Practice Checklist Lead Magnet Checklist

l The lead magnet offers genuinely valuable information


l A lead magnet should enhance your credibility by being: n Relevant n Topical n Accurate n Professional n Authoritative l Pitch your resources to relevant target audiences l Make sure the lead magnet features your business details (without being too ‘in your face’)

Email Sign-Up Page and Lead Magnet Delivery Checklist

l Make sure the description of your lead magnet on the sign-up page isn’t over-sensationalised/oversold l Does the sign-up page work on a range of platforms and devices? Ie. mobile/cell phones and desktop/laptops l Include a real image of the actual lead magnets where possible to increase credibility and authenticity l Set up an automated email triggered when someone signs up, including a link back to the resources l If you can, include an area on your website where you can link to the sign-up pages offering your free resources l If possible, under-promise and over-deliver with a great lead magnet delivery page so you make a brilliant first impression

Nurture Email Checklist l The email is short and concise

l It includes value-led, informative resources l It’s quick and easy for the viewer to establish relevance l Include a call to action to encourage people to forward it l The information is authoritative and credible Uptius et quam estiat et abo. Vit, sime perite conest qui

doluptat etschedule liquo omniandelit quodige ndaectis simpori di l Your sending is regular and consistent (atdent least qui iurenimus, ullatiu mquidus sust, non reium a qui ut imus et monthly, ideally 2–3 times a month) harume la dolupta tincitaquunt poribus ea dolor aut facerferum aliatur sit quatibus, cul

Produced by


s t h g u o h T ! r r e t t You a M

Reviews are becoming increasingly important to small businesses, particularly local ones, for several reasons. Not only does it give the business itself valuable feedback regarding your experience with them but they are also helpful for prospective customers who may be contemplating using that business in the future. Good reviews also significantly increase a business’s profile on the internet which means that those with good reviews will appear higher up in search result pages than businesses with few or no reviews. In the semi-aftermath of Covid, this is one small gesture which can make a big difference to your local businesses.

W E I V E PR Y L N O We love receiving reviews and testimonials in all forms, but the most helpful places you can review us are on one of the following sites:

Where to review us Google at the following link: [insert your link here] Our Facebook Business Page at the following link: [Insert your link here] 3rd review site at the following link: [Insert your link here]

Here are a few tips to help you write a great review A review could be anything from 10 words to 200 words in some cases. Think to yourself: If I were telling a friend about this, what would I want their main takeaway to be? If you came to your physical or manual therapist with a problem that they have helped you to solve, include details about what brought you to them, and what you can do now as a result of the changes. The more real the experience, the more it is likely to resonate with others. Be specific and relevant to the business you’re reviewing, and describe what other visitors are likely to experience. Highlight what makes the place or the experience special, and try to share something novel and new. Try to be as accurate as possible, describe your experience rather than using subjective words like “the worst” or “the best” and if the review is critical, resist the temptation to name and shame and try to find at least one positive to include. Be respectful. Never write a review while you’re upset, sometimes a good 24 hour cooling period is useful before writing a review. Even if you’re frustrated, make sure your criticism is constructive. People will pay attention when you write thoughtful reviews. Keep them readable and avoid excessive capitalisation or punctuation like explanation marks. Be creative and have fun!

Company Name Telephone No.

Download the Canva artwork

Discover the 20% of Marketing Activities That Will Give You 80% of Your Marketing Results


Post 9 Covid-1

Tired of working all the hours in the day for a physical therapy business that feels like it only just survives? Or fluctuating between “feast or famine” with your clinic bookings? Well, it’s time to change all that. Sign Up to My Free Webinar

Host: Tor Davies While Tor trained as a physical therapist, she has been an entrepreneur now for more than two decades. Her focus is providing resources to help practitioners and therapists develop their businesses and to work more efficiently, a topic that she speaks on regularly at global conferences. The marketing practices and principles that Tor advocates, will help you turn a business that is only just surviving into one that thrives in just a matter of weeks.

Take Action Today

You’ll discover a unique three-step formula for attracting new patients, that allows you to attract only motivated prospects, who understand the value of what you are offering, and are predisposed to trust you. By using this formula you can increase your earnings by over £6,000 a month - more than enough to move into a new premises, take on another therapist, or even open a new clinic.

Register Now!

Co-Kinetic Monthly Marketing Checklist in Priority Order Read This First

Marketing always works better when you’re following a plan. I would recommend putting together a rough sketch of a plan for 9-12 months ahead of time, focused around your conversion events. If you want to grow, the best way to do it, is by running conversion events. If you’re really hungry for new clients, you could run an event every 4-6 weeks, but perhaps start with one every 8 weeks and as you get the hang of things, you can speed up. If you do them too quickly, you’ll compromise on quality which will impact customer take-up. If you’d like to see some growth (but also stay sane), a good goal is to aim for one event every 3-4 months. Use these events, to structure the rest of your marketing plan. Think about what’s coming up in the next 12 months that you can build your schedule around: l l ocally (5ks/marathon/triathlon/other local sports competitions) l s easonally (skiing, swimming, surfing, Winter Blues, Christmas) ln ationally (London/Boston/Sydney Marathon or health awareness weeks/ day etc), l i nternationally (World Cup, Olympics, tennis grand slams, golf championships etc.) Remember to focus on your strengths, and choose topics for your events, that you’re passionate about. Once you’ve decided on your conversion events, run social media campaigns around these events to build audiences, establish interests and nurture your email list. Print out a copy of these two pages for each conversion event, date and sketch out your ideas. Then fill the gaps in between with your social media and nurture emails to build the bigger picture strategy.

Must Do Good to do Optional 84

Planning & Preparation Phase Start Date

End Date

GOAL: BUILDING TRUST, ESTABLISHING CREDIBILITY n DECIDE: What campaign topic(s) are you going to focus on this month (this will also be your social media campaign)?

n DECIDE: How many nurture emails do you plan to send this month? (circle how many) 1




GOAL: GENERATING REVENUE n DECIDE: Are you going to run a ‘conversion event’ to accompany this campaign? (circle) Yes / No If Yes: l In how many weeks from now do you plan to run the conversion event from the start of your social media campaign? (circle) 2




>8 weeks

l Will it be an online or offline (ie. physical) event? (circle) Online / Offline l Decide on your ‘upsell’ – the offering that will motivate attendees of your event to purchase from you. l Briefly outline your ideas for your conversion event and details of your upsell below to help keep you on track.

l Do you plan to use paid advertising on one or more social networks to collect sign-ups to your conversion event? (circle) Yes / No GOAL: EMAIL LIST BUILDING n DECIDE: Do you plan to use paid advertising on one or more social networks to add new email leads to your email list with this ‘interest’ area? (circle) Yes / No

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30 min/ mth


10 min/ mth

W RITE & SCHEDULE: Your nurture email(s) Make sure to include links to useful patient leaflet resources, and explain why the resources are helpful. Also, if you plan to run a conversion event then consider in which follow-up emails you want to include event sign-up details (with sign-up link). These nurture emails are very useful for letting you track who is interested in what. Email opens and link clicks all help you to establish interests in the email topic, which can be used to target people with your conversion events at a later date.


25 min/ mth

E DIT & ACTIVATE: Your Co-Kinetic email autoresponder For the social media campaign you’ve chosen to run, edit and activate the associated email autoresponder which will be sent to anyone signing up for your resources under that social media campaign. If you’ve chosen to run a related conversion event, particularly if it’s coming up soon, this is a good place to include details (inc. what, when, where, benefits to the reader of the event and sign-up details and link).


S ET UP & SCHEDULE: Your Co-Kinetic social media campaign This can be done from within the Campaigns section in Co-Kinetic (or click this link).

TROUBLE-SHOOTING TIPS If your social media isn’t posting as planned there are 4 quick things to check 1 Disconnect and reconnect to Facebook under Integrations 2 Check there is text showing in the text boxes for the social media posts (under the Media tab) 3 Check the toggles for your social networks are showing as Active on the Setup tab 4 Check the Campaign end date is in the future and is AFTER the start date

30 min/ wk


STEPS TO LAUNCHING A CO-KINETIC CAMPAIGN 1 Click on the Edit button for the Campaign you wish to run (under Campaigns) 2 Go to the Media tab of this campaign

3 Untick the Active tick box for any posts you don’t wish to send 4 For the posts you do wish to send, copy and paste (and edit if desired) the text for each

post, into each social network box you wish to send that post to and click Update

5 Activate (and edit if needed) the pre-written autoresponder email in the Email tab 6 Go to the Setup tab, and toggle on the social networks you wish to post to 7 Choose a start date and end date for your campaign to run (make sure the end date is

in the future) and click Update

You can find a guided step-by-step tour here.


W RITE & SEND EMAIL: Testimonial requests Requesting testimonials from this week’s/month’s clients. Why? Check this short article out. Ideally this process would be automated and triggered after a customer visit, but if not, set aside time ideally each week to contact people.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS n S ET UP & RUN: Social Media Ads for Your Lead Magnets These promote your resources and are aimed specifically at helping you grow your email list. This is highly recommended if you’re also planning on running an associated conversion event, because anyone you attract at this stage, will also be interested in that event.

hr/ mth


hr/ mth


hr/ mth



S ET UP & RUN: Conversion event advertising If you plan on running your conversion event very soon (ie. within a couple of weeks of now), it would also be a good idea to use social media advertising to promote sign-ups to the event itself. Uptius et quam estiat et abo. Vit, sime perite conest qui P LAN & RUN: Yourdoluptat conversion event et liquo omniandelit quodige ndaectis simpori di dent Don’t forget to promote – relatively strongly – yoursust, upsell/follow-up purchase qui iurenimus, ullatiu mquidus non reium a qui ut imusopportunity et including adding deadlines to increase uptake. This is the key component of your harume la dolupta tincitaquunt poribus ea dolor aut facerferum conversion event. aliatur sit quatibus, cul

CHEAT SHEET: Using Co-Kinetic to Raise Awareness, Build Your Email List, Nurture Your Prospects and Generate Revenue LEVEL


AWARENESS n S HARE links to your patient resources on your social networks (but do this sparingly if you bypass your email sign up page as it reduces your email list building opportunities)

n SHARE links to your patient resources on local discussion forums, local Facebook groups and pages, local business groups and networks, local sports clubs

n P RINT out selected leaflets and distribute them in local businesses, sport and exercise settings, offer them to GP surgeries, community and health centres, village halls, libraries, pin them on notice boards in local shops

n P RINT out and OFFER all the same people above, the posters and infographics nO FFER the campaign newsletters (or blog posts) for publication to local magazines, newspapers or websites with a credit to your clinic/business (we don’t ask you to credit us (unless you’d like to), so you can claim the glory but we do advise you to leave in the disclaimer)

*Make sure your branding is included on all the printed material you distribute.



LEAD GENERATION n P UBLISH the social media campaigns to your social networks n P UBLISH our pre-written campaign blog posts (containing the links to the lead magnet sign-up pages) on your blog

nO FFER the pre-written blog posts as guest posts on the websites of non-competitive businesses who might benefit from, or be will willing to collaborate with you

n R UN a free prize draw/competition and take sign-ups through our web sign-up pages nO FFER a downloadable discount coupon or voucher through either the voucher system or our web sign-up pages

nO FFER a free sample treatment, assessment, mini-taster taking sign-ups through our web sign-up pages nO FFER a free content download through our web sign-up pages n P ROVIDE access to premium content again through our web-sign up pages n B UILD AND PROMOTE a ‘be the first to hear about our discounted appointments/special offers’ email signup

n R UN free webinars or face-to-face education sessions using our ready-to-deliver PowerPoint presentations and pre-written event sign-up pages

n R UN free events like ‘meet the therapist’, ‘meet our new piece of equipment’, ‘take a clinic tour’ using our event or web sign-up pages

nU SE our pre-written Facebook Ad Content (and video tutorials) to set up and run paid-for lead-generating ads on your social networks.


Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:82–93

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NURTURE AND BUILD AUTHORITY n S END regular emails to your email list containing links to the patient information resources n P RINT the campaign newsletters out from time to time and post to clients you don’t have email addresses for to stay in touch

n P RINT the campaign newsletters out and display in your clinic on leaflet displays nO FFER an incentive for customers you don’t have email addresses for, to give you their email address (create a sign-up form/voucher page where they can give it to you)

n P RINT AND FRAME our posters, leaflets and infographics for your clinic and treatment areas n P RINT AND FRAME the Top 10 Discussions….infographics produced in each journal as more visually interesting and authority-building decoration for your clinic walls

n P RINT appropriate clinical articles from the journal as reading material for your waiting area/s.




SPRINT – generate immediate income

n SELL vouchers – event-based eg. Valentine’s Day, or a general campaign n SELL a product (ensure a good profit margin) n SELL one-off classes/education sessions/webinars n PROMOTE a time-limited, one-off/special offer eg. 2 for the price of 1 n CREATE a ‘We Miss You’ Offer to tempt back past customers nO FFER a downloadable discount coupon/voucher with a redemption date that’s soon. Pros: Very quick and easy to implement and get instant results. Cons: These can come across as being salesy and potentially desperate if used too often. MIDDLE DISTANCE – will take 1-4 weeks to convert to income

n FREE ‘taster’ appointment with incentive to upgrade to paid eg. 30 minute free massage (this could also fall into the sprint category). n OFFER a free telephone or video consultation.

n RUN a conversion event with an upsell. For example: l A clinic tour (online or offline) in honour of: Uptius et quam estiat et abo. Vit, sime perite conest qui – Moved premises doluptat et liquo omniandelit quodige ndaectis simpori di dent – Clinic anniversary/anniversary of your business qui iurenimus, ullatiu mquidus sust, non reium a qui ut imus et – Done some renovations harume la dolupta tincitaquunt poribus ea dolor aut facerferum – A significant date in you or your business’aliatur diary sit quatibus, cul l Introduce a therapist – ‘ This month’s star therapist is….’, if they have special expertise, can you use that to time with an event?



l Introduce a piece of equipment – C ould be a new investment or it could just be an existing piece of equipment that could benefit from an education-based explanation. l Deliver an education event (online or offline) – use our ready-to-deliver PowerPoint presentations (inc. in the Full Site subscription) covering a wide range of topics or you write and present your own – link the upsell offer to your presentation. l Offer a targeted taster session eg. gait analysis, bike fit, musculoskeletal assessment with paid upgrade to more detailed version. n SELL a special offer package or programme – eg. Cycling/Running/Skiing Injury Prevention Programme, Marathon Massage package etc. n CREATE a “Refer a Friend” Incentive.

n PUT TOGETHER a regular programme of promotions eg. quarterly, monthly with a different offer each time (and ask them to sign up to an email list to be notified first). n CREATE and sell practice management templates or resources that could support fellow practitioners. Pros: Better reputational value ie. less salesy type of event; allows for targeted offers that complement the event; if you have the data, it can be pitched to people you already know are interested (benefiting from a higher conversion rate); it has better potential than the sprint appointments to generate repeat-visit customers. Cons: Takes more preparation to plan and put together; in the case of the education events, you’ll get a better conversion rate from knowing who on your email list, is interested in what (and that data takes time to gather).

LONGER DISTANCE – from 2 weeks to 2+ months to implement

n CREATE a subscription or membership-based product l Launch a member benefits programme (ie. up-front commitment to an amount of sessions). l Deliver a longer-term course or set of classes. l Offer a content-based subscription (it could be all types of different content). l Sell a customer loyalty/benefits programme (smaller commitment to the member benefits programme). l Sell an ongoing mentoring or peer-to-peer support programme. l Create (and takes subscriptions to) an online patient support group/community – the more value you offer, the greater the subscription can be. You could include a blend of online information with physical treatments. l Create a unique subscription package by teaming up with other professionals. Pros: More stable income in the longer term; recurring revenue is worth more £ for £ or $ for $; builds stronger loyalty. Cons: T akes more work to get up and running and can require a longer-term commitment. Produced by

More Resources By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic founder 20-10- COKINETIC FORMATS WEB MOBILE


Membership Magic

Membership packages, purchased on a regular recurring payment basis, are extremely valuable to all businesses at all times, but with the challenge presented by a situation like Covid-19, they can be the lifeline that makes the difference between a business surviving or not. This article details the advantages of creating recurring revenue streams and then goes into more detail about the sorts of packages you could create within a physical or manual therapy business. Download the PDF of this article at the following link


f you’ve been on my latest webinar How to Monetise your Therapy Skills Online and Build New CovidResistant Online Recurring Revenue Streams you will already know that I’m strongly encouraging as many people as possible to start building recurring revenue memberships into their businesses, as soon as feasibly possible. Why? Because I believe Covid-19 will remain with us for the foreseeable future, and we’re very unlikely to have a reliable vaccine available to us within the next 6-12 months at the very least, which leaves businesses like ours, which are almost solely reliant on being face-to-face with our clients to earn our living, extremely vulnerable and exposed. Until we develop some new alternative streams of revenue, our businesses and all the time, effort and money we’ve invested in them to date, will be hanging from the gallows, with each of us hoping fervently that the trap door below doesn’t suddenly spring open. But is it worth gambling everything you’ve invested in your business to date, on that not 42

happening? I really hope not. Having built and run my own business for 22 years on a 100% subscription-based model, I know at first hand the strengths and advantages of this business structure. Here are just some advantages of a recurring revenue business model: 1. Recurring customers have a significantly higher lifetime value, in fact they spend more than twice as much as a pay-as-you-go customer 2. You get a greater opportunity to build a longer term relationship with a recurring revenue customer which builds trust and makes them more loyal and therefore more likely to refer to you 3. It allows you to predict ahead of time the demand for capacity, allowing you to plan more reliably and smooth out demand 4. Regular subscription/membership income is more reliable and predictable 5. There’s no need for invoicing which makes cashflow easier to manage 6. It creates ‘stickier’ customers who stay around for longer, and this gives you more opportunities to upsell

Co-Kinetic Journal 2020;86(October):42-45

OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: Membership Magic – How You Can Build Recurring Revenues Into Your Business

How to Monetise Your Therapy Skills Online


By Tor Davies, Co-Kinetic founder 20-07-COKINETIC FORMATS WEB MOBILE


In this article I’m going to look at how you can use your physical and manual therapy skills to generate revenue online, and discuss briefly why I think this is so important. There is a very small amount of cross-over with my Covid Survival Strategies webinar, but most of the content of this article (and my new webinar) is fresh and better informed, as a result of having four months of hindsight, and not being in emergency survival mode! The key to business survival is diversity. It’s about spreading the risk so that not all our eggs are being held in one basket, and we are not so reliant on one source of income. I don’t have the space here to talk you through how to implement this strategy step-bystep (or how to prime your strategy to give you the best results), I’ve left that for the webinar. The idea of this article is to let you mull over which of the following ideas could work best for you, and then through the webinar, I’ll explain how you create a marketing funnel, prime it so your funnel is full of people who need the service you’re going to offer them, and designed to move people through it in a completely unsalesy way, towards a purchase, while continuously adding value to your prospects. To sign up to the webinar click/or visit this link (


Covid-19 spreads more effectively than most, if not all, other viruses we’re aware of, at least outside the scientific community. And, while it’s not the deadliest virus we’ve seen (Ebola takes that prize with fatality rates of over 40%), in addition to affecting those with immunity vulnerabilities, it has also affected seemingly random people with no obvious signs of a compromised immune system. Understandably, this, accompanied by such a gaping hole in our knowledge about this virus, makes us all fearful that either ourselves or our loved ones, might fall into that minority. We can’t afford to underestimate this fear. The fact that we also don’t yet have a vaccine for so many of these viruses (despite Ebola being first discovered in 1972 (nearly 50 years ago), SARs in 2002 and MERs in 2012), it feels like a scary and unknown future. On the plus side, the extent of the worldwide economic destruction wreaked by Covid-19, puts finding a vaccine at the highest priority level possible, not only with plenty of funding available for the endeavour, but also an international effort in play, like we’ve never seen before. However, all this still leads me to the conclusion that as a profession, which relies almost exclusively on face-to-face contact to make our living, we have no choice but to diversify on a more permanent basis. To state the obvious, nobody knows what the

future holds and 4 months ago, none of us ever believed anything like this could happen, and yet here we are. If we don’t adapt our businesses now, there’s a very good chance they won’t survive what the future brings. As a former physio, I understand that prospect may, at least at first glance, seem extremely depressing and demotivating. I also understand first-hand the deep motivation each of you has, to help people feel better and I understand how satisfying, even exhilarating, it is to deliver hands-on treatments that help to heal not only the body, but also the mind, and in doing so having such a motivating impact on people’s quality of life. And I’m not saying we should give up on that, quite the contrary. I’m just saying that we need to add more strings to our bows (and more permanent ones than just filling the gap temporarily), so that we’re not as financially vulnerable if one source of income suddenly disappears, just as it did in March. In this article, I cover the income revenue ideas, but I tackle practical implementation of how to generate the revenue, in my webinar.

What Have We Learnt?

There are a few key lessons that hopefully we’ve all learnt over the last few months. 1. As a business, we rely too heavily on face-to-face appointments as our primary, if not only, revenue stream 2. We probably didn’t have much of 45

OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE: How to Monetise Your Therapy Skills Online and Create Recurring Revenue From Your Business


n o s r pe

d e s i l a

CLINIC GROWTH ACTION PLANNING TOOL? Here’s how one customer recently described it:

reat tool! “This is a g I it fun, but is ly n o t No t you learn a h w t a h t guarantee e best 2 h t it e k a lm ur from it wil end on yo p s n a c u o minutes y this year.” g in t e k r a m

YOUR INVESTMENT? Take 2 minutes to answer just 9 questions YOUR RETURN? The tool will generate a personalised 80:20 clinic growth formula adapted specifically to your unique skill set and taking into account your current stage of business, business growth goals and personal work-life balance objectives. We follow up with 7 emails detailing a seriously personalised action plan, which also explains how to implement the recommendations we make.

TRY IT OUT HERE Uptius et quam estiat et abo. Vit, sime perite conest qui doluptat et liquo omniandelit quodige ndaectis simpori di dent qui iurenimus, ullatiu mquidus sust, non reium a qui ut imus et harume la dolupta tincitaquunt poribus ea dolor aut facerferum aliatur sit quatibus, cul




Marketing & Sales Calendar

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Monthly Diary Month DAY 1

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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30/1

Uptius et quam estiat et abo. Vit, sime perite conest qui doluptat et liquo omniandelit quodige ndaectis simpori di dent qui iurenimus, ullatiu mquidus sust, non reium a qui ut imus et harume la dolupta tincitaquunt poribus ea dolor aut facerferum aliatur sit quatibus, cul

Activities Physical and Manual Therapists Can Use to Build Trust 1 2 3 4



Send out regular educational value-adding email newsletters with links to useful resources – top of my list! Easiest way to nurture and keep your (hopefully growing) email list warm, build trust and establish authority – but note that consistency is key – when you start, you need to keep going. Scheduling several at a time will help! Actively encourage user reviews and testimonials – stick to one or two sources max so you don’t spread them too thinly - Google definitely, followed by either Facebook or a well-known, well-established customer review platform in your country, like TrustPilot in the UK. Publish helpful value-adding blog posts on your website – also good for your SEO (and being found on Google specifically). Run educational workshops and/or team up and contribute to someone else’s –great way to get in front of people and demonstrate your expertise and therefore powerful authority and trust-building activities. Make sure the education session matches your ideal demographic: a menopause workshop if your target is middle-aged women; a running injury presentation or gait analysis if your demographic is runners…you get the idea. Offer free or low cost opportunities for new customers to try out your services, or for existing customers to try new services that they don’t currently use. Face-to-face interaction is the gold standard trust-building exercise. But make sure you have transition to paying customer strategy in place and be strong about applying it. This could be an introductory 30 minute massage, gait assessments, bike fits, posture analyses – whatever you have in your repertoire that can lead in to a paid appointment. Create value-adding opportunities for new and existing customers to visit your business – education sessions are one opportunity, but others include Open Clinic events, Meet the Team, Introduce a New Team Member/Service/Facilities etc. – just make sure there’s something compelling to draw in your audience, and again make sure there’s an incentive to make a purchase.

7 8 9


Get involved in relevant health discussions on local social networks or discussion forums (Facebook is a good one and also NextDoor in the UK), and share helpful resources like links to information leaflets. Get involved with local events, they could be sports events, health events, fetes, fayres, open days – offer free advice, print out information leaflets, give short treatments if appropriate. Team up with other local businesses or organisations that compliment your business offering and offer value-adding tools and resources that represent a win-win. For example, give cycle injury information leaflets to your local cycle shop, tennis leaflets to local tennis clubs, hand out running injury leaflets at running meets – just make sure not to tread on the toes of any competing professionals who may already have a formal relationship with these organisations/businesses. Other businesses could include health food shops, sports shops. Encourage referrals from fellow professionals in related professions who already have the trust of their clients – ideas include sports coaches (eg. tennis, cricket, golf), personal trainers and Yoga instructors would be an excellent fit, holistic health professionals, health coaches, nutritionists…etc. Agree an introductory discount for their clients – so there’s a win-win for them, you could offer to give them a cash referral fee, but services-in-kind like free massages or treatments would give you better opportunities to build on the relationship.

11 opportunities to strengthen relationships with both your Don’t be afraid to look outside the box for left-of-field

customers as well as the businesses around you (you’re bound to have friends or contacts running local businesses for starters). Could you get local pubs, restaurants, cafes to offer a free ‘something’ to your clients or your email list? “Take this coupon and you’ll get a free coffee at…” This is a great way to offer extra value to your customers, at no cost to you, while also helping out fellow local businesses, building reciprocity on all sides. There are lots of different ways to use this approach.

12 (some will drop off, not all will work, but learning who and

As you build stronger relationships with your local businesses what does is part of the process), you could do shared email promotions and collaborate on increasing number of activities.

Marketing is all about strengthening relationships and making people aware of the ways in which you can improve their quality of life – if you do that with customer’s best interest at heart, with a long-term customer view, and with honesty, integrity and transparency at the forefront not only will the sales will take care of themselves but you’ll also have a healthier, more robust business, and a much happier, more supportive working environment and community.

Really good things can happen with good marketing

Marketing Opportunities for Physical Therapists l Introductions

– Introductory Offer – Come and Try Us Out – Free Discovery Sessions – calls, appointments, online – Welcome Our New Team Member Offer – Open Clinic Evening/Day – meet the team, try out some free sessions – New Equipment/Services – Electrotherapies, Gait Analysis, Bike Fit Assessments

l Education Events

– Sports Injury Prevention/Management/Treatment – Running, Cycling, Swimming, Skiing, Football/Soccer, Rugby – Health Awareness - Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Disease Prevention/Health Promotion, Post-Viral Fatigue – Common MSK Conditions – Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, OA/RA

l Celebrations

– Big Birthdays/Anniversaries – you, the team, your business – Clinic Renovations/Improvements/Extensions –H olidays/Public Occasions – national events, Valentines, Mother’s Day

l Business Programmes


–C linic Membership Packages hank You for Your Loyalty Schemes –T – Refer a Friend Schemes – ‘We Miss You’ Past Patient Re-Engagement – Referral Partnerships – local personal trainers, yoga and Pilates teachers, health and wellbeing professionals

l Local Events/Communities

–S ports Events – 10k/half/marathons, cycle events, triathlons, sea and snow events –F etes, Fayres, Markets etworking Groups –N –O nline Discussion Forums –O nline Social Network Pages upport Your Local Business Promotion – collaborate up with –S other local businesses, co-promotions, offer discounts and freebies, health fayres

Promotional Methods Offline

l Direct Address Mailing – postcards/ mailshots/letters (‘old school’ arguably works better than ever these days) l Print Publications – newspapers, local magazines, Parish Council newsletters – where possible get editorial coverage l Posters and Leaflets – distributed through local businesses, organisations l Noticeboards – libraries, supermarkets, community centres, retail stores l Local Radio l Local Display Ad Opportunities – buses, billboards, trains


l E mail – your email list (this is why it’s important!), collaborate with other business partners to co-promote l Organic Social Media – local groups, networks (that’s why being part of them before you need to promote yourself is a wise investment in time) l Paid Social Media (Ads) – focus on a clear target audience to maximise your return l Blog Posts – yours and third parties l Websites/Banner Ads – yours and third parties

Really good things can happen with good marketing Co-Kinetic Marketing Handbook 2022:82–93

Co-Kinetic Subscriptions Explained 1




l G rowing library of leaflets (400+ to date) lC ustomer newsletters, exercise handouts, injury prevention and treatment advice, clinic posters l Medically peer-reviewed and professionally designed l Share by email, on social media and websites or print and distribute locally l Add your own branding/ contact details (with branding upgrade)




Increase customer engagement, build trust and authority, add value and save serious amounts of time with our entry-level patient information subscription. Sharing great content can help bring in new customers, keep in touch with current (and old) ones, and add real value to the service you offer – all in a friendly, valueadding and ‘non salesy’ way.


ALL PHYSICAL AND MANUAL THERAPISTS! This subscription is available as a standalone subscription or included in all our other subscriptions.



per month







l Evidence-based review articles, journal watch round ups, infographics, videos and patient leaflets on a range of physical and manual therapy topics l Accessible via the mobilefriendly Co-Kinetic website l Includes quarterly print journal posted anywhere in the world free of charge l Library of 1000s of articles l Full access to the Patient Leaflet Subscription



leaflets from our entry-level package with peer-reviewed, educational materials that help you learn and develop as a clinician.


Physical and manual therapists who want to stay up-to-date and clinically effective while enjoying the education process. This subscription also includes the Patient Leaflets subscription described previously.


Keep your patients engaged and stay on top of your professional game. Our Clinical Professional Education subscription combines the valuable patient information


per month



Subscription Module

Enhancing Customer Experience and Patient Care

Patient Advice Leaflets

Increasing Brand Awareness and Building Authority

Branding Upgrade

Staying Clinically Up-to-Date and Evidence-Based (two content streams Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy)

Online Articles, Print Journal, Archives

Growing Your Social Networks and Building Your Email List

Social Media and Lead Generation

Nurturing Customer Relationships and Building Trust and Authority

Email Nurture

Converting Email Leads Into Paying Clients

Customer Conversion Tools

Subscription cost (per month) * Branding Upgrade (£5 per month on new subscriptions) ** Monthly rolling subscription, no contracts, cancel anytime





✓ ✓ ✓

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ISSN 2397-138X

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kneecap going up and hills/stairs down after prolonge d


medicine & dynam ics

How it does it

COMMO N CAUSES alignmen of kneecap t and tracking weakness due to muscle

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● Increased es and

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c Journal





The Clinic Growth subscription is an easy-to-use marketing and clinic growth solution for Physical Therapists – including automated social media, a huge library of tried and tested marketing resources, email templates, nurture funnels and much, much more. It includes: l EVERYTHING detailed in the previous subscriptions PLUS l Pre-written blog posts and customer nurture emails l Pre-written educational workshops l Customer-converting business events l Sell and manage vouchers l Sell and manage membership groups l Pre-written lead-generating Facebook ads l Branding upgrade included l Regional exclusivity and protection This subscription is designed for anyone who is serious about ethically and organically growing patient numbers, repeat bookings and turnover.

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of Physical on American Archives & Rehabilitati Medicine

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CASE c & of Orthopaedi Journal Physical Therapy Sports

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Anyone looking to grow their business while also increasing engagement on, and adding value to, their social network pages. The patient leaflets can be used to deliver a great customer experience as well as warm up prospective new customers and promote yourself locally (see subscription 1).





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new clients. And best of all, it’ll take just minutes of your time each week to build your presence and start reaping the benefits.

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Printable/downloadable/emailable patient resources including advice sheets, exercise handouts, infographics and cheatsheets Add your branding to our patient resources - print them out and distribute them locally or share the leaflets by email or on your social networks Research roundups, clinical infographics, evidence-based reviews, case studies and business growth advice, 2000+ articles and videos, plus a quarterly printed journal (posted anywhere in the world, free of charge) Ready-made social media pre-loaded into a simple inbuilt social media scheduling tool, designed to delight your social network followers and build your email list Pre-written emails with images and text, that you can send to existing customers, along with accompanying autoresponders for new email sign-ups Pre-written education workshops, customer-converting business events, voucher and membership sales and management, templated posters and promotional material




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It’s particularly good for raising awareness of your business more widely in your local area, as well as for establishing and reinforcing your authority and reputation with anyone you give the leaflets to.


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Here’s What Our Customers Say

Kirsty Tarr I have been a subscriber to Co- kinetic since its early sportex medicine days and it has been fantastic to follow Tors Journey. Every time I listen to her speak

Jan Normanton

I feel inspired. She has been crucial to the development of my business

I launched my first campaign with Cokinetic today! So

Kirsten Lawton

delighted to have found this incredible resource! The material is outstanding in terms of content and design

I’m a student soft tissue

and the amounts available to use are breathtaking.

therapist and at the early stages of thinking about how I build

There is enough campaign material to keep me going

my business and market my

for at least a year and Cokinetic are producing more

services. I’ve just attended

content all the while. Mostly brandable as well which

over the years and having watched the Webinar last night I feel ready to take the next steps to future proof my business. Something i would not be able to do without the help of Tor and her Co - kinetics subscription package. Today I feel excited and for that I thank you Tor�

looks great for business!

the 80:20 webinar, which was excellent. It’s given me focus on

Okechukwu Eze

where to channel my efforts and will stop me precious wasting

Great webinar and really informative resources which I am now

time. Thank you Tor!


using within my Subscription to get new leads for my clinic. Highly recommend!!!

Nanda Hirani Co-kinetic has been a great investment for me, they

Vispi JAMOOJI Tor is a master at what she does. Passionate, putting heart and soul,

have made it easier for me to manage my social media posts. I no longer have to feel pressured to come up with

(aside of value) into helping physical therapists progress their marketing. Often clinicians like me, over 30 years in practice, missed the modern marketing / internet boat. Fear not Tor and her team are here to give therapy!

new things all the time, they have some great content that i use and i can definitely see an increase in activity on my social media which is turning

Thanks Tor for a great product and I

into real customers slowly!

look forward to growing with you.

Definitely recommended!

Katrina Wade

Love this marketing system. The admin support is second to none and what Tor does not know I could write on a postage stamp!

Chris Lander

Dan Smith

Tor has demonstrated a passion for

We have used Co-Kinetic “done for you social media for over 2 years now. I love the

supporting small businesses in particular

fact that I can set up the campaign and let it run for a month and not need worry about

and in my communications with her she

it. It bring in new leads and keeps our existing followers informed. As well as posting

has responded with my best interests

to our social medial channels we use the content for our patient notice boards and

at heart. Having only started my own

newsletters. This saves lots of time. Tor and her team are always on hand for advice

business in Sept 19, I have been looking

and help if you need it. I would really recommend their business for anyone looking to

for some support so that my business

save time on social media marketing.

can grow, strengthen and support a wide number of people in my community. Tor is sincere, speaks honestly and gives confidence to the worries held by smaller businesses. I am excited about the support and amazing resources produced by the Co-Kinetic team and, considering our current position, feel I now have the determination and the tools to be very positive about the future. Thank you Tor!

Kirsty Wales How to Monetise Your Physical Therapy Skills Online webinar from Tor Davies and CoKinetic is a must for any business owner trying to secure future revenues online. She teaches, what to do, how to do it and provides the platforms to implement it all. Invest 90 minutes of your time and watch this FREE webinar. It is packed full of ideas, suggestions and examples if you are stuck for ideas. Although therapist based, these principles can be applied to any business or industry. Protect yourself and your business today! Thank you Tor.

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