CNW June 28th Edition

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June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 1 June 28July 4, 2023 • The Voice Of Black Chicago • Vol.1 No 34 • • FREE
Takes it to the Streets Bubba Wallace Takes it to the Streets
Bubba Wallace
2 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023

Chicago News Weekly

Terri Winston

Darnell Pulphus Art

E notes

Hello, Please, and Thank you NOSTALGIA


Donna Hodge

Food Editor

Dr. Mila K. Marshall

Cannabis Corner Editor

Staff Writers

Dr. Sharice Braford

Liz Lampkin

Tammy Gibsons

Shaneen Murray

Marti Worell

Wanda Wright


NNPA Newswire

Mare Evans

Melanie Mainor

Eric Grant

Cover Photography

Complimentary Usage by NASCAR Cover Concept

Darnell Pulphus

8348 S Stony Island Avenue Chicago, IL 60617 (773) 437-3096

Vol. 1 No 34

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chicago News Weekly is published weekly on Wednesday.

Subscription $104 year

Can you remember the annual cost of living increase all employees were entitled to? Do you recall that people actually spoke to each other when they passed one another on the street or got on a shared elevator? And what about conversations about politics? Do you recall being able to express your political views with civility, listening and being able to disagree without the fear of being denied a future invitation to a friend’s home for dinner?

I mean seriously, what has happened to America, the land of the beautiful, the brave and the free? It’s been a long while since we’ve been able to come together in a room and have a real conversation about politics without walking away frustrated, upset, angry or seething. This is our world now. I walk past young parents in the park with their baby sitting in a stroller and she’s scrolling her phone, not engaged with her beautiful child who appears dangerously estranged.

I can’t tell you how I see that so many times, in particular before COVID-19 at restaurants where the parents are at the table on their phones and the kids are on their pads or phones, each of them scrolling, texting, play games . . . whatever!

Then there’s the teens, who sit at the same table or on a bench together with phones in hand texting one another. The point is they are engaged with each other. OMG! My friends who are educators have horror stories about the cell phones. College and high school instructors are forced to demand that students turn off the phones and leave them at the front desk, otherwise they will be distracted and

learn absolutely nothing, as if that’s alright. The most upsetting to me is the workplace, especially the stores— the employee at the checkout register on the phone holding a conversation while you politely wait for them to end their conversation because clearly they cannot talk and ring you up at the same time.

And the attitudes, the tudes, the tudes, the tudes! Seriously! Those mobile phone users who put their caller on blast and have a conversation for everyone to hear wherever you are ‘conversaten’ boisterously, then suddenly wants to hurry their friend off the phone, saying, “Gurrrrl let me git off this phone cause these people all in my bidness,” while looking at you crossed eyed and crazy. You know who I’m talking about. And let’s not talk about the young driver blasting his music so loud with the bass so strong that your car vibrates. I asked a young man once if he could roll back the dial a little. He did while we were at the light. But then he pulled off and dialed it back up. I always wanted to know why do they think we all have radios in the car? 'I want to hear my own selection of music, not yours.'

Equality amongst the sexes, well there’s that. I’m just going to say this and you read between the lines. I like a man to open the door for me and to pull out the chair. A little chivalry goes a long way. Of course, as a woman I reciprocate. That’s a no brainer. They like to feel good too. But it’s so common place now that you just don’t see it much any more. I guess if I were a man I might not be moved to do so for a ‘b’, a hoe or skank either . . . oh well.

And what happened to de-

corum? Is there such a thing? We are subjected to every body, on full public display, when most of it needs to be a private thing. Is not modesty or appropriateness not appreciated or valued anymore? What a shock it was to hear NBC anchor Katie Couric talk about a ‘bootie call,” on the air as did Star Jones on “The View,” and in the following moment send a shout out to her 7 year-old nephew. I really don’t know when the habit of telling people “I have to pee,” became acceptable instead of , “Can you direct me to the restroom?” And why do we have to reveal the act?

If you have to eliminate your bowels, do you announce that also using the most vile terms? Inappropriate. Language has become so common, so lowlife, I apologize if I offend you. Too bad You offend me everyday when every other word is F_ _k, muthaf_ _k_ _, b_t_h and on and on and on. What has happened?

At one time we were striving to be our best selves. And I must mention the young girls I saw last summer in front of the Art Institute of Chicago standing on the stairs, run out to the street and twerk in front of the drivers waiting for the light to change. They would then run

back up the steps and do it all over again.

And let’s discuss the way the office of the President of the United States of America is disrespected by Republicans, cursing and using profanity when talking to, towards and about Biden. Conversely, we witnessed a trans woman, bare her breasts at the same White House while being an invited guest of the same President Biden. Unspeakable! What’s happened?

Today I saw a woman in a rolling chair, with an oxygen tank, attempt to attack a young woman getting off the bus because she didn’t like that the woman had said something to her about blocking the aisle. That’s what I was able to surmise. The woman with the oxygen tank was saying to her friend, “First of all I’m not old, I can walk and I can whoop her ass.” Her friend, kept saying, ”Okay, just drop it. You gonna risk your health over nothin’?”

“Ova’ nothin!” is the operative phrase here. Too many lives are lost over nothing. And we continue to indulge in nonsense that can end our lives, just like that. The language is powerful. Choose the future you articulate by everything you say.

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 3
Kai EL’ Zabar photo cred - it: Dot Ward

Mastering Time Management: Unlock Your Productive Potential with AVOID

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks and responsibilities vying for your attention? In today’s fastpaced world, effective time management is essential for achieving personal and professional success. Thankfully, the AVOID method provides a comprehensive framework to help you unlock your productivity potential and control your time. When you can apply the principle of AVOID, meaning: Activate, Visualize, Optimize, Ignite, and Discipline, you optimize your time utilization, reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance. Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or career individual, mastering time management that unlocks your productive potential is important to your over success and life.

The first step is to “Activate” your focus by creating an environment that minimizes distractions. For me, a distraction is often a cluttered, unorganized working space. Clutter can create decision fatigue, making it harder to make choices or decisions effectively. Starting point here is to create a dedicated workspace free from interruption and establish boundaries to protect your time.

Second, “Visualizing” your daily and weekly goals and creating a clear roadmap for success is a crucial step in mastering time management which help you gain clarity on what truly matters and moves you to set meaningful priorities. When you get a visional picture

of your goals and create a structured plan, it allows you to navigate through daily tasks with purpose and intentions.

Third, Optimization starts with identifying areas where you can streamline processes, eliminating time-wasting activities, and leveraging tools and techniques that enhance our effectiveness. Optimizing involves leveraging technology and seeking the opportunity to collaborate.

Fourth, “Ignite. “When mastering time management geared to unlock your productive potential, “ignite” highlight the importance of motivation and overcoming procrastination in effective time management. Seek accountability through support systems or productivity tools that can provide the necessary encouragement that pushes you to stay on track.

Fifth, “Discipline” is crucial in effective time management within the AVOID framework. Discipline helps us to resist the allure of distraction and temptations that may divert us from our intended task. Discipline requires saying no to non-essential activities, setting boundaries, and making conscious choices aligned with your goals.

When I think of time management using AVOID framework, I reflect on a specific bible lesson in Proverbs 6:6-7. Ants demonstrate a sense of activation and are diligent in their work and proactive without being told what to do. Ants are known for their ability to plan and visualize, gathering food during the abundant time

Breath of Not So Fresh Air

“What is Wrong With the

air?” asked H.H. on WGN’s posting. The cloudy photo garnered 121 comments and was shared over 400 times. Alerts sprinkled across group chats in one J.S. shared, “air quality in Chicago is so bad right now 10 minutes outside is equivalent to smoking 7 cigarettes…Thanks Canada.”

It seems as though the inescapable blanket of haze has everyone’s attention. It’s hard not to be distracted by the fog. Some are heeding the warnings and staying inside. “I’m in the house and my husband has asthma,” posted A.J. while others shared how the haze was making them feel. “It is horrible outside…went to the gym and my throat is scratchy and I feel lightheaded,” wrote S.G. Burning eyes, lung and throat irritations along with coughing and wheezing are common symptoms of people suffering from the negative health impacts of wildfires according to The World Health Organization.

Early Tuesday morning new Mayor Brandon Johnson issued a press release warning residents of the harmful conditions and how to remain safe. The press release invites residents to wear masks, move activities indoors and to seek medical attention if in respiratory distress. However, it stopped short of encouraging residents to utilize the city services considering the extreme and harmful environmental conditions.

Extreme heat and cold opens the city’s six community service centers and can be found on the website and are activated when the City’s emergency response plan is in place or as conditions warrant,” says the website. Today those conditions were met. The 311 operators shared that residents are welcome to call the service centers to see if they are open overnight if conditions are not relieved. Other places that are accessible are the senior centers, Chicago Public Libraries and Chicago Park District Cultural Centers during hours of operation.

to prepare for the leaner seasons.

Ants can optimize using available time and resources to their advantage by implementing strategies to maximize their productivity. Ants work consistently and persistently, not succumbing to distractions. Finally, Ants are disciplined, diligently carrying out their responsibilities without supervision or external enforcement.

In conclusion, wise leaders know that time is limited and they have no way to retrieve misused or wasted time. Mastering time management through the AVOID framework provides a powerful toolkit for optimizing productivity and achieving success. When we can activate our focus and energy, visualize our goals, optimize our time and efficiency, ignite our motivation, and cultivate discipline, we can take control of our time and make the most of each day. Proverbs reminds us of the diligence and wisdom we can learn from ants, further reinforcing the principle of the AVOID framework. Ultimately, by implementing the AVOID principle in our time management practices, we unlock our productivity potential, reduce stress and create a harmonious lifestyle balance. Start today, embrace the AVOID method, and embark on a transformative journey toward adequate time mastery and a more fulfilling life.

While the wildfires are an inconvenience to some, they are deadly to others. As summer heats up our relationship to the environment will shift. Illinois is already in a poor predicament itself with drought conditions threatening crop yields of Illinois farmers in central and down state while forcing some municipalities in Cook County to serve water conservation notices during this dry season.

Below is a list of the community service centers if you need a safe place to shelter from the air:

englewood Center 1140 W. 79th Street Chicago, IL 60621


garfield Community service Center

10 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612


Dr. Martin Luther King Community service Center

4314 South Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL 60653


north area Community service Center

845 West Wilson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640


south Chicago Community service Center

8650 South Commercial Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617


trina Davila Community service Center

4312 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639


Photo Courtesy of CBS Chicago

4 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023
Dollars & Sense
Living chicago


The Black Press is Our Vanguard

Iwrite this brief essay with two goals in mind: First, I want to extend a warm welcome to the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) to its annual convention in Nashville, Tennessee. And, secondly, to try to share with your readers the powerful impact that the Black Press continues to have on our struggle for total equality in America.

From Frederick Douglas’ The North Star to Ida B. Wells’ The Memphis Free Press and all subsequent members of the Black press, the plight of African –Americans was chronicled and a beacon of hope was provided through the journalistic efforts and trials of the country’s heroic Black Press. I cannot begin to capture the countless ways that the Black Press acted as the vanguard and the persistent battering ram against forces of oppression in this country. What I would like to do is to act as an eyewitness to the enormous contribution that NNPA member papers made during the last thirty years where I had a bird’s eye view of their reporting.

It was around 1992, while serving as branch president of the NAACP here in Nashville, that I had cause to contact NNPA’s office in Washington, D.C. We, at the branch, were reaping the benefits of an initiative to restore the voting rights of felons who had served their time and were interested in enfranchisement. I contacted the local Elections Commission Office and requested that it move its operations one Saturday to the branch office. The campaign was a huge success so we decided to broadcast our efforts nationally in hopes that others would follow suit.

After reaching out to Hazel Trice Edney and Rosetta Miller-Perry, the word was disseminated around the country. The rest is history.

My next encounter with the NNPA centered on a marketing strategy for Athan Gibbs’ TruVote Voting System. Arguably, Athan Gibbs’ ingenious invention of the TruVote validation and verification voting system saved American democracy. I know this is a bold assertion but after experiencing the debacle that was the 2000 Presidential election, I witnessed (as vice-president of marketing for TruVote), first-hand, how Athan Gibbs’ accounting skills helped the country to move to a voting system where confidence could be restored in the voting process.

Although he was not given credit for revolutionizing voting in America, I shudder to think of how the country could have survived the attempted coup in 2020 if our voting systems were as flawed as Athan Gibbs found them to be during of the 2000 Presidential Election. I also noticed, years after Gibbs’ untimely death, that I voted on a system that looked remarkedly like Gibbs’ invention, which was widely covered by NNPA member papers.

Lastly, and again, I had to tap into the journalistic excellence of Hazel Trice Edney to help raise the consciousness of Black Americans about the need for building intergenerational wealth. Three national organizations, with the help of Congresswoman Maxine Waters,

kicked off a movement called Black Wealth 2020 in 2015. The founding organizations were the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., the National Association of Black

Owned Broadcasters and the National Bankers Association. The presidents of these groups were Ron Busby Sr., Jim Winston and Michael Grant, respectively. The coalition expanded to several other organizations.

Black Wealth 2020 set three ambitious goals: To significantly increase the number of Black-owned businesses and their gross receipts; to increase home ownership by two million; and to increase deposits in and loans with Black banks. At its Winter meeting, the goals of Black Wealth 2020 were ratified by the National Black Caucus of State Legislators a year after the coalition was formed. NNPA newspapers thoroughly covered the movement and led millions of Black Americans to a realization of their buying strength and the power generated by a unity of purpose.

This partial recounting of the great work of the NNPA is not meant to be exhaustive. It is, however, a reminder that the medium is the message and no other media will tell our story with the same passion and desire for Black progress that NNPA members have demonstrated.

Thank you, NNPA, and welcome to the home of Tennessee State University, Meharry Medical College and Fisk University. I hope you enjoy Southern hospitality at its very best!

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 5
6 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023

Vice President Harris Tone on One in Exclusive Black Press Interview


Vice President Kamala Harris, a force during her years in the U.S. Senate and as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, has continued to spearhead solutions that enable women to retain autonomy over their bodies despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial ruling to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade legislation. In an exclusive interview, the vice president pledged more of the same going forward from the Biden-Harris administration.

Harris was as integral to the negotiations as anyone else in helping to reach a bipartisan deal so America could avoid defaulting on its debt obligations.

Also, in two-plus years in office, the nation’s first Black and woman vice president already has carved an indelible mark on many impactful policies that

have seen significant increases in small and minority-owned businesses and record low Black unemployment.

Harris, a force during her years in the U.S. Senate and as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, also has spearheaded work to help women retain autonomy over their bodies despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial ruling to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade legislation.

In an exclusive interview, the vice president pledged more of the same going forward from the Biden-Harris administration.

“One of the most important aspects of where we are – and our goal was to avoid the kinds of losses [Republicans] had initially proposed – and that’s very significant,” Harris said of the bipartisan budget deal reached earlier in the week.

The deal places caps on spending for the next two years, claws back about $28 billion in unspent COVID relief money, and strips $20 billion of funds earmarked for the Internal Revenue Service.

President Biden had slotted $80 billion for the IRS to help curtail tax cheaters, but the GOP sought to protect wealthy taxpayers who primarily seek loopholes to avoid paying federal taxes.

The debt ceiling agreement restarts federal student loan payments even as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to rule on the legality of the Biden-Harris forgiveness plan. Congress hopes to vote this week on the deal, which also added new work requirements for recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Association Program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits. Veterans and the unhoused are exempt from such requirements. “We’ve been able to maintain what we needed to do to preserve social security, Medicare, and veterans’ benefits. As a result, we actually see increases there,” Harris stated.

With a steady eye on the present and future, the vice president noted the administration sought to protect the economic gains made during its first two years. “In two years, we’ve created 12.7 million jobs and 800,000 manufacturing jobs,” Harris declared. “A lot of these issues were what we were fighting to preserve. For example, if they required [new] work requirements, we would preserve many exceptions to the requirements.”

For example, Harris noted that any requirements for veterans and those who are housing insecure were non-starters. “Veterans and housing-insecure people,

not just the homeless, would be exempt. We were not willing to compromise,” she insisted. The debt ceiling crisis and subsequent deal reminded voters of the significance of choosing candidates who have their constituents’ best interest, Harris remarked.

“So many of the issues have to do with who is in elected office. It comes down to the power of the people to elect representatives who reflect their values,” the vice president proclaimed. “When the majority of people on legislative bodies understand that you shouldn’t create policies on the backs of poor people, that’s policy that most respect our values,” she continued.

She pledged that the administration would keep pushing forward, stand up, and speak up about the needs of working people and families whom she said have been on the outside of politicians’ priority lists for too long. “We’ve had to keep them on the inside of the priority list,” she said of the Biden-Harris administration.

This was an excerpt from the interview. To continue reading the entire interview, visit or

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 7
National News

South Side McDonalds to host NASCAR Road Rally Event to engage Chicago Youth Featuring Bubba Wallace and Tyler Riddick

The event of the year is upon Chicago as it rolls out the red carpet and shuts down DuSable Lakeshore Drive for the first urban NASCAR Street Race. Ready to ignite Chicago’s youth, McDonalds and NASCAR is hosting the NASCAR Road Rally.

The NASCAR Road Rally will feature appearances by NASCAR drivers Bubba Wallace and Tyler Reddick, who will engage and inspire more than 100 youth from Hope Center Chicago and the One Summer Chicago programs. The lead-up event to the NASCAR Chicago Street Race Weekend will include a NASCAR electric car race track, a NASCAR showcar and vintage vehicle showcase, prize wheel, selfie booth, samplings of McDonald’s summer beverages and more.

The NASCAR Road Rally is hosted by the Black McDonald’s Operators Association, McDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators Association, Asian McDonald’s Operators Association and McDonald’s Operators Association of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana.

The event will take place on Thursday, June 29, 2023 from1:00pm to 3:00pm at McDonald’s, 2525 S Martin Luther King Dr, Chicago, IL 60616

Virtual Event: FREE Healthcare Services for South Siders

CNW Staff Report

OnWednesday, June 28th, starting at 9:00 a.m., the South Side Healthy Community Organization (SSHCO) is inviting South Side residents without insurance or on Medicaid to a virtual town hall. You will hear about the free healthcare resources available, such as free nutritious food, free transportation to medical appointments and more.

During this event, attendees will:

• Learn about how to enroll in the SSHCO services

• Meet the organization’s new Community Advisory Council

• Be able to ask questions about free healthcare services and resources

SSHCO is dedicated to eliminating healthcare gaps in South Side communities and helping residents live healthier lives. The organization is comprised of 13 healthcare organizations – safety net hospitals, health systems, and Federally Qualified Health Centers — on the South Side of Chicago.

To Join the event via zoom, visit south-side-healthy-community-organization-june-2023-virtual-town-hall-tickets-648304114057

8 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023
City News

Dream Big Learning Academy Kids Doing Great Things Camp Kids Spent Day Doing Community Clean Up Service

CNW Staff Report

Much to our surprise, looking out the front window of the Chicago News Weekly office on Stony Island, the day campers from Dream Big Learning Academy were hard at work, picking up the trash that littered Stony Island Avenue. Their sweet faces beamed when they learned that they would be in the paper, and how we appreciated what they were doing. Everyone can do their part. If these little ones can do something to make this a better city, then what can you do?

Photos by Chicago News Weekly

Paint The City Connects Local Artists of Color to NASCAR Local artists to transform Ford Mustang

CNW Staff Report

Paint The City, a 501 3c artist organization dedicated to connecting local artists of color to opportunities, is excited to announce its latest project - a mural on a NASCAR next generation race car for the upcoming NASCAR Chicago Street Race happening July 1 – 2.

The mural, designed by artist Ahmad Lee, Brionna Sorrét, and Barrett Keithley (Co-Founder) will be painted by Paint

The City members including co-founder Missy Perkins, Mario Mena and Blake Lenoir. The mural showcases the vibrant culture, history, and diversity of the city of Chicago. The car, a Ford Mustang, sponsored by NASCAR team, will be transformed with artwork prominently on its hood, sides, and back. The transformation will happen in Butler Field in NASCAR Village.

“This project is an incredible opportunity for our organization and our artists,” said Perkins. “It’s not every day that you see a NASCAR car with a mural on it, and we’re proud to be a part of something so unique and impactful.”

Paint The City has been working closely with NASCAR and

the artists to ensure that the mural accurately represents the city of Chicago and its diverse community. The organization hopes that this project will not only showcase the talent of its artists, but also promote unity and diversity within the NASCAR community.

“We believe that art has the power to bring people together and create positive change,” said Keithley. “This project is just one example of how we’re working to make that a reality.”

In addition to the historic moment, once the next generation car is painted over the weekend it will be displayed at the Museum of Science and Industry for the next two years.

Paint The City is excited to have their artwork on display for millions of viewers across the country. For more information about Paint The City and their mission to connect local artists of color to opportunities, visit their website at

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 9 Now Available Online

Bubba Wallace NASCAR Takes it to the Streets

winning artist Lupe Fiasco will be performing. There will even be live pit stops, NASCAR iRacing, and activities for kids as young as 4. A food truck village will be serving fare from local Black owned businesses.

Picking the DuSable Museum was on purpose. Bubba flexed his Chicago history and admiration for Jean Baptiste Point DuSable, “he was the first settler and it is super cool to pay homage to him and bring this party here,” he shared.

He’s more than a world class racer, Bubba is a trailblazer. We learned a bit about his journey to the Cup Series, his passion for partying with the people and making sure that he does his part to amplify the NASCAR mantra of, “we are one family”.

To some, his mixed ancestry may feel like it’s something to talk about, but it’s an American thing. African American athletes in white dominated sports often receive harsh criticism for talking about the politics of race and competitiveness. But there is one thing about Bubba everyone should know…he is proud of his family heritage; he is clear on how his identity is seen by the world and he is adamant about communicating to those who don’t see their own identities in the sport that each of them is welcomed and drives NASCAR forward faster.

“I intend to continue using my platform to welcome new faces from all backgrounds into NASCAR and our communities, a privilege I do not take lightly. All are welcome into this sport regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, age, or disability. It begins with a simple conversation. I invite you to move forward with compassion, love, and understanding,” he wrote on his instagram page reflecting and commemorating Juneteenth 2023.

Wallace is very much a family man and also loves the outdoors. On any given day you can catch him fishing for marlins, taking a swing on a golf course or finding some peace of mind outside in nature, but beyond that Bubba knows how to pull up and throw a party!

Bubba’s Block Party

The DuSable Black HIstory Museum and Education center (740 E 56th Place) is being transformed for Bubba’s Block Party. The first come first served family friendly four-hour event kicks off at 5PM and is expected to draw large crowds. Chicago Grammy award

“Since 2020 the Block Party really has been about exposing racing to new audiences and showing what life is like for us drivers and crew have to go through. We connect and show drills and pit stops to educate kids on the various opportunities besides driving,” said Bubba. There are a number of career paths and opportunities in NASCAR and the curation of an event that is accessible geographically brings the sport of racing closer to home for those who may not have many opportunities to connect. Besides driver and pit crew jobs there are truck driving jobs for transport, engineering careers, race officiation, marketing, medical/nursing, photography and videography, marketing, social media and more. The organization’s internship program is also a great chance for young adults to see if NASCAR is a fit for their talent and skill. While Bubba clearly has chosen his path he too took advantage of the organization’s diversity initiatives to get himself to the heights of his successful career. “I was able to be a part of NASCARs diversity program in 2010 and was exposed to the ins and outs of this sport and we even had a show on BET called Changing Lanes that was wildly successful. The program has since evolved and seeing how it is allowing for diverse drivers to be who they want to be and find themselves is super cool,” said Bubba.

Taking it to the Streets

As for the street race Wallace has been working on a simulator to prepare, “you gotta have a fresh mindset and be ready for the unexpected,” said Bubba who races for Michael Jordan, owner of 23XI racing team.

When asked about the difference between a traditional race track and a street race Bubba said jokingly, “if you live in downtown Chicago you drive on these streets to come see us on our race track. Essentially a street race you close down roads and build barricades to keep fans and drivers safe. On an oval race track you have a lot of left hand turns for 400 miles and with a street race you’re going over bridges, hitting curbs and everything is closed in.”

With the different visuals and space Bubba seems to be in the same space of learning about Chicago while some of Chicago is learning about him. For fans who are new their only relationship to racing may be the

local horse tracks…” that is one horse power,” Bubba laughed “and we have like 650, we definitely have to get folks out to see a regular race after this one so they can see the differences,” Bubba finished.

The birth of the party came from Bubba’s reflection while working with NASCAR’s diversity leadership team. As an organization their diversity initiatives are quite purposeful. Bubba recalls the meeting that birthed the Block Party for the people. “I was on a call with the diversity leadership team and we were brainstorming ideas on how to trend forward. How do we not stay stagnant and do the same stuff. We had all these ideas and I thought about the people that don’t feel welcomed or safe at the races so why don’t we do something before the race with a block party type vibe,” shared Wallace.

The first race track Bubba thought of was Richmond because of the demographics of the community. His

10 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023 Cover Story
As the call begins, Bubba’s already smiling and in good spirits. It’s a unique opportunity to take a peek behind the racer to find what drives him to give back to the communities he acknowledges have a love of the fast life but speed bumps and sometimes dead ends.

insight was spot on and about a year later Bubbas Block Party launched at the Richmond race track.

“So many people came up to me saying how they never thought they would step foot on a race track,” he said. That was the first step towards change welcoming them to have a good time. Surely Bubba can’t do this alone and preparing for a race is mentally and physically demanding. It is important to say that his crew and 23XI team is like family and the support he has received to ensure communities feel like they are just as important and NASCAR is for all takes a lot of love, compassion and willingness to learn about not just how communities are different but how we can connect on what

makes us the same. We had a little fun with Bubba testing what kind of Chicagoan he is. When asked about our pizza, and was he a thin crust or deep dish kind of guy he chuckled, “aaaaah thin crust,” but quickly changed his tune, “c’mon now….definitely deep dish. “The finale question was do you rock with the Sox or the Cubs?” And with a deep breath he committed… “yes the Cubs.” Similar to the grounds he is hosting is firs Block Party in the Chi his pioneering spirit is that of a champion. We wish Bubba the best as he hits speeds of 200 mph and send all of NASCAR our best for bringing a historic race to the shores of Lake Michigan the city of “win”d.

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 11
Now Available Online The Voice Of Black Chicago

Cannabis Corner

Takeaways on Teen Tokers

search. While there is a desire to understand the impacts of cannabis consumption on the human body there is equal value and importance in investigating the trends of usage among various populations. Tension between entrepreneurs and community members are common in Chicago and other communities around the state. It is clear that while voters supported decriminalization, that didn’t mean those same voters wish to see cannabis businesses on their block. Many arguments against cannabis are for the protection of teens and youth.

The Illinois Youth Survey has been “surveying the health and social indicators of Illinois youth since 1993,” according to their website. The survey of over 10,560 Illinois teens illustrated a decrease in cannabis use for teens in zip codes with medical dispensaries. The 2018 data being published in 2023 while useful, can also create some confusion as we are 5 years into a more robust and accessible industry. These gaps in science and publication can be significant as polices and the industry is so dynamic interpreting the applicability of 5 year old data may be unreasonable.

Chicago News Weekly reached out to Dr. Doug Smith, a professor of social work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign but was unable to reach him at the time of this publication. While slow science has been advocated for by the scientific community there is a need for real time data and cannabis is unfortunately highly susceptible like other industries

to propaganda and misinformation. So, what were some key findings?

- In more populated areas cannabis use was more prevalent

- Chicago youth reported greater use (29%) than those in the suburbs of Chicago (19%)

- Cannabis use increased between eighth and 12th grade regardless of the presence or absence of a medical dispensary.

With so many new methods of ingesting cannabis there does need to be more investigation on the impacts of THC and other cannabinoids on developing adolescents. It is also fair considering bodies use marijuana for healing or pain relief and ensuring the products, doses, and processing results in high quality herbal remedies. It appears science is in the works, and it will take time and data collection. While most of society is survey averse, cannabis seems to need the publics full participation if there is to be an accessible, safe and equitable economy. Head over to our website to take our cannabis poll! We would love to learn where you stand on all things cannabis.

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 13
Science based decision making requires investing into re-

Arts & Culture Black Music Month

Chicago’s Robust Role In America’s Music Industry Part 3


Inour previous Parts 1 & 2 we have examined Chicago’s music influence from Blues to Jazz. This segment we will talk about Soul or R & B because they are important to the African American and its impact on every other genre.

From the turbulent 1960s to the late 1970s a new style of soul music emerged from Chicago. Which is not surprising when you understand that art is reflective of the lives of its creators. The 60’s saw the Civil Rights Movement accomplish a few things after the groundbreaking 50’s. Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, John F. Kennedy, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and Robert Kennedy, all assassinated because of their civil and political philosophies. The socio-political climate in America was at best tumultuous and from it emerged a sound, capturing the nuance of southern soul with its rich influence from the Black gospel sound, which evolved from the Blues. Some describe it as lighter and more delicate in its approach and was sometimes called “soft soul”. The sound reflected the unique quality of how love was expressed during that period in Black history.

The music articulated the difference in how a man could love his woman and how she could love him after leaving the South and the constant threat of being abused by oppression. Finally, there was a moment to let their love come down and harmonize their emotions and feelings to profess and confess their love. The lyrics were smoother, poetic, and lyrical all about romance even if they did sing of a broken heart. This was the immediate difference. No more howling from pain, moaning the hurt and disappointment. This expression was brand new.

Chicago made major contributions to the Soul sound or popular R&B/Soul. Those artists from Chicago include, Jerry Butler, The Impressions, The Chi-Lites, Sam Cooke, Curtis Mayfield, Lou Rawls, The, The Staple Singers, Earth, Wind & Fire, Rufus, Chaka Khan and The Emotions, all became national stars offering up a unique signature sound. Later, Carl Thomas, and Jennifer Hudson from Chicago were significant players in the Soul game.

Chicago Soul labels, including Vee-Jay, Chess Records, OKeh, ABC-Paramount, Brunswick, and Curtis Mayfield’s Curtom, established a major presence in R&B/Soul music.


TheHip Hop industry of Chicago became commonplace for serious rappers to mention the Nation of Islam, headquartered in Chicago, as a lyrical and ideological influence in the 1980s and 1990s, a rap theme often resulting in controversy.

Kanye West’s first album was nominated for Grammy Award for Album of the Year and won Best Rap Album. Lupe Fiasco’s 2006 album Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor was a #1 selling rap album. Today, Chicago is well established within the Hip Hop industry. Drill music also emerged from Chicago.

One of the most popular and well known rappers is Kanye West now known in the world as Ye, in addition, he is a singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer. In the early 2000s, West gained recognition as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records producing singles for several artists and developing the “chipmunk soul” sampling style. Intent on pursuing a solo career as a rapper, he released his debut studio album, The College Dropout (2004), to critical and commercial success. He founded the record label GOOD Music later that year.

He is one of the world’s best-selling music artists, with over 160 million records sold, and 24 Grammy Awards, and 75 nominations, and the joint-most Grammy awards of any rapper along with Jay-Z. Among his other awards are the Billboard Artist Achievement Award, a joint-record three Brit Awards for Best International Male Solo Artist and the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. This he has achieved in-spite of his battle with his bipolar diagnosis.

Lonnie Rashid Lynn, from Chicago is known by his professional name Common (formerly known as Common Sense), is a rapper, actor, and activist. He has racked up three Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and a Golden Globe Award. He debuted in 1992 with the album Can I Borrow a Dollar? and gained critical acclaim with his 1994 album Resurrection. He maintained an underground following into the late 1990s. He achieved mainstream success through his work with the Soulquarians.

Chancelor Johnathan Bennett, known professionally as Chance the Rapper, is also a singer-song writer, and record producer. Born and raised in Chicago, Chance re leased his debut mixtape ‘10 Day’ in 2012. He gained mainstream recognition in 2013 after releas ing his second mixtape, Acid Rap; after which he released his third mixtape, Coloring Book in 2016. That mixtape reaped further critical acclaim and at tention. It earned him three Grammy Awards, in cluding the award for Best Rap Album; upon winning, it became the

first streaming-only album to win a Grammy Award, and peaked at number eight on the Billboard 200. His debut studio album The Big Day was released in 2019. Rapper Wasalu Muhammad Jaco better known by his stage name Lupe Fiasco, (AKA Double J), is also a record producer. He rose to fame in 2006 following the success of his debut album, Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor. He also performs as the front man of rock band Japanese Cartoon under his birth name. As an entrepreneur, Fiasco was the chief executive officer of 1st and 15th Entertainment.

Chicago raised, Jaco developed an interest in hip hop after initially disliking the genre for its use of vulgarity and misogyny. After adopting the name Lupe Fiasco and recording songs in his father’s basement, 19-yearold Fiasco joined a group called Da Pak which disbanded shortly after its inception. Fiasco soon met rapper Jay-Z who helped him sign a record deal with Atlantic

14 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023
June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 15 THICK! We Lay It On 3 Great Deals to choose from 1. Free Half Order of Fries with any Sandwich Purchase Code: CKFHF 2. Free 2 Liter Pop w/ Any Order $30 or More Code: CKF2L 3. $5 Off Any Order Over $50 Code: CK530 All codes valid thru 9/30/2023

Chicago Summertime Fun

in Chicago is known for its girth—something for everyone and the city that worked had something for all ages and even events for the entire family. People flocked to all the outdoor summer events that the entire population of Chicago looked forward to because it’s sunny, the lake calls us and the skates are on, skateboards are zooming pass you as your stroll or bike, yes ‘Hot Fun’ in the Summertime was ‘a thing,’ in Chicago pre pandemic. People are more selective and discriminating in their selections begging the question. Is it demographically safe? This is a fist question asked as part of the new normal across the board not limited to color race, age, economic or social status , just a necessary inquiry these days. No place is safe it seems. Though there many reasons why people stay in, like, early closings of restaurants, convenience of home delivery and or a reservation requirement cancelling the thrill of spontaneity and romance is just not factored in. Chicagoans are spoiled, they like big portions even if they do have to take a doggy bag, but now portions have dwindled, and prices have risen. Wine or any alcoholic beverage cost is over the top, but the pour is short. . .And so is the service with a huge tis expectation. So, looking to get out isn’t the easy thing to do any more.


But I will tell you that the best outing, I’ve enjoyed so far was the Vendor Fair and WildFlower Music Festival this past Saturday held on the Illinois Tech campus at 33rd Street. The venue was perfect for the event shaded by the natural grove of trees that surrounded the open lawn seating and stage. Yeah, bring your own chair, blanket, or pillow. One couple laid down tarp and brought beautiful blow up furniture. Others were in carry on colorful seating. They’re presence created a beautiful potpourri of colors upon the grass. The guests did not leave. They settled in and stayed from the time the music began until the last act. Vendors were behind the people who were seated in from of the stage. They were lined up on both sides of the paved walkway. They sold anything from keylime pie to high end silver, hats,

It took me back to the ‘Everyday Art’ days at South Shore Country club produced by Carol Adams. They were off the chain and a good time for all was had. I saw so many old and new friends who I haven’t seen since the pandemic All I can say is, if you missed the inaugural event this year, mark your calendars now for next year, plan to be there.. It can only get better.

The Music

The music lineup was wonderful! Shout out to Senabella Gill, the Bronzevile Diva who was the music curator. Everything about it was wonderful!

FunThe music was magical, soul touching, moving and inspiring! Wow! The Frank Russell Band led by award winning Chicago bass guitarist Frank Russell was joined on the Wildflower stage by all stars of Robert Irving III on key borad, Corey Wilkeson trumpet, Marco Villarreal on lead guitar, Steve“Kwame” Cobbs on drums, and featuring international vocalist Yvonne Gage. Listen up! If you don’t t recognize the names of the musicians you’ve heard their music for sure.

It took The Abney Effect, Band members include Mario Abney on trumpet, Micah Collier on bass, Frank Morrison on drums, and Josh Atkin on sax and boy what a treat.

D’Erania Stampley and Jahari

Stampley are known as a “mother -son duo,” internationally renowned, Grammy-awarded musicians who play with the most sought out and favored jazz musicians on local and international stages. But Saturday they wowed the Wildflower Music Festival crowd. What a treat.

Lead guitarist Alan Burroughs and The AB Band rocked the park. Next Percussionist Tony Carpenter’s Band included Toca on conga, Malcolm Banks on drums, Roger Harris on keys, James Perkins on sax, Kelvin Djembe Olu on dunn dun Uche’ on Shakara..

The sweet treat was Mae Koen’s specific harmon ic talents which will recognize from her time with Aretha Franklin’s from 1997 to 2004 and again in 2013 to 2017. Koen appeared with Franklin at her last Chicago performance at Ravinia in September 2017. She’s also performed with other greats vocals for Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion, to name a few. Her band members included June “Obie Copeland on bass, Brady Williams on drums, and Theodis Rogers on keyboard.

As the evening came to a close and Yvonne sung her last song Frank called Senabella to the stage to

close the evening and what a treat it was. Again, all I can say is that set the date for next year

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 17


It’ssummertime and though we want our food to be delicious as always, we don’t want to slay over a stove or turn the oven on, So take out the grill, get your supplies of veggies, fish, beef patties, steak, hot dogs and fruit.

To compliment your protein dish, prepare this fabulous go to salad.

Amp up the flavor with this salad. Top with your favorite protein to make it a satisfying entrée.


• 1 head butter lettuce, leaves removed, rinsed, and patted dry

• ½ cup crumbled blue cheese (regular or reduced Fat)

• ½ cup walnuts (toasted or candied walnuts)

• 1 pear, cored and sliced, divided use

Pear Vinaigrette:

• Remaining half of pear

• 2 tablespoons white wine (or white juice or water)

• ½ teaspoon minced garlic

• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

• 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar

• 1/8 teaspoon salt of choice

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper

• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


1. Add half of the pear and the pear vinaigrette ingredients (except the olive oil) to a mini food processor (or similar) and pulse until blended. Drizzle the olive oil into the mixture while continuing to blend (small food pro-

cessors usually have a compartment in the lid where you can add your oil and it will drop into the bowl while it’s on.) Blend until the dressing looks thick and creamy; set aside.

2. Arrange the butter lettuce leaves in two salad Decorate the top with remaining pear slices and ¼ cup of the blue cheese and walnuts per bowl.

3. Drizzle Pear Vinaigrette over the top as desired (you’ll have enough dressing for 4 salads).

Recipe Notes:

Make your own Easy Candied Walnuts by adding 1 cup shelled Open Nature walnuts to a nonstick skillet over medium heat and drizzle 1 tablespoon olive oil over the top and continue to stir the mixture frequently until nuts are aromatic and lightly browned (a few minutes). Turn off the heat and stir in 1 tablespoon of maple syrup to coat the walnuts well. Let cool.

18 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023 Food
& Wine

Pharrell the Next Power House PHARRELL NOTES


Onthe lips of many since the announce in February of Pharrell

William’s new role as Menswear Creative Director has been for and against. Many verbalized it as ‘the beginning of the downfall of fashion.’ Others, not directly in the world of high fashion thought it was cool. The truth is that what the naysayers didn’t know is that Pharrell is the perfect fit for LV’s next big move on the fashion game board. He is the first celebrity and the second American born Black male to hold this prestigious position.

It’s a huge deal, and with it, has massive expectations. LV was in the first place in the BrandZ’s top 10 most valuable luxury conglomerate, in 2019, with a worth of $47.2 billion. LV is the largest of the Luxury fashion brands yielding 20 billion annually according to a January report they released. I n comparison Chanel earns 17 million , with Hermes, and Gucci falling in the range of 7 to 8 million. The journey to the top for LV which had always been a luggage company with dabbling’s of handbags. But after it was purchased in 1989 by the now 74 year old Bernard Arnault, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LV, the brand grew to heights never imagined.

In 1997, Louis Vuitton made Marc Jacobs its Artistic Director to build a women’s wear to expand from ‘just some luggage’ line. The following year Jacobs designed and introduced the company’s first “prêt-à-porter” line of clothing for men and women. In 2003, Takashi Murakami, in collaboration with Marc Jacobs, masterminded the new Monogram Multicolored canvas range of handbags and accessories.

Enter Kim Jones who joined the LV brand family in early 2011, when hired by Louis Vuitton as its “Men Ready-toWear Studio and Style Director.” He became the lead designer of menswear while working under the company-wide artistic directorship of Marc Jacobs.

On 26 March 2018, Virgil Abloh was named artistic director of men’s wear, replacing Kim Jones who had departed for Dior. Abloh came with style points hav-

ing initiated his off the chart ‘Off White label. No doubt about it Abloh brought a different world view, trained as an engineer and a master degreed architect, he took his sewing skills taught by his mother and integrated them all. Kanye with whom he had interned at FENDI with made him his creative partner. He says, Virgil would take all my ideas and architect them.” That’s how his mind connected ideas and the world embraced them. He was a product designer and brought all his expertise, skills, and visionary genius to the design room. He also brought a new diverse audience. This was the game changer LV was looking for. The brand’s popularity skyrocketed as did the bottom line, leaving the other luxury brands in the dust. Sadly, he passed away on November 20, 2021.


So, in walks Pharrell Williams, no stranger to LV. In 2008, Pharrell Williams co-designed a series of jeweler (“Blason”) and glasses for Louis Vuitton. Longtime friend Abloh re-issued the colorful collection with gold details in 2018, with pairs originally retailing for $300 to $500 and then upwards of $1,700 for resale collection with gold details in 2018, with pairs originally retailing for $300 to $500 and then upwards of $1,700 for resale.

Obviously, LV took its time seeking out the right person for the job. Several high end young designers’ names came up in the gossip ether, but the nuts and bolts of the matter is that this is a job for a creative director different from fashion designer. His job includes the business of fashion, and the creative director must be able to give clear and precise directions on the highest level and hard no or yes disapproval or approval while accepting responsibility for your decision. They must be decisive and sign on or off for fashion lines like Amanda Priestly in

“The Devils Wear Prada.” They must be able to recognize quality designs that are high fashion which set precedence for the future of fashion. That’s not a task for an up and coming designer.

In 2005, Williams partnered with Japanese producer and designer Nigo, with whom Pharrell launched the influential Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream footwear, was appointed the creative director of LVMH brand Kenzo in 2021. And Pharrell was a part of the re-brand of Tiffany, starring in campaigns after Beyoncé and Jay-Z. He recently wore a custom pair of almond-shaped emerald and diamond encrusted Tiffany sunglasses to the Grammys, and hinted to WWD that more projects were “in the works.”

There’s more, but the point is that these fashion connected businesses and collaborations plus his music skill as a producer has provided him the skill-set to deal with highly skilled professionals with whom he will be working with at LV. Finally, he’s a natural stylist and a visionary who can come behind Virgil Abloh and bringing his own vision, skills, expertise, and abilities. He’s ready and like his predecessor, Abloh and his friend and fellow music/fashion powerhouse Kanye West (YE), who Pharrell still refers to as “the Louis Vuitton Don”, Pharrell marries music and fashion in harmony, bringing balance in a way that is captivating. Pharrell has been prepared to deliver maintaining the customer base Abloh built. And for LV , I think that’s enough.

June 28 - July 4, 2023 Chicago News Weekly 19 fashion
20 Chicago News Weekly June 28 - July 4, 2023 TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW To Purchase Tickets In Person Visit Midway Wholesalers (773) 874-8000 ext 4024 Riteway Huggins Construction (773) 734-1600 * * Ticket prices are $25, $35, $45, & $60
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