Sunburst Vol. 59 Issue 3

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MESSAGE from the... Hello again CNH! I hope you've been getting back into the flow of school after a wonderful winter break. The holidays are always an exciting time for me, as I get to visit schools and their large-scale events. This winter, I visited Pasadena City College's annual Go West, where we helped decorate all of the rose floats for the annual Rose Float Parade! It was a really fun event (especially playing dodgeball on Friday night) and I had the honor of riding the Kiwanis float on New Year's Day, which is an experience I'll never forget (thanks to all the people who worked on the float!). I also got to attend UC Riverside's annual Kids Rock Concert which was also a really fun time with the games that they designed and the performers that they got this year! I hope that you all had a nice winter break, whether it was eventful or relaxing. Anyways, I hope you're all ready for the Spring, which is also Elections and DCON season! Make sure to ask your current board or the district board any questions if you're interested in running. Don't forget that YOU are the future of this organization! See you all at DCON!

DISTRICT GOVERNOR // Wayne Cheng, San Francisco State University

Welcome to the new decade CNH! Can you believe it’s 2020 already? It’s crazy that we’re nearly at the end of the term when it feels like we’ve only just started! It has definitely been a memorable experience so far and I want to give a huge shoutout to all the clubs and divisions that have been working so hard. There have been ups and downs, unexpecting turns and rewarding surprises, and honestly a lot more is in store for us as we get closer to April 1st. My committee and I would like to thank you for your contributions to this issue of The Sunburst and for sharing all your stories and photos. I’m really excited for you to read through and see your own memories on the page! As always, stay sunny CNH!

DISTRICT C&M CHAIR // Erica Wei, University of California, San Diego Hi Hello CNH! The start of the new 2020 year brings about so many new smiles, laughs, and moments to share with one another. We have all definitely had one adventurous term with our highest highs and our lowest lows but be sure to take in every moment throughout the rest of the term! We all share such a caring relationship with one another and thats what makes this our family away from family, our home away from home.

Thank you so much to all clubs and members who have contributed to the Sunburst with your messages, articles, and photos! It is always so great reading about the many amazing things done across our beloved CNH District and I can’t wait to see the many successes and memories made in the few remaining months here in Sunny CNH.

PUBLICATIONS EDITOR // Joshua Ranario, University of the Pacific


Hey CNH! I hope that everyone had a wonderful winter break! I was very fortunate to be able to spend my winter doing a lot of traveling and making memories with my friends and family.

The new year is now here, and the end of the term is coming up fast! We've got a lot of deadlines ahead of us, but I know that everything you've experienced this year has prepared you for this moment! Thank you all so much for your hard work throughout the term.

This is it - the final stretch! Hang in there everyone :) See y'all at DCON <3

DISTRICT SECRETARY // Jennifer Sandoval, Sacramento State University

Hullo Sunny CNH! I can’t believe that CKI N/S & FTC are already over!!! The fall has been jam packed with so many exciting events put on by you and our clubs and I really hope everyone has been enjoying them and meeting new people.

You all have done tremendous work in making a difference throughout the communities you serve and it has definitely not gone unnoticed! A huge special shoutout to all the Treasurers and Fundraising Chairs who have worked so hard to fundraise for our District Fundraising Initiatives and outside charities. As seen by our district totals you all have made a HUGE impact and continue to help bring greater awareness to these wonderful causes. Keep up the great work CNH and I can’t wait to see you all again soon!

DISTRICT TREASURER // Kevin Ru, University of California, Los Angeles

Hello CNH, I want to start by saying how proud I am with this district. It is quite amazing to see CNH with over 2,000 members with almost 30,00 reported hours. This is nothing shy of remarkable. The amount of hearts you have touched and lives you have changed; this world is certainly better because of all of you.

Although my term is not over, I have had a blast serving alongside the 2019-2020 district board while having the opportunity to see all the hard work they have put in this year. My term this far has been quite the ride. I have had the chance to grow more as a person, enhance my computer skills, and engage with others who also know what it means to serve a greater purpose. With that said, I want to thank you. In closing, I know the Coronavirus has affected many people and their livelihoods so I dearly hope all of you are in good health and are holding up well. Stay safe and thank you for giving me the best experience a person could ever ask for! Stay Sunny CNH!

INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE // Racheal Fairley, University of Alabama

Meet our



The position of presidency is no easy task. And that’s okay! It’s not supposed to be easy because if it was, then anyone could do it; fortunately, that isn’t so. The title of presidency can be daunting and scary because of the assumptions people have of the word “presidency”; as a result, others will set their own standards and expectations of you, setting the bar so high for you that it feels as though you’ll never be able to satisfy them if you don’t do what others expect you to do-- and that’s okay.

Presidency is honestly going to be rough at first and will be throughout your term. My piece of advice you should definitely learn early on-- block out the noise, learn it’s okay to fail, and to make the position/term your own. It’s easier said than done but trust me, you’ll be grateful if you learned those skills sooner than later. Your term can and will be difficult, but keep in mind why you ran and were elected in the first place: to serve your members and the organization you fell in love with when you first joined.

Presidency is truly a rewarding position and the experience you get out of it depends on the amount of effort you yourself put into it. Good luck to you! You’ll do amazing as club president :))

Ricardo Aficial Sacramento State

It has been such an honor and blessing to have been Fresno State’s CKI Club President for the 2019-2020 term. We started off this term on a rough start with only about five members, including myself, to fill in our Executive Board officer positions. Thankfully we had such an active sponsoring Kiwanis club and our Kiwanis Advisor Mary Haskins who provided us all with support. When I first took this position as CKI Club President I was determined to help revive this amazing club to exceed its full potential in service, leadership, and fellowship. I know wholeheartedly that as a club we’ve accomplished more than what we anticipated. We are finishing this term with over twenty paid members, 600+ hours in service, 400+ hours in leadership, and 300+ hours in fellowship. Fresno State is a small but mighty club that we hope will only continue to grow from here on out. Now with our newly elected E-Board I’m truly excited to see the amazing things they will accomplish as future leaders. This journey of being Fresno State’s CKI Club President has given me the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally as an individual, it will always hold a special place for me in my heart.

If I were to give advice to future leadership in CKI I would encourage them to give this amazing service leadership club their whole heart and to believe in themselves that they could accomplish anything they set their mind to. Nonetheless, have fun while making memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Samantha Bautista Fresno State University

My term as president has been a huge roller coaster. There were many conflicts and changes when it came to my home club and the colleges student life. We were very limited in our capabilities to grow as a club but with the help of my fellow citrus presidents and the division it felt like nothing was impossible. I had an amazing team and support system by my side who helped me overcome many struggles. I was able to continue my goal in providing community college students with the best college experience the club and division had to offer them. My message and contribution to my club was well received and for that reason I still continue to implement that drive for the next term. 
 I would say my term as president has made me grow into a stronger and well adaptive leader. I was able to experience and be a part of projects, teams, and opportunities I never thought I would be included in. I have learned the importance of time and patience, especially with being such a small club. Lastly, but most importantly I was able to gain so many close relationships with my division, a place I can call home. With the love and support of my fellow citrus cuties and my home club I was able to have a successful and fulfilling term that I will miss dearly.

Caitlyn Oliveras Irvine Valley College

Being Club President has been the most rewarding yet difficult journeys so far! It’s a bit strange at first, because you eventually see yourself as “one” with the club. If there is ever any trouble, a President tends to pick up on it pretty quickly. Needless to say, the club never really leaves the mind of a President, haha! On the upside, seeing the growth of the club is the best feeling in the world. Though it takes a lot of work, it’s worth it in the end. :’) Reflecting on my growth from the past year, I can barely recognize my own self sometimes. Being in this position has pushed my limits, and I can definitely say that I am a different person now. Even though change can be scary, it’s necessary in order for us to develop into better leaders. I know that I struggled with being naturally introverted, but I eventually got the hang of putting myself out there more. This is one of the many skills that I notably improved on, and I know it will help me in my future career! It was a difficult year, but I am glad the obstacles I’ve come across made me into a stronger leader and an overall more confident person! There is so much pride and pain that comes from being a Club President. The experience is unlike any other, and I really encourage anyone that is considering it for the future!

Vanessa Meza-Perez UN Las Vegas

Presidency is a unique and remarkable position. Anyone can prepare for it for months, but no one is ever onehundred percent ready for it, until the end of their term. I would say it's life-changing. This is the third position I held within my three years of Circle K, and I would say I had the most professional and personal growth because of it. Of course, like almost all my counterparts, it was a rocky year. However with the family I gained, in which consisted of my board, new members, my counterparts and just everyone I met...I would say it was well worth. I made unforgettable memories and learned a lot; like the amount of patience Presidents must hold. The strength they must carry throughout the term no matter what.

You will learn to sympathize, but also know when and where to draw the line of what's wrong and what's right. You must be ready to make sacrifices that you may not even see coming yourself. There were thunderstorms I didn't think I would survive, but I did, and sometimes I did alone. You will be judged twenty-four seven, no matter what you do, but remember, you can't please everyone.

Being President really is like being a parent. Just try to always keep your head up and don't forget who you are. Most importantly, have fun and cherish every moment. Good luck to all the new Presidents, and please don't hesitate to reach out whenever needed!

Joey Duong Pasadena City College

My name is Estrellita Santos and I've had the pleasure serving as president of the Circle K at San Francisco State University. Coming into this position as a 1st year, I filled with fear and anxiety, I felt that I would not be able to give as much to Circle K in ways it had given to me. But I did not let my fear stop me. It was my desire to help the community that inspired me to do my absolute best in this volunteer role. This opportunity represented not only a chance to develop myself as a leader, but critical to my character growth.

As president I was able to accomplish countless duties and provide my group with the leadership needed to achieve their goals and expectations. Taking the foundation laid by my predecessor, I was both prepared and motivated to do more. Throughout the term I constantly thought of innovative ideas to meet the demands of or strategy and to achieve the daily goals to meet the end product. I wanted each member to experience Circle K the way I did, and discover their love for service. After all, it is the true love for service that ties all of us together.

Estrellita Santos San Francisco State

The club, its members, and the tenants of Circle K International have provided that path which places me at the point. Seeing these members continue to make positive impacts in the community through the ideas made by my board has served me in reward and discovery. I served simply to serve, but seeing these qualities in each member, from new to returning members, is truly inspiring. I could not be more proud of the accomplishments made by home club. Thank you for a wonderful year, Circle K at SFSU! *GATOR SNAPS*

Since I joined Circle K, I have sensed a kind of affinity and oneness with this club. One year later, I got elected as the President, and this experience left an unerasable mark on my college journey and even my life. The difference between a general member and the top rank is immense, and adapting to my new position is no doubt a very difficult and tiring job. But if time went back, I would choose to run for this position again because of all the unforgettable surprises along the journey. This position allowed me to interact with different aspects of Circle K and broadened my horizon and connection within the divisions and the district.

As a leader, the President is always accompanied by unforeseen obstacles from miscommunication to inexperience. The frustration and struggle continually beat me up; but when I successfully went through them, the growth and improvement I gained were immeasurable. Along the way, not only did I earn leadership skills but also I gained enduring friendships and memories with the club. I accompanied and worked with every board officer to achieve their leadership potentials through the club. I was there to witness the growth of the new members, from previous shyness and intimacy to current joking around and hanging out with each other whenever they desired and even applying for board positions. I assisted my board to bring all the events we had alive. Nothing was more rewarding than the enjoyment and happiness the new members expressed during our events. With these successes, I knew all the tears and hard work we had been through were worth it. Even though I have yet to bring my club to a new level, I’m thankful how this experience has improved me as a leader and a person. This is the community I would never forget.

Stella Liang CSU Long Beach

This year as president for me has been full of setbacks, triumphs, and the complete revitalization of my club. When I had known I was to become UH Manoa Circle K’s next president, I was not thrilled. Not because I was scared of being the face of the club, but because I barely had a club to begin with. District Convention 2019 almost became my last event in CKI, but attending said event and seeing the other clubs around Paradise Division and the CNH District actually turned my attitude around and made me hopeful of reviving my own club. I learned very quickly how to properly manage a club from all aspects, as well as making sure the board did their jobs! I really enjoyed seeing the club rebuild itself from the ashes through the hard work my board and I have done. Representing Hawai’i at Fall Training Conference 2019 only fueled the fire! For the first time in the four years I have been in Circle K, I was able to see not only my club, but CKI as a whole from a different perspective.

Kristian Kim UH Manoa

Was there any more I could have done? Perhaps. Do I regret being a CKI president? Definitely not. Being a president has definitely made me more aware of what is happening outside of Hawai’i and has built my desire to now travel the world. Being more on the quiet side, I had also learned to be more interactive and to say more of what was on my mind. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a club president of such a wonderful organization. Thank you to my board, all 37 members of UH Manoa Circle K, as well as Paradise Division and CNH for making this a memorable term for me!

To be honest, being president was a complete accident. I actually promised Matt and Andre that I would be a general member at De Anza Circle K, but I guess I ended up at Foothill College somehow. However, Foothill College did not have an active club coming into this year, so that kind of disrupted my plans. I found no trace of Circle K on campus, except for club day, where I found the president of De Anza and our LTG tabling. I signed up for their emailing list and I guess I was the only one who replied, so our LTG decided to haphazardly appoint me as president.

This was the first time I was ever involved in the Kiwanis family, so I had no idea where to begin. Thankfully, I had a wonderful group of friends and mentors who helped me every step of the way. From finding out what a CERF is, to seeing if I could host a talent show, there was always someone to help me along the way.

Without Circle K, school would have been extremely lonely and miserable. Circle K has brought me so many memories and friendships that I would not give up for anything in the world. I am so grateful for everything that Circle K has given me. I truly am the luckiest person in the world because of all of you.

Erik Bach Foothill College

District RECAPS “By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others.” - Satsuki Shibuya

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Benjamin Distor // 
 CSU Fullerton I especially liked the performances. Megan Lee, Joshua, and all the other performances were amazing. I come every year for the performers.

Service RECAP “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.� - Mahatma Gandhi

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Leadership RECAP “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” - John C. Maxwell

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Fellowship RECAP “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.� - Helen Keller

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Divisional SPOTLIGHTS “There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.” - Brian Tracy

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Kiwanis KORNER “You care. You serve. You change children’s lives. This is where you extend your Kiwanis impact.”

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MISC. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.� - Maya Angelou

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District Executives GOVERNOR | WAYNE CHENG












 CNH Circle K




CNH Circle K


 The Official CNH Circle K International Sunburst Newsletter

I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity’s potential.

“Live to Serve. Love to Serve”

8360 Red Oak Street Suite 201, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA

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